Ulangan Harian B.inggris Kls 4 2023-2024

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal :

Kelas : IV (EMPAT) Waktu : Jam Ke
Paraf Paraf
No Absen Nama Siswa Nilai
Guru Orang Tua

I.Choose the right answer!

1. Look at the picture below! d) Does

What are Made and Cici doing?
a) They are having lunch in the canteen 5. The symbol is number …………..
b) They is having lunch in the canteen a) Six Nine
c) They are playing in the canteen b) Sixteen nine
d) They are have lunch in the canteen c) Sixty six
d) Sixty nine
6. Twenty five plus fifteen is …………….
a) Forty
b) Fifty
c) Forty five
d) Fifty four
7. 33 - 13 = ……….
a) Thirty three plus thirteen is twenty
2. Cici is ………………… books in the library. b) Thirty three minus thirteen is twenty
a) Buying c) Thirty three minus thirteen is twenty three
b) Borrowing d) Thirty three divided thirteen is three
c) Taking 8. How many days are in a week?
d) Studying a) Five
3.Joshua is …………. in the swimming pool b) Six
a) Playing c) Seven
b) Taking a bath d) Eight
c) Swimming 9. The results one hundred divided fifty is…..?
d) Sleeping a) Ten
4. The students ……. playing in the b) Fifty
schoolyard c) Forty
a) Am d) Twenty
b) Is 10. Ada tiga ekor sapi di lapangan?
c) Are a) There is three cows in the field
b) There are three cows in the field 17. Which of room is that you can cook?
c) There are three cow in the field a) Living room
11. What is the English word for "kamar b) Bedroom
mandi"? c) Bathroom
a) Livingroom d) Kitchen
b) Bedroom 18. What do you use to put your clothes?
c) Bathroom a) Cupboard
d) Kitchen b) Shelf
12. Where you want to park your bicycle? c) Table
a) Behind the garage d) Wardrobe
b) Beside the garage
c) On the garage
d) In the garage
13. What comes after Tuesday?
a) Monday
b) Wednesday 19. Look at to the picture below!
c) Thursday
d) Sunday
14. What is the opposite of "big"?
a) Small
b) Tall
c) Fat
d) Long
15. How many months are in a year?
a) Ten months a) Pillow and Bolster
b) Eleven months b) Bolster and Blanket
c) Twelve months c) Pillow and Blanket
d) Thirteen months d) Bolster and Bed
16. What the opposite of clean? 20. Cici …………… in the bedroom
a) Large a) Cooks
b) Dirty b) Takes a bath
c) Tidy c) Sleeps
d) Big d) plays

II.Fill in the blank with the right answer based on the picture!

1. Ujang’s family are in the ……………………….………

2. Mr.Rudy put the …………………………. in the wall.
3. Grandmother ……………………….. the newspaper.
4. Ujang and his sister ……………………… monopoly.
5. The cat ………………………………. on the big pillow.
6. Mother ………………………………………… happiness.
7. Aisyah eats fried rice for breakfast.
Write the negative and interrogative sentences!
8. The opposite of "black" is ………………………………
9. There are seven ………………………………. in a week.
10. I brush my teeth in the …………………………………. before go to bed.

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