Cultivation of Avocados

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Directorate Communication

Cultivation of avocados
Avocados are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals while the oil content consists of
polyunsaturated fatty acids. One half of a Fuerte fruit supplies a considerable percentage of the daily
nutrient requirements and makes an important contribution to a balanced diet.

Buyer's guide

The quality of the trees grown in the nursery determines the success of an enterprise. Trees that
received poor or incorrect treatment in the nursery will lag behind in the orchard, no matter how carefully
the buyer tends them, and may die easily.

Container and root development

The size of the containers in which the plants are grown, is important.
The smaller the containers, the greater care will be needed after planting out the trees in the field
to ensure their survival.
The larger the container, the better the root system will have developed and the greater the
chances of successful establishment.
Growth medium

A clay soil mix tends to clog the drainage holes in plastic containers.
Lighter soil mixes improve drainage and stimulate the development of the root system.
Where mixes are too light, the soil is washed out easily through the drainage holes, resulting in
exposure of the roots.


The foliage of a tree indicates its health status. A healthy tree has a glossy, dark-green colour.
Deformed or discoloured leaves are an indication that the tree has not developed normally during
the nursery period. It may also be a sign of disease.
The leaves must be inspected for the presence of insect pests and any deficiency symptoms.

Graft union

Any graft union that exhibits excessive thickening at the union, or large differences between
rootstock and scion thickness, indicates incompatibility, a poor rootstock or a diseased scion.
A first-grade tree should exhibit a smooth union, with few or no irregularities on the stem, either
above or below the graft union.

Climatic requirements

The 3 best-known avocado races each has specific climatic requirements as a result of adapting to
their original environment.

West Indian cultivars originated in the humid, tropical lowlands of Central America and are best
adapted to continuous hot, humid conditions with a high summer rainfall. Like all avocado cultivars they
are, however, extremely sensitive to drought and do not tolerate frost well (minimum temperature of 1,5
°C). The optimum temperature for growth is 25 to 28 °C. The humidity should preferably be above 60 %.

The Mexican races originated in the cool, subtropical highland forests of Mexico and mature trees can
withstand temperatures of - 4 to -5 °C. They should not be planted in areas prone to frost in August and
September, because flowers are damaged easily by frost. A humidity range of 45 to 60 % should
suffice. The optimum temperature for growth is 20 to 24 °C.

Guatemalan cultivars originated from the tropical highlands of Guatemala and require a cool, tropical
climate without any extremes of temperature or humidity. The trees can withstand light frost, down to -
2 °C, but the flowers are very sensitive to frost. High temperatures of about 38 °C, especially if
combined with low humidity, could cause flower and fruit drop. A humidity level of 65 % or higher is

The Fuerte cultivar, which is the most popularly grown cultivar in South Africa, is probably a
natural hybrid between the Mexican and Guatemalan races and has a wider climatic tolerance
(especially to cold) than the pure Guatemalan types.
The minimum survival temperature is about - 4 °C, but no frost is tolerated during flowering.
The optimum growth temperature is 20 to 24 °C, and high temperatures, especially during
flowering, are not tolerated well.
It is more sensitive than others to unfavourable weather conditions during flowering. Hot, dry
conditions could result in low yields because of fruit and flower drop.

Cool subtropical conditions with a mean daily temperature of 20 to 24 °C.

Light frost can be tolerated, except during flowering and fruit set (August and September).
For Fuerte, the daily mean temperature during flowering should preferably be above 18,5 °C, but
definitely above 13 °C.


A high humidity is desirable, because it decreases stress conditions (particularly high

temperature), that play an important role during flowering and fruit set.
The mist-belt areas of South Africa are especially suitable in this regard. The humidity should
exceed 50 % at 14:00.


All avocado cultivars grown commercially in South Africa are sensitive to water stress. An annual
rainfall exceeding 1 000 mm is desirable, and it should be well distributed, with the only dry period in
June and July. However, most of the suitable areas in South Africa experience a dry period during
flowering, necessitating supplementary irrigation.


Avocados tend to have brittle branches that are damaged easily by wind. The majority of blemishes
causing a downgrading of fruit most probably also result from wind damage.

From a climatological point of view, the best areas for commercial avocado production are therefore the
cool, subtropical parts of Mpumalanga and the Northern Province as well as KwaZulu-Natal where the
rainfall is fairly high and mist occurs frequently.

Soil requirements

A healthy avocado tree has a root system that can penetrate the soil to a depth of 1 m. Root rot
(Phytophthora cinnamomi) can develop fairly quickly in poorly-drained soils. It is therefore essential to
determine in advance the suitability of the soil for avocado production.

Methods of soil examination

Soil can only be examined by digging profile holes at least 1,5 m deep in areas where there are different
soil characteristics. Even if the soil on the surface appears to be fairly homogeneous, it is still advisable
to dig at least one profile pit per hectare.

In hilly areas holes must be dug in different positions along the slope to get an indication of the
drainage properties of the area. For example, it may be necessary to dig drainage furrows in the lower-
lying areas to prevent water from accumulating above the restricting layers.

Aspects of concern when digging a profile pit are colour, texture, structure, patches, concretions and
stones, as well as soil depth.

Only reddish-brown, red and dark-brown soils, particularly in the subsoil, are suitable.
Temporary to permanent waterlogged conditions with concomitant root rot usually occur in yellow, grey,
light-brown and white soils.
Very dark and black soils usually have either a high clay content that could lead to poor root
development, or a large percentage of organic matter that could result in excessively acid
conditions and aluminium toxicity.


Avocados do best in soils with a clay content of between 20 and 40 %. If the clay content is below 20
%, the soil has a limited water-retention capacity and unless optimum irrigation is applied, the trees will
sometimes suffer temporarily from drought.

A too high clay percentage makes irrigation difficult because overirrigation and high rainfall lead to
oversaturation of the soil. This means that water drains away relatively slowly, which promotes root rot.


In soils with a moderate to strongly developed block structure, such as soils that can b]2roken into hard
clods when dry, root development will be restricted. Ideal avocado

soils display only small, fine cracks when a dry profile wall is examined.


If a light-coloured layer with many patches occurs within 1,8 m below the soil surface, root problems
can be expected, especially with irrigation. Such a soil can be regarded as a moderate to high-risk
avocado soil.

Concretions and stones

The same requirements concerning depth apply to black concretions (iron and manganese) in light-
coloured soil. If concretions and stones occur as a type of gravel and form more than 30 % of the
volume of a soil layer, the water-retention ability of that layer will be adversely affected, and irrigation
practices will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Chemical soil properties

Information on aspects such as pH (water), exchangeable quantities of sodium (Na) and the
quantity of free lime present are obtained from chemical analyses of sampled soil from profile
The pH value (in water) of avocado soils should be between 5,0 and 7,0. Only at great cost and over a
long period will it be possible to change pH values below 3,5 to make the soils suitable for avocado

Avocado cultivars

Avocado growers should produce high yields of good-quality fruit, acceptable to the consumer. There is,
however, no single cultivar that can fulfil all the requirements of the grower, the packer, the retailer and
the consumer at the same time.

Good production potential

Flowering and harvesting months

Warm regions Cool regions

Flowering: June - September July - October
Harvesting: March - August May - November

Tree characteristics

Tree growth habit: large and spreading

Hardiness: tolerates temperatures as low as - 4 °C


Limitations: alternate bearing, sensitive to microclimate for fruit set

Comments: fruit set increased by a pollinator

Post-harvest storage: susceptible to physiological disorders during storage


Good production potential in cool areas. Fruit is smaller in warm areas.

Flowering and harvesting months

Warm regions Cool regions

Flowering: July - September August - October
Harvesting: June - October August - December

Tree characteristics

Tree growth habit: fairly upright, slow grower

Hardiness: tolerates temperatures as low as - 2 °C


Limitations: fruit becomes too small with age and in warm regions
Comments: susceptible to environmental factors
Post-harvest storage: good


Consistent heavy bearer.

Flowering and harvesting months

Warm regions Cool regions

September - October

Harvesting: June July

Tree characteristics

Tree growth habit: moderately spreading

Hardiness: tolerates temperatures as low as - 1 to - 2 °C


Limitations: flowering and fruit set over extended period

Comments: fruit may develop internal disorders if picked when overmature
Post-harvest storage: pick at optimum maturity stage to avoid post-harvest problems


Good production potential; bears heavily and fairly consistently

Flowering and harvesting months

Warm regions Cool regions

Harvesting: September - December November - February

Tree characteristics

Tree growth habit: fairly upright, medium grower

Hardiness: frost tolerant


Limitations: poor quality, fruit sometimes does not become soft

Comments: suitable for planting in drier inland areas
Post-harvest storage: average

Soil preparation

It is important to examine the soil for suitability regarding depth, drainage and compacted layers (see
Methods of soil examination).

A representative sample of the proposed orchard must be taken for soil analysis. It is desirable to take
the soil sample at least 9 months, but preferably 12 to 24 months prior to planting. This gives the farmer
enough time to prepare the soil thoroughly, particularly if large quantities of lime are required.

Soil sampling
It is important that a sample represents a soil of homogeneous characteristics, i.e. where no visible
differences in the soil occur. If there are differences regarding colour and texture in such a land, the land
must be subdivided accordingly and separate samples taken of the different parts.

A soil auger or spade can be used for taking samples.

Depth of sampling

This should be from 0 to 0,3 m for topsoil and 0,3 to 0,5 m for the subsoil sample.

Number of samples

A sample must be made up of at least 10 subsamples (preferably more). The area represented by the
complete sample should not exceed 3 ha.

Mixing and packaging

The subsamples from a particular land must be pooled in a clean container (not a fertiliser bag)
and mixed thoroughly.
A 2-kg sample is taken from this, placed in a clean plastic bag or other suitable container and
submitted for analysis.
Every sample must be marked clearly. The name of the sender, number of the land and depth at
which the sample was taken, must appear on the label.
Attach the label to the outside of the container.
The analysis results will supply valuable information regarding fertilisers to be applied before
planting. If required, lime or phosphate should be thoroughly worked into the soil before planting.

Method of soil preparation

The soil must be loosened as deep as possible before planting. In this case it will not be
necessary to make large planting holes.
If the soil is very acid, heavy lime applications may be necessary. About two-thirds of the
recommended agricultural lime must be distributed over the entire area 12 months before
planting, mixed into the topsoil by disking and ploughed in as deep as possible.
Calcium (lime) moves very slowly in the soil, and should therefore be worked into the future root
zone of the trees.
A cover crop can then be planted and ploughed in 6 months later to increase the organic-matter
content of the soil.
The remaining lime and all the required phosphate must be applied and lightly worked in
simultaneously. The trees are planted 3 months later.
If soil samples have not been taken early enough to proceed as described, two thirds of the lime
must be mixed with the soil and ploughed in deeply. Phosphate and the rest of the lime should
then be distributed and worked into the soil lightly. If large quantities of lime are required, this
must be applied at least 3 months before planting (as described), thoroughly mixed with the soil
and then worked in deeply.
If the soil depth is inadequate but still acceptable, it is recommended to make ridges of
approximately 0,5 m high and about 3 m wide. The trees are then planted on these ridges.
It is important not to fertilise recently-planted trees too soon. The trees must first become well
established and start to grow vigorously before any fertiliser is applied. In most cases it would be
advisable to wait a year. These applications must be very light. The fertiliser must be applied
evenly and should not come into contact with the stem of the tree. Immediate irrigation is

Layout of orchard

An avocado orchard should be profitable within 7 to 10 years.

There are 3 patterns according to which trees can be arranged in an orchard:

Rectangular (which leads to hedge-type tree rows)

Square (which leads to a change of direction when thinning diagonally)
Diamond-shaped (which also results in a change of direction of tree rows with every thinning).

If trees are spaced in such a way that no thinning will be necessary during the lifespan of the orchard, only
slightly more than 50 % of the land is utilised. Effective land use therefore, means that the trees are initially
spaced close together, to be thinned systematically and selectively at a later stage.

There is, however, no proof that any specific layout is the best. The choice of planting distance and the
pattern of planting depends on the following factors:

Location of orchard (e.g. north or east facing)
Soil type and depth
Expected short and long-term production
Access for machinery, depending on orchard practices
Thinning practices.

The final decision must be based on economic principles, because each of the aspects mentioned has
an influence on the ultimate economic value of an orchard.

Planting distance and planting pattern

The choice of a planting pattern (rectangular pattern discussed here) depends on the management
practices followed.

Early yields are maximised by planting trees close together in the row.
Hedge-type tree rows are more suitable for installing a permanent irrigation system.
Where implements are constantly used in orchards, the hedge-type layout is more suitable
because access to the orchard is possible for a longer period of time than it is in a square
layout. Traffic is also always moving in the same direction in such an orchard—an important
point in orchards planted on a slope.
The hedge-type tree-row layout minimises the effects of the loss of branches and trees in a row.

Interrow spacing

Economic considerations and access for implements determine interrow spacing of trees. Final
distances of less than 10 m will necessitate thinning before the orchard is 10 years old. High-density
plantings can therefore be planted at less than half the "final" distance on the understanding that trees
in the semipermanent rows are removed timeously.

Planting and early care

Avocado trees bought from a nursery should already have been hardened off.
Plant the trees as soon as possible; if kept too long they may become root-bound or suffer from
nutrient deficiencies.
Do not place the trees in the sun because the containers will become hot and the roots could be
burnt even before planting.
Support the young trees with sturdy props as soon as possible after planting. Make sure that the
stems are whitewashed.
Remove the nursery tags and surplus graft strips after planting to prevent girdling.

Planting hole

If the soil has been well prepared, big planting holes are unnecessary.
If it is not possible to prepare the soil properly, a planting hole of 1 x 1 x 1 m should be made.
A well-prepared orchard does not require extra fertiliser in the holes. The addition of especially
poultry manure could easily burn the roots.
Plant the trees to the same depth that they were in the planting bag.
The trees should preferably be planted in a slightly-raised position so that water cannot collect in
the basin.


Young trees must be irrigated to ensure a uniform stand.

Overirrigation is just as harmful as too little water.
Examine the soil moisture content of the subsoil regularly to prevent overirrigation.
Avocados are sensitive to moisture stress. In the nursery the trees would have been accustomed
to regular water applications and still have a limited root system as a result of the small bag. It is
therefore essential that the water reaches the limited and shallow root system.
A small basin around the tree will ensure that the roots get enough water.
Apply frequent light irrigations: 50 l/tree/week and 100 l as soon as the subsoil starts drying out,
and then resume watering at 50 l/week/tree.


Where hardening off has been inadequate (in the nursery) temporary shade should be provided.
Remember to whitewash the stems.
Erect a frame covered with grass or shadenetting over the trees to protect the leaves. Remove
the frame as soon as the leaves penetrate the grass because then they have become hardened
off and need no further protection.
Structures erected to protect the trees against animals, also provide shade.

Protection against animals

Trees are often damaged by wild animals at night. A screen that will keep the animals out can
be made by covering poles with chicken wire and building a tent-like structure around the trees.
Termite control will be necessary during droughts.

Cover crops

During the early years of an orchard a cover crop will protect and maintain the soil until the trees
start providing shade.
A cover crop must not, however, compete with the trees and must be restricted to the strips
between the tree rows.
The drip area of the tree must be free of grass and other weeds and, if possible, this area should
be covered with an organic mulch.
Plastic covers are suitable for young trees, but irrigation management must then be very effective
and accurate to prevent overirrigation.

Leaf analysis

Leaf analysis indicates the nutrient status of an orchard. The trees can be fertilised accordingly. Soil
analysis, in addition to leaf analysis, increases the reliability of the recommendations made.

The following aspects of leaf sampling must be followed strictly:

Samples of 6 to 8-month old avocado leaves must be taken during February to April. If they are
not taken during this period, the fertilisation recommendations will not be reliable.
The correct leaf must be sampled (see figure).

When a leaf sample from a particular orchard is submitted for the first time, it must be
accompanied by a soil sample. Thereafter, it would also be advisable to submit soil samples
When making fertilisation adjustments, the analysis results of both the soil and the leaf samples
have to be considered.
Only leaves from healthy trees must be sampled. They must not show any signs of sunburn,
deficiencies, insect damage or disease.
A leaf and soil sample must not represent an orchard of more than 3 ha. Should soil variations
be apparent in such an orchard, separate leaf and soil samples must be taken.


New growth

Old growth
Sample the correct leaf

The sampling method is important:

- Select approximately 20 healthy trees well distributed throughout the orchard, homogeneous in
appearance and representative of the orchard.

- Exceptionally good or poor trees must not be sampled.

- The trees must be marked clearly, e.g. with paint, so that both the soil and leaf samples can be taken
from the same marked trees every year.

To obtain a meaningful fertilisation programme for a particular orchard, leaf samples must have been
analysed for a period of at least 5 years.

It is not always possible to rectify deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances within one season because it
is a gradual process.


Do not fertilise young, transplanted avocado trees too soon, preferably only after one year. The
trees must first become well established and grow vigorously.
Never apply fertiliser against the stems of young trees. It must be spread evenly about 0,2 m
from the stem to approximately 0,5 m outside the drip area of the tree.
Each fertiliser application must be followed by a light, controlled irrigation.
Fertilisers must not be worked into the soil.

Quantity of fertiliser per year per tree according to age (guidelines)

LAN (28 % N) Superphosphate Potassium chloride
Age (years) (or equivalent) (11,3 % P) (50 % K)
g g g
1 150 200 150
2 300 400 300
3 450 600 450
4-5 600 900 600
6-7 800 1 200 800
8-9 1 000 1 500 1 000
10 - 12 1 200 1 800 1 200
Maximum 1 500 1 800 1 500

Time of application

Nitrogen and potassium

If fertiliser is applied in the first year, nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) must be divided into at least 4
applications and applied during the warm months. Thereafter the application times are as follows:

N and K: 3 equal applications in July, December and April.

P: December.

Most soils are either naturally low in zinc or the zinc is not available. The following quantities should
therefore be applied annually:

Zinc oxide at 200 g/100 l water, or

NZN at 150 ml/100 l water.


Many avocado orchards are also low in boron and the trees should be sprayed every year with 100 g
borax or 75 g Solubor/100 l water.


Avocado trees are very sensitive to waterlogged conditions as well as to drought stress.

The aim of irrigation is therefore to maintain the soil-moisture content between these two extremes,
except in June and July when a drier period is required to stimulate flowering.

The purpose of avocado farming is to obtain optimum yield and reduced vegetative growth from an

By applying half the calculated volume of water per tree after the moisture-stress period (June/July),
new growth is retarded, competition with the young fruit is restricted and fewer fruit will abort.

After fruit-set full irrigation is applied to encourage a flush for fruit growth.

No fertiliser should be applied during flowering and early fruit-set, because it would also encourage
vegetative growth, which competes with the young fruit for nutrients and water.

Irrigation systems

Light, frequent irrigations are necessary. A flood irrigation system is therefore not suitable. A sprinkler
system, particulary dragline, is more suitable, especially if capital is limited. The best type for avocado
orchards is undoubtedly one of the daily-flow types, preferably microjet irrigation.

Weed control

Weed control can be done by either mechanical or chemical methods.


There are 3 types of mechanical weed control:

Hand or mechanical slashing

Care should be taken when hand slashing is used not to cause injuries to the tree trunk. In time
mechanical slashing will lead to compaction and ripping will have to be considered to promote root


This method is not recommended as feeder roots are continually damaged and soil is compacted just
below the depth of cultivation.
Ploughing and ripping

Both methods loosen the soil, especially heavy soils. These should, however, not be practised at
intervals shorter than 2 years, because root growth will be arrested too often. Ploughing displaces the
compacted layer to just below the depth of the plough while ripping can break up compacted layers if it
is done when the soil is relatively hard and dry.


Herbicides that control the entire weed spectrum in an orchard must be used. Therefore, the weed
species and their relative abundance in the orchard should be determined before selecting a herbicide.

Cover crops and mulching

Cover crops are temporary crops, grown for the purpose of improving the soil, either as soil protection or
to be disced in as green manure.

The summer crop reduces soil temperature, thereby promoting avocado root growth. It also produces a
mulch for winter and controls weeds.

A cover crop prevents erosion and the loss of plant nutrients.

A leguminous cover crop enhances the nitrogen content of the soil.

Decayed cover crops increase the humus in the soil.

The time of planting a cover crop depends on the needs of the tree and the supply of available moisture.
In seasons where good rains are experienced, the cover crop should be planted early, but in periods of
drought the trees will need all the available moisture in the soil, and planting should therefore be

In young orchards it is possible to plough and prepare a seedbed between the tree rows, but as the
trees grow older hand planting becomes the obvious method.

Kinds of cover crops

Cover crops can be divided into leguminous (nitrogen-fixing) and nonleguminous crops. Leguminous
crops include various types of beans, while rye, oats, barley and buckwheat are examples of
nonleguminous crops.

The following crops can be considered:

Conditioning the soil before orchard establishment: velvet beans, soya-beans, sunnhemp, ration beans,
lupins*, medics*, cowpeas.

Planting after orchard establishment: velvet beans, soya-beans, ration beans, cowpeas, lupins*,
medics, wheat, rye, barley, teff, vetches, desmodiums, groundnuts, buckwheat.

* requiring winter irrigation

Avocado pests

Avocado producers must be familiar with the insects that occur in orchards as pests. Most of these are
controlled by natural enemies. The injudicious use of agrochemicals on avocado trees could, however,
allow minor pests to develop into major economic risks.


This pest has only recently gained economic importance in avocados. When the fruit is picked before it
is ripe, the larvae never reach maturity. However, if the fruit remains on the tree for extended periods, as
in the home garden, fruitflies may occasionally develop to maturity.


The Natal fruitfly attacks both young and older fruit.

It lays its eggs just under the skin surface.

When the fruit is about golfball size, a sting lesion appears as a slight
puncture mark surrounded by white powdery exudate. As the fruit
develops the lesion becomes dry and distinct star-shaped cracks in the
skin surface occur.

When the surface layer of skin around the lesion are removed with a pocket knife, the underlying tissue
will appear bruised and, on further dissection using a 10 x magnifying lens, longitudinal white eggs,
about 0,5 to 1 mm in length, should be found clustered together.


The few natural enemies of the fruitfly cannot control the problem effectively. There are 2 methods of
control, namely:

Eradication of unwanted host plants

The Natal fruitfly also infests other host plants, such as bugweed or bugtree, bramble and wild-growing
guavas which often constitute a significant proportion of the indigenous bush surrounding avocado
orchards. These plants should be eradicated in an area of up to 200 m or more around the orchards.
They should be cut down to 200 mm above the ground. A suitable herbicide should be applied as soon
as the plants have regrown to about 0,5 m.


Using poisoned bait to lure the flies should be considered if damage exceeds 5 %. The chemicals used
in this process are, however, detrimental to the parasitoid-predator balance in the orchards.

Heart-shaped scale

This insect grows to about 3 mm and has a reddish-brown colour. A white, woolly edge can be seen at
the rear end of the adult female.

The female lays cream-coloured eggs which are kept underneath the body in the white, woolly
secretion. More than 200 eggs have been counted underneath one female at a single count.

The young scales, known as crawlers, eventually become permanently fixed in one spot. In this way
the new leaves become infested. There are 2 generations per year. The summer generation lasts 5
months and the winter generation 7 months. Crawlers are produced mainly during November and April.

The scales occur on the back of avocado leaves where they suck the sap from the leaves.
Fruit is never attacked, but the scales secrete considerable quantities of honeydew, landing on the
leaves, branches and fruit on which sooty mould grows, causing a black discoloration of the plant and
fruit and interfering with photosynthesis.

Dust blown from dirt roads alongside avocado orchards settles on the trees, creating conditions that are
unfavourable to the natural enemies of the scale. Therefore greater numbers of scales occur in such

The heaviest infestations occur on trees of the Hass cultivar.

Wasps, ladybirds, larvae of a lacewing and a fly species (Cecidomyidae) play an important role in the
biological control of this scale.

As a result of the many natural enemies, chemical control is usually not necessary.

Avocado diseases

Phytophthora root rot

Root rot, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi occurs worldwide. Locally it is one of the most important
avocado diseases and is found in all production areas, as well as home gardens. The severity of
infection varies, but the potential loss is very big if no control measures are taken.


When infected, the entire tree assumes a bare appearance.

Leaves are smaller, paler in colour, turn yellow, wilt and then drop off.
Tree growth is retarded and the fruit tends to remain small, showing symptoms of sunburn, as a
result of a lack of foliar shading.
Infected feeder roots turn black and become brittle as they die off.
Where the disease is severe, virtually the entire feeder-root system may be destroyed and the
tree dies as a result of water stress.

The pathogen

Dispersal of the pathogen requires free-moving water. It is therefore important to avoid planting avocados
on soils that are prone to waterlogging. The fungus has a very wide host range, which includes papaya,
granadilla, macadamia and various ornamental species. If possible, planting of avocados on lands
previously used for alternate hosts should be avoided.


Avocados should not be established in areas where waterlogging is a problem.

Planting material should be disease free.

Irrigation should not leave water standing on the soil surface, particularly around the trunks. Sprinklers
and microjets are therefore preferred to flood irrigation. Avoid overirrigation.

Stem canker

This is another form of Phytophthora infection, but it may be caused by P. citricola, P. cactorum and P.


Discoloured bark, close to ground level. The brown discoloration extends into the wood.
Infected trees normally pine away slowly, but may die off suddenly.


Do not cause injuries to the stems near ground level and avoid constant wetting of the stem.

Where lesions occur, remove dead tissue and cover with a bituminous sealant.


This is a pre as well as a post-harvest problem and can cause serious losses. It is present in most, if
not all, production areas of the world.


The most important symptom, economically, is fruit spotting.

The lesions are brown in colour and may enlarge, coalesce and eventually cover large areas of
the fruit surface. Such fruit often drops prematurely.
The pulp beneath the lesions becomes soft and discoloured, rendering the fruit inedible.
Where leaves are infected, a brown necrotic band spreads inwards from the margin, and in
severe cases, it may spread through the petiole into the branch.
Branches then show brown or purple lesions and may die off.
Infected flowers turn red or brown and drop off later.


A registered post-harvest dip is available specifically for anthracnose control. It should be applied in the
packhouse. Control of Cercospora spot should also give good control of anthracnose.

Cercospora spot

This is a fruit-spotting disease, caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora purpurea.


Brown fruit lesions, 3 to 5 mm2 but irregular in shape, develop initially. The lesions dry out and
crack, creating entry points for secondary pathogens.
Individual spots are small (1 mm2), brown and angular. They remain scattered or may coalesce.


Several chemicals are registered for use against this disease. These programmes will also help to
control sooty mould.

Always consult product labels before any chemicals are applied.

Consult the latest issue of A Guide for the Control of Plant Diseases for information on chemical
disease and pest control. It is obtainable from the Resource Centre, Private Bag X144, Pretoria 0001

Handling avocados


While the fruit is on the tree, it remains hard.

It becomes soft and edible only after picking.
A mature fruit ripens evenly. The edible part acquires a smooth, buttery texture and the peel
shows no sign of shrivelling.
Immature fruit, that is fruit picked too early, will not ripen properly and the skin will eventually
become shrivelled.

Picking maturity

The maturity of the fruit is closely related to moisture content. The fruit is normally ready to be picked
when it has a moisture content of about 80 % or less.

The following procedure may be applied to determine maturity:

Pick a representative sample of fruit which has already attained the average mature size of the
cultivar concerned.
Store the fruit at room temperature until it ripens. An avocado is ripe when it yields slightly to
light pressure applied on its entire surface.
If these samples ripen within 8 to 10 days and do not shrivel, the fruit may be considered
mature. Selective harvesting of similar fruit may then begin.
If the fruit takes more than 10 to 12 days to ripen, the ripeness test may be repeated a week
Experience is an important factor in determining the picking maturity. Not all the fruit on the tree
will reach the same degree of maturity simultaneously.
If there is any doubt, it is better to wait than to harvest prematurely.

Always handle fruit carefully during harvesting and packing because avocados are bruised and
scratched easily.


Labourers should wear cotton gloves when harvesting fruit, to ensure that their fingernails do not
scratch the fruit.
The fruit should be cut off and not pulled from the trees.
A section of stalk, measuring 10 to 15 mm, may be left attached to the fruit.
Healthy fruit should be carried in canvas picking bags. The bags must be clean inside. No more
than 10 to 15 avocados should be carried in such a picking bag at one time.
Fruit high in the tree may be reached by a tripod ladder, while even higher fruit may be harvested
by means of a picking shoot. Use of suitable equipment will prevent unnecessary damage to the
fruit, save labour, and will also be safer for labourers.


Fruit should be taken one by one from the picking bag, by hand, and placed in the trays.
Take special care when transporting fruit to the packhouse.
Trays containing fruit and awaiting transport should be kept in the shade under the trees. If there
is not enough shade, the fruit should be covered with empty trays, placed upside down.
Do not spread a tarpaulin over the trays, because it will hamper ventilation and cause the
temperature underneath it to rise.
Harvested fruit should be removed from the orchard as soon as possible.
It is important to pack and dispatch the fruit to the market, or to place it in cold storage, on the
day it is harvested.

Grading and packing

It is important to take precautions against bruising.

Persons handling the fruit must wear gloves.
The tables on which the fruit is placed must be clean and smooth.
Each fruit stem must be cut back with a sharp knife to a length of 6 to 12 mm.
Grade fruit for export according to appearance. Fruit is suitable for export if it is virtually free of
blemishes and has a regular shape. Fruit suitable for export is transferred to a different table.
The fruit may now be treated with a suitable post-harvest fungicide and, after waxing, packed in a
suitable box.

Cold storage

To delay ripening, fruit must be stored at a low temperature as soon as possible. The lower the
temperature, the longer the fruit will take to ripen. However, storage temperatures that are too low will
cause cold damage of fruit. A temperature of 5,5 °C is generally best. Early-maturing avocados may be
kept at a slightly higher temperature while late-season fruit may be kept at a slightly lower temperature.

For further information contact the

ARC-Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops
Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit 1200
Tel (013) 753 2071
Fax (013) 752 3854

This publication is also available on the website of the

National Department of Agriculture at:

ISBN 1-86871-078-5

Compiled by Directorate Communication,

National Department of Agriculture in cooperation with
ARC-Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops

Printed and published by National Department of Agriculture

and obtainable from Resource Centre, Directorate Communication
Private Bag X144, Pretoria 0001, South Africa

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