DLP in Science 5

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At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 75% level of proficiency should be
able to:

a. Identify the characteristics of useful and harmful materials

b. Create a slogan regarding the use of useful and harmful materials at home and in
the community
c. Value the importance of handling useful and harmful materials


Topic: Properties: Useful and Harmful Materials
Reference: https://grade5.modyul.online/science-5-module-1-lesson
Materials: Visual Aids, Laptop and PowerPoint
Values Integration: Critical thinking, Cooperation, and Appreciation


Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Routine Activities
1. Prayer

So, before we proceed to another lesson for

today. Shall we stand up first, Let’s seek for the
presence and guidance of the Lord.

Amen. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning Class! Good morning Ma’am!

So, how are you today? We are good and happy Ma’am!

Okay. I am glad that you are all good and

happy. Are you guys excited to discover and
learn more about science? Yes Ma’am! We are excited.
I love to heart that class. Therefore, I am
expecting that everyone will participate to our
lesson for today.

3. Checking of Attendance

Let’s check your attendance first class.

Secretary, tell me who are the absent for today? No one is absent for today Ma’am.

Wow! I am very glad that there is no absent in

my class today.

B. Motivation

Since this is our first discussion for the first

grading period, I have prepared a great game for

I have here a “Magic Box”. Inside this magic

box are different materials related to our
today’s discussion. Anyone of you will pick a
material one at a time then identify whether
it is a Useful or Harmful material. Am I clear,

But to avoid struggle in choosing the person

who will pick a material inside this magic
box, I also prepared something for us to have
twist. This is called as “Rubber Duck Race”.
Each duck contains your name. Whoever
reaches the finish line first is the person who
will pick a material inside the magic box.
Understood class?
Understood Ma’am.
Alright. Let’s start the race.
Materials inside the magic box:

Thank you for your cooperation and I hope you

enjoy the game. And because of that, give
yourself a success clap. 3 clap, 3 stump, 3 raise
your hand and say “Hooray, hooray, hooray” ( Students will do the success clap )

C. Lesson Proper

Later on, as we go on our discussion we will

know if you have answered correctly and why
are those materials are either useful or harmful.

In our lesson for today you will be able to;

A. Identify the characteristics of useful

and harmful materials

B. Differentiate the use of harmful and

useful materials

C. Value the importance of handling useful

and harmful materials

This is important so that you will be able to

classify and use the materials properly.

Now class, did you try to observe around in Yes Ma’am.

your house?
Alright, Now let’s try to look around in this ( Students will observe inside the classroom )

Did you know that everything around us is Yes Ma’am.


Yes! Everything around us is matter and all

of these have different properties that make
them different from each other.

Now I have here a picture that we can see in

our home or in this classroom. Try to name it. Plastic Bottle, Bleach, Fruit or Vegetable
Peelings, Medicine and Car Batteries.

These are Plastic Bottle, Bleach, Fruit or

Vegetables peelings, Medicine and Car

We need these things in order to survive but

some of these may bring danger or harmful
effects to everyone when not properly used.

So, awhile ago you identify what are the

useful and harmful materials. And in order
for you to fully comprehend our lesson in
identifying them if it is useful or harmful lets
elaborate more.

Useful Materials - Materials are considered

useful when it served a purpose. These
materials may have properties such as
durability, resistance to water, heat or acid,
flexibility, elasticity and hardness.

Some useful materials can also be reused.


1. Plastic bottle can be reused and serve as

home decoration or bags.

2. Fruit Peeling can be decomposed and used

as fertilizer.

Now will you give an example of reused ( Students will give an example of Useful
material class? Materials )

Very good!

Harmful Materials - can be considered

harmful when they are made for certain
purpose only and can cause injury when not
used or disposed properly. Harmful materials
may have these properties such as corrosive,
flammable or explosive, poisonous or

1. Bleach when not properly used may

damage lungs and organs.

2. Medicine it may have side effects and must

use with doctor’s prescription.

3. Car Batteries are highly corrosive and

harmful to the environment when not
properly used.

Now will you give again an example of

harmful materials? ( Students will give an example of Harmful
Materials )
Very good!

Therefore, materials are considered useful

when it has already served its purpose and
also remember that it may also bring hazard
that is why it is important to learn the value
of proper way on how these materials should
be used or handle.

These safety precautions can help to keep

you and your family safe.

Safety Precautions:

1. Carefully read the ingredient list of any

product or chemical use. The label will tell
you if substance is flammable or corrosive, it
will also state whether you should use eye
protection, gloves or other equipment.

2. Be aware of the hazardous materials you

can contact with.

3. Follow safe procedures when you handle

hazardous material. Don’t take shortcuts.

4. Always wash your hands after using any

unsafe material.

5. Store materials properly, as directed on

their labels. Flammable chemical should be
stored in a cool, dry place away from heat
and sunlight.

Do you understand class? Yes, we understand ma’am.

Okay if you are already understand the

discussion. Let’s have an activity.

Yesterday I told you to bring materials for the

activity today. Please bring out your materials
such as Pencil, Oslo Paper, Crayons/Water

D. Application

Direction: Create catchy slogan about

dissemination on the information of Useful and
Harmful materials.


Craftmanship The slogan is 15
attractive in
terms of
and not
Creativity Slogan is 20
creative. Lot
of thought
and effort.
As used to
make the
Originality Exceptional 15
use of new
ideas and
originality to
Total Score 50 points

Example of Slogan:

E. Generalization

Class, What have you learned today? About Useful and Harmful Materials Ma’am.

Very good! We tackled the Useful and Harmful


But when the materials become useful? When it served its purpose Ma’am.
Correct! It is useful when it served a purpose.
Such as the Water Bottles and other used
materials that can be reused again.

But when the materials become harmful? If it is cause an injury to us or not handle
properly Ma’am.
Correct! The materials become harmful or
can cause injury when not used or disposed
properly. Therefore, we must become aware
of the proper way on how these materials
should be used or handle, in order for us to
be safe.

Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am.

That’s great! I am glad that you learned for

today. Thank you for today Class! Thank you Ma’am.

III. Evaluation

Direction: Write a check mark ( / ) if the material are useful and wrong mark ( X ) if they are

____1. Used empty bottles made into a flower vase.

____2. Fruit and vegetable peelings converted into fertilizers.
____3. Storing expired medicine in the cabinet.
____4. Old newspapers used to pack things in the store.
____5. Scattered broken glass found inside the classroom.
____6. Food boxes used as toy cabinets at home.
____7. Candy and juice wrappers made into an Eco-bag.
____8. Plastic water bottles thrown in the canals.
____9. Busted light bulbs left unattended at home.
____10. Empty disinfectant bottles not properly disposed.

IV. Assignment

Direction: Copy and fill in the table. Enumerate some Useful and Harmful materials that you
can find at home or in a school. If Useful, give examples on how you can use it. If Harmful,
explain how you can dispose of the material properly.

Materials Ways
A. Useful Materials Ways to Use

B. Harmful Materials Ways to dispose properly

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Approved by:

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