Class X Analytical Paragraph
Class X Analytical Paragraph
Class X Analytical Paragraph
oints to Remember
1. We must not include any personal opinions, conclusions or observations but simply stick to the
2 We must choose wisely the important information, organize it well, state the correct facts and
summarize it properly.
3.For introduction, we can start with phrases suchas
he chart given above describes…/The given table suggests…/ The line graph shows…/ The data
given provides information about…/ The pie chart illustrates…, etc.
4.For body of the paragraph, weshould organize theinformation well. We should look for the
large differences that are very prominent. We can mention the aspect which is the smallest or the
largest in the data given. Any aspect that is similar should be mentioned next. We should further
mention about the aspect that has remained unchanged or is constant throughout. 5.If the chart
or table mentions two different groups, we should refer to both of them in the paragraph. If there
is any contrast or comparison that could be drawn, we must present it effectively. If the chart is
about a particular time period or highlights trends of several years, we should mention about
each year in a concise manner. If any comparison or contrast can be made for two or more years,
we should write about that too.
6. For describing the pattern of growth, we can use words and phrases like- ‘rapidly
doubled’, ‘skyrocketed’, ‘striking increase’, ‘peaked’, ‘soared’, ‘declined’, ‘plummeted’, ‘leveled
off’, ‘stagnated’, ‘fluctuating’ , ‘starting to rise’, ‘starting to fall’, ‘drop down’, ‘slightly’, etc. 7.
Mentioning quantities:When including numbers andfigures, the accuracy must be ensured.
Quantities can be described in a number of ways, such as percentage, fraction, ratios etc.For
describing quantities, we can also use words and phrases like ‘one-third of’, ‘nearly one-fourth
of’, ‘majority’, ‘on an average’, ‘twice as much’, ‘almost equal’, ‘the highest’, ‘the lowest’,
‘approximately’, etc.
8.For establishing relationship or contrast, we canmake use of words and phrases like-
‘similarly’, ‘in contrast with’, ‘ in comparison to’, ‘however’, ‘whereas’, ‘as opposed to’, ‘while’,
‘a striking difference’, ‘a noticeable difference’, etc.
9.For conclusion, we may use words and phrases like‘overall’,‘subsequently’, ‘in all’, ‘in a
nutshell’, ‘in short’, ‘therefore’, etc.
Sample Questions
Question 1:The chart shows the division of householdtasks by gender in Great Britain. Write
n analytical paragraph describing the chart given in 100-120 words.
nswer :
household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks
time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking care of the children and laundry.In
doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200 minuteswhichisalmostthreetimes
the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand, men spend twice the time than
women in doingtaskslikegardeningandmaintenanceofoddjobsinthehouse.Menspend
thehighest time,almost50minutes,ingardeningandpet-care.Whilethewomenspendonly
30minutes forthesetasks.Thetimespentbymeninwashing,ironingandsewingclothesis
aslowas2 minutesperdayasopposedto25minutesspentbywomen.Inconclusion,women
spendfar moretimedoinghouseholdchoresthanmenwhilstmenprefertodogardening,pet
-care and maintaining odd jobs.
Q2.The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in
overty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in
100-120 words.
Answer :
Different Categories living in poverty
he given pie chart illustrates seven different categories of households living in poverty in
the UK in 2002.It is clearly evident from the pie chart that 26% of the total poverty-stricken
households are those of sole parents. Single people without children account for the second
highest proportion with 24%. In contrast to couples without children that accounts for just
9%, couples with children account for 15% of the poor households. Single aged persons and
aged couples proportion for 12% together for poor households. Overall, 14% of all
households in the UK were living under poverty. The younger generation had a greater poor
percentage than their aged counterparts. In conclusion it can be said that couples without
children had better economic conditions than those with children.
The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by
ustralian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.
ummarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant. 100-120 WORDS
uestion 5:The following table shows details aboutthe internet activities for six
categories for different age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in
around 100-120 words.
I nternet Activities by Different Age Group
The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to
those in their seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger
generation is more interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends
time on the internet to research and buy products. It is evident from the table that teens
mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news and downloads and are interested in
searching for people or friends or doing any product research. The middle-age group (people
in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news, doing product research and buying
products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet activity which gets the least time
is searching for people. All the age groups spend less than 30% of their internet time on the
same. The amount of time spent on downloads decreases with age and gets as low as 6% (for
people in 70s). Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing
games and doing downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and
buying products. People spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.
'Colorism' is the term describing the preference for lighter skin. Several of the world’s biggest
advertising firms have come under severe criticism for selling beauty products that promise
whiter skin. What is worse is the manner in which these fairness products are being promoted
- the parallel drawn between being fair and being successful; the perfect fair heroine
showcased in movies; celebrity endorsements of fairness products; and matrimonial
advertisements where everyone seeks a fair bride. This type of advertising has created an
inferiority complex among darker skinned women as seen in the rising sales of fairness
cosmetics. This form of biased advertising has come under harsh criticism. Are we as a
society encouraging and supporting 'colorism'?
he desire to be beautiful is natural. What is not natural is determining that only one type of
skin colour is beautiful. We need to be inclusive of all skin tones and look at the diversity of
beauty. Every skin colour shade is beautiful. Additionally, beauty is only 'skin deep'. We need
to stop equating light-coloured skin with beauty because ‘black is beautiful’ too. 'Beauty is in
the eyes of the beholder and therefore is a very subjective matter. Discrimination on the
basis of skin shade is therefore not logical. Many such discriminations have been defeated
over the past decades. We should stop encouraging ads that promote colorism. Let us not
regress but rather progress. Real beauty is the personality and the qualities of a person. The
focus should lie on being beautiful from within, rather than obsessing over outer appearance.