2018 05 Innovation in The Philippines Technology Sector
2018 05 Innovation in The Philippines Technology Sector
2018 05 Innovation in The Philippines Technology Sector
Series No. 2018-05
Innovation involves the transformation of useful ideas or inventions into products and services that
customers are willing to pay for. This kind of activity stimulates economies as it creates synergies among
actors of the ecosystem such as entrepreneurs, government, investment organizations, educational in-
stitutions and companies. At the request of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Philippine Science, Technology, Research and
Innovation for Development (STRIDE) Program facilitated around 40 structured discussions to assess the
innovation needs of the Philippines.
This policy brief presents a collection of opinions of these various actors in the country’s innovation
ecosystem, with focus on the electronics, aerospace, and automotive industries. It provides insight into
some issues that are faced by the technology sectors in light of stimulating a fruitful discussion that could
help facilitate support for innovation efforts in the Philippines.
The Philippines’ innovation ecosystem for the technology sector is led by the The Philippines’
electronics, aerospace, and automotive industries. It is stimulated by economic innovation
and dynamic relationships that are mainly involved in technology development.
ecosystem for
The players include large multinational corporations (MNCs), small-medium
enterprises (SMEs), startups, associations, universities and government agencies the technology
like the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Science and sector is led by
Technology (DOST) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Figure the electronics,
1 exhibits the flow of interactions that allow the creation and transfer of aerospace and
knowledge that ultimately results to economic development and growth. automotive
The 2016 Global Innovation Index Report shows that the Philippines ranked 74th
out of 128 economies in innovation performance. This position indicates a low
level of innovation even when compared with other Association of Southeast
Asian Nation (ASEAN) member states (5th out of 7). At its current position, the
country is far behind most of its ASEAN neighbors such as Singapore (6th),
Innovation in the Philippines’ Technology Sector 1
Malaysia (35th), Thailand (52nd) and Vietnam (59th). Moreover, its position is
also being challenged by other countries such as Indonesia (88th) and Cambodia
(95th). Hence, relevant policies must be put in place to catch-up with other
countries that have heavily invested in innovation. Particularly, the Philippines
Particulary, the
should give priority in setting up the fundamental blocks of innovation that Philippines
would support businesses involved in high-technology activities. should give
priority in
setting up the
blocks of
innovation that
would support
in high-
It is worth noting that the Philippines is not lacking in supply of human capital,
principally of young engineers and technical graduates. In fact, the country
produces around 60,000 engineers annually. Only a small percentage of these
graduates, however, are employed in research-related jobs, while many others
choose business process outsourcing (BPO) jobs that provide stability, higher
pay and better benefits. Furthermore, the proportion of graduates with science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees is also diminishing.
• Job Creation. Job creation in the Philippines is likewise favorable. Data for
job creation demonstrates the average annual growth of jobs from 2012 to
2015, sourced from the International Labour Organization (ILO).
... Philippines
is still lacking in
• Ease of Doing Business. The ease of doing business indicator is based on the
World Bank rating. This considers factors such as permitting, infrastructure, terms of patent
property laws, access to credit, taxes, import/export, contracts, and activities, which
insolvency laws/process. The Philippines is only ahead of Cambodia based incorporates
on such factors. total patent
application by
• Ease of Starting a Business. This indicator is similarly sourced from the residents, both
World Bank. It demonstrates the environment faced by entrepreneurs in domestic patents
an economy. The Philippines along with other ASEAN counterparts are
performing far from more mature economies like South Korea.
in national
offices and
• Patent Activity. Intellectual Property (IP) protection is often attached to the global patents
concept of innovation and economic growth. Comparative data shows that filed through
the Philippines is still lacking in terms of patent activities, which incorporates the Patent
total patent applications by residents, both domestic patents in national Cooperation
offices and global patents filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Treaty (PCT).
Innovation in the Philippines’ Technology Sector 5
High-Tech Sector Innovation Needs
The Philippine innovation ecosystem has both strengths and weaknesses that
must be built on and dealt with. Supporting its main sectors, namely, electronics,
aerospace, and automotive segments, are, therefore, critical in stimulating
growth through innovation.
For instance, the electronics and electrical equipment industry lead the
country’s exports with US$23.1 billion (2014); while mechanical appliances
places second with US$8.9 billion. There are also several opportunities in the
transportation sector, including automotive production, wherein global trade is There are
valued more than US$1 trillion. also several
opportunities in
Asia is similarly on the rise as the fastest growing aerospace market with a
significant increase in civilian aircraft projected. All of these are presenting
the transporation
opportunities that can can strengthen the country’s manufacturing sector, which sector, including
is currently being overtaken by the services sector. Highlighted below are some automotive
specific recommendation for the aerospace, automotive and electronics and production,
semiconductors lifted from the industry roadmaps: wherein global
trade is valued
Aerospace more than US$1
• Build capacity via education and training. Design training programs
and certification for aerospace manufacturers and service providers that
correspond with the global aerospace standards. Improving the aerospace
engineering curricula can also bridge the gap between academe and
• Identify global market and technology trends, and strategically invest. Pick
out strategic and specific products and technologies to focus on, based on
the current trends for the Philippines.
The first step in creating a solution that would encourage innovation in the
high-tech sector of the Philippines is to identify and understand the associated
needs. This effort will help facilitate discussion involving the ultimate users of
innovation. Given this, a total of 60 respondents from the industry and industry
associations were interviewed to obtain qualitative information on potential
needs, help identify possible solutions, and gather information on which needs
should be prioritized. Information was obtained using a structured, but informal,
interview process.
Support options were also presented as hypothetical services where ... according to
respondents were made to choose options that might fit the current situation in stakeholders, the
the Philippines. A total of 40 interview sessions were conducted with around priority need
60 respondents representing various industries (electronics/semiconductors,
for electronics,
aerospace, automotive) and organizational characteristics (size, ownership,
and industry role). semiconductors
and aerospace
The interviews were able to highlight four key needs, which are shown in Figure sectors is an
3. The “All Industries” category summarizes the top needs for all respondents, improved local
ranked in order from 1 to 3. The results for specific industries are also revealed. supply chain for
For example, according to stakeholders, the priority need for electronics, innovation.
semiconductors and aerospace sectors is an improved local supply chain for
innovation. For software and data analytics, on the other hand, the priority
should be on increased R&D. Meanwhile, professional support is much needed
for startups.
Overall, the most articulated need is related to R&D. Participants pointed out Participant
that limited R&D is a major constraint in the high-tech industry. However, pointed out that
respondents are positive that capabilities and interest can improve in the limited R&D is a
short run. It is worth noting that real impact will initiate from foundational major constraint
improvements in R&D capabilities especially in universities and companies in the high-tech
that have access to appropriate resources. industry.
The second priority is for the local supply chain to develop towards prototyping,
testing, and pilot scale production. This indicates the need for consolidation ... real impact
of supply, which can be achieved in the form of shared R&D infrastructure, will initiate from
which emerged as a third priority. The respondents revealed existing efforts to foundational
provide shared R&D and offered suggestions on how these can be improved for improvements
optimized impact. in R&D
Lastly, a strong need for support for startups was articulated. In particular,
especially in
professional support is an essential need for high-tech startups in order for them
to understand value propositions for various markets, IP strategies, venture, and universities and
finance, as well as operations. More details regarding the four priority needs companies that
are shown in Table 1. have access
to approriate
The interviews conducted also uncovered some issues related to the Philippines’
innovation challenges. The discussions revealed both positivity and concern
from the respondents as there are fundamental issues threatening the innovation-
based progress of the country. While there have been several efforts in support
of innovation, these efforts appear to be uncoordinated and, thus, there are
lessons to be learned from past experiences. The following are key themes that
surfaced from the interviews:
• Existing R&D does not match the prevailing industry problems, and usually
exhibit academe-centric perspectives. In order to drive innovation, R&D
should be able to solve real-life problems, which the industry can use to
produce improvements that will benefit the whole economy.
of Trade and Industry. The can be downloaded at
www. industry.gov.ph.
The views and opinions expressed in this policy brief
are of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect
Philippine government policy.
Series No. 2018-04 The DTI Policy Briefs is series publication published
by the Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of
Trade and Industrial Policy Research (BTIPR), with
email address at [email protected].