Business Startup Road Map
Business Startup Road Map
Business Startup Road Map
"I have an idea for a business. What is my plan to turn my idea into reality?"
Who is your business plan directed towards? While some businesses begin on the back of a
Is the plan internal - the content is to better help restaurant napkin, they should end as a quality
yourself create your business? Is the plan external document. A business plan is one of your first
- the content is directed towards investors and official documents and is crucial to guiding you
other business partners? Determining “who” is the towards your goals. Third parties may reference
first step in developing your plan. your plan, so it should be a professional document.
The content of your plan should identify goals and Refer to your plan often to make sure you are
formulate a path to achieve them. Content on track to achieve your goals. As you progress
sections can include: through the development steps of your business,
Business Description Marketing Plan make sure you are not missing any important
Company Analysis Operations Plan elements you need to accomplish each step.
Industry Analysis Financial Plan Revise your plan as your business evolves.