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Chapter 2

2.1 Big Data Management

Big data consists of huge amounts of information that cannot be stored or processed using traditional
data storage mechanisms or processing techniques. It generally consists of three different variations.

1. Structured data (as its name suggests) has a well-defined structure and follows a
consistent order. This kind of information is designed so that it can be easily accessed
and used by a person or computer. Structured data is usually stored in the well defined
rows and columns of a table (such as a spreadsheet) and databases — particularly
relational database management systems, or RDBMS.
2. Semi-structured data exhibits a few of the same properties as structured data, but
for the most part, this kind of information has no definite structure and cannot
conform to the formal rules of data models such as an RDBMS.
3. Unstructured data possesses no consistent structure across its various forms and
does not obey conventional data models’ formal structural rules. In very few
instances, it may have information related to date and time.

Characteristics of Big Data Management

In line with classical definitions of the concept, big data is generally associated with three core

1. Volume: This trait refers to the immense amounts of information generated every second
via social media, cell phones, cars, transactions, connected sensors, images, video, and
text. In petabytes, terabytes, or even zettabytes, these volumes can only be managed by big
data technologies.
2. Variety: To the existing landscape of transactional and demographic data such as phone
numbers and addresses, information in the form of photographs, audio streams, video, and a
host of other formats now contributes to a multiplicity of data types — about 80% of
which are completely unstructured.
3. Velocity: Information is streaming into data repositories at a prodigious rate, and this
characteristic alludes to the speed of data accumulation. It also refers to the speed with which
big data can be processed and analyzed to extract the insights and patterns it contains.
These days, that speed is often real-time.


Beyond “the Three Vs,” current descriptions of big data management also include two other
characteristics, namely:
● Veracity: This is the degree of reliability and truth that big data has to offer in terms of its
relevance, cleanliness, and accuracy.
● Value: Since the primary aim of big data gathering and analysis is to discover insights that
can inform decision-making and other processes, this characteristic explores the benefit or
otherwise that information and analytics can ultimately produce.

Figure 8: Big Data Transformation

2.2 Big Data Management Services

When it comes to technology, organizations have many different types of big data management
solutions to choose from. Vendors offer a variety of standalone or multifeatured big data
management tools, and many organizations use multiple tools. Some of the most common types
of big data management capabilities include the following:

1. Data cleansing: finding and fixing errors in data sets

2. Data integration: combining data from two or more sources
3. Data migration: moving data from one environment to another, such as moving
data from in-house data centres to the cloud
4. Data preparation: readying data to be using in analytics or other applications


5. Data enrichment: improving the quality of data by adding new data sets,
correcting small errors or extrapolating new information from raw data
6. Data analytics: analysing data with a variety of algorithms in order to gain
7. Data quality: making sure data is accurate and reliable
8. Master data management (MDM) :linking critical enterprise data to one master set
that serves as the single source of truth for the organization
9. Data governance: ensuring the availability, usability, integrity and
accuracy of data
10. Extract transform load (ETL): moving data from an existing
repository into a database or data warehouse.


There are different ways of how to collect big data from users. These are the most popular ones.

1. Asking for it the majority of firms prefer asking users directly to share their personal
information. They give these data when creating website accounts or buying online. The minimum
information to be collected includes a username and an email address, but some profiles require
more details.
2. Cookies and Web Beacons
Cookies and web beacons are two widely used methods to gather the data on users, namely, what
web pages they visit and when. They provide basic statistics about how a website is used. Cookies and
web beacons in no way compromise your privacy but just serve to personalize your experience
with one or another web source.
3. Email tracking
Email trackers are meant to give more information on the user actions in the mailbox. In
particular, an email tracker allows detecting when an email was opened. Both
Google and Yahoo use this method to learn their users’ behavioural patterns and provide
personalized advertising.

2.4 Dealing with Missing or incomplete Data

The concept of missing data is implied in the name: its data that is not captured for a variable for the
observation in question. Missing data reduces the statistical power of the analysis, which can distort the
validity of the results.

Fortunately, there are proven techniques to deal with missing data.


Imputation vs. Removing Data

When dealing with missing data, data scientists can use two primary methods to solve the error:
imputation or the removal of data.

The imputation method develops reasonable guesses for missing data. It’s most useful when the
percentage of missing data is low. If the portion of missing data is too high, the results lack natural
variation that could result in an effective model.

The other option is to remove data. When dealing with data that is missing at random, related data
can be deleted to reduce bias. Removing data may not be the best option if there are not enough
observations to result in a reliable analysis. In some situations, observation of specific events or
factors may be required.

Before deciding which approach to employ, data scientists must understand why the data is

Missing at Random (MAR)

Missing at Random means the data is missing relative to the observed data. It is not related to the
specific missing values. The data is not missing across all observations but only within sub- samples
of the data. It is not known if the data should be there; instead, it is missing given the observed data.
The missing data can be predicted based on the complete observed data.

Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)

In the MCAR situation, the data is missing across all observations regardless of the expected value
or other variables. Data scientists can compare two sets of data, one with missing observations and
one without. Using a t-test, if there is no difference between the two data sets, the data is characterized
as MCAR.

Data may be missing due to test design, failure in the observations or failure in recording
observations. This type of data is seen as MCAR because the reasons for its absence are external
and not related to the value of the observation.

It is typically safe to remove MCAR data because the results will be unbiased. The test may not
be as powerful, but the results will be reliable.


Missing Not at Random (MNAR)

The MNAR category applies when the missing data has a structure to it. In other words, there appear
to be reasons the data is missing. In a survey, perhaps a specific group of people – say women ages
45 to 55 – did not answer a question. Like MAR, the data cannot be determined by the observed
data, because the missing information is unknown. Data scientists must model the missing data to
develop an unbiased estimate. Simply removing observations with missing data could result in a
model with bias.


There are two primary methods for deleting data when dealing with missing data: list wise and
dropping variables.

List wise

In this method, all data for an observation that has one or more missing values are deleted. The
analysis is run only on observations that have a complete set of data. If the data set is small, it
may be the most efficient method to eliminate those cases from the analysis. However, in
most cases, the data are not missing completely at random (MCAR). Deleting the instances with
missing observations can result in biased parameters and estimates and reduce the statistical
power of the analysis.

Pair wise

Pair wise deletion assumes data are missing completely at random (MCAR), but all the cases
with data, even those with missing data, are used in the analysis. Pairwise deletion allows data
scientists to use more of the data. However, the resulting statistics may vary because they are
based on different data sets. The results may be impossible to duplicate with a complete set of

Dropping Variables

If data is missing for more than 60% of the observations, it may be wise to discard it if the variable is


When data is missing, it may make sense to delete data, as mentioned above. However, that may
not be the most effective option. For example, if too much information is discarded, it may not
be possible to complete a reliable analysis. Or there may be insufficient data to generate a reliable
prediction for observations that have missing data.


Instead of deletion, data scientists have multiple solutions to impute the value of missing data.
Depending why the data are missing, imputation methods can deliver reasonably reliable results.
These are examples of single imputation methods for replacing missing data. Mean, Median and

2.5 Data Visualization

● Data visualization is the practice of translating information into a visual context, such as a map
or graph, to make data easier for the human brain to understand and pull insights from.
● The main goal of data visualization is to make it easier to identify patterns, trends and outliers
in large data sets. The term is often used interchangeably with others, including information
graphics, information visualization and statistical graphics.
● Data visualization is one of the steps of the data science process, which states that after data
has been collected, processed and modelled, it must be visualized for conclusions to be made.
In the early days of visualization, the most common visualization technique was using a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet to transform the information into a table, bar graph or pie chart. While these
visualization methods are still commonly used, more intricate techniques are now available, including
the following:
• info graphics
• bubble clouds
• bullet graphs
• heat maps
• fever charts
• time series charts

Some other popular techniques are as follows.

1. Line charts. This is one of the most basic and common techniques used. Line charts
display how variables can change over time.
2. Area charts. This visualization method is a variation of a line chart; it displays multiple
values in a time series -- or a sequence of data collected at consecutive, equally spaced points
in time.
3. Scatter plots. This technique displays the relationship between two variables. A scatter plot
takes the form of an x- and y-axis with dots to represent data points.
4. Tree maps. This method shows hierarchical data in a nested format. The size of the
rectangles used for each category is proportional to its percentage of the whole. Treemaps
are best used when multiple categories are present, and the goal is to compare different parts of
a whole.


5. Population pyramids. This technique uses a stacked bar graph to display the complex social
narrative of a population. It is best used when trying to display the distribution of a

2.6 Data visualization tools and vendors

Data visualization tools can be used in a variety of ways. The most common use today is as
business intelligence (BI) reporting tool. Users can set up visualization tools to generate
automatic dashboards that track company performance across key performance indicators (KPIs)
and visually interpret the results.
The generated images may also include interactive capabilities, enabling users to manipulate them
or look more closely into the data for questioning and analysis. Indicators designed to alert users
when data has been updated or when predefined conditions occur can also be integrated.
Many business departments implement data visualization software to track their own initiatives.
For example, a marketing team might implement the software to monitor the performance of an
email campaign, tracking metrics like open rate, click-through rate and conversion rate.
As data visualization vendors extend the functionality of these tools, they are increasingly being
used as front ends for more sophisticated big data environments. In this setting, data visualization
software helps data engineers and scientists keep track of data sources and do basic exploratory
analysis of data sets prior to or after more detailed advanced analyses. The biggest names in the
big data tools marketplace include Microsoft, IBM, SAP and SAS.

Some other vendors offer specialized big data visualization software; popular names in this market
include Tableau, Qlik and Tibco.
While Microsoft Excel continues to be a popular tool for data visualization, others have been
created that provide more sophisticated abilities:
• IBM Cognos Analytics
• Qlik Sense and QlikView
• Microsoft Power BI
• Oracle Visual Analyzer
• SAP Lumira
• SAS Visual Analytics
• Tibco Spotfire
• Zoho Analytics
• D3.js


• Jupyter
• MicroStrategy ◻
• Google Charts

Figure 9: Data Classification

2.7 Dataset

Dataset is a collection of data, usually presented in a tabular form. Each column represents a
particular variable, and each row corresponds to a given member of the data.

Figure 10: Dataset View


There are some alternatives for columns, rows and values.

 Columns, Fields, Attributes, Variables

 Rows, Records, Objects, Cases, Instances, Examples, Vectors
 Values, Data

In predictive modeling, predictors or attributes are the input variables and target or class
attribute is the output variable whose value is determined by the values of the predictors and
function of the predictive model.

2.8 Database

Database collects, stores and manages information so users can retrieve, add, update or remove
such information. It presents information in tables with rows and columns. A table is referred to as
a relation in the sense that it is a collection of objects of the same type (rows). Data in a table can
be related according to common keys or concepts, and the ability to retrieve related data from related
tables is the basis for the term relational database. A Database Management System (DBMS)
handles the way data is stored, maintained, and retrieved. Most data science toolboxes connect to
databases through ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) or JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Figure 11: Database

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language for managing and manipulating
data in relational database management systems (RDBMS).

SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) permits database tables to be created, altered or deleted.
We can also define indexes (keys), specify links between tables, and impose constraints between
database tables.


CREATE TABLE : creates a new table

ALTER TABLE : alters a table
DROP TABLE : deletes a table
CREATE INDEX : creates an index
DROP INDEX : deletes an index

SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a language which enables users to access and
manipulate data.

SELECT : retrieval of data from the database

INSERT INTO : insertion of new data into the database
UPDATE : modification of data in the database
DELETE : deletion of data in the database

2.9 ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading)

1. ETL extracts data from data sources and loads it into data destinations using a set of
transformation functions.
2. Data extraction provides the ability to extract data from a variety of data sources, such as
flat files, relational databases, streaming data, XML files, and ODBC/JDBC data sources.
3. Data transformation provides the ability to cleanse, convert, aggregate, merge, and split
4. Data loading provides the ability to load data into destination databases via update, insert
or delete statements, or in bulk.

Figure:12: ETL Process


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