Int Endodontic J - 2021 - European Society of Endodontology Position Statement The Restoration of Root Filled Teeth
Int Endodontic J - 2021 - European Society of Endodontology Position Statement The Restoration of Root Filled Teeth
Int Endodontic J - 2021 - European Society of Endodontology Position Statement The Restoration of Root Filled Teeth
© 2021 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
1974 |
Int Endod J. 2021;54:1974–1981.
MANNOCCI et al. | 1975
challenge for clinicians. Based on emerging research on canal treatment are three times less likely to be extracted
the survival of root filled teeth with cracks, it would ap- than those restored after 4 months (Pratt et al., 2016).
pear that the location and extent of cracks should not be Currently, no further studies assessing the timing of the
considered in isolation when determining the prognosis. cuspal coverage restoration on the survival of root filled
A prospective study demonstrated 96% survival, over teeth are available, and therefore, the evidence is limited.
a 2-to-4-year period, for crowned root filled teeth with
cracks extending to the level of the canal orifice and up
to 5 mm beyond (Davis & Shariff, 2019). Further evidence Direct or indirect restorations
from a systematic review of 4 retrospective studies sug-
gested a 5-year survival rate of 84% for teeth with cracks Cuspal protection of root filled premolars and molars has
(Leong et al., 2020). been reported to improve survival, reducing the risk of
biomechanical failure. Whilst there is limited evidence for
crowning anterior root filled teeth, clinical research has
3. Clinical evidence on the effect of tooth revealed a significant correlation between the survival of
location and presence of proximal contacts posterior root filled teeth and the placement of a cuspal
on the survival of root filled teeth coverage restoration. However, each case should be as-
sessed individually with consideration of the following
Root filled teeth are at increased risk of structural failure factors:
as a result of tooth volume loss and the biomechanical
consequences of loss of pulp vitality, as well as those of • tooth structure loss;
subsequent endodontic and restorative treatment. Both • terminal or nonterminal tooth and number of neigh-
the functional and parafunctional stresses imparted on bouring contacts;
the root filled tooth are related to the location and pres- • presence of cracks;
ence of proximal contacts. Terminal teeth and those with- • occlusal factors (excursive/protrusive guidance and
out proximal contacts are more susceptible to crown/root presence of deflective contacts).
fractures, as well as complications such as core failure.
A 4-to-10-year retrospective study (Aquilino & Caplan, Sorensen and Martinoff (1984) studied 1273 root
2002), as well as a further 2-to-4-year prospective study (Ng filled teeth retrospectively for up to 25 years and con-
et al., 2011), demonstrated that terminal teeth (last stand- cluded that cuspal coverage restorations significantly
ing teeth in the arch), and those without neighbouring con- improved long- term survival. A 10- year retrospective
tacts, have inferior survival to nonterminal teeth (Aquilino study (Landys Boren et al., 2015) including all tooth
& Caplan, 2002; Lazarski et al., 2001) and those with neigh- types, demonstrated that teeth restored with crowns
bouring contacts, respectively (Alley et al., 2004; Aquilino had a higher estimated survival rate (91%) when com-
& Caplan, 2002). Root filled second molar teeth have been pared with those restored with direct restorations (76%).
shown to have the greatest likelihood of catastrophic fail- Similarly, an 8- year retrospective study (Pratt et al.,
ure, necessitating extraction (Aquilino & Caplan, 2002). 2016) on posterior teeth concluded that teeth restored
with crowns had a survival rate of 71% versus a survival
rate of 58% for teeth which did not receive cuspal cov-
4. Clinical evidence on the erage. Aquilino and Caplan (2002) observed that root
effect of restoration type and timing on the filled teeth without crowns were extracted 6 times more
survival of root filled teeth frequently than those with crowns, although these find-
ings may be subject to bias, as the included teeth were
The risk of irretrievable fracture or crack development not randomly allocated due to the retrospective study
and propagation pose a significant threat to the survival of design. Within an observation period of 3 years, a ran-
root filled tooth. As well as this, an optimal coronal seal is domized clinical trial (Mannocci et al., 2002) reported
of significant importance. that premolars with limited loss of tooth structure re-
stored with fibre posts and direct composite resin resto-
rations (53 teeth) had a similar restoration failure rate
Timing of restoration placement (4%) to those restored with fibre posts, composite cores
and full coverage crowns (54 teeth). Data provided by
There is evidence from an 8-year retrospective study that prospective research on the impact of indirect cuspal
root filled posterior teeth restored with cuspal coverage coverage on the survival of root filled teeth is limited to
restorations within 4 months of the completion of root this study.
MANNOCCI et al. | 1977
Choice of material for crowns and onlays Choice of material for direct
restorations and cores
The rapid evolution of dental materials, particularly com-
posite resin and ceramics has been evident over recent Minimal research exists specifically on the performance of
years. The options available for direct restoration, core amalgam or composite resin as direct restorations in root
materials, posts and cuspal coverage provision are more filled teeth. However, superior survival of root filled pre-
extensive than ever before. molar teeth restored with direct composite restorations
Despite this, there have been no prospective ran- when compared with those restored with direct amalgam
domized controlled clinical trials comparing different restorations was observed in a 5-year prospective clinical
materials for the construction of crowns and onlays; trial (Mannocci et al., 2005). However, of the teeth which
there is evidence from retrospective research that the survived, those restored with amalgam had less secondary
performance of metal ceramic, all ceramic and indirect caries than those restored with composite.
composite restorations is excellent in medium- term Clinicians have a number of choices for core place-
studies of 3–5 years (Chrepa et al., 2014; Pjetursson ment prior to cuspal coverage restoration. Unfortunately,
et al., 2007; Sailer et al., 2015). Limited long-term data there are currently no randomized controlled clinical tri-
(25–30 years) are available for gold (Studer et al., 2000) als comparing amalgam, composite or other materials,
and metal ceramic crowns (Walton, 2013). As a number such as glass ionomer cements, as core materials for root
of different materials are used for all ceramic crown filled teeth restored with crowns.
construction, it is important to acknowledge that fa-
vourable outcomes, albeit limited, have been observed
for leucite, lithium disilicate reinforced glass ceramic 5. Clinical evidence on the effect of
or alumina-based oxide ceramics. Less favourable out- post-placement on the survival of root
comes have been observed in posterior teeth restored filled teeth
with glass ceramic and monolithic zirconia crowns
(Sailer et al., 2015). Effect of post-placement
In contrast to molars, premolars have less coronal tooth recommendations are considered as general guidance,
structure volume and smaller pulp chambers to facilitate which can be used to facilitate treatment decision-making.
the retention of the core placed after the completion of However, clinicians are advised to consider each case indi-
root canal treatment. Moreover, the endodontic access vidually when considering the following recommendations:
cavity increases the possibility of fracture due to cuspal
deflection during function (Göktürk et al., 2018). • The presence of a circumferential ferrule is beneficial for
In summary, anterior teeth and premolars may require the survival of both anterior and posterior root filled teeth.
fibre posts more often than molars (Acquaviva et al., 2011; Wherever possible, clinicians should make every effort to
Ferrari et al., 2007). A recent classification system for root obtain an optimal ferrule when planning indirect resto-
filled teeth (Zarow et al., 2018) recommended the use of rations. The absence of an adequate ferrule effect is asso-
fibre posts in anterior and premolar teeth with significantly ciated with reduced tooth and restoration survival.
compromised tooth structure. These recommendations • In most cases, when at least one proximal wall is miss-
are based on the findings of studies assessing the effect ing, root filled premolars and molars should be restored
of remaining walls on tooth survival (Ferrari et al., 2012; with cuspal coverage restorations. However, restorations
Guldener et al., 2017). should always be designed conservatively and onlay res-
torations utilized where appropriate, with the aim of
retaining as much sound residual tooth structure as pos-
Fibre or metal posts sible. Tooth reduction should be carried out according to
requirements of the material used for the indirect resto-
Gold alloy or Cobalt-Chromium-based cast posts and cores ration and excessive preparation must be avoided. There
have been used successfully to restore root filled teeth, dem- may be scenarios where cuspal coverage of a posterior
onstrating success rates of 84%–94% after 10 years (Cloet tooth is not considered necessary, for example, in cases
et al., 2017; Ellner et al., 2003; Ferrari et al., 2000). However, with only a Class 1 cavity and where the residual walls
one disadvantage of their use is the additional removal of are of adequate thickness, and no cracks are present, or
peri-cervical root canal dentine for post-space preparation in scenarios where there is no opposing tooth. Clinicians
and the potential risk of coronal leakage during tempori- should consider each case individually, having given care-
zation. Flexible post-systems, for example fibre posts, have ful consideration to the overall tooth structure loss, thick-
been developed with the concept of facilitating more uni- ness of the residual dentine walls, tooth location, number
form stress distribution compared to higher-stiffness materi- of neighbouring contacts, absence/presence of cracks and
als which have been purported to predispose root filled teeth occlusal factors. Furthermore, consideration of the im-
to root fracture. To date, no clinical evidence exists that the pact of minimal intervention endodontic-restorative tech-
use of fibre posts reduces the occurrence of root fractures in niques may influence the decision-making process.
vivo (Figueiredo et al., 2015; Naumann et al., 2017). Further • Terminal teeth, particularly in patients with parafunc-
prospective clinical data has not demonstrated the superior- tional habits, require detailed occlusal assessment and
ity of either rigid or flexible posts on tooth and/or restora- appropriate restorative management to prevent further
tion survival (Cloet et al., 2017; Sarkis-Onofre et al., 2014; complications.
Sterzenbach et al., 2012). Despite one clinical trial revealing • Careful attention should be paid to existing premature oc-
a significantly greater survival rate for fibre posts compared clusal interferences as part of the post-endodontic restor-
to metal screw posts (Schmitter et al., 2011) and a recent ative process.
meta- analysis concluding significantly higher mid- term • Cracked teeth should routinely be restored with cuspal
survival rates for fibre posts compared to metal posts (Wang coverage restorations following endodontic treatment.
et al., 2019) it can be concluded that currently no evidence Options for cracked teeth should be discussed with pa-
exists that the choice of post-material affects the survival of tients so that they are able to make an informed deci-
root filled teeth. sion on the prognosis and whether the tooth should be
retained. Decision-making should not be solely based on
the location and extent of detected cracks. Furthermore,
RECO M M E N DAT ION S FOR T H E cracked teeth require careful clinical and radiographic
RESTO RAT I O N OF ROOT F ILLED follow-up to monitor potential attachment and bone loss
T E ET H which may develop from crack propagation and which
may compromise future replacement options such as im-
The development of evidence-based guidelines for the res- plant placement.
toration of root filled teeth is complex with a multitude of • The placement of a post-specifically in teeth with no re-
factors that require consideration. However, the following maining coronal dentine walls is beneficial, particularly
MANNOCCI et al. | 1979
Alley, B.S., Kitchens, G.G., Alley, L.W. & Eleazer, P.D. (2004) A com-
in anterior and premolar teeth. However, in all other parison of survival of teeth following endodontic treatment per-
situations (including molar teeth), post-placement does formed by general dentists or by specialists. Oral Surgery, Oral
not improve restoration or tooth survival. The benefit of Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology,
enhanced core retention that may be achieved with post- 98, 115–118.
placement should be considered against the potential Al-Nuaimi, N., Ciapryna, S., Chia, M., Patel, S. & Mannocci, F.
dentine removal required. Additional (mechanical) den- (2020) A prospective study on the effect of coronal tooth struc-
tine removal for post-placement should be avoided and ture loss on the 4-year clinical survival of root canal retreated
teeth, and retrospective validation of the Dental Practicality
‘passive’ post-placement employed wherever possible.
Index. International Endodontic Journal, 53, 1040–1049.
• Currently, there is no clinical evidence that the material of Al-Nuaimi, N., Patel, S., Austin, R.S. & Mannocci, F. (2017) A pro-
the post, either rigid or flexible, affects the survival rate of spective study assessing the effect of coronal tooth structure
root filled teeth restored with posts. If posts are adhesively loss on the outcome of root canal retreatment. International
luted, all steps of the designated bonding protocol should Endodontic Journal, 50, 1143–1157.
be followed. A clean and adequately prepared dentine Alves de Carvalho, I.F., Marques, S., Araújo, F.M., Azevedo, L.F.,
surface appears to be more important for the success of Donato, H. & Correia, A. (2018) Clinical performance of CAD/
CAM tooth-supported ceramic restorations: A systematic re-
the restoration than the choice of post-material.
view. The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative
• Endocrowns can be considered as an appropriate alter-
Dentistry, 38, e68–e78.
native to conventional post- retained full coverage res- Aquilino, S.A. & Caplan, D.J. (2002) Relationship between crown
torations for root filled molar teeth, permitting greater placement and the survival of endodontically treated teeth.
preservation of residual tooth structure. However, it is Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 87, 256–263.
imperative that the correct adhesive luting protocol is fol- Bhuva, B., Giovarruscio, M., Rahim, N., Bitter, K. & Mannocci, F.
lowed to ensure the success of these restorations. (2021) The restoration of root filled teeth: a review of the clin-
ical literature. International Endodontic Journal, 54, 509–535.
Bindl, A., Richter, B. & Mormann, W.H. (2005) Survival of ce-
Prospective studies assessing the survival of root
ramic computer-aided design/manufacturing crowns bonded
filled teeth treated with minimal intervention endodon- to preparations with reduced macroretention geometry.
tic and restorative techniques, including teeth restored International Journal of Prosthodontics, 18, 219–224.
with and without cuspal coverage restoration will Bitter, K., Noetzel, J., Stamm, O., Vaudt, J., Meyer- Lueckel, H.,
offer insight into the effect of dentine preservation on Neumann, K. et al. (2009) Randomized clinical trial comparing
tooth survival. It is hoped that future clinical research the effects of post placement on failure rate of postendodon-
will provide tangible outcome studies to compare the tic restorations: preliminary results of a mean period of 32
application of these concepts with more traditional months. Journal of Endodontics, 35, 1477–1482.
Cagidiaco, M.C., García-Godoy, F., Vichi, A., Grandini, S., Goracci,
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