Djaa 048
Djaa 048
Djaa 048
doi: 10.1093/jnci/djaa048
First published online April 27, 2020
Background: Lack of health insurance coverage is associated with poor access and receipt of cancer care and survival in the
United States. Disruptions in coverage are common among low-income populations, but little is known about associations of
disruptions with cancer care, including prevention, screening, and treatment, as well as outcomes of stage at diagnosis and
survival. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies of health insurance coverage disruptions and cancer care
and outcomes published between 1980 and 2019. We used the PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, and CINAHL databases and
identified 29 observational studies. Study characteristics and key findings were abstracted and synthesized qualitatively.
Results: Studies evaluated associations between coverage disruptions and prevention or screening (31.0%), treatment (13.8%),
end-of-life care (10.3%), stage at diagnosis (44.8%), and survival (20.7%). Coverage disruptions ranged from 4.3% to 32.8% of
patients age-eligible for breast, cervical, or colorectal cancer screening. Between 22.1% and 59.5% of patients with Medicaid
gained coverage only at or after cancer diagnosis. Coverage disruptions were consistently statistically significantly associated
with lower receipt of prevention, screening, and treatment. Among patients with cancer, those with Medicaid disruptions
were statistically significantly more likely to have advanced stage (odds ratios ¼ 1.2-3.8) and worse survival (hazard ratios ¼
1.28-2.43) than patients without disruptions. Conclusions: Health insurance coverage disruptions are common and adversely
associated with receipt of cancer care and survival. Improved data infrastructure and quasi-experimental study designs will
be important for evaluating the associations of federal and state policies on coverage disruptions and care and outcomes.
Lack of health insurance coverage is one of the strongest predic- Following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act
tors of poor cancer outcomes in the United States (1–4). The unin- (ACA), there were historic increases in the number of working-
sured are less likely to receive evidence-based care throughout age Americans with health insurance coverage (14). Even so,
the cancer control continuum, including prevention and screen- some adults experience insurance coverage losses and/or gains
ing, diagnosis, treatment (ie, surgery, radiation therapy, and sys- within a single year (15,16). Coverage disruptions and health in-
temic therapies) and symptom management, survivorship, and surance coverage churn are especially common among the poor
end-of-life care than their counterparts with health insurance and those with Medicaid coverage (17). Research conducted in
coverage (2,5). The uninsured are also more likely to have later pediatric populations consistently shows that health insurance
stage of disease at diagnosis (6,7) and poorer survival (4,7). coverage disruptions are associated with reduced access to care
Because health insurance coverage can reduce health disparities (18). In the few studies of coverage disruptions conducted in
in populations defined by race or ethnicity, poverty, and geogra- adults, even a single loss of coverage of at least 1 month is asso-
phy (2,8–13), expanding public and private health insurance cov- ciated with worse access to care (19), delaying or forgoing care
erage options has been the focus of many policy efforts. (20), more emergency department use (15,21,22), and declines in
Received: December 27, 2019; Revised: February 12, 2020; Accepted: March 27, 2020
Published by Oxford University Press 2020. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.
672 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
overall health (15). Transitions between health plans can also literature review, and Supplemental Figure 1 (available online)
disrupt access to usual source of care and provider networks. illustrates the search process.
However, to date, most research on the health effects of insur-
ance coverage has measured and evaluated coverage at only a
single point in time (eg, at cancer diagnosis) (3,4,23–26), and
Data Abstraction
synthesis of research addressing the effects of disruptions in
insurance coverage on cancer care and outcomes across the Data were abstracted on study characteristics, including year of
cancer control continuum is needed. Understanding the asso- publication, data source(s), geographic setting (national, multi-
ciations of coverage disruptions with care is especially rele- ple states/cities, single state), and study design (cross-sectional,
vant given the rapidly changing health insurance landscape cohort, intervention). Component(s) of the cancer control con-
in the United States. In this study, we conducted a systematic tinuum (prevention, screening, treatment, survivorship/sur-
review of published peer-reviewed research to assess the vival, and end-of-life care) and outcome measures (receipt of
associations of health insurance coverage disruptions with care, stage at diagnosis, survival and/or mortality, spending)
care and outcomes, including cancer prevention, screening, were also recorded. Although earlier stage of disease at diagno-
and stage of disease at diagnosis, treatment, survival, and sis can reflect receipt of regular screening for breast, cervical,
January 1, 1980, and July 31, 2019. We started the literature prevalence and type of coverage disruption and the associations
search in 1980 and ended with the most recent year to ensure between coverage disruption and care and/or outcomes. A sin-
we identified as many relevant studies as possible. In the gle author (J.Z.) abstracted data from the included studies, and
PubMed database, our search strategy combined Medical another author (K.R.Y.) reviewed these data. Any inconsisten-
Subject Heading and title and abstract terms for neoplasms, cies were resolved by consensus. The heterogeneity of underly-
health insurance coverage, and health insurance enrollment ing study populations, coverage disruption measures, time
(see Supplemental Methods, available online). This search strat- periods, and component of the cancer control continuum pre-
egy was replicated in the EMBASE, Scopus, and CINAHL data- cluded a quantitative data synthesis. We performed a qualita-
bases, and the combined searches yielded 1523 unique articles. tive synthesis of study findings by outcome examined.
A single reviewer (J.Z.) assessed the abstracts of these articles
for eligibility. Included studies were required to quantitatively
assess insurance coverage at more than 1 time point to allow
measurement of coverage disruptions (a period with insurance
coverage and a period either without coverage or with a change
Study, Patient, and Insurance Coverage Characteristics
in coverage) and examine the association between coverage dis-
ruption and cancer-related care (ie, prevention, screening, Most studies were conducted and published before 2014, con-
follow-up of abnormal findings, treatment, survivorship, or ducted in a single state, and used cancer registry data linked to
end-of-life care) or outcomes (ie, stage of disease at diagnosis, Medicaid enrollment data (Table 1). Studies were published af-
survival). We excluded studies conducted outside the United ter the passage of the ACA in 2010, but none evaluated the
States or whose only source of health insurance coverage infor- effects of the ACA on coverage disruptions or on the association
mation was from cancer registry data, because registries only of disruptions with care receipt or outcomes. Studies also used
report coverage at a single time point consolidated after cancer survey data or Medicaid enrollment and claims data only with-
diagnosis. We also excluded editorials, commentaries, and re- out registry linkage. Outcomes from claims, such as screening
view articles. Questions about article eligibility were resolved by or treatment, are reported only during periods of continuous
consensus. Following abstract review, 66 full articles were coverage. Studies evaluated associations between coverage dis-
reviewed, and of these, 24 met the inclusion criteria. Reference ruptions and prevention or screening (31.0%), stage of disease at
lists of included articles were hand-searched, and an additional diagnosis (44.8%), treatment (13.8%), survivorship or survival
5 articles were identified for a total of 29 articles (27–55). This (20.7%), and end-of-life care (10.3%). A single study evaluated
systematic review was conducted in accordance with Preferred health-care spending. Most were conducted in samples of at
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses least 1000 patients, and among studies that evaluated patients
guidelines ( Supplemental Table 1 after a cancer diagnosis, the most common types were breast,
(available online) describes the search terms used in the cervical, colorectal, and lung.
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 673
ing of coverage varied widely.
Spending 1 (3.1)
All studies included a comparison group, although compar-
Patient characteristics
ison groups varied, and included the continuously insured,
No. of patients
without Medicaid coverage (both uninsured and insured), in-
<999 3 (10.3)
1000-9999 11 (37.9)
sured before diagnosis, and a combination of continuously in-
10 000þ 15 (51.7) sured and continuously uninsured. Although some studies
Age groupa included populations with all types of coverage, including pri-
<18 13 (44.8) vate coverage, none of the studies evaluated coverage disrup-
18-39 21 (72.4) tions exclusively among those with private coverage or
40-64 25 (82.8) transitions between different private insurance plans.
Cancer site(s)a Heterogeneity of geographic region, patient population, meas-
Breast 8 (27.6) ures, and outcomes in the underlying studies precluded the
Cervical 6 (20.7) measurement of trends over time.
Colorectal 6 (20.7)
Lung 6 (20.7)
Other cancer sites 4 (13.8) Cancer Prevention and Screening
Multiple cancer types (eg, gynecologic, 3 (10.3)
AYA) For the studies evaluating cancer prevention and screening,
All cancer sites 2 (6.9) details of study populations, settings, measures of coverage dis-
Without cancer 9 (31.0) ruptions and outcomes, comparison groups, and key findings
Insurance coverage are listed in Table 2. One study evaluated associations between
Coverage disruption evaluated coverage disruptions and HPV vaccination in adolescent girls
Medicaid only 22 (75.9) (39), and 8 studies examined associations between disruptions
Multiple types of coverage 7 (24.1) and cancer screening in age-eligible adults (27–32,37,38).
Source of coverage measure Prevalence of coverage disruptions ranged from 4.3% to 32.8% in
Registry 1 (3.4) samples of adults without a cancer history and age-eligible for
Self-report 6 (20.7)
cancer screening in studies that reported this information
Enrollment and claims 21 (72.4)
(27,30). Coverage disruptions were statistically significantly as-
Other 1 (3.4)
sociated with less frequent receipt of prevention or screening in
Coverage disruption measure(s)a
7 of 9 studies; associations were null in the remaining 2 studies.
Coverage gap 8 (27.6)
Coverage disruptions were statistically significantly associated
Duration of coverage gap 2 (6.9)
with less use of mammography (27–29,32,37) and Pap testing
(27–29) compared with continuously insured women or women
Ayanian et al., 2000 223 128 adults National; BRFSS, 1997-1998 Self-reported short-term Self-reported Pap test 3 y, 4.3 % short-term uninsured
(27) aged 18-64 uninsured (uninsured mammography 2 y, fe- Compared with currently insured, short-term uninsured
y <1 y) with coverage gap cal occult blood test 2 y, were less likely to receive mammography (78.7% vs
<1 year vs currently in- and sigmoidoscopy 5 y 89.0%, P < .05) or Pap test (89.5% vs 93.7%, P < .05)
sured (private and/or among eligible adults No differences observed for receipt of CRC screenings
Bednarek and 11 755 women National; MEPS, 1996 Self-reported duration of Self-reported use of mam- Percentage short-term insured 1-6 and 7-11 mo not
Schone, 2003 (28) aged 21-64 private or public cover- mography and Pap test reported
y age, measured as 1-6 mo, 2 y among eligible Compared with continuously insured for 12 mo, insured
7-11 mo vs all 12 mo women for 1-6 mo less likely to have Pap smears (79.9% vs 70.7%,
P < .05) or mammograms (66.7% vs 53.6%, P < .05)
Compared with insured 7-12 mo, insured 1-6 mo were
less likely to have Pap smears (81.8% vs 70.7%, P < .05)
or mammograms (67.0% vs 53.6%, P < .05).
Continuously insured and insured 7-12 mo did not sta-
674 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
AOR ¼ adjusted odds ratio; BC ¼ breast cancer; BRFSS ¼ Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey; CI ¼ confidence interval; CRC ¼ colorectal cancer; MEPS ¼ Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; OR ¼ odds ratio; RR ¼ risk ratio; SES
¼ socioeconomic status; USPSTF ¼ United States Preventive Services Task Force.
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 675
with longer durations of insurance coverage. Shorter durations disruptions and outcomes, comparison groups, and key findings
of insurance coverage were statistically significantly associated are listed in Table 4. Studies were conducted in California,
with less frequent receipt of HPV vaccination among adolescent Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Ohio.
girls (39). Several studies reported a dose-response relationship Among newly diagnosed patients with Medicaid coverage, be-
between coverage duration and greater receipt of prevention tween 22.1% and 59.5% enrolled in Medicaid at or after diagno-
and screening (28,32,39). sis. In 3 of 4 studies evaluating treatment, coverage disruptions
Coverage disruption was not statistically significantly asso- were associated with treatment delay (51) and lower likelihood
ciated with receipt of screening in 1 study with a relatively of receiving treatment (44,52). Treatment delay and lack of de-
small sample (n ¼ 333) that included adults older than age finitive surgery were reported for multiple cancer sites, includ-
65 years (who are generally age-eligible for continuous Medicare ing breast, colon, lung, and gastric cancers (44,51,52). Two
coverage) (30). Associations between coverage disruptions and relatively small studies reported null findings for the associa-
colorectal cancer screening (eg, fecal occult blood test, flexible tion between coverage disruption and receipt of treatment
sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy) in men and women were null (52,53); however, they measured both coverage disruptions and
(27,30,38). Two of the 4 studies did not include colonoscopy treatment with Medicaid claims after diagnosis, limiting inter-
(27,38), currently the most common colorectal cancer screening pretation of findings because treatment could not be measured
Bradley et al., 2003a (41) 5852 women and men aged Michigan Cancer Registry - Timing of coverage mea- Early stage (in situ or local- 36% enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis
25-64 y newly diagnosed Medicaid enrollment, sured as Medicaid-en- ized) vs late stage (re- Postdiagnosis Medicaid enrolled more likely
with BC, CRC, or cervical 1996-1997 rolled after diagnosis vs gional, distant, or to have late-stage diagnosis compared with
or lung cancer Medicaid-enrolled for >1 invasive/unknown) from previously enrolled for BC (1.328, 95% CI ¼
mo at diagnosis registry 0.95 to 1.67), cervical cancer (2.96, 95% CI ¼
1.85 to 4.75), CRC (2.08, 95% CI ¼ 1.30 to 3.33,
and lung cancer (3.40, 95% CI ¼ 2.13 to 5.43)
Bradley et al., 2003b (40) 598 women aged 29-64 y Michigan Cancer Registry - Timing of coverage mea- Early stage (in situ or local- 22.1% enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis
with newly diagnosed BC Medicaid enrollment, sured as Medicaid-en- ized) vs late stage (re- Lack of Medicaid coverage before diagnosis
1996-1997 rolled after diagnosis vs gional, distant, or increased odds of late-stage diagnosis
Medicaid-enrolled for >1 invasive/unknown) from (HR ¼ 1.71, 95% CI ¼ 1.13 to 2.58, P < .05)
mo at diagnosis registry
Bradley et al., 2004 (43) 1063 women aged <65 y Michigan Cancer Registry - Timing of coverage mea- Early-stage (in situ or local)Percentage enrolled in Medicaid after diagno-
with newly diagnosed Medicaid enrollment, sured as Medicaid-en- vs late stage (regional, sis not reported. Compared with those en-
cervical cancer 1996-1997 rolled after diagnosis vs distant, or invasive/un- rolled in Medicaid >1 mo before diagnosis,
Medicaid-enrolled for >1 known) from registry those enrolled after diagnosis more likely
mo at diagnosis diagnosed at late stage (4% vs 8%, P < .05)
Dawes et al., 2014 (44) 96 220 women and men California Cancer Registry, Discontinuous Medicaid en- Early stage (localized and 59.5% of patients with Medicaid discontinu-
aged <65 y newly diag- California’s Patient rollment (did not have regional) vs advanced ously enrolled
nosed with colon, esoph- Discharge Database, and consecutive 6 mo cover- stage (remote) from Compared with those continuously enrolled
ageal, lung, ovarian, Medicaid enrollment age prediagnosis) vs con- registry in Medicaid, those discontinuously enrolled
pancreatic, or gastric files, 2002-2008 tinuous Medicaid more likely to have advanced stage of diag-
cancers enrollment (>6 mo nosis for colon (29.8% vs 41.7%), esophageal
prediagnosis) (51.6% vs 58.5%), lung (67.8% vs 78.5%), ovar-
ian (59.8% vs 69.4%), pancreatic (66.1% vs
69.5%), and gastric (52.6% vs 61.6%) cancers
in unadjusted analyses
Doll et al., 2016 (45) 782 women aged <65 y North Carolina Central Timing of coverage mea- Early stage (local) vs ad- 38.6% enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis
newly diagnosed with Cancer Registry - sured as Medicaid enroll- vanced stage (regional After propensity matching, postdiagnosis en-
cancers of cervix, uterus, Medicaid enrollment, ment after diagnosis vs and distant) from registry rollment group more likely to have ad-
ovary, and vulva or 2003-2008. Follow-up Medicaid enrollment pre- vanced stage (OR ¼ 1.46, 95% CI ¼ 1.03 to
vagina through 2010 diagnosis (1-6 mo be- 2.05). When stratified by cancer site, effect
fore diagnosis) greatest in uterine cancer (OR ¼ 1.74, 95%
CI ¼ 0.87 to 3.47) and cervix (OR ¼ 1.50, 95%
CI ¼ 0.91 to 2.49), but not statistically
Keegan et al., 2019 (46) 52 774 AYAs aged 15-39 y California Cancer Registry Timing of coverage and AJCC stage I vs II-IV or AJCC Of Medicaid patients, 34.2% peridiagnosis en-
newly diagnosed with 9 data (2005–2014), linked coverage gap measured stage I-II vs III-IV from rolled <1 mo and 15.7% discontinuously
common cancers, includ- to Medicaid enrollment as Medicaid peridiagnosis registry enrolled
ing BC, CRC, and thyroid, (2004-2014) enrolled <1 mo, or dis- Compared with AYAs with private insurance,
melanoma, testicular, continuous Medicaid vs AYAs who gained Medicaid coverage at di-
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, continuous Medicaid (en- agnosis 2.2-2.5 times more likely later stage
rolled 5 mo before (stage II-IV vs I: OR ¼ 2.46, 95% CI ¼ 2.26 to
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 677
Table 3. (continued)
Hodgkin lymphoma, cer- diagnosis) and private or 2.69; III-IV vs I-II: OR ¼ 2.16, 95% CI ¼ 2.00 to
vical, and ovarian military coverage 2.33) and AYAs with discontinuous
Medicaid 1.7-1.9 times more likely later
stage (stage II-IV vs I: OR ¼ 1.93, 95% CI ¼
1.70 to 2.18; III-IV vs I-II: OR ¼ 1.74, 95% CI ¼
1.56 to 1.95) in adjusted analyses. Findings
statistically significant for all 9 cancers. In
analyses limited to AYAs with Medicaid,
continuous coverage improved odds of ear-
lier stage diagnosis compared with both
peridiagnosis enrollment or discontinuous
Koroukian, 2003 (33) 2576 women aged 15 y, Ohio Cancer Registry; Medicaid vs non-Medicaid Early stage (in situ or local- Of patients with Medicaid, 70.8% enrolled
newly diagnosed with BC Medicaid Enrollment coverage, and timing of ized) vs advanced stage prediagnosis, 25.2% peridiagnosis, and 4.0%
678 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
or cervical cancer data, 1996-1998 Medicaid enrollment: (regional or distant) from postdiagnosis
prediagnosis (enrolled >3 registry Compared with prediagnosis enrollment,
mo preceding diagnosis), peridiagnosis group had increased risk of
peridiagnosis (2 mo pre- advanced cancer overall (AOR ¼ 3.8, 95%
ceding diagnosis), and CI ¼ 2.8 to 5.0) and for BC (AOR ¼ 3.8, 95%
postdiagnosis (enrolled CI ¼ 2.8 to 5.2) and cervical cancers (AOR ¼
3 mo after diagnosis) 3.6, 95% CI ¼ 1.8 to 7.3)
Postdiagnosis enrollment increased risk of
advanced cancer compared with prediagno-
sis group (AOR ¼ 2.2, 95% CI ¼ 1.2 to 4.0). By
cancer site, advanced disease higher for BC
(AOR ¼ 3.8, 95% CI ¼ 2.8 to 5.2; AOR ¼ 2.1,
95% CI ¼ 1.1 to 4.1) and cervical cancers
(AOR ¼ 3.6, 95% CI ¼ 1.8 to 7.3; AOR ¼ 2.8,
95% CI ¼ 0.5 to 14.2) for peri- and postdiag-
nosis groups compared with prediagnosis
group, respectively
Koroukian et al., 2017 (34) 26 426 women aged 40-64 y Ohio Cancer Registry, Timing of Medicaid cover- Localized vs advanced- 31.6% of patients in peri- or postdiagnosis
newly diagnosed with in- Medicaid enrollment age peridiagnosis, (en- stage (regional or distant) group
vasive BC data, and BCCEDP data- rolled at diagnosis or <3 from registry Peridiagnosis group more likely to be diag-
base (diagnoses 2002- mo of diagnosis), BCCEDP nosed with advanced-stage disease (AOR ¼
2008, deaths 2002-2010) repeat user vs enrolled 2.20; 95% CI ¼ 1.83 to 2.66)
3 mo before diagnosis Compared with Medicaid prediagnosis,
BCCEDP 1-time users more likely to be diag-
nosed late stage (AOR ¼ 1.48, 95% CI ¼ 1.17
to 1.87) but repeat users similar stage at di-
agnosis (AOR ¼ 0.83, 95% CI ¼ 0.59 to 1.18)
O’Malley et al., 2006 (47) 4682 women aged <65 y California Cancer Registry- Timing of Medicaid cover- Early stage (localized) vs 16.0% enrolled in Medicaid during month of
newly diagnosed with in- Medicaid enrollment; age measured as prediag- late stage (regional and diagnosis, 23.6% 1-11 mo before diagnosis,
vasive cervical cancer 1996-1999 nosis: 1) first enrolled in remote) from registry and 60.4% continuously enrolled 1 y be-
month of diagnosis; 2) fore diagnosis
enrolled at time of diag- Compared with non-Medicaid coverage
nosis and for 1-11 mo in (uninsured and insured), adjusted odds ra-
year before diagnosis (in- tios for late- or unknown-stage diagnosis
termittently enrolled); 3) were: 2.8 (95% CI ¼ 1.9 to 4.2) for those en-
enrolled 12 mo before di- rolled at diagnosis, 1.34 (95% CI ¼ 1.00 to
agnosis, including at di- 1.80) for those enrolled 1-11 mo before diag-
agnosis; and 4) not nosis, and 1.08 (95% CI ¼ 0.89 to 1.33) for
enrolled at diagnosis those continuously enrolled in Medicaid for
1 y
Perkins et al., 2000 (48) 10 016 women aged 30-64 y, California Cancer Registry, Timing of prediagnosis Early stage (in situ and lo- 18.0% enrolled in Medicaid at time of
newly diagnosed with BC and linked Medi-Cal en- Medicaid enrollment: 1) calized) vs late stage (any diagnosis
rollment files, 1992-1993 entire 12 mo before diag- extension beyond the Compared with non-Medicaid (uninsured/pri-
nosis; 2) part of 12 mo be- breast, including regional vately insured combined), odds ratio for
fore diagnosis; and 3) not lymph nodes) from late-stage disease among all women on
covered by Medicaid in registry Medi-Cal was 1.67 (95% CI ¼ 1.41 to 1.97) but
any of 12 mo before was reduced by 42% to 1.39 (95% CI ¼ 1.15 to
diagnosis 1.67) when women without benefits before
diagnosis excluded
Pollitt et al., 2008 (49) 4558 women and men aged California Cancer Registry Medicaid enrollment at di- Localized and advanced- Among Medicaid-insured, 13.7% first enrolled
15-64 y, newly diagnosed and linked Medicaid en- agnosis (yes/no); timing stage (regional or distant) month of diagnosis; 31.6% enrolled for 1 -11
with melanoma rollment files, 1998-1999 of enrollment: 1) first en- from registry mo (continuously or noncontinuously) be-
rolled at month of diag- fore diagnosis; and 54.7% enrolled entire
nosis, 2) enrolled during past year.
month of diagnosis and Compared with non-Medicaid coverage
1-11 mo before diagnosis, (uninsured and insured combined), ad-
3) enrolled during month justed odds ratios for late-stage diagnosis
of diagnosis and 12 mo were: 13.64 (95% CI ¼ 4.43 to 41.98) for those
before diagnosis, and 4) enrolled at diagnosis, 2.77 (95% CI ¼ 1.28 to
not enrolled at diagnosis 5.99) for those enrolled 1-11 mo before diag-
nosis, and 1.30 (95% CI ¼ 0.64 to 2.64) for
those continuously enrolled in Medicaid 1
Ramsey et al., 2008 (50) 5009 women and men aged Washington State Cancer Timing of Medicaid enroll- In situ, localized, regional, 57.2% of Medicaid patients enrolled <3 mo
<65 y with newly diag- Registry and Medicaid ment measured as previ- and distant from registry before diagnosis
nosed BC, CRC, or cervi- enrollment 1997-2002 ously enrolled (3 mo Those enrolled in Medicaid at diagnosis more
cal, lung, or prostate before diagnosis) vs en- likely to have regional and distant stage dis-
cancer rolled at diagnosis (<3 ease at diagnosis than previously enrolled
mo before diagnosis to 6 (P < .001) and more likely to disenroll at 12
mo after diagnosis) mo (76.4% vs 23.6%)
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 679
Table 3. (continued)
Tsui et al., 2018 (51) 19 209 women aged 21-64 y New Jersey Cancer Registry Timing of coverage mea- Early stage (in situ or local- 25.3% with Medicaid newly enrolled at
newly diagnosed with BC, and New Jersey Medicaid sured as longer term/ ized) or late (regional or diagnosis
CRC, or cervical cancer Management established Medicaid (en- distant) from registry For all cancer sites, statistically significantly
Information System, rolled 6 mo at diagnosis) higher proportions of Medicaid patients
2012-2014 or newly enrolled and especially newly enrolled Medicaid
Length of Medicaid enroll- patients diagnosed with late-stage cancer
ment (11, 6 to <11, 1 to compared with non-Medicaid patients (BC,
<6, <1 mo) 20% and 23% vs 11%, P < .001; CRC, 46% and
Continuous enrollment sta- 56% vs 42%, P ¼ .025; ICC, 41% and 38% vs
tus (defined as no gaps 30%, P < .001)
>30 d in prior year) For all cancers combined, shorter enrollment
length was associated with higher likeli-
hood of late-stage diagnosis (57.5%, 48.1%,
39.9%, and 41.5 for <1, 1 to <6, 6 to <11, and
11 mo, respectively. P < .001)
680 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
AJCC ¼ American Joint Committee on Cancer; AOR ¼ Adjusted odds ratio; AYA ¼ Adolescents and young adult; BC ¼ breast cancer; BCCEDP ¼ Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program; CI ¼ confidence interval; CRC ¼ co-
lorectal cancer; HR ¼ hazard ratio; ICC ¼ invasive cervical cancer; OR ¼ odds ratio; RR ¼ risk ratio.
Adams et al., 2012 2048 women aged Georgia Cancer Registry Timing of coverage Receipt of lumpectomy, 51.7% enrolled after diagnosis and 48.9% continuously
(52) 19-63 y with newly -Medicaid enrollment measured as mastectomy, any enrolled
diagnosed BC and BCCEDP data Medicaid-enrolled be- drug regimen (hor- Compared with women enrolled in Medicaid after cancer
2002–2004 with 2-y fore diagnosis vs monal or chemother- diagnosis, those previously enrolled more likely to receive
follow-up Medicaid-enrolled af- apy), radiation, and any treatment (OR ¼ 2.41, 95% CI ¼ 1.28 to 4.56) or any de-
ter diagnosis and any treatment from finitive surgery (OR ¼ 7.66, 95% CI ¼ 5.06 to 11.59) in ad-
Medicaid-enrolled as diagnosis to end of justed analyses
part of BCCEDP follow-up. Receipt of Compared with “other” and disabled Medicaid enrollment,
Prevention and treatment measured BCCEDP enrolled more likely to receive any treatment (OR
Treatment Act, dis- by claims ¼ 4.71, 95% CI ¼ 2.48 to 8.96), any drug regimen (OR ¼ 3.58,
abled, and other 95% CI ¼ 2.32 to 5.51), and any definitive surgery (OR ¼
Medicaid 2.52, 95% CI ¼ 1.74 to 3.66) in adjusted analyses
Bradley et al., 2003b 598 women aged 29- Michigan Cancer Timing of coverage All-cause mortality 22.1% enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis
(40) 64 y with newly Registry - Medicaid measured as Vital status from Among those aged <65 y, mortality risk was higher for
diagnosed BC enrollment, 1996- Medicaid-enrolled for registry those without Medicaid coverage at diagnosis (HR ¼ 1.67,
1997. Follow-up until >1 mo at diagnosis, 95% CI ¼ 1.09 to 2.56, P < .05). Overall, late stage was
1998 Medicaid-enrolled af- strongest predictor of increased risk of mortality (HR ¼
ter diagnosis 4.40, 95% CI ¼ 2.8 to 6.9, P < .05).
When late-stage disease added to model, effects of
Medicaid insurance no longer statistically significant
Bradley et al., 2005 13 740 women and Michigan Cancer Timing of coverage All-cause mortality 42% enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis
(42) men aged <65 y Registry - Medicaid measured as Vital status from Median survival in postdiagnosis enrollment group was 19
newly diagnosed enrollment, 1996-1997 Medicaid-enrolled for registry mo (95% CI ¼ 17 to 22 mo) compared with 38 mo (95% CI ¼
with BC, CRC, or and follow-up >1 mo at diagnosis, 32 to 44 mo) in prediagnosis enrollment group. When
lung cancer through 2003 Medicaid-enrolled af- assessed by cancer site and stage, HR for Medicaid en-
ter diagnosis, or non- rolled after diagnosis vs non-Medicaid generally higher
Medicaid (including for women with early-stage BC (HR ¼ 3.10, 95% CI ¼ 2.35
uninsured or privately to 4.10), CRC (HR ¼ 2.78, 95% CI ¼ 1.87 to 4.14), and lung
insured) cancer (HR ¼ 1.64, 95% CI ¼ 1.19 to 2.26) than late-stage BC
(HR ¼ 2.43, 95% CI ¼ 1.94 to 3.04), CRC (HR ¼ 2.18, 95% CI ¼
1.59 to 2.98), and lung cancer (HR ¼ 1.28, 95% CI ¼ 1.08 to
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 681
Table 4. (continued)
Dawes et al., 2014 96 220 women and California Cancer Continuous Medicaid Receipt of definitive op- 59.5% of patients with Medicaid discontinuously enrolled
(44) men aged <65 y Registry, California’s enrollment (>6 mo eration status from Compared with those continuously enrolled in Medicaid,
newly diagnosed Patient Discharge prediagnosis) vs dis- hospital discharge, discontinuously enrolled patients less likely to receive de-
with colon, esoph- Database, and continuous Medicaid death within 1 y of finitive surgery for colon (70.5% vs 61.9%, P < .001), lung
ageal, lung, ovar- Medicaid enrollment enrollment (did not diagnosis (17.7% vs 15.3%, P ¼ .012), and gastric (37.2% vs 31.0%, P ¼
ian, pancreatic, or 2002-2008 have 6 consecutive Vital status from .015) cancers. Adjusted models not reported for esopha-
gastric cancers mo coverage registry gus, ovary, and pancreas cancers. Statistically significant
prediagnosis) 1-y mortality benefit in patients with continuous (vs dis-
continuous) Medicaid coverage in 3 cancer types: colon
(23.0% vs 19.1%, P ¼ .001), lung (66.7 vs 62.4%, P ¼ .002),
682 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
and non-Hodgkin
Koroukian et al., 26 426 women aged Ohio Cancer Registry, Timing of coverage Overall and cancer-spe- 31.6% enrolled peri-/postdiagnosis.
2017 (34) 40-64 y newly di- Medicaid enrollment measured as cific survival Peridiagnosis Medicaid worse overall and cancer-specific
agnosed with in- data, and BCCEDP Medicaid status (en- Vital status from survival compared with non-Medicaid (P < .05).
vasive BC data. Patients diag- rolled 3 mo before registry Peridiagnosis Medicaid similar overall (HR ¼ 0.87, 95% CI
nosed 2002-2008; diagnosis or peridiag- ¼ 0.74 to 1.02) and cancer-specific (HR ¼ 0.92, 95% CI ¼
deaths through 2010 nosis, [enrolled at di- 0.76 to 1.11) survival compared with prediagnosis
agnosis or <3 mo of Medicaid.
diagnosis]), BCCEDP Compared with Medicaid prediagnosis, BCCEDP 1 time and
repeat user repeat users better overall (AHR ¼ 0.60, 95% CI ¼ 0.45 to
0.80 and AHR ¼ 0.27, 95% CI ¼ 0.13 to 0.54, respectively)
and cancer-specific survival (AHR ¼ 0.77, 95% CI ¼ 0.57 to
1.06 and AHR ¼ 0.36, 95% CI ¼ 0.16 to 0.80, respectively)
Subramanian and Adults aged 18-64 y California and Georgia Continuous Medicaid Receipt of first course of 9.3% and 31.5% patients alive 12 mo after diagnosis not con-
Chen, 2013 (53) from California (N State Cancer Registry from diagnosis to treatment (surgery, tinuously enrolled in Medicaid after diagnosis in
¼ 691) and Georgia - California and 12 mo postdiagnosis: radiation, and chemo- California and Georgia, respectively
(N ¼ 225) newly di- Georgia Medicaid vs not continuously therapy) from cancer Compared with continuously enrolled, no statistically sig-
agnosed with Claims, 2002-2006. enrolled (gaps in cov- diagnosis to end of nificant differences for receipt of surgery (OR ¼ 1.05, 95%
head and neck Follow-up time not erage of 2 mo) vs follow-up from claims CI ¼ 0.72 to 1.56), radiation (OR ¼ 0.93, 95% CI ¼ 0.63 to
cancer and alive stated continuously 1.37), and chemotherapy (OR ¼ 1.49, 95% CI ¼ 1.00 to 2.27)
12 mo after Medicaid enrolled (no with those not continuously insured
diagnosis gaps in coverage or
gaps in coverage for
<2 mo)
Tsui et al., 2018 (51) 19 209 women newly New Jersey Cancer Timing of coverage Treatment delay (>90 d 25.3% with Medicaid newly enrolled at diagnosis
diagnosed with Registry and New measured as longer after diagnosis) from Newly enrolled patients higher likelihood of treatment de-
BC, CRC, or cervi- Jersey Medicaid term/established claims, and 2-y lay for BC (OR ¼ 8.79, 95% CI ¼ 5.91 to 13.10), cervical can-
cal cancer Management Medicaid patients (en- survival cer (OR ¼ 2.47, 95% CI ¼ 1.00 to 6.15), and CRC (OR ¼ 3.02,
Information System, rolled 6 mo at diag- Vital status from 95% CI ¼ 1.94 to 4.71) cancers
2012-2014; survival nosis), newly enrolled registry Shorter enrollment time associated with treatment delay
through 2016 Medicaid patients (<6 (76.3%, 41.6%, 46.5%, and 51.9 for <1 mo, 1 to <6 mo, 6 to
mo). Duration of cov- <11 mo, and 11 mo, respectively; P < .001)
erage measured as No statistically significant differences in treatment delay
length of Medicaid between continuously covered and coverage disruptions
enrollment (11, 6 to (46.9% vs 51.3%, P ¼ .45)
<11, 1 to <6, <1 mo) Newly enrolled in Medicaid had lowest 2-y survival com-
vs continuous enroll- pared with established Medicaid and patients without
ment status (no gaps Medicaid coverage (private insurance and uninsured;
>30 d in prior year). P < .001)
BC ¼ breast cancer; BCCEDP ¼ Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program; CI ¼ confidence interval; CRC ¼ colorectal cancer; HR ¼ hazard ratio; OR ¼ odds ratio; AOR ¼ adjusted odds ratio.
K. R. Yabroff et al. | 683
Table 5. Health insurance coverage disruptions and other health services use and health-care spendinga
Koroukian et al., 44 509 decedents with Ohio Medicaid Duration of coverage mea- Per person per month 2.5%, 12.7%, 7.8%, 5.3%, 4.7%, and 67.0% of decedents en-
2006 (36) cancer as underlying Enrollment and sured as Medicaid enroll- enrolled total medical rolled in Medicaid at month of death, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12,
cause of death (no age claims data: death ment months prior death expenditures from or >12 mo prior death, respectively.
restriction) certificate, 1992-2002 (enrolled at month of claims Overall, longer time of Medicaid enrollment was associated
death, or 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10- with higher monthly total expenditures. Monthly expen-
12, or >12 mo prior ditures were $770, $1105, $1674, $1941, $1987, and $1905
death) for those enrolled at month of death, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12,
or >12 mo before death, respectively. Year of dollars not
Mack et al., 2013 (54) 4797 California patients California and New York Medicaid enrollment be- Hospice use from claims 69%, 21%, and 10% patients continuously enrolled in
and 4001 New York State Cancer Registry tween month of diagno- Medicaid, enrolled >50% of time but not continuously, en-
patients aged 21-64 y - California and New sis and month of death or rolled <50% of time in California, respectively; 64%, 24%,
with newly diagnosed York Medicaid censoring (continuous, and 12% patients continuously enrolled in Medicaid, en-
stage IV lung cancer Enrollment, 2002- enrolled more than 50% rolled >50% of time but not continuously, enrolled <50%
2006. Follow-up of the time but not con- of time in New York, respectively.
684 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
through 2017 tinuously, enrolled <50% In both states, compared with continuously enrolled,
of time) patients enrolled >50% of time but not continuously (OR
¼ 0.82, 95% CI ¼ 0.69 to 0.98) or enrolled <50% of time (OR
¼ 0.45, 95% CI ¼ 0.35 to 0.57) had lower hospice use
Mack et al., 2015 (55) 705 decedents previ- New York State Cancer Timing of coverage mea- 1) Hospice use; 2) EOL 15.4% of patients enrolled in Medicaid at or after cancer di-
ously diagnosed with Registry - Medicaid sured as 1) enrolled in intensity measured agnosis. 65.5%, 28.5%, and 6.0% patients continuously en-
cancer between ages Enrollment, 2004- Medicaid before diagno- by chemotherapy use rolled in Medicaid, enrolled >50% of time but not
of 15 and 29 y 2011. Deaths by Dec. sis or around time of di- within 14 d of death, continuously, enrolled <50% of time, respectively.
31, 2011 agnosis (duration of care in ICU within 30 Compared with patients enrolled before cancer diagnosis,
enrollment before diag- d of death, more than those enrolled at or after diagnosis had lower hospice use
nosis not stated); 2) 1 ER visit within 30 d (OR ¼ 0.26, 95% CI ¼ 0.08 to 0.83). Compared with continu-
Medicaid enrollment be- of death, hospitaliza- ously enrolled, patients who enrolled >50% of time but
tween month of diagno- tion within 30 d of not continuously (OR ¼ 0.36, 95% CI ¼ 0.23 to 0.56) or en-
sis and month of death death from claims rolled <50% of time (OR ¼ 0.22, 95% CI ¼ 0.10 to 0.51) were
(continuous, enrolled less likely to have intensive EOL care
>50% of the time but not
continuously, enrolled
<50% of time)
CI ¼ confidence interval; EOL ¼ end-of-life; ER ¼ emergency room; ICU ¼ intensive care unit; OR ¼ odds ratio.
United States. We identified 29 observational published studies We did not identify any published studies of effective inter-
and found that coverage disruptions were common and despite ventions at the patient, provider, employer, health system, pol-
heterogeneity in populations and measures, disruptions were icy, or regulatory levels that help patients maintain continuous
consistently statistically significantly associated with less fre- health insurance coverage throughout the cancer control con-
quent receipt of cancer care and poorer cancer outcomes. tinuum. Several studies testing interventions to improve cover-
Specifically, those with coverage disruptions were less likely to age continuity are in progress (60,61), however. For example,
receive cancer prevention or screening (27–29,32,37,39), and if within federally qualified health centers in multiple states, the
diagnosed with cancer, they were more likely to have advanced introduction of electronic health record tools for identifying
disease (33,34,40,41,43–51), be less likely to receive treatment patients in advance of their Medicaid recertification to ensure
(44,52,54,55), and have worse survival (34,35,40,42,44,45,51) than continuity of coverage is being evaluated for potential improve-
their counterparts without coverage disruptions. Findings were ments in receipt of cancer prevention and screening (60).
consistent across multiple cancer sites. Additionally, several Another ongoing intervention study involves a multi-employer
studies reported a dose-response relationship between cover- Taft-Hartley Trust Fund that provides health benefits to hourly,
age duration and receipt of prevention (39), screening (28,32), low-wage employees who would otherwise not have health in-
earlier stage (51), and timeliness of treatment (51). The consis- surance coverage. This ongoing study is testing provision of con-
ies specifically addressing the effects of private health insurance be attributable to the impact of coverage disruptions.
coverage disruptions on cancer care and outcomes. Preliminary Coverage disruptions were consistently associated with ad-
research suggests that for cancer survivors, the magnitude of as- vanced stage and worse survival for cancers with effective
sociation between disruptions in private health insurance and screening tests—namely, breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers
worse access to and receipt of care is similar to that for disrup- (33,34,40–43,46–48,50,51). Two studies included in this review
tions in public insurance (58); additional research is warranted in evaluated the effects of breast and cervical cancer screening
both public and private coverage settings. through BCCEDP before Medicaid enrollment in 2 states (34,52),
Conversely, policies that facilitate health insurance coverage but they could not fully disentangle the potentially positive
continuity may minimize disparities. Increased availability of effects of screen detection vs the potentially negative effects of
health insurance coverage options through the ACA, including limited access to usual source of care or symptom evaluation
individual purchase through the ACA Marketplace, availability associated with lack of insurance coverage before diagnosis. A
of subsidies to reduce premium costs, expansion of dependent large body of research has consistently found that in addition to
coverage on parents’ private plans for young adults until age 26 health insurance coverage, having a usual source of health care
years, and Medicaid eligibility in some states, might minimize is strongly associated with receipt of breast and cervical cancer
disruptions and facilitate continuous health insurance cover- screening (5), but neither study reported this information.
age. State policies, such as the proposed New York Medicaid Medicaid patients with coverage disruptions have also been
waiver to allow prisoners with health conditions to receive reported to be more likely to disenroll in the year after their can-
Medicaid coverage before and following their release from jail, cer diagnosis (50), which may adversely affect completion of
may also help minimize disruptions and maintain care and pro- recommended treatment(s) and access to and receipt of high-
vider network continuity. To date, most research evaluating the quality survivorship care. Care received after Medicaid disen-
effects of the ACA has focused on coverage gains, and none rollment, including assessment for recurrence, surveillance for
assessed the effects of the ACA on reducing the prevalence or new cancers, symptom management, or end-of-life care, is un-
frequency of coverage disruptions and effects on cancer care known. Among adults with private insurance coverage, a cancer
and outcomes. A recent study found Medicaid expansion was diagnosis and its treatment(s) can lead to time away from work,
associated with reductions in coverage disruptions in the low- job loss, and loss of employer-sponsored health insurance cov-
income general population living in expansion compared with erage. The longitudinal effects of coverage disruptions across
nonexpansion states (59). Given the rapidly changing health in- the cancer control continuum are not easily addressed with cur-
surance landscape in the United States and the maturation of rent data infrastructure, however.
data post-ACA, evaluating the effects of specific provisions of Improvements in cancer registry and health insurance data
the ACA, especially Medicaid expansions, on coverage disrup- infrastructure resulting in comprehensive longitudinal data can
tions and health outcomes will be important for future research help to quantify the effects of coverage disruptions and differ-
using quasi-experimental designs. ences in state-level policies, such as Medicaid generosity,
686 | JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 2020, Vol. 112, No. 7
physician reimbursement, managed care penetration, and tim- Nonetheless, we were able to qualitatively synthesize a large
ing of Medicaid eligibility recertification, on receipt of cancer body of research and identify research gaps and opportunities
care and outcomes. Current individual state-level linkages, for data infrastructure improvements.
such as the ones identified in this review, cannot be used to In summary, we found that health insurance coverage dis-
evaluate the effects of differences between states in state-level ruptions were consistently adversely associated with receipt of
policies. Centralized data linkages across multiple states, such cancer prevention and screening and among those diagnosed
as SEER-Medicaid, could transform the ability to evaluate with cancer, later stage of disease, delayed treatment if any,
Medicaid policies, especially as the updated version of the na- and poorer survival. Future research identifying modifiable fac-
tional Medicaid data, Transformed Medicaid Statistical tors at the patient, employer, state, and federal policy levels to
Information System, becomes available (62). Currently, more minimize coverage disruptions may also reduce cancer dispar-
than 15 states have legislation requiring aggregation of all- ities. Improved data infrastructure and quasi-experimental and
payer claims data (APCD); as these data become increasingly experimental study designs will be important for evaluating the
available and research-ready, state-level cancer registry–APCD associations of federal and state policies on coverage disrup-
linkages may be especially useful for evaluating the effects of tions and care and outcomes.
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