Digital Marketing and Innovation - Homework 1 - Mockey Defah

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2nd year - Group 1

1- NPD: New Product Development / OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development.

2- OECD defines Innovation as the implementation of a new or significantly improved

product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational
method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.

3- The concept of Innovation extends to many areas such as the economy, the quality of
life, and in solving environmental and social issues. Innovation also covers health and

4- According to the works of OECD, innovation is declined in two major types, known as
Technological Innovation and Non-Technological Innovation. The first type,
Technological Innovation, implies Product Innovation and Process Innovation, while
the second type, Non-Technological Innovation covers Marketing Innovation and
Organizational Innovation.

5- First and foremost, Product Innovation is a type technological Innovation, declined

itself in two areas which are: Radical Product Innovation and Incremental Product

6- Radical innovation is defined from the market perspective, and the technology
perspective. According to O’Connor and DeMartino, the market perspective of radical
product innovation refers to the extent to which the impact of that innovation has on
the market. Regarding Schoenmarkers and Duysters, the technology perspective of
radical product innovation refers to the extent to which the technology is different
2nd year - Group 1
from the existing technology. Indeed, Radical innovation is characterized by the
technology which is substantially different from existing technology, and it can create
new technological systems. As the new technology is so different from the existing
technology, it is also called discontinuity technology.

7- There are 3 main Product Innovation Strategies:

a. Open Innovation: The main focus of this strategy is to highlight the benefits of
sourcing external knowledge to enhance firms’ own innovation capabilities.
Hence, we can find inbound open innovation covering activities such as co-
creation with customers and consumers and informal networking with other
organizations; and outbound open innovation activities including investment
in joint venture partnership and selling of market-ready products to other firms,
for example.
b. Networking: to collaborate vertically among firms in the same industry, from
manufacturers to distributors to retailers to leverage market information and
technological capabilities.
c. Resource-based Strategy: make use of the excess resources in production
capacity, pooled knowledge, combined research, technologies, marketing,
talents, and other resources.

8- The technology make strategy involves developing the technology internally, while the
technology buy strategy involves buying the technologies. According to the paper the
best strategies are either to purchase technologies or to make a combination of both
strategies. The technology-make strategy is often less utilized and potentially less
productive than the technology-buy strategy or a combination of both due to its
resource-intensive nature, requiring significant investments in time, money, and
expertise for in-house development. Companies may face challenges in acquiring and
retaining specialized talent, leading to delays in bringing solutions to market.
Moreover, the risks associated with internal development, such as project failures and
cost overruns, can deter organizations from pursuing this strategy.
2nd year - Group 1
9- NPD process stages:
• Ideation: This is the phase where ideas are generated and explored to design new
products or improve existing ones.
• Concept development: During this stage, selected ideas are developed further to
create concrete product concepts.
• Product design: In this phase, concepts are turned into detailed design
specifications, including features, design elements, and technical characteristics of
the product.
• Product testing: The product undergoes comprehensive testing to evaluate its
functionality, quality, safety, and market and customer needs satisfaction.
• Product launch: This is the phase where the product is introduced to the market,
involving manufacturing, marketing, and distribution to reach consumers.

10- Brainstorming is included in the stage of ideation which, by definition, is precised

higher, is the stage where ideas are generated.

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