Rail Train

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Union Pacific Railroad

Rail Train
Operating Instructions

REVISED: March 8, 2010

Table of Contents

Section Page No.

Introduction 3

Job Briefing 5

Manpower 8

Communication 9

Train and Equipment Consist 10

Rail Unloading Operation s 11

Rail Pick-Up Operations 15

Rail Train Operating Instructions

Rail replacement is an important part of Union Pacific’s track maintenance program. Each
year, new Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) is unloaded system wide for installation.
Likewise, secondhand CWR and bolted rail is picked-up by Rail Trains, and is either
transported to system rail plants, or cascaded to other secondhand curve rail projects.
System trains used in this process consist of two rail unloading cars, and four to five rail
car pick-up units for secondhand rail.

Compliance with these instructions will ensure the safe and efficient operation of all Rail
Train operations. The Manager Track Maintenance (MTM) or appointed supervisor will
assist the Rail Train Supervisor (RTS) during all Rail Train operations.

Local management is responsible for:

1) Reviewing project plans before the Rail Train's arrival to ensure the efficient
unloading of rail.

2) Obtaining and communicating the proper exclusive track occupancy (Form B, Form
C, single-tracking and flag protection) to all interested parties as required.
Coordinate moves with Maintenance-of-Way Operations Control (MWOC), Corridor
Manager, and other Maintenance-of-Way gangs working in the area.

3) Providing the Rail Train Supervisor with a copy of General Orders and information
about the territory that may affect the operation (i.e., location of bridges, signals,
switches and other obstructions). Each RTS must have access to a complete set of
System General Orders.

4) Assisting the Rail Train Supervisor in assigning the most capable employees for the
more demanding jobs.

5) Arranging all aspects of train crew activities -- including calling the work train,
ensuring a 3-person crew is available, scheduling meals, and transportation per local

6) Ensuring all required tools for Rail Train operations are inspected and safe to use.

7) Ensuring sufficient material is on hand (i.e., joint bars, bolts and oxygen / acetylene,
propane, and wooden blocks as required).

8) Ensuring a welder and mechanic is available in the event of a major breakdown.

Job Briefing

A. The local MTM Employees assigned to any Rail Train unloading / loading
operation must first attend a Safety Meeting to review the
and/or respective following Safe Rail Train operations video programs:
ARASA Supervisor  (E-248-02) Safe Rail Train Operations
are responsible for  (E-269-03) Safe Rail Train Operations – Loading
 (E-270-03) Safe Rail Train Operations – Unloading
reviewing the project
The Rail Train Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that
plan and determining Course Code V236 is entered into each employee’s training
history, documenting their review of the video program(s).
when the Rail Train
(The review of all Safe Rail Train Operations videos must
will arrive on their occur within one calendar year prior to working on a Rail
territory. Prior to the Train.)

Rail Train’s arrival, a NOTE: Video programs may be obtained through UP’s
E-Procurement System. When placing an order, use
Safety Meeting must the Item Number left of each program title shown
be held to review
and familiarize all
employees on safe rail unloading / loading operations.

B. Prior to movement or performing any unloading / loading operations, the RTS and
local manager will conduct a thorough Job Briefing with all personnel -- including
members of the train crew. When traveling with personnel that are riding on the
Rail Train, do not exceed 30 mph. All
aspects of rail unloading / loading
operations will be discussed along with an Conduct additional meetings
and Job Briefings as conditions,
in-depth briefing of the type of On-Track
methods or procedures change.
Safety that will be used that day.
Remember, employees should never
dismount or place themselves between the rail and the train.

When track centers are 19 feet or less, the RTS is responsible for ensuring that the
in/out box chains on unloaders are attached to the stationary connection on the
unloader. This will prevent boxes from fouling the adjacent track by restricting their
outer / horizontal movement.

Rail Train Crew
C. The RTS and local manager will conduct a thorough Job Briefing with the rail
train crew to explain the roles and responsibilities of all personnel involved in the
Rail Train unloading / loading operation
(i.e., the What, Why, When, Where, How
and Who will perform each task). Before any Rail Train activity is
During Rail Train loading or unloading
undertaken – including all reverse
operations, a crew member (i.e.,
Conductor or Brakeman) will protect the moves -- a Job Briefing must first
rear of the train – by riding in a SAFE be conducted with all train crew
designated area on the Rail Train, or Rail members.
Train equipment, as directed by the RTS.

The designated crew member will approve NOTE: Conduct additional Job
all shoving moves and is required to be on Briefings as conditions,
the ground when the train is shoving within methods or procedures
5 cars of any signal device, road crossing,
or switch. The designated crew member
(Conductor or Brakeman) will also protect
the movements for all reverse moves
(unloading or pick-up operations) when clearing for trains, or tying-up.

Work Assignments / Red Zones / Personal Safely Practices

D. The MTM shall consider the most qualified employee when making specific work
assignments. When necessary, the MTM and/or RTS should walk employees
through their workstations to ensure the
employee understands their specific role
and responsibilities.
That area within an arm’s length of
the track, or any position, which
E. The RTS will describe the job function, places the employee in a life-
threatening situation.
potential hazards and Red Zones
Train must be “Set and Centered”
associated with the employee’s work per Rule 81.5.4, before entering
Red Zone.

F. Most Red Zones on a Rail Train are marked with red paint. However, those areas
where it is not possible to physically mark as a Red Zone will be identified in a Job
Briefing before any employee is assigned to these areas.
Comply with theses safety practices when working on and around Rail Trains.
1. When riding on a Rail Train, employees will ride in locations designated by the RTS.
Personnel must maintain a 3-point stance (4-point, where possible) and be
prepared for sudden stops or erratic movement.
2. Stay clear of the edges of all cars, when possible.
3. Watch point and rail for
unexpected movements (used by communication with the RTS.)
4. When installing or removing
joint bars and the point, use
When performing tie-down operations in
lockout / communication
Red Zones, exercise extreme caution.
with the RTS.  When tying-down rail on the train -- rail
5. Before getting on or off Rail is moving toward tie-down.

Train on the “LIVE TRACK” side,  Remain alert for unexpected movement
within 10 feet of any moving rail.
verify that no traffic is on the
 Avoid tripping hazards from pneumatic,
adjacent track before ascending hydraulic or hand tools.
or descending the Rail Car.  When using ladder ascending and
6. Within 10 feet of rail descending the Tie-Down Car, as well as

movement, especially at joint access going to the ladder -- especially

where no side platform is available.
bars if rail becomes hung up
 Remain alert to fall zones that are 6 feet
on stanchions. or higher -- especially near entrance /
7. Use ladder and / or grab irons exit areas where no barriers or railings
when ascending and descending exist, except for a chain, on top of Tie-

the Crib Car. Down Car and other elevated locations.

 Use the Tie-Down Car’s ladder and / or
8. Use ladder when ascending and
grab irons from ground when ascending
descending the crow’s nest on or descending the car.
Crib Car – and access leading to  The authorization to enter RED ZONES
the ladder, especially where no will be received from the Rail Train

side platform is available. Supervisor – NO EXCEPTION!

 Before entering RED ZONES, the train
9. The entire Crib Car is a RED
must be “Set and Centered” per Rule
ZONE! 81.5.4.

G. Employees must remain alert for Rail Train equipment defects, (e.g., bad decking,
worn cables or any defect that may create an unsafe working condition). Report
defects to the RTS immediately.
H. Direct all questions regarding Rail Train operations to the RTS.

The proceeding sections relate to specific operations and recommended work procedures.
By reviewing these instructions prior to the arrival of the Rail Train, the Engineering
Department Supervisor and the Rail Train Supervisor can produce a safe and efficient


Field personnel are responsible for being at the job site when needed. The recommended
manpower requirements for both Rail Distribution and Rail Pick-Up operations are:

Rail Distribution (10) Rail Pick-Up (16)

No. Position No. Position
1 Rail Train Supervisor on Power Car 1 Rail Train Supervisor on Power Car
1 Engineering or field force’s supervisor 1 Foreman to assist on Crane Car
2 Employee on Tie-Down Car 1 Assistant Foreman to assist on Breaker Car
2 Employee on Breaker Car (one torch- qualified) 2 Employees on Tie-Down Car
2 Employee picking-up hook-up chains, 2 Employees walking point
fish plates and handling cables 2 Employees on Breaker Car (one torch-qualified)
1 Backhoe (operator) 4 Employees on Crane Car (one torch-qualified and
1 Truck Driver (pick-up chains/cables) one crane-qualified)
2 Employees on Speed Swing (operator and
1 Truck Driver -- Transport Point Men when Right-
of- Way roads are accessible.
When roads are inaccessible,
driver will assist on the Breaker

Good communication is essential to Rail Distribution Operation (4)
the safe and efficient operation of Radio(s) Location
1 RTS on Power Car
the Rail Train. The RTS has been
1 Tie-Down Car
assigned seven company-issued 1 Breaker Car
radios which are distributed, on an 1 Spare (extra)
as needed basis, to personnel
assigned to Rail Train operations. Rail Pick-Up Operation (7)
Radio(s) Location
Local forces are also encouraged to
1 RTS on Power Car
provide radios assigned to them.
1 Crane Car
Company-issued radios are 1 Breaker Car
distributed according to the type of 2 Point Men
Rail Train operation, (i.e., Rail 1 Tie-Down Car
1 Spare (extra)
Distribution vs. Rail Pick-Up).

The RTS, local supervisor, and

train crew are responsible for
determining the safest radio
channel to be used for rail unloading and loading operations. Before any unloading or
pick-up operations commence, a radio check must be performed with all company-issued
radios – with special attention given to the radios assigned to Point Men assigned to the
Rail Pick-Up operations.

All communications must be channeled through the RTS. All personnel have the authority
to STOP the Rail Train when necessary. The train will be referred to as the “Rail Train.”
When it is necessary to STOP the Rail Train, the phrase “STOP THE RAIL TRAIN” will be

Radio instructions must be clear during Rail Train operations and all radio instructions
must be acknowledged. Communications should be kept to a minimum with no
unnecessary radio communications. The RTS will monitor all communications and overall
operations to ensure the safety of personnel.

All company-issued radios distributed must be returned to the RTS end of each day for
recharging. Radio equipment problems should be reported immediately to the RTS.

Train and Equipment Consist

The Rail Train and equipment consist includes:

A. Two, 6-axle locomotives with 6,000 horsepower capacity are necessary for traction
while the train is being pulled with the air set to reduce the slack action and improve

B. Equipment for handling CWR, or continuous lengths of bolted rail, consists of power
equipment (unloading units and/or pickup units) and permanently-coupled flat cars.
Couplers are blocked against slack action and are highly susceptible to damage
from rough handling. When equipment is loaded with rail, a buffer is used at
each end. The buffer car must not be a car containing hazardous materials,
an occupied caboose or camp car. The end of the buffer car must be at least
as tall as the top row of rail to restrain the rail. However, the RTS may authorize
loaded equipment to be operated without a buffer to and from an unloading /
loading site.
1. Inspect all Rail Trains for missing slack adjusters. Before loading Rail Trains,
Welding Plant personnel and / or RTS must perform an inspection – replacing
missing parts to ensure safe operations. When four or more slack adjusters are
missing on either side of the tie down, no rail may be loaded until the slack
adjusters are replaced.
2. Welding Plant and Rail Train Supervisors must ensure that rail ends are a
minimum of 12-feet from the nearest support of stretched train. When
necessary, rail must be adjusted prior to allowing train to move unattended
between work sites.
3. Welding Plant and Rail Train Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that Rail
Trains comply with these instructions before allowing the train to move

C. The RTS will determine which end of the train the power will be placed -- taking into
consideration the terrain, obstructions and the type of work being performed.

D. To unload or load rail, buffer cars may be switched to the opposite end on which the
rail will be unloaded/loaded.

E. The RTS is responsible for

NOTE: The Manager Track Maintenance (MTM)
ensuring these switch moves occur
or appointed ARASA Supervisor will
under his direct supervision. assist the RTS during all phases of rail
F. The RTS must accompany all Rail Unloading rail without approval
Train movements when rail is left from the RTS is PROHIBITED.
treaded through Power Cars.

Rail Unloading Operations

Complying with the following instructions will ensure safe and efficient rail unloading


A. A recommended 10 employees are required to

perform rail unloading. Local management is Prohibited
responsible for ensuring adequate employee Switching a Rail Train
staffing is on hand to perform rail unloading without the verbal
permission from the Rail
operations – in addition to ensuring the most Train Supervisor is
capable employees are placed into the safety-
sensitive positions.

Only two employees may instruct the Engineer to move the Rail Train while in the
process of unloading rail. Crib Car while making joints and RTS for all other

B. When CWR will be laid in road crossings for a project, crossings must be prepared
to receive the rail by first removing the outside crossing boards or roadbed material.
To eliminate any unnecessary torch cutting of rail and expedite unloading, ensure
asphalt (cold mix) or ballast is available to fill-in the road crossing.
Note: Comply with all Local / State government permit and notification
requirements prior to removing a road crossing from service. Conduct a
thorough Job Briefing to address road crossings and ensure personnel are
present to provide protection while a crossing is OUT OF SERVICE.

C. The majority of Rail Trains are designed to untie rail from top outside pockets
working toward the middle pockets. On custom welded trains, tie-down personnel
will untie the rail and follow the sequence as instructed by the RTS.

D. On other trains, when a rail is removed and the adjacent rail is to be tied-down, a
“Dutchman” or “Half Plate” must be added to provide the proper tightening surface
for the adjacent rail.

E. The employees working on the Breaker Car will pull out the winch cables on each
side of the Unloading Car and attach hook cables to the appropriate rails. All
employees must exercise caution and stand clear of the cables as the RTS begins
pulling the rail down through all threader boxes.

F. All walkways, except those between cars, will be picked-up and placed in the travel

G. Rail must be cabled to the track -- preferably to a secure anchored crib with pull-off
cables. Once securely attached, employees must maintain a 30 foot minimum
distance from the cables before the Rail Train is allowed to move.
Note: When extra rail anchors are used, they should be applied to the field side
of the track.

H. When plows are used to create a furrow on the track shoulder for rail placement, all
employees on the Tie-Down and Breaker Cars should remain alert for obstructions
in the direct path of the plows, (e.g., bridges, flange oilers, crossings, switches, long

ties and other objects). Alert the RTS immediately of obstructions to ensure plows
are moved into the clear.

I. Exercise caution when releasing tension on drag line cables to prevent cables from
rolling or sliding downhill.

When the free rail end passes through the Tunnel Car, ensure no train movement is
present on the adjacent track until the rail end is placed on the ground.

J. When establishing a new rail joint on the Crib Car, employees must stand either
on top of, or on the side of the Crib Car, until rail movement is stopped.

K. When “Fish plates” or “Stabber Chains” are connected, employees must move to
a place of safety by returning to the top of the Crib Car before rail is moved.
Always use the ladder and/or grab irons when moving up or down the
Crib Car.

L. Ensure OXYGEN /PROPANE or ACETYLENE cylinders are safely secured

(tied-down) in an upright position at all times. After installing cylinder gauges,
hoses and torch, perform a thorough daily inspection and leak test prior to use.

When Oxygen /Acetylene or Propane cylinders equipped with outlet valves are not
in use, all cylinder outlet valves must be kept fully closed. During transport, tie-
down cylinders, remove regulator assemblies with gauges and apply cylinder caps -
- unless valves require a DOT approved safety cap. Properly store and secure
regulator assemblies to prevent damage, and theft.

M. Employees must keep their work area clean and clear of obstructions, (i.e., OTM,
ballast, tools, etc). Tools and equipment must be secured to prevent falling off the
Rail Train.

N. Upon the completion of daily rail unload operations, employees must ensure that:

1. All tie-down plates are returned and secured in place by installing the nut or bolt.

2. All tools, equipment and hoses are safely secured by lock to prevent theft.

3. All Stabber Chains, Fish Plates and Drag Line Cables are returned to their
respective cars on the Rail Train.

4. Walkways between Unloader Cars are picked-up and secured for travel.

5. The ends of CWR placed on the ground, are separated to prevent the rail from
bunching and avoid potential fouling or interfering with rail traffic.

6. Rail laid across open deck bridges is secured either by spiking rail to bridge
timbers, tying-off with wire rope or chain. When rail is unloaded, ensure all rail
ends do not come in contact with one another. Place wooden blocks to separate
rail ends and prevent rail end to rail end contact. Ensure an adequate quantity
of wooden blocks is on hand for the project.

Note: If rail is not properly secured, place a 25 mph Slow Order on the track.
Place rail out of the way in walking areas such as yards and other switch
locations. Ensure train dispatcher issues a Form C, “Bad Footing Order” – if

7. When both locomotive power and the Rail Train are tied-up with rail threaded
through the Power Cars, precautions must be taken to prevent unexpected
movement without the RTS present.

Ensure rail that is unloaded does not foul the running rail per Track Maintenance
Field Handbook, section 4.4.3 Rail Placement. (Refer to Engineering – Critical
Incident Alert 14-2009, dated 11/24/2009.) When rail is unloaded at the end of
ties, rail must be at least 2-inches lower than top of the running rail. Where high
ballast or other obstructions exist, place rail at least 6-feet from the track center
to alleviate this rail from fouling the running rail. Ensure unloaded rail is properly
prepared to not interfere with the running rail if temperature changes. Place rail
a sufficient distance from the running rail to ensure rail ends do not touch.
NOTE: The Manager Track Maintenance (MTM)
or appointed ARASA Supervisor will
assist the RTS during all phases of rail
Unloading rail without approval
from the RTS is PROHIBITED.

8. All company-issued radios are returned to the RTS for daily recharging.

If locomotive power may be required for higher priority trains, the RTS must
advise the assigned crew to separate the Rail Train equipment from the
locomotive power. Place Red Flags to protect Rail Train and equipment from
movement. Prior to departing tie-up location, the RTS will brief the Yardmaster /
Dispatcher or local Transportation Manager of train and equipment status.

Rail Pick-up Operations

Following new rail replacement or track abandonments, the Rail Train will load and
transport the secondhand CWR and/or bolted secondhand rail removed from track.
Comply with the following instructions to ensure the safety and efficiency of rail pick-up

NOTE: During all phases of rail pick-up operations, the Manager Track Maintenance or an
appointed ARASA Supervisor will assist the Rail Train Supervisor.

Under no circumstances, may rail pick-up operations proceed without the Rail Train
Supervisor’s direct supervision.

I. Rail Preparation (Rail Gangs / P811)

A. Place rail in an upright position in the furrow created by the plow along the
track shoulder.
B. Rail should be placed on both sides of the track.
C. Rail should be cut squarely at a 90-degree angle.
D. Holes in rail ends must be drilled or torch-cut to specs (9-½” and 15-½”).
E. All rail anchors must be removed.
F. Rail must be left together in strings and rail ends must be separated.

II. Initial First String Rail Pick-Up

A. Position Crane Car near the end of the rail to start pick-up operation.
Raise rail end using the Knuckle Crane to attach a starter point. Repeat
procedure on both sides of the Crane Car.

B. When train is advanced, rail is pushed through the telescopic boxes,

stationary boxes, Companion Car boxes and pusher wheels. Once rail
passes through the pusher wheels, the RTS will oversee pulling the rail
through the rear Companion car boxes and Breaker Car boxes. Once this is
accomplished, all rail movement is stopped. Remove starter points and
attach grab handles and rail points. Move all employees into the clear --
either on the side or on the top of the Crib Car. Adjust rail boxes and guide
rail into the rail pocket.

III. Operation

A. As rail advances onto the Rail Train, position two employees -- one each side
of the Crane Car -- to remove rail anchors attached to base of the rail and
inspect rail joints. Employees must remain alert for loose or broken joint bars
that, if not tightened or repaired, may allow rail to roll free in the train.

1. When the first rail section is picked-up, the Rail Train advances to the
next rail section on the ground and the train is stopped near the rail
end. Apply two joint bars to the rail end on the train.

2. Using the Knuckle Crane, raise the rail end from the ground and align
the two rail ends between the joint bars -- the RTS will coordinate
moving the rail into position. Apply bolts (2 per rail end – 4 per joint)
and tightened with an impact wrench.
NOTE: Joint bars connecting rail ends must conform to the
proper design and dimension specifications for rail

3. As rail strings are loaded on the Rail Train, they will resemble the
shape of a pyramid. The two middle strings are loaded first, from the
bottom tier to the top tier. Additional strings will be loaded from the
outside up using the middle strings as guides.

B. The Point Men are responsible for guiding rail through the train while
maintaining continuous communication with the RTS. Point Men inform the
RTS when:

1. Any situation that may interfere with the safe loading of rail through
the pockets on the Roller Cars, (e.g., speed, obstructions and

2. The rail approaches the tie-down and Breaker Car – RTS is provided
a countdown to gauge speed and distance.

3. Rail is out of the crib on the Breaker Car – RTS is advised of rail’s
distance from the crib.

Once rail is loaded, the RTS will communicate the following

instructions to tie-down employees:
 If no obstructions are present to prevent friction plates from being
applied, tie-down personnel will tie-down the rail -- tightening bolts or
nuts to refusal with an impact wrench or a ratchet and multiplier.
 If obstructions are present that prevent tie-down, (i.e., joint bars, field
weld or field weld straps) the rail must be re-positioned before rail is

C. Once rail is spotted, employees on the Crib Car will remove joint bar
nuts/bolts by torch cutting, or by torch cutting the rail.
NOTE: When this operation is undertaken, the hydraulic controls in
the operator’s cab will be lock-out to prevent rail

1. Before making a cut, employees must ensure they position

themselves between either the:
 Joint bar and the crib; or
 Joint bar and on the crib.

Employees will torch the bolts from above the joint -- at no time shall
any employee place any of their body between two rails. Once bolts
are cut, employees will remove joint bars by using a sledge hammer
or bar.
NOTE: Employees must position themselves above the joint clear
of falling joint bars and keep body parts out of pinch points.

2. Once grab handle and self-guiding point, or rail point, are attached,
employees must move into the clear.
3. During loading operations, ground personnel cannot be more than 10-feet
away from the 1st threader box on the Crane Car. In the event the rail
binds, rail could strike a person in a position that is greater than 10-feet
from the 1st threader box.

4. Threader boxes are be adjusted and the rail is be slowly loaded into
another pocket. All personnel on Breaker Car move into the clear on the
Crow’s Nest until the next string is started.

5. All employees are responsible for ensuring work areas are clean and
clear of obstructions, (e.g., OTM, ballast and tools).

D. Upon completion of daily pick-up operation, employees must ensure:

1. Point Men communicate with the RTS about the location of the point
and secure the point on the rail.

2. Crane Car: Pin adjustable boxes and secure walkways. Return tools
and torches to the locked box. Secure joint bars, bolts and
air/hydraulic hoses to prevent loss – falling off the Rail Train.

3. Breaker Car: Return wrenches and torches to the locked box. Secure
points and handles to prevent loss – falling off the Rail Train.

4. Tie-Down Car: Return tools, air hoses and wrenches to the locked
box. Secure tie-down plates, nuts and bolts to prevent loss – falling
off the Rail Train.

5. All company-issued radios are returned to the RTS for recharging for
the following day’s operation.


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