ENG2153 Assessment Rubric

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Speaking (Individual)

Excellent   Good   Average  

5 4 3

Clear articulation
Poised, clear articulation; Some mumbling;
Body Language/ but not as polished;
proper volume; steady uneven rate; little or
Nonverbal good posture; some
rate; good posture; no expression;
communication enthusiasm &
enthusiasm; confidence acceptable posture;

Speaks with fluctuation

Speaks with
in volume and inflection Speaks in uneven
Voice, satisfactory
to maintain audience volume with little or
Pronunication variation of volume
interest and emphasize no inflection
and inflection
key points

Length of Length of
Length of presentation is presentation is presentation is
within the assigned time mostly within the mostly within the
limits assigned time limits assigned time limits
(+/- 1 minute) (+/- 2 minutes)

Total = 15m Raw Mark

2 Marks

Inaudible or too loud;

rate too slow/fast;
speaker seemed
uninterested; no
control of body

Speaks in low volume

and/ or monotonous

Length of
presentation is not
within the assigned
time limits; exceeds
the time limits

Raw Mark 0
Final (10) 0
Speaking (Individual)
Excellent   Good   Average  
5 4 3

Clear articulation
Poised, clear articulation; Some mumbling;
Body Language/ but not as polished;
proper volume; steady uneven rate; little or
Nonverbal good posture; some
rate; good posture; no expression;
communication enthusiasm &
enthusiasm; confidence acceptable posture;

Speaks with fluctuation

Speaks with
in volume and inflection Speaks in uneven
Voice, satisfactory
to maintain audience volume with little or
Pronunication variation of volume
interest and emphasize no inflection
and inflection
key points

Length of Length of
Length of presentation is presentation is presentation is
within the assigned time mostly within the mostly within the
limits assigned time limits assigned time limits
(+/- 1 minute) (+/- 2 minutes)

Total = 15m Raw Mark

2 Marks

Inaudible or too loud;

rate too slow/fast;
speaker seemed
uninterested; no
control of body

Speaks in low volume

and/ or monotonous

Length of
presentation is not
within the assigned
time limits; exceeds
the time limits

Raw Mark 0
Final (20) 0
Group Task (10%)
Excellent   Good   Average  
5 4 3
Did more than others– Could have done more of
highly productive. Did their part of the work- the work–has difficulty.
Works extremely well cooperative. Works well Requires structure,
with Others
with others. Never with others. Rarely argues. directions, and leadership.
argues. Argues sometimes.

Participated in all
Participated in most group Participated in some group
group discussions.
discussions. Provided discussions. Provided some
Team Role Assumed leadership
leadership when asked. Did leadership. Did some of the
Fulfilment role as necessary. Did
most of the work assigned work assigned by the
the work that was
by the group. group.
assigned by the group.

Always listens to, Often listens to, shares

Usually listens to, shares
shares with, and with, and supports the
with, and supports the
supports the efforts of efforts of others. Usually
efforts of others. Sometimes
others. Provided does most of the talking–
Ability to talks too much. Provided
effective feedback to rarely listens to others.
Communicate some effective feedback to
other members. Relays Provided little feedback to
others. Relays some basic
a great deal of others. Relays very little
information–most relates to
information–all relates information–some relates
the topic.
to the topic. to the topic.

Work is complete, Work is generally complete, Work tends to be

well organized, has no meets the requirements of disorderly, incomplete, not
errors and is done on the task, and is mostly done accurate, and is usually
time or early. on time. late.

Total = 20m

Adapted from Center for Teaching Innovation, Cornell University

2 Marks
Did not do any work–does
not contribute. Does not
work well with others.
Usually argues with

Participated in few or no
group discussions. Provided
no leadership. Did little or no
work assigned by the group.

Rarely listens to, shares with,

or supports the efforts of
others. Is always talking and
never listens to others.
Provided no feedback to
others. Does not relay any
information to teammates.

Work is generally sloppy and

incomplete, has excessive
errors and is mostly late or
not at all.

Raw Mark 0
Final (10%) 0
Group Task (20%)
Excellent   Good   Average  
5 4 3
Did more than others– Could have done more of
highly productive. Did their part of the work- the work–has difficulty.
Works extremely well cooperative. Works well Requires structure,
with Others
with others. Never with others. Rarely argues. directions, and leadership.
argues. Argues sometimes.

Participated in all
Participated in most group Participated in some group
group discussions.
discussions. Provided discussions. Provided some
Team Role Assumed leadership
leadership when asked. Did leadership. Did some of the
Fulfilment role as necessary. Did
most of the work assigned work assigned by the
the work that was
by the group. group.
assigned by the group.

Always listens to, Often listens to, shares

Usually listens to, shares
shares with, and with, and supports the
with, and supports the
supports the efforts of efforts of others. Usually
efforts of others. Sometimes
others. Provided does most of the talking–
Ability to talks too much. Provided
effective feedback to rarely listens to others.
Communicate some effective feedback to
other members. Relays Provided little feedback to
others. Relays some basic
a great deal of others. Relays very little
information–most relates to
information–all relates information–some relates
the topic.
to the topic. to the topic.

Work is complete, Work is generally complete, Work tends to be

well organized, has no meets the requirements of disorderly, incomplete, not
errors and is done on the task, and is mostly done accurate, and is usually
time or early. on time. late.

Total = 20m

Adapted from Center for Teaching Innovation, Cornell University

2 Marks
Did not do any work–does
not contribute. Does not
work well with others.
Usually argues with

Participated in few or no
group discussions. Provided
no leadership. Did little or no
work assigned by the group.

Rarely listens to, shares with,

or supports the efforts of
others. Is always talking and
never listens to others.
Provided no feedback to
others. Does not relay any
information to teammates.

Work is generally sloppy and

incomplete, has excessive
errors and is mostly late or
not at all.

Final (20%) 0
Summarising & Paraphrasing
Excellent   Good   Average  
5 4 3
Omits one of the key
Omits several key
Contains all key ideas of the original
Accuracy & ideas or includes
ideas of the original text or includes an
completeness some details/
text elaboration of

Uses own words;

Paraphrasing/ Uses a few sentences
excellent choice of Uses own words.
restatement similar to original.

Varied sentence Some varieties in Limited varieties of

Sentence structure
structures; excellent sentence structures; sentence structure;
& vocabulary
vocabulary good vocabulary. basic vocabulary.

1 or 2 errors in A few errors in Many errors in

Convention &
grammar/spelling/ grammar/spelling/ grammar/spelling/
Sentence Mechanics
punctuation punctuation punctuation

In-text citations
In-text citations In-text citations stated
Referencing stated with a few
stated correctly with minor errors
Total = 25m
2 Marks

All key ideas

omitted; includes

Does not use own


Sentence structure
is exactly like the
original text; weak

Too many errors in

punctuation that
should not be made

No citations

Raw Mark 0
Final (10%) 0
Presentation Skills (Individual)
Marks Marks
Category  Scoring Criteria 
Allocated Given
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is appropriately
animated (e.g., gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc.).  
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice.  5
Presentation Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Skills (35%)  Good language skills and pronunciation is clear.   5
Good time management- Length of presentation is within the assigned time
Information was well communicated.  10
      TOTAL MARKS  35 0

Content: SWOT Analysis (Group)

Slides are organized in a logical sequence.    5
Organization Presentation appropriately cites relevant references.  5
(20%)  Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting.   5
Introduction is attention-getting; provides an overview for the rest of the
Concepts and terms are well-defined in language appropriate for the target
SWOT Analysis Presentation contains accurate information.  10
(45%)  Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose.  10
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made reflect well their
relative importance.   
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation.  5
      TOTAL MARKS  65 0
You are expected to demonstrate a high level of team work by helping each
other to prepare for the presentation.

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