Observations and The Parameterisation of Air-Sea Fluxes During Diamet
Observations and The Parameterisation of Air-Sea Fluxes During Diamet
Observations and The Parameterisation of Air-Sea Fluxes During Diamet
Figure 1: Turbulent fluxes due to wind shear at the sea surface, and the formulae for the eddy co-variance fluxes
and the bulk fluxes.
Figure 2: The FAAM BAe-146, and the five flight paths with low-level legs during DIAMET. Though B653 is
counted as a Met Office EXMIX flight.
4. THE DATA COLLECTED AND USED Low level measurements have been obtained from 5
flights (figure 2), divided into a total of 151 straight line
4.1 The 5 DIAMET flights runs of 2 minute length (~12 km). In each low-level
run the fluxes of momentum (wind stress), sensible
For DIAMET the BAe-146 has so far been used in heat and latent heat can be calculated from the high
three flying campaigns: from Cranfield, Bedfordshire, frequency measurements by using the eddy
in September 2011, from Exeter, Devon, in November covariance technique. Although many of the runs
and December 2011, and from Cranfield in May 2012. contain mesoscale features and not pure turbulence,
and these need to be left aside as poor quality data However the sea surface temperature (SST) has
since any calculations would lead to inaccurate to be measured remotely which is more difficult.
turbulent fluxes. During each flight a Heimann Radiometer is used (at 4
Hz), though at present there are some questions over
4.2 The 19 further flights its calibration, the corrected values can be less
accurate than the uncorrected values. So many of the
Measurements from a further 19 flights with low- flights (but not all) also used an interferometer
level legs over the sea have also been used in this (ARIES) to make limited SST measurements and so
study, mostly from around the UK, and the same check the Heimann.
calculations and quality control were applied.
5.3 Use of OSTIA satellite data
Because of this difficulty for each flight we use
5.1 In-situ instruments independent SST measurements from OSTIA – the
Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice
Wind speed (u, v), updraft (w) and air pressure (p) Analysis, Donlon et al. (2011). The OSTIA values at
are measured by a Five-Port Pressure Measurement noon on the date of the flight at many regularly spaced
System at 32 Hz (giving a spatial resolution of ~3 m). locations are interpolated to the aircraft position for
Air temperature (Ɵ) is measured by a Rosemount every second of low level flight. For the calculations in
Sensor at 32 Hz, and air humidity (q) by a Lyman this study we use uncorrected Heimann values which
Alpha Hygrometer at 64 Hz. are offset so that they coincide with OSTIA values at
low levels. The humidity of the air at sea surface is
5.2 Remote sensing of surface temperature calculated from the temperature by assuming 98%
saturated relative humidity (for salt water).
Figure 3: Scatter plots comparing the 3 sets of sea surface temperature values, from 13 flights.
The data and co-variances are put through a 7.2 Plotting the fluxes
complex quality control to find the runs which contain
pure turbulence, and any runs which also contain The plots of wind stress (τ) vs U10N , sensible heat
larger mesoscale features (100’s of metres wide) are flux (SH) vs U10N*(Ɵs – Ɵa), and latent heat flux (LH)
left aside. First basic power spectra are taken of both vs U10N*(qs – qa) from the five flights show roughly
the data (u, v, w, Ɵ, q) and the covariances (u’w’, v’w’, linear relationships, supporting the bulk flux equations
w’Ɵ’ and w’q’) within each run, and these should have (figures 4-6). The dashed lines on the figures show
a -5/3 gradient if there is just turbulence. constant coefficient values of 0.001 and 0.002.
Then cumulative summations of the covariances
over each run are examined, and these will be close 7.3 Plotting the coefficients
to a straight line if there are no large mesoscale
features. However the neutral exchange coefficients
Finally the co-spectra of the covariances are actually depend on the wind speed U10N and plotting
calculated, and these should have almost zero the calculated values of CDN, CHN and CEN reveals the
variation at low frequencies (~1 Hz), and cumulative different dependences. Here the values from the five
summations of the co-spectra should show a smooth DIAMET flights are plotted with the values calculated
curve. The quality control process is detailed in from nineteen other flights which had low level legs
Petersen and Renfrew (2009). (figures 7-9). CDN is seen to increase sharply with
U10N, but CHN and CEN show only small increases with
6.2 Calculation of the coefficients U10N.
Figure 5: The sensible heat flux values from the low-level runs calculated by eddy co-variance.
Figure 6: The latent heat flux values from the low-level runs calculated by eddy co-variance.
Figure 7: Momentum flux coefficient vs wind speed at the neutral reference height, low-level runs from many
flights, with the previously developed algorithms marked on. Values marked by O are from flights where the
boundary layer was very unstable, such as B656.
Figure 8: Sensible heat flux coefficient vs wind speed at the neutral reference height, low-level runs from many
flights, with the previously developed algorithms marked on. The values from flights where Ɵs and Ɵa are very
similar, such as B652, have very large errors and so are excluded here.
Figure 9: Latent heat flux coefficient vs wind speed at the neutral reference height, low-level runs from many
flights, with the previously developed algorithms marked on. The values from flights where qs and qa are very
similar, such as B652, have very large errors and so are excluded here.
7.4 Comparison to previous algorithms Hence figures 7-9 also show the algorithms for
CDN, CHN and CEN that have been developed and used
There have been a number of previous studies of by the European Centre for medium range weather
air-sea fluxes and different groups have developed forecasts (ECMWF), Smith (Smith 1988), COARE 3.0
their own bulk flux algorithms for how the three neutral (Fairall 2003), and the UK Met Office (UKMO).
exchange coefficients depend on wind speed. The new coefficient values calculated from the
However the measurements of fluxes are still limited DIAMET measurements are clearly greater at large
in number, particularly at large wind speeds where the wind speeds (U10N > 10 m/s) than the previously
coefficients increase so that the fluxes have a non- developed algorithms, many CDN values by around
linear response to the wind. So there remains 50% and many CHN and CEN values by around 20%.
considerable uncertainty in the parameterisations of Although using the OSTIA SST values instead of the
the air-sea fluxes, and the good quality fluxes uncorrected Heimann measurements has reduced the
calculated here can be used to develop and validate CHN and CEN values.
new bulk flux parameterisation algorithms.
Figure 12: Friction velocity (from covariances u’w’ and v’w’) vs stability, low-level runs from many flights.
Figure 13: Friction velocity vs mean wind speed, low-level runs from many flights.
9. Acknowledgements
10. References