Data Warehouse

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Data warehouse

Data warehouse (DW or DWH), also known as an enterprise data warehouse (EDW), is a system used
for reporting and data analysis and is considered a core component of business intelligence. Data
warehouses are central repositories of integrated data from one or more disparate sources. They store
current and historical data in one single place that are used for creating analytical reports for workers
throughout the enterprise. This is beneficial for companies as it enables them to interrogate and draw
insights from their data and make decisions.

The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems (such as marketing or sales). The
data may pass through an operational data store and may require data cleansing for additional operations to
ensure data quality before it is used in the data warehouse for reporting.

What do you mean by data warehousing and data mining?

Data warehousing refers to a typical procedure of compiling and organizing data into a common database.

Types of Data Stored in a Data Warehouse

 Historical data.
 Derived data.
 Metadata.

Benefits of Data Warehouse

 Better business analytics: Data warehouse plays an important role in every business to store and
analysis of all the past data and records of the company. Which can further increase the understanding or
analysis of data for the company.
 Faster Queries: The data warehouse is designed to handle large queries that’s why it runs queries faster
than the database.
 Improved data Quality: In the data warehouse the data you gathered from different sources is being
stored and analyzed it does not interfere with or add data by itself so your quality of data is maintained
and if you get any issue regarding data quality then the data warehouse team will solve this.
 Historical Insight: The warehouse stores all your historical data which contains details about the
business so that one can analyze it at any time and extract insights from it.

Example Applications of Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing can be applied anywhere where we have a huge amount of data and we want to see
statistical results that help in decision making.
 Social Media Websites: The social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. are
based on analyzing large data sets. These sites gather data related to members, groups, locations, etc.,
and store it in a single central repository. Being a large amount of data, Data Warehouse is needed for
implementing the same.
 Banking: Most of the banks these days use warehouses to see the spending patterns of
account/cardholders. They use this to provide them with special offers, deals, etc.
 Government: Government uses a data warehouse to store and analyze tax payments which are used to
detect tax thefts.
Features of Data Warehousing
Data warehousing is essential for modern data management, providing a strong foundation for organizations
to consolidate and analyze data strategically. Its distinguishing features empower businesses with the tools
to make informed decisions and extract valuable insights from their data.
 Centralized Data Repository: Data warehousing provides a centralized repository for all enterprise data
from various sources, such as transactional databases, operational systems, and external sources. This
enables organizations to have a comprehensive view of their data, which can help in making informed
business decisions.
 Data Integration: Data warehousing integrates data from different sources into a single, unified view,
which can help in eliminating data silos and reducing data inconsistencies.
 Historical Data Storage: Data warehousing stores historical data, which enables organizations to
analyze data trends over time. This can help in identifying patterns and anomalies in the data, which can
be used to improve business performance.
 Query and Analysis: Data warehousing provides powerful query and analysis capabilities that enable
users to explore and analyze data in different ways. This can help in identifying patterns and trends, and
can also help in making informed business decisions.
 Data Transformation: Data warehousing includes a process of data transformation, which involves
cleaning, filtering, and formatting data from various sources to make it consistent and usable. This can
help in improving data quality and reducing data inconsistencies.
 Data Mining: Data warehousing provides data mining capabilities, which enable organizations to
discover hidden patterns and relationships in their data. This can help in identifying new opportunities,
predicting future trends, and mitigating risks.
 Data Security: Data warehousing provides robust data security features, such as access controls, data
encryption, and data backups, which ensure that the data is secure and protected from unauthorized
Advantages of Data Warehousing
 Intelligent Decision-Making: With centralized data in warehouses, decisions may be made more quickly
and intelligently.
 Business Intelligence: Provides strong operational insights through business intelligence.
 Historical Analysis: Predictions and trend analysis are made easier by storing past data.
 Data Quality: Guarantees data quality and consistency for trustworthy reporting.
 Scalability: Capable of managing massive data volumes and expanding to meet changing requirements.
 Effective Queries: Fast and effective data retrieval is made possible by an optimized structure.
 Cost reductions: Data warehousing can result in cost savings over time by reducing data management
procedures and increasing overall efficiency, even when there are setup costs initially.
 Data security: Data warehouses employ security protocols to safeguard confidential information,
guaranteeing that only authorized personnel are granted access to certain data.
Disadvantages of Data Warehousing
 Cost: Building a data warehouse can be expensive, requiring significant investments in hardware,
software, and personnel.
 Complexity: Data warehousing can be complex, and businesses may need to hire specialized personnel
to manage the system.
 Time-consuming: Building a data warehouse can take a significant amount of time, requiring businesses
to be patient and committed to the process.
 Data integration challenges: Data from different sources can be challenging to integrate, requiring
significant effort to ensure consistency and accuracy.
 Data security: Data warehousing can pose data security risks, and businesses must take measures to
protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches.
There can be many more applications in different sectors like E-Commerce, telecommunications,
Transportation Services, Marketing and Distribution, Healthcare, and Retail.
Data Warehouse Design
A data warehouse is a single data repository where a record from multiple data sources is
integrated for online business analytical processing (OLAP). This implies a data warehouse
needs to meet the requirements from all the business stages within the entire organization. Thus,
data warehouse design is a hugely complex, lengthy, and hence error-prone process.
Furthermore, business analytical functions change over time, which results in changes in the
requirements for the systems. Therefore, data warehouse and OLAP systems are dynamic, and
the design process is continuous.

Data warehouse design takes a method different from view materialization in the industries. It
sees data warehouses as database systems with particular needs such as answering management
related queries. The target of the design becomes how the record from multiple data sources
should be extracted, transformed, and loaded (ETL) to be organized in a database as the data

There are two approaches

1. "top-down" approach
2. "bottom-up" approach

Top-down Design Approach

In the "Top-Down" design approach, a data warehouse is described as a subject-oriented, time-

variant, non-volatile and integrated data repository for the entire enterprise data from different
sources are validated, reformatted and saved in a normalized (up to 3NF) database as the data
warehouse. The data warehouse stores "atomic" information, the data at the lowest level of
granularity, from where dimensional data marts can be built by selecting the data required for
specific business subjects or particular departments. An approach is a data-driven approach as
the information is gathered and integrated first and then business requirements by subjects for
building data marts are formulated. The advantage of this method is which it supports a single
integrated data source. Thus data marts built from it will have consistency when they overlap.

Advantages of top-down design

1. Data Marts are loaded from the data warehouses.

2. Developing new data mart from the data warehouse is very easy.

Disadvantages of top-down design

1. This technique is inflexible to changing departmental needs.

2. The cost of implementing the project is high.
Bottom-Up Design Approach
In the "Bottom-Up" approach, a data warehouse is described as "a copy of transaction data specifical architecture for
query and analysis," term the star schema. In this approach, a data mart is created first to necessary reporting and
analytical capabilities for particular business processes (or subjects). Thus it is needed to be a business-driven
approach in contrast to Inmon's data-driven approach.

Data marts include the lowest grain data and, if needed, aggregated data too. Instead of a normalized database for
the data warehouse, a denormalized dimensional database is adapted to meet the data delivery requirements of data
warehouses. Using this method, to use the set of data marts as the enterprise data warehouse, data marts should be
built with conformed dimensions in mind, defining that ordinary objects are represented the same in different data
marts. The conformed dimensions connected the data marts to form a data warehouse, which is generally called a
virtual data warehouse.

The advantage of the "bottom-up" design approach is that it has quick ROI, as developing a data mart, a data
warehouse for a single subject, takes far less time and effort than developing an enterprise-wide data warehouse.
Also, the risk of failure is even less. This method is inherently incremental. This method allows the project team to
learn and grow.
Advantages of bottom-up design

Documents can be generated quickly.

The data warehouse can be extended to accommodate new business units.

It is just developing new data marts and then integrating with other data marts.

Disadvantages of bottom-up design

the locations of the data warehouse and the data marts are reversed in the bottom-up approach design.
Differentiate between Top-Down Design Approach and Bottom-Up Design

Top-Down Design Approach Bottom-Up Design Approach

Breaks the vast problem into smaller Solves the essential low-level problem and integrates them into
subproblems. a higher one.

Inherently architected- not a union of several Inherently incremental; can schedule essential data marts first.
data marts.

Single, central storage of information about the Departmental information stored.


Centralized rules and control. Departmental rules and control.

It includes redundant information. Redundancy can be removed.

It may see quick results if implemented with Less risk of failure, favorable return on investment, and proof of
repetitions. techniques.

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