Tigray Household WaSH Survey Report-2020

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Water, sanitation and hygiene baseline

survey of Tigray

Tigray Statistics Agency

[ TSA ]

July 2020

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... vi

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... viii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Background ...................................................................................................................... 4

1.2. Significance of the study .................................................................................................. 6

1.3. Objective of the survey .................................................................................................... 6

1.3.1. General objective ...................................................................................................... 6

1.3.2. Specific objective ...................................................................................................... 6

1.4. Concepts and definitions .................................................................................................. 7

2. SURVEY METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 9

2.1. Study area and period ....................................................................................................... 9

2.2. Survey Coverage .............................................................................................................. 9

2.3. Population......................................................................................................................... 9

2.4. Sampling frame .............................................................................................................. 10

2.5. Determining sample size ................................................................................................ 10

2.6. Sampling design ............................................................................................................. 10

2.7. Selection scheme ............................................................................................................ 11

2.8. Sample allocation ........................................................................................................... 12

2.9. Questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 15

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2.10. Preparation of data collector’s manual ....................................................................... 16

2.11. Field workers recruitment and training ...................................................................... 16

2.12. Data collection tools and procedure ........................................................................... 17

2.13. Data processing and analysis ...................................................................................... 17

2.13.1. Sample weighting ................................................................................................ 18

2.13.2. Sampling error estimation ................................................................................... 19

3. SURVEY FINDINGS............................................................................................................ 20

3.1. Demography and Household Characteristics ................................................................. 20

3.2. Households’ Access to Water Supply Services.............................................................. 27

3.2.1. Access to Water Supply Services ........................................................................... 28

3.2.2. Main source and Location of Drinking water ......................................................... 31

3.2.3. Time to fetch, Responsibility and Trip for Water Collection ................................. 33

3.2.4. Main sources of water for other purposes ............................................................... 34

3.2.5. Alternative sources for drinking or other purposes................................................. 36

3.2.6. Using Domestic Water for productive /Commercial Purpose ................................ 37

3.2.7. Availability of water from main source .................................................................. 37

3.2.8. Household Drinking Water Treatment.................................................................... 39

3.2.9. Hygienic Handling Practice of Water by the Households ...................................... 42

3.2.10. Water Sanitation and Hygiene Committee (WaSHCO) in Rural Woredas ......... 44

3.3. Households’ Access to Sanitation Services ................................................................... 80

3.3.1. Access to sanitation services ................................................................................... 81

3.3.2. Sharing, Location, Superstructures and Cleanliness of Toilets facility .................. 85

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3.3.3. Availability of Hand washing Facility, Time Taken to Toilet and Accessibility ... 89

3.3.4. Emptying of Toilet Facilities, Disposal of Child Feces and History of Diarrhea ... 90

3.3.5. Open Defecation Free (ODF) in rural woreda ........................................................ 91

3.3.6. Household’s need to buy materials supplied by sanitation marketing .................... 91

3.3.7. Liquid and Solid Waste Disposal ............................................................................ 92

3.4. Households’ Access to Hygiene Services .................................................................... 137

3.4.1. Access to Hygiene Services .................................................................................. 138

3.4.2. Knowledge and Practice of hand washing ............................................................ 139

3.4.3. Household Bathing Practice .................................................................................. 140

3.4.4. Methods Household Use to Maintain Food Hygiene ............................................ 140

3.4.5. Household Graduated as Model Family ............................................................... 140

REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................. 161

ANNEX....................................................................................................................................... 163

Annex 1. Sampling error estimation ....................................................................................... 163

......................................................................................................... 197

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Table 2.8.1:Sample allocation to each woreda for WASH survey in Tigray region, 2019/20.................... 13

Table 3.1.1: percentage of household heads’ Sex, Age and Household Size in Tigray, 2020 .................... 24

Table 3.1.2: Percent distribution of Household heads by socio-demographic characteristics in Tigray,

2020..................................................................................................................................................... 26

Table-3.2.1: Percent distribution of drinking water access by socio demography characteristics in Tigray,
2020..................................................................................................................................................... 45

Table 3.2.2: Percentage of households’ main source type of drinking water by socio demography
characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ............................................................................................................ 48

Table 3.2.3: Percentage of household’s location of main source of drinking water by woreda and
residence in Tigray, 2020 .................................................................................................................... 53

Table 3.2.4: Percentage of average time taken to get water, number of trips and responsible person to
fetch water by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ...................................................... 55

Table 3.2.5: Percentage of households’ uses domestic water for any productive or commercial purposes
by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ......................................................................... 59

Table 3.2.6: Percentage availability of water from main source by woreda in Tigray, 2020 .................... 62

Table 3.2.7: Percentage of households experience interruptions in water supply from the main source one
month prior to the interview day by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 .................. 65

Table 3.2.8: Time taken to repaired and organizations that repaired water point by woreda in Tigray,
2020..................................................................................................................................................... 69

Table 3.2.9: Percentage of water treatment method by socio demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020
............................................................................................................................................................ 72

Table 3.2.10: Percentage cleanness of households’ utensil used for drinking water in Tigray, 2020 ........ 75

Table 3.2.11: Percentage of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committee by residence and woreda in
Tigray, 2020 ........................................................................................................................................ 78

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Table 3.3.1: Percent distribution of sanitation access by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020
............................................................................................................................................................ 97

Table 3.3.2: Percentage of toilet facility type by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ...... 101

Table 3.3.3: Observation about toilet strictures/materials by residence in Tigray, 2020 .......................... 105

Table 3.3.4: Percent distribution of availability of hand washing facility by socio demography
characteristics in Tigray, 2020 .......................................................................................................... 109

Table 3.3.5: Percent distribution of time taken to toilet, household member able to access and use the
toilet at all time by residence & woreda in Tigray, 2020 ................................................................. 111

Table 3.3.6: Percentage of toilet emptied /replaced status and distance to nearest water body by socio
demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ..................................................................................... 114

Table 3.3.7: Percentage of child feces disposal way by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020
.......................................................................................................................................................... 118

Table 3.3.8: percentage of household members suffered with diarrhea two weeks prior to the interview
day by demographic characterstics in Tigray, 2020.......................................................................... 121

Table 3.3.9: Percentage of open defecation free (ODF) by residence and woreda in Tigray, 2020 ......... 125

Table 3.3.10: Percent distribution of Household needs to buy materials supplied by sanitation marketing
which improve toilet facility by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ........................ 127

Table 3.3.11: Percentage of Household dispose site of water used for cooking, laundry and bathing in
Tigray, 2020 ...................................................................................................................................... 130

Table 3.3.12: Percent distribution of properly solid waste disposal by socio demography characteristics in
Tigray, 2020 ...................................................................................................................................... 133

Table 3.4.1 : Percentage of Hand washing facilities by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020
.......................................................................................................................................................... 141

Table 3.4.2: percent of cases households who thinks to wash hands with soap and water one day before or
during the survey day by demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020............................................ 145

Table 3.4.3: Percent of households who wash their hands with soap and water one day before or during
the survey day by demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020 ..................................................... 148

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Table 3.4.4: Percent distribution of households about taking bath by socio-demographic characteristics in
Tigray, 2020 ...................................................................................................................................... 151

Table 3.4.5: Percentage of Methods household use to maintain food hygiene by socio demographic
characteristics in Tigray, 2020 .......................................................................................................... 155

Table 3.4.6: Percentage of household graduated as model family one year prior to data collection by socio
demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020 .................................................................................... 159

Figure 2.7.1: selection scheme for survey on WASH conducted in Tigray, 2020 ..................................... 11

Figure 3.1.1: Percent distribution of marital status of household heads by sex in Tigray, 2020 ................ 21

Figure 3.1.2: Percent distribution of households’ education level by residence in Tigray, 2020 ............... 22

Figure 3.1.3: Percentage distribution of employment status by residence in Tigray, 2020 ........................ 22

Figure 3.1.4: Percentage of wealth quintile of household in Tigray, 2020 ................................................. 23

Figure 3.2.1: Access of drinking water by place of residence in Tigray, TSA 2020 .................................. 28

Figure 3.2.2: Map of access to basic drinking water supply service by woreda in Tigray, 2020 ............... 29

Figure 3.2.3: Access of drinking water by educational level in Tigray, TSA 2020 .................................... 30

Figure 3.2.4: Access of water by wealth status in Tigray, TSA 2020........................................................ 31

Figure 3.2.5: Percentage of main source of drinking water of households by season in Tigray, 2020....... 32

Figure 3.2.6: Percentage of households Location of the main sources of drinking water in Tigray, 2020. 33

Figure 3.2.7: Percentage of responsible person to fetch water by sex and age group in Tigray, 2020 ....... 34

Figure 3.2.8: Percentage of Main sources of water for other purposes (cooking, washing…) of
households’ by season in Tigray, 2020 ............................................................................................... 35

Figure 3.2.9: Percentage of both alternative and main source of water for drinking &other purpose in
Tigray, 2020 ........................................................................................................................................ 36

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Figure 3.2.10: Percentage of alternative sources of water for drinking or other purposes when the main
source is interrupted by residence in Tigray, 2020 ............................................................................. 37

Figure 3.2.11: Percentage of water availability by water source type two weeks prior to data collection
period in Tigray, 2020......................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3.2.12: Percentage of household water treatment practice by their type of source in Tigray, 2020 39

Figure 3.2.13: Percentage of households used type of water treatment method in Tigray, 2020 ............... 40

Figure 3.2.14:Percentage of household’s reasons not treated waters in Tigray, 2020 ................................ 41

Figure 3.2.15: Percentage of households’ who have separate containers for drinking water and other uses
in Tigray, 2020 .................................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 3.2.16: Percentage of water storage container cleaning Tigray, 2020 ............................................. 42

Figure 3.2.17: Percentage of households’ drinking water storage container status observation in Tigray,
2020..................................................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 3.2.18: Percentage of households’ way to taking water from the drinking water storage container in
Tigray, 2020 ........................................................................................................................................ 44

Figure 3.3.1: Access of sanitation services by their residence in Tigray, 2020 .......................................... 81

Figure 3.3.2: Access of sanitation services by education level in Tigray, 2020 ......................................... 82

Figure 3.3.3: Access of sanitation services by wealth status in Tigray, 2020 ............................................. 83

Figure 3.3.4: Maps of open defecation practice distribution by woreda in Tigray, 2020 ........................... 84

Figure 3.3.5: Shared toilet facility status by residence in Tigray, 2020 ..................................................... 85

Figure 3.3.6: Location of toilet facility by residence in Tigray, 2020 ....................................................... 86

Figure 3.3.7: percentage of household’s toilet way Observation in Tigray, 2020 ..................................... 87

Figure 3.3.8: Percentage of household’s toilet cleanliness observation in Tigray, 2020 ............................ 88

Figure 3.3.9: Frequency of cleaning toilet in Tigray, 2020 ........................................................................ 89

Figure 3.3.10: percentage of household members suffered with diarrhea two weeks prior to the interview
day by residence in Tigray, 2020 ........................................................................................................ 91

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Figure- 3.4.1: Percentage of Access to Hygiene Services in Tigray, 2020 .............................................. 138


CSA Central Statistical Agency

DALY Disability Adjust Life Years

EA Enumeration Area

EAs Enumeration Areas

E.C Ethiopian Calendar

EDHS Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey

JMP Joint Monitoring Program

MDG Millennium Development Goal

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

SSA Sub-Saharan Africa

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science

WASH Water‚ Sanitation and Hygiene

WHO World Health Organization

UHC Universal Health Coverage

UNICEF United Nation International Children Fund

US United States

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Introduction: WASH is the collective terms of water‚ Sanitation and Hygiene. Due to their
interdependent nature‚ they are grouped together to represent a growing sector. To differentiate
Sanitation and hygiene; Sanitation is the effective use of tools and actions that keep our
environment healthy. These includes latrine to manage waste, washing stations and effective
drainage. Whereas hygiene is a set of personal practice that contributes to good health it includes
things like hand washing and bathing. Based on UNICEF, 2018 report on health aspect in
Ethiopia 60-80% of communicable diseases were due to limited access of safe water, sanitation
facility & hygiene services. Similarly, 50% the consequence of under nutrition were due to
limited access of safe water, sanitation facility & hygiene services. In 2018 WHO on economic
aspect revealed that investing in WASH continued to be high with benefits of nearly five US
dollars for every dollar invested. Similarly, study conducted by Economics of Sanitation
Initiative in Africa‚ indicates that the countries are losing a combined total of almost US$ 5.5
billion each year due to poor sanitation. At national level these economic losses are equivalent to
1% - 2.5% of GDP. In Ethiopia, 97% of urban households have access to an improved source of
drinking water, as compared with 57% of rural households. Tigray Regional health Bureau report
2018/19 indicates that Coverage of latrine utilization was 49.6%. The objective of this survey
was to assess access of drinking water supply, access of latrine service, availability of hand
washing facility and coverage of proper solid waste disposal at household level in Tigray, 2020.

Survey methodology: The survey was conducted in all woreda of Tigray Regional State from
February 8 to March 17/2020. A Cross-sectional survey design was applied to sample size of
23,250 households. The sampling design of the survey is two-stage stratified cluster sample
design. Pre tested structured questionnaire was used to collect data from households. The data
were collected by face to face interview using Tablets programmed with the questionnaires under
survey solution and analyzed by STATA 14.1 software. Result of the survey were described and
presented using frequency, percentage, summary measure, tables and graphs.


Demography: The average house hold size is 4.1 persons with range 1 to 15 household members
with 4.4 persons per household in rural areas and 3.6 persons per household in urban areas.

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Sixty-nine percent of the households are headed by males and 48% of the household heads never
attended school, with 60% in rural areas and 22% in urban areas.

Households’ Access to Water Supply Services: The survey report shows that 62% of
households (93% urban, 47% rural) have access to basic drinking water services, while 18% of
households (24% rural and 4% urban) have limited access to drinking water service and the
remaining 20% of the households (3% urban and 29% rural) have unimproved drinking water
access. The most common source of drinking water report by households in dry and wet season
is hand pump well (29% dry, 28% wet). Households are asked availability of water from the
main water source two weeks prior to data collection period and the survey finding indicates that
unimproved water sources are more likely than improved water sources to be available at least
16 hours a day, 81% and 38% respectively. The average time spend for households to fetch
drinking water in a single round trip including queuing is 46 minutes in dry and 40 minutes in
wet season. Females take the highest responsibility (84%) (75% urban, 84% rural) to fetch
drinking water for their household’s. The survey collects data regarding water supply and
sanitation committee only in rural woreda and find that 52% of the community has water supply
and sanitation committee. Among the committee 79% of them are functional.

Households’ Access to sanitation Services: From the survey 62% of the households do not use
toilet that means they practice open defecation. Households living in rural areas are four point
five times more likely to practice open defecation compared to urban dwellers. Ten percent of
the households have access to unimproved sanitation facilities. On the other hand, 11% of
households have access to basic sanitation services while the remaining 17% have limited access
to sanitation services. The survey result shows that a hand washing facility in or outside the toilet
is observed in 19% of the households. Based on this survey from orally taken information 12%
of the households report that their kebele were previously declared open defication free, but only
5% of the householdes report that their kebeles are currently declared open defication free.
Forty-eight percent of the households dispose child’s feces properly. The commonest liquid
waste disposal way used by the households is to dispose in compound or garden (37%). Sixteen
percent of the households dispose solid waste properly with 33% in urban and 7% in rural areas.

Households’ Access to Hygiene Services: according to this survey 41% (urban 24%, rural 50%)
of the households have no hand washing facility at all. On the other hand, 52% (urban 60%, rural

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48%) of households have access to limited hygiene services, while the remaining 7% of the
households (urban 16%, rural 3%) have access to basic hygiene service.

In this survey based on multiple response question 92% of the respondents’ report that they think
they should wash before eating, followed by washing hands after eating (76%) and after toilet
use (52%).Similarly, 76%, 63% and 43% of the respondents’ report that they wash their hands
before eating wash after eating and wash their hands after toilet use correspondingly.

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WASH is the collective term for Water‚ Sanitation and Hygiene. Due to their interdependent
nature‚ these core issues are grouped together to represent a growing sector. While each a
separate field of work‚ each is dependent on the presence of the other(1).

Sanitation is the effective use of tools and actions that keep our environment healthy. These
include latrine to manage waste, washing stations and effective drainage. Whereas hygiene is a
set of personal practice that contributes to good health it includes things like hand washing and
bathing (2).

The WHO and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene
(JMP) has produced regular estimates of global progress on drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene (WASH) since 1990. The JMP was responsible for monitoring the MDG target 7.C
which aimed to “halve, by 2015, the proportion of population without Sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation”. This has been replaced by the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) 6 aims to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water
and sanitation for all” and includes aspiration global targets for drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene (3-5)

WASH is a key pillar to the WHO Global Cholera Elimination Plan which aims to reduce
cholera deaths by 90% in 2030 at the country level because cholera still remains endemic to
more than 47 countries (6).

Drinking unsafe water impairs health through illnesses such as diarrhea, and untreated excreta
contaminate ground waters and surface waters used for drinking-water, irrigation, bathing and
household purposes. This creates a heavy burden on communities(7).

Globally in 2015, 844million and 2.3 billion people lacked a basic drinking water and sanitation
service respectively. Similarly, 892 million people still practiced open defecation. Not only that
about 263 million people spent over 30 minutes per round trip to collect water from an improved
source. In Sub Saharan Africa more than half of the communities (58%) still collected drinking
water directly from surface water sources(3).

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In 2018 WHO on economic aspect revealed that investing in WASH continued to be high with
benefits of nearly five US dollars for every dollar invested. Similarly, study conducted by
Economics of Sanitation Initiative in Africa‚ indicates that the countries are losing a combined
total of almost US$ 5.5 billion each year due to poor sanitation. At national level these economic
losses are equivalent to 1% - 2.5% of GDP(7, 8).

In Least Developed Countries, 27 % of the population had basic hand washing facilities with
soap and water, while 26 % had hand washing facilities lacking soap or water. The remaining 47
% had no facility. Facilities with soap and water varied from 15 % in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
to 76 % in Western Asia and Northern Africa. In SSA, three out of five people with basic hand
washing facilities (89 million people) lived in urban areas (3).

According to EDHS, 2016 report 65% of households’ source of drinking water were improved
nationally. Forty five percent of households in Ethiopia spend over 30 minutes per round trip to
collect water. Fifty eight percent of adult women are most likely to be responsible for fetching
drinking water (17% in urban households and 68% in rural households) (8,9).

In Ethiopia, 97% of urban households have access to an improved source of drinking water, as
compared with 57% of rural households. Overall, 6% of Ethiopian households use improved
toilet facilities (16% in urban areas and 4% in rural areas). More than half (56%) of rural
households use unimproved toilet facilities. One in three households in Ethiopia have no toilet
facility (39% in rural areas and 7% in urban areas).Nationally 60% of households have a place
for hand washing (55% in rural & 81% in urban) among these only 7% of households in rural
and 28% of households in urban have soap and water(9).

According to CSA 2017, improved drinking water source in Tigray was 72 %. Tigray Regional
Water Resource Bureau (TRWRB) in 2018/19 reported that Coverage of drinking water source is
57.1%. Specifically drinking water source coverage in urban and rural were 60% and 56.2 %
respectively(10, 11). Other report by Tigray Regional health Bureau (TRHB) in 2018/19
indicates that Coverage of latrine utilization was 49.6% (12).

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Significance of the study

The results of this survey will be important to Tigray region Health office, Tigray regional water
resource office and Non-Governmental Organizations who work on WASH and WASH related
areas. These offices and organizations will use the study findings as baseline evidence for policy
makers and decision makers. This may also relevant for further analysis of the problem and to
improve context-based intervention. In addition to this, the findings of this study will be used as
reference for other researchers. Finally, it will be important directly or indirectly to the
community of Tigray.

Objective of the survey

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of this survey is to develop water, sanitation and hygiene base line
indicators at the household level of Tigray, 2020

1.3.2. Specific objective

Specific objective of this survey is to assess:

✓ Access of drinking water supply at household level in Tigray , 2020

✓ Access of latrine at household level in Tigray , 2020
✓ Availability of hand washing facility in the house holds inTigray , 2020
✓ Coverage of proper solid waste disposal at the household level in Tigray, 2020.
✓ Method of liquid waste disposal at the household level in Tigray , 2020

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Concepts and definitions

➢ Household: when one or more persons who live together and make common
provisions for food and other essentials of living.
➢ Improved water sources: is water source get from piped water, boreholes or
tube wells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered
➢ Unimproved water sources: is water source get from an unprotected dug well;
an unprotected spring; a cart with a small tank/drum; a water tanker-truck; and
surface water.
➢ Basic Drinking water access: Drinking water from an improved source,
provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a round trip, including
➢ Limited drinking water access: drinking water from an improved source for
which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a round trip, including queuing
➢ Hygiene practice: in hygiene practice, hands washing in all five critical
moments which are before eating, after defecation, before preparing food,
before feeding a baby and after cleaning a baby take as an important indicator.
➢ Improved latrine facilities: is well-constructed superstructure a facility and
having cleanable floor and secured door to provide the necessary privacy and
security which includes flush/pour flush to piped sewer systems, septic tanks or
pit latrines; ventilated improved pit latrines, composting toilets or pit latrines
with slabs plus a hand washing facility with soap and water.
➢ Unimproved latrine facilities: is facility mostly open, un-cleanable, poor
superstructure, unsafe, and accessible to flies, domestic foul, and other animals
which is Flush/pour flushes to the household environment and to the street,
yard/plot, open sewer, a ditch, a drainage way or other location.
➢ Basic sanitation facility: is use of improved facilities that are not shared with
other households
➢ Limited sanitation facility: is use of improved facilities shared between two or
more households

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➢ Unimproved sanitation facility: is use of pit latrines without a slab or
platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines
➢ Open defecation: is disposal of human feces in fields, forests, bushes, open
bodies of water, beaches or other open spaces, or with solid waste
➢ Solid wastes: is all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are
normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted.
➢ Proper solid waste disposal: is waste which is properly collected and
separated for degradable and non-degradable wastes at household level as well
as disposed at least two times per week to disposal site.
➢ Hand washing facility: refers to a fixed or mobile device designed to contain,
transport or regulate the flow of water to facilitate hand washing which includes
sinks with tap water, buckets with taps, tippy-taps, and jugs or basins designated
for hand washing.
➢ Basic hand washing facility: Availability of a hand washing facility on
premises with soap and water
➢ Limited hand washing facility: Availability of hand washing facility on
premises without soap and water
➢ No hand washing facility: No hand washing facility on premises
➢ Graduated model house holds: a household that gets training and implements
all the health extension program components in a given catchments area.

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Study area and period

The survey was conducted in Tigray Region from February 8 to march 17, 2020. Tigray Region
is one of nine regional states of Ethiopia located at latitudes from 120 14’50.50” to 140 53’48.03”
and longitudes from 360 26’48.74” to 390 59’0.09”.It has 34 woredas and 12 city administration
and 814 kebeles with total population of 5,443,000. Seventy two percent of the population lives
in rural. The Region covers an area of about 54,593 square kilometer and bounded by Afar in the
east, Sudan in the west, Eritrea in the north and state of Amhara in the south. The Region has
9791 shallows well, 7640 hand dug well, 1778 spring, 249deep well and 9 deep well system
scheme type of water points. The region has 63 Isuzu, 11 tractors and 3 skip loader of solid waste
disposal vehicles. The Region has 2207 elementary schools and 265 high schools. It has 741
health post, 227 health center and 43 hospitals. The main sources of income in the state are trade
and agriculture (11-14)

Survey Coverage

The survey (T-WASH-S) was covered all the 34 woreda and 12 city administration of Tigray
including the capital Mekelle city. The survey was followed a household-based approach and
covered households resided in conventional households; therefore, the population resided in
institutions and collective quarters such as universities/colleges, hotel/hostel, and monasteries, as
well as the homeless population was not covered by this survey. The survey was designed to
obtain regional, urban-rural, and for all woredas and 12 city administration estimates which
yields 46 reporting levels (domains).


Target population: All households of Tigray

Source population: Target households who live in the selected EAs

Study population: All selected households who live in the selected EAs and who provide

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Sampling frame

The sampling frame used for this survey was the frame prepared in 2017 to conduct the
Ethiopian Population and Housing Census (EPHC), provided by the CSA. The census frame was
a complete list of all census enumeration areas created in 2017 for EPHC. The sampling frame
contained information about the EA location, type of residence (urban or rural), and the
estimated number of residential households. Sketch maps were also available for each EA which
delineate the geographic boundaries of the EA.

Determining sample size

Sample size determined in most household-based surveys with a multi-stage stratified design
based on the principle of first calculating the required sample size for a single “domain”
assuming a simple random sample design. A domain was a well-defined population group for
which estimates with predetermined accuracy were sought.

The required sample size considering for a reporting domain was determined by the following
𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑓∗𝑍𝛼/2 ∗𝑃(1−𝑃)
𝑛= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (1)
𝐷 2 ∗𝑅𝑅

Where, n was the sample size required for one domain, deff=1.25 was the design effect for a
complex sample,𝒁.𝜶/𝟐 the abscissa of the normal curve which was 1.96, P was proportion of
latrine utilization which was 0.496 (12), D=0.05 was the margin of error, RR=95% the expected
response rate of the survey. Based on the above scenario’s, the sample size for one domain was
505 households, then the total sample size, for all 46 statistical domains were in = 23,230

Sampling design

The survey sample was designed to produce reliable baseline indicators at the regional, urban-
rural residence levels and for 46 woredas and town administrations including Mekelle. The
design for this survey was a two-stage stratified cluster sample design. Each rural woredas were
stratified into urban and rural for representation. Samples of EAs were selected independently in

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each domain in two stages. Implicit stratification and proportional allocation were achieved at
each of the lower administrative levels by sorting the sampling frame within each stratum before
sample selection.

Selection scheme

In the first stage, a total of 465 EAs of which 181 in urban areas and 284 in rural areas were
selected from sampling frame of CSA.EAs in each stratum were selected using systematic
random sampling after sorting. In the second stage, households were selected based on a
complete listing of households. In each selected EA, new lists of households were generated and
50 households were randomly selected based on systematic sampling.

The survey covered 23,250 residential households 9050 in urban and 14200 in rural areas. The
data collector interviewed only the pre-selected households. Neither replacements nor changes of
the pre-selected households were allowed in the implementing stages in order to prevent bias.


34 rural Woreda domains 12 Town domains

284 EA of rural 70 EA of Urban 111 urban EA

strata strata

5550 HHs
3500 HHs
14200 HHs

14200 HHs 9050 HHs

Figure 2.7.1: selection scheme for survey on WASH conducted in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 11
Sample allocation

Precise estimates for the all woreda and town administration requires adequate sample sizes to be
allocated to the domains. If estimates are desired at the same level of precision for all domains,
then an equal allocation is the most efficient strategy. However, such an allocation can cause
inefficient regional level estimates Proportionate allocation, which uses equal sampling
fractions in each domain, is the most suitable allocation for regional estimates. When
domains differ in size and when both regional and domain estimates are required, some
compromise between equal allocation and equal sampling fractions is required. So power
allocation (15) method provided better precise estimates at woreda and regional level for this

A power allocation is an allocation proportional to the power of a size measure Mh. A power
value of 1 gives proportional allocation; a power value of 0 gives equal size allocation; a power
value between 0 and 1 gives an allocation between proportional allocation and equal size

𝑛ℎ = 𝑛 𝐻 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (2)
∑ℎ=1 𝑀ℎ𝛼


M: household size of strata

n: total number of sample size

α: power value (0.23)

h:number of strata(80)

P a g e | 12
Table 2.8.1:Sample allocation to each woreda for WASH survey in Tigray region, 2019/20

Selected Enumeration area Selected Household

Woreda Urban EA Rural EA Total EA Urban hh Rural hh Total hh

DeguaTemben 2 9 11 100 450 550

Enderta NA 10 10 NA 500 500

HintaloWejjerat 3 9 12 150 450 600

SehartiSamre 2 9 11 100 450 550

EmbaAlaje 3 8 11 150 400 550

Alamata 2 8 10 100 400 500

Alamata Town 9 NA 9 450 NA 450

Endamehoni 1 8 9 50 400 450

Korem 7 NA 7 350 NA 350

Maychew 8 NA 8 400 NA 400

Ofla 1 10 11 50 500 550

Raya Azebo 3 8 11 150 400 550

AbbiAddy 8 NA 8 400 NA 400

Adwa 1 9 10 50 450 500

Adwa Town 10 NA 10 500 NA 500

Ahiferom 4 8 12 200 400 600

P a g e | 13
Axum 10 NA 10 500 NA 500

Kola Temben 1 10 11 50 500 550

LaelayMaychew 1 8 9 50 400 450

MerebLeke 3 8 11 150 400 550

Nader Adet 1 9 10 50 450 500

Tahtaymaychew 2 8 10 100 400 500

Tanqua Abergele 2 8 10 100 400 500

Were Lehe 3 8 11 150 400 550

Mekelle 14 0 14 700 NA 700

KaftaHumera 4 7 11 200 350 550

SetitHumera 8 NA 8 400 NA 400

Tsegede 2 8 10 100 400 500

Welkayit 2 9 11 100 450 550

Adigrat 10 0 10 500 NA 500

AtsbiWenberta 3 8 11 150 400 550

Erob 1 6 7 50 300 350

GantaAfeshum 1 9 10 50 450 500

GuloMeheda 2 7 9 100 350 450

Hawuzen 2 8 10 100 400 500

P a g e | 14
KilteAwlalo 2 8 10 100 400 500

SaesiTsadamba 3 8 11 150 400 550

Wukro 9 NA 9 450 NA 450

AsegedeTsimbila 3 8 11 150 400 550

LaelayAdiyabo 3 8 11 150 400 550

MedebayZana 2 9 11 100 450 550

Shiraro 8 NA 8 400 NA 400

ShireEndaSilassie 10 NA 10 500 NA 500

TahtayAdiyabo 2 9 11 100 450 550

TahtayQoraro 1 8 9 50 400 450

Tselemt 2 9 11 100 450 550

Grand Total 181 284 465 9050 14200 23250

NB: NA= not applicable


The questionnaire for this survey was adapted from WHO/UNICEF joint monitoring program for
WASH and contextualized to our region. The questionnaire was translated into the local
language Tigrigna for data collection and then retranslated back into English to check
consistency. The questionnaire was designed to confirm the survey’s Objectives and provide
information that was useful for data analysis. After the questionnaire was developed a pretest
was undertaken to test the automated questionnaire, appropriateness of the wording of each
question, the skip instructions and clarity of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire contains: -

P a g e | 15
1. Section 1----Demographic characteristics of the household
2. Section 2----water related questions
 Water source
 Utility of water
 Water storage
 Continuity of water
 Water safety
3. Section 3----sanitation related questions
 Toilet facility
 Sharing of toilet
 Disposal of child stools
 Availability of drainage system
 Liquid and Solid waste disposal
 Surrounding cleanliness conditions (garbage, insects, rodents, etc.)
4. Section 4----Hygiene
 Hand washing practice
 Frequency of shower
 Presence of Diarrhea last two weeks
5. Section 5----wealth status questions

Preparation of data collector’s manual

The survey team prepared a training manual that helped the data collectors to have the same
understanding in each and every question as well as the instructions. Duties and responsibilities
of all field personnel were specified in the manual which was written in Tigrinya.

Field workers recruitment and training

The 156data collectors were hired who had a minimum of degree and experience in data
collection.46 Supervisors, 8 statisticians and one programmer were directly recruited from TSA
permanent employees. Ten days of training including one day of field practice were provided to
the data collectors and supervisors from December 15-2012 E.C.

P a g e | 16
The objective of the training was to build the capacity of the data collectors and supervisors to
understand the EA map, listing forms, questionnaires, methodologies and instructions to be used
in the field. The training was held in four classes and it included classroom discussions on
concepts and definitions and mock techniques to fill in the questionnaire. There was also a mock
interview to familiarize the interview process. Pretest was done out of selected EAs.

Data collection tools and procedure

The data was collected by face to face interview using Tablets programmed with the
questionnaires under Survey Solutions Interviewer and the data was synchronized at the end of
each data collection day to a computer server of TSA to prevent data loss due to different
problems. Before the data collection begun each data collector, was delineated the territory of the
enumeration area (EA) immediately up on arrival. After the EA was clearly delineated listing of
household was undertaken by a technique of canvassing for two days. 50 households were
selected by a circular systematic sampling from the listed households in each enumeration area
and data collection was continued for 8 days for the selected households. Each data collector was
assigned to 3-4 EA and completed 6 questionnaires per day.

Supervisors were assigned 3-4 data collectors and deployed together with the data collectors at
the beginning of the survey. They were responsible for day-to-day technical and administrative
routine activities under their supervision. In addition, TSA statisticians were coordinated at zonal
level and undertook the supervision of the progress of the data collection process. Completeness
of data collection was checked daily. Programmers were also deployed for assistance incase if
there was a failure of data collection tool.

Data processing and analysis

The data was collected by tablets programmed with the questionnaires under Survey Solutions
Interviewer collected and exported into STATA statistical software version. Data analysis was
followed after handling all necessary data imputations for inconsistent records in the data set.
Unbiased estimations was obtained for socio demographic characteristics of the household,
water, sanitation and hygiene practice after an appropriate sampling design weight fixed based
on the probabilities of selection. Then the information was presented using frequencies, summary
measures, tables and figures.

P a g e | 17
2.13.1. Sample weighting

For the sample estimates to be representative of the target population, it was very essential to
multiply the data by a factor of the sampling weight. The base weight for each sample household
would be equal to the inverse of its probability of selection. Because of the present sample
design was disproportional allocation, weighting the data was an essential in order to produce
unbiased estimates for the whole region, urban/rural and for all domains. The design weight was
calculated by: -

 Stage 1: selection probability of primary sampling unit /cluster/EA:

𝑛ℎ 𝑀ℎ𝑖
𝑃1ℎ𝑖 = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (3)


P1hi was the selection probability of the ith cluster/EA in stratum h

nh was the number of selected EAs in the stratum h

Mhi was the house hold size of the ith PSU or EA in stratum h from the master sample

Mh the total number of household in the stratum from the master sample 𝑀ℎ = ∑ 𝑀ℎ𝑖

 Stage 2: selection probability of the secondary sampling unit i.e. the household
𝑃2ℎ𝑖 = ∗ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . (4)


P2hi was the selection probability of the secondary sampling unit i.e the house hold in the ith
cluster/EA in stratum h

mhi was the number house hold selected in the ith PSU or EA in stratum h

𝑀ℎ𝑖 Was the total number of HH from the fresh list in the ith cluster/EA of stratum h

Then the overall selection probability of each household 𝑓ℎ𝑖 in cluster I or EA of stratum h was
the product of the selection probabilities of the two stages:

𝑓ℎ𝑖 = 𝑝1ℎ𝑖 × 𝑝2ℎ𝑖 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (5)

P a g e | 18
The design weight dhi for each household in cluster I of stratum h was the inverse of its overall
selection probability:

𝑑ℎ𝑖 = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (6)

At last sampling weight was calculated by correcting the design weight by non-response rates

2.13.2. Sampling error estimation

In the estimates of the variables of this Survey, it was important to include a report on the
accuracy of the survey data. The standard error, coefficient of variation and confidence interval
was used to measure the sampling error.

P a g e | 19

Demography and Household Characteristics

This section is essential as it covers information on demographic and socioeconomic

characteristics of the household heads such as household size, age, sex, religion, employment
status, level of education and wealth index.

Key findings

✓ One –third (31%) of households are headed by females

✓ The average size of house hold is 4.1 persons with range 1 to 15 household member.
✓ Orthodox is the predominant religion accounts 96 % of the household heads.
✓ Almost half of the household heads (48%) never attended school.
✓ Regarding to Employment status 77% of the household heads are employed whereas 23%
are unemployed.

P a g e | 20
I. Sex, Age and Household Size

Based on this survey 69% of house hold heads are males. The mean age of household heads is
46 years. The survey result shows that the average house hold size is 4.1 persons with range 1 to
15 household members. Specifically, in rural areas the average size of house hold is 4.4 persons
per household, while in urban areas has an average household size of 3.6 members (Table 3.1.1).

II. Marital status and Religion

Two- third (68%) of the household heads are married. Among the household heads that are
married 93% are males (Figure 3.1.1). The rest being widowed (12%), divorced (11%) and never
married (6%). Orthodox is the predominant religion accounts 96 % of the household heads
following by 3% muslim (Table 3.1.2).

54 50
87 89 88
46 50

13 11 12

Never Married Cohabited Divorced Widowed Separated Total


Figure 3.1.1: Percent distribution of marital status of household heads by sex in Tigray, 2020

III. Educational Level

The survey result shows that from those who were surveyed 48% of the household heads never
attended school, with 60% in rural areas and 21% in urban areas. Similarly, 9% (22% urban, 2%
rural) of the household heads have more than secondary educational level (Figure 3.1.2).

P a g e | 21
100 2
4 9
22 10
80 21

23 13 23
40 27
6 48
Urban Rural Tigray

Never attended Informal education Primary Secondary More than secondary

Figure 3.1.2: Percent distribution of households’ education level by residence in Tigray, 2020
IV.Employment Status

According to this survey 77% of the household heads are employed whereas 23%
of the household head are unemployed (Figure 3.1.3).

71 77 employed

29 23

Urban Rural Tigray

Figure 3.1.3: Percentage distribution of employment status by residence in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 22
V. Household Wealth Index

Wealth index is a combined measure of a household’s cumulative living standards. This section
of the report presents the household’s wealth status. The survey collected information on
households’ type of kitchen, type of dwelling, number of rooms, ownership of dwelling, floor,
wall, and roof material, source of lighting & cooking fuel, ownership of agricultural land &
livestock and households’ ownership of selected assets. Then the scores are derived using
principal component analysis. The finding shows that 24%, 20%, 20%, 18% and 18% of the
household’s wealth status belong to the poorest, poorer, middle, richer and richest consecutively
(Figure 3.1.4).





poorest poorer middle richer richest

Figure 3.1.4: Percentage of wealth quintile of household in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 23
Table 3.1.1: percentage of household heads’ Sex, Age and Household Size in Tigray, 2020

Demographic Percent of Sex of Mean age of Average No of Total

characteristics household head house hold head persons per HH households
Male Female
Tigray 69.4 30.6 46.2 4.1 1,304,092
Urban 57.8 42.2 40.8 3.6 427,272
Rural 75.0 25.0 48.8 4.4 877,055
Tahtay Adiyabo 77.5 22.5 44.4 4.8 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 74.4 25.6 46.5 4.6 38,315
Medebay Zana 68.1 31.9 48.0 3.9 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 75.7 24.4 48.8 4.0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 81.4 18.7 45.3 4.3 47,464
Tselemti 80.6 19.4 45.4 5.0 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 62.7 37.3 41.0 3.8 25,799
Shiraro 58.4 41.6 38.8 3.4 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 73.2 26.8 46.0 4.5 35,244
Ahferom 68.4 31.6 50.1 4.4 44,420
Werie Lekhe 63.6 36.4 50.1 3.9 37,190
Adwa 77.0 23.0 52.8 3.9 22,407
Laelay Maychew 72.9 27.1 52.3 4.0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 75.4 24.6 51.8 4.1 24,867
Naeder Adiet 68.3 31.8 49.8 4.1 27,152
Kola Tembien 84.6 15.5 52.0 4.8 36,767
Adwa Town 53.5 46.5 40.4 3.1 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 74.5 25.5 43.9 4.6 26,721
Abyi Adi 55.7 44.3 40.4 3.0 7,967
Axum 59.0 41.0 44.3 3.7 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 63.8 36.2 51.1 3.8 16,719
Erob 68.2 31.8 49.4 4.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 62.4 37.6 53.7 4.4 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 61.7 38.3 51.9 4.2 24,403
Hawzien 66.3 33.7 52.7 4.4 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 60.4 39.6 50.8 4.1 23,187

P a g e | 24
Demographic Percent of Sex of Mean age of Average No of Total
characteristics household head house hold head persons per HH households
Male Female
Atsbi Wemberta 65.5 34.5 51.3 4.3 28,695
Adigrat 51.8 48.2 42.5 3.6 22,643
Wukro 50.1 49.9 38.8 3.4 14,060
Ofla 74.7 25.4 48.2 4.2 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 70.0 30.0 47.5 4.1 21,103
Raya Azebo 68.5 31.5 43.6 3.4 41,558
Emba Alaje 74.9 25.1 44.1 4.2 27,063
Raya Alamata 68.8 31.2 45.7 4.0 29,266
Maychew 55.7 44.3 42.1 3.5 11,015
Korem 53.3 46.7 43.7 3.8 6,246
Alamata Town 56.2 43.8 41.5 3.7 14,260
Kafta Humera 68.8 31.2 41.7 4.0 32,582
Welkayit 74.1 25.9 43.1 4.2 44,040
Tsegede 70.2 29.8 41.7 4.3 34,184
Setit Humera 64.1 35.9 39.4 3.4 10,098
Seharti Samre 79.1 20.9 48.4 3.9 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 78.8 21.2 46.1 4.5 40,817
Degua Tembien 79.9 20.1 49.3 4.7 32,241
Enderta 76.9 23.1 46.9 4.9 24,047
Mekelle 59.0 41.0 39.5 3.7 122,134
Education level
Never attended 63.4 36.6 52.9 4.1 620,888
Informal education 83.3 16.7 52.3 4.7 140,144
Primary 78.4 21.6 39.8 4.6 297,791
Secondary 62.6 37.4 32.5 3.3 134,096
More than secondary 69.4 30.6 34.7 3.2 111,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 77.5 22.5 51.9 4.6 313,746
Poorer 75.2 24.8 50.8 4.4 256,706
Middle 71.7 28.3 47.5 4.3 267,928
Richer 57.4 42.6 39.4 3.5 236,021
Richest 61.3 38.7 38.8 3.6 229,925

P a g e | 25
Table 3.1.2: Percent distribution of Household heads by socio-demographic characteristics in
Tigray, 2020

Demography Characteristics Weight percent Weight number Un Weight number

Male 69.4 904,930 15,737
Female 30.6 399,456 7,477
Marital status
Never married 5.9 76,996 1,426
Married 68.0 886,368 15,483
Cohabited 0.8 9,907 153
Divorced 11.3 147,439 2,816
Separated 2.1 26,915 523
Widowed 12.0 156,526 2,809
Orthodox 96.5 1,258,459 22,207
Muslim 3.1 40,269 831
Protestant 0.1 1,816 26
Catholic 0.3 3,455 145
Other 0.0 386 5
Education level
Never attended 47.6 620,888 10,583
Informal education 11 140,144 2,519
Primary 23 297,849 5,389
Secondary 10.3 134,096 2,580
More than secondary 8.5 111,274 2,141
Employment status
Employed 77.0 1,004,567 17301
Unemployed 23.0 299,583 5909
Wealth index
Poorest 24.1 313,746 4,665.00
Poorer 19.7 256,706 4,633
Middle 20.6 267,986 4,643
Richer 18.1 236,021 4,717
Richest 17.6 229,925 4,556

P a g e | 26
Households’ Access to Water Supply Services

Key Findings

✓ Sixty-two percent of households have access to basic drinking water supply services.
✓ Eighteen percent of the households use unimproved water source other than surface water
as their main source of drinking water, while 2 % of the households uses surface water.
✓ The average time spend for households to fetch drinking water in a single round trip
including queuing is 46 minutes in dry and 40 minutes in wet season.
✓ Females take the highest responsibility (84%) (75% urban, 84% rural) to fetch drinking
water for their household’s.
✓ Seventy-three percent of the households collect their drinking water out of the compound.
✓ Fifty-eight percent of household heads have no alternative water sources for drinking or
other purposes when the main source is interrupted.
✓ The proportion of households using unimproved water source doubles (40%) when
households use an alternative source.
✓ Eighty-five percent of households do not treat their drinking water.

P a g e | 27
3.2.1. Access to Water Supply Services

The survey report shows that 62% of households (93% urban, 47% rural) have access to basic 1
drinking water services. Eighteen percent (4% urban and 24% rural) of the households have
limited 2 access to drinking water. On the other hand 18% (3% urban and 25% rural) of the
households use unimproved water source other than surface water as their main source of
drinking water, while 2 % (0% urban and 4% rural) of the households uses surface water (Figure




24 25
4 3 0 4 18 18 2

Urban Rural Tigray

basic water access limted water access unimproved water access surface water

Figure 3.2.1: Access of drinking water by place of residence in Tigray, TSA 2020

The finding of this survey shows a variation in access to basic drinking water supply service
between weredas/town with the highest in Axum & Setit Humera (100% each) compared to the
lowest in wereda Tselemti 12%. On the other hand, among the weredas/town Erob has the
highest (66%) followed by Ahiferom (60%) limited access of drinking water. The survey result
also shows wereda Tselemti recorded the highest (65%) access to unimproved drinking water
source (Table-3.2.1).

Basic drinking water access: that is people who collect drinking water from improved sources within a 30min
round trip including queuing.
Limited drinking water access: drinking water from an improved source but it takes more than 30 minutes to collect
P a g e | 28
Figure 3.2.2: Map of access to basic drinking water supply service by woreda in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 29
The drinking water source is strongly linked to the educational level of the household’s head as
shown in the figure below. As the educational level of the household head increases the more
likely to have an improved3 drinking water source by the households.

The finding shows that 91% of the households headed with above secondary educational level of
the household head have access to basic drinking water service. Only 3% of the households
headed with above secondary educational level use unimproved drinking water sources. On the
other hand, the proportion of households who have access to basic drinking water services
become 52% when the households are headed by a household head that never attended school.
While 28% of the households headed by a household head that never attended school use
unimproved drinking water sources (Figure 3.2.3).

80 90.8
60 65.7
52 53.5
20 28
24 22
10 20 18 17 6 3
never attended informal education primary more than secondary
Basic water access Limited water access Unimproved water access

Figure 3.2.3: Access of drinking water by educational level in Tigray, TSA 2020

Improved water sources include: hand pump well, piped into dwelling, piped into compound, piped to neighbor
public tap, protected well, protected spring, packaged water and rainwater collection. Households that use packaged
water for drinking are classified as using an improved source only if the water they use for other purposes come
from an improved water source.
P a g e | 30
Similarly, the survey result shows that households in the richest quintile are two times more
likely to have access to basic drinking water compared with the poorest households (96% versus
43%). See Figure 3.2.4

90 96
50 56
43 43
30 36
20 26
21 23 21
12 6 3 2
poorest poorer middle richer richest

Basic water access Limited water access Unimproved water access

Figure 3.2.4: Access of water by wealth status in Tigray, TSA 2020

3.2.2. Main source and Location of Drinking water

In this survey households are asked to specify their main source of drinking water both in dry
and wet season. The figure below shows that the most common source of drinking water report
by households in each dry and wet season is hand pump well (29% dry, 28% wet) among
improved water sources and unprotected spring (15% dry, 14% wet) among unimproved water
source. Likewise, households’ access to piped water is 44% in wet and 45% in dry season with
piped to dwelling 2% (in each dry and wet season), piped to compound 24% (in each dry and wet
season), piped to a neighbor 3% (in each dry and wet season) and public tab/stand pipe 15% in
wet season and 16% in dry season (Figure 3.2.5).

P a g e | 31
Other, 0 0
Rainwater collection 1 0
Tanker-truck 0 0
Cart with small tank / drum 0 0
Packaged water 1 1
Protected well 2 2
Piped into dwelling 2 2
Protected spring 2 2
Surface water 4 2
Unprotected well 3 3
Piped to neighbor 3 3
Unprotected spring 14 15
Public tap / standpipe 15 16
Piped into compound 24 24
Hand pump well 28 29
Wet season Dry seasone

Figure 3.2.5: Percentage of main source of drinking water of households by season in Tigray, 2020

Over all the survey report indicates that in dry season, 80% of the households have access to and
uses improved drinking water source. On the other way 20% of the households use unimproved
water source for drinking water in the same season. Similarly, in wet season 79% of the
households collect their drinking water from an improved water source. While the remaining
21% use unimproved drinking water sources with 4% from surface water. This shows that there
is no a big difference in household’s main source of drinking water due to seasonality (Table

Seventy-three percent (25% urban, 97% rural) of the households collect their drinking water out
of the compound. Whereas the remaining 27% of the households have their drinking water
source either in their own dwelling (2%) (6% urban, 0.1% rural) or compound (25%) (69%
urban, 3% rural) (Figure 3.2.6 & Table 3.2.3).

P a g e | 32



In own dwelling In own compound out of compound

Figure 3.2.6: Percentage of households Location of the main sources of drinking water in Tigray,

3.2.3. Time to fetch, Responsibility and Trip for Water Collection

The average time spend by the households to fetch drinking water in a single round trip including
queuing is 46 minutes in dry season (31min urban, 48min rural) and 40 minutes in wet season
(30min urban, 41min rural). The average time spend by the households to fetch drinking water in
a single round trip including queuing varies across weredas/town with the highest in wereda
Ahiferom that is 142 minutes in dry season and 117 minutes in wet season. According to this
survey females take the highest responsibility (84%) (75% urban, 84% rural) to fetch drinking
water for their household’s. In rural areas females aged under 15 years are two point seven times
more likely to fetch drinking water compared with males in the same age group. The survey
report also shows that the average number of trips spends by responsible person of the household
to fetch water per week is 14 times (Figure 3.2.7 &Table 3.2.4).

P a g e | 33
10 4 13
femal<15years female≥15years male<15years male≥15years

Figure 3.2.7: Percentage of responsible person to fetch water by sex and age group in Tigray, 2020

3.2.4. Main sources of water for other purposes

Besides their main source of drinking water, households also asked about their main sources of
water for other purposes such as cooking, washing in dry & wet season. The figure below shows
that the three most common water sources for other purposes reported by households in each of
dry and wet season are hand pump well (27% dry, 25% wet), piped in to compound (24% in each
dry & wet), and public tap (15% dry, 14% wet) .This means that in each of dry & wet season 78%
of the households use improved water source for other purposes. While the remaining 22% use
water for other purposes from unimproved source in each of dry & wet season. This indicates
that the proportion of households using an improved & unimproved as their main sources of
water for other purposes were almost the same with the household’s main source of drinking
water (Figure 3.2.8).

P a g e | 34
Packaged water 0 0
Other, 0 0
Tanker-truck 0 0
Rainwater collection 5 0
Cart with small tank / drum 0 0
Protected spring 2 2
Piped into dwelling 2 2
Protected well 2 3
Piped to neighbor 3 3
Unprotected well 3 3
Surface water 5 4
Unprotected spring 14 15
Public tap / standpipe 14 15
Piped into compound 24 24
Hand pump well 25 27

Figure 3.2.8: Percentage of Main sources of water for other purposes (cooking, washing…) of
households’ by season in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 35
3.2.5. Alternative sources for drinking or other purposes

Households were asked to specify the alternative source of water used if their usual source is not
available. Figure-3.2.9 shows that the three most prevalent type of alternative water source used
by the households are unprotected spring (20%), hand pump well (18%), and piped to neighbor

Based on this survey the proportion of households using an improved water source decreases to
60% from 80% when they are forced to use an alternative source. On the other hand, the
proportion of households using unimproved water source doubles (40%) when households use an
alternative source (Figure 3.2.9).

Piped into dwelling 0 2

Rainwater collection 0 0
Tanker-truck 1 0
Cart with small tank / drum 2 0
Piped into compound 2 26
Protected spring 3 2
Packaged water 7 0
Protected well 7 2
Unprotected well 8 2
Surface water 9 3
Public tap / standpipe 10 16
Piped to neighbor 12 3
Hand pump well 18 29
Unprotected spring 20 15

alternative source of water for drinking &other purpose

main source of water for drinking &other purpose

Figure 3.2.9: Percentage of both alternative and main source of water for drinking &other purpose
in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 36
Over all the survey report indicates that 58% of households have no alternative water sources for
drinking or other purposes when the main source is interrupted. The figure below shows that the
percentage of alternative water sources for drinking or other purposes when the main source is
interrupted by place of residence (Figure 3.2.10).

58 No



Urban Rural Tigray

Figure 3.2.10: Percentage of alternative sources of water for drinking or other purposes when the
main source is interrupted by residence in Tigray, 2020

3.2.6. Using Domestic Water for productive /Commercial Purpose

Households are asked if they use the domestic water that is available in their household for any
productive or commercial purposes. Seven percent of the household heads’ report that they use
the domestic water for commercial purposes. Among those 69% of the household head involved
in animal/poultry rearing followed by irrigation of garden/farm (17% ) (Table 3.2.5).

3.2.7. Availability of water from main source

Households are asked availability of water from the main water source two weeks prior to data
collection period and the survey finding indicates that 47% of the households get water at least
16 hours a day from their main source.

The figure below summarizes the water availability report by households by drinking water
source type. The finding shows that unimproved water sources are more likely than improved

P a g e | 37
water sources to be available at least 16 hours a day, 81% and 38% respectively. The three most
common water sources to be available at least 16 hours a day are rain water collection (98%),
surface water (89%) and protected spring (85%). Households using piped water report that
percentage of piped water sources that are available less frequent than once a week are piped in
to dwelling (23%), piped in to compound (18%), piped in to neighbor (11%) and public tab/stand
pipe (6%) (Figure 3.2.11 &Error! Reference source not found.).

2 0 0 1
6 4 1 0 2 1
10 2 10 5 1
3 5
11 8 5
18 5 5 15 15
23 3 8 10
9 3 13 0 10
12 12 32
12 41
11 17
19 19
20 0
27 52
33 18
25 44
10 26 89
85 83 81
12 80
5 44
13 65 68

38 38 38 35
33 31
27 5

at least 16hrs aday daily less than 16 hrs aday five to six days aweek
two to four days aweek less frequent than once aweek

Figure 3.2.11: Percentage of water availability by water source type two weeks prior to data
collection period in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 38
This survey reveals that 73% (46% urban, 86% rural) of the households have no history of water
supply interruption from the main source one month prior to survey. While the remaining 27% of
the households’ experience interruption from the main source during the same period. The three
most common reasons for the interruption include pump or pipe broken (26%) following by
service disruption (19%) and scarcity (17%) whereas 32% of the households do not know the
reason of interruption. The average number of days’ water not available from the main source
during interruption is 11 days (Table 3.2.7).

Among the households that experience water supply interruption due to pump/pipe break, 31%
of the break do not repaired until now. Most (31%) of the households don’t know who repair the
break. While 21% of the pump/pipe break are repaired by zonal technicians (

Table 3.2.8).

3.2.8. Household Drinking Water Treatment

The finding of this survey indicates that 85% of households don’t make their water safer to
drink. It is similar in each of the households that use unimproved and improved drinking water
source which is 85% (Figure 3.2.12).

85 85 85

15 15 15

Improved water source Unimproved water source Tigray

Figure 3.2.12: Percentage of household water treatment practice by their type of source in Tigray,
The survey doesn’t undertake any water quality testing in households. However, information is
gathered about household’s practice of water treatment method through the questionnaire. The
survey finding show that, chemical treatment is the most preferred method of water treatment
P a g e | 39
practiced by 78% of the households following by boiling (20%) and stand & settle (12%).
Chemical treatment is the most preferred method of water treatment practiced in both urban and
rural areas, 86% and 74% respectively. According to this survey stand & settle is eight times
more likely practiced by rural dwellers than urban dwellers (17% rural & 2% urban). Similarly,
in rural areas 9% of the households strain it though cloth their water to make it safer for drink
whereas it is 2% in urban areas (figure 3.2.13 &Table 3.2.9Error! Reference source not


20 12
10 7
2 1 0
Boil Chemical strain it Water filter Solar Stand and Other
treatment through cloth disinfection settle
Water treatment method

Figure 3.2.13: Percentage of households used type of water treatment method in Tigray, 2020

Based on this survey among households’ that don’t treat their water before drinking 70% of the
households (87% urban, 62% rural) think that the water is safe to drink followed by 21% (5%
urban, 28% rural) of the households report that the reason not to treat their water before drinking
is due to unavailability of water chemical treatment (Figure-3.2.14).

P a g e | 40
Other 1
No young children in household 1
Technologies 6
Unavailablility of treatment 28
Not enough time 3
No knowledge of treatment options 17
Too expensive 2
Water is unsafe, but i don’t think it 8
Necessary to treat 6
Water is safe to drink 62

-10 10 30 50 70 90
Tigray Rural Urban

Figure 3.2.14:Percentage of household’s reasons not treated waters in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 41
3.2.9. Hygienic Handling Practice of Water by the Households

The survey report shows that half of households (51%) have the same containers for drinking
water and other uses with 25% in urban and 63% in rural areas (Figure 3.2.15).



Urban Rural Tigray

Yes No

Figure 3.2.15: Percentage of households’ who have separate containers for drinking water and
other uses in Tigray, 2020

Regarding cleaning water storage container 39% of the households clean their drinking water
storage container several times per week followed by once a week (34%) and daily (19%)
(Figure 3.2.16).

other 1

Less often than half yearly 0

Once every half year 0

Don’t know 2

Once a month 6

Daily 19

Once a week 34

Several times per week 39

0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 3.2.16: Percentage of water storage container cleaning Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 42
In the survey cleanliness of drinking water storage container and the material the households use
to take water from the storage container is observed. The commonly observed observations are in
83% of the households the drinking water storage container is covered followed by in 55% of the
households it has a narrow neck and in 36% of the households it looks clean (Figure 3.2.17).

Other observation 0

Refused to show 2

the water storage/container placed at least 30 cm
above the floor
36 Rural
The drinking water storage container looks clean 33 Urban

The drinking water storage container has a

The drinking water storage container is covered 80

0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 3.2.17: Percentage of households’ drinking water storage container status observation in
Tigray, 2020
The survey result show that 61% of the households pour from the container to take water from
the drinking water storage containers and 26% of the households use by dipping a cup which is
exclusively used for this purpose while 12% of the households use by dipping a cup that is
obtained from around to take water from the drinking water storage container (Figure 3.2.18).

P a g e | 43
70 63 61
60 56 Rural
50 Tigray
40 32
30 23 26
20 14 12
10 3 1 1 0 0 0
Tap Dipping a cup Dipping a cup Pour from the Other
exclusively used for obtained from the container
this purpose around

Figure 3.2.18: Percentage of households’ way to taking water from the drinking water storage
container in Tigray, 2020
In the survey hygiene of the material household members used to take water is observed. In 66%
of the materials household member used to take water has no visible dirtiness in inner or outer
surface of the materials. On the other hand, 38% of the materials are placed on the floor with
24% in urban and 44% in rural areas. Similarly, cleanliness of the utensil’s household members
used for drinking water is observed. The survey result show in 72% of the utensils (87% urban,
65% rural) has no visible dirtiness in inner or outer surface. While in 28% of the utensils there is
visible dirtiness in inner or outer surface with 13% in urban and 36% in rural areas (Table

3.2.10. Water Sanitation and Hygiene Committee (WaSHCO) in Rural Woredas

The survey collect data regarding WaSHCO only in rural weredas and find that 52% of the
community have water supply and sanitation committee with highest in wereda Kilte Awlaelo
(83%) and lowest in wereda Tahtay Qoraro (27%). Among the WaSHCO 79% of them are
functional. The functionality of the WaSHCO also varies across the weredas from a low of 30%
in Welkayit to a high of 100% in Gulo Mekheda followed by wereda/town Ofla and Adwa (each
95%) (Table 3.2.11).

P a g e | 44
Table-3.2.1: Percent distribution of drinking water access by socio demography characteristics in
Tigray, 2020

Demographic characteristics Water access Total households

Basic Limited Unimproved

Tigray 62.0 17.5 20.5 1,304,092


Male 58.8 18.2 23.0 904,930

Female 69.2 15.9 14.9 399,397


Urban 93.0 3.8 3.2 427,272

Rural 46.9 24.2 28.9 877,055


Tahtay Adiyabo 43.1 40.0 16.9 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 45.5 32.8 21.8 38,315

Medebay Zana 68.8 5.8 25.4 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 42.5 7.3 50.2 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 58.8 25.5 15.7 47,464

Tselemti 12.4 22.2 65.4 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 99.0 0.3 0.7 25,799

Shiraro 52.8 0.2 47.1 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 64.3 15.0 20.8 35,244

Ahferom 28.8 60.4 10.8 44,420

Werie Lekhe 69.5 14.9 15.5 37,190

Adwa 62.4 22.0 15.6 22,407

Laelay Maychew 63.8 30.6 5.6 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 56.0 21.1 22.9 24,867

Naeder Adiet 38.3 34.1 27.6 27,152

Kola Tembien 32.5 13.3 54.3 36,767

Adwa Town 99.8 0.0 0.2 17,566

P a g e | 45
Tanqua Abergele 48.9 20.7 30.4 26,721
Abyi Adi 96.2 2.7 1.1 7,967
Axum 100.0 0.0 0.0 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 47.1 32.6 20.4 16,719
Erob 28.5 66.4 5.1 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 55.2 19.6 25.2 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 52.1 22.6 25.3 24,403

Hawzien 73.8 16.5 9.7 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 70.9 10.1 19.1 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 61.2 22.6 16.3 28,695
Adigrat 99.8 0.0 0.2 22,643
Wukro 99.7 0.0 0.3 14,060
Ofla 25.9 22.7 51.4 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 43.9 17.2 38.9 21,103

Raya Azebo 79.7 8.2 12.1 41,558

Emba Alaje 68.6 8.0 23.4 27,063

Raya Alamata 58.3 23.5 18.2 29,266

Maychew 97.9 2.1 0.0 11,015

Korem 98.1 1.3 0.5 6,246

Alamata Town 92.5 6.9 0.6 14,260

Kafta Humera 81.0 6.2 12.9 32,582

Welkayit 39.3 17.1 43.6 44,040

Tsegede 61.8 11.1 27.1 34,184

Setit Humera 100.0 0.0 0.0 10,098

Seharti Samre 49.6 25.7 24.6 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 71.3 12.1 16.7 40,817

Degua Tembien 44.0 29.9 26.1 32,241

Enderta 54.9 29.3 15.9 24,047

Mekelle 93.8 3.6 2.6 122,134

Marital status

P a g e | 46
Never married 83.8 9.4 6.9 76,996

Married 59.2 18.2 22.6 886,309

Living together 73.6 21.1 5.3 9,907

Divorced 69.3 16.0 14.7 147,439

Separated 74.9 15.0 10.1 156,526

Widowed 57.6 19.3 23.2 26,915


Orthodox 61.4 17.6 21.1 1,258,401

Muslim 81.0 14.5 4.6 40,269

Protestant 96.5 0.0 3.5 1,816

Catholic 51.5 46.4 2.1 3,455

Other 89.1 0.0 10.9 386

Education level
Never attended 52.2 19.8 28.1 620,888

Informal education 53.5 24.0 22.5 140,144

Primary 65.7 17.7 16.6 297,791

Secondary 84.2 9.5 6.3 134,096

More than secondary 90.8 5.9 3.3 111,274

Employment status
Employed 60.1 18.3 21.6 1,004,567

Unemployed 68.4 15.0 16.6 299,525

Wealth index
Poorest 42.7 21.3 36.0 313,746

Poorer 42.9 25.6 31.5 256,706

Middle 55.6 23.5 21.0 267,928

Richer 82.8 11.7 5.6 236,021

Richest 95.8 2.5 1.8 229,925

P a g e | 47
Table 3.2.2: Percentage of households’ main source type of drinking water by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

households’ main source of drinking water

Cart with small tank / drum

Piped into compound

Rain water collection

Piped into dwelling

Unprotected spring
Piped to neighbor

Unprotected well
Hand pump well

Protected spring

Packaged water
Protected well

Surface water
Stand pipe

Demographic Total

characteristics households

Tigray 2.1 23.8 3.2 15.6 29.1 2.1 2.8 2.4 14.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.5 1.0 0.1 1,304,092

Sex of house hold

Male 1.9 19.9 2.6 15.9 30.6 2.2 3.2 2.6 16.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.7 1.1 0.1 904,930

Female 2.5 32.8 4.6 14.8 25.8 1.7 1.9 2.0 10.3 0.2 0.2 0.5 1.9 0.8 0.1 399,397


Urban 5.9 67.7 6.9 5.5 4.9 1.9 0.4 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.3 3.0 0.1 427,272

Rural 0.2 2.5 1.4 20.5 40.9 2.1 4.0 3.1 21.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 3.5 0.0 0.1 877,055


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.2 2.0 1.8 7.3 70.3 1.4 16.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.2 13.6 0.8 2.1 53.3 0.0 1.6 8.1 6.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 13.5 0.2 0.0 38,315

P a g e | 48
Medebay Zana 3.3 8.2 2.8 19.3 36.4 1.0 7.2 3.0 17.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.3 4.6 0.0 3.1 36.9 1.4 18.2 3.3 30.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.6 10.2 3.4 1.9 53.1 12.5 3.3 2.5 12.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 47,464

Tselemti 0.1 2.8 2.2 13.5 10.0 2.7 0.9 3.1 62.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.2 0.7 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 9.4 78.7 9.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.0 25,799

Shiraro 6.2 28.9 12.3 2.1 0.0 3.4 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.9 23.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.8 21.9 2.7 7.8 44.2 0.3 2.8 1.5 12.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 35,244

Ahferom 0.3 15.1 5.0 23.6 44.8 0.4 1.1 0.2 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44,420

Werie Lekhe 0.0 11.1 14.6 26.6 30.7 0.0 0.5 1.6 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 37,190

Adwa 0.0 9.2 2.5 26.8 41.3 0.2 0.9 4.4 8.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.1 0.1 0.3 3.9 79.6 9.0 3.2 1.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.5 9.1 1.9 10.9 41.2 1.5 0.7 12.1 21.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.0 3.2 0.1 66.2 1.1 0.4 1.4 1.3 26.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.2 2.4 0.3 2.2 38.4 0.2 1.0 2.1 40.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 36,767

Adwa Town 2.3 94.1 1.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.2 12.7 3.3 42.0 10.2 0.2 13.3 0.8 14.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 2.1 0.3 0.3 26,721

Abyi Adi 1.9 85.5 7.2 2.2 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7,967

Axum 0.2 89.7 7.8 1.1 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 9.0 18.1 2.0 0.0 49.7 0.2 8.5 0.2 11.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 16,719

Erob 0.5 6.4 0.0 8.5 56.0 6.1 2.1 16.6 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3 1.6 0.0 0.0 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 2.1 14.6 1.9 6.8 44.4 0.2 2.0 5.0 19.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 0.1 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 2.2 10.8 2.9 20.2 37.0 0.9 9.4 0.8 12.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 24,403

P a g e | 49
Hawzien 0.0 9.5 0.0 14.6 64.8 0.2 2.2 0.6 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.6 0.0 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 0.4 24.4 4.3 6.9 44.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 17.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.9 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 11.0 9.5 0.7 10.5 46.4 0.0 0.4 5.7 15.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 28,695

Adigrat 0.0 91.5 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22,643

Wukro 1.9 95.6 1.4 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 14,060

Ofla 0.0 0.6 0.0 13.7 29.4 0.2 1.1 4.8 47.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.4 0.4 0.0 24.1 32.6 0.2 1.5 3.3 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 0.0 21,103

Raya Azebo 3.2 23.3 3.3 49.5 7.7 0.4 5.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 6.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 41,558

Emba Alaje 0.4 8.7 0.1 31.9 34.5 0.5 0.0 0.7 23.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.0 11.0 4.3 38.2 17.7 0.2 0.0 10.4 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.0 29,266

Maychew 1.6 91.2 3.6 0.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11,015

Korem 0.5 71.4 3.8 10.7 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,246

Alamata Town 5.4 78.8 9.4 5.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.8 18.2 12.1 24.2 22.1 9.4 5.7 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.5 1.5 0.2 0.5 0.0 32,582

Welkayit 0.0 1.6 5.9 13.5 24.1 10.6 8.2 0.9 35.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44,040

Tsegede 1.2 10.1 8.1 13.9 32.5 2.3 0.9 4.7 12.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.1 0.2 0.0 34,184

Setit Humera 18.9 76.8 3.9 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.0 10.9 1.6 43.3 12.2 5.4 2.5 1.7 22.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.5 13.5 0.5 17.1 50.8 0.2 1.2 0.8 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.2 7.1 0.3 17.0 36.8 4.6 3.5 1.3 19.9 6.6 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 32,241

Enderta 0.0 10.4 1.3 32.1 39.5 0.0 0.4 0.6 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 24,047

Mekelle 8.1 65.5 1.2 2.2 5.8 1.8 0.3 2.7 0.6 0.0 1.1 0.4 0.0 10.0 0.2 122,134

P a g e | 50
Marital status

Never married 2.5 56.3 4.8 10.9 13.3 2.9 1.5 0.6 3.5 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.9 2.0 0.3 76,996

Married 2.0 20.5 2.6 15.6 30.5 2.2 3.1 2.6 16.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.7 1.1 0.1 886,309

Cohabited 7.2 37.1 4.6 7.3 26.1 1.4 0.3 5.5 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 5.7 0.0 9,907

Divorced 2.7 27.2 5.7 17.6 27.5 1.7 1.7 2.1 10.0 0.1 0.2 0.9 2.0 0.7 0.1 147,439

Widowed 1.4 18.8 3.1 16.8 32.3 1.2 3.1 2.6 17.0 0.4 0.1 0.3 2.5 0.4 0.1 156,526

Separated 1.8 47.0 4.9 12.5 21.0 1.4 0.9 1.2 6.1 0.0 0.1 0.8 2.3 0.2 0.0 26,915



Orthodox 2.0 23.2 3.1 15.4 29.5 2.1 2.8 2.5 15.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.5 1.0 0.1 1,258,401

Muslim 3.8 43.1 6.5 22.3 15.6 1.8 2.8 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 1.5 0.0 40,269

Protestant 23.3 50.3 3.3 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.9 0.0 1,816

Catholic 6.1 21.7 2.7 2.8 56.5 2.8 0.0 4.7 1.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 3,455

Other 0.0 72.8 0.0 16.3 0.0 0.0 10.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 386

Education level

Never_attended 0.7 9.5 2.6 18.9 35.3 1.9 3.6 2.7 20.2 0.3 0.1 0.5 3.6 0.0 0.1 620,888

Informal_education 0.8 15.8 2.8 17.0 34.6 3.1 3.4 3.4 17.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 1.8 0.0 0.0 140,144

Primary 2.3 28.2 4.0 15.0 28.5 2.4 2.5 2.2 11.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.1 0.8 0.0 297,791

Secondary 4.8 57.2 5.3 8.5 13.0 1.8 0.7 1.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.5 1.7 0.1 134,096

More than 7.6 62.2 2.6 5.4 8.8 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.5 7.7 0.4 111,274
Employment status

Employed 1.9 21.9 2.6 16.1 30.1 2.3 3.0 2.2 15.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.5 1.1 0.1 1,004,567

P a g e | 51
Unemployed 2.6 30.3 5.1 14.1 26.0 1.4 2.2 3.0 11.5 0.3 0.2 0.4 2.3 0.6 0.1 299,525

Wealth index

Poorest 0.0 0.3 0.6 16.8 40.4 2.4 3.7 3.0 28.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 313,746

Poorer 0.2 0.9 0.8 22.1 39.7 1.5 5.1 3.0 22.6 0.2 0.0 0.1 3.7 0.0 0.1 256,706

Middle 0.6 8.3 4.1 20.8 39.3 2.5 3.4 3.3 14.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 2.8 0.0 0.1 267,928

Richer 2.8 47.8 9.0 13.0 17.2 2.3 1.0 1.9 2.2 0.0 0.3 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.1 236,021

Richest 8.0 75.1 2.4 3.3 2.2 1.4 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.5 0.1 5.4 0.2 229,925

P a g e | 52
Table 3.2.3: Percentage of household’s location of main source of drinking water by woreda and
residence in Tigray, 2020

Back ground In own dwelling In own compound out of compound Total


Tigray 2.0 24.6 73.4 1304142


Urban 5.8 69.3 24.9 427,088

Rural 0.1 2.8 97.1 877,055


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.2 2.0 97.9 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.0 13.8 86.2 38,315

Medebay Zana 2.9 8.7 88.4 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.4 6.3 93.3 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.7 10.9 88.4 47,464

Tselemti 0.3 2.9 96.8 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 8.5 81.0 10.5 25,799

Shiraro 5.8 28.2 66.0 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 1.1 22.7 76.2 35,244

Ahferom 0.3 15.4 84.3 44,420

Werie Lekhe 0.0 10.9 89.1 37,190

Adwa 0.0 11.1 88.9 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.0 1.2 98.8 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.4 9.8 89.8 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.0 2.9 97.1 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.0 2.5 97.5 36,767

Adwa Town 2.3 94.5 3.2 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.2 13.0 86.9 26,721

Abyi Adi 2.9 86.4 10.6 7,967

P a g e | 53
Axum 0.0 91.3 8.7 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 9.0 18.1 73.0 16,719

Erob 0.2 6.8 93.0 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.4 17.2 82.4 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 1.4 12.0 86.6 24,403

Hawzien 0.2 9.7 90.1 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 0.4 24.8 74.8 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 11.3 9.2 79.5 28,695

Adigrat 0.0 92.1 7.9 22,589

Wukro 1.9 96.7 1.4 14,060

Ofla 0.0 0.8 99.2 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.0 0.0 100.0 21,103

Raya Azebo 3.4 23.0 73.6 41,427

Emba Alaje 0.2 8.2 91.6 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.1 13.9 86.0 29,266

Maychew 1.6 91.9 6.4 11,015

Korem 0.8 72.8 26.4 6,246

Alamata Town 5.2 79.4 15.4 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.8 18.2 81.0 32,582

Welkayit 0.0 3.1 96.9 44,040

Tsegede 1.2 10.4 88.4 34,184

Setit Humera 19.3 76.6 4.1 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.0 11.5 88.5 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.3 14.6 85.2 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.2 7.7 92.1 32,241

Enderta 0.2 10.7 89.1 24,047

Mekelle 7.9 67.6 24.5 122,134

P a g e | 54
Table 3.2.4: Percentage of average time taken to get water, number of trips and responsible person
to fetch water by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Average time taken in

minute to go , get
water, and come back
Average No of Most of the time responsible
including waiting time
trips to fetch Person to fetch water
water per Total
Demographic Dry week in dray Female <15 Male Female ≥15 Male
characteristics season Wet season season year <15 year year ≥15 year

Tigray 46 40 14.4 9.6 3.5 73.8 13.1 950,083


Male 46.4 40.2 13.8 3.7 9.9 13.8 72.7 697,539

Female 44.2 38.7 15.7 3.1 8.8 11.4 76.8 252,544


Urban 30.8 29.9 22.9 5.3 1.9 69.9 22.9 105,011

Rural 47.7 41 10.2 10.1 3.7 74.3 11.9 845,072


Tahtay Adiyabo 70.4 61.7 9.8 15.1 7.9 57.5 19.4 24,677

Laelay Adiyabo 60.6 49.2 10.6 21.4 5.1 64.9 8.6 33,041

Medebay Zana 19.1 18.6 13.3 6.2 2.2 79.6 12.1 31,239

Tahtay Qoraro 57.3 56.2 11.1 5.4 4.3 75.9 14.5 16,554

Asgede Tsimbila 48.8 49.5 10.3 9.1 3.2 79.8 7.9 41,856

Tselemti 83.3 38.3 12.3 11.5 1.3 76.2 11 38,622

P a g e | 55
Shire Enda Silassie 11.3 12.6 26 3.1 0 80.5 16.4 2,718

Shiraro 7.6 6.4 12.1 6.7 3.4 70.5 19.4 3,424

Mereb Lekhe 40.2 42.8 14.7 13.8 3.8 70.2 12.3 26,778

Ahferom 141.8 117.2 14.8 7.4 3.8 74.9 13.9 36,549

Werie Lekhe 28.4 29.7 11.2 6.7 1.3 80.5 11.5 33,153

Adwa 40.1 41.9 9.2 8.6 4.8 64.3 22.3 18,226

Laelay Maychew 30.5 33.8 10.6 8.5 5.8 68.6 17.1 17,436

Tahtay Maychew 34 35.8 12.6 5.4 1.9 80 12.6 22,331

Naeder Adiet 60 57.8 9.4 5.7 1.9 74.3 18.1 26,357

Kola Tembien 42.3 39.6 7.3 4.6 0.6 85.6 9.1 35,863

Adwa Town 6.7 6.5 27.6 7.3 7.3 57.7 27.8 558

Tanqua Abergele 63.8 52 12.6 13.7 6.4 68.4 11.6 23,212

Abyi Adi 22.8 26.5 25.8 7.6 2.6 80.9 8.8 847

Axum 8.3 8 26.1 4.2 0 82 13.8 1,283

Gulo Mekheda 49.1 48.6 15 12.4 5.8 69.9 11.9 12,156

Erob 78.4 59.2 13.7 3.2 0.4 82 14.4 5,611

Saesi Tsada emba 34.4 35.1 14.7 12.5 8.7 60.4 18.4 28,917

Ganta Afeshum 56.8 43.1 11 7.5 3.6 66.1 22.8 20,812

Hawzien 31.2 30.1 13.3 7.7 5.7 67.7 18.9 23,470

Kilte Awlaelo 31.5 26.5 13.7 12.5 8.8 64.4 14.3 17,348

Atsbi Wemberta 33.6 33.6 13.6 17.3 8 64.3 10.5 22,821

Adigrat 9.2 9.2 26.5 3.3 4.9 80 11.9 1,777

Wukro 8 8.8 27.7 0 0 65.3 34.7 190

Ofla 42.4 42.2 10.7 3.9 0.6 87.6 7.9 35,840

P a g e | 56
Enda Mekhoni 40 39.6 9.9 2 0.3 93.6 4.1 21,103

Raya Azebo 24.3 25.7 14.4 8.6 1.1 78.5 11.8 29,897

Emba Alaje 21.4 23.6 9.8 9.3 1.8 78.6 10.2 24,494

Raya Alamata 38.6 40.8 9.8 9.6 0.6 82.6 7.1 25,170

Maychew 24.7 26.2 27.3 13.9 0 76.9 9.3 710

Korem 15.7 16.6 23.6 4.9 0 85.2 9.9 1,647

Alamata Town 46.8 47.3 26.1 1.9 1.9 88.3 7.9 2,118

Kafta Humera 20.3 20.2 10.9 5.4 5.3 61.4 27.9 26,348

Welkayit 37.2 29.2 11.7 15.6 3 73 8.4 41,919

Tsegede 28.8 23.3 14.7 11.6 3.8 79.8 4.8 29,951

Setit Humera 7.4 6.3 27.1 10.8 0 83.8 5.4 369

Seharti Samre 34.5 35.6 12.1 6.1 2.9 81.8 9.3 27,752

Hintalo Wejjerat 28.1 28.2 9.5 11.1 2.5 72.7 13.7 34,754

Degua Tembien 61.6 36.7 10.2 9.1 4.4 74 12.5 29,594

Enderta 76.9 42 11.1 21.2 8.2 60.3 10.3 21,364

Mekelle 24.6 21.8 22.3 3.2 1.7 62 33.1 29,225

Education level

Never attended 42.9 37.9 11.4 10.7 3.7 72.8 12.9 551,929

Informal education 53.2 46.3 13.2 8.4 4.4 73.6 13.6 114,949

Primary 51.6 42.4 15.6 9.3 3.6 76.5 10.6 203,202

Secondary 44.6 39.6 20.8 4.8 1.7 80.2 13.3 49,191

Above secondary 34.5 32.4 21.7 3.8 0.4 63.1 32.7 30,679

Employment status

Employed 47.6 40.5 14.1 3.6 9.9 12.7 73.8 752,709

P a g e | 57
Unemployed 39.2 36.8 15.3 3.2 8.4 14.8 73.7 197,197

Wealth quintile

Poorest 45 40.5 9.7 9.9 3.7 74.3 12.1 310,738

Poorer 49.6 42.4 10.1 10.3 3.4 74.6 11.7 251,310

Middle 45.3 38.6 11.5 10.7 4.4 73.1 11.8 241,276

Richer 44 37.5 18.7 6.3 2.4 74.2 17.1 111,430

Richest 35.7 29.2 24.4 3.8 0.2 66.6 29.4 35,330

P a g e | 58
Table 3.2.5: Percentage of households’ uses domestic water for any productive or commercial purposes by socio demography
characteristics in Tigray, 2020
Back ground Use of domestic Purpose of domestic water for any productive or commercial purposes Total
characterstics warter for households
commercial Irrigation vehicle Animal Sale of water for production Other
pupose of garden washing rearing to the public of cement
Tigray 6.9 17.0 0.6 69.1 5.0 2.4 11.1 1,304,092
Male 7.3 17.0 0.7 76.4 4.2 2.0 4.9 904,930
Female 5.8 16.9 0.2 48.5 7.1 3.3 28.6 399,397
Urban 6.1 16.9 1.6 37.7 13.4 7.2 28.8 427,272
Rural 7.2 17.0 0.1 82.1 1.5 0.4 3.8 877,055
Tahtay Adiyabo 1.4 0.0 0.0 73.3 5.7 0.0 27.7 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 36.1 25.8 0.0 71.5 1.2 0.0 1.4 38,315
Medebay Zana 4.9 12.1 0.0 88.6 4.0 0.0 4.0 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.3 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.7 0.0 13.6 39.9 45.8 0.0 27.9 47,464
Tselemti 10.4 0.0 0.0 91.7 5.8 1.3 1.1 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 1.7 11.1 0.0 22.1 28.2 0.0 38.6 25,799
Shiraro 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 12.2 13.7 2.0 62.4 1.6 2.0 22.3 35,244
Ahferom 1.5 8.9 0.0 25.5 27.4 0.0 38.3 44,420
Werie Lekhe 0.1 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37,190

P a g e | 59
Back ground Use of domestic Purpose of domestic water for any productive or commercial purposes Total
characterstics warter for households
commercial Irrigation vehicle Animal Sale of water for production Other
pupose of garden washing rearing to the public of cement
Adwa 0.4 65.4 0.0 34.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 2.3 70.6 0.0 8.6 4.9 0.0 15.9 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.3 0.0 30.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.1 27,152
Kola Tembien 17.2 26.2 0.0 93.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 36,767
Adwa Town 2.3 37.3 0.0 17.2 36.9 8.6 0.0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 45.2 2.9 0.0 98.8 1.1 0.6 0.0 26,721
Abyi Adi 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 7,967
Axum 9.0 26.5 4.0 23.6 8.5 20.7 30.3 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 7.8 12.8 0.0 72.0 0.0 3.2 21.6 16,719
Erob 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 23.4 9.3 0.0 81.5 0.0 1.2 16.7 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 3.7 35.6 0.0 68.0 0.0 5.7 7.2 24,403
Hawzien 10.2 2.0 1.9 84.6 0.0 2.0 11.4 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 17.4 14.6 0.0 63.1 2.5 1.1 20.0 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 2.9 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28,695
Adigrat 4.4 0.0 3.1 35.1 11.5 22.3 28.0 22,643
Wukro 6.2 0.0 0.0 47.5 3.8 14.1 34.6 14,060
Ofla 4.8 4.6 4.6 90.5 0.0 0.0 10.4 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 2.4 17.0 0.0 61.1 0.0 0.0 21.9 21,103

P a g e | 60
Back ground Use of domestic Purpose of domestic water for any productive or commercial purposes Total
characterstics warter for households
commercial Irrigation vehicle Animal Sale of water for production Other
pupose of garden washing rearing to the public of cement
Raya Azebo 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.3 0.0 13.7 41,558
Emba Alaje 0.4 0.0 0.0 50.6 49.4 0.0 0.0 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.4 0.0 0.0 37.7 0.0 0.0 62.3 29,266
Maychew 16.5 34.7 1.8 69.9 0.0 0.0 5.6 11,015
Korem 8.1 11.3 0.0 54.7 0.0 3.7 30.3 6,246
Alamata Town 14.3 26.8 3.4 51.2 7.8 1.7 16.3 14,260
Kafta Humera 6.9 44.8 0.0 0.0 39.2 0.0 18.1 32,582
Welkayit 2.6 64.6 0.0 19.4 9.0 0.0 7.0 44,040
Tsegede 7.9 4.9 0.0 74.2 16.1 0.0 4.7 34,184
Setit Humera 12.0 19.1 2.1 30.6 26.7 0.0 26.9 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.5 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40,817
Degua Tembien 3.4 32.0 0.0 87.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,241
Enderta 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 24,047
Mekelle 5.3 16.3 0.0 44.1 2.4 13.7 28.1 122,134

P a g e | 61
Table 3.2.6: Percentage availability of water from main source by woreda in Tigray, 2020

At least 16 Daily less than Two - four Five - six days a Less frequent than
Back ground characterstics Total households
hours a day 16 hours days a week week once a week

Tigray 46.8 28.1 9.6 7.3 8.3 1,304,009

Type of water source

Piped into dwelling 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 27,112

Piped into compound 7.9 2.9 4.4 4.4 4.2 310,818

Piped to neighbor 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 41,689

Public tap / standpipe 5.9 6.3 1.8 0.8 0.9 203,308

Hand pump well 11.1 15.1 1.3 0.5 1.1 379,739

Protected well 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 26,808

Unprotected well 2.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 36,203

Protected spring 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 31,314

Unprotected spring 12.1 1.4 0.7 0.0 0.3 189,703

Rainwater collection 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,704

Tanker-truck 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 2,932

Cart with small tank 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 5,181

Surface water 2.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 32,213

Packaged water 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.4 13,276

Other, 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,008


P a g e | 62
Urban 34.2 14.0 16.1 18.5 17.2 427,067

Rural 52.9 35.0 6.4 1.8 3.9 876,942


Tahtay Adiyabo 41.8 46.1 2.6 8.9 0.6 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 53.9 32.9 0.1 9.4 3.7 38,315

Medebay Zana 65.4 30 3.2 0.7 0.7 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 75.2 12.8 11.4 0.4 0.2 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 32.3 34.4 7.3 1.4 24.7 47,464

Tselemti 80.6 15.7 0.9 2.5 0.2 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 44.9 0.1 5.2 20.7 29.1 25,799

Shiraro 1.8 3.1 27.5 4.6 63 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 38.6 23.2 29.7 7.6 0.9 35,244

Ahferom 15.9 49.9 15.3 10.6 8.3 44,420

Werie Lekhe 29.2 59.4 2.3 6.2 3 37,190

Adwa 54.2 31.2 14.5 0.1 0 22,407

Laelay Maychew 39.7 60.2 0 0 0.1 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 37.4 41 1.1 2.8 17.7 24,867

Naeder Adiet 66.4 32.4 0.3 1 0 27,152

Kola Tembien 84.2 14.3 1.2 0.3 0.1 36,767

Adwa Town 2.2 1.2 50.2 41.5 4.9 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 50.3 20.6 0.7 1.3 27.1 26,721

Abyi Adi 18.8 21.2 7.9 44.6 7.5 7,967

Axum 15 10.6 34.3 22.3 17.8 14,707

P a g e | 63
Gulo Mekheda 45.9 36.4 0.4 16.9 0.4 16,719

Erob 78 15.4 4.8 1.8 0 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 45.9 40.6 5.6 2.6 5.3 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 64.2 4.5 7.5 13.6 10.1 24,403

Hawzien 44.6 33.1 11.8 4.1 6.4 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 42.9 19.8 35.3 1.4 0.6 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 24.5 54.5 18.3 2.1 0.6 28,695

Adigrat 82.2 3 2.7 3.3 8.9 22,643

Wukro 17.7 1 38.4 34.6 8.4 14,060

Ofla 82.2 16.7 0.6 0.5 0 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 47.3 51.4 1.3 0 0 21,103

Raya Azebo 15.8 53.5 19.6 8 3.1 41,558

Emba Alaje 56.4 41.1 1.9 0.3 0.3 27,063

Raya Alamata 40.4 17.8 24.8 7.5 9.5 29,266

Maychew 63.3 14.9 13.2 8.4 0.2 11,015

Korem 42.4 20.9 6.3 6.5 23.9 6,246

Alamata Town 58.6 24.1 12 4.5 0.8 14,260

Kafta Humera 30.9 37.2 21.4 3.2 7.3 32,582

Welkayit 77.3 22.2 0.2 0.3 0 44,040

Tsegede 74.1 14.3 11.7 0 0 34,184

Setit Humera 66.4 14.2 13.4 3.2 2.8 10,098

Seharti Samre 52.7 28.9 5.7 12.5 0.2 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 39.8 29.3 7.2 6 17.7 40,817

P a g e | 64
Degua Tembien 30.2 57.6 0.2 0.2 11.9 32,241

Enderta 42.1 53.9 0.6 2.5 1 24,047

Mekelle 34.7 6.6 11.2 20.6 27 122,134

Table 3.2.7: Percentage of households experience interruptions in water supply from the main source one month prior to the interview
day by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Interruption of water Average Reasons for water interruptions

Back ground supply from the No of days Total
characterstics Service Water unavailable Pump or pipe Dry due to Don’t households
main source during water
disruption from source broken seasonality Scarcity know Other
the last one month interruption

Tigray 26.9 11 19.4 4.3 25.8 0.9 17.1 31.9 0.6 1,304,092
Urban 54.0 10 16.0 4.1 12.6 0.3 22.3 43.9 0.9 427,272
Rural 13.6 14 26.1 4.7 51.3 2.2 7.0 8.6 0.2 877,055
Sex of house hold
Male 24.2 12 20.3 4.4 29.4 1.1 16.7 27.5 0.6 904,930
Female 32.9 11 17.9 4.0 19.9 0.6 17.7 39.1 0.8 399,397
Tahtay Adiyabo 42.5 17 22.4 0.2 75.1 0.0 0.4 1.9 0.0 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 25.8 13 24.7 1.3 38.0 0.0 0.0 34.6 1.4 38,315
Medebay Zana 11.8 17 19.4 1.9 46.7 3.1 14.5 14.4 0.0 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 5.4 8 41.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 4.4 48.9 0.0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 14.0 12 2.3 6.1 68.2 0.0 19.8 3.7 0.0 47,464

P a g e | 65
Tselemti 5.8 6 2.4 0.0 6.1 0.0 85.8 5.8 0.0 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 85.6 11 27.3 0.9 0.9 0.0 6.1 64.1 0.7 25,799
Shiraro 41.8 19 0.5 11.6 69.6 0.6 6.1 11.7 0.0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 21.0 9 5.4 2.5 43.9 0.0 6.6 40.7 1.0 35,244
Ahferom 21.0 15 2.1 9.7 31.3 0.9 20.5 35.5 0.0 44,420
Werie Lekhe 7.3 10 75.8 8.6 6.0 0.0 7.7 2.0 0.0 37,190
Adwa 4.5 8 14.6 50.5 33.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 6.5 13 87.9 3.9 6.6 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 9.7 9 3.5 33.0 20.1 2.2 24.7 16.6 0.0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 1.1 19 0.0 43.4 56.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27,152
Kola Tembien 2.6 10 57.0 22.8 17.7 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 36,767
Adwa Town 9.6 13 6.2 0.0 86.2 0.0 0.0 7.7 0.0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 38.5 17 13.3 7.9 69.9 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.4 26,721
Abyi Adi 4.8 25 5.6 22.3 11.1 0.0 33.4 27.6 0.0 7,967
Axum 50.4 4 21.8 7.9 1.8 4.1 59.0 5.4 0.0 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 13.2 13 21.9 0.0 49.5 0.0 0.0 28.6 0.0 16,719
Erob 10.1 12 70.3 12.7 11.9 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 18.6 9 4.7 14.0 48.8 4.8 2.2 25.5 0.0 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 22.1 6 7.3 25.3 9.4 1.8 37.6 18.6 0.0 24,403
Hawzien 21.7 13 7.9 1.8 29.4 0.8 55.7 4.4 0.0 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 28.0 6 35.7 20.9 15.4 21.9 2.0 4.2 0.0 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 16.5 9 2.8 49.5 45.4 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 28,695
Adigrat 85.8 16 1.2 1.8 0.7 0.5 17.4 78.4 0.0 22,643
Wukro 82.6 13 1.4 0.0 10.1 0.0 38.2 50.3 0.0 14,060
Ofla 7.1 6 7.0 0.0 89.9 2.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 36,177

P a g e | 66
Enda Mekhoni 8.1 14 0.0 15.2 6.6 0.0 29.1 46.5 2.7 21,103
Raya Azebo 25.3 4 64.4 0.0 4.5 0.0 0.0 31.0 0.0 41,558
Emba Alaje 6.3 19 22.2 2.2 72.3 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 27,063
Raya Alamata 30.6 8 66.7 0.7 27.2 0.0 0.7 4.7 0.0 29,266
Maychew 40.6 2 15.8 1.5 49.5 0.6 1.8 30.9 0.0 11,015
Korem 44.9 11 0.6 1.2 32.6 0.6 0.0 64.4 0.7 6,246
Alamata Town 48.5 10 32.4 0.9 4.0 1.0 4.1 55.5 2.2 14,260
Kafta Humera 34.5 12 18.4 3.4 56.9 0.9 5.2 13.6 1.6 32,582
Welkayit 26.2 26 40.8 0.0 56.9 1.2 0.0 1.1 0.0 44,040
Tsegede 21.5 5 52.5 3.2 30.8 0.0 3.3 10.2 0.0 34,184
Setit Humera 74.1 14 0.4 0.0 12.7 0.0 0.0 71.6 15.3 10,098
Seharti Samre 7.0 24 8.3 31.0 58.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 15.5 5 18.9 3.2 33.5 2.2 24.6 17.6 0.0 40,817
Degua Tembien 20.6 27 1.2 4.8 55.8 1.9 19.9 16.4 0.0 32,241
Enderta 35.1 10 93.6 3.3 1.3 0.0 1.2 0.6 0.0 24,047
Mekelle 67.8 9 8.6 0.2 11.5 0.0 34.5 44.9 0.4 122,134
Education level
Never_attended 17.2 12 24.7 5.4 36.0 1.4 10.4 21.5 0.6 620,888
Informal_education 18.9 13 16.8 4.5 37.6 1.0 15.8 23.8 0.5 140,144
Primary 31.8 12 20.7 4.1 24.0 1.1 15.0 34.4 0.8 297,791
Secondary 47.7 10 16.4 4.2 14.2 0.6 21.5 42.7 0.4 134,096
More than secondary 52.8 10 12.5 2.4 17.5 0.3 28.2 38.5 0.8 111,274
Employment status
Employed 25.7 12 20.0 3.7 28.7 0.8 16.7 29.6 0.6 1,004,567
Unemployed 30.7 10 17.9 6.0 17.8 1.2 18.0 38.3 0.9 299,525

P a g e | 67
Orthodox 26.4 11 19.2 4.3 26.0 1.0 17.2 31.8 0.6 1,258,401
Muslim 39.3 8 23.8 3.9 24.6 0.0 14.7 30.9 2.1 40,269
Protestant 39.6 9 25.1 7.0 9.5 0.0 7.0 51.5 0.0 1,816
Catholic 24.6 15 20.8 5.9 4.3 0.0 9.2 59.8 0.0 3,455
Other 67.0 3 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 386
Marital status
Never married 44.4 11 16.4 2.2 12.9 0.0 21.6 46.5 0.4 76,996
Married 25.0 12 19.8 4.7 29.4 1.1 17.1 27.4 0.5 886,309
Cohabited 50.1 14 8.0 1.4 16.2 0.0 18.0 55.5 0.9 9,907
Divorced 31.4 10 22.8 4.3 22.0 1.0 14.7 34.3 0.9 147,439
Widowed 21.3 11 18.0 4.3 25.4 0.9 14.7 35.4 1.3 156,526
Separated 37.0 10 17.0 3.4 14.7 0.6 18.8 44.9 0.5 26,915
Wealth index
Poorest 7.8 16 17.4 5.3 54.8 4.8 10.4 7.4 0.0 313,746
Poorer 12.4 17 18.5 4.6 60.6 2.0 7.1 7.0 0.4 256,706
Middle 19.2 12 29.2 6.0 40.8 1.5 8.1 14.1 0.3 267,928
Richer 42.0 10 26.1 4.8 19.2 0.3 14.8 33.8 0.9 236,021
Richest 62.4 10 11.8 3.0 12.3 0.3 25.2 46.6 0.7 229,925

P a g e | 68
Table 3.2.8: Time taken to repaired and organizations that repaired water point by woreda in Tigray, 2020

Time taken to repaired the interrupted water Organization that repaired broken water point

Private medium and small enterprises

More than a week less than a month

Non-governmental organization

Woreda Electro-mechanical
Not repaired until now
Within two- three day

More than one month

Within four- six day

Woreda / Town

Regional technician
WASH Committee
Total households

Zonal technicians
Before 24 hours

Don’ t know

Don’ t know
One week


Tigray 9.6 12.3 4.5 12.1 20.5 6.8 30.9 3.3 88,863 9.6 12.3 4.5 12.1 20.5 6.8 30.9 3.3 61,367
Tahtay Adiyabo 0 0.6 0 3.4 60.3 6.2 29.5 0 8,049 1.7 0 7.9 61.3 2.4 6.3 20.3 0 5,676
Laelay Adiyabo 32.5 4.3 0 23.1 2.1 8.8 28.6 0.6 3,760 0 0.9 4.9 94.2 0 0 0 0 2,686
Medebay Zana 27.7 7.6 0 7.6 17.5 30.8 5.9 3 1,950 4.3 0 70.1 7.2 0 0 18.4 0 1,835
Tahtay Qoraro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Asgede Tsimbila 41.4 28.2 2 0 0 1 26 1.3 4,519 0 0 60.8 37.4 0 0 1.8 0 3,343
Tselemti 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 141 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 141
Shire Enda Silassie 0 0 19.5 0 57 0 23.6 0 202 0 0 0 74.1 0 0 25.9 0 154
Shiraro 0.5 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 98.7 1,519 0 0 0 76.4 0 0 23.7 0 1,519
Mereb Lekhe 67.7 21.6 1.9 2.8 0 4.2 1.9 0 3,238 0 0 93 7 0 0 0 0 3,177
Ahferom 3.4 2.2 1.7 4.4 18.7 0 66.2 3.4 2,758 0 0 87.1 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 931

P a g e | 69
Werie Lekhe 0 0 0 0 51.2 0 48.8 0 162 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 83
Adwa 0 16.3 0 35.3 30 0 18.3 0 340 0 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 277
Laelay Maychew 0 0 0 53.8 0 46.2 0 0 75 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 75
Tahtay Maychew 0 0 0 76.6 23.4 0 0 0 484 0 0 93.7 0 0 0 6.3 0 484
Naeder Adiet 0 0 0 16.1 0 83.9 0 0 165 0 0 0 83.9 0 0 16.1 0 165
Kola Tembien 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 24 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 24
Adwa Town 0 0 2.7 33 57.3 6.9 0 0 1,460 0 2.7 0 43.9 5.5 0 47.9 0 1,460
Tanqua Abergele 4.6 16.6 17.9 0 9.9 14.3 34.6 2.1 7,013 0 0 19 52.9 0 0 28.1 0 4,585
Abyi Adi 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 42 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 21
Axum 0 36.8 36.7 0 26.5 0 0 0 108 36.8 26.5 0 36.7 0 0 0 0 108
Gulo Mekheda 8.9 0 0 0 46.3 6.6 35.3 2.9 1,088 0 0 19.4 9 0 0 71.6 0 704
Erob 0 50 0 16.7 16.7 16.7 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 66.7 33.3 0 73
Saesi Tsada emba 0 10.6 0 32.5 20.9 28.3 7.8 0 3,001 0 0 30 63.9 0 0 6.2 0 2,766
Ganta Afeshum 0 89.8 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 510 0 0 61.5 0 0 0 38.5 0 510
Hawzien 0 41.1 24.9 6.2 3.2 0 24.6 0 1,690 0 0 96 4 0 0 0 0 1,273
Kilte Awlaelo 4.7 20.9 34.7 15.2 15.2 4.7 4.7 0 965 0 54.6 5.3 19.7 0 0 20.4 0 920
Atsbi Wemberta 2.1 11.6 0 0 5.4 0 81 0 1,939 0 0 60.8 11 0 0 28.2 0 370
Adigrat 0 22.8 0 0 54.4 0 22.8 0 138 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 106
Wukro 0 8.9 18.5 31.7 40.9 0 0 0 1,146 0 0 0 93.6 0 0 6.4 0 1,146
Ofla 0 12.6 0.6 86.2 0 0 0.6 0 2,292 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 2,278
Enda Mekhoni 0 0 0 0 59.8 0 40.2 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 67
Raya Azebo 0 0 0 0 0 0 85.7 14.3 475 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 68
Emba Alaje 0 4.3 12.8 0 0 0 82.9 0 1,230 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 211
Raya Alamata 2.9 73 10.7 5.4 2.7 0 0 5.4 2,442 0 0 97.3 0 0 0 2.7 0 2,442
Maychew 15.7 74.4 6.9 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2,195 0 0 0 98.4 0 0 1.6 0 2,195

P a g e | 70
Korem 2 1.9 0 1.9 3.8 3.8 86.6 0 840 0 0 0 85.4 0 0 14.6 0 113
Alamata Town 13.7 41 0 0 26.8 18.6 0 0 215 0 0 18.6 81.4 0 0 0 0 215
Kafta Humera 0.8 4.1 1.9 21.4 25.2 3.2 42.7 0.8 6,403 0 0 32.1 62.4 0 0 5.5 0 3,672
Welkayit 0 4.4 0 2.4 0 5.1 88.1 0 6,552 0 0 67.4 12.3 0 0 20.4 0 779
Tsegede 35.6 13.4 0 37.2 3.1 0 7.1 3.6 2,195 0 0 82.2 7.6 0 0 10.2 0 2,040
Setit Humera 0 6.5 7.7 7.7 65.4 2.7 0 10.2 925 0 0 0 91.8 0 0 8.2 0 925
Seharti Samre 0 0 0 0 0 19.1 80.9 0 1,289 0 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 246
Hintalo Wejjerat 30.1 11.3 27 10.4 12 0 9.2 0 2,127 4.2 0 67.1 28.7 0 0 0 0 1,932
Degua Tembien 3.5 5.3 1.8 3.6 1.6 1.8 77.1 5.5 3,713 0 0 45 39.2 8.1 0 7.7 0 850
Enderta 0 0 0 0 0 47.7 52.3 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 54
Mekelle 0 0 0 18.2 60.9 11.3 5.7 4 9,187 0 0 0 49.2 0 0 50.8 0 8,668

P a g e | 71
Table 3.2.9: Percentage of water treatment method by socio demographic characteristics in Tigray,

Background Chemical strain it Water Solar Stand and Total

Boil Other
characteristics treatment through cloth filter disinfection settle households

Tigray 19.7 78.3 6.6 1.8 0.7 12.0 0.2 198,350


Male 19.3 77.0 7.2 2.2 0.7 13.3 0.2 141,573

Female 20.7 81.5 5.0 0.6 0.8 8.8 0.1 56,777

Urban 14.8 86.2 1.9 3.5 0.6 2.3 0.1 67,235
Rural 22.2 74.2 8.9 0.9 0.8 17.0 0.2 131,115
Tahtay Adiyabo 1.3 97.4 1.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,604
Laelay Adiyabo 5.0 90.1 5.0 2.5 0.0 5.0 0.0 3,890
Medebay Zana 36.4 71.2 17.7 1.5 4.5 3.3 0.0 4,636
Tahtay Qoraro 7.2 96.4 0.0 2.5 0.0 1.3 0.0 3,416
Asgede Tsimbila 7.0 94.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,281
Tselemti 14.2 86.5 18.3 0.0 0.0 7.7 0.0 2,793
Shire Enda Silassie 5.6 94.6 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,120
Shiraro 43.6 55.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 421
Mereb Lekhe 20.8 94.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 0.0 17,084
Ahferom 1.3 100.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,635
Werie Lekhe 11.2 73.9 10.6 3.0 4.9 1.6 0.0 6,163
Adwa 6.1 93.9 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 799
Laelay Maychew 36.2 57.4 8.6 4.4 1.1 7.6 0.0 1,817
Tahtay Maychew 50.0 80.7 13.1 1.1 0.5 50.5 0.0 9,111
Naeder Adiet 21.1 94.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 3,233
Kola Tembien 42.7 57.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 253
Adwa Town 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30
Tanqua Abergele 11.5 84.4 1.5 0.0 0.0 7.0 1.4 10,215
Abyi Adi 56.5 27.4 17.2 1.2 0.0 9.7 0.0 879
Axum 64.2 85.5 18.8 8.4 0.0 0.0 3.0 1,320
Gulo Mekheda 13.2 73.6 13.2 13.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 308
Erob 0.0 97.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 2.0 0.0 2,479

P a g e | 72
Saesi Tsada emba 49.5 20.3 27.6 1.2 10.6 44.8 0.0 4,071
Ganta Afeshum 59.4 48.9 50.1 9.2 25.1 42.4 0.0 506
Hawzien 27.5 36.2 5.8 0.0 3.8 46.3 0.0 2,646
Kilte Awlaelo 12.5 87.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.5 0.0 391
Atsbi Wemberta 56.8 33.2 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 1,014
Adigrat 59.9 24.4 0.0 11.9 3.7 3.7 0.0 897
Wukro 37.0 66.7 0.0 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 198
Ofla 3.2 49.8 1.8 1.4 0.0 53.6 0.0 10,918
Enda Mekhoni 70.8 92.2 1.9 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 4,483
Raya Azebo 22.1 79.3 3.5 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 3,679
Emba Alaje 12.9 84.8 4.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,595
Raya Alamata 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122
Maychew 81.3 46.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.7 0.0 352
Korem 22.2 77.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72
Alamata Town 83.4 10.5 0.0 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 289
Kafta Humera 12.8 93.1 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 3,631
Welkayit 22.3 65.5 12.6 0.8 0.0 17.8 0.0 12,351
Tsegede 0.0 98.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,212
Setit Humera 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20
Seharti Samre 8.8 85.5 0.0 5.7 0.5 2.1 0.0 9,848
Hintalo Wejjerat 35.5 17.1 47.9 3.8 0.0 28.1 0.0 12,616
Degua Tembien 22.6 99.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 3,597
Enderta 18.7 82.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,855
Mekelle 14.0 97.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29,503
Marital status
Never married 16.4 82.2 4.1 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 10,001
Married 19.8 77.2 6.9 2.1 0.7 12.7 0.2 142,355
Cohabited 5.5 93.1 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,251
Divorced 21.5 84.4 5.1 1.6 1.1 7.6 0.2 23,317
Widowed 21.5 73.7 8.2 1.0 1.3 20.5 0.0 17,534
Separated 11.9 86.7 2.8 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.0 3,834
Orthodox 19.9 77.9 6.6 1.8 0.7 12.3 0.2 192,640
Muslim 12.2 92.3 5.5 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 4,318
Protestant 70.9 29.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 216

P a g e | 73
Catholic 0.0 98.1 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,175
Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Educational level
Primary 18.6 82.9 6.2 1.2 0.5 9.6 0.2 83,131
Secondary 14.1 84.4 2.8 3.8 0.0 5.1 0.0 23,731
Above secondary 13.3 86.6 1.4 3.6 0.0 1.7 0.0 46,859
Informal education 32.5 71.1 8.8 1.2 0.7 22.1 0.2 22,435
Never_attended 19.9 73.8 8.5 1.2 1.2 15.0 0.3 22,194
Employment status
Employed 18.9 78.3 6.6 2.0 0.5 12.0 0.2 161,617
Unemployed 23.1 78.3 6.2 0.6 1.5 11.7 0.1 36,675
Wealth status
Poorest 24.3 73.3 8.2 0.9 0.9 14.8 0.3 42,431
Poorer 23.5 67.4 12.8 1.1 0.8 22.9 0.1 39,691
Middle 20.1 78.4 7.4 0.9 1.0 14.6 0.1 42,927
Richer 17.2 89.5 1.5 0.6 0.3 3.7 0.0 35,402
Richest 12.5 84.6 1.9 5.7 0.5 2.1 0.2 37,898

P a g e | 74
Table 3.2.10: Percentage cleanness of households’ utensil used for drinking water in Tigray, 2020

Status of material’s house hold member used to take water Status of utensil’s household members used for drinking water

Demographic Has no visible visible Total
No visible dirtiness Visible dirtiness
characteristics dirtiness in dirtiness Is off Is on the Refused Other Refused to households
Other in inner or outer in inner or outer
inner or outer in inner the floor floor to show observation show
surface surface
surface or outer

Tigray 66.2 24.1 18.8 37.6 0.1 0.1 71.9 28.3 0.1 0.7 1,303,860
Urban 81.2 14.0 25.3 24.2 0.1 0.2 86.8 13.2 0.1 0.5 427,014
Rural 58.9 29.1 15.6 44.1 0.1 0.1 64.6 35.7 0.1 0.8 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 62.5 36.8 9.5 41.5 0.0 0.0 70.6 29.0 0.0 0.5 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 81.5 16.4 11.6 31.4 0.0 0.0 80.0 20.2 0.0 0.0 38,315
Medebay Zana 78.1 19.0 17.8 31.6 0.0 0.2 78.5 20.3 0.0 3.7 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 33.9 55.9 11.0 23.9 0.0 0.0 42.6 63.8 0.0 0.5 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 53.3 12.7 30.2 56.6 0.0 0.0 79.1 20.3 0.0 1.2 47,368
Tselemti 65.1 17.3 17.7 74.6 0.0 0.3 70.4 29.7 0.0 0.4 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 85.9 5.1 10.5 25.1 0.0 0.0 89.0 8.9 0.0 2.1 25,764
Shiraro 90.9 11.4 3.3 1.3 0.4 0.0 94.2 7.7 0.0 0.4 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 28.5 66.2 15.6 44.2 0.0 0.0 32.0 68.5 0.2 0.4 35,244
Ahferom 64.1 26.0 50.4 23.0 0.0 0.0 71.2 28.8 0.0 0.1 44,420

P a g e | 75
Werie Lekhe 40.5 11.7 16.6 43.7 0.2 1.1 53.3 46.2 0.6 1.1 37,190
Adwa 85.8 14.9 36.9 5.2 0.0 0.3 85.5 15.4 0.0 0.0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 72.0 24.5 31.4 7.9 0.3 0.6 74.2 24.9 0.2 2.0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 76.2 12.9 32.7 4.6 0.0 0.0 86.5 14.4 0.0 0.0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 78.0 15.2 6.7 19.0 0.4 0.0 84.0 20.3 0.0 2.6 27,152
Kola Tembien 35.4 62.4 17.2 35.1 0.0 0.0 35.2 64.2 0.0 0.9 36,767
Adwa Town 78.5 21.4 39.0 32.2 0.0 0.2 92.4 7.9 0.0 0.3 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 63.0 31.0 11.7 29.6 0.6 0.3 65.9 32.8 0.3 1.0 26,721
Abyi Adi 73.3 12.2 25.3 13.3 0.1 0.0 88.6 14.0 0.0 0.4 7,967
Axum 71.7 19.3 12.1 31.7 0.2 0.0 78.1 21.8 0.0 0.4 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 46.8 53.3 5.5 48.2 0.2 0.0 49.2 52.9 0.0 0.4 16,719
Erob 84.1 15.9 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.3 85.7 13.6 0.0 1.1 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 78.2 20.4 13.5 18.2 0.0 0.0 83.0 16.9 0.0 0.1 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 56.3 47.5 46.0 25.1 0.0 0.0 53.7 49.4 0.0 0.0 24,403
Hawzien 67.7 11.6 23.0 34.2 0.2 0.0 70.8 29.6 0.2 0.2 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 59.9 24.1 11.9 28.4 0.0 0.0 70.4 30.1 0.0 0.0 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 59.2 14.7 13.7 60.3 0.0 0.2 64.7 35.1 0.0 0.2 28,695
Adigrat 93.9 6.6 22.2 27.6 0.0 0.2 94.3 6.0 0.0 0.0 22,589
Wukro 92.2 7.8 53.7 43.1 0.0 0.0 97.2 2.3 0.0 0.5 14,060
Ofla 20.0 59.0 2.3 67.3 0.0 0.0 26.4 73.0 0.0 0.8 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 42.7 56.5 5.0 61.2 0.0 0.2 42.0 58.7 0.2 0.0 21,103
Raya Azebo 78.3 10.9 10.8 52.8 0.0 0.0 84.0 16.8 0.0 1.7 41,388
Emba Alaje 66.6 10.7 1.2 25.0 0.0 0.2 85.1 12.9 0.0 2.2 27,063
Raya Alamata 53.2 40.0 1.5 79.6 0.2 0.0 55.1 44.7 0.0 0.2 29,266

P a g e | 76
Maychew 92.1 7.8 34.4 28.2 0.0 0.0 95.8 4.8 0.3 0.0 11,015
Korem 41.0 56.4 7.7 52.5 0.0 0.5 64.1 38.3 0.0 0.0 6,246
Alamata Town 92.1 9.0 29.0 56.0 0.0 0.0 93.4 7.1 0.0 0.0 14,260
Kafta Humera 85.2 16.4 36.3 67.7 0.0 0.0 89.1 15.2 0.4 0.1 32,582
Welkayit 52.5 46.5 15.9 79.2 0.0 0.0 49.4 51.6 0.0 0.2 44,040
Tsegede 55.0 18.6 21.3 65.9 0.0 0.0 69.6 30.7 0.0 0.0 34,184
Setit Humera 98.8 1.0 67.4 28.4 0.0 0.0 98.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 10,098
Seharti Samre 88.0 11.8 14.8 19.9 0.0 0.0 90.5 10.3 0.0 0.0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 91.4 2.2 1.7 19.2 0.3 0.0 97.6 2.4 0.0 0.4 40,817
Degua Tembien 60.5 13.3 19.6 38.2 0.0 0.2 67.4 33.2 0.0 0.0 32,241
Enderta 54.0 33.4 11.3 72.4 0.0 0.2 63.6 32.3 0.0 4.7 24,047
Mekelle 78.2 19.0 18.0 8.0 0.0 0.5 82.2 17.3 0.4 0.2 122,134
Education level
Never attended 58.0 30.0 14.5 45.4 0.0 0.1 63.4 36.9 0.1 0.7 620,549
Informal education 62.5 26.6 17.6 34.4 0.2 0.1 68.7 31.4 0.2 1.1 140,144
Primary 70.6 20.8 22.1 34.2 0.0 0.1 76.9 23.2 0.1 0.7 297,698
Secondary 79.5 15.6 25.4 26.5 0.1 0.1 85.6 14.8 0.1 0.4 134,060
More than secondary 88.4 7.5 26.6 20.2 0.0 0.3 93.2 6.9 0.0 0.2 111,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 56.1 33.5 12.9 39.8 0.1 0.1 59.8 39.9 0.1 0.9 313,746
Poorer 57.5 30.4 13.9 44.5 0.1 0.1 61.5 38.9 0.1 0.7 256,706
Middle 59.6 27.1 18.1 46.3 0.1 0.2 67.9 32.9 0.1 0.7 267,666
Richer 74.9 16.8 24.5 36.0 0.0 0.1 83.7 16.6 0.1 0.7 235,869
Richest 88.3 8.5 27.0 18.2 0.0 0.3 92.4 7.5 0.1 0.3 229,872

P a g e | 77
Table 3.2.11: Percentage of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committee by residence and woreda in Tigray, 2020

Availabilit WaSHCO Functionality of WaSHCO

Demographic characteristics Total households
Yes No Don’t know Yes No Don’t know
51.9 26.6 21.5 79.4 17.3 3.3 1,032,331
Urban 35.1 26.8 38.2 83.6 13.9 2.5 427,067
Rural 54.8 26.6 18.6 78.9 17.7 3.4 876,942
Tahtay Adiyabo 71.5 22.5 6 77.1 19.9 3 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 58.4 14.6 27 83.9 12.5 3.6 38,315
Medebay Zana 38.6 26.9 34.6 59.7 31.6 8.8 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 26.5 48 25.5 86.5 12.7 0.8 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 56.3 25.6 18.1 79.4 17.6 3 47,464
Tselemti 29.7 42.6 27.7 66.9 28.6 4.5 40,055
Mereb Lekhe 49.9 32.5 17.6 80.7 16.5 2.8 35,244
Ahferom 65.8 4.9 29.3 76.7 20.3 3 44,420
Werie Lekhe 55 31.5 13.4 88.5 10.4 1.1 37,190
Adwa 70.4 20.7 8.9 94.5 5.2 0.3 22,407
Laelay Maychew 72.7 13.1 14.3 83.9 15.4 0.7 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 38.8 25.2 36 79.2 17.3 3.5 24,867
Naeder Adiet 58.3 33.7 8.1 74.5 25.5 0 27,152
Kola Tembien 30.4 37.8 31.9 72.6 25.2 2.2 36,767
Tanqua Abergele 77.6 4.4 18.1 54.9 39.7 5.4 26,721
Gulo Mekheda 49.2 26.4 24.5 99.6 0.4 0 16,719

P a g e | 78
Erob 53.3 27.4 19.4 90.2 8.9 0.9 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 55.4 22.2 22.4 80.7 17.2 2.1 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 68.8 17.4 13.8 87.2 12.3 0.5 24,403
Hawzien 65 14.5 20.6 92 3.9 4.2 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 83 3.9 13.1 84.1 14.7 1.3 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 60 32.9 7.2 81.5 16 2.5 28,695
Ofla 45.4 42.3 12.3 94.5 4.9 0.6 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 46.9 24.1 29 76.1 13.4 10.5 21,103
Raya Azebo 29.9 22 48.1 80.5 5.9 13.6 41,388
Emba Alaje 37.7 40 22.3 73.3 26.2 0.6 27,063
Raya Alamata 62.9 30.6 6.6 88.9 8.3 2.8 29,266
Kafta Humera 33.1 47.6 19.3 83.2 11.9 4.9 32,582
Welkayit 38.2 36.1 25.6 29.6 62.8 7.6 44,040
Tsegede 47.8 32.5 19.7 93 5.7 1.3 34,184
Seharti Samre 48.1 18.1 33.9 86 12.4 1.6 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 46.7 34.3 19.1 82.9 16.8 0.4 40,817
Degua Tembien 58.3 17.1 24.6 62.4 24.2 13.4 32,241
Enderta 78.3 17.6 4.1 91.6 6.8 1.6 24,047

P a g e | 79
Households’ Access to Sanitation Services

Key Findings

✓ Eleven percent of the households have access to basic sanitation service with urban
(22%) and rural (6%).
✓ Sixty-two percent of the households practice open defecation.
✓ Households living in rural areas are four point six times more likely to practice open
defecation compared to urban dwellers.
✓ More than half (54%) of the household’s toilet facilities are shared with 67% in urban
and 23 % in rural households.
✓ The commonest type of toilet in urban areas is flush to pit latrine (38%), while dry pit
latrine without slab is common in rural areas (7%).
✓ From the households that have toilet, 19% have hand washing facilities in or outside the
✓ Forty percent of the households (8% urban, 56% rural) dispose children’s faces outside
premises which is the most common disposal way used by the households.
✓ Forty-eight percent of the households dispose child’s feces properly.
✓ The commonest liquid waste disposal way used by the households is to dispose in
compound or garden (37%) which is also the predominant liquid waste disposal way in
rural areas (47%).
✓ Sixteen percent of the households dispose solid waste properly with 33% in urban and
7% in rural areas.

P a g e | 80
3.3.1. Access to sanitation services

From the survey only 11% and 17% of the households have access to basic 4 and limited 5
sanitation services respectively. On the other hand, 9% of the households have access to
unimproved6 toilet facilities. While the remaining 62% of the households do not use toilet that
means they practice open defecation. Households living in rural areas are 4.6 times more likely
to practice open defecation compared to urban dwellers (Error! Not a valid bookmark self-
reference.& Figure 3.3.1).

13 8 9


22 62


Urban Rural Tigray

open defecation basic sanitation facility

limted sanitation facility unimproved sanitation facility

Figure 3.3.1: Access of sanitation services by their residence in Tigray, 2020

According to the survey open defecation is practiced six times more likely in households headed
by household head with never attended compared to household head with above secondary
educational level (80% versus 13%) (Figure 3.3.2).

Basic sanitation service: use of an improved toilet facility which is not shared with other households.
Limited sanitation service: use of improved toilet facility which is shared between two or more households.
Unimproved sanitation facility: flush to open drain, dry pit latrine without slab /open pit, composting toilets without
slab, hanging toilet, no facility/bush/open field

P a g e | 81
7 10 12 11 10
7 9
14 53

55 23

Never attended Informal education Primary Secondary More_than_secondary

open defecation basic sanitation limted sanitation unimprove sanitation

Figure 3.3.2: Access of sanitation services by education level in Tigray, 2020

Open defecation practice is influenced by household’s wealth status. Households in the poorest
quintile practice open defecation more than in the richest quintile (93% versus 3%). Based on
this survey the poorest households have no any access to basic or limited sanitation services at all
(Figure -3.3.3).

P a g e | 82
7 7 1 4
0 11
4 19

93 88 17

38 28

Poorest Poorer Middle Richer Richest

open defecation basic sanitation limted sanitation unimprove sanitation

Figure 3.3.3: Access of sanitation services by wealth status in Tigray, 2020

The survey report shows that variation in practice of open defecation exist among weredas/towns
with the highest practice of Open defecation found in wereda Ofla (99%) followed by in Kola
Tembien (97%) and lowest in town Wukro and Shire Enda Silassie (each 1%) (Table 3.3.1).

P a g e | 83
Figure 3.3.4: Maps of open defecation practice distribution by woreda in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 84
According to the survey report the most prevalent type of toilet facility used by households is
flush to pit latrine that is 14%, followed by dry pit latrine without slab and flush to septic tank
(each 7%). The commonest type of toilet for improved and unimproved toilet is flush to pit
latrine (14%) and dry pit latrine without slab/open pit (7%) respectively. Similarly, the
commonest type of toilet in urban areas is flush to pit latrine (38%) while dry pit latrine without
slab is common in rural areas (7%) (Table 3.3.2).

3.3.2. Sharing, Location, Superstructures and Cleanliness of Toilets facility

The survey report shows that more than half (54%) of the household’s uses shared 7 toilet
facilities (67% in urban and 23 % in rural). Likewise, 45% of household’s toilet facility is
private8. While the remaining 1% of the household’s toilet facility share their toilet with the
public9 (including households they do not know) (Figure 3.3.5).

1 1 1



Urban Rural Tigray

Private Shared Public

Figure 3.3.5: Shared toilet facility status by residence in Tigray, 2020

Shared: when a toilet facility is used by two or more households.
Private: when the toilet facility is used by only one household.
Public: the toilet facility is used including by households they do not know.
P a g e | 85
The data reveals, among households that have toilet facility 78% of the household’s toilet facility
is located in the household’s own compound while 12% are located outside the compound
(Figure 3.3.6).

1 12
32 2


9 4 7
Urban Rural Tigray

In own dwelling In own compound In own dwelling & compound Outside the compound

Figure 3.3.6: Location of toilet facility by residence in Tigray, 2020

The pathway the household members used to go to their toilet facility is observed in the survey.
As the below figure shows 70% of the household’s path to go to their toilet facility is clear with
77% in urban and 55% in rural areas. The rest observations are described in figure 3.3.7.

P a g e | 86
Path is clear 55
Waste or debris on path 23
Major crevice or potholes on path 19
Entrance to toilet is obstructed 10 Tigray
Dense vegetation in front of toilet 6 Rural
Mud on path 3 Urban
Refused to show 1
Other observation 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 3.3.7: percentage of household’s toilet way Observation in Tigray, 2020

Besides the pathway that takes to the household’s toilet facility, the household’s toilet structure
/materials are also observed. Among households that have toilet facility based on multiple
response question the survey result shows that, 53% (68% urban, 19% rural) of the household’s
toilet has a door followed by 46% (54% urban, 28% rural) of the household’s toilet floor is easy
to clean and 29% (31% urban, 22% rural) of the household’s toilet has a roof which is capable of
protecting from rain and sun (Table 3.3.3).

In the survey the cleanliness of the household’s toilet facility is also observed. The survey result
indicates that 70% of the household’s toilet facility is clean with 77% in urban and 55% in rural
areas. Likewise, the commonly observed observations are presence of fecal residues on the floor,
wall and door (16%) followed by presence of used anal cleansing material on the floor (e.g. toilet
paper) (14%) (Figure 3.3.8).

P a g e | 87
The toilet is clean 55

There is fecal residues on the floor, wall
or door

There is used anal cleansing material on
the floor (e.g. toilet paper)

6 Tigray
The toilet smells bad (stinks) 10
There is fecal residues in and around Urban
the drop whole or the basin

there is Surface flow of sewage 3

Refused to show 1

Other observation 0

0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 3.3.8: Percentage of household’s toilet cleanliness observation in Tigray, 2020

Figure 3.3.9 summarizes frequency of cleaning toilet in Tigray. As the figure shows 38% of the
households clean their toilet facility daily followed by 27% of the households clean several times
per week and 20% of the households clean once a week.

P a g e | 88
Daily 38
Several times per week 27
Once a week 20
Not cleaned yet 8
Once every two weeks 3
Once a month 2
i dont know 1
Less often than half yearly 0
Once every three months 0
Once every six months 0

Figure 3.3.9: Frequency of cleaning toilet in Tigray, 2020

3.3.3. Availability of Hand washing Facility, Time Taken to Toilet and Accessibility

Based on this survey a hand washing facility in or outside the toilet is observed in 19% of the
households. From the households that have hand washing facility in or outside the toilet 46% of
households have both soap10 and water available. Hand washing facility in or outside the toilet is
four times more likely to be available in urban areas than rural areas (25% in urban and 6% in
rural). Among the weredas/town, Axum have highest (37%) followed by Abyi Adi (36%)
availability of hand washing facility in or outside the toilet, while wereda Gulo Mekheda and
Naedier Adiet (each 1%) followed by Tanqua Abergele (2%) have the lowest ( ).

The survey result shows that the average time taken to toilet by the households is 4 minutes with
in urban 3minute and rural 4 minute. Among households that have toilet facilty 93% are able to
access and use the toilet at all time. The three main reasons that household members are unable
to use the toilet are limited mobility (24%), toilet is not always safe to use (21%) and
Distance/barriers (14%) ( ).

Soap: includes bar soap, liquid soap, powder detergent and soapy water.
P a g e | 89
3.3.4. Emptying of Toilet Facilities, Disposal of Child Feces and History of Diarrhea

The survey indicates that half of the households (52%) report that their pit latrine/ septic tank
never been emptied/replaced prior to the survey (45% urban, 67% rural). Likewise, 8% (11%
urban, 2% rural) of the households report that their pit latrine/septic tank have been emptied prior
to the survey. Among the households that emptied their pit latrine/septic tank prior to the survey,
51% of the households that live in urban areas report that the emptied toilet contents removed by
service provider to do not know where. While 72% of the households that live in rural areas
report that the emptied toilet content buried in a covered pit by the household.

In this survey households are also asked the distance of their toilet facility from the nearest water
source. The survey result shows that 65% (57% urban, 85% rural) of the households report that
the water bodies are found more than or equal to 30 meter far from their toilet (


In this survey households who have at least one U5 (under 5) child are asked the way they
dispose the child’s feces, if the child don’t use toilet, the last time the U5 child passed stool
preceding the survey. Forty percent of the households (8% urban, 56% rural) dispose children’s
feces outside premises which is the most common disposal way used by the households
following by dropped/ washed away into toilet facility (32%) (76% urban, 10% rural) or
disposed into solid waste/ garbage (15%) (11% urban, 18% rural).

P a g e | 90
Similarly, according to the survey 48% of the households dispose child’s feces properly. Proper11
disposal of child feces is three times more likely to be practiced in urban areas than rural areas
(88% versus 28%). Likewise, the richest households are four times more likely to dispose child
feces properly compared to the poorest (96% versus 24%). Similarly, the practice of appropriate
child feces disposal increases as the educational level of the household head increases ( ).

According to the survey 3% of the households’ report that at least one household member aged
five year and above suffered with diarrhea two week prior to the survey. Similarly, among
households who have at least one U5 child, 9% of the households report at least one U5 child
was suffered with diarrhea two week preceding the survey (Figure-3.3.10 & Table 3.3.8).

10 9

3 3

Under five children Household member age ≥ 5 year

Urban Rural Tigray

Figure 3.3.10: percentage of household members suffered with diarrhea two weeks prior to the
interview day by residence in Tigray, 2020

3.3.5. Open Defecation Free (ODF) in rural woreda

Based on this survey from orally taken information 12% of the households report that their
kebele were previously declared open defication free, but only 5% of the householdes report that
their kebeles are currently declared open defication free. Among currently ODF declared wereda
the highest is found in wereda Kilte Awlaelo (32%) and the lowest is found in wereda Tselemti,
Kola Tembien and Raya Alamata (0%each). This survey shows that 16% of the households’
report that there are trained leaders in their kebeles in relation to ODF. From the trained leaders
73% of them perform their role effectively (Table 3.3.9).

Proper disposal of child feces: include if the care taker dropped/ washed away into toilet facility or disposed to
solid waste/garbage.
P a g e | 91
3.3.6. Household’s need to buy materials supplied by sanitation marketing

The survey result shows that 44% of the households (35% urban, 49% rural) need to buy
materials supplied by sanitation marketing. Among the weredas/towns the highest need is found
in wereda Tanqua Abergele (83%), compared to the lowest in Shire Enda Silassie (6%).
Likewise, households in the middle wealth quintile reported the highest (55%) need to buy the
materials supplied by sanitation marketing. The survey result also shows that the three main
reasons not to buy the materials supplied by sanitation marketing are financial constraints (57%)
followed by happy with latrines for now (29%) and 22% of the households reported that the price
of the materials is expensive (Table 3.3.10 & Figure-3.3.11).

6 6 6
28 22





Urban Rural Tigray

Happy with latrine for now Financial constraints It is expensive Other

Figure-3.3. 11: Percent of cases why household not need to buy materials supplied by sanitation
marketing which improve toilet facility in Tigray, 2020

3.3.7. Liquid and Solid Waste Disposal

According to the survey the commonest liquid waste disposal way used by the households is to
dispose in compound or garden (37%) which is also the predominant liquid waste disposal way
in rural areas (47%) followed by to dispose to sanitation facility (20%). In urban areas the
predominant household liquid waste disposal way is to dispose to sanitation facility at 53%. On
the other hand, household’s points of discharge of used water are also observed. In 76% of the

P a g e | 92
household’s nothing is seen in the points of discharge of used water means that it is clean (Table
3.3.11 & Figure 3.3.12).

P a g e | 93
80 76 75 76






20 15 14
10 8 10
4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
Stagnant water Swampy area Lots of insects Bad smell Signs of None Other
pool /mosquito residues (soap,
breeding green slime)

Urban Rural Tigray

Figure-3.3. 12: percentage of household’s Observation on discharge site of water used for cooking,
laundry and bathing in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 94
Based to the survey 16% of the households dispose solid waste properly (33% in urban, 7% in
rural). That means the households have a storage used to collect solid waste, separate degradable
and non-degradable waste, remove collected waste at least twice a week and have a proper waste
disposal way of practice. Likewise, 86% of urban households have a storage used to collect solid
waste, while 23% in rural households. On the other hand, in both urban and rural areas
households have almost the same practice of separating degradable and non-degradable waste
(45% urban, 43% rural). Sixty percent of the households (64% urban, 53% rural) remove the
collected waste/garbage at least once a week. The practice of proper solid waste disposal varies
across weredas/town with the highest in Abyi Adi (63%) compared to the lowest in wereda Kola
Tembien (0.3%) followed by Ofla (0.4%) and Emba Alaje (1%) (Table 3.3.12 ).

P a g e | 95
Figure-3.3. 13: Maps of proper solid waste disposal distribution by woreda in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 96
According to the survey the commonest solid waste disposal way used by the households is to
dispose in to ground (43%) (urban 12%, rural 59%). In urban areas the predominant household
solid waste disposal way is to dispose in to municipality/private garbage truck covers 69%, while
in rural areas it is to dispose in to ground (59%) (Figure-3.3. 14).

4 5
9 4
2 4
1 7 5




Urban Rural Tigray

Dispose in to ground Municipality/privat garbage truck

Put in the well Recycle
Burnet other

Figure-3.3. 14: percentage of solid waste disposal way in Tigray, 2020

In this survey households are asked if they clean their surrounding in 20meter radius of the
household. Based on this survey question 74% of households (50% in urban & 85% in rural)
report that they don’t clean their surroundings. Among the households that clean their
surroundings 54% of the households clean every week followed by 27% clean every two weeks

P a g e | 97


Urban Rural Tigray

Figure-3.3. 15: Percentage of households cleaning 20 meter radius of the surrounding in Tigray,

Every week
Every two week
54 Every months
27 Other

Figure-3.3. 16: Percentage of households cleaning time 20 meter radius of the surrounding in
Tigray, 2020

Table 3.3.1: Percent distribution of sanitation access by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

P a g e | 98
Demographic Sanitation facility
characteristics Open defecation Basic Limited Unimproved Total households

Tigray 61.9 11.5 17.2 9.5 1,304,385


Male 64.4 11.9 14.1 9.6 904,930

Female 56.1 10.5 24.1 9.3 399,456


Urban 18.5 21.9 47.1 12.5 427,331

Rural 83.0 6.4 2.6 8.0 877,055


Tahtay Adiyabo 85.5 4.5 5.4 4.7 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 78.6 5.7 10.9 4.7 38,315

Medebay Zana 74.7 15.9 7.2 2.2 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 83.1 12.7 0.7 3.5 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 81.3 4.3 6.4 7.9 47,464

Tselemti 85.6 4.0 7.3 3.1 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 1.4 30.4 47.1 21.2 25,799

Shiraro 2.4 36.9 59.4 1.3 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 69.1 10.8 12.3 7.8 35,244

Ahferom 60.5 17.4 5.7 16.5 44,478

Werie Lekhe 82.9 3.5 5.6 8.0 37,190

Adwa 53.2 9.5 7.5 29.9 22,407

Laelay Maychew 67.9 3.5 2.6 26.0 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 65.3 19.0 5.3 10.4 24,867

Naeder Adiet 67.7 4.6 6.7 21.0 27,152

Kola Tembien 96.8 0.9 1.6 0.8 36,767

Adwa Town 4.4 29.3 56.1 10.3 17,566

P a g e | 99
Tanqua Abergele 62.7 17.8 12.8 6.8 26,721

Abyi Adi 27.0 20.4 20.9 31.7 7,967

Axum 3.6 26.6 53.0 16.7 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 57.8 18.5 20.1 3.7 16,719

Erob 59.5 31.4 5.6 3.5 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 79.9 6.0 8.0 6.2 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 67.3 14.5 5.7 12.5 24,403

Hawzien 55.1 25.2 12.2 7.5 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 62.8 8.4 11.6 17.1 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 69.8 5.0 7.1 18.1 28,695

Adigrat 8.5 13.7 68.1 9.6 22,643

Wukro 0.7 15.8 75.1 8.4 14,060

Ofla 98.7 0.0 0.0 1.3 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 91.5 3.7 2.0 2.8 21,103

Raya Azebo 71.0 13.6 13.6 1.9 41,558

Emba Alaje 88.9 1.4 4.4 5.3 27,063

Raya Alamata 85.0 3.7 3.1 8.2 29,266

Maychew 13.4 10.2 36.0 40.4 11,015

Korem 39.5 16.6 35.2 8.8 6,246

Alamata Town 10.6 31.8 56.6 1.1 14,260

Kafta Humera 51.0 13.9 6.5 28.6 32,582

Welkayit 89.4 0.9 5.6 4.1 44,040

Tsegede 76.3 14.0 5.9 3.8 34,184

Setit Humera 2.9 19.0 77.0 1.2 10,098

Seharti Samre 79.0 3.4 5.2 12.4 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 75.1 2.5 9.4 13.0 40,817

Degua Tembien 80.4 5.7 7.0 7.0 32,241

Enderta 72.5 20.5 1.4 5.6 24,047

Mekelle 11.9 22.0 57.7 8.4 122,134

P a g e | 100
Marital status

Never married 33.1 6.4 49.8 10.6 76,996

Married 63.2 12.6 14.5 9.7 886,368

Cohabited 33.2 3.4 45.3 18.1 9,907

Divorced 61.9 11.0 18.1 9.0 147,439

Widowed 71.9 8.9 11.8 7.4 156,526

Separated 50.8 10.2 29.3 9.7 26,915


Orthodox 62.6 11.1 16.9 9.4 1,258,459

Muslim 42.9 20.9 25.0 11.3 40,269

Protestant 2.7 59.6 30.9 6.8 1,816

Catholic 43.3 29.6 22.9 4.3 3,455

Other 60.7 33.5 0.0 5.8 386

Education level

Never attended 79.6 7.1 5.9 7.5 620,888

Informal education 67.8 13.2 8.5 10.5 140,144

Primary 55.0 13.8 19.0 12.2 297,849

Secondary 29.2 15.3 44.4 11.2 134,096

More than secondary 13.2 23.4 53.4 10.0 111,274

Employment status

Employed 62.9 11.4 16.2 9.5 1004567

Unemployed 58.4 12.0 20.4 9.3 299583

Wealth index

Poorest 92.6 0.0 0.0 7.4 313,746

Poorer 88.2 4.2 0.8 6.8 256,706

Middle 72.0 13.1 3.5 11.4 267,986

Richer 37.7 17.2 26.5 18.6 236,021

Richest 3.4 27.6 65.3 3.7 229,925

P a g e | 101
Table 3.3.2: Percentage of toilet facility type by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Demographic Flush to Flush to Flush to Flush to Dry pit Dry Pit Ventilated Composting Composting Hanging No Other Total
characteristics septic pit open don’t latrines latrine improved toilets with toilets toilet facility households
tank latrine drain know with slab without pit latrine slab without slab
where slab with slab

Tigray 7.1 14.3 1 0.7 4.6 7.2 1.6 0.4 0.9 0.3 61.9 0 1,303,968
Urban 19.3 37.5 2.8 1.3 6.3 8.4 4.3 0.3 0.7 0.5 18.5 0.1 427,067
Rural 1.2 2.9 0.1 0.4 3.7 6.6 0.3 0.5 1.1 0.1 83 0 876,901
Tahtay Adiyabo 2.6 6.6 0 0 0.6 4.7 0 0 0 0 85.5 0 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 6.3 9.9 0.1 0 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 4.5 78.6 0 38,315
Medebay Zana 3.6 10.8 0.5 0.3 7.7 1.2 0 0.6 0.2 0.4 74.7 0 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 3.5 6.2 1.3 2.3 0.7 1.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 83.1 0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 4.4 1.4 0.6 0.4 4.5 6.8 0 0.2 0 0 81.5 0.4 47,368
Tselemti 0.4 9 0 0.2 1.3 1.3 0.4 0 0 1.9 85.6 0 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 27 40.7 12 8.4 1.2 6.9 0 0.3 2.2 0 1.4 0 25,764
Shiraro 21.3 66.1 1.3 0.2 8.4 0 0.2 0 0 0 2.4 0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 2 17.8 2.2 0.3 2.8 4.3 0.2 0 1.2 0 69.1 0 35,244
Ahferom 16.2 3.6 0.1 0.1 3.2 16.2 0 0 0 0 60.5 0 44,420
Werie Lekhe 1.3 6.5 0.3 0 1.1 7.7 0 0.1 0 0 82.9 0 37,190
Adwa 0.5 5.5 0 0 10.1 29.8 0.8 0 0.1 0 53.2 0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.5 1.3 0.6 0 2.1 10.3 0 2.2 15.1 0 67.9 0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.8 2.7 1.6 0.7 12.9 0.5 0 7.2 8.3 0 65.3 0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 3.5 3.7 0.1 0 3.5 17.2 0 0.6 3.5 0.2 67.7 0 27,152

P a g e | 102
Demographic Flush to Flush to Flush to Flush to Dry pit Dry Pit Ventilated Composting Composting Hanging No Other Total
characteristics septic pit open don’t latrines latrine improved toilets with toilets toilet facility households
tank latrine drain know with slab without pit latrine slab without slab
where slab with slab

Kola Tembien 0.5 1.2 0.1 0 0.8 0.7 0 0 0 0 96.8 0 36,767

Adwa Town 60.4 12.5 0 8.3 3.9 10.3 0.2 0 0 0 4.4 0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 1.7 13.2 0 0.3 15.4 6.8 0 0 0 0 62.7 0 26,721
Abyi Adi 7.5 27.8 27.1 4.6 1.4 4.6 0 0 0 0 27 0 7,967
Axum 54.5 23.8 1.9 0 1.1 14.1 0.2 0 0.6 0 3.6 0.2 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 3.2 10.5 0.2 0 23.8 3.4 0.2 0.8 0 0 57.8 0 16,719
Erob 2.2 7.2 0.7 0.4 24 1.7 0.6 2.6 1.1 0 59.5 0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 5.4 4.5 0.3 0 4 4.8 0 0 1.1 0 79.9 0 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 2.8 7.8 1.1 0.3 8.1 11.2 0.2 1.1 0.2 0 67.3 0 24,403
Hawzien 1.7 25.7 0.9 0.8 3.9 4.2 3.8 1.4 2.4 0 55.1 0 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 2.3 6.6 0 0.2 10.2 17.1 0.7 0 0 0 62.8 0 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 2 3.1 6.7 0.9 5.7 9.8 0 0.6 1.4 0.2 69.8 0 28,695
Adigrat 36.4 42.6 0 0 2.9 9.6 0 0 0 0 8.5 0 22,643
Wukro 15.5 68.6 1.6 0.5 5.7 4.7 0.4 0.2 2.2 0 0.7 0 14,060
Ofla 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0.6 0 98.7 0 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0.3 1.2 0 1 2.9 2.2 0 0.4 0.6 0 91.5 0 21,103
Raya Azebo 0 17.7 0.3 2.4 6.6 1.1 0 0.6 0 0 71.3 0 41,388
Emba Alaje 0.8 2.3 0.2 0 2.2 4.1 0 0.4 1 0 88.9 0 27,063
Raya Alamata 0 5.9 0 0 0.7 6.8 0 0.2 1.5 0 85 0 29,266
Maychew 14.4 8.9 0.6 0 17 35 5.4 0.5 4 0.7 13.4 0 11,015
Korem 22.2 10.7 0 0.8 16.8 3.5 0.8 0.5 0.3 5 39.5 0 6,246

P a g e | 103
Demographic Flush to Flush to Flush to Flush to Dry pit Dry Pit Ventilated Composting Composting Hanging No Other Total
characteristics septic pit open don’t latrines latrine improved toilets with toilets toilet facility households
tank latrine drain know with slab without pit latrine slab without slab
where slab with slab

Alamata Town 15.5 66.6 0 0 4.4 0.9 1.8 0 0 0 10.6 0.2 14,260
Kafta Humera 9.4 3.7 0 1.1 6 28.6 0.2 0 0 0 51 0 32,582
Welkayit 0.9 3 0 0 0 2.2 2.3 0.3 1.9 0 89.4 0 44,040
Tsegede 3.4 9.9 0.2 0 6.7 3 0 0 0.4 0 76.3 0.2 34,184
Setit Humera 26.4 50.3 0.3 0 16.9 0.7 0 2.4 0 0 2.9 0.2 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.8 5.4 1.8 0.3 1.2 8.7 0 1 1.7 0 79.2 0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 4.6 3.9 0.5 0.3 2.7 12.5 0.3 0.3 0 0 75.1 0 40,817
Degua Tembien 2.7 2.3 0 0 7.7 5.6 0 0 0.8 0.5 80.4 0 32,241
Enderta 1.9 10.9 0 7.8 0.9 5.4 0 0.4 0.2 0 72.5 0 24,047
Mekelle 13.4 48.4 1.3 0.1 4 6.9 13.8 0 0.1 0 11.9 0.1 122,134
Marital status
Never married 15.2 31.8 2.6 1.3 5.2 6.6 2.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 33.1 0.2 76,996
Married 6.5 13.2 1 0.7 4.8 7.3 1.5 0.4 1.1 0.3 63.3 0 886,003
Cohabited 5 35.9 0.6 0 6.8 17 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.3 33.2 0 9,907
Divorced 6.6 15.6 1.1 1.1 4 6.8 1.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 61.9 0.2 147,386
Widowed 5.7 8.9 0.4 0.7 3.3 6.3 1.6 0.5 0.7 0.2 71.9 0 156,526
Separated 16 13.9 1.5 0.6 4.3 7.9 4.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 50.8 0 26,915
Orthodox 6.9 13.8 1 0.7 4.5 7.2 1.6 0.4 0.9 0.3 62.6 0 1258042
Muslim 11.5 26.8 2 2 4.8 6.4 0.3 0.6 2.3 0.6 42.9 0.2 40269
Protestant 28.5 50.3 1.6 0 0 5.3 11.7 0 0 0 2.7 0 1816

P a g e | 104
Demographic Flush to Flush to Flush to Flush to Dry pit Dry Pit Ventilated Composting Composting Hanging No Other Total
characteristics septic pit open don’t latrines latrine improved toilets with toilets toilet facility households
tank latrine drain know with slab without pit latrine slab without slab
where slab with slab

Catholic 13.3 13 0.7 0.7 24.8 3.6 0.7 0 0 0 43.3 0 3455

Other 0 33.5 5.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60.7 0 386
Education level
Never_attended 2.3 5.6 0.4 0.6 3.5 6 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.2 79.6 0 620,603
Informal_education 5.9 9.5 0.6 0.6 4.8 8.5 0.4 0.5 1.2 0.2 67.8 0 140,144
Primary 8 16.3 1.3 0.8 5.7 9.2 1.5 0.6 1 0.5 55 0.1 297,752
Secondary 17 29.7 2.2 1 5.5 7.4 6.1 0.4 1.3 0.2 29.2 0 134,060
More than secondary 21.1 44.4 3 1.1 6.4 6.4 3.7 0.2 0.5 0.2 13.2 0 111,274
Wealth index
Poorest 0 0 0.1 0 0 6 0 0 1.1 0.1 92.6 0 313,746
Poorer 0.8 1.2 0.1 0.1 2.5 5.8 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 88.2 0 256,706
Middle 1.8 5.1 0.4 0.8 7.5 9.4 0.4 0.9 1.2 0.2 72.1 0 267,721
Richer 9.2 22.2 3.3 1.7 8.7 13.1 1.3 0.6 1.5 0.5 37.8 0.1 235,869
Richest 27.8 50.8 1.7 1.4 5.4 1.7 7.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 3.4 0 229,925

P a g e | 105
Table 3.3.3: Observation about toilet strictures/materials by residence in Tigray, 2020

Observation about toilet strictures/materials

Floor made Total

There is no
from wood, Have a Height of the wall households
Demographic Floor Small any other Roof is capable Have
have a bamboo, covering is greater than Refused
characteristics easy to drop hole than of protecting functional Other
door concrete, material 1.75 meter from to show
clean hole the small from rain & sun light
durable and of the pit the floor
drop hole

Tigray 52.9 18.2 45.9 12.2 27.8 17.7 16.2 28.5 21.2 0.4 6.6 497,529

Urban 67.7 23.5 53.8 8.9 26.1 18.3 18.6 31.2 29.7 0.4 6.0 348,264
Rural 18.6 6.1 27.5 19.6 31.8 16.3 10.6 22.3 1.3 0.5 8.1 149,265
Tahtay Adiyabo 23.5 13.6 34.6 13.6 51.5 27.0 22.3 46.9 0.6 0.6 10.5 3,666
Laelay Adiyabo 45.1 15.8 33.6 14.6 37.5 15.4 5.2 25.1 10.2 0.3 0.3 8,184
Medebay Zana 38.7 5.8 28.5 18.6 25.7 2.2 4.2 1.4 10.0 2.7 24.6 8,975
Tahtay Qoraro 43.0 37.2 19.4 27.2 15.8 11.5 8.1 7.4 1.4 1.4 8.3 2,992
Asgede Tsimbila 38.0 1.9 22.7 4.3 12.0 1.3 15.6 39.8 26.1 2.1 15.4 8,762
Tselemti 60.0 10.5 20.2 1.3 8.3 24.1 6.0 21.3 0.0 1.7 11.3 5,778
Shire EndaSilassie 75.3 27.6 65.6 2.9 42.1 5.3 24.6 38.3 37.6 0.2 6.8 25,415
Shiraro 61.2 0.9 29.9 1.9 7.7 0.4 6.7 0.2 1.7 0.5 1.9 5,095
Mereb Lekhe 40.9 18.0 16.7 15.4 26.4 2.1 19.8 30.7 20.6 0.0 4.1 10,885
Ahferom 19.9 30.9 35.4 16.1 46.2 7.2 26.0 10.1 4.5 0.0 4.1 17,592
Werie Lekhe 33.0 0.0 38.5 13.7 14.6 7.7 6.0 4.5 14.5 0.0 28.7 6,353

P a g e | 106
Observation about toilet strictures/materials

Floor made Total

There is no
from wood, Have a Height of the wall households
Demographic Floor Small any other Roof is capable Have
have a bamboo, covering is greater than Refused
characteristics easy to drop hole than of protecting functional Other
door concrete, material 1.75 meter from to show
clean hole the small from rain & sun light
durable and of the pit the floor
drop hole

Adwa 43.9 0.4 10.3 34.3 51.9 22.5 2.5 5.1 1.3 0.9 1.7 10,486
Laelay Maychew 25.9 2.4 11.4 10.8 34.4 15.6 6.9 3.0 0.8 1.0 35.8 5,681
Tahtay Maychew 13.7 1.1 13.7 17.5 50.3 3.7 8.4 3.6 0.7 0.0 6.0 8,619
Naeder Adiet 12.4 5.7 3.5 70.6 11.9 3.1 1.5 3.8 1.5 0.9 4.7 8,828
Kola Tembien 30.9 0.0 26.6 2.1 34.6 0.0 8.1 6.1 0.0 0.0 20.3 1,186
Adwa Town 65.0 37.1 73.4 9.3 53.6 34.9 18.7 35.3 29.5 0.0 0.9 16,789
Tanqua Abergele 12.1 6.7 16.5 3.7 16.0 44.6 8.8 27.6 0.5 0.0 4.4 10,129
Abyi Adi 33.2 2.2 29.7 9.2 4.1 6.2 2.9 5.3 17.6 0.4 11.0 5,815
Axum 74.9 8.2 37.1 6.5 11.4 34.0 19.5 30.4 30.5 0.4 6.6 14,172
Gulo Mekheda 33.9 4.0 59.9 0.5 5.9 23.0 2.5 12.6 1.5 2.1 8.2 7,052
Erob 37.0 0.6 23.3 17.7 27.9 13.0 2.0 7.1 6.9 1.3 2.2 2,488
Saesi Tsada emba 43.1 15.8 47.5 6.4 8.0 2.3 39.3 48.4 8.0 1.3 4.4 7,058
Ganta Afeshum 24.2 6.6 47.1 29.7 32.2 35.0 35.4 64.1 8.1 0.6 4.7 7,971
Hawzien 30.7 0.0 39.0 5.5 10.9 14.7 10.2 37.2 7.3 0.0 5.3 11,961
Kilte Awlaelo 24.4 6.3 33.5 4.4 5.7 44.5 7.1 42.6 8.9 0.0 12.9 8,619
Atsbi Wemberta 49.7 3.0 32.5 14.5 37.5 6.7 4.1 41.3 0.5 0.0 2.1 8,727
Adigrat 72.1 72.5 69.6 2.0 45.4 48.3 37.2 41.7 44.2 0.2 11.7 20,625
Wukro 70.6 77.8 71.2 0.9 49.8 10.0 71.3 69.5 43.6 0.3 2.1 13,960

P a g e | 107
Observation about toilet strictures/materials

Floor made Total

There is no
from wood, Have a Height of the wall households
Demographic Floor Small any other Roof is capable Have
have a bamboo, covering is greater than Refused
characteristics easy to drop hole than of protecting functional Other
door concrete, material 1.75 meter from to show
clean hole the small from rain & sun light
durable and of the pit the floor
drop hole

Ofla 38.4 0.0 34.4 5.9 46.0 0.0 3.0 17.7 0.0 0.0 22.6 480
Enda Mekhoni 53.1 4.8 7.5 6.1 30.8 6.1 6.2 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,795
Raya Azebo 51.8 0.3 37.5 10.9 23.9 1.7 1.5 18.0 19.1 0.0 0.0 11,893
Emba Alaje 60.6 0.9 11.3 1.0 7.9 9.1 1.9 33.8 3.9 3.2 2.6 2,996
Raya Alamata 42.5 3.4 45.6 17.6 18.7 22.6 11.0 23.8 9.7 0.0 13.3 4,403
Maychew 45.0 29.7 64.7 4.7 32.0 20.7 19.1 73.5 16.6 0.4 14.2 9,535
Korem 57.1 3.1 52.7 6.3 16.5 48.3 58.7 51.6 32.2 1.9 12.5 3,781
Alamata Town 57.1 79.6 86.0 11.3 80.0 81.9 41.9 86.4 30.6 0.5 2.6 12,748
Kafta Humera 19.0 11.6 13.6 18.9 29.4 22.4 0.7 57.7 0.9 0.0 2.6 15,958
Welkayit 67.5 9.0 42.5 7.9 20.7 7.3 0.0 33.2 19.3 0.0 11.4 4,769
Tsegede 46.4 17.8 47.0 1.6 36.7 3.4 8.2 40.8 5.5 0.8 7.1 8,092
Setit Humera 61.0 40.7 70.0 46.3 93.4 94.0 14.1 69.9 31.9 0.3 0.4 9,839
Seharti Samre 22.5 14.1 26.9 17.3 49.5 20.4 3.1 20.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 6,651
Hintalo Wejjerat 39.5 2.5 57.6 5.4 12.5 3.9 0.5 1.2 16.2 1.6 6.3 10,165
Degua Tembien 37.7 28.4 41.6 11.9 67.6 42.6 32.1 36.6 10.8 0.9 11.5 6,328
Enderta 13.1 3.6 30.3 6.7 49.8 0.7 24.2 2.2 3.0 3.2 23.1 6,610
Mekelle 82.6 9.5 60.4 11.9 5.7 4.4 11.8 13.4 38.2 0.0 4.1 107,625

P a g e | 108
Observation about toilet strictures/materials

Floor made Total

There is no
from wood, Have a Height of the wall households
Demographic Floor Small any other Roof is capable Have
have a bamboo, covering is greater than Refused
characteristics easy to drop hole than of protecting functional Other
door concrete, material 1.75 meter from to show
clean hole the small from rain & sun light
durable and of the pit the floor
drop hole

Education level
Never attended 33.7 11.6 33.9 16.1 31.5 17.9 11.5 25.3 8.9 0.7 8.8 126,657
Informal education 34.9 15.5 37.4 11.9 28.9 16.0 15.3 25.5 11.6 1.0 7.2 45,132
Primary 49.4 18.2 43.4 12.5 29.1 18.0 16.3 30.2 18.3 0.3 8.0 134,034
Secondary 68.3 23.2 53.2 7.0 24.7 17.8 18.1 28.8 29.4 0.2 5.0 94,938
Above secondary 76.4 23.3 62.0 11.6 23.6 17.7 20.6 31.7 37.6 0.3 3.3 96,720
Wealth quintile
Poorest 12.5 4.0 17.3 29.9 33.3 16.7 8.4 16.3 0.0 0.3 10.1 23,243
Poorer 13.2 5.9 21.2 22.7 37.8 14.3 8.9 16.6 0.2 1.0 6.8 30,365
Middle 16.3 6.2 25.2 16.4 31.8 16.6 10.1 23.2 0.7 0.6 11.3 74,818
Richer 44.0 15.8 40.3 9.2 29.0 17.6 12.3 31.5 14.4 0.5 11.1 147,037
Richest 80.9 27.1 63.0 9.3 23.7 18.7 22.6 31.3 37.6 0.3 1.7 222,066

P a g e | 109
Table 3.3.4: Percent distribution of availability of hand washing facility by socio demography
characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Availability of hand Availability of water and soap at hand wasing facility

Demographic Total
washing facility in or
characterstis Has water Has water Has soap Has no water households
outside the latrine
and soap only only and soap

Tigray 19.3 45.5 16.5 15.7 22.2 494,542

Urban 25 46.5 16.3 16.5 20.7 347,029
Rural 5.9 35.5 18.8 8.4 37.3 147,513
Tahtay Adiyabo 1.8 0 0 32 68 3,611
Laelay Adiyabo 7.1 66.2 22.1 0 11.7 8,184
Medebay Zana 16.4 82 9.3 4.3 4.3 8,975
Tahtay Qoraro 5.6 48.8 25.6 0 25.6 2,992
Asgede Tsimbila 27.6 65 2.6 22.2 10.3 8,580
Tselemti 4.9 64.4 0 35.6 0 5,778
Shire Enda Silassie 34.2 32.4 17.1 21.1 29.5 25,415
Shiraro 13.9 32.5 15.8 31.9 19.8 5,095
Mereb Lekhe 29.3 50.4 32.9 5.2 11.6 10,885
Ahferom 12.8 68.8 10.1 6.8 14.4 17,533
Werie Lekhe 7.7 69.4 30.6 0 0 6,353
Adwa 17.4 17.2 10.5 0.8 71.6 10,486
Laelay Maychew 3.8 78.3 0 0 21.7 5,662
Tahtay Maychew 4.8 65.7 7.3 12.8 14.1 8,619
Naeder Adiet 0.9 33.5 0 0 66.5 8,767
Kola Tembien 4.1 0 0 0 100 1,186
Adwa Town 22.9 44 21.6 3.5 30.8 16,789
Tanqua Abergele 1.6 0 44.5 0 55.5 9,969
Abyi Adi 35.9 48 36.8 2 13.2 5,815
Axum 37 73.1 17.8 1 8.1 14,066
Gulo Mekheda 0.5 0 0 100 0 7,052
Erob 3.5 71.4 14.3 0 14.3 2,456
Saesi Tsada emba 6.8 30.9 38.9 0 30.2 7,058
Ganta Afeshum 13.5 18.3 61.4 4.8 15.5 7,971

P a g e | 110
Hawzien 19.1 24.6 30.2 4.6 40.6 11,902
Kilte Awlaelo 4 26.9 27.3 16.3 29.5 8,619
Atsbi Wemberta 10 52.8 5.5 32.2 9.5 8,567
Adigrat 16.4 34.7 11.1 32.5 21.8 20,596
Wukro 16.5 41.5 14.7 24.6 19.2 13,960
Ofla 5.9 0 50 0 50 480
Enda Mekhoni 12.4 20.2 0 60.5 19.3 1,795
Raya Azebo 24 68.6 19.6 4.5 7.3 11,893
Emba Alaje 8.4 89.5 0 10.5 0 2,969
Raya Alamata 5.4 51.8 0 0 48.2 4,403
Maychew 17.4 66.3 29.4 0 4.4 9,502
Korem 15.2 14.6 11.7 17.5 56.3 3,762
Alamata Town 18.4 49.2 28.1 21.5 1.2 12,713
Kafta Humera 16.5 29.7 29.5 6.2 34.6 15,958
Welkayit 3.2 100 0 0 0 4,689
Tsegede 15.6 27.9 52.4 4.8 14.9 8,031
Setit Humera 33 47.2 24.2 5.3 23.4 9,763
Seharti Samre 8.3 31 23.7 15.5 29.9 6,651
Hintalo Wejjerat 4.7 78.5 10.7 10.7 0 10,165
Degua Tembien 3.5 16.7 16.7 33.3 33.3 5,899
Enderta 3.2 25.6 0 23.3 51.2 5,682
Mekelle 31.3 43.1 8.7 23.5 24.7 107,247
Education level
Never attended 9.4 44.5 20.8 9.8 25 125,443
Informal education 11 49 24.7 6.9 19.4 44,734
Primary 17.6 44.4 17.9 16.5 21.3 133,266
Secondary 24.7 45 14.4 16.2 24.4 94,582
Above secondary 33 46.6 14.2 18.4 20.8 96,471
Wealth quintile
Poorest 4.1 12.8 38.2 0 49.1 22,849
Poorer 4.7 35.4 10.9 3.8 50 30,067
Middle 5.9 26.1 26.1 12.7 35.1 74,084
Richer 13.3 45.3 22.2 11.8 20.7 145,492
Richest 31.2 47.5 14.1 17.5 20.9 222,050

P a g e | 111
Table 3.3.5: Percent distribution of time taken to toilet, household member able to access and use the toilet at all time by residence &
woreda in Tigray, 2020

main reasons that household members are unable to use the toilet
household member Toilet is not always
Average able to access and Toilet is not accessible to all
Demographic time taken use the toilet at all Limited Distance/b always safe not lack of cultural household
characteristics to toilet time mobility arriers to use Smelled cleaned privacy issue members others

Tigray 3.5 92.6 23.7 13.8 20.7 9.6 6.5 13.2 9.5 1.5 1.4 49,459,6
Urban 2.9 95.6 21.3 15.2 27.4 6.7 9.2 14.5 2.4 1.8 1.4 347083
Rural 3.6 85.7 25.5 12.8 15.9 11.7 4.6 12.2 14.6 1.3 1.3 147513
Tahtay Adiyabo 3.6 91.5 0.0 0.0 64.9 0.0 0.0 13.9 21.2 0.0 0.0 3611
Laelay Adiyabo 2.8 93.3 33.0 0.0 10.0 11.8 0.0 35.3 10.0 0.0 0.0 8184
Medebay Zana 5.1 62.6 11.9 66.5 5.8 4.6 6.2 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 8975
Tahtay Qoraro 5.6 73.4 5.4 5.4 55.2 12.3 9.2 5.1 5.4 2.1 0.0 2992
Asgede Tsimbila 1.5 93.4 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.5 56.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 8580
Tselemti 4.9 98.4 0.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5778
Shire EndaSilassie 0.1 98.8 16.9 16.1 26.6 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 13.3 13.8 25415
Shiraro 1.5 92.7 23.5 5.2 16.0 14.1 30.1 11.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 5095
Mereb Lekhe 2.4 97.9 23.5 0.0 0.0 23.5 23.5 0.0 29.4 0.0 0.0 10885
Ahferom 10.5 96.4 0.0 22.9 54.4 13.5 9.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17533
Werie Lekhe 9.2 90.8 16.9 8.9 42.5 0.0 16.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.8 6353
Adwa 3.1 93.1 0.0 6.8 0.0 73.5 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10486

P a g e | 112
Laelay Maychew 5.7 67.5 7.6 21.5 0.0 59.8 4.3 4.1 0.0 0.0 2.7 5662
Tahtay Maychew 3.1 72.6 76.4 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.2 0.0 0.0 8619
Naeder Adiet 1.7 80.8 1.6 7.6 36.8 29.0 9.4 1.6 7.4 6.7 0.0 8767
Kola Tembien 1.4 87.9 50.3 49.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1186
Adwa Town 0.0 99.6 0.0 0.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.3 16789
Tanqua Abergele 1.3 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9969
Abyi Adi 12.5 97.1 0.0 37.4 12.4 37.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 5815
Axum 1.6 88.1 20.1 0.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 47.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 14066
Gulo Mekheda 3.6 94.7 0.0 64.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7052
Erob 14.5 71.8 16.3 28.2 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 34.6 9.2 6.9 2456
Saesi Tsada emba 1.8 85.8 82.7 0.0 9.9 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7058
Ganta Afeshum 3.8 97.3 0.0 0.0 30.1 0.0 0.0 47.8 0.0 0.0 22.1 7971
Hawzien 2.5 73.2 24.2 1.6 42.6 0.0 3.2 10.2 14.8 3.4 0.0 11902
Kilte Awlaelo 2.7 83.6 23.7 3.9 21.4 0.0 7.4 12.6 27.6 3.4 0.0 8619
Atsbi Wemberta 1.1 96.2 0.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.4 0.0 15.6 8567
Adigrat 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20650
Wukro 2.1 95.7 0.0 0.0 95.1 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 13960
Ofla 2.5 35.5 0.0 60.8 4.6 0.0 0.0 4.6 30.1 0.0 0.0 480
Enda Mekhoni 1.0 97.6 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1795
Raya Azebo 2.5 94.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 21.5 0.0 71.4 0.0 0.0 11893
Emba Alaje 1.9 98.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2969
Raya Alamata 0.0 88.8 7.9 0.0 21.2 7.2 0.0 29.5 26.3 7.9 0.0 4403
Maychew 2.4 97.6 14.5 29.1 40.5 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9502
Korem 5.0 92.1 16.6 5.8 27.0 22.3 17.0 0.0 0.0 11.3 0.0 3762

P a g e | 113
Alamata Town 2.9 98.3 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12713
Kafta Humera 4.6 90.0 4.2 7.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 60.5 8.8 6.2 6.2 15958
Welkayit 5.8 97.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.0 39.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4689
Tsegede 4.0 94.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8031
Setit Humera 4.1 95.6 7.0 0.0 10.5 4.6 14.9 57.4 0.0 0.0 5.7 9763
Seharti Samre 2.4 96.9 30.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.7 0.0 0.0 6651
Hintalo Wejjerat 1.6 79.8 90.9 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 10165
Degua Tembien 1.6 97.2 0.0 0.0 83.2 0.0 16.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5899
Enderta 1.5 98.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 5682
Mekelle 1.8 95.6 22.8 12.3 30.2 9.4 12.6 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 107247

P a g e | 114
Table 3.3.6: Percentage of toilet emptied /replaced status and distance to nearest water body by socio demography characteristics in
Tigray, 2020

Distance from toilet to the Pit latrine or septic tank status of Place where latrine contents empitied to
nearest water body
emptied /replaced

Removed by service

uncovered pit, open

Buried in a covered

ground, water body

buried in a covered
provider to don’ t
Never emptied or

pit by household

pit by service
Don’ t know

Don’ t know
Yes replaced

household to
Yes emptied
characteristics ≥ 30 meter

know where
<30 meter

Emptied by



Tigray 34.9 65.1 7.9 51.5 7.8 32.8 1.6 48.9 4.9 0.7 43. 0.1 494,596

Male 32.9 67.1 7.1 54.6 7.9 30.4 1 53.8 6.7 0.7 37. 0.0 320,356
Female 38.6 61.4 9.4 45.8 7.7 37.1 2.3 42.2 2.4 0.9 9
52 0.3 174,240
Urban 43.3 56.7 10.6 45.1 6.1 38.2 1.6 51.4 0.6 0.2 46. 0 347,083
Rural 15.2 84.8 1.6 66.6 11.9 20 0 9.1 71.6 10.1 1
6.8 2.4 147,513
Tahtay Adiyabo 9.5 90.5 0 15.8 38.8 45.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,611
Laelay Adiyabo 0 100 1.8 68 0.8 29.5 0 100 0 0 0 0 8,184
Medebay Zana 34.5 65.5 2.8 20 20.3 56.9 22.5 50 0 0 27. 0 8,975
Tahtay Qoraro 7.5 92.5 0 62.7 27.9 9.4 0 0 0 5
0 0 2,992
Asgede Tsimbila 2.7 97.3 18.3 69 6.3 6.4 7.7 85.2 7.1 0 0 0 8,580
Tselemti 0 100 1.6 96.9 0.8 0.8 0 50 50 0 0 0 5,778

P a g e | 115
Shire Enda Silassie 56.9 43.1 9.3 76 0.2 14.6 0 19.1 0 0 80. 0 25,415
Shiraro 0 100 3.2 74.5 7.4 15 0 95.3 0 0 9
4.7 0 5,095
Mereb Lekhe 73.9 26.1 0.5 74.6 19 5.8 0 0 0 100 0 0 10,885
Ahferom 9.4 90.6 10.3 54.1 11.6 24.1 0 13 82.3 4.7 0 0 17,533
Werie Lekhe 48.1 51.9 2.9 28.7 5 63.4 0 28.9 0 43.2 27. 0 6,353
Adwa 17.1 82.9 0.7 81.4 15.6 2.4 0 100 0 0 9
0 0 10,486
Laelay Maychew 0.6 99.4 0 81.9 0 18.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,662
Tahtay Maychew 30.6 69.4 2.1 53.9 17.5 26.5 0 15.9 51.2 0 32. 0 8,619
Naeder Adiet 10.8 89.2 0.6 68.1 9.4 21.9 0 0 0 0 9
0 100 8,767
Kola Tembien 73.7 26.3 0 71.7 0 28.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,186
Adwa Town 45.3 54.7 1.5 51.6 2.4 44.5 0 100 0 0 0 0 16,789
Tanqua Abergele 30.8 69.2 0 75.5 22 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,969
Abyi Adi 98.7 1.3 18 27.1 6.6 48.3 2 76.7 0 0 21. 0 5,815
Axum 76.3 23.7 5.3 69.5 3.6 21.6 0 100 0 0 4
0 0 14,066
Gulo Mekheda 11.3 88.7 2.8 54.4 4.6 38.3 0 35 0 0 65 0 7,052
Erob 92.8 7.2 7 66.2 0.7 26.1 7.1 71.4 0 0 21. 0 2,456
Saesi Tsada emba 14.6 85.4 20.5 75.2 2.3 2 3.2 55.2 0 4.9 4
36. 0 7,058
Ganta Afeshum 31.4 68.6 3.2 29.8 8.7 58.3 0 81.6 0 0 8
18. 0 7,971
Hawzien 25.3 74.8 0 45 15.3 39.7 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 11,902
Kilte Awlaelo 5.7 94.4 0.5 89.8 3.5 6.2 0 100 0 0 0 0 8,619
Atsbi Wemberta 7.9 92.1 0 79.3 0 20.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,567
Adigrat 13.6 86.4 25.4 57 9.2 8.4 0 12.9 0 0 87. 0 20,650
Wukro 99.1 0.9 3.6 59.9 3.3 33.3 36.7 63.4 0 0 2
0 0 13,960
Ofla 3 97 3 74.7 3 19.4 100 0 0 0 0 0 480

P a g e | 116
Enda Mekhoni 75.2 24.8 0 90.1 0 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,795
Raya Azebo 42.1 58 0.3 51.3 5.6 42.8 0 0 0 0 100 0 11,893
Emba Alaje 28.4 71.6 0.9 89.7 3.7 5.7 100 0 0 0 0 0 2,969
Raya Alamata 25.2 74.8 2.8 90.4 1.5 5.3 0 0 100 0 0 0 4,403
Maychew 0 100 12.7 62.5 22.9 2 0 91.5 4.3 0 4.3 0 9,502
Korem 10.6 89.5 13.8 49.2 13.9 23.1 3.1 22.2 0 0 74. 0 3,762
Alamata Town 2.2 97.8 4.3 19.1 10.8 65.7 0 100 0 0 7
0 0 12,713
Kafta Humera 32.8 67.2 1.9 47.4 25.7 24.9 0 100 0 0 0 0 15,958
Welkayit 8.5 91.5 0 76.1 12 11.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,689
Tsegede 88.5 11.5 2 88.4 2.6 7 66.7 33.3 0 0 0 0 8,031
Setit Humera 89 11.1 7.3 23.7 25.4 43.5 0 83.2 0 0 16. 0 9,763
Seharti Samre 11.5 88.5 1.3 36.2 6.9 55.6 0 100 0 0 8
0 0 6,651
Hintalo Wejjerat 5.2 94.8 6 68.6 5.9 19.6 0 100 0 0 0 0 10,165
Degua Tembien 6.9 93.1 1.1 72.5 4.6 21.8 0 100 0 0 0 0 5,899
Enderta 5.8 94.3 0 61.9 9.2 28.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,682
Mekelle 45 55.1 16.7 21.4 1.6 60.3 0 50.2 0 0 49. 0 107,247
Education level 8

Never attended 27.2 72.8 5.2 57.3 10.4 27.2 3.6 36.7 15.7 1.1 42. 0 125,443
Informal education 25.2 74.8 4.6 60 11.8 23.6 0 49.7 11.2 4 9
32. 2.7 44,734
Primary 34.7 65.3 7.5 52.5 8.2 31.8 1.1 51.9 5.9 1.4 5
39. 0 133,320
Secondary 40.9 59.1 10.4 43.7 5.6 40.4 1.8 45.1 0 0 7
53. 0 94,582
More than 43.9 56.1 11.2 46.5 4.1 38.2 0.8 56.8 0.7 0 1
41. 0 96,471
secondary status
Employment 8

Employed 32.6 67.4 7.5 52.4 7.8 32.3 1.4 51.5 6.1 0.9 40. 0 370,602
P a g e | 117
Unemployed 41.8 58.3 9.1 48.8 7.7 34.3 1.9 42.6 1.8 0.5 52. 0.5 123,889
Wealth quintile 7

Poorest 9.1 90.9 2 78.2 9.1 10.7 0 0 70.5 17.5 0 12 22,849

Poorer 12.6 87.4 1.9 58.5 11.4 28.1 0 11.4 78.4 0 10. 0 30,067
Middle 18.8 81.2 1.4 61.6 15.6 21.5 0 11.4 73.4 8.4 2
6.8 0 74,084
Richer 36.1 63.9 3.9 52.6 9.2 34.4 2.1 62.3 5.7 2.2 27. 0 145,492
Richest 45.2 54.8 14.2 51.5 7.8 32.8 1.6 49.1 0.2 0 7
49. 0 222,104

P a g e | 118
Table 3.3.7: Percentage of child feces disposal way by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Properness disposal
child feces disposal way
of child feces
demographic Total
characteristics households
Dropped/ Put/rinsed Disposed into Disposed
proper improperly Used as Disposed in left it Don’t
washed away into drain solid waste/ outside Buried Other
disposal disposal manure the yard there know
into toilet facility or ditch garbage premises

Tigray 48.4 51.6 32.4 0.6 3.8 15.3 5.5 39.9 1.4 0.6 0.6 0.0 490,074
Male 45.2 54.8 30.0 0.5 3.8 14.5 5.8 42.7 1.5 0.7 0.4 0.0 406,170
Female 63.6 36.4 44.1 0.7 3.7 19.0 4.0 26.1 1.0 0.3 1.1 0.1 83,904
Urban 87.9 12.2 76.4 0.3 0.9 10.7 2.3 7.8 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.1 163,677
Rural 28.4 71.6 10.4 0.7 5.3 17.6 7.1 55.9 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.0 326,397
Tahtay Adiyabo 14.9 85.1 12.6 0.0 0.7 2.0 2.6 76.6 2.2 3.4 0.0 0.0 12,864
Laelay Adiyabo 21.1 78.9 19.4 0.0 0.0 1.7 3.7 75.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15,196
Medebay Zana 29.1 70.9 10.9 0.5 3.7 16.4 6.1 53.5 6.3 1.1 1.5 0.0 13,712
Tahtay Qoraro 15.3 84.7 5.8 1.3 5.4 9.3 3.0 73.5 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,227
Asgede Tsimbila 46.6 53.4 12.4 0.0 0.0 34.2 3.9 48.7 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 20,575
Tselemti 14.3 85.7 11.4 0.5 0.2 2.8 6.4 78.1 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,717
Shire Enda 99.6 0.4 99.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,032
Shiraro 98.6 1.4 97.7 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.9 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,172

P a g e | 119
Mereb Lekhe 43.2 56.8 21.3 0.0 11.1 20.0 2.5 40.7 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 15,235
Ahferom 54.8 45.2 43.6 1.2 0.0 9.0 0.4 36.3 4.1 0.4 4.8 0.4 16,579
Werie Lekhe 50.6 49.4 19.3 0.0 5.6 26.2 17.0 20.0 10.2 1.0 0.9 0.0 10,215
Adwa 47.7 52.3 19.8 1.1 12.4 27.9 10.5 27.3 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 5,233
Laelay 71.8 28.2 10.6 0.0 1.8 59.4 10.0 12.3 2.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 5,102
Tahtay 54.9 45.1 27.1 0.0 31.5 27.9 0.0 8.8 0.0 1.7 3.1 0.0 6,969
Naeder Adiet 34.1 65.9 25.5 0.0 9.4 8.0 9.5 41.7 1.8 1.2 3.0 0.0 9,648
Kola Tembien 7.4 92.6 3.7 0.0 0.0 3.3 6.5 76.9 4.8 4.1 0.8 0.0 12,512
Adwa Town 96.9 3.1 94.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 2.3 1.5 0.0 0.0 4,470
Tanqua 34.6 65.4 23.0 11.4 3.2 11.2 0.7 49.4 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 13,922
Abyi Adi 76.4 23.6 71.2 1.0 0.0 5.2 2.1 20.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,040
Axum 96.0 4.0 94.8 1.3 0.0 0.7 2.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,921
Gulo Mekheda 66.3 33.7 21.5 0.0 0.0 44.9 8.3 25.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,847
Erob 48.3 51.7 24.8 0.0 0.0 20.1 7.6 40.4 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,093
Saesi Tsada 52.7 47.3 16.8 0.0 21.4 35.8 0.8 25.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,442
Ganta Afeshum 59.9 40.1 28.8 0.6 1.2 30.6 1.8 35.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.6 8,769
Hawzien 51.7 48.3 35.1 1.1 9.5 16.6 2.6 35.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10,131
Kilte Awlaelo 51.8 48.2 26.5 1.1 0.0 25.3 1.0 46.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9,604
Atsbi Wemberta 78.6 21.4 27.8 0.5 1.8 49.8 1.8 17.2 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,742
Adigrat 92.3 7.7 89.1 0.7 0.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7,827
Wukro 99.5 0.5 97.1 0.5 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,646
Ofla 12.1 88.0 0.9 0.0 14.3 11.0 23.3 48.5 1.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 15,535
Enda Mekhoni 18.3 81.7 1.3 0.0 7.8 15.9 9.9 58.2 6.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 8,515
Raya Azebo 39.3 60.7 12.5 0.0 0.0 25.9 15.3 41.9 2.1 0.5 1.7 0.0 12,974

P a g e | 120
Emba Alaje 44.1 55.9 12.8 0.0 0.7 31.2 9.7 45.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,449

Raya Alamata 13.5 86.5 11.4 0.0 0.0 2.0 12.7 73.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 10,663
Maychew 80.5 19.5 77.5 0.0 0.0 3.0 11.0 8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,463
Korem 72.3 27.7 62.1 3.3 0.7 9.7 15.4 6.6 0.7 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,501
Alamata Town 89.3 10.7 89.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.8 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 5,714
Kafta Humera 47.7 52.3 39.5 0.0 12.5 7.7 8.8 27.3 1.2 3.1 0.0 0.0 12,999
Welkayit 13.4 86.6 7.9 0.0 6.2 5.5 10.0 69.2 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 17,367
Tsegede 35.7 64.3 17.6 0.0 0.0 17.8 6.0 56.4 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.0 15,205
Setit Humera 98.1 1.9 96.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 4,011
Seharti Samre 29.3 70.7 15.7 0.0 15.4 13.6 11.0 44.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,569
Hintalo Wejjerat 55.5 44.5 8.5 0.9 0.9 47.0 4.0 37.9 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 9,395
Degua Tembien 21.1 78.9 19.6 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.6 77.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16,459
Enderta 44.8 55.2 14.0 0.0 0.9 30.8 7.9 42.6 0.0 3.0 0.4 0.4 12,405
Mekelle 90.5 9.5 82.4 0.0 1.5 8.1 0.8 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45,404
Education level
Never attended 30.1 69.9 11.8 0.5 5.1 17.9 8.0 54.0 1.5 0.8 0.4 0.0 179,396
Informal 36.2 63.8 18.8 0.1 6.4 17.2 5.1 50.5 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.0 44,312
Primary 48.3 51.7 33.1 0.7 3.6 14.5 4.8 40.5 1.6 0.5 0.6 0.1 156,845
Secondary 77.7 22.3 61.5 0.5 1.7 15.1 3.5 15.0 1.3 0.4 0.9 0.1 63,853
More than 90.7 9.3 84.2 0.8 0.2 6.1 1.2 6.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.1 45,582
Employed 46.1 53.9 31.4 0.6 2.9 14.0 5.8 42.8 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.0 414,011
Unemployed 60.9 39.1 38.0 0.2 9.0 22.3 4.1 24.1 0.9 0.3 1.0 0.1 75,874
Wealth quintile

P a g e | 121
Poorest 23.7 76.3 4.0 0.6 5.0 19.5 8.1 60.2 1.0 1.3 0.3 0.0 104,634
Poorer 21.5 78.5 6.6 0.2 6.4 14.5 7.8 62.1 1.8 0.3 0.4 0.0 95,652
Middle 35.3 64.7 16.5 0.6 5.4 18.0 6.5 49.7 2.2 0.6 0.6 0.1 104,733
Richer 69.2 30.8 48.7 1.0 2.0 19.6 4.0 21.3 1.4 0.6 1.4 0.1 86,717
Richest 95.8 4.3 90.6 0.5 0.0 4.7 0.8 2.6 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 98,338

Table 3.3.8: percentage of household members suffered with diarrhea two weeks prior to the interview day by demographic characterstics
in Tigray, 2020
Demographic characterstics Under five children suffered with diarrhea Total households Household member age ≥ 5 year suffered Total
two week prior to the interview day with diarrhea two week prior to the interview households
Tigray 9.3 490,074 3.0 1,303,906


Male 9.1 406,170 3.3 904,562

Female 10.2 83,904 2.5 399,344


Urban 8.3 163,677 2.1 427,006

Rural 9.8 326,397 3.5 876,901


Tahtay Adiyabo 8.5 12,864 6.5 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 9.0 15,196 1.3 38,315

P a g e | 122
Medebay Zana 23.8 13,712 8.2 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 5.6 3,227 2.0 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 6.6 20,575 2.6 47,368

Tselemti 12.1 20,717 4.9 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 3.9 12,032 0.8 25,799

Shiraro 15.5 2,172 4.2 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 36.3 15,235 13.1 35,244

Ahferom 10.0 16,579 3.2 44,420

Werie Lekhe 12.8 10,215 1.7 37,190

Adwa 2.2 5,233 0.7 22,407

Laelay Maychew 10.9 5,102 1.7 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 5.6 6,969 2.7 24,867

Naeder Adiet 2.7 9,648 1.1 27,152

Kola Tembien 2.1 12,512 1.1 36,767

Adwa Town 14.9 4,470 0.8 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 10.2 13,922 4.7 26,721

Abyi Adi 14.6 2,040 8.7 7,967

Axum 3.1 5,921 0.6 14,707

P a g e | 123
Gulo Mekheda 5.3 4,847 1.5 16,719

Erob 5.6 1,093 0.2 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 6.7 12,442 2.0 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 4.1 8,769 1.6 24,403

Hawzien 6.3 10,131 1.5 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 2.5 9,604 0.4 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 2.6 12,742 1.8 28,695

Adigrat 4.2 7,827 1.0 22,545

Wukro 10.8 6,646 0.7 14,060

Ofla 10.5 15,535 4.6 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 12.0 8,515 3.2 21,103
Raya Azebo 12.9 12,974 3.9 41,388

Emba Alaje 14.3 8,449 7.7 27,063

Raya Alamata 4.6 10,663 3.7 29,266

Maychew 15.3 4,463 3.4 11,015

Korem 4.8 2,501 2.4 6,246

Alamata Town 10.6 5,714 3.6 14,260

Kafta Humera 9.8 12,999 1.1 32,582

Welkayit 26.6 17,367 9.7 44,040

P a g e | 124
Tsegede 9.4 15,205 4.4 34,184

Setit Humera 6.7 4,011 2.2 10,098

Seharti Samre 4.3 5,569 2.0 31,930

Hintalo Wejjerat 5.1 9,395 1.1 40,817

Degua Tembien 1.4 16,459 1.9 32,241

Enderta 3.5 12,405 0.7 24,047

Mekelle 4.8 45,404 0.6 122,134

Education level
Never attended 9.3 179,396 3.2 620,603

Informal education 9.2 44,312 3.3 140,144

Primary 10.5 156,845 3.6 297,698

Secondary 8.8 63,853 2.2 134,096

More than secondary 5.9 45,582 1.5 111,231

Wealth quintile
Poorest 7.4 104,634 2.7 313,746
Poorer 10.8 95,652 4.0 256,706
Middle 10.7 104,733 3.8 267,721
Richer 10.1 86,717 2.9 235,905
Richest 7.7 98,338 1.7 229,828

P a g e | 125
Table 3.3.9: Percentage of open defecation free (ODF) by residence and woreda in Tigray, 2020

kebelles previously declared kebeles currently declared Performity of trained leader in

presence of trained leader in
open defecation free (ODF) open defecation free (ODF) Total Pebele in relation to ODF kebele in relation to ODF
demographic Total
characteristics Not households
don't perform don't
yes No don't know yes No don't know yes No their role
know their role know

Tigray 12.3 46.4 41.3 5.3 54 40.8 984,454 16.2 61.4 22.4 72.8 23.7 3.5 605,965
Urban 15.5 37.3 47.2 9.9 46.2 44 145,096 19.8 58.7 21.5 74 20.4 5.6 81,988
Rural 11.8 48 40.3 4.5 55.3 40.2 839,358 15.7 61.8 22.5 72.6 24.4 3.1 523,977
Tahtay Adiyabo 7.6 56 36.4 1.8 61.3 36.9 25,219 23.9 58.2 17.9 93.3 4.6 2.1 16,032
Laelay Adiyabo 23.4 40.6 36 6.2 64.2 29.5 34,802 59.7 31.9 8.5 82.7 16.3 1.1 24,527
Medebay Zana 5.6 33 61.5 0.9 39.9 59.2 33,526 10.3 64.9 24.8 27.3 67.8 4.9 13,678
Tahtay Qoraro 14.2 33.5 52.3 6.7 50.2 43.1 14,741 28.9 59.3 11.8 35.9 64.1 0 8,466
Asgede Tsimbila 7.4 42 50.7 3.4 47 49.6 46,238 14.1 72.6 13.3 35.9 64.1 0 23,373
Tselemti 1.9 64 34.2 0 66.1 33.9 39,893 0.6 67.3 32.1 0 100 0 26,362
Mereb Lekhe 2.7 55.5 41.9 0.8 58.7 40.6 34,518 4 87.5 8.5 85.4 14.6 0 20,509
Ahferom 2.9 49.6 47.5 2 50.6 47.4 44,334 23.4 19.2 57.4 64 31.2 4.8 23,318
Werie Lekhe 14.4 71 14.6 4.7 79.3 16 36,803 5.7 82.8 11.5 65.1 34.9 0 31,737
Adwa 1.1 44.1 54.9 0.3 45 54.7 22,351 0.2 69 30.8 0 100 0 10,124
Laelay Maychew 9.4 46.3 44.3 2 53.3 44.7 17,659 14.5 41.5 44 30.3 60.3 9.4 9,849

P a g e | 126
Tahtay Maychew 15.4 41.2 43.4 7.2 49.5 43.3 24,763 26.2 29.5 44.3 46.3 52.1 1.6 14,081
Naeder Adiet 0.5 73.8 25.6 0.2 74.2 25.7 27,092 2.8 88.3 8.9 15.1 84.9 0 20,188
Kola Tembien 6.3 51.3 42.4 - 57.9 42.1 36,441 0.8 54.1 45.1 14.4 43.6 42 21,171
Tanqua Abergele 51.4 22.1 26.5 21.6 51.4 27 26,571 43.6 39.7 16.7 81.2 16.6 2.2 19,654
Gulo Mekheda 0.2 57.7 42.1 0.3 63.6 36.1 15,145 0 98.4 1.6 - - - 9,679
Erob 2.6 55.2 42.1 1.6 56.4 42 6,096 1.4 76.7 21.9 50 0 50 3,557
Saesi Tsada emba 22.3 39.6 38 4.7 61.2 34.2 32,773 15.1 68.3 16.6 72.2 21.3 6.4 21,761
Ganta Afeshum 1.7 21.7 76.6 0.9 22.6 76.5 24,310 2.7 52.2 45.1 33.3 33.3 33.3 5,707
Hawzien 33.2 34.1 32.7 23.7 43.2 33.1 26,335 23.1 35.7 41.2 89.4 4.1 6.5 17,833
Kilte Awlaelo 35.1 17.5 47.4 32 20.7 47.3 23,141 70.9 14.9 14.3 82.7 13.7 3.6 12,187
Atsbi Wemberta 12.7 67.3 20 12.4 72.2 15.4 27,126 7.6 53.2 39.3 87.1 9.9 3 22,960
Ofla 44.2 15.3 40.6 7.8 50.2 42 36,110 35.8 39.1 25.1 67.3 27.4 5.4 21,508
Enda Mekhoni 4.7 46.5 48.7 3.3 51.9 44.8 19,492 2.8 50 47.2 42.9 13.2 43.9 10,813
Raya Azebo 2.1 29.1 68.8 0.5 30.9 68.6 40,943 2.1 68.6 29.4 46.3 39.2 14.6 12,924
Emba Alaje 20.3 61.8 17.9 1.2 90.2 8.6 24,254 24.5 66.1 9.4 92.6 7.4 0 22,238
Raya Alamata 3.4 65.5 31.1 0 68.8 31.2 29,266 2.1 95.6 2.3 100 0 0 20,167
Kafta Humera 8.9 57.9 33.3 8.3 58.7 32.9 32,372 12.8 66.5 20.7 73.2 13.5 13.3 21,748
Welkayit 13.2 42.7 44.2 0.6 55 44.4 43,743 1.1 76.3 22.7 0 100 0 24,596
Tsegede 7.7 65.6 26.6 5.2 70.1 24.7 33,085 10.9 76.9 12.3 85.1 7.7 7.2 25,076
Seharti Samre 6.1 6.1 87.8 3.5 6.5 90 31,807 30.1 28.3 41.6 31.4 50.8 17.8 3,902
Hintalo Wejjerat 1.1 83.1 15.7 0.6 85.6 13.8 39,910 6.1 87.7 6.2 31 69.1 0 34,388
Degua Tembien 14.2 38.9 46.9 8.7 44.3 47.1 32,105 15.1 40 44.9 89.9 7.6 2.5 17,124
Enderta 26.8 34.4 38.8 14.7 46.5 38.8 23,907 42.8 51.8 5.4 87.4 11.8 0.9 14,729

P a g e | 127
Table 3.3.10: Percent distribution of Household needs to buy materials supplied by sanitation marketing which improve toilet facility by
socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Household needs to buy materials supplied by sanitation marketing which

improve toilet facility
Demographic characteristics Total households
Yes No Don’t know
Tigray 44.4 29.3 26.3 1,304,092
Male 47.7 27.7 24.5 904,930
Female 37 32.9 30.1 399,397
Urban 34.9 31 34.1 427,272
Rural 49.1 28.5 22.4 877,055
Tahtay Adiyabo 64.4 29.8 5.8 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 38.1 13.8 48.1 38,315
Medebay Zana 42.1 38.4 19.6 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 36.4 40.4 23.2 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 36.7 16.9 46.4 47,464
Tselemti 31.4 48.8 19.8 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 6.3 77.1 16.5 25,799
Shiraro 19.7 47.5 32.8 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 79.8 14.6 5.7 35,244
Ahferom 57.7 12.4 29.9 44,420

P a g e | 128
Werie Lekhe 39.2 55 5.8 37,190
Adwa 29.9 24.1 46.1 22,407
Laelay Maychew 44.8 35.5 19.8 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 24.5 56.9 18.6 24,867
Naeder Adiet 47 46.2 6.8 27,152
Kola Tembien 40.6 16.4 43 36,767
Adwa Town 48.9 24 27.1 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 82.8 8.3 9 26,721
Abyi Adi 28.8 27.7 43.6 7,967
Axum 16.3 18.4 65.3 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 76.8 22.1 1.1 16,719
Erob 22.6 58.8 18.7 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 68.7 24.9 6.4 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 42.8 34.6 22.7 24,403
Hawzien 68 18.9 13.1 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 37.7 49.4 12.9 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 77.8 15.3 6.9 28,695
Adigrat 27.5 18.2 54.3 22,643
Wukro 13.9 33.1 53.1 14,060
Ofla 66.1 15.1 18.9 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 58.7 23.2 18.1 21,103
Raya Azebo 67.1 14.7 18.2 41,558
Emba Alaje 19 45 36.1 27,063
Raya Alamata 68.3 21.1 10.7 29,266

P a g e | 129
Maychew 72.4 26.6 1.1 11,015
Korem 33.8 35 31.2 6,246
Alamata Town 33.8 24.8 41.4 14,260
Kafta Humera 59.1 25.1 15.8 32,582
Welkayit 64.1 23.2 12.7 44,040
Tsegede 35.5 42.7 21.9 34,184
Setit Humera 38.7 17.3 44 10,098
Seharti Samre 33.3 10.4 56.4 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 21 53.7 25.3 40,817
Degua Tembien 42.3 15.6 42.1 32,241
Enderta 57.5 24.8 17.7 24,047
Mekelle 18.1 35.6 46.3 122,134
Education level
Never attended 46 30.2 23.9 620,888
Informal education 45.8 30.5 23.8 140,144
Primary 49.3 26 24.7 297,791
Secondary 36 26.4 37.6 134,096
More than secondary 31.2 35.6 33.2 111,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 43 30.6 26.4 313,746
Poorer 49 28.4 22.5 256,706
Middle 54.5 28 17.5 267,928
Richer 47 23.8 29.2 236,021
Richest 27 35.7 37.3 229,925

P a g e | 130
Table 3.3.11: Percentage of Household dispose site of water used for cooking, laundry and bathing in Tigray, 2020

Demographic Household dispose site of water used for cooking, laundry and bathing Total
characterstis households
To Piped To Soak To Sanitation To Open To road To Water body In compound To ground Other
sewer pit facility channel side (lake, river, etc) or garden farming

Tigray 1.2 13.4 20.4 5.9 18.2 2.4 37 1.4 0.1 1,303,860
Male 1 13.7 18.2 6.1 17.6 2.7 39 1.6 0.1 904,570
Female 1.6 12.6 25.4 5.4 19.7 1.6 32.7 1 0.1 399,290
Urban 3 9.2 53.3 3.8 12.6 0.3 17.6 0.1 0 427,014
Rural 0.3 15.4 4.3 6.9 21 3.4 46.5 2.1 0.2 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 0.1 4.9 3.3 0.6 23.9 0.3 66.8 0.2 0 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.3 2.3 10 1.2 2.3 1.7 73.5 7.6 1 38,315
Medebay Zana 1.1 7.7 10.3 21.5 14.5 1.3 43.7 0 0 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.5 4.8 3.1 6.3 34.5 16.3 34.4 0 0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.3 2.2 6.9 23.6 0.4 6.2 60.2 0.2 0 47,368
Tselemti 0.1 2.7 5.1 2.8 8.4 0.2 74.3 6.2 0.2 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 7.8 1.8 69.4 7 4.1 0 10 0 0 25,764
Shiraro 38.2 4.7 40.8 0.3 1.8 0 14.3 0 0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 2 13.6 11.6 19.3 16.3 2 33.5 1.7 0 35,244
Ahferom 0.3 8.5 9.5 3.4 10.6 8.1 59.1 0.5 0.1 44,420

P a g e | 131
Werie Lekhe 1.2 32.4 6.4 6.7 41.5 1.1 10.8 0 0 37,190
Adwa 0.3 43.8 4.4 11.8 25.9 0 13.6 0.2 0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.8 27.8 15.3 12.1 37.5 0.3 1.5 4.8 0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.1 23.8 17.5 12.6 3.3 1.5 41.3 0 0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 1.6 14.6 5.8 5.4 64.4 7.1 1.2 0 0 27,152
Kola Tembien 0 5 2.2 0 0.5 19.4 73 0 0 36,767
Adwa Town 3.3 0.7 65.1 0.6 6.3 0 24 0 0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 0.4 8.6 10.5 0 31.8 0 46.4 1 1.4 26,721
Abyi Adi 1.3 6.5 56.6 7.6 16 0 12 0 0 7,967
Axum 6.9 3.9 58.7 2.8 7.4 0.7 19.6 0 0 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0.2 11.1 13.7 1.6 38.4 0 33.2 1.4 0.4 16,719
Erob 1 2.7 13.6 0.3 10.1 1.8 70.2 0.3 0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0 14.2 14.1 21.3 20.2 0 30 0.2 0 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 4.5 5.8 13.1 3.8 6.1 1.2 65.4 0 0 24,403
Hawzien 2.9 22 21.4 3.7 41.3 0.6 7.8 0.4 0 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 0.4 6.1 12.8 0.6 13.3 0.7 65.6 0.2 0.2 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 0.5 50.8 19.4 0.4 12 0.6 12.5 3.6 0.2 28,695
Adigrat 0 5 62.3 0.3 2.2 0 30.2 0 0 22,589
Wukro 4.4 2.6 82.3 0.4 5.2 0 5.1 0 0 14,060
Ofla 0 56.7 0.5 0.5 27.4 3 11.7 0.2 0 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0 8.3 5.4 2.1 30.9 4.3 45.6 2.6 0.7 21,103
Raya Azebo 0.2 6 19.1 31.5 39.5 1 2.7 0 0 41,388
Emba Alaje 0.2 41.1 4.4 3.1 24.1 1.8 25.2 0 0 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.1 1.6 0.9 8.8 49.8 0 38.6 0.2 0 29,266

P a g e | 132
Maychew 0.6 31.2 16.5 5.3 12.6 0.5 33.2 0.2 0 11,015
Korem 0.8 21.8 21.1 6.4 21.8 2.6 25.2 0.3 0 6,246
Alamata Town 0 10.4 46 0.3 10.7 0.8 31.8 0 0 14,260
Kafta Humera 0 1.5 6.7 0 12.3 0.7 78.6 0.2 0.2 32,582
Welkayit 0 2.2 4.1 1.1 24 8.4 53.9 6 0.3 44,040
Tsegede 0 1.7 2.6 0 11.2 0.2 84.3 0 0 34,184
Setit Humera 0 28.2 45.7 1.8 6.5 0 17.9 0 0 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.4 27.3 11.4 0.3 17.5 0.2 43 0 0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.3 27.9 19.6 2.3 19.7 2.3 27.8 0 0 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.2 8.2 6.7 0.2 8 0.4 70.4 5.5 0.4 32,241
Enderta 0.2 8.1 10.1 2.4 41.3 0.4 19.2 17.6 0.7 24,047
Mekelle 3.2 9.2 70.3 0.9 7 0.1 9.1 0.2 0 122,134
Education level
Never attended 0.5 14.3 7.8 7.3 21.4 3.1 43.7 1.6 0.2 620,549
Informal education 1 15.8 12.9 5.3 20.2 2.9 40.3 1.5 0.2 140,144
Primary 1.5 12.1 23.3 5 16.6 2.1 37.6 1.8 0.1 297,698
Secondary 2.8 13.4 45.5 3.9 12.7 0.9 20.4 0.5 0 134,060
More than secondary 2.8 8.3 62 3.1 9.1 0.1 14.1 0.5 0.1 111,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 0.3 19.1 1.7 7.3 19.1 4 46.3 2 0.2 313,746
Poorer 0.2 14.6 2.7 7 23.5 3.1 46.8 1.8 0.2 256,706
Middle 0.6 12.9 6.2 6.7 21.5 2.8 47.2 2.1 0.1 267,666
Richer 1.7 10.8 28.5 5.8 19.8 1.1 31.6 0.8 0 235,869
Richest 3.8 7.4 73.9 1.8 5.7 0 7.2 0.1 0 229,872

P a g e | 133
Table 3.3.12: Percent distribution of properly solid waste disposal by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Proper solid waste household have a Households have a Frequency of removing stored garbage from households
disposal storage used to separate storage for
Demographic Total households
collect solid waste degradable & non
degradable waste at
your household
Once a Twice a Once a
Yes No Yes No Yes No Daily Other
week week month

Tigray 15.5 84.5 43.2 56.8 44 56 10.8 60 20.2 7 2 1,303,860


Male 14.4 85.6 39.5 60.5 44.9 55.1 11.8 60.7 18.5 6.8 2.2 904,570

Female 18 82 51.7 48.3 42.7 57.3 9 58.8 23.2 7.4 1.6 399,290

Urban 32.9 67.1 85.7 14.3 44.7 55.3 3.3 64 25.3 6.9 0.5 427,014
Rural 7 93 22.6 77.4 43 57 24.7 52.5 10.8 7.2 4.8 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 1.7 98.3 19.6 80.5 25.3 74.7 32.8 57.2 6.6 2.6 0.9 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 14.3 85.8 28.5 71.5 71.3 28.7 23.4 70.3 1.6 2.6 2.2 38,315
Medebay Zana 8.3 91.7 27.8 72.2 38.6 61.4 25.3 61.1 13 0.6 0 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 1.9 98.2 7.5 92.5 47.5 52.5 0 70.5 9.3 20.2 0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 5.8 94.2 32 68 25.4 74.7 3.2 73.5 17.7 4.9 0.6 47,368
Tselemti 4.3 95.7 21 79 51.3 48.7 21.2 37.1 4.6 33 4.1 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 53.5 46.5 98.4 1.6 54.5 45.5 0.3 10.8 88.6 0.2 0 25,764

P a g e | 134
Shiraro 57.5 42.5 84.2 15.8 95.9 4.1 1.3 85.6 12.5 0.7 0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 12.4 87.6 38.9 61.1 43 57.1 10.4 61 4.6 23.6 0.5 35,244
Ahferom 29.5 70.5 51.2 48.8 90.2 9.8 7.4 78.9 7.2 5.5 1.1 44,420
Werie Lekhe 7.7 92.3 16.8 83.2 57.2 42.8 6.3 68.6 13.1 12 0 37,190
Adwa 16.1 83.9 54 46 33 67 1.5 91.1 5.5 2 0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 8.8 91.2 18.8 81.2 62.2 37.8 42.7 29.1 16.1 10.9 1.2 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 10.2 89.8 39 61 35.5 64.5 47 35.8 10.2 7.1 0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 32.2 67.8 41.4 58.6 85.5 14.5 6.1 80.3 11.9 1.7 0 27,152
Kola Tembien 0.3 99.7 4.1 96 9.8 90.2 0 58.5 28.6 3.3 9.6 36,767
Adwa Town 14 86 80.5 19.5 17.4 82.6 1.2 9 84.8 5 0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 14.7 85.3 36.9 63.1 44.3 55.7 15.2 68.9 4.8 5.8 5.4 26,721
Abyi Adi 63.4 36.6 96.3 3.8 68 32 2.2 77.1 18.6 2.2 0 7,967
Axum 53.6 46.4 89.4 10.6 62.5 37.5 2.6 78.8 18.3 0.3 0 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 8.2 91.8 10.4 89.6 91.5 8.6 0 90.3 6.1 3.7 0 16,719
Erob 8 92 10.2 89.8 84.8 15.3 3.9 88 5.5 2.6 0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 29.8 70.2 71.8 28.2 44.5 55.5 57.8 36.5 2.2 2.9 0.7 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 5.6 94.4 61.1 38.9 13.9 86.1 4.4 36.3 7.8 22.3 29.2 24,403
Hawzien 27.9 72.1 69.1 30.9 42.4 57.6 28.6 54.2 16.1 1.2 0 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 15.9 84.1 53.2 46.8 66.2 33.8 10.3 51.2 18.9 9.2 10.4 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 35.3 64.7 56.5 43.6 71.7 28.3 14.9 67 7.1 10.1 0.9 28,695
Adigrat 17.9 82.1 83.2 16.8 22.8 77.2 2 82.9 8.5 6.3 0.3 22,589
Wukro 3.7 96.4 99.2 0.9 3.7 96.3 0 8.7 91.2 0.2 0 14,060
Ofla 0.4 99.6 17.2 82.8 4.8 95.2 64.9 32.2 2.9 0 0 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 6.2 93.8 12.5 87.5 71.5 28.5 22.6 56 11.2 5 5.2 21,103

P a g e | 135
Raya Azebo 7.7 92.3 35.7 64.3 43.6 56.5 8 73.2 15.4 3.5 0 41,388
Emba Alaje 0.8 99.2 23.6 76.4 6.8 93.2 1.4 67.6 22.2 8.8 0 27,063
Raya Alamata 7.3 92.7 12.5 87.6 59.4 40.6 1.8 88.6 9.6 0 0 29,266
Maychew 39.9 60.1 92.5 7.5 56.1 43.9 4.5 83.6 3 6.9 2 11,015
Korem 14.5 85.5 82.8 17.2 19.7 80.3 0.4 72.3 12.7 12.1 2.4 6,246
Alamata Town 32.3 67.7 83.5 16.5 45.3 54.7 1.7 79.3 5 11.4 2.7 14,260
Kafta Humera 4.1 95.9 34.4 65.6 28 72 7.2 59.7 8.3 23 1.8 32,582
Welkayit 6.4 93.6 21.6 78.4 45 55 2.9 81 3.2 3.6 9.4 44,040
Tsegede 13.2 86.8 33.3 66.7 65.3 34.7 10.4 74.1 13.9 1.7 0 34,184
Setit Humera 28.3 71.7 98.6 1.4 29.2 70.8 0.7 71.5 26.9 0.2 0.7 10,098
Seharti Samre 11.3 88.8 22.8 77.2 64.6 35.4 44.7 33.9 14.6 6.7 0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 2 98 8.3 91.7 24 76.1 0.9 91 5.8 2.4 0 40,817
Degua Tembien 4.9 95.1 17.1 82.9 29.5 70.5 5.8 63.6 3.4 21.4 5.9 32,241
Enderta 1.7 98.3 17.2 82.8 23.6 76.4 14.8 36.9 19.2 9.8 19.3 24,047
Mekelle 33.8 66.2 92.1 7.9 37.8 62.3 1.2 66.6 23.4 8.5 0.4 122,134
Education level
Never attended 8.3 91.7 26.6 73.4 40.8 59.3 17.5 58.4 14.5 6.5 3.1 620,549
Informal education 12.9 87.1 35.1 64.9 46 54 18.7 54 15 9.9 2.4 140,144
Primary 18.5 81.5 51.8 48.2 44.6 55.4 9.3 60.4 20.4 7.6 2.4 297,698
Secondary 29.8 70.2 75.7 24.3 46.7 53.3 4.7 63.1 25.2 6.4 0.7 134,060
More than secondary 33.5 66.6 84.4 15.6 45.4 54.7 3.8 61.9 27.3 6.4 0.6 111,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 6 94 17 83 47.3 52.7 28.1 49.6 10.7 8.2 3.5 313,746
Poorer 6.6 93.4 20.4 79.7 43.2 56.8 25.3 51.6 11.9 6 5.2 256,706

P a g e | 136
Middle 8.9 91.1 30 70 40.3 59.7 20 56.3 12.4 7 4.3 267,666
Richer 24.2 75.8 69.4 30.6 44.3 55.7 6.5 65.5 18.8 7.6 1.6 235,869
Richest 37.2 62.8 93.1 6.9 44.8 55.2 2.6 61.8 28.7 6.6 0.3 229,872

P a g e | 137
Households’ Access to Hygiene Services

Key Findings

✓ Forty-one percent of households do not have hand washing facility available at all.
✓ Fifty-two percent of households have access to limited hygiene service.
✓ Only seven percent of the households have access to basic hygiene services with 16% in
urban and 3% in rural.
✓ The poorest households are three times more likely not to have hand washing facility
compared to the richest households (55% versus 17%).
✓ Seventy-six percent of the respondents’ report that they wash their hands before eating
followed by 63% wash after eating and 43% wash their hands after toilet use.
✓ Eighty-five percent of the households have no bathing facility with 61% in urban and
96% in rural.

P a g e | 138
3.4.1. Access to Hygiene Services

From the survey 41% (urban 24%, rural 50%) of the households have no hand washing facility at
all. On the other hand, 52% (urban 60%, rural 48%) of households have access to limited 12
hygiene services.While the remaining 7% of the households (urban 16%, rural 3%) have access
to basic13 hygiene services (Table 3.4.1). Figure-3.4.1 shows access to hygiene service in Tigray.



basic Hand washing facility limted Hand washing facility No Hand washing facility

Figure- 3.4.1: Percentage of Access to Hygiene Services in Tigray, 2020

The survey result show that access to basic hygiene services varies across weredas/town with the
highest in Maychew (55%) compared to wereda Kola Tembien, Gulo Mekheda and Erob have no
any access at all. Similarly, wereda Adwa (88%) followed by Shire Enda Silassie (87%) has the
highest limited hygiene service access compared to wereda Erob with the lowest (3%). The
survey result also shows that among the weredas/town, Erob record the highest (97%) proportion
of households with no hand washing facility. The poorest households are three times more likely
not to have hand washing facility compared to the richest households (55% versus 17%).
Likewise, households headed by a household head with never attended are two times more likely

Limited hygiene services: households have hand washing facility but without soap &/or water.
Basic hygiene services: households have hand washing facility on premises with soap and water.
P a g e | 139
not to have facility compared to households headed by a household head with above secondary
educational level (48% versus 23%) (Table 3.4.1).

3.4.2. Knowledge and Practice of hand washing

According to the survey respondents were asked when their hands think should wash. Also the
respondents are asked before/after what activities wash their hands during or one day preceding
the survey which is a multiple response question. 92% of the respondents’ report that they think
they should wash before eating, followed by washing hands after eating (76%) and after toilet
use (52%). Similarly, 76% of the respondents’ report that they wash their hands before eating
followed by 63% wash after eating and 43% wash their hands after toilet use (Table 3.4.2&Table

P a g e | 140
3.4.3. Household Bathing Practice

According to the survey findings 85% of the household members have no bathing facility. By
type of residence 61% and 96% of households have no bathing facility in urban and rural
residence respectively.The commonest bathing facilty is shared shower (6%). Forty-seven
percent of the households (44% urban, 48% rural) reported that the average time of taking bath is
every week/once a week (

Table 3.4.4).

3.4.4. Methods Household Use to Maintain Food Hygiene

According to this survey the main method households use to maintain food hygiene is cooking
foods properly (79%) with 81% in urban and 79% in rural areas followed by Wash fresh
vegetables & fruits (52%) with 62% in urban and 47% in rural areas. For more information see
(Table 3.4.5).

3.4.5. Household Graduated as Model Family

This survey indicates that 3% of households are graduated as a model family. Among those 54%
have graduation certificate. The highest graduated model family is found in Setit Humera which
is 15% with 77% of them have graduation certificate (Table 3.4.6).

P a g e | 141
Table 3.4.1 : Percentage of Hand washing facilities by socio demography characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Access of hand washing facility Availability of Hand washing facility Type of hand washing facility

Demographic Total
Have Have Have no Fixed facility Fixed facility
characterstic No Have Water Mobile object households
Basic Limited Water Soap Water (tap) in (tap) in
Facility &soap (jug/kettle…)
only only &soap Dwelling Compound

Tigray 7.3 51.7 41 9.8 12.2 6.8 71.2 5.8 5.1 92.1 1,303,860
Male 6.4 50.9 42.7 9 11.9 6.2 73 5.8 5.4 91.8 904,570
Female 9.2 53.5 37.2 11.6 13 8.3 67.1 5.8 4.5 92.7 399,290
Urban 16 60.4 23.6 23.2 15.2 12.8 48.8 10.9 9.0 85.3 427,014
Rural 3 47.5 49.5 3.3 10.8 3.9 82.1 2.2 2.4 96.9 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 6.4 78.9 14.7 6.6 21.6 0.2 71.6 0.0 0.0 100.0 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 1.9 45.6 52.5 2.6 7.5 3.2 86.7 0.9 1.3 98.5 38,315
Medebay Zana 2.7 47.1 50.2 6.5 2 1.4 90.1 27.7 8.7 72.4 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 3.1 42.9 54 6.2 5.1 4.9 83.8 5.0 47.5 68.4 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 3 32.7 64.3 5.8 0.7 22.5 71.1 9.5 1.9 89.0 47,368
Tselemti 3 43.1 53.9 3.3 13.7 10.6 72.5 0.0 0.9 99.5 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 10 86.7 3.4 15.6 19.7 11.8 53 9.9 11.4 83.4 25,764
Shiraro 2.9 67.6 29.5 7.1 3.7 29.9 59.2 39.1 5.1 57.4 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 10.3 38.8 50.9 11.9 11.2 5 72 4.8 4.3 91.6 35,244
Ahferom 12.2 58.6 29.2 13.2 16.1 5.3 65.5 3.3 4.5 92.9 44,420

P a g e | 142
Access of hand washing facility Availability of Hand washing facility Type of hand washing facility

Demographic Total
Have Have Have no Fixed facility Fixed facility
characterstic No Have Water Mobile object households
Basic Limited Water Soap Water (tap) in (tap) in
Facility &soap (jug/kettle…)
only only &soap Dwelling Compound

Werie Lekhe 2.7 57.9 39.4 3.1 7.8 2 87.2 2.1 4.5 95.1 37,190
Adwa 1.1 87.5 11.4 1.1 35.7 0.3 62.9 1.3 0.2 98.7 22,407
Laelay Maychew 4.3 35.9 59.9 4.3 3.3 7.9 84.6 3.2 0.8 97.2 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 3.1 24.1 72.9 3.1 2.1 2.2 92.7 2.4 1.8 98.4 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.9 60.2 39 1.1 9.2 0.7 89 5.2 3.2 94.7 27,152
Kola Tembien 0 19 81 0 15.4 0.2 84.4 11.2 1.1 88.8 6,767
Adwa Town 14.3 67.1 18.6 18.8 16.7 22 42.5 1.0 6.6 93.9 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 1.9 64.2 34 1.9 9.7 0.9 87.6 0.0 0.4 100.0 26,721
Abyi Adi 9.1 27.9 63 14.8 15.1 1.5 68.7 11.6 15.8 78.1 7,967
Axum 7.2 62.5 30.3 26 5.9 0.9 67.3 29.3 27.7 88.6 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0 42 58 0 0.2 0.4 99.4 0.0 0.4 99.6 6,719
Erob 0 2.9 97.1 0.8 0.2 0.3 98.7 64.6 18.6 16.8 ,144
Saesi Tsada emba 3.2 67.4 29.4 3.7 16.5 12.4 67.5 0.4 1.9 97.7 5,135
Ganta Afeshum 3.2 50 46.8 3.7 18.4 8.4 69.5 0.3 4.7 95.7 24,403
Hawzien 22 74.6 3.5 23.5 17 28.1 31.4 1.4 0.6 98.8 6,477
Kilte Awlaelo 3.1 47 49.9 3.3 32.4 0.4 63.8 0.0 0.8 99.2 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 22.8 53.4 23.9 22.9 18.6 12 46.5 0.0 0.2 99.8 28,695
Adigrat 20.2 74 5.8 23.1 13.7 41.5 21.7 0.7 7.0 92.3 22,589
Wukro 20.3 72 7.8 24.1 23.3 9.3 43.3 1.6 5.0 95.2 14,060
Ofla 0.3 59 40.7 0.3 8.2 0.3 91.2 0.0 1.0 99.6 6,177

P a g e | 143
Access of hand washing facility Availability of Hand washing facility Type of hand washing facility

Demographic Total
Have Have Have no Fixed facility Fixed facility
characterstic No Have Water Mobile object households
Basic Limited Water Soap Water (tap) in (tap) in
Facility &soap (jug/kettle…)
only only &soap Dwelling Compound

Enda Mekhoni 13.4 49.3 37.3 14.2 9.5 1.3 75 2.3 0.3 98.4 21,103
Raya Azebo 2.8 65.2 32.1 10 10.3 8.9 70.9 18.3 7.5 93.1 41,388
Emba Alaje 3.3 31.6 65.1 3.3 7.1 7.6 81.9 0.9 0.0 99.4 27,063
Raya Alamata 1.4 79.9 18.8 2.8 11.5 0.7 85 0.0 5.1 97.1 29,266
Maychew 55.4 42.5 2.1 58.3 8.2 7.1 26.4 0.5 3.5 98.4 11,015
Korem 2.7 77.8 19.4 4.1 4.2 14.9 76.9 2.2 3.9 96.1 6,246
Alamata Town 37 14.5 48.6 43.2 4.5 3.7 48.6 11.9 9.5 80.3 14,260
Kafta Humera 11.6 72 16.4 11.7 47.1 2.8 38.4 0.2 0.2 99.6 32,582
Welkayit 0.1 5.3 94.6 0.2 1.1 0.5 98.2 2.1 2.1 95.9 44,040
Tsegede 4.1 29.4 66.5 4.1 9.8 3 83.2 0.0 0.0 100.0 34,184
Setit Humera 20.9 73.8 5.3 26.3 41.6 5.3 26.9 1.7 4.6 96.1 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.1 42 57.9 0.4 0.8 0.7 98 9.5 4.4 87.0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 5.4 66.5 28.1 5.6 3.3 2.6 88.4 2.1 2.3 96.8 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.8 41.8 57.4 0.8 11.3 5.7 82.2 1.9 0.0 98.6 32,241
Enderta 0.4 55 44.6 0.6 2 5.5 92 0.2 0.2 100.0 24,047
Mekelle 16 56 28 27.9 16.5 9.5 46.1 18.1 13.8 72.6 22,134
Education level
Never attended 3.3 49.2 47.6 3.9 10.6 4.5 81.1 3.2 2.1 96.4 620,549
Informal education 6 47.3 46.8 7 12.1 4.1 76.8 4.6 6.7 91.9 140,144
Primary 8.2 54.6 37.2 10.7 13.8 7.8 67.7 5.4 4.7 93.0 297,698

P a g e | 144
Access of hand washing facility Availability of Hand washing facility Type of hand washing facility

Demographic Total
Have Have Have no Fixed facility Fixed facility
characterstic No Have Water Mobile object households
Basic Limited Water Soap Water (tap) in (tap) in
Facility &soap (jug/kettle…)
only only &soap Dwelling Compound

Secondary 14.4 57.2 28.4 20.4 13.9 12.2 53.5 9.4 8.5 87.1 34,060
More than secondary 20.4 56.9 22.7 31.3 15.2 14.3 39.2 14.0 12.8 79.1 11,274
Wealth quintile
Poorest 1.8 43.5 54.7 1.9 8.9 2.7 86.6 3.1 1.8 96.1 13,746
Poorer 2.1 50.1 47.8 2.3 10.8 3.1 83.9 1.9 1.7 97.2 256,706
Middle 4.3 50.6 45.2 4.5 12.8 6 76.8 1.8 2.6 97.3 67,666
Richer 11.6 54.2 34.2 13.8 13.9 10.8 61.6 5.9 5.2 92.7 235,869
Richest 19.6 63.5 16.9 31.1 16 13.6 39.3 13.7 12.2 80.7 229,872

P a g e | 145
Table 3.4.2: percent of cases households who thinks to wash hands with soap and water one day before or during the survey day by
demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Demographic People thinks to wash hands with soap and water

Before After After Before Before After Before Before After Other Total households
eating eating toilet use going out preparing cleaning a feeding a breast performing
food child’s child feeding cleaning
bottom activity

Tigray 92.2 75.9 52.2 24.8 36.0 9.8 8.5 5.1 17.9 2.1 1,303,860
Male 92.4 76.9 50.4 24.4 35.4 10.2 8.9 5.4 17.0 2.0 904,570
Female 91.7 73.8 56.4 25.6 37.5 8.9 7.7 4.2 20.0 2.2 399,290
Urban 92.1 75.7 78.3 30.9 42.6 15.7 13.1 7.6 23.3 0.9 427,014
Rural 92.2 76.1 39.6 21.8 32.8 6.9 6.3 3.8 15.3 2.6 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 90.1 59.8 39.8 32.6 20.5 4.1 2.9 0.9 18.9 1.1 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 68.7 53.6 28.3 20.5 17.1 6.7 1.8 0.4 11.3 26.4 38,315
Medebay Zana 91.1 88.1 64.8 34.1 25.9 3.7 3.3 3.3 15.1 0.4 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 79.4 49.3 48.6 22.7 22.0 8.7 5.8 4.3 1.9 0.0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 98.8 53.4 31.4 24.4 42.3 20.0 19.5 7.0 4.9 0.0 47,368
Tselemti 98.9 94.2 22.2 22.2 60.0 3.7 5.5 4.4 27.9 0.4 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 83.8 48.8 89.0 6.7 12.5 15.6 7.0 7.3 39.7 0.0 25,764
Shiraro 93.6 54.7 91.0 20.4 17.7 17.3 11.4 4.6 41.9 0.0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 96.3 92.8 25.6 48.7 28.6 4.1 3.6 0.9 3.6 0.0 35,244

P a g e | 146
Demographic People thinks to wash hands with soap and water
Before After After Before Before After Before Before After Other Total households
eating eating toilet use going out preparing cleaning a feeding a breast performing
food child’s child feeding cleaning
bottom activity

Ahferom 75.9 73.0 63.7 12.1 17.5 5.6 4.4 3.2 8.0 0.0 44,420
Werie Lekhe 99.0 95.9 34.7 42.7 24.5 19.1 21.3 19.1 8.3 0.9 37,190
Adwa 98.2 91.8 40.7 10.8 18.9 2.7 1.5 0.3 7.0 0.3 22,407
Laelay Maychew 98.4 88.4 54.5 53.9 74.5 26.6 23.6 18.5 33.0 0.0 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 97.9 62.4 56.2 10.5 48.8 4.0 6.9 3.9 13.8 0.0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 99.1 99.4 24.7 8.3 17.8 3.8 3.6 2.5 4.4 0.0 27,152
Kola Tembien 99.2 97.3 50.3 40.9 57.7 9.3 8.3 7.4 31.5 0.0 36,767
Adwa Town 89.4 72.8 73.4 4.3 36.8 3.8 2.5 1.3 16.2 0.0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 90.3 71.3 52.2 15.3 14.6 2.9 1.6 0.4 14.0 7.2 26,721
Abyi Adi 94.7 68.5 66.7 3.6 15.4 2.1 4.2 0.8 4.8 0.5 7,967
Axum 97.3 90.7 89.9 46.2 35.3 30.7 29.0 24.3 37.3 0.9 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 96.9 96.0 75.3 51.8 17.0 7.8 6.2 1.0 2.8 0.0 16,719
Erob 88.3 84.5 46.7 16.9 61.4 3.1 1.8 0.3 2.6 0.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 84.3 42.4 20.2 0.9 25.6 1.4 0.4 1.0 8.8 26.9 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 98.5 68.1 47.1 50.0 76.7 27.7 22.2 15.4 32.4 0.0 24,403
Hawzien 61.6 53.0 87.9 11.5 47.9 10.7 11.5 7.2 24.1 0.0 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 95.3 74.7 33.5 6.2 53.3 5.4 5.5 6.6 8.4 0.7 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 92.0 72.5 48.4 37.5 55.9 14.0 10.5 4.0 12.0 0.0 28,695
Adigrat 96.6 64.2 91.5 30.8 54.2 18.2 15.1 7.3 45.3 0.3 22,589

P a g e | 147
Demographic People thinks to wash hands with soap and water
Before After After Before Before After Before Before After Other Total households
eating eating toilet use going out preparing cleaning a feeding a breast performing
food child’s child feeding cleaning
bottom activity

Wukro 71.3 68.7 96.3 10.7 76.3 26.7 27.7 7.6 57.2 0.2 14,060
Ofla 96.0 80.0 15.8 7.5 50.5 4.6 4.4 1.7 16.9 0.0 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 99.4 88.1 31.4 20.9 43.6 11.7 11.0 9.6 14.0 0.4 21,103
Raya Azebo 90.9 84.9 31.8 6.1 14.5 7.4 5.1 3.1 10.3 0.0 41,388
Emba Alaje 90.9 63.0 55.7 8.1 4.5 4.1 0.1 0.1 1.7 0.6 27,063
Raya Alamata 98.5 91.1 55.7 22.4 32.6 4.8 1.3 0.2 3.8 0.4 29,266
Maychew 81.0 63.9 95.6 45.5 85.3 38.2 39.2 33.9 64.1 0.0 11,015
Korem 79.9 44.3 31.1 54.1 18.0 8.5 7.0 4.3 35.4 3.3 6,246
Alamata Town 98.0 76.0 92.4 80.8 80.8 37.2 27.9 17.1 61.9 2.9 14,260
Kafta Humera 96.8 52.6 78.2 23.4 28.5 13.3 4.6 0.9 1.6 0.2 32,582
Welkayit 99.8 99.1 33.5 20.7 45.9 6.0 9.7 4.3 48.6 1.1 44,040
Tsegede 95.4 89.4 68.1 23.9 33.9 6.9 4.8 2.4 22.6 0.0 34,184
Setit Humera 100.0 53.6 99.0 49.8 93.8 28.2 27.1 15.2 68.1 4.5 10,098
Seharti Samre 88.2 59.0 26.5 20.3 13.7 3.2 3.2 2.7 5.0 0.2 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 99.3 70.3 54.0 1.5 2.2 1.0 0.9 0.2 8.3 0.0 40,817
Degua Tembien 95.5 82.4 51.1 33.2 46.9 8.3 5.4 3.4 18.2 1.1 32,241
Enderta 90.2 74.5 33.7 22.0 42.3 6.8 14.8 2.0 37.2 5.2 24,047
Mekelle 93.7 86.3 81.3 39.6 42.0 12.3 11.0 5.6 14.7 0.2 122,134
Education level

P a g e | 148
Demographic People thinks to wash hands with soap and water
Before After After Before Before After Before Before After Other Total households
eating eating toilet use going out preparing cleaning a feeding a breast performing
food child’s child feeding cleaning
bottom activity

Never_attended 93.1 76.4 39.5 21.8 34.1 6.5 6.4 3.7 16.4 2.1 620,549
Informal_education 85.3 69.3 50.5 24.3 28.7 6.4 5.0 2.9 15.1 3.1 140,144
Primary 92.4 75.0 57.6 24.9 35.7 11.9 9.9 5.6 17.3 2.5 297,698
Secondary 93.0 78.6 73.2 30.7 42.6 16.6 12.6 9.0 22.1 0.7 134,060
More than secondary 94.1 81.3 86.0 34.7 48.7 18.9 16.2 8.9 26.5 0.9 111,274
Wealth index
Poorest 93.7 77.5 34.6 22.2 33.3 5.8 5.7 3.8 14.4 1.9 313,746
Poorer 91.5 75.0 36.3 20.5 32.7 6.3 6.2 3.7 14.1 2.7 256,706
Middle 90.3 73.4 45.4 22.5 31.0 8.4 6.9 3.9 16.8 3.3 267,666
Richer 93.2 75.7 68.3 29.3 39.0 11.9 10.1 5.9 20.7 1.4 235,869
Richest 92.1 78.1 85.6 31.1 46.2 18.5 15.3 8.7 25.4 0.8 229,872

Table 3.4.3: Percent of households who wash their hands with soap and water one day before or during the survey day by demographic
characteristics in Tigray, 2020
Demographic people wash their hands with water and soap one day before or during the survey day

P a g e | 149
After After
Before Before Before
Before After toilet cleaning a performing Total
After eating preparing feeding a breast Other
eating use child’s cleaning households
food child feeding
bottom activity

Tigray 76.4 63.0 43.4 38.0 8.6 6.7 4.3 13.4 1.0 1,303,860
Male 76.9 63.9 41.9 37.5 9.4 7.4 4.9 13.4 0.9 904,570
Female 75.3 60.9 46.6 39.2 6.7 5.3 2.9 13.4 1.1 399,290
Urban 75.5 60.6 66.0 42.0 13.0 9.6 5.5 15.9 0.7 427,014
Rural 76.9 64.2 32.3 36.1 6.4 5.3 3.7 12.2 1.1 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 66.3 41.0 25.0 24.4 3.3 0.9 0.2 18.7 0.6 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 59.1 36.7 19.4 25.8 8.2 1.7 0.9 7.9 11.2 38,315
Medebay Zana 89.0 88.8 65.7 49.1 7.5 5.8 3.8 15.2 0.2 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 70.9 59.6 40.5 33.0 10.4 5.6 7.7 3.7 0.0 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 78.7 47.2 30.6 46.2 24.0 23.3 12.5 11.5 0.0 47,368
Tselemti 85.0 81.6 17.5 47.0 2.7 3.9 3.9 17.2 0.0 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 47.4 37.6 76.3 11.1 11.1 6.6 5.5 12.0 0.2 25,764
Shiraro 94.2 54.2 91.9 31.4 16.9 10.8 4.7 44.1 0.0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 94.4 89.1 16.2 42.2 3.1 1.5 0.5 2.9 0.0 35,244
Ahferom 50.7 39.3 47.2 17.1 3.4 2.1 1.3 4.4 0.1 44,420
Werie Lekhe 97.6 93.6 31.5 42.3 14.8 16.6 17.5 15.4 0.6 37,190
Adwa 97.6 91.2 39.4 29.6 3.2 1.1 0.7 4.8 0.0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 98.8 88.5 53.6 83.4 26.6 19.9 14.0 43.7 0.0 17,694

P a g e | 150
Tahtay Maychew 94.0 69.0 50.1 63.8 8.8 8.2 6.5 26.1 0.0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 98.7 99.0 15.5 13.9 2.8 1.8 2.2 2.5 0.0 27,152
Kola Tembien 68.5 67.1 48.3 40.5 10.1 7.5 7.6 5.2 0.0 36,767
Adwa Town 50.2 36.5 35.3 24.3 3.3 1.2 1.4 10.9 0.2 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 90.7 67.1 49.2 24.1 1.1 1.4 0.3 21.5 1.7 26,721
Abyi Adi 92.4 66.5 57.7 15.7 4.6 5.2 1.6 2.7 0.0 7,967
Axum 68.6 62.8 71.9 36.4 10.0 4.5 2.5 13.3 0.9 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 58.2 56.6 52.8 11.2 4.3 1.6 0.8 3.0 0.4 16,719
Erob 90.1 87.5 43.7 75.9 5.2 2.8 1.1 2.2 0.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 54.2 33.3 15.6 12.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 6.2 14.5 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 97.4 53.1 33.3 80.2 10.4 9.8 4.1 41.6 0.0 24,403
Hawzien 44.6 33.3 72.2 43.6 4.6 3.6 2.0 11.2 0.0 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 79.1 45.9 19.1 42.0 2.9 4.0 4.3 2.1 0.2 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 74.5 62.3 45.4 47.0 13.9 9.2 4.1 12.4 0.0 28,695
Adigrat 64.3 24.2 55.1 27.9 4.1 2.0 1.7 27.7 0.1 22,589
Wukro 54.2 47.4 91.3 66.1 24.8 24.2 7.0 57.2 0.0 14,060
Ofla 91.9 75.5 15.0 51.3 3.3 4.3 3.3 8.7 0.0 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 89.1 75.2 30.7 54.5 12.9 10.9 10.9 18.7 0.4 21,103
Raya Azebo 80.9 78.5 31.5 42.9 12.0 10.8 5.5 14.8 0.0 41,388
Emba Alaje 58.0 59.4 50.7 17.7 3.7 2.4 2.0 2.9 0.4 27,063
Raya Alamata 94.3 88.4 54.4 39.5 2.5 1.3 1.1 2.0 0.2 29,266
Maychew 68.9 46.3 87.1 65.5 13.3 14.6 8.0 32.1 0.0 11,015
Korem 39.3 16.6 16.1 10.9 4.9 3.5 2.4 41.7 7.6 6,246
Alamata Town 83.9 62.3 79.6 63.8 24.8 18.6 10.4 34.1 1.2 14,260
Kafta Humera 59.8 35.0 50.4 23.3 10.0 2.6 0.9 2.1 0.3 32,582

P a g e | 151
Welkayit 99.3 96.8 30.4 50.1 2.1 6.1 3.8 27.0 0.4 44,040
Tsegede 81.7 71.6 56.9 34.3 4.1 2.9 1.3 18.6 0.0 34,184
Setit Humera 74.5 52.2 93.8 89.4 21.8 21.1 12.1 60.2 2.7 10,098
Seharti Samre 65.3 41.2 24.1 31.8 12.4 4.9 3.6 10.2 0.0 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 78.4 67.1 34.8 3.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 8.3 0.2 40,817
Degua Tembien 57.9 51.8 47.0 39.0 11.5 5.4 4.5 5.6 0.0 32,241
Enderta 71.8 63.4 21.6 36.7 6.7 10.9 1.8 25.3 0.0 24,047
Mekelle 79.3 67.1 69.6 44.5 13.8 10.1 5.1 6.2 0.1 122,134
Education level
Never_attended 77.5 64.4 33.0 37.5 6.1 5.0 3.5 12.1 0.8 620,549
Informal_education 68.6 55.8 37.6 31.8 6.5 4.6 3.2 12.1 1.3 140,144
Primary 75.5 61.5 47.0 36.7 9.9 7.3 4.6 13.7 1.4 297,698
Secondary 77.7 63.3 63.0 41.9 14.4 10.0 6.4 15.5 0.8 134,060
More than secondary 80.8 67.5 74.8 47.7 14.1 13.2 6.4 19.4 0.4 111,274
Wealth index
Poorest 78.5 65.6 29.3 35.7 5.9 4.9 3.7 10.1 0.7 313,746
Poorer 75.1 63.3 28.5 36.5 6.1 5.1 4.0 11.4 0.9 256,706
Middle 73.8 59.5 35.6 33.5 7.4 5.7 3.4 13.1 1.7 267,666
Richer 78.6 63.5 57.4 41.0 9.9 7.7 4.5 16.2 0.8 235,869
Richest 75.6 62.5 73.9 45.0 15.0 11.3 6.1 17.7 0.6 229,872

Table 3.4.4: Percent distribution of households about taking bath by socio-demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Demographic Type of bathing facility in Home Total Frequency of bathing Total

P a g e | 152
characterstics No Private Shared Private Shared an empty households Daily Every Every Every Other households
bathing bath bath shower shower room other week two
facility reserved for day week

Tigray 84.7 2.0 0.7 4.5 5.9 2.2 1,272,882 5.3 36.9 46.6 10.2 1.0 1,303,914
Male 86.0 1.6 0.7 4.4 5.4 1.9 880,337 5.2 37.2 46.6 10.0 1.1 904,570
Female 81.8 2.8 0.9 4.7 7.2 2.6 392,546 5.5 36.4 46.6 10.5 0.9 399,344
Urban 61.3 6.2 2.3 9.8 15.2 5.1 402,911 6.8 45.1 44.3 3.7 0.1 427,014
Rural 95.5 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.6 0.8 869,971 4.6 33.0 47.7 13.3 1.5 876,901
Tahtay Adiyabo 97.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 2.1 25,014 12.3 77.5 9.8 0.2 0.2 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 92.9 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.4 0.1 36,770 4.8 55.7 38.6 0.9 0.0 38,315
Medebay Zana 81.3 3.7 1.0 9.4 2.0 2.7 35,478 9.9 59.2 28.2 2.3 0.4 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 98.3 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.8 17,684 4.5 40.8 46.8 7.8 0.2 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 93.5 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.0 5.4 47,368 4.8 60.0 26.4 8.8 0.0 47,368
Tselemti 98.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.8 39,968 6.3 42.8 45.6 5.0 0.4 40,055
Shire Enda 52.3 0.8 0.6 19.4 26.5 0.3 25,657 2.5 58.8 38.8 0.0 0.0 25,764
Shiraro 67.4 1.6 6.6 1.4 2.4 20.5 5,219 25.9 72.4 1.3 0.4 0.0 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 73.7 21.7 0.2 1.9 2.4 0.2 35,179 3.6 42.2 44.0 10.3 0.0 35,244
Ahferom 96.9 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.6 1.8 43,397 3.6 35.7 57.0 3.3 0.4 44,420
Werie Lekhe 93.3 0.0 0.0 2.3 4.4 0.1 37,190 1.1 32.0 50.2 15.4 1.4 37,190
Adwa 80.9 0.0 0.0 10.6 8.5 0.0 22,351 0.5 26.1 72.7 0.6 0.0 22,407
Laelay Maychew 99.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 17,694 6.5 32.3 52.1 7.7 1.4 17,694

P a g e | 153
Tahtay Maychew 96.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.3 1.5 24,806 0.8 13.6 81.4 4.2 0.0 24,867
Naeder Adiet 98.6 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.2 27,100 5.5 13.4 70.3 10.9 0.0 27,152
Kola Tembien 98.5 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 36,767 0.0 12.6 58.4 29.1 0.0 36,767
Adwa Town 44.9 0.6 2.0 17.5 34.4 0.7 17,566 2.8 46.6 39.9 10.8 0.0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 92.5 0.0 0.0 2.6 4.4 0.6 26,721 7.9 65.6 18.3 3.4 4.9 26,721
Abyi Adi 42.5 33.6 4.0 11.2 8.8 0.0 7,186 1.3 61.5 36.7 0.5 0.0 7,967
Axum 54.9 3.4 7.1 15.2 17.8 1.6 14,285 5.0 37.3 51.9 5.8 0.0 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 96.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.1 1.3 16,530 0.0 8.8 88.2 3.0 0.0 16,719
Erob 99.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 6,144 2.6 27.9 66.4 3.1 0.0 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 67.9 0.0 0.0 2.5 27.9 1.7 34,765 0.7 26.2 67.2 5.4 0.6 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 96.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 3.4 24,403 0.0 18.0 66.7 15.3 0.0 24,403
Hawzien 97.1 0.4 1.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 26,477 5.4 34.7 52.6 7.2 0.0 26,477
Kilte Awlaelo 98.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 1.4 23,187 1.0 39.0 55.7 3.7 0.6 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 90.9 0.3 2.9 0.6 2.7 2.7 26,590 1.2 15.7 73.2 8.7 1.2 28,695
Adigrat 61.5 0.1 0.0 1.0 35.1 2.3 22,526 0.0 10.0 89.2 0.9 0.0 22,589
Wukro 65.1 0.3 0.0 6.0 20.6 8.1 13,994 3.0 53.5 42.9 0.6 0.0 14,060
Ofla 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36,177 5.3 28.0 45.5 20.8 0.4 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 97.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.5 17,804 1.6 13.5 40.3 39.6 4.9 21,103
Raya Azebo 81.2 4.7 0.3 2.9 0.6 10.5 41,388 3.1 35.2 40.2 21.6 0.0 41,388
Emba Alaje 59.3 0.0 0.0 38.8 0.3 1.6 27,010 0.7 35.5 61.9 1.7 0.1 27,063
Raya Alamata 96.8 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.4 0.2 28,679 1.1 25.0 39.4 33.1 1.5 29,266
Maychew 68.8 3.8 4.6 4.2 10.5 8.2 10,838 0.5 18.3 68.0 12.9 0.3 11,015
Korem 61.2 22.1 2.4 1.0 2.1 11.2 6,192 2.1 22.6 46.0 28.1 1.2 6,246
Alamata Town 72.4 0.3 0.0 8.2 15.2 4.0 14,230 16.2 75.6 7.6 0.6 0.0 14,260
Kafta Humera 91.9 0.0 0.0 0.8 4.9 2.4 32,480 13.1 58.8 28.0 0.2 0.0 32,582

P a g e | 154
Welkayit 96.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 2.9 43,911 14.0 57.6 27.0 1.5 0.0 44,040
Tsegede 89.5 9.2 0.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 34,184 24.5 42.8 24.3 8.2 0.2 34,184
Setit Humera 52.8 0.2 0.0 7.1 21.1 18.8 10,047 81.0 18.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 10,098
Seharti Samre 94.6 0.6 3.0 0.6 0.6 0.7 31,319 7.7 32.8 37.4 21.9 0.2 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 78.5 2.4 5.1 5.8 6.9 1.2 40,746 1.6 17.7 41.4 37.8 1.5 40,817
Degua Tembien 88.6 8.5 0.0 0.5 0.8 1.6 32,241 2.5 6.0 50.0 25.6 15.8 32,241
Enderta 98.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.0 23,944 2.7 32.4 38.3 16.8 9.9 24,047
Mekelle 62.8 0.5 0.5 16.5 17.5 2.4 103,677 1.9 40.7 53.5 3.7 0.2 122,134
Education level
Never attended 92.0 1.5 0.4 2.7 2.3 1.1 613,781 4.3 32.1 46.9 15.2 1.5 620,603
Informal education 90.9 1.8 0.4 2.8 2.7 1.4 138,255 4.1 30.8 53.5 10.2 1.4 140,144
Primary 84.5 2.3 0.8 3.8 6.0 2.7 290,864 6.2 41.3 45.8 6.1 0.6 297,698
Secondary 67.1 2.9 1.6 8.6 15.9 4.0 126,969 6.4 45.8 44.6 3.0 0.2 134,060
More than 55.1 3.3 2.0 14.9 19.4 5.3 102,880 8.6 49.4 40.5 1.3 0.1 111,274
Employed 85.6 1.7 0.7 4.5 5.2 2.2 976,974 5.5 38.3 45.4 9.7 1.0 1,004,250
Unemployed 81.7 2.8 0.7 4.5 8.3 2.1 295,674 4.5 32.3 50.5 11.5 1.2 299,429
Wealth quintile
Poorest 94.0 0.0 0.1 3.9 1.8 0.2 311,678 2.9 24.9 52.6 17.8 1.9 313,746
Poorer 96.4 0.1 0.2 1.6 1.3 0.4 255,144 3.6 32.3 47.4 15.4 1.4 256,706
Middle 95.0 1.6 0.3 0.8 1.7 0.7 265,007 5.1 38.2 46.2 9.3 1.3 267,721
Richer 80.6 5.3 1.4 3.2 5.3 4.2 231,636 9.2 45.8 41.0 3.8 0.2 235,869
Richest 48.0 3.9 2.3 15.1 24.0 6.8 209,417 6.7 48.1 43.7 1.5 0.0 229,872

P a g e | 155
Table 3.4.5: Percentage of Methods household use to maintain food hygiene by socio demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020

Methods household use to maintain food hygiene

Cooking Wash fresh Eating food Putting food at Not putting Washing Frequent Control Always Other
foods vegetables & immediately proper place, cooked hands cleaning of insects & using clean
properly fruits by after cooking temperature, if food in before surfaces & animals water for
water it possible, at contact preparing utensils used that food
Demographic Total
properly fridge with raw &eating for preparation poison preparation
characteristics households
food food of food food

Tigray 79.3 51.7 37.3 10.7 13.5 32.6 32.3 17.1 15.1 0.2
Male 79.5 50.9 36.5 10.2 13.2 32.0 30.9 16.9 14.1 0.2 904570
Female 79.0 53.6 38.9 11.8 14.2 34.2 32.2 17.4 17.4 0.2 399290
Urban 80.8 62.3 49.7 23.1 19.1 38.4 35.3 20.1 20.1 0.3 427014
Rural 78.6 46.5 31.2 4.6 10.8 29.8 29.3 15.6 12.7 0.2 876846
Tahtay Adiyabo 42.5 11.0 14.0 1.4 1.4 18.0 68.7 33.3 3.3 0.0 25219
Laelay Adiyabo 36.9 15.6 27.0 1.3 0.6 22.2 57.7 0.4 20.4 0.2 38315
Medebay Zana 73.3 61.2 35.6 8.5 3.7 5.7 21.4 4.2 7.1 0.2 35478
Tahtay Qoraro 54.4 67.5 41.5 22.0 14.6 7.6 13.0 2.9 1.4 0.0 17739
Asgede Tsimbila 90.6 38.0 34.3 2.7 22.7 39.6 17.9 15.7 2.6 0.0 47368
Tselemti 44.7 24.5 29.1 2.2 2.6 30.8 62.1 47.9 6.3 0.6 40055
Shire Enda Silassie 72.3 73.3 58.7 28.3 23.5 29.8 13.2 18.7 4.2 0.0 25764
Shiraro 96.6 60.2 34.9 14.0 15.2 24.6 12.0 24.4 6.6 0.0 5219
Mereb Lekhe 94.7 67.8 55.7 5.7 5.6 7.1 8.9 12.4 22.7 0.0 35244

P a g e | 156
Methods household use to maintain food hygiene

Cooking Wash fresh Eating food Putting food at Not putting Washing Frequent Control Always Other
foods vegetables & immediately proper place, cooked hands cleaning of insects & using clean
properly fruits by after cooking temperature, if food in before surfaces & animals water for
water it possible, at contact preparing utensils used that food
Demographic Total
properly fridge with raw &eating for preparation poison preparation
characteristics households
food food of food food

Ahferom 95.3 13.6 4.5 1.5 1.6 34.1 19.4 13.0 28.8 0.0 44420
Werie Lekhe 77.1 85.7 61.4 13.1 32.7 39.4 44.5 25.9 22.2 0.0 37190
Adwa 98.6 44.6 21.9 1.2 6.0 11.6 30.8 2.3 2.0 0.0 22407
Laelay Maychew 90.3 62.3 66.1 20.1 37.9 66.4 35.9 58.0 25.0 0.0 17694
Tahtay Maychew 99.2 43.8 66.6 4.4 9.0 30.4 3.7 5.6 2.1 0.0 24867
Naeder Adiet 97.6 46.5 31.3 11.2 22.1 22.0 16.9 10.6 11.7 0.0 27152
Kola Tembien 97.5 20.6 17.9 2.9 18.1 63.0 36.7 18.8 12.4 0.0 36767
Adwa Town 92.6 41.0 35.7 17.6 14.0 53.0 13.7 10.8 6.0 0.0 17566
Tanqua Abergele 50.7 19.7 7.9 4.8 3.1 5.1 67.5 4.8 31.8 1.0 26721
Abyi Adi 53.2 82.6 35.0 5.3 8.5 23.5 5.3 0.8 2.5 0.0 7967
Axum 91.7 92.4 85.9 21.6 20.6 26.8 25.7 12.7 28.2 0.0 14707
Gulo Mekheda 98.9 85.9 86.2 8.5 35.5 4.9 2.0 1.0 0.6 0.0 16719
Erob 86.7 86.2 79.4 11.7 5.6 6.3 2.1 0.6 0.2 0.0 6144
Saesi Tsada emba 18.6 12.2 35.1 1.0 0.1 34.5 59.7 3.0 3.1 1.5 35135
Ganta Afeshum 93.1 87.0 53.2 5.8 2.4 21.3 37.4 9.2 27.0 0.0 24403
Hawzien 77.4 48.7 22.3 4.6 5.6 51.1 11.0 7.2 14.4 0.2 26477
Kilte Awlaelo 83.8 35.1 7.2 2.0 0.7 40.3 15.2 5.2 4.8 0.9 23187
Atsbi Wemberta 97.4 74.7 42.4 0.6 8.5 13.5 12.3 10.0 18.9 0.0 28695

P a g e | 157
Methods household use to maintain food hygiene

Cooking Wash fresh Eating food Putting food at Not putting Washing Frequent Control Always Other
foods vegetables & immediately proper place, cooked hands cleaning of insects & using clean
properly fruits by after cooking temperature, if food in before surfaces & animals water for
water it possible, at contact preparing utensils used that food
Demographic Total
properly fridge with raw &eating for preparation poison preparation
characteristics households
food food of food food

Adigrat 97.5 64.6 71.8 72.6 59.4 80.5 69.4 55.8 59.9 0.2 22589
Wukro 76.7 89.6 40.9 44.3 41.1 75.3 81.0 10.8 49.9 1.9 14060
Ofla 66.5 38.8 33.5 1.6 4.5 60.2 2.2 2.4 0.5 0.0 36177
Enda Mekhoni 96.5 48.6 24.0 2.5 25.7 43.1 25.2 24.2 18.0 0.3 21103
Raya Azebo 89.4 62.0 52.5 9.8 37.4 46.7 38.2 30.4 22.3 0.2 41388
Emba Alaje 78.3 62.8 30.0 7.1 3.6 17.9 3.4 1.9 1.1 0.0 27063
Raya Alamata 93.7 33.0 18.1 5.1 4.8 31.9 5.9 29.4 11.4 0.0 29266
Maychew 92.0 75.5 52.7 47.1 45.4 89.8 85.2 44.1 62.0 0.0 11015
Korem 68.1 55.2 48.8 19.6 13.4 40.3 9.5 23.1 7.8 0.3 6246
Alamata Town 80.0 87.9 91.5 29.1 49.8 87.7 94.8 76.8 49.7 3.4 14260
Kafta Humera 82.8 63.6 61.6 4.4 14.5 35.7 29.6 15.7 39.8 0.0 32582
Welkayit 93.3 60.1 10.3 1.4 7.2 45.0 16.6 13.7 4.8 0.0 44040
Tsegede 89.1 57.1 24.0 0.8 2.7 55.3 33.0 31.2 7.9 0.0 34184
Setit Humera 99.0 94.8 52.5 45.1 52.3 91.0 86.0 49.9 47.5 0.8 10098
Seharti Samre 75.3 62.6 46.8 20.9 31.4 17.0 10.4 2.4 7.3 0.3 31930
Hintalo Wejjerat 92.5 69.0 8.9 3.4 0.4 8.9 19.7 22.8 23.5 0.0 40817
Degua Tembien 82.9 37.2 34.8 15.9 11.2 15.3 49.8 19.7 11.8 0.0 32241
Enderta 94.2 92.0 39.8 2.3 12.6 12.8 43.5 1.0 5.1 0.4 24047

P a g e | 158
Methods household use to maintain food hygiene

Cooking Wash fresh Eating food Putting food at Not putting Washing Frequent Control Always Other
foods vegetables & immediately proper place, cooked hands cleaning of insects & using clean
properly fruits by after cooking temperature, if food in before surfaces & animals water for
water it possible, at contact preparing utensils used that food
Demographic Total
properly fridge with raw &eating for preparation poison preparation
characteristics households
food food of food food

Mekelle 69.8 50.0 43.0 23.4 7.8 24.0 37.2 16.9 12.2 0.1 122134
Education level
Never_attended 79.8 49.0 32.7 6.0 12.6 32.2 29.1 16.8 14.3 0.2 620549
Informal_education 75.1 48.0 34.8 8.7 10.4 27.4 26.4 13.9 10.2 0.1 140144
Primary 79.4 50.2 37.5 10.5 12.9 32.3 32.8 17.1 15.6 0.2 297698
Secondary 80.4 59.8 45.7 17.4 15.9 35.9 35.5 19.3 17.7 0.4 134060
More than secondary 80.8 65.8 54.5 31.6 21.4 38.7 40.4 19.7 20.9 0.4 111274
Wealth index
Poorest 79.0 43.6 29.9 3.7 10.2 29.8 26.1 14.2 11.4 0.1 313746
Poorer 76.2 42.3 28.7 5.3 11.0 32.0 29.9 16.8 11.5 0.1 256706
Middle 79.1 50.0 34.2 5.6 11.7 29.3 29.1 16.9 14.8 0.3 267666
Richer 80.8 60.5 44.5 12.2 16.6 36.8 35.8 18.9 20.0 0.2 235869
Richest 82.2 66.2 52.9 30.7 20.0 36.8 37.6 19.6 19.5 0.3 229872

P a g e | 159
Table 3.4.6: Percentage of household graduated as model family one year prior to data collection by
socio demographic characteristics in Tigray, 2020

demographic household graduated as model Havinh certificate Total

characterstics family 12 month prior to the households
Yes No Don’t
Yes No

Tigray 2.7 78.5 18.8 54.1 45.9 1,303,860

Urban 2.6 68.3 29.2 63.4 36.6 427,014
Rural 2.8 83.5 13.7 50 50 876,846
Tahtay Adiyabo 3.2 91.6 5.2 64.8 35.2 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.3 77 22.7 0 100 38,315
Medebay Zana 1.3 84.6 14.1 48.1 51.9 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 2.8 84.9 12.3 46.8 53.3 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 1.8 86.3 11.9 66.4 33.6 47,368
Tselemti 1.9 94.7 3.5 48.4 51.6 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 0.9 79.1 20 100 0 25,764
Shiraro 1.1 97.4 1.6 13.9 86.1 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 2.9 89.8 7.3 51.5 48.5 35,244
Ahferom 6.8 84.8 8.3 45 55 44,420
Werie Lekhe 4.2 83.9 11.9 37.1 62.9 37,190
Adwa 1.5 83.6 14.9 74.9 25.1 22,407
Laelay Maychew 3.5 70.8 25.7 13.1 86.9 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 1.8 70.8 27.4 67.9 32.1 24,867
Naeder Adiet 4.1 83.6 12.3 16.1 84 27,152
Kola Tembien 1 82.5 16.5 39.7 60.3 36,767
Adwa Town 0.2 51.4 48.4 100 0 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 2.6 96.9 0.5 31.6 68.4 26,721
Abyi Adi 2.3 84 13.8 48 52 7,967
Axum 4.5 52.2 43.2 65.3 34.7 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 2.2 93.2 4.5 53 47 16,719
Erob 1.6 87.2 11.3 45.3 54.7 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0.8 93.3 5.9 74 26 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 6.6 85.5 7.8 93.5 6.6 24,403

P a g e | 160
demographic household graduated as model Havinh certificate Total
characterstics family 12 month prior to the households
Yes No Don’t
Yes No

Hawzien 3 76.8 20.3 52.7 47.3 26,477

Kilte Awlaelo 1.1 96.6 2.3 81.2 18.8 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 2.5 85.4 12.1 83.4 16.6 28,695
Adigrat 0 73.8 26.2 0 0 22,589
Wukro 0.8 82 17.1 100 0 14,060
Ofla 9.5 86.1 4.3 56.8 43.2 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 2.1 65.9 32 58.5 41.5 21,103
Raya Azebo 2.5 64.8 32.7 50.6 49.4 41,388
Emba Alaje 2 95 3 60.7 39.3 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.4 86 13.6 60.5 39.5 29,266
Maychew 1.4 97.1 1.5 76.8 23.2 11,015
Korem 1.1 97.3 1.7 49.4 50.6 6,246
Alamata Town 3.6 38.3 58.1 50.8 49.2 14,260
Kafta Humera 2.2 89.5 8.4 75.2 24.8 32,582
Welkayit 1 86.8 12.2 35.6 64.4 44,040
Tsegede 4 93.2 2.9 64.3 35.7 34,184
Setit Humera 14.8 83 2.2 77 23 10,098
Seharti Samre 6.8 53.3 39.9 25.6 74.4 31,930
Hintalo Wejjerat 1.2 87.7 11.1 10.3 89.7 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.4 88.5 11.1 0 100 32,241
Enderta 4.9 46.7 48.4 67.6 32.4 24,047
Mekelle 2.8 44.8 52.4 60.1 39.9 122,134

P a g e | 161

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P a g e | 163

Annex 1. Sampling error estimation

Annex 1. 1: Precision estimates for proportion of female household heads, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
(R) Error (SE) Error (CV) weighted

Tigray 0.306 0.006 1.98 0.294 0.318 2.006 23,214 1,304,385

Urban 0.422 0.013 3.06 0.397 0.448 2.278 9,037 427,330.65
Rural 0.250 0.006 2.29 0.239 0.261 1.654 14,177 877,054.47
Tahtay Adiyabo 0.225 0.022 9.83 0.184 0.271 1.121 550 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.256 0.015 5.74 0.229 0.286 0.880 550 38,315
Medebay Zana 0.319 0.022 6.78 0.278 0.363 1.167 550 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.243 0.027 11.09 0.194 0.300 1.118 448 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.187 0.040 21.61 0.120 0.279 3.008 546 47,464
Tselemti 0.194 0.031 15.71 0.141 0.261 2.061 550 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 0.373 0.060 16.12 0.264 0.497 2.664 500 25,799
Shiraro 0.416 0.056 13.46 0.312 0.528 1.095 400 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 0.268 0.029 10.94 0.214 0.329 1.656 549 35,244
Ahferom 0.316 0.035 11.00 0.252 0.388 2.105 599 44,478
Werie Lekhe 0.364 0.030 8.11 0.308 0.424 1.579 548 37,190
Adwa 0.230 0.026 11.18 0.184 0.285 1.221 500 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.271 0.045 16.48 0.192 0.367 1.782 450 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.246 0.015 6.29 0.217 0.278 0.756 500 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.318 0.045 14.19 0.236 0.412 2.127 499 27,152
Kola Tembien 0.155 0.019 12.30 0.121 0.196 1.345 549 36,767
Adwa Town 0.465 0.042 8.97 0.384 0.547 1.478 499 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 0.255 0.026 10.15 0.207 0.309 1.295 499 26,721
Abyi Adi 0.443 0.036 8.16 0.374 0.515 0.866 400 7,967
Axum 0.410 0.047 11.52 0.322 0.505 1.555 500 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0.362 0.036 10.06 0.294 0.436 1.307 449 16,719

P a g e | 164
Erob 0.318 0.040 12.66 0.245 0.402 0.905 345 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0.376 0.027 7.06 0.325 0.429 1.369 550 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 0.383 0.023 6.03 0.339 0.429 0.990 500 24,403
Hawzien 0.337 0.030 8.82 0.281 0.398 1.366 500 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 0.396 0.038 9.48 0.325 0.472 1.560 500 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 0.345 0.041 11.87 0.270 0.430 1.948 550 28,695
Adigrat 0.482 0.027 5.61 0.430 0.536 1.087 500 22,643
Wukro 0.499 0.026 5.13 0.449 0.549 0.810 448 14,060
Ofla 0.253 0.024 9.49 0.209 0.304 1.403 548 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0.300 0.027 9.09 0.249 0.356 1.153 453 21,103
Raya Azebo 0.315 0.030 9.61 0.259 0.378 1.772 543 41,558
Emba Alaje 0.251 0.023 9.26 0.208 0.299 1.176 550 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.312 0.030 9.67 0.256 0.374 1.485 500 29,266
Maychew 0.443 0.029 6.65 0.386 0.501 0.830 400 11,015
Korem 0.467 0.035 7.54 0.399 0.537 0.744 349 6,246
Alamata Town 0.438 0.029 6.55 0.383 0.495 0.921 450 14,260
Kafta Humera 0.312 0.044 14.06 0.233 0.404 2.279 550 32,582
Welkayit 0.259 0.027 10.51 0.209 0.316 1.741 545 44,040
Tsegede 0.298 0.031 10.50 0.241 0.363 1.688 500 34,184
Setit Humera 0.359 0.066 18.30 0.242 0.496 1.837 400 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.209 0.021 9.96 0.171 0.253 1.221 550 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.212 0.040 18.94 0.144 0.302 2.649 600 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.201 0.026 13.17 0.154 0.258 1.582 550 32,241
Enderta 0.231 0.022 9.67 0.190 0.277 1.095 500 24,047
Mekelle 0.410 0.037 8.99 0.340 0.484 3.493 698 122,134

P a g e | 165
Annex 1. 2: Precision estimates of average household size, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Number of

interval observations
Value Standard Relative Effect Un
Variable (R) Error (SE) Error (CV) Lower Upper (DEFT) weighted Weighted
Tigray 4.136 0.029 0.70 4.079 4.194 2.088 23,213 304,344
Urban 3.602 0.043 1.20 3.517 3.686 2.001 9,037 427,331
Rural 4.397 0.036 0.82 4.326 4.468 2.068 14,176 877,013
Tahtay Adiyabo 4.812 0.278 5.77 4.266 5.358 2.444 550 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 4.586 0.171 3.72 4.250 4.921 1.950 550 38,315
Medebay Zana 3.867 0.119 3.07 3.634 4.100 1.391 550 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 4.043 0.365 9.03 3.326 4.761 2.896 448 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 4.338 0.214 4.94 3.916 4.759 2.795 546 47,464
Tselemti 4.982 0.186 3.72 4.617 5.347 2.314 550 40,055
Shire Enda
Silassie 3.822 0.184 4.81 3.460 4.183 2.174 500 25,799
Shiraro 3.428 0.108 3.15 3.215 3.640 0.610 400 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 4.534 0.187 4.12 4.166 4.901 1.918 549 35,244
Ahferom 4.371 0.190 4.35 3.997 4.745 2.514 599 44,478
Werie Lekhe 3.921 0.156 3.98 3.614 4.227 1.930 548 37,190
Adwa 3.938 0.107 2.71 3.728 4.147 1.075 500 22,407
Laelay Maychew 4.002 0.194 4.84 3.621 4.382 1.735 449 17,652
Tahtay Maychew 4.134 0.132 3.19 3.875 4.394 1.405 500 24,867
Naeder Adiet 4.080 0.213 5.23 3.660 4.499 2.199 499 27,152
Kola Tembien 4.819 0.111 2.30 4.602 5.037 1.293 549 36,767
Adwa Town 3.099 0.095 3.07 2.913 3.286 0.970 499 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 4.640 0.167 3.59 4.312 4.968 1.611 499 26,721
Abyi Adi 2.977 0.192 6.45 2.600 3.355 1.280 400 7,967
Axum 3.656 0.117 3.20 3.426 3.885 0.995 500 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 3.824 0.196 5.13 3.438 4.210 1.644 449 16,719

P a g e | 166
Erob 4.002 0.474 11.85 3.069 4.934 2.246 345 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 4.365 0.109 2.50 4.150 4.579 1.260 550 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 4.196 0.172 4.11 3.857 4.535 1.831 500 24,403
Hawzien 4.411 0.095 2.16 4.223 4.599 1.013 500 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 4.098 0.164 4.01 3.774 4.421 1.542 500 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 4.332 0.157 3.63 4.023 4.642 1.655 550 28,695
Adigrat 3.598 0.138 3.85 3.326 3.870 1.427 500 22,643
Wukro 3.430 0.079 2.30 3.275 3.585 0.679 448 4,060
Ofla 4.182 0.087 2.08 4.011 4.353 1.031 548 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 4.149 0.204 4.92 3.747 4.550 1.971 453 21,103
Raya Azebo 3.382 0.142 4.19 3.104 3.661 2.208 543 41,558
Emba Alaje 4.183 0.161 3.86 3.866 4.501 1.650 550 27,063
Raya Alamata 4.033 0.224 5.56 3.592 4.474 2.496 500 29,266
Maychew 3.544 0.158 4.45 3.234 3.854 1.167 400 11,015
Korem 3.835 0.146 3.82 3.547 4.122 0.798 349 6,246
Alamata Town 3.720 0.122 3.28 3.480 3.960 0.940 450 14,260
Kafta Humera 4.021 0.124 3.09 3.777 4.265 1.440 550 32,582
Welkayit 4.194 0.210 5.01 3.780 4.607 2.609 545 44,040
Tsegede 4.331 0.174 4.02 3.989 4.673 2.024 500 34,184
Setit Humera 3.363 0.235 6.99 2.901 3.825 1.736 400 10,098
Seharti Samre 3.939 0.107 2.72 3.728 4.149 1.343 550 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 4.464 0.208 4.65 4.055 4.872 2.861 600 40,817
Degua Tembien 4.727 0.132 2.79 4.468 4.986 1.493 550 32,241
Enderta 4.891 0.122 2.49 4.651 5.130 1.183 500 24,047
Mekelle 3.677 0.125 3.40 3.431 3.923 3.095 698 122,134

Annex 1.3: Precision estimates of household heads who never attendended education, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
(R) Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)
Tigray 0.476 0.009 1.95 0.458 0.494 2.839 23,212 1,304,251
Urban 0.215 0.013 5.95 0.191 0.241 2.71023 9,036 427,284

P a g e | 167
Rural 0.603 0.011 1.85 0.581 0.625 2.84625 14,176 876,968
Tahtay Adiyabo 0.570 0.046 8.06 0.478 0.657 1.967 550 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.604 0.060 9.92 0.482 0.713 3.196 550 38,315
Medebay Zana 0.537 0.032 5.92 0.474 0.598 1.600 550 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.475 0.078 16.33 0.329 0.625 2.760 448 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.543 0.043 7.95 0.458 0.626 2.520 546 47,464
Tselemti 0.558 0.052 9.39 0.454 0.657 2.818 550 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 0.147 0.034 23.18 0.092 0.228 2.065 500 25,799
Shiraro 0.214 0.029 13.60 0.162 0.277 0.685 400 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 0.468 0.045 9.63 0.381 0.557 2.264 549 35,244
Ahferom 0.238 0.057 23.70 0.145 0.366 3.729 598 44,431
Werie Lekhe 0.670 0.034 5.02 0.601 0.733 1.838 547 37,103
Adwa 0.554 0.082 14.73 0.394 0.704 3.278 500 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.540 0.061 11.28 0.420 0.655 2.169 450 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.508 0.074 14.51 0.367 0.649 3.104 500 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.570 0.064 11.16 0.443 0.688 2.825 499 27,152
Kola Tembien 0.700 0.035 5.00 0.627 0.764 1.957 549 36,767
Adwa Town 0.100 0.024 23.50 0.063 0.157 1.388 499 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 0.395 0.043 10.98 0.314 0.483 1.937 499 26,721
Abyi Adi 0.209 0.056 26.75 0.120 0.340 1.640 400 7,967
Axum 0.146 0.043 29.38 0.080 0.252 1.968 500 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0.517 0.120 23.24 0.294 0.734 4.145 449 16,719
Erob 0.387 0.129 33.26 0.178 0.647 2.761 345 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0.520 0.030 5.73 0.461 0.578 1.490 550 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 0.492 0.068 13.81 0.362 0.623 2.832 500 24,403
Hawzien 0.533 0.052 9.67 0.432 0.632 2.247 500 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 0.590 0.040 6.73 0.511 0.666 1.641 500 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 0.555 0.055 9.96 0.446 0.660 2.516 550 28,695
Adigrat 0.177 0.030 17.01 0.125 0.244 1.582 500 22,643
Wukro 0.160 0.018 11.31 0.127 0.198 0.779 448 14,060
Ofla 0.681 0.043 6.30 0.591 0.759 2.334 548 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0.627 0.047 7.57 0.530 0.715 1.903 453 21,103
Raya Azebo 0.775 0.058 7.52 0.641 0.870 3.797 543 41,558
Emba Alaje 0.548 0.041 7.45 0.467 0.626 1.801 550 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.785 0.037 4.69 0.704 0.849 2.047 500 29,266
Maychew 0.172 0.025 14.64 0.128 0.228 0.935 400 11,015

P a g e | 168
Korem 0.316 0.046 14.70 0.232 0.413 1.054 349 6,246
Alamata Town 0.242 0.054 22.44 0.151 0.364 2.020 450 14,260
Kafta Humera 0.483 0.048 10.02 0.390 0.578 2.335 550 32,582
Welkayit 0.676 0.050 7.42 0.571 0.766 2.996 545 44,040
Tsegede 0.538 0.055 10.30 0.429 0.644 2.741 500 34,184
Setit Humera 0.230 0.037 16.11 0.166 0.311 1.182 400 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.577 0.054 9.29 0.470 0.677 2.588 550 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.523 0.108 20.64 0.319 0.720 5.829 600 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.576 0.051 8.80 0.475 0.672 2.457 550 32,241
Enderta 0.580 0.065 11.27 0.449 0.701 2.741 500 24,047
Mekelle 0.113 0.027 23.86 0.070 0.178 3.979 698 122,134

Annex 1. 4: Precision estimates of household heads that have above secondary education, Tigray,

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper (DEFT) Un Weighted
Error (SE) Error (CV) weighted
Tigray 0.085 0.005 6.02 0.076 0.096 2.803 23,212 1,304,251
Urban 0.217 0.014 6.33 0.191 0.245 2.901 9,036 427,284
Rural 0.021 0.003 12.72 0.017 0.027 2.350 14,176 876,968
Tahtay Adiyabo 0.015 0.006 20.81 0.007 0.031 0.975 550 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.051 0.028 27.72 0.016 0.146 3.378 550 38,315
Medebay Zana 0.041 0.012 13.94 0.023 0.071 1.481 550 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.009 0.009 30.56 0.001 0.058 1.635 448 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.048 0.019 22.46 0.022 0.102 2.535 546 47,464
Tselemti 0.029 0.017 19.36 0.009 0.089 2.713 550 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 0.213 0.051 14.03 0.130 0.329 2.658 500 25,799

P a g e | 169
Shiraro 0.195 0.042 10.41 0.125 0.291 1.031 400 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 0.048 0.014 16.35 0.027 0.085 1.666 549 35,244
Ahferom 0.028 0.011 30.24 0.013 0.062 1.916 598 44,431
Werie Lekhe 0.043 0.015 13.30 0.022 0.084 1.869 547 37,103
Adwa 0.030 0.018 60.76 0.009 0.094 2.112 500 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.050 0.026 51.46 0.017 0.136 2.163 450 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.029 0.005 11.89 0.021 0.040 0.608 500 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.030 0.020 24.22 0.008 0.104 2.529 499 27,152
Kola Tembien 0.016 0.011 53.54 0.004 0.057 2.134 549 36,767
Adwa Town 0.308 0.028 8.38 0.256 0.365 1.066 499 17,566
Tanqua Abergele 0.110 0.033 20.86 0.060 0.192 2.277 499 26,721
Abyi Adi 0.285 0.028 8.07 0.233 0.342 0.736 400 7,967
Axum 0.237 0.035 10.88 0.175 0.312 1.332 500 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0.036 0.014 28.81 0.017 0.078 1.321 449 16,719
Erob 0.053 0.026 25.43 0.020 0.134 1.215 345 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0.030 0.012 23.98 0.013 0.066 1.810 550 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 0.041 0.015 19.38 0.019 0.084 1.600 500 24,403
Hawzien 0.060 0.016 19.77 0.035 0.100 1.460 500 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 0.050 0.024 24.75 0.020 0.124 2.216 500 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 0.031 0.011 20.54 0.015 0.063 1.499 550 28,695
Adigrat 0.202 0.028 6.19 0.153 0.262 1.394 500 22,643
Wukro 0.240 0.042 7.37 0.168 0.331 1.540 448 14,060
Ofla 0.002 0.002 28.98 0.000 0.011 0.987 548 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0.033 0.022 32.23 0.009 0.117 2.387 453 21,103
Raya Azebo 0.033 0.015 31.82 0.013 0.081 2.327 543 41,558
Emba Alaje 0.044 0.013 15.73 0.024 0.079 1.441 550 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.035 0.021 51.35 0.010 0.111 2.640 500 29,266
Maychew 0.318 0.033 7.52 0.258 0.386 0.980 400 11,015
Korem 0.210 0.047 15.12 0.133 0.317 1.210 349 6,246
Alamata Town 0.189 0.042 11.35 0.120 0.285 1.702 450 14,260
Kafta Humera 0.049 0.020 13.00 0.022 0.106 2.219 550 32,582
Welkayit 0.057 0.023 31.57 0.025 0.123 2.805 545 44,040
Tsegede 0.059 0.023 37.38 0.027 0.126 2.454 500 34,184
Setit Humera 0.221 0.036 14.84 0.158 0.301 1.176 400 10,098

P a g e | 170
Seharti Samre 0.029 0.003 21.46 0.023 0.036 0.454 550 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.044 0.027 30.20 0.013 0.138 3.495 600 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.034 0.012 18.14 0.018 0.066 1.511 550 32,241
Enderta 0.019 0.009 40.77 0.007 0.050 1.428 500 24,047
Mekelle 0.295 0.042 9.92 0.219 0.384 4.296 698 122,134

Annex 1. 5: Precision estimates of basic water access, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
(R) Error (SE) Error (CV) weighted
Tigray 0.620 0.014 2.19 0.593 0.646 4.267 23,214 1,304,385
Urban 0.930 0.017 1.77 0.890 0.956 5.645 9,037 427,331
Rural 0.469 0.018 3.94 0.433 0.505 4.618 14,177 877,054
Tahtay Adiyabo 0.431 0.088 20.52 0.272 0.606 3.785 550 25,219
Laelay Adiyabo 0.455 0.059 12.96 0.343 0.571 3.090 550 38,315
Medebay Zana 0.688 0.095 13.81 0.480 0.840 5.154 550 35,478
Tahtay Qoraro 0.425 0.127 29.93 0.210 0.673 4.572 448 17,739
Asgede Tsimbila 0.588 0.091 15.42 0.406 0.748 5.350 546 47,464
Tselemti 0.124 0.028 22.45 0.079 0.190 2.258 550 40,055
Shire Enda Silassie 0.990 0.009 0.93 0.940 0.998 1.992 500 25,799
Shiraro 0.528 0.138 26.15 0.273 0.768 2.664 400 5,219
Mereb Lekhe 0.643 0.099 15.39 0.435 0.808 5.171 549 35,244
Ahferom 0.288 0.032 11.19 0.229 0.356 2.003 599 44,478
Werie Lekhe 0.695 0.081 11.66 0.518 0.829 4.532 548 37,190
Adwa 0.624 0.123 19.70 0.372 0.823 5.070 500 22,407
Laelay Maychew 0.638 0.088 13.87 0.453 0.789 3.265 450 17,694
Tahtay Maychew 0.560 0.109 19.51 0.347 0.753 4.631 500 24,867
Naeder Adiet 0.383 0.103 26.97 0.208 0.595 4.671 499 27,152
Kola Tembien 0.325 0.103 31.82 0.160 0.548 5.643 549 36,767
Adwa Town 0.998 0.002 0.19 0.986 1.000 0.779 499 17,566

P a g e | 171
Tanqua Abergele 0.489 0.096 19.63 0.310 0.671 4.186 499 26,721
Abyi Adi 0.962 0.018 1.90 0.905 0.986 1.144 400 7,967
Axum 1.000 . 0.00 . . 0.000 500 14,707
Gulo Mekheda 0.471 0.108 23.01 0.275 0.677 3.743 449 16,719
Erob 0.285 0.085 29.74 0.150 0.474 1.963 345 6,144
Saesi Tsada emba 0.552 0.065 11.72 0.424 0.673 3.253 550 35,135
Ganta Afeshum 0.521 0.093 17.90 0.343 0.694 3.891 500 24,403
Hawzien 0.738 0.079 10.69 0.558 0.863 3.898 500 26,531
Kilte Awlaelo 0.708 0.117 16.46 0.445 0.881 5.212 500 23,187
Atsbi Wemberta 0.612 0.078 12.71 0.453 0.750 3.603 550 28,695
Adigrat 0.998 0.002 0.23 0.984 1.000 0.952 500 22,643
Wukro 0.997 0.003 0.26 0.982 1.000 0.793 448 14,060
Ofla 0.259 0.078 30.16 0.136 0.438 4.526 548 36,177
Enda Mekhoni 0.439 0.130 29.57 0.217 0.688 5.071 453 21,103
Raya Azebo 0.797 0.083 10.39 0.589 0.915 5.601 543 41,558
Emba Alaje 0.686 0.107 15.60 0.451 0.853 5.059 550 27,063
Raya Alamata 0.583 0.140 24.07 0.310 0.813 6.496 500 29,266
Maychew 0.979 0.020 2.08 0.869 0.997 1.992 400 11,015
Korem 0.981 0.010 1.01 0.948 0.994 0.776 349 6,246
Alamata Town 0.925 0.062 6.66 0.682 0.986 3.731 450 14,260
Kafta Humera 0.809 0.055 6.82 0.678 0.896 3.385 550 32,582
Welkayit 0.393 0.101 25.73 0.220 0.598 5.796 545 44,040
Tsegede 0.618 0.112 18.14 0.389 0.804 5.688 500 34,184
Setit Humera 1.000 . 0.00 . . 0.000 400 10,098
Seharti Samre 0.496 0.090 18.16 0.327 0.667 4.302 550 31,988
Hintalo Wejjerat 0.713 0.083 11.60 0.529 0.846 4.924 600 40,817
Degua Tembien 0.440 0.113 25.62 0.242 0.659 5.444 550 32,241
Enderta 0.549 0.120 21.87 0.319 0.759 4.987 500 24,047
Mekelle 0.938 0.040 4.22 0.798 0.983 7.686 698 122,134

P a g e | 172
Annex 1. 6: Precision estimates of time spend to fetch water including queuing in dry seasone,
Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
(R) Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)

Tigray 45.835 1.776 3.87 42.343 49.328 4.214 15,933 957,598


Urban 30.791 7.643 24.82 15.758 45.824 6.102 2,161 106,240

Rural 47.713 1.792 3.76 44.188 51.238 4.028 13,772 851,358


Tahtay Adiyabo 70.388 17.385 24.70 36.195 104.581 4.442 524 24,677

Laelay Adiyabo 60.599 12.534 20.68 35.947 85.251 5.558 433 33,041

Medebay Zana 19.120 3.160 16.53 12.905 25.334 4.398 483 31,367

Tahtay Qoraro 57.318 29.866 52.11 (1.423) 116.060 5.389 389 16,554

Asgede Tsimbila 48.815 16.984 34.79 15.410 82.220 6.986 463 41,871

Tselemti 83.285 11.068 13.29 61.516 105.054 4.143 525 38,764

Shire Enda Silassie 11.277 3.802 33.71 3.799 18.755 2.037 52 2,718

Shiraro 7.616 0.714 9.37 6.212 9.019 0.742 264 3,444

Mereb Lekhe 40.212 8.076 20.08 24.327 56.097 4.734 425 26,847

Ahferom 141.826 15.057 10.62 112.212 171.441 4.115 476 37,456

Werie Lekhe 28.440 4.884 17.17 18.834 38.045 4.939 437 33,153

Adwa 40.144 8.359 20.82 23.703 56.585 4.697 455 19,911

Laelay Maychew 30.521 3.873 12.69 22.903 38.138 3.169 444 17,480

Tahtay Maychew 33.965 5.740 16.90 22.675 45.254 4.377 414 22,331

P a g e | 173
Naeder Adiet 59.950 14.238 23.75 31.947 87.953 4.683 469 26,357

Kola Tembien 42.273 5.310 12.56 31.830 52.717 4.741 512 35,863

Adwa Town 6.662 0.549 8.24 5.582 7.741 0.329 15 558

Tanqua Abergele 63.774 12.090 18.96 39.996 87.553 3.046 424 23,212

Abyi Adi 22.751 6.241 27.43 10.476 35.026 1.214 41 847

Axum 8.279 0.585 7.07 7.127 9.430 0.540 46 1,283

Gulo Mekheda 49.114 8.907 18.14 31.595 66.632 3.470 324 12,196

Erob 78.445 4.053 5.17 70.473 86.417 0.992 310 5,712

Saesi Tsada emba 34.424 3.959 11.50 26.637 42.212 3.265 424 28,963

Ganta Afeshum 56.832 9.877 17.38 37.406 76.258 4.224 429 21,129

Hawzien 31.240 6.935 22.20 17.601 44.879 3.280 449 23,912

Kilte Awlaelo 31.502 4.756 15.10 22.147 40.857 2.666 374 17,348

Atsbi Wemberta 33.564 3.467 10.33 26.746 40.383 3.371 416 22,821

Adigrat 9.157 1.525 16.65 6.158 12.155 1.235 34 1,777

Wukro 8.009 4.846 60.51 (1.522) 17.541 1.144 6 190

Ofla 42.351 5.166 12.20 32.190 52.513 4.906 532 35,896

Enda Mekhoni 39.960 7.637 19.11 24.939 54.982 4.438 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 24.305 4.170 17.16 16.103 32.507 4.326 397 30,494

Emba Alaje 21.352 2.529 11.84 16.378 26.325 3.398 467 24,785

Raya Alamata 38.644 9.197 23.80 20.555 56.733 5.303 396 25,170

Maychew 24.713 3.841 15.54 17.158 32.267 0.700 23 710

Korem 15.686 1.708 10.89 12.327 19.044 0.837 84 1,647

P a g e | 174
Alamata Town 46.796 11.965 25.57 23.263 70.329 1.846 59 2,192

Kafta Humera 20.266 2.538 12.52 15.275 25.257 3.561 449 26,399

Welkayit 37.166 5.955 16.02 25.454 48.878 4.886 526 42,694

Tsegede 28.768 3.151 10.95 22.569 34.966 3.822 432 30,224

Setit Humera 7.412 0.863 11.65 5.714 9.110 0.573 20 409

Seharti Samre 34.547 7.206 20.86 20.374 48.720 6.256 465 28,318

Hintalo Wejjerat 28.092 2.826 10.06 22.534 33.650 3.651 480 34,754

Degua Tembien 61.636 12.972 21.05 36.122 87.151 5.570 472 29,694

Enderta 76.943 25.379 32.98 27.028 126.859 5.110 443 21,423

Mekelle 24.633 8.211 33.33 8.482 40.783 6.010 178 29,903

Annex 1.7: Precision estimates of making water safer to drink, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
(R) Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)

Tigray 0.152 0.011 7.39 0.131 0.176 4.768 23,206 1,304,009


Urban 0.157 0.022 13.80 0.119 0.205 5.200 9,031 427,067

Rural 0.150 0.013 8.64 0.126 0.177 4.523 14,175 876,942


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.222 0.073 32.93 0.111 0.396 3.729 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.102 0.038 37.69 0.047 0.205 3.308 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.131 0.039 30.05 0.071 0.229 2.927 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.193 0.095 49.50 0.067 0.443 4.295 448 17,739

P a g e | 175
Asgede Tsimbila 0.132 0.079 59.57 0.038 0.370 6.762 546 47,464

Tselemti 0.070 0.024 33.96 0.035 0.133 2.482 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.082 0.028 34.42 0.041 0.158 2.207 499 25,764

Shiraro 0.081 0.041 50.62 0.029 0.206 1.445 400 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.485 0.108 22.32 0.286 0.688 5.422 549 35,244

Ahferom 0.104 0.069 65.89 0.027 0.331 6.323 598 44,420

Werie Lekhe 0.166 0.032 19.30 0.112 0.238 2.213 548 37,190

Adwa 0.036 0.019 52.10 0.013 0.097 2.000 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.103 0.028 27.55 0.059 0.173 1.653 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.366 0.121 33.04 0.172 0.617 5.285 500 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.119 0.049 41.20 0.051 0.253 3.330 499 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.007 0.003 45.10 0.003 0.017 0.960 549 36,767

Adwa Town 0.002 0.002 101.68 0.000 0.012 0.743 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.382 0.062 16.24 0.270 0.509 2.786 499 26,721

Abyi Adi 0.110 0.023 20.86 0.073 0.164 0.874 400 7,967

Axum 0.090 0.026 29.42 0.050 0.157 1.495 500 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 0.018 0.007 35.91 0.009 0.037 0.849 449 16,719

Erob 0.403 0.162 40.18 0.152 0.718 3.455 345 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.116 0.031 27.08 0.067 0.193 2.451 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.021 0.010 48.65 0.008 0.053 1.476 500 24,403

Hawzien 0.100 0.035 35.43 0.049 0.194 2.563 499 26,477

Kilte Awlaelo 0.017 0.004 25.11 0.010 0.028 0.668 500 23,187

P a g e | 176
Atsbi Wemberta 0.035 0.015 41.63 0.015 0.079 1.800 550 28,695

Adigrat 0.040 0.020 50.09 0.015 0.103 2.042 500 22,643

Wukro 0.014 0.008 57.66 0.004 0.043 1.089 448 14,060

Ofla 0.302 0.098 32.48 0.148 0.519 5.418 548 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.212 0.132 62.36 0.054 0.561 6.276 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 0.089 0.049 55.57 0.029 0.244 4.710 539 41,388

Emba Alaje 0.133 0.098 73.99 0.028 0.451 6.355 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.004 0.004 100.74 0.001 0.030 1.485 500 29,266

Maychew 0.032 0.017 52.70 0.011 0.088 1.341 400 11,015

Korem 0.012 0.006 48.61 0.004 0.030 0.555 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.020 0.010 47.50 0.008 0.051 1.088 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.111 0.060 53.42 0.037 0.290 4.556 550 32,582

Welkayit 0.280 0.085 30.18 0.146 0.471 5.274 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.123 0.087 70.29 0.028 0.405 6.499 500 34,184

Setit Humera 0.002 0.002 103.19 0.000 0.015 0.615 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.308 0.076 24.62 0.181 0.473 3.919 549 31,930

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.309 0.101 32.65 0.150 0.531 5.885 600 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.112 0.074 66.25 0.028 0.352 5.623 550 32,241

Enderta 0.077 0.027 35.54 0.038 0.151 2.125 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.242 0.054 22.48 0.151 0.363 5.914 698 122,134

P a g e | 177
Annex 1.8: Precision estimates of basic sanitation access, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error Error (CV) weighted

Tigray 0.115 0.008 7.29 0.099 0.132 4.004 23,214 1,304,385


Urban 0.219 0.022 10.11 0.179 0.266 4.676 9,037 427,331

Rural 0.064 0.006 9.42 0.053 0.077 3.077 14,177 877,054


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.045 0.019 41.81 0.100 1.916 1.916 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.057 0.023 41.24 0.125 2.646 2.646 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.159 0.036 22.44 0.242 2.448 2.448 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.127 0.058 45.60 0.288 3.087 3.087 448 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.043 0.017 38.91 0.092 2.409 2.409 546 47,464

Tselemti 0.040 0.008 19.43 0.059 1.064 1.064 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.304 0.080 26.31 0.479 3.729 3.729 500 25,799

Shiraro 0.369 0.044 11.90 0.458 0.876 0.876 400 5,219

P a g e | 178
Mereb Lekhe 0.108 0.029 26.94 0.180 2.348 2.348 549 35,244

Ahferom 0.174 0.066 38.07 0.342 4.911 4.911 599 44,478

Werie Lekhe 0.035 0.009 24.89 0.057 1.222 1.222 548 37,190

Adwa 0.095 0.056 59.14 0.274 3.822 3.822 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.035 0.013 35.52 0.070 1.208 1.208 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.190 0.073 38.71 0.375 3.941 3.941 500 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.046 0.036 78.18 0.193 3.761 3.761 499 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.009 0.006 68.52 0.032 1.627 1.627 549 36,767

Adwa Town 0.293 0.094 32.25 0.503 3.668 3.668 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.177 0.026 14.90 0.236 1.509 1.509 499 26,721

Abyi Adi 0.204 0.080 39.37 0.403 2.371 2.371 400 7,967

Axum 0.266 0.035 13.25 0.341 1.292 1.292 500 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 0.184 0.063 34.42 0.342 2.824 2.824 449 16,719

Erob 0.314 0.140 44.64 0.623 3.161 3.161 345 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.060 0.017 28.78 0.104 1.811 1.811 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.145 0.045 31.05 0.258 2.667 2.667 500 24,403

P a g e | 179
Hawzien 0.252 0.033 13.24 0.323 1.669 1.669 500 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 0.084 0.026 30.55 0.151 1.883 1.883 500 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 0.050 0.016 31.59 0.093 1.645 1.645 550 28,695

Adigrat 0.137 0.044 31.75 0.247 2.544 2.544 500 22,643

Wukro 0.158 0.025 15.90 0.213 1.088 1.088 448 14,060

Ofla - - - - - -

Enda Mekhoni 0.037 0.016 42.76 0.085 1.631 1.631 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 0.136 0.049 35.82 0.263 3.870 3.870 543 41,558

Emba Alaje 0.014 0.008 55.93 0.041 1.456 1.456 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.037 0.028 75.06 0.150 3.347 3.347 500 29,266

Maychew 0.102 0.019 19.07 0.146 0.898 0.898 400 11,015

Korem 0.166 0.049 29.50 0.284 1.385 1.385 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.318 0.028 8.93 0.376 0.971 0.971 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.139 0.052 37.62 0.276 3.636 3.636 550 32,582

Welkayit 0.009 0.008 95.79 0.056 2.515 2.515 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.140 0.059 41.94 0.298 4.169 4.169 500 34,184

P a g e | 180
Setit Humera 0.190 0.054 28.50 0.319 1.850 1.850 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.034 0.016 48.24 0.085 2.151 2.151 550 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.025 0.016 64.51 0.085 2.769 2.769 600 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.057 0.018 30.85 0.103 1.816 1.816 550 32,241

Enderta 0.205 0.035 17.20 0.283 1.808 1.808 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.220 0.067 30.68 0.379 7.594 7.594 698 122,134

Annex 1.9: Precision estimates of open defication practice, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)

Tigray 0.619 0.010 1.61 0.599 0.638 3.123 23,214 1,304,385


Urban 0.185 0.020 10.74 0.149 0.227 4.454 9,037 427,331

P a g e | 181
Rural 0.830 0.010 1.26 0.809 0.850 3.467 14,177 877,054


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.855 0.027 3.17 0.793 0.900 1.628 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.786 0.057 7.25 0.654 0.878 3.631 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.747 0.027 3.55 0.691 0.796 1.534 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.831 0.072 8.63 0.643 0.931 3.405 448 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.813 0.055 6.72 0.682 0.898 4.079 546 47,464

Tselemti 0.856 0.046 5.41 0.739 0.925 3.520 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.014 0.012 89.14 0.002 0.075 2.235 500 25,799

Shiraro 0.024 0.010 43.86 0.010 0.055 0.658 400 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.691 0.057 8.27 0.569 0.791 3.099 549 35,244

Ahferom 0.604 0.079 13.12 0.443 0.746 4.563 599 44,478

Werie Lekhe 0.829 0.014 1.65 0.801 0.854 0.933 548 37,190

Adwa 0.532 0.083 15.65 0.371 0.687 3.332 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.679 0.073 10.81 0.522 0.804 2.789 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.653 0.076 11.67 0.493 0.785 3.371 500 24,867

P a g e | 182
Naeder Adiet 0.677 0.088 12.94 0.488 0.822 4.120 499 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.968 0.019 2.00 0.898 0.990 2.807 549 36,767

Adwa Town 0.044 0.029 64.64 0.012 0.149 2.458 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.627 0.045 7.22 0.535 0.711 2.041 499 26,721

Abyi Adi 0.270 0.055 20.53 0.176 0.391 1.487 400 7,967

Axum 0.036 0.015 41.84 0.016 0.081 1.316 500 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 0.578 0.074 12.72 0.431 0.713 2.569 449 16,719

Erob 0.595 0.153 25.68 0.297 0.836 3.255 345 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.799 0.040 5.00 0.709 0.866 2.491 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.673 0.039 5.78 0.593 0.745 1.729 500 24,403

Hawzien 0.551 0.035 6.29 0.483 0.618 1.515 500 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 0.628 0.050 7.94 0.526 0.720 2.097 500 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 0.698 0.036 5.16 0.622 0.763 1.772 550 28,695

Adigrat 0.085 0.035 41.57 0.037 0.185 2.546 500 22,643

Wukro 0.007 0.005 68.32 0.002 0.027 0.915 448 14,060

Ofla 0.987 0.008 0.79 0.959 0.996 1.723 548 36,177

P a g e | 183
Enda Mekhoni 0.915 0.037 4.09 0.807 0.965 2.601 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 0.710 0.109 15.30 0.464 0.873 6.507 543 41,558

Emba Alaje 0.889 0.044 5.00 0.768 0.951 3.110 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.850 0.045 5.25 0.740 0.918 2.849 500 29,266

Maychew 0.134 0.070 51.81 0.046 0.335 2.858 400 11,015

Korem 0.395 0.107 27.07 0.213 0.611 2.305 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.106 0.052 49.40 0.038 0.260 2.710 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.510 0.064 12.49 0.387 0.632 3.068 550 32,582

Welkayit 0.894 0.070 7.86 0.663 0.973 6.378 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.763 0.047 6.17 0.659 0.843 2.731 500 34,184

Setit Humera 0.029 0.021 71.70 0.007 0.112 1.651 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.790 0.034 4.35 0.715 0.850 2.013 550 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.751 0.069 9.19 0.593 0.862 4.303 600 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.804 0.031 3.87 0.735 0.858 1.878 550 32,241

Enderta 0.725 0.037 5.05 0.648 0.791 1.697 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.119 0.050 41.85 0.050 0.255 7.164 698 122,134

P a g e | 184
Annex 1.9: Precision estimates of availability of hand washing facility in or outside the toilet,
Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error Error (CV) weighted

Tigray 0.193 0.016 8.39 0.163 0.227 4.069 9,855 494,542


Urban 0.250 0.023 9.05 0.208 0.297 4.341 7,311 347,029

Rural 0.059 0.008 13.36 0.045 0.076 1.809 2,544 147,513


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.018 0.013 72.71 0.004 0.072 0.828 121 3,611

Laelay Adiyabo 0.071 0.051 71.90 0.016 0.260 2.544 160 8,184

Medebay Zana 0.164 0.107 65.00 0.041 0.476 3.854 140 8,975

Tahtay Qoraro 0.056 0.023 40.45 0.025 0.121 0.760 88 2,992

Asgede Tsimbila 0.276 0.103 37.47 0.121 0.513 3.024 108 8,580

Tselemti 0.049 0.032 65.87 0.013 0.167 1.603 99 5,778

Shire Enda Silassie 0.342 0.085 24.72 0.199 0.521 4.010 492 25,415

Shiraro 0.139 0.048 34.85 0.068 0.263 1.409 390 5,095

P a g e | 185
Mereb Lekhe 0.293 0.064 21.76 0.184 0.431 2.060 164 10,885

Ahferom 0.128 0.061 47.65 0.048 0.301 3.416 254 17,533

Werie Lekhe 0.077 0.035 45.20 0.031 0.180 1.472 129 6,353

Adwa 0.174 0.040 23.03 0.109 0.268 1.529 228 10,486

Laelay Maychew 0.038 0.018 46.82 0.015 0.092 0.983 142 5,662

Tahtay Maychew 0.048 0.019 39.06 0.022 0.102 1.155 200 8,619

Naeder Adiet 0.009 0.005 55.87 0.003 0.027 0.705 172 8,767

Kola Tembien 0.041 0.019 45.22 0.017 0.098 0.456 35 1,186

Adwa Town 0.228 0.047 20.58 0.149 0.334 2.048 477 16,789

Tanqua Abergele 0.016 0.008 49.49 0.006 0.041 0.878 188 9,969

Abyi Adi 0.359 0.102 28.34 0.190 0.572 2.281 297 5,815

Axum 0.370 0.075 20.15 0.238 0.524 2.585 477 14,066

Gulo Mekheda 0.005 0.005 97.26 0.001 0.034 0.829 195 7,052

Erob 0.035 0.030 86.69 0.006 0.175 1.153 146 2,456

Saesi Tsada emba 0.068 0.031 45.26 0.027 0.159 1.450 119 7,058

Ganta Afeshum 0.135 0.068 50.55 0.047 0.331 2.521 164 7,971

P a g e | 186
Hawzien 0.191 0.097 50.66 0.064 0.447 3.787 226 11,902

Kilte Awlaelo 0.040 0.018 44.08 0.016 0.093 1.175 186 8,619

Atsbi Wemberta 0.100 0.070 69.74 0.024 0.338 3.039 181 8,567

Adigrat 0.164 0.029 17.69 0.114 0.229 1.586 456 20,596

Wukro 0.165 0.023 13.97 0.124 0.215 1.034 445 13,960

Ofla 0.059 0.035 58.65 0.018 0.176 0.455 19 480

Enda Mekhoni 0.124 0.066 52.90 0.041 0.317 1.191 38 1,795

Raya Azebo 0.240 0.097 40.42 0.100 0.473 3.492 155 11,893

Emba Alaje 0.084 0.017 20.46 0.056 0.125 0.477 98 2,969

Raya Alamata 0.053 0.019 35.73 0.026 0.106 0.795 99 4,403

Maychew 0.174 0.046 26.47 0.101 0.283 1.670 350 9,502

Korem 0.152 0.055 36.28 0.072 0.294 1.331 216 3,762

Alamata Town 0.184 0.068 36.76 0.085 0.354 2.778 410 12,713

Kafta Humera 0.165 0.061 36.90 0.077 0.321 2.929 262 15,958

Welkayit 0.032 0.024 75.50 0.007 0.134 1.331 50 4,689

Tsegede 0.156 0.043 27.64 0.088 0.260 1.503 126 8,031

P a g e | 187
Setit Humera 0.330 0.087 26.21 0.186 0.516 2.566 384 9,763

Seharti Samre 0.083 0.021 25.40 0.050 0.135 0.881 130 6,651

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.047 0.018 38.48 0.022 0.099 1.218 170 10,165

Degua Tembien 0.035 0.035 99.54 0.005 0.217 2.058 134 5,899

Enderta 0.032 0.016 51.40 0.011 0.085 0.989 121 5,682

Mekelle 0.313 0.063 20.10 0.204 0.447 6.268 614 107,247

Annex 1.10: Precision estimates of open defication free decleared kebelles, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error (SE) Error (CV) weighted

Tigray 0.052 0.006 11.26 0.042 0.065 3.436 16,820 984,454


Urban 0.098 0.024 24.72 0.060 0.158 4.068 3,257 145,096

Rural 0.045 0.006 12.46 0.035 0.057 3.221 13,563 839,358


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.018 0.006 32.25 0.010 0.034 0.907 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.062 0.044 70.17 0.015 0.225 4.412 499 34,802

Medebay Zana 0.009 0.004 40.17 0.004 0.019 0.908 522 33,526

Tahtay Qoraro 0.067 0.037 55.73 0.022 0.189 2.369 358 14,741

Asgede Tsimbila 0.034 0.014 41.46 0.015 0.075 2.178 532 46,238

P a g e | 188
Mereb Lekhe 0.008 0.005 70.44 0.002 0.030 1.506 537 34,518

Ahferom 0.020 0.010 53.21 0.007 0.055 2.068 597 44,334

Werie Lekhe 0.047 0.017 36.13 0.023 0.094 2.011 543 36,803

Adwa 0.003 0.002 71.33 0.001 0.013 0.797 499 22,351

Laelay Maychew 0.020 0.012 61.93 0.006 0.066 1.541 449 17,659

Tahtay Maychew 0.072 0.042 58.78 0.022 0.212 3.363 498 24,763

Naeder Adiet 0.002 0.002 103.21 0.000 0.012 0.882 498 27,092
Kola Tembien

Tanqua Abergele 0.216 0.077 35.44 0.102 0.402 3.964 496 26,571

Gulo Mekheda 0.003 0.003 99.78 0.000 0.019 0.831 399 15,145

Erob 0.016 0.010 63.95 0.005 0.056 0.841 342 6,096

Saesi Tsada emba 0.047 0.026 54.29 0.016 0.132 2.854 499 32,773

Ganta Afeshum 0.009 0.009 99.91 0.001 0.059 1.888 498 24,310

Hawzien 0.237 0.071 29.79 0.126 0.401 3.522 496 26,335

Kilte Awlaelo 0.320 0.102 31.76 0.158 0.542 4.334 499 23,140

Atsbi Wemberta 0.124 0.077 62.37 0.034 0.365 5.053 522 27,126

Ofla 0.078 0.017 21.58 0.051 0.119 1.563 547 36,110

Enda Mekhoni 0.033 0.017 50.70 0.012 0.088 1.710 418 19,492

Raya Azebo 0.005 0.003 58.34 0.002 0.016 1.116 531 40,943

Emba Alaje 0.012 0.008 67.00 0.003 0.044 1.509 451 24,254

Raya Alamata 0.017 0.013 72.91 0.004 0.071 1.049 199 6,850

Kafta Humera 0.083 0.058 69.69 0.020 0.289 4.945 547 32,372
Welkayit 0.005 74.92

P a g e | 189
0.006 0.001 0.026 1.606 540 43,743

Tsegede 0.052 0.053 101.21 0.007 0.311 5.657 485 33,085

Seharti Samre 0.035 0.015 43.36 0.015 0.081 1.923 547 31,807

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.006 0.003 48.07 0.002 0.015 0.973 589 39,910

Degua Tembien 0.087 0.034 39.52 0.039 0.182 2.852 548 32,105

Enderta 0.147 0.056 38.11 0.067 0.293 3.196 497 23,907

Annex 1.11: Precision estimates of proper solid waste disposal, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)

Tigray 0.155 0.011 7.14 0.134 0.178 4.658 23,214 1,304,385


Urban 0.329 0.031 9.34 0.272 0.392 5.705 9,037 427,331

Rural 0.070 0.009 12.49 0.055 0.090 4.290 14,177 877,054


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.017 0.006 33.97 0.009 0.032 0.939 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.142 0.071 49.54 0.051 0.341 5.273 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.083 0.029 34.99 0.041 0.160 2.640 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.019 0.013 71.20 0.005 0.073 1.739 448 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.058 0.028 48.77 0.022 0.146 3.529 546 47,464

Tselemti 0.043 0.003 8.16 0.036 0.050 0.460 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.535 0.069 12.85 0.401 0.665 2.955 500 25,799

P a g e | 190
0.575 0.089 15.48 0.398 0.734 1.733 400 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.124 0.061 49.38 0.045 0.299 4.647 549 35,244

Ahferom 0.295 0.055 18.53 0.199 0.412 3.370 599 44,478

Werie Lekhe 0.077 0.007 9.25 0.064 0.092 0.688 548 37,190

Adwa 0.161 0.082 50.85 0.055 0.388 4.451 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.088 0.031 35.61 0.043 0.172 1.963 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.102 0.053 52.58 0.035 0.264 3.723 500 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.322 0.131 40.56 0.128 0.607 6.148 499 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.003 0.003 96.77 0.000 0.018 1.278 549 36,767

Adwa Town 0.140 0.056 40.42 0.061 0.290 2.880 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.147 0.032 21.80 0.095 0.222 1.977 499 26,721

Abyi Adi 0.634 0.138 21.83 0.349 0.849 3.424 400 7,967

Axum 0.536 0.149 27.71 0.263 0.789 4.821 500 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 0.082 0.079 97.00 0.011 0.415 4.987 449 16,719

Erob 0.080 0.072 90.18 0.012 0.373 2.775 345 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.298 0.107 35.72 0.135 0.536 5.823 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.056 0.046 82.74 0.010 0.248 4.182 500 24,403

Hawzien 0.279 0.074 26.64 0.158 0.444 3.598 500 26,531

Kilte Awlaelo 0.159 0.050 31.29 0.083 0.282 2.765 500 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 0.353 0.111 31.46 0.173 0.586 5.248 550 28,695

Adigrat 0.179 0.047 26.32 0.104 0.291 2.469 500 22,643

Wukro 0.037 0.009 24.42 0.023 0.059 0.752 448 14,060


P a g e | 191
0.004 0.003 66.31 0.001 0.015 1.078 548 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.062 0.040 64.17 0.017 0.203 3.201 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 0.077 0.027 34.56 0.038 0.148 2.711 543 41,558

Emba Alaje 0.008 0.005 61.68 0.002 0.025 1.184 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.073 0.034 47.26 0.028 0.176 3.018 500 29,266

Maychew 0.399 0.123 30.77 0.195 0.645 3.512 400 11,015

Korem 0.145 0.058 40.17 0.063 0.299 1.744 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.323 0.058 18.00 0.221 0.446 1.981 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.041 0.022 54.54 0.014 0.115 2.712 550 32,582

Welkayit 0.064 0.045 70.33 0.015 0.232 5.167 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.132 0.080 60.64 0.037 0.376 5.837 500 34,184

Setit Humera 0.283 0.115 40.50 0.115 0.546 3.414 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.112 0.064 56.95 0.035 0.309 4.837 550 31,988

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.020 0.008 38.89 0.009 0.042 1.492 600 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.049 0.012 24.04 0.030 0.078 1.303 550 32,241

Enderta 0.017 0.009 51.76 0.006 0.046 1.407 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.338 0.091 26.89 0.187 0.531 8.954 698 122,134

Annex 1.12: Precision estimates of access to basic hand washing facility, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error Error weighted
(SE) (CV)

Tigray 0.073 0.007 9.15 0.061 0.087 3.906 23,202 1,303,739


P a g e | 192
Urban 0.160 0.017 10.84 0.129 0.197 4.123 9,029 426,962

Rural 0.030 0.004 13.26 0.023 0.039 2.933 14,173 876,777


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.064 0.036 56.22 0.021 0.183 3.121 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.019 0.006 33.59 0.010 0.037 1.231 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.027 0.006 23.36 0.017 0.043 0.982 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.031 0.010 30.51 0.017 0.056 0.973 448 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.030 0.019 61.79 0.009 0.098 3.165 545 47,368

Tselemti 0.030 0.010 34.68 0.015 0.059 1.634 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.100 0.012 12.12 0.078 0.126 0.863 499 25,764

Shiraro 0.029 0.023 78.79 0.006 0.130 1.321 400 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.103 0.038 36.76 0.049 0.204 3.120 549 35,244

Ahferom 0.122 0.033 27.42 0.070 0.204 2.871 598 44,420

Werie Lekhe 0.027 0.003 12.56 0.021 0.035 0.539 548 37,190

Adwa 0.011 0.008 70.96 0.003 0.045 1.519 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.043 0.021 50.19 0.016 0.111 1.882 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.031 0.017 53.53 0.011 0.086 2.009 500 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.009 0.009 99.83 0.001 0.060 2.061 499 27,152
Kola Tembien

Adwa Town 0.143 0.042 29.30 0.079 0.247 2.118 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.019 0.013 67.91 0.005 0.068 2.031 498 26,652

Abyi Adi 0.091 0.033 35.78 0.044 0.178 1.348 400 7,967

Axum 0.072 0.025 34.47 0.036 0.138 1.549 500 14,707

P a g e | 193
Gulo Mekheda

Saesi Tsada emba 0.032 0.014 43.83 0.014 0.075 2.003 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.032 0.016 49.47 0.012 0.083 1.881 500 24,403

Hawzien 0.220 0.056 25.31 0.130 0.348 2.916 499 26,477

Kilte Awlaelo 0.031 0.015 48.48 0.012 0.080 1.770 500 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 0.228 0.083 36.52 0.104 0.427 4.478 550 28,695

Adigrat 0.202 0.071 35.39 0.096 0.377 3.568 499 22,589

Wukro 0.203 0.052 25.62 0.119 0.324 2.043 448 14,060

Ofla 0.003 0.003 98.18 0.000 0.019 1.307 548 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.134 0.070 52.65 0.045 0.338 4.009 453 21,103

Raya Azebo 0.028 0.011 38.43 0.013 0.058 1.762 539 41,388

Emba Alaje 0.033 0.015 45.45 0.014 0.080 1.853 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.014 0.007 53.11 0.005 0.038 1.419 500 29,266

Maychew 0.554 0.093 16.69 0.373 0.722 2.606 400 11,015

Korem 0.027 0.014 52.31 0.010 0.074 0.922 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.370 0.138 37.24 0.155 0.652 4.541 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.116 0.028 24.56 0.071 0.184 2.138 549 32,531

Welkayit 0.001 0.001 100.09 0.000 0.008 0.952 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.041 0.019 46.36 0.016 0.099 2.352 500 34,184

Setit Humera 0.209 0.046 21.90 0.133 0.313 1.508 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.001 0.001 100.13 0.000 0.010 0.875 549 31,930

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.054 0.041 75.55 0.012 0.215 4.860 600 40,817

P a g e | 194
Degua Tembien 0.008 0.003 34.41 0.004 0.016 0.736 550 32,241

Enderta 0.004 0.003 66.00 0.001 0.016 0.898 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.160 0.050 31.29 0.084 0.284 6.374 698 122,134

Annex 1.13: Precision estimates of household graduated as model family, Tigray, 2020

95% confidence Design Number of observations

interval Effect
Variable Value (R) Standard Relative Lower Upper Un Weighted
Error (SE) Error weighted

Tigray 0.027 0.002 7.00 0.024 0.031 1.790 23,204 1,303,860


Urban 0.026 0.004 13.94 0.020 0.034 1.978 9,030 427,014

Rural 0.028 0.002 7.99 0.024 0.033 1.701 14,174 876,846


Tahtay Adiyabo 0.032 0.013 39.72 0.015 0.069 1.530 550 25,219

Laelay Adiyabo 0.003 0.002 81.85 0.001 0.014 1.146 550 38,315

Medebay Zana 0.013 0.007 55.72 0.004 0.038 1.589 550 35,478

Tahtay Qoraro 0.028 0.011 41.43 0.012 0.061 1.239 448 17,739

Asgede Tsimbila 0.018 0.006 33.58 0.009 0.034 1.301 545 47,368

Tselemti 0.019 0.007 39.40 0.009 0.040 1.449 550 40,055

Shire Enda Silassie 0.009 0.006 67.26 0.002 0.034 1.381 499 25,764

Shiraro 0.010 0.006 60.45 0.003 0.034 0.600 400 5,219

Mereb Lekhe 0.029 0.011 36.77 0.014 0.059 1.590 549 35,244

P a g e | 195
Ahferom 0.068 0.024 34.65 0.034 0.132 2.639 598 44,420

Werie Lekhe 0.042 0.009 21.38 0.028 0.064 1.155 548 37,190

Adwa 0.015 0.006 38.89 0.007 0.033 0.965 500 22,407

Laelay Maychew 0.035 0.009 25.09 0.021 0.058 0.852 450 17,694

Tahtay Maychew 0.018 0.012 68.15 0.005 0.066 1.931 500 24,867

Naeder Adiet 0.041 0.024 59.40 0.012 0.125 2.690 499 27,152

Kola Tembien 0.010 0.003 32.49 0.005 0.019 0.835 549 36,767

Adwa Town 0.002 0.002 98.75 0.000 0.016 0.834 499 17,566

Tanqua Abergele 0.026 0.007 25.93 0.015 0.042 0.915 499 26,721

Abyi Adi 0.023 0.010 42.64 0.010 0.053 0.779 400 7,967

Axum 0.045 0.019 41.29 0.020 0.100 1.454 500 14,707

Gulo Mekheda 0.022 0.015 66.44 0.006 0.079 1.725 449 16,719

Erob 0.016 0.007 42.42 0.007 0.036 0.565 345 6,144

Saesi Tsada emba 0.008 0.003 38.52 0.004 0.017 0.867 550 35,135

Ganta Afeshum 0.066 0.023 34.08 0.033 0.127 1.892 500 24,403

Hawzien 0.030 0.013 42.11 0.013 0.067 1.603 499 26,477

Kilte Awlaelo 0.011 0.005 41.44 0.005 0.025 0.896 500 23,187

Atsbi Wemberta 0.025 0.009 37.54 0.012 0.052 1.365 550 28,695

Wukro 0.008 0.005 56.33 0.003 0.025 0.817 448 14,060

Ofla 0.095 0.019 20.14 0.064 0.140 1.658 548 36,177

Enda Mekhoni 0.021 0.007 34.51 0.011 0.041 0.978 453 21,103
Raya Azebo

P a g e | 196
0.025 0.011 44.13 0.011 0.060 1.933 539 41,388

Emba Alaje 0.020 0.006 30.64 0.011 0.037 0.964 550 27,063

Raya Alamata 0.004 0.003 73.33 0.001 0.018 1.114 500 29,266

Maychew 0.014 0.003 23.49 0.009 0.022 0.392 400 11,015

Korem 0.011 0.006 54.24 0.004 0.030 0.590 349 6,246

Alamata Town 0.036 0.006 17.48 0.026 0.051 0.541 450 14,260

Kafta Humera 0.022 0.009 42.72 0.009 0.050 1.538 550 32,582

Welkayit 0.010 0.006 56.31 0.003 0.030 1.593 545 44,040

Tsegede 0.039 0.012 29.83 0.022 0.070 1.492 500 34,184

Setit Humera 0.148 0.042 28.60 0.082 0.252 1.598 400 10,098

Seharti Samre 0.068 0.017 25.18 0.041 0.110 1.617 549 31,930

Hintalo Wejjerat 0.012 0.005 40.52 0.005 0.027 1.214 600 40,817

Degua Tembien 0.004 0.003 65.22 0.001 0.015 1.021 550 32,241

Enderta 0.049 0.016 33.15 0.025 0.093 1.558 500 24,047

Mekelle 0.028 0.010 34.39 0.014 0.054 2.706 698 122,134

P a g e | 197
1 2 3 4 5 6

Zone Wereda Town Kebelle EA HHID

code code code code code

7 8 9

House hold head name Village name where the HH lives HH size


Responsibility Name Signature Date

Data collector




Date of interview DD/MM/YY / /

Start time hh:mm

End time Hh:mm


Latitude(N) Longitude(E) Altitude

P a g e | 198
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
We would like to make What is the relationship Sex of Age of What is What is
a complete list of [Name] [Name] [NAME] [Name]Religion Employment Marital statusOLD
of [NAME] to the head FOR MEMBERS 10 YEARS
household members. Exact date of AND ABOVE
status of [Name] [NAME] YEARS OLD
of the household? birth? What was the In which
1=Male If less 1=Orthodox highest grade that curriculum
1=Head than one
2=Spouse 2=Female year 2=Muslim 1=Employer 1=Married [NAME] did [NAME]
PROBE Just to make 3=Partner (cohabiting write 00 2=Cohabitated or completed? complete that
3=Protestant 2=Own business
sure that I have a
or living together living together grade?
complete listing: 4=Catholic 3=Employed
with head ) 3=Divorce
Are there any other 5=Jova 4=Widowed
4=Unpaid family
persons such as elders 4= Daughter of Head 5=Separated
6=Jew worker 6=Never married 1=New
,small children , infants and/or Spouse SEE CODE A
7=Traditionalist 2=Old
, domestic servants, 5=Son of Head and/or 5=micro and small
8=No religion enterprise member
herds or friends who Spouse
usually live here that 6=Head/Spouse 6=Cooperative
98=Other (Specify
brother/Sister Union member
we have not listed? 7=Parents of head/spouse
List of names:
9=Grandchild DD MM YY
10=Other relative
1 12=Domestic employee

00=Some schooling not completed 06=grade six 11=Completed grade eleven 16=Technique level 3 21=College Degree Completed
01=grade one 07=grade seven 12=Completed grade twelve 17=Technique level 4 22= Masters and above
02=grade two 08= grade eight 13=TTI completed 18=Technique level 5 23=Informal education
CODE A 03=grade three 09=grade nine 14=Technique level 1 completed 19=College Diploma 24=Never attended
04=grade four 10=grade ten 15=Technique level 2 completed 20=College Degree incomplete 96=Don't know
P a g e | 199
05= grade five

S.N Questions Responses Code Skip


Dry Wet
season season

201 What is the main source of 1.Piped into dwelling

drinking water for members of
2.Piped into compound
your household?
3.Piped to neighbor

4.Public tap / standpipe

Interviewer: choose only the
5.Hand pump well
dominant one for each dry and
wet season 6.Protected well

7.Unprotected well

8.Protected spring

9.Unprotected spring

10.Rainwater collection


12.Cart with small tank / drum

13.Surface water

14. Packaged water

98. Other, specify--------------

202 Where is the main source of 1.In own dwelling If the

drinking water usually used by 2.In own compound answer
your house hold located? is 1or
3.out of compound
2 skip

P a g e | 200
to Q

203 How long does it take to go

there, get water, and come back --------------------------- Minutes
including waiting time?

(Hint, in Minutes)

204 Who usually goes to this source 1.Adult woman (>=15 years)
to fetch water for your 2.Adult man (>=15 years)
3.Girl (<15 years)

4.Boy (<15 years)

Interviewer: Select the
98.Other, specify--------------
individual primarily responsible
for water collection

205 How many trips did that person Number of trips ---------------
make in the last week to fetch

P a g e | 201
206 What is the main source of 1.Piped into dwelling
water to members of your 2.Piped into compound
household for other purpose
3.Piped to neighbor
such as cooking, washing…?
4.Public tap / standpipe

5.Hand pump well

Interviewer: choose only the
dominant one for both dry and 6.Protected well
wet season 7.Unprotected well

8.Protected spring

9.Unprotected spring

10.Rainwater collection


12.Cart with small tank / drum

13.Surface water

14. Packaged water

98. Other, specify--------------

207 Does your household have other 1.Yes IF the

sources of water, for drinking or 2.No answer
other purposes when the main is 2
source is interrupted? skip to

P a g e | 202
If yes, What is the main other 1.Piped into dwelling
source of water used by 2.Piped into compound
members of your household?
3.Piped to neighbor

4.Public tap / standpipe

5.Hand pump well

6.Protected well

7.Unprotected well

8.Protected spring

9.Unprotected spring

10.Rainwater collection


12.Cart with small tank / drum

13.Surface water

14. Packaged water

98. Other, specify--------------

209 Is the piped to yard/ dwelling 1.Yes If the

water shared? answer
2 or 99
99.Not applicable
skip to

210 How many people are living in

this compound in total including _________________
members of your household?

P a g e | 203
211 Does your household use the 1.Yes IF the
domestic water for any 2.No answer
productive or commercial is 2
purposes? skip to

212 If yes, which of the following 1.Irrigation of garden/farm

are you engaged in?
2.Car/bike/vehicle washing

3.Animal/poultry rearing

4.Sale of water to the public

98. Other, specify--------------

213 How frequently was the water 1. Daily At least 16 hours a day
from the main source available 2. Daily less than 16 hours a day.
during the last two weeks?
3.Three - five days a week

4. One - Two days a week

5.Less frequent than once a week

214 Did your household experience 1.Yes If the

interruptions in water supply 2.No answer
from the main source during the is 2
last one month? skip to

215 During these interruptions/ Number of days

breakdowns, how many days ________________________________
was water not available from the
main source?

P a g e | 204
216 What was the reason for these 1.Service disruption If the
interruptions? answer
2.Water unavailable from source
is 4
3.Pump or pipe broken
skip to
4.Dry due to seasonality Q219


96.Don’t know

98.Other (specify)________________

217 How long did it take for the 1.Before 24 hour If the
water point to be repaired? answer
2.Within two- three day
is 7
3. Within four- six day
4.One week to

5.More than a week less than a month Q219

6.More than one month

7. Not repaired until now

98.Don’t know

218 Who repaired the water point 1.Private medium and small scale enterprises
when it was broken? (MSEs)

2.Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

3.WaSHCOS (WASH Committees)

4.Woreda Electro-mechanical expert

5.Zonal technicians

6. Regional technician

7. Don’t know

P a g e | 205
98. Other, specify--------------

219 Is there a water supply and 1.Yes If the

sanitation committee in the 2.No answer
community? is 2, or
96.Don’t know
skip to
[CAPI] for rural only

220 If the committee is available, is 1.Yes

it functioning? 2.No

96.Don’t know

221 Do you do anything to the water 1.Yes If the

to make it safer to drink? answer
is 2
skip to

222 What did your household do to 1.Boil

treat the drinking water? 2.Chemical treatment( Wuha agar, Aqua tap,
Bishangari, chlorine)

Record all methods used 3.Strain it through a cloth

(multiple response) 4. Use water filter (ceramic, sand, composite,

5.Solar disinfection

6.Let it stand and settle

98. Other, specify--------------

223 When was the last time your 1.Today

P a g e | 206
household treated the water 2.Yesterday
using this method? 3.Two-six days

4.One-Four week

5.More than one month

224 If no, why do you not treat 1.Water is safe to drink

water? 2.Water is unsafe, but i don’t think it

Necessary to treat

3.Too expensive

4.No knowledge of treatment options

CHECK ALL ANSWERS 5.Not enough time
6.Unavailablility of treatment

8.No young children in household

98.Other (specify)

225 Does the household have 1.Yes

separate containers for drinking 2.No
water and other uses?

226 Can you show me the drinking 1.The drinking water storage container is
water storage container? covered

Interviewer: Record all that you 2.The drinking water storage container has a
observe without reading out narrow-neck
loud. Multiple response
3.The drinking water storage container looks

P a g e | 207
4. the water storage/container placed at least 30
cm above the floor

5. Refused to show

98.Other observation (write in---------)

227 How often does your household 1.Daily

usually clean the drinking water 2.Several times per week
storage container?
3.Once a week

4.Once a month

5.Once every half year

6.Less often than half yearly

96.Don’t know

228 How does your household take 1.Tap

water from your drinking water
2. Dipping a cup exclusively used for this
storage container? purpose
Interviewer : record the most 3. Dipping a cup obtained from the around
commonly used one
4.Pour from the container

98. Other, specify--------------

229 Can you show me the material, 1. Has no visible dirtiness in inner or outer
your house hold members used surface
to take water? 2. Has visible dirtiness in inner or outer surface
Interviewer: Record all that you 3. Is off the floor
observe without reading out
4. Is on the floor
loud. Multiple response
5.Refused to show

P a g e | 208
98. Other, specify--------------

230 Can you show me the utensil (s) 1.no visible dirtiness in inner or outer surface
your household members used 2.visible dirtiness in inner or outer surface
for drinking water?
3.Other observation (write down-----)
Interviewer: Record all that you 4.Refused to show
observe without reading out
loud. Multiple response


301 What kind of toilet facility 1. Flush to septic tank IF the answer is
does members of your 2. Flush to pit latrine 13 skip to Q
household use? 318
3. Flush to open drain

4. Flush to don’t know where

5. Dry pit latrines with slab

If ‘Flush’ or ‘Pour flush’,
6. Dry Pit latrine without slab / Open pit
7.Ventilated improved pit latrine with slab
Where does it flush to?
8.Ventilated improved pit latrine without slab /
Open pit

9.Composting toilets with slab

If not possible to determine, 10. Composting toilets without slab
interviewer ask permission to 11.Container based sanitation
observe the facility
12.Hanging toilet / hanging latrine

P a g e | 209
13.No facility/Bush/Open Field

98.Other , specify ---------------------------

302 Is the toilet private, shared or 1.Private If the answer is

public? 1 or 3 skip to
2. Shared
3. Public

303 If the toilet is shared, How

many households in total use Number of households ----------------
this toilet facility, including
your own household?

304 Where is this toilet facility 1.In own dwelling If the answer is
located? 1 skip to Q 306
2.In own compound

3. Both in own dwelling &compound

4.Outside the compound

98. Other, specify--------------

305 How long does it take to go to

the toilet? -----------------------------------------Minutes
(Hint, in Minutes)

306 Observation about way to 1.Dense vegetation in front of toilet

toilet: 2.Waste or debris on path

3.Major crevice or potholes on path

Record all that you observe 4.Mud on path

P a g e | 210
(multiple response) 5.Entrance to toilet is obstructed

6.Path is clear

7. Refused to show

98.Other observation (write down---------------)

307 Observations about toilet 1.have a door

materials/structures: 2.Floor made from wood, bamboo, concrete,
durable plastic

3.Floor easy to clean

Record all that you observe 4.Have a covering material of the pit

( multiple response) 5.Small drop hole

6.There is no any other hole than the small drop


7. Height of the wall is greater than 1.75 meters

from the floor

8.Roof is capable of protecting from rain & sun

9.have a functional light

10. Refused to show

98. Other observation (write down------------)

P a g e | 211
308 Observations about 1. There is fecal residues in and around the drop
cleanliness of the toilet: whole or the basin

2. There is fecal residues on the floor, wall or

Record all that you observe
3 There is used anal cleansing material on the
( multiple response)
floor (e.g. toilet paper)

4. there is Surface flow of sewage

5.The toilet smells bad (stinks)

6.The toilet is clean

309 How often does 7. Refused to show

your 1.Daily
household usually clean the 98.Other
2.Several observation (write down-------------)
times per week
3.Once a week

4.Once every two weeks

5.Once a month

310 Observe a hand 6.Once every three months

washing 1.Yes If the answer is
facility in or outside the 7.Once 2 skip to Q313
2.No every six months
8.Less often than half yearly

96. don’t know

311 Observe availability of water 1.Water is available
at the place of hand washing 2.Water is not available

Verify by checking the water

container or similar objects
for presence of water.

P a g e | 212
312 Observe availability of soap, 1.Yes, soap
detergent or something else at 2. Yes, ash
the place of hand washing
3. Yes, sand
4.Yes, other (write down----------------------)

5. No

313 How far is the toilet from the 1.Less than 30 meters
nearest water source? 2.Greater than 30 meters

314 Is everyone in the household 1.Yes IF the answer is

able to access and use the 2.No 1 skip to Q316
toilet at all times of the day
and night?

315 What is the main reason that 1.Limited mobility

household members are 2.Distance/barriers
unable to use the toilet at all
3.Toilet is not always safe to use
times of the day or night?

5.not cleaned
Interviewer: choose only the
dominant one 6.lack of privacy

7.cultural issue

8.Toilet is not always accessible to all household


98. others, specify-----------------------------------

316 Has your pit latrine or septic 1.Yes emptied If the answer is
tank ever been emptied 2.Never emptied / replaced 2 or 3 or 96 skip
/replaced? to Q318

P a g e | 213
3. Yes replaced

96.Don’t know

317 The last time it was emptied, 1. Buried in a covered pit by service provider
where were the contents 2.Removed by service provider to don’t know
emptied to? where

3.buried in a covered pit by household

4. Emptied by household to uncovered pit, open

ground, water body

96. Don’t know

98. Other , specify----------------------------

318 Are there under 5 children 1.Yes If the answer is

living in the household? 2 skip to Q321

319 The last time the U5 child 1.Dropped/ Washed away into toilet facility
passed stools, If they don’t
2.Put/rinsed into drain or ditch
use the toilet, where were the
3.Used as manure
stools dispose?
4.Disposed into solid waste/garbage

5.Disposed in the yard

6.Disposed outside premises

Interviewer: DO NOT READ
OUT. 7.Buried

8.Did nothing/left it there

96.Don’t know

98. Other, specify--------------

320 In the past 2 weeks, did any 1.Yes

U5 children suffered with

P a g e | 214
diarrhea? 2.No

321 In the past 2 weeks, did any 1.Yes

member of the household 2.No
whose age is 5 year and above
were suffered with diarrhea?

322 Has your kebele been declared 1.Yes If answer is 2, or

open defecation free (ODF)? 96, skip to
Q324 if answer
96.Don’t know
is 99 skip to
99.Not applicable Q326

323 Do you think your kebele is 1.Yes

still open defections free 2.No
96.Don’t know

324 Are there trained leaders in 1.Yes If answer is 2,

your kebelle in relation to 2.No or96, or 99 skip
ODF? to 326
96.Don’t know

99.Not applicable

325 Are the trained leaders 1.Yes

performing their role 2.No
96.Don’t know

326 Would you need to buy 1.Yes

materials suppliedby 2.No
sanitation marketing which
96.Don’t know
improve your toilet?

P a g e | 215
99.Not applicable

327 How do you dispose of 1. To Piped sewer If the answer is

household water used for 2. To Soak pit 6 skips to Q329
cooking, laundry and bathing?
3. To a toilet facility

4.To Open channel

5. To road side

6. To Water body (lake, river, etc.)

7. In compound or garden

98. Other, specify--------------

328 Observations about points of 1.Stagnant water pool

discharge of used water: 2.Swampy area

3.Lots of insects /mosquito breeding

Interviewer: ask to the point 4.Bad smell
of discharge and record for the
5.Signs of residues (soap, green slime)
descriptions you observe
without reading out loud. 6. None
(multiple response) 98. Other, specify--------------

329 Does your household have a 1.Yes If the answer is

storage used to collect solid 2.No 2 skip to Q332

330 Do you separate degradable & 1.Yes

non degradable waste at your 2.No

331 How often do you remove the 1.Daily

P a g e | 216
garbage in your household? 2.Once a week

3.Twice a week

4.Once a month

98.Other, specify-----------------------

How does your household 1.Municipality/private garbage truck

usually dispose of solid 2.Private solid waste collector
3.Municipality garbage can

4. Put in the well

5.Dispose in to ground

6. dispose in to rivers

7.Recycle(used as a raw material for fertilizer)



10.Disposed in to open channel

98.Other , specify ------------

333 Do you clean your 1.Yes If the answer is

surrounding (within 20 meter 2.No 2 skip to Q401
radius of the house hold)?

334 How often do you clean your 1.Every week

surrounding? 2.Every two week

3.Every months

98.Other ,specify-----------

P a g e | 217

401 What type of hand washing 1.Fixed facility (tap) in dwelling If the answer is
facility does your house 2.Fixed facility (tap) in compound 4 skip to Q404
hold use?(Hint, Interviewer
3. Mobile object (jug/kettle…)
4.No hand washing facility
Select all that apply
98.Other ,specify-----------------
(multiple response)

402 Observe availability of 1.Water is available

water at the place for hand 2.Water is not available

Interviewer: Verify by
checking the tap/pump, or
basin, bucket, water
container or similar objects
for presence of water.

403 Observe availability of soap, 1.Yes, soap

detergent or something else 2.Yes, ash
at the place for hand
3. Yes, sand
4. Yes, Other, specify--------------
(multiple response )
5. No

P a g e | 218
404 Yesterday or today after/ 1.Before eating
before what activity did you 2.After eating
wash your hands with
3.After toilet use
water and soap (detergent or
something else)? 4. Before preparing food

5. After cleaning a child’s bottom

Interviewer: do NOT read 6. Before feeding a child

out the answers. Probe 7. Before breast feeding
Select all that apply 8. After performing cleaning activity
(multiple response )
9. I wash my hands with water only

98.Other, specify---------------

405 When do you think you 1.Before eating

should wash your hands 2.After eating
with soap and water?
3.After toilet use

4.Before going out

Interviewer: do NOT read
5.Before preparing food
out the answers. Probe
6.After cleaning a child’s bottom
Select all that apply
(multiple response ) 7.Before feeding a child

8.Before breast feeding

9.After performing cleaning activity

98.Other, specify)---------------

406 Where do members of your 1.Home

household take bath? 2.Near the spring


P a g e | 219
98.Other , specify -------------------

407 What kind of bathing 1.no bathing facility

facility your households 2.Private bath
3.Shared bath

4.Private shower

5.Shared shower

6.an empty room reserved for bathing

408 In average how often do 1.daily

members of your household 2. Every other day
take bath?
3. Every week

4.Every two week

98.Others, specify-----------------------

409 What methods do your 1.Cooking foods properly

household use to maintain 2.Wash fresh vegetables & fruits with water
food hygiene? properly

3.Eating food immediately after cooking it

Interviewer: do NOT read 4.Putting food at proper place, temperature, if
out the answers. Probe possible, at fridge

5.Not putting cooked food in contact with raw food

6.Washing hands before preparing &eating food

Select all that apply 7.Frequate cleaning of surfaces & utensils used for
(multiple response ) preparation of food

P a g e | 220
8.Control insects & animals that poison food

9.Always using clean water for food preparation

98. Other, specify--------------

410 Have the house hold 1.Yes

graduated as model family 2.No
in the last 12 month?
96.Don’t know

88.Not applicable

411 If yes do household have 1.Yes

model family certificate? 2. No
Interviewer: see the

Section 5:-wealth status

5.1. Housing characteristics

501 In what type of dwelling does the household 1.Permanent building

live? 2.Temporary


502 Do you have separate room which is used as 1.yes


503 How many rooms in this house hold are you ____________
using for sleeping?

P a g e | 221
504 Do you have a domestic worker living with 1.Yes
you? 2.No

505 What is the ownership of the dwelling you 1. Owned by family

live? 2. Rented

3. Occupied without payment

98. Other (specify________)

506 What is the main type of material for the 1. Mud/crow dung
floor in your house? 2.Stone

Odor 4.Wood


6.Iron sheets


98.Other (specify

507 What is the main type of material that your 1. Mud/crow dung
walls are made of? 2.Stone
6.Iron sheets 3.Cement/bricks
8.Other (specify) 5.Grass

P a g e | 222
508 What is the main type of material that your 1. Mud/crow dung
roof is made of? 2.Stone




6.Iron sheets


98.Other (specify)

509 What is your main source of cooking fuel? 1.Firewood

2. Charcoal


4. LPG (Gas)

5. Electricity

98.Other (specify) _________

510 What is your main source of lighting? 1.Electricity






P a g e | 223
98.Other (specify)_________

5.2. Household assets

511 Do you have any livestock? 1. Yes

2. No

512 Do you have agricultural land? 1. Yes

2. No

513 Do you have the following assets? 1=Yes


A Modern beds

B Chairs/bench

C Sofa

D Radio/TV

E Refrigerator

F Electricity

G Computer/laptop

H Mobile/cell-phone/wireless

I Modern stoves

J Car or track

K Bagage

L An animal drawn cart

P a g e | 224
M watch

N Bicycle

O Knapsack sprayer

P Water pump

Q Motorbike

R Axe

S shovel

T Hammer

U Barrel

P a g e | 225

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