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10 2399-Ana 15 003-371071
Received: May 7, 2015; Accepted: August 7, 2015
Human Anatomy Department, J.M. Vargas School of Medicine, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Herophilos (ca. 330 to ca. 260 B.C.) was a Greek physician and precursor in learning and teaching of human anatomy through
systematic anatomical dissections who made extraordinary anatomical discoveries. He developed the theory of using the pulse as
a form of diagnosis and introduced the use of experimental method to medicine.
Keywords: dissection; Herophilos, human anatomy
Anatomy 2015;9(2):108–111 ©2015 Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (TSACA)
*Numerary Member of the Venezuelan Society of the History of Medicine; Member of the International Society of the History of Medicine, Member of the American
Association of the History of Medicine; Medical Doctor, Specialist in Orthopedic Trauma Surgery at the Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad and Urológico San
Román, Caracas, Venezuela
Herophilos, the great anatomist of antiquity 109
to point out that the pulse could be used as an indicator of Herophilos, prognosis was derived from the symptoms,
disease, believing that artery pulsations were involuntary, and for this reason, symptoms should be clearly recog-
as a result of the dilatation and contraction of arteries due nized. Herophilos acquired great prestige, both as a
to impulses sent by the heart. He observed the pulse of the practitioner and as a teacher of human anatomy. He con-
arteries and developed measuring standards, using a water sidered there were limits to medical activity, arguing that
clock and made important contributions to medicine by an accomplished physician can differentiate what is pos-
developing the theory of diagnosing through the pulse.[19] sible from what is not possible. It is attributed to
Herophilos is considered for his researches as one of the Herophilos to have said “When health is absent, wisdom
precursors of cardiology. He described the anatomy of the cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight,
heart valves.[20] He also described the respiratory move- wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied”.[2,7,8]
ments. Herophilos is thought to be one of the founders of the
scientific method. He had introduced the experimental
His anatomical discoveries on the method to medicine, for he considered it essential to
reproductive system found knowledge on empirical bases. For that, he was
On the male reproductive system, Herophilos described criticized by Galen for whom the experimental method
the epididymis, the prostate gland, and identified the vari- contradicted rationality.
ous parts of the spermatic duct.[6] He recognized that the
testicles produced spermatozoa. On the female reproduc- Discussion
tive system, Herophilos described the ovaries, the uterine Herophilos was a precursor in the learning and teach-
tubes, and the uterus,[21] showing that the latter was ing of human anatomy through systematic dissections of
attached by the broad ligament and thus not mobile in the human cadavers that is why he is considered the ‘Father of
body as had been previously thought. He described the Human Anatomy.[6,21,22] It appears that he wrote three trea-
phases and duration of pregnancy as well as causes for dif- tises devoted to anatomy, one to midwifery, two each to
ficult childbirth. Herophilos also described and explained the study of the pulse and to therapeutics, one to ophthal-
the causes of uterus prolapsus and rightly held that only the mology and one to dietetics.[1,7] None of his works have
cervix, and not the entire uterus, can protrude. He was also been preserved, they disappeared with the destruction of
interested in the relationship between menstruation and the library of Alexandria.[15,23]
general health. His teachings and research were complemented and
enhanced by his disciple Erasistratus,[12,24,25] but after
Herophilos’ medical practice Herophilos’ death, about the year 280 B.C, his followers
In the field of medical treatments, Herophilos was a spon- got caught up for centuries in unfriendly and needless
sor of Plato’s dogmatic doctrine, which gave preference to polemics, with the following decline in the medical appli-
reason above experience, classifying all diseases based on cation of his teachings and research in the field of human
the theory of the accumulation of humors and maintained anatomy studies.[7,17,26]
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