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Structured Object Oriented Formal

Language and Method Third

International Workshop SOFL MSVL
2013 Queenstown New Zealand October
29 2013 Revised Selected Papers 1st
Edition Shaoying Liu
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Shaoying Liu
Zhenhua Duan (Eds.)
LNCS 8332

Structured Object-Oriented
Formal Language and Method
Third International Workshop, SOFL+MSVL 2013
Queenstown, New Zealand, October 29, 2013
Revised Selected Papers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8332
Commenced Publication in 1973
Founding and Former Series Editors:
Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen

Editorial Board
David Hutchison
Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
Takeo Kanade
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Josef Kittler
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Jon M. Kleinberg
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Alfred Kobsa
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Friedemann Mattern
ETH Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
John C. Mitchell
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Moni Naor
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Oscar Nierstrasz
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
C. Pandu Rangan
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Bernhard Steffen
TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Demetri Terzopoulos
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Doug Tygar
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Gerhard Weikum
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany

For further volumes:
Shaoying Liu Zhenhua Duan (Eds.)

Structured Object-Oriented
Formal Language and Method
Third International Workshop, SOFL?MSVL 2013
Queenstown, New Zealand, October 29, 2013
Revised Selected Papers

Shaoying Liu Zhenhua Duan
Hosei University Xidian University
Koganei-shi, Tokyo Xi’an
Japan People’s Republic of China

ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 (electronic)

ISBN 978-3-319-04914-4 ISBN 978-3-319-04915-1 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04915-1
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014932685

LNCS Sublibrary: SL1 – Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues

 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

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Both formal methods and conventional software engineering techniques face various
challenges; they must be properly integrated to establish more effective technologies
for future software engineering. The development of the Structured Object-Oriented
Formal Language (SOFL) over the last two decades has shown some possibilities of
achieving effective integrations to build practical formal techniques and tool support
for requirements analysis, specification, design, inspection, review, and testing of
software systems. SOFL integrates: Data Flow Diagram, Petri Nets, and VDM-SL to
offer a graphical and formal notation for writing specifications; a three-step approach
to requirements acquisition and system design; specification-based inspection and
testing methods for detecting errors in both specifications and programs; and a set of
tools to support modeling and verification. Meanwhile, the Modeling, Simulation and
Verification Language (MSVL) is a parallel programming language developed over
the last decade. Its supporting tool MSV has been developed to enable us to model,
simulate, and verify a system formally. The two languages complement each other.
Following the success of the second SOFL workshop held in Kyoto in 2012, the 3rd
International Workshop on SOFL?MSVL (SOFL?MSVL 2013) is jointly organized
by the Shaoying Liu research group at Hosei University, Japan, and the Zhenhua Duan
research group at Xidian University, China, with the aim of bringing industrial,
academic, and government experts and practitioners of SOFL or MSVL to commu-
nicate and to exchange ideas. The workshop attracted 22 submissions on formal
specification, specification-based testing, specification pattern, modeling checking,
specification animation, simulation, application of SOFL, and supporting tools for
SOFL or MSVL. Each submission is rigorously reviewed by two Program Committee
members on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity, and 13
papers were accepted for publication in the workshop proceedings. The acceptance
rate is approximately 59 %.
We would like to thank the ICFEM 2013 organizers for supporting the organization
of the workshop, all of the Program Committee members for their great efforts and
cooperation in reviewing and selecting papers, and our postgraduate students for their
help. We would also like to thank all of the participants for attending presentation
sessions and actively joining discussions at the workshop. Finally, our gratitude goes
to Alfred Hofmann and his team for their continuous support in the publication of the
workshop proceedings.

January 2014 Shaoying Liu

Zhenhua Duan

Program Co-Chairs

Shaoying Liu (Co-chair) Hosei University, Japan

Zhenhua Duan (Co-chair) Xidian University, China

Program Committee

Michael Butler University of Southampton, UK

Steve Cha Korea University, Korea
Jian Chen Shaanxi Normal University, China
Yuting Chen Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Jin Song Dong National University of Singapore
Mo Li Hosei University, Japan
Xiaohong Li Tianjin University, China
Abdul Rahman Mat University Malaysia Serawak, Malaysia
Huaikou Miao Shanghai University, China
Weikai Miao East China Normal University, China
Fumiko Nagoya Aoyama Gakuyin University, Japan
Shengchao Qin University of Teesside, UK
Wuwei Shen Western Michigan University, USA
Jing Sun University of Auckland, New Zealand
Cong Tian Xidian University, China
Xi Wang Hosei University, Japan
Jinyun Xue Jiangxi Normal University, China
Fauziah Zainuddin Hosei University, Japan
Hong Zhu Oxford Brookes University, UK

Testing and Verification

Combining Specification-Based Testing, Correctness Proof,

and Inspection for Program Verification in Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Shaoying Liu and Shin Nakajima

Theory of Test Modeling Based on Regular Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Pan Liu and Huaikou Miao

Simulation and Model Checking

Integrating Separation Logic with PPTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Xu Lu, Zhenhua Duan, Cong Tian, and Hongjin Liu

Improved Net Reductions for LTLnX Model Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Ya Shi, Zhenhua Duan, Cong Tian, and Hua Yang

Formalizing and Implementing Types in MSVL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Xiaobing Wang, Zhenhua Duan, and Liang Zhao

Present-Future Form of Linear Time l-Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Yao Liu, Zhenhua Duan, Cong Tian, and Bo Liu

SOFL Tools

Prototype Tool for Supporting a Formal Engineering Approach

to Service-Based Software Modeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Weikai Miao and Shaoying Liu

A Supporting Tool for Syntactic Analysis of SOFL Formal Specifications

and Automatic Generation of Functional Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Shenghua Zhu and Shaoying Liu

SOFL Specification Animation with Tool Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Mo Li and Shaoying Liu

Formal Specification and Application

An Approach to Declaring Data Types for Formal Specifications . . . . . . . . . 135

Xi Wang and Shaoying Liu

Detection Method of the Second-Order SQL Injection in Web Applications. . . . 154

Lu Yan, Xiaohong Li, Ruitao Feng, Zhiyong Feng, and Jing Hu
X Contents

Applying SOFL to Constructing a Smart Traffic Light Specification. . . . . . . 166

Wahyu Eko Sulistiono and Shaoying Liu

Checking Internal Consistency of SOFL Specification: A Hybrid Approach . . . . 175

Yuting Chen

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Testing and Verification
Combining Specification-Based Testing,
Correctness Proof, and Inspection for Program
Verification in Practice

Shaoying Liu1(B) and Shin Nakajima2

Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
[email protected]
NII, Tokyo, Japan
[email protected]

Abstract. Specification-based testing is limited in detecting program

errors; correctness proof based on Hoare logic is difficult to perform in
practice; and inspection is heavily dependent on human decisions. Each of
these three is difficult to do a satisfactory job alone, but they complement
each other when they come together in an appropriate manner. This
paper puts forward a new method that makes good use of Hoare logic
and inspection to improve the effectiveness of specification-based testing
in detecting errors. The underlying principle of the method is first to
use specification-based testing to discover traversed program paths and
then to use Hoare logic to prove their correctness, but when proof is
impossible to conduct, a special inspection is applied. During the proof
or inspection process, all faults on the paths are expected to be detected.
A case study is conducted to show its feasibility; an example taken from
the case study is used to illustrate how the proposed method is applied;
and a discussion on the important issues to be addressed in the future is

1 Introduction
Given a formal specification S and an implementation P , how to verify whether P
satisfies S (or P is correct with respect to S) in practice still remains a challenge.
Formal verification (or proof) based on Hoare logic (also Flody-Hoare logic) [1]
provides a possibility to establish the correctness for programs, but due to the
difficulty in deriving appropriate invariants for iterations and the difficulties in
managing side effect, complex data structures, and invocations of subroutines
(methods, functions, or procedures) in programming languages, formal proof for
realistic programs is impractical.
On the other hand, specification-based testing (SBT) is a practical technique
for detecting program errors. A strong point of SBT superior to formal correct-
ness verification is that it is much easier to be performed, even automatically if
This work is supported by NII Collaborative Program, SCAT research foundation,
and Hosei University.

S. Liu and Z. Duan (Eds.): SOFL+MSVL 2013, LNCS 8332, pp. 3–16, 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04915-1 1, 
c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
4 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

formal specifications are adopted [2,3], but a weak point is that existing errors
on a program path may still not be uncovered even if it has been traversed using
a test case. Liu’s previous work on combining Hoare Logic and SBT presented a
novel technique for formally proving the correctness of all of the traversed pro-
gram paths [4], which shows the potential of strengthening testing by applying
Hoare logic. In spite of the great potential of improvement of this technique,
there still exists a difficulty when testing encounters crash or non-termination in
running the program. Another practical technique that is likely to perform bet-
ter in some circumstances than testing is software inspection [5], but inspection
usually heavily depends on human decisions and therefore lacks repeatability [6].
We believe, as many others do, that each of these three approaches is difficult to
do a satisfactory job, but they complement each other when they come together
in an appropriate manner.
In this paper, we propose an approach to verifying programs by combining
the specific SBT we have developed before with the Hoare logic and a formal
specification-based program inspection technique. This new approach is known
as testing-based formal verification (TBFV). The essential idea is first to generate
a test case from each functional scenario, derived from the formal specification
using pre- and post-conditions, to run the program, and then repeatedly apply
the axiom for assignment in Hoare logic to formally verify the correctness of the
path that is traversed by using the test case. When such a proof is impossible to
conduct due to complex data structures or other reasons, the inspection method
will be applied. As described in Sect. 2, any pre-post style formal specification
can be automatically transformed into an equivalent disjunction of functional
scenarios and each scenario defines an independent function of the corresponding
program in terms of the relation between input and output. A test case can be
generated from each functional scenario and can be used to run the program
to find a traversed path, which is a sequence of conditions or statements, but
the correctness of the path with respect to the pre-condition and the functional
scenario is unlikely to be established by means of testing. This deficiency can be
eliminated by repeatedly applying the axiom for assignment in Hoare logic or by
specification-based inspection when Hoare logic is hard to apply. The superiority
of our approach to both SBT and formal verification is that it can verify the
correctness of all traversed paths and can be performed automatically because
the derivation of invariants from iterations is no longer needed.
Our focus in this paper is on the explanation of the new idea in combining
specification-based testing with Hoare logic. Therefore, we deliberately choose
small examples to explain the principle, which is expected to facilitate the reader
in understanding the essential idea. The feasibility of applying the new technique
to deal with a realistic program system has been demonstrated in our case study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief intro-
duction to both the functional scenario-based testing (FSBT) and the formal
specification-based inspection method. Section 3 describes the essential idea of
our TBFV approach. In Sect. 4, we give an example to illustrate the TBFV
approach systematically. Section 5 elaborates on how method invocation is dealt
Combining Specification-Based Testing 5

with in TBFV. Section 6 discusses the potential challenges to the proposed app-
roach. Section 7 gives a brief overview of the related work. Finally, in Sect. 8, we
conclude the paper and point out future research direction.

2 Introduction to FSBT and Inspection

This section briefly introduces the relevant parts of FSBT and the inspection
technique we use to pave the way for discussing the proposed TBFV. Since Hoare
logic is well known in the field, we omit the introduction but will briefly explain
the axioms when they are used.

2.1 FSBT

FSBT is a specific specification-based testing approach that takes both the pre-
condition and post-condition into account in test case generation [3]. Applying
the principle of “divide and conquer”, the approach treats a specification as a
disjunction of functional scenarios (FS), and to generate test sets and analyze
test results based on the functional scenarios. A functional scenario in a pre-post
style specification is a logical expression that tells clearly what condition is used
to constrain the output when the input satisfies some condition.
Specifically, let S(Siv , Sov )[Spre , Spost ] denote the specification of an opera-
tion S, where Siv is the set of all input variables whose values are not changed by
the operation, Sov is the set of all output variables whose values are produced or
updated by the operation, and Spre and Spost are the pre- and post-conditions
of S, respectively. The characteristic of this style specification is that the post-
condition Spost is used to describe the relation between initial states and final
states. We assume that in the post-condition, a decorated variable, such as ˜x,
is used to denote the initial value of external (or state) variable x before the
operation and the variable itself, i.e., x, is used to represent the final value of
x after the operation. Thus, ˜x ∈ Siv and x ∈ Sov . Of course, Siv also contains
all other input variables declared as input parameters and Sov includes all other
output variables declared as output parameters.
A practical strategy for generating test cases to exercise the behaviors
expected of all functional scenarios derived from the specification is established
based on the concept of functional scenario. To precisely describe this strategy,
we first need to introduce functional scenario.

Definition 1. Let Spost ≡ (C1 ∧ D1 ) ∨ (C2 ∧ D2 ) ∨ · · · ∨ (Cn ∧ Dn ), where

each Ci (i ∈ {1, ..., n}) is a predicate called “ guard condition” that contains
no output variable in Sov ; Di a “ defining condition” that contains at least one
output variable in Sov but no guard condition. Then, a functional scenario fs
of S is a conjunction ˜Spre ∧ Ci ∧ Di , and the expression (˜Spre ∧ C1 ∧ D1 ) ∨
(˜Spre ∧ C2 ∧ D2 ) ∨ · · · ∨ (˜Spre ∧ Cn ∧ Dn ) is called a functional scenario form
( FSF) of S.
6 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

The decorated pre-condition ˜Spre = Spre ˜(σ/σ) denotes the predicate result-
ing from substituting the initial state ˜σ for the final state σ in pre-condition
Spre . We treat a conjunction ˜Spre ∧ Ci ∧ Di as a scenario because it defines
an independent behavior: when ˜Spre ∧ Ci is satisfied by the initial state (or
intuitively by the input variables), the final state (or the output variables) is
defined by the defining condition Di . The conjunction ˜Spre ∧ Ci is known as
the test condition of the scenario ˜Spre ∧ Ci ∧ Di , which serves as the basis for
test case generation from this scenario.
To support automatic test case generation from functional scenarios, the
vital first step is to obtain an FSF from a given specification. A systematic
transformation procedure, algorithm, and software tool support for deriving an
FSF from a pre-post style specification have been developed in our previous work
[7]. Generating test cases based on a specification using the functional scenario-
based test case generation method is realized by generating them from its all
functional scenarios. The production of test cases from a functional scenario is
done by generating them from its test condition, which can be divided further
into test case generations from every disjunctive clause of the test condition. In
the previous work [3], a set of criteria for generating test cases are defined in
detail. To effectively apply FSBT, the FSF of the specification must satisfy the
well-formed condition defined below.

Definition 2. Let the FSF of specification S be (˜Spre ∧ C1 ∧ D1 ) ∨ (˜Spre ∧

C2 ∧ D2 ) ∨ · · · ∨ (˜Spre ∧ Cn ∧ Dn ). If S satisfies the condition (∀i,j∈{1,...,n} · (i ∅=
j ⇒ (Ci ∧ Cj ⇔ f alse))) ∧ (˜Spre ⇒ (C1 ∨ C2 ∨ · · · ∨ Cn ⇔ true)), S is said to
be well-formed.

The well-formedness of specification S ensures that each functional scenario

defines an independent function and the guard conditions completely cover the
restricted domain (a subdomain of the operation in which all of the values satisfy
the pre-condition). Thus, for any input satisfying the pre-condition, S is guaran-
teed to define an output satisfying the defining condition of only one functional
Under the assumption that S is well-formed, we can focus on test case gen-
eration from a single functional scenario, say ˜Spre ∧ Ci ∧ Di , at a time using
our approach. The test case is then used to run the program, which will enable
one program path to be executed. Let us take operation ChildF areDiscount,
a process of the IC card system for JR commute train service used in our case
study that is briefly explained in Sect. 4, as an example. The functionality of
the process is specified using the SOFL specification language [8] below, which
is similar to VDM-SL for operation specifications.
process ChildF areDiscount(a : int, n_f : int) a_f : int
pre a > 0 and n_f > 1
post (a > 12 => a_f = n_f )
(a <= 12 => a_f = n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5)
Combining Specification-Based Testing 7

The specification states that the input a (standing for age) must be greater
than 0 and n_f (normal_f are) must be greater than 1. When a is greater than
12, the output a_f (actual_f are) will be the same as n_f ; otherwise, a_f will
be 50 % discount on n_f .
According to the algorithm reported in our previous work [7], three functional
scenarios can be derived from this formal specification:
(1) a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a > 12 and a_f = n_f
(2) a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a <= 12 and a_f = n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5
(3) a <= 0 or n_f <= 1 and anything
where anything means that anything can happen when the pre-condition is
Assume the formal specification is refined into the following program
(a Java-like method):

int ChildF areDiscount(int a, int n_f ) {

(1) If (a > 0 && n_f > 1){
(2) if (a > 12)
(3) a_f := n_f ;
(4) else a_f := n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5;
(5) return a_f ; }
(6) else System.out.println(“the precondition is violated.j);

where the symbol := is used as the assignment operator in order to distin-

guish from the equality symbol = used in the specification. It is evident that
we can derive the following paths: [(1)(2)(3)(5)], [(1)(2)≤ (4)(5)], and [(1)≤ (6)]. In
the path [(1)(2)≤ (4)(5)], (2)≤ means the negation of the condition a > 12 (i.e.,
a <= 12), and the similar interpretation applies to (1)≤ in path [(1)≤ (6)]. We also
deliberately insert a defect in the assignment a_f = n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗
0.5 (thecorrectoneshouldbe a_f = n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5), where n_f ∗ ∗2 means n_f
to the power 2 (i.e., n_f 2 ).
The weakness of the testing approach is that it can only find the presence
of errors but cannot find their absence. For example, we generate a test case,
{(a, 5), (n_f, 2)}, from the test condition a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a <= 12 of
functional scenario (2), as illustrated in Table 1. Executing the program with this
test case, the path [(1)(2)≤ (4)(5)] will be traversed. The result of the execution is
a_f = 2 ∗ ∗2 − 2 − 2 ∗ 0.5 = 1. This result does not indicate the existence of error
because when the test condition a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a <= 12 is satisfied by
the test case, the defining condition a_f = n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5 is also satisfied by
the output a_f = 1 (because 1 = 2−2∗0.5 <=> true), which proves that in this
case, the program correctly implements the functional scenario. But obviously
the path contains an error.
One solution to this problem is to perform a formal verification based on
Hoare logic to check whether the traversed path is correct with respect to the
functional scenario. But if the program path involves expressions in assignments
8 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

Table 1. A test example

Test case: a = 5, n_f = 2

Test condition: a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a <= 12
Functional scenario: a > 0 and n_f > 1 and a <= 12 and
a_f = n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5

with side effect or complex data structures, such as arraylist of objects in Java,
the axioms in Hoare logic may not be applied successfully. In this case, the formal
specification-based inspection method can be applied to replace the formal proof.

2.2 Formal Specification-Based Inspection

The formal specification-based inspection method we developed previously
exploits the ability to decompose a pre-post style specification into a set of func-
tional scenarios (or simply scenarios) and to decompose a program into a set of
program paths (or simply paths) [9]. In principle, each functional scenario should
be implemented by a set of paths (can be single path). If the program correctly
implements the specification, every path of the program must contribute to the
implementation of some functional scenario in the specification. Therefore, the
underlying principle of inspection using the method is to check whether every
scenario in the specification is implemented correctly by some paths in the pro-
gram and whether every path in the program contributes to the implementation
of some scenario in the specification. The characteristic of the method is that
the checklist, containing a set of questions for inspection, is derived from the
functional scenarios in the specification and the judgement of the correctness of
each path with respect to the corresponding functional scenario will be made by
the human inspector.

3 Principle of TBFV
TBFV proposed in this paper provides a specific technique for verifying the
correctness of traversed program paths identified using FSBT. The principle
underlying the technique includes the following three points:

– Using FSBT to generate adequate test cases to identify all of the represen-
tative paths in the program under testing; each path is traversed by using at
least one test case. A representative path is formed by treating an iteration as
an if-then-else construct to ensure that the body of the iteration is executed
at least once and the iteration terminates, and by treating all of the other
constructs as same as their original form.
– Let ˜Spre ∧ Ci ∧ Di (i = 1, ..., n) denote a functional scenario and test case t
be generated from the test condition ˜Spre ∧ Ci . Let p = [sc1 , sc2 , ..., scm ] be
a program path in which each scj (j = 1, ..., m) is called a program segment,
which is a decision (i.e., a predicate), an assignment, a “return” statement,
Combining Specification-Based Testing 9

or a printing statement. Assume path p is traversed by using test case t. To

verify the correctness of p with respect to the functional scenario, we form a
path triple

{˜Spre } p {Ci ∧ Di } .

The path triple is similar in structure to Hoare triple, but is specialized to a

single path rather than the whole program. It means that if the pre-condition
˜Spre of the program is true before path p is executed, the post-condition
Ci ∧ Di of path p will be true on its termination.
– Repeatedly applying the axiom for assignment or the axiom we provide below
for other relevant statements, we can derive a pre-condition, denoted by ppre ,
to form the following expression:

{˜Spre (˜x/x)} {ppre (˜x/x)} p {Ci ∧ Di (˜x/x)} .

where ˜Spre (˜x/x), ppre (˜x/x) and Ci ∧ Di (˜x/x) are a predicate resulting
from substituting every decorated input variable ˜x for the corresponding
input variable x in the corresponding predicate, respectively. These substitu-
tions are necessary to avoid confusion between the input variables and the
internally updated variables (which may share the same name as the input
Finally, if the implication ˜Spre (˜x/x) => ppre (˜x/x) can be proved, it
means that no error exists on the path; otherwise, it indicates the existence
of some error on the path.

The axioms for the other relevant statements or decisions are given below.

{Q}S{Q} [1],

where S is one of the three kinds of program segments: “return” statement,

and printing statement. The axiom describes that the pre-condition and post-
condition for any of the three kinds of program segments are the same because
none of them changes states.

{S∧Q}S{Q} [2],

where S is a condition (predicate), which may be used in a if-then-else statement

or a while statement. this axiom states that if the program segment is a condition,
the derived pre-condition should be a conjunction of the condition and the post-
condition. We call axioms [1] and [2] axioms for non-change segment.
It is worth mentioning that since the application of the axioms for assignment
and for non-change segment involves only syntactical manipulation, deriving the
pre-condition ppre (˜x/x) can be automatically carried out, but formally proving
the implication ˜Spre (˜x/x) => ppre (˜x/x) , which we simply write as ˜Spre =>
ppre below in this paper, may not be done automatically, even with the help
10 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

of a theorem prover such as PVS, depending on the complexity of ˜Spre and

ppre . If achieving a full automation is regarded as the highest priority, as taken
in our approach, the formal proof of this implication can be “replaced” by a
test. That is, we first generate sample values for variables in ˜Spre and ppre ,
and then evaluate both of them to see whether ppre is false when ˜Spre is true.
If this is true, it tells that the path under examination contains an error. Since the
testing technique is already available in the literature [3,10], we do not repeat the
detail in this paper for the sake of space. Our experience suggests that in many
realistic circumstances, testing can be both practical and beneficial. However, if
the correctness assurance is regarded as the highest priority, a formal proof of
the implication must be performed.
In fact, both the testing and formal proof approaches have drawbacks. If
the traversed path contains no bugs, the implication ˜Spre => ppre will always
hold for all the possible values of free variables in the implication. Using testing
to determine this fact usually requires an exhaustive testing, which is gener-
ally impossible in practice unless the scope of the program is small enough. In
this case, inspection of the implication can be adopted after a sufficiently large
number of testing have been carried out. The rigorous inspection method based
on an inspection task tree notation proposed in our previous work [11] can be
utilized for this task. The reader can refer to that publication for details. As far
as the formal proof is concerned, inspection can also be adopted to detect bugs
contained on the traversed path. If the path contains bugs, the formal proof of
the implication ˜Spre => ppre should not be done successfully. Bugs on the path
must be first removed before another trial of formal proof, but how to find the
bugs is still an open problem for formal proof: no general way of using formal
proof to locate bugs is suggested in the literature. In this case, our rigorous
inspection method can also be adopted for debugging of the path.

4 Example
We have conducted a case study to apply our TBFV approach to test and verify
a simplified version of the IC card system for JR commute train service in Tokyo.
Our experience shows that the approach is feasible and can be effective in general
but also faces some challenges or limitations that need to be addressed in the
future research, as elaborated in Sect. 6. The system we used is designed to offer
the following functional services: (1) Controlling access to and exit from a railway
station, (2) Buying tickets using the IC card, (3) Recharging the card by cash or
through a bank account, and (4) Buying a railway pass for a certain period (e.g.,
for one month or three months). Due to the limit of space, we cannot present all
of the details, but take one of the internal operations used in the system, which
is ChildF areDiscount mentioned above, as an example to illustrate how TBFV
is applied to rigorously test the corresponding program. The program contains
three paths, it is necessary to formally verify all of the three paths. Since the
process of the verification is the same for all the paths, we only use the path
[(1)(2)≤ (4)(5)] that is traversed by using the test case {(a, 5), (n_f, 2)} as an
example for explanation.
Combining Specification-Based Testing 11

Firstly, we form the path triple:

{˜a > 0 and ˜n_f > 1}
[a > 0 && n_f > 1
a <= 12,
a_f := n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5,
return a_f ]
{˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}

where ˜a > 0 and ˜n_f > 1 is the result of substituting ˜a and ˜n_f for
input variables a and n_f , respectively, in the pre-condition of the program,
and ˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 is the result of completing the
similar substitution in the post-condition.
Secondly, we repeatedly apply the axiom for assignment or the one for non-
change segment to this path triple, starting from the post-condition. As a result,
we form the following path, known as asserted path, with derived internal asser-
tions between two program segments:
{˜a > 0 and ˜n_f > 1}
{˜a <= 12 and
˜n_f ∗ ∗2 − ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
a > 0 && n_f > 1
{a <= 12 and ˜a <= 12 and
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
a <= 12
{˜a <= 12 and
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
a_f := n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5
{˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
return a_f
{˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}

where the assertion ˜a <= 12 and˜n_f ∗∗2−˜n_f −˜n_f ∗0.5 = ˜n_f −˜n_f ∗
0.5, the second from the top of the sequence, is the result of substituting ˜a for a
and ˜n_f for n_f in the derived assertion {˜a <= 12 and ˜a <= 12 and n_f ∗
∗2 − n_f − n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5. As explained previously, this is
necessary in order to keep consistency of the input variables a and n_f in the
original pre-condition (appearing as ˜a and ˜n_f ) and the derived pre-condition.
Thirdly, we need to judge the validity of the implication ˜a > 0 and ˜n_f >
1 => ˜a <= 12 and ˜n_f ∗ ∗2 − ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5. Using
the test case {(˜a, 5), (˜n_f, 8)}, we can easily prove that the implication is false
(the evaluation detail is omitted due to space limit).
From this example, we can see that sometimes testing can be even more
efficient than formal proof in judging the validity of the implication when an
error exists on the path, but if the path contains no error, testing will be almost
impossible to give a firm conclusion in general. In that case, the specification-
based inspection can be applied to check whether the path correctly implements
the corresponding functional scenario. The inspection can also be valuable if the
path cannot be formally proved for the reasons as mentioned previously.
12 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

5 Dealing with Iteration and Method Invocation

For the sake of space, we only briefly discuss how our method deals with itera-
tions and method invocations that are frequently used in programs.

5.1 Iteration
Let us take a while loop, while B do S, as an example. When using a test case
to run the program that entails running of this loop, a subpath generated by
executing the loop will be traversed. Assume the subpath is as follows:
[B, S, B, S, B, S, not B],
since this is a single program path, the same method explained in the previous
section can be applied to derive a pre-condition, and the same principle of using
formal proof or testing can also be used to determine the correctness of the path.
Because there is no new technique involved in dealing with iterations, we omit
the further discussion.

5.2 Method Invocation

If a method invocation is used as a statement, it may change the current state of

the program. Therefore, the traversed path within the invoked method will have to
be taken into account in deriving the pre-condition of the program under testing.
Let us change the program ChildF areDiscount and organize the implemen-
tation into a class called F areDiscount below.

class F areDiscount {
int tem; //instance variable

int ChildF areDiscount1(int a, int n_f ) {

(1 ) Discount(n_f );
(2 ) if (a > 0 && n_f > 1){
(3 ) if (a > 12)
(4 ) a_f := n_f ;
(5 ) else a_f := n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − tem;
(6 ) return a_f ; }
(7 ) else System.out.println(“the precondition is violated.j);

void Discount(int x){

int r;
(1.1) r := x ∗ 0.5;
(1.2) tem := r; }

When running the method ChildF areDiscount1 in which the method

Discount(n_f ) is invoked, we obtain three paths: [(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)], [(1)(2)(3)≤ (5)
Combining Specification-Based Testing 13

(6)], and [(1)(2)≤ (7)], where segment (1) is a subpath [(1.1)(1.2)](n_f /x), denot-
ing the path resulting from substituting actual parameter n_f for formal para-
meter x in the subpath [(1.1)(1.2)]. Thus, [(1)(2)(3)≤ (5)(6)] for example, actually
means the path after inserting the traversed path in Discount into the traversed
path in ChildF areDiscount1, which is simply represented by [(1.1)(1.2)(2)(3)≤ (5)
(6)]. Selecting the same test case {(a, 5), (n_f, 2)} as before to run the program,
we make the path [(1.1)(1.2)(2)(3)≤ (5)(6)] traversed. We then form the asserted
path as follows:

{˜a > 0 and ˜n_f > 1}

{˜a <= 12 and
˜n_f ∗ ∗2 − ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
r := n_f ∗ 0.5
{˜a <= 12
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − r = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
tem := r
{˜a <= 12 and
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − tem = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
a > 0 && n_f > 1
{˜a <= 12 and
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − tem = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}

a <= 12
{˜a <= 12 and
n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − tem = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
a_f := n_f ∗ ∗2 − n_f − tem
{˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}
return a_f
{˜a <= 12 and a_f = ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5}

where the subpath [r := n_f ∗ 0.5, tem := r] is the result of substituting actual
parameter n_f used in the method invocation Discount(n_f ) for
formal parameter x used in the method definition in the original subpath [r :=
x ∗ 0.5, tem := r]. Similarly, we can easily use testing to prove that the implica-
tion ˜a > 0 and ˜n_f > 1 => ˜a <= 12 and ˜n_f ∗ ∗2 − ˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 =
˜n_f − ˜n_f ∗ 0.5 is false, indicating that an error is found on the path.

6 Potential Challenges
While our experience in the case study mentioned above shows that applying
TBFV to practical systems is feasible and can be effective, we have also learned
two major potential challenges or limitations. One is that if the expression E in
the assignment x := E has a side effect (e.g., in addition to returning a value,
it also modifies some state or has an observable interaction with calling func-
tions), the axiom for assignment in Hoare logic is no longer valid. TBFV inherits
this limitation from Hoare logic, but how to automatically resolve the side effect
without affecting the semantics of the original expression remains a topic for
14 S. Liu and S. Nakajima

further research. A possible solution is to train programmers to avoid side effect

in expressions, but there is no guarantee of its effect in practice. Another way
to deal with this problem is to apply the inspection method to allow human
to check the correctness, but this would be extremely difficult to be performed
automatically in general. The other challenge is that if the program under test-
ing invokes a method (as a call statement) of a software component (e.g., a
class in Java API) whose source code is not available to the tester, TBFV
may not work well. The difficulty is that automatically inserting probes (mon-
itors) to identify traversed program paths is impossible in this case. However,
since most embedded programs are small in size and independent of any
existing software components, applying TBFV should encounter few problems
in this aspect.
To deal with realistic programs in general, TBFV can be applied flexibly. For
the programs whose source code is available and expressions do not have side
effect, the technique described in this paper can be applied, but for those with
the above two challenges or limitations, the functional scenario-based testing
technique combined with inspection can be more exploited.

7 Related Work
Research on integration of Hoare logic and testing seems to mainly concentrate
on using pre- and post-assertions in Hoare triple for test case generation and
test result analysis, but none of them takes the same approach as our TBFV to
solve the same problem in specification-based testing.
One of the earliest efforts is Meyer’s view of Design By Contract (DBC)
implemented in the programming language Eiffel [12,13]. Eiffel’s success in check-
ing pre- and post-conditions and encouraging the DBC discipline in programming
partly contributed to the development of the similar work for other languages
such as the Sunit testing system for Smalltalk [14]. Cheon and Leavens describe
an approach to unit testing that uses a formal specification language’s run-
time assertion checker to decide whether methods are working correctly with
respect to a formal specification using pre- and post-conditions, and have imple-
mented this idea using the Java Modeling Language (JML) and the JUnit testing
framework [15]. Gray and Microsoft describe another approach to testing Java
programs using Hoare-style specifications [16]. They show how logical test speci-
fications with a more relaxed post-condition than existing restricted Hoare-style
post-condition can be embedded within Java and how the resulting test spec-
ification language can be compiled into Java for executable validation of the
program. There are many other similar results in the literature, but we have to
omit them due to the space limit.

8 Conclusion and Future Research

We presented a new approach, known as testing-based formal verification
(TBFV), for error detection in programs by integrating specification-based test-
ing, Hoare logic, and specification-based inspection. The principle underlying
Combining Specification-Based Testing 15

TBFV is first to use the functional scenario-based testing (FSBT) to achieve a

(representative) path coverage in the program under testing, and then to apply
the Hoare logic-based approach to formally verify the correctness of every tra-
versed path. When the verification is impractical, inspection is adopted to replace
the role of proof.
While focusing on the presentation of the essential idea of the TBFV app-
roach and an example from the case study to show its feasibility and potential
effectiveness in this paper, a controlled experiment needs to be conducted to
systematically assess the effectiveness and to compare with the related testing
and formal verification approaches. Further research is also needed to address
the two major challenges mentioned in Sect. 6 and tool support issues.

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Theory of Test Modeling Based on Regular

Pan Liu1,2(&) and Huaikou Miao3

College of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai Business School,
Shanghai 201400, China
[email protected]
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Computer Software Testing and Evaluating,
Shanghai 201112, China
School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China

Abstract. This paper presents a theory of test modeling by using regular

expressions for software behaviors. Unlike the earlier modeling theory of
regular expression, the proposed theory is used to build a test model which can
derive effective test sequences easily. We firstly establish an expression alge-
braic system by means of transition sequences and a set of operators. And we
then give the modeling method for behaviors of software under test based on
this algebraic system. Some examples are also given for illustrating our test
modeling method. Compared with the finite state machine model, the expres-
sion model is more expressive for the concurrent system and can provide the
accurate and concise description of software behaviors.

Keywords: Test modeling  Regular expression  Expression algebraic

system  Concurrent operation

1 Introduction

Software testing is a critical activity to assure software quality [1]. However, earlier
studies have shown that software testing can consume more than fifty percent of the
development costs [2]. Therefore automating software testing as a long-term goal has
been highlighted in the industry for many years. Model-based testing [3–5], as a
method of automatic test, has been widely studied to generate abstract test sequences.
The finite state machine (FSM [6, 7]), a formal notation for describing software
behaviors, is often employed for test modeling and test generation, forming a series of
test generation methods [8–10].
For a concurrent system, however, it is hard to build a model by FSM due to the
limitation of the expressive power of FSM. Therefore the other modeling methods
have been suggested for modeling concurrent systems. For example, Petri nets [11,
12] was used for modeling software behaviors and generating test cases for accessi-
bility test [13]. However, Petri nets easily causes the state-space explosion problem
[14] when the system is complex. Regular expressions are also used to build the model
of distributed systems, such as path expressions [15], behavior expressions [16] and

S. Liu and Z. Duan (Eds.): SOFL+MSVL 2013, LNCS 8332, pp. 17–31, 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04915-1_2,  Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
18 P. Liu and H. Miao

extended regular expression [17]. Garg et al. [16, 18] proposed an algebraic model
called concurrent regular expressions for modeling and analysis of distributed sys-
tems. However, this algebraic model is suitable for model checking and not for test
generation because it lacks of the essential path information, which consists of the
initial node, the terminal node and path sequences. Ravi et al. [19] proposed a novel
methodology for high-level testability analysis and optimization of register-transfer
level controller/data path circuits based on regular expressions. Qian et al. [20] pre-
sented a method to generate test sequences from regular expressions describing
software behaviors. This method firstly uses the FSM to build the model of software
behaviors. And then the FSM is converted into a regular expression according to three
construction rules. Finally, test sequences are obtained from this regular expression.
However, the suggested expression model does not have the capability for describing
concurrent operations because regular expressions are derived from FSM.
In this paper, we suggest constructing the test model by regular expressions for
software behaviors. Referring to the modeling theories of concurrent regular
expressions in [16, 18] and that of FSM in [7, 21], we set up an expression algebraic
system. And some examples are employed for illustrating our modeling approaches.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the expression
algebraic system. Section 3 introduces the method of test modeling by regular
expressions. Some examples of test modeling are presented in Sect. 4. Section 5
discusses the advantages and disadvantages between the traditional test generation
method and our test generation method. Section 6 concludes the whole paper.

2 Expression Algebraic System

Before we introduce the expression algebraic system, the definition of FSM needs to
be introduced so that we can build the bridge between the regular expression and
A finite-state machine (FSM) [22, 23] M ¼ \S; I; O; f ; g; s0 [ consists of a finite
set S of states, a finite input alphabet I, a finite output alphabet O, a transition function
f that assigns to each state and input pair a new state, an output function g that assigns
to each state and input pair an output, and an initial state s0. According to the defi-
nition of FSM, we give the definitions of both transition and transition sequence.
Definition 1 (transition): A transition of FSM is defined by t ¼ ðs1 ; i=o; s2 Þ, where
f ðs1 ; iÞ ¼ s2 ; i 2 I; gðs1 ; iÞ ¼ o; o 2 O; s1 is the pre-state of t, s2 is the next-state of t,
i is the transition condition of t and o is the output result of t.
Definition 2 (transition sequence): For any transition a, the syntax of the transition
sequence ts can be defined via Backus-Naur form:
ts :: ¼ e j a j a:ts j ts:a j ts:ts;
Where e denotes the empty and ts is any transition sequence.
Let R be a nonempty set of transition sequences in FSM, and e ¼ a0 for any a 2 R.
Let #ts denote the number of transitions in ts.
Theory of Test Modeling Based on Regular Expressions 19

Definition 3 (software regular expression): A software regular expression

describing software behaviors is an expression consisting of symbols from R and the
operators |, +,., *, a (), , and ||, which are defined as follows:

| denotes the choice operator;

. denotes the concatenation operator;
* is the Kleene closure;
+ is the positive closure;
a is a positive integer which denotes the alpha closure;
() denotes the range;
 denotes the synchronization;
|| indicates the concurrent operator

In Defintion 3, the descriptions of four operators |,., * and ? refer to the statements
in [16, 20]. We set the priority of operators high to low: (), *, ? and a,.,  and ||, |.
Definition 4 (expression algebraic system): An expression algebraic system con-
sists of both R and the operators |, +,., *, a (), , and ||, denoted as \ R, |, +,., *, a (), ,
|| [ , and e is the identity element of this system.

3 Test Modeling

In this section, we do not take account of the inputs and outputs on transitions and all
transitions are directly labeled on the edges of the graphs.

3.1 Concatenation Operator

A software behavior model with the concatenation operator shown in Fig. 1 can be
described by t1.t2, where t1 and t2 are two transitions, and t2 is occurred after t1. The
concatenation operator satisfies the following properties:
(1) 8a; b 2 R  a:b 6¼ b:a ) a 6¼ b ^ a 6¼ e ^ b 6¼ e
(2) 8a; b; c 2 R  a:b:c ¼ ða:bÞ:c ¼ a:ðb:cÞ
(3) 8a 2 R  a:e ¼ e:a ¼ a

3.2 Choice Operator

Let the symbol | denote the choice operator. In the model shown in Fig. 2, the
transitions t3 and t2 are alternative. So the model can be described by t1.(t3|t2), where t3

t1 t2
s0 s1 s2

Fig. 1. The software behavior model with the concatenation operator.

20 P. Liu and H. Miao

t1 t2
s0 s1 s2


Fig. 2. The software behavior model with the choice operator.

or t2 is executed in accordance with the different inputs on s1. The choice operator
satisfies the following properties:
(1) 8a; b 2 R  ajb ) a _ b:
(2) 8a; b 2 R  ajb ¼ bja ðCommutativityÞ
(3) 8a; b; c 2 R  ajbjc ¼ ðajbÞjc ¼ ajðbjcÞ ðAssociativityÞ
(4) 8a 2 R  aje ¼ eja ¼ a
(5) 8a 2 R  aja ¼ a ðIdentityÞ
(6) 8a; b1 ; b2 ; . . .; bn 2 R  a:ðb1 jb2 j. . .jbn Þ ¼ a:b1 ja:b2 j. . .ja:bn ðDistributivityÞ
(7) 8a1 ; a2 ; . . .; an ; b 2 R  ða1 ja2 j. . .jan Þ:b ¼ a1 :bja2 :bj. . .jan :b ðDistributivityÞ

3.3 Kleene Closure

Let the symbol * denotes the Kleene closure. Then the model shown in Fig. 3 can be
described as t1.t*2.t3, where t2 can be executed repeatedly. The Kleene closure satisfies
the following properties:
S i
(1) 8a 2 R  a ¼ a
(2) 8a 2 R  ða Þ ¼ a ðAbsorptionÞ
(3) ai 2 R ^ 1  i  n  ða1 ja2 j. . .jan Þ ¼ a1 ja2 j. . .jan ðDistributivityÞ
(4) e ¼ e

3.4 Positive Closure

Let the symbol ? denote the positive closure. E.g., a+ denotes that a is executed at
least once. The model of a temperature control system is shown in Fig. 4, where
– s0 is the initial state,
– s2 is the terminal state,

t1 t3
s0 s1 s2

Fig. 3. The software behavior model with the Kleene closure.

Theory of Test Modeling Based on Regular Expressions 21

t2 t4
t1 t3
s0 s1 s2

Fig. 4. The software behavior model with the positive closure.

– t0 denotes that the engine of the temperature control system is launched,

– t2 denotes the heating-up process when the temperature on s1 is lower than the given
threshold x,
– t3 denoted that the engine stops working,
– t4 denotes the cooling process when the temperature on s2 is still greater than x,
– t5 denoted the warming process is triggered and the system will return to s1.
This model can be described by t1 : t2þ :t3 :t4þ :t5 :t2þ :t3 :t4þ . The positive closure
satisfies the following properties:
S i
(1) 8a 2 R  aþ ¼ a
(2) 8a 2 R  aþ ¼ a:a ¼ a :a
(3) 8a 2 R  a:aþ ¼ aþ :a ¼ aþ
(4) 8a 2 R  ðaþ Þ ¼ aþ ðAbsorptionÞ
(5) ai 2 R ^ 1  i  n  ða1 ja2 j. . .jan Þ ¼ aþ þ þ
1 ja2 j. . .jan ðDistributivityÞ
(6) e ¼e

3.5 Alpha-closure
Let a be the alpha-closure, which denotes a maximum cycle times. E.g., ba denotes
that the transition b is executed repeatedly a times. The model of an online bank login
system is shown in Fig. 5. If the user types the wrong username or password for three

s0 s1



Fig. 5. The software behavior model with the alpha-closure.

22 P. Liu and H. Miao

times, the system will be automatically locked for 24 h. The symbols in this model
denote as follows:
– s0 denotes the login page,
– s1 is the main page,
– s2 denotes the locked page,
– t1 denotes the self-check on s0,
– t2 denotes the login success,
– t3 denotes the login failure.

According to the above description of system, there exists a ¼ 3 and this system
can be described by t13 :t3 jt2 jt1 :t2 jt12 :t2 . The alpha-closure satisfies the following
(1) 8a 2 R  aa ¼ a:a. . .a
(2) 8a 2 R  a:aa ¼ aa :a ¼ aa
(3) ai 2 R ^ 1  i  n  ða1 ja2 j. . .jan Þa ¼ aa1 jaa2 j. . .jaan ðDistributivityÞ
(4) 8a 2 R  ða Þa ¼ ðaa Þ ¼ aa ðAbsorptionÞ
8a 2 R  ðaþ Þ ¼ ðaa Þþ ¼ aa
(5) ðAbsorptionÞ
(6) ea ¼ e

3.6 Synchronous Operator

Let the symbol  denote the synchronous operator, which can describe the synchro-
nization between two or more transition sequences. E.g., a  b denotes that both a and
b are synchronized in the system. A simple model of the bus scheduling system at the
terminal station is shown in Fig. 6. In this system, buses entering and leaving the
station are synchronous. The symbols in this model denote as follows:
– s0 denotes the initial state of the terminal station,
– s1 denotes the state of the terminal station after a period of time,
– t1 denotes the sequences of the buses entering the station,
– t2 denotes the sequences of the buses leaving the station.

This model can be described by t1  t2 . The synchronous operator satisfies the

following Properties:
(1) 8a; b 2 R  a  b ¼ b  a ðCommutativityÞ
(2) 8a 2 R  a  e ¼ a

s0 s1
Fig. 6. The software behavior model with the synchronous operator.
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Pan is supposed to have taught music to Apollo, the god of Music

and of the Sun. You have seen statues of him with a lyre in his hands.
As Pan’s pupil he learned to play the syrinx so beautifully that he
won a prize in a contest with Marsyas, a mortal who played the flute
invented (according to the Greek legend), by Pallas Athene. This
goddess was sometimes known as Musica or Musician. When Cupid
saw her play the flute he laughed at her because she made such queer
faces. This angered her, and she flung her flute away. It fell down
from Mt. Olympus to the earth, and Marsyas picked it up and
became such a skilful player that he challenged the god Apollo to a
contest for flute championship of the world! The day came and
Apollo won the prize, but put Marsyas to death for daring to
challenge him—a god. Apollo afterwards was very sorry and broke all
the strings of his lyre and placed it with his flutes in a haunt of
Dionysus (god of Wine), to whom he consecrated these instruments.
These stories are not only a part of the ancient Greek religion but
they have become, on account of their beauty, a rich source of plot
and story for the works of musicians, artists and writers from the
days of antiquity to our own time.

One of the favorite Greek stories has been that of Orpheus, who
went down to Hades to bring his dead wife whom he adored, back to
earth, and about whom Peri, Gluck, and others wrote operas. He was
son of Apollo and of Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry, and became
such a fine performer on all instruments, that he charmed all things
animate and inanimate. He tamed wild birds and beasts, and even
the trees and rocks followed him as he played, the winds and the
waves obeyed him, and he soothed and made the Dragon, who
guarded the Golden Fleece, gentle and harmless.
On the cruise of the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece, Orpheus
not only succeeded in launching the boat when the strength of the
heroes had failed in the task, but when they were passing the islands
of the Sirens, he sang so loudly and so sweetly that the Sirens’ songs
could not be heard and the crew were saved.
Music in Their Daily Life

When a people have legends about music you may know that they
love it. Such was the case with the Greeks. They did not call their
schools high schools and colleges but Music schools, and everything
that we call learning they included under the name of music. Every
morning the little Greek boy was sent to the Music school where he
was taught the things that were considered necessary for a citizen to
know. Here he learned gymnastics, poetry, and music. At home too,
music was quite as important as in school, and we know that they
had folk songs which had to do with the deeds of ordinary life, such
as farming and winemaking and grape-picking, and the effect and
beauty of the seasons of the year. (See Chap. IX.) They can well be
divided into songs of joy and songs of sorrow, and seem to have
existed even before Homer the Blind Bard. If you ever have tried to
dance or do your daily dozen without music, you will understand at
once how much help music always has been to people as they
Harvest Songs

All harvest songs in Greece had the name of Lytiersis. Lytiersis was
the son of King Midas, known as the richest king in the world.
Lytiersis was a king himself but also a mighty reaper, and according
to Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco who has written a book called
Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs it was his “habit to indulge in
trials of strength with his companions and with strangers who were
passing by. He tied the vanquished up in sheaves and beat them. One
day he defied an unknown stranger, who proved too strong for him
and by whom he was slain.” The first harvest song was composed to
console King Midas for the death of his son. We can make a fable
from this story which means that Nature and Man are always
struggling against each other.
The harvest festivals founded in Greece led to others in Brittany,
France, North Germany and England. So does the deed of one race
affect other races.
The Liturgies

Among the taxes, or five special liturgies, that the Greeks had to
pay, was the obligation for certain rich citizens to supply the Greek
tragedies with the chorus. Every Greek play had its chorus and every
chorus had to have its structures; a choregic monument to celebrate
it; one or more flute players, costumes, crowns, decorations, teachers
for the chorus and everything else to make it succeed. This cost,
which would equal many thousands of dollars, was undertaken as a
duty quite as easily as our men of wealth pay their income taxes. You
can see a greatly enlarged copy of a choregic monument, the Soldiers’
and Sailors’ monument at 89th Street and Riverside Drive, in New
York City, and also one at the Metropolitan Museum.
In old Greece the musicians were also poets. Homer, Hesiod,
Pindar, Æschylus, Sophocles, Sappho, Euripides, Plato, not only
wrote their dramas but knew what music should be played with
them. In fact no play was complete without its chorus and its music
and its flute-player. You have heard of the Greek chorus. Don’t for a
moment think it was like our chorus. It consisted of a group of
masked actors (all actors in those days wore masks), who appeared
between the acts and intoned (chanted) the meaning of the play and
subsequent events. In fact the chorus took the place of a libretto,
—“words and music of the opera,” for it explained to the audience
what it should expect. It spoke and sang some of the most important
lines of the play and danced in appropriate rhythms. So it brought
together word, action and music, and was a remote ancestor of
opera, oratorio and ballet.

Besides the occupational songs and those for the drama festivals,
the Greeks had the great game festivals where in some, not only
competitions in sports took place but also flute playing and singing.
The oldest of these festivals was the Olympic games, first held in 776
B.C. and every four years thereafter. These games played so important
a part in the lives of the Greeks that their calendar was divided into
Olympiads instead of years. While music was evident in the Olympic
games, music and poetry were never among the competitions.
The Pythian games were chiefly musical and poetic contests and
were started in Delphi, 586 B.C., where they were held every nine
years in honor of the Delphian Apollo whose shrine was at Delphi.
The Isthmian and Nemean games were also based on poetic and
musical contests. Warriors, statesmen, philosophers, artists and
writers went to these games and took part in them. Maybe some time
we will realize the power of music as did the Greeks nearly one
thousand years before the birth of Jesus.
The Greek Scales

While, as we said before, we know very little about the melodies of

the Greeks, we do know something about their scales, upon which
the church music of the Middle Ages was based, as are our own
major and minor scales. In fact the most important contribution
Greece made to our music was the scale. They had a very
complicated system and no one is quite sure how it worked.
We have the two modes or kinds of scales, major and minor, which
we use in different keys, but the Greeks had at least seven different
modes used in many different ways. They used one mode for martial
or military music, another for funeral ceremonies, another for their
temple music, and curiously enough, our own C major scale they
used for their popular music, for drinking songs, and light festivities.
The Greek scales were based on tetrachords, from the Greek words
tetra-four, chord-string that is, a group of four strings. If you play on
the piano B C D E and C D E F and D E F G you will find the three
tetrachords that formed the primary modes of the Greeks:—Dorian,
Phrygian and Lydian.
Perhaps you have heard in Greek architecture of the Doric column
which came from Doria, a province in Greece, and the Ionic column,
from Ionia, and so on. In the same way the scales were named for
sections of the country from which they first came, Dorian mode,
Ionian, Æolian, Phrygian, Lydian, etc.
The Greek tetrachord was formed on the interval of a fourth, for
example from E to A—these were called standing tones, because the
intervals between the two standing tones or permanent tones could
be changed but the first and the fourth always remained the same—
By putting two tetrachords together all the other Greek scales were
formed. These fell into two classes, and according to Cecil Forsyth in
his History of Music these classes were called the join and the break.
When the second tetrachord began on the fourth tone of the first
tetrachord, Mr. Forsyth calls it the joining method, thus.

When the second tetrachord began on the tone above the fourth
tone of the first tetrachord, he calls it the breaking method, thus:

By using the join and the break with each of the three modes,
Dorian, Phrygian and Lydian, you can see to what a great variety of
scales and names this would lead. The Greeks spoke of their scales
from the top note down, instead of from the lowest note up, as we do.
The first kithara was supposed to have been an instrument of four
strings that could be tuned in any of these different ways, with the
half-step either between the first and second strings, or between the
second and third, or between the third and fourth. Two instruments
tuned differently formed the complete scale, but it did not take long
to add strings to their lyres and kitharas so that they could play an
entire scale on one instrument.
The little Greek boy was taught in school to tune the scale
according to the fourth string of his lyre, which was the home tone or
what we should call tonic. Our tonic falls on the first degree of the
scale, but in the primary modes of the Greeks, the tonic fell on the
fourth degree, and was called the final. When the final was on pitch
all the other strings had to be tuned to it.
These tetrachords are supposed to have been perfected by
Terpander, in the six hundreds before Christ. His melodies were
called nomes and were supposed to have had a fine moral effect on
the Spartan youth in giving him spirit and courage. The Greeks
thought that all music and that every one of their modes had a
special effect on conduct and character.
After the Messenian war, Sparta was in such a state of upheaval
that the Delphian oracle was consulted. The answer was:
“When Terpander’s Cithar shall sound
Contention in Sparta shall cease.”

So the Spartans called upon Terpander to help them, and through

the power of his song all was peace again.
Terpander collected Asiatic, Egyptian, Æolian and Bœotian
melodies all of which are unfortunately lost; he invented a new
notation and enlarged the kithara from four strings to seven. Arion,
Alcæus and the great poetess Sappho were his pupils, and Sappho is
often shown in statues with a six stringed kithara.
Most of these poet singers were called “lyric poets” because they
sang to the accompaniment of the lyre.

The Greeks were the first to write down their music, or to make a
musical notation whereby the singers and players knew what tones to
use. Their system was their alphabet with certain alterations. They
had names describing each tone not unlike our use of the word tonic
for the first degree of the scale, and dominant for the fifth and so on.
Of course they did not have the staff and treble and bass clefs as
we have, but they were groping for some way of recording music in
those far away days.
Pythagoras as far back as 584–504 B.C., not only influenced the
music in the classical Greek period (400 B.C.), but down to and
throughout the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (1500s). To this day
music is based on his mathematical discovery. He worked out a
theory of numbers based on the idea that all nature was governed by
the law of numbers and modern scientists have proven that he was
correct in many of his ideas. In fact our orchestras and pianos are
tuned in accordance with his theories.
He invented an instrument called the monochord which consisted
of a hollow wooden box with one string and movable fret. He
discovered that when he divided the string exactly in half by means
of the fret, the tone produced was an octave higher than the tone
given out by striking the entire string; one-third of the string
produced the interval of a fifth above the octave; one-fourth the
length of the string produced a fourth above the fifth; one-fifth
produced a third (large or major) above the fourth; one-sixth
produced a third (small or minor); one-seventh produced a slightly
smaller third and one-eighth produced a large second, three octaves
above the sound of the entire string:
The truth of Pythagoras’ theory of tone relationship has been
proven by an experiment in physics showing that all of the above
tones belong to the same tone family. An amusing experiment can be
made by pressing silently any one of the tones marked 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or
8, and striking the fundamental tone sharply, the key you are
pressing silently will sound so that you can distinctly hear its pitch.
The Greeks seem to have had no harmony (that is, combining of
two or more tones in chords) outside of the natural result of men’s
voices and women’s singing together. But they had groups of singers
answering each other in what is called antiphony (anti-against,
phony-sound). Even our American Indians have their song leader
and chorus answering each other.
Greek rhythm followed the rhythm of the spoken word and was
considered a part of their poetic system.
Greek Instruments

We have already spoken of the syrinx, Pan’s Pipes, the instrument

of Pan, the satyrs and of the shepherds; the monochord, Pythagoras’
invention; the lyre and kithara; and the flute or aulos.
The lyre, of the family of stringed instruments, was the Greek
national instrument. It was the first to be used in their musical
competitions, and helped in the forming of the Greek modes. These
were of two types, the lyre and the kithara. The first lyres which came
down from the age of myths and fables were originally made of the
shell of a tortoise and had four strings (the tetrachord) and later
seven and even more strings. This form of the lyre was called chelys,
or the tortoise, and was used for accompanying drinking songs and
popular love songs.
The kithara was also called lyre, but was not made of the body of
the tortoise, and it became the Greek concert instrument, and was
only used by professionals, while the chelys was used in the home. It
came originally from Asia Minor and Egypt. It had four strings at
first but these were gradually added to, until there were fifteen and
eighteen strings. It was sometimes small and sometimes large, and
was held to the body by means of a sling and was played with a
plectrum or pick.
The Greek flute or aulos was a wood-wind instrument more like
our oboe than our flute. It was usually played in pairs, that is, one
person played two flutes or auloi of different sizes at one time, and
they were V shaped. There was a group of auloi differing in range like
the human voice differs, and covering three octaves from the bass
aulos to the soprano.
The aulos was first a single wooden pipe with three or four finger
holes which later were increased to fifteen or sixteen so that the three
modes Dorian, Phrygian and Lydian, could be played on one pair of
auloi. About six centuries before the Christian era, the double flute
became the instrument of the Delphian and Pythian musical
In the chorus too, we read that for each drama there was a special
aulos soloist who always played the double flute.
There were other type instruments such as the war trumpets,
trumpets used in the temple services, and harps (magadis) that were
brought from Egypt, but the real instruments of the Greeks pictured
in their sculpture and on their vases and urns, and spoken of in their
literature, are the lyres and auloi.
Roman Music

The Romans, law givers, world conquerors and road builders, gave
little new to music, for they did not show a great talent for art. They
were influenced by Greek ideals and Greek methods. They were
warlike by nature, and from defenders of their state they became
conquerors. As they grew nationally stronger and more secure, they
learned music, oratory, architecture and sculpture from Greek
teachers. Many Romans well known in history were singers and
gifted players on the Greek kithara, lyre, and flute (aulos).
The Romans seemed to have cared more about the performing of
music than for the composing of it, and “offered prizes to those who
had the greatest dexterity, could blow the loudest or play the fastest.”
(Familiar Talks on History of Music.—Gantvoort.)
As they come to America today the musicians of other lands
flocked to Rome, especially those who played or sang, because they
were received with honor and were richly paid.
The Romans, among them Boethius (6th century B.C.), wrote
treatises on the Greek modes, were very much interested in the
theory of music, and built their scales like the Greeks. To each of the
seven tones within an octave they gave the name of a planet, and to
every fourth tone which was the beginning of a new tetrachord, the
name of a day of the week which is named for the planet.
Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Saturday Sunday Monday

Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Tuesday Wednesday

Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Thursday Friday

The days of the week in French show much more clearly than in
English the names of the planets, in the case of Tuesday—mardi,
(Mars); Wednesday—mercredi (Mercury); Thursday—jeudi,
(Jupiter); Friday—vendredi, (Venus).
The Greeks brought their instrument, the kithara, to Rome, and
with it a style of song called a kitharoedic chant, which was usually a
hymn sung to some god or goddess. The words, until three hundred
years after the birth of Jesus, were in the Greek language; the Latin
kitharoedic songs like those of the poets Horace and Catullus were
sung at banquets and private parties, Cicero too, was musical.
Courtesy of the
Museum of Art.


Fig. 5.—Trumpets.
Fig. 6.—Te’ch’ing—sonorous stone.
Fig. 7.—Yang-Ch’in or Dulcimer.
Fiddles from Arabia (Fig. 8, Rebab); Japan (Fig. 9, Kokin);
Corea (Fig. 10, Haggrine) and Siam (Fig. 11, See Saw Duang).

Edward MacDowell in Critical and Historical Essays, says that

instrumental music was no longer used merely to accompany voices
and had become quite independent. The flute (aulos) players
performed better than the lyre and kithara players and were liked
better. They played “dressed in long feminine, saffron (yellow)-
colored robes, with veiled faces, and straps around their cheeks to
support the muscles of the mouth.” They played with an astonishing
amount of technical skill. “Even women became flute players,
although this was considered disgraceful.” The prices paid to these
flute players were higher than the amounts received by our opera
The Roman theatre, unlike the Greek, was not a place to honor
their gods. Greek plays, both tragedy and comedy, were replaced
with pantomime, usually accompanied by orchestra and singing. The
orchestra was made up of “cymbals, gongs, castanets, foot castanets,
rattles, flutes, bagpipes, gigantic lyres, and a kind of shell or crockery
cymbals, which were clashed together.”
The Roman tibia or bagpipe is still popular today with the
peasants of Italy. Although the bagpipe is first mentioned in Rome,
there are some Persian terra cotta figures made before the Roman
era, showing players of the bagpipes. It is always said that Nero
played the fiddle while Rome burned and even our motion pictures
show him playing the violin to the accompaniment of flames. How
could he have played on a violin when it had not as yet been
invented? If he played any instrument while Rome burned, it was
probably the tibia.
The Orientals Make Their Music—Chinese, Japanese, Siamese,
Burmese, and Javanese

To hear two Chinamen exchanging greetings on a street corner, you

would think they were singing or rather chanting, not because their
tones are particularly pleasant for they are high and nasal and hard,
but because they are talking in their own peculiar way. The Chinese
have what is called an inflected language in which they use many
tones. For example the syllable “hi” in one tone will mean one thing
and it will mean something else entirely in each different inflection.
Here again is a case where it is hard to say where speech ends and
song begins. Another amusing thing about the Chinese is the way,
according to our ideas, they seem to twist every thing around, so that
what we call high tones they call low tones; they wear white for
mourning and we wear black; their guests of honor sit at the left of
the host and ours sit at the right; they consider taking off the hat very
bad manners and of course we consider it bad manners for a man to
keep it on in the house or when talking to a lady.
They never used their music as a way of expressing beauty as other
nations have done, but treated it as we would a problem in
arithmetic or a cross-word puzzle, and they loved to write articles on
the subject that would seem long and dull to us. However, as far back
as 2255 B.C. Ta Shao composed a piece of music which Confucius,
1600 years later, said, “enchanted him to such an extent that he did
not know the taste of food for months.”
After a print by

The Koto-Player.

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