DLL - ENGLISH 3 - Q3 - C6 - Read Words With Long A, I, O, U Sound

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School: Grade Level: III

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates & Time: (Week 6) Quarter: THIRD


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of
processes in sight word of processes in sight word processes in sight word of processes in sight word processes in sight word
recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis recognition or phonic analysis to
read and understand words to read and understand words read and understand words to read and understand words read and understand words
B. Performance Standards Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition techniques Uses word recognition Uses word recognition
techniques to read and techniques to read and to read and understand words techniques to read and techniques to read and
understand words that contain understand words that contain that contain complex letter understand words that contain understand words that contain
complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, combinations, affixes and complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations,
affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions contractions through theme-based affixes and contractions affixes and contractions through
theme-based activities through theme-based activities activities through theme-based activities theme-based activities
C. Learning Competencies/ Read words with long a, i, o , u Read words with long a, i, o , u Read words with long a, i, o , u Read words with long a, i, o , u Read words with long a, i, o , u
Objectives sound (ending in e) sound (ending in e) sound (ending in e) sound (ending in e) sound (ending in e)
( Write the Lode for EN3PW-00-3 EN3PW-00-3 EN3PW-00-3 EN3PW-00-3 EN3PW-00-3

II. CONTENT Read Words with Long /ā/, Read Words with Long /ā/, Read Words with Long /ā/, Read Words with Long /ā/, Read Words with Long /ā/,
( Subject Matter) / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ Sounds / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ Sounds / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ Sounds / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ Sounds / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ Sounds
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Choose a picture in each row Read the words below. Choose Search and copy the words with Read the following words with Summative Test/Weekly Progress
or presenting new lesson that starts with a vowel letter. the words that have the long long /ā/, / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ sounds short vowel sounds correctly. Check
/ā/, / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ sounds. (ending in e) in the puzzle below. _____1. van _____6. ran
_____2. bed _____7. keg
_____3. sit _____8. fin
_____4. dog _____9. vow
_____5. sun _____10. rug
B. Establishing a purpose for Read the pairs of words below Read the story aloud and Read the examples below.
the lesson and determine the difference underline the long a, i, o, u sounds
between the short and long ending in e.
vowel sounds. Jake and Kate baked a cake.
They ate the cake beside the
After eating, they flew kites
while riding a bike.
In the afternoon, they ate ice
creams in a cone.
Jake and Kate took cute photos.
They had fun and their happiness
was pure.

C. Presenting examples/ The words cap, Tim, orange, and Read the following words Did you pronounce the long vowel Long Vowel Sounds
instances of the new tub have short vowel sounds, below. sound words correctly? Long vowel sounds refer to the
lesson. while cape, time, phone, and pronunciation of sounds of
tube have long vowel sounds. vowels which is the same with
their letter names.

D. Discussing new concepts Read and understand the Key Read the following words with Model the correct way of reading The words above are examples
and practicing new skills. Points to learn more about long vowel sounds correctly. the words with long a, i, o, and u of words with long vowel
#1 long /ā/, / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ sounds ending in e. sounds that end in e. They are
sounds (ending in e). long vowels considering that
Usually, a word with a short Sound the long ‘a’ properly. the vowel sounds of each word
vowel is changed into a long These are long ‘a’ words are read similar to how the
vowel by placing a silent letter because the ‘a’ is sounded as letter names of the vowels are
“e” at the end of a word. A long /ey/. read.
vowel is pronounced the same
way as the name of the letter
itself. A word has a long /ā/
sound when it is spelled with an
a in the middle of the of the
word and an e at the end.
Long /ā/ is pronounced as in
cape. A word has a long / ī / Sound the long ‘i’ properly.
sound when it is spelled with an These are long ‘i’ words
i in the middle of the word and because the ‘a’ is sounded as
an e at the end. Long /i/ is /ay/.
pronounced as in time. A word
has a long /ō/ sound when it is
spelled with an o in the middle
of the word and an e at the end.
Long /ō/ is pronounced as in
phone. A word has a long /ū/ Sound the long ‘o’ properly.
sound when it is spelled with u These are long ‘o’ words
in the middle of the word and because the ‘o’ is sounded as
an e at the end. Long /ū/ is /ow/.
pronounced as in tube.
However, it can also be
pronounced like June, Luke, and

Sound the long ‘u’ properly.

These are long ‘u’ words
because the ‘u’ is sounded as

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery Read the words inside each pair Encircle the long vowel sounds Put a (\/) on the line before the Read the given words. Identify
(Lead to Formative of cupcakes. Then, choose the in each item. word if it’s a long vowel sound the long vowel sound (a, e, i, o,
Assessment 3) word that has a long vowel word and an (x) or u) used in each word.
sound from each pair. if not. ______1. mute ______6. bake
_____ rope ______2. heal ______7. boat
_____ map ______3. sake ______8. meal
_____ gum ______4. time ______9. joke
_____ ride ______5. cure ______10. bind
_____ sake

G. Finding practical Read the words in the box Read the following long vowel Fill in the blanks with the correct Match the pictures in Column A
application of concepts below. Write each word to the sounds ending in e aloud. long vowel sound words to with their appropriate names
and skills in daily living appropriate long vowel sound complete the sentence. Choose in Column B. Write the letters
where it belongs. Write your lame face rake bane your answer from the box. of your answers on your
answers on your paper. cone zone role core answer sheet.
Words with long /ā/ sound fine lice ride cite kite name bake
1. ________________ mute pure fuse tube muse lake
2. ________________
Words with long / ī / sound 1. Anna knows how to _________
1. ________________ a cake.
2. ________________ 2. Flying ________ is Allan’s
Words with long /ō/ sound favorite hobby.
1. ________________ 3. Elsa is the ________ in her class.
2. ________________ 4. We went fishing on the
Words with long /ū/ sound ________.
1. __________________ 5. Pochi is the ________ of our
2. __________________ new pet.
H. Making Generalizations 1. Words with a in the middle 1. Words with a in the middle 1. Words with a in the middle and 1. Words with a in the middle
and Abstraction about the and e in the end are read with and e in the end are read with e in the end are read with the long and e in the end are read with
Lesson. the long /___ /sound as in cake, the long /___ /sound as in /___ /sound as in cake, made, the long /___ /sound as in
made, sale, and date. cake, made, sale, and date. sale, and date. cake, made, sale, and date.
2. Words with i in the middle 2. Words with i in the middle 2. Words with i in the middle and e 2. Words with i in the middle
and e in the end are read with and e in the end are read with in the end are read with the and e in the end are read with
the long /___ / sound as in ride, the long /___ / sound as in long /___ / sound as in ride, Mike, the long /___ / sound as in
Mike, five, and bike. ride, Mike, five, and bike. five, and bike. ride, Mike, five, and bike.
3. Words with o in the middle 3. Words with o in the middle 3. Words with o in the middle and 3. Words with o in the middle
and e in the end are read with and e in the end are read with e in the end are read with long and e in the end are read with
long /___ / sound as in cone, long /___ / sound as in cone, /___ / sound as in cone, bone, long /___ / sound as in cone,
bone, hope, and hole. bone, hope, and hole. hope, and hole. bone, hope, and hole.
4. Words with u in the middle 4. Words with u in the middle 4. Words with u in the middle and 4. Words with u in the middle
and e in the end are read with and e in the end are read with e in the end are read with long and e in the end are read with
long /___ / sound as in cute, long /___ / sound as in cute, /___ / sound as in cute, mute, and long /___ / sound as in cute,
mute, and tube. However, it can mute, and tube. However, it tube. However, it can also be mute, and tube. However, it
also be sounded as in glue, June, can also be sounded as in glue, sounded as in glue, June, and blue. can also be sounded as in glue,
and blue. June, and blue. June, and blue.
I. Evaluating Learning Read the words below. Choose Fill in the blanks with the Read the sample poem. Identify Read the statements. Identify
the words that have the long correct vowel to complete the the long vowel sound (a, e, i, o, or the long vowel sound (a, e, i, o,
/ā/, / ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ sounds. long vowel sound words u) used in each underlined word. or u) used in each underlined
Write the letters of the correct in each item. Write your answers on your word. Write your answers on
answers on your paper. answer sheet. your answer sheet.
1. long /ā/ 1. smiling at me
a. cap b. cape c. can d. car Carla bakes sweet cake and 2. hoping to meet you
2. long / ī / pastries. There are also biscuits 3. huge park
a. Tim b. tin c. ten d. tire and bread. Baking them makes her 4. digging the hole
3. long /ō/ happy and fine. Removing the 5. reading the text
a. cop b. cup c. cope d. cut sadness in her life. 6. Arnold put the vase on the
4. long /ū/ table.
a. tube b. tub c. ton d. tone 7. My mother loves red roses.
8. You should draw vertical and
horizontal lines.
9. Jumping rope is our favorite
10. Andres used to climb that
old tree.

J. Additional Activities for List 5 words with ong /ā/, /

Application or ī /, /ō/, and /ū/ sounds.

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

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