Desarrollo y Validacio N de La Herramien

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García-López, L. M.1, González-Víllora, S.1, Gutiérrez, D.1 y Serra, J.1.

[email protected]

1Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, España.

Recibido: Octubre/2013 - Aceptado: Febrero/2013.

Abstract Resumen
The objective of this article is to present the Game Performance El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la Herramienta de
Evaluation Tool (GPET) and the results of the validation and Evaluación del Rendimiento de Juego (HERJ, en inglés GPET) y
reliability processes said tool has undergone in order to be classified los resultados de los procesos de medición de su validez y fibabilidad
as a scientific evaluation tool. The GPET measures decision-making que este instrumento ha llevado a cabo con el fin de convertirse en
and the execution of technical-tactical actions in invasion una prueba científica de evaluación. El GPET mide la toma de
games/sports. The version discussed herein is specific to football. decisiones y la ejecución de acciones técnico tácticas en deportes de
The most significant contribution made by the GPET to the invasión. La versión que aquí se presenta es específica para fútbol.
assessment of game performance is that it adopts a situated view La aportación más significativa del GPET a la evaluación del
to the basic tactical principles or problems proposed by Bayer (1992) rendimiento de juego es que adopta una perspecitva contextual desde
with regard to attacking, retaining possession of the ball, advancing los principios o problemas tácticos enunciados por Bayer (1992), los
on the opposing goal and achieving the objective. Content validity cuales en ataque son mantener la posesión del móvil, avanzar hacia
was determined, and concurrent validity, intra-observer reliability la meta rival y conseguir el objetivo. Se determinó la validez de
(stability) and inter-observer reliability were measured. This evaluation contenido, y se midieron la validez concurrente, la fiabilidad intra-
tool has been shown to be a suitable means for assessing the tactical observador (estabilidad) y la fiabilidad inter-observador. Esta
and technical behaviour of both on-the-ball and off-the-ball attackers. herramienta de evaluación ha demostrado ser adecuada para los fines
relacionados con la evaluación del comportamiento técnico y táctico
Keywords: assessment, validity, reliability, game performance, soccer. de atacantes con y sin balón.

Palabras clave: evaluación, validez, fiabilidad, rendimiento de juego,


Games performance assessment, which is performance, setting down a continuum ranging from
understood as the combination of the decision-making “what to do” to “how to do it”. In the process,
component and the skill-execution component, is one distinctions were made between tools for studying
of the most common areas of research in the games- tactical awareness, game performance in controlled
teaching literature in Physical Education and Sports. contexts and game performance in game contexts. This
This is mainly due to the need to ascertain three introduction will include a review of tools (or
questions: a) the degree of learning of sportspersons; instruments) that have been developed in this third
b) how do students and players learn to play games; level in which game performance in game context is
and c) as a means of assessing skills and tactical analysed, paying special attention to decision-making.
understanding within the context of the game, rather The tool presented in this article specifically sets out
than assessing skills outside the game, in isolation, a to establish a relationship between the game context
point which it is made below. In response to these and the player's performance in it.
needs, researchers have designed different game
Major developments have been made in game
performance evaluation tools, developing and adapting
performance evaluation and in decision-making in
them to the various requirements generated by the
particular since the early 1980s. The first aspect
objectives of the studies they have carried out. There
researchers focused on in attempting to evaluate
has been a gradual development away from measuring
decision-making in real game play was the speed with
technical skills (passing, dribbling), performed in
which these decisions were taken, as this is a crucial
isolation, to an approach centred on the ability of
factor in their success (Thiffault, 1980). However,
sportspersons to resolve problems in real game play
effective decision-making is more than just a question
or game play situations. In this study an instrument
of speed. Players must also execute what they decide
that aims to improve the quality of the assessment of
to do correctly. As a result, researchers decided to focus
sportspersons in relation to invasion sports and from
more attention on measuring the accuracy of decisions
a situated view will be presented and explained at a
than the speed with which they are made. French and
later stage.
Thomas (1987) designed perhaps the most widely used
Rink, French and Tjeerdsma (1996) provide a game performance evaluation instrument of the 1990s,
breakdown of instruments that evaluate game a tool that has been adapted more than any other. This

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

instrument separates cognitive decision-making and widely around the world than any others. The Game
the skill-execution components of performance. French Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) developed
and Thomas (1987) assume offensive basketball by Oslin et al. (1998, p. 233) “identify observable
performance occurs following the sequence of catching, components of game performance that were applicable
decision and execution. The decision component across four game categories”. Not all of them may be
involves selecting the skill, which team-mate to pass applicable to a particular game. Oslin et al. (1998)
to, what direction to dribble in, when to shoot, and identify seven components agreed in the development
when to stop dribbling, etc. Control was considered a process of the GPAI:
separate component to motor execution due to the
1.-Base: Appropriate return of performer to a
actions that typically occur following this sequence.
“home” or “recovery” position between skill
Successful ball control, decisions and executions were
coded 1, and unsuccessful ball control, decisions and
executions were coded 0. The instrument was then 2.-Adjust: Movement of performer, either offensively
adapted to other sports such as field hockey (Turner or defensively, as required by the flow of the
& Martinek, 1992; Turner & Martinek, 1999), handball game.
(García Herrero & Ruiz Pérez, 2003), or a generic 3.-Decisions made: Making appropriate choices
invasion game (Contreras Jordán, García López, & about what to do with the ball (or projectile)
Cervelló Gimeno, 2005), and other roles such as off- during the game.
the-ball players (Tallir, Musch, Lannoo, & Van de
Voorde, 2003) or defenders (Méndez Giménez, 1998). 4.-Skill execution: Efficient performance of selected
Similar instruments in other categories of games were skills.
developed by McPherson and French (1991) for tennis; 5.-Support: Off-the-ball movement to a position to
French, Werner, Rink, Taylor, and Hussey (1996), and receive a pass (or throw).
(Blomqvist, 2001) for badminton; and French, Spurgeon,
and Nevett (1995) for baseball. 6.-Cover: Defensive support for player making a
play on-the-ball, or moving to the ball (or
Nevett, Rovegno, Babiarz and McCaughtry (2001) projectile).
presented an instrument which went, in-depth, into
the analysis of the actions sequence and focused on 7.-Guard/mark: Defending an opponent who may
children's passing decisions, “off-the-ball” actions and not have the ball (or projectile).
catching-skill execution. Nevett et al. (2001) introduced The GPAI is usually simplified, so only certain
the concept of the decision-making unit (DMU). Nevett components are assessed both in teaching and research.
et al. (2001) felt that a four-second time period was
enough for team-mates to move into space to receive The Team Sports Assessment Instrument (TSAP)
a pass. Previous instruments based on that concept designed by Gréhaigne et al. (1997) takes into account
from French and Thomas (1987) ignored the necessity both interactions between strategic and tactical efficiency,
of the framing analysis beyond the control-decision- and technical efficiency. Components of performance
execution sequence of on-the-ball players, so many in TSAP follow this sequence: gaining possession of
decisions or unexecuted decisions were not measured. the ball - actions when playing the ball. First, a player
Blomqvist, Vänttinen and Luhtanen (2005) extended can conquer the ball (CB) or receive the ball (RB), and
the analysis of DMUs to other types of decisions, such later a player can play a neutral ball, lose the ball, play
as holding the ball, scoring attempts, defence an offensive ball (OB) or execute a successful shot (SS).
movements, defending against an opponent (guard or Once the match is over, other measures can be obtained,
mark), providing defensive help (cover), trying to win like the number of attack balls (OB + SS) or the volume
the ball (duel or intercept), defending the goal and no- of play (CB + RB). Although the TSAP is not designed
decision situations. Both Nevett et al. (2001) and for other games but invasion games or volleyball (a net
Blomqvist et al. (2005) conducted their tests in game- game), it establishes a very valuable sequence in
test situations (Memmert, 2010, p. 200), which are assessment components to provide a global idea of the
“simple game forms with clearly defined game ideas, performance of on-the-ball players.
fixed numbers of players as well as defined rules and The purpose of this article is to report on the
environmental conditions”. In this evaluation tool the development and validation of the Game Performance
ball paths and actions of team mates and opponents Evaluation Tool (GPET). The GPET offers the
are not standardized to assess children's tactical behavior. possibility of analysing each decision made from the
The measurement of decision-making is interesting tactical viewpoint of the problem the player has to
not only from a scientific viewpoint but also in didactic solve in the game play he or she is involved in. This
terms. A range of instruments has thus been designed approach goes a step further than the GPAI (Oslin et
for both purposes, with those developed by Oslin, al., 1998) or TSAP (Grehaigne et al., 1997) as they
Mitchell and Griffin (1998) and Gréhaigne, Godbout analyzed decision making and skill execution, but the
and Bouthier (1997) undoubtedly being applied more result of their analyses was not related to the tactical

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

problems in which decisions were made and skills all the players, as it is determined by the situation,
executed. French and Thomas (1987, p.18) assert that actions, and interactions of all players, the application
decision-making components of performance “would principle is determined by the individual actions of a
involve selection of the skill .... as well as which player. Efficiency in this level of analysis is given by
teammate to pass to, what direction to dribble, when the coincidence or not of the situation principle and
to shoot, when stop dribbling, and so on”. Thus, the application principle or in other words, between
previous instruments have typically assessed decision the tactical context and the tactical adaptation of the
making on just one level, though two levels are possible. player. The criteria for classifying tactical problems are
The first level, “response selection” involves the as follows:
technical-tactical skill, with the teammate and opponent
General criteria:
directly implicated in the action (e.g., passing the ball
to an unmarked teammate). This might be best thought 1.As the main objective of the game is to score
of as the decision-making question of “what is done.” (3A), this principle will have priority over the other
But a second level of decision making would consider two. As a result, if a player is in a good position to
the tactical-context adaptation which might best be shoot on goal, they should shoot. If they cannot shoot,
thought of as the question of “what should be done” but can attack (2A), they should do so. And only if
in a particular game context or situation, which enriches they are in a position where they cannot shoot or
the analysis from an ecological view. The game context advance on the opposing goal should they try to
is composed of all teammates and opponents that maintain possession.
could have any influence in a segment of play as well 2.The place on the pitch where the game situation
as the area of the court where the action takes place. occurs:
This is the main contribution of GPET.
a.When the player is close to their own goal, with
METHOD an equal or lower number of defenders and
Development of the GPET attackers, the action will be categorised as ball-
retention (1A) if attacking (2A) is hazardous,
The teaching of games and sports from tactical
as if the ball is lost in that area, the opposing
approaches has introduced the notion of tactical
team will have a chance to score.
problems (Mitchell, Oslin, & Griffin, 2006) or principles
(Bayer, 1992). The GPET is an instrument that assesses b.Close to the opposing goal, provided that the
game performance from a tactical view, coding decisions context may be categorised as attacking (2A),
and executions according to the tactical problem subjects even though there is some risk of losing
have to solve. Two roles are assessed: on-the-ball and possession (Castelo, 1999).
off-the-ball attackers. The GPET assesses game 3.In the event that the game situation may be
performance at two different levels. At the first level, categorised by two or three principles due to it
it assesses the adaptation of actions to tactical problems being ambiguous in some way, said possibilities
or contexts; at the will be recorded so that students' answers can be
First level of assessment: the adaptation of actions accepted if they come up with any of these
to tactical problems or contexts options.
The adaptation of actions is referred to as 'context 4.The main reference in categorising a game situation
adaptation performance' and is defined as “the efficiency is, first of all, the position of the team-mates
during the game in adapting the actions to the tactical (attackers), and secondly, the position of the
context” (Gutiérrez Díaz del Campo, González Víllora, opponents.
García López, & Mitchell, 2011, p. 878). Game actions Specific criteria in line with the role assessed:
are first analysed according to the attack principles
(Bayer, 1992) characteristic of the tactical problem: On-the-ball attacker:
maintaining ball possession (1A), attacking (2A) and 1.Maintaining ball possession (1A). There is no
scoring (3A). The result of this analysis is the situation possibility of shooting on goal and there is a high
principle, the tactical context/problem the player is risk of losing the ball:
involved in during a moment of play. The player's
capacity to identify problems that emerge during the a.The on-the-ball attacker has no chance of
game is assessed. In the video analysis of the start of running with the ball or dribbling as a means
the situation principle, group play through to the start of attacking as the direct defender is well
of the game situation is observed. The sequence that positioned and, in addition:
follows, which lasts a maximum of four seconds, is i.There are no unmarked team-mates closer
what the researcher observes with a view to assessing to the objective.
the tactical context adaptation. Players choose an action
according to one of the tactical principles (application ii.There is a team-mate positioned further
principle). While the situation principle is the same for forward but they are not unmarked.

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

iii.There is one or more on-the-ball attackers positioned behind them, who starts the move again,
further forward and unmarked, but the pass they are applying principle 1A. In the first example it
may not reach them as there are no suitable is deemed that the subject has made a suitable response
angles for passing. and is given a coding of 1. In the second example the
subject has not made a suitable response to the context
2.Attacking the opposing goal (2A). There is no
and is given a coding of 0. Given the ambiguity of
chance of shooting on goal, but the player can
some game situations, the criteria for allocating the
attack without great risk of losing the ball:
application principle are explained below:
a.When there is a team-mate further forward and
On-the-ball attacker:
in a better position the attack should be
continued by passing, even if there is no chance 1.Maintaining ball possession (1A):
to shoot on goal.
a.The player runs with the ball, dribbles or plays
b.When there is no team-mate further forward a pass, although neither they nor the player
and running with the ball/dribbling is the best receiving the pass move closer to the objective
option for attacking, as there is no direct (at a shorter distance in a straight line from the
opponent or there is a defender but they are goal or in a position from which they can
out of position or there are fewer defenders score).
than on-the-ball attackers, but there is no chance
b.The player remains in the same place (for more
to shoot on goal.
than four seconds, the time reference adopted
3.Scoring (3A). Whenever there is a chance to shoot by Griffin, Dodds, Placek and Tremino, 2001)
or head at goal, except when: while playing a one-two (there is a defender
close by) or not performing any technical-
a.Shooting is not a suitable option as the distance
tactical move.
from goal is too great or the angle too narrow.
2.Attacking the opposing goal (2A). The player
b.There is a team-mate who is better placed to
places or is about to place the ball in a position
shoot on goal.
that is closer to the objective, either by means of
c.The on-the-ball attacker may reduce the distance a pass or by running or dribbling with the ball.
to the goal or improve the shooting angle to
3.Scoring (3A): the player shoots on goal with the
increase their chances of a more successful
intention of scoring.
shot, without this involving the risk of losing
the ball. Off-the-ball attacker:
Off-the-ball attacker: 4.Maintaining ball possession (1A): the player makes
a decoy run (providing defensive balance) closer
1.Maintaining ball possession (1A):
to their goal than the ball or moves into space or
a.The on-the-ball attacker is in a situation in is already in space to receive possession in a
which they may lose possession and the off- position closer to their goal than the position of
the-ball attacker should make a run off the ball the ball.
to support them.
5.Attacking the opposing goal (2A): the player moves
b.They move into position behind the on-the- into space or is already in space to receive
ball attacker to provide defensive support. possession in a position closer to the opposing
2.Attacking the opposing goal (2A): goal than the position of the ball, or moves into
space in any direction in order to receive an assist
a.There are free spaces the Off-the-ball attacker or make a decoy run to help their team-mates to
can move into between the position that the attack.
on-the-ball attacker is in and the opposing goal.
At the second level, the GPET separates the
b.If the ball is close to the byline and the off- cognitive decision-making components of performance
the-ball attacker moves into space further away and the motor skill-execution components of
from the goal but in search of an ideal position performance (French & Thomas, 1987). We assume
from which to shoot. control-decision-execution as the usual sequence of
Following analysis of the context (situation principle), performance in soccer for on-the-ball players, and
the suitability of the subject's response to said context control was considered a separate component from
is assessed, which it has been called the application motor execution due to the actions that typically occur
principle. For example, if the on-the-ball attacker is in following this sequence (French & Thomas, 1987).
a clear scoring position, their situation principle is 3A. Off-the-ball player's actions are assessed in relation to
If they shoot in this context, they are applying principle on-the-ball player actions. Successful ball control,
3A, but if they decide to pass the ball to a team-mate decisions, executions and movements were coded 1,

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

and unsuccessful ball control, decisions, executions as follows: looking on, passive behaviour or watching
and movements were coded 0. the play without getting involved; 50-50 balls, game
situations in which neither side is in possession of the
Control, pass, dribbling, shoot and support are
ball, ie, in which no player is in possession; continuation
evaluated. Coding procedures are described in table 1
of a game situation, when the game situation unfolds
and 2. The only skill not to be given a double score
so quickly that some players are unable to take part in
was control, which was deemed to involve execution
it; and decoy runs or remaining stationary, movement
only, as it is an action carried out prior to a decision
or lack of movement by the off-the-ball attacker so
being made (French and Thomas, 1987). There are also
that the direct defender follows them and thereby
a series of behavioural actions that are encoded but
improves the attacking options of other team-mates.
which are not analysed due to the relative infrequency
All these actions have been grouped together in a
with which they occur. These behavioural actions are
category entitled Others.
Table 1. GPET second-level coding procedures for on-the-ball attackers (soccer)

Coded as 1
• The player receives or controls the ball with one or two hands/feet in order to then play it (bounce/driving, passing, shooting).
Coded as 0
• The player does not control the ball and it runs away from their hands/feet.

Decision making
Coded as 1
• Passing to a teammate who is unmarked.
Coded as 0
• Passing to a player who is marked closely or there is a defensive player in a position to cut off the pass.
• Passing to an area of the pitch where no team-mate is positioned.
Coded as 1
• Taking the ball upfield, while not closely marked, to a free space.
• An appropriate change of direction away from a defender (right or left) to an open area of the pitch.
• The player advances by positioning their body between the opponent and the ball in order to protect the ball.
• The player does not move and protects the ball with their body when the defender pressurises them, and does not have the option
of attacking.
Coded as 0
• Charging.
• Dribbling when there is an unmarked team-mate in a better position.
• A player running with the ball at their feet when an opponent is close and has a very good chance of winning the ball.
• A player running with the ball at their feet when an opponent is close and without protecting the ball with the body.
• Dribbling away from the goal, dribbling with the ball without going forward or attacking the defence.
• The player does not move and does not protect the ball with their body when the defender pressurises them, and does not have
the option of attacking.
Coded as 1:
• Shooting on goal from a suitable distance when unmarked or not under pressure.
Coded as 0:
• Shoots from too far out.
• Shoots when the defender is pressuring them.
• Shoots when it is better to pass to an unmarked team-mate in a more advanced position or in a better position to shoot.

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

Coded as 1
• Successful pass to a teammate: to their body if they are stationary, lead pass if they are running.
• Appropriate length and speed.
Coded as 0
• Interception.
• Pass is too hard.
• Out of play.
• Pass is too far behind or in front of a teammate.
Coded as 1
• Attacking with the ball successfully.
Coded as 0:
• Loss of control.
• Loss of ball due to legal challenge.
• Commits a foul (offensive foul).
Coded as 1
• Shot on goal, long way from the goalkeeper.
Coded as 0
• Shot off target.
• Shot on goal, near to the goalkeeper.

Table 2. GPET second-level coding procedures for off-the-ball attacker (soccer)

Appropriate decision (1).
• Takes up or remains in an unmarked position, at a suitable distance to receive a pass and with a passing
• Feints to receive a pass, creating a passing angle.
Inappropriate decision (0).
• Takes up a position close to an opponent.
• Takes up the space that a team-mate on the ball is about to run into.
• The player is stationary or is being marked, and does not make a pass possible.
• Commits a foul: an offensive foul, enters a prohibited area (handball area, offside), etc.
• Takes up a position in which the passing player is unable to pass the ball to.
Successfully completed actions (1).
• Succeeds in leaving their marker behind.
• Takes up an unmarked position with the possibility of receiving a pass.
Actions that are not completed successfully (0).
• Player unable to shake off their marker.
• Remains stationary and doesn't make space to receive a pass from a team-mate when the opportunity


CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE DevelopmentDevelopment andof
and validation validation
the game of performance
the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1
ISSN 2254-4070 / Murcia
/ Vol. 2, nº1 Abril 2013Abril
/ Murcia / Págs. 89/-Págs.
2013 99 89 - 99 evaluation evaluation
tool (gpet) tool (gpet) in
in soccer. soccer.1(2),
SporTK, SporTK,
89 - 1(2),
99 89 - 99

Two temporary parameters were created to encode commence analysis sessions anew as, due to the volume
the game: the game situation and the decision-making of work required to analyse all the GPET variables, it
action or unit (DMU). Figure 1 shows the GPET data is not always possible to analyse a complete game in
sheet for each player evaluated. The game situation is a single session, which is a limitation of the instrument,
the portion of real play that elapses from the change particularly in practical settings. Although this is the
in possession or restarting of play to the interruption main objective, other data of interest is also recorded,
of play or a subsequent change in possession. The such as the types of action that complete game situations
game situation is the unit it has been used to break (loss of possession, regaining of possession, goal, etc),
down the analysis of the recordings. Each of the the number of game situations per match, actual playing
participants were analysed in each game situation, time and the average duration of each game situation.
starting with the on-the-ball attacker and continuing All this data is essential in studying the depth of the
with the rest of the off-the-ball attackers. The main game characteristics. In the first viewing of the recording
aim in recording the game situations was to put the the parameters governing the game situations are
actions occurring in the game into an orderly sequence recorded: timecoding (the time at which the game
and thereby make it easier and quicker to review the situation starts and ends and its duration); and the
recordings, both for researchers in reviewing anomalous action that brings the game situation to an end (eg, a
data, and for other researchers reviewing other data at goal or regaining of possession).
a later stage. This recording also makes it easier to

Figure 1. Data sheet.

DMU Tactical problem On-the-ball attacker Off-the-ball attacker

Nº Time Situation Aplication C DM Ex Support

principle principle

DMU: Decision Making Unit; DM: Decision Making; Ex: Execution; DM: Decision Making; Ex:
Execution; C: Control; P: pass; D: Dribbling; S: Shot.

The DMU is the fraction of game situation in which encoded as 2A-1A, which equates to an incorrect
the player performs a single technical-tactical component adaptation of the game context, as in an attacking
in a game context defined by a single contextual context (2A) the player reveals an intention to maintain
principle. When the player performs a new technical- possession (1A). As regards the technical-tactical
tactical component, therefore, they apply it in a new component of dribbling, the player correctly decides
context or with a different intention (a different to occupy space (given a 1 coding), and the execution
application principle), and the DMU changes. Obviously, is also successful as they do not lose possession (given
this also changes the role-changing action. Due to the a 1 coding).
nature of invasion sports, it was also decided to create
Validity and reliability
a temporary criterion, which means that even in the
circumstances described, a new DMU is counted every Content validity was determined thorough a panel
four seconds for analysis purposes (Nevett et al., 2001). of experts. Six physical education teachers/coaches
The following are analysed in each DMU: situation with more than 10 years of experience in teaching
and application principles (the first analysis level of the invasion games, and specifically soccer, were asked to
GPET), and the decision-making and execution of the examine all categories of analysis of the GPET
attackers in the role they perform in it (on-the-ball independently and provide feedback on them. All their
attacker or off-the-ball attacker). contributions were considered and the result was the
instrument detailed above.
Below is described, by way of example, a possible
action performed by the on-the-ball attacker and how A type of criterion validity that involves correlating
it would be encoded. The on-the-ball attacker is in a an instrument with a certain criterion that is administered
context that is defined as “attacking” or 2A because at about the same time is called concurrent validity
they have space in front of them and they may advance (Thomas, Nelson, & Silverman, 2005). The sample was
without being in any danger of losing possession. In made up of four age groups (7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-
this context the player runs with the ball, away from 14 years) and two performance levels (expert soccer
the objective, and moves into space. This action is players and novice players). The following criteria were

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

used to establish expertise: the amount of weekly and versions of soccer, depending on the age group. The
accumulated deliberate practice, experience in official games were selected based on the developmental abilities
competitions, and the judgment of the club coach. The and previous training for each of the groups in such
expert players belonged to the youth program of the a way that they would be able to reach the maximum
Albacete Football Club (Spain) and were selected by level of achievement in the decision-making component
their coaches as being the best performers on their of performance. The number of players per team and
teams. They had all accumulated at least one year of the size of the playing field were also changed since
deliberate practice (more than three hours per week) they are important structural components that have
and they all had experience in official competitions. great influence on the number of stimuli present in the
The novice players were selected from a group of decision-making processes (Table 3). The concurrent
Physical Education students with no formal training validity coefficient was obtained by correlating the
in invasion games and without any experience in official scores on game performance and level of expertise.
competitions. All subjects were evaluated in different

Table 3. Sample sizes in each category for the four groups, and game form in which players were evaluated
Age group PE students Soccer players n Game form
n (boys; girls)
(years) (grade, age) (category) (boys) (players, mxm)

7-8 Grade 2 16 (8; 8) U9 14 2 vs 2, 20_10

9-10 Grade 4 20 (8; 12) U11 14 3 vs 3, 30_15

11-12 Grade 6 19 (7; 12) U13 13 5 vs 5, 52_40

13-14 Grade 8 19 (8; 11) U15 14 7 vs 7, 70_52

Two researchers were trained in the use of GPET others, 4.48%) and 2392 in experienced players (control,
during eight periods of one hour. After the training, 7.31%; passing, 19.10%; dribbling, 10.45%; shooting,
intra-observer reliability (stability) was measured, with 5.14%; support, 42.82%; others, 9.15%). Significant
the 3 vs 3 video record being analysed twice. Two negative correlations were found between players
weeks elapsed between the first and second notations performance and their level of expertise (level 1:
in order to minimise bias between codings. Spearman's experienced; level 2: inexperienced). The more
rho rank correlation determined the researcher's ability experienced the players, the higher their performance.
to reproduce results of this ordinal data. Passing and Not all variables of GPET were found to be useful as
dribbling in the third tactical context and shooting in a means of observing concurrent validity, though most
the first and second tactical contexts were not analysed, of them are as it is shown as follows. Adaptation to
because only eight behavioural actions were observed, tactical context is valid in the first tactical context (r =
an insufficient amount for correlation. Inter-observer -.669, p<0.01) and in the second tactical context (r =
reliability was measured by conducting ANOVA, with -.742, p<0.01). The third tactical context did not yield
the codings of both researchers being compared. positive results as shooting is an action that is not
performed enough. In relation to performance, the
results for decision-making with regard to passing (1A,
Different games have been used to measure different 2A), dribbling (2A), shooting (3A) and support (1A,
kinds of validity and reliability. All games lasted eight 2A), and the execution of passing (1A), shooting (3A),
minutes, but the number of actions in each game and support (1A, 2A) are shown in table 4. Some
differed as the pitches, number of players and level of correlations were not measured due to the reduced
expertise were different. number of behavioral actions in certain tactical contexts,
Concurrent validity such as shooting to maintain possession of the ball, or
moving into space to win a point (in invasion games
A total of 3430 discrete actions were observed in points cannot be won by moving into space). The
inexperienced players (control, 10.44%; passing, 15.80%; correlations in the sample vary due to the fact that not
dribbling, 17.93%; shooting, 5.52%; support, 57.26%; all the subjects performed all the actions.

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

used to establish expertise: the amount of weekly different versions of soccer, depending on the age
and accumulated deliberate practice, experience in group. The games were selected based on the
official competitions, and the judgment of the club developmental abilities and previous training for each
coach. The expert players belonged to the youth of the groups in such a way that they would be able to
program of the Albacete Football Club (Spain) and reach the maximum level of achievement in the decision-
were selected by their coaches as being the best making component of performance. The number of
performers on their teams. They had all accumulated players per team and the size of the playing field were
at least one year of deliberate practice (more than three also changed since they are important structural
hours per week) and they all had experience in official components that have great influence on the number
competitions. The novice players were selected from of stimuli present in the decision-making processes
a group of Physical Education students with no formal (Table 3). The concurrent validity coefficient was
training in invasion games and without any experience obtained by correlating the scores on game performance
in official competitions. All subjects were evaluated in and level of expertise.

Table 4. Pearson correlation between level of expertise and performance

(decision making and execution)
Control Passing Dribbling Shooting Support

1A 2A 1A 2A 3A 1A 2A

Decision -639** -597** .125 -551** .016 -718** -662**


Execution -.547** -.744** .064 -.101 .008 .690** -.772** -.287**

1A: Maintaining ball possession; 2A: Attacking the opposing goal; 3A: Scoring. * p<.05; ** p<.01

Intra-observer reliability observer reliability values exceed 0.7 in all cases, except
in the execution of the pass in the context of attacking
A total of 343 discrete actions were observed
with an objective, which has a Spearman rho of 0.464,
(control, 16%; passing, 22%; dribbling, 17%; shooting,
p<0.05. In the shooting and decoy run variables there
7%; support, 40%; others, 1%). In terms of adaptation
is a 100% match, although the number of actions
to the tactical context positive results were recorded
observed was so small the correlation coefficient could
in all of them (1A, r = .976, p<.01; 2A, r = 0976, p<.01;
not be calculated.
3A, r = 1.000, p<.01). As shown in Table 5, intra-

Table 5. Intra and inter-observer Spearman correlation

Control Passing Dribbling Support

1A 2A 1A 2A 1A 2A

Intra-observer DM .750* .464* 1.000** .906* 1.000** .929**

EX .952* .955* .928** .970** .707 1.000** .976**

DM: Decision Making; Ex: Execution; 1A: Maintaining ball possession; 2A: Attacking
the opposing goal; 3A: Scoring. * p<.05; ** p<.0

Inter-observer reliability instrument designed to evaluate game performance in

invasion sports, the version of which presented in this
A total of 514 discreet actions were observed
study is adapted to football. This evaluation tool has
(control, 8%; passing, 21%; dribbling, 16, %; shooting,
been shown to be reliable and valid for assessing the
6%; support, 40%; others, 9%) in the same natural
behaviour of both on-the-ball and off-the-ball attackers.
sequence. One way ANOVA did not show significant
The main asset provided by the GPET is that it measures
differences in any variable, neither those relating to
individual game performance categorised according to
adaptation to tactical context nor those relating to
the game context in which the action is performed.
Secondly, the GPET also provides a measurement in
DISCUSSION which the player under analysis is able to recognise and
In this article a process for measuring the validity provide a response tailored to the tactical context, a
and reliability of the GPET has been presented, an response that resolves the game problem they are faced
with. None of the intruments predating the GPET

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

have taken this factor into account in analysing game invasion sports (García López, Contreras Jordán,
performance. This contextualization of game actions Penney, & Chandler, 2009; Martin, 2004). Other
through the application of the attack principles proposed instruments enable the evaluation of defensive aspects,
by Bayer (1992) represents a significant step forward such as the GPAI proposed by Oslin et al. (1998),
in the development from a behavioral to a more although in this study analysis does not take into account
ecologically cognitive perspective. the tactical context in the level reached by the GPET.
Future publications will provide information on the
All the experts who participated in content validity
validation of defensive roles through the GPET.
procedures in the adaptation to the tactical context
Codings for a series of behavioral actions that are
agreed in the descriptions contained in the final version
difficult to categorise, and which may be ambiguous
of the instrument. However, the validity criterion did
for the observer, have also been entered, such as the
not provide a positive result for the third tactical context,
watcher player, 50-50 balls, continuation of the game
namely scoring. The lack of shooting actions were not
situation and the making of decoy runs. In this respect,
considered a significant drawback as not all variables
Grehaigne et al. (1997, p. 510) carried out a similar
were used to categorize players in terms of their skill
analysis of passes that do not really put the other team
level, especially when the action of shooting occurs so
in jeopardy, considering them “neutral balls” and not
infrequently in football. This was not the case in the
including them in TESAP's efficency formula.
first and second tactical contexts where shooting was
not considered, and correlation values of around .7 RESEARCH PROSPECTIVE
and a significance of p<.001 were obtained.
The GPET is an instrument that can be developed
With regard to intra-observer reliability, correlation in a number of ways. In addition to the aforementioned
coefficients were no lower than .927, except in decision- inclusion of defensive roles, other contributions could
making when passing, both within the context of enrich and complement the already interesting
maintaining possession (r=.750) and attacking (r=.464), alternatives it provides. When analysing decision-making
although the correlation is still significant in both cases. it could be useful to bring in the concept of the area
The correlation could not be calculated again in the of the pitch in which the game situation is taking place
third coefficient due to the insufficient number of (Lago, 2002). The concept raised by this author allows
actions, as many of the subjects did not have the a distinction to be made based on the distance to the
opportunity to shoot on goal, which is common in ball and other factors, on whether a player may intervene
football, as would be the case with concurrent validity. in the game situation to be analysed, and, therefore,
Other studies have encountered similar problems. whether their behavioral actions should be encoded.
Thomas et al. (2009) do not analyse this variable, and This is one way of measuring the usefulness of a certain
Blomqvist (2001), in badminton, also found the lowest intervention in a game situation. Key game situations
correlation values in the decision-making variable for also require evaluation (eg, goal assists), as do other
shooting. situations, which are subject to special rules (eg, passes
at throw-ins or corner-kicks).
Although the GPET is an instrument designed
ostensibly for research purposes, it can be applied to Another aspect that impacts significantly on
football training and teaching. Teachers and coaches evaluation quality is that of finding out the time available
can select specific tactical contexts and, within them, to the player to make decisions and the time they use
the components that occur in said contexts, focusing in making them. This is without doubt one of the key
on the learning objective in question. They can thus factors in assessing the quality of a decision, and can
simplify the evaluation process by adapting it to the reveal if a subject can play in a higher or lower category.
time periods available to the coach or teacher. Because The inclusion in the decision-making evaluation process
of its complexity, the GPET is not an instrument that of group components (eg, one-two), which involve the
can be used by the students themselves, unlike the collaboration of at least two players, or of the adaptation
TSAP and the GPAI (Grehaigne et al., 1997; Oslin et to basic game systems (eg, zonal or mixed defence) are
al., 1998). other possibilities worth considering. In any case, due
to the extreme complexity of evaluation instruments,
The GPET also offers a complete perspective of
it is increasingly clear that the development of these
the attacking game as it assesses the roles of the on-
instruments should be accompanied by the development
the-ball attacker and the off-the-ball attacker. The
of software that allows the process to be simplified
inclusion of this second role has important implications,
and timeframes shortened, so that results may be made
as the transfer of learning is considerable in off-the-
available more quickly and used in sports teaching
ball actions due to their high degree of similarity in

REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

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REVISTA EUROAMERICANA DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE Development and validation of the game performance
ISSN 2254-4070 / Vol. 2, nº1 / Murcia Abril 2013 / Págs. 89 - 99 evaluation tool (gpet) in soccer. SporTK, 1(2), 89 - 99

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