Shelly Hospital Discharge
Shelly Hospital Discharge
Shelly Hospital Discharge
Patient Instructions
Your Next Steps
While you were in the hospital, we decreased your steroid dose after we
talked with your outpatient neurologist, Dr. Chu-Yueh Guo. You are
now taking prednisone 5mg every other day. Please follow-up with Dr.
My Health Online
Send messages to your doctor; view your test
Chu- Yueh Guo before stopping this medication completely. results, renew your prescriptions, schedule
appointments, and more.
Finally, while you were in the hospital, we also changed your home
Go to https://,
insulin plan based on your blood sugars. You are now on lantus 30 units click "Sign Up Now", and enter your personal activation
twice a day and lispro 6 units with meals. Steroids, such as prednisone, code: 2WP5P-Q7KKX. Activation code expires
can cause higher blood sugars. We believe you are now needing less 08/17/2024.
insulin because we have decreased your steroid dose. If you have any
questions or concerns about the changes in your medications please
promptly reach out to Dr. Chu-Yueh Guo.
SHELLY BRESHEARS (MRN: 55107665) • Printed at 08/17/2023 5:52 PM