TTSCL - Roque-AbeJoyna-1
TTSCL - Roque-AbeJoyna-1
TTSCL - Roque-AbeJoyna-1
Learning Module
The Teacher, the Community, School
Culture and Organizational Leadership
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2020 Revision
Thoughts of the Educational Philosophers: of Curriculum
1. John Locke: The Empiricist Educator
2. Herbert Spencer: The Utilitarian Education
3. John Dewey: Learning through Experience
4. George Counts: Building a New Social Order
5. Theodore Brameld: Social Reconstructionism
6. Paulo Freire: Critical Pedagogy
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to discuss the six
philosophical thoughts on education.
For John Locke education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the
Great Books. It is learners interaction with concrete experience, comparing and
reflecting on the same concrete experience, comparing. The learner is an
active not a passive agent of his/her own learning.
From the social dimension, education is seeing citizens participate actively and
intelligently in establishing their government and in choosing who will govern
them from among themselves because they are convinced that no one person
is destined to be ruler forever.
A. Below are some empiricism philosophies, do you agree or not? Explain your answer by
providing educational situations on the space provided.
Specialized Education of Spencer vs. General Education
To survive in a complex society, Spencer favors specialized education over that
of general education. We are in need of social engineers who can combine
harmoniously the findings of specialized knowledge. This is particularly true in
the field of medicine.
The expert who concentrates on a limited field is useful. But if he loses sight of
the interdependence of things he becomes a man who knows more and more
about less and less. We must be warned of the deadly peril of over specialism.
Of course we do not prefer the other extreme, the superficial person who
knows less and less about more and more.
A. Explain the famous educational quotes from Philosopher Herbert Spencer. Submit
your written answers online.
1. “The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.”
2. “Education has for its object the formation of character.”
3. “When a man's knowledge is not in order, the more of it he has, the greater will be
his confusion.”
The steps of the scientific or reflective method which are extremely important
in Dewey’s educational theory are as follows:
The learner has a “genuine situation of experience” –
involvement in an activity in which he/she is
Within this experience the learner has a “genuine
problem” that stimulate thinking.
The learner possesses the information or does research to
acquire the information needed to solve the problem.
The learner develops possible and tentative solutions that
may solve the problem.
The learner tests the solutions by applying them to the
problem. In this one way one discovers their validity for
The fund of knowledge of the human race-past ideas, discoveries and
inventions was to be used as the material for dealing with problems. This
accumulated wisdom of cultural heritage has to be tested. If it served human
purposes, it becomes part of a reconstructed experience.
The school is social, scientific and democratic. The school introduces children to
society and their heritage. The school as a miniature society is a means of
bringing children into social participation.
The school is scientific in the sense that it is a social laboratory in which
children and youth could test their ideas and values. In here, the learner
acquires the disposition and procedures associated with scientific or reflective
thinking and acting.
The school is democratic because the learner is free to test all ideas, beliefs and
values. Cultural heritage, customs and institutions are all subject to critical
inquiry, investigation and reconstruction.
School should be used by all, it being a democratic institution. No barrier of
custom or prejudice segregate people. People ought to work together to solve
common problems.
The authoritarian or coercive style of administration and teaching is out of
place because they block genuine inquiry and dialogue.
Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps shape
human character and behavior.
Values are relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant
human values that should be encouraged by schools. (Ornstein, 1984)
The Fund of Knowledge of the Human Race
Dewey does not disregard the accumulated wisdom of the past. These past
ideas, discoveries and inventions, our cultural heritage, will be used as the
material for dealing with problems and so will be tested. If they are of help,
they become part of a reconstructed experience. If they are not totally
accurate, they will still be part of a reconstructed experience. This means that
the ideal learner for Dewey is not just one who can learn by doing e.g., conduct
an experiment but one who can connect accumulated wisdom of the past to
the present.
School are For the People and By the People
Schools are democratic institutions where everyone regardless of age,
ethnicity, social status is welcome and is encouraged to participate in the
democratic process of decision-making. Learners and stakeholders practice and
experience democracy in schools.
A. Brainstorming Activity: In a group of four, discuss the Educational Theories of
John Dewey that significantly affects the learning of students. Present
consolidated output in the google class.
Schools and Teachers as Agents of Change
For George Counts, schools and teachers should be agents of change. Schools
are considered instruments for social improvement rather than as agencies for
preserving the status quo. Whatever change we work for should always be
change for the better not just change for the sake of change.
Teachers are called to make decisions on controversial issues.
Not to make a decision is to actually making a decision.
Like Dewey, problem solving, should be the dominant method for instruction.
Like John Dewey and George Counts, social reconstructionist Brameld believe in
active problem- solving as the method of teaching and learning.
Social reconstructionists are convinced that education is not a privilege of the
few but a right to be enjoyed by all.
Education is a right that all citizens regardless of race and social status must
A. Examine the statement of Theodore Brameld, analyze how this affects the
adaptation of school system into technological era.
“I have never been comfortable in the inner sanctums of pure scholarship for
too long a period. The air is not sufficiently saturated with the oxygen of
everyday human life. So all the way through my professional years, I have
found time both to study philosophy and to relate theory to practice.”
Paulo Freire was born in 1921 in Recife, Brazil. In 1947 he began work with adult illiterates in
North-East Brazil and gradually evolved a method of work with which the
word conscientization has been associated. Until 1964 he was Professor
of History and Philosophy of Education in the University of Recife and in
the 1960s he was involved with a popular education movement to deal
with massive illiteracy. From 1962 there were widespread experiments with his method and
the movement was extended under the patronage of the federal government. In 1963-4 there
were courses for co-ordinators in all Brazilian states and a plan was drawn up for the
establishment of 2000 cultural circles to reach 2,000,000 illiterates. Freire was imprisoned
following the 1964 coup d’etat for what the new regime considered to be subversive elements
in his teaching. He next appeared in exile in Chile where his method was used and the UN
School of Political Sciences held seminars on his work. In 1969-70 he was Visiting Professor at
the Centre for the Study of Development and Social Change at Harvard University.
Paulo Freire was one of the most influential philosophers of education of the twentieth
century. He worked wholeheartedly to help people both through his philosophy and his
practice of critical pedagogy. A native of Brazil, Freire’s goal was to eradicate illiteracy among
people from previously colonized countries and continents. His insights were rooted in the
social and political realities of the children and grandchildren of former slaves. His ideas, life,
and work served to ameliorate the living conditions of oppressed people.
All of these education philosophers, point to the need of interacting with
others and of creating a “community of inquiry” as Charles Sander Peirce put it.
The community of inquiry is “a group of persons involved in inquiry,
investigating more or less the same question or problem, and developing
through their exchanges a better understanding both of the question as well as
the probable solution.” (Lee, 2010) A community of inquiry will engage
learners in active problem solving.
A. Reflect on the readings of Paulo Freire in Moacir Gadotti’s book, “I didn’t
understand anything because of my hunger. I wasn’t dumb. It wasn’t lack of
interest. My social condition didn’t allow me to have an education. Experience
showed me once again the relationship between social class and knowledge”.
PART I. Read and analyze the statements. Answer the questions in a separate short
bond paper.
1. The modern explosion of knowledge has led to an age of specialization with this
concomitant quip:
A specialist knows more and more about less and less.
An expert knows more and more about less and less
until he or she knows everything about nothing.
A related joke cleverly twists this saying:
A generalist knows less and less about more and more
Until he or she knows nothing about everything.
Should schools produce generalists or specialist? Defend your answer.
2. Spencer is convinced that he who is most fit survives and so encouraged individual
competition. Read this article about Singaporean education today and find out
with whom you agree – Spencer’s individual competition or Singaporean
educational system where competition is not encouraged.
Amelia Teng
Education Correspondent
FacebookTwitterEmail Sep 28, 2018, 2:00 pm SGT
3. "If you cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the classroom."
Will this go with this go with John Dewey's philosophy of education? Explain your
4. Considering DepEd mission statement “to protect and promote the right of every
Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education” can we
say that Philippine educational system is in a sense equitable? What actions and
what recent legislations are proofs that the Philippines gives equal access to
quality education to its citizens?
5. Is free tertiary education really pro-poor in the sense that it is the poor who are
indeed benefited? Justify your answer.
6. Freire opposed the banking method of education and favored critical pedagogy.
Why? The banking method is characterized as a vertical relationship while critical
pedagogy is characterized by a horizontal type of relationship. Be guided by the
Figure below.
teacher student
7. Discuss why each education philosopher was associated with these given words.
a. John Locke – the empiricist
b. Herbert Spencer - the utilitarianist
c. John Dewey – experience
d. George Counts – building a new social order
e. Theodore Brameld – the Social Reconstructionist
f. Paulo Freire - Critical Pedagody vs Banking Method
1. The Relationship of School and Society
2. Education in Primitive Society
3. Education on Key Periods of the World and in the Philippine History
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. state the relationship of school and society; and
2. prove that schools transmit cultural values by stating facts from
education history in the world and in the Philippines.
A. Discuss comprehensively.
1. Can school change the socializing effect of family, the primary agent of
2. Can and excellent school undo the socializing effect of an extremely
deprived home?
In primitive societies survival against natural forces was the need and so what
were taught were survival skills and values to cultivate group cohesiveness. For the
Athenian in ancient Greece, what mattered most in education was the rounded
development of every individual while for the Spartan it was the development of
soldiers and military leaders. For the early Romans, schools needed to develop a
sense of civic responsibility and to develop administrative and military skills as
citizens of the Roman Empire. For the ancient Arabic world where Islam rose the
most important concern of education was to cultivate religious commitment to
Islamic beliefs.
During the Medieval period, schools were concerned with the development of
religious commitment, knowledge and ritual to establish order. Renaissance period
was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic "rebirth"
following the Middle Ages. Education was focused on the rediscovery of classical
philosophy, literature and art. The Reformation period had as for its educational
goals the cultivation of a sense of commitment to a particular religious denomination
and general literacy.
A. Discuss comprehensively.
1. Life skills were taught to primitive society. Are these, life skills for primitive
society the same life skills for the 21st Century?
2. Which among these key periods has a great impact on the educational
system of the world today?
Let us also see how the nature and character of the Philippines society are
reflected in the education process in different periods of Philippines history. As you
study the summary of the Philippines Educational System, just remember this
sociological concept, which is the focus of this Chapter - that education is a function
of society and as such what are taught in schools arise from the nature and character
of society itself. What society considers important is what schools teach. Be ready to
answer this question at the end: What was/were the focus/foci of education or
schools during the: 1) pre-colonial period, 2) Spanish period, 3) American regime, 4)
Japanese occupation and 5) post-colonial period?
Education during the Pre-colonial period
Education was informal and unstructured, decentralized. Father's taught their
sons how to look for food and other means of livelihood. Mother's taught their girls
to do the household chores. This education basically prepared their children to
become good husband and wives. Children were provided more vocational training
but lesser academics. Teachers were tribal tutors (Babaylan or Katalonan).
Education During the Spanish Era
Education was formal and organized. It was authoritarian in nature. Tribal tutors
of the pre-Spanish period were replaced by Spanish
missionaries. Pupils attended formal schooling in the
parochial school. Instruction was Religion-oriented
Christian doctrines, sacred songs and music and
prayers were taught because they were required for
confession and communion. There was a separate
school for boys and girls. Wealthy Filipinos or the ilustrados were accommodated in
the schools.
The Educational Decree of 1863
• This law gave Filipinos a complete system of education from elementary to the
collegiate level. The law provided for the establishment of the elementary schools in
all municipalities in the country. Although religion was the core of the curriculum, the
curriculum included subjects reading, writing, arithmetic, history Christian doctrine,
Spanish language, vocal music, agriculture for the boys and needlework for the girls.
Attendance in school was compulsory between the ages of seven and twelve.
Education During the American Regime 1898-1946
The Americans promoted democratic ideals and the democratic way of life. The
schools maintained by the Spaniards for more than three centuries were closed but
were reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of the Interior. A system of free
and compulsory elementary education was established by the Malolos Constitution.
(Political Constitution of 1899). In May 1898, the first American school was
established in Corregidor, and shortly after the capture of Manila in 1899, seven
schools were opened in the city.
Training was done through the schools both public and secular manned by
Chaplain and Military Officers of the US Army. Thomasites arrived in the Philippines
on August 23, 1901. The University of the Philippines was founded in 1908. UP was
the first state school of university status. The Department of Public Instruction set up
a three level school system. The first level considered a four-year primary and three-
year intermediate or seven-year elementary curriculum. The second level was a four-
year junior college and later a four year program.
The Commonwealth Period (1935-1942)
Free education in public schools was provided all
over the country, in accordance with the 1935
Vocational education and some household
activities like sewing, cooking, and farming were
also given importance.
Education also emphasized nationalism so the
students were taught about the life of the Filipinos
Vocational education and some household activities were also given
importance. Good manners and discipline were also taught to the students.
The institute of private education was established in order to observe private
Formal adult education was also given.
Executive Order No. 134 (of 1936) was signed by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon designating
Tagalog as our National Language.
Executive Order No. 217 otherwise known as the Quezon Code of Ethics was
taught in schools.
Executive Order No. 263 in (1940) required the teaching of the Filipinos
national language in the senior year of all high schools and in all year in the
normal schools.
The Education Act of 1940 (C.A. 586) was approved by the Philippine Assembly on
August 7, 1940, which provided for the following:
Reduction of the 7 year elementary course to 6 years
Fixing the school entrance age at 7
National support for elementary education
Compulsory attendance of primary children enrolled in Grade 1
Adoption of double-single sessions in the primary grade with one teacher one
class assignment of intermediate teachers.
The Japanese Occupation
Aims of education during Japanese occupation:
Make the people understand the position of the Philippines as a member of the
East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Eradication of the idea of reliance upon Western States particularly the US and
Great Britain
Fostering a new Filipino culture based on the consciousness of the people as
Elevating the moral of the people giving up over-emphasis on materialism
Diffusion of elementary education and promotion of vocation education
Striving for the diffusion of the Japanese language in the Philippines and the
termination of the use of English in schools
Developing in people the love of labor
Post-colonial Philippines
Education aimed at the full of realization of the democratic ideals and way of
The Civil Service Eligibility of teachers was made permanent pursuant to R.A.
1079 in June 15, 1954.
A daily flag ceremony was made compulsory in all schools including the singing
of the National Anthem pursuant to R.A. 1265 approved on June 11, 1955.
Curricular offering in all schools, the life, the works and writings of Jose Rizal
especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo shall be included in all
Elementary education was nationalized and matriculation fees were abolished.
Magna Carta for Teachers was passed into law by virtue of R.A. 4670
The fundamental aims of education in the 1973 Constitution are: - foster love
of country - teach the duties of citizenship - develop moral character, self-
discipline and scientific, technological and vocational efficiency.
Other Developments
integration of values in all learning areas
emphasis on mastery learning
YDT and CAT introduced as new courses Media of instruction- Bilingual
Education Policy: Mandates the use of English and Filipino separately as Media
of instruction in schools
Education Act of 1982 - created the Ministry of Education Culture and sports.
NCEE - National Collage Entrance Examination introduced - Executive order No.
117 - President Corazon C. Aquino renamed Ministry of Education, Culture and
Sports (DECS) in 1987
Creation of the Board for Professional Teachers composed of 5 under PRC
Replacement of PBET (Professional Board Examination for Teacher) by LET
(Licensure Examination for Teachers)
Transfer of authority of administering the LET from CSC and DECS to the Board
of Professional Teachers under PRC
Trifocalization of
Education System - The trifocal education system
refocused DECS mandate to basic education which
covers elementary, secondary and informal
education, including culture and sports. TESDA
now administers the post-secondary, middle-level
manpower training and development R.A 7796 -
Technical Education and Skills Development R.A
1994 - CHED is responsible for higher education R.A 7722 -
Higher Education Act of 1994
In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, otherwise called the Governance of Basic
Education Act, was passed transforming the name Department of Education,
Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Department of Education (DepEd) and
redefining the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district
offices and schools). R.A 9155 provide the overall framework for schools head
empowerment by strengthening their leadership roles and school-based
management within the context of transparency and local accountability. The
goal of Basic education is to provide the school age population and young
adults with skills, knowledge, and values to become caring, self-reliant,
productive and patriotic citizens.
Governance of Basic Education Act (R.A. 9155); was passed renaming the DECS
to DepEd and redefining the role of field officers which include the regional
officers, division offices, district offices and schools.
Values Education is offered as a separate subject in NSEC and integrated in all
subject areas both curricula - Implementation of New Secondary Education
Curriculum (NSEC).
R.A. 10157, Jan 20, 2012 - Kindergarten Act, an act institutionalizing the
kindergarten education into the basic education system.
K to 12 Program (R.A. 10533), MAY 15, 2013 - The K to 12 Program covers
Kindergarten and 12 years of Basic Education (six years of primary education,
four years of Junior High Schools, and two years of Senior Hugh School (SHS)) to
provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong
learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills
development, employment, and entrepreneurship.
1. In not more than two sentences, state the relationship of society and schools.
2. What is meant by socialization as a function of schools?
3. Given the different characteristics of the different periods in Philippine history,
what were the goals of education/schools during the:
a. Pre-colonial,
b. Spanish period
c. American regime,
d. Japanese regime, and
e. Post-colonial period?
4. Was equal access to quality education met during the:
a. Pre-colonial,
b. Spanish period
c. American regime,
d. Japanese regime, and
e. Post-colonial period up to the present?
5. Read the article below. What does job-skills mismatch imply about the
relevance of schools to present society? Are schools effective agents of
socialization in preparing Filipino graduates for their job roles?
1. Structural-Functional Theory
2. Conflict Theory
3. The Symbolic Interactionist Theory
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain the three social
science theories and their implications to education.
In a high tech world, educational institution must teach adults the new skills to
relate to the tech – savvy young and the world and to be more effective in the
workplace. With more women in the workplace, policies against sexual harassment
and discrimination were formulated. The Cybercrime Act of 2012 came about to
address legal issues concerning online interactions and the internet in the
The functionalist theory of education focuses on how education serves the need of
society through the development of skills encouraging social cohesion. The role of
schools is to prepare students for the participation in the institutions of society.
Education is concerned with transmission of core values for social control. Education
is concerned with socializing people by bringing together people from different
backgrounds. The functionalist theory is focused on social stability and solidarity.
Functionalists see education as a beneficial contribution to an ordered society.
Functionalism does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their
social environment, even when such change may benefit them. Instead,
functionalism sees active social change as undesirable because the various parts of
society will compensate naturally for any problems that may arise. For example,
schools can compensate for the lack of time and the lack of parental advice from
A. Brainstorming. Discuss with your fellow student how schools at present are
working on the realization of the four purposes indicated below as cited by the
Education achieves its purpose by maintaining the status quo, where lower
class children become lower class adults, and middle and upper class children
become middle and upper class adults. This cycle occurs because the dominant group
has, over time, closely aligned education with middle class values and aspirations,
thus alienating people of other classes. Many teachers assume that students will
have particular middle class experiences at home, and for some children this
assumption is not necessarily true. Some children are expected to help their parents
after school and carry considerable domestic responsibilities in their often single-
parent home. The demands of this domestic labor often make it difficult for them to
find time to do all their homework and thus affects their performance at school.
Where teachers have reduced the formality of regular study and integrated
student's preferred way of working into the curriculum, they noted that particular
students displayed strengths they had not been aware of before. However few
teacher deviate from the traditional curriculum, and the curriculum conveys what
constitutes knowledge as determined by the state - and those in power. This
knowledge is not a very meaningful to many of the students, who do not see it
serving any purpose. Wilson & Wyn state that the students realize there is little or no
direct link between the subjects they are doing and their perceived future in the
labor market. Anti-school values displayed by these children are often derived from
their consciousness of their real interests. Sargent believes that for working class
students, striving to succeed and absorbing the middle class values of school, is
accepting their inferior social position in society as much as if they determined to
fail. Fitzgerald states that "irrespective of their academic ability or desire to learn,
students from poor families have relatively little chance of securing success". On the
other hand, for middle and especially upper class children, maintaining their superior
position in society requires little effort. The federal government subsidizes
‘independent' private schools enabling the rich to obtain ‘good education' by paying
for it. With this ‘good education', rich children perform better, achieve higher and
obtain greater rewards. In this way, the continuation of privilege and wealth for
the elite is made possible.
Conflict theorists believe this social reproduction continues to occur because the
whole education system is overlain with ideology provided by the dominant group. In
effect, they perpetuate the myth that education is available to all to provide a means
of achieving wealth and status. Anyone who fails to achieve this goal, continues the
myth, has only themself to blame. Wright agrees, stating that "the effect of the myth
is to...stop them from seeing that their personal troubles are part of major social
issues". The duplicity is so successful that many parents endure appalling jobs for
many years, believing that this sacrifice will enable their children to have
opportunities in life that they did not have themselves. These people who are poor
and disadvantaged are victims of a societal confidence trick. They have been
encouraged to believe that a major goal of schooling is to increase equality while, in
reality, schools reflect society's intention to maintain the previous unequal
distribution of status and power.
This perspective has been criticized for being deterministic, pessimistic and
allowing no room for the agency of individuals to improve their situation. People who
employ the Conflict perspective focus on those forces in society that promote
competition and change. Following in the tradition of Karl Marx, conflict theorists are
interested in how those who possess more power in society exercise control over
those with less power. Conflict theorists do not limit their attention to acts of violent
conflict. They also are interested in non-violent competition between various groups
in society, such as men and women or people of different ages, racial or national
backgrounds. Some of the research topics that Conflict sociologists pursue include
decision making in the family, relationships among racial groups in a society, and
labor disputes between workers and employers.
According to Conflict theorists, competition
over scarce resources is at basis of social conflict.
Because resources such as power and wealth are
in limited supply, people must compete with one
another for them. Once particular groups gain
control of society's resources, they tend to
establish rules and procedures that protect their
interests at the expense of other groups. This
inequality between groups leads to social conflict
as those with less power attempt to gain access
to desired resources and those with power
attempt to keep it. Conflict, in turn, leads to social change. Thus Conflict theorists see
social change as an inevitable feature of society.
Further, there are always two opposing sides in a conflict situation. People take
sides between maintaining the status quo and introducing change then arrive at an
agreement. Conflict theory welcomes conflict for that is the way to the establishment
of a new society. Conflict theorist finds potential conflict between any groups where
inequality exists: racial, gender, religious, political, economic, and so on. Conflict
theorists note that unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas,
causing them to complete against one another. This constant competition between
groups forms the basis for the ever-changing nature of society.
The factory workers want change- better working conditions, higher salaries. The
factory owners naturally are opposed to such. The resolution of the conflict,
however, leads to a compromise, a change in the way the factory is managed where
both workers and owners are happy.
Conflict theory assumes that the ideas held by a society are the ideas of the ruling
class. The ruling class uses schools, along with the media and other means of
communication, to disseminate ideas that will support its continued rule. Given this
assumption, the conflict perspective often focuses on the role school systems may
play in influencing public opinion, or implementing social control.
Social control refers generally to societal and political mechanisms or processes
that regulate individual and group behavior, leading to conformity and compliance to
the rules of a given society, state, or social group. Schools can further goals of social
control by socializing students into behaving in socially acceptable ways. Some may
consider this type of socialization a form of indoctrination. In any case, the social
values that are present in individuals are products of informal social control. It is
exercised by a society without explicitly stating these rules and is expressed through
customs, norms, and mores. Individuals are socialized consciously or subconsciously.
Social control may be enforced using informal sanctions, which may include
shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism and disapproval. In extreme cases sanctions may
include social discrimination and exclusion. For example, schoolmates may enforce
gender norms by ridiculing boys who undertake actions considered feminine, such as
writing poetry or dancing. Informal sanctions can have a powerful effect; individuals
internalize the norm, which becomes an aspect of personality. Social control may
also be enforced using formal sanctions. Formal sanctions may be used in a large
group in which an individual can choose to ignore the sanctions of other individuals.
This form of control usually takes the form of government action. Government and
organizations use law enforcement mechanisms and other formal sanctions, such as
fines and imprisonment. In schools, formal sanctions may include detention,
suspension, or other formal punishments. By means of social control, students are
taught the boundaries of acceptable behavior. They carry these lessons with them
into everyday life and, later, into careers. Thus, the social control lessons learned in
school may prepare students, for example, to be a docile proletariat in a capitalist
From the conflict perspective, schools play a role in screening and allocating
people and their abilities. Advanced capitalist economies require that many students
be trained to join the working class while a few must be trained to join the ruling
capitalist class. One way schools may begin to sort and differently train classes of
students is by sorting them into different tracks. Tracking sorts and separates
students by academic ability. In a tracking system, the entire school population is
assigned to classes according to whether the students’ overall achievement is above,
at, or below what is average. Students attend academic classes only with students
whose overall academic achievement is the same as their own. Tracking is one of the
predominant organizing practices of American public schools, and has been an
accepted feature in the country’s schools for nearly a century.
Defined tracks often mirror class divisions in society. Thus, traditionally, students
were tracked into academic, general, and vocational tracks. Academic tracks prepare
students for advanced study and professions such as medicine or law, whereas
general and vocational tracks were meant to prepare students for middle or working
class life. Students in academically advanced tracks study higher mathematics, more
foreign languages, and literature. Students in less academic tracks acquire vocational
skills such as welding or cosmetology, or business skills, such as typing or
bookkeeping. Students are usually not offered the opportunity to take classes
deemed more appropriate for another track, even if the student has a demonstrated
interest and ability in the subject. Today, few schools use tracking systems that so
overtly differentiate upper, middle, and working class skills. Instead, many secondary
schools now base track levels on course difficulty, with tracks such as basic, honors,
or college-prep.
Tracking systems vary widely in their characteristics. Some may extend to the
entire school system so that students follow a track that begins in elementary school
and continues until high school graduation. Other schools may use tracking only for
certain classes or subjects. Systems may also vary in their flexibility and the
opportunities for mobility given to students. In some cases, placement is based
entirely on student preferences. In other cases, test scores may be used to determine
a student’s track. Counselors may also work with students to choose a particular class
that in turn puts them on a given track. Parents and peers may influence academic
choices even more than guidance counselors by encouraging students with similar
backgrounds (academic, vocational, ethnic, religious, or racial) to stay together.
Other times, students are placed into tracks without any knowledge or input into the
Proponents of tracking say that tracking allows teachers to better direct lessons
toward the specific ability level of the students in each class. Research suggests that
tracking produces substantial gains for gifted students in tracks specially designed for
the gifted and talented, meeting the need for highly gifted students to be with their
intellectual peers in order to be appropriately challenged. However, average and low
achieving students may benefit more from being in a mixed ability classroom.
Since tracking separates students by ability, students’ work is only compared to
that of similar-ability peers. Thus, tracking may have emotional benefits for students:
it may prevent damage to self-esteem that could result from comparisons with the
work of higher ability students or inflating the egos of the high-ability students when
compared to low-ability students. Tracking can also encourage low-ability students to
participate in class. Since high self-esteem is correlated with high academic
achievement, tracking should, theoretically, promote academic success. However,
the awareness by the student of being placed into a low track might lower self-
esteem, counteracting this benefit.
From the conflict perspective, tracking’s primary function is not necessarily to
promote learning; it is the allocation of students into specific areas of the labor
market. Although track assignment is theoretically based on academic ability, other
factors often influence placement. When tracking is based not on ability but instead
on student background, it becomes a form of segregation and discrimination.
Students in lower tracks may receive poorer quality instruction, with less-
experienced teachers being assigned to low-track classes. Lessons taught in low-track
classes often lack the engagement and comprehensiveness of the high-track lessons,
putting low-track students at a disadvantage for college because they do not gain the
knowledge and skills of the upper-track students.
Tracking can also result in a stigmatization of low-track students. This
stigmatization can have a negative impact on
students’ academic performance; for example,
students placed in low tracks may lose
confidence in their abilities, and their low
confidence may be reinforced by teachers’ low
expectations and their stigmatization by peers.
Some research suggests that students in lower
vocational track in carpentry
tracks are more likely to drop out of school or
participate in criminal activities.
A. Reflection. Adherent to the conflict theory claim that schools teach loyalty so that
those in power remain in power and those below will forever be at the bottom. Do
you agree? Why or why not?
Implications to Teaching
Let us continue to teach for meaning. Let us promote and create opportunities for
genuine interaction among our students, teachers, between students and teachers.
Interaction does not only mean dealing with warm bodies. Interaction includes
reading, listening, and viewing. Other people’s views and meanings are conveyed in
what they have written, in speeches and lectures they have delivered.
Let us use positive symbols – in the form of gestures, words, actions, and
appearances – to express our trust, belief in our students’ abilities, and affirmation to
their being. In fact, our belief in our students also has positive effect in us. We find
ourselves more prepared in class, more caring, truly professional.
The symbolic interactionist perspective, also known as symbolic interactionism,
directs sociologists to consider the symbols and detailed of everyday life, what these
symbols mean, and how people interact with each other.
As the term implies, symbolic interactionist theory states that people interact with
one another through symbols. Language is a predominant symbol among people.
According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, people attach meanings to
symbols, and then they act according to their subjective interpretation especially
evident. The words have a certain meaning for the “sender,” and, during effective
communication, they hopefully have the same meaning for the “receiver.” In other
terms, words are not static “things”; they require intention and interpretation.
Conversation is an interaction of symbol between individuals who constantly
interpret the world around them. To ensure mutual understanding, the sender of the
symbol and the receiver of the symbol must give the same meaning to the symbol or
run the risk of misunderstanding.
Faulty communication can result from differences in the perception of the same
events and symbols. Did you experience this in your activity of giving symbols of
caring? While you looked at your symbol as something expressing your love and care,
your partner may have not understood it that way at all. This happens in real life. It is
important that our symbols are understood by others in the way they were intended
to be. Sometimes it happens in the language (which is a symbol) we speak. Often we
are misunderstood or we misunderstand others. So let’s see on communicating.
A. Research Work.
1. Individuals act based on meaning is based on individuals’ experiences.
Meaning change. Give five implications of these symbolic interactionist
thoughts to education.
2. Research on more school practices based on the functionalist theory,
conflict theory and symbolic interaction theory.
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interaction
PART I. Identification: Which social science theory is referred to? Write your answer on
the space provided.
1. The overall health of society depends upon the healthy functioning of its
institutions. _____________________
2. Meanings that individuals give to symbols change over time.
3. Faulty communication can result from differences in the perception of the same
events and symbols. _____________________
4. Schools teach humanitarian attitude, altruism, democracy, civil rights, and other
positive aspects of society to preserve society and social order.
5. When one institution fails to function another institution ought to come in to
perform the function for the stability of society. _____________________
6. A new society comes as a result of the resolution of clash between the powers
that be and the workers. _____________________
7. Two opposing sides are welcomed. This paves the way to change.
8. When one institution fails to perform its function, the other institutions showed
come in for the preservation of society. _____________________
9. One weakness of this theory is this is focused on small interactions.
10. Differences in meaning of symbols for both sender and receiver result to
misunderstanding. _____________________
1. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Filipino Character
2. The Value Education in Schools
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of the Filipino character; and explain ways which schools can
counteract the weaknesses of the Filipino character.
1. Extreme family centeredness – Excessive concern for family means using one’s office and
power to promote family interests and thus factionalism patronage, political dynasties and
the protection of erring family members. It results in lack of concern for the common
good, and acts as a block to national.
2. Extreme personalism – Takes things personally, cannot separate objective task from
emotional involvement.
3. Lack of discipline – A casual attitude toward time and space, manifested in lack of
precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management and procrastination. Aversion to
following procedures strictly results in lack of standardization and equality control.
Impatience results in short cuts, palusot, ningas cogon. Lack of discipline often results to
inefficient work systems, the violation of rules and a casual work ethic lacking following
4. Passivity and lack of initiative – Waiting to be told what to do, reliance on other
(lenders and government), complacence, lack of a sense, and even violations of one’s
basic right. Too patient and matiisin, too easily resigned to his fate, the Filipino is easily
oppressed and exploited.
5. Colonial mentality – Lack of patriotism, or of an active awareness, appreciation and
love of the Philippines and an actual preference for things foreign.
6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality – Done by tsismis, intriga, unconstructive
criticism… it is evident in the personal ambition that is completely insensitive to the
common good, e.g., the lack of sense of service among people in the government
bureaucracy. This results in the dampening of cooperative and community spirit, and in
the trampling upon other’s rights.
7. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection – The tendency to be superficial and somewhat
flighty. In the dace of serious personal and social problems, there is lack of analysis or
reflection, and instead satisfaction with superficial explanations and solutions.
8. Emphasis on porma rather than substance – This lack of analysis and emphasis on form
is reinforced by an educational system that is more from than substance.
These weaknesses are rooted in many factors: home, social and economic environment;
culture and language; history; religion; educational system; mass media; leadership and role
models. Change is possible, in the Filipino: (1) a sense of patriotism and national pride; (2) a
sense of the common good; (3) a sense of integrity and accountability, (4) the values and
habits of discipline and hard work; (5) the value and habits of self-reflection and analysis; the
internalization of spiritual values and the emphasis on essence rather than on form. (Shahani,
Leticia (1998). A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, Building a Nation.
A. Group Activity. Analyze the statements. Share your answers with your group.
1. Do you agree with the findings? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
2. According to the report, one weakness of the Filipino character is lack of
analysis and emphasis on form (pormal). The report states that this lack of
analysis and emphasis on form are reinforced by an educational system that
is more form than substance.
What is meant by an educational system that is more form than
Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more form than
substance? If yes, why, why not?
A. Analyze each statement. Explain your answer on a separate short bond paper.
1. Teachers observe that when students submit report, the more ornate and
artistic the folder is, the less substantial the report. Which weakness in the
Filipino character is pointed to? If you were the teacher how do you
counteract such?
2. Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to help
eliminate? In line with the government’s austerity program, DepEd
reiterates the following policies:
a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil
rights, a sense of community, and personal responsibility. While these
rites mark a milestone in the life of the learners, these should be
conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire or
extraordinary venue;
b. Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only
the learners, their parents and the school; and
c. Non-academic projects such as attendance to field trips, film showing,
Junior-Senior promenade, and other school events should not be
imposed as requirements for graduation or completion. (DO No. 2, S.
3. In a post-observation conference, school head cites points for improvement
for the teacher observed. It happens that there are more points for
improvement than positive points. Teacher concludes the school head is
based against her. Which Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be
4. What should be done in the Philippine basic education system so that it is
more substance than form?
5. Cite instances where 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) lack of discipline, 3)
passivity and lack of initiative, 4) colonial mentality, 5) kanya-kanya
syndrome, talangka mentality, 6) lack of self-analysis and self-reflection are
manifested in Philippine society.
6. Explain how schools can help counteract such negative traits.
7. Based on Sen. Shahani’s Report, Chapter IV as written by Patricia B.
Licuanan, once Chair of the Commission on Higher Education of the
Philippines, schools have contributed to the development of Filipino
passivity and lack of critical thinking:
Senator Shahani’s Report was given in1998. But its findings as reported may still
be true today. The Department of Education has as its vision to help develop…
“Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the
nation” It has as its core values – maka-Diyos, maka-tao, makakalikasan and
makabansa. This can be an uphill battle for Philippine schools to realize these
considering the 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) extreme personalism, 3) lack of
discipline, 4) passivity and lack of iniatiative, 5) colonial mentality, 6) kanya-kanya
syndrome, talangka mentality, 7) lack of self-analysis and self-reflection, and 8)
emphasis on porma rather than substance.
1. List the weaknesses of the Filipino character. Explain each in a sentence.
2. List the strengths of the Filipino then in a phrase or clause explain when that
strength becomes a weakness.
1. Global Issues Concerning Schools and Society
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to discuss at least five global
issues, and explain proposed solutions to social problems.
The world has become a global village. We have become a citizen of a global
community. What takes place in one part of the globe no matter how far affects us. It
is a “small world after all” so goes the song. In this Chapter, we will discuss global
issues that affect schools and us. It is hoped that you are able to propose solutions to
social problems which have become current global issues.
A. Pair Activity. With your partner, read the statements below. Write your
answers on a separate coupon bond.
1. Below are top 10 world issues from two sources. Compare them.
2. Given also are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the period 2015-
2030. After comparing the top 10 world issues, match the 17 SDGs with the 10
world issues to determine if these top 10 world issues correspond to the 17 SDGs
of 2015-2030. Use the table for comparison.
3. Analyze:
a. Are the current global issues in both lists similar?
b. Are the current global issues ranked similarly?
c. Do these top ten global issues correspond to the 17 SDGs 2015-2030?
Here are the top-10 world issues, according to millennials based on World
Economic Forum’s Global Shaper Survey in 2017)
1. Climate change / destruction of nature (48.8%)
2. Large scale conflict / wars (38.9%)
3. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%)
4. Poverty (29.2%)
5. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
6. Government accountability and transparency / corruption (22.7%)
7. Food and water security (18.2%)
8. Lack of education (15.9%)
9. Safety / security / wellbeing (14.1%)
10. Lack of economic opportunity and employment (12.1%)
Source: hhtps:/
mellenials-world-economic-forum-global-shaper-survey-2017.html, Retrieved 4-9-19
The Top Ten Global Issues and How They Can be Addressed
1. Climate Change
The global temperatures are rising, and are estimated to increase from 2.6
degrees Celsius to 4.8 degree Celsius by
2100. This would cause more severe
weather, crises with food and resources
and the spread of diseases. The reduction
of greenhouse emissions and the
spreading of education on the
importance of going green can help
make a big difference. Lobbying governments and discussing policies to reduce
carbon emissions and encouraging reforestation is an effective way of making
progress with climate change.
2. Pollution
Pollution includes ocean litter, pesticides and fertilizers, air, light and noise
pollution. Clean water is essential for humans and animals, but more than one
billion people don’t have access to clean water due to pollution from toxic
substances, sewage or industrial waste.
3. Violence
Violence can be found in the social, cultural and economic aspects of the world.
Whether it is conflict that has broken out in a city, hatred targeted at a certain
group of people or sexual harassment occurring on the street, violence is a
preventable problem that has been an issue for longer than necessary. Here are
various forms of violence:
Physical Violence Sexual Violence Emotional Violence
Physical violence occurs Sexual violence occurs Emotional Violence occurs
when someone uses a when a person is forced when someone says or does
part of their body or an to unwillingly take part something make a person
object to control a in sexual activity feel stupid or worthless
person’s actions
Psychological Violence Spiritual Violence Cultural Violence
Physical violence occurs Spiritual (or religious) Cultural violence occurs
when someone uses violence occurs when when an individual is harmed
threats and causes fear in someone uses an as a result of practices that
an individual to gain individual’s spiritual are part of her or his culture,
control beliefs to manipulate, religion or tradition.
dominate or control
that person.
5. Lack of Education
More than 72 million children throughout the globe that are of the age to be in
primary education are not enrolled in school. This can be attributed to
inequality and marginalization as well as poverty. Fortunately, there are many
organizations that work directly with issue of education in providing the proper
tools and resources to aid schools. (
The Philippines has consistently made a significant stride in its functional
literacy rate. Functional literacy, as defined by the National Statistics Authority
is the level of literacy which includes not only reading and writing but also
numeracy skills that would help people cope with the daily demands of life.
Based on the 2013 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey
(FLEMSS), the country registered a 90.3% rate, which means that nine out of
every 10 Filipino aged 10-64 were functionally literate.
( philippines//)
6. Unemployment
Without the necessary education and skills for employment, many people,
particularly 15- to 24- years old, struggle to find jobs and create a proper living
for themselves and their families. The leads to a lack of necessary resources,
such as enough food, clothing, transportation and proper living conditions.
The unemployment rate in the Philippines inched lower to 5.2 percent in the
March quarter of 2019 from 5.3 percent a year ago. Unemployment rate in
Philippines averaged 8.34 percent from 1994 until 2019, reaching an all time high
of 13.90 percent in first quarter of 2020 and a record low of 4.70 percent in the
fourth quarter of 2016. (, Retrieved 4-
7. Government Corruption
Means of corruption include graft, bribery, embezzlement, backdoor deals,
nepotism, and patronage. Corruption is a major cause of poverty considering
how it affects the poor the most eroding political and economic development,
democracy and more. Corruption can be detrimental to the safety and well-
being of citizens living within the corrupted vicinity, and can cause an increase in
violence and physical threats without as much regulation in the government.
The Philippines ranked 94th out of 177 countries in Transparency International’s
2013 corruption index. (Source: Trefor Moss, Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2014)
8. Malnourishment and Hunger
Currently there are 795 million people who do not have enough to eat. Long-
term success to ending world hunger starts with ending poverty. By fighting
poverty through proper training for employment, education and the teaching of
cooking and gardening skills, people who are suffering will be more likely to get
jobs, earn enough money to buy food and even learn how to make their own
food to save money. Malnutrition, in all its forms, includes under nutrition
(wasting, stunting, underweight), inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight,
obesity, and resulting diet-related non-communicable diseases.
The planet creates more than enough food to meet everyone’s needs. But there
are still millions of hungry people in the world.
Substance Abuse – It is “the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive
substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs” (World Health Organization)
The United Nations reports that, by the beginning of the 21 st century, an
estimated 185 million people over the age of 15 were consuming drugs
globally. The drugs most commonly used are marijuana, cocaine, alcohol,
amphetamine stimulants, opiates and volatile solvents. Different classes of
people, both poor and rich, partake in substance abuse, and it is a persistent
issue throughout the world but the developing world, marginalized groups
and communities are the most vulnerable to this reality. The Philippines
faces this huge problem on substance abuse. (
9. Terrorism
Terrorism is an issue throughout the world that causes fear and insecurity,
violence and death. Across the globe, terrorist attack innocent people, often
without warning. This makes civilians feel defenceless in their everyday lives.
Making national security a higher priority is key in combating terrorism, as well
as promoting justice in wrongdoings to illustrate the enforcement of the law
and the serious punishments for terror crimes. (Source:
The 17 SDGs
UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said “The seventeen Sustainable
Development Goals are our shared vision of humanity and a social contract between
the world’s leader and the people. They are a to-do list for people and planet and a
blueprint for success.” After Millennium Development Goals of 2015, here comes
another to-do list for the sake of the entire humanity. Refer to the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals, 2015-2030 in the first part of this Chapter.
A. Group Activity. Discuss and analyze the statements/situations with your group
members. Consolidate ideas and present it during online discussion.
1. Based on the top ten global issues and the 17 SDGs, choose one global
issue/SDG and give suggestions on what schools must do to address the issue.
2. What moves has the Philippine government taken to ensure equitable access to
education for all its citizens?
3. Poverty is ranked #4 among the top 10 issues cited by World Economic Forum’s
Global Shapers Survey in 2017. Education is supposed to liberate people from
poverty. The Philippines has a comparatively higher literacy rate. Based on the
Literacy Statistics, Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey
(FLEMMS) of 2013, 96.5% of Filipinos were literate, an improvement from 95.6
percent in 2008. How come the Philippines has one of the highest number of
educated people and yet we remain to be “islands of affluence amidst a sea of
poverty” meaning poverty abounds? Can this be traced to poor quality of
Philippine education? Why or why not?
4. Go over the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Find out where these global issues and
SDGs are integrated. If you find one or more not integrated in the K to 12
Curriculum, identify point of integration in the curriculum.
B. Research Activity. List down at least 5 global issues most applicable to the
Philippines. Research on Philippine laws meant to address the problem.
Problem / Issue Philippine Law meant to Specific Provision/s of
address the problem the Law
1. What can the community do for schools?
2. What can schools do for communities?
3. Sociological basis of School-Community Partnership
4. Legal bases for Parents and Community involvement
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain what school and
community partnership mean; discuss the legal and sociological bases of
school and community partnership; and cite example of school-
community partnership.
Some schools call this service learning since it actively involves students in a wide range
of experiences which benefits students and the community at the same time fulfilling
the requirement of a curriculum.
4. Remediation and enrichment classes – Parents and retired teachers may be involved
in the School Reading remediation and Learning Enrichment Programs.
5. Youth development programs – The young may involve themselves in youth
development programs and develop their skills and talents, learn how to deal
positively with peers and adults and serve as resources in their communities.
6. Community Service – Examples of community service are students participating in
tutorial programs, community reforestation programs, clean up drive for a river,
assisting in medical mission; school head involve in planning local celebrations,
teachers managing programs, projects, activities; school band playing in fiesta
Schools may allow the community to use school resources. Here are concrete
examples enumerated by the DepEd Primer on School – Community Partnership:
Classroom used by community organizations for meetings.
School used as a polling place and venue for medical mission which it may co –
sponsor with the Rural Health Unit.
School used by the Rural Health Unit for Mother’s class on child care.
School used as an evacuation center.
School facilities used for community assemblies.
School basketball court used for local celebrations and barangay sports league.
Schools conduct livelihood skills – training programs for parents and out – of –
school youths by using school resources.
Livelihood skills – training for parents and out – of – school youths by teachers
“Kiddie Cop” classes – Cops lectures on good manners and right conduct, drug addiction,
child abuse, child welfare. Municipal Welfare and Development office – Municipal
Health office conducted special classes on health and nutrition, rights of the child.
2. Angels Magic Spot and Project REACH, etc. – Pembo Elementary School, Makati
Pembo Angels Magic Spot (PAMS) were the volunteer environmental steward –
students of Pembo Elementary School while magic spots were the small dumpsites or
empty lots in the barangay which were converted by the students into vegetable
gardens from which members of the barangay could harvest for home supply, the
school for their feeding program or sold them for cash for the purchase of seedlings and
planting of more vegetables.
PAMS brought together students, teachers, school head, parents, barangay officials and
other members of the community clean up little nooks for garbage and converted them
into green areas with vegetables shared by all. It also taught gardening skills and
positive attitude toward work to students and supplemented the feeding program for
the underweight and the malnourished in the school, project BOWLS (Brain Operates
Well on Loaded stomachs).
Another effective practice was Project Revitalized Enthusiasm for Assistance to
Children of Humanity (REACH) where each teacher adopted one student and acted as
his/ her mentor for the entire school year. The teacher gave free tutorial to the adopted
student during his/ her free time, visits the student’s family every now and in some
instances gave the student a daily allowance of ten pesos from the teacher’s own
pocket. This contributed to improved performance Pembo Elementary School, 23 rd in
rank in the Division Achievement Test zoomed up to rank 9 and six years later rank 1.
(Near- zero dropout rate), ad kid
Urbanidad Kids were ideal students who acted as role models for the students and the
PEMBO community. They were the cleanest, most well – mannered and most diligent in
BOWLS means Brain Operates Well on Loaded Stomach. Every recess, children who
were selected by the school as BOWLS beneficiaries due to malnutrition were provided
a free bowl of lugaw.
Pera sa Panapon was a weekly trash market where students, their parents and other
members of the community were invited to bring their recyclable garbage. The project
helped the school purchase the necessary supplies and was able to support two
students to a 2010 math competition in Singapore.
The functionalist theory states that institutions must perform their respective functions
for the stability of society. Other institution must come in if one institution fails to do its
part for sake of society.
The school cannot do it all. “It take a village to educate a child”, so goes the African
proverb. It has to work in partnership with other institutions in the community such as
the church, government organizations and non – government organizations. With the
breakdown of families, schools face greater challenge in educating the young.
The rearing and education of the child is the primary obligation of parents. The school,
the church and other social institutions come in to assists parents and families, to fulfill
their irreplaceable obligation. The breakdown of marriages, the demand for both
mother and father to work to meet the demands of a rising cost of living resulting to less
or practically no more time for parents to spend time with their children have, however,
attacked the stability of families and have adversely affected families in the
performance of their irreplaceable duty to educate children. Added to these is the
increasing number of families composed of single mothers struggling to raise a family.
With the burden of earning lodged solely on the shoulders of a one parent, single
parents struggle to earn enough to provide for their families. Consequently, this
responsibility leads to their having a limited amount of time to spend for and with
growing and developing children who, unfortunately become more likely single parent
families themselves. The cycle goes on.
This is not to mention the negative effect of uncontrolled and unregulated use of
technology on the young. While the use of technology has brought a lot of convenience
its uncontrolled and unregulated use by the tech – savvy kids expose these kids to all
sorts of information not necessarily favorable for their development. So families,
schools and other social institutions need to work together to save the youth.
It is no wonder why even our laws support school – community partnership. RA 9155,
governance of Basic Education Act. Section E (10) explicitly states that the one of the
responsibilities of school heads is “establishing school and community networks and
encouraging the active participation of teachers, organizations, non-academic personnel
of public school, parents – teachers – community associations.”
Section 3 (f) of the same Act encourages “local initiatives for the improvement of
schools and learning centers and to provide the means by which… improvements may
be achieved and sustained.”
Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, otherwise known as the Education Act of 1982, Section 7
states that:
Every educational institution shall provide for the establishment of appropriate bodies
through which the members of the educational community may discuss relevant issues
and communicate information and suggestions for assistance and support of the school
and for the promotion of their common interest. Representatives from each subgroup
of the educational community shall sit and participate in these bodies, the rules and
procedures of which must be approved by them and duly publish.
Another law, RA. 8525, adopt –A- School Program Act. Also provides for school –
community partnership. It allows “private entities to assist a public School, whether
elementary, secondary, or tertiary… in, but not limited to, the following areas: staff and
faculty development for training and further education; construction of facilities;
upgrading of existing facilities, provision of books publications and other instructional
materials; and modernization of instructional technologies.”
Even the Philippine Education for all (EFA) 2015 Plan, then a vision and a holistic
program of reforms that aimed to improve the quality of basic education for every
Filipino by end 2015 likewise states: “schools shall continue to harness local resources
and facilitate involvement of every sector of the community in the school improvement
This EFA 2015 Plan was extended in education for all beyond 2015 – Agenda 2030.
Agenda 2030 has 7 new educational targets from 2015 to 2030 that must involve
education stakeholders which in essence is school – community partnership. UNSECO
Assistant Director General for Education, Dr. Qian Tang, himself admits that Agenda
2030 cannot be realized without schools partnering with community. He said: “our
vision must be more aggressive; more committed not just involving government, non –
government agencies but all stakeholders.”
RA 9155, states that partnership between school and community also ensures… that: 1)
educational programs, projects and services take into account the interests of all
members of the community (Sec 3, d); 2) the schools and learning centers reflect the
values of the community by allowing teachers/ learning facilitators and other staff to
have the flexibility to serve the needs of all leaners (Sec 3, e); and 3) local initiative for
the improvement of schools and learning centers are encouraged and the means by
which these improvements may be achieved and sustained are provided (Sec 3, f). So
schools and communities function better when they work as a team.
1. Illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership between school and
2. Develop a tool to evaluate the extent and quality of school and community
3. Pretend you are an Instructor/Professor in this professional course, The teacher and
the community, school culture and organizational leadership. Your lesson has this
leaning outcome: to explain the sociological and legal bases of school and community
partnership. How will you proceed? Deliver your lecture.
4. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership and sense of
belonging. What do these mean? How will these impact on schools and
5. In what way am I involved in school and community partnership? What good have I
done to school and community? What else can I do?
4. Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher
5. Professional Teachers with Honor and Dignity
6. The School Organizations
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: elaborate on
community's expectations from teachers and on teachers’ expectation
from communities; and describe teacher's ethical and professional
behavior in the community by giving concrete examples
The very Tittle of this Unit indicates that teachers are expected to be part of the
community. To be part of the community definitely means to participate in the life of
that community. What is that community referred to here? The 8 Sections of Article III
of the Code of Ethics refers to the community within the schools and the community
outside the school. How can teachers be a part of the community? The various Sections
of Article III give more details.
14. discuss different curriculum sources and influences;
15. analyze different levels of curriculum planning; and
Teachers as Facilitator of Learning
16. identify different roles of teachers and school administrators in
Article III, Section 1 states that the teacher is a facilitator of learning and the
curriculum planning.
development of the youth... therefore shall render the best service by providing an
environment conductive for such learning and growth.
What happens sometimes, however, is teachers complicate the simple and teaches only
at the abstract level. To facilitate learning, a conducive learning environment is
necessary. It has been proven that learners learns best in a pleasant environment. A
pleasant environment is where the learners can be themselves because teachers are
caring. No need to put best self forward because teachers and classmates truly care and
take you for who you are. All forms of bullying has no place in a conducive learning
environment. A conducive learning environment makes learners believe they can do the
work and they feel accepted. A favorable learning climate is not competitive where
everyone is tense.
The teacher who believes that "Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will
never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they
become the best they can possibly be" like Teacher Rita Pierson in TED Talk, is a
facilitator of learning.
The words in Section 2 of Article III are "provide leadership and initiative". This implies
that as a professional teacher you have not to wait for community to ask for help.
Section 6 further explicates how you can show your professional leadership, to wit:
"Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay.
And shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed. To extend
counselling services as appropriate, and to be actively involved in matters effecting the
welfare of people."
You do not just welcome the opportunity to lead. Section 2, states that you, the
professional teacher ought to take the initiative to offer your help for the improvement
of the community. Many times you can be a guidance counsellor, a prayer leader,
commentator or reader in religious celebrations, fiesta coordinator, judge in or coach
for a contest, financial adviser, a nurse, a doctor, commentator, prayer rolled into one.
Providing leadership and initiative also means working with the community. This means
getting the parents other members of the community participate in school activities.
Teachers, as they participate in community affairs prove that they "are the most
responsible and most important members of society because their professional efforts
affect the date of the earth."
Section 3 states "Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which
purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such
activities as gambling smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses much less illicit
relations." Obviously, if as a professional teacher, you are an inveterate gambler, chain
smoker and alcoholic or it is common knowledge that you are engaged in an illicit
relationship, how moral authority? Who will listen to you when you advise your class
not to smoke, not to drink alcoholic drinks, not to gamble, etc? Your audience will say
"Look, who is talking?" It is a matter of "do what I say not what I do."
Society expects so much of teachers that when they fail to live up to the challenge to
behave or model good behaviour, they are "condemned without trial". It is no wonder
why many are afraid to answer the call to teach. Society seems to expect to much more
from professional teachers than from any other professional and so look at teachers
with scrutinizing eyes. The quotation states "The influence of a good teacher can never
be erased" but the influence of a dishonorable teacher is as lasting.
Fortunate and happy is the community that has teachers who live with them, exert
effort to understand their local customs and traditions and consequently appreciate the
same. This author sees no culture as perfect. Every culture including hers has its positive
and negative aspects. What we need to purify, however, the negative aspects with
teacher pointing them out tactfully and sincerely.
Why do these stakeholders have to be informed? The school is there for the community
and so the community has the right to be informed about its activities,
accomplishments, needs and problems. Informing them about the school’s project,
needs and problem give them a sense of ownership. Having a sense of ownership, these
stakeholders will participate more actively in the resolution of schools problems and
In addition PTAs are the School Governing Council in every public school. This School
Governing shares in the management of the school with School Head as Chair. This
School Council is another opportunity for communities to participate in school activities.
1. Here is what one Dean of a collage of Education told her freshmen teacher education
students in her Welcome Address on Orientation Day.
2. Believing that you don't learn everything in the classroom, the Collage of Education,
which will be your home for four years has prepared a menu of annual co-curricular
activities for you. All of those that this College and University have envisioned you to
a. What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?
b. In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement"... Do more,
learn more, and have more..." (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progression, 1967)
What message do you get in relation to your pre-service education?
3. A professional teacher creates a conductive learning environment to facilitate
learning. Based on experiences, illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a
conductive learning environment is. Display your work in class. Conduct a gallery
walk for everyone to see and comment/ask questions about the comic strips.
4. The Bible says: "You are the salt of the earth. Bus if the salt loses it saltiness, how can
it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and
trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be
hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on
its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light
shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in
heaven. (Mathew 5:13-16)
5. Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, how do these biblical
passages apply to the professional teacher? "I don't hear what you are saying
because who you are speaks louder than what you say". How does this quote apply
to the professional teacher as a community leaders? Discuss.
6. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to
salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all justify
her proselyting? Why or Why not?
7. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the
community culture? Example.
8. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over.
Your mayor's candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a
professional teacher, what would you do?
9. Cut at least 3 specific ethical behaviours of a professional teacher based on Article III
of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Come up with a PowerPoint
presentation or a skit.
4. Definition of Organizational Leadership
5. Leadership versus Management
6. Different Leadership Styles
7. Sustaining Change in Organization
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain organizational
leadership; distinguish between leadership and management; describe the
different organizational leadership styles; and discuss how to sustain
change in an organization.
Organizational Leadership
In organizational leadership, leaders help set strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization to successfully carry out assignments in
order to realize those goals. In the school setting, the school leader helps set the
goals/targets for the school and motivates teachers, parents, learners, non – teaching
personnel and other members of the community to do their task to realize the school
Organizational leadership works towards what is best for individual members and what
is best for the organization as a group at the same time. Organizational leadership does
not sacrifice the individual members for the sake of the people nor sacrifice the welfare
of the group for the sake of individual members. Both individual and group are
Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers and
individual in any role to lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an organization. Applied
to the school setting, the school leader helps anyone from the organization not
necessarily from the top to lead others. An example of this leadership which does not
necessarily come from the top of the organization is teacher leadership.
A school head leads the school and community to formulate the vision, mission, goals,
and school improvement plan. This is a leadership function. S/he sees to it that this plan
gets well implemented on time and so ensures that the resources needed are there, the
persons to do the job are qualified and available. This is a management function.
Imagine if the school head is only a leader. You have the vision, mission, goals and
school plan but no implementation. The plan is good only in paper. If you do the task of
a manager only, you will be focusing on the details of the day – of day implementation
without the big picture, the vision and mission. So it big picture for connect and
meaning. This means that it is best that a school leader is both a leader and a manager.
In laissez faire or free – rein leadership style, leaders avoid responsibility and
leave the members of the organization to establish their own work. This leadership style
leads to kanya – kanya mentality, one weaknesses of the Filipino character. There will be
no problem if the situation is deal, i.e. each member of the organization has reached a
level of maturity and so if members are left to themselves they will do only what is good
for the organization. On the other hand, it will be chaos if each; member will do as
he/she please even if it is against the common goods.
If this group member is able, willing and confident (high readiness), the leader uses a
delegating leadership style the leader turns over the responsibility for decisions and
implementation to the members.. On the other hand, if the group members have low
readiness, i.e. unable and unwilling, the leader resort to telling the group members
what to do.
In short, competent members of the organization require less specific direction than less
competent members. Less competent people need more specific direction than more
competent people.
Among these leadership styles, no one style is considered best for all leaders to use all
the time. Effective leaders need to be flexible, and must adapt themselves according to
the situation, the readiness and willingness of the members of the organization.
Servant Leadership
Robert K. Greenleaf (1977) coined the paradoxical term servant – leadership. How can
one be a leader when he/she is servant? That’s the common thinking. But the paradox is
Greenleaf’s deliberate and meaningful way of emphasizing the qualities of a servant
leader. He describes the servant
… Servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious
choice brings one to aspire to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons: do
they while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely
themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society;
will they benefit, or, at least, not be further deprived? (Greenleaf, 1977/2002, p. 27)
The first desire of the servant leader is to serve. How? By leading. The greatest teacher
of humankind, Jesus Christ, was a servant – leader. He his disciples “he who wants to
great must be the servant of all”. The life of the Greatest Teacher was a life total service
to all.
We often hear the term “public servants” to refer to appointed and elected
officials of the government to emphasize the fact that they indeed are servants of the
people. Their first duty is to serve and in serving, they lead. They don’t think of their
power as leaders first. If they do, they tend to become more conscious of their
importance felt over their conscious of their power over their constituents and tend to
impose that power or make their importance felt over constituents and forget that if
ever they are given power it is to serve their people. Someone said “power corrupts”.
And I need it does, when leaders think first of their power and forget the very reason
why such power was given, i.e. to serve. The greatest teacher said:
“…and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.” (Matthew
“The greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)
“If anyone wants to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all”
(Mark 9:35)
“You know how the pagan rulers make their powers felt. But it shall not be this
way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your
servant.” (Mark 10:43)
His whole life was a life of service. In fact, he wanted to impress this idea of servant
leadership by doing something dramatic in his last days on earth. He washed the feet of
his apostles. Washing the feet was the work of a servant in his time.
He wanted to etch in the memories of his apostles the idea that leaders are supposed to
be “footwashers”. Leaders are supposed to be servants of all.
The school head who acts as a servant leader forever remembers that he /she is there to
serve his/her teachers, the students, the parents etc. and NOT the teachers, learners,
parents to serve him/her.
Transformational Leadership
Robert Kennedy once said: “Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I
dream of things that never were, and ask “why not” not transformational leaders. The
transformational leader is not content with status quo and sees the need to transform
the way the organization thinks, relates and does things. The transformational school
leaders sees school culture as it could be and should be, not as it is and so plays his/her
role as visionary, engager, learner, collaborator, and instructional leader. As a
transformational leader he /she make positive changes in the organization and
mobilizing members to work towards that vision.
To do this the transformational leader combines charisma, inspirational
leadership and intellectual stimulation to introduce innovation for the transformation of
the organization.
Sustaining Change
For reforms to transform, the innovations introduced by the transformational leader
must be institutional and sustained. Or else that innovation is simply a passing fad that
loses its flavor after a time. A proof that an innovation introduced has transformed the
organization is that that the result or effect of that change persist or ripples even when
the transformative leader is gone or transferred to another school or gets promoted in
the organization.
We feel most comfortable with our old pair of shoes. We like to live in our comfort
zones and so sometimes we don’t welcome change. And yet if we want improvement in
the way we do things in our organization, in our school or if we want to improve in life
we must be willing to change. The transformational leader ought to deal with resistance
to change to succeed. There will always be resisters to change. To ensure that the
innovation he/she introduces leads to the transformation of the organization, Morato of
Bayan ABS – CBN, (2011) gives the following advice.
1. Seek the support of the stakeholders – the leaders must build a “strong coalition
of allies in order to push for any meaningful change that would yields results.
Innovations cannot be forced upon the teachers, the students, the parents, and
the community… without serious consequences.”
2. Get people involved early and often – resistance drops off in proportion to the
involvement of participants. You may not to expect 100 – percent support from
any individual who was not personally involved in a change that affected his/her
work. It is best to set up networks to reach out to as many people as possible.
3. Plan a communications campaign to “sell” the innovations Morato (2011)
asserts: “The change envisioned must cascade downwards to the last lesson plan
and ripple sideward to win the support of major stakeholders”.
4. Ensure that the innovation is understood by all – The benefits and costs must be
appreciated and weighed carefully.
5. Consider timing and phasing – These are highly critical; missteps might backfire
and lack of sensitivity to stakeholders might lead to resistance.
Morato described the successful innovations in several schools innovations in
the Philippines refers to ______________________.
Direction: write T if the statement is true and F if it is false, underline the word or words
that make the sentence false and supply the correct word/s to make statement true.
______ 1. Leadership is interchangeable with management because they mean the
______ 2. A leader cannot be a manager and manager cannot be a leader at the same
______ 3. In the laissez faire leadership style, the leader fully interferes in the decision –
making of his/her followers.
______ 4. In the consultative style of leadership, members of the organization arrive at
a decision by way of consensus.
______ 5. In the democratic style of leadership, the members of the organization are
consulted in decision – making.
______ 6. The autocratic leader consults his/her followers.
______ 7. A transformational leader is content with status quo.
______ 8. In situational leadership, if followers are “unwilling and unable” to do the job,
leader must resort to delegating.
______ 9. In situational leadership, if followers are “willing and able” to do the job,
leader must resort to telling.
______ 10. Transformational leadership is focused on innovations.
______ 11. Innovations when relevant do not need to be sustained.
1. The Legal Basis of SBM
2. Advantages of School Based Management
3. Factors of School Effectiveness Based on Research
4. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education
5. Factors that Contribute to School Effectiveness
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain the meaning,
advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM; state the practices
aligned to SBM; and explain the roles, functions and competencies of
school heads in SBM.
The local governance code of 1991 (RA 7160) provided for a more responsive local
government structure through a system of decentralization where local governments
are given more power, authority, responsibilities and resources. Likewise with the
introduction of School – Based Management in Philippine schools, schools are given
more power to direct their affairs with the learning and development of learners as
ultimate goal. In this Chapter, you are expected to learn the rewards and challenges in
implementing SBM especially on the part of the school head.
This means that long before the Department of Education (DepEd) legally introduced
decentralization in school through School – Based Management (SBM) in 2001 through
the enactment of RA 9155, local government units were already empowered for local
governance. RA 9155, Basic Governance Act transfers the power and authority as well as
the resources to the school level. School empowerment is based on the assumption that
the school heads including teachers, key leaders in the community, parents know best
the root and solution to the problem.
Advantages of SBM
The following are strengths of SBM:
Allow competent individuals in the schools to make decisions that will improve
Give the entire school community a voice in key decisions;
Focus accountability for decisions;
Lead to greater creativity in the design of programs;
Redirect resources to support the goals developed in each school;
Lead to realistic budgeting as parents and teachers become more aware of the
school’s financial status, spending limitations, and cost of its programs; and,
Improve morale of teachers and nurture new leadership at all levels.
Through SBM, decision making authority is devolved to school heads, teachers, parents
and students. His is school empowerment. This reduces bureaucratic controls on schools
and encourages school heads, teachers and parents to use greater initiative in meeting
the needs of students and community. This result in a sense of community school
ownership which makes the school realizes its vision and mission.
In SBM, schools take the responsibility to plan and implement their School Improvement
Plans (SIP). (The table that you scrutinized in the activity phase of the lesson is a part of
a School Improvement Plan). It is the schools themselves, not DepEd higher offices that
know best their Problems and the solutions to these problems. It is the schools that
determine the number and kind of teachers they need, the kind of learning materials
and resources they need. Since schools are given more power to direct themselves,
they are made accountable for results. SBM makes schools accountable to the
In addition, based on international experience, the following must be present for SBM
to succeed in schools:
Have basic resources;
Have developed an effective school support system;
Are provided with regular information on their performance;
Are given advice on how they may improve; and
Emphasize the motivational element in the management work of the principal
The success of SBM very much depends on the school head. Below are his/her
Visionary Principal, motivator, Lead in setting the vision, mission Change and future orientation
advocate and planner. and goals of the school.
Builder of networks and support Organize/expand school, Networking, organizing, social
system. community and local government mobilization, advocacy
networks and groups that will
actively participate in school
Lead in developing the School Development of teamwork,
Improvement Plan with the building consensus and skills in
participation of the staff and the negotiation and conflict
community resolution
Lead in developing and Participatory planning and
maintaining the School administrative management
Management Information System
Generation and use of data and
information as basis for planning
and management
Curriculum Developer Create a physical and Development of collective
psychological climate conducive accountability for school and
to teaching and learning student performance
Localize and implement school Designing of the curriculum to
curriculum address both national goals, local
needs and aspirations
Encourage development and Creation of an open learning
used of innovative instructional system based on several resource
methods focused on improving materials rather than on single
learning outcomes, increasing textbooks
access to basic education,
improving the holding power of Participatory and peer – based
schools and addressing specific instructional supervision
local problems
This research finding of OECD confirms “that school autonomy has a positive
relationship with student performance when account-ability measures are in place
and/or when school principals and teachers collaborate in school management” (OECD,
2012). China and Singapore have been “devolving more responsibility to the school
level” (Stewart, 2008). In Finland, accountability rests on the trust placed by families and
government in the professional competence of teachers (Stewart, 2008).
In the Philippines, the devolving of more responsibility to the schools was done
through the School-based Management (SBM). SBM was introduced during the
implementation of the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP), 1999-2005. In 2005,
TEEP conducted a study to determine the effect of school-based management on
student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public
schools in 23 school districts over a 3 – year period, 2003 – 2005. The results showed
that the introduction of SBM had a statistically significant, although small, overall
positive effect on average school – level test scores in 23 school districts in the
Philippines. (Source:
Accessed 9-1-16)
With SBM, significant decision – making authority was transferred from state
and districts officers to individual schools. SBM provided principals, teachers, students,
and parents greater control over the education process by giving them responsibility for
decision about the budget, personnel, and the curriculum. Through the involvement of
teachers, parents, and other community members in these key decisions, SBM can
create more effective learning environments for children. (Source: Office of Research
Education/Consumer Guide). To further strengthen the School – Based Management
(SBM) practice and re – emphasize the centrality of the leaners and the involvement of
relevant community in basic education service delivery, the Department of Education
(DepEd) embarked on revisiting the SBM framework, assessment process and tool to
improve on already recognized successful SBM practices across the regions (DO 83, s.
2012). To institutionalize decentralization efforts at the school level and in line with
Republic Act no. 9155 also known as Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, the
Department of Education (DepEd) provided School – Based Management (SBM) Grants
as additional funds to public elementary and secondary schools,… to augment the
school fund on maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (DO 45, s. 2015).
The agreed upon standards of quality or effective schools are grounded on the
four principles of A Child-and – Community – Centered Education System (ACCESs),
namely: (1) principle of collective leadership (2) principle of community – based learning
(3) principle of accountability for performance and results and (4) principle of
convergence to harness resources for education. All of these four principles also to
apply SBM.
The school’s level of SBM practice can either be Level 1, Developing; Level II,
Maturing and Level III, Advance. A school that reaches the highest level of SBM practice
qualifies for an accredited status.
A school in Level I, developing, means that the school is developing structures and
mechanism with acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact on
learning. A school Level II as Maturing means that the school is introducing and
sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community
participation and significantly improve performance and learning outcomes. Level III,
Advanced, (Accredited) means that the school ensuring the production of intended
outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully integrated in the local
community and is self – renewing and self – sustaining.
Research findings point to the following factors that spell school effectiveness:
1. Human factors – These include a dynamic school head, highly selected competent
and committed teachers, highly motivated pupils with high expectations, and a
supportive community.
2. Non – human factors, process – These refer to clear and shared vision – mission
(focus), high expectations/ambitious standards, emphasis on accountability,
aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment with state / DepEd standards,
efficiency or optimal utilization of resources and facilities, collaboration and
communication, focused professional development, and global and future
These factors are exemplified by high performing schools in the Philippines and abroad
and by the best education performing countries in the world.
In the Philippines, the practice of School – Based Management gave greater autonomy
to schools to make decisions in collaboration with parents and community towards
greater school effectiveness. The SBM Assessment Tool is an assurance that effective
practices get institutionalized to build the school’s culture of excellence. A copy of this
SBM Assessment Tool is in Appendix A.
The heart of all these elements, both human and non – human is the school
head, the school leader. This means that all these factors that contribute to school
effectiveness come forth only with a dynamic and a transformational school leader.
After each simulation, point out which act was/was not in accordance with SBM
6. The Legal Basis of SBM
7. Advantages of School Based Management
8. Factors of School Effectiveness Based on Research
9. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education
10. Factors that Contribute to School Effectiveness
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain the meaning,
advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM; state the practices
aligned to SBM; and explain the roles, functions and competencies of
school heads in SBM.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain the meaning of school culture;
Discuss how school culture affects learning; and
Cite ways by which you can contribute to the building of positive culture.
Schools culture matters. This influences to a great extent how well student
perform. School culture is a creation of all the people in school and in the
community especially that of the school heads. It can be positive or negative. It can
facilitate or adversely affect learning. A school community must therefore strive to
create a positive culture.
Activity – Let’s Read These
Here are twelve norms of school culture where people and programs improve. Study
1. collegiality 7. Appreciation, recognition
2. experimentation 8. Caring, celebration, humor
3. High Expectations 9. Involvement in decision making
4. Trust and confidence 10. Protection of what is important
5. Tangible support 11. Traditions
6. Reaching out to the knowledge 12. Honest, open communication
Read the following episodes then identify which norm of school culture is
1. When high school student arrive for pre – calculus class, they know exactly what
to expect. Projected on the screen are clear instructions for the day’s Success
Starter. Everyone is expected to work on them successfully.
2. You might not reach an answer today. You might not reach an answer tomorrow.
Struggle is okay.” Students know that by the third day, they will be expected to
present their understanding and problem- solving strategy to the class.
3. ‘You have a short memory’, she replies with a kind smile. “You say this every
time we tackle a problem. Remember the last time you struggled and then
overcome your confusion? Remember our norms that we wrote together? One
of them was growth mindset. And remember I am here for you”.
4. I hear some students talking while someone is reciting. I don’t think you will like
that if you are the one reciting. Can we agree on a rule? Give me a rule”. Student
suggests. Let’s keep quiet and listen when someone is reciting. Raise your hand if
you want to recite.” Teacher asks, can we keep this rule?
5. Today you are going to compute your scores for class standing – written quizzes,
seatwork, performance test, homework. These were all corrected and returned
to you. When you are done, compare your total with mine. Should there be
discrepancy; be ready to show your corrected papers.
6. During the first week of school Barb teacher asks her sixth graders two
questions: “What questions do you have about the world?” the students begin
enumerating their questions, “Can they be about silly, little things?” asks one
student. “ If they’re your questions that you really want answered, they’re
neither silly nor little.” Replies the teacher. After the students list their individual
questions, teacher organizes the students into small groups where they share
lists and search for questions they have in common. After much discussion each
group comes up with a priority list of questions, rank – ordering the questions
about themselves and those about the world. Back together in a whole group
session, teacher solicits the groups’ priorities and works toward consensus for
the class’s combined lists of questions. These questions become the basis for
guiding the curriculum in class. One question, “will I live to be 100 years old?”
spawned educational investigations into genetics, family and oral history,
actuarial science, statistics and probability, heart disease, cancer, and
hypertension. The students had the opportunity to seek out information from
family members, friends, experts in various fields, on – line computer services,
and books, as well as from the teacher. She describes what they had to do as
becoming part of a “learning community.” According teacher, “we decide what
the most compelling intellectual issues are, devise ways to investigate those
7. The sense of community is strong, even palpable. But this sense didn’t just spring
full – blown from being a group of people occupying the same place at the same
time. It was built upon many small and specific moments of learning the same
verses to songs and sharing traditions, memories of times together and stories
often – told…
Some of our traditions are once a year events; some happen every week or even
every day. They give us ways to greet each other, to learn about each other, to
sing and celebrate and say goodbye. These events mark our comings and our
goings and affirm our common interests in the time we spend together.
8. Because they treasure, health, sanitation and self – discipline, St. Bernadette
Catholic School includes the following in their canteen policies.
Item # 9 does not illustrate positive culture, specifically honest and open
After having read the vignettes, by this time you have an idea on what school culture is.
All of the vignettes are manifestations of school culture.
Table 6.
Teacher Norms Student Norms
1. Teach in different ways. 1. Have a growth mindset.
2. Call student by their names. a. Believe you can improve.
3. Care about students’ feelings. b. Fail forward.
a. Understanding their situation. c. Keep trying.
4. Have a good attitude. d. Speak positively about your
a. Stay calm abilities to learn.
b. Used kind words 2. Call classmates by their names.
c. Have patience 3. Be responsible for your work.
d. Greet student and say good – a. Have a material ready.
bye b. Advocate for yourself.
5. Help students understand. c. Be a professional
a. Work at a reasonable at peace d. Meet deadlines.
b. Explain clearly e. Participate.
c. Support different learning f. Be on time to class.
styles 4. Listen…
d. Expect the best a. To the teacher.
e. Re – explain if necessary b. To your classmate.
6. Attend school the majority of the c. To guest.
time. d. To the directions.
7. Be respectful. 5. Attend school the majority of the
a. Give everyone what they need time.
b. Use proper language. 6. Be a good team player.
c. Allow space if needed. a. Provide good, helpful feedback.
d. Use supportive words when b. Stay calm.
explaining. c. Encourage others.
e. Call by your name d. Stay on topic.
8. Have a growth mindset e. Be considerate.
f. Use proper language.
g. Communicate clearly to
students and teacher (s).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, you should able to explain the importance of school
policies in school operation.
Schools are institutions motivated by a shared vision. Necessarily, schools must
have policies for them to realize their vision and mission. These policies are a reflection
of the values of the people who created them. Whatever policies are formulated must
redound to the improved teaching – learning of leaners which is the very reason of the
existence of schools. In this Chapter, we will focus on school policies that govern school
and community partnership.
Activity – Let’s Read These
1. Group yourselves by 6 then share your answer to this question.
For groups 1, 2, and 3 – Here is a part of the policy on grading given by
the DepEd Central Office in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015, dated April 1, 2015.
Study the components and the corresponding percentage weights.
Table 7. Weight of Components for Grade 1 – 10
2. For Groups 4, 5, and 6 – Read this policy on students’ absences and tardiness:
Financial Matter. Such collections shall be made by the PTA subject to the
following conditions: if collection of the School Publications Fee, Supreme
Student Government (SSG) Developmental Fund and other club
membership fees and contributions is coursed through the PTA as
requested by the concerned organization, the amount collected shall be
remitted immediately to the school, SSG or other student organizations
concerned on the day it was collected. The pertinent organization shall
deposit the funds with a reputable bank on the next banking day under
the organization’s account. No service fee shall be charged against any
student organization by the PTA.
The problem in school is malnutrition. Many kids are sleepy, malnourished and
are underperforming. This is true most especially for kids who walk to school 1
hour from home. They eat their baon upon arrival in school so no more to eat for
lunch. As a result, they are restless and inattentive and so poor performance.
You are the school head. Preside in the meeting. What policy will you formulate
to address the problem?
The other members of the class who are not involved in the simulation are
observers and evaluators. They will be asked to comment on the simulation at
the end of the activity. Here are the specific criteria:
1. Participation of the group – Was there an active participation of the group?
2. School head – How open was the school head, the presider, to ideas or
suggestions shared? What did she do to encourage everyone to participate?
3. Decision – making – Was the decision arrived at by a consensus?
4. Respect – Was respect of ideas and participants evident?
C. If you were to formulate a policy on food items sold at the Cooperative Store of
your school, which would you do as a school head? Why?
Read April 11, 2018, DM 066 s. 2018 – 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines.
Individually, present a policy that you read in the DepEd Memorandum. Explain what
the policy states and why this policy is necessary.
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to discuss the competencies expected
of schools heads as contained in competency frameworks for Philippines and for
Southern Asia.
As stipulated in Chapter 1, Section 5,E of RA 9155 the school head is an
instructional leader. Because the main function of school students’ learning, the school
head must spend more time as an instructional leader. As an instructional leader,
he/she supervises instruction by observing teachers while they teach, conducting post-
observation conferences with individual they teach, conducting post-observation
conferences with individual teachers, mentoring and coaching them, ensuring that
teachers have the needed resources for teaching. While physical improvement and fund
sourcing – the concerns of administrative leadership – help improve schools, the more
important concern is improvement of instruction as this has a direct bearing on learning.
More often than not, however, school heads spend more time soliciting funds for a
flagpole, a stage, a classroom, pathwalk, waiting shed, etc. leaving no time left for
instructional supervision.
Activity - Let’s Read These
Chapter 1, Section 5, E of RA 9155 states that the school head is an
administrative and an instructional leader.
1. List down 2 things that the school head does as an instructional leader and 2 things as
an administrative leader.
2. Based on your observations of schools heads, with which role is the school head
more occupied /prove your answer.
Study figure 2 side by side with the table 7 on domains and strands. Notice that
there are competencies expected of school heads as instructional leaders and as
administrative leaders. Focused on instructional leadership is domain 2, which is
instructional leadership itself and Domain 3, creating a student-centered learning
climate which is part of instructional leadership. Related to administrative leadership
are domain 1, school leadership; Domain 6, school management and operations; and
Domain 4, human resource management and professional development; Domain 5,
parent involvement and community partnership. Domain 7, personal and professional
attributes and interpersonal effectiveness can relate to both instructional leadership
and administrative leadership since this has something to do a teacher’s person-hood
which cannot detach from what a teacher says and does.
7. Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher
8. Professional Teachers with Honor and Dignity
9. The School Organizations
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: elaborate on
community's expectations from teachers and on teachers’ expectation
from communities; and describe teacher's ethical and professional
behavior in the community by giving concrete examples
The very Tittle of this Unit indicates that teachers are expected to be part of the
community. To be part of the community definitely means to participate in the life of
that community. What is that community referred to here? The 8 Sections of Article III
of the Code of Ethics refers to the community within the schools and the community
outside the school. How can teachers be a part of the community? The various Sections
of Article III give more details.
21. discuss different curriculum sources and influences;
22. analyze different levels of curriculum planning; and
Teachers as Facilitator of Learning
23. identify different roles of teachers and school administrators in
Article III, Section 1 states that the teacher is a facilitator of learning and the
curriculum planning.
development of the youth... therefore shall render the best service by providing an
environment conductive for such learning and growth.
What happens sometimes, however, is teachers complicate the simple and teaches only
at the abstract level. To facilitate learning, a conducive learning environment is
necessary. It has been proven that learners learns best in a pleasant environment. A
pleasant environment is where the learners can be themselves because teachers are
caring. No need to put best self forward because teachers and classmates truly care and
take you for who you are. All forms of bullying has no place in a conducive learning
environment. A conducive learning environment makes learners believe they can do the
work and they feel accepted. A favorable learning climate is not competitive where
everyone is tense.
The teacher who believes that "Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will
never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they
become the best they can possibly be" like Teacher Rita Pierson in TED Talk, is a
facilitator of learning.
Teacher Leadership and Initiative for Community Participation
Section 2 refers to the "leadership and initiative of the professional teacher to
participate in community movements for moral, social, economic and civic betterment
of the community" As professional teachers you do not live in an ivory tower, meaning
you are not supposed to be removed not aloof from community life. Schools are at the
heart of communities and you as professional teachers are expected to be in the world
and to be in the world with others and for others (borrowing the words of Heidegger)
The words in Section 2 of Article III are "provide leadership and initiative". This implies
that as a professional teacher you have not to wait for community to ask for help.
Section 6 further explicates how you can show your professional leadership, to wit:
"Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay.
And shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed. To extend
counselling services as appropriate, and to be actively involved in matters effecting the
welfare of people."
You do not just welcome the opportunity to lead. Section 2, states that you, the
professional teacher ought to take the initiative to offer your help for the improvement
of the community. Many times you can be a guidance counsellor, a prayer leader,
commentator or reader in religious celebrations, fiesta coordinator, judge in or coach
for a contest, financial adviser, a nurse, a doctor, commentator, prayer rolled into one.
Providing leadership and initiative also means working with the community. This means
getting the parents other members of the community participate in school activities.
Teachers, as they participate in community affairs prove that they "are the most
responsible and most important members of society because their professional efforts
affect the date of the earth."
Section 3 states "Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which
purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such
activities as gambling smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses much less illicit
relations." Obviously, if as a professional teacher, you are an inveterate gambler, chain
smoker and alcoholic or it is common knowledge that you are engaged in an illicit
relationship, how moral authority? Who will listen to you when you advise your class
not to smoke, not to drink alcoholic drinks, not to gamble, etc? Your audience will say
"Look, who is talking?" It is a matter of "do what I say not what I do."
Society expects so much of teachers that when they fail to live up to the challenge to
behave or model good behaviour, they are "condemned without trial". It is no wonder
why many are afraid to answer the call to teach. Society seems to expect to much more
from professional teachers than from any other professional and so look at teachers
with scrutinizing eyes. The quotation states "The influence of a good teacher can never
be erased" but the influence of a dishonorable teacher is as lasting.
Why do these stakeholders have to be informed? The school is there for the community
and so the community has the right to be informed about its activities,
accomplishments, needs and problems. Informing them about the school’s project,
needs and problem give them a sense of ownership. Having a sense of ownership, these
stakeholders will participate more actively in the resolution of schools problems and
In addition PTAs are the School Governing Council in every public school. This School
Governing shares in the management of the school with School Head as Chair. This
School Council is another opportunity for communities to participate in school activities.
3. Here is what one Dean of a collage of Education told her freshmen teacher education
students in her Welcome Address on Orientation Day.
4. Believing that you don't learn everything in the classroom, the Collage of Education,
which will be your home for four years has prepared a menu of annual co-curricular
activities for you. All of those that this College and University have envisioned you to
c. What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?
d. In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement"... Do more,
learn more, and have more..." (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progression, 1967)
What message do you get in relation to your pre-service education?
10. A professional teacher creates a conductive learning environment to facilitate
learning. Based on experiences, illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a
conductive learning environment is. Display your work in class. Conduct a gallery
walk for everyone to see and comment/ask questions about the comic strips.
11. The Bible says: "You are the salt of the earth. Bus if the salt loses it saltiness, how
can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out
and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot
be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it
on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your
light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father
in heaven. (Mathew 5:13-16)
12. Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, how do these
biblical passages apply to the professional teacher? "I don't hear what you are saying
because who you are speaks louder than what you say". How does this quote apply
to the professional teacher as a community leaders? Discuss.
13. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only
way to salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for
all justify her proselyting? Why or Why not?
14. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the
community culture? Example.
15. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over.
Your mayor's candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a
professional teacher, what would you do?
16. Cut at least 3 specific ethical behaviours of a professional teacher based on
Article III of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Come up with a PowerPoint
presentation or a skit.
8. Definition of Organizational Leadership
9. Leadership versus Management
10. Different Leadership Styles
11. Sustaining Change in Organization
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain organizational
leadership; distinguish between leadership and management; describe the
different organizational leadership styles; and discuss how to sustain
change in an organization.
Organizational Leadership
In organizational leadership, leaders help set strategic goals for the organization while
motivating individuals within the organization to successfully carry out assignments in
order to realize those goals. In the school setting, the school leader helps set the
goals/targets for the school and motivates teachers, parents, learners, non – teaching
personnel and other members of the community to do their task to realize the school
Organizational leadership works towards what is best for individual members and what
is best for the organization as a group at the same time. Organizational leadership does
not sacrifice the individual members for the sake of the people nor sacrifice the welfare
of the group for the sake of individual members. Both individual and group are
Organizational leadership is also an attitude and a work ethic that empowers and
individual in any role to lead from the top, middle, or bottom of an organization. Applied
to the school setting, the school leader helps anyone from the organization not
necessarily from the top to lead others. An example of this leadership which does not
necessarily come from the top of the organization is teacher leadership.
A school head leads the school and community to formulate the vision, mission, goals,
and school improvement plan. This is a leadership function. S/he sees to it that this plan
gets well implemented on time and so ensures that the resources needed are there, the
persons to do the job are qualified and available. This is a management function.
Imagine if the school head is only a leader. You have the vision, mission, goals and
school plan but no implementation. The plan is good only in paper. If you do the task of
a manager only, you will be focusing on the details of the day – of day implementation
without the big picture, the vision and mission. So it big picture for connect and
meaning. This means that it is best that a school leader is both a leader and a manager.
In laissez faire or free – rein leadership style, leaders avoid responsibility and
leave the members of the organization to establish their own work. This leadership style
leads to kanya – kanya mentality, one weaknesses of the Filipino character. There will be
no problem if the situation is deal, i.e. each member of the organization has reached a
level of maturity and so if members are left to themselves they will do only what is good
for the organization. On the other hand, it will be chaos if each; member will do as
he/she please even if it is against the common goods.
If this group member is able, willing and confident (high readiness), the leader uses a
delegating leadership style the leader turns over the responsibility for decisions and
implementation to the members.. On the other hand, if the group members have low
readiness, i.e. unable and unwilling, the leader resort to telling the group members
what to do.
In short, competent members of the organization require less specific direction than less
competent members. Less competent people need more specific direction than more
competent people.
Among these leadership styles, no one style is considered best for all leaders to use all
the time. Effective leaders need to be flexible, and must adapt themselves according to
the situation, the readiness and willingness of the members of the organization.
Servant Leadership
Robert K. Greenleaf (1977) coined the paradoxical term servant – leadership. How can
one be a leader when he/she is servant? That’s the common thinking. But the paradox is
Greenleaf’s deliberate and meaningful way of emphasizing the qualities of a servant
leader. He describes the servant
… Servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious
choice brings one to aspire to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons: do
they while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely
themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society;
will they benefit, or, at least, not be further deprived? (Greenleaf, 1977/2002, p. 27)
The first desire of the servant leader is to serve. How? By leading. The greatest teacher
of humankind, Jesus Christ, was a servant – leader. He his disciples “he who wants to
great must be the servant of all”. The life of the Greatest Teacher was a life total service
to all.
We often hear the term “public servants” to refer to appointed and elected
officials of the government to emphasize the fact that they indeed are servants of the
people. Their first duty is to serve and in serving, they lead. They don’t think of their
power as leaders first. If they do, they tend to become more conscious of their
importance felt over their conscious of their power over their constituents and tend to
impose that power or make their importance felt over constituents and forget that if
ever they are given power it is to serve their people. Someone said “power corrupts”.
And I need it does, when leaders think first of their power and forget the very reason
why such power was given, i.e. to serve. The greatest teacher said:
“…and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.” (Matthew
“The greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11)
“If anyone wants to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all”
(Mark 9:35)
“You know how the pagan rulers make their powers felt. But it shall not be this
way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your
servant.” (Mark 10:43)
His whole life was a life of service. In fact, he wanted to impress this idea of servant
leadership by doing something dramatic in his last days on earth. He washed the feet of
his apostles. Washing the feet was the work of a servant in his time.
He wanted to etch in the memories of his apostles the idea that leaders are supposed to
be “footwashers”. Leaders are supposed to be servants of all.
The school head who acts as a servant leader forever remembers that he /she is there to
serve his/her teachers, the students, the parents etc. and NOT the teachers, learners,
parents to serve him/her.
Transformational Leadership
Robert Kennedy once said: “Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I
dream of things that never were, and ask “why not” not transformational leaders. The
transformational leader is not content with status quo and sees the need to transform
the way the organization thinks, relates and does things. The transformational school
leaders sees school culture as it could be and should be, not as it is and so plays his/her
role as visionary, engager, learner, collaborator, and instructional leader. As a
transformational leader he /she make positive changes in the organization and
mobilizing members to work towards that vision.
To do this the transformational leader combines charisma, inspirational
leadership and intellectual stimulation to introduce innovation for the transformation of
the organization.
Sustaining Change
For reforms to transform, the innovations introduced by the transformational leader
must be institutional and sustained. Or else that innovation is simply a passing fad that
loses its flavor after a time. A proof that an innovation introduced has transformed the
organization is that that the result or effect of that change persist or ripples even when
the transformative leader is gone or transferred to another school or gets promoted in
the organization.
We feel most comfortable with our old pair of shoes. We like to live in our comfort
zones and so sometimes we don’t welcome change. And yet if we want improvement in
the way we do things in our organization, in our school or if we want to improve in life
we must be willing to change. The transformational leader ought to deal with resistance
to change to succeed. There will always be resisters to change. To ensure that the
innovation he/she introduces leads to the transformation of the organization, Morato of
Bayan ABS – CBN, (2011) gives the following advice.
6. Seek the support of the stakeholders – the leaders must build a “strong coalition
of allies in order to push for any meaningful change that would yields results.
Innovations cannot be forced upon the teachers, the students, the parents, and
the community… without serious consequences.”
7. Get people involved early and often – resistance drops off in proportion to the
involvement of participants. You may not to expect 100 – percent support from
any individual who was not personally involved in a change that affected his/her
work. It is best to set up networks to reach out to as many people as possible.
8. Plan a communications campaign to “sell” the innovations Morato (2011)
asserts: “The change envisioned must cascade downwards to the last lesson plan
and ripple sideward to win the support of major stakeholders”.
9. Ensure that the innovation is understood by all – The benefits and costs must be
appreciated and weighed carefully.
10. Consider timing and phasing – These are highly critical; missteps might backfire
and lack of sensitivity to stakeholders might lead to resistance.
Morato described the successful innovations in several schools innovations in
the Philippines refers to ______________________.
Direction: write T if the statement is true and F if it is false, underline the word or words
that make the sentence false and supply the correct word/s to make statement true.
______ 1. Leadership is interchangeable with management because they mean the
______ 2. A leader cannot be a manager and manager cannot be a leader at the same
______ 3. In the laissez faire leadership style, the leader fully interferes in the decision –
making of his/her followers.
______ 4. In the consultative style of leadership, members of the organization arrive at
a decision by way of consensus.
______ 5. In the democratic style of leadership, the members of the organization are
consulted in decision – making.
______ 6. The autocratic leader consults his/her followers.
______ 7. A transformational leader is content with status quo.
______ 8. In situational leadership, if followers are “unwilling and unable” to do the job,
leader must resort to delegating.
______ 9. In situational leadership, if followers are “willing and able” to do the job,
leader must resort to telling.
______ 10. Transformational leadership is focused on innovations.
______ 11. Innovations when relevant do not need to be sustained.
11. The Legal Basis of SBM
12. Advantages of School Based Management
13. Factors of School Effectiveness Based on Research
14. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education
15. Factors that Contribute to School Effectiveness
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain the meaning,
advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM; state the practices
aligned to SBM; and explain the roles, functions and competencies of
school heads in SBM.
The local governance code of 1991 (RA 7160) provided for a more responsive local
government structure through a system of decentralization where local governments
are given more power, authority, responsibilities and resources. Likewise with the
introduction of School – Based Management in Philippine schools, schools are given
more power to direct their affairs with the learning and development of learners as
ultimate goal. In this Chapter, you are expected to learn the rewards and challenges in
implementing SBM especially on the part of the school head.
This means that long before the Department of Education (DepEd) legally introduced
decentralization in school through School – Based Management (SBM) in 2001 through
the enactment of RA 9155, local government units were already empowered for local
governance. RA 9155, Basic Governance Act transfers the power and authority as well as
the resources to the school level. School empowerment is based on the assumption that
the school heads including teachers, key leaders in the community, parents know best
the root and solution to the problem.
Advantages of SBM
The following are strengths of SBM:
Allow competent individuals in the schools to make decisions that will improve
Give the entire school community a voice in key decisions;
Focus accountability for decisions;
Lead to greater creativity in the design of programs;
Redirect resources to support the goals developed in each school;
Lead to realistic budgeting as parents and teachers become more aware of the
school’s financial status, spending limitations, and cost of its programs; and,
Improve morale of teachers and nurture new leadership at all levels.
Through SBM, decision making authority is devolved to school heads, teachers, parents
and students. His is school empowerment. This reduces bureaucratic controls on schools
and encourages school heads, teachers and parents to use greater initiative in meeting
the needs of students and community. This result in a sense of community school
ownership which makes the school realizes its vision and mission.
In SBM, schools take the responsibility to plan and implement their School Improvement
Plans (SIP). (The table that you scrutinized in the activity phase of the lesson is a part of
a School Improvement Plan). It is the schools themselves, not DepEd higher offices that
know best their Problems and the solutions to these problems. It is the schools that
determine the number and kind of teachers they need, the kind of learning materials
and resources they need. Since schools are given more power to direct themselves,
they are made accountable for results. SBM makes schools accountable to the
In addition, based on international experience, the following must be present for SBM
to succeed in schools:
Have basic resources;
Have developed an effective school support system;
Are provided with regular information on their performance;
Are given advice on how they may improve; and
Emphasize the motivational element in the management work of the principal
The success of SBM very much depends on the school head. Below are his/her
Visionary Principal, motivator, Lead in setting the vision, mission Change and future orientation
advocate and planner. and goals of the school.
Builder of networks and support Organize/expand school, Networking, organizing, social
system. community and local government mobilization, advocacy
networks and groups that will
actively participate in school
Lead in developing the School Development of teamwork,
Improvement Plan with the building consensus and skills in
participation of the staff and the negotiation and conflict
community resolution
Lead in developing and Participatory planning and
maintaining the School administrative management
Management Information System
Generation and use of data and
information as basis for planning
and management
Curriculum Developer Create a physical and Development of collective
psychological climate conducive accountability for school and
to teaching and learning student performance
Localize and implement school Designing of the curriculum to
curriculum address both national goals, local
needs and aspirations
Encourage development and Creation of an open learning
used of innovative instructional system based on several resource
methods focused on improving materials rather than on single
learning outcomes, increasing textbooks
access to basic education,
improving the holding power of Participatory and peer – based
schools and addressing specific instructional supervision
local problems
This research finding of OECD confirms “that school autonomy has a positive
relationship with student performance when account-ability measures are in place
and/or when school principals and teachers collaborate in school management” (OECD,
2012). China and Singapore have been “devolving more responsibility to the school
level” (Stewart, 2008). In Finland, accountability rests on the trust placed by families and
government in the professional competence of teachers (Stewart, 2008).
In the Philippines, the devolving of more responsibility to the schools was done
through the School-based Management (SBM). SBM was introduced during the
implementation of the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP), 1999-2005. In 2005,
TEEP conducted a study to determine the effect of school-based management on
student performance in the Philippines using the administrative dataset of all public
schools in 23 school districts over a 3 – year period, 2003 – 2005. The results showed
that the introduction of SBM had a statistically significant, although small, overall
positive effect on average school – level test scores in 23 school districts in the
Philippines. (Source:
Accessed 9-1-16)
With SBM, significant decision – making authority was transferred from state
and districts officers to individual schools. SBM provided principals, teachers, students,
and parents greater control over the education process by giving them responsibility for
decision about the budget, personnel, and the curriculum. Through the involvement of
teachers, parents, and other community members in these key decisions, SBM can
create more effective learning environments for children. (Source: Office of Research
Education/Consumer Guide). To further strengthen the School – Based Management
(SBM) practice and re – emphasize the centrality of the leaners and the involvement of
relevant community in basic education service delivery, the Department of Education
(DepEd) embarked on revisiting the SBM framework, assessment process and tool to
improve on already recognized successful SBM practices across the regions (DO 83, s.
2012). To institutionalize decentralization efforts at the school level and in line with
Republic Act no. 9155 also known as Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, the
Department of Education (DepEd) provided School – Based Management (SBM) Grants
as additional funds to public elementary and secondary schools,… to augment the
school fund on maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (DO 45, s. 2015).
The agreed upon standards of quality or effective schools are grounded on the
four principles of A Child-and – Community – Centered Education System (ACCESs),
namely: (1) principle of collective leadership (2) principle of community – based learning
(3) principle of accountability for performance and results and (4) principle of
convergence to harness resources for education. All of these four principles also to
apply SBM.
The school’s level of SBM practice can either be Level 1, Developing; Level II,
Maturing and Level III, Advance. A school that reaches the highest level of SBM practice
qualifies for an accredited status.
A school in Level I, developing, means that the school is developing structures and
mechanism with acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact on
learning. A school Level II as Maturing means that the school is introducing and
sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community
participation and significantly improve performance and learning outcomes. Level III,
Advanced, (Accredited) means that the school ensuring the production of intended
outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully integrated in the local
community and is self – renewing and self – sustaining.
Research findings point to the following factors that spell school effectiveness:
3. Human factors – These include a dynamic school head, highly selected competent
and committed teachers, highly motivated pupils with high expectations, and a
supportive community.
4. Non – human factors, process – These refer to clear and shared vision – mission
(focus), high expectations/ambitious standards, emphasis on accountability,
aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment with state / DepEd standards,
efficiency or optimal utilization of resources and facilities, collaboration and
communication, focused professional development, and global and future
These factors are exemplified by high performing schools in the Philippines and abroad
and by the best education performing countries in the world.
In the Philippines, the practice of School – Based Management gave greater autonomy
to schools to make decisions in collaboration with parents and community towards
greater school effectiveness. The SBM Assessment Tool is an assurance that effective
practices get institutionalized to build the school’s culture of excellence. A copy of this
SBM Assessment Tool is in Appendix A.
The heart of all these elements, both human and non – human is the school
head, the school leader. This means that all these factors that contribute to school
effectiveness come forth only with a dynamic and a transformational school leader.
After each simulation, point out which act was/was not in accordance with SBM
16. The Legal Basis of SBM
17. Advantages of School Based Management
18. Factors of School Effectiveness Based on Research
19. Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education
20. Factors that Contribute to School Effectiveness
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain the meaning,
advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM; state the practices
aligned to SBM; and explain the roles, functions and competencies of
school heads in SBM.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain the meaning of school culture;
Discuss how school culture affects learning; and
Cite ways by which you can contribute to the building of positive culture.
Schools culture matters. This influences to a great extent how well student
perform. School culture is a creation of all the people in school and in the
community especially that of the school heads. It can be positive or negative. It can
facilitate or adversely affect learning. A school community must therefore strive to
create a positive culture.
Activity – Let’s Read These
Here are twelve norms of school culture where people and programs improve. Study
7. collegiality 7. Appreciation, recognition
8. experimentation 8. Caring, celebration, humor
9. High Expectations 9. Involvement in decision making
10. Trust and confidence 10. Protection of what is important
11. Tangible support 11. Traditions
12. Reaching out to the knowledge 12. Honest, open communication
Read the following episodes then identify which norm of school culture is
13. When high school student arrive for pre – calculus class, they know exactly what
to expect. Projected on the screen are clear instructions for the day’s Success
Starter. Everyone is expected to work on them successfully.
14. You might not reach an answer today. You might not reach an answer tomorrow.
Struggle is okay.” Students know that by the third day, they will be expected to
present their understanding and problem- solving strategy to the class.
15. ‘You have a short memory’, she replies with a kind smile. “You say this every
time we tackle a problem. Remember the last time you struggled and then
overcome your confusion? Remember our norms that we wrote together? One
of them was growth mindset. And remember I am here for you”.
16. I hear some students talking while someone is reciting. I don’t think you will like
that if you are the one reciting. Can we agree on a rule? Give me a rule”. Student
suggests. Let’s keep quiet and listen when someone is reciting. Raise your hand if
you want to recite.” Teacher asks, can we keep this rule?
17. Today you are going to compute your scores for class standing – written quizzes,
seatwork, performance test, homework. These were all corrected and returned
to you. When you are done, compare your total with mine. Should there be
discrepancy; be ready to show your corrected papers.
18. During the first week of school Barb teacher asks her sixth graders two
questions: “What questions do you have about the world?” the students begin
enumerating their questions, “Can they be about silly, little things?” asks one
student. “ If they’re your questions that you really want answered, they’re
neither silly nor little.” Replies the teacher. After the students list their individual
questions, teacher organizes the students into small groups where they share
lists and search for questions they have in common. After much discussion each
group comes up with a priority list of questions, rank – ordering the questions
about themselves and those about the world. Back together in a whole group
session, teacher solicits the groups’ priorities and works toward consensus for
the class’s combined lists of questions. These questions become the basis for
guiding the curriculum in class. One question, “will I live to be 100 years old?”
spawned educational investigations into genetics, family and oral history,
actuarial science, statistics and probability, heart disease, cancer, and
hypertension. The students had the opportunity to seek out information from
family members, friends, experts in various fields, on – line computer services,
and books, as well as from the teacher. She describes what they had to do as
becoming part of a “learning community.” According teacher, “we decide what
the most compelling intellectual issues are, devise ways to investigate those
19. The sense of community is strong, even palpable. But this sense didn’t just spring
full – blown from being a group of people occupying the same place at the same
time. It was built upon many small and specific moments of learning the same
verses to songs and sharing traditions, memories of times together and stories
often – told…
Some of our traditions are once a year events; some happen every week or even
every day. They give us ways to greet each other, to learn about each other, to
sing and celebrate and say goodbye. These events mark our comings and our
goings and affirm our common interests in the time we spend together.
20. Because they treasure, health, sanitation and self – discipline, St. Bernadette
Catholic School includes the following in their canteen policies.
Item # 9 does not illustrate positive culture, specifically honest and open
After having read the vignettes, by this time you have an idea on what school culture is.
All of the vignettes are manifestations of school culture.
Table 6.
Teacher Norms Student Norms
9. Teach in different ways. 7. Have a growth mindset.
10. Call student by their names. e. Believe you can improve.
11. Care about students’ feelings. f. Fail forward.
b. Understanding their situation. g. Keep trying.
12. Have a good attitude. h. Speak positively about your
e. Stay calm abilities to learn.
f. Used kind words 8. Call classmates by their names.
g. Have patience 9. Be responsible for your work.
h. Greet student and say good – g. Have a material ready.
bye h. Advocate for yourself.
13. Help students understand. i. Be a professional
f. Work at a reasonable at peace j. Meet deadlines.
g. Explain clearly k. Participate.
h. Support different learning l. Be on time to class.
styles 10. Listen…
i. Expect the best e. To the teacher.
j. Re – explain if necessary f. To your classmate.
14. Attend school the majority of the g. To guest.
time. h. To the directions.
15. Be respectful. 11. Attend school the majority of the
f. Give everyone what they need time.
g. Use proper language. 12. Be a good team player.
h. Allow space if needed. h. Provide good, helpful feedback.
i. Use supportive words when i. Stay calm.
explaining. j. Encourage others.
j. Call by your name k. Stay on topic.
16. Have a growth mindset l. Be considerate.
m. Use proper language.
n. Communicate clearly to
students and teacher (s).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, you should able to explain the importance of school
policies in school operation.
Schools are institutions motivated by a shared vision. Necessarily, schools must
have policies for them to realize their vision and mission. These policies are a reflection
of the values of the people who created them. Whatever policies are formulated must
redound to the improved teaching – learning of leaners which is the very reason of the
existence of schools. In this Chapter, we will focus on school policies that govern school
and community partnership.
Activity – Let’s Read These
4. Group yourselves by 6 then share your answer to this question.
For groups 1, 2, and 3 – Here is a part of the policy on grading given by
the DepEd Central Office in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015, dated April 1, 2015.
Study the components and the corresponding percentage weights.
Table 7. Weight of Components for Grade 1 – 10
5. For Groups 4, 5, and 6 – Read this policy on students’ absences and tardiness:
Financial Matter. Such collections shall be made by the PTA subject to the
following conditions: if collection of the School Publications Fee, Supreme
Student Government (SSG) Developmental Fund and other club
membership fees and contributions is coursed through the PTA as
requested by the concerned organization, the amount collected shall be
remitted immediately to the school, SSG or other student organizations
concerned on the day it was collected. The pertinent organization shall
deposit the funds with a reputable bank on the next banking day under
the organization’s account. No service fee shall be charged against any
student organization by the PTA.
The problem in school is malnutrition. Many kids are sleepy, malnourished and
are underperforming. This is true most especially for kids who walk to school 1
hour from home. They eat their baon upon arrival in school so no more to eat for
lunch. As a result, they are restless and inattentive and so poor performance.
You are the school head. Preside in the meeting. What policy will you formulate
to address the problem?
The other members of the class who are not involved in the simulation are
observers and evaluators. They will be asked to comment on the simulation at
the end of the activity. Here are the specific criteria:
5. Participation of the group – Was there an active participation of the group?
6. School head – How open was the school head, the presider, to ideas or
suggestions shared? What did she do to encourage everyone to participate?
7. Decision – making – Was the decision arrived at by a consensus?
8. Respect – Was respect of ideas and participants evident?
F. If you were to formulate a policy on food items sold at the Cooperative Store of
your school, which would you do as a school head? Why?
Read April 11, 2018, DM 066 s. 2018 – 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines.
Individually, present a policy that you read in the DepEd Memorandum. Explain what
the policy states and why this policy is necessary.
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to discuss the competencies expected
of schools heads as contained in competency frameworks for Philippines and for
Southern Asia.
As stipulated in Chapter 1, Section 5,E of RA 9155 the school head is an
instructional leader. Because the main function of school students’ learning, the school
head must spend more time as an instructional leader. As an instructional leader,
he/she supervises instruction by observing teachers while they teach, conducting post-
observation conferences with individual they teach, conducting post-observation
conferences with individual teachers, mentoring and coaching them, ensuring that
teachers have the needed resources for teaching. While physical improvement and fund
sourcing – the concerns of administrative leadership – help improve schools, the more
important concern is improvement of instruction as this has a direct bearing on learning.
More often than not, however, school heads spend more time soliciting funds for a
flagpole, a stage, a classroom, pathwalk, waiting shed, etc. leaving no time left for
instructional supervision.
Activity - Let’s Read These
Chapter 1, Section 5, E of RA 9155 states that the school head is an
administrative and an instructional leader.
1. List down 2 things that the school head does as an instructional leader and 2 things as
an administrative leader.
2. Based on your observations of schools heads, with which role is the school head
more occupied /prove your answer.
Study figure 2 side by side with the table 7 on domains and strands. Notice that
there are competencies expected of school heads as instructional leaders and as
administrative leaders. Focused on instructional leadership is domain 2, which is
instructional leadership itself and Domain 3, creating a student-centered learning
climate which is part of instructional leadership. Related to administrative leadership
are domain 1, school leadership; Domain 6, school management and operations; and
Domain 4, human resource management and professional development; Domain 5,
parent involvement and community partnership. Domain 7, personal and professional
attributes and interpersonal effectiveness can relate to both instructional leadership
and administrative leadership since this has something to do a teacher’s person-hood
which cannot detach from what a teacher says and does.