Review and Classification of Control Systems in Grid Tied Inverters

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The key takeaways are that grid-tied inverters play an important role in interfacing distributed power generation systems like PV and wind to the grid. Their controllers must ensure high power quality, grid synchronization and support various ancillary services.

Grid-tied inverters convert the DC output of distributed generation sources like PV and wind to AC in order to integrate it with the AC grid. They act as the interface between the distributed generation system and the grid/loads.

The main components are the power generation source, a DC-AC inverter with an output filter, and controllers on both the input and grid-side of the inverter to ensure proper power conversion and grid compatibility.

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Review and Classification of Control Systems in Grid-tied Inverters

Hamed Athari, Mehdi Niroomand , Mohammad Ataei
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Keywords: High performance grid-tied inverters have stringent control requirements both under steady-state and under
Grid-tied inverters transient conditions. Many different control systems have been applied to grid-tied inverters. However, there
Control systems are few publications reviewing the literature on these control systems and their classification, particularly with
Controllers regard to recent developments in this area. In this paper, a review of solutions for the control of grid-tied
Filter topologies
inverters is carried out. These control systems are compared and classified as implementation platform,
Modulation methods
reference frame, output filter of inverter, control strategy, modulation method, and controller. The major
advantages and disadvantages of these parameters are highlighted and compared. Then, the most important
characteristics of these parameters have been presented in a table to show which parameters can be used in
various control systems for grid-tied inverters.

1. Introduction inappropriate design for the controller. Only an applicable controller

can contrast to grid distortion [1].
Nowadays, an increase in demand for energy brings about some Fig. 1 illustrates a general structure for distributed systems.
problems such as grid instability, outage, etc. for power distribution Depending on the connection of the generation system to the utility
[1]. Using distributed power generation system (DPGS) is a reasonable network or to local loads, the power produced can be delivered to one
solution for these problems, because it causes more flexibility, balance, of them [1].
and stability for the grids. Also, it can improve the management of A power conversion unit includes a single-phase inverter with an L-
distribution networks and reduce the released Carbon [2]. Photovoltaic filter which is an interface unit between the power generating system
systems, wind turbine systems, and energy storage systems like battery and the grid or local loads as shown in Fig. 2.
bank, fuel cell, and active filter are examples of DPGS. Controlling the distributed system is an important issue that can be
The output voltage of this system is usually DC, but it should be divided into two major parts.
converted to AC before being discharged into the grid or used by
various loads. Therefore, in the grid-connected DPGS, inverters play a 1) Input-side controller: The main property of this controller is the
key role in enabling the DPGS to convert the DC voltage and current to extraction of the maximum power that comes from the input
AC and deliver them to the grid. The delivered energy enjoys special source. Also, input-side converter must be protected by this
properties and standards, so it should be controlled before delivering. controller.
Thus, it is necessary to use a suitable controller for inverters modifying 2) Grid-side controller: This controller can perform the following
the type of energy and power. In fact, the inverter and its controller are tasks:
an interface between DPGS and the grid to transfer the high quality
power. Since the grid wave shapes are AC and sinusoidal, the DPGS • control of the active power delivered to the grid;
output should be sinusoidal as much as possible. • control of the reactive power transfer between the grid and the
Connecting DPGS to the grid is very important since it results in DPGS;
numerous problems including the grid instability and disturbance if no • control of the DC-link voltage;
suitable controller is designed for it. That is why these systems should • assuring high quality of the injected power; and
be able to overcome the grid distortions. Thus, a high-speed controller • grid synchronization.
along with a compatibility algorithm is needed in this regard.
Also, the design of the controller is fundamental and considerable. Grid-side converter should have the basic features listed above.
Instability and failure taking place on the grid are the result of an Furthermore, the grid operator may request ancillary services like

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Niroomand).
Received 12 February 2016; Received in revised form 21 September 2016; Accepted 20 October 2016
Available online xxxx
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Athari, H., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016),
H. Athari et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xx (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx


2.1. Implementation platform

All of the control systems can be implemented at analog or digital

platform each including some advantages and disadvantages as follows:

2.1.1. Analog
It's clear that Analog signals are the input and output of these
control systems which are analyzed and designed by Laplace transfor-
mation or time-continuous analyses. Robust against break down or
crash, high dynamic range, continuous processing, diagnostic instru-
mentation availability, and so on are the advantages of this platform.
Also, its defects are slow development, interference, hard to build in
comparative logic and intelligent control systems and hard to do

2.1.2. Digital
The input and output of the implemented control system of the
digital platform are digital signals that are usually analyzed and
designed by Z-transformation or time-discrete analyses. The advan-
tages of the digital platform are flexibility, quick development, easy to
build in comparative logic, and intelligent control systems as well as
easy to do MIMO, high accuracy, and robustness against interference.
Fig. 1. General structure of DPGS with different power sources [1]. Also, the disadvantages of this platform involve low processing speed,
low dynamic range, while software interfaces are not user-friendly.
The digital implementation technologies used in control systems
can be classified into three categories as follows:

1. Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Based [3–5]

2. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Based [6–8]
3. Microcontroller Based [9–11]

DSP based implementation has the most usage in credible scientific

articles. These article often process data using fixed-point arithmetic,
Fig. 2. An example of power conversion unit in DPGS.
though some more powerful versions use the floating point. For some
fast controllers, FPGAs might be used. The advantages of FPGAs
voltage harmonic compensation, active filtering or local frequency, and
include the ability to re-program in a field to fix bugs and parallel
voltage regulation [1].
structures. For slow applications, a traditional slower processor such as
In this paper, different control systems performed on grid-con-
a microcontroller may be adequate.
nected inverters are analyzed and a review of solutions is done for the
control of grid-tied inverters. These control systems are classified and
compared as reference frame, implementation platform, output filter of 2.2. Reference frame
inverter, control strategy, modulation method, and controller. The
major advantages and disadvantages of these parameters are high- Control systems can be implemented into one-phase or three-phase
lighted and compared. Then, the most important characteristics of ones in the grid-connected systems that are compatible with the power
these parameters are presented in a table to show which parameters system. In order to create a special capability for control systems and to
can be used in various control systems in grid-tied inverters. facilitate the design, transformation of one-phase and three-phase
The purpose of presenting this review is the comparison of various systems into other systems is used as follows [1,12]:
distributed generation systems to determine differences, advantages,
and disadvantages of each system to choose the optimal control system. 2.2.1. abc reference frame
Thus, in Sections 2 and 3, the comparison and classification of the This frame is applied in three-phase systems the same as three-
methods and parameters used in various control systems will be phase systems without any transformation. An individual controller
presented. Then, a general comparative table will be presented in has to be used for each phase current in an abc frame, but star or delta
section 4 to study the types of control systems presented in credible connection of three-phase systems has to be considered in the design of
scientific articles. Finally, conclusions are presented in section 5. control systems. The non-linear controllers are used in this system,
because they deliver a quick dynamic response.

2. Comparison of different control systems 2.2.2. dq reference frame

This frame is used in three-phase systems and Park transformation
There are many different parameters to examine and compare is used to transform an abc frame to an dq frame. This transformation
different control systems based on which control system is compared. causes the grid current and voltage waveforms to be transformed into a
Implementation, controller, output filter of inverter, modulation reference frame that rotates simultaneously with the grid voltage. In
method, control strategy, and the reference frame are some parameters this manner, control variables are changed into DC variables that are
used for this comparison explained as follows. It is important to note easily filtered and controlled. Fig. 3 shows the general structure of the
that the controllers will be classified and fully explained in the next rotating reference frame.

H. Athari et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xx (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx

Fig. 3. General Structure of control strategy for synchronous rotating reference frame [1].

Fig. 4. General Structure of control strategy for stationary reference frame [1].

2.2.3. αβ reference frame 2.3.3. LCL-filter

This frame is used in three-phase systems and sometimes artificially In presence of the LCL-filter, lower switching frequency can be used
in single- phase systems. Clark transformation is used to transform an for the inverter. Also, there is a better decoupling between the grid
abc frame or single-phase frame to αβ-frame. This transformation impedance and the filter.
causes the grid current to be transformed into a reference frame known Although with small inductance values, this filter has good current
as the stationary reference frame. In this manner, control variables are ripple attenuation. However, it can also bring about unstable states and
transformed into sinusoidal quantities. Fig. 4 shows the general resonances into the system. Thus, the LCL-filter has to be precisely
structure of the stationary reference frame. designed depending on the parameters of the specific inverter.

2.3. Output filter of inverter 2.4. Control strategy

The output filter reduces the current harmonics generated by As mentioned, there should be a control system to ensure the high
semiconductor switching. There are variant topologies such as filter quality of the power defined the stored or injected power. Likewise, the
inductor (L) or combinations with capacitors (LC, LCL) of these filters harmonics for the nonlinear load drawn from the grid and the phase
which connect to the inverter's output [13] (Fig. 5). difference between voltage and current of network have to be compen-
sated by capacitor and inductor as the loads. To do so, the inverter
2.3.1. L-filter output current, grid current, load current or any node current may be
The L-filter is the first-order filter suitable for converters with high controlled. On the other hand, the structure of inverter and its control
switching frequency where the attenuation is sufficient. On the other system should benefit from the aforementioned abilities such as
hand, inductance greatly decreases the dynamics of the converter-filter harmonic detection, power control, and power factor correction. Also,
system. the grid voltage phase should be inserted into the control system
applied by a phase-locked loop. As a consequence, PLL is used for
2.3.2. LC-filter synchronizing the fundamental reference current and the grid. As
The LC-filter is the second-order filter whose damping behavior is pointed out, the control strategy includes the parameters as follows:
better than that of the L-filter. This simple topology is easy to design
and it often works with no problems. The design of this filter is a 2.4.1. Number of feedback loops
compromise between the value of the inductance and capacity. The More often, control systems are designed and implemented as a
high capacity has good effects on the voltage quality. On the other closed loop system divided into a single-loop and a multi-loop defined
hand, achieving demanded cut-off frequency requires a higher induc- as follows [14]:
tance value. The resonant frequency of this filter depends on the grid
impedance when the system connects to the supply grid. single-loop control system. In a single-loop control system,

Fig. 5. Filter topologies a) L-filter b) LC-filter c) LCL-filter.

H. Athari et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xx (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx

Table 1
Switching Patterns and output vectors in SVPWM method [15].

Voltage Switching vectors Line to neutral Line to neutral

vectors voltage voltage
Fig. 6. Block diagram of a typical multi-loop controller.
A B C Van Vbn Vcn Vab Vbc V0

only a parameter is controlled that makes the simple and inexpensive V0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

design, but results in poor operation. V1 1 0 0 2/3 −1/ −1/ 1 0 −1
3 3
V2 1 1 0 1/3 1/3 −2/ 0 1 −1
3 Multi-loop control systems. In these systems, some V3 0 1 0 −1/ 2/3 −1/ −1 1 0
parameters aside from the main feedback loop are applied to 3 3
improve the operation. In this control-based method, two inner and V4 0 1 1 −2/ 1/3 1/3 −1 0 1
outer feedback loops are used. As its name suggests, different loops 3
V5 0 0 1 −1/ 1/3 2/3 0 −1 1
may exist in the structure of these controllers. Fig. 6 shows a simple 3
example with an inner and outer loop. Usually, the inner loops have V6 1 0 1 1/3 −2/ 1/3 1 −1 0
wider bandwidth compared to outer loops and improve the dynamic 3
performance of the system. This control method is usually robust, but it V7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
is expensive because of its so many sensors.
signal. The Change of the frequency and magnitude of the modulating
signal controls the frequency and magnitude of the fundamental
2.4.2. The control parameters component in the grid side. Among these methods, PWM and SPWM
As mentioned before, in the systems connected to the grid, the can be mentioned.
control system is responsible for executing its tasks. One of the most
important tasks of the control system performed on the grid-connected
2.5.2. SVPWM method
inverter is to control the parameters of voltage, current, and power that
In SVPWM methods, the reference is provided using a revolving
can control one or a number of these parameters depending on the
reference vector. In this case, the frequency and magnitude of the
requested demand made by a control system.
fundamental component in the grid side are controlled by the
frequency and magnitude of the reference vector respectively. Table 1 Voltage control. In this procedure, the voltage is under
shows the switching model and the output vectors in this method.
control and is usually used for eliminating the voltage harmonics and
Space Vector Modulation (SVM) was first developed as a vector
injecting the voltage with an acceptable amplitude and an appropriate
approach to PWM for three-phase inverters. It is a more advanced
wave shape. This method has a wide usage in photovoltaic and wind
technique for generating sinusoidal wave that provides an output with
turbine systems on the input side of the inverter.
lower total harmonic distortions. Current control. In this way, the current is controlled. 2.5.3. VLUT method
Moreover, this method is used for omitting the current harmonics. In [6], a new PWM technique named the voltage look-up table
This method is the application of an active filter and energy storage method is introduced. The main aim of this method is to obtain voltage
systems to the grid side. reference for the converter based on the current reference. Its
compatibility and simplicity along with the load condition is the main
advantage of this method. Also, in the VLUT method, the switching
frequency is greatly lower than that of the other methods. Power control. In this way, active or reactive power has been
controlled and used for injecting/storing the intended power to/from
the grid. Furthermore, it is the utilization of DPGS and energy storage 3. Controllers
As it was mentioned earlier, connecting the distributed system to
the grid is of major significance that results in a number of problems
such as the grid instability and disturbance if no suitable controller is
2.5. Modulation method
designed for it.
In this section, the controllers are divided into six categories
The main problem involved in designing the power electronic
according to their applications. It should be mentioned that some of
converters is the harmonic reduction. Using PWM control techniques
these controllers are placed in other classes [16].
is one of the solutions to harmonic reduction in high power converters.
The purpose of PWM techniques is to fabricate a sinusoidal output
wave whose frequency and magnitude must be restricted. 3.1. Linear controllers
PWM generation can be classified into Triangle Comparison-based
PWM (TCPWM) and Space Vector-based PWM (SVPWM). The main These controllers belong to the group featuring the characteristics
goal of any modulation technique is to achieve an output with a of the linear systems. These kinds of controllers are analyzed and
maximum fundamental component and minimum harmonic compo- designed with the conventional feedback control theory.
nents [15]. In [6], VLUT is introduced as a PWM method.
3.1.1. Classic controllers
2.5.1. TCPWM method These controllers include proportional, proportional-integral, pro-
In TCPWM methods, PWM pulses are generated by comparing a portional-derivative, and proportional-integral-derivative controllers
reference modulating signal with a common triangular carrier. The that are the base of the control science and linear systems. In [3–
carrier signal has a very high frequency compared to the modulating 6,17–28] classic controller is used.

H. Athari et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xx (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx

overall system efficiency [14]. In [45–50], this controller is used.

3.2.2. PFL controllers

A straightforward way for designing the nonlinear controllers is the
feedback linearization, because it transforms a nonlinear system to a
partly linear or a fully linear system. This can be achieved by canceling
the nonlinearities within the system. Therefore, linear controller design
methods can be used to design the controller for these systems. When
the nonlinear system is transformed into a fully linear system, the
method is named the exact feedback linearization and if the nonlinear
system is transformed into a partially linear system, the method is
called partial feedback linearization [51]. In [51,52], PFL controller is

3.2.3. Hysteresis controllers

Hysteresis controller is one of the nonlinear controllers. It is worth
mentioning that for implementing the hysteresis controller, an adap-
tive band of the controller must be designed to achieve a fixed
switching frequency. Considerations regarding the isolated neutral
Fig. 7. Bode diagram of an ideal PR compensator [29].
are important again, because the output of this controller is the state
of the switches [1]. This controller is used in [53–58].
3.1.2. PR controllers
PR and PI controllers have much in common. The difference 3.3. Robust controllers
between them is the way the integration takes part. In a PR controller,
the integrator only integrates frequencies that are very close to the Robust control is a control theory whose approach is to design a
resonant frequency. Therefore, stationary error or phase shift is not controller with regard to uncertainties. The goal of these methods is to
included [29]. Fig. 7 shows bode diagram for an ideal PR controller. achieve robust performance and/or stability in the presence of limited
This controller is used in [29–41]. modeling errors. In the robust control, good criteria, clear descriptions,
and bounds must be defined. Even in the multivariable systems, this
controller can guaranty robust stability and performance of closed loop
3.1.3. LQG controllers
systems [59].
The LQG controller is the combination of a Kalman filter with a
linear-quadratic regulator (LQR). The separation principle assures that
3.3.1. H-infinity controllers
these two can be computed and designed independently. Fig. 8 shows
To use H-infinity methods, a control designer represents the control
an LQG controller.
problem as an optimization problem and then solves it. H-infinity
LQG control is applied to both linear time-varying systems and
techniques are applicable to multivariable system problems. However,
linear time-invariant systems. The application of LQG control to LTV
it has high computational complexity and needs a good model of the
systems provides the design of linear feedback controllers for nonlinear
system to be controlled. Also, nonlinear constraints are generally not
uncertain systems [42]. In [43,44], this method is used in the control
well-handled [60]. This controller is used in [61–64].

3.3.2. Mu-synthesis controllers

3.2. Nonlinear controllers
Mu-synthesis approach can be used to consider the effect of
structured and unstructured uncertainties on the performance of the
These controllers have an extraordinary operation compared with
system. In this method, the design of the controller is based on the
basic controllers, but they are so complicated in terms of implementa-
notion of a structured singular value. In [65], the previous applications
tion and design.
of this method in the energy and power domain can be found [63].
Fig. 9 shows the general structure of a robust controller.
3.2.1. Sliding mode controllers
Sliding Mode control (SMC) technique has been applied to PWM
3.4. Adaptive controllers
inverters for the regulation of output voltage. Insensitivity to load
disturbances and parameter variations is the main advantages of this
Adaptive control methods can automatically adjust the control
technique. Therefore, invariant steady-state response can be achieved
in the ideal case. On the other hand, it's not easy to find a proper sliding
surface. With a limited sampling rate, the performance of SMC will be
degraded. The chattering phenomenon is another drawback of SMC
technique when tracking a variable reference. Thus, it will degrade the

Fig. 8. LQG control structure [42]. Fig. 9. General structure of a robust controller [63].

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Fig. 12. The basic configuration of a Repetitive Controller [14].

3.6. Intelligent controllers

Fig. 10. Control structure of the adaptive control scheme [9].
Intelligent control obtains automation through the emulation of
action depending on the operating conditions of the system. There is no biological intelligence. Also, it explores to borrow idea from the way
need to know the accurate system parameters with high performance. biological systems figure out problems and uses them to solve the
Even so, the computational complexity of this control scheme is high control problem [95].
[14]. In [7,9,66–72], the adaptive control is used. Fig. 10 shows the
control system for the adaptive control. 3.6.1. Repetitive controllers (RC)
The basic idea of RC comes from the internal model principle. If the
model of any disturbance/reference is inserted in the closed-loop path,
3.5. Predictive controllers then good rejection/tracking can be achieved. The basic configuration
of a repetitive controller is illustrated in Fig. 12. In this figure, Q(z−1)
Predictive controllers use a system model to predict the future and S(z−1) show the controller transfer functions and N is the number
behavior of controlled parameters. The controller uses this information of the samples [14]. In [96–104], the repetitive controllers are used.
to acquire the optimal actuation, depending on a predefined optimiza- To determine the elimination or reduction of the error in other
tion criterion. With its very fast dynamic response, nonlinearities, and periods, the error signal should be stored during a period. Thus,
constraints which can be easily included it can be applied to various repetitive controller has been used for periodic nonlinear loads. This
systems while a multivariable case can be considered; furthermore, the controller has no desirable dynamic response despite its appropriate
implementation of this controller is easy. Compared to a classic performance faced with periodic nonlinear loads. In order to solve this
controller, predictive controller requires a great number of calcula- problem, the repetitive controller can be combined with highly
tions. This method is used in [73–77]. dynamic response controllers by a parallel or cascade structure.

3.6.2. NN controllers
Neural network (NN) is a connection of a number of artificial
3.5.1. Deadbeat controllers
neurons which simulate a biological brain system. It has the ability to
In the deadbeat control theory, the differential equations control-
estimate an optional function mapping and can obtain a higher fault
ling the dynamic behavior of the controlled system are derived and
tolerance. NN can train either on-line or off-line when it is used in a
discretized. Based on these equations, at the start of each sampling
system control [14]. This controller is used in [105,106].
period, the control signal is calculated for the state variables to reach
the reference values at the end of the sampling period. This controller is
3.6.3. Fuzzy logic controllers
used in [8,10,78–83].
Fuzzy control is a method to define and implement knowledge of a
smart human to control a system. Fig. 13 illustrates a fuzzy controller
structure. This controller has the following components [95]:
3.5.2. MPC controllers
In the model predictive control (MPC), there is a flexible criterion
• The rule-base is a collection of rules about how to control.
that defines a cost function which should be minimized to select the
optimal actions. In this scheme, for predicting the behavior of the • Fuzzification is the process of converting the numerical inputs into a
form which can be used by the inference mechanism.
variables until a specific time, a model of the system is used. Fig. 11
shows the structure for the controller predicting the system model. • The inference mechanism uses information regarding the inputs
formed by fuzzification and decides which rules are exerted on the
MPC easily includes nonlinearities and system constraints in the design
current status; it also depends on what must be the plant input and
stage of the controller [14]. In [11,84–94], this controller is used in the
forms conclusions.
control system.

Fig. 11. Model predictive control system [93].

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• Defuzzification transforms the conclusions achieved by the inference

mechanism to a numerical input for the plant. In [107–111], the
fuzzy controller is used.

3.6.4. Autonomous controllers

Autonomous systems have the ability to perform complex tasks
independently. In the process of improving autonomy by adding
intelligence, engineers try to automate humans’ knowledge and tech-
Fig. 13. Fuzzy controller structure [95]. niques directly to reach high levels of automation. This controller is
used in [112].

Table 2
Major characteristics of the proposed control systems in credible scientific articles.

Ref. Reference Frame Implementation Controller Feedback Control Parameter Filter Modulation Application

[3] Three-phase, αβ Analog, Digital Classic Single-loop Voltage, Power LCL PWM DG
[4] Three-phase, dq Analog, Digital Classic Multi-loop Voltage, Current LC SVM DG
[5] Three-phase, αβ Analog, Digital Classic Multi-loop Voltage, Current LC SPWM DG
[6] Three-phase, dq Analog, Digital Classic Single-loop Voltage L VLUT DG
[7] Single-phase Analog, Digital Adaptive Multi-loop Voltage, Current LCL SPWM General
[8] Three-phase, αβ Digital DB Single-loop Current L PWM General
[9] Three-phase, dq Digital Adaptive, Repetitive Multi-loop Current LC SVM APF
[10] Three-phase, dq Digital DB Multi-loop Current LCL PWM General
[11] Three-phase, αβ Digital Adaptive, MPC Multi-loop Current LCL SVM DG
[17] Three-phase, dq Analog Classic Multi-loop Current, Power L PWM DG
[18] Three-phase, αβ Analog Classic Multi-loop Current LC PWM APF
[19] Single-phase Analog Classic Multi-loop Current L PWM APF
[27] Three-phase, αβ Analog Classic Single-loop Current L PWM DG
[28] Three-phase, dq Analog Classic Multi-loop Voltage, Power LC PWM PV
[30] Single-phase Analog, Digital Classic, PR Multi-loop Current LCL PWM General
[31] Three-phase, αβ Analog Classic, PR Multi-loop Current, Power L SVPWM DG
[32] Three-phase, αβ Analog PR Single-loop Voltage, Current LCL SVM DG
[33] Three-phase, dq Analog Classic, PR Single-loop Current LCL PWM General
[34] Single-phase Analog PR Single-loop Current LCL PWM PV
[35] Three-phase, αβ Analog PR Single-loop Current LCL SVM PV
[36] Single-phase Analog PR Multi-loop Current LCL PWM General
[37] Single-phase Analog Classic, PR Multi-loop Current LCL SPWM General
[43] Three-phase, dq Digital LQG Single-loop Current LCL PWM General
[44] Three-phase, αβ Digital PR,LQG Single-loop Current L SVPWM PV
[45] Single-phase Analog SMC, Fuzzy Multi-loop Voltage LC PWM UPS
[50] Three-phase, dq Analog SMC Single-loop Current L PWM PV
[52] Three-phase, dq Analog PFL Single-loop Voltage, Power LCL PWM PV
[53] Single-phase Analog Classic, Hysteresis Multi-loop Voltage, Current LC PWM General
[54] Single-phase Analog Hysteresis Multi-loop Current L PWM General
[58] Three-phase, αβ Digital Hysteresis, MPC Single-loop Current LCL PWM General
[61] Three-phase, dq Analog H∞, Repetitive Single-loop Current LC PWM General
[62] Three-phase, αβ Analog H∞ Multi-loop Current LC PWM General
[66] Three-phase, dq Analog Adaptive Multi-loop Power LC PWM DG
[67] Three-phase, dq Analog Adaptive Single-loop Voltage LC SVPWM DG
[68] Three-phase, dq Analog Adaptive Single-loop Voltage LC SVPWM DG
[71] Single-phase Digital Adaptive, Repetitive Single-loop Current L SPWM General
[72] Three-phase, αβ Digital Adaptive Multi-loop Current L PWM General
[73] Three-phase, dq Digital Predictive Single-loop Voltage LC SVM UPS
[76] Three-phase, αβ Digital Fuzzy, Predictive Multi-loop Power L PWM PV, APF
[77] Three-phase, αβ Digital SMC, Predictive Multi-loop Power L PWM PV, APF
[78] Three-phase, dq Digital DB Single-loop Current L SVM General
[79] Three-phase, dq Digital Adaptive, DB Single-loop Current L PWM General
[80] Single-phase Digital DB Multi-loop Voltage, Current LC PWM UPS
[81] Three-phase, dq Digital DB Single-loop Current L SVPWM DG
[83] Three-phase, αβ Digital DB, Repetitive Single-loop Voltage LC PWM UPS
[84] Three-phase, abc Analog MPC Single-loop Power LC PWM DG
[85] Three-phase, abc Analog MPC Single-loop Voltage, Power LCL,LC PWM DG
[86] Three-phase, abc Digital MPC Single-loop Voltage, Current LCL PWM General
[87] Three-phase, αβ Digital MPC Single-loop Current L PWM General
[91] Three-phase, dq Digital MPC Single-loop Current L SVPWM General
[94] Three-phase, dq Digital MPC Single-loop Current L SVM PV
[96] Three-phase, αβ Analog Classic, Repetitive Multi-loop Current, Power LC PWM DG
[97] Three-phase, dq Digital Classic, Repetitive Single-loop Current L SVM PV
[101] Single-phase Digital Repetitive Single-loop Voltage LC PWM General
[102] Three-phase, abc Digital Classic, Repetitive Single-loop Voltage, Current L PWM General
[103] Three-phase, dq Digital Repetitive Multi-loop Voltage, Current LC SPWM UPS
[104] Single-phase Analog, Digital RC Single-loop Current LCL PWM General
[105] Three-phase, abc Digital Fuzzy, NN Multi-loop Power L PWM PV
[106] Three-phase, abc Analog, Digital Classic, NN Multi-loop Power L PWM PV
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