InTech December 2021 - 19

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Designers should ensure the materi- MDR connectors as needed. sary for almost any application using electri-
als are rated for the environment. For in- This connection method transfers any- cal power or automation. By using modern
stance, nickel-plated die-cast fittings can where from two to 40 signals as individual connection options, designers can save sig-
withstand high humidity, large tempera- points, and it provides compact terminals nificant panel space and create equipment
ture changes, and vibration. PVC cables for the field wiring connection. Installers that is easy to fabricate, install, and main-
are best for solvent resistance and wash- save significant time on the panel side con- tain. Labor costs are reduced, and the right
down environments, while PUR cables are nections and avoid installation errors. connection products provide improved reli-
better for the abrasion resistance often re- ability, functionality, and safety throughout
quired in high-frequency movements, such Effective panel connectivity their lifecycles. ■
as for robotic arms. Regardless of what combination of termi- Figures courtesy of Dinkle International
nal blocks, circular connectors, and inter-
High density connectivity: face modules designers choose for panel ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Interface modules connectivity, there is more to consider. Matt Hou is a sales
Interface modules combine terminal blocks All components should be recognized or engineer for Dinkle
and connectorized cables to provide the rated by the proper agencies with regard International and
highest possible connection density, and to standards such as UL508, UL1059, and has been an in-
they are typically used for programmable IEC 60947. These standards ensure the tegral part of the
logic controller and similar signaling and materials and component construction are development of
I/O module applications (figure 3). One wire sufficient for industrial use. Furthermore, the Dinkle Corpo-
harness connects between an I/O module designers should think about usability fea- ration’s USA sub-
and the interface module, with the interface tures such as color coding, along with easy sidiary since 2018.
module installed on a DIN rail. The harness provisions for marking and tagging. Hou holds a BS in electrical engineering
may use industry-standard IDC, D-Sub, or Electrical and control panels are neces- from the University of Waterloo in Canada.

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association news | Highlights & Updates

ISA Names Claire Ramspeck

New Executive Director
SA has announced that its new executive director will be industries lower costs, boost pro-
Claire Ramspeck. She is the founder of Hobbs Barrett, a pri- ductivity, and improve safety and cy-
vate consulting firm that specializes in association manage- bersecurity. Claire’s background will
ment with a focus on development, adoption, and dissemination empower her to take ISA’s valuable
of standards and other technical products and services. Prior to content to the next level.”
that, she built a successful career as the director of technology ISA’s current executive director, Mary Ramsey, will retire at the
at ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and end of the year. “The time I’ve spent with ISA has been a reward-
Air-Conditioning Engineers, and as the managing director of ing chapter of my career, and I’m grateful for the collaboration
standards development at the American Society of Mechanical and support of our members, leaders, and professional staff,”
Engineers (ASME). said Ramsey. “We have been able to accomplish great things,
In addition to her 25-year history of leading standards and including the creation of the ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance,
technology businesses within associations, Ramspeck also brings a group that continues to advance automation cybersecurity on
a wealth of volunteer experience, chairing and serving on several the world stage. Given Claire’s focus on technology adoption, I’m
boards and committees for the American National Standards confident ISA will continue to build on its considerable strengths
Institute (ANSI) and Underwriters Laboratory (UL.) and continue to bring value to the industries we serve.”
ISA President Steve Mustard, who chaired the executive search Ramspeck holds a BS in mechanical engineering from North
committee to recruit and select Ramspeck, highlighted her stan- Carolina State University and an MBA from Georgia State Uni-
dards experience as a key factor in the committee’s decision. versity. Before working with associations, she was a design
“Claire has an impressive history of collaborating with volunteers engineering contractor for the Department of Energy through
and subject-matter experts to develop standards, research, and Bechtel Savannah River. Ramspeck has been honored with the
other projects that meet the needs of industry,” said Mustard. Meritorious Service Award from ANSI and the Norman R. Har-
“ISA’s value is rooted in our standards development, and we build baugh Scholastic Achievement Award from the Georgia State
our portfolio of market offerings around key standards that help University College of Business. ■

Fuji Oil Company Ltd. Wins ISA100 Wireless Award

ach year, the ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute user seminars. Find out more
(ISA100WCI), a subsidiary of ISA, presents the ISA100 Wire- at
less Excellence In Automation Award to a global end-user The Fuji Oil Company, Ltd.,
company that has demonstrated outstanding leadership and Sodegaura Refinery is located
innovation with ISA100 Wireless technology. Earlier this year, the on the corner of Keiyo Sea-
ISA100WCI announced that the 2020 award had been presented side Industrial Zone in Tokyo
to Fuji Oil Company, Ltd. Bay and has a production sys-
The company’s contributions and achievements in the pro- tem that can flexibly respond
motion of wireless instrumentation over the years through the to changes in product de-
ISA100WCI have been highly regarded in the industry. The com- mand. It produces various pe-
pany has improved safe operations and maintenance efficiency troleum products from crude
by using ISA100 Wireless technology to visualize the operating oil from around the world,
status of existing refinery facilities. and supplies them domestically and internationally.
With the introduction of a wide variety of ISA100 Wireless The company has various shipping facilities, such as sea shipping,
products, Fuji Oil Company, Ltd., has achieved many results, in- tank truck shipping, rail shipping, and pipeline shipping. In particular,
cluding safer operations and improved maintenance efficiency the marine shipping facility is equipped with one of the largest dedi-
through enhanced site monitoring and risk management. The cated piers in Japan, where 120,000-ton class tankers can directly
company was also recognized for its efforts to promote wireless land. Strengthening on-site monitoring through the introduction of
instrumentation by sharing on-site know-how to maintain the wireless instruments has contributed to their safe operation, envi-
stable operation of wireless networks, and disseminating requests ronmental protection, and operational efficiency, and is drawing out
and feedback to wireless product vendors through ISA100WCI the strengths of the Sodegaura refinery, according to the company. ■


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