Pathway To Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

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Lawson‑Michod et al.

BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430

RESEARCH Open Access

Pathways to ovarian cancer diagnosis:

a qualitative study
Katherine A. Lawson‑Michod1,2*, Melissa H. Watt2, Laurie Grieshober1,2, Sarah E. Green3,4, Lea Karabegovic3,
Samantha Derzon3,5, Makelle Owens3,6, Rachel D. McCarty1,2, Jennifer A. Doherty1,2† and Mollie E. Barnard1,2,7†

Background: Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage, when survival is poor. Qualitative narratives of
patients’ pathways to ovarian cancer diagnoses may identify opportunities for earlier cancer detection and, conse‑
quently, earlier stage at diagnosis.
Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews of ovarian cancer patients and survivors (n = 14) and health‑
care providers (n = 11) between 10/2019 and 10/2021. Interviews focused on the time leading up to an ovarian
cancer diagnosis. Thematic analysis was conducted by two independent reviewers using a two-phase deductive and
inductive coding approach. Deductive coding used a priori time intervals from the validated Model of Pathways to
Treatment (MPT), including self-appraisal and management of symptoms, medical help-seeking, diagnosis, and pre-
treatment. Inductive coding identified common themes within each stage of the MPT across patient and provider
Results: The median age at ovarian cancer diagnosis was 61.5 years (range, 29–78 years), and the majority of par‑
ticipants (11/14) were diagnosed with advanced-stage disease. The median time from first symptom to initiation of
treatment was 2.8 months (range, 19 days to 4.7 years). The appraisal and help-seeking intervals contributed the great‑
est delays in time-to-diagnosis for ovarian cancer. Nonspecific symptoms, perceptions of health and aging, avoidant
coping strategies, symptom embarrassment, and concerns about potential judgment from providers prolonged the
appraisal and help-seeking intervals. Patients and providers also emphasized access to care, including financial access,
as critical to a timely diagnosis.
Conclusion: Interventions are urgently needed to reduce ovarian cancer morbidity and mortality. Population-level
screening remains unlikely to improve ovarian cancer survival, but findings from our study suggest that developing
interventions to improve self-appraisal of symptoms and reduce barriers to help-seeking could reduce time-to-diag‑
nosis for ovarian cancer. Affordability of care and insurance may be particularly important for ovarian cancer patients
diagnosed in the United States.
Keywords: Ovarian cancer, Qualitative research, Access to healthcare, Patient education, Delayed diagnosis

Nearly 60% of epithelial ovarian cancers are diagnosed at

Jennifer A. Doherty and Mollie E. Barnard contributed equally to this work. a late stage, at which time five-year survival is only 29%
*Correspondence: [email protected] [5]. In contrast, for the 15% of ovarian cancers diagnosed
University of Utah Intermountain Healthcare Department of Population
at a localized stage, five-year survival is 92% [5]. Stage
Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Utah, 295 Chipeta Way, Salt shifts and subsequent improvements in patient sur-
Lake City, UT 84108, USA vival have been accomplished through population-level
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 2 of 16

screening for common cancer types (e.g., breast, colon) facilitators of help-seeking behavior translate to a multi-
[3, 4, 11, 30, 34, 35, 51]. However, for a rare cancer like payer system, like the US healthcare system.
ovarian cancer, a population-level screening test would Further characterizing the complete series of events
need to have near perfect sensitivity and specificity for leading up to the initial treatment of ovarian cancer in
the benefits of the test to outweigh the risks. To date, no a multi-payer healthcare system could inform effec-
population-level screening tests, symptom indices, or tive interventions for reducing time-to-diagnosis and
other early detection tools have successfully improved treatment, which could contribute to improved quality
ovarian cancer survival [6, 9, 13, 14, 20, 26, 31]. Novel of life and survival duration. The Model of Pathways
interventions are needed to reduce the time-to-diagnosis to Treatment (MPT) is a validated framework that has
for ovarian cancer and improve survival; however, the been used to analyze patient-reported pathways to
pathway to an ovarian cancer diagnosis has not been fully diagnosis and initial receipt of treatment (including
characterized and opportunities for reducing time-to- for cancer [2, 7, 18, 37, 50]), to identify barriers and
diagnosis remain understudied. facilitators to timely diagnosis and treatment, and to
Quantitative studies have begun to characterize the time characterize patient perceptions of pathways to diag-
leading up to cancer diagnoses [1, 8, 15, 19, 21, 23, 27, 47]. nosis and treatment [2, 18, 43]. The MPT includes self-
For ovarian cancer, time-to-diagnosis is observed to differ by appraisal, help-seeking, diagnostic, and pre-treatment
disease histotype [27], and is associated with race, ethnicity, intervals (Fig. 1). While prior qualitative studies have
US geographic region, presenting symptom, and specialist focused on the perspectives of ovarian cancer patients
type initially consulted [19]. While the majority of ovarian who were diagnosed and cared for in countries with
cancer patients first present to their primary care physician single-payer or universal healthcare systems, we lever-
[19, 27], delays in diagnosis are common irrespective of the aged the MPT framework to synthesize both patient
provider specialty initially consulted [1, 19, 23, 47]. For exam- and provider perspectives on factors that influence
ple, one Medicare-based study evaluating factors influenc- time to diagnosis and treatment in a US-based, multi-
ing time-to-diagnosis for ovarian cancer estimated that 30% payer healthcare setting.
of their study population consulted more than 4 specialists
prior to diagnosis [19], and case-only studies from Denmark Materials and methods
and the UK described an increase in medical encounters Design
during the year leading up to an ovarian cancer diagnosis We conducted a qualitative study of patient and provider
[1, 23, 47]. Population-based studies out of Denmark also perspectives on pathways to ovarian cancer diagnosis using
reported changes in medical encounters in the months lead- semi-structured interviews and two-phase analysis. This
ing up to any cancer diagnosis, including an increase in the study was conducted at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, a
number of primary care visits and a greater frequency of National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Can-
switching primary care providers [8, 15, 21]. Among the 23 cer Center serving Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and
cancer types investigated, changes in primary care provid- Wyoming [53]. Reporting of the qualitative methods and
ers were most common among ovarian cancer patients [15]. findings follow the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting
These studies indicate that many cancer patients, particularly Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines [48].
ovarian cancer patients, struggle to obtain timely and accu-
rate diagnoses. Participants
While record-based studies have identified a num- Ovarian cancer patients diagnosed or treated at the
ber of healthcare system factors that influence time- University of Utah from 2/5/2018 to 8/6/2020 who
to-diagnosis [19, 27], their reliance on medical records opted to participate in the “Huntsman Cancer Institute
excludes the time prior to when an individual enters Total Cancer Care Study (TCC),” [17] and healthcare
the healthcare system. Qualitative studies have the providers with University of Utah affiliation at the time
potential to characterize the time prior to entering the of interview, were eligible for the study. Non-probability
healthcare system, thereby improving our understand- sampling methods, including purposive and conveni-
ing of factors impacting patients’ evaluation of symp- ence sampling, were used to identify eligible patients
toms, and how, where, and when patients decide to seek and providers.
care [12, 28, 49]. For example, studies from the UK and Eligible patients were identified by chart review
Denmark reported that patient normalization of symp- of TCC-consented patients within the University of
toms, scheduling conflicts, and limited availability of Utah’s electronic health record system (EHR). All
general practitioners delay time-to-diagnosis [12, 28]. It patients were 18 years of age or older, and no patients
is important to understand how these early barriers and were excluded based on gender, race, ethnicity, stage at
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 3 of 16

Fig. 1 Model of pathways to treatment (MPT): A validated framework for evaluating pathways to diagnosis. Reproduced with permission from the
publisher and authors of Scott et al., 2012 [32]

diagnosis, or ovarian tumor type. We sought to include Data collection

patients from multiple locations across the Huntsman Trained study staff conducted telephone-based inter-
Cancer Institute catchment area, including patients not views of ovarian cancer patients and survivors (KLM,
living in immediate proximity to the University of Utah. LK) and healthcare providers (KLM, SEG, MO) from
For providers we sought to include primary care doc- 10/18/2019 to 10/10/2021. All interviewers were female
tors and specialists who may interact with ovarian can- doctoral or medical students. At the start of each inter-
cer patients during the patient path to diagnosis. We view, the interviewer restated the research objectives
first identified providers through chart review of par- and participants were given the opportunity to ask
ticipating patients. This screening method returned questions. The median duration for patient interviews
limited results; thus, additional providers were iden- was 25 minutes (range: 12–38 minutes) and for provider
tified through the University of Utah “Find a Doctor” interviews was 23 minutes (range: 16–52 minutes). Par-
tool. In addition to primary care and oncology, we ticipants were not re-contacted following the interview.
targeted providers from common specialties, includ- Using a semi-structured interview guide (Supplemen-
ing cardiology, emergency medicine, and urgent care; tary Information 1), patients were asked to tell their can-
and specialties with symptomology similar to ovarian cer story with particular emphasis on their experiences
cancer, including gastroenterology, pulmonology, and leading up to their diagnosis. Follow-up questions were
neurology. intended to gather information on symptom descriptions
Eligible patients and providers received an email and timing, encounters with medical and alternative care
introducing the research study and a subsequent tel- providers, medication use, diagnostic tests, and quality of
ephone call inviting them to participate. Of 32 eligible care. Patients were specifically asked about the year prior
patients contacted, 14 chose to participate (44%), 13 did to their diagnosis, but experiences outside of that range
not respond (40%), and 5 declined (16%). Of 174 health- were also discussed.
care providers contacted, 11 agreed to participate (6%), Semi-structured provider interviews (Supplementary Infor-
156 (90%) did not respond, and 7 declined (4%). mation 2) focused on ovarian cancer symptoms and patient
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 4 of 16

pathways to diagnosis. Providers who had ever participated transcribe tool with subsequent manual review by
in the referral pathway for an ovarian cancer diagnosis were study staff.
asked about their personal experiences, while other providers Patients’ demographic and tumor characteristics and
were asked about their perceptions of patient pathways to an the dates of patients’ first visits to Huntsman Cancer
ovarian cancer diagnosis. Providers were additionally asked Institute were abstracted from the University of Utah’s
about their perceptions of ovarian cancer patients’ barriers to electronic health record. The duration of each MPT
receiving their diagnosis. interval (Fig. 1) was estimated from patient interviews in
Trustworthiness of the data was assured in the data concordance with the Aarhus guidelines [52]. From the
collection process by piloting the interview questions, patient interviews, we also abstracted patient-reported
and conducting in-depth interviewer training which symptoms and the specialties of providers they consulted
included 2–3 practice interviews and peer debrief- prior to diagnosis.
ing following interviews. Semi-structured interview
questions were written by two postdoctoral fellows Data analysis
(MEB and LG) and piloted among a group of cancer- We performed a qualitative thematic analysis using a
free individuals. All interviews were audio-recorded two-phase deductive and inductive coding approach
and transcribed following the interview. Transcrip- (Fig. 2). Deductive coding was completed by two inde-
tion was completed using the Microsoft 365 automated pendent reviewers (KLM and MEB) using a priori
codes from the validated MPT framework. The MPT

Fig. 2 Approach to qualitative thematic analysis using a two-phase deductive and inductive approach
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 5 of 16

delineates a patient’s pathway through self-appraisal and discussed any discrepancies until a consensus was
and self-management of symptoms, help-seeking, the reached. Trustworthiness of the data was assured in
diagnostic process, and planning and scheduling of the data analysis process by having two independent
treatment (Fig. 1). Deductive coding was an iterative analysts code the data and discuss discrepancies until
process, and coders met frequently to discuss discrep- a consensus was reached. All deductive and inductive
ancies and refine MPT interval definitions to improve coding was completed in Dedoose (version 9.0.46).
consistency and relevance. We evaluated inter-rater
reliability after each codebook update, and persisted
with reapplication of deductive codes until a thresh- Ethical considerations
old kappa of 0.8 was reached (final kappa = 0.825). As This study was reviewed and deemed “exempt” by the
a final step in deductive coding, the coders discussed University of Utah Institutional Review Board (Reference
all remaining discrepancies until they reached a con- Number 00123466). All patient participants had previously
sensus. Inductive coding was completed by the same provided written informed consent agreeing to participate
independent reviewers who re-reviewed all transcripts in TCC. Additionally, all patient and provider participants
to derive themes within each of the MPT intervals. Fol- received a study-specific consent letter by email, and gave
lowing the preliminary identification of themes, the verbal consent to participate in this study at the time of the
reviewers met to refine the codebook. Codes for the interview. As noted above, the research objectives were
inductive themes were created as child codes under the restated before starting the interview. Telephone interviews
deductive codes (Table 1). During inductive coding, no took place with the interviewer in a private room (office or
themes were added to the codebook with the analysis of at home during COVID-19) and the interviewee in a place
the final four transcripts indicating data saturation [42]. they felt comfortable answering questions. HIPAA compli-
The reviewers independently applied inductive codes ant data storage spaces and data analysis tools were used.

Table 1 Codebook that was used for the qualitative thematic analysis
Deductive Code Inductive Theme Sub-Themes

Appraisal Access to care Established doctor-patient relationships; continuity of care

Avoidant coping strategy Fear of a serious medical diagnosis
Perception of underlying health
Concerns about the patient-provider relationship Fear of judgment from provider
Nonspecific symptoms
Management and normalization of symptoms Menopause; aging; benign condition; existing medical condition
Help-Seeking Access to care Bringing up symptoms because of routine healthcare visits; continuity of care;
insurance; cost of care; provider availability; patient work or school schedule
Avoidant coping strategy Fear of a serious medical diagnosis or of medical tests
Persistence in seeking care
Perception of underlying health
Concerns about the patient-provider relationship Dislike of doctors; concern of judgement from providers; feeling comfortable
with a provider; embarrassment surrounding symptoms
Social support
Worsening, extreme, or abnormal symptoms
Diagnostic Access to care Continuity of care; quality of care (referrals and workup); accessibility (transporta‑
tion; distance to healthcare facility); availability (provider availability; ability to
schedule around other responsibilities, e.g., work and school); affordability of care
Provider perception of patient risk
Features of rapid diagnoses
Features of complex diagnoses
Pre-Treatment Access to care Quality of care (method of receipt of diagnosis, established referral pathways
between referring physician and gynecologic oncology); accessibility and
availability of care (rapid referrals, distance to cancer center, transportation and
lodging); affordability; education; language
Social support
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Results “A lot of the presenting symptoms for ovarian cancer

Of the 14 participating ovarian cancer patients and sur- are very vague, right? I mean, how many times have
vivors, the median age at ovarian cancer diagnosis was you had cramping? How many times have you felt
61.5 years (range: 29–78 years), and the majority of par- bloated?” (Provider 2, Oncologist)
ticipants (11/14) were diagnosed with advanced stage
disease [International Federation of Obstetrics and
Management and normalization of symptoms
Gynecology (FIGO) Stage III or IV]. The median time
Patient normalization of symptoms also delayed help-
from first symptoms to diagnosis was 2.8 months (range:
seeking and prolonged the appraisal interval. Patients
19 days to 4.7 years). Interviews of patients occurred a
who normalized their symptoms often attributed symp-
median of 15 months (range: 7 months to 3.4 years) fol-
toms to indigestion, menopause, aging, a benign condi-
lowing the initial ovarian cancer diagnosis. The 11 par-
tion, or an existing medical condition.
ticipating providers represented the following specialties:
cardiothoracic surgery (n = 2), primary care (n = 2), “With this particular cancer, you can discount all
emergency medicine (n = 2), gastroenterology (n = 2), these warning signs … Oh it’s just indigestion, or I’ve
medical oncology (n = 1), pulmonology (n = 1), and neu- eaten wrong, or I’ve got gas and I shouldn’t eat as
rology (n = 1). many beans … you can go through and discount all
The appraisal duration, the time from a patient’s first those feelings.” (Patient 6, Age 57, Stage I)
detection of a symptom to their decision to consult a
Many patients initially felt they could manage symptoms
healthcare provider, and the help-seeking duration, the
through lifestyle modifications and medications (e.g., eat-
time from the decision to consult a healthcare provider
ing more yogurt, taking tums, taking ibuprofen or other
to the patient’s first visit with a healthcare provider, were
pain pills). Patients’ perceived capacity for self-manage-
not consistently distinguishable in patient reports, so
ment of symptoms and, in some cases, successful self-
these durations were combined (Table 2). The median
management of symptoms often prolonged the appraisal
combined appraisal and help-seeking interval was
2.5 months (range: 7 days to 4.5 years), while the median
time from first healthcare consult to ovarian cancer diag- “I already had pain pills from my pain doctors, so
nosis (diagnostic) was 18 days (range: 0 days to 3.75 years), I would just take another pain pill and kinda self-
and the median time from ovarian cancer diagnosis to medicate myself. I was going to school full time
start of treatment was 8 days (range: 1 day to 1 month). and working full time as well, and I didn’t want
to stop and have to go to a doctor.” (Patient 7, Age
46, Stage I)
Common themes identified across patients and providers
during the appraisal interval included nonspecific symp- Perception of underlying health
toms, management and normalization of symptoms, per- Patients’ evaluations of their own health also modified
ception of underlying health, an avoidant coping strategy, their appraisal of symptoms. Five of the 14 ovarian cancer
access to care, and concerns about the patient-provider patients described either a recent physical exam at their
relationship (Tables 1 and 3). primary care provider’s office, a recent cancer screening
(e.g., pap smear, colonoscopy, mammography), or both.
For some of these patients, undergoing a physical exam
Nonspecific symptoms or cancer screening accelerated their path to an ovarian
All ovarian cancer patients reported at least one symptom cancer diagnosis, while, for others, normal findings from
prior to their ovarian cancer diagnosis. First symptoms a recent cancer screening or preventative healthcare visit
reported by patients included abdominal pain, urinary contributed to a personal perception of good health.
incontinence, back pain, urinary frequency, bloating,
“I had a complete physical in March: colonoscopy,
flatulence, cough, waxing and waning neck mass, weight
and mammogram, and blood work. I was feeling
gain, and tongue sores (Table 2). Most patients discussed
absolutely great.” (Patient 10, Age 69, Stage IV)
a period of appraisal before help-seeking.
Patients and providers mentioned nonspecific symp-
toms as a barrier to earlier detection of ovarian cancer. Help‑seeking
Nonspecific symptoms reported by patients and pro- Themes identified across patient and provider inter-
viders included abdominal pain, general malaise, and views during the help-seeking interval included: wors-
discomfort. ening, extreme or abnormal symptoms, perceptions of
Table 2 Ovarian cancer patient characteristics, key features of patient paths to diagnosis, and duration of MPT intervals
ID Agea Stagea Histology Routine Referral Symptoms Providers Appraisal and Diagnostic Pre-treatment Total MPT Time from
­healthcareb ­pathwayc consulted help-seeking interval interval interval diagnosis to
duration duration duration duration interview (years)
(months) (months) (months) (months)

5 55 IV SC NOS Yes Secondary FS: urinary fre‑ 1st gastro‑ 12.17 45 0.13 57.30 2.66
quency RFH: uri‑ enterologist,
nary frequency, naturopath, 2nd
incontinence, gastroenterolo‑
bloating, back gist (×2)
pain, palpable
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health

4 64 IV SC NOS No Secondary FS: abdominal PCP, general sur‑ 12.17 0.63 0.33 13.13 2.82
pain, bloating geon, radiologist
and flatulence,
RFH: lump in
(2022) 22:430

1 66 IV HGSC Yes Direct RFH: rapid PCP 0.23 NE 0.40 0.63 1.42
weight gain
12 78 IV SC NOS No Secondary FS: weight gain ED physician, 12 0.33 0.20 12.53 1.33
RFH: abdominal outpatient physi‑
pain cian NOS
11 68 IV HGSC Yes Secondary RFH: difficulty PCP, ED physician 3 0.23 1.00 4.23 0.71
9 70 IV C NOS Yes Secondary FS/RFH: neck PCP, ENT 1.37 0.6 0.03 2.00 0.84
10 69 IV HGSC Yes Secondary RFH: difficulty Urgent care NA 0.25 0.40 0.65 0.62
breathing provider, ED
physician, PCP
13 29 III Dys Yes Direct FS: tongue sores PCP 29.43 12 0.20 41.63 0.80
(“immune reac‑
RFH: abnormal
periods, weight
14 72 III HGSC Yes Secondary RFH: bladder Gynecologist, 2 0.97 0.13 3.10 1.12
discomfort PCP, initial
8 48 III Dys Yes Secondary FS/RFH: cough Urgent care 0.5 1.9 0.03 2.43 1.30
provider, PCP,
15 59 III HGSC Yes Direct RFH: abdominal PCP NA 0.75 0.40 1.15 1.13
Page 7 of 16
Table 2 (continued)
ID Agea Stagea Histology Routine Referral Symptoms Providers Appraisal and Diagnostic Pre-treatment Total MPT Time from
­healthcareb ­pathwayc consulted help-seeking interval interval interval diagnosis to
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health

duration duration duration duration interview (years)

(months) (months) (months) (months)

2 53 II SC NOS Yes Direct FS: urinary Midwife 0.33 0.17 0.43 0.93 2.21
back pain
(2022) 22:430

RFH: vaginal
7 46 I SC NOS Yes ED Direct FS: urinary Massage thera‑ 54 0 0.57 54.57 0.79
incontinence, pist, ED physician
back pain
RFH: back pain,
6 57 I EA NOS No ED Direct FS: abdominal ED physician 1.1 0.1 0.03 1.23 3.36
RFH: worsening
of abdominal
pain, and dry
Abbreviations: Unk Unknown, HGSC high grade serous carcinoma, SC serous carcinoma, EA endometrioid adenocarcinoma, Dys dysgerminoma, C carcinoma, NOS not otherwise specified, RFH reason for help-seeking, FS
first symptom, PCP primary care provider, ED emergency department, ENT ear nose and throat, NE could not estimate based on transcripts, NA not applicable, Dx diagnosis. aAge and stage defined at diagnosis. bRoutine
healthcare defined by seeing a health care provider for routine care within 12 months of diagnosis. cReferral pathways were defined as follows: “direct” patients were seen by an outpatient provider and directly referred by
the same provider to gynecologic oncology; “secondary” patients consulted with ≥2 providers prior to receiving a referral to gynecologic oncology; “ED direct” patients first sought help in the emergency department and
were directly referred from the ED to gynecologic oncology. Durations of the MPT intervals (Columns 9–13) were estimated from patient narratives. The aggregate appraisal and help-seeking interval was estimated from
a patient’s first detection of a symptom to consult with a healthcare provider. The diagnostic interval was defined from first consult with a healthcare provider to receipt of ovarian cancer diagnosis. The pre-treatment
interval was defined from the time of ovarian cancer diagnosis to the start of treatment
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Table 3 Additional representative quotes from patients and providers identified during two-phase qualitative analysis
MPT Interval Inductive Theme Quote

Appraisal Nonspecific symptoms “Mild abdominal pain, changes in bowel movements, nausea,
change in the size of the abdomen without frank distention,
sometimes pulmonary symptoms if someone has malignant ascites,
urinary symptoms, early satiety ... a broad range of often vague and
nonspecific symptoms.” (Provider 1, Internist)
Appraisal Nonspecific symptoms “Ovarian cancer is obviously one of those things where symptoms
are not very reliable, as is true for most cancers.” (Provider 3, Gastro-
Appraisal Nonspecific symptoms; Management and normalization of “... and the bloating and stuff ... I really thought two things were
symptoms; Perception of underlying health going on. I thought I was having some menopausal issues even
though I had had a hysterectomy ... I’d been doing hormone replace-
ment therapy with estradiol and low-dose testosterone, but I wasn’t
doing progesterone, so I thought maybe these were just symptoms
of menopause because I’m, you know, older.” (Patient 5, Age 55,
Stage IV)
Appraisal Nonspecific symptoms; Management and normalization of “I was mostly just tired and achy, and you could be tired and achy for
symptoms a billion different reasons.” (Patient 13, Age 29, Stage III)
Appraisal Management and normalization of symptoms; “I never would have thought of ovarian cancer. I never would have
Perception of underlying health thought of cancer. I just thought for sure I was never getting cancer
‘cause I was too healthy. My lifestyle was everything about not
cancer. I did water fasting. I ate a clean diet--it was ketogenic half
the time.” (Patient 5, Age 55, Stage IV)
Appraisal Management and normalization of symptoms “I would eat yogurt to calm my intestines.” (Patient 4, Age 64, Stage
Appraisal Perception of underlying health “I had just gone in for my yearly exam[s] … pap smear, the derma-
tologist, my eye exam. I was so on the ball.” (Patient 8, Age 48, Stage
Appraisal; Avoidant coping strategy; “Sometimes when you probe the patients a little further, especially
Help-seeking Social support the ones that don’t want to come in ... they’ll say, ‘I knew something
was wrong and I didn’t want to know’ or ‘my family member actu-
ally made me come in’.” (Provider 2, Oncologist)
Appraisal; Avoidant coping strategy “I remember looking up stomach pain, and it did say that’s one thing
Help-seeking you should not discount…but I thought well, my biggest fear was
tests. I didn’t want to have to go through tests, ‘cause they wouldn’t
be able to diagnose my problem.” (Patient 6, Age 57, Stage I)
Appraisal; Access to care “I’m very cheap and that’s one of the reasons I didn’t go to the doc-
Help-seeking tor’s, ‘cause I’m like, I don’t want to pay for this, you know, all these
tests ‘cause I know tests are expensive.” (Patient 6, Age 57, Stage I)
Help-seeking Worsening, extreme, or abnormal symptoms; Persistence in “I texted [my PCP, a nurse practitioner,] and said that [the symptoms
seeking care were] getting worse.” (Patient 15, Age 59, Stage III)
Help-seeking Access to care “I was due to see my midwife for my annual exam anyway, so I
called her.” (Patient 2, Age 53, Stage II)
Help-seeking Access to care “Their medical literacy and I’m sure their education, as well as access
to the internet, whether they can even look up their symptoms, I
could go on for hours.” (Provider 6, Emergency Medicine)
Help-seeking Access to care “I think financial sometimes is an issue. They know it’s gonna cost
them a lot of money and they don’t have insurance, or they don’t
have good insurance. That is sometimes an obstacle we see.” (Pro-
vider 2, Oncologist)
Help-seeking; Access to care “… language, that probably overlaps to some degree with socioeco-
Diagnostic; Pre- nomic dimensions; insurance, I think in this country is a big deal.”
treatment (Provider 3, Gastroenterologist)
Diagnostic Access to care “Payer issues, healthcare literacy, or communication barriers might
stall or prevent accurate diagnosis when someone is lost to follow-
up or does not show up.” (Provider 1, Internist)
Diagnostic Provider perception of patient risk “In the cases we have found and confirmed [ovarian cancer], [the
patient’s symptom] is most commonly a feeling of abdominal full-
ness or feeling like they have a mass. And I feel like there has been
one case of abnormal uterine bleeding which we didn’t think related
back to the end malignancy finding but was [the symptom] [the
patient] came in for.” (Provider 9, Gynecologist)
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Table 3 (continued)
MPT Interval Inductive Theme Quote

Diagnostic Features of complex diagnoses “I had gone to an instacare and they were like, ‘your lungs sound
fine, I don’t know, maybe it’s walking pneumonia’ and they put me
on antibiotics.” (Patient 8, Age 48, Stage III)
Pre-treatment Access to care; “I asked [my gynecologist], “what do I do now?” She said, “well you
Social support call [Huntsman Cancer Institute] ...She looked at me and asked, “do
you want me to do it?” I said yeah. She ended up making two calls to
Dr. [Name removed] to get me in and the next week I was in Hunts-
man.” (Patient 14, Age 72, Stage III)

underlying health, an avoidant coping strategy, persis- “I really hadn’t been to a doctor for a very long
tence in seeking care, access to care, concerns about time … if you go to a doctor, they’ll find something
the patient-provider relationship, and social support wrong, so I chose not to do anything.” (Patient 6,
(Tables 1 and 3). Age 57, Stage I)
Providers also described patient persistence in seek-
Worsening, extreme, or abnormal symptoms ing help as a facilitator of a timely ovarian cancer
Abnormal or extreme symptoms, or worsening of existing diagnosis.
symptoms, motivated nine of 14 individuals to seek medi-
cal care. Symptoms that prompted help-seeking included “… you’ve really got two different populations.
abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, post-menopausal [There is] the population of patients that pops
vaginal bleeding, abnormal period, urinary frequency, out and wants to get seen and scanned right away,
bladder discomfort, incontinence, bloating, weight gain, and then you have the other side of the coin where
dry heaving, cough, back pain, abdominal mass, neck mass, they’re like ‘I don’t want to know,’ [or] ‘I am afraid
and lump in armpit (Table 2). Some symptoms (abdomi- of what they’re going to tell me’ so they don’t report
nal pain, dry heaving, and cough) were severe enough to their symptoms, or they don’t come in…” (Provider
prompt immediate care at an emergency department or 5, Neurologist)
urgent care, while others prompted visits to a primary care
provider (PCP) or gastroenterologist.
Several patients described seeking medical attention Access to care and concerns about the patient‑provider
because they knew, through either formal medical edu- relationship
cation or through being aware of their own bodies, that Access to care acted as a facilitator to help-seeking,
a symptom they were experiencing was abnormal and while lack of access to care was a barrier. For five of the
needed evaluation. 14 patients, routine primary care appointments provided
the opportunity to bring up abnormal symptoms.
“I worked in gynecology. I know post-menopausal
bleeding needs to be worked up. So, I was like [my “I asked her about the lump because that’s what
vaginal bleeding] is not normal.” (Patient 2, Age you do when you go in for regular checkups. Just ask
53, Stage II) about all the little things that have been bothering
you.” (Patient 9, Age 70, Stage IV)
In contrast, other patients expressed frustration that they
had never been taught about ovarian cancer symptoms or For other patients, even when symptoms prompted
were slow to act when they sensed something might be alarm, financial concerns, provider availability, patient
wrong with their body. work or school schedules, concern about judgement from
providers, inability to find a provider with whom they
“I think I should have listened to my body, and I felt comfortable, embarrassment about symptoms, fear
didn’t do that.” (Patient 12, Age 78, Stage IV) of medical tests, and fear of a serious medical diagnosis
were barriers to seeking help.
Avoidant coping strategy, and persistence in seeking care “I didn’t want [my pain doctor] to think I was being
Patients and providers noted that a patient’s inclination a hypochondriac and trying to get more pain pills
to seek medical care can be modified by their family his- from them, so I never told them about [my new
tory and fear of a serious medical diagnosis. pain].” (Patient 7, Age 46 Stage I)’
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 11 of 16

“I really had not seen a primary care physician for a cancer. We did not observe longer diagnostic intervals
very long time. My issue was finding one that I would for individuals presenting to primary care providers com-
feel comfortable with. I did look up some, but a lot of pared to specialists.
them were not accepting patients, you know, ‘cause Patient-reported experiences of evaluation and treat-
they’re so busy.” (Patient 6, Age 57, Stage 1) ment for differential diagnoses included treatment with
antibiotics for a suspected infection related to abnor-
Providers also mentioned that financial concerns and
mal white blood cell count, evaluation for pregnancy
scheduling can be a barrier to patient help-seeking. In
prompted by weight gain, and treatment with antibiotics
addition to factors mentioned by patients, providers
for walking pneumonia related to a cough. One patient
named fear of social stigma, distrust in the medical sys-
with urinary incontinence and gastrointestinal symptoms
tem, dislike of doctors’ visits, language, and insurance as
had a diagnostic interval that lasted more than 3 years,
potential barriers to a timely cancer diagnosis.
involving multiple self-referrals to gastroenterology and
a naturopathic provider. This patient was worked up for
Social support irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) before palpating her own
Both patients and providers reported social support as a mass and requesting imaging.
facilitator for help-seeking, including through encourage-
ment to schedule and go to doctors’ appointments and “I sought out a gastroenterologist … and [the gastro-
help with transportation and childcare. enterologist] just thought that I was having IBS …
and that I needed fiber and probiotics and prebiot-
“I said [to the trainer at the gym] ‘I just feel off. I feel ics.” (Patient 5, Age 55, Stage IV)
tired. I don’t feel great. I don’t know. Something’s weird.’
And [the trainer] looked at me and she said ‘you need Many providers described how ovarian cancer can be
to go to the doctor,’ and I said, ‘I am not sick, I’m fine,’ difficult to diagnose because the disease often presents
and she said, ‘nope, you will not leave this build- with nonspecific symptoms that could have many under-
ing until you promise me that you’ll go to the doctor. lying causes. Some providers noted that these nonspe-
Something is not right.’” (Patient 13, Age 29, Stage III). cific symptoms could lead a woman to seek care multiple
times from the same provider or multiple times from a
range of providers (e.g., primary care, pulmonology, gas-
Diagnostic troenterology) before receiving a diagnosis. Providers
Themes identified across patient and provider interviews uniformly described imaging, either by ultrasound or
during the diagnostic interval included features of rapid CT scan, as critical to diagnosing ovarian cancer, though
and complex diagnoses, provider perception of patient one provider noted that “primary care doctors are trained
risk, and access to care (Tables 1 and 3). to say ‘hey let’s triage this...’ and not just scan everybody
all the time.” (Provider 2, Oncologist). Providers noted
Features of rapid and complex diagnoses patients’ persistence in seeking help or reevaluation acts
The patient-reported diagnostic process typically began as a facilitator to diagnosis.
with either a trip to an emergency room or free-stand- “I think a primary care doctor would eventually, if
ing urgent care, or a visit to an established care provider the person kept coming back with symptoms, eventu-
(Table 2). When the diagnostic interval began in an ally have to scan them and help make a diagnosis.”
urgent care or emergency room, same-day abdominal (Provider 2, Oncologist)
imaging was common, leading to a more rapid diagnosis.
Among patients who sought care from an established
care provider, rapid diagnoses occurred when physicians Provider perception of patient risk
were quick to order imaging. Informative imaging ranged Most providers noted that, apart from a patient describ-
from an x-ray to an ultrasound or computed tomography ing that she felt like she had a mass, symptoms alone may
(CT) scan. Longer diagnostic intervals occurred when or may not increase their index of suspicion for ovarian
patients received evaluations and treatments for multi- cancer. However, symptoms that providers identified as
ple incorrect diagnoses before ultimately receiving their most concerning for an ovarian cancer diagnosis included
ovarian cancer diagnosis (typically through imaging). For unexplained abdominal pain, weight loss, fevers, night
these patients, persistence in seeking help for reevalu- sweats, abdominal distention, vaginal bleeding, patients
ation of symptoms acted as a facilitator to reduce their feeling like they have a mass, and gastrointestinal abnor-
time-to-diagnosis of ovarian cancer since they often had malities. In many cases, providers described that a com-
multiple tests, office visits, and referrals to different spe- bination of more than one of these symptoms would be
cialty providers before receiving a workup for ovarian most concerning. Contextual factors providers described
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 12 of 16

as informative to the diagnostic process included: age, Pre‑treatment

reproductive history, use of hormones, family history, Common themes identified across patients and providers
and genetics. When asked if a patient’s help-seeking fre- during the pre-treatment interval were access to care and
quency increased or decreased concern for an ovarian social support (Tables 1 and 3).
cancer diagnosis, most providers mentioned that help-
seeking behaviors have many origins, and their concern Access to care
would depend on other factors, including if a patient For 13 of 14 patients the pre-treatment interval, defined
had received any prior workup. Some providers also from the time of ovarian cancer diagnosis to the start
acknowledged that many patients do not like to come of treatment for ovarian cancer, was less than 2 weeks.
to the doctor, so when patients keep coming back that is Rapid access to treatment was facilitated by relation-
worrisome. ships between doctors’ offices, a strong social support
network, hospital-based patient navigators, cancer
“My general philosophy in healthcare is that patients
center insurance and financial support programs, and
don’t like going to the doctor, so anytime I see a
travel support programs. However, one participant
patient going to the doctor [I] have to wonder what
experienced an insurance-related treatment delay of
we are missing … in general, if people show up on
over 6 weeks. Regardless of the rapid or delayed start
my doorstep, I always want to find out what’s wrong
of treatment, patients experienced anxiety about: (1)
with them, and even if I can’t find it, I keep on dig-
paying for treatment, and (2) the distance from home
ging.” (Provider 4, Gastroenterologist)
to their cancer treatment facility. Multiple partici-
pants mentioned needing to stay overnight to receive
treatment and three participants reported traveling
Access to care > 400 miles to receive care at Huntsman (presenting
For some patients, social connections increased the acces- from Wyoming, Nevada, and New Mexico). Patients
sibility of specialty providers, thereby accelerating the path described feeling supported by cancer center programs
to diagnosis. For others, limited access to specialty provid- that helped connect them with insurance and covered
ers and financial concerns slowed their path to diagnosis. the costs of overnight stays.
“I made an appointment [for the CA-125 test]... I Common barriers to care reported by providers dur-
thought okay if this is less than 200 dollars I will go ing the pre-treatment interval included lack of trust in
ahead and do it. If it’s more than 200, it’s not worth the health care system, language barriers, insurance bar-
it.” (Patient 14, Age 72, Stage III) riers, and inability to pay for treatment. One provider
described an experience during residency:
Facilitators of a more rapid ovarian cancer diagnosis
that were commonly referenced by providers included “When I told [the patient] that [she had ovarian
an established relationship with a primary care pro- cancer], her response was ‘you just killed me’ because
vider, access to specialists, and social support. Barriers to … she had no way to pay for further work up in care.
diagnosis that were commonly referenced by providers And as far as I know … she never re-presented to our
included insurance or financial barriers, distrust in the facility.” (Provider 6, Emergency Medicine)
healthcare system, language barriers, and lack of accessi-
bility of specialty providers. Multiple providers mentioned Social support
that primary care physicians are less familiar with ovarian Both providers and patients mentioned social support as
cancer as a differential diagnosis, which can lengthen the a facilitator in the pre-treatment interval. For patients,
diagnostic interval (though we did not observe this in the social support, especially from family, was essential to
current study). Some providers also mentioned that, as both their mental health and their access to care. Mul-
specialists, it is common to give greater weight to differ- tiple patients expressed gratitude that a family member
ential diagnoses within one’s own specialty. or friend had helped them with the paperwork or sched-
“I would say that the biggest barrier is the lack of uling for their first oncology appointment. Family also
knowledge that most specialist providers have, and helped with decision-making regarding where to go for
I would even say primary care doctors have, with care and supported the patient’s access to care by accom-
female anatomy, pathology, et cetera … it’s a little panying their loved one to appointments.
bit taboo, and because of that, it’s not talked about “My daughters and husband called Huntsman and
as much and probably less discussed in medical cir- got me an appointment there, and I was so grateful.”
cles.” (Provider 7, Cardiothoracic Surgeon) (Patient 12, Age 78, Stage IV)
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 13 of 16

Discussion increased all-cause mortality [41, 45]. Age stereotype

This qualitative study focused on the patient path to interventions have been reported to improve the physi-
ovarian cancer diagnosis as described by patients and cal and mental function of aging individuals [24], and
providers in a US-based multi-payer healthcare sys- may inform symptom appraisal.
tem. In contrast to prior record-based studies, we were Targeted physician education on long-standing ovar-
able to characterize time intervals that occur prior to ian symptom indices (e.g., the Goff symptom index) has
the patient entering the healthcare system. These early been suggested by other studies as a potential interven-
time intervals (i.e., appraisal and help-seeking) con- tion to decrease time-to-diagnosis for ovarian cancer
tributed the most time to delays in diagnosis (Table 2), [19], but it is important to note that the Goff symptom
suggesting that interventions to shorten the appraisal index has relatively low sensitivity (65.5%) and specific-
and help-seeking intervals may be strategically impor- ity (84.7%) [13, 22] and has not been incorporated into
tant to decreasing the time-to-diagnosis for ovarian clinical practice. In this study all providers were aware
cancer in order to improve morbidity and mortality of at least one symptom included in the Goff index and
outcomes. the majority of patients (11/14) reported symptoms
Interventions reported to shorten the appraisal interval included in the Goff index [13], yet most providers were
for other cancer types have included increased utilization uncertain if symptoms alone would increase their index
of population screening tools and symptom awareness of suspicion for ovarian cancer over other differential
interventions [10]. However, at this time, there are no diagnoses. Additionally, multiple providers stated that
effective population-level screening tests for ovarian can- primary care providers’ limited consideration of ovar-
cer [6, 20, 31]. Given the lack of an effective population- ian cancer as a differential diagnosis could prolong the
level screening test for ovarian cancer, it is important to diagnostic interval. Interestingly, this perception was
consider if symptom awareness could shorten the ovarian not consistent with results from a prior US-based quan-
cancer appraisal interval. titative study that found time-to-diagnosis was shorter
Observations from our study suggest that ovar- for patients who initially presented to primary care phy-
ian cancer symptom awareness interventions may be sicians when compared to patients who initially pre-
well received by individuals at risk for ovarian cancer; sented to gastroenterologists or urologists [19]. While
patients, particularly those who waited a long time our sample size limited the ability to evaluate variation
before seeking care, expressed disappointment that in time-to-diagnosis by provider specialty, we did not
they had not received education about ovarian cancer observe that time-to-diagnosis was consistently longer
symptoms. While patient education specific to ovar- when a patient’s initial visit was with a primary care
ian cancer symptoms (e.g., bloating, abdominal pain, provider (Table 2).
increased urinary frequency) could lead to more rapid Multiple providers mentioned that specialists give
ovarian cancer diagnoses for a small number of women greater weight to differential diagnoses within their spe-
[54], it is important to acknowledge that this benefit cialty, delaying referrals to specialists outside of their
may be offset by added anxiety and distress among field. This was reflected in patient-reported pathways
the larger population of women with ovarian cancer to diagnosis, including a patient who recounted an IBS
symptoms due to a benign condition. A study evalu- workup with gastroenterology that lasted over 4 years.
ating the predictive value of symptoms estimated that Some providers also mentioned that specialists outside
among women with ovarian cancer symptoms in the of the gynecologic field were uncomfortable assessing
general population only 1 in 100 have ovarian cancer gynecologic symptoms, pointing to the need to normalize
[39]. A less anxiety-provoking, but potentially effec- conversations about pre- and post-menopausal gyneco-
tive, alternative to patient education on ovarian cancer logic healthcare in all medical circles, starting with medi-
symptoms could be patient education surrounding nor- cal education.
mal, age-related changes in health, to increase patient Patient concerns about the patient-provider relation-
self-advocacy. Findings from our study and two UK- ship acted as a barrier to initial help-seeking and help-
based qualitative studies indicate that education on seeking persistence. These concerns included fear of
these age-related changes could be useful for reducing judgement from providers, embarrassment about one’s
symptom normalization, especially around the time of symptoms, and difficulty finding a provider with whom
menopause [12, 28]. Positive self-perceptions of aging the patient felt comfortable. The patient-provider rela-
have been associated with higher likelihood of seeking tionship is complex; however, compassion and commu-
primary care [25], and studies have observed associa- nication training and reduced use of jargon by providers
tions between age-related stereotypes (e.g., attributing may improve the patient’s perception of the patient-
disease symptoms to the normal aging process) and provider relationship [36]. In our study, we noted that
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 14 of 16

the language used to describe symptoms and experi- diagnostic delays for cancer patients, urgent referrals for
ences differed between patients and providers. Narra- patients with a palpable pelvic mass or suspicious pel-
tives of patient experiences can inform patient-provider vic mass on ultrasound were associated with decreased
communication interventions by providing references time to seeing a physician, but there was no impact on
for terminology commonly used and understood by stage at diagnosis or survival [33]. Even if reduced time-
patients. Additionally, prior studies have reported that to-diagnosis does not improve overall survival, results
the way a provider communicates modifies the patient’s from a study out of Denmark suggest that shorter time-
perception of risk [46]. In our study, patients noted that to-diagnosis can be associated with greater quality of life
reassurance from a provider that a condition was benign and satisfaction after adjusting for age, stage, treatment
led to normalization of symptoms and reduced help- status, and type of treatment received [38].
seeking behavior. This finding is consistent with a prior Strengths of our study included the qualitative nature
observation of a positive association between greater of the study, which allowed us to characterize the
gynecologic symptom concern and increased odds of appraisal and help-seeking intervals, and the inclusion
help-seeking [49]. of a range of provider perspectives, which allowed us to
Narratives from both patients and providers suggested consider patient and provider interactions across differ-
that the help-seeking, diagnostic and pre-treatment MPT ent referral pathways. While the generalizability of our
intervals could be shortened with improved access to study was limited because we recruited patients from
care. For 5/14 patient participants in our study, routine an academic tertiary care center, our patient population
appointments with primary care providers facilitated included individuals referred from Veteran’s Adminis-
a more rapid diagnosis by presenting an opportunity to tration systems and both rural and urban community-
bring up symptoms that the patient may not have dis- based practices. Another possible limitation was the
cussed otherwise. Patient-perceived barriers to care reliance on patient reports for calculating the time-to-
included the timing, location and availability of appoint- diagnosis and time in each MPT interval. This may have
ments, financial barriers, and insurance issues. Provid- introduced error in our estimates; however, relying on
ers also emphasized that for some patients access to care patients rather than medical record systems allowed us
was a major barrier to timely diagnosis of ovarian can- to consider medical encounters that occurred across
cer. While competing demands and provider availabil- multiple medical facilities and systems.
ity were also reported as barriers to timely diagnosis in Interventions are urgently needed to shorten the
UK-based studies [12, 28], financial barriers and insur- pathway to diagnosis for ovarian cancer, in order to
ance issues were unique to our US-based study. Prior improve quality of life and potentially survival [38].
studies have suggested that offering after-hours care and Our study expands on prior work by identifying patient
increasing reliance on nurse practitioners may improve and provider reported barriers and facilitators of timely
availability of care [44]. Policy-level interventions includ- ovarian cancer diagnosis in the US across the MPT
ing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid expan- intervals, including during the appraisal and help-seek-
sion may also reduce the time to cancer diagnosis in the ing intervals. While prior quantitative studies indicated
US multi-payer healthcare system, particularly for non- that reducing the time to an ovarian cancer diagnosis
elderly patients and underserved populations [16, 29, 40]. did not improve stage at diagnosis or ovarian cancer
These system-level interventions could impact the help- survival, these studies focused on the diagnostic and
seeking, diagnostic, and pre-treatment MPT intervals by treatment intervals only [32, 33]. Our findings suggest
making it easier to schedule and pay for guideline-con- that shortening the appraisal and help-seeking inter-
cordant care. vals may allow for a more dramatic reduction in time-
Our study provides insights into when and why delays to-diagnosis. Further studies are needed to understand
in ovarian cancer diagnosis may occur. These insights if shortening the appraisal and help-seeking intervals
allowed us to posit interventions that may decrease can reduce time-to-diagnosis and improve survival and
time-to-diagnosis, but, without rigorous evaluation of quality of life for ovarian cancer patients.
these interventions, we cannot know if they would result
in stage shifts that consequently improve survival, or
quality of life. For example, in the Australian Ovarian US: United States; UK: United Kingdom; MPT: The Model of Pathways to Treat‑
Cancer Study, a survey-based case-control study, there ment; TCC​: Total Cancer Care Study; EHR: Electronic health record system;
was no association between shorter time-to-diagnosis FIGO: International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology; CT: Computed
tomography; IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome; CA: Cancer Antigen; UKCTOCS:
and disease stage or survival [32]. Similarly, when the UK UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening; PLCO: The Prostate, Lung,
implemented an urgent referral system to try to reduce Colorectal, and Ovarian; ACA​: The Affordable Care Act.
Lawson‑Michod et al. BMC Women’s Health (2022) 22:430 Page 15 of 16

Supplementary Information Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Univer‑

sity of Utah, 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA. 3 Department
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​
of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Utah, 30 N 1900 E, Salt
Lake City, UT 84132, USA. 4 Danbury Hospital Department of Surgery, Danbury
Hospital, 24 Hospital Ave, Danbury, CT 06810, USA. 5 Utah Valley Hospital, Utah
Additional file 1: Supplementary Information 1. Patient semi-struc‑ Valley Family Medicine Residency, Intermountain Healthcare, 475 W 940 N,
tured telephone interview questions. Provo, UT 84604, USA. 6 San Antonio Military Medical Center Internal Medicine
Additional file 2: Supplementary Information 2. Provider semi-struc‑ Residency, Brooke Army Medical Center, 3551 Roger Brooke Dr, San Antonio,
tured telephone interview questions. TX 78234, USA. 7 Slone Epidemiology Center, Boston University Chobanian &
Avedisian School of Medicine, 72 East Concord St., Boston, MA 02118, USA.

Acknowledgements Received: 29 August 2022 Accepted: 14 October 2022

We would like to thank Carlo Cardozo for his assistance with interview

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