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Sample Paper 13
Class XII Session 2023-24
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) Question paper is divided into 4 sections A, B, C and D
(ii) In section A question number 1 to 17 are MCQ type questions.
(iii)In section B question number 18-23 are SA type questions (80-100 words). Question 18 and 19 are
Source based questions.
(iv) In section C question number 24 to 28 are Long Answer based questions (120-150 words).
(v) In section D question number 29 and 30 are Map based questions having 5 sub parts.

Section A
1. Which one of the following is not an important demographic characteristic in a country?
(a) Number of children (b) Number of women and men
(c) Occupational structure (d) Number of industries

2. Which one of the following is the best description of a Heat Island?

(a) A hot island.
(b) A built-up area that is hotter than nearby rural areas.
(c) A place near the equator.
(d) A place near the Tropic of Cancer.

3. Which of the following pair is matched correctly?

States Important Crops
(a) Madhya Pradesh Pulses
(b) Rajasthan Rice
(c) Uttar Pradesh Bajra
(d) West Bengal Wheat

4. Which of the following pair is incorrectly matched?

Important Sea Routes Connecting Regions
(a) North Atlantic Sea Route North East USA to North-West Europe
(b) North Pacific Sea Route West Coast of North America to Asia
(c) Cape of Good Hope Sea Route Connect Western Europe to South Africa Countries
(d) South Atlantic Sea Route Connects China to Middle East Region.

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5. The land which normally cannot be brought under cultivation with the available technology is called
(a) Forests
(b) Grazing land
(c) Barren land
(d) Fertile land

6. Assertion : Maximum amount of world trade takes place through water transportation.
Reason : Water transportation is much cheaper, than other modes of transportation.
(a) Only assertion is correct
(b) Only reason is correct
(c) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
(d) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason is not the correct explanation for assertion

7. Which one of the following group of regions have been arranged in the sequence of density per sq. km
(in descending order)?
(a) Asia, Europe, Africa, North America (b) Asia, Africa, North America, Europe
(c) Asia, Africa, Europe, North America (d) Africa, Asia, Europe, North America

8. Arrange the following National waterways of India in correct sentence, according to their length in
descending order.
(i) Sadiya-Dhubri Stretch
(ii) Kottapuram-Kallom Stretch
(iii) Allahabad-Haldia Stretch
(iv) Delta Channel of Mahanadi and Godavari
(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(b) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
(c) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(d) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)

9. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option from the given options.
I. The main sources of air pollution are combustion of fossil fuels, mining and industries.
II. With increasing use of variety of fuels as source of energy, there is a marked increase in emission
of toxic gasses into atmosphere.
(a) Only Statement I is correct
(b) Both the Statements are true and Statement II correctly present the reason for Statement I
(c) Only Statements II is correct
(d) Both the Statements I and II are incorrect

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10. Identify which of the following approaches was formulated during the early colonial period in Human
(a) Regional analysis (b) Exploration and description
(c) Areal differentiation (d) Spatial organisation

11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of dairy farming practiced in the world?
(a) Veterinary services (b) Labour intensive
(c) Cattle breeding (d) Practiced near rural areas

12. Which of the following is the benefit of outsourcing?

(a) Lower overhead costs (b) Efficiency in work
(c) More profit (d) All of these

13. In which type of farming, farmers pool their resources and generate profits collectively?
(a) Market horticulture (b) Truck farming
(c) Extensive commercial agriculture (d) Co-operative farming

14. Assertion : Majority of the cultivated land in ‘India, directly depends upon rainfall.
Reason : 58% of cultivable land is covered under planned irrigation system.
(a) Only assertion is correct
(b) Only reason is correct
(c) Both statements are correct. Statement II correctly explains Statement I
(d) Both are correct but not related to each other
Direction : Read the following graph and answer the question no. 15 to 17.

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15. The Panama Canal connects which two bodies of water?

(a) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean (b) Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexica
(c) Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (d) North Sea and Baltic Sea

16. Which country is responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal?
(a) United States (b) Panama
(c) France (d) Colombia

17. How long is the Panama Canal approximately?

(a) 80 km (b) 72 km
(c) 160 km (d) 85 km

Section B
18. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
“Formal expression of religions on landscape is manifested through sacred structures, use of cemeteries
and assemblages of plants and animals, groves of trees for religious purposes. Sacred structures are
widely distributed throughout the country. These may range from inconspicuous village shrines to large
Hindu temples, monumental masjids or ornately designed cathedrals in large metropolitan cities. These
temples, masjids, gurudwaras, monasteries and churches differ in size, form, space—use and density,
while attributing a special dimension to the total landscape of the area.”
(i) Name the most commonly followed religion in India.
(ii) Name the major religions followed in India.
(iii) State the significance of religious landscape.

19. Study the picture given below and answer the following questions:

(i) Identify the type of irrigation shown in the diagram.

(ii) Define the process.
(iii)Define irrigation and also mention its main sources.

20. Evaluate the characteristics of India’s foreign trade.

21. Highlight the key aspects of the ‘Period of Population Explosion in India’.

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22. “Physical environment has been greatly modified by human beings, it has also, in turn impacted human
lives.” Explain the statement.
“The period from 1951 to 1981 is referred to as a phase of population explosion in India.” Substantiate
the statement.

23. Write three points on how can international trade be detrimental for countries.
Assess the role of natural phenomenons in determining the level of international trade of a country.

Section C
24. “Slums have evolved as one of the biggest causes behind rapid environmental degradation in the urban
centres.” Justify.

25. Discuss the world’s basic needs approach to human development.

26. Write a short note on the functional classification of towns.

27. Explain trading services.

Write a short note on services.

28. “International trade has shown detrimental effects on under developed and developing economies”. Do
you agree or not? Justify your stand.
Categorise the ports on the basis of the specialised functions performed by them.

Section D
29. On the given political map of the world, the following seven features are shown. Identify any five of
these features and write their correct names on the lines marked near each feature.
(i) A port on Southern end of South Africa.
(ii) A port on South Pacific Coast in Australia.
(iii) The country with the lowest density of population in Asia.
(iv) Name the country with the smallest population of Asia.
(v) Important Iron and steel centre in U.K.
(vi) Eastern terminal of Trans-Siberian Railway.
(vii) The region responsible for 80 per cent of Germany’s total steel production.

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30. On the given political map of India, locate and label any five of the following with appropriate symbols:

(i) Identify the state of India that utilised underground at a moderate rate.
(ii) The oldest operational port in India.
(iii) Identify the port that was built during the India-Pakistan partition.
(iv) Choose the town which has been known as a tourist destination in Rajasthan.
(v) Manganese mines of Odisha.
(vi) Copper mines of Jharkhand.
(vii) Identify the town which has been developed as administrative headquarters.

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