2 Part Q

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Mở bài
+ Giới thiệu topic (paraphrase lại câu của đề bài)
+ Trả lời cả 2 câu hỏi nêu ra ở đề bài. Chỉ cần trả lời chung
chung không cần nêu chi tiết, cụ thể
Thân bài 1: Trả lời chi tiết câu hỏi 1
Thân bài 2: Trả lời chi tiết câu hỏi 2
ConclusionNhắc lại ý nêu ra ở câu 2 phần mở bài
1. (07/02/2015) Many museums and historical sites are
mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is this
the case and what can be done to attract more local people to
visit these places?
It is true that tourists from many parts of the world pay more
visits to museums and historical places than local inhabitants.
There are many reasons for this, but this situation should be
addressed by attractinglocals in some practical ways.
There are two main reasons why museums and historical sites
are preferred more by tourists than by local residents. One
reason is that museums are too familiar to the locals. If
museums do not change anything, there will be nothing new for
the locals to discover. Like eating the same dish every single
day, they feel bored with visiting the same places. Furthermore,
entrance tickets at some historical sites are expensive for the
local inhabitants to afford. For example, in Dien Bien, a
province in northwestern Vietnam, it is rather hard for the
residents to make ends meet, let alone to spend money on
visiting some famous historical attractions there.
The government should take some measures/steps to tackle this
issue effectively. Firstly, museums ought to be invested in more
by the authorities to refresh the exhibits . The fresher the
exhibitions are, the more local residents will be interested in
them. Secondly, historical relics need to be free for all the local
people. Without worrying about additional expenditures,
residents will pay more to visit historical sites in order to
broaden their knowledge about their home towns.
In conclusion, there are some known reasons for this trend.
However, something should be done by the authorities to attract
more visitors from the local areas.
✓ pay more visits(tham quan nhiều hơn):to pay a visit just
means to go to some place, to make a visit, to visitExample:
They have been paying more visits to museums ever since they
decided to learn more about art.
✓ historical places(di tích lịch sử):places that have historical
value due to some important events in the past
Example: On their trip to Cambodia, they visited a variety of
historical places, including Angkor Wat.
✓ local inhabitants(dân địa phương):the people who live in
the town Example: The local inhabitants do not enjoy having so
many tourists in their town.
✓ practical ways(biện pháp thiết thực):a way of doing
something that has practice value, that is rational or logical
Example: The book I read talked about many practical ways to
lose weight. I am going to try some of them.
✓ rather hard(tương đối khó khăn):quite difficult, used
express that something is indeed hard
Example: I find it rather hard to study more than four hours per
✓ make ends meet(kiếm ăn kiếm sống):to make enough
money to pay all the billsExample: He has been having a hard
time making ends meet over the last few months.
✓ take some measures/steps(có các biện pháp):to do
something to address an issue, like to create a rule, a law or a
regulationExample: The government needs to take some
measures to reduce air pollution in the city.
✓ refresh the exhibits(cập nhật các hiện vật):bring in new
works of art or other to show to the publicExample: The
museum curator likes to refresh the exhibits every two months.
✓ additional expenditures(các chi phí phụ thêm):expenses
that are in addition to other basic expensesExample: The
additional expenditures will total $10,000 by the end of the
✓ broaden their knowledge about(mở rộng hiểu biết):to
learn more about something
Example: The students will broaden their knowledge about other
cultures by traveling to other countries.
✓ known reasons(lý do quen thuộc):reasons that people
already know about, that they are familiar with
Example: There are many known reasons for the lack of interest
in electoral politics, like the fact that only rich people can run
for president.
✓ attract more visitors(thu hút thêm nhiều khách du lịch):to
get more people to come to visit
Example: One of the goals of the museum this year is to attract
more visitors from neighboring towns and villages.
2. (Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children
later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the effects
on society and family life?
In recent years, the decision of parents to start a family later in
life has become an increasingly popular trend. There are a
number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant
impact on both family life and on the community as a whole.
There are two important reasons why more people nowadays are
deciding against having children when they are young. Firstly,
rather than embarking on parenthood, many individuals
consider that building their own successful careers is top-
priority. If they had to split their time between working and
bringing up their offspring when they were in the early stages
of their careers, their performance at work and promotion
prospects could be negatively affected. Secondly, delaying
childbirth could give young people countless opportunities to
enjoy their lives. For example, this choice may let young
couples have a richer social life, pursue their interests and
hobbies or even to travel the world.
However, this tendency could have negative consequences in
terms of both family life and society. An important concern for
a family is that raising children could be a huge challenge for
older parents. Even though they might have a high
socioeconomic status, as well as great experience and
knowledge, it may not be easy for them to communicate with
and relate to their children, due to the generation gap. Another
negativefactor is that getting pregnant after 35 years of age
oftentimes carries more potential health risks. Specifically,
this could increase the danger of having a miscarriage or
stillbirth for older mothers, and babies might be at greater risk of
having Down’s syndrome. Consequently, this could negatively
affect the quality of the future workforce.
In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why more and more
people prefer giving birth later in life. As a result, there could be
negative influences on individual families and the society at
312 words
✓ to start a family later in life (lập gia đình muộn):to begin
a family later rather than earlier; in the past couples used to start
their families at younger ages, like 22, 23 or 24; nowadays they
are having babies, which is how you start a family, in their late
20s or even 30s and 40s; “They decided to start a family later in
life, preferring to work on their careers during their 20s and
early 30s. They finally had their first baby when they were both
38 years old.”
✓ increasingly popular trend (xu hướng phổ biến ngày càng
gia tăng):increasingly means more and more so, as in something
is happening more often, popular means that a lot of people are
doing it; and a trend is something that a lot of people do at once,
like a fad or a style; in this case it means that something is being
done by more and more people at this time; “Taking a gap year
before going to university is an increasingly popular trend
among young people.”
✓ having a significant impact on (có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc/lớn
tới): significant means to be important or notable; to have an
impact on means to affect something in some way, either
positively or negatively; “This heat is having a significant
impact on our ability to work outside. It’s just too hot!”
✓ community as a whole (cộng đồng chung): a community is
a group of people, can refer to a small or large group of people,
like a neighborhood, school or church community or as a large
group of people, like a city, a culture, a nation of people; “The
mayor wants to work with the community as a whole, rather
than with just a few special interest groups here and there.”
✓ deciding against (quyết định không...): to decide means to
make a decision or a choice about something; against means to
make a decision not in favor of something; “They are deciding
against going to Europe this summer. Instead, they are going to
stay home and take summer school classes.”
✓ embarking on parenthood (bắt đầu trở thành bậc cha
mẹ): to embark on something means to start something; in this
case it means to become a parent; parenthood is what you call
the role of being a parent; you are always a parent once you
have children, but this refers to the time you spend raising them;
childhood is they time period when you were a child; “They will
be embarking on parenthood this summer, when their new baby
is born.”
✓ top-priority (ưu tiên số 1): top means the highest point and
priority means something that you want to do more than other
things, so top-priority means the thing you want to do the most,
above everything else; “They think that making money is the
top-priority in their lives right now.”
✓ tosplit their time between (chia sẻ thời gian cho...): to split
means to break into parts; in this case it means to spend some of
your time doing one thing and some of your time doing another
thing, splitting your time into parts; “They split their time
between New York and Los Angeles.”
✓ bringing up their offspring (nuôi nấng/chăm sóc con cái):
to bring up means to raise; this is what you do as a parent with
your children; you educate them, nurture them, etc.; offspring
refers to your children; “They are bringing up their offspring in
a very strict household.”
✓ huge challeng (thách thức lớn): huge means large or giant
in this case; the challenge is very big; it’s difficult or tough;
“Raising children and working is a huge challenge that not
everyone wants to undertake.”
✓ high socioeconomic status (tình trạng tài chính tốt, vững
chắc): your socioeconomic status refers to how much money
you have and therefore your status or place in society; if it’s
high, it means you have a lot of money: “Even though they have
a high socioeconomic status, they really aren’t that smart.”
✓ generation gap (khoảng cách thế hệ): the experience of not
understanding your parents or grandparents and them not
understanding you due to being raised during different time
periods, in a different cultural setting; “They were able to bridge
the generation gap by watching old and new movies together
and discussing them.”
✓ negativefactor (nhân tố tiêu cực): negative meaning not
good; factor is something that affects something else; a negative
factor is like something that you have to consider because it
might not be good; “The one negative factor about this job is
that I have to get up so early.”
✓ oftentimes carries more potential health risks (luôn mang
tới những rủi ro sức khỏe tiềm ẩn): oftentimes just means often
or many times; to carry more potential risk means that it is
possible to have health problems because of something; in this
case, it is possible that a woman can suffer a health problem if
she has a baby later in life, like after 35; “Undergoing certain
procedures oftentimes carries more potential health risks than
doing nothing.”
✓ Specifically (đặc biệt): used when you want to provide
something specific, certain details about something or you want
to say something very clearly; “She specifically said she did not
want to work full time, just part time.”
✓ having a miscarriag (sẩy thai): this is what happens when a
woman does not carry the fetus to full term (a baby), it usually
happens early on in the pregnancy; “She isn’t worried about
having a miscarriage.”
✓ Down’s syndrome (Hội chứng Down): a genetic
chromosome 21 disorder causing developmental and intellectual
delays; “Even though their child has Down’s syndrome, they are
so happy to be parents and they love her very much.”
✓ Consequently (Vì vậy, do đó): used to say something that
happens because of something else; something is a consequence
or result of something else; “She didn’t study for her test;
consequently, she failed.”
✓ future workforce (lực lượng lao động tương lai): refers to
the fact that young people will be workers in the future; “The
future workforce will face new challenges never experienced
✓ negative influences on individual families (ảnh hưởng
tiêu cực tới các tế bào gia đình): negative meaning bad;
influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to each
nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families
in general; “Based on the research, the negative influences on
individual families could be lessened with more support from
the government.”
✓ the society at large (toàn xã hội): people in general; the
community as a whole; “Violating human rights doesn’t just
affect individuals, it affects the society at large.”
3. The world natural resources are beingconsumed at an
ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation?
What should we do?
Essay plan:
Introduction: agree with the statement; agree that actions must
be taken.
Paragraph 2: answer the 1st question:
Danger 1: increasing dependence on fossil fuels
– environmental impacts :oil extraction {example} and coal
for energy {example}.
Danger 2: scarcity of some natural resources – timber and
– social impacts on jobs and communities {example}
Paragraph 3: answer the 2nd question:
Solution 1: encourage use of alternative energy sources and
government investment in ‘renewables’.
Solution 2: laws to regulate exploitation of natural resources –
ensure sustainable production, save local jobs and communities.
Conclusion: re-state the introduction,using some different
It is true that the world is experiencing the problem of the
overconsumption of natural resources. This has resulted in
serious consequences which should be addressed urgently.
This unsustainable growth in the exploitation of natural
resources has already had some damaging impacts, both on the
environment and on communities. In environmental terms,
contamination of land, air and water has reached alarming
levels owing to dependence on fossil fuels to meet growing
energy demands. For instance,coal is the main source of energy
in China and Australia. The burning of coal and oil result in air
pollution and global warming, through the release of
greenhouse gases. In social terms, forest destruction results in a
shortage of timber and commercial over-fishing devastates fish
stocks. These environmental problems then impact on local
communities and fishing villages like Napflio in Greece, for
example, threatening jobs and traditional ways of life.
It is evident, therefore, that some immediate measures should be
taken by governments to tackle such problems. Firstly, citizens
must be encouraged to use renewable energy sources. In
particular, governments need to increase investment in
alternativesources including solar power and wind power to
make them viable for public use in years to come. Secondly,
governments should impose and enforce laws to protect and
conserve natural resources. In this way, sustainable levels of the
use of natural resources can be determined and those who
exceed these limits or break these rules can be severely
punished. Traditional fishing communities will be safeguarded
and the timber industry can be controlled, so that there will
always be a supply of wood for building houses in the future.
In conclusion, the overconsumption of natural resources
worldwide is already having major impacts and immediate
measures are called for in order to mitigate the consequences.
✓ overconsumption: [noun] [sử dụng quá tải, tiêu thụ quá tải]
the act of using too much energy, food or materials.Example:
Rising prices are the result of the overconsumption of
resources, because the supply is no longer enough to meet the
✓ unsustainable: [adjective] [không đồng đều] that cannot be
continued at the same rate or level.Example: The quantity of fish
in the sea is declining, so present levels of fishing are
✓ exploitation: [noun] [sự khai thác] the use of land, oil or
other natural resources.Example: Commercial exploitation of
the mineral resources of Antarctica is likely to happen in this
✓ contamination: [noun] [sự ô nhiễm] the process of making
a place dirty by adding a substance that is dangerous.Example:
Environmental contamination such as air pollution is a major
health problem.
✓ global warming: [noun] [sự nóng lên toàn cầu] the increase
in temperature of the atmosphere of the earth.Example: The ice
in the Arctic and Antarctic is slowly disappearing as a result of
global warming.
✓ greenhouse gases: [noun] [khí nhà kính] gases that cause
the temperature of the earth to rise when they are released into
the air.Example: One of the most important greenhouses gases
is carbon dioxide, which is released when fossil fuels are
✓ over-fishing: [noun] [đánh bắt cá quá mức cho phép]
catching too many fish, leaving not enough in the sea for the
numbers to increase quickly.
Example: As a result of over-fishing, the government banned all
boats from fishing in this area, until the number of fish in the sea
here recover.✓ devastates: [verb] [phá hủy, hủy hoại] to
completely destroy.Example: The earthquake devastated the
city and thousands of people were made homeless.
✓ fish stocks: [noun] [nguồn tài nguyên cá] the supply of fish
available in a particular area of the sea.Example: Fish stocks
will not recover quickly, so the government has banned all
fishing in the area for 10 years.
✓ renewable energy: [noun] [năng lượng tái chế] energy that
is controlled carefully or replaced naturally, so that there is no
risk that it will completely finish. Example: An increase in the
use of renewable energy is necessary to meet our future energy
✓ impose and enforce: [verbs] [đề ra và đảm bảo thi hành]
introduce new laws and make sure that people obey
them.Example: To reduce the number of road accidents, the
government will impose andenforce new laws to punish
drinking and driving.
✓ safeguarded: [verb] [bảo vệ] to protect something or
somebody from harm or loss.Example: If fish stocks are
safeguarded, traditional fishing villages will be able to survive
as working communities.
✓ called for: [phrasal verb] [cần hoặc yêu cầu] needed or
required.Example: The emergency at the airport called for
immediate action by the fire service.✓ mitigate: [verb] [giảm
thiểu] make something less harmful or serious. Example: To
mitigate the problem of homelessness, the government is
building more places for poor people to stay.

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