2-3 Thermodinamika Tambang

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Energy Integration for a finite change invelocity form u1 to u2 gives:
𝑚𝑢22 𝑢12
𝑊 = 𝑚 න 𝑢 𝑑𝑢 = 𝑚 − or
2 2
Kinetic Energy 𝑢1
𝑚𝑢22 𝑢12 𝑚𝑢2
When a body of mass m, acted upon by a force F, is W= − =𝑚 . . . (1.5)
2 2 2
displaced a distance dl during a differential interval of time
dt, the work done is given by Eq. (1.2). In combination Each of the quantities 2 𝑚𝑢2 in Eq.(1.5) is a kinetic energy.
with Newton’s second law this equation becomes: Thus, by definition
dW = ma dl 𝐸𝐾 = 2 𝑚𝑢2

Equation (1.5) shows that the work done on a body in

By definition the acceleration is a  du/dl, where u is the
accelerating it from an initial velocity u1 to a final velocity
velocity of the body. Thus,
u2 is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the body.
𝑑𝑢 𝑑𝑙 Conversely, if a moving body is decelerated by the action of
𝑑𝑊 = 𝑚 𝑑𝑙 = 𝑚 𝑑𝑢
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 a resisting force, the work done by the body is equal to its
change in kinetic energy. With mass in kilograms and
Because the definition of velocity is u  dl/dt, this
velocity in meters/second, kinetic energy EK is in joules,
expression for work reduce to:
where 1 J = 1 kg⋅m2⋅s−2 = 1 N⋅m.
dW = mu du
Potential Energy
When a body of mass m is raised from an initial elevation We see from Eq (1.7) that work done on a body in raising
z1 to a final elevation z2, an upward force at least equal to it is equal the change in the quantity mzg. Conversely, if a
the weight of the body is exerted on it, and this force body is lowered against a resisting force equal to its
moves through the distance z2 − z1. Because the weight of weight, the work done by the body is equal to the change
the body is the force of gravity on it, the minimum force in the quantity mzg. Each of the quantities mzg in Eq. (1.7)
required is given by Newton’s law: is a potential energy. Thus, by definition,

F – ma = mg EP = mzg … (1.8)
Where g is the local acceleration of gravity. The minimum
work required to raise the body is the product of this force With mass in kg, elevation in m, and the acceleration of
and the change in elevation: gravity in m·s−2, EP is in joules,

W = mz2g – mz1g = mgz . . . (1.7) where 1 J = 1 kg⋅m2⋅s−2 = 1 N⋅m. In accord with Eq. (1.7),
this is the unit of work.
Energy Conservation 𝐸𝐾 + 𝐸𝑃 = 0

Equation (1.5) shows that the work done on an Or,

accelerating body produces a change in its kinetic energy:
𝑚𝑢22 𝑚𝑢12
− + 𝑚𝑧2 𝑔 − 𝑚𝑧1 𝑔 = 0
𝑚𝑢2 2 2
W = 𝐸𝐾 = 
The generality of the principle of conservation of energy in
Similarly, Eq. (1.7) shows that the work done on a body in mechanics is increased if we look upon work itself as a
elevating it produces a change in its potential energy: form of energy. This is clearly permissible because both
W = 𝐸𝑃 =  (𝑚𝑧𝑔) kinetic- and potential-energy changes are equal to the work
done in producing them [Eqs. (1.5) and (1.7)]. However,
One simple consequence of these definitions is that an work is energy in transit and is never regarded as residing
elevated body, allowed to fall freely (i.e., without friction in a body. When work is done and does not appear
or other resistance), gains in kinetic energy what it loses in simultaneously as work elsewhere, it is converted into
potential energy. Mathematically, another form of energy.
An elevator with a mass of 2500 kg rests at a level 10 m above the base of an elevator
shaft. It is raised to 100 m above the base of the shaft, where the cable holding
it breaks. The elevator falls freely to the base of the shaft and strikes a strong spring.
The spring is designed to bring the elevator to rest and, by means of a catch arrangement, to
hold the elevator at the position of maximum spring compression. Assuming the entire
process to be frictionless, and taking g = 9.8 m⋅s−2, calculate:
(a) The potential energy of the elevator in its initial position relative to its base.
(b) The work done in raising the elevator.
(c) The potential energy of the elevator in its highest position.
(d) The velocity and kinetic energy of the elevator just before it strikes the spring.
(e) The potential energy of the compressed spring.
(f) The energy of the system consisting of the elevator and spring (1) at the start of the
process, (2) when the elevator reaches its maximum height, (3) just before the elevator strikes
the spring, (4) after the elevator has come to rest.
The First Law
and Other
Basic Concepts
Introduce the concept of internal energy; i.e., energy stored within a substance

Present the first law of thermodynamics, which reflects the observation that
energy is neither created nor destroyed

Develop the concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium, state functions, and the

thermodynamic state of a system

Develop the concept of reversible processes connecting equilibrium states

Introduce enthalpy, another measure of energy stored within a substance,

particularly useful in analyzing open systems

Use heat capacities to relate changes in the internal energy and enthalpy of a
substance to changes in its temperature

Illustrate the construction of energy balances for open systems

In experiments like those of Joule, energy added to a fluid as work is later transferred
from the fluid as heat.
INTERNAL Where does this energy reside after its addition to, and before its transfer from, the fluid?
A rational answer to this question is that it is contained within the fluid in another
ENERGY form, which we call internal energy
The First Law Of

Δ ( Energy of the system ) + Δ ( Energy of surroundings ) = 0

In the context of thermodynamics, heat and work represent energy in transit across the boundary dividing the
system from its surroundings, and are never stored or contained in the system. Potential, kinetic, and internal
energy, on the other hand, reside with and are stored with matter. Heat and work represent energy flows to or
from a system, while potential, kinetic, and internal energy represent quantities of energy associated with a
Energy Balance For Closed Systems
The first law of thermodynamics says the change in internal energy of a system is
equal to the heat flow into the system plus the work done on the system (conservation of

Because no streams enter or leave a closed system, no Δ(Energy of surroundings) =  Q  W

energy associated with matter is transported across the
boundary that divides the system from its surroundings. Heat transfer into a system is taken to be positive,
All energy exchange between a closed system and its Heat transfer from a system is taken as negative.
surroundings is in the form of heat or work, and the
total energy change of the surroundings equals the net Q > 0: heat transfer to the system
energy transferred to or from it as heat and work. Q < 0: heat transfer from the system

This equation states that the total energy change of a closed system equals the net energy transferred into it
as heat and work. Closed systems often undergo processes during which only the internal energy of the
system changes

Δ ( Energy of the system ) = Q + W U = Q + W

The Niagara river, separating the United States from Canada, flows from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. These
lakes differ in elevation by about 100 m. Most of this drop occurs over Niagara Falls and in the rapids just
above and below the falls, creating a natural opportunity for hydroelectric power generation. The Robert
Moses hydroelectric power plant draws water from the river well above the falls and discharges it well
below them. It has a peak capacity of 2,300,000 kW at a maximum water flow of 3,100,000 kg·s−1. In the
following, take 1 kg of water as the system.

a) What is the potential energy of the water flowing out of Lake Erie, relative to the surface of Lake
b) At peak capacity, what fraction of this potential energy is converted to electrical energy in the Robert
Moses power plant?
c) If the temperature of the water is unchanged in the overall process, how much heat flows to or from
A typical industrial-scale wind turbine has a peak efficiency of about 0.44 for a wind speed of 9 m·s−1.
That is, it converts about 44% of the kinetic energy of the wind approaching it into usable electrical
energy. The total air flow impinging on such a turbine with a rotor diameter of 43 m is about 15,000
kg·s−1 for the given wind speed.

a) How much electrical energy is produced when 1 kg of air passes through the turbine?
b) What is the power output of the turbine?
c) If there is no heat transferred to the air, and if its temperature remains unchanged, what is its
change in speed upon passing through the turbine?

Quiz => If the gas undergoes a process for which pV = constant and u = 0, determine the heat transfer, in kJ, keeping
the initial pressure and given volumes fixed. Ans = 20.79 kJ.

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