PREETI YADAV Criminology
PREETI YADAV Criminology
PREETI YADAV Criminology
Topic: A study of criminology
Theories of punishment
I would like to thank the faculty of ITM UNIVERSITY GWALIOR (DEPARTMENT OF LAW)
for giving me this opportunity to explore into an area of my interest and their full cooperation
during the different stages of my project.
I would like to thank for Dean Mam shobha guiding me and enriching my project through her
valuable outputs from her reservoirs experience. She was extremely helpful in ensuring that my
project was progressed on the right track.
I would like to acknowledge my wholehearted thanks to all faculty members.
Roll no. LLBN1SL22022
Student declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in the project in the report entitled “case of tredmark “ in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of "LLB" in itm university gwalior from scol of
law, is record of my own work.
Further i declare that this is my original work and the analysis and the findings are for academic
purpose only.
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Objects of punishment
• An insight of theories of punishment
• Deterrent theory of punishment
• Criticism of deterrence theory
• Retributive theory of punishment
• Criticism of the retributive theory
• Preventive theory of punishment
• Criticism surrounding the retributive theory of punishment
• Reformative theory of punishment
• Criticism surrounding the reformative theory of punishment
• Conclusion
Punishment is the most prominent feature of criminal law. Every society has its own
way of social control for which it frames certain laws and also mentions the
deterrents attached to them. Punishment is the consequence of an unpleasant act that
the wrongdoer commits. Simply put, the fundamental aim of punishment is to give
relief to the aggrieved party and to maintain law and order in society. Punishment
can also be termed as the imposition of some form of deprivation by withholding
rights that a person is legally entitled to. This article aims to bring to its readers a
simple explanation of the theories of punishment that helps the criminal justice
system function from time to time.
Objects of punishment
1. To protect society from mischievous elements by deterring potential
2. To prevent actual offenders from committing further offences.
3. To eradicate evils and reform criminals and turn them into law-abiding
4. To administrate justice partly by inflicting pain to deter criminals and others
from indulging in crime and partly by reforming criminals.
5. To maintain rules and regulations for a crime-free country.
1. Deterrent theory.
2. Retributive theory.
3. Preventive theory.
4. Reformative theory.
Deterrent theory of punishment
The founder of this theory is Jeremy Benrhem, and this theory is based on the
principle of hedonism which says that a man would be deterred from committing a
crime if the punishment applied was swift, certain, and severe.
This theory focuses on deterring offenders from criminality or repeating the same
crime in the future. This theory is a lesson to members of society who experience
the consequences of that crime. It creates fear of punishment in like-minded people.
There should be a nexus between the crime committed and the punishment inflicted
for that. While deciding on the punishment, the following should be taken into
In the case of the State of H.P.v. Nirmala Devi (2017), the court of law had opined
that if the crime done is heinous and serious against society then the deterrent theory
becomes more relevant, for those guilty will be punished to deter other prospective
most important thing to consider while awarding punishment is the balance between
the aggravating and the mitigating factors involved in the offence committed.
In the case of Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration (1978), the court of law observed
that if the prisoner is violent or dangerous, solitary confinement is necessary to
prevent and segregate these offenders from society, thereby abiding by the
retributive theory of punishment.
While the retributive theory promotes the dissertation of the offender, the same has
severe consequences and difficulties inflicted upon the accused. It is ideal to note
that the concept of morality being subjective by its very nature makes it difficult to
deliver punishments for crimes committed. Therefore, the immorality of crimes
needs to be comparable.
It was the case of Dharambir v. State of Uttar Pradesh (1979), which became the
initiation of the concept of open jails in India which generally helps in reforming
young offenders. Further, the Supreme Court of India, while deciding the case of
Musa Khan v. State of Maharashtra (1976), had observed that the reformative system
prevented juveniles from becoming hardened criminals.
The main purpose behind inflicting punishment on the offender, accused of an
offence, is to restore law and order in society. In this process of awarding
punishment, both the interest of the aggrieved party as well as the accused needs to
be taken into consideration. One must not forget that awarding punishment should
be directly proportional to the gravity of the crime caused by the offender.