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Class X Analytical Paragraph

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‭Analytical Paragraph writing/ Data Interpretation‬

‭ nalytical Paragraph writing -‬‭An analytical paragraph‬‭is a form of‬

‭descriptive writing which is written on the basis of a given chart, graph, data,‬
‭outline, clues, table, etc. When‬‭writing an analytical‬‭paragraph‬‭, one should‬
‭remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and to cover the‬
‭information provided.‬

‭ oints to Remember‬
‭1. We must not include any personal opinions, conclusions or observations but simply stick to the‬
‭2 We must choose wisely the important information, organize it well, state the correct facts and‬
‭summarize it properly.‬
‭3.‬‭For introduction, we can start with phrases such‬‭as‬

‭ he chart given above describes…/The given table suggests…/ The line graph shows…/ The data‬
‭given provides information about…/ The pie chart illustrates…, etc.‬
‭4.‬‭For body of the paragraph, we‬‭should organize the‬‭information well. We should look for the‬
‭large differences that are very prominent. We can mention the aspect which is the smallest or the‬
‭largest in the data given. Any aspect that is similar should be mentioned next. We should further‬
‭mention about the aspect that has remained unchanged or is constant throughout.‬ ‭5.‬‭If the chart‬
‭or table mentions two different groups, we should refer to both of them in the paragraph. If there‬
‭is any contrast or comparison that could be drawn, we must present it effectively. If the chart is‬
‭about a particular time period or highlights trends of several years, we should mention about‬
‭each year in a concise manner. If any comparison or contrast can be made for two or more years,‬
‭we should write about that too.‬
‭6. For describing the pattern of growth, we can use words and phrases like‬‭- ‘rapidly‬
‭doubled’, ‘skyrocketed’, ‘striking increase’, ‘peaked’, ‘soared’, ‘declined’, ‘plummeted’, ‘leveled‬
‭off’, ‘stagnated’, ‘fluctuating’ , ‘starting to rise’, ‘starting to fall’, ‘drop down’, ‘slightly’, etc.‬ ‭7.‬
‭Mentioning quantities:‬‭When including numbers and‬‭figures, the accuracy must be ensured.‬
‭Quantities can be described in a number of ways, such as percentage, fraction, ratios etc.‬‭For‬
‭describing quantities, we can also use words and phrases like ‘one-third of’, ‘nearly one-fourth‬
‭of’, ‘majority’, ‘on an average’, ‘twice as much’, ‘almost equal’, ‘the highest’, ‘the lowest’,‬
‭‘approximately’, etc.‬
‭8.‬‭For establishing relationship or contrast, we can‬‭make use of words and phrases like-‬
‭‘similarly’, ‘in contrast with’, ‘ in comparison to’, ‘however’, ‘whereas’, ‘as opposed to’, ‘while’,‬
‭‘a striking difference’, ‘a noticeable difference’, etc.‬
‭9.‬‭For conclusion, we may use words and phrases like‬‭‘overall’,‬‭‘subsequently’, ‘in all’, ‘in a‬
‭nutshell’, ‘in short’, ‘therefore’, etc.‬

‭ OTE: As it is a paragraph, therefore it should be written in one‬

‭paragraph only.‬

‭Sample Questions‬
‭Question 1:‬‭The chart shows the division of household‬‭tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write‬
‭ n analytical paragraph describing the chart given in 100-120 words.‬
‭ nswer :‬
‭household‬ ‭tasks.‬ ‭On‬ ‭an‬ ‭average,‬ ‭the‬ ‭women‬ ‭spend‬ ‭about‬ ‭four‬ ‭hours‬ ‭doing‬ ‭household‬ ‭tasks‬
‭time‬ ‭than‬ ‭men‬ ‭include‬ ‭cooking,‬ ‭cleaning‬ ‭house,‬ ‭taking‬ ‭care‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭children‬ ‭and‬ ‭laundry.‬‭In‬
‭doing‬ ‭all‬ ‭these‬ ‭tasks,‬ ‭women‬ ‭spend‬ ‭approximately‬ ‭200‬ ‭minutes‬‭which‬‭is‬‭almost‬‭three‬‭times‬
‭the‬ ‭time‬ ‭spent‬ ‭by‬ ‭men‬ ‭in‬ ‭these‬ ‭tasks.‬ ‭On‬ ‭the‬ ‭other‬ ‭hand,‬ ‭men‬ ‭spend‬ ‭twice‬ ‭the‬ ‭time‬ ‭than‬
‭women‬ ‭in‬ ‭doing‬‭tasks‬‭like‬‭gardening‬‭and‬‭maintenance‬‭of‬‭odd‬‭jobs‬‭in‬‭the‬‭house.‬‭Men‬‭spend‬
‭the‬‭highest‬ ‭time,‬‭almost‬‭50‬‭minutes,‬‭in‬‭gardening‬‭and‬‭pet-care.‬‭While‬‭the‬‭women‬‭spend‬‭only‬
‭30‬‭minutes‬ ‭for‬‭these‬‭tasks.‬‭The‬‭time‬‭spent‬‭by‬‭men‬‭in‬‭washing,‬‭ironing‬‭and‬‭sewing‬‭clothes‬‭is‬
‭as‬‭low‬‭as‬‭2‬ ‭minutes‬‭per‬‭day‬‭as‬‭opposed‬‭to‬‭25‬‭minutes‬‭spent‬‭by‬‭women.‬‭In‬‭conclusion,‬‭women‬
‭spend‬‭far‬ ‭more‬‭time‬‭doing‬‭household‬‭chores‬‭than‬‭men‬‭whilst‬‭men‬‭prefer‬‭to‬‭do‬‭gardening,‬‭pet‬
‭-care and‬ ‭maintaining odd jobs.‬
‭Q2.The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in‬
‭ overty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in‬
‭100-120 words.‬

‭Answer :‬
‭Different Categories living in poverty‬
‭ he given pie chart illustrates seven different categories of households living in poverty in‬
‭the UK in 2002.It is clearly evident from the pie chart that 26% of the total poverty-stricken‬
‭households are those of sole parents. Single people without children account for the second‬
‭highest proportion with 24%. In contrast to couples without children that accounts for just‬
‭9%, couples with children account for 15% of the poor households. Single aged persons and‬
‭aged couples proportion for 12% together for poor households. Overall, 14% of all‬
‭households in the UK were living under poverty. The younger generation had a greater poor‬
‭percentage than their aged counterparts. In conclusion it can be said that couples without‬
‭children had better economic conditions than those with children.‬
‭The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by‬
‭ ustralian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.‬

‭ ummarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make‬
‭comparisons where relevant. 100-120 WORDS‬

‭ onsumption of Fast Food by Australian Children‬

‭The‬ ‭line‬ ‭graph‬ ‭compares‬ ‭the‬ ‭fast‬ ‭food‬ ‭consumption‬ ‭of‬ ‭teenagers‬‭in‬‭Australia‬‭between‬‭1975‬
‭and‬ ‭2000,‬‭a‬‭period‬‭of‬‭25‬‭years.‬‭In‬‭1975,‬‭the‬‭most‬‭popular‬‭fast‬‭food‬‭with‬‭Australian‬‭teenagers‬
‭was‬ ‭fish‬ ‭and‬ ‭chips,‬ ‭being‬ ‭eaten‬ ‭100‬ ‭times‬ ‭a‬ ‭year.‬ ‭This‬ ‭was‬ ‭far‬ ‭higher‬ ‭than‬ ‭Pizza‬ ‭and‬
‭hamburgers,‬ ‭which‬‭were‬‭consumed‬‭approximately‬‭5‬‭times‬‭a‬‭year.‬‭However,‬‭apart‬‭from‬‭a‬‭brief‬
‭rise‬‭again‬ ‭from‬‭1980‬‭to‬‭1985,‬‭the‬‭consumption‬‭of‬‭fish‬‭and‬‭chips‬‭gradually‬‭declined‬‭over‬‭the‬
‭25‬ ‭year‬ ‭timescale‬‭to‬‭finish‬‭at‬‭just‬‭under‬‭40.‬‭In‬‭sharp‬‭contrast‬‭to‬‭this,‬‭teenagers‬‭ate‬‭the‬‭other‬
‭two‬‭fast‬ ‭foods‬‭at‬‭much‬‭higher‬‭levels.‬‭Pizza‬‭consumption‬‭increased‬‭gradually‬‭until‬‭it‬‭overtook‬
‭the‬ ‭consumption‬‭of‬‭fish‬‭and‬‭chips‬‭in‬‭1990.‬‭It‬‭then‬‭levelled‬‭off‬‭from‬‭1995‬‭to‬‭2000.‬‭The‬‭biggest‬
‭rise‬ ‭was‬ ‭seen‬ ‭in‬ ‭hamburgers‬ ‭as‬‭the‬‭occasions‬‭they‬‭were‬‭eaten‬‭increased‬‭sharply‬‭throughout‬
‭the‬ ‭1970’s‬‭and‬‭1980’s,‬‭exceeding‬‭that‬‭of‬‭fish‬‭and‬‭chips‬‭in‬‭1985.‬‭It‬‭finished‬‭at‬‭the‬‭same‬‭level‬
‭that‬ ‭fish‬‭and‬‭chips‬‭began,‬‭with‬‭consumption‬‭at‬‭100‬‭times‬‭a‬‭year.‬‭Overall,‬‭the‬‭consumption‬‭of‬
‭fish‬ ‭and‬ ‭chips‬ ‭declined‬ ‭over‬ ‭the‬ ‭period,‬ ‭whereas‬ ‭the‬ ‭amount‬ ‭of‬ ‭pizza‬ ‭and‬‭hamburgers‬‭that‬
‭were‬ ‭eaten increased.‬

‭ uestion 5:‬‭The following table shows details about‬‭the internet activities for six‬
‭categories for different age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in‬
‭around 100-120 words.‬
I‭ nternet Activities by Different Age Group‬
‭The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to‬
‭those in their seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger‬
‭generation is more interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends‬
‭time on the internet to research and buy products. It is evident from the table that teens‬
‭mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news and downloads and are interested in‬
‭searching for people or friends or doing any product research. The middle-age group (people‬
‭in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news, doing product research and buying‬
‭products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet activity which gets the least time‬
‭is searching for people. All the age groups spend less than 30% of their internet time on the‬
‭same. The amount of time spent on downloads decreases with age and gets as low as 6% (for‬
‭people in 70s). Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing‬
‭games and doing downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and‬
‭buying products. People spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.‬


‭Q2.Read the following excerpt from an article in a fashion magazine:‬

'‭Colorism' is the term describing the preference for lighter skin. Several of the world’s biggest‬
‭advertising firms have come under severe criticism for selling beauty products that promise‬
‭whiter skin. What is worse is the manner in which these fairness products are being promoted‬
‭- the parallel drawn between being fair and being successful; the perfect fair heroine‬
‭showcased in movies; celebrity endorsements of fairness products; and matrimonial‬
‭advertisements where everyone seeks a fair bride. This type of advertising has created an‬
‭inferiority complex among darker skinned women as seen in the rising sales of fairness‬
‭cosmetics. This form of biased advertising has come under harsh criticism. Are we as a‬
‭society encouraging and supporting 'colorism'?‬

‭ rite a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument.‬

‭You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and‬
‭include rationale / evidence that would strengthen / counter the given argument.‬
‭ANS.‬‭Argument FOR the subject of the statement:‬

‭ he desire to be beautiful is natural. What is not natural is determining that only one type of‬
‭skin colour is beautiful. We need to be inclusive of all skin tones and look at the diversity of‬
‭beauty. Every skin colour shade is beautiful. Additionally, beauty is only 'skin deep'. We need‬
‭to stop equating light-coloured skin with beauty because ‘black is beautiful’ too. 'Beauty is in‬
t‭he eyes of the beholder and therefore is a very subjective matter. Discrimination on the‬
‭basis of skin shade is therefore not logical. Many such discriminations have been defeated‬
‭over the past decades. We should stop encouraging ads that promote colorism. Let us not‬
‭regress but rather progress. Real beauty is the personality and the qualities of a person. The‬
‭focus should lie on being beautiful from within, rather than obsessing over outer appearance.‬

‭ rgument AGAINST the subject of the statement:‬

‭We as a society have always been obsessed with fair skin tone and it is time to put a stop to‬
‭this. This prejudice has been around for way too long, including in our books, movies and‬
‭real life. We find a wonderful example in the children’s fairy tale ‘Snow White’, where her‬
‭mother the wicked queen asks the magic mirror, “Who is the fairest of them all?” and the‬
‭mirror replies saying that Snow White is the most beautiful, thus stressing on inner beauty‬
‭rather than outer appearance. Fair skin instills confidence and sets one up for success. Fairer‬
‭people seem to get better jobs, deals and life partners, so it's natural that people will desire to‬
‭be fair. If some people want to use beauty products to make their skin lighter they should be‬
‭allowed to do so without criticism as it is a matter of personal choice.‬
‭ nalyse‬‭this‬‭itinerary‬‭to‬‭either‬‭approve‬‭or‬‭reject‬‭the‬‭tour‬‭proposal,‬‭while‬‭focusing‬‭on‬‭the‬
‭120 words, by selecting features that support your analysis.‬
‭ ou may begin like this : A thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour‬
‭organizing vendor reveals that the tour proposal should be accepted / rejected.‬
‭ ou may end like this: Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational trip should be‬
‭approved / rejected.‬
‭ANS.‬‭Accepting the proposal‬
‭ thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour organizing vendor reveals that the‬
‭tour proposal should be accepted. It is well-planned and includes an array of educational‬
‭activities for the students. The inclusion of visit to Bhawartal Garden, Bhedaghat Dhuandhar‬
‭Falls, Marble Rocks Cable car tour, and Rani Durgavati Museum offers an opportunity for‬
‭the students to learn about nature, history, and art. The tour to Kanha Tiger Reserve adds an‬
‭element of adventure and allows students to connect with wildlife. The provision of bottled‬
‭mineral water, insurance policy, and tour manager's assistance ensures the safety and well‬
‭being of the students. Inclusion of a DJ party adds to the entertainment, enjoyment and‬
‭enthusiasm quotient of the tour. The complimentary staff provided for every twenty students‬
‭further adds to the security of the students. Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational‬
‭trip should be approved.‬
‭Rejecting the proposal‬
‭A thorough analysis‬‭of the itinerary provided by the tour organizing vendor reveals that the‬
t‭our proposal should be rejected. While the tour includes various educational activities, we‬
‭have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of the students. The tour includes a long‬
‭journey of nearly nine hours from Nagpur Junction to Jabalpur and vice versa. Also, it‬
‭mentions an early morning departure at 5:30 am to the Kanha Tiger reserve and late evening‬
‭arrival back to the hotel, on the last day. Long hours of travel and the hectic schedule may‬
‭lead to physical exhaustion and hamper the learning experience of the students. Additionally,‬
‭the inclusion of a DJ party may not be suitable for an educational tour. The tour organizing‬
‭vendor has not provided details on the quality of the hotel and the quad-sharing basis may not‬
‭be comfortable for all students. Hence, considering the well-being of the students, the tour‬
‭proposal for the educational trip, should be rejected.‬

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