DLL ENGLISH 3 Q4 C7 Read Phrases Sentences and Stories With Vowel Digraphs Ai Ay Ea Ee Oo Oa Edumaymaylauramosangie

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School: Grade Level: III

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: @edumaymay @lauramos @angie Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates & Time: June 5-9, 2023 (Week 6) Quarter: FOURTH


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of
processes in sight word processes in sight word processes in sight word of processes in sight word processes in sight word
recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis recognition or phonic analysis to
read and understand words read and understand words read and understand words to read and understand words read and understand words
B. Performance Standards Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition
techniques to read and techniques to read and techniques to read and techniques to read and techniques to read and
understand words that contain understand words that contain understand words that contain understand words that contain understand words that contain
complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations,
affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions affixes and contractions through
theme-based activities theme-based activities theme-based activities through theme-based activities theme-based activities
C. Learning Competencies/ Read phrases, sentences and Read phrases, sentences and Read phrases, sentences and Read phrases, sentences and Read phrases, sentences and
Objectives stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai,
( Write the Lode for ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
II. CONTENT Reading phrases, sentences and Reading phrases, sentences and Reading phrases, sentences and Reading phrases, sentences Reading phrases, sentences and
( Subject Matter) stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai, stories with vowel digraphs - ai, and stories with vowel stories with vowel digraphs - ai,
ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Directions: Find the matching sentences in Find the matching sentences in Directions: Encircle the words Summative Test/
or presenting new lesson Read the word with digraph on column B from the pictures in column B from the pictures in with vowel digraphs “oo” and Weekly Progress Check
the left and write two Column A. Column A. “oa” found in the puzzle.
2 words from the parenthesis Vowel Digraphs with “ai and ay” Vowel Digraphs with “ea and ee”
that rhyme s it
1. eat - (let, heat, lie, beat)
2. air - ( pair, share, lair, sea)
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
3. bees - (places, trees, knees,
4. doe - ( pole, hoe, foe, sad )
5. moon - ( foul, spoon, cold,

B. Establishing a purpose for Direction: Read the sentences in Vowel digraphs “ea”and “ee” Vowel digraphs “oo”and “oa” Fill in the blank with the name
the lesson Column A and match them with of the picture on the left to
the pictures in Column B. complete the sentence.
A. Vowel digraphs “ay”and “ai

1. Mark sits on a ch ___ ___


2. Mother and I p ___ ___ our

electric bill.

3. I s ___ ___ hello to my


The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
4. During summer, the d ___
___ is hot.

5. Her h ___ ___ ___ is long.

C. Presenting examples/ Read the poem below. Identify
instances of the new Read the sentences. the words with digraph and
lesson. write them on.
1. I see a peach seed.
Prayer of Thanks
2. A seal is on the beach. I. O dearest Lord, we thank You
For all the gifts You give.
3. Did you meet the queen? For food and drink and clothing
And homes in which we live
4. The green leaf is on the tree. For the sun that shines
so bright and moon during the
5. Keep your feet off the seat. night
For the birds that sings on top of
the tree
And grasses that tickles my toe
II. For parents
’ kind and loving,
For friends whose love is true.
And, tenderly, we say it
We thank You Lord, for You!
D. Discussing new concepts What are the words with vowel What are the words with vowel What did you see in the picture? Vowel digraphs ➢ Vowel
and practicing new skills. digraphs ea and ee? digraphs? digraphs are a combination of
#1 vowels that combine to make a
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
single vowel sound like the 'ai'
in chain and 'ay' in pray.

It is a picture of paint. The word

paint is an example of words with Vowel digraphs ➢ Vowel
digraphs ai. digraphs are a combination of
Now, write the word paint on the vowels to make a single vowel
blanks. sound like the 'ea' in weak and
1. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 'ee' in sweep.

How about this picture? What are

the children doing?

The children are playing. The

word play is an example of words
with digraph -ay.
Now, write the word play on the
2. ____ ____ ____ ____
E. Discussing new concepts Vowel digraphs Digraphs Can you think of words with “ea”
and practicing new skills are a combination of two vowel A digraph in the English and “ee”?
#2. letters that together spell either language is a group of two Try to unscramble these letters
single vowel sound or a successive letters that represent for you to create words with “ea”
diphthong. a single sound. The common and “ee”.
Examples of vowel digraphs are ones are the vowel digraphs
the letter pairs ea, ai, ee, which include the “ay”and “ai
oe, ou, and oo. “,”ea” and, “ee” , “oo” and “oa”.
is a combination of two lette rs
that together spell a single
The word can be broken down
into the prefix di meaning two ,
and the word graph , referring
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
to a written form
Vowel digraphs include those
that are simply doubled letters,
such as the : oo moon ee feet
look bees
Vowel digraphs are also a
combinations of two different
vowel letters that together
represent a single sound,
such as: oa in coat ai in rain
F. Developing Mastery Find the matching sentences in Direction: Read the phrases in Directions: Choose the word
(Lead to Formative column B from the pictures in Column A and match them with that matches the picture. Write
Assessment 3) Column A. the pictures in Column B. your answer on a separate
Vowel Digraphs with “oo and sheet of paper.

G. Finding practical Directions: Direction Write the missing Directions: Look at the pictures Directions: Choose the correct
application of concepts Put check (/) on the appropriate digraph to complete each word and use the letterboxes for you digraph to complete the word.
and skills in daily living column where the in the sentences. Choose from to write the matching ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ Write your answer on a
words on the left belongs. the box. words. Use a separate sheet for separate sheet of paper.
your answers.
ea ai ee
oe oo

1. Learners please be n__ __t

and clean before going to
2. The PTA officers have a m__
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
__ting today.
3. The h_ _ is use by the farmers
in tilling the soil
4. I love the fresh _ _ r in my
flower garden.
5. Ronald is going to borrow my
b_ _ k today.

H. Making Generalizations 1. What is a vowel digraph? 1. What is a vowel digraph? 1. What is a vowel digraph? 1. What is a vowel digraph?
and Abstraction about the 2. Is it important to learn about 2. Is it important to learn about 2. Is it important to learn about 2. Is it important to learn about
Lesson. vowel digraphs? Why? vowel digraphs? Why? vowel digraphs? Why? vowel digraphs? Why?
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Circle the word for each picture. Directions: Write the word that Directions: Complete the
Read the group of words below. has the same diphthong as the missing word in each sentence
Write the letter of the word inside the circle. with ea or ee. Write the correct
correct answer. words on a separate sheet of
1. Which word rhymes with the paper.
word in the box.

a. Luke b. nook c. moon d. roof

2. Add the correct word with
vowel digraph to complete the
The dog hides when it starts to
a. ran b. rain c. crawl d. stay
3. Wh at long vowel sound do
you hear in the word teeth
a. long a b . long i c . long o
d. long e
4. The word mountain has two
vowel sounds in it. What are
they they?
a. ou and ie b. ee and ai c. ou
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The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
and oo d. ou and ai
5. Which of these words does
not belong to the oo
A. foot b. wood c. couch d. cook
J. Additional Activities for Look at the pictures in column A Study the pictures carefully. In your answer sheet, write the Look at the pictures. Choose
Application or and match them with the Then, write the correct words word that matches the picture. the correct vowel blend for
Remediation phrases in column B. Write your under the pictures. each picture.
answers on the space provided
before the number.

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie
The creator/editor of this DLL does not claim ownership over its contents such as (pictures, illustrations, stories, etc.). This DLL is only intended as reference for teachers.
The creator/editor shall/does not allow/permit any individual to sell this Daily Lesson Log or to share without his/her permission. @edumaymay @lauramos @angie

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