Class Struggle in The Time Machine

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Journal of English Language and Education

Vol 2. No. 2, Desember 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

JELE Journal ofEnglish Languageand Education

Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief : Elysa Hartati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Managing Editors : Restu Arini, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Editorial Board : Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo (Gadjah Mada University)

Dr. Issy Yuliasri, M.Pd. (State University of Semarang)
Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed,Ph.D (Sanata Dharma University)
Dr. Dwi Anggani L.B., M.Pd. (State University of Semarang)
Sayit Abdul Karim, M.Pd.(Technology University of Yogyakarta)
Dr. Hermayawati, M.Pd (Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta)

Section Editor : Agustinus Hary Setyawan, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta

Wilujeng Asih Purwani, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta
Ika Kurniawati, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta

ISSN : 2460-7142 (Print)

2541- 6421 (Online)

Address : English Education Study Program

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education
Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta
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Journal of English Language and Education (JELE), to appear twice a year (in June and
December) for lecturers, teachers and students, is published by the Unit of Scientific
Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta. This
journal welcomes articles which have never been published elsewhere and are not under
consideration for publication in other journals at the same time.Articles should be original and
typed, 1.5 spaced, about 10-20 pages of PREFACE
quarto-sized (A4), and written in English. For the
brief guidelines, it is attached in the end of this journal.

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, Desember 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421


We proudly present a Journal of English Language and Education (JELE) Vol.2 No.2,
which is envisioned to represent the growing needs of linguistics, literature, and education in
English. This journal is written by practitioners and researchers to share their knowledge and
solution in the area, to identify new issues and to shape future directions for research.
This journal comprises seven articles dealing with linguistics, literature and English
education. They are categorized into pragmatic analysis, English literature, technology
development in teaching, and techniques as well as approaches that lead to English teaching
This journal would not have been possible without the great support of the Editorial
Board members; hence, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of them. We also
would like to thank to all writers who have contributed to this journal content. It is our hope
that this fine collection of articles will be a valuable resource for English language and
education readers and will stimulate further research into the area.

Yogyakarta, December 2016


Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 1, June 2016 ISSN : 2460-7142



Editorial Team .............................................................................................. ii

Preface.......................................................................................................... iii
Table of content ............................................................................................ iv

Class Struggle As Represented By The Character Eloi And Morlock In

Hebert George Wells’ The Time Machine
Putri Praciana Noviyandini ............................................................................... 65-73

Developing Test For Experimental Study: The Effectiveness Of Hedwig

Strategy In English Education Department Universitas Brawijaya
Devinta Puspita Ratri, Yulia Hapsari, Sugeng Susilo Adi................................ 74-83

The Implementation Of Demonstration Strategy Using Modeling Videos

To Improve Confidence And Practices In Presentation
Dewi Anggraeni.................................................................................................. 84-95

A Video For Teaching English Tenses

Frida Unsiah, Putu Dian Danayanti Degeng, Irene Nany Kusumawardani .... 96-109

Flouting Maxim By Sherlock Holmes And Dr. Watson In Tv Series Of Sherlock

Season 1
Lina Affifatusholihah, Agustinus Hary Setyawan …………… ........................ 110-117

Improving Students’ Reading Skill By Using Quantum Learning

Wini Martika, Hermayawati ............................................................................ 118-124

Social Class Conflict Presented In “The Kite Runner” Novel Based On

Marxism Theory
Yohanes Eko Rubiyanto .................................................................................... 125-132

Notes for contributors .......................................................................................... … 133

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421



Putri Praciana Noviyandini

English Education Department, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education,
Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta
[email protected]

This study analyzed a novel written by Hebert George Wells, The Time Machine.The author talked
about the different classes based on society’s economic status, namely upper class and lower class that might
cause the class struggle. There were three objectives that were formulated by the writer, 1) to discuss the
characterization of the Eloi and Morlock, 2) to present the conflict between Eloi and Morlock, 3) to discuss the
class struggle between the upper and lower class in accomplishing their desire as represented by character Eloi
and Morlock. In analyzing this novel the writer used the socio-cultural-historical and biographical approach
and also the library research to analyze this novel. There were two main character in the novel that represented
the upper and lower classes in nineteenth century. They had conflict since hundreds years ago that was the
lower class were oppressed by the upper class. It made them bare and did the struggle. This struggle came
from the economical, ideological and political background. Since the economical struggle that was increasing
the wage and shorting the work hours was not approved, they made the ideological struggle. This struggle
found the perfect way to control the upper class. After that, they did the political struggle that served the upper
as the cattle and prey them. They also changed the rule which was oppressed to oppress. It recommended for
the next researcher to use the same approach and for the teacher to use this novel as learning material.

Keywords : Class Struggle, Bourgeois, Proletariat, Oppression

INTRODUCTION was a group of people that had sufficient life

Human and society cannot be while lower class was a group of people that
separated. People could not live alone without have difficulties in fulfilling their main needs,
neighbours. They need each other to share, like house, meal and clothing.
play, and have pleasant. Living in society was Marx in Wilczynkaki (1981:78) states
not simple, since it related with many people there are two different classes which include
with different background. James Mc Knee by economic background, the bourgeois (the
(1996:124) in the Introduction to Sociology rich) and the proletariat (the poor). The
defines the society is the cluster of people that bourgeois are those who have fund, such as
aware to live together in social environment. wealth, machines, tools, factories, and all the
The citizens that gather in society came things that are used in the process of
from many different backgrounds namely are production. On the contrary the proletariat are
social, economic and also politic. From the those who operate the machine or work for
economic side the the society was divided the rich. Since the proletariat only has the
into three level, namely upper class, middle physical strength and bourgeois take the
class and lower class. The upper class was a advantages by using and extort the poor’s
group of the people that live in the strength to work for them.
luxuriousness and plentiful. The middle class

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

Some companies made exploitation to and accustoms them to do so

their worker by using their physical strength,
such as force them to work exceed the work There are not any other people who
time and give them a little bit payment, it have struggle like the poor worker. They tried
happens in the whole of the world. The owner to get their privilege. They were not give up
gave the job to the poor worker, they work to get what they want to increase their live
hard and only give little payment, and quality.
sometime they did not get the payment. The class struggle was divided into
In fact, the physical power exploiting three kinds, namely economical struggle,
of the poor also happened long time age, in ideological struggle and also political
the nineteenth century where the social struggle.
background was divided into 3 classes, 1. Economical Struggle
aristocracy, the worker and the poor worker. Since the waged can improve the
At this time, the upper class or aristocracy worker life condition so that this economic
who had fund and tools employed the poor struggle is about increasing the wage and also
worker unfairly. They had to work about 19- shorter the working day because they have to
20 hours a day, which made their physical work more than the properly. This struggle
strength pressed. Then, it brought the protest used by the worker who their demands are not
from the poor worker or labour, they satisfied. The working class compose the
defended for their needs, one of them was trade unions, mutual assistance and other
decrease the working hours from 20 hours organization to defend its economic interest.
became 8 hours. Their protest was accepted (Hall,1963:164).
and then, 1 May, was always commemorated However, this struggle is quite difficult
as a Mayday, where the worker not must be to employ, since the power of capitalist is
work until 20 hours a day. Mayday was the stronger than the worker. Whenever the
one of defends of the poor worker or also worker success to defeat in the economical
called by class struggle that happened in the struggle they will get the privilege along the
world. work epoch. It could be permanent until the
Draper defines the theory of class lifelong. For example, the worker in the
struggle through the book Karl Marx’s nineteenth century who had to work 18 to 20
Theory of Revolution that hours a day, and only have the little rest time.
The working class moves toward Since the workers were not bear, so that they
class struggle in so far as capitalism
did the struggle which ask the owner to
fails to satisfy its economic and social
needs and aspirations. There is no decrease the work time into 8 hours a day.
evidence that workers like to struggle
Even though this struggle indulge the victims,
anymore than anyone else; the
evidence is that capitalism compels this struggle still run and bring the welfare to

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

the worker where the working time decrease to respond to all cases, without exception, of
into 8 hours a day up to today. tyranny, oppression, violence and abuse, no
2. Ideological Struggle matter what class is affected (p. 412).
The workers always get the improper Lenin also stated that “it is not enough,
treatment, such as exploitation and oppressed. that the class struggle becomes real,
Sometimes the oppressed and exploitation consistent and developed, only when it
from the capitalist is not really clear since embraces the sphere of politics”. The class
they are worker that always be adhere to their struggle is being fully developed, only when
boss. Yet, the clear exploitation and the it not merely embraces politics but when it
fairness such as inequality in society and goes to the core of politics, in this case the
economy will bring the worker into the system of state power (p.97-98).
protest. This felling is a kind of class interest, This is the high level of struggle where
where they understand that they not properly the worker not sue to get what their want any
have such kind of this treatment. more to the higher class. Yet, here the worker
The consciousness is the understanding decide their own way how to make
of the worker to achieve their privilege by themselves enter the higher level of class, or
conducts the struggle to the capitalist who even get the highest class. To get the highest
own the factory (Lenin).This struggle is about class the worker have to change the rule
the thought of the worker where they have to where the worker are exploited then now the
free from this exploitation by any way. The free from oppressed and do exploit the higher
best way of this struggle is the worker has to class.
struggle every day to get their desire and get
the higher level of class, which can develop METHOD
their mind. To get the higher level this This study used the socio-cultural-
ideological struggle is needed. It used to historical and biographical approach which
involve open their eyes with the world analyzed the history and social in the author
outlooks, and it can bring them into era as consideration in writing this novel. The
liberalization. biographical approach used to analyze the
3. Political Struggle background of the author. Here the writer also
The highest form of the workers’ class usedlibrary research that not only used the
struggle is political struggle. This became the novel as the source but also other source, such
highest struggle since this struggle consist all as book and internet sources which relate with
of the aspect in the society, even the the study.
economic and ideological. Lenin stated in
Collected Works Vol.5 that the working class FINDING AND DISCUSSION
consciousness cannot be certainly political There were two main characters in the
consciousness unless the workers are trained novel that lived in the year 801.702 A.D,

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

namely Eloi and Morlock.They were met by carelessness was also seen from their way in
someone who made the invention that is time treating their fellow. When one of the Eloi
machine. He tried to use his machine and had was slipped in a big stream, and ask for help,
a journey through the time that was in the but there was none of the fellow help her.
future. They only saw theirpity fellow, and do
nothing. It was because their daily activities
Eloi: Their Characterization and How that not need much power such as plays, eats,
They Lived takes a bath, makes love, and sleep that made
The Eloi was a group of creature who them careless. These kinds of activities also
lived above ground. This creature was made the Eloi became weak and fool, since
described like a child. They were shorter and they did not have to think and work. This
smaller about the 120 cm height. The Eloi passiveness which wasdoing everyday
was represented the rich. It was looked by changed someone into a different creature
their appearances. They were beautiful with any concern, intelligence and
creature with the same costume and willingness. They did not want to learn new
accessories and looked the same from the thing, such as language, because this creature
head to foot.The costume that they wore was had the different language with the human.
like the costume that was wore by the rich The activities that never stimulated their brain
people in the nineteenth century. It indicated made this creature became fool with low level
that this creature was rich. They looked so of intelligence. Different with the rich in the
tidy and clean meant that this creature always nineteenth century that ate nutritious and
treated well. Onlypeople who had money that precious food such as steak and bread, this
could treat themselves well, since all of the creature only ate simple meal that was fruits
treatment need money. The richness of this that not reflect their richness. It because the
creature appeared from their big house that food that was ate by the rich was complicated
can occupied more than a hundred creatures. to make. It was because this creature did not
The house had the precious architecture and want to have complicated process. They also
also equipments inside the house. Their house did not pick the fruits by themselves but it
was made by the valuable materials, such as had already served on their table.
white metal and colored glass. It made their The men of years 802.701 should be
house looked luxurious like nineteenth more modern and had more creativity than
century’s big building in Europe. human in the years 1895, but not for this
Their house was very beautiful but the creature. They did not want to develop and
queer thing was seen from the broken keep the invention, tradition and work of the
equipments, such as table, window and men in previous years. They only used this
certain. This creature was not taking care of invention to make their live more pleasant
their own house. They were careless. Their and did not make any intention. It caused the

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

intention and tradition gone. The invention did not had choice to find the proper house
made them useless and weak. This weakness for them. They could live in the dingy and
made them need the protection from the unsanitary place,with the house that not fit for
stronger man. This happened when one of the human habitation.
Eloi was slipped and rescued by the Time In Morlock house also existedbig
Traveler. She wanted always with him. They machines to make some production. They
need protection since they were afraid of the operate the machines in the dark. It was like
dark, night, shadow and the thing that related the nineteenth century’s rich that had the big
with the darkness. Thus, when the sun –set machine to support mass production but the
they only gathered in the hall inside their rich did not operate this machine. The one
house and did not have other activity beside who operate this machine was poor worker
of sleeping. that did not have anything, so that they work
for the rich to survive their life. Different with
Morlock: Their Characterization and How the Eloi who was weak, the Morlock was
TheyLive strong since they always works to serve the
Morlock was another group that also Eloi and operates the machines. Besides the
lived in the same world with the Eloi. They strong, this creature also described as the
lived underground. They represented the poor crude creature. It was seen from the way how
that had to work for the Eloi, the rich. Their to this creature treated other creature.
physical appearanceswere different with the Since this creature live in the dark and
Eloi. They looked like ape creature with there was not any light made them
white-faded fur. They had large grayish-red accustomed with the environment. Theywere
eyes and flaxen hair in their head. They were afraid of the light and like nocturnal animal
described as the little man with the lighter that only had their activity in the night. Their
andsmaller in human with common.Living bodies’ also became stinky. Actually this
underground with not any light made this creature had uncompleted sense of vision,
creature cold. This creature was recognized to meant that they were blind. They could see in
run with both of their hands and feet.They the dark since they used their sense of hearing
were look awful. This awful appearance had to detect the surrounding. The Morlock also
relation with the poor worker in the used their sense of touch to grope and guess
nineteenth century which the men, women their surroundings.They were smart, since
and children were lived far with the beauty. they could minimize their weakness with their
The Morlock lived in the building with the strength. The cleverness of this creature also
well n the middle as the way to go to the appeared when they trap their victim that was
underground. The house of the Morlock was the Time Traveler. They put the losing time
also dark and stuffy with any light and air. It machine in the tube near with the Morlock’s
looked like people in nineteenth century who door. They expected that the Time Traveler

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

will come and take his time machine. After underground creature had to work for the
their plan was success they then tried to prey upper world to survive their life, although
him. They wanted to prey the Time Traveler they got the force and unfair treatment from
since they were carnivores. This creature also their master. The Morlock served the Eloi
described as the creature that never gave up in necessity such as clothes, food and other
getting what they want. things.
In this novel was found three kinds of
Conflict Between Eloi and Morlock struggle that were done by the Morlock,
In the hundreds years ago, the namely economical, ideological and also
Morlock as the poor worker worked for the political struggle.
Eloi as the rich. The Morlock worked for the
rich since they did not have money and Class Struggle Based on Economical
wealth to survive their live. They only had the Background
physical power. Thus they worked for the rich The economical struggle was usually
and would do anything for the rich to get their about the increasing their wage and shorten
wage. Because of their reluctance made the the working hours. The economical struggle
rich oppressed them. The rich employed the in this novel was begun from hundreds years
poor more than the ideal work hours and gave ago. The poor worker had to work for the rich
them little wage. The rich principle was get in order to survive their live. They worked
the as much asprofit and gave as little as with unfair condition, where they had to do
possible wage to the worker. Besides, the anything that was commanded by the rich and
worker also had to do and serve what the rich got the little payment. Besides they also got
want. The unfair treatment and exploitation bad treatments. It made the poor worker bare
that were accepted by the poor worker made and tried to get what should they got. The
them tried to find the fairness. poor made a struggle that was asked the rich
to increase their wage and shorten the
Class Struggle in The Time Machine working hours. This struggle did not give big
Class struggle was the way of changing for their life.
someone or group in accomplishing their
desire through the fight or defense.The class Class Struggle Based on Ideological
struggle in his novel occurred between two Background
main creatures as reflection of the the The worker always got the improper
different classes which were divided by the treatments from their master, such as
economical background, namely upper class exploitation and oppressed. This struggle
and lower class. Both of the groups had about the poor’s mind and plan to free from
different role in the society. The underground the oppressed and exploitation to get better
creature had to work for the upperworld. The life. This struggle also dealt with how the

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

poor tried to achieve the higher level. In this poor did what the rich want that made them
novel, the Morlock tried to achieve the higher into the fool, weak and careless creature. The
level even to control the upper class. At the pleasant live that the rich got became the
first the poor looked for what did the rich strength for the Morlock.
wanted. The Morlock observed then found Since long time ago the Morlock had
that the rich wants were live happily and in already accustomed with the bad condition
pleasant without problem and work. They where they had to live underground without
needed to serve every day, so that they did not proper food. Improper food that they got
have to take care of their self. made them became the carnivores. There was
The worker gave the rich what they not any animal or other food for Morlock, so
want and served what their need. They did it that they prey the Eloi as their meal and as the
for hundreds years with the certain aims. revenge of the exploitation that made a long
They want the rich live in pleasant at the first time ago. Thus, the Eloi actually were not
and made this creature became weak, fool and served as the master but as the cattle. The
careless. The rich did not allowed to do Morlock served them from their necessity, so
anything, or work, even the little work. They that what they needs always provided
also did not stimulate their brain that was why although there were not any shop, factory or
this creature became fool. When someone office. Here the Morlock changed the rule
was treated with this activities for long time, where the poor was always oppressed but
made them change from their physical power happened the contrary things where the
and mind. After this creature had adapted Morlock prey and had control of the Eloi. So
with the situation, it made the poor easy to when the night came the Morlock come to
control them and do the next plan. So that the upper world and prey one or some of the Eloi
result of the ideological struggle that was then brought them to their cave, slaughter and
done by the Morlock not only made them ate them. That was why the Eloi afraid of the
enter to the upper class but also controlled night and dark. The Eloi was pried when they
them. were sleeping made easy to catch the Eloi
since they also could not revolt. They could
Class Struggle Based on the Political not revolt not only because of they were
Struggle sleeping but also their foulness, careless and
After the ideological struggle that weakness. Although the Eloi fought back, the
was done by the Morlock, they did the next Morlock definitely would compel them and
plan that was political struggle. The political successfully to bring this creature in to their
struggle here was the high struggle beside the cave. It was also because the Morlock was
economic and ideological. The political stronger than the Eloi. The Morlock was
struggle dealt with the way how the poor want impregnable. They were not easy to give up.
to control the higher class. In this novel the It was also one of the poor’s struggles that

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

they would not easy to give up in getting their dark, so that they had to gather in the one big
desire. Although they were in the difficulty house.
and almost death, they would still try to get The history of the Morlock as the
their privilege. It occurred when the forest poor and the Eloi as the rich began when the
where the Morlock live were burned by the poor had to work to the rich. The way the rich
Time Traveler. The Morlock still try to catch thoughtwas to get the profit as much as
the Time Traveler and Weena. It meant that possible, then gave as little as payment to the
the poor worker would try to achieve their workers. The poor also had to work over the
desire until they were death. time. The rich also always oppressed the poor
by asking everything that they want and the
CONCLUSION poor had to grant it. The rich placed
This study concluded that there were themselves in the comfort and pleasant
two creatures in this novel that represent the condition, while the poor had to work hard
upper class and lower class, namely Eloi and and got the unfair wage.
Morlock. They had contrary characterization, Because of the unfair payment for the
not only from their physical appearances but poor, they tried to change the condition by
also from the way they lived. making an economical struggle. This struggle
The Eloi was described as weak and was aimed to fulfill their desire, higher wages
fool while Morlock was presented as the and shorter work hours. Since this struggle
smart and powerful creature. Unlike the did not really had influence on their lives,
Morlock who looked like a monster with an they made the second struggle (ideological
awful appearance and dull fur, the Eloi struggle) that thought how to free from the
seemed like a noble man with beautiful oppressed. Finding the way, they applied it
clothes and some accessories. The Eloi lived and arranged the situation in the society that
above the ground in the big and precious refers to the political struggle. In this novel
house, whereas Morlock lived under the the poor used this way since years ago. The
ground with no light and uncomfortable. The way that they used was to make this rich
Morlock had to operate the machine and serve become weak and defenseless by serve them
the Eloi, on the contrary, the Eloi only played, every time and not allowed them to had work
ate, slept and did effortless things. It made the as little they can. After some years later the
Eloi became weak while the Morlock became condition changed, the Eloi lived as cattle
strong. Since there was no light in the under the Morlock’s control. The Morlock
Morlock house, so that the Morlock were made a new rule for themselves to evolve to
afraid of the light and never appear in the carnivores. The new rule that occurred here
above world when the sun shines. Different refers to the class struggle that happens in this
from the Morlock, the Eloi were afraid of the novel.

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 2, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

REFERENCES Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich. The

Wilcyzynski, Jozef,. An Encyclopedic Communist Manifesto. Harmontsworth,
Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism, and Middlesex: Penguia Books, 1973
Communism.Berlin: De Gruyter, 1981.

Draper, Hal. Karl Marx’s Theory of

Revolution. New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1978.

Hall, Campion. S. J. Kew: Fundamentals of

Marxism-Leninism. Foreign Language
Publishing House: Moscow, 1963

Derry, John, A Short History of 19th Century

England 1793-1868. New York: Bland
ford Press Ltd., 1963

Rohrberger, Mary. And Samuel H. W, Jr.

1971. Reading and Writing about
Literature. New York: Random House,
Inc. 1971

Marx, Karl. 1955. The Poverty of Philosophy.

Brussels : Progress Publishers

Journal of English Language and Education
Vol 2. No. 1, June 2016 ISSN : 2541-6421

NOTES FOR Journal Article when each issue

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