Final Chapter 1 Lifepo4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator

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Chapter 1


It is an inarguable truth that access to electricity in

the Philippines has improved over the years. Since 2000,

millions of consumers gained energy access. This can be

attributed to the collaborative efforts of the different

sectors from the government and private groups or entities.

Despite that, it is also inherently true that the country is

an archipelago with more than 7,000 islands. Supplying

electricity to far and remote areas continue to be a

challenge. In the 2021 status report of the Department of

Energy , there were 1.62 million households in the Philippines

that are yet to have access to electricity(93% of Filipino

Homes Now Have Access to Electricity | Inquirer Business,

2021). There are communities and households in the far-flung

areas that can’t be readily tapped to the country’s power


While many rural areas in the country remain off-grid,

grid connected areas are not exempt on power-related issues.

Albeit temporarily, cities and urbanized areas suffer from


occasional power outages due to an increasing power demand,

power instability, the inevitable effects of climate change,

and other natural disturbances. To address these issues on

energy access, researchers are leaning towards renewable

energy sources (solar, tidal, wind, geothermal, etc.) for a

sustainable and reliable alternative. Considering the

country’s geographic profile, distributed renewable energy

(DRE) systems where electricity is generated from sources

near the point of use are well-suited. Similar to this, Bohol

has 12 off-grid islands that rely on diesel to provide

electricity. Among the DREs, those backed by batteries like

portable solar power generators are in demand since they

convert solar radiation into electricity and can provide

reserve power during disasters, making them more resilient

all while minimizing the environmental impacts from

electricity generated by burning fossil fuels.

Due to the advancement of technology, solar PV modules

have significantly improved efficiency-wise and portable

solar power generators have now become widely available. In

2020, portable solar power generators with power rating up to

500 W dominated the global market(Portable Solar Power

Generator Market | Industry Report, 2031, 2021). However,

there is still a need for higher capacity power banks not


only to power homes in off-grid areas, but as well as

supplying power during power emergencies.

The development of LiFePO4 Portable 3000W Solar

Generator will provide higher capacity and will also

integrate additional features such as the battery balancer to

improve capacity usage, and battery protect which disconnects

the battery from non-essential loads before it is completely

discharged to prevent battery damage. The proposed generator

will not only be beneficial for use in rural areas remote

from the country’s grid but also in disaster-stricken areas

and urban areas during power outages.

Literature Background

The Philippines currently faces challenges because of

the rapid growth of population which in turn increases the

energy demand. The country stores rich renewable energy which

also plays an important role in the energy supply of the

country. Although the proportion of renewable energy in the

total amount of installed capacity is only about 30% and there

has been a slight downward trend in the last 3 years, the

quantity produced is still steadily growing. (Li X, Wang H,

Lu Y and Li W, 2021). Developing a portable high power solar

energy generation system (SEGS) will play a big role in


response to the trend. In 2018, the Department of Energy (DoE)

issued guidelines establishing a “Renewable Energy Trust

Fund” to further push the program that focuses in the

renewable energy and solar energy generation is part of its

features (, 2022). With this portable high

power solar energy generation system the electrical energy in

the country can be distributed sparsely to accommodate remote

and possible off grid location.

Nowadays, electricity is one of the basic commodity in

our modern society and almost everything we have now uses

some amount of electricity to operate. Electricity is a

fundamental form of energy occurring naturally (lightning) or

produced artificially, and results from the motion of

electrically charged particles of matter (Abraham and

Charles, 2004). It can be generated in many ways and from

many sources. It can be sent almost instantaneously over

long distance, can be connected efficient in other forms

of energy and be stored. Because of its versatility,

electricity plays a part in nearly every aspect of modern

technology. It can be converted to any form easily and can

be produce through solar radiation coming from the sun.

According to Keskar N. Vinaya (2013), solar energy is the

most abundant stream of energy. It is available directly as


solar isolation and indirectly as wind energy. Sun sends out

energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Its

potential is 178 Billion MW, which is about 20,000 times the

world’s demand. Thus, solar energy generation system has

become a trend globally due to the decline in energy sources

from fossil fuel. Fossil fuel pollutes the environment and

increases global temperature. However it not that popular in

Philippines. According to the 2011 primary energy consumption

of the Philippines, 31% of the consumption was met by oil,

20% by coal, 22% by geothermal, 12% by biomass, 6% by hydro

and 1% by other renewable energy like wind, solar and biofuel.

With solar radiation of 4.0–6.0 kWh/m2/day, the Philippines

has abundant solar energy resources which evenly distribute

across the country and vary between 10 and 20% every month

(Sharma and Kolhe, 2020). According to Kathyren Kyll (2021),

solar power generator (energy generation system) is a device

that works alongside solar panels (photovoltaic cell array)

to provide essential automatic backup power to your home when

you need it. This comes in handy during power outages, but it

can also be used for off the grid living and camping. A solar

energy generation system works when a solar panel converts

sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity.


Becquerel effect, 1839 Republic Act No. 11285 Chapter 1

A silver chloride in an acidic Section 2(B) Promote and encourage
solution and illuminated it the development and utilization of
while it was connected to ... renewable energy ... to ensure
platinum electrodes, it ... use ... of the country’s
generated voltage and current. energy resources.

Republic Act No. 9513 Chapter 1

Faraday’s laws of Section 2C Encourage the
electrolysis, 1833 development ...renewable ...
The amounts of chemical resources as tools to ... the
changes produced by the same goals of ... growth and
quantity of electricity in development...
different substances are THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE
proportional to their REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES,
equivalent weights. ARTICLE XIV, SECTION 10.
... The State shall give priority
Energy Conversion Efficiency to ... innovation, and their
is the useful energy output utilization... It shall support
(benefit) divided by the ... technological capabilities,
energy input (cost). and their application to the
country’s ... national life.

Portable Solar
Energy Generator

Theoretical Actual Marketability Value

Standard Output

Proposed Action Plan

Figure. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


There are many ways in collecting solar radiation from the

sun but photovoltaic cell is the most portable among the

different topologies. Photovoltaic cells are semiconductor

devices which convert energy of light into electricity. A

semiconductor is a substance, usually a simple element or a

compound, that can conduct electricity under some conditions

but not always, making it a good medium for the control of

electric current (Vidyanandan, 2017).

Furthermore, Edmond Becquerel discovered the

photovoltaic effect that explained how electricity can be

produced from sunlight in the year 1839. Becquerel believed

that “shining light on an electrode submerged in a conductive

solution would create an electric current”. However, even

after extensive and exhaustive research and development for

his theory, photovoltaic power was still less efficient, and

solar cells were used for the purposes of measuring light.

Becquerel created the world’s first photovoltaic cell while

experimenting in his father’s laboratory. In his experiment,

he placed silver chloride in an acidic solution and

illuminated it while it was connected to platinum electrodes.

As a result, it generated voltage and current. At first, the

photovoltaic effect was also known as the “Becquerel effect”.


Since the electricity is produced by a phenomenon in the

photovoltaic cell as photons from the solar radiation as it

passes to the layers of the cell therefore it cannot store

any of the electricity and will be wasted if not stored in a

battery or used directly during the occurrence. That is why

solar energy generation system is always accompanied with


Battery are equally important and goes along side

with the solar panels, its function is simple but it become

as an asset to a good solar device. Batteries can generally

store significantly more energy per unit mass than ECs because

they use electrochemical reactions called faradaic processes.

Faradaic processes, which involve the transfer of charge

across the interfaces between a battery’s electrodes and

electrolyte solution, lead to reduction and oxidation, or

redox reactions, of species at the interfaces (H. D. Abruña,

Y. Kiya, & J. C. Henderson, 2008). In the Faraday’s laws of

electrolysis, in chemistry, two quantitative laws used to

express magnitudes of electrolytic effects, first described

by the English scientist Michael Faraday in 1833. The laws

state that (1) the amount of chemical change produced by

current at an electrode-electrolyte boundary is proportional

to the quantity of electricity used and (2) the amounts of


chemical changes produced by the same quantity of electricity

in different substances are proportional to their equivalent

weights. In electrolytic reactions, the equivalent weight of

a substance is the formula weight in grams associated with a

gain or loss of an electron (, 2022). Batteries

are devices that stores chemical energy and converts it to

electrical energy. The chemical reactions in battery involve

the flow of electrons from one material to another through an

external circuit. The flow of electrons, charged ions also

flow through an electrolytes solution that is contact with

both electrodes. There are many battery types that can be

used in the solar generation setup but LiFePO4 (LFP) cells

appear well-suited for off-grid renewable applications. The

LFP cells not only show the least degradation under variable

charging protocols, which are characteristic of all off-grid

renewable energy generation, but the best voltage performance

as well (E. M. Krieger, J. Cannarella & C. B. Arnold, 2013).

Although, the results showed that the economic analysis of PV

stand-alone using lead-acid battery are more suitable than PV

stand-alone system using lithium-ion battery, because an

initial investment cost of the lead-acid battery is cheaper

than lithium-ion battery (S Anuphappharadorn, S. Sukchai, et.

al., 2014). A comparison between various types of lead acid

batteries, Li-Mg/Co batteries and LiFePO4 batteries for


stand-alone solar system. It indicates that LiFePO4 batteries

have a higher initial investment cost, but their lifecycle

storage cost are lower than that of other kinds of batteries

due to their higher numbers of cycles, higher usable capacity

and higher energy efficiency. Thanks to all those advantages,

LiFePO4 batteries are highly suitable for stand-alone PV

systems. As the main application to-date is electro mobility,

few studies have been published on the use of this battery

types for solar power systems (Xingchi Wang et al.).

LiFoPO4 battery packs can be made into portable modules

that can be easily transported and setup around but the

problem in this method is the effective linking of the

multiple battery modules to ensure safety and protection of

both the user and the batteries. A Battery Management System

(BMS) is designed and implemented to enable fast balancing

during charging of four Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

cells connected in series, designated to replace the

classical Lead-Acid battery of a vehicle. The BMS detects

when the battery pack is charged and it enables passive

balancing of charged cells, which are bypassed through high

power resistors (L. A. Perișoară, I. C. Guran, and D. C.

Costache, 2018). Battery management system can be added to

each battery module to insure monitoring of the battery status


and is also responsible for the linking of multiple battery

modules thus increasing the overall energy storage capacity.

In solar energy generator setup the electrical energy

produced and stored in the LiFePO4 batteries are all in form

in Direct Current (DC) but our nominal electrical energy in

which we use in our household is an Alternating Current (AC)

which means the energy produced is not suitable for use

therefore an inverter must be added to covert DC power to AC

power. The functions of inverters in distributed power

generation (DG) systems include dc–ac conversion, output

power quality assurance, various protection mechanisms, and

system controls. Unique requirements for small distributed

power generation systems include low cost, high efficiency

and tolerance for an extremely wide range of input voltage

variations (Y. Xue, L. Chang, S. B. Kjær, et. al., 2004).

The inverter should also mimic the property of the common

electricity in the Philippines which 220V single-phase

voltage, 380V three-phase voltage, 60Hertz, Pure Sine Wave

(PEC 2017). Focusing on 220V since it is for the Household

use therefore the inverter must produce those same


To Household

Photovoltaic Cell
Solar Panel Array

LiFePO4 Batteries
Figure. Solar Energy Generation System

In every generation system, energy conversion efficiency

is always taken into account. The definition of the energy

conversion efficiency is the useful energy output (benefit)

divided by the energy input (cost). Energy can be divided

into quantity and quality terms (S. Mitsushima, V. Hacker,

2018). The portable solar energy generator can be divided

into parts of quantifiable efficiency.

𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑦 ≅ (𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑃𝑉 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 )(𝐸𝑓𝑓𝐿𝑖𝐹𝑒𝑃𝑂4 )(𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 )

The overall efficiency of the system can also be computed

directly as:

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 + 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒

𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑦 =
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡

Which considers the total energy input from the solar

radiation and the total energy output as well as the total

energy stored from the battery that can be drawn or energy


The first part will be the photovoltaic cell efficiency.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a national

laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy which is

responsible for the advances the science and engineering of

energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and renewable

power technologies and provides the knowledge to integrate

and optimize energy systems. Therefore, with the help of the

tools provided by NREL a theoretical calculation summary can

be produced, the tool is the NREL’s PVWatts® Model. NREL's

PVWatts® is a web application developed by the National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that estimates the

electricity production of a grid-connected roof- or ground-

mounted photovoltaic system based on a few simple inputs. To

use the calculator, you provide information about the

system's location, and basic design parameters. PVWatts®

calculates estimates of the system's annual and monthly

electricity production (, 2022)

The second efficiency being considered the LiFePO4

battery efficiency which is previously discussed which has

about 95 percent energy efficiency which means it can release

up to 95 percent of its energy stored in every charge and

discharge cycle of the battery.


The third efficiency being considered is the dc to ac

inverter efficiency which is in consideration the NREL’s

PVWatts® Model Calculator as being assumed to be around 96

percent. This means that an assumed 4 percent loss is expected

during the process of transforming the DC power, produced by

the Solar Panels and stored in the battery, into AC power

which is suitable for household use.

As being said, the government also closing the gap of

the energy demands and conservation of energy resources

through the use of renewable energy across the country by

providing laws and regulation like the following:

Republic Act No. 11285 Chapter 1 Section 2(B)

Promote and encourage the development and
utilization of efficient renewable energy
technologies and systems to ensure optimal use
and sustainability of the country’s energy

The Republic Act No. 11285 known as the "Energy Efficiency and

Conservation Act" stated in section 2(B) means to

institutionalize energy efficiency and conservation, enhance

the efficient use of energy, and grant incentives to energy

efficiency and conservation projects which also drives us

researcher/s to pursue this study in order to help our beloved

country and the people itself.

Republic Act No. 9513 Chapter 1 Section 2C

Encourage the development and utilization of
renewable energy resources as tools to

effectively prevent or reduce harmful

emissions and thereby balance the goals of
economic growth and development with the
protection of health and the environment;

The Republic Act No. 9513 which is known as the “Renewable

Energy Act of 2008 mentioned above serves as our legal basis

for the development of the portable solar power generation

system. The act mention about the conservation of energy which

is one of the innovative path in this time.

The Philippine Constitution also provides a legal

basis to allow the citizen of the Republic of the Philippines

to pursue goals in the emerging technological advancements,

under Section 10, Article XIV, reads:

SECTION 10. Science and technology are essential

for national development and progress. The State
shall give priority to research and development,
invention, innovation, and their utilization; and
to science and technology education, training, and
services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate,
and self-reliant scientific and technological
capabilities, and their application to the
country’s productive systems and national life.

Which means to provide support and acceptance of appropriate

emerging technology which are suitable for the growth and

development of the country.

The Department of Energy as being the primary institution

task for the implementation of the “Renewable Energy Act of

2008” provided the rules and regulations implementing through


the Department Circular No. DC2009-05-0008 which is known as

the “Implementing Rues and Regulation (IRR) of the Republic

Act No. 9513”. It is then maximize by the Department of Energy

by providing a follow-up Department Order No. DO2018-10-0018

known as “Adopting the Guidelines for the Operationalization

of the Renewable Energy Trust fund, and for Other Purposes”

to provide further guidelines to properly govern the

collection, administration, and utilization of Renewable

Energy trust Fund. With this taken into account, the

government is serious and clear with its intention to allow

prosperity in the field of renewable energy.


Statement of the Problem

The main goal of this study is to design, assemble and

assess the LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator for

masterand taking up MSIT/MATVE Electrical Technology. This

device is to be conducted at Bohol Island State University

Main Campus, Tagbilaran City, Bohol in the Academic Year 2022-


Specifically, the study aimed to establish answers to

the following questions:


1. What is the project description of the LifePO4 Portable

3000W Solar Generator in terms of:

1.1 preparation;

1.2 design;

1.2.1 schematic diagram;

1.2.2 block diagram; and

1.2.3 perspective drawing;

1.3 materials and costs;

1.4 procedure;

1.4.1 assembly;

1.4.2 operation;

1.4.3 parts and functions?

2. What is the stability level of the LifePO4 Portable 3000W

Solar Generator in terms of;

2.1 nominal rating; and

2.2 hourly instantanuous rating;

3. What is the performance level of the LifePO4 Portable 3000W

Solar Generator in terms of:

3.1 maximum load capacity;

3.1.1 instantanuous heavy loading; and

3.1.2 24-hour nominal loading;

3.2 all-day effeciency;

3.3 protection capacity;


3.3.1 overcharging protection;

3.3.2 overloading protection; and

3.3.3 system abnormality protection;

4. What is the level of effectiveness observed by the

residence in pamilacan island in using LifePO4 Portable 3000W

Solar Generator?

5. What is the acceptability level of the LifePO4 Portable

3000W Solar Generator in the aspect of:

5.1 performance;

5.2 convenience of use;

5.3 safety;

5.4 assembly of parts; and

5.5 cost of materials?

6. Is there a significant difference between performance

level of the LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator and the

Common 3000W Solar Generator?

7. Is there a significant difference between the nominal

rating and all day instantanuous rating?

8. Is the level of effectiveness is statistically significant

basing on a 3.25 point value of effectiveness with critical

value of 0.01 and confidence level of 99%?


9. Is the acceptability level is statistically significant

basing on a 3.25 point value of acceptability with a critical

value of 0.01 and confidence level of 99%?

10. What recommendation and suggestion may be proposed to

utilize the LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator?

Significance of the Study

The researcher contends that the study would be

beneficial to the following persons and groups:

Consumer. This study give them a clear idea and

understanding to the benefit they get when they used this

LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator.

Students taking electrical technology. This study give

them a clear idea and understanding of the functions of solar

generation process and this also provides them knowledge and

skills on the actual installation and troubleshooting solar

generator equipment’s.

Teachers and instructors. This served as their aid in

teaching the students to acquire the skills and competencies

required in the industry, thus encouraging them to update

their knowledge and to upgrade their instructions.


School Administrators. The outcome of this study provide

them a guide towards enriching the curricular efficiency in

electrical technology and in the field of electrical

engineering. This also help them to assist the electrical

instructors and to provide more effective methods and

facilities of instruction that will cater to the interest,

skills, and abilities of the students.

Future researchers. This study will serve as reference

in conducting parallel researches and became a basis to

conduct advance studies with regards to innovation.



The researcher utilized the experimental design in the

assembly of the LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator. The

researcher formulated a questionnaire as a data gathering

instrument. The questionnaire will intend to show the

performance of the device such as accurate operation in the

given time and also to differentiate the performance and

acceptability of the device.

The researcher will also provide an observation guide

for the performance of the device in every test. After getting

the data, the researcher will analyze and review the output.

Various trial-and-error sessions will be done until the

device is 100% functional. The device will be tested in terms

of performance and acceptability level. This design will

determine if there were changes in the performance of the

respondents after being exposed with the use of the device.

Environment and Participants

Pamilacan is an island barangay in the Philippines,

situated 12.5 kilometres (7.8 mi) south of Bohol island and

surrounded by the Bohol Sea (also called Mindanao Sea). It is

one of the of 17 barangays that compose the municipality of

Baclayon. According to the 2015 census, it has a population

of 1,418, comprising about 240 families whose main

livelihoods now concentrate on dolphin- and whale-watching

tours and subsistence fishing, but in the past also included

whale, dolphin and manta ray hunting. (

The device will be assembled and have its preliminary

testing in Bohol Island State University - Main Campus (BISU

- MC) in the school year 2022 - 2023. The school is situated

along CPG North Avenue, Tagbilaran City. It is a government

institution that offers Industrial Technology courses

particularly Electrical Technology. The school is a provider

of skilled graduates to different industries. The device will


then be bring to the Pamilacan Island to expose the device to

its suitable end user.

The inhabitants experience a significant shortage of

electrical energy due to the remoteness of the location.

Experiences firsthand using the portable solar generator as

a source of electrical energy will determine the

acceptability level and effectiveness of the device.

According to Cochran formula with known population and

the estimated population proportion of 50%, 62 respondents as

calculated with a of 0.01 margin of error and confidence level

of 99%, z value = 2.58.


The researcher will utilize a series of tests necessary

in getting the data for the level of performance of the

device. An observation guide will be used to gather data for

the acceptability level of the machine. The researcher will

utilize an observation guide during the assembly of the

machine in order to record data during trial and error

process. The researcher will use the same observation guide

until the unit is operational.

An observation guide will utilize to gather data and to

evaluate the performance level and acceptability level of the


instructional device as perceived by the electrical students

and teachers.

Rubrics will be administer to measure the level of

effectiveness of the students towards using the LifePO4

Portable 3000W Solar Generator. A module will be provided as

a detailed guide for the wiring installation of the auxiliary


Data Gathering Procedure

Permission Phase

The researcher will ask permission and send request

letter to the Campus Director and College Dean of College of

Technology and Allied Sciences. After the approval, the

researcher will start to plan and consolidated the needed

procedure prior to the assembly of the device.

Preparation of Materials

The researcher will list the materials needed for the

assembly of the gadget. The researcher will canvass the prices

of materials for affordability and to ensure the quality of

the device. Then, the making of the schematic diagram follows.

The materials ware secure, and the assembly of the gadget

goes next.

Assembling Phase

Once all the materials are secured, the device will be

constructed based on the technical plans. Proper handling of

the materials and using of tools will be observed during this

process. After the device is constructed. There will be tests

conducted to confirm the device's performance towards the

desired purpose.

Testing and Gathering Phase

Testing of the device will be conducted at the Electrical

Laboratory of Bohol Island State University. Observation

guide was distributed to gather the acceptability level and

performance level of the gadget.

Analysis Phase

The researchers will formulate their findings based on

the results of the gathering. These findings show the

performance of the LifePO4 Portable 3000W Solar Generator.


The researcher’s conclusion will be based on the outcome

of the analysis and interpretation of the data since the

results were different than expected.



The researchers will suggest some things and conditions

to the future researchers to make the study better or to look

for other ways to solve the problem.

Action Plan

The researchers will make a corresponding action plan

for the implementation of the device. This consist of the

different areas of concerns about the device's performance

with its respective objectives and strategies for improving

the device within a time frame.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the acceptability level of the LifePO4

Portable 3000W Solar Generator, the weighted arithmetic means

shall be used. In setting the weighted arithmetic mean, the

researcher interpreted the result using the scale that


Range Description Interpretation

The instructional

3.25–4.00 Very High (VH) apparatus is highly


The instructional
2.50-3.24 High (H)
apparatus is acceptable

The instructional

1.75-2.49 Average (A) apparatus is slightly


The instructional
1.00-1.74 Poor (P)
apparatus is unacceptable

To determine whether there was a significant difference

on the respondents’ performance using the device, the

researcher used the following formula:


To avoid conflict in interpretation, some of the

following terms are defined as they are used in this study.

Acceptability. It means the satisfaction level felt by

users or consumers in using the Solar Powered Auxiliary System

of Multi-Story Building: An Instructional Device.

Assembly. It is a process of putting and connecting

components together to produce operational devices or unit of

individual functions.

Device. It is a thing made for a particular purpose; an

invention or contrivance, especially a mechanical or

electrical one.

Durability. This means the ability to withstand wear,

pressure, or damage.

Efficacy. It is the ability to produce a desired or

intended result.

Electrical Circuit. It means a path in which electrons

from a voltage or current source flow.

Portable. Able to be easily carried or moved, especially

because being of a lighter and smaller version than usual.

Schematic diagram. It is a representation of the

elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather

than realistic pictures.

Solar. It is an energy from the sun that is converted

into thermal or electrical energy.

Stability. It means ability of the potable power station

to maintain its function through a certain time allocated to

prove the system reacts accurately to certain condition and

maintain its desirable rating.


Observation Guide

User Name: _______________________________


Location: __________________________________


All-day Performance of the 3000W Solar Generator

Time of the day:_______________

Parameter Result Interpretation Remarks

Solar Panel
Voltage 1
Voltage 2
Load (220V)
Tilt Angle
Panel 1
Panel 2

General Remarks:






Parameter Ideal Value Good Range Acceptable

Solar Panel
Voltage 1 12V 11.4 ~ 12.6 10.8 ~ 13.2
Voltage 2 12V 11.4 ~ 12.6 10.8 ~ 13.2
Current 20A 19 ~ 21 18 ~ 22
Voltage 24V 22.8 ~ 25.2 21.6 ~ 26.4
Current 20A 19 ~ 21 18 ~ 22
Load (220V)
Voltage 230V 224.25 ~ 218.5 ~ 241.5
Current 1.04A 0.988 ~ 1.092 0.936 ~ 1.144

Note: All value that falls outside the acceptable

range is considered not acceptable and failed in general.


Figure 2. Perspective View of LiFePO4 Portable Solar



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93% of Filipino homes now have access to electricity |

Inquirer Business. (2021).

Portable Solar Power Generator Market | Industry Report,

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