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Periodic Table of the Elements
1 2
1 H 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A He 1
2 13 14 15 16 17 4.003
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2
6.941 9.012 10.81 12.01 14.01 16.00 19.00 20.18
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 1B 2B Al Si P S Cl Ar 3
22.99 24.31 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.07 35.45 39.95
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 4
39.10 40.08 44.96 47.88 50.94 52.00 54.94 55.85 58.93 58.69 63.55 65.41 69.72 72.64 74.92 78.96 79.90 83.80
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 5
85.47 87.62 88.91 91.22 92.91 95.94 (98) 101.1 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 6
132.9 137.3 138.9 178.5 180.9 183.8 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 204.4 207.2 209.0 (209) (210) (222)
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn – Fl – Lv – – 7
(223) (226) (227) (267) (268) (271) (272) (270) (276) (281) (280) (285) (284) (289) (289) (293) (294) (294)

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
6 Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 6
140.1 140.9 144.2 (145) 150.4 152.0 157.3 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
7 Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 7
232.0 231.0 238.0 (237) (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (262)
The Elements
Atomic Atomic
Element Symbol Number Relative Atomic Mass* Element Symbol Number Relative Atomic Mass*
Actinium Ac 89 (227) Mendelevium Md 101 (258)
Aluminum Al 13 26.98 Mercury Hg 80 200.6
Americium Am 95 (243) Molybdenum Mo 42 95.94
Antimony Sb 51 121.8 Neodymium Nd 60 144.2
Argon Ar 18 39.95 Neon Ne 10 20.18
Arsenic As 33 74.92 Neptunium Np 93 (237)
Astatine At 85 (210) Nickel Ni 28 58.69
Barium Ba 56 137.3 Niobium Nb 41 92.91
Berkelium Bk 97 (247) Nitrogen N 7 14.01
Beryllium Be 4 9.012 Nobelium No 102 (259)
Bismuth Bi 83 209.0 Osmium Os 76 190.2
Bohrium Bh 107 (272) Oxygen O 8 16.00
Boron B 5 10.81 Palladium Pd 46 106.4
Bromine Br 35 79.90 Phosphorus P 15 30.97
Cadmium Cd 48 112.4 Platinum Pt 78 195.1
Calcium Ca 20 40.08 Plutonium Pu 94 (244)
Californium Cf 98 (251) Polonium Po 84 (209)
Carbon C 6 12.01 Potassium K 19 39.10
Cerium Ce 58 140.1 Praseodymium Pr 59 140.9
Cesium Cs 55 132.9 Promethium Pm 61 (145)
Chlorine Cl 17 35.45 Protactinium Pa 91 231.0
Chromium Cr 24 52.00 Radium Ra 88 (226)
Cobalt Co 27 58.93 Radon Rn 86 (222)
Copernicium Cn 112 (285) Rhenium Re 75 186.2
Copper Cu 29 63.55 Rhodium Rh 45 102.9
Curium Cm 96 (247) Roentgenium Rg 111 (280)
Darmstadtium Ds 110 (281) Rubidium Rb 37 85.47
Dubnium Db 105 (268) Ruthenium Ru 44 101.1
Dysprosium Dy 66 162.5 Rutherfordium Rf 104 (267)
Einsteinium Es 99 (252) Samarium Sm 62 150.4
Erbium Er 68 167.3 Scandium Sc 21 44.96
Europium Eu 63 152.0 Seaborgium Sg 106 (271)
Fermium Fm 100 (257) Selenium Se 34 78.96
Flerovium Fl 114 (289) Silicon Si 14 28.09
Fluorine F 9 19.00 Silver Ag 47 107.9
Francium Fr 87 (223) Sodium Na 11 22.99
Gadolinium Gd 64 157.3 Strontium Sr 38 87.62
Gallium Ga 31 69.72 Sulfur S 16 32.07
Germanium Ge 32 72.64 Tantalum Ta 73 180.9
Gold Au 79 197.0 Technetium Tc 43 (98)
Hafnium Hf 72 178.5 Tellurium Te 52 127.6
Hassium Hs 108 (270) Terbium Tb 65 158.9
Helium He 2 4.003 Thallium Tl 81 204.4
Holmium Ho 67 164.9 Thorium Th 90 232.0
Hydrogen H 1 1.008 Thulium Tm 69 168.9
Indium In 49 114.8 Tin Sn 50 118.7
Iodine I 53 126.9 Titanium Ti 22 47.88
Iridium Ir 77 192.2 Tungsten W 74 183.8
Iron Fe 26 55.85 Uranium U 92 238.0
Krypton Kr 36 83.80 Vanadium V 23 50.94
Lanthanum La 57 138.9 Xenon Xe 54 131.3
Lawrencium Lr 103 (262) Ytterbium Yb 70 173.0
Lead Pb 82 207.2 Yttrium Y 39 88.91
Lithium Li 3 6.941 Zinc Zn 30 65.41
Livermorium Lv 116 (293) Zirconium Zr 40 91.22
Lutetium Lu 71 175.0 113** (284)
Magnesium Mg 12 24.31 115 (289)
Manganese Mn 25 54.94 117 (294)
Meitnerium Mt 109 (276) 118 (294)
*Values in parentheses represent the mass number of the most stable isotope.
**The names and symbols for elements 113, 115, 117, and 118 have not been chosen.
General, Organic, & Biological

CHEMISTRY Third Edition

Janice Gorzynski Smith

University of Hawai‘i at Ma-noa

Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2016 by McGraw-Hill
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Smith, Janice G
General, organic, & biological chemistry / Janice Gorzynski Smith,
University of Hawaii at Manoa. — Third edition.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-07-351124-5 (alk. paper)
1. Chemistry—Textbooks. I. Title II. Title: General, organic, and biological chemistry.
QD31.3.S63 2016

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About the Author

Janice Gorzynski Smith was born in Schenectady, New York, and grew up follow-
ing the Yankees, listening to the Beatles, and water skiing on Sacandaga Reservoir. She became
interested in chemistry in high school, and went on to major in chemistry at Cornell University
where she received an A.B. degree summa cum laude. Jan earned a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry
from Harvard University under the direction of Nobel Laureate E. J. Corey, and she also spent a
year as a National Science Foundation National Needs Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard. During
her tenure with the Corey group, she completed the total synthesis of the plant growth hormone
gibberellic acid.
Following her postdoctoral work, Jan joined the faculty of Mount Holyoke College where
she was employed for 21 years. During this time she was active in teaching chemistry lecture
and lab courses, conducting a research program in organic synthesis, and serving as department
chair. Her organic chemistry class was named one of Mount Holyoke’s “Don’t-miss courses”
in a survey by Boston magazine. After spending two sabbaticals amidst the natural beauty and
diversity in Hawai‘i in the 1990s, Jan and her family moved there permanently in 2000. Most
recently, she has served as a faculty member at the University of Hawai‘i at Ma–noa, where she
has taught a one-semester organic and biological chemistry course for nursing students, as well
as the two-semester organic chemistry lecture and lab courses. She has also served as the faculty
advisor to the student affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society. In 2003, she received
the Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching.
Jan resides in Hawai‘i with her husband Dan, an emergency medicine physician. She has
four children and three grandchildren. When not teaching, writing, or enjoying her family, Jan
bikes, hikes, snorkels, and scuba dives in sunny Hawai‘i, and time permitting, enjoys travel and
Hawaiian quilting.

Dedicated to my family

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Brief Contents

1 Matter and Measurement 1

2 Atoms and the Periodic Table 34
3 Ionic Compounds 72
4 Covalent Compounds 101
5 Chemical Reactions 131
6 Energy Changes, Reaction Rates, and Equilibrium 181
7 Gases, Liquids, and Solids 214
8 Solutions 262
9 Acids and Bases 297
10 Nuclear Chemistry 341

11 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 369

12 Alkanes 407
13 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 434
14 Organic Compounds That Contain Oxygen, Halogen, or Sulfur 475
15 The Three-Dimensional Shape of Molecules 508
16 Aldehydes and Ketones 537
17 Carboxylic Acids, Esters, and Amides 569
18 Amines and Neurotransmitters 607

19 Lipids 638
20 Carbohydrates 678
21 Amino Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes 715
22 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis 760
23 Metabolism and Energy Production 797
24 Carbohydrate, Lipid, and Protein Metabolism 824

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25 Body Fluids

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Preface xxii
P.A.V.E. the Way to Student Learning xxvi
Acknowledgments xxxii
List of How To’s xxxiii
List of Applications xxxiv

1 Matter and Measurement 1

1.1 Chemistry—The Science of Everyday Experience 2
1.2 States of Matter 3
1.3 Classification of Matter 5
1.4 Measurement 8
1.4A The Metric System 9
1.4B Measuring Length 10
1.4C Measuring Mass 10
1.4D Measuring Volume 11
1.5 Significant Figures 12
1.5A Determining the Number of Significant Figures 13
1.5B Using Significant Figures in Multiplication and Division 13
1.5C Using Significant Figures in Addition and Subtraction 15
1.6 Scientific Notation 16
1.7 Problem Solving Using Conversion Factors 19
1.7A Conversion Factors 19
1.7B Solving a Problem Using One Conversion Factor 19
1.7C Solving a Problem Using Two or More Conversion Factors 21
1.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Problem Solving Using Clinical Conversion
Factors 22
1.9 Temperature 24
1.10 Density and Specific Gravity 25
1.10A Density 25
1.10B Specific Gravity 27
Chapter Highlights 28
Key Terms 28
Key Concepts 28
Problems 29
Challenge Problems 32

2 Atoms and the Periodic Table 34

2.1 Elements 35
2.1A Elements and the Periodic Table 36
2.1B FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: The Elements of Life 37
2.1C Compounds 38
2.2 Structure of the Atom 40

viii Contents

2.3 Isotopes 43
2.3A Isotopes, Atomic Number, and Mass Number 43
2.3B Atomic Weight 46
2.3C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Isotopes in Medicine 47
2.4 The Periodic Table 47
2.4A Basic Features of the Periodic Table 48
2.4B Characteristics of Groups 1A, 2A, 7A, and 8A 49
2.4C The Unusual Nature of Carbon 51
2.5 Electronic Structure 52
2.6 Electronic Configurations 55
2.6A First-Row Elements (Period 1) 55
2.6B Second-Row Elements (Period 2) 56
2.6C Electronic Configurations of Other Elements Using the
Periodic Table 58
2.7 Valence Electrons 60
2.7A Relating Valence Electrons to Group Number 60
2.7B Electron-Dot Symbols 62
2.8 Periodic Trends 63
2.8A Atomic Size 63
2.8B Ionization Energy 64
Chapter Highlights 66
Key Terms 66
Key Concepts 66
Problems 67
Challenge Problems 71

3 Ionic Compounds 72
3.1 Introduction to Bonding 73
3.2 Ions 75
3.2A Cations and Anions 75
3.2B Relating Group Number to Ionic Charge for Main Group Elements 78
3.2C Metals with Variable Charge 80
3.2D FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Important Ions in the Body 81
3.3 Ionic Compounds 83
3.3A Formulas for Ionic Compounds 84
3.3B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Ionic Compounds
in Consumer Products 86
3.4 Naming Ionic Compounds 87
3.4A Naming Cations 87
3.4B Naming Anions 87
3.4C Naming Ionic Compounds with Cations from Main Group Metals 88
3.4D Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Metals
with Variable Charge 89
3.4E Writing a Formula from the Name of an Ionic Compound 90
3.5 Physical Properties of Ionic Compounds 90
3.6 Polyatomic Ions 92
3.6A Writing Formulas for Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions 92
3.6B Naming Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions 94
3.6C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Useful Ionic Compounds 94
3.6D FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Treating Osteoporosis 95
Chapter Highlights 95
Key Terms 95
Key Concepts 95
Problems 96
Challenge Problems 100
Contents ix

4 Covalent Compounds 101

4.1 Introduction to Covalent Bonding 102
4.1A Covalent Bonding and the Periodic Table 103
4.1B FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Covalent Molecules and
the Cardiovascular System 105
4.2 Lewis Structures 106
4.2A Drawing Lewis Structures 106
4.2B Multiple Bonds 108
4.3 Exceptions to the Octet Rule 110
4.3A Elements in Group 3A 110
4.3B Elements in the Third Row 110
4.4 Resonance 111
4.4A Drawing Resonance Structures 111
4.5 Naming Covalent Compounds 113
4.6 Molecular Shape 114
4.6A Two Groups Around an Atom 115
4.6B Three Groups Around an Atom 116
4.6C Four Groups Around an Atom 116
4.7 Electronegativity and Bond Polarity 118
4.8 Polarity of Molecules 121
4.9 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Covalent Drugs and Medical Products 122
Chapter Highlights 125
Key Terms 125
Key Concepts 125
Problems 126
Challenge Problems 130

5 Chemical Reactions 131

5.1 Introduction to Chemical Reactions 132
5.1A General Features of Physical and Chemical Changes 132
5.1B Writing Chemical Equations 134
5.2 Balancing Chemical Equations 136
5.3 Types of Reactions 140
5.3A Combination and Decomposition Reactions 140
5.3B Replacement Reactions 143
5.4 Oxidation and Reduction 145
5.4A General Features of Oxidation–Reduction Reactions 145
5.4B Examples of Oxidation–Reduction Reactions 147
5.4C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Pacemakers 149
5.5 The Mole and Avogadro’s Number 150
5.6 Mass to Mole Conversions 152
5.6A Molar Mass 153
5.6B Relating Grams to Moles 154
5.6C Relating Grams to Number of Atoms or Molecules 155
5.7 Mole Calculations in Chemical Equations 156
5.8 Mass Calculations in Chemical Equations 158
5.8A Converting Moles of Reactant to Grams of Product 158
5.8B Converting Grams of Reactant to Grams of Product 160
5.9 Percent Yield 163
5.9A Calculating Percent Yield 164
5.9B Calculating Percent Yield from Grams of Reactant 165
5.9C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Importance of Percent Yield in the
Pharmaceutical Industry 167
x Contents

5.10 Limiting Reactants 168

5.10A Determining the Limiting Reactant 169
5.10B Using the Limiting Reactant to Determine How Much
Product Is Formed 170
5.10C Determining the Limiting Reactant Using
the Number of Grams 172
Chapter Highlights 173
Key Terms 173
Key Concepts 173
Problems 174
Challenge Problems 180

6 Energy Changes, Reaction Rates, and Equilibrium 181

6.1 Energy 182
6.1A The Units of Energy 182
6.1B FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Energy and Nutrition 183
6.2 Energy Changes in Reactions 184
6.2A Bond Dissociation Energy 185
6.2B Calculations Involving ΔH Values 187
6.3 Energy Diagrams 189
6.4 Reaction Rates 192
6.4A How Concentration and Temperature Affect Reaction Rate 192
6.4B Catalysts 193
6.4C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Lactase, a Biological Catalyst 194
6.4D FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Catalytic Converters 195
6.5 Equilibrium 195
6.5A The Equilibrium Constant 197
6.5B The Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant 198
6.5C Calculating the Equilibrium Constant 200
6.6 Le Châtelier’s Principle 201
6.6A Concentration Changes 202
6.6B Temperature Changes 203
6.6C Pressure Changes 204
6.7 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Body Temperature 206
Chapter Highlights 207
Key Terms 207
Key Concepts 207
Problems 208
Challenge Problems 213

7 Gases, Liquids, and Solids 214

7.1 The Three States of Matter 215
7.2 Gases and Pressure 216
7.2A Properties of Gases 216
7.2B Gas Pressure 217
7.2C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Blood Pressure 218
7.3 Gas Laws That Relate Pressure, Volume, and Temperature 219
7.3A Boyle’s Law—How the Pressure and Volume of a Gas Are Related 219
7.3B Charles’s Law—How the Volume and Temperature of a Gas Are Related 221
7.3C Gay–Lussac’s Law—How the Pressure and Temperature of a Gas
Are Related 223
7.3D The Combined Gas Law 225
7.4 Avogadro’s Law—How Volume and Moles Are Related 226
Contents xi

7.5 The Ideal Gas Law 229

7.6 Dalton’s Law and Partial Pressures 232
7.7 Intermolecular Forces, Boiling Point, and Melting Point 234
7.7A London Dispersion Forces 234
7.7B Dipole–Dipole Interactions 235
7.7C Hydrogen Bonding 235
7.7D Boiling Point and Melting Point 237
7.8 The Liquid State 239
7.8A Vapor Pressure 239
7.8B Viscosity and Surface Tension 240
7.9 The Solid State 241
7.10 Specific Heat 243
7.11 Energy and Phase Changes 246
7.11A Converting a Solid to a Liquid 246
7.11B Converting a Liquid to a Gas 247
7.11C Converting a Solid to a Gas 248
7.12 Heating and Cooling Curves 249
7.12A Heating Curves 249
7.12B Cooling Curves 250
7.12C Combining Energy Calculations 251
Chapter Highlights 253
Key Terms 253
Key Concepts 253
Key Equations—The Gas Laws 254
Problems 255
Challenge Problems 261

8 Solutions 262
8.1 Mixtures 263
8.1A Solutions 263
8.1B Colloids and Suspensions 264
8.2 Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes 265
8.2A Classification 265
8.2B Equivalents 266
8.3 Solubility—General Features 268
8.3A Basic Principles 268
8.3B Ionic Compounds—Additional Principles 271
8.4 Solubility—Effects of Temperature and Pressure 272
8.4A Temperature Effects 272
8.4B Pressure Effects 272
8.5 Concentration Units—Percent Concentration 273
8.5A Weight/Volume Percent 273
8.5B Volume/Volume Percent 275
8.5C Using a Percent Concentration as a Conversion Factor 275
8.5D Parts Per Million 277
8.6 Concentration Units—Molarity 278
8.7 Dilution 281
8.8 Colligative Properties 283
8.8A Boiling Point Elevation 283
8.8B Freezing Point Depression 285
8.9 Osmosis and Dialysis 286
8.9A Osmotic Pressure 286
8.9B FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Osmosis and Biological Membranes 287
xii Contents

Chapter Highlights 290

Key Terms 290
Key Concepts 290
Key Equations—Concentration 291
Problems 291
Challenge Problems 296

9 Acids and Bases 297

9.1 Introduction to Acids and Bases 298
9.1A Brønsted–Lowry Acids 299
9.1B Brønsted–Lowry Bases 301
9.2 The Reaction of a Brønsted–Lowry Acid with a Brønsted–Lowry Base 303
9.3 Acid and Base Strength 306
9.3A Relating Acid and Base Strength 306
9.3B Using Acid Strength to Predict the Direction of Equilibrium 311
9.4 Equilibrium and Acid Dissociation Constants 313
9.5 The Dissociation of Water 315
9.6 The pH Scale 317
9.6A Calculating pH 318
9.6B Calculating pH Using a Calculator 320
9.6C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: The pH of Body Fluids 321
9.7 Common Acid–Base Reactions 322
9.7A Reaction of Acids with Hydroxide Bases 322
9.7B Reaction of Acids with Bicarbonate and Carbonate 324
9.8 The Acidity and Basicity of Salt Solutions 325
9.9 Titration 326
9.10 Buffers 329
9.10A General Characteristics of a Buffer 329
9.10B Calculating the pH of a Buffer 331
9.10C FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Acid Rain and a Naturally
Buffered Lake 332
9.11 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Buffers in the Blood 333
Chapter Highlights 334
Key Terms 334
Key Concepts 334
Problems 335
Challenge Problems 340

10 Nuclear Chemistry 341

10.1 Introduction 342
10.1A Isotopes 342
10.1B Types of Radiation 343
10.2 Nuclear Reactions 344
10.2A Alpha Emission 345
10.2B Beta Emission 346
10.2C Positron Emission 348
10.2D Gamma Emission 349
10.3 Half-Life 351
10.3A General Features 351
10.3B Archaeological Dating 352
10.4 Detecting and Measuring Radioactivity 353
10.4A Measuring the Radioactivity in a Sample 354
10.4B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Effects of Radioactivity 355
10.4C Measuring Human Exposure to Radioactivity 356
Contents xiii

10.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Medical Uses of Radioisotopes 356

10.5A Radioisotopes Used in Diagnosis 356
10.5B Radioisotopes Used in Treatment 358
10.5C Positron Emission Tomography—PET Scans 358
10.6 Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion 359
10.6A Nuclear Fission 360
10.6B Nuclear Fusion 362
10.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Medical Imaging Without
Radioactivity 362
Chapter Highlights 363
Key Terms 363
Key Concepts 364
Problems 364
Challenge Problems 368

11 Introduction to Organic Molecules

and Functional Groups 369
11.1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry 370
11.2 Characteristic Features of Organic Compounds 371
11.3 Shapes of Organic Molecules 374
11.4 Drawing Organic Molecules 379
11.4A Condensed Structures 379
11.4B Skeletal Structures 381
11.5 Functional Groups 382
11.5A Hydrocarbons 383
11.5B Compounds Containing a Single Bond to a Heteroatom 384
11.5C Compounds Containing a C O Group 385
11.6 Properties of Organic Compounds 390
11.6A Polarity 390
11.6B Solubility 393
11.6C FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Pollutants 395
11.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Vitamins 395
11.7A Vitamin A 396
11.7B Vitamin C 397
Chapter Highlights 398
Key Terms 398
Key Concepts 398
Problems 399
Challenge Problems 406

12 Alkanes 407
12.1 Introduction 408
12.2 Simple Alkanes 409
12.2A Acyclic Alkanes Having Fewer Than Five Carbons 409
12.2B Acyclic Alkanes Having Five or More Carbons 411
12.2C Classifying Carbon Atoms 412
12.2D Bond Rotation and Skeletal Structures for Acyclic Alkanes 413
12.3 An Introduction to Nomenclature 414
12.3A The IUPAC System of Nomenclature 414
12.3B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Naming New Drugs 415
12.4 Alkane Nomenclature 415
12.4A Naming Substituents 416
12.4B Naming an Acyclic Alkane 417
xiv Contents

12.5 Cycloalkanes 420

12.5A Simple Cycloalkanes 420
12.5B Naming Cycloalkanes 421
12.6 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Fossil Fuels 423
12.7 Physical Properties 424
12.8 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Combustion 425
12.9 Halogenation of Alkanes 427
Chapter Highlights 428
Key Terms 428
Key Concepts 428
Problems 429
Challenge Problems 433

13 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 434

13.1 Alkenes and Alkynes 435
13.2 Nomenclature of Alkenes and Alkynes 437
13.3 Cis–Trans Isomers 440
13.3A Stereoisomers—A New Class of Isomer 440
13.3B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Saturated and Unsaturated
Fatty Acids 443
13.4 Interesting Alkenes in Food and Medicine 445
13.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Oral Contraceptives 446
13.6 Reactions of Alkenes 447
13.6A Addition of Hydrogen—Hydrogenation 447
13.6B Addition of Halogen—Halogenation 449
13.6C Addition of Hydrogen Halides—Hydrohalogenation 449
13.6D Addition of Water—Hydration 451
13.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Margarine or Butter? 452
13.8 Polymers—The Fabric of Modern Society 454
13.8A Synthetic Polymers 454
13.8B FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Polymer Recycling 456
13.9 Aromatic Compounds 457
13.10 Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives 458
13.10A Monosubstituted Benzenes 459
13.10B Disubstituted Benzenes 459
13.10C Polysubstituted Benzenes 460
13.10D Aromatic Compounds with More Than One Ring 460
13.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Aromatic Drugs, Sunscreens,
and Carcinogens 461
as Antioxidants 463
13.13 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 464
13.13A Chlorination and the Synthesis of the Pesticide DDT 465
13.13B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Nitration and
Sulfa Drugs 465
13.13C Sulfonation and Detergent Synthesis 466
Chapter Highlights 467
Key Terms 467
Key Reactions 467
Key Concepts 467
Problems 468
Challenge Problems 474
Contents xv

14 Organic Compounds That Contain Oxygen,

Halogen, or Sulfur 475
14.1 Introduction 476
14.2 Structure and Properties of Alcohols 478
14.3 Nomenclature of Alcohols 480
14.4 Interesting Alcohols 482
14.5 Reactions of Alcohols 484
14.5A Dehydration 484
14.5B Oxidation 486
14.5C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Oxidation and Blood Alcohol Screening 488
14.6 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Ethanol, the Most Widely Abused Drug 489
14.6A The Metabolism of Ethanol 489
14.6B Health Effects of Alcohol Consumption 490
14.7 Structure and Properties of Ethers 490
14.7A Physical Properties 492
14.7B Naming Ethers 493
14.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Ethers as Anesthetics 494
14.9 Alkyl Halides 495
14.9A Physical Properties 496
14.9B Nomenclature 496
14.9C Interesting Alkyl Halides 497
14.9D FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Alkyl Halides and
the Ozone Layer 498
14.10 Organic Compounds That Contain Sulfur 499
Chapter Highlights 501
Key Terms 501
Key Reactions 501
Key Concepts 502
Problems 502
Challenge Problems 507

15 The Three-Dimensional Shape of Molecules 508

15.1 Isomers—A Review 509
15.2 Looking Glass Chemistry—Molecules and Their Mirror Images 510
15.2A What It Means to Be Chiral or Achiral 511
15.2B The Chirality of Molecules 511
15.2C Chirality in Nature 513
15.3 Chirality Centers 513
15.3A Locating Chirality Centers 514
15.3B Drawing a Pair of Enantiomers 516
15.4 Chirality Centers in Cyclic Compounds 517
15.4A Locating Chirality Centers on Ring Carbons 517
15.4B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Unforgettable Legacy
of Thalidomide 518
15.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Chiral Drugs 519
15.5A Chiral Pain Relievers 519
15.5B Parkinson’s Disease and L-Dopa 521
15.6 Fischer Projections 522
15.7 Optical Activity 524
15.7A The Physical Properties of Enantiomers 524
15.7B Specific Rotation 525
xvi Contents

15.8 Compounds with Two or More Chirality Centers 526

15.9 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: The Sense of Smell 529
Chapter Highlights 530
Key Terms 530
Key Concepts 531
Problems 531
Challenge Problems 536

16 Aldehydes and Ketones 537

16.1 Structure and Bonding 538
16.2 Nomenclature 539
16.2A Naming Aldehydes 539
16.2B Naming Ketones 541
16.3 Physical Properties 542
16.4 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Interesting Aldehydes
and Ketones 544
16.5 Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones 546
16.5A General Considerations 546
16.5B Oxidation of Aldehydes 546
16.6 Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones 548
16.6A Specific Features of Carbonyl Reductions 549
16.6B Examples of Carbonyl Reduction in Organic Synthesis 550
16.6C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Biological Reductions 551
16.7 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: The Chemistry of Vision 552
16.8 Acetal Formation 554
16.8A Acetals and Hemiacetals 554
16.8B Cyclic Hemiacetals 557
16.8C Acetal Hydrolysis 559
Chapter Highlights 560
Key Terms 560
Key Reactions 560
Key Concepts 561
Problems 562
Challenge Problems 568

17 Carboxylic Acids, Esters, and Amides 569

17.1 Structure and Bonding 570
17.2 Nomenclature 572
17.2A Naming a Carboxylic Acid—RCOOH 572
17.2B Naming an Ester—RCOOR' 574
17.2C Naming an Amide 575
17.3 Physical Properties 576
17.4 Interesting Carboxylic Acids in Consumer Products
and Medicines 578
17.4A FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Skin Care Products 578
Anti-Inflammatory Agents 579
17.5 Interesting Esters and Amides 580
17.6 The Acidity of Carboxylic Acids 581
17.6A Reactions with Bases 581
17.6B Carboxylate Anions—Salts of Carboxylic Acids 582
17.6C How Does Soap Clean Away Dirt? 583
17.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Aspirin 585
Contents xvii

17.8 The Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Esters and Amides 587

17.8A Ester Formation 587
17.8B Amide Formation 589
17.9 Hydrolysis of Esters and Amides 591
17.9A Ester Hydrolysis 591
17.9B Amide Hydrolysis 592
17.9C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Olestra, a Synthetic Fat 593
17.10 Synthetic Polymers in Modern Society—Polyamides
and Polyesters 595
17.10A Nylon—A Polyamide 595
17.10B Polyesters 596
17.10C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Dissolving Sutures 597
17.10D FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Polymer Recycling 598
17.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Penicillin 598
Chapter Highlights 599
Key Terms 599
Key Reactions 600
Key Concepts 600
Problems 601
Challenge Problems 606

18 Amines and Neurotransmitters 607

18.1 Structure and Bonding 608
18.2 Nomenclature 611
18.2A Primary Amines 611
18.2B Secondary and Tertiary Amines 611
18.2C Aromatic Amines 612
18.2D Miscellaneous Nomenclature Facts 613
18.3 Physical Properties 613
18.4 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Caffeine and Nicotine 615
18.4A Caffeine 615
18.4B Nicotine 616
18.5 Alkaloids—Amines from Plant Sources 617
18.5A Morphine and Related Alkaloids 617
18.5B Quinine 618
18.5C Atropine 619
18.6 Amines as Bases 619
18.6A Reaction of Amines with Acids 620
18.6B Ammonium Salts 621
18.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Ammonium Salts as Useful Drugs 623
18.8 Neurotransmitters 624
18.8A Norepinephrine and Dopamine 625
18.8B Serotonin 626
18.8C Acetylcholine and Nicotine Addiction 627
18.9 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Epinephrine and Related Compounds 628
18.9A Derivatives of 2-Phenylethylamine 629
18.9B Drugs to Treat Asthma 630
18.10 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Histamines and Antihistamines 630
Chapter Highlights 631
Key Terms 631
Key Reactions 631
Key Concepts 631
Problems 632
Challenge Problems 637
xviii Contents

19 Lipids 638
19.1 Introduction to Lipids 639
19.2 Fatty Acids 641
19.3 Waxes 644
19.4 Triacylglycerols—Fats and Oils 646
19.4A General Features 646
19.4B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Fats and Oils in the Diet 649
19.5 Hydrolysis of Triacylglycerols 650
19.5A FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Metabolism of Triacylglycerols 651
19.5B Soap Synthesis 653
19.6 Phospholipids 654
19.6A Phosphoacylglycerols 654
19.6B Sphingomyelins 656
19.7 Cell Membranes 658
19.7A Structure of the Cell Membrane 658
19.7B Transport Across a Cell Membrane 660
19.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Cholesterol, the Most Prominent Steroid 661
19.9 Steroid Hormones 664
19.10 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Fat-Soluble Vitamins 666
19.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes 668
19.11A Prostaglandins 668
19.11B Asthma and Leukotrienes 669
Chapter Highlights 670
Key Terms 670
Key Reactions 670
Key Concepts 671
Problems 672
Challenge Problems 677

20 Carbohydrates 678
20.1 Introduction 679
20.2 Monosaccharides 680
20.2A Fischer Projection Formulas 682
20.2B Monosaccharides with More Than One Chirality Center 683
20.2C Common Monosaccharides 685
20.3 The Cyclic Forms of Monosaccharides 686
20.3A The Cyclic Forms of D-Glucose 687
20.3B Haworth Projections 689
20.3C The Cyclic Forms of Fructose, a Ketohexose 691
20.4 Reduction and Oxidation of Monosaccharides 691
20.4A Reduction of the Aldehyde Carbonyl Group 692
20.4B Oxidation of the Aldehyde Carbonyl Group 693
20.4C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Monitoring Glucose Levels 695
20.5 Disaccharides 695
20.5A FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Lactose Intolerance 698
20.5B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Sucrose and Artificial Sweeteners 699
20.6 Polysaccharides 700
20.6A Cellulose 701
20.6B Starch 702
20.6C Glycogen 703
20.7 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Useful Carbohydrate Derivatives 704
20.7A Glycosaminoglycans 704
20.7B Chitin 704
20.8 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Blood Type 706
Contents xix

Chapter Highlights 707

Key Terms 707
Key Reactions 708
Key Concepts 708
Problems 709
Challenge Problems 714

21 Amino Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes 715

21.1 Introduction 716
21.2 Amino Acids 717
21.2A General Features of Amino Acids 717
21.2B Stereochemistry of Amino Acids 719
21.3 Acid–Base Behavior of Amino Acids 720
21.4 Peptides 722
21.5 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Biologically Active Peptides 727
21.5A Neuropeptides—Enkephalins and Pain Relief 727
21.5B Peptide Hormones—Oxytocin and Vasopressin 727
21.6 Proteins 729
21.6A Primary Structure 729
21.6B Secondary Structure 730
21.6C Tertiary and Quaternary Structure 732
21.7 FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Common Proteins 736
21.7A α-Keratins 736
21.7B Collagen 736
21.7C Hemoglobin and Myoglobin 737
21.8 Protein Hydrolysis and Denaturation 739
21.8A Protein Hydrolysis 739
21.8B Protein Denaturation 740
21.9 Enzymes—Characteristics and Classification 741
21.9A Characteristics of Enzymes 741
21.9B Classification of Enzymes 742
21.9C Naming Enzymes 745
21.10 How Enzymes Work 746
21.10A Enzyme Specificity 746
21.10B Factors That Affect Enzyme Activity 747
21.10C Allosteric Control 749
21.10D Enzyme Inhibitors 750
21.10E Zymogens 751
21.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Using Enzymes to Diagnose
and Treat Diseases 752
21.11A Enzyme Levels as Diagnostic Tools 752
21.11B Treating Disease with Drugs That Interact with Enzymes 752
Chapter Highlights 754
Key Terms 754
Key Concepts 754
Problems 755
Challenge Problems 759

22 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis 760

22.1 Nucleosides and Nucleotides 761
22.1A Nucleosides—Joining a Monosaccharide and a Base 761
22.1B Nucleotides—Joining a Nucleoside with a Phosphate 764
22.2 Nucleic Acids 766
22.3 The DNA Double Helix 768
xx Contents

22.4 Replication 771

22.5 RNA 774
22.6 Transcription 775
22.7 The Genetic Code 777
22.8 Translation and Protein Synthesis 778
22.9 Mutations and Genetic Diseases 781
22.10 Recombinant DNA 784
22.10A General Principles 784
22.10B Polymerase Chain Reaction 785
22.10C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: DNA Fingerprinting 787
22.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Viruses 788
Chapter Highlights 790
Key Terms 790
Key Concepts 790
Problems 791
Challenge Problems 796

23 Metabolism and Energy Production 797

23.1 Introduction 798
23.2 An Overview of Metabolism 799
23.2A Stage [1]—Digestion 799
23.2B Stages [2]–[4] of Catabolism 800
23.3 ATP and Energy Production 802
23.3A General Features of ATP Hydrolysis and Formation 802
23.3B Coupled Reactions in Metabolic Pathways 804
23.3C FOCUS ON THE HUMAN BODY: Creatine and Athletic Performance 807
23.4 Coenzymes in Metabolism 808
23.4A Coenzymes NAD+ and NADH 808
23.4B Coenzymes FAD and FADH2 810
23.4C Coenzyme A 811
23.5 The Citric Acid Cycle 812
23.5A Overview of the Citric Acid Cycle 812
23.5B Specific Steps of the Citric Acid Cycle 813
23.6 The Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation 815
23.6A The Electron Transport Chain 816
23.6B ATP Synthesis by Oxidative Phosphorylation 817
23.6C ATP Yield from Oxidative Phosphorylation 818
23.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Hydrogen Cyanide 819
Chapter Highlights 819
Key Terms 819
Key Concepts 820
Problems 820
Challenge Problems 823

24 Carbohydrate, Lipid, and Protein Metabolism 824

24.1 Introduction 825
24.2 Understanding Biochemical Reactions 825
24.3 Glycolysis 827
24.3A The Steps in Glycolysis 829
24.3B The Net Result of Glycolysis 832
24.3C Glycolysis and Other Hexoses 833
24.3D FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Glycolysis and Cancer Cells 833
Contents xxi

24.4 The Fate of Pyruvate 834

24.4A Conversion to Acetyl CoA 834
24.4B FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Conversion to Lactate 834
24.4C FOCUS ON HEALTH & MEDICINE: Conversion to Ethanol 836
24.5 The ATP Yield from Glucose 837
24.6 Gluconeogenesis 838
24.7 The Catabolism of Triacylglycerols 840
24.7A Glycerol Catabolism 840
24.7B Fatty Acid Catabolism by β-Oxidation 840
24.7C The Energy Yield from Fatty Acid Oxidation 843
24.8 Ketone Bodies 844
24.9 Amino Acid Metabolism 845
24.9A Degradation of Amino Acids—The Fate of the Amino Group 846
24.9B Degradation of Amino Acids—The Fate of the Carbon Skeleton 848
Chapter Highlights 849
Key Terms 849
Key Concepts 849
Problems 850
Challenge Problems 854

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25 Body Fluids 25-1
25.1 Types of Body Fluids 25-2
25.2 Composition of the Blood 25-4
25.2A Types of Blood Cells 25-5
25.2B Blood Plasma 25-6
25.2C Blood Serum and Clotting 25-7
25.3 The Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide 25-8
25.3A Hemoglobin 25-8
25.3B Delivering O2 and Removing CO2 25-9
25.3C How CO2 Is Transported in the Blood 25-12
25.4 Buffers in the Body 25-12
25.5 The Blood–Brain Barrier 25-14
25.6 The Role of the Kidneys 25-16
25.6A How the Kidneys Filter the Blood 25-16
25.6B Composition of Urine 25-17
25.6C The Kidneys and pH, Fluid Balance, and Electrolyte Concentration 25-18
Chapter Highlights 25-19
Key Terms 25-19
Key Concepts 25-19
Problems 25-20

A Useful Mathematical Concepts A-1
B Answers to Selected In-Chapter and End-of-Chapter Problems B-1

Glossary G-1
Credits C-1
Index I-1

M y goal in writing this text was to relate the fundamental concepts of general, organic, and
biological chemistry to the world around us, and in this way illustrate how chemistry
explains many aspects of everyday life. I have followed two guiding principles:
• use relevant and interesting applications for all basic chemical concepts
• present the material in a student-friendly fashion using bulleted lists, extensive illustrations,
and step-by-step problem solving
This text is different—by design. Since today’s students rely more heavily on visual imagery
to learn than ever before, this text uses less prose and more diagrams and figures to reinforce
the major themes of chemistry. A key feature is the use of molecular art to illustrate and explain
common phenomena we encounter every day. Each topic is broken down into small chunks of
information that are more manageable and easily learned. Students are given enough detail to
understand basic concepts, such as how soap cleans away dirt and why trans fats are undesirable
in the diet, without being overwhelmed.
This textbook is written for students who have an interest in nursing, nutrition, environmen-
tal science, food science, and a wide variety of other health-related professions. The content of
this book is designed for an introductory chemistry course with no chemistry prerequisite, and is
suitable for either a two-semester sequence or a one-semester course. I have found that by intro-
ducing one new concept at a time, keeping the basic themes in focus, and breaking down complex
problems into small pieces, many students in these chemistry courses acquire a new appreciation
of both the human body and the larger world around them.

Building the Text

Writing a textbook is a multifaceted process. McGraw-Hill’s 360° Development Process is an
ongoing, never ending market-oriented approach to building accurate and innovative print and
digital products. It is dedicated to continual large scale and incremental improvement, driven
by multiple customer feedback loops and checkpoints. This is initiated during the early plan-
ning stages of new products, intensifies during the development and production stages, and then
begins again upon publication, in anticipation of the next edition. This process is designed to
provide a broad, comprehensive spectrum of feedback for refinement and innovation of learning
tools, for both student and instructor. The 360° Development Process includes market research,
“The writing style is accessible and content reviews, faculty and student focus groups, course- and product-specific symposia, accu-
gets the point across. I think that racy checks, and art reviews.
there are ample everyday examples
to keep the students interested in the
information. I like the bulleted-
approach because it allows the stu- The Learning System Used in General, Organic,
dents to glance over the text when & Biological Chemistry
they are reviewing for either the • Writing Style A concise writing style allows students to focus on learning major concepts
exam or doing a homework assign- and themes of general, organic, and biological chemistry. Relevant materials from everyday
ment. By looking at the bullets they life are used to illustrate concepts, and topics are broken into small chunks of information
can easily find the information.” that are more easily learned.
—Daniel Eves, • Chapter Outline The chapter outline lists the main headings of the chapter, to help stu-
Southern Utah University dents map out the organization of each chapter’s content.

Preface xxiii

• Chapter Goals, tied to end-of-chapter Key

Concepts The Chapter Goals at the beginning 1 What is pressure and what units are used to measure 3 Describe the relationship between the volume and number
of each chapter identify what students will learn, it? (7.2)
• Pressure is the force per unit area. The pressure of a gas is
of moles of a gas. (7.4)
• Avogadro’s law states that when temperature and pressure
and are tied numerically to the end-of-chapter the force exerted when gas particles strike a surface. are held constant, the volume of a gas is proportional to its
Pressure is measured by a barometer and recorded in number of moles.
Key Concepts, which serve as bulleted summa- atmospheres (atm), millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), or • One mole of any gas has the same volume, the standard
pounds per square inch (psi). molar volume of 22.4 L, at 1 atm and 273 K (STP).
ries of the most important concepts for study. • 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 14.7 psi. 4 What is the ideal gas law? (7.5)
2 What are gas laws and how are they used to describe the • The ideal gas law is an equation that relates the pressure (P),
relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature volume (V), temperature (T), and number of moles (n) of a
of a gas? (7.3) gas; PV = nRT, where R is the universal gas constant. The
• Because gas particles are far apart and behave ideal gas law can be used to calculate any one of the four
In this chapter you will learn how to: independently, a set of gas laws describes the behavior of variables, as long as the other three variables are known.
1 Measure pressure and convert one unit of pressure to another all gases regardless of their identity. Three gas laws—Boyle’s 5 What is Dalton’s law and how is it used to relate partial
law, Charles’s law, and Gay–Lussac’s law—describe the pressures and the total pressure of a gas mixture? (7.6)
2 Describe the relationship between the pressure, volume, and relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature
temperature of a gas using gas laws • Dalton’s law states that the total pressure of a gas mixture
of a gas. These gas laws are summarized in “Key
is the sum of the partial pressures of its component gases.
3 Describe the relationship between the volume and number of Equations—The Gas Laws” on page 254.
The partial pressure is the pressure exerted by each
moles of a gas • For a constant amount of gas, the following relationships component of a mixture.
4 Write the equation for the ideal gas law and use it in 6 What types of intermolecular forces exist and how do they
• The pressure and volume of a gas are inversely related,
calculations determine a compound’s boiling point and melting point? (7.7)
so increasing the pressure decreases the volume at
5 Use Dalton’s law to determine the partial pressure and total constant temperature. • Intermolecular forces are the forces of attraction between
pressure of a gas mixture molecules. Three types of intermolecular forces exist in
• The volume of a gas is proportional to its Kelvin
covalent compounds. London dispersion forces are due to
6 Determine the types of intermolecular forces in a compound temperature, so increasing the temperature increases the
momentary changes in electron density in a molecule.
and how these forces determine a compound’s boiling point volume at constant pressure.
Dipole–dipole interactions are due to permanent dipoles.
and melting point • The pressure of a gas is proportional to its Kelvin
Hydrogen bonding, the strongest intermolecular force, results
temperature, so increasing the temperature increases the
7 Describe the properties of a liquid, including vapor pressure, when a H atom bonded to an O, N, or F, is attracted to an
pressure at constant volume.
viscosity, and surface tension O, N, or F atom in another molecule.
• The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the boiling
8 Describe the features of different types of solids
point and melting point of a compound.
9 Define specific heat and use specific heat to determine the
amount of heat gained or lost by a substance
10 Describe the energy changes that accompany changes of state
11 Interpret the changes depicted in heating and cooling curves

smi11242_ch07_214-261.indd 253 12/08/14 12:43 PM

Sodium metal Chlorine gas Sodium chloride crystals

Figure 3.1
Sodium Chloride, an Ionic Compound

dd 214
• Macro-to-Micro Illustrations Because today’s 12/08/14 12:42 PM

students are visual learners, and because visualiz-

ing molecular-level representations of macroscopic
phenomena is critical to the understanding of any
chemistry course, many illustrations in this text Na+
(sodium ion)
include photos or drawings of everyday objects,
paired with their molecular representation, to help Na

students understand the chemistry behind ordinary Cl2

occurrences. (chloride ion)

Sodium metal and chlorine gas are both elements. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound
composed of sodium ions and chloride ions.

How To Name an Ionic Compound That Contains a Metal with Variable Charge
• Problem Solving Sample Problems lead students Example: Give the name for CuCl2.
Step [1] Determine the charge on the cation.
through the thought process tied to success- • Since there are two Cl− anions, each of which has a −1 charge, the copper cation must have a +2 charge to make the overall
ful problem solving by employing Analysis and charge zero.
CuCl2 2 Cl− anions The total negative charge is −2.
Solution parts. Sample Problems are categorized
Cu must have a +2 charge to balance the −2 charge of the anions.
sequentially by topic to match chapter organiza- Cu2+

tion, and are often paired with practice problems to Step [2] Name the cation and anion.
allow students to apply what they have just learned. • Name the cation using its element name followed by a Roman numeral to indicate its charge. In the common system, use the
suffix -ous or -ic to indicate charge.
Students can immediately verify their answers to • Name the anion by changing the ending of the element name to the suffix -ide.
Cu2+ copper(II) or cupric
the follow-up problems in the appendix at the end Cl– chloride

of the book. Step [3] Write the name of the cation first, then the anion.
• Answer: Copper(II) chloride or cupric chloride

• How To’s Key processes are taught to students in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner by
using examples and multiple, detailed steps to solving problems.
• Applications Common applications of chemistry to everyday life are found in margin-placed Health
Notes, Consumer Notes, and Environmental Notes, as well as sections entitled “Focus on Health &
Medicine,” “Focus on the Environment,” and “Focus on the Human Body.”

smi11242_ch03_072-100.indd 74 30/07/14 3:10 pm

xxiv Preface

New to This Edition

Chapter Specific
• A new section on determining the correct number of significant figures when using an elec-
tronic calculator has been added to Chapter 1. To help students understand density, a new
sample problem and several problems with line art have been added as well.
• Three new sample problems on isotopes, atomic size, and ionization energy are added to
Chapter 2 to further assist students in developing problem-solving skills. A new Figure 2.7
better illustrates the order of orbital filling.
• Chapter 3 includes new Sample Problem 3.2 on compounds, elements, and molecules and
new Sample Problem 3.3 on ions.
• In Chapter 4, the How To on naming covalent compounds has been updated, and a new
Sample Problem 4.11, beginning with a molecular model, has been added.
• In response to reviewer feedback, Chapter 5 includes a new Section 5.3 (Types of Reactions),
with two new sample problems. The chapter has also been reorganized so that oxidation
and reduction appear earlier in the chapter, bringing all the types of reactions together.
This addition and reorganization will help students understand and categorize common
• Chapter 6 contains a new sample problem that illustrates how to use molar mass to convert
the number of grams of a reactant to the number of kilocalories released. There is also a new
Sample Problem 6.11 on the important topic of equilibrium.
• Coverage of gas laws and gas pressure related to the kinetic-molecular theory has been
added to Section 7.2. New Sections 7.10 (Specific Heat) and 7.12C (Combining Energy
Calculations) are new, too.
• New material on colloids and suspensions was added to Chapter 8, a topic viewed as par-
ticularly useful for nursing students who sometimes give medications that must be shaken
before they are administered. Section 8.2 expands the discussion of electrolytes, also now
covers equivalents, and includes two new sample problems. It is hoped that this addition
will be helpful to many nursing students who deal with equivalents in blood plasma and
IV solutions.
• The topic of naming acids was added to Section 9.1 to aid students in identifying common
• Since nuclear chemistry is very different from the material students are exposed to in Chap-
ters 1–9, a new Table 10.2 summarizes the types of nuclear reactions; new art appears in
the How To in Section 10.3 to better visualize the concept of half-life; and a new Sample
Problem 10.5 relates half-life to radioactivity.
• Thiols have been added to Table 11.3. Chapter 11 also includes a new Sample Problem 11.11
on solubility and a new Figure 11.4 on carboxylic acids in oil and vinegar.
• In response to reviewer feedback, the topic of halogenation has been added to Chapter 12,
Section 12.9.
• Chapter 16 includes a new How To on forming acetals.
• The material on Key Reactions was expanded in Chapter 17 for clarification.
• Based on reviewer feedback, ball-and-stick models replace line structures for bufotenin and
psilocin in Section 18.8 in order to make the material more intuitive for students.
• To give students a better understanding of the many aspects of enzyme chemistry, the mate-
rial on enzymes in Chapter 21 was expanded to include enzyme classification and naming,
the effect of temperature and pH, and allosteric control.
• Section 23.6 includes new material on rotenone disrupting the electron transport chain.
Preface xxv

• Problem sets. More problems with molecular art and 3-D models have been added to the
text and the ends of the chapters.
• Design and layout. An effort has been made with the revised third edition design and layout
to move all photos, graphics, and tables closer to related material in the text.
• Photos. Roughly one-half of the chapter-opening photos have been replaced with photos
emphasizing relevant material within the chapter. More marginal photos of applications have
also been added.
• Art. The colors of subatomic particles in all nuclear art were revised for clarity and consis-
tency (Chapters 2, 3, and 10).

Our Commitment to Serving Teachers and Learners

TO THE INSTRUCTOR Writing a chemistry textbook is a colossal task. Teaching chemistry
for over 20 years at both a private, liberal arts college and a large state university has given me a
unique perspective with which to write this text. I have found that students arrive with vastly dif-
ferent levels of preparation and widely different expectations for their college experience. As an
instructor and now an author, I have tried to channel my love and knowledge of chemistry into a
form that allows this spectrum of students to understand chemical science more clearly, and then
see everyday phenomena in a new light.
TO THE STUDENT I hope that this text and its ancillary program will help you to better
understand and appreciate the world of chemistry. My interactions with thousands of students in
my long teaching career have profoundly affected the way I teach and write about chemistry, so
please feel free to email me with any comments or questions at [email protected].
P.A.V.E. the Way to Student Learning

• To divide two numbers in scientific notation, divide the coefficients and subtract the
exponents in the powers of 10.

Divide coefficients.
6.0 × 102
Subtract exponents. = 3.0 × 10−18
Practice chemistry through stepped-out practice
(6.0 ÷ 2.0) 2.0 × 1020 (2 − 20)
For a number written in scientific
notation as y × 10x, y is the coefficient
problems and end-of-chapter problems categorized
and x is the exponent in the power of 10 Sample Problems 5.9 and 5.10 illustrate how to interconvert moles and molecules. In both prob-
(Section 1.6). lems we follow the stepwise procedure for problem solving using conversion factors outlined in
Section 1.7B.
sequentially by topic to match chapter organization.
How To boxes offer step-by-step strategies for difficult
Converting moles to number of molecules: How many molecules are contained in 5.0 mol of
carbon dioxide (CO2)?
Analysis and Solution
[1] Identify the original quantity and the desired quantity.

5.0 mol of CO2 ? number of molecules of CO2

original quantity desired quantity

[2] Write out the conversion factors. How To Use Boyle’s Law to Calculate a New Gas Volume or Pressure
or so that
• Choose the conversion factor that places the unwanted unit, mol, in the denominator
Example: If a 4.0-L container of helium gas has a pressure of 10.0 atm, what pressure does the gas exert if the volume is increased
the units cancel. to 6.0 L?
Step [1] Identify the known quantities and the desired quantity.
1 mol 6.02 × 1023 molecules
or • To solve an equation using Boyle’s law, we must know three quantities and solve for one quantity. In this case P1, V1, and V2 are
6.02 × 1023 molecules 1 mol known and the final pressure, P2, must be determined.
P1 = 10.0 atm
Choose this conversion factor to cancel mol.
V1 = 4.0 L V2 = 6.0 L P2 = ?
known quantities desired quantity
[3] Set up and solve the problem.
• Multiply the original quantity by the conversion factor to obtain the desired quantity. Step [2] Write the equation and rearrange it to isolate the desired quantity on one side.
• Rearrange the equation for Boyle’s law so that the unknown quantity, P2, is present alone on one side.
Convert to a number between 1 and 10.
6.02 × 1023 molecules P1V1 = P2V2 Solve for P2 by dividing both sides by V2.
5.0 mol × = 30. × 1023 molecules
1 mol
Moles cancel. = 3.0 × 1024 molecules of CO2 = P2
Answer Step [3] Solve the problem.
• Substitute the known quantities into the equation and solve for P2. Identical units must be used for two similar quantities (liters
• Multiplication first gives an answer that is not written in scientific notation since the in this case) so that the units cancel.
coefficient (30.) is greater than 10. Moving the decimal point one place to the left and d
P1V1 (10.0 atm)(4.0 L)
increasing the exponent by one gives the answer written in the proper form. P2 = = = 6.7 atm
V2 6.0 L
PROBLEM 5.18 Liters cancel. Answer

How many carbon atoms are contained in each of the following number of moles: (a) 2.00 mol; • In this example, the volume increased so the pressure decreased.
(b) 6.00 mol; (c) 0.500 mol; (d) 25.0 mol?


A tank of compressed air for scuba diving contains 8.5 L of gas at 204 atm pressure. What volume of
How many molecules are contained in each of the following number of moles?
air does this gas occupy at 1.0 atm?
a. 2.5 mol of penicillin molecules
b. 0.25 mol of NH3 molecules
Boyle’s law can be used to solve this problem since an initial pressure and volume (P1 and V1) and a
c. 0.40 mol of sugar molecules
final pressure (P2) are known, and a final volume (V2) must be determined.
d. 55.3 mol of acetaminophen molecules
[1] Identify the known quantities and the desired quantity.
P1 = 204 atm P2 = 1.0 atm
V1 = 8.5 L V2 = ?
known quantities desired quantity
“The sample problems in this chapter [2] Write the equation and rearrange it to isolate the desired quantity, V2 , on one side.
smi11242_ch05_131-180.indd 151 12/08/14 4:08 PM

are very well written and solved with the P1V1 = P2V2 Solve for V2 by dividing both sides by P2.

appropriate level of detail. They illustrate P2
= V2

the concepts expected to be learned [3] Solve the problem.

• Substitute the three known quantities into the equation and solve for V2.

according to our course objectives.”

—Edward Alexander,
San Diego Mesa College The Importance of Percent Yield
in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Although some drugs, like the cardiac drug digoxin (used to treat congestive heart failure,
smi11242_ch07_214-261.indd 220 12/08/14 12:42 PM

Section 1.1), are isolated directly from a natural source, most widely used drugs are synthe-
sized in the laboratory. All common pain relievers—aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen—
are synthetic. The same is true for the bronchodilator albuterol (trade names Proventil or
Apply chemistry through “Focus on Health & Medicine,” Ventolin), the antidepressant fluoxetine (trade name Prozac), and the cholesterol-lowering
medication atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor), whose three-dimensional structures are shown
“Focus on the Human Body,” and “Focus on the in Figure 5.8.
Once it has been determined that a drug is safe and effective, a pharmaceutical company must be
Environment” sections woven throughout the text. Chemistry able to prepare large quantities of the material cost-efficiently. This means that cheap and readily
applications are also woven into marginal notes that cover available starting materials must be used. It also means that the reactions used to synthesize a
drug must proceed in high yield. Rarely is a drug prepared in a single step, and typically, five or
topics on consumer, health, and environmental issues. more steps may be required in a synthesis.

• To determine the overall percent yield in a synthesis that has more than one step, multiply
the percent yield for each step.

For example, if a synthesis has five steps and each step has a 90.% yield (0.90 written as a
decimal), the overall yield is
0.90 × 0.90 × 0.90 × 0.90 × 0.90 = 0.59 = 59%

yield for each step, overall yield

written as a decimal for five steps

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Louis XV, of France, 140
Louis, Saint, Psalter of, described, 128–131;
death of, 129
Lounsbury, Professor, of Yale, 84
Lowell, James Russell, 178
Luther, Martin, 215, 224

Mabie, Hamilton W., 177, 187

Macaulay, Thomas B., quoted on Baskerville editions, 245
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 181, 284
Macmillan Company, the, 26
Magliabecchi, Antonio, 292–295
Magliabecchian Library, the, 284;
George Eliot in, 291–298
Malmantile, Lippi’s, 296
Man and Superman, Shaw’s, the making of, 67
Mantegna, Andrea, 95
Manuscripts, methods of reproducing, 9
Manuscripts, illuminated, romance of, 114;
not the playthings of the common people, 115
Manutius, Aldus, see Aldus Manutius
Marie, Madame, of France, 130
Marinelli, 280
Marmion, Scott’s, 66
Martelli Chapel, the, in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 275
Mary, Queen, of England, Psalter of, described, 131–134;
referred to, 132
Mary, Queen of Scots, 156–157
Matthews, Brander, 177
Mayence, printing at, 198, 204, 216
Mazarin, Cardinal, 198
Médard, Saint, the Golden Gospels of, 127–128
Medicean Library, the, see Laurenziana Library, the
Medici, the, 147;
Savonarola’s diatribes against, 274;
and the Laurenziana Library, 280
Medici, Alessandro de’, 274
Medici archives, the, 14
Medici, Catherine de’, 136
Medici, the Chapel of the, in Florence, 284
Medici, Cosimo I de’, see Cosimo il Vecchio
Medici, Cosimo II de’, see Cosimo II
Medici, Giovanni de’ (later Pope Leo X), 275;
and the Laurenziana Library, 282, 283
Medici, Giulio de’ (later Pope Clement VII), 276;
commissions Michelangelo to erect building for the Laurenziana Library,
Medici, Lorenzo de’, Book of Hours made by d’Antonio for, 111, 146–149,
tomb of, 275;
and the Laurenziana Library, 281–283;
his personality, 281–282;
referred to, 111, 112, 148
Medici, Piero de’, 275
Memling, Hans, 142
Menelik, King, of Abyssinia, 104
Mentelin, types of, 19
Menticulture, Horace Fletcher’s, 75
Messina, Antonello di, 142
Metternich, Prince, 289
Michelangelo, letters of, 182, 290;
his plan for the façade of S. Lorenzo, 273;
Varchi’s tribute to, 275;
his tomb for Lorenzo de’ Medici, 175;
his work in the Laurenziana Library, 276;
his letter to Vasari, 278;
manuscript poems of, 287;
referred to, 14
Michelangelo archives, the, 14, 182
Migliore, 296
Milan, early printing at, 286
Millar, Eric George, quoted, 122, 123
Miller, Mr., London publisher, 66
Minium, 112, 118
Minuscule characters, described, 123;
introduced, 126
“Mirror” title, the, 94
Mochenicho, Doge Pietro, 202
“Modern” type, the introduction of, 251
Molds, early type, 201
Monaco, Lorenzo, 149, 290
Monks, the Irish, 120, 125
Monnier, Philippe, 160
Montanus, Arias, 227
Morelli, librarian of the San Marco Library, Venice, 143
Moretus, inherits the Plantin office, 234
Morgan Library, the, see Pierpont Morgan Library, the
Morris chair, the, 258
Morris end papers, the, 258
Morris wall papers, the, 258, 260
Morris, William, demonstrates possibilities of printing as an art, 14;
Golden type of, 18;
his other type designs, 18–20;
placed printing back among the fine arts, 55, 258;
Bernard Shaw’s enthusiasm for, 69–70;
his dislike of the Bodoni type, 80;
his title pages, 96;
early experiments of, 258;
the Kelmscott Chaucer, 259–268;
declines the poet-laureateship of England, 260;
death of, 262;
estimate of his work, 263;
his definition of the type ideal, 268;
referred to, 6, 96, 258
Munich, library of, 196
Murray, the House of, 65
Murray II, John, and Walter Scott, 66;
letter to Scott from, 66
Murray III, John, burns manuscript of Byron’s memoirs, 65
Murray IV, John, 26, 27, 65
Musée Condé, the, at Chantilly, 116

Naples, early printing at, 286

Nazionale Centrale, the Biblioteca, in Florence, see Magliabecchian Library, the
Nemours, the Duc de, 139
Néobar, Royal printer to François I of France, 216
Netherlandish illumination, see Illumination, Flemish
Netherlands, the, typographical supremacy of, 194, 223–244;
commercial supremacy of, 223;
devastated by war, 239
New Forest, the, in England, 158
New York Public Library, the, 196
Norton, Charles Eliot, 26;
autograph letter of, 31;
his association with the design of the Humanistic type, 32, 180–181;
recollections and reflections on, 178–183;
his meeting with Guido Biagi, 182–183

Ode to Cervantes, Dobson’s, 164

“Old-style” type, the passing of, 251;
revived by Pickering, 251
Orcutt, Reginald Wilson, 165
Orcutt, William Dana, first visit to Italy, 14;
meeting with Guido Biagi, 14, 277;
his work designing the Humanistic type, 17–33;
in the Ambrosiana Library, 24–25;
experiences with Willard Fiske, 26, 27;
apprenticeship at old University Press, 38;
experience with Eugene Field, 38–41;
experiences with Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, 52;
becomes head of University Press, 55;
his ambition to emulate methods of early printers, 55;
experiences with Bernard Shaw, 67–71;
returns to Italy in 1903, 75;
his interest in the Bodoni and Didot types, 78;
his acquaintance with Horace Fletcher, 75, 82, 84, 86;
his acquaintance with Henry James, 86;
visit to Lamb House, 89;
experiences with William James, 90–92;
experiences with Cobden-Sanderson, 96–101;
experiences with Theodore Roosevelt, 101–106;
becomes interested in illumination, 111;
meeting with Maurice Hewlett, 155–162;
experiences with Austin Dobson, 162–169;
experiences with Mark Twain, 170–177;
experiences with Charles Eliot Norton, 178–183;
experiences with William Dean Howells, 183–188;
experiences in the Laurenziana Library, 273–300;
last visit with Guido Biagi, 299–300
Orcutt, Mrs. William Dana, 165, 171
Oriental gold, 112
Orthographia dictionum e Græcia tractarum, Tortelli’s, 286
Oxford, Edward Harley, 2d Earl of, 136

Palatina, the Biblioteca, at Florence, 293

Pan and the Young Shepherd, Hewlett’s, 159
Paper, poorer quality introduced, 238;
Italian handmade, 238;
French handmade, 238, 257;
Baskerville the first to introduce glossy, 250
Parchment, English, 29;
Florentine, 28;
Roman, 28;
virgin, 113
Paris, 227
Paris Exposition of 1801, the, 258
Passerini, Luigi, 297
Patmore, Coventry, 89
Patrons, Italian, attitude toward printed book of, 11;
their conception of a book, 11;
their real reasons for opposing the art of printing, 12, 151
Peignot foundry, the, in Paris, 80
Persia, 118
Perugia, 291
Petrarca, Francesco, the father of humanism, 15;
Italic type said to be based upon handwriting of, 17, 210;
portrait of, 287, 289;
quoted, 290
Petrarch, see Petrarca, Francesco
Petrarch, the Humanistic, the type design, 17–26;
the copy, 26, 27;
the illustrations, 28;
the parchment, 28;
the ink, 29, 30;
the composition, 30;
Norton’s estimate of, 32
Philip, of Burgundy, 135
Philip II, of Spain, 227;
his interest in Plantin’s Biblia Polyglotta, 227–228, 233;
makes Plantin prototypographe, 233
Pickering, the London publisher, revives the old-style type, 251
Piedmont, early printing at, 286
Pierpont Morgan Library, the, New York, 99, 196
Pisa, 291
Pius XI, Pope, see Ratti, Achille
Plantin, Christophe, financially embarrassed by his Biblia Polyglotta, 56, 238;
his Greek types, 221;
leaves France, 223;
conception and making of his Biblia Polyglotta, 227–233;
his types, 228;
his printer’s mark, 228, 236;
made prototypographe by Philip II, 233;
the value of his work estimated, 233;
misfortunes endured by, 233;
in Leyden, 239;
made printer to University of Leyden, 239;
referred to, 79, 237
Plantin-Moretus Museum, the, at Antwerp, 235
Pliny, Elzevir’s, 240
Plutei, in the Laurenziana Library, designed by Michelangelo, 14, 276, 286,
Politian, 181.
See also Poliziano, Angelo
Poliziano, Angelo, 215.
See also Politian
Pollard, Alfred W., 27
Polyglot Bible, Plantin’s, see Biblia Polyglotta
Portland, the Duchess of, 136
Pragmatism, William James’, 90
Printed book, the, attitude of Italian patrons toward, 11–12;
competed against the written book, 199;
Aldus changes format of, 207;
Elzevirs change format of, 240;
important part played in XVI century by, 215
Printer, the, responsibilities of, in early days, 208
Printing, as an art, opposed by the Italian patrons, 11–13;
its possibilities demonstrated by William Morris, 14;
brief supremacy of Germany in, 194–201;
supremacy of Italy in, 201–215;
supremacy of France in, 215–223;
supremacy of the Netherlands in, 223–244;
lapses into a trade, 238;
supremacy of England in, 244–250;
second supremacy of France in, 251–258;
second supremacy of England in, 258–263
Printing, invention of, made books common, 151
Priorista, Chiari’s, 297
Proofreading, in 1891, 47
Psalter of Saint Louis, the, described, 128–131
Publishers, relations between authors and, 51, 63

Quattrocento, Le, Monnier’s, 160

Queen Mary’s Psalter, described, 131–134, 146
Queen’s Quair, The, Hewlett’s, 155–156
Racine, Pierre Didot’s, 251;
described, 252–258
Raphael, 113
Raphelengius, 239
Rastrelli, 297
Ratti, Achille, 25, 117
Ravenna, 128
Reformation, the, 215
Renaissance, the, humanistic movement the forerunner and essence of, 15,
Tours becomes center of, in France, 139
Repplier, Agnes, 177
Riccardi Library, the, 14, 149, 182, 290
Richardson, Samuel, 163
Riverside Press, the, 42
Road in Tuscany, the, Hewlett’s, 159
Robertet, François, 140
Roman Calendar, the, 117
Romanesque illumination, see Illumination, Romanesque
Romans, the, 7
Rome, the rich humanities of, 15;
referred to, 126
Romola, George Eliot’s, 292–299;
volumes consulted in writing, 296–298
Roosevelt, Theodore, deeply interested in physical side of books, 102;
his interest in illustration, 105
Royal Greeks, the, of Étienne, 219–222
Rubens, Peter Paul, 95, 113
Ruskin, John, 178, 182
Russia, the Emperor of, 103
Rutland, the Earl of, 131

Sacristy, the New, in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 275

Sacristy, the Old, in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 275
Saga Library, the, 260
Saint John, the Feast of, 297
St. Louis Exposition, the, 182, 299
Saint Peter, the Holy Sepulchre of, 288
Sala di Michelangiolo, the, in the Laurenziana Library, Florence, 14;
described, 276
Sale, Madonna Laura de Noves de, portrait of, 287, 289;
Petrarch’s verses to, 290
Salisbury, the Marquis of, 165
San Lorenzo, the Church of, in Florence, 274, 283
San Marco, the Convent of, in Florence, 281, 282, 288
San Marco, the Library of, Venice, 119, 141, 143, 145
San Vitale, the Church of, at Ravenna, 128
Saracens, the, 7
Savonarola, 274, 284
Savoy, the Duke of, 233
Schoeffer, types of, 19;
referred to, 198
Science and Health, 52
Scott, Gen. Hugh Lennox, 82
Scott, Walter, and John Murray II, 66;
letter from Murray to, 66
Scribes, the humanistic, base their lettering on the Caroline minuscule, 126;
referred to, 16, 21, 24
Scribes, the monastic, in XV century, 9
Scribes, the secular, in XV century, 10
Scriptorium, the, 9
Second Book of Verse, Eugene Field’s, 38
Semi-uncial characters, described, 123
Sforza Book of Hours, the, 145
“Shady Hill,” in Cambridge, Mass., home of Charles Eliot Norton, 180, 181
Shakespeare first folio, a, value of, 196
Shaw, G. Bernard, his interest in printing, 67–71;
the making of his Man and Superman, 67;
his enthusiasm for William Morris, 69;
letters from, 68–71
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 158
Sherry’s, in New York City, 187
Siena, 291
Silas Marner, George Eliot’s, 296
Sinibaldi, Antonio, the Virgil of, 16;
the Book of Hours of, 112
Sixtus IV, Pope, 142
Smith, Baldwin, 132
Smith, F. Hopkinson, 177
Somerset, John, 135
Sotheby’s, in London, 140
Spain, the Netherlands under the domination of, 227;
referred to, 112, 118
Spanish siege, the, of Leyden, 239
Spanish War, the, 179
Spell, The, Orcutt’s, 90, 184
Spires, the town of, 286
Steele, Sir Richard, 163
Subiaco, early printing at, 285
Sweynheim and Pannartz, ruined by experiments in Greek, 56, 238;
engraved blocks of, 285
Switzerland, 238
Syriac Gospels, the, 287

Taft, President William H., 188

Tapestries, the Hall of, in the Laurenziana Library, Florence, 285
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 260
Terence, Elzevir’s, 240;
described, 241–243
Ther Hoernen, Arnold, 94
Thesaurus, the, printed by Henri Étienne, 56, 238
Thompson, Henry Yates, 140
Thomson, Hugh, 166
Title, the engraved, 95
Title, the “mirror,” 94
Title page, the, Bernard Shaw’s ideas concerning, 67;
William James’ ideas concerning, 92;
“the door to the house,” 92;
evolution of, 92–96.
See also Title, the engraved; Title, the “mirror”
Togo, Admiral, 103
Torresani, Andrea, 214
Torresani, Federico, 214
Torresani, Francesco, friendship of Jean Grolier with, 214;
letter from Jean Grolier to, 215
Tortelli, 286
Tours, becomes center of Renaissance in France, 139
Tours, the School of, 126
Très Riches Heures, the, of the Duc de Berry, 116
Tribuna, the, in the Laurenziana Library, Florence, 285
Trionfi, Petrarch’s, 26, 28, 181
Triumphs, Petrarch’s, see Trionfi, Petrarch’s
Trophies of Heredia, 102
Troy type, the, designed by William Morris, 20
Turin, early printing at, 286
Twain, Mark, and the Jumping Frog, 61;
recollections and reflections on, 170–177;
the Harvey birthday dinner, 176;
referred to, 188
Type design, difficulties of, 17
Types, early designs of, 17;
Aldus’ designs of, 17;
Jenson’s designs of, 18;
William Morris’ designs of, 18;
William Morris’ definition of, the ideal, 268.
See also Humanistic type, Jenson Roman type, Jenson Gothic type, Golden type,
Doves type
Typesetting, in 1891, 44

University Press, the old, Cambridge, Mass., 5, 38, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 51, 102
Upsala, Sweden, 119
Urbino, the Duke of, 12

Vacca, the Palazzo dei della, 284

Vallombrosa, 171, 291
Van-der-Meire, Gerard, 142
Varchi, his tribute to Michelangelo, 275
Vasari, his work in the Laurenziana Library, 278;
Michelangelo’s letter to, 278
Vatican Library, the, at Rome, 117, 196
Vellum, 115, 257.
See also, Parchment
Venetian Days, Howells’, 186
Venetian Republic, the, 142;
encourages the art of printing, 202
Venice, early printing in, 94, 204, 206, 214, 286;
Howells’ love for, 186;
becomes the Mecca of printers, 202;
John of Spires in, 286
Vergetios, Angelos, 219
Verrocchio, 275
Victoire, Pierre, quoted, 220
Victoria, Queen, of England, 140
Vienna, library of, 196
Villa di Quarto, the, in Florence, Mark Twain at, 171
Villa Medici, the, in Rome, 282
Villari, Pasquale, 284, 291, 298
Vinci, da, archives, the, 14, 182, 290
Vinci, Leonardo da, sketches of, 290;
referred to, 14, 182
Virgil, Baskerville’s, 244;
described, 246–250
Virgil, illuminated by Sinibaldi, 16
Virgil, the Medicean, 287;
the story of, 288–289
Virgil, the Vatican, 117
Vita di G. Savonarola, La, Villari’s, 298
Vittoria, Alessandro, 143

Wages, in 1891, 58
Walker, Emery, designs the Doves type, 18, 19;
engraves plates for Humanistic Petrarch, 28;
at the Doves Press, 263;
referred to, 71
Walpole, Horace, 163
Warner, Sir George, 140
Widener, Joseph E., library of, 196
Wiggin, Rev. James Henry, 52
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 177
Wilhelm, Kaiser, 103, 104
William of Orange, founds the University of Leyden, 239
William the Conqueror, 158

Wilson, Francis, 38
Wilson, John, 5, 6, 38, 40, 42, 46, 52, 53, 55
Windsor Castle, 140
Wood, Gen. Leonard, 82
Wood cuts, 106
Wordsworth, William, quoted, 20
World War, the, 103
Worsley, Sir Robert, 136
Writing, see Hand lettering
Written book, the printed book had to compete against, 199

Yale University Library, the, 196

Zainer, Gunther, types of, 20

THIS VOLUME is composed in Poliphilus type, reproduced by the
Lanston Monotype Corporation, London, from the Roman face
designed in 1499 by Francesco Griffo, of Bologna, for Aldus Manutius,
and originally used in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. The Italic is based
upon that designed for Antonio Blado, Printer to the Holy See from
1515 to 1567.
The cover, a modern adaptation of the Grolier design used on Capella:
L’Anthropologia, is designed by Enrico Monetti.
The illustrations, many now appearing in book form for the first time,
were secured chiefly through the courtesy of the librarians of the
British Museum, London; the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; the
Laurenziana Library, Florence; the Ambrosiana Library, Milan; the
Marciana Library, Venice; the Vatican Library, Rome; and from private
The plates of the illustrations were made by the Walker Engraving
Company, New York City, and are printed on DeJonge’s Art Mat. The
text paper is Warren’s Olde Style.
The typography, presswork, and binding are by the Plimpton Press,
Norwood, Massachusetts, under the personal supervision of William
Dana Orcutt.
Transcriber’s Notes
Illustrations have been positioned near the relevant text.
Silently corrected typographical errors in the List of Illustrations and the
The page numbers in the List of Illustrations, the Index, and internal cross
references reflect the locations in original text, but the hyperlinks point to
the current locations.
The ends of each chapter and some block quotes had line lengths that
tapered smaller and smaller in a decorative way and did not end with a
period. Because of the variable nature of electronic texts, the author’s
intention sadly cannot be reproduced as intended.
Illustration captions on numbered pages were in italic while captions on
unnumbered pages were not. Italics removed to make illustration captions
In some captions, measurements were in parenthesis and others were in
brackets. Converted all to parenthesis for consistency.
Page 44: Corrected “Typsetting” to “Typesetting”.
Page 170: Added a thought break as the topic changes from Dobson to
Page 178: Added a thought break as the topic changes from Twain to
Page 269:The word “hopefulness” is not hyphenated in the original as part
of the decorative tapered lines. The word has been rejoined.

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will be renamed.

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