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Table 1 Software Version

Date Version Note
2016-11-24 1.0 Original Release
2017-03-01 1.1 BACM2420 configuration item added 24V/12V
self-adaption option.
2017-09-27 1.2 In “Parameters Specification” section, changed the
“Efficiency” parameter to “Max. Efficiency”.
2019-07-08 1.3 Fix case dimension size;
BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual

1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................... 4
3 CHARGING PRINCIPLE ................................................................................................................... 5
4 PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... 7
5 PARAMETERS SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 9
6 OPERATION .................................................................................................................................... 11
7 CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................. 12
8 CASE DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 13

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


BACM2420 battery charger is an intelligent and multi-function charger, which is specially

designed to meet the charging characteristics of the lead-acid engine starter batteries. It is suitable for
24V or 12V battery pack and the maximum output current is 20A.


It has the following characteristics:

1) Switch power supply structure, wide AC voltage input range, small size, light weight, high
2) Users can select automatic two-stage charging process or automatic three-stage charging
process according to needs. Both two charging processes are carried out according to storage
battery charging characteristics, which can prevent overcharging and significantly prolong battery
3) Built-in PFC circuit, which allows to calibrate the power factor up to 0.99;
4) Battery voltage detection ports, which can detect the battery voltage at real time.
5) Battery low voltage output port; it will output low level immediately after the battery voltage has
fallen below the set value after preset delay.
6) Temperature sensor port, which allows monitoring the battery temperature at real time; and
temperature compensation function, which can prevent too high battery temperature effectively;
7) Mains failure alarm port; It will output low level when the AC input is interrupted;
8) Standard RS485 serial communication port.
9) Default suitable for 24V battery pack; it can be changed to 12V battery pack by changing
configuration information; rated charging current is 20A;
10) External LED status display: Full charged indication (Green light) and charging indication (Red

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


Fig. 1 Three-stage Charging Curve

Three-stage charging method is used according to the battery charging characteristics.
1) The first stage is named "constant current". a): Trickle Charge: when the battery terminal voltage
is relatively low, the charging current is low likewise, which effectively prevents battery damage
from too high temperature. The charging indicator (Red color) status is illuminated. b): Quick
Charge: When the battery terminal voltage is relatively high, the charging current will rise to rated
value. Large current charging operation leads to an rapid increase in the electrical quantity of the
battery. The charging indicator (Red color) status is flashing rapidly (0.2s/per).
2) The second stage is named "absorption charge". After the first stage, the battery voltage rises to
absorption charge value rapidly, and the charger voltage will keep constant. The battery terminal
voltage will stabilize in the absorption charge value with the decreasing of charging current. The
charging indicator (Red color) status is flashing slowly (1s/per).
3) The third stage is named "float charge": After the above two stages, the charging is basically
completed and charger output voltage changes to float voltage automatically. Charging current
decreases to floating charging current. Red charging indication is extinguished. Green full
charging indication is illuminated. Afterwards charging current neutralizes self-discharge of the
battery. Even long-term charging doesn't do harm to the battery. That is, charger not only can
keep the battery fully charged but also guarantee long lifetime of the battery.

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual

Fig. 2 Two-stage Charging Curve

Two-stage charging method is performed according to the battery charging characteristics.
1) The first stage is named "constant current". a): Trickle Charge: when the battery terminal voltage
is relatively low, the charging current is low likewise, which can prevent battery damage from too
high temperature. The charging indicator (Red color) status is illuminated. b): Quick Charge:
When the battery terminal voltage is relatively high, the charging current will rise to rated value.
Large current charging operation leads to a rapid increase in the electrical quantity of the battery.
The charging indicator (Red color) status is flashing rapidly (0.2s/per).
2) The second stage is named "float charge". The charging current will decrease with the rising of
battery electricity. The charging indicator (Red color) status is flashing slowly (1s/per). As soon
as charging current value falls below 0.3A, the battery is basically fully charged (Red indicator will
extinguish and the green indicator will be illuminated). After that charging current will only
neutralize the battery self-discharge. Even long-term charging cannot harm the battery, as
charger can keep the battery fully charged and also guarantee long lifetime of the battery.
Table 2 Charging Indicator Status
Charging Status
Constant Current
Mode Indicator Constant
Trickle Quick Float Charge Charge Failure
Charge Charge
Two Red On Flash(Rapidly) None Flash(Slowly)→Off Flash(Rapidly)
Stage Green Off Off None Off→On Flash(Rapidly)
Three Red On Flash(Rapidly) Flash(Slowly) Off Flash(Rapidly)
Stage Green Off Off Off On Flash(Rapidly)

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


Table 3 Parameter Configuration List

Items Default Adjustable Range Description
24V 12V 24V 12V
Battery Type 1 (0~2) 0:12V;1:24V;2:Self-adaption
Charging Stage 3 (2~3) 2: Two Stage; 3: Three Stage
Max. Rated
20.0A Nonadjustable Maximum charging current
Maximum charging current
Rated Current 100% (0~100)%
Absorption The charging voltage of “Constant
28.2V 14.1V (20~30)V (10~15)V
Charge Voltage Voltage”
1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
Charge Time
The charging time of “Constant
Charge Time 1.0h (0.1~100)h
Charge Complete 1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
The transition current from
Complete Current
0.5A (0.20~3.00)A “Absorption Charge” transfer to
“Float Charge”.
Float Charge
27.0V 13.5V (20~30)V (10~15)V The voltage of “Float Charge”
When the charger is in “Float
AUTO BOOST Mode”, it enters into “Quick
25.6V 12.8V (20~30)V (10~15)V
Voltage Charge” if the battery voltage has
fallen below the set value.
Trickle Charge 1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
Trickle Charge
22.0V 11.0V (20~30)V (10~15)V The voltage of “Trickle Charge”
Trickle Charge Maximum charging current
50% (0~100)%
Current percentage
Battery Detection 0 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
Battery Under
1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
Voltage Warn
“Under voltage” alarm will be
Under Voltage
23.0V 11.50V (16.0~30.0)V (8.0~15.0)V initiated if the battery voltage has
Set Value
fallen below the set value.
“Under voltage” alarm will be
Under Voltage initiated if the battery voltage has
120s (0~3600)s
Delay fallen below the set value and the
delay timer has expired.
The transition voltage from “under
Under Voltage
24.0V 12.0V (16.0~30.0)V (8.0~15.0)V voltage” transfer to “normal
Return Value
“Under voltage” alarm will be
Under Voltage removed if the battery voltage has
10s (0~3600)s
Return Delay exceeded the return value and the
delay timer has expired.
1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
Temperature 1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual
Items Default Adjustable Range Description
24V 12V 24V 12V
Temperature 0.036 0.018 (0.020~0.060) (0.010~0.030) The Compensation of every 1℃
V/℃ V/℃ V/℃ V/℃ change on 20℃ basis.
Set Value
High Temp. Warn 1 (0~1) 0: Disable; 1: Enable
“High Temp.” alarm will be
High Temp. Set
55℃ (0~80)℃ initiated if the battery temperature
has exceeded the set value.
“High Temp.” alarm will be
initiated if the battery
High Temp. Delay 0.5s (0~60.0)s temperature has exceeded the
set value and the delay timer
has expired.
The transition temperature from
High Temp.
50℃ (0~80)℃ “High Temp.” transfer to “Normal
Return Value
“High Temp.” alarm will be
removed if the battery
High Temp.
1s (0~60.0)s temperature has fallen below
Return Delay
the return value and the delay
timer has expired.
0、Not Used;
1 、 Shutdown : The battery
charger enters into Standby
Status if the input is active.
2、Enable Battery Detection:
The battery charger enters into
Auxiliary Input Standby Status if the input is
3 (0~4)
Port active but there is not battery
voltage signal.
3、Manual BOOST:
The battery charger enters into
BOOST if the input is active.
4、12V system: if input is active,
charger will be in 12V system.
Auxiliary Input The corresponding action will
2.0s (0~60.0)s
Port Delay be active if the input is active.
Communication RS485 Communication
10 1~254
Address Address
Baud Rate 0 (0~2)
2、38400 (One Stop Bit)

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


Table 4 Product Parameters

Items Contents Parameters
24V 12V
Nominal AC
AC (100~277)V
Voltage Range
Max. AC
AC (90~305)V
Voltage Range
AC Frequency 50Hz/60Hz
Input Max. Active
Characteristics 680W 340W
Max. Current 7A 3.5A
Max. Efficiency 87% 81%
Power Factor AC 110V AC 220V AC 110V AC 220V
Calibration >0.99 >0.95 >0.99 >0.95
No-load Output
27V,Error±1% 13.5V, Error±1%
Charging 20A,Error±2%
Max. Output
580W 290W
Insulation Between input and output, input and shell all areDC500V1min,:
Resistance insulation resistance RL≧50MΩ
Between input and output, input and shell all are: AC1600V
50Hz 1min
Property Insulation
leakage current: IL≦3.5mA
Between output and shell is: AC500V 50Hz 1min
leakage current: IL≦3.5mA
Working Storage
Condition Temperature
20%RH~93%RH(No condensation)
Weight 2.2kg
Shape Structure
Dimension 265mm×156mm×68mm (length*width*height)

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual

Fig. 3 Efficiency Curve

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


Fig. 4 BACM2420 Mask

Table 5 Wiring Connections
Terminal Function Description
L Connect terminals L and N to AC (100~240)V;
AC Input Terminals Bigger than BVR 2.0mm2 multi-strand copper line
is recommended.
PE GND Terminals Connect to shell internally.
RS485 Communication Port Standard RS485 serial communication interface
It will output low level immediately when the AC
MF Mains Failure Output Port
input is interrupted.
IN Auxiliary input port Low level is active.
BV Battery Voltage Port Connect to battery positive.
COM port of BV and temperature acquisition
COM Common Port
terminal. Connect to battery negative.
BT Temperature Sensor Port Connect to PT1000 sensor
Battery Low Voltage Alarm It will output low level when the battery voltage has
Output Port fallen below the set value.
Connect to battery negative; Bigger than BVR
B- Battery Negative
2.0mm2 multi-strand copper line is recommended.
Connect to battery positive; Bigger than BVR
B+ Battery Positive
2.0mm2 multi-strand copper line is recommended.
Green LED Indicator Full charged Indicator
CHARGING Red LED Indicator Charging status Indicator
1) Because there is diode and current-limiting circuit inner the charger, it can be used together with
charging generator, and there is no need to disconnect the charger when cranking.
2) During genset is running, high current will cause voltage drop in charging line, so recommend
separately connecting to battery terminal to avoid disturbance on sampling precision.

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual


Fig. 5 Wiring Diagram

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BACM2420 Battery Charger User Manual
Unit: mm

Fig. 6 BACM2420 Installation Size


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