Reproductive Paed
Reproductive Paed
Reproductive Paed
Academic Circle
MFSU Ragama
1.Respiratory distress in neonate.
2.Birth asphyxia
3.Neonatal resuscitation
4.Neonal infection
5.Neonatal sepsis
6.Neonatal seizure
7.Preterm Laboure and prematurity
8.Rh isoimmunization
9.Neonatal jaundice
10.Pubertal abnormalities
11.Breast feeding
12.Complementary feeding
13.Immediatw care of the newborn
14.Transpotation of the sick new born
15.Introdution to clinical genetics
16.Common congenital abnormalities
17.Small for gestational age and intrauterine growth retardation
1.Respiratory distress in neonates
• Characterized by
• Tachypnoea (RR>60/min)
• Recessions
• Grunting (expiratory)
• Cyanosis
• Causes
1. Surfactant deficient lung disease (Respiratory distress syndrome)
2. Transient tachypnea of the newborn
3. Congenital pneumonia
4. Meconium aspiration syndrome
5. Pneumothorax
6. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Clinical features
• Respiratory distress – within minutes of birth
• If untreated
• Gradual worsening – peak 3 days
• Respiratory failure – hypoxia and hypercapnia
• Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
• Mainly clinical
• Confirmatory by chest X-Ray (4hrs after birth)
• ET tube complications (tube block, Accidental removal)
• Pneumothorax (Due to high pressure)
• Patent ductus arteriosus (Hypoxia)
• Chronic lung disease / bronchopulmonary dysplasia
• Requirement of >21% O2 for over 28 days
• Antenatal steroids
• Dexamethasone/betamethasone
• 2 doses
• All mothers who are threatened to deliver before 34 weeks of gestation
• Also decreases the incidence of Intraventricular haemorrhages, Necrotizing
encephalitis and neurodevelopmental impairment
Transient tachypnoea Congenital pneumonia Meconium aspiration syndrome Pneumothorax
Pathogenesis secondary to slow absorption of Suspect in every newborn with Airway obstruction
fetal lung fluid, resulting in respiratory distress Chemical pneumonitis
decreased pulmonary Aetiology – same as for Causes- Hypoxia
compliance neonatal sepsis Hypercapnia
(eg: Group B streptococcus) Acidosis
Risk factors Term PROM In term and post-term infants
Following LSCS Chorioamnionitis
Clinical Respiratory distress soon after Features of respiratory distress Respiratory distress - soon after Sudden/gradual onset
features birth (onset variable) – gradually birth In the affected side
tachypnea worsening Over-distension of chest Reduced chest
expiratory grunting Other non-specific features of Pneumothorax, movements
recessions (mild) sepsis pneumomediastinum Hyperresonance
Chest auscultation – normal Poor feeding, lethargy, Persistent pulmonary Diminished/ absent breath
SpO2 and blood gas – mild irritability, unwell hypertension sounds
hypoxia/NL Auscultation – difficult to Mediastinal deviation
appreciate Transillumination
CXR prominent pulmonary vascular New infiltrates/opacities,
markings effusions
fluid in the intralobar fissures
Management Supportive- Thermoneutral environment At delivery Asymptomatic-
Thermoneutral enviornment Antibiotics Routine newborn care or Observation
Oxygen (low oxygen Penicillin/ampicillin + neonatal resuscitation 100% oxygen (in term
requirement <40%) Gentamicin / cefotaxime Respiratory supportive care babies)
iv fluids Supplemental O2
Antibiotics – until the possibility Respiratory support (oxygen, Assisted ventilation Severe/symptomatic-
of sepsis/pneumonia excluded CPAP, non-invasive or invasive Extracorporeal membrane Needle thoracocentisis
Resolves within 1-3 days ventilation) oxygenation (ECMO) and Intercostal tube
Fluids (iv/oral) Sedation - Morphine or Fentanyl
Surfactant- in severe disease
Pulmonary vasodilators
Circulatory support – inotropes
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Clinical presentation
• Antenatal
• Ultrasound scan between 16-24 weeks
• Postnatal
• Respiratory distress (onset variable)
• Scaphoid abdomen
• Displaced apex beat
• Diminished breath sounds
• Bowel sounds in chest
• Aggressive respiratory support
• Immediate intubation (avoid bag and mask ventilation)
• Ventilation – SIMV, HFOV, ECMO
Other causes
• Cyanotic congenital heart disease
• Persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn
• Congenital malformations of the lungs
• Pulmonary hemorrhage
Severe birth asphyxia (White asphyxia) Mild and moderate birth asphyxia (Blue
Pulse < 100 / min at birth and falling or steady heart rate ≥100/min
respiration absent or gasping Normal respiration not established within one
colour poor some response to stimulation
tone absent some muscle tone present
Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 0-3 Asphyxia with 1-minute Apgar score 4-7
• Hypoxia -> anaerobic metabolism -> increased lactate and inorganic phosphate -> accumulation
of excitatory and toxic metabolites eg: glutamate damages tissue -> overactivation of NMDA,
AMPA & kainite receptors
• This overactivation increases the cellular permeability to Na and Ca
• Intracellular accumulation of Ca and Na causes cytotoxic oedema and neuronal death, apoptic
cell death
• Increased free radicals and NO in these tissues
• Prolonged hypoxia -> affect periventricular white matter -> Periventricular leucomalacia
Clinical features
Seizures : hypoxia, brain damage already happened, electrolyte abnormalities, structural, vascular
events , genetic disorders
Differential diagnosis
• Non-ketotic hyperglycaemia
• Vitamin dependent epilepsies
• Channelopathies
• Congenital myopathies
• Congenital myotonic dystrophy, Spinal muscular atrophy
• Circulation is shifted in a way to prioritize the blood flow to the brain, heart and
adrenals in compromise of perfusion to the other organs , so organ injury may be
evident in these organs
• Congestion, fluid leak from increased capillary permeability, endothelial cell swelling ->
coagulation necrosis and cell death
• Congestion and petechiae in multiple organs
• Hypoxia -> pulmonary arteriole smooth muscle hyperplasia -> pulmonary hypertension
• Hypoxia -> gasping -> aspiration of meconium : pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension,
• MRI brain
• CT brain – to help finding complications
• USS brain
• Other organ functions : FBC, liver functions , renal functions
• Effective resuscitation and stabilization
• Ventilatory support – neuroprotective
• Circulatory support to avoid hypotension
• Fluid restriction provided no hypotension
• Control seizures: Phenobarbitone , Levatiracetam
• Maintain normal glucose and electrolytes
• Support coagulation
• Assess & monitor other organ function
• Therapeutic cooling
Head cooling / whole body cooling
While core-temperature is controlled
Minimise secondary neuronal injury
Should avoid overcooling and cold injury syndrome
• Developmental care
• Foetal demise
• Neonatal death
• Neurological disability
• Epilepsy
• Behavioural disorders
• Near normal or complete recovery
Primary apnoea
• If baby is still inside the uterus or delivered but airway is obstructed, no air will enter the
lungs to establish gas exchange
• This will further aggravate hypoxia, hypercarbia, and acidosis
• After a while the respiratory centre will be temporally malfunction due to deteriorating
blood gases and stop firing
• Thus, baby will stop breathing
• This is called primary apnoea
• Due to myocardial suppression stroke volume is reduced
• To compensate, heart rate increases initially to maintain cardiac output, but latter will
start to drop
• Blood pressure will be reasonably maintained
• But blood gases will continue to deteriorate
• After been in primary apnoea for while, baby will start to breathe again
• This respiration is initiated from spinal cord, not brain stem
• These movements are irregular, jerky, and forceful
• If by this time the airway is patent air will enter lungs and breathing will be established
➢ A baby in primary apnoea can be stimulated to breath by tactile stimulation, but not a
baby in terminal apnoea
➢ The only way to save a baby in terminal apnoea is to establish artificial ventilation
Initiation of resuscitation
• Keep the baby under a radiant warmer or 100W electric bulb. Give special attention to the head as it is
relatively large and a major part of heat loss can occur through it.
• In most instances the baby will cry soon after birth and will need no resuscitation
• Irrespective of the condition of the baby the first step is to wipe the baby of all fluid with
one warm towel and cover the baby with the second warm towel.
• If the baby is crying wrap and hand over the baby to mother.
• Babies who are not breathing after drying needs assessment and immediate action.
• A more practical assessment which is recommended for use during resuscitation is
denoted by the abbreviation ‘CTBH’ (colour, tone, breathing and heart rate).
• After CTBH assessment if the baby is not crying do tactile stimulation
CTBH Assessment
➢ Colour – pink, pale or cyanosed
➢ Tone – good tone, some tone or floppy
➢ Breathing – good cry, some cry or no cry
➢ Heart rate - >100 bpm, <100 bpm or no heartbeat
❖ If baby is centrally pink, good muscle tone, crying vigorously with a heart rate >100 he is in
good condition
❖ Do a quick head to toe examination for gross abnormalities
❖ If everything if fine hand over the baby to the mother for a cuddle and a feed
❖ No Oxygen or suctioning upper airway, in such babies
Airway positioning
2. Jaw thrust
• Push the jaw up and the tongue with it
• Any pressure on the soft tissues under
the jaw should be avoided as it may
worsen the situation by pushing the
tongue base backwards.
• If the baby is very floppy it may be
necessary to use one or two fingers under each side of the lower jaw, at the angle of the
jaw, to push the jaw forwards and outwards
• You need a method of supplying positive pressure ventilation
➢ Self inflation bag – Mask- Valve system
➢ Neo-puff
➢ Via endotracheal tube (used if diaphragmatic hernia is suspected- not routinely
employed to provide inflation breaths)
Inflation breaths
• The main difference is when providing these breaths you provide a higher pressure for
longer duration (2-3 seconds)
• Here you count as 1-2-3 release, 2-2-3 release, 3- 2-3 release 4- 2-3 release, 5- 2-3 release
• Thus you give altogether 5 inflation breaths
• Counting is to keep track on duration of inspiration and expiration
• Release is for expiration
• Remember expiration is as important as inspiration
• If you don’t allow time for expiration air will build up inside alveoli and cause
Ventilatory breaths
• These are given to provide ventilation to an expanded alveoli
• The rhythm here goes as squeeze one, squeeze two ……
• Squeeze is for inspiration and number for expiration
• Advantage is this will automatically indicate the number of breaths given
• 30 breaths per minute
• First drug to use is 0.1 ml/kg, of 1:10,000 adrenalin via umbilical catheter
• Follow this with a 1 ml of normal saline push, so that adrenalin will reach the circulation
• Adrenalin is available as 1 : 1000 Preparation
• To make 1:10,000 use 10 ml syringe. Take 1ml of adrenaline and draw 9ml of 0.9% NaCl
(normal saline) and mix = 1:10,000
• Draw 1ml of this solution to a 1ml syringe & label it
• Dose through endo tracheal tube (ETT) 1ml/kg of 1: 10,000 0.1ml/kg of 1: 1000
• Role of adrenaline
➢ Adrenalin has positive chronotropic, inotropic, dromotropic and bathmotropic action
via beta receptors in the heart
➢ But most important effect of adrenalin during resuscitation is peripheral
vasoconstriction leading to increased diastolic pressure
➢ Myocardial perfusion occurs mainly during diastole
➢ Therefore main action of adrenalin during resuscitation is improving myocardial
After adrenalin
• Continue another cycle and reassess CTBH
• If still no response try 4.2% bolus dose of 2- 3 ml/kg sodium bicarbonate
• What we have in the ward is 8.4%, dilute it with 5% dextrose equal volume
• Rationale for bicarbonate is that, adrenalin binding to its receptors is inhibited by acidosis
• However in some countries it is used only at very late stage of resuscitation
After that
• If child is still responding give a second dose of adrenalin and continue CPR
• You can repeat adrenalin if required
When to stop
• You can stop resuscitation after 10 minutes of any sign of life observed in the baby
• Inform the most senior member before discontinuing resuscitation
Record keeping
• This is a very important aspect
• Make a note that “ notes are written in retrospect” and note down the entire procedure
that was carried out
• Make sure you put down the date and time
• Print your name at the end of the notes with your designation and initial it
• Neonatal infections are the infections occur in the newborn during the neonatal period (the first
28 days of life)
• Up to 10% of infants have infections in the 1st month of life.
• Newborn infection is more common in areas with limited access to healthcare than in areas
with well-established healthcare infrastructure
• Late-onset infection
Occurs between 7 and 30 days of life
Include bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that are typically acquired in the
postnatal period.
3. Fungi
• Candida spp.
• Malassezia spp.
Relative importance of neonatal viral infections related to the timing of acquisition of infection.
Neonatal sepsis
The overall incidence of neonatal sepsis ranges from 1 to 5 cases per 1,000 live births
Attack rates of neonatal sepsis increase significantly in LBW infants in the presence of
- maternal chorioamnionitis
- congenital immune defects
- mutations of genes involved in the innate immune system,
- asplenia
- galactosemia (E. coli)
- malformations leading to high inocula of bacteria
Eg: obstructive uropathy
The neonate is at risk for sepsis caused by pathogens that are uncommon in older
The organisms include
Group B streptococcus
Escherichia coli
Listeria monocytogenes
Neonatal meningitis
• Bacterial meningitis is more common in the first month of life than at any other
• An estimated 5-10% of neonates with early onset group B streptococcal (GBS)
sepsis have concurrent meningitis
Bacterial causes
• E. coli
• L. monocytogenes
• S. pneumoniae
• other streptococci
• nontypable H. influenzae
• staphylococci (coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative)
• Klebsiella, Enterobacter,
• Pseudomonas
• Treponema pallidum
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Neonatal Pneumonia
• The progression of neonatal pneumonia can be variable.
• Fulminant infection is most frequently associated with pyogenic organisms such as GBS
• Onset may occur during the 1st hours or days of life, with the infant often manifesting
rapidly progressive circulatory collapse and respiratory failure.
• Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
• Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Rubella virus
• Treponema pallidum
• Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
• Listeria monocytogenes
• Anaerobic bacteria
• Chlamydia
• Enteric bacteria
• Group B streptococci
• Haemophilus influenzae
• Listeria monocytogenes
• Mycoplasma
• Adenovirus
• Candida spp
• Coagulase-negative staphylococci
• Enteric bacteria
• Enteroviruses
• Influenza viruses A, B
• Parainfluenza
• Pseudomonas
• Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
• Staphylococcus aureus
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Relatively common
• Caused by a variety of organisms.
• Presentation includes periorbital swelling, conjunctival injection,
and purulent conjunctival drainage.
• Common causes
C. Trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
important pathogen in hospitalized VLBW infants
precursor to invasive disease
• The umbilical stump - colonized by bacteria from the maternal genital tract and the
• The necrotic tissue of the umbilical cord - excellent medium for bacterial growth.
• May remain a localized infection or spread to the abdominal wall, the peritoneum, the
umbilical or portal vessels, and the liver.
• Abdominal wall cellulitis or necrotizing fasciitis, with associated sepsis and a high
mortality rate, may develop in infants with omphalitis.
• Common pathogens
Staphylococcus aureus
Gram negatives
• Results from unclean delivery and unhygienic management of the umbilical cord in an
infant born to a mother who has not been immunized against tetanus.
Granulomatosis infantisepticum
• Intrauterine Listeria infection with a high fetal or neonatal mortality
• In the fetus the infection is generalized but is characterized by extensive focal necrosis
with a monocytic infiltration of the liver, spleen, and more rarely of the lungs and
Laboratory Findings
• Signs of systemic infection in newborn infants may be unrevealing, so laboratory
investigation plays a particularly important role in diagnosis.
• Cultures and cell counts are obtained from blood and urine.
• CSF should be sent for Gram stain, routine culture, cell count with differential, and
protein/glucose concentrations.
• Surface swabs, blood, and CSF are often obtained for HSV testing.
• Except for culture and directed pathogen testing, no single laboratory test is completely
reliable for diagnosis of invasive infection in the newborn.
• Even when laboratory tests are available, diagnostic tools to guide are limited.
• Traditional blood culture methods lack sensitivity, particularly in neonates where only
small samples can be obtained.
• This leads to a high number of negative results, leaving a large percentage of bacterial
infections microbiologically unconfirmed
• An immature-to-total phagocyte count (I/T ratio) (≥0.2) has the best sensitivity of the
neutrophil indices for predicting neonatal sepsis.
• After the newborn period, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin have
demonstrated reasonable sensitivity and specificity for SBI.
Antibiotic therapy
• An empirical regimen should be started after sampling for culture and ABST
• In neonatal sepsis - Antibiotics are chosen to cover the organisms typically causing
neonatal sepsis, including GBS, gram-negative organisms, Listeria, and Enterococcus.
Focuses on maternal health
• HIV testing at the first prenatal visit
• Serologic testing for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) at the first prenatal visit
• Screening for rectovaginal GBS colonization of all pregnant women at 35-37 wk
gestation and a screening-based approach to selective intrapartum antibiotic
prophylaxis against GBS
• Intrapartum antibiotics are used to reduce vertical transmission of GBS
• Maternal pyrexia >38°C or other evidence of Very low birth weight, prematurity
infection Lack of breastfeeding
• Prolonged rupture of membranes (ROM Delayed enteral feeding
>18hrs) Frequent handling/extensive
• Foul smelling liquor resuscitation with or without invasive
• Spontaneous preterm delivery (<37 weeks) procedures
• Very low birth weight (<1500g) Disruption of skin integrity with needle
pricks and use of intravenous fluids
• Prolonged or difficult delivery with
Poor hygiene
instrumentation or ≥3 vaginal examinations in
Poor maintenance of asepsis in neonatal
24 hours or presence / removal of cervical
unit including improper hand washing
• Maternal UTI in the third trimesterProlonged
Superficial infections (eg; skin and
or difficult delivery with instrumentation or
umbilical sepsis)
≥3 vaginal examinations in 24 hours or
Previous or prolonged hospitalization
presence / removal of cervical suture.
• Maternal UTI in the third trimester
Skin vesicles
• Blood: FBC (neutropenia may be present instead of neutrophilia), CRP (serial values
more helpful), Blood culture, blood picture
• Urine: UFR, urine culture
• Imaging: Chest X-ray, abdominal X-ray
• CSF: CSF full report, CSF culture, CSF for bacterial antigen, CSF for viral PCR
• Swabs: skin, umbilicus, vesicles
Full septic screen vs partial septic screen
• Platelet count
• Coagulation: PT/APTT
• Liver functions: AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, bilirubin
• Renal functions: S Creatinine, Blood Urea, electrolytes
• Metabolic: Blood sugar, calcium, magnesium, phosphate
• Blood gas: acid – base disturbances
• Initial assessment & stabilization: A, B,C …..
- Fluid resuscitation
- Check blood sugar and correct if needed
- Manage hypothermia
• Antibiotics, Intravenous route
Initially empirical, later altered as per response and ABST
14 days for septicaemia, 21 days for meningitis, 7 – 14 days for other scenarios depending on
the clinical circumstances
If the sepsis was presumed and later all the parameters in the septic screen negative –
antibiotics should be stopped as early as possible provided the child is well, to avoid
antibiotic resistance
• Monitoring
Monitoring for the response to treatment, complications, drug adverse effects
Short term – SIADH, Hydrocephalus, cerebral oedema, subdural effussion
▪ Introduction
• Immature CNS is very susceptible to seizures
• If not controlled promptly lead to Progressive cerebral hypoxia and oedema and
Permanent brain damage.
▪ Incidence
• Seizures occur more often in the neonatal period than at any other time of life
• Higher in premature neonates
• Risk increases with decreasing gestational age and weight
• They most often occur within the first week of life
▪ Types of Seizures
1. Subtle seizures
a. Abnormal eye movements
b. Lip smacking
c. Swimming or pedaling movements
d. Apnea
2. Tonic (Focal/multi-focal/generalizes)
3. Clonic (Focal/ Generalized)
4. Myoclonic (Focal/generalized)
5. Epileptic spasms
6. Autonomic manifestations
Differential diagnosis
Seizure mimickers
I. Jitteriness
II. Motor automatisms
III. Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
• 85% are symptomatic
• Therefore, must find the cause for seizure
• Intracranial pathologies
Family history
• Consanguinity
• Epilepsy/ neonatal seizures
All neonates with seizures should be investigated to find the cause
• FBC • S. calcium
• CRP • Blood gas
• Blood culture •Ammonium lactate
• SE
• Lumbar puncture
Indicated in all neonates with seizures unless the cause is obviously related to metabolic disorder
• TORCH screen
• Neuroimaging
• US Brain
• MRI Brain
• When to start
o Briefly seizures due to reversible causes do not require treatment
o Phenobarbitone is the treatment of choice
- IV 20mg/kg loading dose
- 5mg/kg/day maintenance dose
Preterm labor
• Hypotension • Hypernatraemia
• Bradycardia (with apnoea) • Hyperkelaemia
• Renal tubular acidosis
CNS Other
• IVH • Infections
• Periventricular leukomalacia • Anaemia of prematurity
• Seizures • Hypothermia
• Deafness
• Poor motility
• Jaundice
• Premature babies have increased surface/weight ratio, they have decreased epidermal
and dermal skin thickness
• They have reduced subcutaneous fat, brown fat, and energy store. They are also wet
• They suffer from heat loss through contact to cold surface (conduction), air currents
(convection), through cooler surface area movement (radiation) and evaporation
• Plastic bags, kangaroo mother care method, radiant
warmers, clothing, incubators can be used to treat
• Asses need for incubator immediately, use transport
incubator with humidification if necessary.
• Minimize exposure time and handling
• Keep the baby dry and use dry drapes
• Maintain neutral thermal range
Bacterial infection
• Prematurity is a predisposing factor for bacterial infection because premature babies
have immature skin and not fully developed innate immune system.
• Baby is also predisposed if there is any antenatal exposure and use of devices (IV etc.)
• Infections can be prevented by
• Baby should be treated with IV antibiotics
Respiratory distress
• Respiratory distress is categorized by Tachypnoea, Intercostal recession, Sternal
recession, Paradoxical respiratory movement, Grunt, Oxygen requirement
• Surfactant deficient lung disease is the main cause of respiratory distress in a premature
• This deficiency is more common in babies below 32 weeks of gestation
• Surfactant deficiency leads to increase of alveolar surface tension and lung alveoli
• Distress can also be caused due to congenital pneumonia, congenital malformation,
pneumothorax and TTN “wet lung”
• It is a medical emergency
• A.B.C. procedure is followed
• Minimal handling while management
• Minimal FiO2 to achieve 90-95% saturation (Avoid nasal
prong oxygen for preterm babies – unless for chronic lung
• Assess for infection – treat if indicated
• IV fluids: Avoid hypoglycaemia and electrolyte disturbance
• Consider need for invasive monitoring and is done if required
• Decide need for ventilatory support and is given if required
• Provide CPAP from time of birth
• Surfactant is given as “rescue” rather than “prophylactic”
Interventricular Hemorrhage
• It very rarely occurs in babies of >32/40, occurs mainly in babies
born <28/40
• Bleeding from the germinal matrix and blood moves into the
• This blood can clot and obstruct the venous system
• This may cause periventricular infarction
• Seizures, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy are some complications that can occur due to
IVH too
Apnea of Prematurity
• Apnea -: Cessation of breathing for longer than 20 seconds or for any duration if
accompanied with bradycardia and cyanosis.
• There are 03 types of apnea based on the underlying mechanism.
o Central
o Obstructive
o Mixed – Majority
• Pathophysiology of central apnea:
o Tactile stimulation
o Methylxanthines – Aminophylline (IV), Theophylline(orally)
o Caffeine – fewer side effects (not available in SL)
o Continuous positive pressure ventilation.
Jaundice of prematurity
• Pathophysiology:
Retinopathy of Prematurity
• Risk Factors:
o Less than 32 weeks.
o Lower gestational age, lower birth weight and sicker the infant – Greater the risk.
• Retinopathy of prematurity affects developing blood vessels at the junction pf the
vascularizes and non -vascularized retina.
Anemia of prematurity
• Hb levels may drop to 7-9g/dL by 3-6 weeks of life.
• Contributory factors:
o Shorter red blood cell life span
o Inadequate erythropoietin production
o Low iron stores
o Iatrogenic blood loss – venipuncture
o Rapid extrauterine growth
o Vitamin E deficiency leading to premature RBC break -down.
Osteopenia of prematurity
• Reduced bone mineral content in preterm babies.
• Due to post-natal nutrition being unable to match the intrauterine mineral delivery.
• 80% of calcium and phosphate mineral accretion takes place during the 3rd trimester.
• Can be treated with Calcium and phosphate supplements.
IV Fluids
• Premature babies need more fluid as they lose more fluid.
• Fluid needed by premature babies on first 3 days of life:
o Day 1 – 75 – 80ml/Kg/day
o Day 2 – 90 – 95ml/Kg/day
o Day 3 – 105 – 110 ml/Kg/day
• st
1 Day of life – 10% Dextrose
• 2nd Day onwards – add electrolytes – Sodium, potassium, calcium.
Immaturity of drug metabolism
• The following features of preterm babies will slow down drug metabolism:
o Renal clearance is diminished
o GFR rises with gestational age
o Liver metabolism also not optimal
o Need to use smaller doses
o Drug dosing recommendations vary with age
Various supplements given to preterm babies
• Vit. K 0.5mg given at birth
• Phosphorus
o Enteral
o 100 mg/kg
o From time of tolerating full enteral feeds
o Until 40 weeks post-menstrual age
• Calcium
o Enteral
o 200 mg/kg/day
o From time of tolerating full enteral feeds
o Until 40 weeks post-menstrual age
Long term complications of
Outcome of preterm babies
< 22 weeks : minimal survival prematurity:
23 weeks : 30%
• Developmental disability – cerebral
24 weeks : 60%
28 weeks : 90%
• Sensory impairment – hearing, vision
30 weeks : 95%
• Learning disability
• Behavioral disorders
• Intellectual disability
• Chronic lung disease
Early intervention is very important !! • Increase risk of child abuse and
8.Rh isoimmunisation
Pathophysiology of the Rh isoimmunisation
During the fetal maternal haemorrhage, the fetal RBC cross the placenta.
Maternal immune response recognizes the fetal RBC as a foreign antigen if fetus Rh positive
and mother Rh negative.
In maternal circulation, antibodies are formed against fetal antigen.
IgM is the first antigen that form follows the fetal maternal haemorrhage.
IgM can’t cross the placenta.
Initial IgM followed up by IgG in 2 weeks -6 can cross the placenta.
In first pregnancy, the amount of antibody in maternal circulation is not enough to cross the
Memory B cells activates immune response in subsequent pregnancy with Rh +ve fetus and
formed large amount of the antibody.
IgG antibody cross the placenta and attack the fetal RBC
The fetal RBC cell sequested by the macrophage of fetal spleen where they get haemolysed.
It forms fetal anaemia.
Sensitisation of mother is depend on the volume of fetal maternal haemorrhage (>4ml) and
magnitude of mother’s immune response.
(klihauer test shout be perform with in 2 hr of delivery to identify the Rh –ve mother with large
maternal haemorrhage)
Kernicterus (bilirubin encephalopathy) – Occurs due to deposition of unconjugated
bilirubin in basal ganglia and brainstem nuclei which leads to neurological defects.
Conjugated bilirubin has no effect
Management - Transfer the child from primary/secondary to tertiary care center following
which early treatment through phototherapy and exchange transfusions can prevent
There are different ways in which jaundice can be classified and commonly 3 criteria are used
for this purpose; state of conjugation, haemolysis and timing.
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia hyperbilirubinaemia
Serum conjugated level of >25µmol/l or Majority of newborns have
2mg/dL unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
Majority of newborns have non-
Usually appear within first 24-48 hours haemolytic jaundice
Unconjugated Conjugated
Haemolytic Hepatic Post-hepatic
Keep in mind –
Physiological jaundice is the most common type of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Check naked baby in bright and preferably natural light – to identify jaundice
Examination of sclera, gums and blanched skin (exposing the face to sunlight and observing
blanching of the skin of the forehead) is useful across all skin tone
History Examination
Maternal blood group (If the mother is Rh Weight loss (as a % of birth weight), signs of
negative) and antibody status (During the dehydration
anti-natal period)
Gestational age / birth weight Temperature – low or high (to check for
Waking for feeds / activity / irritability / Level of consciousness (whether the child is
vomiting - To see if the baby has sepsis septic or else having bilirubin
(activity) or to check for any clinical evidence encephalopathy)
of intestinal obstruction (vomiting)
Urine output (less) / frequency of stools (less) High pitched cry, irritability, activity level,
– in breastfeeding jaundice / their colours – feeding (whether the child is septic or else
urine →dark having bilirubin encephalopathy)
Type of feeds – breast milk (take longer to Fontanelle (bulging – in neonatal meningitis
clear physiological jaundice) / formula or sepsis/depressed - dehydration), tone,
Weight loss?
Degree of jaundice (Kramer’s rule: cephalic-caudal)
Interpretation of the Kramer's rule –
[Head & neck 100; Chest 150; lower body & thighs 200; arms & legs
below knees 200; hands & feet >250 in µmol/l]
The values are then added to get the final value
✓ Keep in mind that this is not the same as breast milk jaundice!
✓ It results from insufficient breast milk intake, resulting in inadequate quantities of bowel
movements to remove bilirubin from the body
✓ This leads to increased enterohepatic circulation, resulting in increased reabsorption of
bilirubin from the intestines (So it’s not only bile salts and urobilinogen that’s
reabsorbed. In special occasions such as this, bilirubin may be absorbed as well)
✓ Usually occurs during the first week of life
✓ Treatment -Most cases can be ameliorated by proper establishment of breastfeeding to
stimulate adequate milk production. Sometimes, initial correction of dehydration is
necessary (Sometimes intravenous fluid may be needed to correct this dehydration.)
(03) Breast milk jaundice
Hereditary spherocytosis –
➢ Family history (positive in 75%); autosomal dominant
➢ Spherocytes on blood film
➢ Incubated osmotic fragility testing, genetic testing
➢ Long term follow up and management
G6PD deficiency -
➢ Mostly affects males (X-linked recessive disorder)
➢ G6PD level may be normal if reticulocyte count is high
➢ Advice on avoidance of precipitants – certain medications, fava beans, moth
• Haemoglobinopathies e.g., sickle cell disease, HbH disease (type of alpha Thalassemia)
• Alloimmune
➢ Rhesus incompatibility
➢ ABO incompatibility
➢ Rare blood group incompatibility (Such as Kell and Duffy)
• Systemic
➢ Sepsis
• Cephalhematoma (excessive collection of blood below the aponeurotic layer and above
the skull) and excessive bruising (can be due to sub-aponeurotic hemorrhagic or trauma
during delivery → which causes lot of bruising)
• Polycythemia (infants of diabetic mothers and infants who are small for dates) → If
packed cell volume in more than 65%
• Breast feeding jaundice
• Breast milk jaundice*
• UTI, sepsis*
• Hypothyroidism*
• Gilbert syndrome* Rare inherited congenital
• Crigler Najjar syndrome* abnormalities
• High GI obstruction* e.g., congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (common MCQ)
* Causes prolonged or persistent jaundice (>14 days in a term baby and> 21 days in preterm)
Diagnostic procedures
➢ Physiological: <100µmol/l
➢ Exaggerated (physiological) – breastfeeding or in preterm babies: 100-250/300µmol/l
➢ Pathological: >250µmol/l by 48 hours or >300µmol/l by 72 hours of life
2) Transcutaneous bilirubinometer for babies born > 35 weeks and > 24 hours of age (not
available in our hospitals)
- It’s a non-invasive method
o Measure bilirubin levels routinely in babies who are not visibly jaundiced
o Use visual assessment to estimate level of bilirubin (check level)
o Use umbilical cord blood bilirubin level (Which we usually do in Rh group
incompatibility) and DAT test (direct agglutination test/Direct Coomb's test) to predict
significance of hyperbilirubinaemia
Apart from assessing the bilirubin levels you may need to order other investigations depending
on the cause –
✓ Haemolytic jaundice – FBC, blood group & Rh, Direct Coombs test (DAT), blood picture
✓ Septic screen for suspected sepsis
✓ Blood sugar and serum electrolytes in dehydration
✓ If you’re suspecting a metabolic cause - Metabolic screening and blood gas analysis
Management of indirect hyperbilirubinaemia
Note -
(01) Phototherapy
• Baby exposed, eyes covered and kept 18 inches away from the sources (maximum
• Decreases SBR
• Use total serum
measurement to
decide the necessity
for phototherapy
• Threshold graphs
are used according
to birth gestation
and chronological
o Communication to parents
o Relieve anxiety
o Give idea about management plan
o Encourage breast feeding
• Stop phototherapy once serum bilirubin has fallen to a level at least 50 micromol/liter
below the phototherapy threshold in treatment threshold graphs
▪ Rapidly rising bilirubin – SBR> 8.5 micromol/l per hour
▪ SBR at a level within 50 micmol/l below exchange transfusion level in the threshold
b) Fiberoptic phototherapy (Biliblankets, bilibeds and phototherapy
other products) – not machine
available in SL -
It’s preferred to conventional phototherapy in preterm babies
Indications -
▪ Serum Bilirubin above exchange transfusion in the threshold charts
▪ Clinical features of bilirubin encephalopathy
Preparation –
Complications -
Not common but very serious if it does occur
➢ Embolization (air/clots) - Since you catheterize the umbilical veins. In order to avoid
embolization you insert the catheter till you get a continuous flow of blood from the
umbilical vein
➢ Thrombosis of umbilical vein → later leading to portal hypertension
➢ Cardiac arrhythmias
➢ Hyper/hypovolaemia
➢ Hypothermia
➢ Increase in K+, Na+, decrease in Ca++, and acidosis (If old blood is used)
➢ Infection
➢ Hypoglycemia (Because the procedure itself takes 1 – 2 hours and anyway in Rh group
incompatibility hypoglycemia is a known complication)
➢ Necrotizing enterocolitis
Role of IVIG and cost effectiveness on preventing exchange transfusions in Rh disease has been
proven but more studies needed for its effectiveness in ABO incompatibility
Recommendations: 0.5-1g/Kg over 4 hours in adjunct to multiple phototherapy in Rh or ABO
incompatibility with rapidly rising SBR
Haemolytic disease of the newborn - HDN
Clinical features –
o First baby may not be affected
o Most severe form of haemolytic jaundice
o Starts in utero
o Stillbirths, hydrops fetalis due to severe anaemia, jaundice and anaemia
o Maternal Anti D administration
o In-utero transfusions (for severe anaemia)
o Neonatal administration of immunoglobulin
o Phototherapy, exchange transfusion
o Follow-up with full blood count; may require blood transfusions up to 6-8 weeks post
birth (if anaemia develops as a severe complication)
Complications of Rh HDN
o Kernicterus
o Hypoglycaemia
o Infections
o Late anaemia
o Folate deficiency
o Obstructive jaundice
Investigations - SBR, Blood group of mother & baby, Direct Coombs test, Hb%
Causes -
• Infections e.g., Sepsis, Hepatitis A, B and TORCH infections (acquired while in the womb)
T - Toxoplasma
O – Other infections
R - Rubella
C – Cytomegalo virus
H – Herpes simplex
• Metabolic e.g., galactosemic, tyrosinemia, Alfa 1 antitrypsin deficiency, cystic fibrosis,
Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome
• Drugs e.g., Total parenteral nutrition
• Idiopathic neonatal cholestasis
c. Per operative cholangiography (is the diagnostic test but now a days we do a liver biopsy
before that)
Other investigations –
o Alk. Phosphatase
o S. protein → indicates hepatic damage
o TORCH screen and hepatitis B surface Ag
o Urine CMV
o Urine for reducing substances
Keep in mind that the above investigations are apart from the basic investigations given below
– (what you have to check first and foremost)
• Urine – positive for bile, negative for urobilinogen
• Serum conjugated bilirubin - Increased (CB is >25micmol/l)
-In men LH secretion is noted during the transition period from juvenile to peripubertal stages
Stimulate production of Testosterone from intestinal cells (Leydig cells)
Testosterone is responsible the majority of changes seen internally and externally in boys
during puberty.
-Normal puberty initiated through Hypothalamo- pituitary – Gonadal axis follows a set pattern
-Breast development is the first external feature of on set of puberty
-Secondary (pubertal) growth spurt closely follow this
-Adrenarche which is externally seen as growth of pubic hair is seen just around the time of
breast development
-Axillary hair growth follow this
-Other body changers gradually follows
Menarche denotes the completion of pubertal process and indicate sexual maturity
Endocrine aspect of male sexual development
-First sign of puberty is testicular enlargement in response to FSH and LH
-Most of the changes seen during this time is due to effects of testosterone
Active form of testosterone is dihydroxy testosterone which is produced by 5ἀ reductase enzyme
-5ἀ reductase enzyme deficiency will result in female external genitalia with absent uterus and
bling vagina
*Testicular enlargement is closely associated with pubertal growth spurt.Unlike in females sexual
maturity in males occur at middle of the growth spurt
*Enlargement of penis and internal genitalia occurs in response to testosterone, scrotum
become pigmented and rugose
*Pubic hair, facial hair, axillary hair and total increase in body hair follows
*But in scalp temporal recession of hair is noted
*Vice become deep, with prominent larynx
*Broad shoulders
*Muscle mass increase
*More aggressive
*Attraction towards opposite sex
*Unlike in females no definitive marker of sexual maturity like menarche
*First nocturnal emission may be taken as a sign
Pubertal disoders
• Delayed Puberty
• Precautious puberty
• Pubertal arrest
Delayed puberty
-Mean age at onset of puberty can vary from population to population, because of genetic and
environmental factors
-Delayed puberty is defined as failure to develop secondary sexual characteristics beyond 2
standard deviation from mean for the given population
-Generally absent breast development by 13 years of absent testicular development by 14 years
➢ Commoner in boys
➢ Apart from delayed onset of puberty no other abnormality on examination
➢ Shorter than their peers, but height projection is within the mid-parental height and compatible for the
age, stage of sexual maturation and bone age
➢ Usually there is a family history of delayed onset of puberty in parent and siblings, but not essential for
the diagnosis
➢ Reassurance and psychological support is often adequate, but pubertal induction is indicated if there is
significant psychological impact
➢ Severe chronic uncontrolled medical conditions like chronic renal failure, severe persistent asthma,
cyanotic heart disease, chronic liver disease can result in delayed onset of puberty
➢ The delay may be attributable to direct effects of the disease, secondary hormonal changes, metabolic
derangements, nutritional problems, effects of long term medications
➢ However
• in manymalnutrition
Severe such cases the exact mechanism of pubertal delay is poorly understood
➢ Age at puberty has shown decreasing trend over the years, which is called a secular trend
➢ This is attributed to improved health status among children, and specifically the nutrition
➢ Onset of puberty is supposed to be signaled by achieving minimum amount of fat in the body
➢ This is to protect the individual, because sexual maturity means possibility of pregnancy, which will
further deteriorate her nutritional status, because fetus acts as a parasite
➢ Anorexia nervosa is a known cause for delayed puberty, where a secondary endocrine disturbance is
thought to be the cause
• Intensive exercise
➢ Long distance runners, extensive physical training may delay the onset of puberty
➢ Puberty tend to occur without intervention in these girls when physical training is cut down
• Hypothalamo-pituitary disorders
➢ This is due failure of signaling puberty by increase in pulsatile release of GnRH
➢ Craniopharyngiomas and other pituitary tumors of hypothalamus disorders will cause this
• Pseudo hermaphroditism
• Hypothyroidism
➢ Due to reduced metabolic activity of all tissues this can lead pubertal delay
Klinefelter syndrome
1. In a boy testicular volume of 4 ml or above indicate puberty has been initiated- use a Prader
orchidometer for this
2. Testosterone level at 8 am will indicate whether puberty has been initiated
3. Raised Gonadotropin levels indicate primary gonadal failure
4. LH/FSH response to a dose of GnRH will help to identify whether puberty is imminent
5. If imminent there will be a significant rise in LH and FSH, and LH surge will be greater than FSH
6. US Scan to assess the internal organs
7. Do Karyotyping when indicated
Precocious puberty
• When secondary sexual characteristics appear before 8 years in girls and before 9 years in boys, it is
considered precocious puberty
• It can be true precocious puberty or pseudo-precocious puberty
• True precocious puberty is when puberty is induced by hypothalamo-pituitary axis as usual
• This will result in secondary sexual characteristics and sexual maturity occur in the correct order,
which is called consonance
• Pseudo-precocious puberty occurs when secondary sexual characteristics are initiated via some
other mechanism, thus the consonance is lost
• Thus presence or absence of consonance is the most important feature
True precocious puberty - causes
Commoner in girls, with female: male ratio of 10:1
-Exclude an underlying cause if relevant
-If idiopathic delaying the onset of puberty can be done depending on circumstances
-Indications to suppression is more cultural and psychological than medical
-Puberty can be suppressed by cyproterone acetate and medroxyprogesterone
-Mainly used now adays is GnRH analogues (desensitize anterior pituitary to GnRH)
-Psychological and emotional support should be given to the child
-Advice regarding personal hygiene should be given
Arrest of puberty
-In this phenomenon onset of puberty will be denoted by appearance of secondary sexual
-But normal pubertal process will not proceed and will get arrested at one point
-This can be due to a secondary event damaging Hypothalamo- pituitary- gonadal axis or may be
due to an underlying abnormality
-Testicular feminizing syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome are classic examples
• Due to MIF, Mullerian structures regress, therefore child will have a blind vagina with
WHO definition
Only breast milk and no other liquids or solids except for drops or syrups consisting of vitamins,
mineral supplements or medicines if medically indicated
Every healthy term newborn, when placed on the mother's abdomen, soon after birth,
has the ability to find its mother's breast all on its own.
Can decide when to take first breastfeed. (usually <60 mins)
This is called the 'Breast Crawl'.
Improves bonding as the baby is alert in the 1st 1-2 hours
Enables colonization of the baby with maternal flora
✓ Storage
✓ Opportunities for Kangaroo care; baby’s bedside / photo galactagogues
Infant cues…
Parents and their infants have timely
access to ongoing support and care
o Self-referrals
o Referrals from other units
o Hotline
The composition of breast milk is unique to each phase of breast milk production
• Colostrum
• Transitional milk
• Mature milk
• Weaning milk
• Less volume – suitable for the baby’s small stomach and immature kidneys
• More WBC, more IgA, more proteins, more whey proteins
mature milk
Milk during weaning
Breast milk is the perfect food for the infant Reduces risk of
hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes,
Enhances brain development ; IQ upto 6-10
hypertension, cardiovascular disease
points higher
Breast and ovarian cancer are reduced
Thus has major beneficial effects
Hip fractures and osteoporosis are
Ideal composition biochemically /
Faster return to pre-pregnancy weight
Protects from infections – diarrhoea, otitis
media, UTI by, Lactational amenorrhea –
contraception (partial)
• Immunoglobulins - SIgA
• Lactoferrins Stops bleeding after birth of the baby
• Enzymes (Oxytocin)
• Hormones
• Cells – PNL, lymphocytes & macrophages
Stabilizes for family
Optimises neurodevelopment
Improves bonding with baby
Protects from chronic diseases eg: diabetes
(type 1 & 2), childhood cancers, obesity, No cost
inflammatory bowel disease
Convenient (no preparation)
Preterm – breastmilk reduces risk of sepsis,
NEC Fresh
• At birth mammary ducts, areola and nipple are Pharyngeal muscles and nerves
• During puberty increased growth and
branching of ducts and alveolar buds –
oestrogen and progesterone
• Connective tissue and fatty tissue also increase
• During pregnancy – mammary epithelial cells
differentiate to lactocytes; alveoli proliferate
Lactogenesis II - endocrine
Lactogenesis III (mature milk) - autocrine
Maternal neuroendocrine reflexes
Infant reflexes
• Positioning
- The baby’s whole body is facing his mother and close to her
- Face is close up to the breast
• Attachment
- Chin is touching the breast
- Mouth is wide open
- Lower lip is curled outwards
- More areola above baby’s upper lip & less areola below lower lip
• You can see the baby taking slow, deep sucks
• The baby is relaxed, happy and satisfied at the end of the feed
• The mother does not feel nipple pain
• You may be able to hear the baby swallowing
Signs of poor attachment
• After each feed
• Not essential if attachment is good
Positioning after a feed
• Supine or to a side
• Not prone
Advice to mothers
Pre-lacteal feeds;
• No formula, water, glucose in first 6 months
• Milk volume on day 1 very low; stomach size only 5ml
Colostrum is adequate
• No need of extra water even in a hot day.
• Demand feeding or unrestricted breastfeeding (on early hunger cues – taking hand to
mouth etc; crying is late)
For lengthen the period
• No fixed time period
• Normal breast fullness
• Breast engorgement
• Blocked duct
• Mastitis / abscess
• Sore / cracked nipples
• Inverted nipples
Not enough milk
• Breast refusal
▪ Part of breast becomes red, hot, swollen & ▪ Can BF, therefore reassure
▪ No antenatal discussion with
▪ Fever, chills & generalized unwell
mother required
▪ Fluctuant if an abscess is formed
o Most improve and when
▪ Symptoms are same for non-infective
baby sucks will evert
▪ & infective mastitis
▪ Breast feeding is not contraindicated
o Early initiation of
▪ Extra support to establish
▪ Remove milk frequently by allowing baby to attachment
breast feed (if not, an abscess will formed) or by ▪ Once breasts are full – reverse
expression pressure softening / little hand
▪ Establish a good attachment expression
▪ Offer the baby the affected breast first (if not ▪ Draw nipple out by touch
too painful) ▪ Nipple-shield may help
▪ Wear a loose bra
▪ Rest with the baby, so that the baby can feed
▪ Paracetamol/ibuprofen for pain
▪ Antibiotics if fever >24 hours, infected cracked
nipple, not improving (or worsening) with above
measures within 24 hrs.
▪ Antibiotics for 10-14 days
▪ An abscess may need surgical drainage
• Sick babies
• Preterm babies
• Babies with a GI surgical problems
• Rarely for babies with metabolic problems
Contraindications to breastfeed
• Naso/orogastric tube – left insitu rather than gavage if required for every feed
• Spoon
• Cup
• Supplementer at the breast
• Complementary feeding is defined as the process starting when breast milk alone is no
longer sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of infants, and therefore other
foods and liquids are needed, along with breast milk
• Covers the period from 6 months to 2 years – might vary in different children (WHO)
Right Food-
Correct consistency of food is important for advancement of chewing & swallowing skills ,Food
variety and different tastes are important for neurodevelopment
- Use soft and palatable food types ex: yogurt, jelly which are easy to swallow
- Important to catch up with the nutrition once recovered from the illness
• Feeding children with chronic disorders
- Children might not have the normal appetite
- In contrast, the calorie need is more
- Might need especial feeds due to the underlying disease ex: children with liver disease
will require special feeds
13.Immediate care of the newborn
• Prematurity: 10-12%
• For mothers at risk of giving birth at <35weeks gestation
• Complications of prematurity reduced – especially SDLS
• Optimal benefit when delivery occurs 24 hours after completing therapy.
▪ Establish breastfeeding early
▪ Prevent hypothermia
▪ Bonding
▪ Colonise with maternal flora
9. Vitamin K administration
1mg for term
0.5mg for preterm
• Routinely administered intramuscularly(1ml syringe with 23G needle)
• To prevent haemorrhagic disease of newborn
Pre-transfer stabilization
Preparation - On Arrival
• Introduce team
• Connect all rechargeable equipment to the mains
• History, examine baby, check investigation results
• Get copies / originals of X-rays and investigation results
• Identify priorities
• Make a plan – Communicate it
Stage 3:
Chromosomal Multifactorial
abnormalities inheritance
• A single base of a codon is replaced by another type of base. Hence amino acid can be change.
• In substitution ,
1. altered codon encodes the same amino acid in previous sequence – SILENT MUTATION
2. altered codon encodes for another amino acid – MISSENSE MUTAION
3. altered codon encode for stopping codon – NONSENSE MUTATION
X-linked dominant
Red Ribbon For All Children
R- Rett syndrome
F – fragile X syndrome
A -Alport syndrome
C -charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Girls Do Come For CHAWAL
G - G6PD deficiency
A – Agammaglobulenemia
A - Albinism
Pyloric stenosis
Duodenal atresia/intestinal atresia
Malrotation/ volvulus
Hirschsprung disease
Anal atresia
3. Orthopaedic abnormalities
Talipes equinovarus
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
4. Neurological abnormalities
Spina bifida
5. Genitourinary abnormalities
Congenital hydrocele
Inguinal hernia
6. Umbilical abnormalities
7. Limb abnormalities
Now lets go through briefly about some common congenital abnormalities.
1. Cleft Lip
• Failure of the medial nasal and maxillary processes to join
• Incidence of cleft lip +/- cleft palate is 1 in 750
• Common in males
• Cleft lip can be unilateral or bilateral
• Surgical correction performed by 3 months
• Use of soft artificial nipples with large openings, a squeezable bottle and proper
instructions are important
• Can get problems with speech
• Leukocoria
• When light is shone through iris – retina appears red
• In leukocoria – retina is abnormally appears white
• Common etiologies
• Retinoblastoma
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Larval granulomatosis
• Posterior cataract
• Chorioretinitis
• Can be associated with microphthalmia
4. Sternocleidomastoid tumor
5. Tongue tie
6. Diaphragmatic hernia
12. Gastroschisis
• Imperforated anus
• Incidence – 1 in 5000 live births
• Most are sporadic
• Can be associated with
• other atresia – esophageal atresia
• VACTERL association
• Caudal regression syndrome
• 2 broad categories – high ( supralevator) or low (infralevator)
• Low subtypes - treated with anoplasty
• High subtypes – treated with colostomy with subsequent potential repair
• X-rays not recommended in idiopathic club foot
• Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after birth – nonoperative
• Tapping and strapping, manipulation and serial casting
• Surgical release usually between 3-12 month of age
• Ponseti method – specific technique for manipulation and serial casting and surgery
• It is minimally invasive rather than noninvasive
15. Developmental dysplasia of the hip
• Spectrum of pathology in the development of the immature hip joint
• DDH is classified in to 2 major groups
• Typical DDH and tetrologic DDH
• Typical – DDH in otherwise normal patients
• Tetrologic – usually have identifiable cause, arthrogryposis or a genetic syndrome
• Etiology remains unknown
• Final pathway is increased joint laxity which fails to maintain a stable femoro-
acetabular articulation
• May have positive family history
• Common among girls (80%)/ breech presentation
Clinical features
Screened by specific maneuvers
Barlow – assess the potential for dislocation of an initially nondisplaced hip
The examiner adducts the flexed hips and gently pushes the thigh posteriorly
In positive test – the hip is felt to slide out of the acetabulum
Ortolani test – reverse of the Barlow test
The examiner attempts to reduce a hip that is dislocated at rest
The examiner grasps the thigh between the thumb and index finger
Lifts the trochanter while simultaneously abducting the hip
In positive test – the femoral head slips into the socket with a cluck ( palpable not
At2nd or 3rd
month of life – soft tissue begin to tighten
Maneuvers are not reliable
Physical signs
Limited hip abduction – most reliable sign of a dislocated hip in this age group
Apparent shortening of the thigh (Galeazzi sign)
Proximal location of the greater trochanter
Asymmetry of the gluteal or thigh folds
Walking child
Waddling gait
Leg length discrepancy
Affected side appear shorter than normal side
Toe walking on the affected side
Limited hip abduction
• Ultrasonography is superior to radiography
• Goals of management are to obtain and maintain a concentric reduction of the femoral
head within the acetabulum
• Newborns to 6 months
• Treat with Pavlik harness as soon as possible
• A significant proportion normalize with in 3-4weeks
• 6 months to 2 years
• Closed reduction under GA
• >2 years
• Open reduction
16. Neural tube defects
a. Spina bifida occulta
b. Meningocele
c. Meningomyelocele
d. Encephalocele
e. Anencephaly
17. Cryptorchidism
Absent of at least
1 testicle in scrotum
• 3% of term and 30% of preterm
• 80% descend by the third month of life
• Sequalae of cryptorchidism
1. Infertility
2. Psychological consequences
3. Risk of malignancy
• Ochidopexy
18. Hypospadias
Patent urachus
• Due to failure of closure of the allantoic duct
• Clear, light-yellow fluid discharge from umbilicus
• Can be associated with bladder outlet obstruction
22. Finger and toe abnormalities
Syndactyly ( webbing)
b. Capillary haemangioma
c. Erythema toxicum
d. Milia
f. Epstein pearls
17.Small for gestational age and IUGR
WHO definitions
Low Birth Weight (LBW), defined as an infant
with a birth weight of less than 2500 g
regardless of gestational age at the time of
Very low birth weight (VLBW) < 1500 g
Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) <1000 g
• Reduced maternal
vascular supply
• Constitutional
• (pre-eclampsia, • Undernutrition
• Genetic
hypertension, DM, • Maternal
• Chromosomal renal disease) hypoxia
• Expression of • Thrombosis, • Drugs /
• Structural
placental infarction substance abuse
growth factors • (Maternal LE, • Smoking (main
• Congenital
(e.g.IGF-1) antiphospholipid reason in
syndrome, sickle western
(CMV, Rubella)
cell disease) countries)
• Sharing of uterine
e gestation)
Pathophysiology Asymmetrical
Symmetrical • Growth failure with head growth relatively
• Growth failure affecting weight, length
• Utero-placental insufficiency-Reduced O2 transfer
and head to fetus (Fetus preserves blood supply to vital
• Caused by fetal factors organs (brain, myocardium, adrenal glands) at
• Chromosomal, infection, syndromes expense of kidney, GI tract, limbs and
• If swallowing affected, Mother will have subcutaneous tissues)
polyhydramnios • normal head growth BUT reduced abdominal
E.g. Trisomy 21 growth from reduced glycogen stores in the liver
• Infants likely to be small throughout • oligohydramnios from reduced urine production
childhood • If allowed to progress - fetal acidosis and death
Clinical features
Antenatal care
• Intensive fetal surveillance to maximize Postnatal care
gestation without compromising the • Approach to small baby
fetus • Hypothermia-
o Reliable dating of pregnancy / thermoregulation
identify high risk mothers
• Kangaroo mother care (KMC)
o Fetal abdominal circumference as
• Hypoglycemia- feeding
screening (SFH unreliable)
• Nutritional supplements
o Fetal cause (anomaly scan,
o Monitor fetal growth and well –being
o (umbilical artery / middle cerebral
artery doppler blood flow velocity;
biophysical profile unreliable)
o Delivery when indicated
Postnatal care
Approach to small baby
• Talk to parents antenatally. Give idea of what to expect Find out any issues
• Careful liaison with Obstetric team
• Preparation of resuscitation equipment
• Minimal handling
• Neutral thermal environment
• “Warm and Pink”
• Assess respiratory support needs: (Vent, CPAP, Oxygen)
• Consider possibility of infection
• Nursery/incubator care
• Venous access
• Consider context
• Local resources
• Screening for and management of known complications
• Hypoglycaemia, breast feeding/IV fluids
• GENTLE, minimalist approach
• Early consultation with transport team (intra-uterine preferred)
• EARLY re-discussion with parents
How to prevent,
• Warm delivery room
• Radiant warmer • Promotes exclusive breastfeeding
• ‘warm chain’ • Enhances parent-infant bonding
• Avoid early weighing, bathing • Earlier discharge from hospital
• Use hats / socks when • More stable vital signs; including
appropriate better thermal control
• Incubator if indicated
• Kangaroo mother care
Nutritional supplements
Vitamin D - All LBW infants who exclusively
• More common in asymmetrical IUGR breast feed should receive 400IU daily of
• Reduced glycogen stores vitamin D
• Need to monitor blood glucose Multivitamin drops - from the time the baby
• Breastfeeding ideal receives full enteral feeds
• Expressed breast milk – by cup
• Demand feeds as soon as possible Calcium and phosphorous - for all VLBW
• May rarely need intravenous fluids (1500g)
Postnatal growth
Symmetrical IUGR (because of less cell numbers at birth):
Neurological problems
➢ Lower scores on cognitive testing
➢ Difficulties in schools or require special education
➢ Gross motor and minor neurologic dysfunction
➢ Behavioral problems (attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome)
➢ Cerebral palsy
➢ Low social competence
➢ Poor academic performance
➢ Lower levels of intelligence
➢ Poor perceptual performance
➢ Poor visuo-motor perception