Implementing Goal Management

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Implementing Goal Management

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Implementing Goal Management



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Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Implementing Goal Management


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Introduction 1
Overview of Implementing Goal Management ........................................................................................................................ 1
Setup Tasks for Implementing Goal Management ................................................................................................................. 2
Structure of Implementing Goal Management Guide ........................................................................................................... 4

2 Overview 7
Overview of Worker Goal Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 7
How You Show the Pending Goal Plans Page ......................................................................................................................... 7
Configure Performance Goal Library List of Values ............................................................................................................... 8
Deep Links ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
FAQ .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

3 Descriptive Flexfields 11
Descriptive Flexfields for Goals .................................................................................................................................................. 11

4 Profile Options 13
Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values .......................................................................................................... 13
Goal Management Profile Options ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Enable Deleting All Goal Plan Assignees ................................................................................................................................ 18

5 Lookups 21
Goal Lookups ................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
FAQ for Performance Goal Lookups ........................................................................................................................................ 24

6 Notifications 25
Goal Notifications ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
FAQ for Notifications ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Implementing Goal Management

7 Goal Approval Rules 29

Overview of Performance Goal Approval Rules .................................................................................................................... 29
Performance Goal Payload Attributes ..................................................................................................................................... 30
How You Bypass Approvals for Specific Performance Goal Subprocesses ...................................................................... 32
Simulate Performance Goal Approval Rules .......................................................................................................................... 33
How You Define Expiration Policies for Performance Goal Approvals ............................................................................. 34
How You Archive Draft Performance Goal Transactions ..................................................................................................... 35
Extract Performance Goals Transaction Data from Approvals Cache .............................................................................. 36
Examples for Configuring Goal Approval Rules .................................................................................................................... 38
Example of Changing an Existing Performance Goal Approval Rule ............................................................................... 38
Example of Adding a Manual Approval Condition for Performance Goals ..................................................................... 39
FAQs ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Can I bypass the goal approval process for my organization? ........................................................................................... 41
Can I delete a goal approval condition in transaction console? ......................................................................................... 41
What happens if I edit or delete an approval rule? .............................................................................................................. 41

8 Contextual Notes 43
Contextual Notes in Application Pages ................................................................................................................................... 43
Use Contextual Notes in an Employee's Performance Goal ............................................................................................... 43

9 Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Checks 47

Data Diagnostic Test for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management .................................................................................... 47
Goal Management Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................. 47
Check Data Integrity of Performance Goals .......................................................................................................................... 48
FAQ .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49

10 Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio 51

Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field Displays ............................................................................................... 51
How You Configure Goal Management Pages Using Transaction Design Studio .......................................................... 51
Configure Guided Journeys for Goal Management Pages ................................................................................................. 60
FAQs for Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio .............................................................................................. 60

11 Integrations 65
How Goal Management Works with Profiles ......................................................................................................................... 65
How Performance Documents Work with Performance Goals .......................................................................................... 68
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Get Help
Implementing Goal Management

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Get Help
Implementing Goal Management

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

1 Introduction

Overview of Implementing Goal Management

This guide describes the setup and implementation tasks of Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management. Using the tasks
described in the guide, you can define goals that support common objectives of an organization.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management is part of the Workforce Development offering of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human
Capital Management. To start an implementation of Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud, you need to opt into the
offerings applicable to your business requirements. Refer the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications: Using Functional Setup
Manager guide to manage the opt-in and setup of your offerings.

This topic provides this information:

• Prerequisite tasks and related information about implementing Oracle Fusion Goal Management Cloud
• Description of the Goal Management functional area

Before setting up Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management, you must implement one of these bases:

• HCM Base
• Talent Management Base

You also need to configure other applications and elements. The table lists sources of information, including guides and
help topics, and a description of what they contain. This information can help you set up the configuration that fits your
business needs and processes.

Source Contents

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management: Provides an overview of Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management options, purchasing and activation
Getting Started with Your Talent options, basic information for implementing Talent Management applications, and describes work
Implementation areas.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management: Describes user and role synchronization, implementation user setup, enterprise and workforce
Implementing Talent Management Base structures, workforce profiles, approvals, help configuration, and more.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources: Describes user and role synchronization, implementation user setup, enterprise and workforce
Getting Started with Your HR structures, workforce profiles, approvals, help configuration, and more.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM: HCM Provides an overview of integration types, how to use spreadsheet loaders, integrations with Oracle
Integrations Fusion Cloud Taleo Recruiting, and web services.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM: Securing HCM Describes Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM security, types of roles and how to create them, managing user
accounts, types of security profiles and managing them, and Oracle Fusion Cloud Transactional
Business Intelligence and Business Intelligence Publisher security.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

Source Contents

Workforce Development Offering

Use this offering to configure your employee profiles, manage goals, review employees performance, and manage their
succession plans. The following table describes the primary features of Worker Goal Setting offering explained in this
guide. For the full list of functional areas and features in this offering, use the Associated Features report.

Functional Area Description

Define Worker Goal Setting Use this functional area to configure these worker goal settings:

• Lookups
• Descriptive flexfields
• Profile options
• Goal value sets
• Goal library
• Notifications

Related Topics
• Plan Your Implementation

Setup Tasks for Implementing Goal Management

To implement Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management, you need to have the privileges of an application implementation

Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management is part of the Workforce Development offering of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human
Capital Management. Review the tasks listed in this table that are available in the Setup and Maintenance work area
before you set up Oracle Goal Management.

Task Name Description Recommended Help

Manage Administrator Profile Values Configure profile options related to Oracle Goal Goal Management Profile Options

Worker Goal Setting Profile Option Values Configure profile options related to Oracle Goal Goal Management Profile Options
Guidelines for Creating Goal Plan Sets

Worker Goal Descriptive Flexfields Define a segment for a descriptive flexfield for Descriptive Flexfields for Goals
Oracle Goal Management.

Worker Goal Setting Lookups Manage lookups for Oracle Goal Management. Goal Lookups

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

Task Name Description Recommended Help

Manage Common Lookups Manage lookups for Oracle Goal Management. Goal Lookups
Type HRG in the Lookup Type field to find Goal
Management lookups.

Review Periods Manage review periods for goal plans and goal Review Periods in Talent Management
plan sets.

Goal Management Notification Settings Configure notifications for actions done on Goal Notifications
performance goals.
Configure Notifications in Goal Management
Using Reports

Manage Approval Transactions for Human Configure approval rules for performance Overview of Performance Goal Approval Rules
Capital Management goals that are included in goal plans. You can
also disable approvals by using the Bypass Performance Goal Payload Attributes
Approval feature.
How You Bypass Approvals for Specific
Performance Goal Subprocesses

Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Set expiration policies for the approval work How You Define Expiration Policies for
Management flow of performance goals. Performance Goal Approvals

Manage Feedback Visibility Control the visibility settings for feedback and Considerations for Configuring Anytime
notes related to performance goals. Feedback Visibility Options

Profile Content Section Access Grant access to content sections for a job or Content Section Access
abstract role. You need to do this to enable
users to add target outcomes to a goal.

Configure HCM Data Loader Control the HCM Data Loader and HCM HCM Data Loader Configuration Parameters
Spreadsheet Data Loader import and load

Use these actions of Transaction Design Studio (TDS) to configure Oracle Goal Management pages:

• Performance Goal Details

• Performance Goal Library
For more information about configuring Oracle Goal Management pages using TDS, refer to the How You Configure
Goal Management Pages Using Transaction Design Studio topic.

You can also configure guided journey tasks for Oracle Goal Management flows. For more information about this, refer
to the Configure Guided Journeys for Goal Management Pages topic.

Security Reference
The tasks that people can do and the data that they can see on Goal Management pages depend on their roles, duties,
and privileges. For information about these factors, see these two guides:

• Securing HCM
• Security Reference for HCM

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

Structure of Implementing Goal Management Guide

This topic includes the structure and summary of each chapter in the Implementing Goal Management guide.

This guide describes the primary features of the Workforce Development offering. For the full list of functional areas
and features in this offering, use the Associated Features report that you review when you plan the implementation of
your offering. This topic describes the contents of each chapter included in these sections of the guide:
• Introduction
• Oracle Goal Management Settings
• Oracle Goal Management Implementation
• Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio
• Oracle Goal Management Integrations

This table describes the chapter in the introductory section.

Chapter Title Contents

2 Overview Provides an overview of implementing Oracle

Fusion Cloud Goal Management

Oracle Goal Management Settings

This table describes the chapters related to setting up Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management and the tasks that you
need to do.

Chapter Title Contents

3 Descriptive Flexfields Describes the available flexfields for Oracle Goal

Management and where they're used

4 Profile Options Describes how to configure the profile options

for Oracle Goal Management and the effects of
the settings

5 Lookups Describes common lookups for the Goal

Management and Career Development work
areas that have user or extensible configuration

6 Notifications Lists the notifications that you can enable or

disable for performance goals

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

Oracle Goal Management Implementation

This table describes the chapters related to some configurations and validations for Oracle Goal Management.

Chapter Title Contents

7 Goal Approval Rules Describes how you can configure approval rules
for performance goals

8 Contextual Notes Explains how you can embed the Contextual

Notes component in an employee's goals page

9 Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Describes how to run goal diagnostics and
Checks validate the data integrity after populating the
Oracle Goal Management data tables

Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Chapter Title Contents

10 Personalization Using Transaction Design Explains the actions to use in Transaction

Studio Design Studio to configure Oracle Goal
Management pages.

Oracle Goal Management Integrations

Chapter Title Contents

11 Integrations Describes how Oracle Goal Management

integrates with other applications

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Implementing Goal Management Introduction

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Implementing Goal Management Overview

2 Overview

Overview of Worker Goal Settings

As an application implementor, you need to configure some goal settings before anyone can work with worker goals.

Use the Define Worker Goal Setting task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to define these objects related to
worker goals:
• Lookups
• Value sets
• Descriptive flexfields
• Profile option values
• Notification settings
• Goal library
• Review periods
• Goal plans

Related Topics
• Goal Lookups
• Goal Plans
• Goal Management Profile Options
• Descriptive Flexfields for Goals
• Overview of Value Sets

How You Show the Pending Goal Plans Page

As an administrator, use the Structure tool to show or hide the Pending Goal Plans page.

Before You Start

Remember to activate a sandbox that has the Structure tool enabled.

Show the Pending Goal Plans Page

1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Structure.
2. On the Navigation Configuration page, click the My Client Groups link.
3. On the Edit Group: My Client Groups page, select the Quick Actions tab.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Implementing Goal Management Overview

4. Expand the Talent node.

5. Locate and click the Pending Goal Plans link.
The Edit Quick Action dialog box appears.
6. Set the value of the Visible property to Yes.
7. Click Save and Close to save your changes and close the Edit Quick Action dialog box.
8. Click Save and Close to close the Edit Group: My Client Groups page.
9. Click My Client Groups > Goals > Pending Goal Plans to check if you're able to view the Pending Goal Plans
10. If the Pending Goal Plans page opens, publish the sandbox.

Related Topics
• Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Configure Performance Goal Library List of Values

As administrators, you can configure the attributes by which users can search for performance goals to add from the
goal library.

You can specify the attributes that users can see while searching and the attributes that users can use only for
searching. Select any of these attributes to search performance library goals:

• Goal name
• Goal category
• Goal subtype
• Business unit
• Department
• Job family
• Legal employer

Before you start

You need to have a role with the Access HCM Page Configurator
(HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATOR_PRIV) privilege granted to access the lists of values
configuration UI.
Here's what to do
1. Select Performance Goal Library in the Search Configuration tab of Transaction Design Studio.
2. Select the attributes that you want users to use for searching and displaying in the Search and Display Fields section.
By default, these attributes are available to use for search and display:

◦ Goal name
◦ Goal category
◦ Goal subtype
3. Select the attributes by which users can only search for performance goals in the Search Only Fields section.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Implementing Goal Management Overview

Note: Users can't see the fields that you select here in the list of values when they search for performance goals to
add from the goal library.

Related Topics
• How You Configure List of Values (LOVs)

Deep Links
You can use deep links to provide easy navigation directly to a page in the HCM Cloud application.

You can also use deep links for mobile responsive pages on your intranet, custom and third-party applications, or in a
document. This helps people run transactions in the HCM cloud and provides quick access to their HR information.

To access deep links:

1. Open the main menu.

2. Go to Tools > Deep Links.
3. Copy the URL for a deep link.
4. Paste the URL in the appropriate location.
When you open Deep Links, you find a list of all available deep links.

What are the Goal Management related application tasks that I can
include in checklists?
You can include Goal Management application tasks in checklists.

You can set the task performers and owners as workers or line managers for these Goal Management tasks.

• Goals: Takes the employee or manager to the employee's Goals page

• Request Feedback: Takes the employee or manager to the Request Feedback page of the employee

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Implementing Goal Management Overview

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Implementing Goal Management Descriptive Flexfields

3 Descriptive Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfields for Goals

You can add descriptive flexfields to goals and goal plans.

You can use descriptive flexfields to add your company-specific attributes to an entity. For example, you can create a
descriptive flexfield to distinguish between goals that are for projects or those for a half year or full year.

Define Descriptive Flexfield Segments

Use the Worker Goal Descriptive Flexfields task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to define a segment for a
descriptive flexfield for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management and Oracle Fusion Cloud Career Development.

This table describes the descriptive flexfields available by default in Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management and Oracle
Fusion Cloud Career Development.

Descriptive Flexfield Description

HRG_GOALS Worker goals and alignment details. These details appear on the My Goals page.

HRG_GOAL_PLANS_B Goal plan details appear on pages used to create and edit performance goal plans.

Deploy Descriptive Flexfields

Remember to deploy the changed or configured flexfield to ensure that the latest definition is available to users.

Related Topics
• Overview of Descriptive Flexfields
• Considerations for Planning Descriptive Flexfields
• Considerations for Managing Descriptive Flexfields
• Overview of Flexfield Deployment

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Implementing Goal Management Descriptive Flexfields

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

4 Profile Options

Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values

You can use the logic <codeph>CONTAINS</codeph> to create the client list of values. This returns results containing
the characters you enter.

Optionally, for individual list of values, you could change this logic to <codeph>STARTS WITH</codeph>, to return
results that start with the search characters you enter.

For example, when you search for a person with the name John Smith while using the logic CONTAINS, you can search by
'jo' or 'sm' or 'th'. When you use the logic STARTS WITH, your search must start with 'j'.

Use the logic STARTS WITH when your list contains thousands of values (more than 15,000 records) to improve the search
performance. Or, if you don't partition your data by set ID.

Note: If you change the search logic for a client list of values, the logic changes in all pages where the list of values is

Related Topics
• Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values in Global Human Resources

Goal Management Profile Options

Use the profile options of Goal Management to control how your organization uses this functional area. To configure
the profile options, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and use the Manage Administrator Profile Values

Specify appropriate values for the different profile options of Goal Management to do these configurations:

• Enable responsive pages.

• Enable or disable Goal Management components such as goal plan sets and organization goals.
• Enable or disable different actions such as sharing and alignment of performance goals.
• Enable or disable different features such as target outcomes and goal measurements.
• Control editing of completed performance goals.
• Optimize performance during assignment of goals and goal plans.
This topic lists the various profile options of Goal Management grouped according to their purpose. The tables in this
topic describe the effects of enabling and disabling these profile options.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Profile Options for Responsive Goal Management

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling

HRG_GOALS_ Mobile-Responsive Goals Y You can view the You can't view the
RESPONSIVE_ENABLED Pages Enabled responsive Goal responsive goal pages and
Management pages and features.

Profile Options for Goal Components

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling

HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_ Goal Library Enabled Yes HR specialists can create A goal library can't be
LIBRARY goals in the central created or used. Users
repository. This can be must create performance
reused by other workers in goals individually. This also
the organization. applies to goals added to
performance documents or
a talent review.

Users can edit
performance goals that
were previously added
from the goal library.

ORA_HRG_RESTRICT_LIB_ Restrict Library Goals N Workers and their Workers and their
GOAL Enabled managers can see only managers can see all library
library goals that are goals.
relevant to their business
unit, department, legal
entity, and job family.

HRG_ENABLE_ Organization Goals Enabled Yes Makes organization goals Users can't access existing
ORGANIZATION_GOAL available to use. organization goals or add
new ones.

HRG_USE_GOAL_PLAN_ Goal Plan Sets Enabled No HR specialists can create The goal plan set feature
SET a goal plan set, add goal isn't available for use.
plans to the set, and assign
the set to workers who
report to them or who they
have access to.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Profile Options for Goal Actions

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling

HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_ Goal Alignment Enabled Yes Workers and managers Prevents any new goal
ALIGN can align their own alignment.
goals with those of their
managers, colleagues, or
the organization. Note:
Existing goal alignments
are retained.

HRG_ENABLE_GRANT_ Goal Sharing Enabled Yes Workers and managers Prevents any new goal
ACCESS can share their goals with sharing.
others in the organization.

Existing goal shares are

HRG_LOV_SEARCH_ Shared goal starts with Y When sharing goals, you When sharing goals, you
SHAREDGOALS_ search Enabled can search for goals that can search for goals that
STARTSWITH start with the characters contain the characters
specified in responsive Goal specified.

ORA_HRG_ENABLE_ Enable inline weight update No You can edit a goal in a You need to use the Edit
INLINE_WEIGHT_UPDATE goal plan and edit the goal Weights action to edit
weight in responsive Goal weights of a goal in a goal
Management if the Drill plan.
Down to Goal Details
profile option is disabled.

The Edit Weights action
won't be available.

Profile Options for Goal Features

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling

HRG_ENABLE_TASK Goal Tasks Enabled Yes Users can add tasks to Users can't add tasks to
performance goals. performance goals.

HRG_ENABLE_OUTCOMES Goal Target Outcomes Yes Users can add target Users can't add target
Enabled outcomes to performance outcomes to performance
goals. goals.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling

HRG_USE_ Use Goal Measurements Multiple Users can add multiple The other values are:
MEASUREMENTS measurements to goals
in responsive Goal • Single: Users
Management. can add only one
measurement for a
After you enable this • Disabled: Users can't
option, users can see add any measurement
all the earlier multiple for a goal.
measurements, if added.

HRG_ALLOW_DECIMALS_ Decimals in Goal Weights Yes Users can enter decimal Users can't enter decimal
IN_WEIGHTS Allowed values when entering values when entering
weights for performance weights for performance
goals. For example, user goals.
can set the weight of a goal
to 22.5.

HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_ Drill Down to Goal Details Yes Enables drilling down to Disables drilling down
DRILLDOWN_VIEW goal details in responsive to goal details. You can
Goal Management. view goal details in the
expanded mode on the
same page.

Changing the profile
option value has no
effect on how you view
performance goals in
performance documents
and talent review

ORA_HRG_DEFAULT_ Default Sort Option for Display sequence Goals are listed in the in the You can select one of these
GOAL_SORT_OPTION Performance Goals goal plan according to the sort options:
sort order specified.
• Display sequence
Note: The sort order • Goal name
specified also applies to
performance documents • Goal category
in which the goal plan • Goal status
is included that have
synchronization of goals • Goal weight
• Last updated date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Profile Option for Editing a Completed Goal

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Default Effect of Using the Effect of Using the Other
Name Default Value Values

HRG_COMPLETED_GOAL_ Completed Goal Edit Never Users can't edit completed Users can edit completed
EDIT_OPTIONS Options goals. goals.

Profile Options for Goal Assignment

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Name Default Effect

HRG_ONLINE_PROCESS_ Online Processing Threshold 25 Specifies the maximum number

THRESHOLD of goal records that can be
automatically processed.

The number of goal records

to process is calculated using
this formula: Number of goals x
Number of assignees.

This value applies for these use


• The HR specialist mass

assigns goals or creates goal
• Managers add or assign
• Organization owners assign

If the number of records exceeds
the threshold, the process is
submitted to the scheduled
process queue.

HRG_GP_MAX_THREADS Maximum Number of Threads for a 4 Specifies the maximum number

Multithreaded Goals Batch Process of threads for a batch process
that assigns goals or goal plans.
Valid values are from 2 to 8 for
multithreaded and 0 or 1 for a
single threaded process.

HRG_GP_MINCOUNT_ Minimum Number of Assignments 5000 Specifies the minimum number

EACHTHREAD for Each Thread in a Multithreaded of assignments required for each
Goals Batch Process thread of a multithreaded batch
process that assigns goals or goal

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Profile Option Code Profile Option Display Name Default Effect

HRG_GP_MINCOUNT_ Minimum Number of Assignments 1000 Specifies the minimum number of

LASTTHREAD for the Last Thread of a assignments required for the last
Multithreaded Goals Batch Process thread of a multithreaded batch
process that assigns goals or goal

HRG_MASS_REQ_OPTIMIZATION_ Performance Optimization Level 1 Specifies the performance

LEVEL for Goals Assignment Through a optimization level for mass
Batch Process assignment of goals through a
batch process. Set this value to a
number between 0 and 3.

Here's what you indicate when you

set this profile option to any of
these values:

• 0: Show log messages and

populate all results data from
the process in temporary
• 1: Show log messages and
populate mid-level results
data from the process in
temporary tables.
• 2: Suppress log messages and
populate high level results
data from the process in
temporary tables.
• 3: Suppress log messages and
don't populate any results
data from the process in
temporary tables.

Related Topics
• How Performance Documents Work with Performance Goals
• Performance Goals Alignment
• How You Share Performance Goals
• Goal Plans
• What's a key performance goal field?

Enable Deleting All Goal Plan Assignees

Goal administrators can't delete all assignees of a goal plans until you enable it. This way you can prevent goal
administrators from unintentionally deleting goals for all assignees of a goal plan.

To enable the Delete All Assignees action for specific users, you need to create the
HRG_ALLOW_DELETE_ALL_ASSIGNEES profile option at User level and set it to Y.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Create Profile Option

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for and select the Manage Profile Options task.
3. In the Search Results section, click New.
4. On the Create Profile Option page, specify the values indicated in this table for the new profile option.

Field Value


Profile Display Name A suitable name such as Deleting All Goal Plan Assignees Enabled

Application Goal Management

Module Goal Management

Start Date Current Date

5. Click Save and Close.

6. On the Manage Profile Options page, select the Enabled and Updatable check boxes for the User level.
7. Click Save and Close.

Set the Profile Option Value to Y

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
3. Search for the HRG_ALLOW_DELETE_ALL_ASSIGNEES profile option code.
4. In the Profile Values section, click Add.
5. Specify the values indicated in this table.

Field Value to Enter

Profile Level User

User Name Username of the user for whom you want to enable the option to delete all goal assignees

Profile Value Y

6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for all users you want to enable the option to delete all goal assignees.
7. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Implementing Goal Management Profile Options

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Implementing Goal Management Lookups

5 Lookups

Goal Lookups
Lookups in Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management and Oracle Fusion Cloud Career Development have different
configuration levels.

You can use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area to manage lookups for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal
Management and Oracle Fusion Cloud Career Development:

• Worker Goal Setting Lookups

• Manage Common Lookups
You can update lookups that have an extensible configuration level to suit your organization's requirements.

Worker Goal Setting Lookups

This table describes the goal lookups that you manage using the Worker Goal Setting Lookups task and the work areas
that use them.

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level Used By

HRG_DEV_GOAL_CATEGORY Categories of development goals, User Oracle Career Development

such as short-term, medium-term,
and long-term.

HRG_GOAL_SOURCE The source from which the goal Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
was added, such as goal library, Oracle Career Development
worker goals, or organization goals.

HRG_GOAL_TASK_TYPE Type of goal task, such as Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
coaching, project, and research. Oracle Career Development

HRG_PRIORITY Priorities of goals, such as high, Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
medium, and low. Oracle Career Development

HRG_APPROVAL_STATUS Goal approval status: System Oracle Goal Management and

Oracle Career Development
• Pending approval
• Approved
• Rejected
• Draft

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Implementing Goal Management Lookups

Common Lookups
This table describes the goal lookups that you manage using the Manage Common Lookups task and the work areas
that use them.

Tip: Type HRG in the Lookup Type field to find these lookups.

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level Used By

HRG_APPROVAL_STATUS Goal approval status: System Oracle Goal Management and

Oracle Career Development
• Pending approval
• Approved
• Rejected
• Draft

HRG_COMPL_GOAL_EDIT_ Specifies if you can edit a System Oracle Goal Management and
OPTIONS completed goal: Oracle Career Development

• Never: Can't edit a completed

• Always open: Users can
always edit completed goals.
• Reopen: Users can edit
completed goals only when
the goal is reopened.

HRG_DEV_GOAL_CATEGORY Category of development goals, User Oracle Career Development

such as short-term, medium-term,
or long-term.

HRG_GOAL_ACCESS_LEVELS Specifies who can access a goal in System Oracle Goal Management and
the goal library or goal plan: Oracle Career Development

• HR specialist
• HR specialist and manager
• HR specialist, manager, and

HRG_GOAL_ASGN_SOURCE_TYPE Specifies the source of goal System Oracle Goal Management and
assignment: Oracle Career Development

• HR specialist
• Manager
• Matrix manager
• Organization owner
• Talent review
• Worker

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Implementing Goal Management Lookups

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level Used By

HRG_GOAL_MEASUREMENT_ Levels of goal measurement, such Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
LEVEL as Target and Stretch. Oracle Career Development

HRG_GOAL_PLAN_SET_ASSGN_ Statuses for goal plan set System Oracle Goal Management and
STATUS assignment such as Active and Oracle Career Development

HRG_GOAL_PLAN_TMPL_STATUS Status of the goal plan template, System Oracle Goal Management and
which can be Active or Inactive. Oracle Career Development

HRG_GOAL_QUANTITATIVE_UOM The quantitative unit of Extensible Oracle Goal Management and

measurement used for the goal: Oracle Career Development

• None
• Currency
• Number
• Percent

HRG_GOAL_QUANT_MEASURE_ Type of quantitative measurement System Oracle Goal Management and

TYPE of goal, which can be Maximum or Oracle Career Development

HRG_GOAL_SOURCE The source from where the goal Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
was added, such as goal library, Oracle Career Development
individual goals, or organization

HRG_GOAL_STATUS Status of the goal: System Oracle Goal Management and

Oracle Career Development
• Not started
• In progress
• Completed
• Overdue
• Canceled

HRG_GOAL_TASK_STATUS Status of the goal task: System Oracle Goal Management and
Oracle Career Development
• Not started
• In progress
• Completed
• Overdue

HRG_GOAL_TASK_TYPE Type of goal task, such as Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
coaching, project, and research. Oracle Career Development

HRG_GOAL_VERSION_TYPE Type of goal version: System Oracle Goal Management and

Oracle Career Development
• Active

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Implementing Goal Management Lookups

Lookup Type Description Configuration Level Used By

• Frozen
• Mass request
• Pending transfer
• Pending approvals
• Rejected
• Requires approval

HRG_MEASURE_CALC_RULE The calculation rule used for goal System Oracle Goal Management and
measurement, which can be Sum Oracle Career Development
or Average.

HRG_PERF_GOAL_CATEGORY Category of performance goal, User Oracle Goal Management

such as Education, Career, or

HRG_PRIORITY Priorities of goals, such as high, Extensible Oracle Goal Management and
medium, and low Oracle Career Development

HRG_PROCESS_TYPE Process types for scheduling goal System Oracle Goal Management and
assignment: Oracle Career Development

• Mass assign goals

• Assign goal plans
• Assign goal plan sets
• Update goal status to overdue

HRG_SUB_TYPE_CODE Specifies goal sub type, such as User Oracle Goal Management and
Corporate and Finance. Oracle Career Development

Related Topics
• Overview of Lookups

FAQ for Performance Goal Lookups

How can I hide certain goal categories
To hide specific goal categories, you need to edit the HRG_PERF_GOAL_CATEGORY lookup.

Use the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to edit the lookup. Clear the Enabled
check box for the categories that you don’t want to show and save your changes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Implementing Goal Management Notifications

6 Notifications

Goal Notifications
As an administrator, you can configure notifications for actions done on performance goals. Use the Goal Management
Notification Settings task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to do this.

When you enable notifications for goal actions, users get notifications through email. They can also use the
Notifications icon in the global header to view their notifications.

Profile Options for Goal Management Notifications

To ensure that users receive error-free notifications, you need to set the values of all the profile options listed in this
table to TRUE.

Profile Options for Notifications

Profile Option Code Profile Display Name

BIP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_HCM BI Publisher Notifications Enabled for Human Capital Management

BIP_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_HCM_TALENT BI Publisher Notifications Enabled for Talent Management

BIP_ONLINE_NOTIFICATION_HCM BI Publisher Worklist Notifications Enabled for Human Capital Management

BIP_ONLINE_NOTIFICATION_HCM_ BI Publisher Worklist Notifications Enabled for Talent Management


BIP_ONLINE_NOTIFICATION_HCM_GOALS BI Publisher Worklist Notifications Enabled for Goals and Career Management

Goal Management Notifications

This table lists the notifications that you can enable or disable for performance goals.

Notification Effect of Enabling

HR assigns a goal The workers get a notification when the HR specialist mass assigns performance goals to them.

HR cancels a goal The worker gets a notification when the HR specialist cancels their goal.

HR deletes a goal The worker gets a notification when the HR specialist deletes their goal.

HR generates goal plan The workers get a notification when the HR specialist assigns a goal plan to them.

HR generates goal plan set The workers get a notification when the HR specialist assigns a goal plan set to them.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Implementing Goal Management Notifications

Notification Effect of Enabling

HR updates a goal The worker gets a notification when the HR specialist updates their goal.

Manager aligns a goal The worker gets a notification when their manager aligns their goal to another goal.

Manager assigns a goal The workers get a notification when their manager assigns a goal to them.

Manager cancels a goal The worker gets a notification when their manager cancels their goal.

Manager cancels an assigned goal The worker and their HR specialist get a notification when a manager cancels a goal that was assigned
by the HR specialist.

Manager creates a goal The workers get a notification when their manager creates a goal for them.

Manager creates a note for a worker goal The worker gets a notification when their manager adds a note to their goal.

Manager deletes a goal The worker gets a notification when their manager deletes their goal.

Manager deletes a goal assigned by HR The worker gets a notification when their manager deletes a goal that was assigned to them by their
HR specialist.

Manager deletes a note for a worker goal The worker gets a notification when their manager deletes a note that the manager had added to the
worker's goal.

Manager deletes an assigned goal The HR specialist gets a notification when a manager deletes a goal that was assigned by the HR

Manager or colleague cancels a goal with The workers get a notification to realign a goal when their manager or colleague cancels a goal that
alignment was aligned by them.

Manager updates a completed goal The worker gets a notification when their manager updates their completed goal.

Manager updates a goal The worker gets a notification when their manager updates their goal.

Organization owner publishes a goal Direct reports of the organization owner get a notification when an organization owner enables a goal
for sharing with the organization.

Worker cancels a goal assigned by HR The HR specialist gets a notification when a worker cancels a goal assigned by the HR specialist.

Worker completes a goal The manager gets a notification when a worker reporting to them marks a goal as completed.

Worker creates a goal The manager gets a notification when a worker reporting to them creates a performance goal.

Worker creates a note to an assigned goal The manager gets a notification when a worker adds a note to their goal.

Worker deletes a goal assigned by HR The HR specialist gets a notification when a worker deletes a goal assigned by the HR specialist.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Implementing Goal Management Notifications

Notification Effect of Enabling

Worker deletes a note to an assigned goal The manager gets a notification when a worker deletes a note that the worker had added to their goal.

Worker shares a goal Workers and their managers get a notification when another worker shares a goal with them.

Worker updates a completed goal The manager gets a notification when any worker reporting to them updates a completed goal.

Worker updates a goal The manager gets a notification when any worker reporting to them updates their goal.

Related Topics
• How You Manage Your Performance Goals
• How You Administer Performance Goals
• Performance Goals Alignment
• Configure Notifications in Goal Management Using Reports

FAQ for Notifications

Why are goal notifications not delivered?
When configuring tasks on the Setup and Maintenance work area, if you disable notifications for participants, then they
won't be notified.

In BPM Worklist, search for and select the GoalNotificationFyi task. On the Assignees subtab of the Task Configuration
tab, click the Goal Management FYI Routing Participants node. On the Advanced tab, if the Ignore Participant check
box is selected, participants won't receive notifications.

Related Topics
• Disable Stages or Participants

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Implementing Goal Management Notifications

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

7 Goal Approval Rules

Overview of Performance Goal Approval Rules

Use the Approve Performance Goal task in the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console to view or configure
approval rules for performance goals that are included in goal plans. You can also disable approvals by using the Bypass
Approval feature.

To configure approval rules, go to Tools > Transaction Console.

The Approve Performance Goal task includes these two rules which need to be mutually exclusive:

• PerformanceGoalAutoApproval: Use to enable autoapproval of performance goals. When the conditions in

this rule are satisfied, the application doesn't generate any approval notifications. By default, all the conditions
in this rule evaluate to the true state.
• PerformanceGoalManualApproval: Use to enforce manual approval of performance goals. When the
conditions in this rule are satisfied, approval notifications are generated.
The Approve Performance Goal task also has the Performance Goal Zero Balance Transaction Approval Rule rule.
This rule is triggered when transactions on a single draft goal have reversal actions that nullify the approval submission.
We recommend that you don't modify or delete this rule.

By default, Bypass is enabled for the Approve Performance Goal task. When you disable Bypass, all goal plan approval
transactions are automatically approved. You can modify the rule set to ensure that performance goal changes are sent
for manual approval.

Enable Manual Approval of Performance Goals

This table lists the basic Performance Goals approval conditions and indicates the value that you need to assign to the
condition attribute to enable manual approval.

Approval Condition Condition Attribute Attribute Value to Enable Manual Approval

New Goal Performance Goals.Goal Created Flag Y

Delete Goal Performance Goals.Goal Deleted Flag Y

Cancel Goal Performance Goals.Status Code CANCEL

Completed Goal Performance Goals.Status Code COMPLETED

Updated Key Attribute Performance Goals.Legacy Key Y

Attribute Updated

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

You can configure these conditions to evaluate to the false state by adding the prefix NOT_ to the attribute value in
the expression. To ensure that the conditions evaluate to the true state, you need to remove the prefix NOT_ from the

Modify Approval Rule Set of Performance Goals

You can modify the rule set of performance goals to meet your specific approval requirements. Remember to have only
one manual approval rule along with the autoapproval rule that's mutually exclusive. You also need to ensure that these
two rules don't logically conflict.

Add a New Performance Goal Condition in the Rule Set

Add additional conditions by building expressions using attributes available in the performance goal payload. You need
to add the condition to both the manual and autoapproval rules and ensure that the rules complement each other.
Remember that the condition added in the autoapproval rule needs to be the inverse of the condition added to the
manual approval rule.

Related Topics
• How You Manage HCM Approval Transactions
• HCM Approval Rules

Performance Goal Payload Attributes

You use the performance goal payload attributes when defining approval conditions in Transaction Console.

Approval Condition Condition Attribute Attribute Value to Enable Manual Description


New Goal Performance Goals.Goal Y Indicates that a goal is created

Created Flag

Updated Goal Performance Goals.Goal Y Indicates that a goal is updated

Updated Flag

Delete Goal Performance Goals.Goal Y Indicates that a goal is deleted

Deleted Flag

Cancel Goal Performance Goals.Status CANCEL Indicates that a goal is canceled


Completed Goal Performance Goals.Status COMPLETED Indicates that a goal is completed


Updated Key Attribute Performance Goals.Legacy Y Indicates that key attributes are
Key Attribute Updated updated in a goal

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Approval Condition Condition Attribute Attribute Value to Enable Manual Description


Success Criteria Updated Performance Goals.Success Y Indicates that the success criteria
Flag Criteria Updated Flag of the performance goal is updated

• Measurement Created • Performance • Y • Indicates that a goal

Flag Goals.Measurement measurement is added
Created Flag • Y
• Measurement Updated • Indicates that a goal
Flag • Performance • Y measurement is updated
• Measurement Deleted Updated Flag • Indicates that a goal
Flag measurement is deleted
• Performance
Deleted Flag

• Task Created Flag • Performance Goals.Task • Y • Indicates that a task is added

Created Flag to a performance goal
• Task Updated Flag • Y
• Performance Goals.Task • Indicates that a goal task is
• Task Deleted Flag Updated Flag • Y updated
• Performance Goals.Task • Indicates that a goal task is
Deleted Flag deleted

• Share Created Flag • Performance • Y • Indicates if a share request

Goals.Share Created is created for a performance
• Share Deleted Flag Flag • Y goal
• Performance • Indicates if a shared
Goals.Share Deleted performance goal has been
Flag deleted in the goal plan

• Align Created Flag • Performance • Y • Indicates if an alignment

Goals.Align Created request is created for a
• Align Deleted Flag Flag • Y performance goal
• Performance • Indicates if an existing
Goals.Align Deleted alignment for a performance
Flag goal has been marked for

Goal Source Code Performance Goals.Goal • HR A code that identifies who added
Source Code the performance goal to the goal
• MANAGER plan, which can be HR specialist,
• ORA_HRG_HR_MGR manager, or worker.


Goal Sub Type Code Performance Goals. Goal Any user defined value A code that indicates the subtype
Sub Type Code of the performance goal

You can use subtypes to
further classify a goal. You can
configure subtypes based on
your business requirements.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Approval Condition Condition Attribute Attribute Value to Enable Manual Description


Weighting Performance A value between 0 and 999 Weight of the goal in the goal plan

Priority Code Performance Goals.Priority • HIGH Priority of the goal, which can be
Code High, Medium, or Low

Target Completion Date Performance A user defined date Indicates when the performance
Goals.Completion Date goal is targeted to be completed

Private Flag Performance Goals.Private Y Indicates that the performance

Flag goal is a private goal

How You Bypass Approvals for Specific Performance

Goal Subprocesses
As administrators, you can enable selective bypassing of approvals for performance goals in Transaction Console. You
can do this without modifying either the existing autoapproval or manual approval rules of the performance goals rule

Your organization may want to commit some performance goal transactions immediately, but may want other
transactions to go through the approval flow. For example, your organization may want to allow employees to manage
their private goals without any approval, but may want managers to approve other transactions. You enable bypass
approvals for the subprocesses that don't need manager's approval.

Performance Goal Subprocesses for Bypass

When you expand the Approve Performance Goal rule in the Approval Rules tab of Transaction Console, you can see
these subprocesses that you can enable for bypassing approvals:

• Add Shared Colleague Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by a colleague to their goal plan.
• Add Shared Manager Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by their manager with them to their goal plan.
• Add Shared Organization Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by an organization owner to their goal
• Goal Align Action: Employee aligns their goal to a manager's or colleague's goal. Or an organization owner
shares a goal with their organization.
• Goal Cancel Action: Employee cancels one or more of their goals.
• Goal Copy Action: Employee copies one or more of their goals.
• Goal Delete Action: Employee deletes one or more goals from their goal plan.
• Goal Extend Action: Employee extends one or more goals to another goal plan.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

• Goal Move Action: Employee moves one or more goals to another goal plan.
• Goal Share Action: Employee shares their goal.
• Manage Goal Measurement: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal measurements.
• Manage Goal Outcome: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal target outcomes.
• Manage Goal Task: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal tasks.
• Manage Organization Goals: Employee does any action such as add, update, delete, complete, cancel, move,
or extend on a shared organization goal.
• Manage Private Goals: Employee does any action such as add, update, copy, delete, complete, or cancel on a
private goal.

Note: You can also see the Remaining Goal Actions subprocess. This is for the goal actions other than that listed
earlier. But You can't enable or disable Bypass Approvals for this subprocess. This only reflects the Bypass Approvals
setting of the parent Approve Performance Goal rule.

Configure Selective Bypass of Approvals for Performance Goal

Here's how you can selectively bypass approvals for some goal transactions:

1. Go to Tools > Transaction Console.

2. Click the Approval Rules tab.
3. Search for and select the Approve Performance Goal rule.
4. Expand the Approve Performance Goal rule.
5. Enable Bypass Approvals for the subprocesses that you want to commit immediately.

Note: When you enable or disable Bypass Approvals for the parent Approve Performance Goal rule, Bypass
Approvals is automatically enabled or disabled for all the subprocesses.

After You Bypass Subprocesses

When you enable Bypass Approvals for any of the subprocesses, the corresponding performance goal transaction is
committed immediately. Users who did the subprocess action on the goals in a goal plan won't see the approval user
messages on their Goal Plan page nor receive any notifications.

Goal transactions that were in the draft state and pending approval state will continue through the approval flow and
ignore the new partial bypass setting.

Related Topics
• How You Manage HCM Approval Transactions

Simulate Performance Goal Approval Rules

You can now simulate approval rules created for performance goals in Transaction Console to test the configured rules
and their routing.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Testing rules helps you to incrementally build the approval rule conditional logic. You can assess the impact of the
change without having to recreate and submit new transactions.
Before you start
You need to have a role with the Test Approval Rules (PER_TEST_APPROVAL_RULES_PRIV) privilege granted to test
approval rules.
Here's what to do
1. On the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console, click the Test Rules icon for the Approve Performance Goal
rule. If you're an administrator who can configure rules, you can use the Test Rules button on the rule configuration
On the Test Approval Rules: Approve Performance Goal page, you can see the saved performance goal transactions
and those submitted for approval.

2. Click Simulate for the transaction that you want to simulate the approval rule for.
The simulation result on the page lists these details:

• Rule name
• Transaction ID
• Implemented rules
• Approval request details
• Approval history
• Approval routing

If the simulation isn’t successful, you will see an error message.

Related Topics
• How You Manage HCM Approval Transactions

How You Define Expiration Policies for Performance Goal

As administrators, you can set expiration policies for the approval work flow of performance goals.

Your organization may want approvers to act on approval requests for performance goals within a specific number of
days. You can set a due date, expiration policy, or both:

• If you set a due date, before the due date, the current assignee is reminded to take action. Even after the due
date passes, the task doesn't expire. The assignee and any approvers after them, can still act on the task.
• If you set expiration policies, the task can expire based on your settings. After the duration set in the expiration
policy is reached, the goal plan is withdrawn from the approval flow. The goal plan is no longer locked. The
user who submitted the goal plan changes can review the goal plan, update it, and resubmit the goal plan for

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Define Expiration Policies

You set up expiration policies in the Functional Setup Manager.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Task Configurations for Human
Capital Management task.
2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for and select the ApprovePerformanceGoal task.
3. Click the Edit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.
4. Open the Deadlines subtab.
5. Set a due date, if needed.
6. Set the expiration policy:

a. Expand the Expiration Settings section.

b. To ensure that all approvals are done within a certain time frame, select Task Level.
c. Enter a duration and optionally select the Exclude Saturday and Sunday check box.
d. Leave the Expire only option selected.
7. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.

How You Archive Draft Performance Goal Transactions

As administrators, you need to archive performance goal transactions that have been in the draft state for a long period
of time.

Workers in your organization may create goals and not submit them for approval and they may remain in the draft
state for many days. Such transactions can accumulate over time and can impact the performance of the Transaction
Console. Here's how you ensure that such goals are also archived:

1. Specify the time period in days after which draft transactions become eligible for archiving using the
2. To refresh the transaction status, run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status
3. Archive completed performance goal transactions.

Specify the Time Period for Archiving

The default value of the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option is 180 days. So, draft goals
that users haven't submitted for approval for 180 days or more are automatically set to Completed status and become
eligible for archiving. But you can change the profile option value according to your organizational policy. Remember
that you can't retrieve archived goals. So, be thoughtful when you specify a value for the profile option.

To change the archive period for unapproved performance goal transactions in draft state:

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

2. Search for and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
3. Search for and select the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS profile option.
4. Set the Profile Value to the number of days you want to allow users to retain their performance goal
transactions that are in draft state.
5. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Refresh the Goal Transaction Status

The Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status scheduled process automatically runs every
hour to refresh the statuses. If you find that's not enough, you can submit the process to run on a more frequent

To run the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process:

1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. On the Scheduled Processes Overview page, click Schedule New Process.
3. Leave the type as Job, then search for and select the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console
Transaction Status process, and click OK.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Process Details dialog box, enter at least the required parameters, if any.
6. Click Submit.
7. Click OK to confirm.

Tip: Note down the process ID for your submission so you can easily find it later.

After the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process completes, the status of the draft
transactions that are older than the number of days defined in the ORA_HRC_ARCH_DRFT_PERFORMANCE_GOALS
profile option is set to Completed. The transactions then become eligible for archiving.

Archive Completed Goal Transactions

Performance goal transactions are archived according to the period you select in the Archive Transactions list of values
for the Approve Performance Goal rule. If you haven't selected any option to automatically archive performance goal
transactions, then you need to run the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process to archive the
completed goal transactions.

To run the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process, follow the steps listed for running the
Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status process. But remember to search and select the
Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions process.

After the draft goals are archived, any changes made are reset and the goal plan is set to its previous approval state.

Related Topics
• Statuses for Filtering Transactions
• How Workflow Tasks Are Archived and Purged

Extract Performance Goals Transaction Data from

Approvals Cache
Sometimes a performance goal transaction that’s submitted for approval may get stuck. As administrators, you can
recover data of such goal transactions from the approvals cache.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

You need to run the Extract Goals Transaction Data from Cache process which generates an HCM Data Loader (HDL)
script. You can copy this to a .dat file. Review the .dat file and update the success criteria and comments data if needed.
Upload the file to recover the goals transaction data.

1. Run the Extract Goals Transaction Data from Cache process.

2. Specify the transaction ID of the transaction that you want to recover.

Tip: You can find the transaction ID in the transaction console.

3. Submit the process.

4. When the process completes successfully, open the process log.
5. The log file has the HDL script with the goal details. Copy this to a .dat file and save it.
6. Review the .dat file:
a. You can remove attributes that have no value.
b. If a CLOB (character large object) field value’s content is greater than 4000 characters, do these steps:
i. Move the content to a text file.
ii. Change the field name in the METADATA line to the corresponding Goal business object attribute
name for the CLOB field. For example. change CommentsText to CommentsFile, SuccessCriteriaText to
SuccessCriteriaFile, and LongDescription to LongDescriptionFile.
iii. Include the text file name in the value of the CLOB field attribute.
c. If a CLOB field value’s content is less than 4000 characters, you can change the CLOB column field names
in header to the corresponding non-CLOB column field name. For example, you can change CommentsText
to Comments and SuccessCriteriaText to SuccessCriteria.
For LongDescription, because Description is already an attribute, treat it as a CLOB field with greater than
4000 characters and do the steps outlined in Step 6b.

d. Save your changes.

7. Generate a .zip file for your .dat file.
8. Discard the performance goal changes or terminate the submitted goal transaction.
9. Import the generated .zip file using HDL Import.
a. On the Tasks panel tab of the Data Exchange work area, select Import and Load Data.
You can see the Import and Load Data page.
b. Click Import File.
c. In the Import File dialog box, click Browse to search for and select the generated .zip file.
d. Click Submit Now.
10. If the HDL import and load process completes successfully, validate the imported goals data on the Goals page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Examples for Configuring Goal Approval Rules

Example of Changing an Existing Performance Goal

Approval Rule
This example shows how you can modify the existing rule set of performance goal approvals to enable manual approval
for adding a performance goal.

In your organization, autoapproval has been enabled by default whenever any employee adds a performance goal.
But now the management wants to trigger approvals whenever any employee or manager adds a goal. This table
summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Who will approve goal additions? Managers that the employee reports to

Which approval rules do I need to modify? Both autoapproval and manual approval rules

Which attribute do I need to change? Performance Goal.Goal Created Flag

Summary of the Tasks

You need to do these tasks to enable manual approval for addition of goals.

1. Configure rules for the Approve Performance Goal task.

2. Disable automatic approval of new goals.
3. Enable manual approval for goal addition.
4. Save and submit your changes.

Configure Rules for the Approve Performance Goal Task

1. Navigate to Tools > Transaction Console.
2. Click the Approval Rules tab.
3. Search for and select the Approve Performance Goal task.
4. Click the Configure Rules icon.

Disable Automatic Approval of New Goals

1. Select the PerformanceGoalAutoApproval node.
2. Click Configure Rule Conditions.
3. In the Condition Details window, select the AND node.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

4. From the toolbar, click Add Expression.

5. In the Add Condition Expression dialog, from the Select value type list, select Select from attribute.
6. From the Select Attribute list, select the Performance Goals attribute and then select the Goal Created Flag
7. From the Select Operator list, select the != operator.
8. From the last Select value type list, select Enter a string, and then enter the condition value as "Y".
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK.

Enable Manual Approval for Goal Addition

1. Select the PerformanceGoalManualApproval node.
2. Click Configure Rule Conditions.
3. In the Condition Details window, select the OR node.
4. From the toolbar, click Add Expression.
5. In the Add Condition Expression dialog, from the Select value type list, select Select from attribute.
6. From the Select Attribute list, select the Performance Goals attribute and then select the Goal Created Flag
7. From the Select Operator list, select the == operator.
8. From the last Select value type list, select Enter a string, and then enter the condition value as "Y".
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK.

Save and Submit Your Changes

1. Click Save.
2. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• HCM Approval Rules

Example of Adding a Manual Approval Condition for

Performance Goals
This example shows how you can add a condition to the performance goal approval rule set to trigger manual approval.

Currently, whenever a target outcome is added to a performance goal, it's autoapproved. But your organization wants
approvals to be triggered whenever any user adds a target outcome to a goal. This table summarizes the key decisions
for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Who will approve target outcome Managers that the employee reports to

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which approval rules do I need to modify? Both autoapproval and manual approval rules

Which attribute needs to be changed? Performance Goal.Target Outcome Created Flag

Summary of the Tasks

You need to do these tasks to enable manual approval for addition of target outcomes to goals.

1. Use the Approve Performance Goal task.

2. Disable automatic approval for adding a target outcome to a goal.
3. Enable manual approval for adding a target outcome to a goal.
4. Save and submit your changes.

Use the Approve Performance Goal Task

1. Navigate to Tools > Transaction Console.
2. Click the Approval Rules tab.
3. Search for and select the Approve Performance Goal task.
4. Click the Configure Rules icon.

Disable Automatic Approval for Addition of Target Outcomes

1. Select the PerformanceGoalAutoApproval node.
2. Click Configure Rule Conditions.
3. In the Condition Details window, select the AND node.
4. From the toolbar, click Add Expression.
5. In the Add Condition Expression dialog, from the Select value type list, select Select from attribute.
6. From the Select Attribute list, select Performance Goals and then select Target Outcome Created Flag.
7. From the Select Operator list, select the != operator.
8. From the last Select value type list, select Enter a string and then enter the condition value as "Y".
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK.

Enable Manual Approval for Addition of Target Outcomes

1. Select the PerformanceGoalManualApproval node.
2. Click Configure Rule Conditions.
3. In the Condition Details window, select the OR node.
4. From the toolbar, click Add Expression.
5. In the Add Condition Expression dialog, from the Select value type list, select Select from attribute.
6. From the Select Attribute list, select Performance Goals and then select Target Outcome Created Flag.
7. From the Select Operator list, select the == operator.
8. From the last Select value type list, select Enter a string and then enter the condition value as "Y".
9. Click OK.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

10. Click OK.

Save and Submit Your Changes

1. Click Save.
2. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• HCM Approval Rules


Can I bypass the goal approval process for my

Yes, you can if you're an administrator. You need to enable Bypass Approvals on the Approval Rules tab of the
Transaction Console.

When you do so, goal changes are saved immediately in the database. No approval messages are shown and goal plans
aren't locked.

Can I delete a goal approval condition in transaction

Yes. You need to delete the condition in the Condition Details window of both the autoapproval and manual approval

What happens if I edit or delete an approval rule?

If you edit or delete an approval rule on the Manage Approval Rules page, then approvals currently in progress complete
as if the rule had not been edited or deleted.

New approvals follow the latest version of the rule.

Note: For more information about approvals, see Frequently Asked Questions About Approvals (Doc ID 1987850.1) on
My Oracle Support at

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Implementing Goal Management Goal Approval Rules

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Implementing Goal Management Contextual Notes

8 Contextual Notes

Contextual Notes in Application Pages

Enhance Talent Management application pages using the Notes resource catalog component for persons and objects
using Oracle Page Composer.

The Notes feature is similar to the Feedback feature in employee's Person Spotlight and Performance Document. The
Contextual Notes is an extension of the existing Anytime Feedback feature.

You can embed the Notes component on persons and objects using Oracle Page Composer. The Notes component
appears with the title, Feedback or Notes, based on the component configuration, Person Notes and Object Notes.

You can create and share notes about employees by configuring the Notes resource catalog component in the following
Talent Management scenarios:
• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's performance goal
• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's development goal
• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's career development
• Notes when you explore roles in the context of role details page
You can create and share object notes by configuring the Notes resource catalog component in the following Talent
Management scenarios:
• Notes for a talent review meeting
• Notes for a succession plan
• Notes for a talent pool

Related Topics
• Implementing Contextual Notes in Oracle HCM Cloud Talent Management (Doc ID 2375556.1) on My Oracle

Use Contextual Notes in an Employee's Performance

As an application implementation consultant, you can embed a Contextual Notes component in an employee's goals
page so that managers can add comments for the employee regarding the goal.

This table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider Who Makes the Decision In This Example

Which Notes component can I add to the Application implementation consultant Person Notes
performance goal page?

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Implementing Goal Management Contextual Notes

Decisions to Consider Who Makes the Decision In This Example

Override the default visibility options of Person Application implementation consultant No


What visibility setting do I need to use for the Person creating the note, usually the manager Everyone
Notes component?

This example explains how to add and use a Notes component in a performance goal page.

1. Add Notes component to an employee's performance goal page.

2. Configure contextual notes parameters.
3. Create a note in the goal page.

Add Notes Component

The Contextual Notes container exists in the Talent Management application pages. You need to add the Notes
component, define the context parameters, and specify the options to configure it in the application page.
1. Sign into the application as a user with configuration privileges.
2. Activate a sandbox that has Page Composer enabled.
3. Navigate to an employee's performance goal page.
4. On the Setting and Actions menu, select Edit Pages.
5. Ensure that the Edit Layer is Site.
6. Select the Structure tab.
7. Select the region where you want to add the note.
8. In the Source window, click the Add icon.
9. In the Add Content dialog box, click Add adjacent to the Notes component.
10. Close the Add Content dialog box.

You can see the Notes component added to the page.

Configure Person Notes for an Employee's Performance Goal

1. In the Source window, select the Notes component and edit its properties.

You can see the Component Properties window.

2. In the Parameters tab, enter the expression values for the parameters shown in this table.

Parameter Expression

Object Type PER_PERSON

Object ID #{pageFlowScope.pWorkerPersonId}


Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Implementing Goal Management Contextual Notes

Parameter Expression

You can use your own string for the Context Type value. But you can see notes created in
check-in documents only if you use the ORA_PERFORMANCE_GOAL value.

Context ID #{pageFlowScope.baseGoalId}

Show Detail Page 'true'

You can't change the title text of person notes.

3. You can define Display Options and Style attributes in the other tabs of the Component Properties window.
4. Click Apply and then OK.
5. Click Close to stop editing the page.

You can override the default visibility options of Person Notes using the Manage Common Lookups and
Manage Feedback Visibility tasks in Functional Setup Manager. As we are going to use only the default values,
we don't need to change or override the visibility settings.

Create a Note in the Goal Page

After the implementation consultant adds the Notes component to the performance goal page, any employee with
access to the page can see the Feedback section in the page. To create a note, do these steps:
1. In the Feedback section of the goal page, click Add.
2. From the Who can see my feedback list, select Everyone.
3. In the What do you want to say? area, type your feedback.
4. Click Save.

You can create multiple notes.

Related Topics

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Implementing Goal Management Contextual Notes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Implementing Goal Management Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Checks

9 Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity


Data Diagnostic Test for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal

After populating the Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management data tables, you can run the Goal Management Integrity
Validations test to validate the data integrity against four categories.

This table describes the four validation categories.

Validation Category Description

Business Group Business group must be valid and exist in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources business group

Foreign Key Foreign key attributes must not be null.

Field Level Field level attributes must match the business rules set up in Oracle Goal Management.

Row Count The row count on the setup tables must be greater than 0.

Run the Oracle Goal Management Integrity Validations Test

1. Select Run Diagnostic Tests from the Setting and Actions menu.

Note: You must have access to the Diagnostic Dashboard.

2. Review the generated report and repair or remove any rows that are invalid.

Goal Management Diagnostics

Run the Goal Management Diagnostics Report process to generate reports that will help you to identify and fix issues
in your Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management implementation.

The report generated uses masking characters to secure data in various sections. Check the Goal Management
Diagnostics Report Hide Columns (ORA_HRG_DIAGREPORT_HIDE_COLUMN) lookup to identify the secured
columns. If you want to mask other columns, add the column name to this lookup.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Implementing Goal Management Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Checks

Parameters for the Goal Management Diagnostics Report Process

• Person Number: The person number of the worker for whom you’re generating the diagnostic report.
• Duration: Specify the number of days before the current date you want to select active goal plans. The default
value of this parameter is 720.

Generated Report
Rename the extension of the output file of the report to .html to view the report. The report is divided into sections.
Click the link to view the section content. Some sections related to performance goals are:

• Performance Goal data for worker: You can view performance goal information such as the details of the
goals assigned to the worker, the goal plan assigned to the worker, the organization goals assigned to the
worker, the goals shared with the worker, goal alignment details.
• Goals Profile Options and other configurations: You can view profile option settings, flexfields configured,
notifications setup, and bypass approval settings.
• Goal Management Diagnostic Lookup Values: You can view the ORA_HRG_DIAGREPORT_HIDE_COLUMN
lookup codes that have been used for the report. These are the secured columns of the report.

Related Topics
• Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets

Check Data Integrity of Performance Goals

Run the Check Goal Data Integrity process to fix issues such as duplicate goal plan assignments and locked Goals page
when approvals are pending.

To run the Check Goal Data Integrity process, your role must be granted the Run Goals Batch Process

Solutions of the Check Goal Data Integrity Process

This table lists the solutions of the Check Goal Data Integrity process.

Solutions for Goal Management Data Issues

Issue Solution

Duplicate goal plan assignments for a Retain only the first goal plan assignment and delete all the other duplicate assignments.

Locked goal plan when approvals are Update goal version type code to Active.
pending for goals

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Implementing Goal Management Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Checks

Parameters for the Check Goal Data Integrity Process

• Action: The action for the integrity check. You can preview the results or update the results. This is based on
the Goal Data Integrity Check Action (ORA_HRG_DATA_INTEG_CHEK_ACTION) lookup.
• Review Period: The review period in which to perform the integrity check.
• Goal Plan: The goal plan to check.
• Person Number: The person number of the worker whose goal plan you want to check.

Note: To run the Check Goal Data Integrity process for performance goals, you need to specify the review period
and goal plan name.

Process Results
After the Check Goal Data Integrity process completes, download the csv and log files to view the results of the
integrity check.

Related Topics
• Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets

How can I change the default purge period for the integrity check
data of goals?
The default purge period for the data generated by the Check Goal Data Integrity process is 365 days.

If you want to change this, you need to create the HRG_DATA_INTEG_CHK_PURGE_PRD profile option with the values
listed in this table.

Field Value

Profile Display Name A suitable name, such as Data Integrity Check Purge Period

Application Goal Management

Module Repository

Start Date 01/01/00

Then edit the HRG_DATA_INTEG_CHK_PURGE_PRD profile option and set its value to the number of days you want to
retain the integrity check data.

Related Topics
• Create and Edit Profile Options

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Implementing Goal Management Goal Management Diagnostic and Integrity Checks

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

10 Personalization Using Transaction Design


Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field

Use the Transaction Design Studio (TDS) to configure transactions and pages for responsive applications. TDS is
available within the HCM Experience Design Studio.

You can control the visibility of attributes that are displayed either as Delivered or Enabled, and the availability of fields
and sections of a transaction based on the user's role, person's business unit, or legal employer.

By default, the responsive pages display the often used attributes and hide the less often used attributes. Use Page
Composer to personalize the responsive pages and display the attributes and tabs delivered within the feature.

Here's how you start HCM Experience Design Studio:

1. Sign in to the application as Human Capital Management Application Administrator with Access HCM Page
Configurator (HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATOR_PRIV) privilege. This privilege provides
you access to TDS in HCM Experience Design Studio.
2. Enable a sandbox to compose data for configuring business objects. On the Home page, click the HCM
Experience Design Studio quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
3. Under Settings and Actions, click Edit Pages .
4. Select the site layer and click OK.

Related Topics
• Overview of Page Modification

How You Configure Goal Management Pages Using

Transaction Design Studio
Use Transaction Design Studio (TDS) to create rules for configuring Goal Management pages.

You can create rules to show or hide fields on Goal Management pages. You can also mark some fields as required to be
filled. For example, you may not want employees to delete or cancel goals. You may want to allow only managers and
HR specialists to do these actions. You can create a rule that hides these actions for employees.

Note: Transaction Design Studio configurations for Goal Management apply only when the Drill Down to Goal
Details profile option is enabled. If this is disabled, you need to use Page Composer to show the hidden fields.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

This table shows the actions that you can use to configure Goal Management pages and the page for which the action

Action Page

Performance Goal Details Goal page

Performance Goal Library Library goal page of Performance Goal Library

Tip: Did you know that you can create multiple rules for an action?

Performance Goal Details Action

Use the Performance Goal Details action in TDS to create rules to configure Goal pages. You can show or hide fields in
the rule. You can also mark some fields as required to be filled.

You can specify the guided journey tasks to show at the page level and for different sections in the Show or Hide
Regions section.

You can select different regions in the Page Attributes section. You can then set the visibility of the different attributes
listed in this table.

Region Attribute Page and Field Name Visible by Default?

Assign Goal Goal Plan Assign Goal page Yes

Goal Plan list of values

Assign Goal Review Period Assign Goal page Yes

Review Period

Assign Goal Weight Assign Goal page Yes


Goals Shared with Me Category Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page


Goals Shared with Me Level Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page


Goals Shared with Me Related Link Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Region Attribute Page and Field Name Visible by Default?

Related Link

Goals Shared with Me Start Date Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page

Start Date

Goals Shared with Me Status Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page


Goals Shared with Me Subtype Goals Shared with Me section on No

employee's Goals page


Goals Shared with Me Target Completion Date Goals Shared with Me section on Yes
employee's Goals page

Target Completion Date

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Assign Assign action for a goal Yes

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Cancel Cancel action for a goal Yes

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Copy Copy action for a goal Yes

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Delete Delete action for a goal Yes

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Edit Display Sequence Edit Display Sequence action for No
editing the display sequence of
goals in a goal plan

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Extend Extend action for a goal No

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Feedback Requests Feedback section of the goal and No
the Request Feedback action

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Move Move action for a goal No

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Print Print action for a goal No

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Completion Percentage Sort Sort menu options for sorting by No
Options goal completion percentage in
ascending and descending order

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Region Attribute Page and Field Name Visible by Default?

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Goal Category Sort Options Sort menu options for sorting by No
goal category

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Goal Name Sort Options Sort menu options for sorting by Yes
goal name

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Goal Priority Sort Options Sort menu options for sorting by No
goal priority

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Goal Status Sort Option Sort menu option for sorting by No
goal status

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Goal Weight Sort Options Sort menu options for sorting No
by goal weight in ascending and
descending order

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Last Updated Sort Options Sort menu options for sorting by Yes
last update date of the goal

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Target Completion Date Sort Sort menu options for sorting by No
Options target completion date of the goal

Worker Goals in Goal Plan Notes Notes section of a goal No

Goals Spotlight Business Title Business title shown in the Yes

Performance Goals overview
page or when you click More
Information for a person on the
Goals tab of the person spotlight

Goals Spotlight Comments and Attachments Comments and Attachments Yes

section in goal approval requests

Goals Spotlight Goal Plan Goal Plan list of values on the Yes
Goals tab of the person spotlight

Goals Spotlight Goal Plan Set Goal Plan Set list of values on the Yes
Goals tab of the person spotlight

Goals Spotlight Review Period Review Period list of values on the Yes
Goals tab of the person spotlight

Select the appropriate data source in the Available Attributes section and then configure the attributes. This table lists
the attributes you can configure for the Basic Information data source.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Attribute Field on Goal Page Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Actual Completion Date Actual Completion Date Yes No

Aligned Aligned label No No

Attachments Attachments No No

Category Category Yes Yes

Comments Comments No Yes

Completion Percentage Completion Percentage No Yes

Description Description Yes Yes

Last Update Name shown in Last Update field Yes No

Level Level No Yes

Long Description Long Description No Yes

Priority Priority No Yes

Private Private goal indicator Yes No

Related Link Related Link No Yes

Shared Shared label No No

Source Source Yes No

Status Status Yes No

Subtype Subtype No Yes

Success Criteria Success Criteria Yes Yes

Target Completion Date Yes Yes

Weight Weight Yes Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

To configure the attributes of the Measurements section of the Goal page, select the Measurement data source. Refer
to this table to identify the attributes that you can configure for the Measurements section.

Attribute Field in Measurements Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Achieved Weight Achieved Weight No No

Actual Value Actual Value Yes No

Comments Comments Yes Yes

End Date End Date Yes Yes

Maximum Target Maximum label No No

Minimum Target Minimum label No No

Start Date Start Date Yes Yes

Target Percentage Target Percentage No No

Target Type Target Type list of values Yes No

Target Value Target Value Yes No

Unit of Measure Unit of Measure list of values Yes Yes

To configure the attributes of the Tasks section of the Goal page, select the Tasks data source. Refer to this table to
identify the attributes that you can configure for the Tasks section.

Attribute Field in Tasks Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Comments Comments Yes Yes

Completion Percentage Completion Percentage Yes Yes

Priority Priority list of values Yes Yes

Related Link Related Link Yes Yes

Start Date Start Date Yes Yes

Status Status list of values Yes Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Attribute Field in Tasks Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Target Completion Date Target Completion Date Yes Yes

Type Type list of values Yes No

Performance Goal Library

Use the Performance Goal Library action to create rules for configuring the performance library goal page.

Select the appropriate data source in the Available Attributes section and then configure the attributes. This table lists
the attributes you can configure for the Library and Basic Info data source.

Attribute Field on Performance Library Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required
Goal Page

Available To Available To list of values in Yes No

Library Info section of Add Goal

Business Unit Business Unit list of values in Yes Yes

Library Info section of Add Goal

Category Category list of values in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Comments Comments field in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Department Department list of values in Yes Yes

Library Info section of Add Goal

Description Description field in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

External ID External ID field in Library Info Yes No

section of Add Goal page

Job Family Job Family list of values in Library Yes Yes

Info section of Add Goal page

Legal Employer Legal Employer list of values in Yes Yes

Library Info section of Add Goal

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Attribute Field on Performance Library Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required
Goal Page

Level Level list of values in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Long Description Long Description field in Basic No Yes

Info section of Add Goal page

Priority Priority list of values in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Related Link Related Link field in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Start Date Start Date field in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Status Status list of values in Library Info Yes No

section of Add Goal page

Subtype Subtype list of values in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Success Criteria Success Criteria label in Basic Info Yes Yes

section of Add Goal page

Success Criteria Text Success Criteria text field in Basic Yes No

Info section of Add Goal page

Target Completion Date Target Completion Date field in Yes Yes

Basic Info section of Add Goal page

Type Type field in Library Info section of Yes No

Add Goal page

Weight Weight field in Basic Info section of Yes Yes

Add Goal page

To configure the attributes of the Measurements section of the performance library goal page, select the Measurement
data source. Refer to this table to identify the attributes that you can configure for the Measurements section.

Attribute Field in Measurements Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Achieved Weight Achieved Weight No No

Actual Value Actual Value Yes No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Attribute Field in Measurements Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Comments Comments Yes Yes

End Date End Date Yes Yes

Maximum Target Maximum label No No

Minimum Target Minimum label No No

Start Date Start Date Yes Yes

Target Percentage Target Percentage No No

Target Value Target Value Yes No

Target Type Target Type Yes No

Unit of Measure Unit of Measure Yes Yes

To configure the attributes of the Tasks section of the performance library goal page, select the Tasks data source. Refer
to this table to identify the attributes that you can configure for the Tasks section.

Attribute Field in Tasks Section Visible by Default? Make Required/ Not Required

Comments Comments Yes Yes

Completion Percentage Completion Percentage Yes Yes

Priority Priority Yes Yes

Related Link Related Link Yes Yes

Start Date Start Date Yes Yes

Status Status Yes Yes

Target Completion Date Target Completion Date Yes Yes

Related Topics
• HCM Experience Design Studio

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Configure Guided Journeys for Goal Management Pages

Support employees and managers when they create and manage performance goals by providing guidance such as
recorded tutorials and best practices.

Before you start

First, you need to configure guided journey tasks for Oracle Fusion Cloud Goal Management flows. Use the Guided
Journey category in Checklist Templates to set up and add tasks that are relevant for the guided journeys for Oracle
Goal Management.

As administrators, you need to enable guided journeys on Oracle Goal Management pages using Transaction Design
Studio (TDS). You can enable the guided journeys at both the page and page section level.
Here's what to do
1. Select the Performance Goal Details action in TDS and add a rule.
2. In the Show or Hide Regions section, configure the guided journeys for page and page section level. Edit the region.
Search and select the associated guided journey and the tasks to show for the region.
3. Save your changes.
Users can see a Guide Me button after you enable a guided journey for the page section or page.

Related Topics
• Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field Displays
• Overview of Guided Journeys

FAQs for Personalization Using Transaction Design

How can I show more details for shared goals?
As an administrator, use Transaction Design Studio to show more details for shared goals listed in the Goals Shared with
Me section.

1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
2. Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
3. Select the Transaction Design Studio tab.
4. From the Action list, select Performance Goal Details.
5. Add a rule.
6. Enter the basic details.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

7. From the Region list of the Page Attributes section, select the Goals Shared with Me region.
8. Set any of these attributes to Visible:

◦ Category
◦ Level
◦ Related Link
◦ Start Date
◦ Status
◦ Subtype
9. Click Save and Close.

How can I show labels for shared and aligned goals?

As an administrator use Transaction Design Studio to show labels for shared and aligned goals.

1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
2. Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
3. Select the Transaction Design Studio tab.
4. From the Action list, select Performance Goal Details.
5. Add a rule.
6. Enter the basic details.
7. From the Data Source list of the Available Attributes section, select Basic Information.
8. Set these attributes to Visible:

◦ Aligned: To show the Aligned label for aligned goals

◦ Shared: To show the Shared label for shared goals
9. Click Save and Close.

How can I show or hide the sort options of a goal plan?

To configure the sort options for goals in a goal plan, use Transaction Design Studio as an administrator.

1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
2. Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
3. Select the Transaction Design Studio tab.
4. From the Action list, select Performance Goal Details.
5. Add a rule.
6. Enter the basic details.
7. From the Region list of the Page Attributes section, select Worker Goals in Goal Plan.
8. To show the sort options, set any of these attributes to Visible. To hide the sort options, set the attributes to
Not visible.

◦ Completion Percentage Sort Options

◦ Goal Category Sort Options

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

◦ Goal Name Sort Options

◦ Goal Priority Sort Options
◦ Goal Status Sort Option
◦ Goal Weight Sort Options
◦ Last Updated Sort Options
◦ Target Completion Date Sort Options
9. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• HCM Experience Design Studio

How can I allow users to edit the display sequence of goals?

To allow users to edit the display sequence of goals, use Transaction Design Studio as an administrator.

1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
2. Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
3. Select the Transaction Design Studio tab.
4. From the Action list, select Performance Goal Details.
5. Add a rule.
6. Enter the basic details.
7. From the Region list of the Page Attributes section, select Worker Goals in Goal Plan.
8. To allow editing the display sequence of goals in the goal plan, set the Edit Display Sequence attribute to
Visible. To disable editing the display sequence, set the attribute to Not visible.
9. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• HCM Experience Design Studio

How can I allow users to request feedback for performance goals?

To allow users to request feedback for performance goals, as administrators you need to use Transaction Design Studio.

1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your pages at the Site level.
2. Open HCM Experience Design Studio.
3. Select the Transaction Design Studio tab.
4. From the Action list, select Performance Goal Details.
5. Add a rule.
6. Enter the basic details.
7. From the Region list of the Page Attributes section, select Worker Goals in Goal Plan.
8. Set the Feedback Requests attribute to Visible.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

9. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• HCM Experience Design Studio

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Implementing Goal Management Personalization Using Transaction Design Studio

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

11 Integrations

How Goal Management Works with Profiles

Using Profile Management, you can configure and maintain employee skills and competencies. You can configure this
content to support requirements for goal target outcomes. These target outcomes enable employees to enhance or
improve their skill sets.

After an employee completes a performance goal, the employee's person profile is updated to include the content item
that the target outcome addresses.

This image shows how Goal Management works with Profile Management. As you can see in the image, some
competencies are defined in the content library of Profile Management. These are available for you to add as target
outcomes of performance goals for an employee. In the image, the Adapting to Change target outcome is added to
James Ng's Increase Team Efficiency by 20 percent performance goal. When James Ng completes this goal, the ratings
assigned for the Adapting to Change target outcome is updated in James Ng's Talent profile.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

What You Need to Do to Add Target Outcomes

Here are the prerequisites for adding target outcomes to a goal:

• Relevant content sections must be configured in Profile Management where administrators can define goal
target outcomes using the GOAL subscriber code. This establishes a relationship between the goal target
outcomes and the content maintained on the talent profile.
• The HRG_ENABLE_OUTCOMES profile option must be enabled.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

Which Content Templates You Can Use for Target Outcomes of

Performance Goals
While configuring sections for target outcomes of performance goals, you can use only these content templates:

• Certifications
• Competencies
• Education
• Honors
• Languages
• Memberships
• Special Projects
• Skills

Remember that you can't use these content templates:

• Accomplishments
• Area of Study
• Career Preferences
• Career Statement
• Education Level
• Highest Education Level
• Technical Post Details
• Work History
• Work Preferences

When You Can Add Target Outcomes to Performance Goals

Irrespective of the configured profile content section access, you can add target outcomes to performance goals and
edit and save the goals. You can add target outcomes to performance goals when performing any of these actions:

• Add goals to the goal library.

• Add goals to a goal plan when creating or populating the plan.
• Mass assign goals.
• Administer goals.

How Employee Profiles Are Updated

When a performance goal that has target outcomes is completed, the employee's talent profile is updated to include the
target outcomes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

Administrators can include ratings for target outcomes. For example, the completion of a goal like certification can
include a rating for competency such as junior associate, associate, professional, specialist, and expert. This allows the
employee or the manager to evaluate the employee's performance.

• When performance goals approvals are enabled, the manager can set the rating of a target outcome. They
need to do this before target outcome is added to the employee's talent profile.
• When performance goals approvals are bypassed, the employee can set the rating that's added to the talent

Related Topics
• Goal Management Profile Options
• Content Sections
• Content Section Properties

How Performance Documents Work with Performance

This topic explains how Performance Management and Goal Management work together. You can include performance
goals in employees' performance documents. This will help you to review their performance and evaluate if they have
achieved the goals that were assigned to them.

The details of the performance goals that you see in a performance document is always synchronized with the goal
details that you see in Goal Management. How is this synchronization achieved? Review periods and the Performance
Goals section of a performance document are the components that help to integrate performance documents and
performance goals.

Review Periods
When you create a performance template, you select a review period for each document period. You also associate a
document type with the performance template.

When you create a goal plan, you select a review period and then associate performance document types with the goal
plan. Only goals from goal plans with the same review period and performance document type as the performance
template appear in a performance document when you create it based on the template.

Performance Goals Section

Use the Performance Goals section type in the performance template to create a section for performance goals. For
the Performance Goals section, you can use rating models to rate employees and use calculation rules to calculate an
overall goal section rating. Remember to enable ratings and comments so that managers, employees, and participants
can select a rating for the section and provide comments.

In the Performance Goals section, you can select these check boxes:

• Populate with Worker Performance Goals: To add goals from goal plans in Goal Management to the
performance document.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

• Allow update goals action to update goal weights from goal management business process: To update
goals in performance documents with weights that are revised in Goal Management.

The image shows how the document type and review period helps to integrate performance documents with goal plans.
As you can see in the image, the same document type and review period are used in both the Standard Performance
Document Template performance document template and the FY2020 Goal Plan goal plan. When the Performance
Document 2020 document is created based on the Standard Performance Document Template document template, the
Goal Management Goal 1 goal available in the FY 2020 Goal Plan goal plan is automatically included. You can see the
goals added in the Performance Document 2020 document in the FY 2020 Goal Plan goal plan.

Add Performance Goals to Performance Document

Add performance goals to performance documents in these ways:

• Employees and managers can add individual performance goals or library goals directly to a performance
document if the goal plan to which they add the goal allows employees or managers to add goals. Remember
that only goal plans that match the performance document configuration will be available for adding the goal.

Note: If approvals are enabled, performance goals are included after the approval process is complete.

• Employees and managers can import performance goals from other performance documents of the employee.
Note that the ratings and evaluation comments aren't copied when you import goals.
• As you already know, you can associate goal plans in Goal Management with performance document types.
When you create any performance document based on an associated document type, the application adds the
goals in the goal plan to that performance document.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Implementing Goal Management Integrations

Update Performance Goals in Performance Documents

Managers or employees can edit goals that already exist in the performance document in Goal Management. Here's
how the changes are updated in the performance documents that the goals are included in:

• When the manager or employee opens the performance document, all edits to performance goals except
weights appear in the performance document.
• Only when the manager or employee uses the Update Goals action in the performance document, goal edits
including weights appear in the document.

To populate the performance document with new performance goals from Goal Management, use the Update Goals

When you edit goals in performance documents, the changes are updated in Goal Management when you save or
submit the performance document. But note that the updated weights aren't copied to Goal Management.

Goal ratings provided in performance document aren't available in Goal Management. Evaluation comments added
to performance documents don't show up in Goal Management. But you can see comments added to goals in Goal
Management in the associated performance documents.

Performance Goals in Completed Performance Document

When a performance document is completed, the performance goals in the document are updated in Goal
Management. After this you can't update the goals in the performance document. If the goals are updated in Goal
Management, the changes aren't copied to the performance document.

When you reopen a completed performance document, users can edit the performance goals included in the document.
You can see the goal changes in Goal Management.

Remove Performance Goals from Performance Documents

Only managers and employees can manually remove goals from performance documents. Note that you can't
delete goals that are included in a performance document in Goal Management. They need to be removed from the
performance documents first.

Related Topics
• Review Periods in Talent Management
• Create a Performance Template
• Create a Performance Template Section for Performance Goals
• Overview of Performance Document Types


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