Textbook Continuous Eeg Monitoring Principles and Practice 1St Edition Aatif M Husain Ebook All Chapter PDF

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Continuous EEG Monitoring Principles

and Practice 1st Edition Aatif M. Husain

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EEG Monitoring

Principles and Practice

Aatif M. Husain
Saurabh R. Sinha

Continuous EEG Monitoring
Aatif M. Husain • Saurabh R. Sinha

Continuous EEG
Principles and Practice
Aatif M. Husain Saurabh R. Sinha
Neurology Neurology
Duke University Medical Center Duke University Medical Center
Durham Durham
North Carolina North Carolina

ISBN 978-3-319-31228-6    ISBN 978-3-319-31230-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31230-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016959467

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

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To my late parents, Mairaj and Suraiya Husain.
Every day I am reminded of their wisdom, humility,
generosity and love. I hope I can pass on the lessons
I learned from them to my children.
Aatif M. Husain
To my wife, Vandita, and children, Varun and Sneha.
Their love and encouragement is a constant in an
ever-changing and challenging world.
Saurabh R. Sinha


It was only 20 years ago that when continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring was dis-
cussed, it was in the context of monitoring patients in the epilepsy monitoring unit
for spell characterization or epilepsy surgery evaluation. Certainly EEGs were per-
formed in the intensive care units (ICU), and patients even underwent “prolonged
monitoring.” However, in the era of paper EEGs, prolonged monitoring often con-
sisted of turning the EEG machine on for 5 min every hour or so. Interpretation of
reams of paper was done the following day. Partly because of what now appears to
be rudimentary methods, we did not appreciate the extraordinary prevalence of sei-
zures in critically ill patients.
The last two decades have seen a remarkable change in our understanding of sei-
zures in critically ill patients. Much of this change has been due to the availability of
cEEG monitoring. The advent of digital EEG and advances in information technol-
ogy have paved the way for the broad availability of cEEG monitoring, which has led
to the realization that about 20 % of critically ill patients in whom cEEG monitoring
is performed have seizures or status epilepticus (SE). The medical community has
recognized the need for cEEG monitoring in large and small, university and com-
munity hospitals, and this has fueled a remarkable demand for these services.
Continuous EEG monitoring has now become a discipline in its own right. A few
years ago, a handful of like-minded individuals set up the Critical Care EEG
Monitoring and Research Consortium (CCEMRC); this consortium has grown to
about 50 members. Many clinical neurophysiology fellowships have made cEEG
monitoring education an essential part of their training. In fact, dedicated cEEG
monitoring fellowships have also become available. Many clinical neurophysiolo-
gists and neurointensivists now complete their training with a special interest and
expertise in cEEG monitoring. Professional societies throughout the world have
also started offering education and training in this discipline at their annual meet-
ings. The American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology now offers a subspecialty
certification in critical care EEG monitoring.
This remarkable growth in cEEG monitoring was the impetus behind this book.
The ever-expanding knowledge base, advances in recording and analysis, interpre-
tation and treatment concerns, and implementation challenges can best be addressed
in a textbook on this subject. In an effort to address these challenges and provide a
state of the art of this field, we undertook editing Continuous EEG Monitoring:
Principles and Practice.

viii Preface

With Continuous EEG Monitoring: Principles and Practice, we wanted to

address all issues the practitioner may face in this field. With this in mind, we
divided the text into four sections, “Clinical Aspects,” “Special Situations,”
“Treatment,” and “Technical and Administrative Considerations.” Each chapter is
written by authors who have been seminal to the advancement of cEEG monitoring.
The “Clinical Aspects” section addresses the clinical issues of cEEG monitoring.
Included are chapters detailing the history of the field, epidemiology of seizures and
SE in critically ill patients, and classification of SE. Interpretative aspects of cEEG
monitoring are also discussed in this section. Quantitative analysis of EEG is a vital
aspect of this field, and several chapters are devoted to this. The “Special Situations”
section addresses specific issues related to cEEG monitoring. Included are special
situations that can lead to SE and warrant cEEG monitoring, such as anoxic enceph-
alopathy, autoimmune SE, and medication-induced seizures. Critical care and prog-
nostic issues in adults and children are also addressed in this section. The “Treatment”
section has chapters detailing management options for acute seizure emergencies
ranging from recurrent nonconvulsive seizures to super refractory SE. The final
“Technical and Administrative Considerations” section deals with very important
implementation issues for cEEG monitoring. The popularity of cEEG monitoring
has not been without its challenges. EEG equipment, electrodes, staffing, billing,
and information technology issues have all raised different challenges. These topics
are addressed in this final section.
The four sections of this book provide a comprehensive “principles and practice”
approach to cEEG monitoring. Readers will find that they not only learn the scien-
tific and clinical aspects of this field but are aware of the practical challenges and
potential solutions. As such many different types of professionals will find value in
this book. Neurology, clinical neurophysiology, epilepsy, and neurointensive care
trainees will benefit from reading this book in its entirety. Practicing neurologists,
particularly neurohospitalists and others involved with hospital inpatients, clinical
neurophysiologists, intensivists, neurosurgeons, and neuroscientists, will also find
many sections of value. Technologists will find a lot of useful information that will
help them care for these patients. Administrators and managers will find material
that will help them run their departments more efficiently.
There are many individuals who have contributed to Continuous EEG Monitoring:
Principles and Practice, and without them, this book would not have been possible.
Foremost, we are extremely grateful to our colleagues who contributed chapters.
They have spent many hours collating critical information to create this very useful
textbook. Special thanks is due to the publisher, Springer Medicine Books, in par-
ticular, Sylvana Freyberg who recognized the need for such a book and encouraged
us to put it together and Sowmya Ramalingam who kept us on task to make sure this
project reached culmination. The technologists, residents, fellows, neurologists,
neurosurgeons, nurses, and administrators we work with at Duke University Medical
Center must be recognized and thanked for their unwavering dedication to patients,
education, research, and each other. Without them, we could not do any of what we
do. Of course, the most important group of individuals who have contributed is our
Preface ix

patients. It is through their illness that we learn. It is this learning that we hope will
provide more effective treatment for these and other patients.
Finally, we must thank our families. Medicine is an extremely fulfilling and
demanding profession. Our spouses and children endure our long work hours rou-
tinely; this book added many more hours away from them. Without their constant
support, encouragement, and motivation, none of this would have been possible. For
that, and a lot more, we are forever grateful.

Durham, NC, USA Aatif M. Husain

 Saurabh R. Sinha

Part I Clinical Aspects 

1 The History of Continuous EEG Monitoring�������������������������������������������� 3

Raoul Sutter and Peter W. Kaplan
2 Epidemiology of Seizures in Critically Ill Adults������������������������������������ 13
Jennifer M. Pritchard and Jennifer L. Hopp
3 Epidemiology of Seizures in Critically Ill
Children and Neonates������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29
Nicholas S. Abend and Courtney J Wusthoff
4 Status Epilepticus Classification�������������������������������������������������������������� 51
David Gloss
5 Criteria for Continuous EEG Monitoring ���������������������������������������������� 59
Keith E. Dombrowski
6 Periodic Complexes: Classification and Examples �������������������������������� 67
Jessica W. Templer and Elizabeth E. Gerard
7 Electrographic Seizures in Adults: Recognition
and Examples �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
Jonathan Halford
8 Electrographic Seizures in Pediatrics: Recognition
and Examples ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 115
Jessica L. Carpenter, N. Mehta, and T.N. Tsuchida
9 Patterns of Uncertain Significance �������������������������������������������������������� 135
Aneeta R. Saxena and Lawrence J. Hirsch
10 Artifacts Resembling Seizures���������������������������������������������������������������� 153
Sarah Schmitt
11 Quantitative EEG Analysis: Basics�������������������������������������������������������� 173
Saurabh R. Sinha

xii Contents

12 QEEG in Seizure Detection�������������������������������������������������������������������� 191

Christa B. Swisher
13 Quantitative EEG in Neonatal Seizures������������������������������������������������ 215
Juliet K. Knowles and Courtney J. Wusthoff
14 Quantitative EEG for Non-seizure Indications ������������������������������������ 231
Sahar Zafar and M. Brandon Westover
15 QEEG Training Module�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257
Christa B. Swisher
16 Neuroimaging in Status Epilepticus ������������������������������������������������������ 279
Ana M. Cartagena and G. Bryan Young

Part II Special Situations 

17 Acute Anoxic Injury and Therapeutic Hypothermia

in Adults���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 289
Amy Z. Crepeau
18 Autoimmune, Infectious, and Metabolic NCSE/NCS �������������������������� 303
Abeer J. Hani and William B. Gallentine
19 Focal Neurologic Injury and Nonconvulsive Status
Epilepticus/Nonconvulsive Seizures������������������������������������������������������� 319
Leslie A. Rudzinski and Elakkat D. Gireesh
20 Non-neurologic Causes of Nonconvulsive Status
Epilepticus/Nonconvulsive Seizures������������������������������������������������������� 339
Yara Nazzal and Jennifer L. DeWolfe
21 Therapeutic Hypothermia in Children�������������������������������������������������� 347
Laurence Ducharme-Crevier and Mark S. Wainwright
22 Medication-Induced Seizures and Status Epilepticus�������������������������� 361
Deepti Zutshi
23 Super Refractory Status Epilepticus������������������������������������������������������ 383
Joseph Zachariah, Jeff Britton, and Sara Hocker
24 Critical Care Considerations������������������������������������������������������������������ 417
Elie Dancour, Amy C. Jongeling, and Jan Claassen
25 Prognostication in Adults������������������������������������������������������������������������ 445
Joao McONeil N.M. Plancher and Brandon Foreman
26 Prognostication in Pediatrics������������������������������������������������������������������ 465
Alejandra M. Stewart and Kevin E. Chapman
Contents xiii

Part III Treatment 

27 Treatment of Status Epilepticus with Nonsedating

Antiepileptic Drugs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 485
Mariam Wasim and Aatif M. Husain
28 Treatment of Status Epilepticus with Anesthetic Drugs���������������������� 509
Nicolas Gaspard
29 Nonpharmacologic and Nontraditional Treatments
for Status Epilepticus������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 525
Elizabeth A. Felton and Mackenzie C. Cervenka
30 Treatment of Status Epilepticus in Pediatrics �������������������������������������� 539
Arnold J. Sansevere and Tobias Loddenkemper
31 Investigational Treatments for Status Epileptics���������������������������������� 555
Asim Haque, Stephen A. VanHaerents, and Frank W. Drislane

Part IV Technical and Administrative Considerations 

32 EEG Equipment �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 571

Saurabh R. Sinha
33 Electrodes and Montages������������������������������������������������������������������������ 577
Michael Pietak and Saurabh R. Sinha
34 Technical Considerations������������������������������������������������������������������������ 587
Crystal M. Keller
35 Staffing Considerations for ICU EEG Monitoring ������������������������������ 603
J. Andrew Ehrenberg, Andres Rodriguez, and Suzette M. Laroche
36 Coding and Billing Considerations�������������������������������������������������������� 615
Marc R. Nuwer
37 Reporting Results������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 629
Tadeu A. Fantaneanu and Jong Woo Lee
38 Information Technology Issues �������������������������������������������������������������� 643
Ronald G. Emerson

Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 657
About the Editors

Aatif M. Husain, MD is professor, Department of Neurology, Duke University

Medical Center, and director, Neurodiagnostic Center, Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, in Durham, North Carolina, USA. After completing medical school in
Pakistan, he did an internship at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. He
then completed a neurology residency at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia. After residency, Dr. Husain did fellowships in clinical neurophysiol-
ogy, epilepsy and sleep medicine, and EMG/neuromuscular disorders at Duke
University Medical Center. Since his fellowships, he has stayed at Duke University
as faculty. He directs the clinical neurophysiology and sleep medicine fellowship
programs at Duke University. His clinical interests include treatment of acute sei-
zures and status epilepticus, neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring, and gen-
eral clinical neurophysiology. He has written many articles, chapters, and books on
these topics. Dr. Husain is currently the editor in chief of the Journal of Clinical
Neurophysiology and has been a past president of the American Clinical
Neurophysiology Society and the American Board of Registration of EEG and EP

Saurabh R. Sinha, MD, PhD is associate professor and vice-chair for education,
Department of Neurology, Duke University Medical Center, and director of the
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Duke University Hospital. After receiving his B.Sc. in
biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, he
completed his M.D., Ph.D. (in neuroscience), and internship (internal medicine) at
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Dr. Sinha completed his residency
in neurology and fellowships in clinical neurophysiology and advanced epilepsy at
Johns Hopkins Hospital. After 4 years as medical director of the Epilepsy Program
at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Dr. Sinha joined Duke University Medical Center
where he currently also serves as program director for the Neurology Residency.
His clinical and research interests include surgical epilepsy, quantitative EEG anal-
ysis, and neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring. Dr. Sinha is currently on the
board of directors for the American Board of Registration of EEG and EP
Technologists and the American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology and on the
council of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society.

Part I
Clinical Aspects
The History of Continuous EEG
Monitoring 1
Raoul Sutter and Peter W. Kaplan

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 4
From the Galvanometer to Scalp Electrodes................................................................................ 4
The First Human EEG................................................................................................................. 6
Early Use of Multichannel EEG.................................................................................................. 6
From Paper to Digital Recording................................................................................................. 7
Diagnosis and Prognosis.............................................................................................................. 8
Directing Treatment..................................................................................................................... 9
Interinstitutional Variability....................................................................................................... 10
Future Perspectives.................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusions................................................................................................................................ 11
References.................................................................................................................................. 11

R. Sutter, MD (*)
Clinic of Intensive Care Medicine and Division of Clinical Neurophysiology,
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Basel,
Petersgraben 4, Basel CH – 4031, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
P.W. Kaplan, MB BS, FRCP
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Care Center,
301 Building, 4940 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 3

A.M. Husain, S.R. Sinha (eds.), Continuous EEG Monitoring:
Principles and Practice, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31230-9_1
4 R. Sutter and P.W. Kaplan


The history of electroencephalography (EEG) began in the late 1800s and has
increasingly led to clinical, experimental, and computational studies that have
enabled the discovery, understanding, recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of a
great number of neurophysiological abnormalities and critical illnesses of the brain
and spinal cord. Currently, EEGs are often continuously recorded mostly using
scalp or cortical electrodes with enough digital EEG memory to store extended
recordings of several hours. Modern EEG machines are further equipped with fully
computerized signal processing systems allowing rapid and multidimensional anal-
yses that present many challenges to the managing physicians.
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the history of EEG and its clinical
contributions toward the field of continuous EEG monitoring in critical care.
Milestones in the history of EEG and the emergence of continuous EEG monitoring
are presented in Fig. 1.

From the Galvanometer to Scalp Electrodes

The introduction of the galvanometer with astatic needles has been mainly associ-
ated with Leopoldo Nobili, a physicist in Florence, and was further refined in 1858
by William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) in England. Galvanometers were able to faith-
fully demonstrate continuous electrical currents and their variations in intensity, but
could not detect extremely brief electrical phenomena (Fig. 2). In 1875, Richard
Caton, a scientist from Liverpool, England, placed two electrodes of a galvanometer
over the scalp of a human and became the first to record brain activity in the form of
electrical signals. Caton used a beam of light projected on the mirror of the galva-
nometer and reflected onto a large scale placed on the wall. With this type of visu-
alization, Caton found that “feeble currents of varying direction pass through the
multiplier when the electrodes are placed at two points of the external scalp

Increasing use of continuous EEG

EEG machines are used in smaller hospitals

EEG machines find their way into academic care centers

Galvanometer More sensitive Description Amplifiers for Implanted Digital Quantitative

electrodes used over string galvano- of human brain potentials Microelectrodes EEG EEG
the scalp of humans meter EEG signals recording

Electric Multichannel
stimulation of recordings
cerebral cortex

1870 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000


Fig. 1 Technical electroencephalographic innovations over time. EEG electroencephalography

The History of Continuous EEG Monitoring 5




Conductor terminal



Conductor terminal

Fig. 2 Scheme of a galvanometer

surface.” This initial experiment led to the concept of the graphic recording of reg-
istered electrical brain signals, the technique that underlies present-day EEG. Caton
noted that the surface of the gray matter was positively charged with respect to
deeper structures in the cerebrum. He also noted that the electric currents of the
cerebrum changed in relation to the underlying function with neurofunctional active
regions exhibiting negative variations of electric current. Hence, Caton has also
been credited with pioneering the work on evoked potentials.
Concurrent with Caton’s work, physiologists in Eastern Europe began to report
their observations on cerebral electrical activity with another discovery of greater
impact on the neuroscientific world – the capability of the cerebral cortex to be
electrically stimulated as described by Gustav Fritsch and Julius Eduard Hitzig in
1870. These discoveries were followed by several observations of spontaneous elec-
trical activity in the brains of animals and the studies of electrical responses of the
human brain after electrical stimulation. These included the first EEG evidence of
epileptic activity during a seizure in a dog following electrical stimulation reported
by Napoleon Cybulski, a Polish physiologist. Seven years after the study of Fritsch
and Hitzig, Vasili Y. Danilevsky wrote his thesis on electrical stimulation and the
spontaneous electrical activity of animal brains while working at the University of
Kharkov. However, Danilevsky was disappointed as he had expected better correla-
tion of the spontaneous regional electrical brain activity with psychic and emotional
processes. Adolf Beck, a Polish physician and physiologist at the University of
Lwów, Poland, further investigated the spontaneous electrical brain activity of
6 R. Sutter and P.W. Kaplan

rabbits and dogs using nonpolarizable electrodes and observed the disappearance of
rhythmical oscillations during illumination of the eyes (i.e., “alpha blocking”).
In 1903, Willem Einthoven, a Dutch doctor and physiologist, invented a string
galvanometer, an instrument with greater sensitivity of detection but which required
photographic recording. The string galvanometer became the standard instrument
for EEG at the turn of the century with Pravdich-Neminsky, a Ukrainian and then
Soviet physiologist, reporting electrical activity recordings using this technique in
animal brains in 1912.

The First Human EEG

In the 1920s, Hans Berger, a German neuropsychiatrist and the discoverer of the
human EEG, was the first to describe the existence of human EEG signals [1].
Berger first used a string galvanometer in 1910, to later migrate to an Edelmann
model followed by a more powerful Siemens double-coil galvanometer.
Unfortunately, it took more than 10 years for the scientific community to accept
these scalp potentials as genuine brain signals.
In 1926, Berger started to use the more powerful Siemens double-coil galvanom-
eter and published his first report of a human 3-min EEG recording in 1929. He
described the alpha rhythm as the dominant component of human EEG signals and
the alpha blocking response, a milestone in the history of clinical EEG [1]. For his
one-channel EEG tracings, Berger used a bipolar recording technique with fronto-­
occipital leads along with a time marking line generated with a sine wave of 10
cycles/sec (Fig. 3). During the 1930s, Berger recorded the first EEG of human sleep,
detecting sleep spindles. He followed this with the examination of human EEG pat-
terns in hypoxic brain injury, in epilepsy, in the investigation of several diffuse and
localized brain dysfunctions, and with the examination of changes in EEG signals
with mental activities.

Early Use of Multichannel EEG

While EEG provides very large-scale, robust measures of neocortical dynamic

function, one single scalp electrode provided estimates of synaptic sources averaged
over tissue masses containing between 100 million and 1 billion neurons.

Fig. 3 The first one-channel electroencephalogram in a human. One-channel electroencephalo-

graphic tracing with a bipolar recording technique with fronto-occipital leads (upper line) along
with a time marking line generated with a sine wave of 10 cycles/sec (Reprinted with kind permis-
sion from Springer, Berger [1])
The History of Continuous EEG Monitoring 7

In 1932, a group of inventors in Berlin, Germany, lead by Jan Friedrich Tönnies,

a German inventor and engineer, and investigators at the Rockefeller foundation in
New York, USA, simultaneously built the first amplifiers designed to record cere-
bral potentials thus opening up the field of multichannel recordings that covered
large brain regions [2]. By the 1940s, EEG technology was viewed as a genuine
window on the mind, with important applications in neurosurgery, neurology, and
cognitive science.
The first report of a prominent, transient, electrographic element termed an “epi-
leptic spike” came from Fisher and Lowenbach in 1934 [3], inspiring further elec-
trophysiological work in epileptology by Gibbs and Lennox, two neurologists and
epileptologists from Harvard Medical School, USA. A few years later, Hallowell
and Pauline Davis began the first investigations of EEG patterns during human
sleep. This was followed by the first systematic studies of sleep EEG patterns and
different stages of sleep in humans by Alfred L. Loomis and colleagues initiating
EEG-based analyses of sleep disorders through the work of Kleitman in the 1940s
at the University of Chicago, USA.
In the 1940s, the EEG started to become invasive, and the use of special implanted
or “depth” electrodes and the exploration of deep intracerebral regions began. The
space averaging of brain potentials resulting from extracranial recording is a ran-
dom data reduction process forced by current spreading in the head volume conduc-
tor. In contrast, EEG electrodes implanted in brains provide more focal details but
with very circumscribed spatial coverage that fails to provide a more global assess-
ment of brain function. However, technical and ethical limitations of intracranial
recording forced neurophysiologists to emphasize scalp recordings, which provide
synaptic action estimates of larger scale sources that can be correlated to cognition
and behavior.
Throughout the 1950s, clinical and experimental neurophysiological studies
using EEG expanded rapidly worldwide with the discovery of cerebral recruiting
responses, the effects of descending and mostly inhibitory influences of the brain-
stem reticular formation, and the use of EEG to locate brain regions that generated
epileptic activity prior to surgical interventions. These studies were followed by
EEG studies in newborns in the 1960s and investigations of evoked cortical poten-
tials that became commonly used for prognosis and the monitoring of psychiatric
and neurocritically ill patients in the late 1970s [4, 5]. Despite the large body and
scientific impact of early investigations using EEG at that time, further discussion
on this topic is beyond the focus of this chapter.

From Paper to Digital Recording

Since the first human EEG recordings in the early 1920s and their widespread accep-
tance 20 years later, it has been known that the amplitude and frequency content of
EEG patterns reveals substantial information about the neurofunctional state of the
brain. For example, the voltage record during deep sleep has dominant frequencies in
the delta range near 1 Hz, whereas the eyes-closed waking state is associated with
8 R. Sutter and P.W. Kaplan

sinusoidal oscillations of an alpha frequency range near 10 Hz. Early in the history
of EEG, it became clear that more standardized and automatic quantitative analyses
would allow for reliable identification and correlation of EEG information to differ-
ent neurofunctional states, such as distinguishing different sleep stages, determining
the depth of anesthesia, identifying waxing and waning epileptic activity during sei-
zures, and the analysis of encephalopathic states. Hence, in the 1950s, EEG became
widely available, and almost every tertiary academic medical care center had at least
one EEG machine. At the end of the decade, EEG was also in use in a large number
of nonacademic hospitals and private practices in the 1960s.
This propagation of EEG significantly slowed in the 1970s, possibly explained
by the advances in high resolution, structural neuroimaging techniques including
computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. However, it soon became
recognized that EEG provides real-time information on the neurofunctional status
and its spatial development that cannot be assessed at bedside by neuroimaging
techniques, and EEG regained interest in the 1990s.
Although in the 1980s technical advances allowed the EEG to be digitized and
recorded on videotape, the number of channels and the resolution were limited at
first. Electronic data storage volumes increased significantly in the 1990s, and
computer networking enabled remote EEG reading and simultaneous video record-
ing of the patients, making continuous EEG (cEEG) recordings over hours to days
of many critically ill patients, possible. As manual review and interpretation of
cEEG became increasingly labor-intensive, effective methods were developed to
assist in rapid and accurate EEG interpretation, especially regarding seizure detec-
tion. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, complex algorithms enabling quantitative
EEG analyses, such as the Wavelet analysis and Fourier analysis, with new focus
on shared activity between rhythms including phase synchrony and magnitude syn-
chrony, were developed. Automated spectral analysis was introduced to study
spectral content through a spectrogram also known as a time-frequency plot, a
color plot providing the temporal evolution of the EEG frequency spectrum. In this
context, the color provides information about the power at a given instant of time
for a given frequency band. These modern methods of EEG concerned with both
temporal and spatial properties revealed robust electrographic correlations with
cognitive processes, such as mental calculation, working memory, and selective
attention further expanding the yield of EEG and increasing the diagnostic power
of cEEG monitoring especially in epilepsy clinics and intensive care units (ICU) in
the last several years.

Diagnosis and Prognosis

Critically ill patients often become confused or obtunded from a variety of critical
illnesses, including acute brain lesions, systemic metabolic derangements, seizures,
or status epilepticus (SE). Nonconvulsive seizures (NCS) and nonconvulsive status
epilepticus (NCSE) are states without visible convulsions and hence depend on
EEG and cEEG to both make a diagnosis and ascertain treatment success. In recent
The History of Continuous EEG Monitoring 9

years, cEEG has been increasingly implemented in ICUs as a noninvasive tool to

continuously assess dynamic real-time information of brain function, enabling
immediate detection of changes in neurofunctional status, even if clinical examina-
tion of patients with altered mental status is limited or clinical seizure-related signs
are subtle or nonspecific. Focal slowing of EEG background activity may indicate
ischemia or the presence of other acute brain lesions, while global slowing suggests
an encephalopathy. The loss of EEG variability and reactivity may indicate severe
brain injury and poor prognosis [6].
Increasing use of cEEG reveals clinically undetected epileptiform activity in up
to 80 % of critically ill patients with altered level of consciousness [7, 8] and results
in heightened clinical awareness of treating physicians and greater detection rates
than routine EEG, the latter because of the intermittent nature of occult seizures.
Using cEEG, epileptic seizures have been detected in up to 15 % of non-­
neurocritically ill patients and in 10–50 % of neurocritically ill patients. Almost half
of patients with traumatic brain injury monitored with cEEG reveal seizures [6]. SE
is observed in up to 10 % of patients with ischemic stroke, in about 15 % with trau-
matic brain injury, in 20 % with intracerebral hemorrhage, in 10 % with subarach-
noid hemorrhage, and in 30 % of patients after cardiac arrest [6]. Determining
seizure type at SE onset and detecting interictal periodic discharges using cEEG
monitoring provide pivotal prognostic information [9], and seizure detection with
consecutive antiepileptic treatment has to be associated with improved outcome
[10], further underscoring the importance of cEEG monitoring.
Aside from seizure detection, some EEG characteristics such as the degree of
slowing of EEG background activity, the presence of non-epileptic episodic tran-
sients such as triphasic waves, and frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity [11,
12], as well as sleep elements [13], alert clinicians to direct additional clinical inves-
tigations toward specific underlying etiologies of altered mental status and to
improve prognostication in patients with acute non-epileptic encephalopathy. The
prognostic importance of cEEG has further been demonstrated in patients suffering
from hypoxic brain injury after cardiac arrest. While most studies indicate that
somatosensory evoked potentials are the most reliable outcome predictor in this
context [14], recent studies have revealed that the combination of clinical examina-
tion, EEG background reactivity, and serum neuron-specific enolase offers the best
outcome predictive performance for prognostication of early postanoxic coma,
whereas somatosensory evoked potentials may not add any complementary infor-
mation [15]. However, although prognostication of poor outcome seems excellent,
future studies are needed to further improve the prediction of good prognosis, which
still remains inaccurate.

Directing Treatment

While cEEG monitoring is routinely used in epilepsy clinics and in outpatients to

guide antiepileptic treatment in patients with epilepsy, cEEG is mostly used to help
in the management of patients with SE refractory to first- and second-line
10 R. Sutter and P.W. Kaplan

antiepileptic drugs or to monitor frequency ranges of EEG background activity in

patients treated for raised intracranial pressure or for impending vasospasm fol-
lowing subarachnoid hemorrhage. Antiepileptic and anesthetic agents can be
titrated to achieve seizure suppression or to manage elevated intracranial pressure
by the induction of EEG burst suppression. While these are common practices in
ICUs, the optimal EEG endpoint and the duration of such suppression have not
been determined.
The need to identify seizures and SE in critically ill patients is based on the
assumption that certain types of persistent ictal activity damage the brain. In patients
with brain trauma or intracerebral hemorrhage, NCSE or NCS may increase the risk
of morbidity and mortality. In other clinical settings, the effect of seizures or SE is
less clear except for refractory convulsive SE, which has a high mortality of up to
40 %. Therefore, current guidelines recommend close monitoring of SE refractory
to first- and second-line antiepileptic treatment and a rapid treatment escalation
guided by EEG, especially in some patients with NCS or nonspecific or subtle clini-
cal signs of seizures. However, although the use of EEG for monitoring and direct-
ing treatment in patients with SE seems plausible, studies proving a reduction of
morbidity and mortality by the use of cEEG in many of these clinical settings have
not been conclusive.

Interinstitutional Variability

The widespread and increasing use of cEEG in recent years calls for a standardized
procedure to assure and enhance the quality of cEEG-related science. Data describ-
ing the current interinstitutional variability of cEEG practice in the critically ill are
limited. In a recent study, a survey of cEEG indications and procedures was sent to
intensivists and neurophysiologists responsible for ICU-cEEG at 151 institutions in
the USA [16]. At some institutions only one physician could be identified. Of the
137 physicians from 97 institutions who completed the survey, cEEG was used by
nearly all respondents to detect NCS or NCSE in patients with altered mental status
following clinical seizures with in intracerebral hemorrhage, after traumatic brain
injury and after cardiac arrest. It has also been used to characterize abnormal move-
ments suspected of being seizures.
The majority of physicians monitor comatose patients for 24–48 h. However,
in an ideal situation with unlimited resources, 18 % of respondents would increase
cEEG duration. Eighty-six percent of institutions have an on-call EEG technolo-
gist available 24/7 for new patient hookups, but only 26 % have technologists
available 24/7 in-house. There is substantial variability in who reviews EEGs and
how frequently the record is reviewed as well as how often quantitative EEG is
used. Although there is general agreement regarding the indications for cEEG in
ICUs, there is substantial interinstitutional variability on how the procedure is
performed. Future studies and guidelines in this context are warranted to justify
the increased use of cEEG in the ICUs and to improve the art and science of this
emerging field.
The History of Continuous EEG Monitoring 11

Future Perspectives

Nowadays, EEGs in ICUs are recorded invasively and noninvasively using entirely
computerized systems. The EEG machines are equipped with a variety of signal
processing software and enough memory for long-term recordings lasting several
hours or days. Delicate needle electrodes can be used for EEG recordings from the
cortex without the attenuation and nonlinearity effects of the skull. In the future,
EEG machines may be increasingly integrated with other dynamic neuroimaging
systems such as functional magnetic resonance imaging. However, to what extent
this development will target critical care is unclear and will face many obstacles
including the transportation of vulnerable, critically ill patients to the radiologic
units. New software for more complex investigations of neuronal network interac-
tion and for automated seizure detection and artifact suppression will emerge,
enhancing the scope and quality of application but also providing increasing ana-
lytic and technological challenges to neurophysiologists.

Within the span of approximately 100 years, the value of EEG has evolved from
a little accepted innovation to a vital procedure for monitoring critically ill
patients. Though its origins were in the study of cognitive neurology, its value in
epilepsy and seizures was quickly realized. Now, in addition to remaining an
essential tool in the diagnosis of epilepsy, EEG is used for the assessment and
prognostication of many different neurological conditions. With newer tech-
niques in data analysis and interpretation, EEG promises to remain vital to the
management of neurologically ill patients.

1. Berger H. Über das Elektrenkephalogramm des Menschen. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr.
2. Kornmüller AE. Der Mechanismus des Epileptischen Anfalles auf Grund Bioelektrischer
Untersuchungen am Zentralen Nervensystem. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 1935;7:391–400.
3. Fisher MH, Lowenbach H. Aktionsstrome des Zentralnervensystems unter der Einwirkung
von Krampfgiften, 1. Mitteilung Strychnin und Pikrotoxin. Arch F Exp Pathol und Pharmakol.
4. Kadobayashi I, Nakamura M, Kato N. Changes in visual evoked potentials of schizophrenics
after addition test. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1977;43:837–45.
5. Poole EW, Chartres J, Wittrick EK. Evoked cerebral sensory responses in the assessment of
surviving function in cerebral disaster. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1970;29:105.
6. Sutter R, Stevens RD, Kaplan PW. Continuous electroencephalographic monitoring in criti-
cally ill patients: indications, limitations, and strategies. Crit Care Med. 2013;41:1124–32.
7. Oddo M, Carrera E, Claassen J, Mayer SA, Hirsch LJ. Continuous electroencephalography in
the medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2009;37:2051–6.
8. Sutter R, Fuhr P, Grize L, Marsch S, Rüegg S. Continuous video-EEG monitoring increases
detection rate of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the ICU. Epilepsia. 2011;52:453–7.
9. Sutter R, Kaplan PW, Rüegg S. Outcome predictors for status epilepticus—what really counts.
Nat Rev Neurol. 2013;9:525–34.
12 R. Sutter and P.W. Kaplan

10. Young GB, Jordan KG, Doig GS. An assessment of nonconvulsive seizures in the intensive
care unit using continuous EEG monitoring: an investigation of variables associated with mor-
tality. Neurology. 1996;47:83–9.
11. Sutter R, Kaplan PW. Uncovering clinical and radiological associations of triphasic waves in
acute encephalopathy: a case-control study. Eur J Neurol. 2014;21:660–6.
12. Sutter R, Stevens RD, Kaplan PW. Clinical and imaging correlates of EEG patterns in hospital-
ized patients with encephalopathy. J Neurol. 2013;260:1087–98.
13. Sutter R, Barnes B, Leyva A, Kaplan PW, Geocadin RG. Electroencephalographic sleep ele-
ments and outcome in acute encephalopathic patients: a 4-year cohort study. Eur J Neurol.
14. Stevens RD, Sutter R. Prognosis in severe brain injury. Crit Care Med. 2013;41:1104–23.
15. Oddo M, Rossetti AO. Early multimodal outcome prediction after cardiac arrest in patients
treated with hypothermia. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:1340–7.
16. Gavvala J, Abend N, LaRoche S, et al. Continuous EEG monitoring: a survey of neurophysi-
ologists and neurointensivists. Epilepsia. 2014;55(11):1864–71.
Epidemiology of Seizures
in Critically Ill Adults 2
Jennifer M. Pritchard and Jennifer L. Hopp

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 13
Status Epilepticus: Overview..................................................................................................... 14
Convulsive Status Epilepticus.................................................................................................... 14
Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus....................................................................... 15
Focal Motor Status Epilepticus......................................................................................... 15
Myoclonic Status Epilepticus........................................................................................... 16
Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus.............................................................................................. 16
Etiology .................................................................................................................................... 18
Preexisting Epilepsy.......................................................................................................... 20
Acute Cerebrovascular Injuries......................................................................................... 20
Traumatic Brain Injury...................................................................................................... 21
Central Nervous System Infections................................................................................... 22
Toxic-Metabolic Disorders and Drug-Related Causes...................................................... 22
Sepsis ............................................................................................................................... 23
Inflammatory and Immune-mediated Disorders............................................................... 24
Hypoxia-Anoxia and Cardiac Arrest................................................................................ 24
Conclusions................................................................................................................................ 25
References.................................................................................................................................. 25


Seizures and status epilepticus (SE) are relatively common in critically ill adults, and
manifestations may include convulsive status epilepticus (CSE), nonconvulsive ­status
epilepticus (NCSE), and nonconvulsive seizures (NCS). Convulsive seizures that do
not meet criteria for status are also seen in this patient population. SE is associated

J.M. Pritchard, MD (*) • J.L. Hopp, MD

Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
22 South Greene Street, 12th floor, Room S12C09, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 13

A.M. Husain, S.R. Sinha (eds.), Continuous EEG Monitoring:
Principles and Practice, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31230-9_2
14 J.M. Pritchard and J.L. Hopp

with significant morbidity and mortality and should be diagnosed and treated appro-
priately. Some challenges in diagnosis and treatment center on the entity of NCSE. This
group is now thought to be a heterogeneous patient population including different
conditions and associated etiologies. In fact, the underlying etiology of seizures and
status is felt to be a very important determinant of overall prognosis and outcome in
this group of critically ill adult patients. In this chapter, the epidemiology, clinical
features, and etiologies of the various SE types will be presented.

Status Epilepticus: Overview

SE is a medical and neurologic emergency with a mortality of up to 20 % [1]. Significant

morbidity has been reported as well [2]. SE was historically defined as continuous sei-
zure activity of at least 30 min duration or a series of repetitive seizures without return
of consciousness between seizures [3]. Currently, a working definition of SE is continu-
ous seizure activity persisting greater than 5 minutes or 2 repetitive seizures without
return to baseline level of consciousness between seizures [4]. This definition is now
more widely accepted as it is considered more appropriate to guide treatment [5].
The incidence of SE across age groups is estimated on average as 7 [5, 6] to 41
cases per 100,000 annually, but there are several reasons why data can be discor-
dant. Incidence in young adults has been shown to be 27 per 100,000 per year but
86 per 100,000 per year in the elderly [7]. Many of these population-based studies
also use the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) 1993 definition of SE
using the 30 minutes time period that is no longer in favor [3].
There appear to be ethnic differences in the incidence of SE with nonwhites
reported as having a higher frequency of SE (13.7–57/100,000) compared to whites
(6.9–20/100,000) [6–8]. Gender differences are also seen with higher rates in men
than women [5, 6, 9]. This is typically attributed to higher rates of acute and remote
symptomatic seizures in men [6]. There seems to also be a suggestion that the inci-
dence of SE may be increasing over time. A recent review reports an increase in the
frequency of SE from 3.5 to 12.5 per 100,000 cases from 1979 to 2010 [10], and
prior large studies have suggested upward trends as well, which have been mostly
attributed to increasing elderly populations [6].
Gastaut noted, “there are as many types of status as there are types of epileptic
seizures” [11], and although classification of seizures and SE will be discussed in
another chapter, the system continues to evolve and is utilized differently in many
population-based studies. For the purpose of this chapter, SE will be categorized as
CSE or NCSE, and NCS will also be briefly discussed.

Convulsive Status Epilepticus

The term CSE is often used interchangeably with GCSE. CSE classically refers to
SE with a predominant motor manifestation; when this is in the form of generalized
convulsive seizures, it is best characterized as generalized CSE (GCSE). There are
several other subtypes including focal motor SE and myoclonic SE (MSE).
2 Epidemiology of Seizures in Critically Ill Adults 15

Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus

GCSE is one of the major categories of SE, and it remains a significant problem
with regard to morbidity and mortality in adults. This is despite the fact that the defi-
nition of GCSE has changed over time to be defined as 5 minutes of convulsive
seizures or recurrent seizures over this time period without return to baseline level
of consciousness. The incidence of GCSE can sometimes be difficult to parse out
from the rates of SE in general as many population-based studies include both
GCSE and NCSE. Other inclusion criteria including age groups, definitions of SE,
and other factors may differ, making the data somewhat variable.
GCSE accounts for the majority of cases of SE in most studies, and NCSE may
account for only about 6 % [5]. The incidence of GCSE is age related, with highest
rates in children under one year of age and adults over 60 years of age [5, 6]. A more
detailed discussion of SE in children will be provided in another chapter.

Clinical Features
GCSE is typically characterized by impaired consciousness as well as motor mani-
festations. It typically includes bilateral tonic stiffening followed by clonic (rhyth-
mic jerking) of the limbs, and clinical features may include focal neurologic
findings, such as hemiparesis, in the postictal period. Although GCSE includes both
primary and secondarily generalized seizures, this differentiation may be difficult to
discern in the critically ill adult. EEG can be useful in this classification, but the
semiology can be quite similar, particularly if the clinical onset is not observed or if
seizure and epilepsy history is not known. Asymmetric shaking and unilateral
delayed cessation of clonic activity can be signs of focal onset, but this is not always
a specific finding. Myoclonus prior to generalized tonic-clonic activity may suggest
primary generalized epilepsy, but this can be challenging to gather from witness
reports or even from direct observation.

Focal Motor Status Epilepticus

The incidence of focal motor SE that does not secondarily generalize may be difficult
to assess in the critically ill patient. CSE with focal onset may be common and inci-
dence is typically included in the incidence of GCSE or NCSE in most population-­
based studies. Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC), described below, may be more
commonly seen in children than in the adult population of critically ill patients.

Clinical Features
Focal motor SE can vary greatly in terms of semiology and presentation that is
largely referable to the area of epileptogenic onset. Many cases of generalized SE
are actually focal in onset, but the signs may either not be recognized by observers
or reported by patients, particularly in critically ill adults in an intensive care unit
(ICU) setting. Focal motor SE with preserved consciousness may be the easiest to
16 J.M. Pritchard and J.L. Hopp

recognize as it presents with jerking or clonus of the limb or face, which may spread
to involve other areas. A refractory type of focal motor SE is EPC. This is character-
ized by repetitive focal jerking of typically one part of the body. It usually does not
spread as with the “Jacksonian march” seen in other focal motor SE or secondarily
generalized SE and may have a slower frequency than other focal motor SE types.
Other “non-motor” types of focal SE are nonconvulsive and will be discussed below
in the section on NCSE. These can be quite difficult to identify and classify in a
critically ill patient with altered consciousness.

Myoclonic Status Epilepticus

MSE is characterized by frequent myoclonic jerks that are typically generalized but
can be focal and may be rhythmic or arrhythmic. This is a large group of heteroge-
neous disorders. In those associated with epilepsy syndromes, myoclonus may be a
characteristic finding, such as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) or part of a broad
variety of dysfunction (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, LGS). MSE in these patient
populations is less common than GCSE and may also have a more benign prognosis
than secondary forms. It may also be associated with other neurologic or systemic
dysfunctions that will be discussed later in this chapter, including hypoxia-anoxia.

Clinical Features
Characteristic findings in MSE include frequent myoclonus that is often generalized
but may also be focal. The jerking movements may be rhythmic or arrhythmic, and
often there are characteristic EEG findings which will be discussed elsewhere. MSE
that is epileptic in origin may be seen with other GCSE (as in JME) as well as other
seizure types such as atonic or myoclonic-astatic seizures in LGS. These typically
can be relatively easily distinguished from other forms of persistent myoclonus and
MSE by history. While the former have a history of epilepsy, other nonepileptic
types, sometimes termed “status myoclonus,” are associated with an underlying dif-
fuse etiology such as anoxia or other forms of encephalopathy. When seen in the
setting of other medical conditions, the myoclonus is often nonrhythmic, prolonged,
and continuous, with large amplitude jerking movements. These are classically
described involving the face, trunk, and limbs, but may also be multifocal.

Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus

NCSE is an under-recognized form of SE that accounts for 20–50 % of all SE and is

associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Approximately 8–10 % of criti-
cally ill patients have been found to be in NCSE [12]. NCSE is more widely diag-
nosed with the increasing use of continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring. It remains
difficult to determine the incidence of NCSE in the ICU, particularly as some stud-
ies make this diagnosis based on initial 30–60 min EEG, while others utilize cEEG
2 Epidemiology of Seizures in Critically Ill Adults 17

recordings. Some studies suggest that NCSE typically is diagnosed in the first hour,
while others do not. Although SE has historically been easier to recognize by semi-
ology with repeated or prolonged convulsions, recognition of NCSE followed later.
In the early nineteenth century, some episodes of prolonged confusional states were
thought to be due to seizures, but it was not until EEG was introduced in the 1940s
that NCSE was conclusively established as a valid entity [13–15]. In 1956, Gastaut
used the term “psychomotor status” to describe another type of NCSE associated
with altered mental status [13]. In 1962, an international symposium codified SE by
characterizing it as a term for a repeated or prolonged seizure as to create a fixed and
lasting epileptic condition for at least 30–60 min [15, 16]. The same group also
promoted the view that there were many types of SE.
There are several ways to think about categorization of NCSE, and the definition
of the term remains controversial. The narrowest definition of the term refers only
to two categories. They include absence (previously petit mal) status and focal or
complex partial SE (previously psychomotor SE) [2, 11, 17, 18]. With wider use of
EEG and cEEG monitoring, the stratification of this term has evolved.
Over time, other subtypes and classifications have been proposed, with the con-
cept that there may be as many types of NCSE as there are seizure types or classifi-
cations. There are a variety of accepted definitions of NCSE, but in addition to a
change in mental status, there is a common working definition that is often used for
EEG criteria that also includes a “significant improvement in clinical state or base-
line EEG after antiepileptic drug” [19]. These criteria can be problematic, however,
in that one of the criteria establishes the definition by responsiveness to anticonvul-
sant treatment, which is not always the case in resistant NCSE [20].
Although semiology can be broadly divided between CSE and NCSE as those
forms of status with or without convulsions, there may be more subtle features of
partial or focal status that are increasingly recognized. Typically, the lack of major
motor manifestations delineates the difference between CSE and NCSE, but many
patients with NCSE have minor abnormal motor findings. These may include nystag-
mus, facial twitching, or tonic eye movements [18]. As might be expected, the find-
ings typically correspond to the origin of onset of the localization-related epilepsy.
While on one hand findings in temporal lobe NCSE may be characterized as
confusion, parietal lobe NCSE, which is much less common, may be manifest by
findings referable to the areas involved. The most common types of parietal lobe
seizures arise from the postcentral gyrus and are typically described as a positive or
negative sensation. Patients describe sensations in NCSE as prolonged paresthesias,
pain, sexual phenomenology, or a widespread body “aura” [21]. Pain and percep-
tions of heat or cold are less common, as are seizures with sexual phenomenology
or psychiatric phenomena, or disturbances of body image, but they have also been
associated with seizures of parietal lobe origin and also those of parietal
NCSE. Prolonged ictal sensory changes are thought to be rare and are uncommonly
reported. Recognition of somatosensory SE requires that patients report symptoms
and this may be hindered when patients are amnestic for the auras or sensory symp-
toms during the seizure or if the area of ictal onset has spread to lead to confusion,
thus impairing patient report.
18 J.M. Pritchard and J.L. Hopp

It is more common for these patients to have had a witnessed seizure or GCSE,
but it is notable that there is a large portion of critically ill patients who may not
have had a clinically evident seizure. The diagnosis can be difficult, particularly as
patients in the ICU setting may be thought to be postictal after clinically evident
seizures. It has also, and still is, often mistaken for other reasons for change in men-
tal status [22].
There are several ways to think about NCSE, and it is useful to understand that
the categories and divisions that are utilized are not mutually exclusive. NCSE has
been divided into different types by semiology, EEG patterns, and association with
varied levels of consciousness. Traditionally, NCSE was thought to primarily be
associated only with epilepsy syndromes, as in the “wandering confused” patient
with epilepsy who has a relatively good prognosis, now other presentations are rec-
ognized. These are often seen in the critical care setting and are seen in acutely ill
patients with impaired mental status. Motor manifestations may or may not be seen.
Clinicians should be attuned to the possibility of NCSE, even in patients without
clinically evident seizures, although NCSE that follows uncontrolled SE is the more
common presentation.
By EEG criteria, NCSE is typically categorized as generalized or lateralized. There
are often blurred lines in patients with altered consciousness or coma who have peri-
odic or continuous patterns on EEG that may resemble those typical in NCSE patients.
It is not yet fully clear whether treating these patterns may improve outcome or is then
diagnostic of NCSE. Some groups advocate categorizing NCSE into “NCSE proper”
and “comatose NCSE” to delineate these patient populations [23].


Among critically ill adults, causes of seizures and SE are diverse, and this contrib-
utes to the notion that not all such patients can be approached in the same manner.
Furthermore, the underlying etiology of seizures and SE has increasingly been rec-
ognized as a critical determinant of prognosis and outcome in this patient popula-
tion. Thus, prompt recognition of the root cause(s) of seizures and SE, along with
its subsequent evaluation and treatment, is crucial.
In critically ill adults, etiologies are varied. Important causes of acute seizures
and SE include insufficient dosages or low levels of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in
patients with known epilepsy, cerebrovascular disorders, traumatic brain injury
(TBI), hypoxia-anoxia, and infectious etiologies including sepsis, brain tumors, and
toxic-metabolic disorders [24, 25]. Less common, but also important, etiologies
including inflammatory and immune-mediated conditions are garnering increasing
interest. Such disorders include paraneoplastic syndromes and autoimmune enceph-
alitides such as anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis. Many of
these important causes will be discussed individually in greater detail in the sections
that follow. Given the broad spectrum of associated underlying conditions, critically
ill patients with seizures and SE are, in many ways, a very heterogeneous group
(Table 1).
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The commencement of the history of Ichthyology

Aristotle. coincides with that of Zoology generally. Aristotle
(384–322 b.c.) had a perfect knowledge of the
general structure of fishes, which he clearly discriminates from the
Aquatic animals with lungs and mammæ, i.e. Cetaceans, and from
the various groups of Aquatic Invertebrates. He says that “the
special characteristics of the true fishes consist in the branchiæ and
fins, the majority having four fins, but those of an elongate form, as
the eels, having two only. Some, as the Muræna, lack the fins
altogether. The Rays swim with their whole body, which is spread
out. The branchiæ are sometimes furnished with an opercle,
sometimes without one, as is the case in the cartilaginous fishes....
No fish has hairs or feathers; most are covered with scales, but
some have a rough or smooth skin. The tongue is hard, often
toothed; and sometimes so much adherent that it seems to be
wanting. The eyes have no lids; nor are any ears or nostrils visible,
for what takes the place of nostrils is a blind cavity. Nevertheless
they have the senses of tasting, smelling, and hearing. All have
blood. All scaly fishes are oviparous, but the cartilaginous fishes
(with the exception of the Sea-devil, which Aristotle places along with
them) are viviparous. All have a heart, liver, and gall-bladder; but
kidneys and urinary bladder are absent. They vary much in the
structure of their intestines: for whilst the mullet has a fleshy stomach
like a bird, others have no stomachic dilatation. Pyloric coeca are
close to the stomach, variable in number; there are even some, like
the majority of the cartilaginous fishes, which have none whatever.
Two bodies are situated along the spine, which have the function of
testicles, and open towards the vent, and which are much enlarged
in the spawning season. The scales become harder with age. Not
being provided with lungs, they have no voice, but several can emit
grunting sounds. They sleep like other animals. In the majority the
females exceed the males in size; and in the Rays and Sharks the
male is distinguished by an appendage on each side of the vent.”
Aristotle’s information on the habits of fishes, their migrations,
mode and time of propagation, utility, is, as far as it has been tested,
surprisingly correct. Unfortunately, only too often we lack the means
of recognising the species of which he gives a description. His ideas
of specific distinction were as vague as those of the fishermen
whose nomenclature he adopted; it never occurred to him that such
popular names are subject to change, or may be entirely lost with
time, and the difficulty of deciphering his species is further increased
by the circumstance that popular names are often applied by him to
the same fish, or that different stages of growth are designated by
distinct names. The number of fishes known to Aristotle seems to
have been about 115, all of which are inhabitants of the Ægean Sea.
That one man should have discovered so many truths, and
formed so sure a base for Zoology, is less surprising than the fact
that for about eighteen centuries a science which seemed to offer
particular attractions to men gifted with power of observation, was no
farther advanced. Yet this is the case. Aristotle’s disciples, as well as
his successors, remained satisfied to be his copiers or
commentators, and to collect fabulous stories or vague notions. With
very few exceptions (such as Ausonius, who wrote a small poem, in
which he describes from his own observations the fishes of the
Mosel) authors entirely abandoned original research. And it was not
until about the middle of the sixteenth century that Ichthyology made
a new step in advance by the appearance of Belon, Rondelet, and
Salviani, who almost simultaneously published their grand works, by
which the idea of species was established definitely and for all times.

P. Belon travelled in the countries bordering on

Belon. the eastern part of the Mediterranean, in the years
1547–50; he collected rich stores of positive
knowledge, which he deposited in several works. The one most
important for the progress of Ichthyology is that entitled “De
aquatilibus libri duo” (Paris 1553; small 4to.) Belon knows about 110
fishes, of which he gives rude, but generally recognisable, figures. In
his descriptions he pays regard to the classical as well as vernacular
nomenclature, and states the outward characteristics, sometimes
even the number of fin-rays, frequently also the most conspicuous
anatomical peculiarities.
Although Belon but rarely gives definitions of the terms used by
him, it is generally not very difficult to ascertain the limits which he
intended to assign to each division of aquatic animals. He very
properly divides them into such as are provided with blood, and into
those without it: two divisions, called in modern language Vertebrate
and Invertebrate aquatic animals. The former are classified by him
according to sizes, the further subdivisions being based on the
structure of the skeleton, mode of propagation, number of limbs,
form of the body, and on the physical character of the localities
inhabited by fishes. This classification is as follows:—
I.The larger fishes or Cetaceans.
A. Viviparous Cetaceans with bony skeletons (= Cetacea).
B. Viviparous Amphibians.
1. “With four limbs: Seals, Hippopotamus, Beaver, Otter, and other
aquatic Mammalia.
2. With two limbs: Mermaids, etc.
C. Oviparous Amphibians (= Reptiles and Frogs).
D. Viviparous Cartilaginous fishes.
1. Of an oblong form (= Sharks).
2. Of a flat form (= Rays and Lophius).
E. Oviparous Cartilaginous fishes (= Sturgeons and Silurus).
F. Oviparous Cetaceans, with spines instead of bones (= large marine
fishes, like the Thunny, Sword-fish, Sciænoids, Bass, Gadoids,
II.Spinous Oviparous fishes of a flat form (= Pleuronectidæ).
III.Fishes of a high form, like Zeus.
IV.Fishes of a snake like form (= Eels, Belone, Sphyræna).
V.Small Oviparous, spinous, scaly, marine fishes.
1. Pelagic kinds.
2. Littoral kinds.
3. Kinds inhabiting rocky localities.
VI.Fluviatile and Lacustrine fishes.
The work of the Roman ichthyologist, H. Salviani
Salviani. (1514–72), is characteristic of the high social
position which the author held as the physician of
three popes. Its title is “Aquatilium animalium historia” (Rom. 1554–
57, fol.) It treats exclusively of the fishes of Italy. Ninety-two species
are figured on seventy-six plates which, as regards artistic execution,
are masterpieces of that period, although those specific
characteristics which nowadays constitute the value of a zoological
drawing, were entirely overlooked by the author or artist. No attempt
is made at a natural classification, but the allied forms generally are
placed in close proximity. The descriptions are quite equal to those
given by Belon, entering much into the details of the economy and
usefulness of the several species, and were evidently composed
with the view of collecting in a readable form all that might prove of
interest to the class of society in which the author moved. Salviani’s
work is of a high standard, most remarkable for the age in which he
lived. It could not fail to convey valuable instruction, and to render
Ichthyology popular in the country to the fauna of which it was
devoted, but it would not have advanced Ichthyology as science
generally; and in this respect Salviani is not to be compared with
Rondelet or Belon.

G. Rondelet (1507–1557) had the great advantage

Rondelet. over Belon in having received a medical education at
Paris, and more especially in having gone through a
complete course of instruction in anatomy as a pupil of Guentherus
of Andernach. This is conspicuous throughout his works—“Libri de
Piscibus marinis” (Lugd. 1554, fol.); and “Universæ aquatilium
historiæ pars altera” (Lugd. 1555, fol.) Nevertheless they cannot be
regarded as more than considerably enlarged editions of Belon’s
work. For although he worked independently of the latter, and differs
from him in numerous details, the system adopted by him is
characterised by the same absence of the true principles of
classification. Rondelet had a much more extensive knowledge of
details. His work is almost entirely limited to European, and chiefly
Mediterranean, forms, and comprises not less than 197 marine and
47 freshwater fishes. His descriptions are more complete and his
figures much more accurate than those of Belon; and the specific
account is preceded by introductory chapters in which he treats in a
general manner on the distinctions, the external and internal parts,
and on the economy of fishes. Like Belon, he had no conception of
the various categories of classification—for instance, confounding
throughout his work the terms “genus” and “species;” but he had
intuitively a notion of what his successors called a “species,” and his
principal object was to collect and give as much information as
possible of such species.
For nearly a century the works of Belon and Rondelet remained
the standard works of Ichthyology; but this science did not remain
stationary during this period. The attention of naturalists was now
directed to the products of foreign countries, especially the Spanish
and Dutch possessions in the New World; and in Europe the
establishment of anatomical schools and academies led to the
careful investigation of the internal anatomy of the most remarkable
European forms. Limited as these efforts were as to their scope,
being directed either only to the fauna of some district, or to the
dissection of a single species, they were sufficiently numerous to
enlarge the views of naturalists, and to destroy that fatal dependency
on preceding authorities which had continued to keep in bonds the
minds of even such men as Rondelet and Belon.
The most noteworthy of those who were active in
W. Piso. G. tropical countries are W. Piso and G. Margrav.
Margrav. They accompanied as physicians the Dutch
Governor, Prince Moritz of Nassau, to Brazil (1637–
44). Margrav especially studied the fauna of the country, and
although he died before his return to Europe, his observations were
published by his colleague, and embodied in a work “Historia
naturalis Braziliæ” (Lugd. 1648, fol.), in which the fourth book treats
of the fishes. He describes about 100 species, all of which had been
previously unknown, in a manner far superior to that of his
predecessors. The accompanying figures are not good, but nearly
always recognisable, and giving a fair idea of the form of the fish.
Margrav himself, with the aid of an artist, had made a most valuable
collection of coloured drawings of the objects observed and
described by him, but many years were allowed to pass before it was
scientifically utilised by Bloch and others.
Of the men who left records of their anatomical
Anatomists, researches, we may mention Borelli (1608–79),
1600–1700. who wrote a work “De motu animalium” (Rom. 1680,
4to), in which he explained the mechanism of
swimming, and the function of the air-bladder; M. Malpighi (1628–
94), who examined the optic nerve of the sword-fish; the celebrated
J. Swammerdam (1637–80), who described the intestines of
numerous fishes; and J. Duverney (1648–1730), who entered into
detailed researches of the organs of respiration.

A new era in the history of Ichthyology commences with Ray,

Willughby, and Artedi, who were the first to recognise the true
principles by which the natural affinities of animals should be
determined. Their labours stand in so intimate a connection with
each other that they represent only one stride in the progress of this

J. Ray (born 1628 in Essex, died 1705), was the

Ray and friend and guide of F. Willughby (1635–72). They
Willughby had recognised that a thorough reform of the
treatment of the vegetable and animal kingdoms had
become necessary; that the only way of bringing order into the
existing chaos was that of arranging the various forms with regard to
their structure; that they must cease to be burdened with inapplicable
passages and quotations of the ancient writers, and to perpetuate
the erroneous or vague notions of their predecessors. They
abandoned speculation, and adhered to facts only. One of the first
results, and perhaps the most important, of their method was, that
having recognised the “species” as such, they defined this term, and
fixed it as the base, from which all sound zoological knowledge has
to start.
Although they had divided their work thus that Ray attended to
the plants principally, and Willughby to the animals, the “Historia
piscium” (Oxford, 1686, fol.), which bears Willughby’s name on the
titlepage, and was edited by Ray, is clearly their joint production. A
great part of the observations contained in it were collected during
their common journeys in Great Britain and on the Continent, and it
is no exaggeration to say that at that time these two Englishmen
knew the fishes of the Continent, especially those of Germany, better
than any other Continental zoologist.
By the definition of fishes as animals with blood, breathing by
gills, provided with a single ventricle of the heart, covered with scales
or naked; the Cetaceans are excluded. Yet, at a later period Ray
appears to have been afraid of so great an innovation as the
separation of whales from fishes, and, therefore, he invented a
definition of fish which comprises both. The fishes proper are then
arranged in the first place according to the cartilaginous or osseous
nature of the skeleton; further subdivisions being formed with regard
to the general form of the body, the presence or absence of ventral
fins, the soft or spinous structure of the dorsal rays, the number of
dorsal fins, etc. Not less than 420 species are thus arranged and
described, of which about 180 were known to the authors from
autopsy: a comparatively small proportion, descriptions and figures
still forming at that time in a great measure a substitute for
collections and museums. With the increasing accumulation of forms
the want of a fixed nomenclature is now more and more felt.

Peter Artedi would have been a great ichthyologist

P. Artedi. if Ray or Willughby had never preceded him. But he
was fully conscious of the fact that both had
prepared the way for him, and therefore he derived all possible
advantages from their works. Born in 1705 in Sweden, he studied
with Linnæus at Upsala; from an early period he devoted himself
entirely to the study of fishes, and was engaged in the arrangement
and description of the ichthyological collection of Seba, a wealthy
Dutchman who had formed the then perhaps richest museum, when
he was accidentally drowned in one of the canals of Amsterdam in
the year 1734, at an age of twenty-nine years. His manuscripts were
fortunately rescued by an Englishman, Cliffort, and edited by his
early friend Linnæus.
The work is divided into the following parts:—
1. In the “Bibliotheca Ichthyologica” Artedi gives a very complete
list of all preceding authors who have written on fishes, with a critical
analysis of their works.
2. The “Philosophia Ichthyologica” is devoted to a description of
the external and internal parts of fishes; Artedi fixes a precise
terminology of all the various modifications of the organs,
distinguishes between those characters which determine a genus
and such as indicate a species or merely a variety; in fact he
establishes the method and principles which subsequently have
guided every systematic ichthyologist.
3. The “Genera Piscium” contains well-defined diagnoses of forty-
five genera, for which he fixes an unchangeable nomenclature.
4. In the “Species Piscium” descriptions of seventy-two species,
examined by himself, are given; descriptions which even now are
models of exactitude and method.
5. Finally, in the “Synonymia Piscium” references to all previous
authors are arranged for every species, very much in the same
manner which is adopted in the systematic works of the present day.
Artedi has been justly called the Father of
Linnæus. Ichthyology. So perfect was his treatment of the
subject, that even Linnæus could no more improve
it, only modify and add to it; and as far as Ichthyology is concerned,
Linnæus has scarcely done anything beyond applying binominal
terms to the species properly described and classified by Artedi.
Artedi had divided the fishes proper into four orders, viz.
Malacopterygii, Acanthopterygii, Branchiostegi, and Chondropterygii,
of which the third only, according to our present knowledge, appears
to be singularly heterogeneous, as it comprises Balistes, Ostracion,
Cyclopterus, and Lophius. Linnæus, besides separating the
Cetaceans entirely from the class of fishes (at least since the 10th
edition of the “Systema Naturæ”) abandoned Artedi’s order of
Branchiostegi, but substituted a scarcely more natural combination
by joining it with Artedi’s Chondropterygians, under the name of
“Amphibia nantes.”
His classification of the genera appears in the 12th edition of the
“Systema,” thus—
Amphibia Nantes.
Spiraculis compositis.

Spiraculis solitariis.

Pisces Apodes.

Pisces Jugulares.

Pisces Thoracici.

Pisces Abdominales.

Two contemporaries of Linnæus attempted a

Gronow and systematic arrangement of fishes; both had
Klein. considerable opportunities for their study, especially
in possessing extensive collections; but neither
exercised any influence on the progress of Ichthyology. The one, L.
T. Gronow, a German who resided in Holland, closely followed the
arrangements proposed by Artedi and Linnæus, and increased the
number of genera and species from the contents of his own
museum. He published two works, “Museum Ichthyologicum” (Lugd.
1754–6, fol.), and “Zoophylacium” (Lugd. 1763–81, fol.); a
posthumous work, containing numerous excellent descriptions of
new forms was published by J. E. Gray in 1854 under the title of
“Systema Ichthyologicum.” To Gronow also is due the invention of
preparing flat skins of fishes in a dry state, and preserving them in
the manner of a herbarium. The specimens thus prepared by him
belong to the oldest which have been preserved down to our time.
Much less important are the ichthyological labours of J. T. Klein
(1685–1759). They are embodied in five parts (Missus) of a work
entitled “Historia naturalis piscium” (Sedæ, 1740–9, 4to.) He
regarded a system merely as the means of recognising the various
forms of animals, not as the expression of their natural affinities; and
that method seemed to him to be the most perfect by which an
animal could be most readily determined. He eschewed all reference
to minute or anatomical characters. Hence his system is a series of
the most unnatural combinations, and we cannot be surprised that
Linnæus passed in silence over Klein’s labours.

The works of Artedi and Linnæus excited fresh

Pupils and activity, more especially in Scandinavia, Holland,
Successors of Germany, and England, such as has not been
Linnæus equalled in the history of biological science either
before or after. Whilst some of the pupils and
followers of Linnæus devoted themselves to an examination and
study of the fauna of their native countries, others proceeded on
voyages of discovery to foreign and distant countries. Of these latter
the following may be specially mentioned:—O. Fabricius worked out
the Fauna of Greenland, Kalm collected in North America,
Hasselquist in Egypt and Palestine, Brünnich in the Mediterranean,
Osbeck in Java and China, Thurnberg in Japan; Forskål examined
and described the fishes of the Red Sea; Steller, Pallas, S. T.
Gmelin, and Güldenstedt traversed nearly the whole of the Russian
Empire in Europe and Asia. Others attached themselves as
naturalists to the celebrated circumnavigators of the last century, like
the two Forsters (father and son), and Solander, who accompanied
Cook; Commerson, who travelled with Bougainville; and Sonnerat.
Numerous new and startling forms were discovered by those men,
and the foundation was laid of the knowledge of the geographical
distribution of animals.
Of those who studied the fishes of their native country the most
celebrated are Pennant (Great Britain), O. F. Müller (Denmark),
Duhamel (France), Meidinger (Austria), Cornide (Spain), Parra
The materials brought together by those and other zoologists
were so numerous that, not long after the death of Linnæus, the
necessity was felt of collecting them in a compendious form. Several
compilators undertook this task; they embodied the recent
discoveries in new editions of Artedi’s and Linné’s classical works,
but not possessing either a knowledge of the subject or any critical
discernment, they only succeeded in covering those noble
monuments under a mass of confused rubbish. For Ichthyology it
was fortunate that two men at least, Bloch and Lacépède, made it a
subject of long and original research.

Mark Eliezer Bloch, born in the year 1723 at

M. E. Bloch. Anspach in Germany, practised as a physician in
Berlin; he had reached an age of fifty-six years when
he commenced to write on ichthyological subjects. To commence at
his age a work in which he intended not only to give full descriptions
of the species known to him from specimens or drawings, but also to
illustrate every species in a style truly magnificent for his time, was
an undertaking of the execution of which an ordinary man would
have despaired. Yet he accomplished not only this task, but even
more, as we shall see hereafter.
His work consists of two divisions:—
1. “Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands”
(Berl. 1782–4, 4to. Plates in fol.)
2. “Naturgeschichte der auslændischen Fische” (Berl. 1785–95,
4to. Plates in fol.)
Bloch’s work is unique, and probably will for ever remain so.
Although Cuvier fifty years later undertook a similar general work on
fishes, the subject had then become too extensive to allow of an
attempt of giving illustrations of all the species, or illustrations of a
similar size and costliness.
The first division of the work, which is devoted to a description of
the fishes of Germany, is entirely original, and based upon Bloch’s
own observations. His descriptions as well as figures were made
from nature, and are, with but few exceptions, still serviceable; many
continue to be the best existing in literature.
Bloch was less fortunate and is much less reliable in his natural
history of foreign fishes. For many of the species he had to rely on
more or less incorrect drawings and descriptions of travellers;
frequently, also, he was deceived as to the origin of specimens
which he acquired by purchase. Hence his accounts contain
numerous confusing errors which it would have been difficult to
correct, if not nearly the whole of the materials on which his work is
based had been preserved in the collections at Berlin.
After the completion of his Ichthyology Bloch occupied himself
with systematic work. He prepared a general system of fishes, in
which he arranged not only those described in his great work, but
also those with which he had become acquainted afterwards from
the descriptions of others. The work was ably edited and published
after Bloch’s death by a philologist, J. G. Schneider, under the title
“M. E. Blochii Systema ichthyologiæ iconibus ex. illustratum” (Berl.
1801, 8vo.) The number of species enumerated in it amounts to
1519. The system is based upon the number of the fins, the various
orders being termed Hendecapterygii, Decapterygii, etc. We need
not add that an artificial method like this led to the most unnatural
combinations or severances.
Bloch’s Ichthyology remained for many years the
Lacépède. standard work, and, by the great number of excellent
illustrations, proved a most useful guide to the
student. But as regards originality of thought, Bloch was far
surpassed by his contemporary, B. G. E. de Lacépède, born at
Agen, in France, in 1756, a man of great and general erudition, who
died as Professor of the Museum of Natural History of Paris in 1826.
Lacépède had to contend with great difficulties in the preparation
of his “Histoire des Poissons” (Paris, 1798–1803, 4to, in 5 vols.),
which was written during the most disturbed period of the French
Revolution. A great part of it was composed whilst the author was
separated from collections and books, and had to rely on his notes
and manuscripts only. Even the works of Bloch and other
contemporaneous authors remained unknown, or at least
inaccessible, to him for a long time. Therefore we cannot be
surprised that his work abounds in all those errors to which a
compiler is subject. The same species not only appears under two
and more distinct specific names, but it sometimes happens that the
author understands so little the source from which he derives his
information that the description is referred to one genus and the
accompanying figure to another. The names of genera are unduly
multiplied; and the figures with which the work is illustrated are far
inferior to those of Bloch. Thus the influence of Lacépède on the
progress of Ichthyology was infinitely less than that of his fellow-
labourer; and the labour caused to his successors by correcting the
numerous errors into which he has fallen, probably outweighs the
assistance which they derived from his work.
The work of the principal cultivators of Ichthyology in
Anatomists. the period between Ray and Lacépède was chiefly
systematic and descriptive, but also the internal
organisation of fishes received attention from more than one great
anatomist. Haller, Camper, and Hunter, examined the nervous
system and organs of sense; and more especially Alexander Monro
(the son) published a classical work, “The Structure and Physiology
of Fishes explained and compared with those of Man and other
Animals” (Edinb. 1785, fol.) The electric organs of fishes (Torpedo
and Gymnotus) were examined by Réaumur, Allamand, Bancroft,
Walsh, and still more exactly by J. Hunter. The mystery of the
propagation of the Eel called forth a large number of essays, and
even the artificial propagation of Salmonidæ was known and
practised by Gleditsch (1764).
Bloch and Lacépède’s works were almost
Faunists. immediately succeeded by the labours of Cuvier, but
his early publications were of necessity tentative,
preliminary, and fragmentary, so that a short period elapsed before
the spirit infused by this great anatomist into Ichthyology could
exercise its influence on all workers in this field. Several of such
antecuvierian works must be mentioned on account of their
importance to our knowledge of certain Faunas: the “Descriptions
and Figures of Two Hundred Fishes collected at Vizagapatam on the
coast of Coromandel” (Lond. 1803; 2 vols. in fol.), by Patrick Russel;
and “An Account of the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its
branches” (Edinb. 1822; 2 vols. in 4to), by F. Hamilton (formerly
Buchanan)—works distinguished by a greater accuracy of their
drawings (especially in the latter), than was ever attained before. A
“Natural History of British Fishes” was published by E. Donovan
(Lond. 8vo, 1802–8); and the Mediterranean Fauna formed the study
of the lifetime of A. Risso (“Ichthyologie de Nice.” Paris, 1810, 8vo;
and “Histoire naturelle de l’Europe Meridionale.” Paris, 1827, 8vo). A
slight beginning in the description of the fishes of the United States
was made by S. L. Mitchell, who published, besides various papers,
a “Memoir on the Ichthyology of New York,” in 1815.[2]

G. Cuvier did not occupy himself with the study of

G. Cuvier. fishes merely because this class formed part of the
“Règne animal,” but he devoted himself to it with
particular predilection. The investigation of their anatomy, and
especially of their skeleton, was taken up by him at an early period,
and continued until he had succeeded in completing so perfect a
framework of the system of the whole class that his immediate
successors could content themselves with filling up those details for
which their master had no leisure. Indefatigable in examining all the
external and internal characters of the fishes of a rich collection, he
ascertained the natural affinities of the infinite variety of fishes, and
accurately defined the divisions, orders, families, and genera of the
class, as they appear in the various editions of the “Règne animal.”
His industry equalled his genius: he opened connections with almost
every accessible part of the globe; not only French travellers and
naturalists, but also Germans, Englishmen, Americans, rivalled one
another to assist him with collections; and for many years the
Muséum of the Jardin des Plantes was the centre where all
ichthyological treasures were deposited. Thus Cuvier brought
together a collection the like of which had never been seen before,
and which, as it contains all the materials on which his labours were
based, must still be considered to be the most important. Soon after
the year 1820, Cuvier, assisted by one of his pupils, A.
Valenciennes, commenced his great work on fishes, “Histoire
naturelles des Poissons,” of which the first volume appeared in 1828.
The earlier volumes, in which Cuvier himself took his share, bear
evidence of the freshness and love with which both authors devoted
themselves to their task. After Cuvier’s death in 1832 the work was
left entirely in the hands of Valenciennes, whose energy and interest
gradually slackened, to rise to the old standard in some parts only,
as, for instance, in the treatise on the Herring. He left the work
unfinished with the twenty-second volume (1848), which treats of the
Salmonoids. Yet, incomplete as it is, it is indispensable to the
There exist several editions of the work, which, however, have
the same text. One, printed in 8vo, with coloured or plain figures, is
the one in common use among ichthyologists. A more luxurious
edition in 4to has a different pagination, and therefore is most
inconvenient to use.
As mentioned above, the various parts of the work are very
unequally worked out. Many of the species are described in so
masterly a manner that a greater excellency of method can hardly be
conceived. The history of the literature of these species is entered
into with minuteness and critical discernment; but in the later
volumes, numerous species are introduced into the system without
any description, or with a few words only, comparing a species with
one or more of its congeners. Cuvier himself, at a late period of his
life, seems to have grown indifferent as to the exact definition of his
species: a failing commonly observed among Zoologists when
attention to descriptive details becomes to them a tedious task. What
is more surprising is, that a man of his anatomical and physiological
knowledge should have overlooked the fact that secondary sexual
characters are developed in fishes as in any other class of animals,
and that fishes undergo great changes during growth; and,
consequently, that he described almost all such sexual forms and
different stages of growth under distinct specific and even generic
The system finally adopted by Cuvier is the following:—
A. Poissons Osseux.
I.—a branchies en peignes ou en lames.
1. a mâchoire supérieure libre.
a. Acanthoptérygiens.
Joues cuirassées.
Branchies labyrinthiques.

b. Malacoptérygiens.



2. a mâchoire supérieure fixée.


II. a branchies en forme de houppes.


B. Cartilagineux ou Chondroptérygiens.

We have to compare this system with that of Linnæus if we wish

to measure the gigantic stride Ichthyology has made during the
intervening period of seventy years. The various characters
employed for classification have been examined throughout the
whole class, and their relative importance has been duly weighed
and understood. Though Linnæus had formed a category of
“Amphibia nantes” for fishes with a cartilaginous skeleton, which
should coincide with Cuvier’s “Poissons Cartilagineux,” he had failed
to understand the very nature of cartilage, apparently comprising by
this term any skeletal framework of less firmity than ordinary bone.
Hence he considered Lophius, Cyclopterus, Syngnathus to be
cartilaginous fishes. Adopting the position and development of the
ventral fins as a highly important character, he was obliged to
associate fishes with rudimentary and inconspicuous ventral fins, like
Trichiurus, Xiphias, etc., with the true Eels. The important category of
a “family” appears now in Cuvier’s system fully established as that
intermediate between genus and order. Important changes in
Cuvier’s system have been made and proposed by his successors,
but in the main it is still that of the present day.
Cuvier had extended his researches beyond the living forms, into
the field of palæontology; he was the first to observe the close
resemblance of the scales of the fossil Palæoniscus to those of the
living Polypterus and Lepidosteus, the prolongation and identity of
structure of the upper caudal lobe in Palæoniscus and the
Sturgeons, the presence of peculiar “fulcra” on the anterior margin of
the dorsal fin in Palæoniscus and Lepidosteus: inferring from these
facts that that fossil genus was allied either to the Sturgeons or to
Lepidosteus. But it did not occur to him that there was a close
relationship between those recent fishes. Lepidosteus and, with it,
the fossil genus remained in his system a member of the order of
Malacopterygii abdominales.
It was left to L. Agassiz (born 1807, died 1873) to point out the
importance of the character of the structure of the scales, and to
open a path towards the knowledge of a whole new sub-class of
fishes, the Ganoidei.
Impressed with the fact that the peculiar scales of Polypterus and
Lepidosteus are common to all fossil osseous fishes down to the
chalk, he takes the structure of the scales generally as the base for
an ichthyological system, and distinguishes four orders:—
1. Placoids.—Without scales proper, but with scales of enamel,
sometimes large, sometimes small and reduced to mere points
(Rays, Sharks, and Cyclostomi, with the fossil Hybodontes).
2. Ganoids.—With angular bony scales, covered with a thick
stratum of enamel: to this order belong the fossil Lepidoides,
Sauroides, Pycnodontes, and Coelacanthi; the recent Polypterus,
Lepidosteus, Sclerodermi, Gymnodontes, Lophobranches, and
Siluroides; also the Sturgeons.
3. Ctenoids.—With rough scales, which have their free margins
denticulated: Chætodontidæ, Pleuronectidæ, Percidæ, Polyacanthi,
Sciænidæ, Sparidæ, Scorpænidæ, Aulostomi.
4. Cycloids.—With smooth scales, the hind margin of which lacks
denticulation: Labridæ, Mugilidæ, Scombridæ, Gadoidei, Gobiidæ,
Murænidæ, Lucioidei, Salmonidæ, Clupeidæ, Cyprinidæ.
We have no hesitation in affirming that if Agassiz had had an
opportunity of acquiring a more extensive and intimate knowledge of

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