ENG2153 Assessment Rubric
ENG2153 Assessment Rubric
ENG2153 Assessment Rubric
Clear articulation
Poised, clear articulation; Some mumbling;
Body Language/ but not as polished;
proper volume; steady uneven rate; little or
Nonverbal good posture; some
rate; good posture; no expression;
communication enthusiasm &
enthusiasm; confidence acceptable posture;
Length of Length of
Length of presentation is presentation is presentation is
within the assigned time mostly within the mostly within the
limits assigned time limits assigned time limits
(+/- 1 minute) (+/- 2 minutes)
Length of
presentation is not
within the assigned
time limits; exceeds
the time limits
Raw Mark 0
Final (10) 0
Speaking (Individual)
Excellent Good Average
5 4 3
Clear articulation
Poised, clear articulation; Some mumbling;
Body Language/ but not as polished;
proper volume; steady uneven rate; little or
Nonverbal good posture; some
rate; good posture; no expression;
communication enthusiasm &
enthusiasm; confidence acceptable posture;
Length of Length of
Length of presentation is presentation is presentation is
within the assigned time mostly within the mostly within the
limits assigned time limits assigned time limits
(+/- 1 minute) (+/- 2 minutes)
Length of
presentation is not
within the assigned
time limits; exceeds
the time limits
Raw Mark 0
Final (20) 0
Group Task (10%)
Excellent Good Average
5 4 3
Did more than others– Could have done more of
highly productive. Did their part of the work- the work–has difficulty.
Works extremely well cooperative. Works well Requires structure,
with Others
with others. Never with others. Rarely argues. directions, and leadership.
argues. Argues sometimes.
Participated in all
Participated in most group Participated in some group
group discussions.
discussions. Provided discussions. Provided some
Team Role Assumed leadership
leadership when asked. Did leadership. Did some of the
Fulfilment role as necessary. Did
most of the work assigned work assigned by the
the work that was
by the group. group.
assigned by the group.
Total = 20m
Participated in few or no
group discussions. Provided
no leadership. Did little or no
work assigned by the group.
Raw Mark 0
Final (10%) 0
Group Task (20%)
Excellent Good Average
5 4 3
Did more than others– Could have done more of
highly productive. Did their part of the work- the work–has difficulty.
Works extremely well cooperative. Works well Requires structure,
with Others
with others. Never with others. Rarely argues. directions, and leadership.
argues. Argues sometimes.
Participated in all
Participated in most group Participated in some group
group discussions.
discussions. Provided discussions. Provided some
Team Role Assumed leadership
leadership when asked. Did leadership. Did some of the
Fulfilment role as necessary. Did
most of the work assigned work assigned by the
the work that was
by the group. group.
assigned by the group.
Total = 20m
Participated in few or no
group discussions. Provided
no leadership. Did little or no
work assigned by the group.
Final (20%) 0
Summarising & Paraphrasing
Excellent Good Average
5 4 3
Omits one of the key
Omits several key
Contains all key ideas of the original
Accuracy & ideas or includes
ideas of the original text or includes an
completeness some details/
text elaboration of
In-text citations
In-text citations In-text citations stated
Referencing stated with a few
stated correctly with minor errors
Total = 25m
2 Marks
Sentence structure
is exactly like the
original text; weak
No citations
Raw Mark 0
Final (10%) 0
Presentation Skills (Individual)
Marks Marks
Category Scoring Criteria
Allocated Given
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is appropriately
animated (e.g., gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc.).
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5
Presentation Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Skills (35%) Good language skills and pronunciation is clear. 5
Good time management- Length of presentation is within the assigned time
Information was well communicated. 10