Textbook Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows A Systems Biology Approach 1St Edition Burim N Ametaj Eds Ebook All Chapter PDF
Textbook Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows A Systems Biology Approach 1St Edition Burim N Ametaj Eds Ebook All Chapter PDF
Textbook Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows A Systems Biology Approach 1St Edition Burim N Ametaj Eds Ebook All Chapter PDF
A Systems Biology Approach to Advancing Adverse Outcome
Pathways for Risk Assessment 1st Edition Natàlia
Burim N. Ametaj Editor
Diseases of Dairy
A Systems Biology Approach
Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows
Burim N. Ametaj
Periparturient Diseases of
Dairy Cows
A Systems Biology Approach
Burim N. Ametaj
Department of Agriculture
Food and Nutritional Science
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
There are several reasons for undertaking the editing and writing of this book. The
first reason is that there is a need to address the definition of metabolic diseases,
metabolic disorders, production diseases, or transition cow diseases. Which one to
choose and which one is more accurate? In fact, the definitions of those diseases
were developed during the last half century and given that there are new develop-
ments and contributions in this particular area of science it is imperative that we
discuss the drawbacks of those definitions. Based on new research reports of mul-
tiple labs around the world, we could say that the concepts of metabolic disease or
production disease are not accurately defined and we need to address several other
issues that influence our approach to the causality and pathogenesis of those dis-
eases. Defining them as simply metabolic or simply production diseases has affected
our efforts to identify the real causal agents and the development of new prevention
strategies. Second, the incidence rates of periparturient diseases have been increas-
ing steadily during the last two decades and the culling rate has reached more than
50%, shortening the productive life of dairy cows to less than 2 years. If we choose
to do nothing, then the health status of dairy cows will continue to decline and the
culling rates will further increase causing big losses to the dairy industry. The
increasing rates of culling indicate that there is something missing in our under-
standing of the cause(s) of these diseases and that the methodology and the philoso-
phy that we have been using to approach the etio-pathobiology deserve to be
revisited and redimensionalized. The title of this book has been intentionally
selected as “periparturient diseases of dairy cows.” The reason for this choice is to
include in the book not only those diseases that traditionally have been defined as
metabolic in nature like milk fever or ketosis but also those that have been defined
as bacterial in nature like metritis and mastitis. It should be noted that metabolic
alterations and bacterial involvement are present in all periparturient diseases
whether they have been defined as metabolic or infective in nature. The reason for
this is that they seem to be interrelated to each other and one cow might be affected
by more than one of these traditional diseases. The title of the book also has included
a “systems biology approach” to periparturient diseases. Most readers are aware
that a new group of sciences under the name of systems biology or systems veteri-
nary approach has emerged during the last decade. These new sciences include
genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics. Although contribution
of omics sciences have been at the pioneering level and not very well-organized
vi Preface
The book is structured in such a way that the reader is first introduced into the con-
cept of omics sciences. Since this book is about the application of systems biology
in better understanding the etio-pathobiology of periparturient diseases of dairy
cows, the reader is introduced first to those concepts. The second chapter discusses
myths established during the last half century with regard to the definition of meta-
bolic and production diseases and presents the benefits of the new philosophy of
disease approach, the systems biology or veterinary approach as well as advantages
of the predictive, preventive, and individualized medicine versus traditional
approach of reactive medicine. Immunity around parturition is a very important
topic that has been indicated as key to multiple diseases. In the third chapter, new
concepts of potential effects of external factors on immunity around parturition are
discussed. The fourth chapter deals with ruminal acidosis. Rumen is very important
not only for digestion of feed material but also for generation of multiple bacterial
products that can harm the health of cows. The authors describe ruminal acidosis
from the systems biology approach perspective. The authors of the fifth chapter
discuss microbiota of the rumen and intestines and their contribution to diseases.
Also, all the new knowledge about utilization of omics sciences in approaching
microbiota in the GI tract is discussed. The sixth chapter deals with the number one
health problem, i.e., dairy cows’ infertility. This is the main reason for culling cows
in a dairy herd. The authors discuss both male and female fertility and the contribu-
tion of omics sciences in better understanding the reasons of infertility. Chapter 7
deals with retained placenta. Although retained placenta is not the second most
important disease of dairy cows, it is listed immediately after infertility because
retained placenta cows are affected significantly by infertility. Chapter 8 deals with
mastitis, the second most important disease of dairy cows from the culling perspec-
tive. It is a very difficult disease and there is much activity from various labs to
better understand the pathomechanism of the disease. Laminitis is discussed in
Chap. 9. The authors discuss the most recent knowledge about the application of
systems biology approach to laminitis in dairy cows. Ketosis is discussed in Chap.
10. Ketosis is a silent disease that affects more than 40% of dairy cows in a subclini-
cal way. Understanding ketosis from the omics perspective is the subject of that
chapter. Fatty liver also is a silent disease and requires a liver biopsy to be
Preface vii
diagnosed. Almost 50% of cows are affected by fatty liver. It has multiple implica-
tions and is associated with several other periparturient diseases, especially metritis
and mastitis. The authors bring the most up-to-date information about the applica-
tion of omics sciences in this area of research. Finally, the book concludes with one
of the most studied and most controversial diseases in the area of cow health, milk
fever, or periparturient hypocalcemia. Is hypocalcemia a deficiency or part of
immune response of the host during endotoxemias? The book discusses some of the
most known hypotheses on milk fever and brings forward the omics research work
in this field of study. We hope that the reader will find this book interesting and up-
to-date and will use the knowledge in their research and teaching to the new
x Contents
Index�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Editor and Contributors
xiv Editor and Contributors
The word omics refers to a field of study in biological sciences that ends with
-omics, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, or metabolomics. The
ending -ome is used to address the objects of study of such fields, such as the
genome, proteome, transcriptome, or metabolome, respectively. More specifi-
cally genomics is the science that studies the structure, function, evolution, and
mapping of genomes and aims at characterization and quantification of genes,
which direct the production of proteins with the assistance of enzymes and mes-
senger molecules. Transcriptome is the set of all messenger RNA molecules in
one cell, tissue, or organism. It includes the amount or concentration of each
RNA molecule in addition to the molecular identities. The term proteome refers
to the sum of all the proteins in a cell, tissue, or organism. Proteomics is the sci-
ence that studies those proteins as related to their biochemical properties and
functional roles, and how their quantities, modifications, and structures change
during growth and in response to internal and external stimuli. The metabolome
represents the collection of all metabolites in a biological cell, tissue, organ, or
organism, which are the end products of cellular processes. Metabolomics is the
science that studies all chemical processes involving metabolites. More specifi-
cally, metabolomics is the study of chemical fingerprints that specific cellular
processes establish during their activity; it is the study of all small-molecule
metabolite profiles. Overall, the objective of omics sciences is to identify, char-
acterize, and quantify all biological molecules that are involved in the structure,
function, and dynamics of a cell, tissue, or organism.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Genomics
Genomics pertains to the study of the complete set of DNA in an organism, includ-
ing all of its genes, i.e., the “genome.” With the advent of next-generation sequenc-
ing (NGS) technology the acquisition of genome-scale data has never been easier,
expanding our ability to analyze and understand whole genomes and decreasing the
existing gap between genotype and phenotype. Genetics and genomics sound alike
but they have specific distinctions. Genetics is the study of heredity, or how the
characteristics of living organisms are transmitted from one generation to the next
via DNA. It involves studies focusing on specific and limited numbers of genes, or
part of genes with known function, to understand how these influence particular
traits of interest. At present, high-throughput technology and advances in computa-
tional biology have changed this paradigm enabling the study of organisms in terms
of genome structure, addressing biological questions at a genome-wide scale, i.e.,
genetics is being progressively “contaminated” with genomics.
The advent of genomics turned genome-wide association studies (GWAS) into
the gold standard method to identify candidate regions associated with complex
traits of interest (quantitative trait loci—QTL), both in humans and other species
(Gondro et al. 2013). Probe-based chips developed by various commercial compa-
nies and with a large number of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers
1 What Are Omics Sciences? 3
spread across the genome are currently being used to help uncover associations
between genes and traits of interest. Species-specific arrays encompassing 10,000
up to 800,000 SNP are currently available. Such coverage ensures that any QTL will
be closely linked with at least one marker. For this reason, GWAS became powerful
enough to map causal genes with modest effects, i.e., disease-related quantitative
traits. With the large number of genes studied simultaneously, genomic studies, in
fact, can overcome the limitations of traditional genetic association approaches,
enhancing our understanding of peripartal diseases (Loor 2010).
The interpretation of GWAS results still represents an important challenge. For
instance, if a robust association between a phenotype and a list of genes is uncov-
ered, one can have more confidence about the possibility for discovery of novel
candidate genes. Despite the power of GWAS for discovery, studies to confirm the
role of genes associated with the trait of interest should be performed to confirm
functional relationships. To address this issue, gene-based software offers an effec-
tive solution in post-GWAS analysis (Capomaccio et al. 2015). Several SNP array
data management tools have been developed in recent years and among these
PLINK (Purcell et al. 2007), due to its speed and stability, is standard for data man-
agement. Currently, the entire GWAS pipeline can be easily executable by ad hoc
computer programs, which, in the majority of cases, are open-source multiplatform
software packages often developed in the R environment (Nicolazzi et al. 2015).
In the context of animal breeding for a given trait or traits, “genomic selection”
deserves special mention (Meuwissen et al. 2001). This approach is a form of
“marker-assisted selection” in which a large number of genetic markers, covering
the whole genome, are used to estimate animal breeding values (EBV), i.e., the
genetic value of young animals based on their genotype. This can lower the genera-
tion interval and increase the rate of genetic progress in different animal popula-
tions, traditionally based on progeny testing (Goddard and Hayes 2007). The
continued progress in DNA sequencing efficiency in the near future will allow for
sequencing complete genomes of individual animals, hence allowing the selection
of animals with favorable QTL’s alleles. Clearly, we are at the beginning of an era
where individual genome sequencing will allow not only the study of domestication
and selection of breeds, but also the understanding of quantitative differences asso-
ciated with environmental factors, all of which will help guide experimental design
for more effective animal disease control (Bai et al. 2012).
1.3 Transcriptomics
The transcriptome is the total RNA (i.e., mRNA, noncoding RNA, rRNA, and
tRNA) expressed by a cell or tissue, thus representing a snapshot of cellular metabo-
lism. The transcriptome era started when Schena et al. (1995) developed the “micro-
array” technology using the ink-jet DNA synthesizer, allowing for the analysis of a
predetermined set (from hundreds to thousands) of cellular mRNA on a large scale.
However, the recent introduction of high-throughput next-generation DNA sequenc-
ing (NGS) technology has revolutionized transcriptomics by allowing RNA
4 M. Vailati-Riboni et al.
1.4 Proteomics
The term “proteome” was defined as the characterization and quantification of all
sets of proteins in a cell, organ, or organism at a specific time and was coined by
Wasinger et al. (1995). Thus, a proteomic analysis provides the protein inventory of
a cell or tissue at a defined time point, facilitating discovery of novel biomarkers,
identification and localization of post-translational modifications, and study of pro-
tein–protein interactions (Chandramouli and Qian 2009). Powerful techniques have
been established to identify and differentially quantify protein species of complex
biological samples, and proteomic is being adopted by livestock researchers
(Lippolis and Reinhardt 2008; Sauerwein et al. 2014).
The core of modern proteomics is mass spectrometry (MS) (Aebersold and
Mann 2003), a technique in which all chemical compounds in a sample are ionized
and the resulting charged molecules (ions) are analyzed according to their mass-to-
charge (m/z) ratios. For a simple pre-separation of complex protein mixtures before
MS analysis one- or two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(1D-PAGE, 2D-PAGE) is often used. But to further enhance automation in the pro-
cess and create a streamed pipeline analyses, different types of liquid chromatogra-
phy (LC or HPLC) are used to complement or substitute gel-based separation
Identification of the proteins among treatments or conditions is performed by
comparison against a database of proteins “digested in silico,” meaning that the raw
data are directly compared with theoretically generated data from protein databases.
Reliable quantification of the identified protein also is possible with several
MS-based quantification methods including chemical, metabolic, enzymatic label-
ing, and label-free (May et al. 2011). Proteomic advances made absolute
1 What Are Omics Sciences? 5
1.5 Metabolomics
1.6 Perspectives
The systems approach in its purest connotation has not yet been applied to the
field of dairy science. This is largely due to the fact that when integrating multiple
datasets, one tends to generate bare numerical relationships rather than meaningful
biological connections among organs. Therefore, as a future frontier, the dairy sci-
ence community must address the need for “useful” approaches (e.g., modeling,
bioinformatics) to integrate knowledge derived from multiple “omics” analyses
within and between tissues, focusing both on the classical flow of genetic informa-
tion (transcriptome, proteome, metabolome), and what lies above it (epigenetic).
Aebersold R, Mann M (2003) Mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Nature 422(6928):198–207.
Bai YS, Sartor M, Cavalcoli J (2012) Current status and future perspectives for sequencing live-
stock genomes. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 3:8. doi:10.1186/2049-1891-3-8
Brun V, Dupuis A, Adrait A, Marcellin M, Thomas D, Court M, Vandenesch F, Garin J (2007)
Isotope-labeled protein standards: toward absolute quantitative proteomics. Mol Cell
Proteomics 6(12):2139–2149. doi:10.1074/mcp.M700163-MCP200
Capomaccio S, Milanesi M, Bomba L, Vajana E, Ajmone-Marsan P (2015) MUGBAS: a species
free gene-based programme suite for post-GWAS analysis. Bioinformatics 31(14):2380–2381.
Chandramouli K, Qian PY (2009) Proteomics: challenges, techniques and possibilities to overcome
biological sample complexity. Hum Genomics Proteomics 2009. doi:10.4061/2009/239204
Goddard ME, Hayes BJ (2007) Genomic selection. J Anim Breed Genet 124(6):323–330.
Gondro C, JVD W, Hayes B (2013) Genome-wide association studies and genomic prediction,
Methods of molecular biology, vol 1019. Humana Press, New York
Hood L (2002) A personal view of molecular technology and how it has changed biology. J
Proteome Res 1(5):399–409. doi:10.1021/pr020299f
Lippolis JD, Reinhardt TA (2008) Centennial paper: Proteomics in animal science. J Anim Sci
86(9):2430–2441. doi:10.2527/jas.2008-0921
Loor JJ (2010) Genomics of metabolic adaptations in the peripartal cow. Animal 4(7):1110–1139.
May C, Brosseron F, Chartowski P, Schumbrutzki C, Schoenebeck B, Marcus K (2011) Instruments
and methods in proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 696:3–26. doi:10.1007/978-1-60761-987-1
Meuwissen THE, Hayes BJ, Goddard ME (2001) Prediction of total genetic value using genome-
wide dense marker maps. Genetics 157(4):1819–1829
Nicolazzi EL, Biffani S, Biscarini F, Orozco Ter Wengel P, Caprera A, Nazzicari N, Stella A (2015)
Software solutions for the livestock genomics SNP array revolution. Anim Genet 46(4):343–
353. doi:10.1111/age.12295
Oliver SG, Winson MK, Kell DB, Baganz F (1998) Systematic functional analysis of the yeast
genome. Trends Biotechnol 16(9):373–378
Poddar S, Kesharwani D, Datta M (2017) Interplay between the miRNome and the epigenetic
machinery: implications in health and disease. J Cell Physiol. doi:10.1002/jcp.25819
Purcell S, Neale B, Todd-Brown K, Thomas L, Ferreira MA, Bender D, Maller J, Sklar P, de
Bakker PI, Daly MJ, Sham PC (2007) PLINK: a tool set for whole-genome association and
population-based linkage analyses. Am J Hum Genet 81(3):559–575. doi:10.1086/519795
Rivers J, Simpson DM, Robertson DH, Gaskell SJ, Beynon RJ (2007) Absolute multiplexed quan-
titative analysis of protein expression during muscle development using QconCAT. Mol Cell
Proteomics 6(8):1416–1427. doi:10.1074/mcp.M600456-MCP200
1 What Are Omics Sciences? 7
Romao JM, Jin W, Dodson MV, Hausman GJ, Moore SS, Guan LL (2011) MicroRNA regulation
in mammalian adipogenesis. Exp Biol Med 236(9):997–1004. doi:10.1258/ebm.2011.011101
Sauerwein H, Bendixen E, Restelli L, Ceciliani F (2014) The adipose tissue in farm animals: a
proteomic approach. Curr Protein Pept Sci 15(2):146–155
Schena M, Shalon D, Davis RW, Brown PO (1995) Quantitative monitoring of gene expression
patterns with a complementary DNA microarray. Science 270(5235):467–470
Vailati-Riboni M, Elolimy A, Loor JJ (2016) Nutritional systems biology to elucidate adapta-
tions in lactation physiology of dairy cows. In: Kadarmideen HN (ed) Systems biology in
animal production and health, vol 2. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 97–125.
Voelkerding KV, Dames SA, Durtschi JD (2009) Next-generation sequencing: from basic research
to diagnostics. Clin Chem 55(4):641–658. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2008.112789
Wasinger VC, Cordwell SJ, Cerpa-Poljak A, Yan JX, Gooley AA, Wilkins MR, Duncan MW,
Harris R, Williams KL, Humphery-Smith I (1995) Progress with gene-product mapping of the
Mollicutes: Mycoplasma genitalium. Electrophoresis 16(7):1090–1094
Zhang A, Sun H, Wang P, Han Y, Wang X (2012) Modern analytical techniques in metabolomics
analysis. Analyst 137(2):293–300. doi:10.1039/c1an15605e
Demystifying the Myths: Switching
Paradigms from Reductionism 2
to Systems Veterinary in Approaching
Transition Dairy Cow Diseases
Burim N. Ametaj
Animal scientists have made tremendous progress and put their best efforts, dur-
ing the last 50 years, in regard to selecting dairy cows for high milk yield and in
designing the best rations for high milk production. Moreover, dairy cow health
scientists have persistently studied health issues and offered the best solutions to
numerous transition cow diseases. Indeed, one dairy cow today produces an
amount of milk that is equal to six cows 50 years ago. This is an accomplishment
of both geneticists and animal nutritionist that deserve to be credited. However,
there is still one grey area that both animal and health scientists have not been
able to solve, the reason for high incidence of periparturient diseases and the
high cull rates. Indeed, despite much research work and progress made with
regard to cow health there are still various health concerns that continue to affect
dairy cows, which cost dairy industry billions of dollars in economic losses on a
yearly basis. The number of cull cows is increasing and so has the incidence of
several diseases including uterine infections and infertility, mastitis, laminitis,
ketosis, and retained placenta. This has raised questions whether the approach,
the philosophy, or the scientific methodology that we have been using to address
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of transition cow diseases is appropriate.
There is broad discussion among scientists in biological and medical sciences
that suggests that the reductionist philosophy that has led biological sciences and
medicine for centuries has failed to find optimal solutions to the many unre-
solved health issues of humans and animals. A new philosophy, known as sys-
tems biology approach, is emerging that has been embraced by various leading
groups in the world that seems very promising and that proposes to look at the
animal as a whole and the disease as a complex interaction among genotype,
phenotype, and environment. This discussion, recently, has involved animal and
veterinary scientists and we are bringing those debates to the readers of this
book. In this chapter, we examine some of the concepts that have dominated the
animal and veterinary sciences during the last century and have become myths
and suggest that it is time to revisit and redefine those concepts in order to
improve cows’ health, their welfare and well-being as well as the profitability of
dairy industry. In the last section of the chapter a comparison between the reduc-
tionist approach and the systems biology or veterinary approach is made and a
discussion of the advantages and the drawbacks are presented so that the readers
better understand the philosophy of veterinary medicine and adopt the best
approach in their research activities.
2.1 Introduction
According to CanWest DHI Canada (2015) the incidence rate of periparturient dis-
eases of dairy cows has been increasing during the last 14 years (2001–2014). Based
on their records and other surveys conducted by various research labs worldwide the
three most predominant periparturient diseases of transition dairy cows are metritis
(inflammation of the uterus), mastitis (inflammation of the udder), and laminitis
(inflammation of the hoof laminae). Other major periparturient diseases reported
include ketosis, milk fever, retained placenta, fatty liver, displaced abomasum, and
ruminal acidosis.
The culling rates (for different reasons) also have been increasing from around
24% during 2011 to almost 51% during 2014. This has shortened the productive life
of dairy cows to less than 2 years. Increasing trends of disease incidence and culling
rates have been reported in the US, European countries, and beyond (USDA 2007a,
b; Maher et al. 2008; Rushen 2013). The increasing number of cull cows is a major
setback for the dairy industry and if this trend will continue during the next decade,
then, the productive life of a cow might even shorten to 1 year. Occurrence of dis-
ease is associated with lower milk production, lower pregnancy rate and infertility,
and lower profitability for dairy producers. This state of cows’ health influences
greatly the profitability and the future of dairy industry. Moreover, sickness is asso-
ciated with poor welfare and well-being of dairy cattle and certainly poor
It should be noted that almost 30–50% of cows in a herd are affected by one or
more periparturient disease at the same time (Ametaj et al. 2010; LeBlanc 2010;
CanWest DHI Canada 2015). The unsolved question is to why this high incidence
of disease and what is/are the cause(s) or the etiological factors of the disease state?
This question has been raised and addressed by cow health researchers during the
last 100 years and although the knowledge about pathobiology of diseases in transi-
tion dairy cows is increased tremendously we still do not have a complete under-
standing of the causes and etiopathogenesis of transition cow diseases. Lack of full
knowledge of disease process and causative agents has affected the appropriate
2 Demystifying the Myths 11
available), library loans, and borrowing of information from one another or from
libraries of other countries. Presently, scientists can obtain information and learn
about research conducted in any part of the globe in a matter of seconds or minutes
and not days or months as during the last century. They can process large amounts
of data in a matter of minutes with more advanced bioinformatics tools. Indeed, this
is the century of electronics and vast and fast information and communication. This
facilitates interaction among scientists and expedites the process of innovation.
In this chapter, issues related to drawbacks of reductionist approach will be dis-
cussed in more detail later. Moreover, the novel philosophy of “systems veterinary
approach” will be presented. Although the original terminology for this new phi-
losophy is “systems biology approach,” it would be more appropriate to use the term
“systems veterinary approach” for veterinary medicine. The reason for that is that
the whole science of veterinary as related to monitoring of animal health, diagnosis
of disease, treatment of disease as well as prevention strategies and prediction of
risk for diseases needs to embrace the systems approach in order to improve the
health status of animals in general and more specifically the health of dairy cows.
Multiple hypotheses have been proposed during the years for each periparturient
disease of dairy cows with milk fever championing all other diseases with more than
30 different hypotheses during the last century. Although hypotheses put forward
about the etiology of various diseases have their merits, they still have not been able
to solve the multiple issues related to cow’s health. Cows still continue to be sick in
large numbers and culled in high rates and unfortunately we are at a standstill situ-
ation that requires solutions. Because many scientists of the last century have based
their approaches to disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention based on the meth-
odology of reductionism or reactive veterinary medicine, it would be of great inter-
est to discuss some of the myths created during the last century and the need for
their demystification in order to open the way to new approaches and new
metabolic and immune responses to the pathological state. This also suggests that
the etiology, pathobiology, and definition of a metabolic disease should be revisited
and redefined.
Since the time Payne presented his definition of a metabolic disease various
research groups have demonstrated that numerous inflammatory intermediates
stimulate or inhibit various metabolic responses. For example, tumor necrosis factor
(TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1β have been shown to have lipolytic activities and
inhibitory effects on gluconeogenesis, whereas IL-6 influences hepatic protein syn-
thesis (Raj et al. 2008). Additionally, TNF was demonstrated to lower insulin sensi-
tivity of the liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscles (Hotamisligil et al. 1993;
Weisberg et al. 2003). Furthermore, TNF and IL-1β suppress expression of GLUT2
(glucose receptor) and glucokinase in pancreatic β-cells, thus making them less
sensitive to the blood glucose level (Park et al. 1999). TNF also was demonstrated
to cause fatty liver in dairy cows (Bradford et al. 2009) and administration of endo-
toxin lowered plasma Ca (Waldron et al. 2003). These examples indicate that there
is no clear separation between metabolic and inflammatory responses and that dis-
eases are far more complex than previously thought and cannot be classified any
longer as solely metabolic or merely inflammatory.
Another issue that deserves more discussion from the dairy cow health commu-
nity is related to definition of what is and what is not a metabolic disease. As a start-
ing point for a discussion is the recent reported findings of the number of metabolites
present in the body fluids of humans. For example, Psychogios et al. (2011) reported
a total of 4229 various metabolites in the serum of human subjects. It is anticipated
that the same number of metabolites will be identified and quantified in the blood of
different livestock animals, including cattle. There are several challenging questions
for the human and animal health scientists that need to be addressed with regard to
definition of a metabolic disease. For example, does the host have >4000 homeo-
static control mechanisms to regulate concentrations of all metabolites present in
the body fluids or some or most of them are just passing by through the host because
they are part of the food products consumed? Are there essential metabolites that are
strictly regulated, and others that are not so important? Moreover, if homeostasis of
one or a few or all of those metabolites are disturbed (increased or decreased) at a
certain time point, then, should we define a total of 4229 metabolic diseases in
humans or animals (based on reductionist concept of one perturbed metabolite one
Another issue worth to be discussed is what is called “an abnormal change in the
internal homeostasis” as suggested by Payne? Can we call fluctuations (i.e.,
increases or decreases) of blood metabolites in the body fluids “abnormal changes
of the internal homeostasis”? It should be emphasized that most metabolites that
circulate in the blood or other body fluids during disease process flow to various
organs, tissues, and cells to participate in numerous activities like synthesis of larger
molecules such as glycogen, phospholipids, triglycerides, enzymes, proteins, immu-
noglobulins, acute phase proteins, antimicrobial compounds, and many others.
Some of the metabolites participate in energy production, others become part of cell
membranes, some others serve as building blocks for enzymes or fuel for the cells,
2 Demystifying the Myths 15
The methodology that the scientists have used to determine whether an abnormal
change has occurred in the internal homeostasis of a metabolite in a cow or a group
of cows has been mainly by comparing clinically healthy cows versus those display-
ing clinical or subclinical signs of a disease and under comparable parities, physi-
ological stages as well as similar feeding and management systems. However,
generally, no specific evaluations of control animals are conducted to rule out that
they did not have subclinical health issues. It might take some time until studies that
will control all the variables described above could be conducted and advanced
instrumentation will be used to determine normal concentrations and fluctuations of
thousands of metabolites present in the body fluids of dairy cows.
It should be noted that the concept of a metabolic disease in dairy cows is quite
different from that of humans, which defines metabolic disease as “any of the dis-
eases or disorders that disrupt normal metabolism, the process of converting food to
energy on a cellular level (Enns 2016).” In human medicine metabolic diseases are
defined mainly as hereditary or inborn errors of metabolism (Enns 2016). It is inter-
esting also to point out that except for diabetes, a disease related to alteration of
glucose and insulin metabolism, and metabolic syndrome there are no other defined
metabolic diseases of humans. In contrast in veterinary medicine there are several
diseases that have been defined as metabolic disorders including milk fever, ketosis,
fatty liver, and several others less important diseases like hypophosphatemia, grass
tetany or hypomagnesemic tetany, and pregnancy toxemia.
Finally, given the most recent developments in systems biology, metabolic dis-
eases should be viewed more as perturbations of multidimensional and integrated
cellular and organ level genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics
networks in interaction with the environmental factors. These interactions should be
viewed as multilayered and different in individual animals with the same disease.
This complexity requires a new methodology of handling the challenges associated
with the disease process. It also requires development of a new philosophy on how
to prevent occurrence of disease in livestock animals.
Overall the concept of metabolic diseases or disorders for livestock animals in
general and dairy cattle in particular needs to be revisited and redefined. This is a
necessity deriving from new developments in the area of dairy cow health. This is
also an obligation of the current research community to the dairy industry, the future
generations of students and researchers, and to the dairy cattle well-being and
The term production disease has been coined and widely accepted by the scientific
community since its first introduction by Jack Payne in the early 1970s. Sixteen
international conferences have been organized so far starting from 1972 until the
most recent one on 2016, under the name of “International Conference on Production
Diseases of Farm Animals.” However, since the introduction of this concept there
has been many new developments in the science of biology and veterinary medicine
2 Demystifying the Myths 17
and the philosophy of approaching a disease state. Therefore, it is time to revisit this
concept and adjust the concept of production disease to the new era of systems
biology approach.
What was the original definition of production diseases? The concept of produc-
tion diseases was introduced by Jack Payne (1977). He indicated that: “as intensifi-
cation and production levels increase so too do the problems of metabolic disorders.”
He further continues to elaborate the concept indicating that: “The modern view is
that metabolic diseases of farm ruminants are not primarily due to inherent defects
in the animal’s biochemistry. Rather they result from a breakdown in the animal’s
ability to cope with the metabolic demands of high production, coupled with the
strains of modern intensive husbandry and feeding. In other words, metabolic dis-
ease is a failure to compensate for imposed and man-made demands on farm live-
stock. This idea has led to the introduction of a new collective name for metabolic
disorders of farm ruminants—production disease.”
Payne proposed that metabolic diseases are related to the inability of the cows to
cope with the high nutrient demands of milk production. However, dairy cows that
produce high amounts of milk have inherited the trait of high milk production from
their parents. Therefore, they have or own the capacity to produce high amounts of
milk. If we offer cows all the necessary nutrients required for the level of milk pro-
duction that they are capable off, then, the cows must reach that potential. This is
supported by the fact that around half of high producing dairy cows in a herd are
affected by metabolic or periparturient diseases during the transition period. The
other half remains healthy and productive. They can reach their production capacity
with no health issues. This is an important indication that the environment is not the
only or the main actor in the development of most metabolic or periparturient dis-
eases of dairy cows, as indicated by Payne (1977). Moreover, if half of the cows in
a herd consume the same amount of feed and similar ingredients and are not affected
by metabolic diseases, this means that the genotype is also a very significant factor
that should be taken into consideration when studying metabolic diseases. However,
Payne in his book (Payne 1977) indicates that “metabolic disease is not an inherent
defect in the animal’s biochemistry.” Therefore, Payne excludes the possibility that
metabolic diseases in dairy cows are related to inborn errors of metabolism or geno-
type of the cow.
Let’s take another example to better understand the role of genotype in the patho-
biology of metabolic diseases. Feeding high amounts of grain immediately after
calving, to provide cows the necessary energy and nutrients required for milk pro-
duction, is associated with low rumen fluid pH. This low pH affects microbiome
composition and the bacterial toxic compounds released in the rumen. For example,
the amount of endotoxin in the rumen fluid of cows fed high amounts of grain is
increased almost 14-fold (Emmanuel et al. 2008). Endotoxin is able to translocate
through rumen and colon tissues and to enter into systemic circulation triggering a
whole variety of metabolic and immune responses, even diseases like fatty liver,
laminitis or retained placenta (Emmanuel et al. 2007). There is increasing evidence
that mammals and cows respond differently to endotoxin (Jacobsen et al. 2007,
2008). Some individuals are more susceptible to endotoxin and succumb to sickness
18 B.N. Ametaj
or even death. Other individuals are more resistant to the same dose of endotoxin
and overcome the challenge of endotoxin with a slight fever. There is also mounting
evidence that endotoxins are involved in multiple periparturient diseases of dairy
cows including fatty liver, milk fever, ketosis, retained placenta, displaced aboma-
sum, laminitis, and several others diseases (Ametaj et al. 2010, 2015). In this case it
is obvious that the susceptibility or resistance of some of the cows to endotoxin-
related diseases is strongly related to the genotype of the animal.
Payne (1977) and other scientists also believed that “metabolic disease is a fail-
ure to compensate for imposed and man-made demands on farm livestock.” Based
on this definition it seems like men have created metabolic diseases by demanding
or selecting cows for greater milk production. However, there is no solid evidence
to indicate that selection of cows for high milk production is associated with greater
incidence of periparturient diseases (including those called metabolic diseases).
One clear example that increased milk production is not associated with increased
incidence of periparturient diseases is milk fever. Milk fever was reported for the
first time during the eighteenth century. It’s been almost one century that we study
milk fever, however, the incidence of this disease in North America, Europe, or
elsewhere has fluctuated around 5–10%. This clearly shows that milk fever is not a
man-made disease, not related to selection of cows for high milk production. On the
other hand, some breeds of cows like Jerseys are more prone to milk fever than
Holsteins. This also supports the idea that genotype of the cows is very important in
disease development.
Payne (1977) further explains definition of a production disease: “Firstly, it
implies that the disease is likely to occur when the demand for production exceeds
the animal’s metabolic capacity. Secondly, it draws attention to the fact that, in the
interests of high production, animals are exposed to metabolic hazard because they
are not always fed or managed appropriately for their specialized physiology and
metabolic needs.”
If Payne’s statement would be true, then 100% of the cows in a herd should suc-
cumb to metabolic or periparturient disease around calving. However, this does not
happen although cows are fed a similar ration. In fact, only up to 30–50% of the
cows are affected by one or multiple periparturient diseases concurrently. This again
suggests that genotype is very important in the susceptibility of the cows to peripar-
turient disease.
Another aspect of Payne statement (Payne 1977) that deserves to be discussed is
that he is defining metabolic disease in a mechanical way. He states: “All production
systems have three basic components. All have inputs of raw materials, a central
processing system and an output of the finished product. This is the basic pattern of
production not only for the dairy cow but also for manufacturing systems of all
kinds. All are prone to similar ‘diseases’.” It is obvious that Payne is considering the
animal a machine ignoring that biology is quite different from a human or electri-
cally or electronically controlled machine. A cow is far more complex being than a
human made machine. Another aspect that was ignored by Payne’s definition is that
there are tenfold or more bacteria in the GI tract of a cow than her own body cells.
Those bacteria and their products have been reported to be involved in various
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