Dream June 2022 Eng

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JUNE 2022 / Vol. 25 / No. 6 / 20


HYDROGEN: A Promising Energy Hero for Global Appetite V I G YA N



Nakul Parashar
Nakul Parashar
Nimish Kapoor

Pradeep Kumar

Only One Earth

Ganesh D. Kalghuge
Bipro Kumar Sen

Language Editor
Sumita Mukherjee

Address for

ʻEnemies At
warnings about the environment and thus
have constantly been suggesting ways to
Vigyan Prasar, A-50, do our bit. Reduce, reuse, and recycle tops
Institutional Area, Sector-62, the list of things we should do. Lessening
Noida-201 309, U.P., India your gateʼ is the name of a short film what we trash can undoubtedly assist us
made by my friend and an accomplished in maintaining natural resources. So, why
Tel: +91-120-2404430, 35 media personality, Rizwan Ahmad of wait for others to join in their endeavour to
MANUU, Hyderabad (https://youtu.be/ clean up the localities! Creating awareness
e-mail Ch32IruQXoI). I found this one to be very and educating people are equally critical.
[email protected] time-relevant. Itʼs about the environment Water, we all know, is highly important,
and, thus, something that all of us are and thus, conserving it is equally important.
website concerned about and eagerly looking forward When choosing sustainability, we should
http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in to some concrete and permanent solution. look for food and clothing that adhere to
For us in India, as soon as the summers related parameters. From Rizwanʼs movie,
set in, we feel the consequences of our past one strong message about plastics that
wrongdoings when the mercury starts to cuts across all is that they should avoid
hit the roof. This year, weʼve all witnessed plastic bags while going out for shopping.
an early onset of the summers, and as days Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using
Vigyan Prasar is not responsible pass by, the heatwave is felt unabated and long-lasting light bulbs is also essential. Our
increasing. We are all aware of it, but on the age-old tradition of planting a tree is indeed
for the statements/opinions
ground, where are we, and what are we doing an important one in this list of things to do.
expressed and photographs
to ensure that no further artificial destruction We should ensure that chemicals are not
used by the authors in to the environment is allowed! The paths to thrown into the waterways. Indeed, still, a
their articles/write-ups the destruction of the environment have to lot more to do.
published in “Dream 2047” be blocked or dug up so that we can shun Amidst all this, I have seen that many
away the enemy knocking on our doors. discussions and decisions have been arrived
Articles, excerpts from articles June 5th is celebrated as the World at, and a lot more has happened during the
published in “Dream 2047” Environment Day. This year, the host country past two decades. Yet, for reasons galore,
may be freely reproduced is Sweden, with the campaign slogan as only the damage so far has been irreversible. This
one earth aimed at living sustainably in thus puts a big question mark on the efficacy
with due acknowledgement/
harmony with nature. Interestingly, this of the steps taken so far. For this World
credit, provided periodicals
yearʼs World Environment Day went back Environment Day in 2022, I guess we need to
in which they are reproduced to Sweden, from where it all started 50 put our heads down and continue relentlessly
are distributed free. years ago, as the famous 1972 Stockholm to fight the growing environmental issue.
Conference. Only one earth was also the Wishing all of you a very happy
campaign slogan from the 1972 conference, Environment Day 2022.
and UNEP has been managing it. From the UN
Published by Dr Nakul Parashar
Sustainable Development Goal standpoint,
on behalf of Vigyan Prasar, A-50,
relevant goals for the World Environment
Institutional Area, Sector-62, day are goals 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17,
Noida-201 309, U.P. India. which emphasise the importance of this day.
Pundits of the domain have been
Cover Design & Illustrations By: BIPRO KUMAR SEN warning about the perils of ignoring the early Email: [email protected]

2 dream 2047 / june 2022



Images source: NASA

june 2022 / dream 2047 3


Melt streams on the Greenland Ice Sheet on 19

July 2015. NASA photo by Maria-José Viñas.

rom the microorganisms to the most complex Consumerism, too, is at a record high. National Geographic
creatures, all beings come to this world with an innate reports that nearly 1.7 billion people worldwide belong to
responsibility to respect an unwritten pact: to preserve the ʻconsumer classʼ with particular demands and a lifestyle
the bounties of nature and sustain the cycle of life devoted to accumulating non-essential goods. The result is
harmoniously. This plan prompts us to take what is necessary the depletion of natural resources like water and minerals
to live and thrive and also calls upon us to tread carefully and drastically. Single-use plastic is used indiscriminately, leading
be mindful of our actions not to topple the delicate balance so to toxic waste and pollution of the land, waters, and air.
that the grand scheme of life on Earth flourishes. Rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, and population
Sadly, humans–the most evolved and intelligent explosion have led to anthropogenic activities that fast snuff
creatures–deviate from this pact grossly. Human greed has out biodiversity and ecology. The list of threatening dangers is
left the planet bruised and depleted in resources. Earth is a long one. We are in a desperate position, and the call is for
seriously in need of healing. extreme mitigating measures, without which the planet will
soon become a lifeless one.
CLARION CALLS Awareness of the situation is a starting point. Hence, we
Many concerns plague us today due to our insensitive ways: have many commemorative days that focus on the existing
carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, pollution, consumerism, pain point: Earth Day, Oceans Day, Biodiversity Day, and
plastics, and climate change. Reportedly, there has been a 40% others dedicated to dying plant and animal species.
increase in the global collective emission of carbon dioxide and To this end, every year on June 5th, the world observes
greenhouse gases since 1990. India contributes a significant World Environment Day (WED) to spread awareness and
chunk to this rise and ranks second globally, with over three commit to positive changes to restore a healthier environment.
billion tonnes of emissions annually.
Pollution is everywhere. According to the World Air Quality ON A RESTORATION PATH
report, 35 out of 50 cities with the worst air quality are in India realises the urgency of addressing the climate and
India. Given Indiaʻs growing vehicular woes and traditional environmental issues looming upon us and has laid out
agricultural practices, poor air quality and increased levels of aggressive restoration plans. Various policies that will be
particulate matter are rampant. beneficial in the long run will unfurl, aimed to put India on

4 dream 2047 / june 2022

a clean, green, reliable, and sustainable path. Honʻble Prime The EBP also promotes ethanol production from maize
Minister Narendra Modi revealed a restoration roadmap and other food grains apart from the conventional sugarcane-
for the next 25 years at the COP26 summit in Glasgow last based raw material.
November. It is estimated that the E20 blend will reduce carbon
monoxide emissions in two-wheelers by 50% and 30% in
EMISSIONS CONTROL four-wheelers, apart from lowering hydrocarbon emissions
Farmers in Delhiʻs neighbouring states burn crop residue compared to unblended motor fuel. In addition, ethanol
and stubble as a quick fix to clear the fields for sowing winter blending will cut petroleum consumption and its cost,
crops. Unfortunately, this decades-old practice pollutes the significantly reducing import costs.
surrounding areas severely.
The Commission for Air Quality Management has mandated
a framework to control or eliminate stubble burning. Under an
upcoming project called SAMARTH, farmers will receive help AND HOW IS IT BENEFICIAL?
to convert the stubble into biomass pellets and sell them to • Ethanol or ethyl alcohol (commonly found in
coal-fired power plants. alcoholic beverages) is obtained by fermenting
Half of Indiaʻs colossal electricity demand is met by 285 sugars by yeast metabolism. It can also be made
coal-fired thermal power plants. Under this new strategy by ethylene hydration.
announced by the Union Power Ministry, three categories
• Ethanol is a plant-derived biofuel and hence a
of power plants are mandated to use a 5% blend of biomass
renewable resource.
pellets with coal as fuel. The scheme is to be enforced from
October 2022 to contain pollution from stubble-burning. Two • A 99% pure ethyl alcohol is blended with petrol
years hence, two categories of power plants will increase the to obtain ethanol-blend motor fuel. This is high
blend to 7%. in oxygen content, so vehicle engines burn it
Under the Ethanol Blend Petroleum Project (EBP), ethanol- thoroughly, reducing emissions.
blended fuel will reduce vehicular emissions. The program
will roll out in a phased manner. According to NITI Aayogʻs
report, 20% blending in petrol (E20) is achievable by 2030. CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE (CCS)
Currently, E10 is underway (9.9% blend achieved so far) with Heavy industries, chemical factories, and coal-fired power
10% ethanol blend-tuned vehicles to roll out by 2023 and plants release large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) as flue gas,
E20-tuned vehicles by 2025. causing pollution. The excess carbon dioxide gives rise to the
greenhouse effect, causing climate changes.
The ripples of rising temperatures are felt
up to the polar regions and are melting the
glaciers rapidly. India is the fourth biggest
emitter of CO2.
In nature, forests and trees are natural
inhibitors of CO2 accumulation and sequester
(store) carbon in the soil. So, one way to
improve carbon sequestration is to increase
the green cover.
Another plan is to arrest carbon at the
source, stopping the release of industrial
flue gases into the atmosphere. The CO2
generated from the industries and power
plants is collected, purified, transported
to remote regions and stored deep below
the ground. However, such a system poses
several safety challenges which must be met
with innovative ideas.
DST and DBT launched a joint venture
called The Mission Innovation project to
tackle the above challenges. The initiativeʻs
primary goal is to develop new technologies
for carbon capture. This Mission will
Climate Dashboard (Global sea levels image) facilitate R&D and innovation to create safe

june 2022 / dream 2047 5


Moreover, the MNRE ministry is

drafting an Approved List of Models and
Manufacturers (ALMM of eligible solar
module manufacturers who comply
with the BIS Standards), allowing only
those listed to sell electricity. The MNRE
ministry will also supp ort R&D activities
in academic institutions and industry
under its Renewable Energy Research
and Technology Development (RE-RTD)
programme. This will enable indigenous
solutions like new types of batteries and
renewable energy technologies that are
cost-effective and efficient.
Besides, the Ministry will be prompting
rooftop solar schemes, solarisation of
agriculture pumps (connected to the grid
or run on diesel), solar street lights, solar
study lamps, solar-powered livelihood
applications, and many more innovative


India generates enormous solid waste;
and cost-effective CO2 capture, and utilisation and storage lifestyle changes and increasing consumerism have led to
(CCUS) technologies. In addition, India is collaborating with massive dump yards filled with mountains of garbage which
the western nations on technologies to achieve net-zero levels give off putrid fumes and volatile gases, adding to the pollution
by 2070. Net-zero means not adding additional greenhouse woes. The toxic fumes jeopardise the well-being of the people
gases to the atmosphere. living in the surroundings and pose a severe threat to the
On 6 December 2021, NITI Aayog brought out a comp-
STRIDES IN INNOVATIVE rehensive knowledge repository called ʻWaste-Wise Cities:
CCUS TECHNOLOGIES Best Practices in Municipal Solid Waste Managementʼ, which
documents the best practices from 28 cities across 15 states of
A PIB press release says, “Professor Rahul Banerjeeʼs India. The five-month research initiated in July 2021 examines
group at IISER-Kolkata has demonstrated a strategy to ten different aspects that explain a sustainable value chain:
synthesise novel solid adsorbents, especially for CO2 source segregation, material recovery, and technological
innovations, to manage waste such as biodegradables, plastics,
capture and CO2 utilisation. They discovered special
e-waste, C&D waste, and landfills. According to the country-
types of nanoparticles or microparticles which can wide survey study report, Indiaʼs solid waste management
capture CO2 in their micro and mesoporous voids. sector has witnessed unparalleled growth in the last few years,
spurring the Swachh Bharat Mission Phase 2 to strengthen the
efforts for a clean India further.
CLEAN, GREEN ENERGY These are some of the schemes underway at a national
At the COP26 summit, the Prime Minister announced that level. However, one must always be mindful that amidst all
by 2030 India would generate 50% of its energy from clean policies, individual contributions to choosing nature-friendly
sources and 500 GW from renewable energy. Power and New practices and lifestyles are vital to a successful environmental
& Renewable Energy (PMNRE) Minister R.K. Singh told the restoration strategy.
media that 40% of the target is already achieved. India will It is said, tiny droplets make the mighty ocean; on a similar
have around 450 GW of solar and wind power, while 70-100 note, we are conservationists in our own right in ways small or
GW will be from hydropower plants. big. We must join hands to save our planet, for we have only
A PIB statement dated 24 March states that the government one Earth.
is implementing a scheme to set up 50 Solar Parks with a total
capacity of 40,000 MW. These parks will provide developed The author is an independent science communicator.
infrastructure to install solar power projects. Email: [email protected].

6 dream 2047 / june 2022



India Science is an OTT Science
channel. This 24X7 video platform is
dedicated to science and
technology knowledge dissemination,
with a strong commitment to
spreading scientic awareness with
focus on Indian perspectives, ethos
and cultural milieu.


A Promising Energy
Hero for Global Appetite
s a child you must have done element of the universe holds the burning (combustion) with oxygen
the experiment of putting two potential to change our future, lifestyle, (air) generates a humongous amount
pencils in water, connecting energy economy, and reduce our of energy. Generally, the combustion
their end with a battery, and observe dependency on coal/diesel/petrol/LPG! reaction releases around 286,000 joules
lots of gas coming out. Have you Hydrogen is our “Clean Energy of energy per mole of hydrogen gas
pondered upon what is the Sun made of? Hero”. As an element it is a colourless, burned, which is a multitude higher over
Why it shines so bright and why itʻs so odourless, and tasteless gas (H2) fuels being used in present. Some other
hot? It is none other than “Hydrogen”. and the first member (element) of excellent features, which makes it stand
This lightest and most abundant the Periodic table. Hydrogen gas on out from the existing crowd of fuels are

Research & technological timeline of advances in HYDROGEN economy

8 dream 2047 / june 2022

(i) its high energy density/mass (120- some electrical energy is used along with step will be to develop solutions to
142 MJ/kg, while for gasoline it is 44.5 photo (solar) energy, then it is known strengthen its production keeping the
MJ/kg); (ii) low ignition temperature; as Photo electrocatalytic (PEC) water production of CO2 low. Hydrogen has
(iii) high combustion energy (2.86 x 105 splitting. The latter method is better, found a good place in transportation
J/mol H2); (iv) no toxic combustion by- because, it gives us the advantage to (cars, buses, trains, aviation, space,
products etc. produce hydrogen and oxygen in separate etc.) sector, Chemical Industries, Power
Increased release of carbon dioxide chambers. The capacity of a PEC system Generation, Stationary Applications, etc.
with combustion of fossil fuels affects to produce hydrogen from water highly Also, not to forget, it could even replace
our Mother Earth heavily. Climate depends upon the type of the electrodes the LPG being currently used in cooking.
change is one of the major concerns, in the system. The major challenges for To obtain electricity/energy from
which is making our planet hotter and Green Hydrogen production through hydrogen, the hydrogen is reacted under
affecting the air quality with increased the PEC system are (i) How efficiently a controlled rate with oxygen, giving out
airborne solid and liquid particulates, the electrodes respond to light leading energy/electricity and water as output.
oxides of nitrogen, sulphur, and carbon. to exciton or e/h pair generation?; (ii) Generally, it is done in a device known as
As per worldometers data India alone How much these electrodes can absorb Fuel Cell. Hydrogen Fuel Cells have been
contributes to the ~7% of global CO2 the spectrum of solar energy falling on successfully shown in space vehicles to
production and air quality index for Earth? (iii) How efficiently the excited drive electricity as well as generate water
several of its cities is very poor. Hydrogen charge generated gets separated and to drink for the astronauts.
as an alternative to fossil fuel will not participate in water splitting? (iv) How Several countries have tested and
only prevent all these damages but will stable are the electrodes in electrolyte? adopted hydrogen driven buses for
also provide the equivalent amount of (v) How long can the electrodes produce public transport; to name a few are Gulf
energy in a sustainable manner. hydrogen? (vi) What is the source of the countries, the United States, Japan, South
Currently, hydrogen is being production of these electrodes (supply- Korea, China, India, and Germany. These
largely produced from conventional chain)? Another suitable approach is to countries are focusing on the hydrogen-
fuels through processes like steam- integrate electrocatalysis (EC) with solar fuelled energy economy. These countries
methane reforming, coal gasification, photovoltaic. are making investments towards cleaner
etc., which is known as Blue Hydrogen. We at CSIR-Central Scientific production technology and expanding
But these technologies also produce Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO) the network of hydrogen. A hydrogen
CO2. According to a study, the Blue are addressing the issues of EC and PEC fuel cell bus has been launched in India
Hydrogen production is responsible as a material scientist to design the by Tata Motors in collaboration with the
for the emission of around 830 million suitable electrode materials meeting Indian Space Research Organization
tons of CO2 per year. On the other hand, the commercial benchmark. We are (ISRO) and Indian Oil (IOCL). Further,
the water electrolysis process produces investigating several 2D materials one private manufacturer also seeks
hydrogen known as Green Hydrogen (including MXenes), oxides, transition to launch its first fuel cell SUV in India
and it contributes to only 4% Hydrogen metal sulphides, flexible electrodes, etc., soon and plans on building the required
generation and energy demand for the for efficient Green Hydrogen production infrastructure for it in and around Delhi-
process and cost associated are quite from water (including wastewater). To NCR area. These small blueprints in our
high. We thus need alternative methods extend these electrodesʼ capability to country thus strengthen the presence of
for Green Hydrogen production, which respond to a wide range of light from Hydrogen as future Coal. More recently,
are cost-effective, sustainable, and the solar spectrum, we have developed our Honʻble Prime Minister launched
efficient. Among the renewables sources, several visible light sensitizers (carbon Hydrogen Mission for India on 75th
solar energy is readily available to us in quantum dots, plasmonic materials, Independence Day to make India a
abundance (1,73,000 TW). Currently, etc.) using naturally available precursors green hydrogen hub as well as meet
solar energy is being stored in the and demonstrated them for efficient its climate targets. Ministry of Power,
form of electrical energy, i.e., through hydrogen production Our research GoI released Green Hydrogen Policy
solar panels into batteries. But this group is also extensively investigating for the country on 17 February 2022.
technology has concern related to toxic wastewater as a feedstock for hydrogen India has envisioned to be a global
electronic waste product generation, production instead of potabale water. leader to develop hydrogen generation,
poor efficiency, high cost, etc. Hence the This could solve both the problem of storage, and utilisation technologies
scientists are trying to tap solar energy wastewater management as well as clean for the benefit of humankind and the
storage in the form of chemical bonds, hydrogen generation. However, more environment.
i.e., Solar energy to Hydrogen energy. investigations and design challenges are
This method of hydrogen production required to be overcome to commercially
Dr Pooja Devi is Principal Scientist,
from water using solar energy is known realise this technology for large-scale CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments
as Solar Water Splitting or Photo Hydrogen production and usage. Organisation (CSIR-CSIO), Chandigarh.
Catalytic Water Splitting. However, if As a research community, our next Email: [email protected]

june 2022 / dream 2047 9

RESEARCH Muskan Pandey, Barkha Singhal

(HIV), Hepatitis B virus, Herpes virus,
Polyomavirus etc. are detected in
infected people. Bacteriophages present

in the gut help in modulation of their
bacterial hosts directly affecting their
mortality by horizontal gene transfer

and in many ways by re-programming
the metabolism of the host. There are
approximately 1015 bacteriophages

in gastrointestinal tracts of humans.
Among them cross assembly phages
(CrAssphages) are most abundant.
Several eukaryotic viruses like

Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Enterovirus,
Epstein-Bars virus, etc. are found in
amniotic fluid of healthy mother who

gave birth to healthy babies. On the
contrary, several viruses like HIV,
Hepatitis, Influenza, Rubella, etc. were
detected in placenta and vagina of

infected mothers. It has been found that
ature creates wonderful seren- established that the DNA and RNA viruses phages are dispersed across the whole
dipities which keep astonishing present in the intestinal virome are human body representing differing
us as we dive deeper. Similarly, somewhat found equivalent to bacterial composition of phages at different sites.
mammals being colonized with nume- cells in terms of number. However, In the same way eukaryotic viruses also
rous microbes which is collectively while talking about the mucus layer differ in their colonizing behaviour
known as microbiota is also a blessing and gut mucosal surfaces more viruses depending upon the site of the body.
in disguise. The symbiotic relationship than bacterial cells are being observed.
established between host and the Each gram of human gut content is Crosstalk between virome with gut
microbiota provides tremendous health estimated to have 108-109 Virus-like bacteria and their host
benefits. Our gut is a rich and diversified particles (VLPs). Eukaryotic viruses The studies on correlating the presence
niche of microbiome. Till date, the most like Picobirnaviridae, Adenoviridae, of virome and their diversity is pursued
explored gut microbiome consists of Anelloviridae, Astroviridae etc. are from various directions. Scientists
bacterial species but little is explicit found in healthy people; while presence are still working on establishing the
about virome. of Human Immunodeficiency Virus relationship between human virome and

Human virome
For several decades, viruses
were linked with specific
characteristic diseases. Due to
non-availability of sequences
of many novel viruses in
the databases, scientists
considered studying virome
as exploring dark matter.
Improved metagenomics
approaches have changed the
way of looking toward this
less explored area of virome
and have given hope to be
able to dive deeper. Scientists
now believe that just like gut
microbiomes, gut virome has
also co-evolved with their
Composition of virome at different sites in human body
hosts. Many studies have

10 dream 2047 / june 2022

health of the host. Besides the studies
associated with healthy human intestinal
bacteriome also indicate towards the
“healthy gut phageomes”. Studies
found out that the major way of virome
affecting the host is by “transkingdom
interaction”. The interaction between
viruses and bacteria can influence the
host health. It has been observed that
phages act as a vehicle for the horizontal
gene transfer in their prokaryotic host
and it is believed that they can influence
the evolution of bacteria, their diversity,
and their metabolism. Due to emergence
of more drug-resistant bacteria scientists
are inclining toward a new technique
known as “phage therapy” to treat
several bacterial infections.
Comparison of virome distribution of healthy and IBD-affected individual

Human virome and disease correlation

Several alterations are being observed significant role in the colonization of of the patients gave an idea of the fact
in gut virome during different childhood virome. The overwhelming utilization of that older patients are more prone to
diseases like Inflammatory Bowel antibiotics also affect the human virome severe COVID-19.
disease (IBD), Crohnʻs disease (CD), and indirectly as it kills the prokaryotic
ulcerative colitis (UC). Caudovirales was host of the virus. For example, study Challenges and future prospects
found to be associated with CD. Reduced on a cohort was done who were treated Despite increasing techniques for
richness of Microviridae strains in CD with antibiotics against Staphylococcus metagenomic analysis and advanced
was observed than healthy controls infection and found out that oral DNA sequencing techniques, chara-
while high ratio of Caudovirales to virome were affected more than faecal cterizing and annotating virome is still
Microviridae in IBD was also detected. virome, and enhanced population of a challenging task because of several
There was also increase in Anelloviridae papillomavirus in antibiotic-treated limitations. It is being observed in
etc. Several studies have correlated viral individuals was also seen. various studies that while aligning
infection as one of the possible causes different sequences obtained from the
of Type 1 diabetes (T1D). It was found Human virome and its relation with samples of interest with the known
that Enterovirus infection and T1D COVID-19 sequences in the databases there is still
onset were correlated in many patients. It has been observed that many patients sceptical outcome of the results. There
Several patients showed correlation of COVID-19 show various symptoms is still lack of standard annotating
with Circoviridae-related viruses. In related to gastrointestinal tract, in which methods to annotate virome dark
many diseases like diarrheal diseases vomiting and diarrhoea are the main matter. Annotation and characterisation
and celiac diseases shift in the virome symptoms. In addition to this SARS- of novel viruses present in the human
composition in the patients was also CoV-2 were also detected in the faecal virome populations still remain quite
observed. Patients suffering from AIDS samples of the patients indicating that challenging. Studying RNA viruses is also
showed increased enteric adenovirus GI tract being a site other than lungs challenging and limited due to their less
and colorectal cancer patients showed where the virus can replicate. Several stability in samples which are used for
increased viral diversity. research studies were performed on metagenomic studies. These factors have
COVID-19 patients to know the effect of confined our studies which need more
Factors affecting virome colonization this disease on the human virome. This advanced and improved techniques to
Numerous factors are reported to led to a result that COVID-19 patients characterize these human virome and
influence the human virome and affect showed reduction in the population of exploit this serendipity of nature for our
the health of the host. Diet being a very Pepper mild mottle virus (RNA virus) betterment.
prominent part of life plays a crucial and some bacteriophages while some
role in the establishment of human environmentally derived eukaryotic DNA Muskan Pandey is M.Tech Biotechnology student and
virome. In addition to diet and genetic virus were increased in faecal sample. Dr Barkha Singhal is Assistant Professor at School of
factors, geographical factors, age, and While changes in gut virome with the Biotechnology, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida.
heath status of an individuals also play severity of COVID-19 were observed, age Email: [email protected]

june 2022 / dream 2047 11

HEALTH Devi Prasad Mohapatra


Human Skin
he human skin is a sophisticated In absence of a physical barrier, the bodyʻs believed to be pioneers in this technique
and complex organ that covers defence mechanism gets overwhelmed when they took skin from the personʻs
the body. It is the largest organ by the onslaught of bacteria, viruses, buttocks and used it to cover wounds on
of the body and has been entrusted by fungi and numerous other microor- their nose. The piece of skin transferred
nature with many functions. The first ganisms. This subsequently leads to to cover a wound is known as skin graft.
and foremost function of the human sepsis, failure of bodily functions, and in When the skin graft is taken from the
skin is defence. The human skin defends extreme cases, death. same person, it is known as an autograft.
the body against physical and biological Ever wondered, how the skin is When the skin graft is taken from a
influences. The physical influences restored if lost? In many situations when different individual and transplanted
include heat, cold, water, etc. The the breach in the skin is on a wound, it is called
biological influences include infection by small and superficial as an allograft. Occasionally,
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and numerous in knife-cuts on finger or skin of different animals
other microorganisms. The other shaving-cuts on the cheek, may be used to cover
functions of skin include temperature the body heals itself. wounds after proper
regulation, touch and heat sensation, However, when the loss of processing. These are
vitamin D metabolism, immunity, and skin is extensive, the body known as xenografts.
contouring the human body. Needless to fails to re-place it. Doctors The first scientific
say, damage to this natural sophisticated since time immemorial description of the process
cloak could en-danger the underlying have attempted to replace A Humbyʻs skin grafting of skin grafting comes from
body. this crucial cloak, ei-ther knife with its blade a book titled Degli Innesti
temporarily for a short Animali (On Grafting
How could the body lose its cloak? time till the body heals in Animals) written
A break in the skin leading to exposure itself or permanently by Italian Physician
of the underlying tissues is known as using natural skin or even Giusseppe Baronio in
a wound or ulcer. Injury to the skin artificial constructs when 1804. Carl Bunger, a
following trivial or severe accidents, the skin loss is extensive. German physician first
exposure to harsh chemicals like acids The earliest desc- documented the use of
and alkalis, exposure to thermal and riptions of covering skin grafts in humans in
electrical energy leading to burn or a wound by external 1823. He used a piece of
elec-trical injuries would all lead to substances can be found skin from the thigh of
damage to the skin. Skin infections from in Sushruta Samhita, a patient and used it to
microbes like Staphylococcus aureus a treatise on surgery by cover a wound on his nose.
lead to pus formation and in severe the great Indian Sage Swiss surgeon Jaques-
cases, destruction of skin and deeper Sushruta, who is also Jacques-Louis Reverdin Louis Reverdin introduced
tissues. Extensive damage of the skin is known as the father of Source; (https://commons. the concept of small split-
seen following severe allergic reac-tions plastic surgery. Sushruta thickness skin grafts, also
to drugs like antibiotics which cause describes the use of banana leaf and known as pinch grafts. He pinched a bit
blisters and subsequent breakdown of natural ointments derived from honey or of skin in his fingers and used a sharp
large portions of the skin. This condition tulsi plant (Ocimum sanctum) to cover knife to cut off the pinched skin, leaving
is known as Stevens Johnsons syndrome. the wound and protect it from external a cir-cular defect on the body and a
When the human body loses its influences till the healthy surrounding piece of skin on the fingers. This could
natural cover, it becomes exposed to the skin regrows. be repeated many times and multiple
influences of nature. Notably, the bio- The process of covering a wound with circular grafts could be collected to cover
organisms which normally colonise the skin is known as skin transplantation. a given wound.
skin, start invading the defenceless body. Maratha surgeons of ancient India are Depth control while raising skin grafts

12 dream 2047 / june 2022

was essential because thin grafts were own in two weeksʼ time. skin can be grafted.
more likely to survive on the wound. There are situations The human skin can
Graham Humby, a British surgeon and a where skin grafts of also be grown in the
trained plastic sur-geon, first developed the same person may laboratory. A small piece
a blade in 1934 where thickness of the not be available or the of the patientʻs skin is
skin could be adjusted by a calibrating wound may not be taken and cultured in the
mechanism. This blade known as suitable to apply a skin laboratory to obtain a
Humbyʻs knife is still being used today. graft, for example, deep ReCell ʻspray onʻ skin. Courtesy: large sheet of skin. This
In 1939, Earl Padgett and his co- extensive burns of the Avita medical (http://avitamedical.com) cultured skin known
worker engineer George Hood developed body where most of the as Cultured Epithelial
the derma-tome, an instrument that skin may be damaged Autograft (CEA) can be
could accurately help in harvesting of and hence unavailable to applied on the patientʻs
skin grafts of necessary thickness and be harvested as a graft. wounds. J.G. Rhinewald
width. Several modifications later, this Sometimes, patients may and H. Green in 1975 first
Padgett and Hood dermatome is still be so sick that an operation suggested the technique
being used worldwide. may not be possible for of obtaining CEA.
Skin consists of two layers: a them and a temporary However, the cultured
superficial layer of epidermis and a skin cover is needed to skin is not as durable as
deeper layer of dermis which contains conceal the wounds and A child with a wound after burn the natural skin as it lacks
the hair follicles and sweat glands. prevent further infection. injury covered with split skin graft. a dermis. Cul-tured skin
The process of collecting skin grafts Sometimes, wounds may cells can also be made
is known as ʻharvestingʻ. Depending be loaded with harmful bacteria and into a suspension and sprayed over small
on the requirements of the wound, therefore may be unsuitable for cover areas of wounds to form new skin. This is
skin grafts may be full-thickness or with autografts. In such situations, popularly known as ʻSpray-on Skinʻ and
partial-thickness. Full-thickness grafts allografts and xenografts are used as skin available commercially as ReCell.
are harvested in such a way that the substitutes. Skin Banking is a process in which
epidermis as well as the full thickness Tissue engineered skin, as these skin skin is obtained from a live or dead
of dermis is included in the graft; substitutes are technically called, are donor, processed and stored properly
where-as, split-thickness or partial- made in la-boratories and are composed to be reused as a graft when the need
thickness grafts are those which contain of cells and an external supporting matrix arises. This is particularly use-ful when
epidermis and var-iable thickness of on which these cells rest. Biobrane is a the skin of a person is completely
dermis. Full-thickness grafts are used temporary skin substitute containing an damaged and no native skin is available
where appearance is of im-portance, like inner layer of silicone and an outer layer to cover their wounds, as in cases of
eyelids, face, and nose. Split-thickness of nylon mesh which is held together extensive burns. In such situations, skin
grafts are useful where a large area has with collagen derived from pig skin. is collected from donors and cleaned
to be covered. The areas from where full Dermagraft is a bioabsorbable mesh of and tested for diseases and then applied
thickness grafts are harvested are closed polygalactin seeded with neonatal fibro- on the wounds. Do-nors can be live, for
with sutures while areas from where split blasts. These are temporarily placed on example a parent can donate skin for
thickness grafts are raised, heal on their a wound and when the patient is ready their child if required. Dead donors are
for sur-gery, removed from the wound those individuals who have died recently
and replaced with skin graft. Integra and their skin in collected and stored
is a similar substi-tute made of bovine in tissue refrigerators to be used when
collagen, chondroitin sulphate and a needed. In such situations, permission is
silastic membrane on top. The bovine obtained from the relatives of the dead
collagen remains in contact of the wound person to obtain their skin.
and integrates with the patientʻs cells Replacement of human skin is a
while the silastic membrane peels off very important part of medical science
allowing the dermis to regenerate and research. Re-searchers are looking for
wound to heal slowly. A thin skin graft the best skin substitute, which can resist
can then be applied on the regenerated infection, is readily available, durable,
dermis to allow faster healing. Dermal permanent, inexpensive and matches the
substitutes composed of autologous personʻs existing skin.
cultured fibroblasts seeded into a
hyaluronic acid matrix, have been used to Dr Devi Prasad Mohapatra is Professor & Head,
The layers of the human skin and provide strength to wound by providing Department of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER, Puducherry.
specialised systems within it a dermal matrix on which autologous Email: [email protected]

june 2022 / dream 2047 13

NATURE K. Venkataraman

agents of mineral deterioration. The
bacteria Actinomycetes, through acid
production, mineral solubilisation,
and metal leaching have successfully

degraded rocks. Actinomycetes inha-
biting granite rocks at St. Catherine in
Egypt were investigated for their bio-
weathering potential. Actinomycetes
counts ranged between 174 and 360
colony-forming units per gram.
Rock borers occur in a broad range
of taxonomic groups including bivalves,
gastropods, polychaetes, sipunculids,
crustaceans, sea urchins, and sponges.
A new anatomically and morphologically
divergent species of shipworm by name
Lithoredo abatanica (Bivalvia) is found
in Abatan River of the Philippines, that
bores in carbonate limestone rather than
woody substrates. It bores by ingesting
the limestone which accumulates in the
guts of the animal and is expelled from
the siphon as fine-grained particles.
Elemental analysis was performed
to determine the mineralogical
composition of both bored and ingested
rock. Analysis of the intestinal content
matched the mineralogical profiles of
the rock samples into which the animals
were boring, namely carbon, silicon,

aluminium, magnesium, calcium and
id you ever wonder where the to biological weathering by merely iron in similar proportion. It is true that
soil beneath your feet comes walking and running, thus making the the nutritional value of rocks remains
from? The answer is rocks. soil particles crushed into smaller pieces. zero. Why does this little rock borer go
Rocks become disintegrated and broken Tree plantation and road construction through the trouble of eating rocks?
into smaller particles by a process can also contribute to biological Wood-borers are known to keep a small
called weathering. The elements from weathering. symbiotic bacteria around their gills to
the weathered rocks provide nutrients Biological weathering by chemical help them digest the wood. But scientists
for plants and animals. Biological means is also carried out by living have to determine what kind of bacteria
weathering may take place either by organisms. This is also called organic a rock eater needs to get its food. These
physical or by chemicals means. weathering. Despite their minute
Biological weathering by physical size, some microorganisms can
means occurs when a force or pressure break down the largest rocks and
is applied to break rocks or degrade the hardest soil. Such ativities
the minerals in them. Plants can grow are carried out by lichens and
anywhere and can biologically weather fungi. Fungi are well suited as
rocks by growing into the cracks. weathering agents since they can
Burrowing animals like shrews, be highly resistant to extreme
moles, earthworms, and ants contribute environmental conditions such
to biological weathering. They make as metal toxicity, UV radiation,
holes in the ground and move the rock and desiccation. Many fungi can
fragments to the surface. Birds, while scavenge nutrients from the air
foraging for seeds and worms create and rain water which enables
holes and erode the upper surface of the them to grow on rock surfaces.
soil, thus contributing to weathering. In limestone, fungi and lichens
Humans can also indirectly contribute are considered to be important

14 dream 2047 / june 2022

organisms can turn rocks into
sand and have the potential to
redirect rivers, with potentially
disastrous results.
Murex sp. belonging
to Gastropoda, are active
predators and have radula (an
anatomical structure used by
molluscs for feeding) adapted
for tearing flesh and capable of
drilling. In borers an accessory
boring organ secretes a calcium
chelating compound that
softens a shell during drilling
process. Drilling is carried out
by the radula.
The direction of boring in
living corals is to the outside,
the borers keeping pace with
the growing coral layer, to maintain their cephalopods and of the leg of some shells. The sponge uses acid to form
burrows open. The burrows are mostly crustaceans) on the first right pereopod tunnels in the calcium material. The
much larger than their inhabitants. (one of the walking limbs of a crustacean) only function of these holes is to create
Generally, it is due to abrasive action of male and female that shows tracks a place for the sponge to live. With the
of the shell which moves straight and of abrasion at the hammer-head. effects of ocean acidification, the impact
without any rotation. Structural analysis of this hammer- from boring-sponges will be increased.
Polydora is a genus of ringed worms dactylus proved that it is suited for the Thus, burrowers and borers
or segmented worms that live in mud, mechanical treatment of rocks. The very are ecosystem engineers that alter
holes bored in rocks and shells, etc. into thick and calcified cuticle of the hammer their physical environment through
which they burrow. They are a major is mostly formed by the sclerotinized bioturbation (the reworking of soils
economic issue for parts of the shellfish hard exocuticle, which has abundant and sediments by animals or plants);
industry. Pseudopotamulla reniformis pore canals. Sclerotization involves the bioirrigation (the process of deep-water
and Perkinsiana rubra have irregular molecular stabilisation of the protein organisms flushing their burrows with
winding burrows, which penetrate to chains of the cuticles by establishment overlying water); and bioerosion (the
a distance of about 5 cm into the hard of cross-links. Sclerotin, the product breakdown of hard ocean substrates
limestone and are probably formed of sclerotinization, is a kind of natural by living organisms). The mechanisms
mostly by chemical means. plastic. The pores may be used to feed on of moving through solid substrate by
Phascolosoma, a rock-boring sipun- algae and other growth around the sieve burrowing or boring depend on the
culid worm, is commonly known as plate. mechanical properties of the medium
peanut worm. The head bears a retractile Echinometra, a species of sea urchin and the size and morphology of the
introvert with the mouth at its end. These is a rock-boring animal. For feeding, it organism.
worms prefer to find shelter in shells removes a large portion of coral calcium Formation of nutrient-rich soil,
of gastropods or scaphopods bored by carbonate in addition to the algal creation of sediments, and contribution
predatory molluscs. After occupying the growing on the dead coral. They use their to land formation are the advantages
shell the worm exudes a sticky substance, round set of teeth to gnaw into limestone of biological weathering. Soil erosion
gluing the entrance of the shell with or volcanic rock and thus create their and mass wasting, that is, huge masses
cemented mud, sand or silt, thus making own shelters. They also use their bottom of rocks fallen off by an avalanche are
a hard cover with a little opening in the and side spines to scrape. They excavate some disadvantages of weathering. If
centre for the introvert. Some species of tunnels with open ceilings of various weathering never occurred, the Earth
Phascolosoma are semi-mobile worms widths. They are vegetarians and come would have a surface of the bare rocks
which shelter in cracks and cavities in and go from caverns to graze on algae. and no plant or animal life could exist.
hard surface beneath the soil. To some In areas of heavy fishing, rock-boring
extent they are able to bore hard rocks urchins cause far more damage to reefs Dr K. Venkataraman has specialisation on
such as limestone. than they would normally. Aquatic Entomology and 33 years of teaching
The crustacean Alpheus saxidomus, Cliona celata is a species of rock- experience. He is a Retd. Professor and Head,
has a hammer-shaped dactylus (the boring sponge. They have the ability to Dept. of Zoology, The Madura College, Madurai.
tip region of the tentacular club of drill holes in limestone and molluscan Email: [email protected]

june 2022 / dream 2047 15

SCoPE Vikas Upadhyay

Dr P.C. Vaidya, a periodical titled

ʻSuganitamʻ on mathematics- was started
in 1961. This is the only magazine from
Gujarat to be published continuously

journalism and
for 58 years and hence has special
importance at the national as well.
Another popular and purely on

science writing
science periodical in Gujarat is ʻVigyan
Darshanʼ and has a unique and historical
importance. The first issue of ʻVigyan
Darshanʼ was published in October

in Gujarat
1971 but was closed after the January
2016 issue. This was the only science
magazine from Gujarat to be published
for 45 years continuously. It is quite

disheartening that this periodical could
he history of science journalism in ʻVasantʼ by Anandshankar Dhruva not be continued.
India is very old, but in proportion (1902); ʻVismi Sadiʼ by Haji Mohammad Nagendra Vijay did commendable
to that the development in this Allarkhia Shivaji (1916); ʻKumarʼ by job of publishing scientific write-ups
field had been quite limited. The worship Ravi Shankar Rawal (1922); etc. had through his magazines ʻScopeʼ and
of knowledge was important in ancient a reformist and progressive approach. ʻSafariʼ. Since the very first issue of
India and people wished to attain In 1937, Dr Harinarayan
knowledge from every possible ways. Acharya established
On 27 January 1780, James Augustus ʻPrakriti Mandalʼ for the
Hickey started printing the ʻBengal study and dissemination
Gazetteʼ in Calcutta (now Kolkata), of wildlife and geology of
which is considered the starting point of Gujarat. He had also started
journalism in India. In 1818, the monthly a quarterly called ʻPrakritiʼ
magazine ʻDigdarshanʼ was published in 1942, which continued
in Hindi, Bangla, and English from publishing for about 14 years
Shrirampur in Hooghly, West Bengal. bringing out 56 issues. In
Since then modern science writing this more than 500 articles,
and journalism has been flourishing in illustrations, and accounts of
India. Gujarati journalism started in 90 authors were published. Dr P.C. Vaidya & Suganitam
the country with the introduction of a Therefore, ʻPrakritiʼ can be
newspaper ʻBombay Samacharʼ (now rightfully considered to be
Mumbai Samachar) on 1 July 1822 in the first periodical of Gnostic science in ʻScopeʼ, published in November 1977,
Bombay (now Mumbai). If we look at Gujarati. All the texts of ʻPrakritiʼ have this periodical earned huge popularity.
the scientific writings in the Gujarati, also been digitized. Moreover, the magazine had not a single
we find that in 1855, a weekly named In 1945, Dr Chotubhai Suthar, a advertisement. ʻScopeʼ was published
ʻParsi Mitraʼ was launched famous astronomer from till 1992, but in the meantime, Vijay
in Mumbai. It was Gujarat, established an also started ʻSafariʼ in 1980, which
published every Saturday. organization called ʻTarak is still being published. Its digital
In this, preference Mandalʼ in Anand and versions are also available. In 1988,
was given to science, started an illustrated Mahendra Desai added a new sparkle
technology, and historical periodical on astronomy to the science journalism in Gujarati
writings. In the famous called ʻAakash Gangaʼ by publishing the colourful science
compilation ʻHistory of in 1946. This was not magazine ʻWavelengthʼ. Similarly, the
Gujarati Journalismʼ, only in Gujarat, but the Bird Conservation Society of Gujarat
the researcher Dr Ratan first special periodical of started the journal on ornithology in
Marshall has mentioned astronomy in the whole of Gujarati and English named ʻVihangʼ
about this. Dr Chotubhai Suthar, founder of India and a matter of great and ʻFlamingoʼ, respectively in 1997-98.
The newspapers and the first astronomical magazine pride for Gujarat. Today in Gujarat, digital and print
contemporary articles of of India, Aakash Ganga Under the guidance of newsletters and leaflets are being
that period, for example, the famous mathematician published from the Lok Vigyan Kendras

16 dream 2047 / june 2022

Shri Ishwarbhai Patel & Vigyan Darshan Shri Harinarayan Acharya & Prakruti

working in different districts,

run by the Gujarat Council
on Science and Technology,
which are proving to be
helpful in popularising
science among the masses.
Gujarati newspapers
and magazines have been
instrumental in propagating
science and technology among
people. In 1986, a separate
full-page science supplement
was started in ʻGujarat
Samacharʼ. However, after
few years it became irregular
and later discontinued. But
in the present competitive
era, science-related material
are getting published as
supplements in the main- Shri Nagendra Vijay & SCOPE
stream newspapers. But still
there is a need to improve in
terms of quality and frequency. Desai, Niranjan Verma, Jaimal Parmar, Several mass media communication
Now, when we talk on providing Manubhai Mehta, Dr Vihari Chhaya, channels and now digital platforms
science and technology education in Dr Sushrut Patel have been actively are also proving to be very effective
mother tongue, the need for science involved. Some well-known scientists in dissemination of science and
journalism, science writing, promotion like Dr Pankaj Joshi, Dr J.J. Rawal, Dr technological information to the masses.
and dissemination of science in Gujarati P.C. Vaidya, Prof. Hariharbhai Bhatt, Gujarati journalism has completed 200
are immediately felt. It is to be noted that and Dr Chhotubhai Suthar have worked years and science writing or journalism
the University Granth Nirman Board of relentlessly in writing on science in is also going to complete 167 years; so,
Gujarat has published basic books and Gujarati. Banshidhar Shukla tried to more efforts and participation is needed
definitional dictionaries in Gujarati on prepare a list of more than 2000 science to strengthen this rich tradition.
different subjects of science. books in Gujarati. It can be made even Translated by Suman Bajpai
In the field of science writing more comprehensive and authentic. The
in Gujarati, many eminent scholars contribution of Rationalist Associations The author is a Science Communicator and
of science like Kakasaheb Kalelkar, in developing scientific attitude in Resident Editor, Damanganga Times, Vapi.
Vijayagupta Maurya, Pradyumna Gujarat should not be forgotten. Email: [email protected]

june 2022 / dream 2047 17

IMPACT W. Selvamurthy

endeavour to implement related policy.

SCIENTIFIC SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY There are four major players who

A Game Changer for

would realise the implementation of
SSR at national level: Beneficiaries,
Implementers, Assessors, and Supporters

Science-Society Connect (BIAS). A national-level portal needs to

be created where the beneficiaries from

the society may post their current needs
overnment of India has be addressed by scientists in the form which will be implemented by knowledge
achieved yet another important of tangible and intangible outcomes workers in the laboratories and scientific
milestone on 11 May 2022 by as a way of giving back to the society. Institutions and give back the outcome
promulgating and releasing Scientific Hence, it becomes a critical obligation to society. Government of India will
Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy of knowledge workers to foster a close create a special purpose vehicle (SPV)
guidelines which intend to create a strong link with society and take the knowledge or an agency to coordinate, facilitate,
science and societal connect. Having a from lab to land and make a difference, and give thrust to implement SSR policy
both-way interaction, connection, and particularly among the underprivileged and guidelines. The policy envisages that
impact, it has the potential to bring and weaker sections of societies. at least 10 person-days in a year will
positive transformational changes There is a broad scope of activities be spent by all knowledge workers on
in society through the application under the purview of SSR which include SSR activities. The performance-based
of Science and Technology (S&T) for resource and knowledge sharing with assessment system (PBAS) currently
improving the quality of life on this less privileged institutions or individuals implemented to assess the performance
planet. Though SSR has been mentioned in the field of S&T domains; delivering of the knowledge worker can also include
occasionally globally, our Honʻble Prime motivational lectures to school children a section on SSR contribution.
Minister Shri. Narendra Modi was the for attracting best brains to S&T streams; Research funding agencies can
first political leader to pronounce the creating scientific temper and awareness make a separate allocation of budget
importance of SSR on 3 January 2017 of technological accomplishments to in sponsored projects to conduct SSR
held at 104th Indian Science Congress the masses through media interaction; activities along with other project
held in Tirupati. Thereafter an extensive writing articles in vernacular languages; requirements. Even NAAC accreditation,
national-level consultation was made by initiating community video interactions; NIRF ranking, and similar agencies can
the committee appointed by the Ministry extending outreach activities; providing give due weightage to the SSR activities
of Science and Technology. The author while assessing the contributions of
was fortunate to chair this committee. institutions.
The wide consultation included inter- Having a both-way interaction, While India is celebrating Azadi
ministerial meetings including officials Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the nation can be
from NITI Aayog, HRD, UGC, AICTE, and
connection, and impact, SSR has proud of climbing the ladder of merit
PSA Office along with regional workshops the potential to bring positive in S&T domain globally. Our Honʻble
and round table meetings held in various transformational changes in PM not only envisioned India to be
institutions across the country for getting among the top three countries globally
valuable inputs in formulating the SSR
society through the application in research & innovation and also India
policy guidelines. This was also available of S&T for improving the becoming Aatmanirbhar. Perhaps this
on the DST website for a year seeking quality of life on this planet. SSR policy will be a game changer if
public and all stakeholdersʻ input. implemented in the right perspective by
One may be wondering, what we all the stakeholders.
mean by SSR. It is the obligation of every support to rural entrepreneurship; It is a clarion call by Honʻble Prime
knowledge worker, particularly in the capacity building for students in less Minister and the Govt. of India for all
field of S&T domain, to give back to the privileged colleges; assisting in project the knowledge workers to rise to the
society not only through their scientific writing or scientific article preparation, occasion stretching themselves, reach
endeavours, but also to take the scientific etc. Readers may refer to https:// out to the society and make a difference
outcome to the society as well as aligning dst.gov.in/document/guidelines/ through the noble SSR endeavours.
their scientific endeavours to societal scientific-social-responsibility-ssr-
needs. guidelines-2022 for detailed guidelines.
Dr W. Selvamurthy was the chairperson of National
Interaction between science and Taking the analogy of Corporate Committee of Scientific Social Responsibility
society has to be a two-way transit in Social Responsibility (CSR) for industries appointed by Ministry of Science & Technology and
which the society would project its and corporate sector, SSR will be an Chancellor of Amity University Chhattisgarh.
needs and requirements and that would auditable voluntarism and incentivised Email: [email protected]

18 dream 2047 / june 2022

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