Delve Into Theatrical Arts

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Category & Score Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Average (3) Poor (2) Very Poor (1)
Smooth and fluid Smooth and fluid Speech is relatively Speech is Speech is slow,
speech; speech; smooth. frequently hesitant &
few to no few hesitations. Pronunciation is hesitant with some strained.
hesitations. Pronunciation is good. Adequate sentences left Pronunciation is
Pronunciation is good. Good language uncompleted. lacking
Speech & utterance excellent. Excellent language control; control; vocabulary Pronunciation is and hard to
control of good range of range is lacking understand. Weak
okay but weak
language features; a relatively
language control language control.
wide range of well- well-chosen
chosen vocabulary vocabulary.
Choices Choices Choices Choices Choices
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate little demonstrate no
insight and thoughtfulness awareness and awareness and do awareness and do
powerfully and developing little to enhance little to enhance
enhance role play. completely acceptably role play. Limited role play. Very
Creativity & Idea Impressive variety enhance role play. enhance role play. variety of non- limited variety of
of non-verbal cues Good variety of Satisfactory variety verbal cues are used non-verbal cues are
are used in an non-verbal cues of non-verbal cues in a used in a
exemplary way are used in a used developing way. developing way.
competent way.

Appears very Appears Appears slightly Often appears Obviously

comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable
performing- relaxed performing. Good performing. Has performing. Weak performing. No
Stage Presence and
and enjoyable to emotional emotional emotional emotional
Confidence watch. Great commitment and commitment and commitment and commitment or
emotional energy energy at points. energy. energy.
commitment and

Overall effort shows Overall effort is Overall effort is Overall effort is Overall effort is
tremendous very good and good- needs more fair- needs much unsatisfactory.
preparation and shows attention and more attention and
consideration. preparation. preparation. preparation.


Jury’s Comment:______________________________________________________________________

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