Cpar Worksheet q4 w2
Cpar Worksheet q4 w2
Cpar Worksheet q4 w2
A.OBJECTIVE: Give the definition of the Montage is used for photography or film where a
techniques and performance practices being pictorial image is juxtaposed or placed overlapping to
applied make another picture or design.
B.TOPIC: RESEARCH ON TECHNIQUES AND Trapunto is a painting technique used by
PERFORMANCE PRACTICES APPLIED TO Contemporary Artist, Pacita Abad where her canvases
CONTEMPORARY PHIL. ARTS are padded, sewn and often filled with sequins, beads,
DEFINITION OF TERMS shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, bits of glass, rickrack,
DEFINITION - to state or set forth the swatches of precious textiles, and other things that she
meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.) to picks up from her travels and journeys.
determine or identify the essential qualities Digital Applications for art viewing are another
or meaning of. technique. It is an artistic work or practice that uses
TECHNIQUES - the manner and ability with digital technology as part of the creative or
which an artist, writer, dancer, actor, or the presentation process.
like employing the technical skills of a
particular art or field of endeavor. It is a Performance Task: MAKE YOUR OWN
a personal way of using a medium or a CONTEMPORARY ART IN A OSLO PAPER.
material. Follow the Instructions:
PERFORMANCE PRACTICE - refers to 1. Create a Collage presenting the effects of COVID-
techniques that are implied, and not written 19 pandemic on a family and society.
or notated. It also refers to the study of how 2. Have the following materials ready:
music was performed in the composer's own 1 whole black cartolina glue/paste
day. Newspapers/ magazines colored markers
Scissors colored papers
Artists all strive for originality but with so 3. Procedure:
many artists out there, it would be hard for one ➢ Gather the pages of colored magazines or
artist's work to not, somewhere in the world, have newspapers and cut them to pieces.
their work resemble another artist's work. ➢ Assemble the cut pieces of colored magazines/
Art technique is a personal way of using newspapers.
the medium in his own style. It helps an Artist to ➢ Put the objects on the desired places and see how
have a cohesive body of work. There are different they relate to each other.
types of techniques that an Artist can choose from ➢ Design your artwork of collage pieces into the black
These are:
Collage is made by adhering flat elements such as ➢ Label your work and submit it as part of your output
newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, in this subject.
illustrations, photographs, cloths, strings, etc. to on
a flat surface to create a thick layer that is almost
like a relief sculpture.
Decalcomania is the process of applying gouache
to paper or glass and then transferring a reversal
of that image onto canvas or other flat materials.
Decoupage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper
and then coating these with one and more coats or
transparent coating of varnish.
Frottage is the technique of rubbing with a crayon
on a piece of paper that has been placed over an
object or an image. The impression of the image
can be created using leaves, wood, wire screen, or
metal with embossed image or words.
Name of Student: Subject Teacher:
Grade and Section: Date:
Pagbuburda (Embroidery)
A. MELC: RESEACHES ON TECHNIQUES AND ▪ The embroidery tradition in the Philippines was
PERFORMANCE PRACTICES APPLIED TO born in the town of Taal, Batangas. The materials
CONTEMPORARY PHIL. ARTS used in embroidery are Piña. It is a soft, flexible,
B. DISCUSSION: Research the techniques and and durable fine off-white fabric that is derived
local materials being applied on the discussed
from the best mature leaves of the red Spanish
contemporary arts
variety of pineapple.
RESEARCH - the systematic investigation into and San Nicolas Cookie Carvings
study of materials and sources in order to establish ▪ Pan de San Nicolas comes from an heirloom
facts and reach new conclusions family recipe the family of Atching Lillian
LOCAL MATERIALS - are the resources that can Borromeo, a Kapampangan culinary icon. The
be found readily in large quantity at a particular oval-shaped cookies were baked on intricately
location or area at a certain time. It could also be hand-carved cookie molds made of mahogany,
referred to as materials that can be used to yakal or molave by wood craftsmen from the town
fabricate a finished product. of Betis, Pampanga.
Materials can be fashioned,
formed, or applied to an object of art in many Exercise : MAKE YOUR OWN LOCAL
ways, with greatly varying results. It also CONTEMPORARY ART:
makes it possible to group other similar
Follow the Instructions:
materials based on techniques being utilized.
1. Choose between Taka (art of making paper
Puni Aart of Bulacan (The Art of Leaf mache) or Pabalat Pastillas (art of paper cutting).
Fronds Folding) 2. Have the following materials ready:
▪ It is a creative way of decorating using coconut Old newspaper Japanese colored paper
fronds. Its design can be categorized according to Paste/ white glue scissor
its uses. The most common designs are in the form Poster paint brush
of toys such as birds, fish, and grasshoppers. It is 3. Procedure:
also used for food containers for suman, rice and ➢ Plan your art project with design ideas
various kakanin. During Palm Sunday, these
➢ Prepare mold if you are doing Taka or trace
designs are used to accentuate ‘“palaspas’.
Singkaban stencil if you are doing Pabalat
- The word “Singkaban,” is a Filipino word term for ➢ Execute your art process by pasting or cutting
decorated bamboo arch, which is used as a ➢
welcome signage of a town, city or village in the ➢ When you are pleased with the result of your
country. It is widely used as decoration during town
artwork paint it using poster paint.
fiestas in Bulacan
Pabalat Pastillas ➢ Leave your artwork to dry. Submit this artwork
▪ The art of paper cutting the wrappers, as part of your output in this subject.
adding flair to the sweet pastillas de leche
made from fresh carabao’s milk. The pabalat
has also become a compelling icon/symbol of
the people’s creativity of the entire province of
Taka (Art of Making Paper Mache)
▪ refers to paper mache made using carved
wooden sculpture used as a mold. The craft
originated in the town of Paete, Laguna.
Common and traditional subjects of taka
include chicken, horse, carabao, maiden
which is made primarily for local use.