Freshmen Health - S&P Study Guide Slides

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Semester 1 Final Slides

PURPOSE of Strength & Performance

(Help keep you doing what you love, Sports!)


(Help you be better at doing what you love, Sports!)

Concentric Action?

Squatting down or Standing up?

Eccentric Action?

Squatting down or Standing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Concentric- contraction causes muscles to shorten, thereby generating force

(Explosive phase of a lift or exercise)

Eccentric- contractions cause muscles to elongate in response

(Controlled phase, “Loading”)

Isometric- contractions generate force without changing the length of the muscle

(Activating your muscles without moving)

Concentric Action?

Lunging down or Standing up?

Eccentric Action?

Lunging down or Standing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Overhead Press
Concentric Action?

Lowering down or Pressing up?

Eccentric Action?

Lowering down or Pressing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Dumbbell Bench Press
Concentric Action?

Lowering down or Pressing up?

Eccentric Action?

Lowering down or Pressing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Push Up
Concentric Action?

Lowering down or Pushing up?

Eccentric Action?

Lowering down or Pushing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Concentric Action?

Hinging down or Standing up?

Eccentric Action?

Hinging down or Standing up?

How would you make it Isometric?

Creating Supersets
Superset are pairing 2 exercises Upper Push/Pull
together. Typically Agonist w/ Antagonist Bench Press + Inverted Rows
(3 or more are a Circuit or sometimes
DB Push Press + Chin Ups
called a Megaset)

Can you pair a Push/Pull Upper body Lower body Knee/Hip Hinge or Plyo
Superset? Front Squat + RDL

Split Squat + Scissor Jumps

How about a Lower body Superset?
Movement Types

Horizontal Push Bench, Push Ups, DB Bench Chest/Pecs (Pectorals)

Horizontal Row DB/BB Row, Inverted Row, TRX Row, Landmine Lats (latissimus dorsi)
Row, Machine Rows

Vertical Press Overhead (Military Press, Push Press, Jerk Shoulders (Deltoids)

Vertical Pull Pull Up, Chin Up, TRX Face Pulls, Lat Pull Down Lats (latissimus dorsi)

Knee Hinge Any type of Squat: Front, Back, Split Squat, Quads & Glutes
Bulgarian, Goblet, etc. & Deadlift

Hip Hinge RDL, Lunges, Lateral Lunges, Good Mornings Hamstrings, Glutes, sometimes
Box Jump
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

Plyometrics- Quick explosive movement using the stretch shortening cycle

(Short, intense bursts of activity that target fast-twitch muscle fibers)


Concentric: Vertical, Broad Jump, Pogos, Scissor Jumps, Split Jumps, Box
Jumps, Clapping Push Ups, Sprinting (How do you improve speed? SPRINT)

Eccentric: Depth Drops, Snap Downs, Altitude Drops, Landing

Broad Jump
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

Mobility- To improve range of motion through the entire joint

Shoulder/TSpine Mobility: Lying ½ Windmill, Elbow to Sky TSpine, Reach

Throughs, Pipe Stretch

Hip Mobility: Kneeling Hip Flexor Routine, Lying Hip Flexor Routine, 90/90s,
Hurdle Mobility
Depth Drop
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

Kneeling Hip Flexor Routine
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

Shoulder Circles
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

Single Leg Pogos
Plyometric or Mobility?

If it is a plyometric…

…is it Concentric or Eccentric?

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