Unit II Notes
Unit II Notes
Business intelligence refers to an infrastructure that collects and analyzes large amounts of data
to give organizations a clear and comprehensive picture of their data.
• The goal of a BI system is to give stakeholders a clear and customized view of their data
to empower them to make data-driven decisions
• Business intelligence combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data
tools and infrastructure, and best practices to help organizations make more data-driven
• Modern BI solutions prioritize flexible self-service analysis, governed data on trusted
platforms, empowered business users, and speed to insight.
Data warehouses serve as a central repository for storing and analyzing information to make
better informed decisions. An organization's data warehouse receives data from a variety of
sources, typically on a regular basis, including transactional systems, relational databases, and
other sources.
A data warehouse is a centralized storage system that allows for the storing, analyzing, and
interpreting of data in order to facilitate better decision-making. Transactional systems, relational
databases, and other sources provide data into data warehouses on a regular basis.
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In business intelligence, data warehouses serve as the backbone of data storage. Business
intelligence relies on complex queries and comparing multiple sets of data to inform everything
from everyday decisions to organization-wide shifts in focus.
• Data storage: The cleaned data needs to be stored somewhere so that it can be referenced
later on for analysis. Depending on the size of an organization and how much of the
original data is considered important enough to keep, the kind of storage architecture to
employ can change greatly.
• Data analysis: The data you’ve collected don’t mean anything unless you’re able to draw
insights from them. Tools at this point of the pipeline help with further aggregation and
summarization of the data along with creation of visualizations that can demonstrate
outcomes at a glance.
This data when finally stored by Data Warehouse can be used by Business Intelligence systems
for analysis and reporting purposes.
Let’s take the example of a consumer goods company. The company wants to install a data
warehouse to manage its sales data. The enterprise runs three production sites and sells its products
to more than a hundred countries. Area managers and local subsidiaries manage product sales.
Initially, their data was located in spreadsheets managed by a separate controlling department.
There were different formats of sales plan figures. The analysis was primarily done by using the
pivot table. These spreadsheets had to be brought together and synchronized manually through
complex queries. This raised widespread redundancy and ambiguous versions of sales figures.
Hence, to make sense of that data, the company decided to implement a Data Warehouse. The
main aim was to provide current and consolidated data to local subsidiaries and area managers.
The implementation of a data warehouse started with the replacement of spreadsheet-based
planning. It brought sales planning supported by data warehousing. Feeding the data from various
source tables with automated ETL processes made the procedure easier. This has ended the
unmanageable manual data imports.
Now the underlying data can be read directly and updated automatically. The changes in the
operational data are reflected periodically. This brings a uniform appearance with more granularity
than before. It even provides data accessibility to each individual involved in the planning process.
Data warehousing and business intelligence are terms used to describe the process of
storing all the company’s data in internal or external databases from various sources with
the focus on analysis and generating actionable insights through online BI tools.
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• Subject-Oriented
A data warehouse is subject-oriented since it provides topic-wise information rather than the
overall processes of a business. Such subjects may be sales, promotion, inventory, etc. For
example, if you want to analyze your company’s sales data, you need to build a data warehouse
that concentrates on sales. Such a warehouse would provide valuable information like ‘who was
your best customer last year?’ or ‘who is likely to be your best customer in the coming year?’
• Integrated
A data warehouse is developed by integrating data from varied sources into a consistent format.
The data must be stored in the warehouse in a consistent and universally acceptable manner in
terms of naming, format, and coding. This facilitates effective data analysis.
• Non-Volatile
Data once entered into a data warehouse must remain unchanged. All data is read-only. Previous
data is not erased when current data is entered. This helps you to analyze what has happened and
• Time-Variant
The data stored in a data warehouse is documented with an element of time, either explicitly or
implicitly. An example of time variance in Data Warehouse is exhibited in the Primary Key,
which must have an element of time like the day, week, or month.
This type of warehouse serves as a key or central database that facilitates decision-support
services throughout the enterprise. The advantage to this type of warehouse is that it provides
access to cross-organizational information, offers a unified approach to data representation, and
allows running complex queries.
This type of data warehouse refreshes in real-time. It is often preferred for routine activities like
storing employee records. It is required when data warehouse systems do not support reporting
needs of the business.
Data Mart
A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse built to maintain a particular department, region, or
business unit. Every department of a business has a central repository or data mart to store data.
The data from the data mart is stored in the ODS periodically. The ODS then sends the data to
the EDW, where it is stored and used.
In this stage, data is just copied from an operational system to another server. In this way,
loading, processing, and reporting of the copied data do not impact the operational system’s
There are three ways you can construct a data warehouse system. These approaches are classified
by the number of tiers in the architecture. Therefore, you can have a:
• Single-tier architecture
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• Two-tier architecture
• Three-tier architecture
The single-tier architecture is not a frequently practiced approach. The main goal of having such
an architecture is to remove redundancy by minimizing the amount of data stored.
Its primary disadvantage is that it doesn’t have a component that separates analytical
and transactional processing.
A two-tier architecture includes a staging area for all data sources, before the data warehouse
layer. By adding a staging area between the sources and the storage repository, you ensure all
data loaded into the warehouse is cleansed and in the appropriate format.
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This approach has certain network limitations. Additionally, you cannot expand it to support a
larger number of users.
1. Extraction:
The first step of the ETL process is extraction. In this step, data from various source
systems is extracted which can be in various formats like relational databases, No
SQL, XML, and flat files into the staging area. It is important to extract the data
from various source systems and store it into the staging area first and not directly
into the data warehouse because the extracted data is in various formats and can be
corrupted also. Hence loading it directlyinto the data warehouse may damage it and
rollback will be much more difficult. Therefore, this is one of the most important
steps of ETL process.
2. Transformation:
The second step of the ETL process is transformation. In this step, a set of rules or
functions are applied on the extracted data to convert it into a singlestandard format.
It may involve following processes/tasks:
• Filtering – loading only certain attributes into the data warehouse.
• Cleaning – filling up the NULL values with some default values,
mapping U.S.A, United States, and America into USA, etc.
• Joining – joining multiple attributes into one.
• Splitting – splitting a single attribute into multiple attributes.
• Sorting – sorting tuples on the basis of some attribute (generallykey-
3. Loading:
The third and final step of the ETL process is loading. In this step, the transformed
data is finally loaded into the data warehouse. Sometimes the data is updated by
loading into the data warehouse very frequently and sometimes it is done after
longer but regular intervals. The rate and period ofloading solely depends on the
requirements and varies from system to system.
ETL process can also use the pipelining concept i.e. as soon as some data is
extracted, it can transformed and during that period some new data can be extracted.
And while the transformed data is being loaded into the data warehouse, the already
extracted data can be transformed. The block diagramof the pipelining of ETL process
is shown below:
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ETL Tools: Most commonly used ETL tools are Hevo, Sybase, Oracle Warehouse
builder, CloverETL, and MarkLogic.
Data Warehouses: Most commonly used Data Warehouses are Snowflake,
Redshift, BigQuery, and Firebolt.
Approaches in ETL Process
ETL Process
modeling techniques (ER Model), where the data is stored in 3NF. The data
warehouse now acts as a data source for the new data marts.
Bottom Up Approach
ETL Tools :
Some of the most commonly used ETL tools are MarkLogic, Oracle, Sybase,Hevo,
and Xplenty.
Advantages of ETL Tools :
• Easy to use.
• Load data from different targets at same time.
• Performs data transformation as per need.
• Better for complex rules and transformations.
• Inbuilt Error handling functionality.
• Based on GUI and offer visual flow.
• Save Cost and generate higher revenue.
Disadvantages of ETL Tools :
• Not suitable for near real-time data access.
• Inclined more towards batch data processing
• Difficult to keep up with changing requirements.
The three-tier approach is the most widely used architecture for data warehouse systems.
1. The bottom tier is the database of the warehouse, where the cleansed and transformed
data is loaded.
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2. The middle tier is the application layer giving an abstracted view of the database. It
arranges the data to make it more suitable for analysis. This is done with an OLAP server,
implemented using the ROLAP or MOLAP model.
3. The top-tier is where the user accesses and interacts with the data. It represents the front-
end client layer. You can use reporting tools, query, analysis or data mining tools.
From the architectures outlined above, you notice some components overlap, while others are
unique to the number of tiers.
Below you will find some of the most important data warehouse components and their roles in
the system.
ETL Tools
ETL stands for Extract, Transform, and Load. The staging layer uses ETL tools to extract the
needed data from various formats and checks the quality before loading it into the data
The data coming from the data source layer can come in a variety of formats. Before merging all
the data collected from multiple sources into a single database, the system must clean and
organize the information.
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The Database
The most crucial component and the heart of each architecture is the database. The warehouse is
where the data is stored and accessed.
When creating the data warehouse system, you first need to decide what kind of database you
want to use.
Once the system cleans and organizes the data, it stores it in the data warehouse. The data
warehouse represents the central repository that stores metadata, summary data, and raw data
coming from each source.
• Metadata is the information that defines the data. Its primary role is to simplify working
with data instances. It allows data analysts to classify, locate, and direct queries to the
required data.
• Summary data is generated by the warehouse manager. It updates as new data loads into
the warehouse. This component can include lightly or highly summarized data. Its main
role is to speed up query performance.
• Raw data is the actual data loading into the repository, which has not been processed.
Having the data in its raw form makes it accessible for further processing and analysis.
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Access Tools
Users interact with the gathered information through different tools and technologies. They can
analyze the data, gather insight, and create reports.
• Reporting tools. They play a crucial role in understanding how your business is doing
and what should be done next. Reporting tools include visualizations such as graphs and
charts showing how data changes over time.
• OLAP tools. Online analytical processing tools which allow users to analyze
multidimensional data from multiple perspectives. These tools provide fast processing
and valuable analysis. They extract data from numerous relational data sets and
reorganize it into a multidimensional format.
• Data mining tools. Examine data sets to find patterns within the warehouse and the
correlation between them. Data mining also helps establish relationships when analyzing
multidimensional data.
Data Marts
Data marts allow you to have multiple groups within the system by segmenting the data in the
warehouse into categories. It partitions data, producing it for a particular user group.
For instance, you can use data marts to categorize information by departments within the
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A data mart is a simple form of a Data Warehouse. It is focused on a single subject. Data
Mart draws data from only a few sources. These sources may be central Data warehouse,
In the Airline system, it is used for operation purpose like crew assignment, analyses of route
profitability, frequent flyer program promotions, etc.
It is widely used in the banking sector to manage the resources available on desk effectively. Few
banks also used for the market research, performance analysis of the product and operations.
Healthcare sector also used Data warehouse to strategize and predict outcomes, generate
patient’s treatment reports, share data with tie-in insurance companies, medical aid services, etc.
Public sector:
In the public sector, data warehouse is used for intelligence gathering. It helps government
agencies to maintain and analyze tax records, health policy records, for every individual.
Retain chain:
In retail chains, Data warehouse is widely used for distribution and marketing. It also helps to
track items, customer buying pattern, promotions and also used for determining pricing policy.
A data warehouse is used in this sector for product promotions, sales decisions and to make
distribution decisions.
Hospitality Industry:
This Industry utilizes warehouse services to design as well as estimate their advertising and
promotion campaigns where they want to target clients based on their feedback and travel
• Data warehouse allows business users to quickly access critical data from some sources
all in one place.
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• Change in Regulatory constrains may limit the ability to combine source of disparate
data. These disparate sources may include unstructured data which is difficult to store.
• As the size of the databases grows, the estimates of what constitutes a very large database
continue to grow. It is complex to build and run data warehouse systems which are
always increasing in size. The hardware and software resources are available today do not
allow to keep a large amount of data online.
• Multimedia data cannot be easily manipulated as text data, whereas textual information
can be retrieved by the relational software available today. This could be a research
A Data Warehouse is a large repository of data A data mart is an only subtype of a Data Ware
Definition collected from different organizations or It is designed to meet the need of a certain user
departments within a corporation. group.
Usage It helps to take a strategic decision. It helps to take tactical decisions for the busine
May or may not use in a dimensional model. It is built focused on a dimensional model usin
However, it can feed dimensional models. start schema.
Data warehousing includes large area of the Data marts are easy to use, design and implem
Data Handling corporation which is why it takes a long time to
it can only handle small amounts of data.
process it.
The data stored inside the Data Warehouse are Data Marts are built for particular user groups.
Data type
always detailed when compared with data mart. Therefore, data short and limited.
Designed to store enterprise-wide decision Dimensional modeling and star schema design
Data storing data, not just marketing data. employed for optimizing the performance of ac
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Time variance and non-volatile design are Mostly includes consolidation data structures t
Data type
strictly enforced. meet subject area’s query and reporting needs.
Knowledge management is the conscious process of defining, structuring, retaining, and sharing
the knowledge and experience of employees within an organization.
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Knowledge Management (KM) with Business Intelligence (BI) The Figure 8 illustrates the
knowledge cycle on how the Knowledge Management (KM) can help the business to improve
their processes. The figure shows how the Business Intelligence which contents information
becomes the central role in knowledge management. It has data, business context, decision,
action and the collaboration of experts.
Knowledge Management (KM) is the collection of processes that govern the creation,
dissemination, and utilization of knowledge. (KM) this is, as the word entails the power
to handle “knowledge” and right knowledge available to the right people. It is about
making sure that an organization can learn, and that it will be able to retrieve and use its
knowledge assets in current applications as they are needed
. Knowledge Management (KM) is not always about technology, but also about
understanding how the people work, brainstorming, identify groups of people who work
together and how they can share and learn from each other and in the end the
organization learning about their workers experience and about the leadership the
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Knowledge management
1. Accumulating knowledge
2. Storing knowledge
3. Sharing knowledge
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By accumulating and storing the staff’s knowledge, companies hold onto what has made them
successful in the past. In addition, sharing this information throughout the organization informs
staff of past approaches that improve performance or better inform new strategies.
To achieve the goal of knowledge management, companies have to enable and promote a culture
of learning and development, creating an environment where employees are encouraged to share
information to better the collective workforce.
• Knowledge gathering. This includes entering data, optical character recognition and
scanning, pulling information from various sources and searching for other information to
• Knowledge storage and organization. This step in the process includes cataloging and
indexing content in a knowledge management system to find it, and placing links within this
content to provide further related information for users to digest.
• Knowledge distribution. This provides a way for users to access the information,
including FAQs, training videos, white papers and manuals.
• Knowledge use. Once information is distributed to users, they need to put it into action.
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1. Discovery
Every organization has multiple sources of knowledge, from employees to data and records.
This could be the education and skillsets staff bring to the job, the experience and unique
expertise they develop on the job, or hard drives of data that can positively affect the business
with proper analysis.
During the discovery process, organizations must identify all the available sources of knowledge,
with a particular emphasis on information that could be easily lost.
This process is simplified by a strong understanding of where and how knowledge flows around
the organization.
2. Collection
Collecting all the available knowledge and data creates the foundation from which future
processes build.
Companies must audit their existing staff expertise, documentation, and external knowledge
sources. A range of tools is available to help, including automated surveys, document scanning,
and metadata.
3. Assessment
This process involves the deep analysis of the knowledge gathered in the previous two steps.
Data must be assessed and organized into a structured, searchable, and easily accessible form.
Assessment of the gathered knowledge is required to ensure it is accurate, offers value, and is up
to date.
Then teams can determine how best to share information to improve company performance and
give staff the knowledge they need to maximize performance.
Utilizing the right knowledge management system simplifies this process by allowing leadership
to organize, assess, segment, and store a comprehensive knowledge database.
4. Sharing
The whole point of knowledge management is to give staff the expertise and information they
need to do their job to the best of their ability.
Once you have built a detailed and accurate body of knowledge related to your company, you
need to plan how it will be shared.
See the “Knowledge management methods” section below for examples of how to share
information around your company.
While there are many examples of sharing information, one thing that should be universal is
creating a cultural shift towards learning and development.
Leadership must prioritize and reward knowledge sharing, creating an atmosphere where team
members are actively encouraged to both teach each other and learn from one another.
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5. Application
This is the step where organizations reap the rewards of knowledge management. Discovering
and storing institutional knowledge is just the beginning.
Staff utilizing newly acquired expertise in their tasks brings a range of benefits in productivity,
accuracy, decision-making, and more innovative employees.
6. Creation
It should never be considered a one-and-done process. A single audit and rollout won’t deliver
the results you are looking for.
Knowledge management is a continual process that maximizes a company’s performance for the
expertise available to it.
Whether it is a team discovering a new, more efficient approach to a task or a better way
of capturing data related to company performance, organizations should constantly be
innovating and creating new knowledge to pass on to future employees
Types of knowledge:
There are three types of knowledge -- explicit, tacit and embedded. However, the two most
important distinctions are explicit and tacit.
embedded knowledge can be found in explicit sources, it is not always immediately apparent
why doing something a certain way is important for a business.
Explicit in nature Tacit in nature
Structured information Structured and unstructured information
Business driven methodology andproject KM organization/Leadership measures
Strategic and extensible technical framework Effective and Systematic processes
Business centric championship and balanced Strategy,Systems and Infrastructure
project team composition
Clear business vision Measures
Business Oriented Organizational processes,dynamic
descriptions,forecasting,analysis and learning,existing knowledge to support
decision making decision making
Both internal and external process Only internal process
Technology management and Identification,acquisition,application and
operationalization of information construction of new knowledge
No equivalent action Create new Knowledge
No equivalent action Knowledge Dispersion
• Standardized processes.
• Increased collaboration
• Motivation
• Keeping up with technology
• Security
• Keeping information up to date
1. Strategy
The knowledge management strategy should focus on identifying and addressing a knowledge
gap in the organization. For instance, if an insurance firm identifies the general insurance
division as a growth area, the other departments should learn more from this division to realize
organizational goals.
2. Process
A clear and well-defined process for identifying, storing, and sharing knowledge is a vital
component of every successful knowledge management initiative. The process of knowledge
management includes various steps, such as creating knowledge, structuring it, reviewing and
sharing it before it can be used, and applied by other teams.
The processes you set up should be designed to ensure accuracy in identifying, managing,
sharing information, especially in a secure way. The purpose of knowledge
management is counter-intuitive if the wrong information is shared or if it is shared with the
wrong person.
3. Technology
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Technology is a crucial element behind the success of any knowledge management project. The
systems and software should also enable easy and secure access for authorized employees to
relevant information as and when required. Technology solutions bring together all the
components — process, people, and information — required to build an organization’s
knowledge management system.
Typically, dedicated knowledge management platforms utilize big data and document analysis to
provide business intelligence as well. These platforms are increasingly tapping into AI enablers
for more sophisticated and customizable analytics.
4. People
People include top management, team leaders who motivate their members, the core knowledge
management team who guide the implementation, and finally, employees who contribute and use
the system.
Knowledge management must be prioritized within the company. The top management needs to
lead by example and encourage and incentivize the sharing of information. Rewarding and
motivating people to regularly use the system to share their insights will go a long way in
ensuring the knowledge management program’s success.
5. Improvement
Knowledge management is not a one-time initiative. It is a dynamic exercise that has to become
a part of the company culture. It needs regular reviewing, tweaking, and improvement to meet
the goals defined in the strategy.
The company should regularly revisit its knowledge management strategy to see what is
working and what’s not. Further, knowledge management plans are intrinsically linked to the
organization’s goals and objectives. Sometimes the goals themselves change, thus making it
necessary to reevaluate the knowledge management policies and plans.
6. Incentivize employees
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These examples all involve transferring information directly from the knowledge holder to other
This could be through in-person tutoring, company-wide training sessions, online chats, and
group discussions - or a mix of these options and others.
Many companies value building a skills matrix that maps each employee’s expertise. This
simplifies finding the employee with the most experience or knowledge in a given field. In
addition, it identifies knowledge gaps within the workforce and shows areas requiring focus for
specific knowledge management methods and training.
Some examples of this type of knowledge management may not require a formalized structure.
For example, perhaps your company is having problems with a new project, which reminds you
of a previous situation. Using the company Slack, for example, you can search for similar
questions and find old threads discussing how you overcame the problem last time. Prior
expertise that you may not have thought about in years is stored and discovered in old
communications to help you right now.
• Brainstorming sessions can be facilitated, taking advantage of the combined power of the
group’s experience and knowledge
• It can be time-consuming and take away from the tasks the knowledge holder is trying to
• Difficulty finding the right expert with good communication skills and knowledge of the
• You can lose the knowledge if the knowledge holder leaves the company
With text-based knowledge management, a system to store, categorize and navigate subjects is
always available.
These online resources spark conversation and bring many knowledge holders into the same
Threads, subforums, and groups can be divided by topic, level of expertise, or any number of
other classifications.
• Many experts can be brought together into one place, no matter their location globally
• Facilitating contact with remote teams helps teamwork and knowledge transfer
• Searching through many messages and threads for relevant answers is time-consuming
Incentivizing them to take advantage of your knowledge management systems will result in
upskilled employees ready to take on leadership roles in your organization.
For this to happen, there must be structured and accessible learning and development technology
in place that employees can use.
• Authoring tools available such that internal experts can build company-specific courses
• Analytic tools are available to help find knowledge gaps inside the company
• Readily available solutions may be too generic to add real value for your company
• Content must be created and continually updated
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5. Case studies
These in-depth studies into particular areas serve as complete guides to a subject.
Looking at the actions taken, the results they produce, and any lessons learned is extremely
• Easily shareable
• The case study may have limitations or require approval from the parties involved
• In fast-paced fields that are constantly innovating, case studies can become out of date
6. Webinars
These online seminars can be beneficial in widely disseminating ideas throughout teams,
branches, or the entire company.
• Potential for interactivity where attendees can ask questions specific to issues they are
• Requires organization
Types of decisions
Decisions are part of the manager's remit. Difficult choices may have to be made for the common
good of the organisation. There are three types of decision in business:
Strategic decisions
Strategic decisions comprise the highest level of organizational business decisions and are
usually less frequent and made by the organization’s executives. Yet, their impact is enormous
and far-reaching.
Some types of strategic decisions include selecting a particular market to penetrate, a company to
acquire, or whether to hire additional staff.
Decisions made at this level usually involve significant expenditure. However, they are generally
non-repetitive in nature and are taken only after careful analysis and evaluation of many
Tactical decisions
Tactical decisions (or semistructured decisions) occur with greater frequency (e.g., weekly or
monthly) and fall into the mid-management level. Often, they relate to the implementation of
strategic decisions.
Examples of tactical decisions include product price changes, work schedules, departmental
reorganization, and similar activities.
The impact of these types of decisions is medium regarding risk to the organization and impact
on profitability.
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Operational decisions
Operational decisions (or structured decisions) usually happen frequently (e.g., daily or hourly),
relate to day-to-day operations of the enterprise, and have a lesser impact on the organization.
Operational decisions determine the day-to-day profitability of the business, how effectively it
retains customers, or how well it manages risk.
Unstructured decisions are those in which the decision maker must provide judgement,
evaluation, and insight to solve the problem.
Structured decisions, by contrast, are repetitive and routine, and they involve a definite
procedure for handling them so that they do not have to be treated each time as if they were new.
Many decisions have elements of both types of decisions and are semistructured, where only
part of the problem has a clear-cut answer provided by an accepted procedure.
In general, structured decisions are more prevalent at lower organizational levels, whereas
unstructured problems are more common at higher levels of the firms.
There are four different stages in decision making: intelligence, design, choice, and
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In order to make the best decisions, companies need to use tools to decipher their data and better
understand their customers. Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of tools used by companies
to analyze data using data analytics tools, gain valuable insights, and make better and more
informed decisions using Business Intelligence reports.
Since its early days, business intelligence has been a tool for decision-making. It’s a way to
ensure that managers and executives make better decisions so that businesses can run more
effectively. These decisions can range from basic operations like deciding how much to produce
to broader strategic considerations like deciding what products to sell. However, BI tools vary
considerably in how they are designed, how they interact with other applications, and how they
are used. Ultimately, BI is about having access to the right information at the right time.
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On the other hand, non-programmed decisions are meant for dealing with problems of difficult
nature and which can’t be solved easily. These decisions arise out of problems that are not
routine or daily occurring. There is no standard procedure for solving such issues. Non-
programmed decisions are very crucial for an organization and are taken by upper-level
management. Decisions at a higher level may include introducing new products in the market,
setting up a new branch of business, and many more.
analysis, and in-depth study. Generally, higher management delegates power to their
subordinates for taking such decisions within the policy of business.
Whereas, strategic decisions are key decisions influencing the goals, objectives, and other crucial
policy matters of the organization. These decisions require proper analysis and evaluation of
distinct alternatives as they require an investment of funds. Strategic decisions are taken by the
top and middle-level management teams. These also influence the routine decisions taken on a
daily basis and hence require utmost care before taking them.
Whereas, when decisions are taken by an executive in his personal capacity, not relating to the
organization then they are termed as personal decisions. Authority of taking personal decisions
cannot be delegated to subordinates.
Operational decisions related to daily operations and functioning of business enterprise. These
decisions make it possible to implement the plan and policies taken by managers at the top level.
Middle and low-level managers usually take these decisions.
Group decisions, on the other hand, are taken collectively by the management and employees of
the business together. This group of individuals taking decisions are also termed as a standing
committee and only the pertinent matters are referred to this committee. Group decisions mainly
focus on involving a large number of individuals in their process of decision-making. Decisions
taken by the board of directors of the company came in the category of group decisions.
Major and minor is another important type of classification of decisions. Major decisions relate
to key aspects of business organization and are taken by top-level managers. The decision to
buying new factory premises is a major decision.
Minor decisions are taken by peoples at lower levels in business organizations and are of less
importance. Purchase of office stationery for daily use is a minor decision that can be taken by
the office superintendent.
Managerial Roles
Managers play key roles in organizations. Managerial roles are expectations of the activities that
managers should perform in an organization. These managerial roles fell into three categories:
interpersonal, informational, and decisional.
Business intelligence refers to an infrastructure that collects and analyzes large amounts of data to give
organizations a clear and comprehensive picture of their data. The goal of a BI system is to give
stakeholders a clear and customized view of their data to empower them to make data-driven
decisionsBusiness intelligence combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools
and infrastructure, and best practices to help organizations make more data-driven decisions. Modern BI
solutions prioritize flexible self-service analysis, governed data on trusted platforms, empowered
business users, and speed to insight.
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Businesses and organizations have questions and goals. To answer these questions and track performance
against these goals, they gather the necessary data, analyze it, and determine which actions to take to
reach their goals.
On the technical side, raw data is collected from business systems. Data is processed and then stored in
data warehouses, the cloud, applications, and files. Once it’s stored, users can access the data, starting the
analysis process to answer business questions.
BI platforms also offer data visualization tools, which convert data into charts or graphs, as well as
presenting to any key stakeholders or decision-makers.
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BI methods
business intelligence is an umbrella term that covers the processes and methods of collecting,
storing, and analyzing data from business operations or activities to optimize performance. All
of these things come together to create a comprehensive view of a business to help people make
better, actionable decisions. Over the past few years, business intelligence has evolved to
include more processes and activities to help improve performance. These processes include:
• Data mining: Using databases, statistics, and machine learning (ML) to uncover trends
in largedatasets
• Reporting: Sharing data analysis to stakeholders so they can draw conclusions
and makedecisions
• Performance metrics and benchmarking: Comparing current performance data to
historical data to track performance against goals, typically using customized
• Descriptive analytics: Using preliminary data analysis to find out what happened
• Querying: Asking the data-specific questions, BI pulling the answers from the data sets
• Statistical analysis: Taking the results from descriptive analytics and further exploring
the datausing statistics such as how this trend happened and why
• Data visualization: Turning data analysis into visual representations such as charts,
graphs, and histograms to more easily consume data
• Visual analysis: Exploring data through visual storytelling to communicate insights
on the flyand stay in the flow of analysis.
• Data preparation: Compiling multiple data sources, identifying the
dimensions andmeasurements, and preparing it for data analysis
• Intuitive to use
• Variety of dashboard and visualization options
• Smart insights
• Alerts for good and bad metrics
• Built-in artificial intelligence (AI)
• Deployment flexibility
• Integration with other platforms and applications
• Data connectivity
• Embedding in business applications
OLAP (online analytical processing) is a computing method that enables users to easily and
selectively extract and query data in order to analyze it from different points of view. OLAP
business intelligence queries often aid in trends analysis, financial reporting, sales forecasting,
budgeting and other planning purposes.
For example, a user can request that data be analyzed to display a spreadsheet showing all ofa
company's beach ball products sold in Florida in the month of July, compare revenue figures
with those for the same products in September and then see a comparison of other product sales
in Florida in the same time period.
Analysts can then perform five types of OLAP analytical operations againstthese
multidimensional databases:
• Roll-up. Also known as consolidation, or drill-up, this operation summarizes the data
along the dimension.
• Drill-down. This allows analysts to navigate deeper among the dimensions of data, for
example drilling down from "time period" to "years" and "months" to chart sales growth
for a product.
• Slice. This enables an analyst to take one level of information for display, such as
"sales in 2017."
• Dice. This allows an analyst to select data from multiple dimensions to analyze, such as
"sales of blue beach balls in Iowa in 2017."
• Pivot. Analysts can gain a new view of data by rotating the data axes of the cube.
OLAP software then locates the intersection of dimensions, such as all products sold in the
Eastern region above a certain price during a certain time period, and displays them. The result is
the "measure"; each OLAP cube has at least one to perhaps hundreds of measures,which are
derived from information stored in fact tables in the data warehouse.
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OLAP begins with data accumulated from multiple sources and stored in a data warehouse. The
data is then cleansed and stored in OLAP cubes, which users run queries against.
• First, data is first extracted from various data sources and formats, like textfiles and
spreadsheets. This data is then stored in the Data Warehouse.
• Next, the data is cleaned, transformed, and stored in OLAP Cubes
• Once in the OLAP cubes, information is then pre-calculated and pre-
aggregated in advance for further analysis
• Lastly, the user gets the data from the OLAP cubes by running queriesagainst
Typically, data is distributed throughout multiple data sources and formats. The OLAP process
involves extracting data from the various data repositories, makingthem compatible, and moving
them to the data warehouse.
First, OLAP identifies the dimensions, measures, and attributes in this multidimensional data
model. It can also determine the relationships within each dimension. Then, the resulting data
model will be loaded onto a multidimensionalOLAP Cube.
There are many benefits of using OLAP in marketing. Here are just a few:
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• Planning
• Budgeting
• Financial Modeling
• Sales Analysis
• Forecasting
• Market Research Analysis
• Customer Analysis
• Defect Analysis
• Cost Analysis
• And more
Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) is a combination of ROLAP and MOLAP. HOLAP was developedto
combine the greater data capacity of ROLAP with the superior processing capability of MOLAP.
The advantages of OLAP are as follows −
• Business-centred multidimensional information.
• Business-centred figuring’s.
• Dependable information and figuring’s.
• Speed-of-thought examination.
• Adaptable, self-administration detailing.
The disadvantages of OLAP are as follows −
• Pre-demonstrating is an absolute necessity. As to business information, the traditional
OLAP tools don't take into consideration quick investigation without pre-demonstrating.
• Extraordinary reliance on IT.
• Helpless calculation capacity.
• Shy Interactive examination capacity.
• Slow in responding.
• Theoretical model.
• Extraordinary, expected danger.
OLAP Functions
The OLAP functions extend the syntax of the SQL analytic functions. This syntax is familiar to
SQL developers and DBAs, so you can adopt it more easily than proprietary OLAP languages
and APIs. Using the OLAP functions, you can create all standard calculated measures,
including rank, share, prior and future periods, period-to-date, parallel period, moving
aggregates, and cumulative aggregates.
• Aggregate Functions
• Analytic Functions
• Hierarchical Functions
• Lag Functions
• OLAP DML Functions
• Rank Functions
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• Share Functions
• Window Functions
Aggregate Functions
Analytic Functions
Hierarchical Functions
Lag Functions
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Rank Functions
Share Functions
Window Functions
It is well-known as an online
database query management It is well-known as an online
system. database modifying system.
1. Definitio
Backup It only need backup from time to Backup and recovery process is
and time as compared to OLTP. maintained rigorously
2 Recovery
straightforward queries.