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Attack hunting with Threat Intelligence of


Eversec Technology Co., Ltd.


I Brief Introduction

II Cyber Attacks related to DNS

III Attack Hunting with DNS

IV About Eversec
Attack(Threat) Hunting
✓ Attack hunting (Threat) means to pro-actively search for malware or attackers that are lurking in your
network — and may have been there for some time. They could be quietly siphoning off data, patiently
listening in for confidential information, or working their way through the network looking for credentials
powerful enough to steal key information.
Key Point:
✓ Basic security hygiene and properly implemented AV, firewalls, NDR and other automated security tools
should stop the majority of threats from getting in. But once an attacker has sneaked into your network
undetected, there’s often not much to stop them from staying there.

1、Hunt for Attacks within your Organization

3 2、Hunt for Threat Pro-actively on the internet

3、Hunt for Attack with a Trap
DNS Resolving Precedure
DNS stands for “Domain Name System” and it is a mechanism to make the Internet a more human-friendly

When type on your browser;

1. If the DNS records are located in your computer’s
DNS cache, you’ll be taken straight
to to avoid the remainder of your
DNS quest.

2.If no data is detected, a query will be forwarded to

your local DNS server.

3. If the data on the resolving nameserver are not

cached then the request to find the DNS records is
forwarded to a root nameserver.

4.When the DNS records are found, a link is opened

to the server where the site is stored
and is seen on the computer.
Encrypted DNS: Mixed Blessing
 A big Trend of DNS encryption is impacting a vital analytics source : DNS query
 DNS over HTTPS(DoH) and DNS over TLS(DoT) are impacting the ability to monitor DNS
 DoH uses HTTPS port 443 which is normal in internet perspective, while DoT uses 853
which may be blocked by FW.

DNS over TCP/UDP port 53(Do. 53) v.s. Encrypted DNS

✓ Easy for companies to monitoring For Convenience ✓ Ultimately, encrypted DNS will be resolved
✓ Easy monetized for ISPs. with Do. 53 at somewhere upstream.
✓ Privacy protection
✓ Data Security

For Security
✓ Easy for DNS Channel Inspection ✓ Analyzing the content on the wire
✓ Easy for DNS logs extraction requires TLS interception
✓ Prevent from behavior reconnaissance
✓ Mitigate DNS spoofing
DNS Cyber Threat Intelligence(CTI)
◼ DNS CTI could be defined as ‘all the Threat information that comes from the DNS system and the interactions
of its users’.
◼ DNS serves as early warning and detection solution for phishing, spam, malicious and suspicious
behaviors, and other attacks. DNS intelligence is considered the only source of “ground truth” information for
the Internet.
 Darknet
Messages sent to non-public and hidden network addresses.
 Spam-Select
Select fields from emails sent to global honeypot spamtraps
 Phishing URL’s
PhishLabs data for malicious sites involved in phishing campaigns
 Processed DNS Data
Raw DNS data that has been de-duplicated, filtered and verified
 Newly Active Domains
Domains that were active and went dormant for at least 10 days before the
next observation
 Newly Observed Domains
Base Domains considered ‘New’ when compared to historical database
 DNS Changes
Domains and IP addresses that have changed compared to historical database
DNS CTI examples
•Associated IPs: In a similar manner, you can detect related IPs on the same network by
looking into DNS information
•Forward DNS records: All present DNS records on the current website
•DNS historical records: Historical DNS records from days, months or years ago
•Subdomain mapping: By accessing all current DNS records, you can also perform
subdomain enumeration for current and past subdomains over a period of time
•Reverse DNS records: Current rDNS records obtained by performing a reverse DNS lookup
•Registrar name servers: Current NS records at the domain registrar
•Glue record history: DNS records created at the domain registrar
•Historical registrar name servers: Past information about NS used on the registrar, going
back by years
•DNS software identification: Software information for the DNS server you’re running,
including name and current version
•Associated domain names: DNS intelligence also provides the ability to detect associated
domains hosted on the same networks as the main apex domain
DNS as Data source of Attack Hunting
DNS query logging is effective to detect hostname lookups for knowing malicious domain.

DNS logs
How to get DNS

DNS Server Network/DPI DNS Sniffer DNS Client


 DNS cache is a
good short-term NG FW IDS Web Proxy
Switch UEBA
investigative tool
for Attack Hunting.
 DNS logs are one
of the most End End CTI
User User Database
actionable DPI DPI

I Brief Introduction

II Attack related to DNS

III Attack Hunting with DNS

IV About Eversec
Subdomain Enumeration
Subdomain enumeration is the process of finding sub- Subdomain enumeration is the beginning of most DNS attacks. It mainly uses
domains for one or more domain(s). It is an essential violent enumeration of sub-domain information for DNS query.
part of the reconnaissance phase. There are two types  The attacker sends a large number of domain name requests to the DNS
called active subdomain enumeration and Passive server within a unit time. One of the characteristics of such domain name
subdomain enumeration. requests It is because the subdomain name is different but the main domain
name is the same.
 The attacker traverses the subdomain name to blast the subdomain name,
which can facilitate in-depth attacks in the later stage.
VirusTotal runs its own passive DNS replication service,
built by storing DNS resolutions performed when visiting
URLs submitted by users. In order to retrieve the
information of a domain you just have to put domain
name in the search bar.
Botnet with DGA Domain name
DGA is a specific algorithm used in malware to generate
domain names in batches. The domain name or IP of the C&C
• Attackers can obtain same DGA domain name which may server in a botnet is static. If it is
lead to coalition. blocked by security personnel, the
problem of node failure will easily Domain Flux Protocol is proposed , of
• Large amount of Generated domain names occur, which will lead to the paralysis which algorithm is DGA, while C&C
• Seeds varies from a wide range. of the entire botnet, which is called domain name is generated by certain
• Complex generation methods "central node failure". algorithm. Mid-nodes between attackers
and compromised hosts are changing,
which could evade C&C detections .
DGA seed:Seed refers to an input of the attacker in
DGA, in order to control the process and result of DGA.
DGA Methods

Arithmetic Based: A series of ASCII numbers are generated to

represent domain names, its main stream methods.

Hash Based:DGA based on hexadecimal expression of digest number.

MD5 and SHA256 are common used.

Dictionary Based:Expression is randomly chosen from dictionary in

order to deceive attack hunters. Dictionary is usually embedded in
program or
Permutation based:Permutation of characters of initial domain name

✓ DGA identification based on DNS

DNS Tunneling

DNS tunnel is ideal for C&C

 DNS tunneling transmits information
through the DNS protocol.
 Normal DNS requests only contain the
information necessary to communicate
between a client and a server.
 DNS tunneling inserts an additional
string of data into pathway. It establishes
a form of communication that bypasses
most filters, firewalls, and packet capture
DNS Hidden Tunnel
 DNS tunneling can establish C&C. It can
exfiltrate data. Information is often Hard to detect Domain Name based Covert Channel: An attacker compromises or registers a
and to trace its domain name and sets its Domain Name Server (NS) as a hidden tunnel server. The
broken up into smaller pieces, moved hidden channel client can communicate with the server by requesting the
throughout DNS, and reassembled on the subdomain under the domain from any recursive DNS server.

other end.
Server based Covert Channel:An attacker runs a UDP-based service (such as
OpenVPN) on port 53 and establishes a connection directly from the client, or uses
UDP tunneling software to inject data into the spare space at the end of an existing
DNS message, making the UDP partial payload a covert channel data.
DNS Hijacking

 Domain Name Server (DNS) hijacking, also

named DNS redirection, is a type of DNS attack
in which DNS queries are incorrectly resolved in
order to unexpectedly redirect users to malicious
 To perform the attack, perpetrators either
install malware on computers, take over routers,
or intercept or hack DNS communication.

1.Attackers can compromise a domain registrar

account and modify your DNS nameserver to one
that they control.
2.Hacker can change the record for your domain’s
IP address to point to their address instead.
3.Hackers can compromise an organization’s router
and change the DNS server that automatically gets
pushed down to each device when users sign on to
your network.
DNS Poisoning/Spoofing

 DNS poisoning and its cousin, DNS cache

poisoning, use security gaps in the DNS
protocol to redirect internet traffic to
malicious websites.
 These are sometimes called man-in-the-
middle attacks.
 DNS poisoning happens when a hacker
intervenes in that process and supplies
the wrong answer. Once it has tricked the
browser into thinking that it received the
right answer to its query, the hacker can
divert traffic to whatever fake website it

DNS Spoofing is a DNS attack that changes DNS records returned to a querier;

I Background

II Threat related with DNS

III Attack Hunting with DNS

IV About Eversec
Attack Detection with DNS at any Stage

Command& Actions on
reconnaissance Weaponization Deliver Exploitation Installation
Control objective

Vulnerability Bots,
Vulnerability Document Hacker Tool Webshell
Attack Trojan,
Scanning Download
Mapping Worm Beacon
Password signal
Website Exploitation

AI UEBA Specially
designed C&C CTI
Harvest asset Trojan Abnormal
Malicious Network
information Web Attack Malicious Script
Email flow
like domain
Threats Ransomware
name Covert Channel
Entity Profiling with DNS Intelligence in Confrontation

Entity profiling is leveraged by both Attacker and Defender as an effective weapon.


Hobbies Health Status Location Who is
Intelligence Confrontation Asymmetric CTI Utilization

IT Asset Attack and APT

Pro-active Defense
SOAR Assets Threat Vulnerability
Defender Attacker
Phishing Darknet
Vulnerability Finance Status
CTI Management Center
◆ DNS CTI:Darknet, Spam-Select, Raw DNS, Newly Active Domains, Malicious Domain names etc.
◆ CNVD general-purpose vulnerabilities: mainly the vulnerabilities corresponding to third-party software, applications, and systems.
According to the general-purpose vulnerability data.
◆ CNVD event-type vulnerabilities: Different from general-purpose vulnerabilities, they are mainly vulnerabilities in Internet
◆ Virus Database: The information on virus comes from.
◆ Common IoC: AV signature
CTI Distillation from DNS Logs
Cyber threat detection based on SIEM with DPI and DNS as data input

Attack Scripting
Relationship Hunting Detection
Analysis and
Detection Big Data
Machine Learning


Covert Channel Detection UEBA

Spam-Select CTI
DNS Data
Newly Active DNS
Domains Changes
DNS Subdomain Enumeration Detection
 DNS Subdomain Enumeration detection model
is proposed based on DNS CDR logs for DNS DNS Logging

subdomain blasting attacks. By detecting the

request packets and response packets of the
Data Filtering
DNS log, it can be judged whether there is a
subdomain blasting attack.

Request Datagram Non-request Datagram

DNS Server DNS Server Baseline Scope
DNS Server
…… Source IP as
abnormal IP
DNS Covert Tunnel Detection

 Data collection: From the DNS covert channel monitoring

original DNS traffic, NDR is

used to gather XDR,
combined with UDP payload DNS Data grouping signature database Classifier training test
content analysis and tunnel
Data grouping
program identification.
DNS message
Decision tree of J48 Naive Bayesian
signature database signature database

 Feature Extraction: DNS Request domain name Connection rules database Logistic regression Linear regression
signature database
data packet characteristics,
message features, domain
name request behavior, and
connection statics. DNS traffic analysis UDP payloads analysis Tunnel Software recognition

Call details of information Program signature

 Machine learning: A
Payload error analysis
security incidents extraction

classifier with the monitoring

capability of DNS covert
Call details of cyber Program signature
Payload pointer analysis
security incidents verification

DNS traffic
DNS Hijacking Hunting with CTI
Solution—Hijacking Resource Intelligence Extraction and its Application

 Build DNS CTI DB– 3 steps to build a ultimate DNS  Leverage machine learning – It takes automation to
Hijacking CTI DB. We should confirm the accuracy beat automated attacks. We need to take
of Hijacked DNS labeling. measures to analyze, detect and even predict DNS
Hijacking related behavior before they happen.

Host Hijacking Prevention Solution

Step 1, Build Malicious DNS candidates CTI DB
DNS Hijacking
Input a group DNS Candidates
of IPs Candidates DB

Step 2, DNS Hijacking Observation

Set certain Identify DNS DNS Hijack
Websites Hijacking Data
Candidates DB
vulnerability vulnerability Weak
Baseline checking validation Risk File password

Step 3, DNS Hijacking Resourse Validation

5000 key DNS Hijacking DNS Hijacking
Websites Validation Validation DB
DNS Spoofing Detection with Threat Intelligence
The following example illustrates a DNS cache poisoning attack, in which an attacker (IP
intercepts a communication channel between a client (IP and a server computer
belonging to the website (IP
In this scenario, a tool is used to dupe the client into thinking that the server IP is At the
same time, the server is made to think that the client’s IP is also
Such a scenario would proceed as follows:
a) The attacker uses arpspoof to issue the command: arpspoof This modifies the
MAC addresses in the server’s ARP table, causing it to think that the attacker’s computer belongs to the client.
b) The attacker once again uses arpspoof to issue the command: arpspoof, which
tells the client that the perpetrator’s computer is the server.
c) The attacker issues the Linux command: echo 1> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward. As a result, IP packets sent
between the client and server are forwarded to the perpetrator’s computer.
d) The host file, is created on the attacker’s local computer, which maps the website to their local IP.
e) The perpetrator sets up a web server on the local computer’s IP and creates a fake website made to
f) Finally, a tool (e.g., dnsspoof) is used to direct all DNS requests to the perpetrator’s local host file. The fake
website is displayed to users as a result and, only by interacting with the site, malware is installed on their
Threat Hunting with DGA detection

Criteria for malicious domain names: Malicious domain name monitoring

When the domain name
Model training module
meets the following two
criteria at the same time, it is Classifier training stage Classifier test stage
judged as a suspected Pageless domain name Unreachable domain name
malicious domain name: Feature extraction module
1. The domain name Character IP Time
belongs to an characteristics characteristics characteristics
unreachable domain
name Malicious domain names Knowledge base Data preprocessing
2. The domain name has Domain name
whitelist library
not been registered on
Domain name
Domain name data cleaning
the website blacklist library
Unregistered domain name
HDFS module(Store sample data )

DNS Access Records

IP conversion Domain name

malicious domain name type Number of IP Access traffic stability
frequency readability
IP Fast-Flux More Quite fast Normal Relatively low
Domain-Flux Normal Quite slow Relatively low Relatively low

I Background

II Threat related with DNS

III Attack Hunting with DNS

IV About Eversec

SEC:Science&Technology Engineering. Eversec strives to build a protection system

based on Telecommunication and Security.
Solutions and Products Service and Operation
Comprehensive protection of Smart big data analysis Operation and maintenance
cyberspace security of network services
Cyberspace Security Situation Awareness, Basic data acquisition of communication System SaaS service, Operational
Mobile Internet Malware Monitoring and network, Big data signaling optimization of Services, Operation and
Protection, Internet Monitoring and Protection, communication network, Big data value-added maintenance services, Practical
Industrial Internet Security Protection service of communication network training service

Mobile Internet Malware

Industrial Monitoring and Protection
Internet security
Cities Mobile Internet
public service
access port Provincial network outlet
MAN outlet
Metropolitan Provincial backbone
5G+Vertical PC terminal area network backbone network
industry network
Backbone network outlet
(Domestic and international)
Internet access
Protection of key Smart home port Basic data acquisition of Public Internet Monitoring and
infrastructure communication network Protection

services end edge network cloud

AI+Network security products driven by knowledge

Malicious program detection

Malicious APP , PC side malicious sample

Botnet detection
Botnet distribution
Malicious domain name detection
Phishing website , DGA domain name

Intrusion detection
Webshell , Intrusion tampering ,
Malicious traffic detection Dark chain

Flow Baseline , Encrypted traffic ,

DDOS intelligent prediction
AI + knowledge graph Smart intelligence detection
Profile of hackers and hacker
+「 Network security 」 Security log excavate organizations

Association analysis

APT detection
New generation APT traffic comprehensive
Traceability analysis detection based on IOC+TTP, introducing
threat intelligence association mining and
Intelligence clue
prediction technology, and in-depth
expansion ,Traceability of
analysis of session oriented TTP model
attack chain
Knowledge Application and Insight Analysis Based on
Knowledge Graph Technology
knowledge knowledge Business industry
Project graph Database map Application
Objective Domain Business Capacity
Data Knowledge Scenario Output

Graph Algorithm +

AI Service Machine Learning

APT Organization Threat Intelligence
Establish Information Representation Business
Object File & Mail Ontology Extraction Network Security
Knowledge Index

Knowledge Storage Situation Awareness

Knowledge Knowledge Domain Knowledge Map
Security Service Industrial Internet
sensor Mapping Fusion


Knowledge insight: insight into data and the outline of things; Insight into information and logic behind it;
Insight into knowledge and draw a network map.

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