Exercises 5

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Exercises PHY141 Physik IV / Moderne Physik II - Series 5

Hand-out: 10.04.2024, Discussion: 17.04.2024

1. Dipole matrix elements for the 1s→2p transition in hydrogen

Consider optical transitions betwee the first and second electron shell of the hydro-
gen atom in the dipole approximation. Assume the light propagates in x direction.
Let the two linear polarization states be E ⃗ 0 := (0, 0, Ez ) = E⃗ez and E ⃗ 1 := E⃗ey , z is
a quantization axis. The dipole matrix element is given as:
   
0 r sin θ cos φ
V12 = −E⃗ ·⃗µ12 := −E⃗ ·⟨ψ2lm |er̂|ψ100 ⟩ = −e  Ey  · ⟨ψ210 |  r sin θ sin φ  |ψ100 ⟩.
Ez r cos θ

(a) Given the symmetry of the problem, it is sufficient to consider only one transi-
tion: Calculate µ⃗ 12 = (µx , µy , µz ) für ∆m = 0 and give the polarization of the
light necessary for this transition.
Hint 1: you know the relevant wave functions from previous exercises:
1 −3/2 1 r
ψ100 = √ a0 e−r/a0 and ψ210 = √ a−3/2
0 e−r/2a0 cos θ.
π 4 2π a0

Hint 2: you can use that

Z ∞  5 Z π
−3r/2a0 4 2a0
e r dr = 4! and cos2 θ sin θ dθ = 2/3
0 3 0

(b) What is the Einstein coefficient B12 for the absorption?

(c) Using B12 , calculate the Einstein coefficient B21 of stimulated emission.
(d) From B21 , compute the Einstein coefficient A21 of spontaneous emission, and
use it to find the life time τ2p of the excited state. The angular frequency of
the transition is ω = 1.55 × 1016 Hz (10.2 eV).

2. Absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation in the ammonia

Consider an ammonia molecule in a microwave cavity. Upon irradiation with the
resonance frequency, oscillation of the states occurs with a period dependent on the
amplitude of the electromagnetic field (Rabi frequency). Now consider the case of
irradiation with a frequency that does not correspond to the resonance frequency.

(a) What is the probability of the + state being assumed when a system is started
in the state –? Assume that the electromagnetic radiation is irradiated for
a time T that is short compared to the period of the state oscillation in the
resonant case and integrate the equation for a+ .
(b) Now consider an electromagnetic wave with a broad frequency spectrum I(ω),
⃗ × H|⟩.
where the intensity I is given by I = ⟨|E ⃗ Hint: the resonance curve is
very narrow around ω = ω0 .
(c) How does the result relate to the Einstein coefficients A and B?

3. Magnetic Field Distribution in a Superconductor

Show that the magnetic field Bz (x) inside an infinitely extended plate in the yz-plane
with thickness d has a profile of the following form:

cosh(x/λL )
Bz (x) = B0
cosh(d/2λL )

Here, B0 = Bz (±d/2) is the field at the edge of the plate, and λL is the London
penetration depth.

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