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Original Article

Cervicovertebral anomalies and/or normal variants in patients with

congenitally bilateral absent maxillary lateral incisors:
A comparative lateral cephalometric study
Taner Ozturka; Aykan Onur Atillab; Ahmet Yagcic

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Objective: To determine whether there is a relationship between congenitally bilaterally absent
maxillary lateral incisors (BAMLIs) and skeletal anomalies and/or normal variants.
Materials and Methods: The records of 86 patients (62 girls, 24 boys; age 12–17 years) with
congenitally BAMLIs and 86 patients (55 girls, 34 boys; age 13–18 years) without any dental or
skeletal anomalies were collected and evaluated retrospectively. The study was based on the
evaluation of lateral cephalometric and orthopantomographic radiographs. Posterior arch
deficiency of the atlas bone (PADA); atlanto-occipital ligament calcification, known as ‘‘ponticulus
posticus’’ (PP); and interclinoid ligament calcification, known as ‘‘sella turcica bridging’’ were
recorded for each participant. Pearson v2 and Fisher exact tests were used to evaluate and
compare skeletal anomalies and/or normal variants between patients with BAMLIs and the control
Results: The prevalence of cervicovertebral anomalies and/or normal variants seen in the lateral
cephalometric radiographs was higher in patients with BAMLI than in the control group. The
prevalence of PP was lower and that of PADA was higher in patients with BAMLIs than in the
control group (P , .05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of PADA was increased and that of PP formation was decreased in
patients with BAMLIs. There was a significant relationship between skeletal anomalies and/or
normal variants. (Angle Orthod. 2020;90:383–389.)
KEY WORDS: Absent maxillary lateral incisor; Cervicovertebral anomalies; Normal variants;
Cephalometric radiography

INTRODUCTION about rare variants of cervicovertebral structures can

also be obtained using these data.1–7 However, many
In orthodontics, lateral cephalometric radiographs
developmental anomalies or normal variants may be
are frequently used to investigate the growth, devel-
associated with a significant problem in other systemic
opment, and morphometric relationships of craniofa-
diseases.5–10 Some of these radiologic findings can be
cial, maxillomandibular, and dental structures. They
detected early during examinations performed at
also provide diagnostic data about the cranium, face,
specific time points and may appear before other signs
cervical vertebrae, and dental structure. Information
and symptoms in some syndromes.4,7,11–13
Recently, a higher incidence of ponticulus posticus
Orthodontist, private practice, Kayseri, Turkey.
(PP) in the atlas, sella turcica bridge (STB) calcifica-
Orthodontist, Osmanli Dental Center, Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Health, Ankara, Turkey. tion, and specific craniofacial morphology has been
Associate Professor, Erciyes University, Faculty of Dentistry, associated with dental agenesis.14,15 Observation of
Department of Orthodontics, Kayseri, Turkey. craniofacial skeletal anomalies is often accompanied
Corresponding author: Taner Ozturk, DDS, MS, Orthodontist, with congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisors. This
Kosk Mahallesi Denizli Sokak No 19 38040, Melikgazi, Kayseri,
association may be based on the development of
(e-mail: [email protected]) neural crest cells (NCCs) and/or homeobox genes in
the development of the craniofacial region.16,17 Tooth
Accepted: December 2019. Submitted: June 2019.
Published Online: February 3, 2020 development and eruption, calcification of the STB, as
Ó 2020 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, well as neck and shoulder skeletal developments, have
Inc. been shown to be influenced by NCCs.18

DOI: 10.2319/061919-418.1 383 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020


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Figure 1. Analysis was performed on cephalometric films. The first cervical vertebra (atlas) area was evaluated. (A) The atlanto-occipital ligament
is not calcified (no presence of ponticulus posticus). (B) The atlanto-occipital ligament is partially calcified (ponticulus posticus is partially present).
(C) The atlanto-occipital ligament is fully calcified (ponticulus posticus is completely present).

This study aimed to (1) identify the relationship BAMLIS and detailed clinical history for the study
between congenitally bilaterally absent maxillary lateral group, and patients with no absent teeth other than
incisors (BAMLIs) and skeletal anomalies and/or third molars for the control group. The exclusion criteria
normal variants in the cervicovertebral region, (2) were trauma, dental or craniofacial anomalies or
evaluate the presence and shape of STBs in patients syndromes, chemotherapy affecting the musculoskel-
with BAMLIs, and (3) compare the findings obtained etal system, and insufficient diagnostic records.
from the BAMLIs and control groups. The null To evaluate the differences in cervicovertebral
hypothesis was that the prevalence of skeletal anom- anomalies between individuals with BAMLIs and the
alies and/or normal variants seen in lateral cephalo- control group, 86 patients without any dental or skeletal
metric radiographs of patients with BAMLIs was similar anomalies were found to be sufficient for the control
to that of patients without dental or skeletal anomalies. group according to the power analysis. This group
consisted of randomly selected patients who presented
MATERIALS AND METHODS to the orthodontic clinic of the university between 2017
and 2019. Clinical and radiographic (with orthopanto-
This retrospective, case-control study was carried mographic and lateral cephalometric radiography)
out with data obtained from the pretreatment records of evaluation of the absence of maxillary lateral incisors
172 white patients who applied for treatment at Erciyes was performed visually by a single author (T.O.) during
University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Ortho- patient examination. Skeletal anomalies and normal
dontics. This study was approved by the Erciyes variants (PP, posterior arch deficiency of the atlas
University Local Ethics Committee (no: 2019/394). [PADA] or STB) on lateral cephalometric radiographs
The patients were divided into two groups; a study were detected visually by the same author. The
group and a control group. The study group included necessary measurements to determine the skeletal
86 orthodontic patients (62 girls, 24 boys; age 12–17 classes of the patients were performed using Dolphin
years; mean age ¼ 15.3 years) with BAMLIs,, and the Imaging Software (version 11.0; Dolphin Imaging and
control group included 86 orthodontic patients with no Management Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif). Radio-
congenitally absent teeth (55 girls ,34 boys; age 13–18 graphs taken with the patient in a standardized natural
years; mean age ¼ 15.8 years). A diagnosis was made head position were obtained by the same technician,
using the data obtained from clinical examination uploaded to the Dolphin Imaging Software, and
findings and standard radiographs (orthopantomo- analyzed digitally.
graphic and lateral cephalometric). PADA and PP were visualized on the first four
The inclusion criteria for case records were as cervical vertebrae on lateral profile radiographs. Data
follows: patients with dental orthopantomographic on PADA were evaluated as present or absent (Figure
(Planmeca Proline CC 2002, Planmeca, Helsinki, 1).1,5 Calcification of the atlanto-occipital ligament,
Finland) and lateral cephalometric (Orthoceph called ‘‘arcuate foramen’’ or ‘‘PP,’’ was evaluated
OP300, Instrumentarium, Tuusula, Finland) radio- visually and scored using a standardized method.3,10,19
graphs with clear visualization of the first four cervical It was scored according to the degree of atlanto-
vertebrae for both groups, patients with congenitally occipital ligament ossification as no calcification

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020


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Figure 2. Analysis was performed on cephalometric films. The first cervical vertebra (atlas) area was evaluated. (A) There is a deficiency of the
posterior arch in the atlas bone. (B) There is no posterior arch deficiency.

(absent), partial calcification (incomplete), or complete to establish a statistically significant difference be-
calcification (complete) (Figure 2). The presence of tween cervicovertebral anomalies and dental anoma-
STB has been previously demonstrated on lateral lies. Statistical comparisons for the evaluation of
cephalometric radiographs.6,20,21 The presence of STB BAMLIs and skeletal anomalies and/or normal variants
was scored according to the degree of interclinoid and intragroup evaluation included Pearson v2 test,
ligament (ICL) calcification as no calcification of ICL Fisher exact test, and binary logistic regression
(initial form), little or half calcification of ICL (partial analysis. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
form), or complete calcification of ICL (complete form) (SPSS version 24.0 Inc, Chicago, Ill) software was
(Figure 3). used for all statistical analyses. Statistical significance
was determined at P , .05.
Statistical Analyses
To determine intraobserver error, cephalometric
Power analysis was used to determine that 172 analysis of 43 randomly selected radiographs was
patients were sufficient for the study and control groups repeated by the same author at a 2-week interval. The

Figure 3. The sella turcica area was evaluated. (A) The interclinoid ligament is not calcified (no presence of sella turcica bridging). (B) The
interclinoid ligament is partially calcified (sella turcica bridging is partially present). (C) The interclinoid ligament is fully calcified (sella turcica
bridging completely present).

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020


Table 1. Age and Gender Distribution of Patient Samples

Girls Boys
Age Group (y) N % Mean SD N % N %
12–14 55 32.0 13.07 0.61 38 69.1 17 30.9
14–16 52 30.2 14.98 0.46 38 73.1 14 26.9
16–18 67 37.8 17.05 0.54 41 63.1 24 36.9
Total 172 100.0 15.15 1.75 117 68.0 55 32.0

degree of random error was evaluated as recommend- different when analyzed using Pearson v2 test (P ¼
ed by Dahlberg22 and Houston.23 .009) and Fisher exact test (P ¼ .008) (Table 3).

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The prevalence of PADA was significantly higher in
RESULTS patients with BAMLIs (29.1%) than in the control group
(17.6%) using Pearson’s v2 test (P ,.001) and Fisher
The errors for the length and diameter measure- exact test (P , .001) (Table 4).
ments made to determine the amount of STB were The prevalence of initial form and complete form
between 0.13 mm and 0.17 mm, and no statistical STB was found to be higher in patients with BAMLI
significant difference was found (P . .05). It was than in the control group, while incomplete STB
therefore concluded that these errors would not prevalence was found to be higher in the control
constitute a bias risk. Data regarding the age and group. However, no statistically significant difference
gender distribution for the study sample are reported in was found (P . .05) (Table 5).
Table 1. The relationship between STB, PP, and PADA was
The prevalence of the atlanto-occipital ligament (PP) investigated and found to be statistically insignificant (P
in all patients included in the study group varied among . .05).
complete, incomplete, and absent as the age of the
patient increased (Table 2). The prevalence of PP DISCUSSION
complete and PP incomplete was 61.1% and 56.9%, Skeletal anomalies and/or normal variants in cervical
respectively, in the 16–18 year age group. Similar to vertebrae are known to be associated with various
PP, the prevalence of PADA decreased with increasing syndromes.7 In addition, these anomalies in the
age (Table 2). These differences were statistically cervical vertebrae have been previously reported to
significant (P , 001). be associated with dental anomalies (such as hypo-
Compared with BAMLI (3.4%), PP was completely dontia, hyperdontia, and palatally displaced canine
calcified in a significantly greater number of patients in impaction),1,2,5,10 maxillofacial malformations,10 and
the control group (17.4%). The prevalence of partially condylar and vertical craniofacial morphology.10,24,25
calcified PP was 32.6% in the control group and 43.0% Additionally, the prevalence of PP formation has been
in the experimental group. The prevalence of uncalci- reported in patients with craniofacial problems10 and
fied atlanto-occipital ligament in both groups was dental anomalies1,14 and has also been reported to be
similar. These results were found to be statistically associated with certain diseases and syndromes.7 The

Table 2. BAMLI, PP, PADA, and STB Among Age Groupsa

Age Groups (y)
12–14 14–16 16–18 Pearson v2 Fisher Exact Test
n % n % n % Value P* Value P*
BAMLI Absent 22 25.3 26 29.9 39 44.8 4.777 .092 4.896 .095
Present 33 38.8 26 30.6 26 30.6
PP Absent 47 52.8 25 28.1 17 19.1 1.769 ,.001 1.876 ,.001
Incomplete 5 7.7 23 35.4 37 56.9
Complete 3 16.7 4 22.2 11 61.1
PADA Present 20 50.0 15 37.5 5 12.5 27.135 ,.001 27.679 ,.001
Absent 28 21.2 40 30.3 61 46.2
STB Initial form 24 40.7 19 32.2 16 27.1 11.375 .287 10.989 .284
Incomplete form 22 26.8 24 29.3 36 43.9
Complete form 9 29.0 9 29.0 13 42.0
APA indicates posterior arch deficiency of atlas; BAMLI, bilateral absent maxillary lateral incisor; PADA, posterior arch deficiency atlas; PP,
ponticulus posticus; STB, sella turcica bridging.
* Statistical significance P , .05.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020


Table 3. Ponticulus Posticus Among Patients (Bilateral Absent Maxillary Lateral Incisor) and Control Patients
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Present (Control) Absent (Study) Pearson’s v2 Fisher Exact Test
Ponticulus Posticus n % n % Value P* Value P*
No calcification (absent) 43 50.0 46 53.5 9.347 .009 8.987 .008
Incomplete calcification 28 32.6 37 43.0
Completely calcified 15 17.4 3 3.5
Total 86 100.0 86 100.0
* Statistical significance P , .05.

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results of this study showed that the prevalence of PP radiographs as used in orthopedic medicine.29 This
formation decreased and PADA increased in patients finding was consistent with previous literature that
with BAMLI.s stated that there was a relationship between dental
In the absence of any clinical signs or symptoms, anomalies and cervicovertebral anomalies and/or
STB is considered to be a normal variant, although it is normal variants.1,5,30 Specifically, the data obtained in
known to be affected by pathological processes.26 It this study indicated that skeletal anomalies and/or
has been shown that the prevalence of STB formation normal variants found in lateral cephalometric radio-
increases in individuals with various syndromes,27 graphs were associated with craniofacial and jaw
craniofacial problems,28 and dental anomalies.6,20,21 In morphology, skeletal malocclusions, occlusion, and
a study conducted by Scribante et al., 20 there was a dental anomalies (such as congenitally missing teeth).
relationship between sella turcica morphology and The effect of NCCs and various genes (homebox
BAMLIs. The prevalence of completely calcified ICL and hox) contributing to the formation of many parts of
was lower in patients with BAMLIs than in the control the cervicovertebral area and oral cavity seems to
group. However, although the results in the current explain the relationship between dental and skeletal
study did not differ significantly, the prevalence of anomalies.17,24,31 Therefore, it can be assumed that the
completely calcified ICL was found to be higher in factors directing the development of the neck, shoul-
patients with BAMLIs than in the control group. This der, and craniofacial region are under the control of a
finding was thought to be due to the investigation of common gene structure and NCCs.31 Additionally,
BAMLIs and the asymmetric distribution of boys and because of the similar cellular differentiation of
girls. mineralized structures, such as skeletal and dental
In patients with BAMLIs, partial PP prevalence was structures,32–34 their anomalies may be related.
increased (study group 43.0%; control group 32.6%) The etiology of tooth agenesis, which has been
and completely calcified PP prevalence was de- discussed for a long time and has not been precisely
creased (study 3.5% group; control group 17.4%) determined, is likely influenced by genetics, dental
compared with the control group. In agreement with trauma, various infections, chemotherapy, radiothera-
previous studies, this study showed that the preva- py, and environmental factors.35 Investigations of the
lence of fully calcified PP was decreased in patients genetic effect determined that there was a relationship
with tooth agenesis14 and that there was a relationship between familial predisposition, dental anomalies, and
between dental anomalies and skeletal varia- tooth agenesis.16,36 This assumption supports the effect
tions.1,2,24,25 of genes. In this context, the current findings suggested
The prevalence of PADA was higher in patients with that presence of BAMLIs was not only related to other
absent MLI (29.1%) than in the control sample (17.6%). tooth and skeletal anomalies but also to the variants of
Cervical vertebral fusion was not examined. Because cervical vertebra. Tooth agenesis is a clinical finding
cervical vertebral fusion is evaluated by radiography, that is associated with many diseases and is even
the distances between the vertebrae should be effective for the diagnosis of these diseases.37 Indeed,
examined more frequently using extension and flexion BAMLIs, often combined with other clinical features,

Table 4. Posterior Arch Deficiency of Atlas (PADA) Among Patients (Bilateral Absent Maxillary Lateral Incisor [BAMLI]) and Control Patients
Present (Control) BAMLI (Study) Pearson v2 Fisher Exact Test
n % n % Value P* Value P*
Present 15 17.6 25 29.1 13.341 ,.001 13.134 ,.001
Absent 71 82.4 61 70.9
Total 86 100.0 86 100.0
* Statistical significance P , .05.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020


Table 5. Sella Turcica Bridging (STB) Among Patients (Bilateral Absent Maxillary Lateral Incisor) and Control Patients
Present (Control) Absent (Study) Pearson’s v2 Fisher Exact Test
Interclinoid Ligament Calcification n % n % Value P* Value P*
Initial form 27 31.4 32 37.6 2.274 0.321 2.346 .328
Partial form 45 52.3 37 42.4
Complete form 14 16.3 17 20.0
Total 86 100.0 86 100.0
* Statistical significance P , .05.

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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 90, No 3, 2020

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