EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366 Data Sheet

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Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366



KODAK Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366 (35mm) is PROCESSING

a low-speed duplicating film intended for making master The following process recommendations should be used as
positives from black-and-white camera negatives which, starting points for a typical continuous-immersion
when printed onto EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating processing machine using formulas presented in KODAK
Panchromatic Negative Film 2234 / ESTAR Base produces Publication No.H-24.15, Manual for Processing KODAK
duplicate negatives that are only distinguishable from the Motion Picture Films, Module 15. The processing times may
originals by skilled observers. This blue-sensitive black-and- require modification for a particular machine.
white film has very high resolution and incorporates a yellow
dye, which is removed during processing, to provide very Replenishment
high acutance. Rate (mL per
Processing Step Temperature Time 100 ft)
BASE KODAK 70 +-1/2°F [2] 1250
Developer D-96 [1] (21 +-0.3°C) (D-96R)
2366 Film has a clear ESTAR safety base. The back side of
Stop Rinse [3] 70 +-2°F 50
the base contains an anti-static layer with a carnauba wax 12,000
(21 +-1°C) sec
lubricant. KODAK Fixing 70 +-2°F 11
Bath F-5 [1] (21 +-1°C) min
(counter-current) (24 +-1°C) min
Handle unprocessed film in total darkness. If necessary, you
Dry 95°F (35°C) - [4]
can examine the film for less than one minute, using the [1]
Provide agitation in the developer and fixing bath by recirculation through
following safelight combination: a 15-watt bulb and KODAK submerged spray jets that impinge on the film strands.
OC Safelight Filter (greenish-yellow), no closer than 1.2
Develop to recommended control gamma of 1.2 to 1.6.
Use a countercurrent flow of fixer-laden water overflow from the wash tank,
meters (4 feet) to the film. pH about 6.
Drying depends on many factors such as air temperature, relative humidity,

STORAGE volume and rate of air flow, flow distribution pattern, final squeegeeing, etc.
In a typical motion picture film drying cabinet with air at about 95°F (35°C)
Store unexposed film at 55°F (13°C) or lower. For extended and 40 to 50 percent RH, satisfactory drying will require 15 to 20 minutes.
storage, store it at 0°F (-18°C) or below. Process exposed Film leaving the drying cabinet when it has reached room temperature
should be in equilibrium with room air at approximately 50 percent RH.
film promptly. Store processed film at 70°F (21°C) or lower
at a relative humidity of 40 to 50 percent for normal
commercial storage. For extended-term storage (for
preservation of material having permanent value), store at After processing, the product code number 2366, emulsion
21°C (70°F) or lower, at a relative humidity of 20 to 50 and roll number identification, and internal product symbol
percent. (EX) are visible along the length of the film.
Store processed film according to the recommendations
in ISO 18911:2010, Imaging Materials - Processed Safety
Photographic Films - Storage Practices.
The modulation-transfer curves (there is no curve for this?),
and the resolving-power data were generated from samples
EXPOSURE of 2366 Film exposed with tungsten light and processed as
For laboratories with subtractive printers, such as a Bell & recommended in Process D-96 at 70F (21C) to the
Howell Model D Printer, these recommendations should recommended control gamma. For more information on
be helpful as a starting point. Use a 500-watt tungsten image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No
lamp operating with a diffuser at a lamp setting of 75 volts. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers.
With a printer speed of 90 feet per minute and a
diaphragm setting of 15, satisfactory master positives Diffuse RMS Granularity 9
should be produced from original negatives of average 100 lines/mm (TOC 1.6:1)
Resolving Power
density. (The maximum density of the negative image 200 lines/mm (TOC 1000:1)
should produce a density of about 0.6 to 0.8 in the master Read at a net diffuse visual density of 1.0, using a 48-micrometre aperture.
Determined according to a method similar to the one described in ISO 6328-
positive, i.e., just above the lower end of the straight-line 1982, Photography—Photographic Materials—Determination of ISO Resolving
portion of the characteristic curve.) Power.

KODAK Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366


Note: These photographic modulation-transfer values were

determined by using a method similar to the one described
in ANSI Standard PH2.39-1977 (R1990). The film was exposed
with the specified illuminant to spatially varying sinusoidal
test patterns having an aerial image modulation of a nominal
60 percent at the image plane, with processing as indicated.
In most cases, these photographic modulation-transfer
values are influenced by development-adjacency effects
and are not equivalent to the true optical modulation-
transfer curve of the emulsion layer in the particular
photographic product.


KODAK Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366

NOTICE: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are
representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or
specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.

Available Roll Lengths and Formats

See Kodak Motion Picture Products Catalog at www.kodak.com/go/mpcatalog
To order film in the United States and Canada, call 1- 800-356-3259, prompt 3.
Worldwide customers can find the nearest sales office at www.kodak.com/go/salesoffices

KODAK Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366

KODAK Publication No. H-1-2366 Kodak, Eastman and Estar and the Kodak logo are trademarks. Revised 3-22

KODAK Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366

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