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Operators Manual

Portable Imaging Alignment Systems with Pro42

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For your safety, read this manual thoroughly before operating the equipment.

The Aligner is intended for use by properly trained skilled automotive technicians. The safety messages
presented in this section and throughout the manual are reminders to the operator to exercise extreme
care when performing wheel alignments with this product.

There are many variations in procedures, techniques, tools, and parts for servicing vehicles, as well as
the skill of the individual doing the work. Because of the vast number of vehicle applications and potential
uses of the product, the manufacturer cannot possibly anticipate or provide advice or safety messages to
cover every situation. It is the automotive technician’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of the vehicle to
be aligned. It is essential to use proper service methods and perform wheel alignments in an appropriate
and acceptable manner that does not endanger your safety, the safety of others in the work area or the
equipment or vehicle being serviced.

It is assumed that, prior to using the Aligner, the operator has a thorough understanding of the vehicle
systems being serviced. In addition, it is assumed he has a thorough knowledge of the operation and
safety features of the alignment rack or lift, and has the proper hand and power tools necessary to per-
form wheel alignments.

When using your garage equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including:

1. Read and understand all instructions.

2. Care must be taken as burns can occur from touching hot parts.
3. The socket-outlet (wall outlet) shall be located near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
4. Do not operate power tools or equipment with a damaged power cord or if the equipment has been dropped
or damaged until it has been examined by a qualified serviceman.
5. Do not let electric cord hang over edge of table, bench or counter or come in contact with hot manifolds or
moving fan blades.
6. If an extension cord is necessary, a cord with a current rating equal to or more than that of the equipment
should be used. Cords rated for less than the equipment may overheat. Care should be taken to arrange the
cord so that it will not be tripped over or pulled.
7. Always unplug equipment from electrical outlet when not in use. Never use the cord to pull the plug from the
outlet. Grasp plug and pull to disconnect.
8. Let equipment cool completely before putting away. Loop cord loosely around equipment when storing.
9. To reduce the risk of fire, do not operate equipment in the vicinity of open containers of flammable liquids, such
as gasoline.
10. Adequate ventilation should be provided when working on operating internal combustion engines.
11. Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of body away from moving parts.
12. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not use on wet surfaces or expose to rain.
13. Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacturer’s recommended attachments.
14. ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resistant lenses, they are NOT
safety glasses.
15. Know and understand the proper operating procedures for all power tools used.
16. Caution: Risk of explosion if any battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according
to local and state government regulations.



Page III
Chapter 1 - Safety


Risk of electrical shock.

• Do not operate equipment with a damaged power cord or if the equipment has
been dropped or damaged, until it has been examined by a qualified service
• If an extension cord is necessary, a cord with a current rating equal to or greater
than that of the equipment should be used. Cords rated for less current than the
equipment can overheat.
• Unplug equipment from electrical outlet when not in use. Never use the cord to
pull the plug from the outlet. Grasp plug and pull to disconnect.
• Do not expose the equipment to rain. Do not use on wet surfaces.
• Plug unit into correct power supply.
• Do not remove or bypass grounding pin.
Contact with high voltages can cause death or serious injury.

Risk of electrical shock. High voltages are present within the console unit.
• There are no user serviceable items within the console other than the keyboard
and printer.
• Service on the unit must be performed by qualified personnel.
• Do not open any part of the console other than noted areas.
• Turn power switch off and unplug the unit before servicing.
Contact with high voltages can cause death or serious injury.

Risk of eye injury. Debris, dirt, and fluids may drop from vehicles.
• Knock off any loose debris. Clean surfaces as needed to avoid any materials
from falling.
• Wear approved safety glasses when servicing.
Debris, dirt, and fluids can cause serious eye injury.

Risk of crushing. Vehicles may roll off alignment lift if not secured.
• Leave automatic transmission in park or manual transmission in gear unless
equipment operation steps require vehicle in neutral.
• Apply parking brake unless equipment operation steps require wheel move-
• Use wheel chocks whenever vehicle is positioned on the lift.
• Follow rack or lift manufacturer’s safety recommendations when lifting a ve-
Vehicles rolling off lifts can cause death or serious injury.

Page IV
Risk of entanglement or crushing. There are moving parts on vehicle lifts during
• Keep all persons clear of lifts.
• Read lift manufacturer’s operation instructions carefully.
• Follow lift manufacturer’s safety recommendations.
Contact with moving parts could cause injury.

Risk of pinching or crushing body parts when jacking vehicles.

• Keep hands and other body parts away from jacking surfaces.
• Do not use unapproved adapters (i.e. wooden blocks) when jacking a vehicle.
• Do not bypass any jack manufacturer’s safety features.
• Read jack manufacturer’s operation instructions carefully.
• Follow jack manufacturer’s safety recommendations.
Improperly used or maintained jacks can cause injury.

Risk of burns.
• Do not touch hot exhaust systems, manifolds, engines, radiators, etc.
• Wear gloves whenever performing a service near hot components.
Hot components can cause burns.

Risk of injury. Tools may break or slip if improperly used or maintained.

• Use the correct tool for the task.
• Frequently inspect, clean, and lubricate (if recommended) all tools.
• Follow recommended procedures when performing vehicle services.
Tools that break or slip can cause injury.

Page V
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

SAFETY INFORMATION........................................................................................................... III

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 9
Assembly and Setup................................................................................................................... 9
Power On Sequence................................................................................................................... 9
Software...................................................................................................................................... 9
Shutting Down the Computer.................................................................................................... 10
Screen Layout and Navigation.................................................................................................. 11
Toolbar Buttons......................................................................................................................... 12
Main Carousel Bar..................................................................................................................... 14

Preferences - Setup................................................................................................................. 15
Preferences Selections:............................................................................................................ 15

Performing a 4-Wheel Alignment........................................................................................... 17

Basic Alignment Procedures..................................................................................................... 18
Positioning the Vehicle on the Lift............................................................................................. 18
Attach the Targets/Pods............................................................................................................ 19
Begin Wizard Procedure........................................................................................................... 20
Begin a New Alignment............................................................................................................. 21
Enter Customer Data................................................................................................................. 21
Adding Customer Information.................................................................................................... 21
Selecting a Stored Record........................................................................................................ 21
Adding a New Customer........................................................................................................... 22
Editing an Existing Record........................................................................................................ 22
Backup and Restore.................................................................................................................. 22
Vehicle Manufacturer................................................................................................................. 22
Selecting a Default Make.......................................................................................................... 23
Vehicle Year . ............................................................................................................................ 23
Vehicle Model............................................................................................................................ 23
Using an Optional VIN Reader.................................................................................................. 23
Editing Specifications................................................................................................................ 24
Vehicle Stability Programming................................................................................................... 24
Adjustment Animations.............................................................................................................. 25
Additional Assistance................................................................................................................ 25
Powering the Pods.................................................................................................................... 26
Runout Compensation............................................................................................................... 27
Rear Runout.............................................................................................................................. 28
Front Runout............................................................................................................................. 29
Perform Steering Angle Measurement...................................................................................... 30

Page 6
Table of Contents

Wheel Roll Message................................................................................................................. 31

Readings Screen....................................................................................................................... 32
Turn Wheels Straight Ahead...................................................................................................... 32
Adjust Front First....................................................................................................................... 33
Cross Values / Total Toe .......................................................................................................... 33
Readings Toolbar Buttons ........................................................................................................ 34
Level and Lock Steering Wheel................................................................................................. 35
All Readings Screen.................................................................................................................. 35
Print Results.............................................................................................................................. 36

Measure Menu......................................................................................................................... 37
Measuring Caster/SAI and TOOT............................................................................................. 38
Steering Level Check................................................................................................................ 39
Single Wheel Rollback.............................................................................................................. 39
Rolling Runout - (Advanced Option).......................................................................................... 41
Vehicle Dimensions - (Advanced Option)................................................................................. 43
Measuring SAI Only Elevated................................................................................................... 43
Maximum Turns......................................................................................................................... 44
Toe Curve Change .................................................................................................................. 45
Camber at Zero Toe................................................................................................................... 45

Adjust Menu............................................................................................................................. 46
Adjust Caster and/or Camber, and Toe Elevated...................................................................... 47
EZ Toe....................................................................................................................................... 48
Shims and Kits ........................................................................................................................ 49
Adjust A-Arms............................................................................................................................ 50
Wheel Off Caster, Camber, Toe Adjust..................................................................................... 51
Offset Cams and Bushings........................................................................................................ 52
Cradle Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature).............................................................................. 52
Drag Link Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature)......................................................................... 54
Single Tie Rod Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature)................................................................. 55
Calibration Menu....................................................................................................................... 56
ISO Certification........................................................................................................................ 57

Calibration................................................................................................................................ 59
Rear Calibration........................................................................................................................ 59
Front Calibration.....................................................................................................................3-61
Calibration factors..................................................................................................................3-62
Calibration history...................................................................................................................3-62
Calibration Backup and Restore.............................................................................................3-62
Sensor Diagnostics................................................................................................................3-63

Page 7
Table of Contents

Page 8
Chapter I Introduction

The document covers basic and advanced The boot sequence will take a few moments.
software features which may or may not be If any problems are encountered during the
included in all aligner models. This document Power On boot-up sequence, consult the
primarily is designed to cover software naviga- service representative in your area.
tion and features with minimum regard to the
hardware platform in which it resides. There Software
are several variations of aligner models each There are several ways to control movement
of which may utilize different features of the within the aligner program. First, each unit is
base software package. References are often shipped with a pointing device – a mouse. The
made to other sections of the Manual. unit can be equipped with an optional hand-
held remote control whose various buttons
Assembly and Setup permit full aligner function. Study the Figures
Installation and setup of a new aligner must on the following pages carefully to become
be handled by a qualified Technical Repre- familiar with the functions of each button.
Windows® is a point-and-click software envi-
All software is loaded onto the computer’s ronment. The Aligner software follows Win-
hard drive. The software shipped with the unit dows® navigation conventions. Use the point-
serve as a backup and is not needed when ing device to navigate through the software
performing alignments. as you would with any Windows® program.
Most functions require a single mouse click
Instructions for operational setup of the aligner to initiate, while a few require double-clicks.
program are covered in detail in Section 2 of The right mouse button is not utilized within
this Operator’s Manual. The setups for the PC the alignment software.
hardware and Microsoft Windows® are preset
at the factory and should not be altered. A standard keyboard is included for data entry.
All aligner functions can also be controlled
Power On Sequence from the keyboard as well as the remote. The
The main power switch is located on the back function keys (F1 - F12) located on the top
side of the Computer Console. Turn the com- row of the keyboard have decals that are the
puter console switch ON. Some models will equivalent of the remote and keypad buttons.
automatically boot to the alignment program Refer to the diagram for identification of the
others may require pressing the on switch of icons and their respective functions.
the PC to begin the power-on sequence.
The keyboard has a “Print Screen” key. When
When the power switch is turned on, the unit this key is pressed the currently displayed
initiates the computer boot-up. Text should screen will be captured and printed.
appear on the screen as boot-up begins and
counting numbers are shown as the memory
of the unit is checked and verified. Many ad-
ditional lines of computer configuration will ap-
pear on screen and scroll up as the computer
completes the system boot sequence. The
Home screen will appear next as the software
finishes loading.

Page 1-9
Chapter I Introduction

Shutting Down the Computer

To avoid damaging important files It is

necessary to shut down Windows® properly
before turning off or restarting the aligner
or the computer.

Use the following steps to shut down the aligner

from within the Alignment software:
1. Return to the Home Alignment screen.

2. Power off the PC using Software control,

the “SHUT DOWN WINDOWS®” icon at
the lower right corner of the Home Screen
followed by turning the switch off at the
rear of the aligner.

Note: The switch must remain off a

minimum of 10 seconds before it can
be turned back on.

From the Windows® desktop:

1. Close any programs or applications that
may have been opened.

2. Click the Start button, and then click Shut


3. On the Shut Down Windows® box that ap-

pears, select “Shut down the computer?”
Click “Yes” to proceed.

4. The computer will automatically shut-

down. After the computer finishes shutting
down, turn the switch off at the rear of the

Note: The switch must remain off a

minimum of 10 seconds before it can
be turned back on.

Page 1-10
Chapter I Introduction

Screen Layout and Navigation

The software features a common interface
throughout its many screens. Becoming
familiar with the various screen navigation
functions is essential for efficient use of the

1 2 3

4 5

1 - Carousel Control - Select primary 3 - Toolbar – these buttons appear on every

alignment functions from the scrolling icons. screen, and correspond to the F1-F12 keys
Icons can be “Scrolled” up or down the on the keyboard, as well as the keys on the
selection window using either the mouse remote. The functions for F1-F4 are common
wheel or the Windows® scroll bar. They can to every screen, while the functions of F5-F12
be selected by clicking on the desired icon vary depending on the screen.
with the mouse pointer.
4 - Display Area - When a desired function
2 - Previous and Next Buttons (such as Display Meters) is selected, the
action is displayed in this screen area.

5 - Shut Down Windows ® - When it is

necessary to close the alignment program
and Windows® - use this icon to properly
close all application to avoid damaging any
files in use.

Page 1-11
Chapter I Introduction
Toolbar Buttons
Toolbars are found on all screens within the software. This page describes the most common
buttons found on the Home and Readings screens, some of these buttons can also be found
on other pages.

Help – launches context-sensitive help screens.

Meters – jumps directly to the alignment meter screens.

F1 - F4 Toolbar buttons
found on all pages

Home – jumps directly to the Home Screen.

Print – launches the Print Report screen.

Rack Drive-on Aid - An option allowing use of a Webcam to assist the operator in placing the
vehicle onto the alignment rack.

Shop Management - Invokes Shopkey or other optional programs used to manage alignment
results and databases.

Information Systems - Opens a wealth of databases including Tire Pressure monitoring sys-
tems, Vehicle TSBs, Shopkey Information Systems, and the MAP standards page.

Regional Settings - Allows selection of the desired screen language and the regional specifica-
tion data base to be used in the alignment process.

Select Wizard - Several Wizards can be selected based on the vehicle or procedures required
by the service shop.

Log In/Out - Allows login and logout of users and Administrators.

MKS - Invokes the Mercedes Benz “MKS” Measurement System.

About - Reveals the current software version and the specifications database.

Page 1-12
Chapter I Introduction

Measure – from any Readings screen, launches the Measure screen.

Adjust – from any Readings screen, launches the Adjust features.

Zoom – makes the selected meter fill the entire screen.

Unzoom – returns from a zoomed meter to the standard meter screen.

Edit - Edit the Customer data currently in use.

Aligner Diagnostics - When in any of the Readings screens select this function to view
the camera image or view the camera data. This feature is useful in the event the cameras
cannot “See” a target for some reason.

Camera View - Select to view the live camera image.

Rolling Runout (Advanced Option) - Select this feature to allow runout compensation
without raising the vehicle. This feature is useful for vehicles which display a tendency to
not return to ride height after being raised for conventional runout.

Single Wheel Rollback - Select this feature to compensate only one wheel. If the target
has been removed to replace parts or service the wheel assembly, select to re-compensate
only that one wheel. The wheel assembly is raised to perform compensation.

Page 1-13
Chapter I Introduction

Main Carousel Bar

These buttons or icons are located on the sliding “Carousel” located to the left of the display
screen. The Carousel bar contents will change with the content of the screen currently dis-
played. Subjects related to alignment will be displayed when performing an actual alignment
while subjects pertaining to aligner Setup or Calibration may be displayed when Calibration or
Preferences is selected. All Carousel Bar selections when “Moused Over” will display a “tool
tip” which briefly explains its function.

Diagnostics - Certain alignment system diagnostics are accessed through this selection. These
diagnostics are generally used by qualified service personnel to assist with problem solving.

Data Base Utilities - Select to back-up, restore or trim the customer database.

Customer Data - Use to select or add information to the customer database.

Vehicle Selection - Select the vehicle make, year, model and sub-model to be measured.

Begin Alignment - Select to start the alignment wizard and all its content path. Selections
include choosing or adding a customer name, choosing a vehicle, and performing all the neces-
sary functions for reliable alignment readings.

Quick Alignment - Select to get alignment readings quickly without the tasks of selection cus-
tomer name or performing inspections etc. This feature is helpful when checking a vehicles
conformance to specification before the customer commits to the actual alignment.

Alignment modification Wizard - This is useful for making vehicle modifications. This icon
invokes the Vehicle Modification Wizard (Advanced Option only). It is used to recall a previ-
ous Vehicle Modification session or to start a new one. Recalling a previous session recalls
readings for comparison.

Vehicle Specifications - Select to view the specifications of the vehicle currently selected.
Specs can be edited and renamed as a “Custom Vehicle” from this screen as well.

Preferences - User desired characteristics can be tailored to the operators “Preferences” in this
selection. Security of the system, the system configuration, store name and address, units of
measure, languages, and others are selected for the user.

Calibration - Various subsystems are calibrated with this selection. Calibration factors can also
be backed-up and restored from here.

Page 1-14
Chapter II Setup - Preferences

Preferences - Setup
Preferences is used to setup various functions and features
within the Aligner software. Numerous operating attributes
or “preferences” can be altered to suit the operators indi-
vidual tastes. Although the Aligner is shipped with the most
common elements selected as default, an operator is able
to tailor several elements of the alignment process as well
as the display features to customize his machine. Operator
preferences can be altered before the alignment process
begins or any time thereafter.

Preferences Selections:
Preferences is located near the bottom of the Carousel bar.
The Preference icon allows access to the following setup
selections, each identified by an icon:

Security - Shows the user what features have been installed

on the aligner. Features are purchased and activated by the
sales or service representative using “Key codes”.

System Configuration - Select the camera system used,

select the wheel clamps used.

Store Name – allows a store name and address to be en-

tered for the customer printout.

Units of Measure – selects the units to be displayed for

angle and linear measurements. Once a prescribed unit of
measure has been chosen, all readings and specifications
will be stated in those units on all readings screens.

User Login - This utility is used to control access to the

aligner software and track usage. When login is activated,
only “authorized” users who have been set up with a user
name and password can operate the aligner.

Page 2-15
Chapter II Setup - Preferences

Languages – Selects from various languages for the

screen display and printout.

Specifications - Select the desired specifications

database to be used if installed.

Features - Provides control of operational properties,

both standard and those which are optional.

Displays - Custom logos may be placed in the “logo”

subdirectory of the program on the hard drive for opera-
tors who have a license to use them. Users may also
create their own logos in the “BMP” (bitmap) graphics
format and copy to the “logo” subdirectory.

Note: Unauthorized use of copyrighted logos may be

illegal without license or the owner’s permission.

Connectivity – activates access to a shop manage-

ment networking system. (Note: not all machines will
display this selection)

CSR Preferences - (password protected) – allows

a Service Technician to access system configuration

Page 2-16
Chapter III Operation

Steps to Performing a 4-Wheel Alignment

There are many reasons why a wheel alignment may be performed on a vehicle such as:
Accelerated or uneven tire wear
Pull, wandering, or other steering / handling problems
After replacement of worn suspension or steering system components
After-collision repairs
Routine vehicle maintenance

Regardless of the reasons for alignment, it is important that the technician performs these Basic steps neces-
sary to address and correct all problems. Other diagnostics are available for advanced testing.

1. Gather information from the vehicle owner – ask about any symptoms of misalignment. Inquire if the vehicle
has been in a collision or has had any parts replaced recently.

2. Perform a test drive to verify owner’s complaint – try to recreate the problem. If unable to duplicate, have
the vehicle owner explain further or have him/her drive with you.

3. Place vehicle on the alignment lift – center the vehicle on the lift and turntables. Raise the lift to a solid,
level lock position.

4. Inspect the tires for any signs of abnormal wear – tires often reflect many misalignment conditions.

5. Perform a thorough component inspection. Replace defective parts prior to performing the alignment. Always
check tire pressure and ride height.

6. Mount measuring targets/pods to the vehicles wheels. Use the safety straps in the event of grip failure.

7. Choose the proper Wizard procedure for the vehicle.

8. Perform compensation or rollback – the purpose of performing compensation is to eliminate measurement

errors due to the wheel runout and clamp mounting error.

9. Measure caster, camber, and toe.

10. Determine what needs to be done – Examine the vehicle and any reference materials to determine the pro-
cedures for angle corrections. Determine what items are needed to correct any problems (i.e. aftermarket
kits, special tools, etc.).

11. Make any needed angle corrections – center the steering wheel carefully when prompted. Use this order
of adjustment:
a. Rear camber
b. Rear toe
c. Front caster
d. Front camber
e. Front toe

12. Re-center the steering wheel and readjust front toe if needed – crooked steering wheels are the leading
cause of customer dissatisfaction with wheel alignments.

13. Print the results – the printout is useful for showing the customer before and after results. Many shops keep
a printout on file for future reference.

14. Perform a test drive to verify proper alignment.

Page 3-17
Chapter III Operation
Basic Alignment Procedures

Positioning the Vehicle on the Lift

Proper vehicle positioning on the alignment lift is an
important step for safety and accuracy.

1. Make sure the front turntable and rear slip plate

locking pins are in place.

NOTE: Steps 2 - 5 are recommended to make sure the front

tires are placed in the center of the turntables.

NOTE: If an optional drive-on camera aid is available

proceed to step 2, if not available skip to step 3.

2. From the Home Screen click on the “Rack Drive-on

Aid” icon located on the upper tool-bar. View the
screen while positioning the vehicle.

3. Drive the vehicle onto the alignment lift and stop

just before the turntables. Take care to insure the
vehicle is centered on the runways.

4. Place the vehicle in park (or in gear on a standard

transmission), turn the ignition off, and set the park-
ing brake on. Place wheel chocks behind the tires
to prevent rolling.

Failure to use the wheel chocks can allow the vehicle to

roll off the rack/lift.

5. Position the turntables as needed to insure the tires

will be centered.

6. Drive the vehicle forward onto the center of the


Alternative Method: This method extends turntable life due

to relief of load and stresses encountered when the brakes
are applied (or acceleration on a FWD vehicle).

7. Place the vehicle in neutral, release the parking

brake, and pull or push the vehicle forward onto the
turntables. Reposition the wheel chocks, place the
vehicle in park, reapply the parking brake.

To avoid personal injury or damage to property, follow

the rack/lift manufacturer’s operating and safety proce-

8. Raise the alignment lift, then lower the lift onto its
mechanical stops.

9. Place the transmission in neutral and release the

parking brake just before beginning the Vehicle
Positioning process.
Page 3-18
Chapter III Operation

Attach the Targets/Pods

The targets/pods are attached to the wheels using the
wheel clamps. The targets go on the front wheels, the
measuring pods on the rear.

There are several methods of attachment depending

on the wheel lip configuration. The integrated claws
provide the versatility needed to grab virtually any
wheel. The claws can be rotated to adjust for different
wheel configurations.

Claws may have sharp edges. To avoid personal injury, use

caution when working with wheel clamps.

The clamps should be installed in a straight-up vertical

manner (knob at the top).

Use the mounting method that provides the greatest

security to keep the target from falling off the wheel.
Most wheels can be grabbed from the outside-in by
placing the claws between the bead of the tire and the
outside edge of the rim. Others can be mounted on
the inside of the rim such as with steel wheels.

For outside rim mounting:

1. Extend the clamp to a size slightly larger than the
rim by turning the knob.

2. Place the upper claws on the outside of the top

of the rim. Push the claws in between the tire
bead and the rim. It may be necessary to “pop”
the upper clamp bracket with the palm of your
hand to seat well. Note that it is not necessary for
the clamp to be mounted perfectly vertical on the

3. Tighten the clamp by turning the knob clockwise

until the lower claws engage the rim.

4. Push the lower claws into place. Again, it may

be necessary to pop them in further for security.
Continue tightening the knob until secure.

5. Test the security by pulling outwards on the

clamp. If it comes off easily, reattach the clamp or
select an alternative mounting method.

Page 3-19
Chapter III Operation

Begin Wizard Procedure

The Wizard procedure sets the aligner to follow a cer-
tain process path resulting in a completed alignment.
Each pre-programmed procedure, called a Wizard,
sets the aligner up to perform certain functions in a
predetermined order and determines whether certain
functions can be skipped.

Wizard versus Manual Operation

When the Run Wizard icon is selected from the Home
Screen, the alignment process is performed using the
Wizard that is currently selected.

Special Wizard Procedures (Optional)

Several special procedures are pre-programmed
to follow manufacturer’s recommended alignment

When the Aligner is turned on for the first time a “factory

default” Wizard is in place. Special as well as OEM
Wizards can be set to default.

The following procedures are a sample of a Standard

Alignment Wizard from start to finish.

Run Wizard
Click on the Run Wizard icon on the Home Screen
Carousel Bar.

Quick Align
Selecting this icon starts the alignment procedures while
skipping screens such as “Entering Customer Data”.

Page 3-20
Chapter III Operation

Begin a New Alignment

This screen gives the choice to:
“To begin a new alignment” or
“Continue an alignment”

If the “NEXT” icon is selected the computer memory

of the previous alignment is erased allowing a new
customer and vehicle to be setup. If the “Continue an
alignment” icon is selected, customer data, vehicle
selection are retained

Selecting a new alignment

Enter Customer Data

The Customer Database feature allows entry of in-
formation about the customer and his vehicle. With
the database this information can be saved for later
recall. In addition, the aligner stores this information
along with the results of the wheel alignment service.
A database is a collection of information to be sorted
and retrieved as needed for analysis. Available informa-
tion includes the car owner’s name, address, phone
number; the vehicle make/model/year, VIN number,
and mileage; plus the date of service along with before
and after alignment readings. This information is stored
on the computer hard drive for later retrieval. Once
retrieved, the information can be reviewed and can
become the starting point for a new alignment.

Adding Customer Information

Using the pointing device move around each of the
text blocks, the operator enters information about the
customer and his vehicle using the keyboard. Selecting
OK will save the record to file for later retrieval.

Selecting a Stored Record

Stored or existing records can be sorted and retrieved in
several different ways – drill down through data records,
sort alphabetically by last name, by telephone number,
vehicle license plate number, vehicle VIN number,
by date or by listing of all records. Once the desired
record is visible, clicking on the plus sign expands the
list to bring up a particular data set. When selecting
alphabetically, select the first letter of the customers
name and highlight it using the pointing device. Double
click with the left button when the desired record is
highlighted. The complete record will be displayed
with stored data.

Page 3-21
Chapter III Operation

Adding a New Customer

A new record can be entered by clearing all informa-
tion on the data window. Information is cleared by
selecting Clear Fields on the toolbar (F7). Once the
screen has been cleared, enter the new customer
information as desired. If another record is desired
for an existing customer, highlight his name by using
the pointing device, and begin entering information at
the blank screen.

Editing an Existing Record

An existing record can be edited by selecting the desired
customer record. Once the record is displayed, move
between information fields with the pointing device
or TAB key. When the “I” bar is within the field to be
edited, make the desired corrections. Data is saved
when “OK” is entered.

Backup and Restore

Datafiles can be backed-up for security and restored
upon demand. See the “Maintenance” chapter for
more information on this feature.

Select Vehicle Manufacturer, Year and Model

Note: The order the manufacturer, year, and model

appear will vary depending on how the specifications
are set up (see Setup).

Vehicle Manufacturer
This screen shows the vehicle manufacturers in speci-
fication database. The vertical scroll bar on the right
indicates there are additional choices further down the
page. Click on the down arrow on the scroll bar or scroll
up/down the selections with the mouse wheel. Once
the desired manufacturer is in view, double-click on
the name to expand out the year or model selections.
Double-click again to contract.

Page 3-22
Chapter III Operation

Selecting a Default Make

To select a desired Make of Vehicle as “Default so it
comes up first every time, highlight the Make then click
on “F10” select default make Icon. This will anchor the
selection. This is useful for dealership or shops that
work on same makes the majority of the time.

TIP: To move to the manufacturer selection quicker,

using the keyboard, press the first letter of the manu-
facturer name. This causes the selection bar to move
directly to the first name starting with that letter (i.e.
press “H” - moves to Honda).

Vehicle Year
Select the year of manufacture using the up/down
keys or pointing device on the scroll bar to move up
or down to the desired year, then double-click or press
the right arrow key to expand out the years this model
was made.

Vehicle Model
Use the direction keys or pointing device to select the
model of the vehicle, then select “OK”, press Enter, or
double click the selection.

Using an Optional VIN Reader

If the aligner is equipped with an optional VIN Reader
kit, the vehicle can be entered quickly and with as-
surance the correct sub-model is selected. With the
scanner properly installed, simply read the VIN bar
code of the vehicle being aligned while the “I” bar is
located in the “VIN Entry” box located on the vehicle
selection screen.

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Chapter III Operation

View Specifications
This screen displays Year, Manufacturer, and Model
of the selected vehicle with Minimum, Preferred and
Maximum specifications for the front and rear wheels.
Dashes in any position indicate there are no manufac-
turer specifications for that wheel or angle. For angles
not displayed on this screen, refer to the specification
book included in the literature package. The “Informa-
tion Systems” icon at the top of the screen contains
access to assistance available for adjusting that angle.
Clicking on the desired icon launches the adjustment
help features described on the next page. The Edit
Specs toolbar button (F8) allows editing of the displayed
specifications prior to beginning the measurements.
This is useful if a Technical Bulletin has been issued
that alters manufacturer’s specifications.

Editing Specifications
Use the pointer to click on the specification edit icon
as shown to the left. Click on the number to be edited
(i.e. left camber). Once it is highlighted, enter the
desired value.

Use the pointer to move to any other values to be

changed. When all editing is complete, click on

Since these edited specs are now custom, enter in a

description of the new custom specification which can
be recalled later.

Vehicle Stability Programming

If the vehicle selected features a Vehicle Stability As-
sistance programming (VSA), some adjustments may
be necessary after alignment which are required by the
manufacturer. The screen shown to the left appears
informing the operator that additional diagnostics or
calibrations may be required. In many cases an optional
scan tool is required to perform system resets or zero
adjustments to certain sensors.

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Chapter III Operation

Adjustment Animations
Illustrations of adjustments specific to the selected
vehicle can be viewed by clicking on the “INFO” icon
on the Toolbar. Animations are also accessible from
the readings screens. An animation of the adjustment
procedure will appear on the screen. Animations can
be paused, stopped and restarted at the operators
preference by using the controls at the immediate bot-
tom of the animation screen. Select “OK” or “Cancel”
to return the operation to the current screen.

Additional Assistance
Included to the right of the animation window is a text
box which illustrates three types of information regarding
the current alignment adjust procedure. Information is
requested by clicking on the icon associated with the
assistance. These icons are:

1 Adjustment Instructions
Adjustment instructions are provided by selecting
the first of three function buttons on the Animation

2 Parts Required
The center selection displays parts required to
complete the alignment process, parts such as
1 2 3 shims, eccentrics or other aftermarket supplied

3 Special Tools
The third icon button displays any special tools
which may be required to perform the alignment

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Chapter III Operation
Charging the Pods
The batteries used in the Portable Aligner Pods
are long life and do not require charging between
alignments. It is recommended to monitor the
battery condition LEDs and place them on the
charger when below 40% or when only two LEDs
are illuminated. In any case always place pods
on the charger at the end of the days work and
charge overnight.

To charge the Pods insert the connector of the

Charge Receptacle charge cord from the cabinet into the charge
receptacle on the side of the Pod.

Charge It is OK if the Pods remain connected to the charge

cable from cord after receiving a full charge.
The state of charge LEDs will begin flashing
indicating the level of charge.

As the Pods are discharged the LEDs will show

the amount of remaining charge as shown to the
State of Charge
If only one LED is illuminated and flashing, less
than 10% power remains indicating the unit must
be charged.

Powering the Pods

Turn Pods On by momentarily depressing the On/
10 to 20% Off button.

20 to 40% Check battery charge by momentarily clicking the

on/off button.
40 to 60%
Turn Pods Off by pressing and holding the On/Off
button for a few seconds until the LEDs go off.
60 to 80%
NOTE: Pods should be turned off when
80 to 100%
not in use.

WARNING!!!! Measuring Pods

On/Off Button utilize Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Should these Batteries ever
need replaced, only replace
with Factory Approved
Batteries designed for this purpose. Using
non-authorized batteries can create risks
including Fire. Replace with Battery Part
Number EAK0289J46A only.

Page 3-26
Chapter III Operation
Runout Compensation
Compensating for the amount of runout of the
wheel assemblies is an important factor in the
alignment process. If not correctly determined,
there may be errors in the displayed camber
and toe angles.

The Aligner calculates the plane of the rear

wheel assemblies by measuring variations
in toe and camber during a four position
360-degree rotation of the wheel.

The left rear wheel compensation is taken 9,

6, 3 and 12 o’clock. The right rear wheel is
taken at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock.

Front wheels with targets are compensated by

rotating the assemblies forward 25 degrees,
then rearward 25 degrees from vertical, then
back to the vertical position.

NOTE: If the display monitor is not visible for

position indication, watch the blinking LED(s)
on the Pod during runout. As each of the four
positions are initiated, the runout indicator LED
begins blinking slowly. The blink will increase
in speed as the proper position is approached.
The LED will stay on continuous when the
proper position is achieved. When runout
has been measured, the LED will again begin
blinking indicating to the operator to proceed
to the next position.

To begin wheel runout compensation, begin

by raising the vehicles rear wheels off the
alignment rack surface using jacks or other
method to allow the wheels to rotate freely.

NOTE: Jacks should be rigid and not

allow movement during the compensation

NOTE: Runout always begins with the left rear

wheel followed by the right rear, then the right
front target, the left front target will be last.

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Chapter III Operation
Rear Runout
A. Turn the wheel forward (top of the clamp
LED will flash
during Runout
toward the front of the vehicle) to the 9
o’clock position or until the runout display
on the monitor indicates a “Stop Sign”.
The runout LED indicator stops flashing
and glows continuously when the correct
position is attained.
90º Forward

B. Rotate the wheel in the same direction to

the 6 o’clock position. The top of the clamp
will be down as indicated in the illustration
to the left.


C. Rotate the wheel in the same direction

to the 3 o’clock position. The top of the
clamp will be to the right as indicated in
the illustration to the left.


D. Rotate the wheel in the same direction

to the 12 o’clock position. The top of
the clamp will be up as indicated in the
illustration to the left.

Repeat the above steps for the Right Rear

wheel. NOTE, the top of the clamp will first
be rotated toward the front of the vehicle. The
first position will be 3 o’clock, then 6, 9, 12.

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Chapter III Operation
Front Runout
When compensating the front wheels the
companion Pod’s 5 power indicator LEDs
will blink for increased visibility if the monitor
is not visible.

Compensating the Right Front Wheel

A. When the Screen prompts the user to pro-
ceed to the first point of rotation, forward
25 degrees, rotate the wheel until the stop
sign appears on the screen or the LEDs
cease to flash on the companion Pod.
Hold steady until prompted to proceed to
the next position.

LEDs will flash

during Runout

B. Rotate the wheel rearward 25 degrees

from vertical or until the screen indicates
a stop sign. The companion Pod’s LEDs
will also cease to flash.

C. After the readings have been taken at

+/- 25 degrees, return the wheel to the
12 o’clock position until prompted to con-

D. Repeat the above steps on the left front.

Lower Wheels and Bounce (settle) the

The next screen that appears instructs the
technician to lower the wheels and bounce or
settle the suspension so the vehicle sits at a
true ride height. Slip plates should be utilized
to provide the necessary sideslip required
to return the vehicle to its normal resting

After runout compensation you will be

prompted to lower the wheels, bounce the
suspension and press OK to continue.

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Chapter III Operation

NOTE: Basic Portable Aligners do not automatically

go to “Steering Angle Measurement” but will require
the user to select from the Measure Menu located on
each of the Readings Screens.

Perform Steering Angle Measurement

If Advanced features are installed on the aligner, Steer-
ing Angle Measurements will begin immediately after
compensation. If using Basic aligner software, these
angles must be selected from any of the readings
screens at the Measure Menu drop-down. It is also
possible to begin steering measurements from any of
the readings screens by simply rotating the steering
wheel in either direction, assuming this has been set
up from Features on the Preferences carousel bar.

First you will be prompted to Lock the brakes and remove

the turntable pins and loosen the rear slipplates.

As you rotate the steering wheel, the aligner tracks the

wheel targets. When the steering wheel is rotated,
the Steering Measurement screen is automatically
displayed. Caster, SAI and Toe-out-on Turns (TOOT)
can be measured with the Steering Measurement

As you rotate the steering wheel toward each measure-

ment position, a “Green indicator” at the top of the meter
tracks the wheel movement. The left and right Caster/
SAI measurement positions are at approximately +10
and -10 degrees, while the TOOT positions are at ap-
proximately +20 and -20 degrees.

An Arrow adjacent to the steering wheel displayed in

the lower portion of the screen prompt the correct direc-
tion to rotate the steering wheel. A numerical readout
below the steering wheel indicates the steering angle
in degrees.

When the wheels reach the correct position, pause for

moment, the aligner responds with a “Ding Ding” sound
when the measurement at that position is complete.
A green stripe appears at the next position to turn to.
When the reading for that angle is complete the angle
indicator at the top of the screen is checked.

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Chapter III Operation

The Aligner prompts you where to stop, depending on

which measurements you want. For example to mea-
sure caster only, move the wheels from one caster posi-
tion to the other caster position, and then return to the
center steering position. To measure caster and TOOT
move the wheels from the caster position to the TOOT
position, then to the other caster and TOOT position,
and then return to the center steering position.

During steering measurements, the Aligner may briefly

lose track of one or more wheel target. When this oc-
curs, wheels displayed on the lower-left and lower-right
will indicate a red X to indicate the lost wheel targets.
When the front wheel targets are lost, stop steering
rotation until the aligner finds the lost targets.

Wheel Roll Message

If the aligner detects excessive wheel roll during the
steering angle measurements, an error message ap-
pears. We recommend restarting the steering mea-
surements if this occurs. Select OK and the software
begins a new steering angle measurement sequence.
Wheel roll can usually be corrected by firmly install-
ing the brake pedal depressor. On many vehicles it
is necessary to start the engine to enable the power
brakes in order to keep the wheels from rolling.

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Chapter III Operation

Readings Screen
The Readings screen displays the primary vehicle
alignment information in an intuitive, three dimensional
format. The screen appears as a vehicle with the body
lifted off, viewed from the rear and above. Review the
figure above to become familiar with the screen layout
and functions.

Each wheel angle has a numeric reading as well as

a graphical meter display indicating directional ori-
entation and relationship to specifications. Camber
meters, located along the top of each tire, have a
line that indicates camber relative to the preferred
specification. Toe meters, projected onto the ground
in front of each tire, have an arrow that indicates the
toe angle. Caster is represented by a meter in front of
each wheel. The numeric value for caster is directly
above the meter. When a meter is green, the reading
is within specifications. When the arrow is centered
within the green it is at the preferred value. A red meter
indicates the reading is out of specification. The red
meter contains a green band, indicating the direction
of needed change. A gray meter indicates there is no
specification for that angle.

All numeric readings on this screen are actual live

measurements, including caster. If any angles require
correction, make sure the brake pedal depressor is en-
gaged and the steering wheel is centered and locked,
then simply begin the adjustment. As the angles change
the display will update to reflect the new readings. The
numeric values change and the meter indicators move
in the direction of change. Click on OK to proceed to
the next readings screen.

Turn Wheels Straight Ahead

The screen then changes to indicate the requirement
to turn the wheels to the straight ahead position. Cen-
tering the steering allows the geometric center-line to
be established for the rear readings which in turn will
determine the thrust angle or rolling direction. Thrust
Angle is the direction of the vehicle travel determined
by the total toe of the rear wheels. The thrust angle
is used as a reference when adjusting the front toe so
that a straight steering wheel is the end result. Toe
error on many rear wheel drive vehicles cannot be cor-
rected, creating a dog tracking effect and/or a crooked
steering wheel.

If the wheels are already straight ahead this screen

will briefly appear and automatically proceed.

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Chapter III Operation

Rear Readings Screen

After the All Readings screen, the Rear Meter Readings
screen appears. This screen displays, both in meter
and numerical format, the angle measurements and
information needed to determine if corrections are nec-
essary. The display is divided into three rows: Camber,
Toe and Thrust Angle. The columns represent the left
and right side of the vehicle. The readings meters have
a numeric readout of live readings, and a color coding
to indicate the relationship of live values to specification
and preferred specifications on a mouse over “tool tip”.
Grey meters indicate no specification has been entered
for this angle. Red meters indicate the angle is beyond
manufacturer’s specification. Green meters indicate live
values are within specification. Elevated readings can
be viewed by selecting the dimmed “Jack” icon located
right of the cross values. When in the active Elevated
mode, the Jack will be highlighted.

Adjust Front First

In the event this ICON appears on the readings screens,
the front should be adjusted before rear correction.

Cross Values / Total Toe

The numeric value between the camber meters in-
dicates cross values (side-to-side), the difference
between left and right readings. This cross value is
important on many vehicles for proper handling. Cross
Camber and Caster readings can be set to “signed”
or “unsigned” in the “Units of Measure” screen under

The numeric value between the left and right toe meters
indicates the rear Total Toe (sum of individual toe).

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Chapter III Operation

Readings Toolbar Buttons

Buttons available on all the Readings Screens toolbar
from left to right are:

Previous and Next buttons

Also icon buttons associated with the keyboard “F”

keys are:
• F1 Help – displays operation assistance for the
F2 screen presently open

F3 • F2 - Not used on reading screens.

• F3 Home – returns the software to the opening

F4 Home Screen

F5 • F4 Print – accesses the print report menu

• F5 Measure – access to measuring additional

F6 angles

• F6 Adjust – access to assistance for the technician

F7 with angle corrections

• F7 Information – assists the technician with a variety

of information about the alignment. Selections in-
clude animations, Tire pressure monitoring systems
information, Vehicle TSBs, Shopkey access, and
F8 MAP standards.

• F8 Zoom – brings any meter to full screen size to

F9 aide viewing

• F9 Select Wizard - Selects the desired wizard

F10 procedures.

F11 • F10 Login – user Login or Logout

F12 • F11 Edit – allows editing of the vehicle selection,

specifications, customer information, and inspec-
tions within the current alignment

• F12 Aligner Diagnostics – allows user to observe

measurement data. This feature is normally used
by a service technician while troubleshooting a

NOTE: If a toolbar button is “grayed out” it means the

function is not available on that particular screen.

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Chapter III Operation

Level and Lock Steering Wheel

Before front readings are displayed it is necessary to
level the steering wheel and lock it in place using the
steering wheel holder. Once these steps are completed
press “OK” to move forward.

Front Meter Readings Screen

The Front Meter Readings screen is similar to the
rear. Caster is displayed with the top outside meters.
Camber meters are located in the middle of the screen
and toe meters are at the bottom. Caster, camber
and toe are “live” displays which can be referenced
while making adjustments. When measurements are
within specification, the center portion of the meter is
green. If red is displayed, the readings are outside of
specifications. Grey meters indicate this angle has no
specification. Elevated camber and caster readings
can be viewed by selecting the dimmed “Jack” icon
located between the camber meters.

All Readings Screen

After Front Readings the final readings screen is All
Readings. This screen shows all alignment readings
numerically in a chart format. The numbers are color
coded to indicate the reading’s relationship to speci-

A scroll bar on the right side of the screen indicates there

is more information below. Click on the down arrow
of the scroll bar to reveal Front and Rear Diagnostics
values (if measured).

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Chapter III Operation

Print Results
1 3 Select Print on the toolbar (F4) on either the Front
or Rear Readings screen to go to the Printer Menu
2 screen. The options are:

1-Select Desired Alignment Report - Select the

desired type of report to be printed from the drop
down box.

2 - Zoom - Select these buttons to enhance the desired

size of the displayed report.

3 - Set Default Report - Determine the desired report

to be used as default and for one click printing.

4 - Print - Sends the selected report to the printer.

5 - Save to File - This selection allows a report to be

saved to a file. When selected a window will open
allowing the user to select the desired location to save
5 the file. The default location is “Documents”. Name
the file something that indicates its contents.

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Chapter III Operation

Measure Menu
When the Measure icon is selected from the toolbar
on any readings screen, a screen appears that allows
the operator to measure any wheel alignment angle.
The icons on this screen are explained below:

• Caster Swing – measures the Caster/SAI and TOOT

angles on the turnplates.
• Steering Level Check - Selecting this feature allows
the user to check the level of the steering wheel.
• Single Wheel Compensation – instead of the normal
compensation sequence, the vehicle can be jacked
to allow each wheel to be positioned independently.
This is useful if a wheel must be removed during the
alignment, for example to install a shim in the rear.
• Vehicle Dimensions (Advanced Option) – Provides
additional information about the condition of the ve-
hicle’s frame, such as setback and axle offset.
• SAI Only Elevated - Steering Axis Inclination can be
measured for diagnosis of certain steering component
problems while the front of the vehicle is elevated.
• Max Turns - Is selected to measure the amount of
steering angle to the right and to the left. These are
generally symmetrical and this test can help determine
if a steering linkage is damaged.
• Toe Curve Change – measure the individual wheel
toe change as the suspension goes through jounce
and rebound.
• Camber at 0 Toe - This process is recommended
by some vehicle manufacturers, such as Mercedes
Benz. It measures the camber of each front wheel
separately with the wheels straight ahead (zero

Page 3-37
Chapter III Operation

Measuring Caster/SAI and TOOT

Caster and SAI are measured during the +\- 10 degree
sweep made when caster is measured. The results
of loaded or unloaded (raised) will be similar, but
some variation may occur due to the type of vehicle
suspension. For accurate results follow the on-screen
instructions carefully.

1. Whether measuring SAI on the turntables or el-

evated, it is mandatory to lock the vehicle’s brakes.
Start the car to initiate the power brakes and install
the brake pedal depressor between the seat and
the brake pedal.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions. During the el-

evated measurement, the instruction say to raise
the front wheels using rigid supports. This is typi-
cally done with a jack included with the alignment

3. The turning sequence is identical to the process

for obtaining steering angles on the turntables

4. When measuring elevated Caster/SAI, the final

instructions will be to lower the vehicle and jounce
the suspension.

5. The Caster/SAI values are displayed on the All

Readings screen. Caster is displayed on the All
Readings screen as well as the Front Readings
meter screen.

6. Use SAI to diagnose a handling problem or a bent

part that is limiting the adjustment of camber.

NOTE: Not all vehicle manufacturers publish

specifications for SAI. All available manufacturers’
specifications are included in the Aligner database.

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Chapter III Operation

Steering Level Check

Selecting this feature allows the user to check the level
of the steering wheel.

When selected you will be asked to turn the steering wheel

right 10 degrees then return to center.

The screen asks if the steering wheel is level. If so, select

the green check mark, if not select the red “X”.

If the wheel is not level, adjust the toe to correct to a

level condition.

Single Wheel Rollback

The vehicle can be jacked to allow each wheel to be
compensated independently. This is useful if a wheel
must be removed during the alignment, for example to
install a shim in the rear. The Single Wheel Position-
ing procedure locates each wheels axis of rotation by
jacking the vehicle and moving each pod and target.

1. Select Single Wheel Positioning from the Measure

screen. The screen shows the vehicle’s 4 wheels
with a box around each wheel. If a check appears
in the box, it indicates that the wheel has been
previously successfully positioned. Use the mouse
to place the box around the wheel to be positioned
and click.

2. Raise the front or rear axle being positioned as

instructed. Notice that VODI, shows which wheel
has been selected.

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Chapter III Operation

3. Following the on-screen graphics, rotate the pod

or target back approximately as directed by the

4. When complete, an instruction screen appears

reminding you to lower the vehicle. This is only
necessary when all wheels that need to be posi-
tioned individually have been done. It is acceptable
to leave the vehicle elevated if additional wheels
require compensating. Lower the vehicle and
jounce the suspension prior to returning to any
readings screen.

5. As each wheel compensation is completed the

software returns to the selection screen and a
check mark appears next to the wheels that have
been successfully positioned. Click on the Cancel
button once all wheels are compensated to return
to the alignment readings screens.

6. Lower the vehicle when instructed and click OK.

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Chapter III Operation

Rolling Runout - (Advanced Option)

Rolling runout is a feature that can be used to compen-
sate the wheels of a vehicle when raised compensation
is undesirable or not possible.

NOTE: The length of rearward travel will be about

40 degrees. So make sure you have sufficient room
before performing this procedure.

Click on the icon shown to the left located on the “Single

Wheel Compensation” selection.

Follow these instructions carefully.

Mount the front wheel clamps and targets on front

wheels. Mount the rear clamps on the rear wheels.

Remove the Pods from the rear clamps. Place the

Pods on a stable portion of the Lift. Do not place on
the Slip Plates. Pods must have view of Targets.

Lock the turnplates and rear slip plates if equipped.

Click on “Next” to continue.

Position the vehicle until you get the stop sign.

NOTE: If the vehicle is wide and you are using a

short bay installation, you may need to remove
the rear wheel clamps and place the pods behind
the rear wheels. It may be necessary to locate the
Pods on a stable surface external to the Lift Surface.
This external surface must be located next to the
lift and at lift height.

Roll the vehicle rearward about 40 degrees until

prompted to stop.

NOTE: If the rear slip plates move or cannot be

locked then place the pods rear of the slip plates.

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Chapter III Operation

Mount the measurement pods onto the rear wheel


Click on “Next” to continue.

Roll the vehicles wheels forward until prompted to stop.

Roll the vehicle forward again until prompted to stop.

NOTE: If you get this message icon the pods may not
be sitting level.

Roll the vehicle to the beginning position to complete

the compensation procedure.

NOTE: Once rolling runout is you cannot do a

single wheel positioning if you have to remove a
wheel for service. If compensation is required after
repair then you must again perfrom rolling runout.

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Chapter III Operation

Vehicle Dimensions - (Advanced Option)

Vehicle dimensions are useful measurement tools to
diagnose vehicles that may have been involved in a
collision. Setback occurs when one wheel on an axle
is not even with the other. With the Aligner dimensional
measurements are automatic, and additional informa-
tion about the vehicle’s frame can be determined. These
measurements are accessed from the Measure toolbar
button on any readings screen.

The results of the vehicle dimensions measurements

are displayed with a visual reference to a vehicle de-
picting wheelbase difference, track width difference,
and front and rear setback. In addition, setback val-
ues are displayed on the All Readings screen and are
printed during the alignment results printout. Vehicle
dimensions and setback can be displayed in inches or
millimeters, selectable in the Units setup.

When Vehicle Dimensions Option is selected, you will

be instructed to ensure all wheel clamps are vertical. A
wheel clamp that is not vertical will cause a measure-
ment error. Once all clamps are vertical click OK to
view the Dimensions screen.

Measuring SAI Only Elevated

SAI is measured with +\- 10 degree sweep. The re-
sults of loaded or unloaded (raised) will be similar, but
some variation may occur due to the type of vehicle
suspension. For accurate results follow the on-screen
instructions carefully.

1. Whether measuring SAI on the turntables or el-

evated, it is mandatory to lock the vehicle’s brakes.
Start the car to initiate the power brakes and install
the brake pedal depressor between the seat and
the brake pedal.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions. During the el-

evated measurement, the instruction say to raise
the front wheels using rigid supports. This is typi-
cally done with a jack included with the alignment

3. The turning sequence is identical to the process

for obtaining steering angles on the turntables.

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Chapter III Operation

4. When measuring elevated SAI, the final instruc-

tions will be to lower the vehicle and jounce the

5. The SAI values are displayed on the All Readings


6. Use SAI to diagnose a handling problem or a bent

part that is limiting the adjustment of camber.

NOTE: Not all vehicle manufacturers publish

specifications for SAI. All available manufacturers’
specifications are included in the Aligner database.

Maximum Turns
Maximum Turns is selected to measure the amount
of steering angle to the right and to the left. These are
generally symmetrical and this test can help determine
if a steering linkage is damaged.

Install the brake pedal depressor and pull the turnplate

pins if installed.

First Turn to the 20 degree mark on the screen. Wait

for the prompt.

Next turn to the left to the maximum possible, wait for

the prompt.

Next turn to the 20 degree mark to the right. Wait for

the prompt.

Next turn to the right to the maximum possible, wait

for the prompt.

Center the steering wheel.

A results screen will show the left and right side values
and specifications if available. Determine any damage
by comparing any disparity between the readings.

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Chapter III Operation

Toe Curve Change

This feature allows measurement of individual wheel
toe change as the suspension system goes through
jounce and rebound (spring compression and expan-
sion). An excessive amount of toe change can cause
premature tire wear. A large change on only one side
can cause “bump steer”, a dangerous condition causing
the vehicle to rapidly change directions when bumps
are encountered. While there are no specifications for
the amount of change, it should be fairly small, and a
comparison of left and right wheels can assist in diag-
nosing defective steering system components.

Follow the on-screen instructions carefully to move the

suspension through a 60mm (2.3”) travel. This can be
done by pulling down or pushing up the suspension.

Use a ruler or tape measure to observe the proper

amount of frame movement. Select OK when com-
pleted to display the results.

TIP: On cars with rack and pinion steering, a bump

steer condition is usually created by worn rack mount-
ing bushings that allow the entire rack to shift when
bumps are hit.

Camber at Zero Toe

This routine measures camber on the left and right front
wheels individually at zero toe. This is the recommended
procedure for vehicles with high caster specifications,
such as Mercedes-Benz.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Select Camber at Zero Toe from Measure


2. Using the on-screen meter, turn the left wheel

towards the center until the meter turns green.

3. Press OK to continue.

4. Repeat this process for the right wheel. Click

OK to continue.

5. The results are displayed above the wheel

graphics. Click “Next” to return to the readings

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Chapter III Operation

Adjust Menu
One of the most powerful features of the Aligner Series
is the assistance given to the alignment technician when
performing adjustments on a vehicle. These features
are on the Adjust menu, and are accessed through the
Adjust icon, located on all Readings Screens.

Caster, Camber and Toe Adjust on Turnplates - This

feature allows “live” adjustment of front suspension

Caster, Camber and Toe Adjust Elevated - This feature

allows “live” adjustment of front suspension components
while in the raised position.

Rear Camber and Toe Adjust Elevated - This feature

allows “live” adjustment of rear suspension components
while in the raised position.

EZ Toe – This software routine is a method of setting

front toe while steered from straight ahead, making it
easier to adjust and obtain straight steering wheels.

Shims and Kits – Many front wheel drive cars use a

shim on the rear axle/spindle to adjust camber and/or
toe. This program determines the proper shim to use.

A-Arm Adjust – for vehicles whose caster and camber adjustments are located
on the suspension A-Arm, this selection allows both angles to be corrected simul-

Wheel Off Caster, Camber, and Toe Adjust - This feature allows the operator to
remove the wheel and attach the clamp/target assembly directly to a brake rotor
for easier access to adjustment of certain angles.

Wheel Off Rear Camber, and Toe Adjust - This feature allows the operator to
remove the rear wheel and attach the clamp/pod assembly directly to a brake rotor
for easier access to adjustment of certain angles.

Offset Cam Bushing - Many 2 and 4 -wheel drive trucks utilize offset sleeves
and inserts around the upper or lower ball joints to adjust the caster and camber

Cradle Adjust – Assist with the adjustment of the engine cradle on many front
wheel drive cars.

Adjust Drag Link – Assists with steer direction and straight steering wheel when
performing toe adjustments on trucks with a drag link adjustment.

Single Tie Rod Adjust – helps with vehicles having a single tie rod toe ad-

Each of the Adjust Menu selections are described in the following pages.

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Chapter III Operation

Adjust Caster and/or Camber, and Toe Elevated

After selecting this icon, instructions appear in prepara-
tion for the adjustment.
• Install brake pedal depressor
• Remove pins from turnplates and rear slip-plates
• Press OK

This screen now appears alerting you to raise the axle

to be adjusted
• Raise front wheels using rigid supports
• Press OK

Follow all on-screen instructions carefully. Incor-
rect adjustment readings are possible if these steps
are ignored.

When OK is pressed, the Front Readings display

appears with a highlighted Jack indicating raised

Adjust caster, camber or toe as required while view-

ing the screen. As adjustments are made, the meter
movements and numeric values change. The meters
are color coded to show the readings’ relationship to
specifications if selected.

Once the adjustments are completed, press OK. Post-

adjustment instructions will be displayed:
• Lower wheels. Bounce suspension
• Unlock the brakes
• Press OK

The software automatically returns to the readings

screen where you started.

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Chapter III Operation

EZ Toe
This software routine is a an improved method of setting
front toe, making it easier to obtain straight steering
wheels. It also makes it possible to adjust toe with
the wheels turned at any angle left or right, an aide
when setting toe on cars with firewall mounted rack
and pinion units.

Use the following procedures:

1. Perform all alignment steps normally used to obtain

alignment readings. Correct any misalignment in
the rear as well as front caster and/or camber.

2. Select the EZ Toe icon from the Adjust screen.

3. Level the vehicle steering wheel, Select OK.

4. Steer the right wheel to the adjust position. Select


5. The next screen shows a meter indicating the

amount of toe change needed for the right

6. Adjust the right tie rod until the meter needle is in

the green. Select Next after completion.

7. Follow the same procedures for the left wheel.

8. Select Next when the left toe adjustment is


9. Return to the Front Readings screen and recheck

toe and steering wheel position.

NOTE: If using EZ Toe at a large turn angle, it will

be necessary to use the Steering Wheel Clamp to hold
the linkage steady at that position.

Page 3-48
Chapter III Operation

Shims and Kits

Many front wheel drive vehicles utilize aftermarket
shims to correct front and rear camber and/or toe. This
correction is achieved by placing the shim between the
rear axle and the spindle.

When a vehicle that utilizes rear shims is accessed

from the specification database, the technician can
use the aligner to determine the proper shim to correct
a misalignment. From the “Adjust” drop down menu
select Shims and Kits.

At this point the computer will examine the live camber

and toe readings, compare them to preferred specifi-
cation, and calculate the amount of change needed.
It will then recommend the shim needed to make this
correction. The screen to the left will be displayed.

Default Part Vendor

Determine the desired part vendor to select as the
default aftermarket supplier. This selection will vary
location to location and upon the Technicians prefer-

The part number of the shim or adjuster kit is automati-

cally selected and displayed dependant on the vehicle
selected and the amount of correction required.

Highlight one of the part numbers displayed, then click

on the “Info” ICON to invoke a screen describing the
correct orientation of shims or other corrective after-
market parts. The “Info” ICON can be selected from
several places of the screen. If highlighted, information
is available. See sample screen at left.

Installation video and detailed Instructions may also

be available.

Click the “Aftermarket Tools Available” ICON to view

tools required for the specific procedure if available.

Page 3-49
Chapter III Operation

Adjust A-Arms
Many vehicles have adjustment provisions for caster
and camber located on the suspension A-Arm (control
arm), either on the upper or lower arm. The adjustments
may be made with shims, eccentric cams, or slots
in the frame. Both angles are easily corrected to
manufacturer’s specification using the Adjust A-Arm

First, a screen instructs the operator to apply the brake

pedal depressor (important) and remove the lock pins
from the turntables. Select OK.

The next screen, A-Arm Adjust, allows selection of

the location of the adjustable A-Arm and whether the
corrections will be made on the turntables or elevated.
Examine the vehicle for the location of the adjusters.
It does not matter whether the a-arms have shims,
slots, or cams.

Select to adjust upper A-Arm or Lower A-Arm on the

Adjust A-Arm screen.

The icon looks like that to the left. Selecting switches

from upper to lower and back.

The adjustment screen contains a graphic of the left

and right side a-arm along with two “Slide” meters for
each. These meters represent the movement of the
front and rear of the a-arm, and their relationship to
the desired readings. Move each side of the a-arm
by adding/removing shims, loosening the bolts and
sliding the arm, or turning the eccentric cams, until
each meter indicator is centered in the meter – this is
the desired value for both caster and camber. Press
Next when complete.

Follow any additional instructions if required such as

lower and bouncing the suspension.

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Chapter III Operation

Wheel Off Caster, Camber, Toe Adjust

Follow the Same procedures as outlined in Caster,
Camber and Toe Elevated above but with the Wheel-
off option.

First install the brake pedal depressor and remove the

lock pins from the turn plates and slipplates.

Raise the vehicle using rigid supports.

Remove the wheels that require service and mount the

clamp target assembly to the brake rotor.

The “Raised Jack” icon on the readings screen indi-

cates the vehicle should be in the raised position for
these adjustments.

Make “Live” adjustments as required to correct angles

to specification.

Re-Mount wheels and Mount clamps.

NOTE: The wheel(s) that have had the clamp assemble

removed will need to be re-compensated.

Lower the vehicle and bounce the suspension.

Page 3-51
Chapter III Operation

Offset Cams and Bushings

Many Ford 2-wheel drive trucks and many Ford/GM/
Dodge 4-wheel drive trucks utilize offset sleeves and
inserts around the upper or lower ball joints to adjust
the caster and camber angles.

The program compares the current reading for caster

and camber with the preferred specification, displaying
the meters on-screen for reference. The required
sleeve/insert to correct the angles is shown below the
meters, along with the orientation of the slot. Proper
orientation of the slot insures the correct amount
of caster and camber is obtained from the sleeve/

The calculations assume the current sleeve/insert

is a ZERO (no offset). If it is not, examine the slot
orientation to determine if the previous installation
corrected camber or caster. Enter the value of the old
sleeve/insert in the box below either caster or camber,
whichever most accurately reflects the orientation of
the slot.

Note: Whenever there is a sleeve/insert installed

that is not zero, it is difficult to determine
its affect on the calculation of the new
required sleeve/insert. It is a good idea
to have a few zero sleeves available to
install in the truck and re-measure caster
to get a true initial reading.

Cradle Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature)

Cradle adjustment is a growing necessity for front wheel
drive vehicles. Many front wheel drive vehicles are
designed where the engine cradle also serves as the
attachment point for the lower pivots of the suspension
system. This assembly is bolted to the sub-frame as
a unit from the bottom of the vehicle. The assembly
must be properly aligned with the sub-frame to assure
that front alignment is maintained.

A closer look shows that the lower control arms are

bolted to the engine cradle. The control arm is attached
to the spindle through the lower ball joint. The strut is
attached to the top of the spindle and is then attached
to the body via the upper strut mount to complete the
suspension steering axis.

Page 3-52
Chapter III Operation

The engine cradle can potentially move side to side,

changing the camber and SAI angles. Prior to beginning
a cradle adjustment, examine the left and right camber
values. If one side has excessive positive camber and
the other side excessive negative, this vehicle is a
candidate for cradle adjustment.

Consult the vehicle service manual for details on how

to loosen the engine cradle.

To adjust a cradle using the Aligner, click on the Cradle

Adjust icon on the Adjust Screen.

Install Brake pedal depressor and remove turntable

and slipplate pins. Click “OK” when ready.

Raise front wheels using fixed supports. Click “OK”.

The Cradle Adjust screen has a graphic of the cradle

showing the direction of needed movement. A meter
display determines exact placement. Loosen the cradle
and slide in the direction of the arrow until the meter
indicator is centered – this is the ideal placement of
the cradle. In addition, live caster and SAI readings
are shown for reference or for making a minor caster

When Complete, lower and bounce suspension.

Page 3-53
Chapter III Operation

Drag Link Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature)

The steering linkage on some 4-wheel drive trucks
has a single total toe adjuster along with a drag link
adjuster to correct the steering direction and straighten
the steering wheel.

1. Steer the front wheels to equalize toe by bringing

the lower meter into the green area. Click Next.

2. Adjust the single tie rod to the total toe specifications

while observing the upper meter. Click Next.

3. Straighten and lock the steering wheel as prompted,

then click Next.

4. Adjust the drag link sleeve until the steering direc-

tion is straight ahead, as indicated on the lower
meter display. Click Next when complete.

Page 3-54
Chapter III Operation

Single Tie Rod Adjust (Optional Advanced Feature)

Some vehicles, such as earlier Ford trucks and 80’s
Volkswagens, have a single tie adjuster for total toe,
with no provision for adjusting for straight steering direc-
tion with a straight steering wheel. For these vehicles,
click on the Single Tie Rod Adjust icon.

The screen that appears is similar to the Drag Link

Adjust screen. Use the following steps:

1. Steer the front wheels to equalize toe by bringing

the lower meter into the green area. Lock the
steering wheel at this position.

2. Adjust the single tie rod to the total toe specifica-

tions while observing the upper meter.

3. Again steer the front wheels to equalize toe by

bringing the lower meter into the green area. Lock
the steering wheel at this position.

4. If a straight steering wheel does not result, yet is

desired, remove the steering wheel from the steer-
ing column (see factory recommended procedures
prior to removing) and replace it as needed for a
straight condition.

Page 3-55
Chapter IV Maintenance

Calibration Menu
This carousel screen selection is the hub of
user maintenance and aligner service. The
Portable Imaging Aligners are relatively
maintenance free when compared to con-
ventional systems. Some routine tasks may
be required from time to time to assure opti-
mum performance. Calibration accesses the
utilities required for these tasks. Selections

Data Examination Mode - Service Techni-

cian mode only.

System Configuration - Utilities used to

configure the systems camera configuration.
The user can select the desired alignment
rack if so equipped.

ISO - Utility used for performing ISO calibra-

tion. A special fixture is required to perform
this procedure. The procedures are included
with the fixture. This should only be done by
a qualified technician.

Pod Calibration - If the user has the optional

calibration kit the aligner can be calibrated as
required from this menu selection.

Calibration Factors - A history of the aligner

calibration is viewed from this selection.

Calibration Utilities - Utility used for backing

up and/or restoring calibration data.

Sensor Diagnostics - Service Technician

mode only.

Page 4-56
Chapter IV Maintenance

Data Examination Mode - Service Techni-

cian mode only. A qualified technician can
use this screen for diagnosing various is-
sues regarding aligner health.

System Configuration - Utilities used to

configure the systems camera configuration.
The user can select the desired alignment
rack if so equipped. Rack or alignment sur-
faces can be named as desired.

ISO Certification
The purpose of this procedure is the calibra-
tion certification procedure for the Imaging
family of wheel alignment products, using
traceable measurement standards and ISO

This procedure may optionally serve as a fine

tuning of the calibration by allowing offset val-
ues to be applied.

The basic alignment system calibration is

performed using the service calibration func-
tions of pod calibration, normally performed
by the Service Representative.

Page 4-57
Chapter IV Maintenance

The procedures tend to certify the calibration

of the camera-based wheel alignment prod-
ucts. The aligner will be certified for accu-
racy using an apparatus consisting of axles,
stands, and spacers, which are themselves
certified annually. All inspection findings re-
garding the aligner, will be annotated on the
Certificate of Calibration.

The certification frequency can be a cus-

tomer-defined. The certification will alert the
user at one year intervals to recertify if not
performed earlier. The customer may deter-
mine the calibration and certification intervals
needed and the accuracy to be specified.

When ISO calibration is complete a screen

will appear with the offset values displayed.
These are the values that will be correlated
in the aligner for traceable accuracy.

The certifying technician will follow the on-

screen instructions.

Page 4-58
Chapter IV Maintenance
Before an alignment is performed the aligner must be calibrated to the rack that alignments are done on.
Although the unit is shipped from the factory calibrated to zero we can not assume that all racks are exactly
level in the field.

1. Raise the alignment rack to a comfortable working

2. From the Main Menu select the “Calibration” Icon
from the Main Carousel.

3. Select the Pod Calibration button from the

Calibration Carousel.

4. A “Warning” message appears instructing the user

that the calibration process should be performed by
trained individuals. Click on “OK” to continue.

Rear Calibration
5. Select the Rack to be calibrated on.

6. Place the calibration bar and stands, (calibration

kit number EAK0222J02A) on the rear of the rack
as shown in the figure. Place the bar so that the
numbers stamped on the bar are on the left side



7. Install the EAK0289J42A Bar Adapter on the

end with the numbers with the set screws at 12

Page 4-59
Chapter IV Maintenance
8. Place the left pod on the calibration bar so that the
boom faces the rear of the rack.
9. Place the right pod on the calibration bar so that
the boom faces the rear of the rack.
10. Place the targets on the front turn plates and orient
them so that they are facing the pods. It will be
necessary to leave the targets mounted to the
wheel clamps.

11. With the Pods locked on the bar rotate the bar
FORWARD 90° to align the needle within the green
area. A Stop sign will appear indicating to hold the
position until instructed.

12. Continue to rotate the bar FORWARD to 180° to

align the needle within the green area. A Stop
sign will appear indicating to hold the position until

13. Continue through the process stopping at each of

the four positions.

Page 4-60
Chapter IV Maintenance

1. Place the targets in the bar so that the targets face

the rear of the rack.
2. Place the Pods on the rear of the rack so that the
boom of the pod points towards the rear of the

3. The unit will prompt the user to rotate the bar so

that the targets rotated FORWARD 25°. A stop
signal will appear.

4. After the information is taken the user will be

prompted to rotate the targets 25° REARWARD from
vertical. A stop sign indicates when measurements
are being taken.

5. Rotate the bar back to vertical to complete target

6. When the calibration is complete the user will
need to press <OK> button to store the calibration

Page 4-61
Chapter IV Maintenance
Calibration factors
1. Select the “Calibration Factors” button from the
Calibration Carousel Menu.
2. Each line item represents the current calibration
factor being used by the system during the
alignment process. It is important to note the
location of the calibration factors, the choices are
Rack A, Rack B or the Floor.

Calibration history
Calibration History is viewed on the lower part of the
Calibration Factor Screen. Calibration History is very
useful to see how each Pod and Target has maintained
consistency from 1 calibration to the next. If either a
Pod or Target shows a significant jump or drop on the
History line, it may indicate a catastrophic failure such
as a drop to either a Pod or a Target or it may indicate
that an incorrect calibration was done at that time.

Calibration Backup and Restore

Calibration and Preferences backup offers the user or
technician a way of backing up all customized options
and alignment calibration to a flash drive. Should an
alignment machine require a hard drive replacement
the user or technician can simply restore all data from
a saved flash drive back on to the newly installed
hard drive. From the Calibration Menu click on the
Backup icon.

Backup - It is recommended after every cal-

ibration that the user backup the new data
in case of a PC or Hard Drive failure. This
enables the user to quickly restore the align-
ment system’s calibration after the operating
system has been restored. It is recommend-
ed that each time the system is backed up the
user date the flash drive. This ensures that
the most current data backup be restored.
Insert the flash drive into one of the open
USB ports on the PC. Click on the <FIND>
button to point to the flash drive and click on
<OK>. After the selection is made click on
the backup button. The user is prompted to
confirm the location.

Restore - Should a hard drive failure occur,

Page 4-62
Chapter IV Maintenance
simply install the last known alignment cali-
bration and preference data disk and restore
the aligner back to the user’s preferred pref-

note: If th e operator is not sure if th e

saved data on th e flash drive is
current it is recommended th at a
calibration be performed. Failure
to h ave accurate calibration data
can and will cause ex cessive tire

Sensor Diagnostics
This is a Service Technician mode only shown only
here for reference.

Page 4-63
Chapter IV Maintenance

Pro42 backup and restore functions should
be periodically performed in case a malfunc-
tion should occur with the Alignment System.
These periodic backups allow the customer/
technician to restore all data from that back-
up date when the Alignment System is once
again functional. When a backup on a Pro42
aligner is performed using the “database util-
ity” function, this information should only be
restored on the aligner that the backup came



From the main menu select the “Database

Utilities” button from the Main Menu Carou-
sel bar.

Select whether to backup to a thumb drive or

to restore data from that drive.

Also available is the ability to delete the cus-

tomer database. Do not select this unless
it is desired to permanently lose all the cus-
tomer data. This feature might be used when
an aligner is transferred to a new owner or

Page 4-
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Phone: 800 267 2185
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Web: www.hofmann.ca

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