Migration As Economic Imperialism How International Labour Mobility Undermines Economic Development in Poor Countries 1nbsped 1509553983 9781509553983 - Compress

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Migration as

Economic Imperialism
Migration as
Economic Imperialism
How International Labour
Mobility Undermines Economic
Development in Poor Countries

Immanuel Ness

Copyright © Immanuel Ness 2023

The right of Immanuel Ness to be identified as Author of this Work has been
asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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List of Figures and Tables vi

List of Abbreviations vii
Acknowledgements ix

Introduction 1
1 Neoliberal Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 27
2 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration as Economic
Imperialism 54
3 Labour Migration and Origin Countries 80
4 Labour Migration and Destination States 116
5 The Damage of Borders 146
Conclusion: Dismantling the Migration–Development Nexus 180

References 208
Index 244
List of Figures and Tables


0.1 Remittances Received by Country Income (US$ Billions),

1990–2020 8
0.2 Remittances Received by Country Income (% of GDP),
1990–2020 9
0.3 Top 25 Countries of Destination (Migrant Share of
Population), 2020 10
0.4 Top Ten Remittance-Receiving Countries (% of GDP),
2020 11


1.1 Key Statistics on Migration, 2000 and 2020 32

1.2 Global Income and Wealth Inequality, 2021 43
1.3 Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows, 1970–2020 49
2.1 Labour and World Migration, 2020 60
2.2 International Migration Stock, 1990–2020 74
3.1 Remittances to Nepal, 2000–2020 94
3.2 Remittances to Vietnam, 2000–2020 98
3.3 Remittances to El Salvador, 2000–2020 104
3.4 Remittances to Moldova, 2000–2020 109
4.1 Leading Remittance-Sending Countries as Share of GDP,
2000–2020 119
5.1 Regional Shares of the Global Labour Force, 2022 (%) 149
5.2 Labour Force by Region, 2022 149
List of Abbreviations

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CSO civil society organization
EPZ Export Processing Zone
EU European Union
FDI foreign direct investment
GCM Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular
GDP gross domestic product
GNP gross national product
GUF global union federation
IIT Indian Institutes of Technology
ILO International Labour Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
IOM International Organization for Migration
IRCA Immigration Control and Reform Act
ISI import substitution industrialization
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
KNOMAD Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and
MENA Middle East and North Africa
MNC multinational corporation
MNE multinational enterprise
MoLE Ministry of Labour and Employment (Nepal)
MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index
MRC migrant worker resource centre
NAFEA National Association of Foreign Employment Agencies
viii List of Abbreviations

NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

NGO non-governmental organization
NSA national security adviser
ODA Official Development Assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SEZ Special Economic Zone
STEM science, technology, engineering and mathematics
TMP temporary migration programme
UN United Nations
UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions
WTO World Trade Organization

In January 2015, on a research visit to Thembelihle, an informal

settlement on the south-west fringes of Johannesburg, I found a
community of migrants who had travelled from Eswatini, Lesotho,
Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and countries all over Southern
Africa, struggling to survive. The settlement did not have basic
services, including electricity, water, sanitation and roads. The
migrants had come to South Africa to work and send money back to
their home countries, yet on my last return, more than seven years
later in October 2022, many remained beleaguered and destitute,
scraping by to pay rent for their shacks, undernourished and lacking
transportation to and from their exploitative workplaces. Some
workers, especially women, were desperate to return to their origin
countries but earned too little to save up to pay for the trip home.
Living precarious lives at their destinations, few had extra money to
send back to their families for food, education and essential needs.
The migrant workers of Thembelihle have improved some facets of
their lives, but they remain impoverished and have little hope for the
This book would not have been possible without migrant workers
from the Global South sharing their stories of sadness, misfortune
and exploitation during more than two decades of research in Africa,
Asia, the Americas and Europe.
I have benefited from many scholars, activists who shared their
research and organizing efforts in an effort to improve the conditions
of migrants and their families in origin states. I thank all those who
have encouraged me to pursue this project and accurately reveal the
x Acknowledgements

major dynamic of migration today that departs from the established

narrative. Of course, in a complex world, some migrants succeed,
but the global project of economic remittances as a source of devel-
opment is a failed construct for those who are compelled to move for
work. The perspectives shared by anonymous reviewers in origin and
destination states were immensely beneficial in refining this unapolo-
getic book for a general readership who, I hope, will recognize the
severity for the victims of the current global migration project.
First and foremost, thanks to the many temporary migrant workers
who I corresponded with in Southern Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe,
Lesotho, Mozambique); Central Asia (India and Nepal); East and
Southeast Asia (Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand,
Vietnam); Latin America (El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala,
Mexico) and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia).
Particular thanks to experts who guided me in origin and desti-
nation states. I thank Shiva Kumar Adikhari, Chong Hye-won,
Lee Chulwoo, Mondli Hlatshwayo, Elmer Labog, Maria Leskova,
Park Jae-choil, Adrian Pereira, Bruno Pereira, Pragna Ragunanan,
Abhinav Sinha, Won Young-su, Yoon Hyowon, and many others
who have helped me comprehend the constraints of migration on
Particular thanks to scholars of migration and political economy
who have advised me, most notably Dirk Hoerder, Cecilia Menjívar
and Ali Kadri. I also thank all those with whom I have shared ideas
and who have helped advance my thinking on this project, especially
Stephen Castles, Claudia Tazreiter, Dario Azzellini, Maurizio Atzeni,
Marcel van der Linden, Kristin Surak, Maxwell Lane, Zhun Xu
and Paris Yeros. My work benefited from discussions with Wilma
Dunaway, Torkil Lauesen, Nemanja Lukić, Brett Nielson, Sarika
Chandra, Eileen Boris, Marie Ruiz, Luke Sinwell, Amiya Kumar
Bagchi, Ranabir Samaddar, Mithilesh Kumar, Sarah Raymundo and
Achin Vanaik.
I am especially grateful to the superb research support of Sibgha
Sohaib and the ethnographic prowess of Siphiwe Mbatha.
Special thanks and appreciation to Jonathan Skerrett, Senior
Commissioning Editor at Polity Press, who encouraged me to write
this book from the start and meticulously helped me shape the funda-
mental arguments I have advanced in this book, and to Gail Ferguson,
copy-editor, and all those who helped to produce this book.

Migration as Economic Imperialism challenges the narrative set

forward by the world’s leading economic development agencies,
finance capitalists and western governments that international labour
migration is beneficial to the entire world economy and is the primary
means for the economic development of poor countries.
The central arguments of that orthodoxy are that migrant labourers
benefit poor and rich countries through providing jobs for low-wage
workers from southern countries, supplying necessary labour for
destination states in the Global North and contributing to the
economic development of origin states by sending hundreds of
billions in remittances and by training workers in relevant jobs skills
for economic development in poor countries. From the 1990s to the
present, economic remittances have been recognized by migration
scholars and development economists as the foundation of the
neoliberal development programme, as labour migration from the
South and economic transfers have expanded dramatically. In this
way, the rise of labour migration since the global spread of neoliberal
capitalism in the 1990s has benefited rich states in the North, the
Arab Gulf and countries integrated into global production networks
with labour shortages.

Migrant workers are integral to destination societies

Even as migrant labourers do not appreciably contribute to the

development of their origin states, their work in indispensable jobs
2 Introduction

ensures stable and thriving societies in destination states. In the wake

of the coronavirus pandemic, migrant workers filled essential private
and public jobs shunned by native-born workers, enabling reliable
access to food, medical services, consumer goods and critical logis-
tical services in destination states. At great personal risk, migrants
worked in agriculture, food services, medical and healthcare services,
construction and infrastructure, and in distribution of crucial goods
to residents of destination societies. Significantly, the pandemic has
given rise to the ubiquitous presence of precarious migrant workers
in logistics and platforms in destination states worldwide, serving
the gig economy in delivery, for-hire transport and as cleaners and
domestics (Altenried 2021).
The coronavirus pandemic also reveals the hypocrisy of populist
critics of migration that are mostly beneficiaries of foreign workers
who work for a fraction of native-born workers’ remuneration.
While migrant labourers work in precarious jobs that are shunned
by native-born workers, they are indispensable for the efficient
running of society. Business requires temporary migrants to work
in agriculture, construction and manufacturing, and residents in the
destinations require gig workers for delivery, transport and home
care. In this way, global migration advocates have underplayed the
benefits which accrue to destination states employing exploitable and
comparatively inexpensive workers to fill essential jobs (van Doorn,
Ferrari and Graham 2022).
In spite of temporary migrant workers’ substantial contribution to
destination communities during the pandemic, their support has not
been reciprocated by destination states, as many have been forced
to return to their home countries without payment of wages by
employers (Foley and Piper 2021). Temporary migrants in economic
distress are left to fend on their own with minimal community
assistance in destination states in Europe, North America, the Arab
Gulf, Russia and South East Asia (Rajan and Akhil 2022). Worse
still, migrant workers lacking money and social resources have
been subjected to discrimination and xenophobia as ethno-national
populism and racism against labourers has expanded over the last
two decades, a trend which was amplified during the pandemic (Elias
et al. 2021).
Thus migrant labourers in rich countries of the Global North and
South cope with a paradox of being both essential workers and social
pariahs who are expendable and replaceable when socio-economic
Introduction 3

demand for their labour expands. In this context of exploitation,

low-wage temporary migration is not a remedy for socio-economic
uplift and poverty alleviation, let alone the most promising means of
socio-economic development of origin countries. Both documented
and undocumented workers toil on a treadmill of disposable labour
predominantly subject to deportation and substitution when demand
The contradictory status of the temporary migrant worker, often
known as a guest worker, as valued employee and despised foreigner
is a long-standing historical pattern stretching back to the nineteenth
century. It has been resurrected by development economists as the
remedy for economic development (Surak 2013). Temporary workers
are typically recruited to travel from poor regions to affluent desti-
nation societies for a defined period of time, normally six months to
three years. By contrast, migrants may gain permanent resident status
in host countries with the same rights as citizens. Both temporary and
permanent migrants may experience discrimination and xenophobia
from native-born residents.
Temporary migrants differ from undocumented and irregular
residents in North America and Western Europe, the latter not being
permitted to live and work in destination states. However, both
temporary and undocumented migrants send remittances to families
in their countries of origin. Most developmental economists contend
that remittances sent back to origin countries appreciably contribute
to economic development. Undeniably, remittances prevent severe
hunger and provide basic needs, commodities and consumer goods
for families of migrant labourers. In some cases, they may pay for
school fees or to build or rebuild homes. International development
agencies and financial institutions promote remittances as a leading
form of economic development for poor countries, as workers can
send them home to support families, start small businesses and
contribute to national economic growth.
In September 2019, the World Bank self-assuredly reported that
migration benefits origin countries even more than destination
states, while acknowledging rising xenophobia for workers in host

Global welfare gains from an increase in cross-border labor mobility

could be several times larger than those from full trade liberalization.
Migrants tend to gain the most in terms of increases in income and
4 Introduction

better access to education and health services. Migration empowers

women. Child mortality is reduced after migration. However, these
gains are hindered by the discrimination and difficult working condi-
tions that immigrants from LMICs [lower middle-income countries]
face in the host countries. Origin countries can benefit through
increased remittances, investments, trade, and transfers of skill and
technology, resulting in reduced poverty and unemployment. (World
Bank 2019)

This book offers a contrary perspective on the benefits of migration

to poor countries in the Global South. While most temporary
migrants from poor countries are unskilled and earn low wages in
destination states, this book finds that, while remittances are sent
sporadically and may pay for emergencies, such as medical care of
sick family members, rent to prevent eviction, or funeral expenses for
family members, they do not contribute to the economic development
of most people in poor countries.

From foreign aid to migration and remittances

In globalized neoliberal capitalism, financial institutions and multi-

national corporations (MNCs) have been major drivers of capitalist
investment for programmes aimed at the economic development
of poor countries in the Global South. For more than 75 years,
since the end of the Second World War, classical economists have
advanced market-based remedies for alleviating systemic poverty.
Western capitalist countries have favoured market solutions in
exchange for negligible investment in the South through development
assistance from the World Bank, foreign aid through insignificant
western economic assistance programmes, and economic bailouts of
poor countries indebted to western banks and financial institutions
through the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These measures
have been taken by western corporate investment in the Global
South’s agriculture and natural resources for the alleged purpose of
economic growth in developing countries. In almost every instance,
MNCs of the Global North were the beneficiaries of profits derived
from the extraction of everything from petroleum to bananas and rare
minerals. When economically impoverished southern countries called
for the nationalization of natural resources, the United States and
Introduction 5

Britain responded by overthrowing state leaders in Iran, Guatemala,

Indonesia, Chile and elsewhere.
The capitalist market economies of the Global North, led by the
United States, were motivated by the low-cost extraction of profit
from the Global South. Though migrant labour was used to rebuild
Western Europe in the 1950s and 1960s, it was not until the collapse
of the USSR and the emergence of the United States as the indis-
putable, dominant economic and military world power that capitalist
development strategists began to shift their focus to low-wage
southern labour, precisely as the northern economies were shifting
from manufacturing to service industries.
Thus international labour migration expanded dramatically in the
1990s to reduce shortages in the Global North of low-wage workers
willing to work in tedious jobs in agriculture, construction, urban
services, manufacturing and home care. For instance, in the 1990s,
millions of Mexican workers crossed the US border to work in
low-wage jobs which became available as the children of US indus-
trial workers sought employment in higher-wage service and tertiary
economic sectors. The capitalist assault on trade unions in the Global
North eroded most construction and manufacturing jobs with high
wages and comprehensive benefits into precarious work with low
wages. In most cases, basic manufacturing of steel and industrial
products shifted to the Global South in order to profit from low-wage
jobs which produced higher corporate profits.
Most countries of the Global South which are now origin migration
states have undergone a succession of western development schemes,
from official development assistance (ODA) to foreign investments.
International development organizations did not at first take an interest
in encouraging migration to the Global North, except for temporary
migration programmes (TMPs) necessary for rebuilding war-torn
Europe, and encouraged import substitution industrial­ization (ISI),
focused on developing industry in the Global South, until the 1980s,
when neoliberal capitalism began to replace endogenous devel-
opment in southern countries. However, in the 1990s, international
finance and development organizations recognized that documented
and undocumented labour migration gave rise to a growth in remit-
tances – a portion of migrant worker earnings saved and sent home
that development economists consider essential to the growth and
development of origin countries – which constituted a leading source
of foreign-exchange earnings in origin states. Remittances were
6 Introduction

always important sources of foreign exchange for small states in the

Caribbean, Pacific and elsewhere, but in the 1990s they precipitously
became leading sources of external revenue for large states, including
India, Mexico, Pakistan and the Philippines. The expansion of the
European Schengen Area extended official migration programmes
to Eastern and South-East Europe, which were struggling to emerge
from the ‘shock therapy’ policies which imposed capitalist market
economies throughout the former Eastern bloc.

Interpretations of migration as a force for economic growth

As neoliberal economic globalization transforms the nature and

composition of workforces, migrant temporary labourers comprise a
higher share of the global workforce than at any time in the history
of capitalism, even though labour migration has marginally declined
to 164 million worldwide in 2021 in the wake of the Covid-19
pandemic (Black 2021; Hoerder 2010). In the Global North, demand
for migration is increasing as its population ages and requires
essential services which are developed in low-wage regions: medical
services, care giving, food preparation, transport and even manufac-
turing (Milkman 2020).
According to the World Migration Report 2022, there were 281
million international migrants in the world, equivalent to 3.6 per cent
of the world population (IOM 2022a: 21). If migrant workers have a
family of four, a conservative figure in the Global South, about 1.125
billion people are directly impacted by migration, either as workers
in foreign destination countries or as family members in countries
of origin who are dependent on money and remittances sent back
to them. In addition, 800 million workers migrate within states
from agrarian and rural regions to urban centres, which increases
the significance of migration (IOM 2019; World Bank 2021b).
If immediate family members are included as being impacted by
migration, constituting at least 3 billion people, nearly 40 per cent of
the world’s population of 7.8 billion are directly involved in internal
and international migration (Ness 2015).
In the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the number
of migrant workers from low-income countries has increased, while
migration from high-income countries is declining. Remittance
studies have grown extensively over the past 15–20 years and are
Introduction 7

regarded as essential to sociology, politics and economics. Many

studies are published every year on the subject, for example by two
agencies of the United Nations (the International Organization for
Migration [IOM] and the International Labour Organization [ILO]),
the World Bank, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration
and Development (KNOMAD), and numerous research institutes
advocating remittances as the latest form of development. By 2018,
migrant remittances had increased to US$689 billion, chiefly through
capital flows from migrant workers working in developed countries
to poor and developing countries and from the labour value of profit
that accrues from poor countries to rich countries. In the aftermath
of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite restrictions on international
mobility, due to avid global demand for low-wage migrant labour,
remittances held steady at US$630 million (KNOMAD 2022). Figure
0.1 shows the growing significance of remittances throughout the
world; most global remittances are transfers from migrant workers
in upper-middle-income and high-income countries to low-income
and low-middle-income countries. In addition, a large share of
remittances is from highly skilled migrant workers from high-wage
countries sending money home to high-wage countries.
Even though an overwhelming majority of remittances flow to
upper-middle-income and high-income countries, remittances
constitute an outsized proportion of gross domestic product (GDP)
in poor countries, as shown in Figure 0.2. As such, remittances
flows reveal incredible global structural inequality. Today, southern
countries send far more workers abroad than do rich countries and,
in return, receive a fraction of the share of all global remittances,
reproducing unequal exchange on a global scale.
Figure 0.3 shows the top 25 migrant destination countries in 2020.
Eight of the top ten were high-income countries, and only four of the
top 25 were not at least upper-middle-income countries.
In contrast to the countries reaping benefits from migrant workers,
Figure 0.4 shows that the ten leading remittance-receiving nations
are among the poorest states in the world. Each country may benefit
from remittance inflows, but the size of these inflows relative to each
country’s GDP reflects the political and economic weakness of each
state on the global stage.
Migrants pay a high human cost to send remittances to their families
in origin countries. Labour migration follows major capital flows and
higher economic growth and development in global and rising cities.
8 Introduction

Figure 0.1 Remittances Received by Country Income (US$ Billions),

Source: Derived from ‘Personal Remittances, Received (US$ Billion)’, The
World Bank Data, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.TRF.PWKR.

Migrants search for freedom from want in a sea of global economic

insecurity, leaving their families in exchange for earning money to
send back home. Although migrants can reduce extreme levels of
poverty among core family members by improving food, health
care, education and housing expenditures, community inequalities
remain, family ties are weakened or broken and sending countries
continue to be underdeveloped and economically insecure, subject to
global financial crises and pandemics. Most importantly, they lack
the capacity to provide for basic social needs to sustain populations:
food, medicine, housing, education and essential infrastructure.
At first, migration was considered a means of providing employment
for migrant labourers who could earn far higher wages and benefits in
destination states to improve their own standard of living and that of
Introduction 9

Figure 0.2 Remittances Received by Country Income (% of GDP),

Source: Derived from ‘Personal Remittances, Received (% of GDP)’, The
World Bank Data, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.TRF.PWKR.

their families in origin countries. Migrant labourers were performing

economically and socially essential high-wage work in the Global
North in hospitals, engineering, information technology, finance
and business services, as well as low-wage work in agriculture,
construction, manufacturing and care services. Most high-wage
workers were recruited from other northern countries. However, a
not insignificant share of high-skilled workers was also drawn from
the Global South to work in these same industries.
For instance, highly educated workers in engineering and infor-
mation technology in India were recruited to work on special visas
in the United States and other western countries. Proponents of
global migration consider foreign workers employed in cutting-edge
10 Introduction

Figure 0.3 Top 25 Countries of Destination (Migrant Share of Population),

Source: Derived from United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs, Population Division (2020b)

industries of the Global North (science, technology, engineering

and mathematics [STEM]), where temporary workers may acquire
valuable skills, as sources of economic growth in the Global South.
Migrant workers are supposed to bring these new skills home, where
they are applied to the formation of new industries which contribute
to the economic revitalization of poor countries through modern
industrialization and services. However, as this book will show, many
skilled international migrant labourers do not return to work in
origin countries. In most destination states, southern skilled workers
are more likely to be provided with legal status than low-wage
workers. If they do return to origin countries, they often work in
Introduction 11

Figure 0.4 Top Ten Remittance-Receiving Countries (% of GDP), 2020

Source: Derived from ‘Remittance Inflows’. KNOMAD, World Bank,

niche economies which do not contribute to improving the lives

of most residents there but are directed to building networks with
international business, engineering and technology firms. Examples
of economic development occur in India’s tech and business-services
sectors, and in those elsewhere in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa,
but they benefit a small fraction of elites as the majority of inhabitants
remain mired in poverty. These phenomena have also given rise to
criticism that migration to the Global North by high-skilled workers
contributed to a ‘brain drain’, or the flight of human capital, from
the Global South to the Global North. The Philippines, for example,
devolved into an economy which exported migrant labourers for
care work in affluent countries, fostering what Robyn Rodriguez
considers a form of ‘migration for export’ (Rodriguez 2010).
Nonetheless, as a consequence of the vast rise in remittances to
the Global South, neoliberal proponents of migration now judge
the expansion of global migration and attendant return of money
12 Introduction

as the latest major form of economic development and a new means

of replacing direct foreign aid by providing critical investment for
the national development of poor and ‘developing’ countries of the
Global South (Ratha 2013). Since the end of the Second World War,
foreign aid has been directed at infrastructural projects that would
supposedly contribute to economic growth and development, but
has made a negligible contribution to development. As foreign aid
has been tied to credit from western banks, southern countries have
been trapped by extensive foreign debt, which has often led the IMF
to force structural readjustment programmes, severely eroding basic
survival needs: health, education and other social services. This
in turn triggers foreign migration to provide benefits privately to
the migrants’ families or, in some cases, smaller private initiatives.
The rise of global temporary migration is in part a consequence
of the worldwide expansion of neoliberal capitalism by the West.
Remittances absolve western banks from funding foreign aid while
at the same time privatizing the nominal public social benefits which
were provided by poor countries to the poor from 1950 to 1990.

The limits of migration as agent of development

As the orthodox economic argument goes, economic remittances sent

from foreign migrants are a far more valuable and viable growth
strategy for driving national development among poor countries as
they provide investment which advances strategic, private capitalist
accumulation (Munck and Delgado Wise 2019). Whereas foreign aid
kept elites in southern countries dependent on the economic largesse
of advanced capitalist economies of the Global North, remittances are
now judged as essential for invigorating poor countries and sparking
free-market economic development and growth. Non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and development-policy advocates in academia
contend that temporary labour migration will contribute to the
economic growth and modernization of southern countries (Eggoh,
Bangake and Semedo 2019). But these remittances do not improve
the standard of living for most inhabitants living in poor countries
and do contribute to economic imbalances which engender higher
levels of crime and violence. Remittances themselves can contribute
to the erosion of the agrarian sector in southern economies as they
constitute a form of rent for many residents in origin countries who
Introduction 13

are dependent on the continuing flow of remittances, which, as we

shall see, constitute an unreliable source of income.
Supporting this narrative of migration as development, academic
research has countered and diminished critics who claimed that
labour migration was a symptom of poverty (Nyberg-Sørensen, Van
Hear and Engberg-Pedersen 2003; Ratha et al. 2019). For instance,
migration scholar Ronald Skeldon contends:

One misunderstanding that pre-dated current concerns was the idea

that migration was caused by a lack of development: that people left
poor areas or poor countries because of a lack of opportunities at
home. Certainly, this idea contains an element of truth, but closer
investigation revealed that it was rarely the poorest who moved
and rarely the poorest countries that participated most in the global
migration system. (Skeldon 2008: 3)

The problem here is that these dominant interpretations of

migration trends tend to track the latest statistics rather than take
historical comparative perspectives. Malawian migration to South
Africa provides a revealing example of the limitations of migration
for the lowest-income countries in the Global South (see chapter 4).
With a gross domestic product per capita of less than US$650 per
annum (World Bank 2022f), among the lowest in the world, Malawi
has a robust history of labour migration, extending over more than
a century, which remains a highly significant feature of its political
economy. The principal cause of labour migration is a function of
poverty and lack of opportunity in origin states. Yet, as we shall see
in chapter 4, the evidence shows that migrant labourers travel to
South Africa to survive, and most cannot afford to send more than
nominal funds home as the cost of living is far higher in South Africa.
In low-income countries, migration frequently prevents national
development as foreign workers do not have sufficient money to send
As this book asserts and demonstrates, severe poverty plagues the
largest origin countries in South Asia, South East Asia, Latin America
and South-East Europe, impoverished regions which have had among
the highest migration rates from 2000 to the present. If migration
were beneficial to development, then countries with high migration
would not be suffering the highest poverty rates, or would at least
be seeing improvements outstripping those countries that were not
14 Introduction

following a migration–development strategy. While labour migration

is triggered by numerous personal and social factors, and the causes
of poverty in impoverished states are complex, the primary dynamic
of migration is rooted in the political economy of imperialism, which
subordinates poor regions of the Global South.
The global political economy is fundamentally divided between
rich countries in the Global North and poor countries in the
Global South. But within the global divide, variations create greater
complexity. Not all southern economies are exclusively impover-
ished, as they are riven by socio-economic and class divisions that
benefit some who travel abroad and remit money back home. We
must account for highly skilled professional migrants who remit
funds to their homes. It is necessary, then, to distinguish between
skilled and unskilled migrant workers. Skilled workers do well, but
many of them migrate from developed countries or represent the
privileged of the Global South.
In addition, while this book counters the migration and economic
development dogma, middle-class migration and the historic
diasporas improve the living standards of families in origin states
and create translocal connections between home-town communities
in host countries. For example, between the United States and origin
states in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, cross-cultural
networks are generated, even if US border control blocks regional
integration and family unification (Massey 1986). Fundamentally,
rising populism and nationalism in destinations expand border
control and securitization and obstruct human mobility. It divides
rather than unifies most poor and working-class communities of the
Global South.

Social remittances as cultural imperialism

Research on the benefits of economic remittances by development

enthusiasts has been accompanied by corresponding scholarship
on the social, cultural and political benefits of migration, identified
generally as cultural remittances which derive from the inculcation of
western liberal-democratic ideals and practices into origin countries.
Notably, Peggy Levitt claims that ‘[s]ocial remittances are the ideas,
behaviors, identities, and social capital that flow from receiving- to
sending-country communities’ and stimulate business formation and
Introduction 15

strengthen communities, families and political systems of origin

countries (Levitt 1998). Social and cultural remittances are fostered
through the integration of receiving-country social practices into the
public sphere and civil society of origin states. Undoubtedly, trans-
national social and cultural integration is significant in promoting
mutual understanding and the diffusion of cultural practices which
cultivate diversity and global integration, along with community
development in sending societies.
For Levitt, social remittances are obtained through new normative
ideas and practices being learned by migrants in wealthy host
countries and brought back with them when they return or visit
their countries of origin. Social remittances extend to the political
arena through the application of western liberal-democratic norms
of imperialist countries to southern countries. Supposedly, the origin
country will hold its politicians more accountable. Evidently, the
Dominican Republic, under the cudgel of US imperialist dominance,
would benefit from adopting its political and even religious practices,
which were shaped in the first place by the imposition of US
militarism (Levitt 1998). It is important to understand the experi-
ences of migrants in destination states and how they shape society on
their return, but the social remittance perspective, rooted in the trans-
mission of norms, practices, identities and social capital, neglects the
imbalance between dependent origin states and typically rich destina-
tions (Levitt and Lamba-Nieves 2011).
In the imaginary of migration advocates, the only protagonists
are those in and from origin states. Social remittance proponents
advocate a form of social imperialism, whereby the sending country
adopts the cultural and social practices of the destination to engender
social reform, while the social capital of migrants in rich desti-
nation states is completely disregarded. Certainly, no major wave of
temporary labour migration from rich to poor states is in the offing,
due to the disparity in wages.
What is most significant to origin states are economic remittances.
The capacity to send remittances is a function of border control and
national chauvinism, populism and migration restrictions. Contrary
to migration proponents’ assertions that labour migration is a
positive force for promoting democracy, as foreign workers bring
back democratic ideals, the departure of educated young migrants
operates as a safety valve to avert popular protest against authori-
tarian governments. Educated youths and workers are encouraged
16 Introduction

to travel abroad as temporary workers, increasingly to authoritarian

destination states in the Global South, rather than to remain at home
and protest against inequality and authoritarianism. The reality
that most temporary migrants are disparaged as undocumented or
irregular in the destination states of Europe and the United States
belies the view that such migrant workers will return to provide
cosmopolitan and western liberal ideals which could democratize
authoritarian or corrupt states (Escribà-Folch, Meseguer and Wright
This book is a corrective to the hyperbole among migration
scholars about the benefits of economic, social, cultural and political
remittances. It grasps the stark reality of neoliberal migration and
imperialism and its continuity rooted in unequal exchange between
the Global North and the Global South which originated in the
European colonial project of resource extraction over the last three
centuries. Thus this book seeks to focus on the principal contradiction
of modern-day migration policies while simultaneously recognizing
that numerous migration studies demonstrate the complex positive
particularities and exceptions to the dominant analytic construct.
Exceptions abound. But global migration data demonstrate the harm
which is inflicted on the poor and working classes of the Global
Economic remittances only rarely offset the negative effects of
migration in low-income countries of origin and reinforce dependence
and uneven development (Amin 1976). Poverty and inequality
continue to encourage migration on a global scale, but the inequal-
ities inherent in the migration system mean that, for the global poor,
the current regime of large-scale labour migration neither reduces
global inequalities nor provides a path to ending economic and
political power dominated by North America and Western Europe.
The orthodox, classical-economic migration literature contends
that money earned by foreign workers, labouring for a fraction of
native-born workers’ wages, can create revenue to generate new
essential infrastructure and services in the poor countries from which
they originate. However, the evidence demonstrates that economic
remittances sent home by migrant workers do not contribute to
an appreciable growth in the capacity of poor countries to meet
essential human development goals, and certainly not the capacity
to transform into advanced capitalist economies. In reality, remit-
tances have never contributed to sustained economic development
Introduction 17

at home but have encouraged the most skilled and talented to work
This book will present new evidence that labour migration is a
net loss and hindrance to growth and sustainable economic devel-
opment. Throughout the Global South, young adults are educated
at private training centres in medicine and health care, technology
and engineering, business services, food preparation, construction,
industrial production, domestic and caring work, and logistics to
prepare themselves for work overseas (Rodriguez 2010). The skills
which workers acquire in these training centres in origin states are
not intended to build national economies or to become a source for
national development and self-sufficiency, but for export to foreign
developed countries.
Contrary to the position of multilateral development agencies (the
World Bank, IMF and western capitalist countries), the premise of
this book is that labour migration obstructs economic development
and exploits migrant workers in developed countries, who are subject
to discrimination, xenophobia, arrest and deportation. If we are
to ameliorate poverty, climate disaster, perpetual war and higher
levels of political conflict via populism, nationalism and intolerance
in developed countries, then national development which fosters
sustainable self-reliant economies – avoiding mass dislocation in the
Global South – is a crucial corrective.

The migration as imperialist nexus

As has been mentioned, in a growing number of countries in Africa,

Latin America, South Asia and South East Asia, migrant worker
remittances are the largest single source of all GDP, and increasingly
they are the largest share of all contributions to GDP. Now, doesn’t
this seem a bit strange? Rather than living and working in their home
countries, workers must travel overseas to earn the vast majority of
their countries’ foreign exchange and a large share of GDP.
Most migration research distorts the impact of labour migration in
the Global South, where 85 per cent of the world’s population lives
and where the level of demographic displacement is highest. This
book provides a southern view of labour migration, demonstrating
that migration is by definition a disruptive process which, by focusing
on the needs of destination states, monetizes economies and stunts
18 Introduction

education and training for workers in countries of origin. Crucially, it

demonstrates that both legal migration and undocumented migration
are strategies established by MNCs and governments seeking to
expand their economic profitability.
Institutionally, the World Trade Organization (WTO) envisages
a global system of temporary labour migration as an important
stage in expanding global markets. This book contends that labour
migration is a new form of Arghiri Emmanuel’s theory of unequal
exchange as I draw on studies to demonstrate that remittances
do not offset underdevelopment and structural poverty (Amin
1976; Emmanuel 1972). Although it is true that some countries
of origin have reduced extreme poverty among the families of
some migrant labourers through remittances, it is mainly big
businesses and governments that benefit from remittances by multi-
plying their financial leverage, reducing or eliminating public and
balance-of-payments deficits, and supporting free-market-based
economic policies which do not prioritize economic development.
Residents in southern economies become addicted to remittances
flowing from exported migrant labourers, who are indispensable
to sustaining the major engines of capital growth in the Global
North and South.
Capital creates inequality within countries which uproots poor
people from the countryside and small towns to bigger cities in the
Global South. In the medium term, such rapidly expanding cities
often become the cradle of economic insecurity for many of these
migrants and their children (Davis 2017 [2004]). As a result, the poor
become prisoners of want in their own land, so foreign migration will
continue across borders with the objective of sending remittances
to families in origin countries, though often at the cost of breaking
physical contact with them and enduring harsh living conditions at
destinations. Ultimately, migrant workers become the visible element
of a system which reproduces the majority’s economic insecurity
while enriching the few at national and global levels.
Migration as Economic Imperialism challenges the relationship
between migration and development and the objective that devel-
opment and growth are apposite for southern states that have been
subject to centuries of economic imperialism by Western Europe and
the United States. International migration today is even more abusive
and exploitative as demand for temporary migrant labour expands
in rich countries, even as the rise of national populism in destination
Introduction 19

states contributes to rising discrimination, xenophobia and exploi-

tation of migrant workers. The growth of women migrant workers
contributes to the rise of forced labour, trafficking of migrants for
sex work and the development of a gendered international division
of labour (Menjívar 2011).
The book objectively describes and analyses the practical conse-
quences of international labour migration from the perspective of
migrant workers in the world’s southern countries, as well as the
consequences of migration on origin states that are subjected to
economic imperialism through the continuation and expansion of
unequal exchange of the labour and natural resources of the Global
South. From this perspective, it can be more readily recognized
that, rather than it being a simple case of migrant workers taking
native-born workers’ jobs, they are in fact improving the standard
of living and providing essential services in Europe, North America,
East Asia, Oceania, emerging southern economies in the Arab Gulf
(Gulf Cooperation Council) and South East Asia by adding value to
consumer goods and services in host countries.
The book supplies evidence on migration and remittances drawn
from studies and reports of leading international migration and
labour organizations (e.g., the UN, the IOM, and the ILO, among
other global and regional migration and labour-migration bodies)
and the dominant research on labour migration. In addition, the
work uses ethnographic and research studies which I have conducted
in origin and destination countries. It interpolates dominant research
from leading scholars to portray migration in a world of poverty and
inequality as a form of economic imperialism.

Chapter outlines

The framework in this Introduction establishes the main argument of

the book: labour migration constrained by national border control
and economic remittances, rooted in national populism, which is
intended to protect native-born workers, in fact reduces economic
prospects for poor countries of the Global South sending migrant
workers. It also leads to economic dependency, to warped and
uneven development on the periphery within the context of economic
imperialism, and to growing economic inequality in the developed
20 Introduction

Chapter 1, ‘Neoliberal Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour

Migration’, provides a theoretical, conceptual and empirical critique
of remittances as the primary feature in the ‘migration and devel-
opment nexus’. The chapter contests the dominant narrative proffered
by neoliberal migration proponents, multilateral financial institutions
and developed countries of the Global North (which are the primary
destinations of migrant labour) that economic remittances are the
most recent, effective national-development model for the poor in
low-income countries in the Global South (Delgado Wise 2021). In
so doing, chapter 1 contests the capitalist development model and
suggests that poor countries of the Global South must consider alter-
native forms of economic policy which sustain populations and deliver
sustainable development that improves the lives of all their citizens.
It interrogates the economic underpinnings, scholarly premises and
policy prescriptions of the ‘remittances as development’ model, and
instead demonstrates that in reality labour migration is a modern
way to extend the extraction of resources from countries in the devel-
oping world. It is thus an integral extension of economic imperialism.
Structural migration of skilled and unskilled labour continues the
legacy of extraction of natural resources and agriculture over the past
five centuries. The chapter challenges the prevailing interpretation of
remittances as development by reassessing the dominant perspective
of labour migration as beneficial to sending countries and a form
of economic development which will finally lead to parity with the
advanced capitalist countries. On the contrary, the portion of wages
that foreign migrant workers send home does not fund national
development such as new infrastructure or contribute to sustained
social development through establishing healthcare programmes,
education and essential services. In most instances of skilled foreign-
labour migration, the precise opposite happens: essential workers
trained in medicine and engineering leave origin states permanently
and may assist their families through remittances to home countries.
The research drawn from empirical studies shows that while remit-
tance flows often account for the largest share of foreign-exchange
earnings of origin countries, they fail to meet essential social and
economic demands and are not a formidable driver of economic
development in the Global South. As a consequence, modern labour
migration is integral to higher levels of inequality between countries
and within countries and is a malignant form of economic imperi-
alism which perpetuates a global system of economic imbalance,
Introduction 21

poverty, dependence and the growth of precarious labour. It has also

appreciably expanded exploitation of women, who have become
indispensable to satisfying the demands of high-income countries
through domestic work in the homes of the middle- and upper-class
residents as caregivers, domestics and sex workers.
Chapter 2, ‘Underdevelopment and Labour Migration as Economic
Imperialism’, uses case studies of migrant workers in sending
countries to provide a detailed assessment of remittances as inter-
national financial flows which arise from cross-border movements
of people and are monetized by banks and financial institutions. It
provides case histories, drawn from sending and receiving states,
of the extractive and oppressive nature of training programmes. It
shows how fees charged to workers reduce the financial benefit of
remittances to individuals, families, and communities back home.
In fact, the fees charged on the nearly US$700 billion in economic
remittances are highly profitable for banks and wiring agencies, and
severely erode the value of money in home countries. In March 2021
alone, the World Bank reported the global average for wiring remit-
tances in March 2021 was 6.38 per cent (World Bank 2021c). A
portion of migrant labourer wages is withheld at many stages of the
work process by recruiting agencies, contractors, dormitory services
and transporters, among others.
In this way, economic remittances operate in a comparable way to
global value chains, only in reverse. As global value chains for the
production of commodities increase the value of products as they
reach market, the economic charges and fees extracted by financial
institutions grind down the value of money paid to workers through
a wide range of mechanisms: (a) fees charged by wiring companies
(e.g., Western Union and Ant Financial); (b) withholding of wages;
(c) non-payment of wages; (d) expulsion and seizure of wages for
workers who do not conform to national migration policies; (e) the
necessity of paying for two households (in sending and destination
Consequently, by the time economic remittances reach families
back home, the funds may pay for necessities and perhaps create a
small nest egg, but for most, they do not tangibly improve financial
conditions. Economic remittances certainly do not bring sustained
change to countries dependent on the global system of neoliberal
financialization. Drawing on an approach which focuses on the
complex web of the political economy of remittances, this chapter
22 Introduction

shows how labour migration and economic remittances deepen

inequalities across the world. Converging on remittance flows, the
chapter demonstrates that the current system of labour migration
generates insecure prospects for the development of poor countries.
This critique will account for the growing number of trainees in
urban centres, foreign subcontractors and employment agencies
which extract a significant share of funds from workers; so much so
that very few people can afford the system of migration, let alone
plan for contingencies which leave migrants in emergency situations,
forcing them to return home before completion of their tasks. Taken
together, economic remittances are not a viable, state economic-
development strategy, nor do they adequately replace foreign aid to
poor and developing countries.
Chapter 3, ‘Labour Migration and Origin Countries’, assesses
the causes and consequences of low-wage labour migration from
low-income origin countries. Why do most labourers migrate from
their families for an extended period, often not seeing them for as
much as five to ten years? Even before a migrant worker leaves for
a foreign destination, they must pay brokers, recruiters and foreign
contractors. As temporary migration grows dramatically, origin
states are only recently taking more responsibility for regulating
abusive business practices which compel temporary migrant workers
to pay small fortunes and become indebted to brokers to find
matches with foreign employers (Shivakoti 2022). Labour migration
is all oriented to preparing youth and women for work abroad for
business contractors, MNCs and the homes of middle- and upper-
class residents in destinations. Certainly, migration may marginally
increase one’s earning capacity for a time, but what about the social
and psychological human costs of not seeing one’s spouse, children
and parents for years, depending on the terms of the migration
contract? How is it possible to raise a family from overseas? The
evidence drawn from research in major origin countries shows that
labour migration triggers family separation, isolation and conflict
and has a particularly pernicious effect on women.
The capacity of migrant workers to meet living expenses in both
their home countries and destinations makes it very difficult to
survive, let alone save money. Those migrant workers lucky enough
to migrate abroad are caught in the predicament of paying for
the basic living expenses of their families back home while paying
recruiters and brokers in origin and destination states, and meeting
Introduction 23

employer deductions to cover living expenses at foreign destinations.

Rather than developing mass transit systems, solar panels or water-
generation facilities for electricity, remittances may allow a family
to build a small house, buy a plot of land or open a small business.
The resultant national paucity draws workers in origin states into the
migration and development nexus, contributing to greater precarity
and economic unpredictability.
This chapter demonstrates that migrants trained in secondary and
post-secondary schools, and those with greater financial resources,
are more likely to permanently leave their communities and countries
and, if possible, settle in destination states, notwithstanding their
resident status. Meanwhile, although remittances may have grown
appreciably over the first two decades of the twenty-first century,
they are unstable sources of income for migrant families. Overall,
there is almost no evidence that economic development occurs in
origin countries.
Chapter 4, ‘Labour Migration and Destination States’, examines
the conditions of migrant workers in destination countries. Migrant
labour is an essential component of global neoliberal capitalism as
MNCs require low-wage foreign labour to fill essential jobs that
cannot be filled by native-born workers, due to lack of skills or lack
of interest. In this way, migrant workers play an essential role as a
reserve army of labour willing to fill essential jobs. In some instances
(e.g., Malaysia), the state marshals foreign direct investment (FDI)
by building industrial facilities for the export of industrial and
consumer goods. Once the industrial infrastructure is developed, the
state and foreign employers join to develop a foreign-labour force,
whose members are not only essential for production but far more
compliant than local workers who can mobilize into trade unions
and strike to improve wages, working conditions and job security. In
advanced capitalist economies with labour shortages, surplus labour
in foreign states is thus recruited to fill strategic positions without the
political power to effectively challenge exploitative conditions (Ford
This chapter explores the condition of migrant workers in desti-
nation regions. The process of labour migration from poor countries
to rich countries is marked by measuring costs and loss and very
little gain for most. Migrants lose time with and for families and
the capacity to live a full and meaningful life. They start out from
a subordinate position, being shipped off as disparate outsiders
24 Introduction

without language skills or social networks in destination countries.

Temporary migrants lack political representation and decision making
to increase wages so they can send higher economic remittances
home. Migrants may leave their initial jobs, which in many countries
renders them undocumented migrant labourers, contributing to the
rise of nationalism and the demonization of immigrants (Menjívar
and Kanstroom 2014; Nevins 2010).
Immigrants can mobilize behind an agenda of low wages and
economic insecurity. By empirically examining conditions in a host
of destination countries in Europe, North America and the Global
South, this chapter explores and documents the forms of resistance
and mobilization that migrant workers engage in to counter and resist
exploitative employer practices in destination regions. Resistance
typically takes the form of personal actions: abandoning an exploit-
ative employer and finding a new position as an undocumented
In addition, migrant labourers often face serious discrimination
and abuse in destination regions, filling essential positions yet encoun-
tering high levels of resentment from nationals in these states. While
NGOs and labour organizations seek to protect migrant labourers
and facilitate mobilization, typically, as the examples here show,
these efforts do not significantly improve the lot of most workers.
Increasingly, the movement of workers across national boundaries
creates divisions, and these will be deployed to undermine existing
labour standards. However, it also offers an opportunity to galvanize
cross-national demands to reduce economic insecurity. This chapter
will provide empirical evidence of the failure of remittances to cover
the expenses of migrant workers and their families back home.
Chapter 5, ‘The Damage of Borders’, examines an essential yet
disregarded component of the remittances process. This is the inherent
bias against the poor (who represent most of the world’s population)
which reinforces a centuries-old system of unequal exchange between
rich and poor countries. It draws on original research undertaken
from 2000 to the present among migrant labourers in the Americas,
South East Asia, South Asia and Southern Africa to show that the
global poor in origin states are the victims of a world system of
unequal economic exchange. This chapter draws on international
development initiatives and evidence that, despite the UN’s vigorous
effort to establish social and economic protections for migrant
workers and to prevent forced labour and trafficking through the
Introduction 25

Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM),

most states flout the much vaunted yet fledgling programme as their
interests eclipse international cooperation to put an end to the abuse
of migrant labourers.
The chapter reveals that economic crises and pandemics have allowed
governments and businesses, which (at best) provide marginal benefit
for the poor, to isolate and deport migrant workers, often without
paying their wages, constituting what Laura Foley and Nicola Piper
define as ‘wage theft’ (Foley and Piper 2021). Contrary to scholars
who view the international migration project as a form of freedom,
the global poor are frequently forced to migrate through capitalist
economic restructuring, economic insecurity, unemployment, intense
poverty, climate change and imperial war. The blanket assessment by
some scholars that the poorest countries generally do not participate
in sending migrant workers is simply countervailed by the evidence
drawn from Asia, Africa and the Pacific (de Haas 2005).
Migration as Economic Imperialism vigorously challenges the
dominant perspective on migration and asserts ‘the right to stay’ as
an essential human right. However, the international and regional
initiatives to improve the economic and social conditions of migrant
workers conflict with the policies of the United States, Western
Europe and increasingly southern destinations to criminalize, arrest,
and deport migrant labourers. Chapter 5 examines the role of border
control in structuring international migration. Border control is
viewed as an essential component in generating MNC profits through
use of highly exploited workers from developing and poor states.
The chapter examines both legal and undocumented migration as
strategies adopted by governments. Indeed, undocumented migrants
become useful subjects of even more extreme exploitation in desti-
nation states. Institutional precarity is created through the national
imposition of strict policies on foreign entry, and by ensuring that
migrant workers do not have the right to stay as long as they may
wish. Undocumented migrant labourers are driven even further
underground. How do border-control policies imposed by developed
capitalist states and rich economies in both the Global North and
Global South force migrant workers underground and ensure they
cannot stay, bring their families and create communities and organ­
izational power?
While workers may resist employer abuses through striking,
quitting and abandoning firms, their status as temporary sojourners
26 Introduction

restricts their capacity to improve their conditions. NGOs and inter-

national labour organizations have sought to ameliorate the worst
cases of labour abuse (e.g., trafficking in labour, abuse of women
and children, etc.), but these initiatives can only be implemented
piecemeal as temporary migrant workers do not have the right to
stay. Against a backdrop of xenophobia, it is crucial to develop a
feasible and fair system for global migrant labourers, providing the
right to stay in destinations with dignity while developing countries
of origin.
The final chapter, the ‘Conclusion: Dismantling the Migration–
Development Nexus’, summarizes the book’s major arguments rooted
in global economic imperialism and argues why it is important to
ensure that people can develop their own societies (rather than relying
on expectations of invented fortunes abroad) which can be harnessed
for the development of social and human needs. For those seeking to
work abroad, an alternative path to dignified, global labour mobility
is necessary which removes the onerous restrictions, economic cost
and discrimination which now pervade the world (Delgado Wise and
Martin 2015). A coherent system of labour migration would remove
the economic and political obstacles to a humane and rational system
of international mobility and would mitigate the discrimination which
foreign workers from poor and developing countries confront in the
present system. Crucially, migration is not the driver for advancing
social and economic development but a result of the extraction of
natural resources and labour in poor countries. Having summed up
the results, the Conclusion contextualizes globalization and labour
migration as illustrating the disempowerment and marginalization of
most of the world’s population living in developing countries.
Neoliberal Capitalism, Imperialism
and Labour Migration

Chapter 1 provides a theoretical and conceptual critique of remit-

tances as the primary feature in the migration–development nexus
model. It challenges the dominant narrative by migration scholars,
international corporations, multilateral financial institutions and
developed countries that labour migration and economic remittances
are an effective national-development model for poor countries in the
Global South. While migration may benefit highly skilled migrants and
some communities in origin states, this chapter counters claims that
remittances should be seen as a key form of economic development,
including improvement of the condition of low-wage precarious
workers in poor origin states and even emerging economies (de Haas
2005; Martin 2022; Page and Plaza 2006; Ratha 2005).
The chapter discusses the policy and scholarly premises of the
‘remittances as development’ model, and instead demonstrates that
in reality labour migration is a form of extending the extraction
of resources from countries in the developing world. Structural
migration of skilled and unskilled labour continues the legacy
of extraction of natural resources and agriculture. The chapter
challenges the dominant view of remittances as development by
reviewing, analysing and critiquing the dominant perspective of
labour migration as beneficial to sending countries, whereby foreign
workers send home a portion of their wages to fund national devel-
opment such as new infrastructure, healthcare systems, education
and essential services. Migrant labourers may assist their families
through remittances to home countries, but the research drawn from
origin-country studies shows these are insufficient to meet essential
28 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

community and national economic needs. Hence contemporary

labour migration perpetuates a global system of economic inequality,
poverty, marginality and the growth of precarious labour (Ji et al.
2022). By the 2010s, even migration scholars considering migration
a valuable source of economic and social remittances began recon-
sidering the benefits, due to the growth of migration control by
destination states (Sørensen 2012). As migration and development
proponents point to the growth in global remittances as evidence of
the success of temporary migration, even their positive outcome on
the economies of leading origin states in the Global South is under
challenge as a viable form of development. While family members
of migrants may benefit marginally from remittances sent home, the
disruptive effect on the economies of origin states (e.g., Sri Lanka) is
now coming into sharp focus. Moreover, while migrants are decisive
for the FDI in global production chains, research demonstrates they
are highly exploited economically by employers and marginalized
socially in destination zones (Krifors 2021; Ness 2021; Withers
2019a). Nicola Piper contends that the contemporary temporary
migration regime must replace a system of unjust recruitment, inade-
quate remittances and forcible return with ‘regulation, redistribution,
and rights’ (Piper 2022).
The decolonization of the world following the end of the Second
World War almost immediately prompted questions and concerns
about how newly independent countries would embark on the
path by which developed countries of Western Europe and North
America had exerted colonial control over four centuries. The issue
of modernization of former colonies became even more politically
charged as the Soviet Union and state-managed economies emerged
as a possible alternative model to the free-market capitalist economies
in the West, particularly as communists gained power in China and
communist parties were waging fierce anti-colonial struggles in
Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. In the immediate
aftermath of the Second World War, the US Marshall Plan helped
finance the rebuilding of continental European economies but not
those of the Global South. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, France,
the Netherlands and Portugal had to contend with the decline of their
political and economic control over the vast majority of people in the
world situated in their colonies in the Global South. Independence
was granted first to colonies not occupied by large populations
of Europeans – notably South Asia and South East Asia – and
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 29

subsequently Africa. Most of Latin America achieved independence

in the nineteenth century, but leftist and Marxist liberation forces
energized by decolonization elsewhere in the Third World went on
to challenge entrenched dictatorships and authoritarian governments
aligned with the West.
To generate economic growth, western imperialist countries sent
small amounts of development aid, and MNCs continued to invest in
newly independent economies without any palpable change in terms
of trade. Instead of paying colonial authorities, western mining and
agricultural firms shifted payments to independent states, crafting
rentier economies where funds flowed to state governments without
comprehensive plans for internal development. Governments would
simply collect funds for foreign investments and, in many cases,
behave as comprador elites bought out by foreign companies.
In preference to state-managed economics, the United States and its
Western European allies advocated market economies to overcome
the poverty permeating after centuries of colonial exploitation of
natural resources and extraction of agricultural products typically
found in tropical regions. W. W. Rostow’s stages of economic growth
were advocated in place of Marxist and state-centric development.
The Rostow model was built on a fallacy that capitalism and free
markets were the remedy for underdevelopment without taking
into consideration that the economies of the North had developed
through strong state control over markets and restriction of foreign
trade (Rostow 1960).
However, even as free-market development policies have proven
ineffective in the post-Second World War era, the capitalist West has
continued to demand the removal of trade and tariff barriers to entry
into the global capitalist economy. As Ha-Joon Chang shows in Bad
Samaritans, the free-market models that are advanced by mainstream
economists do not take into consideration the historical legacy of
development, and contemporary market economies could never have
sustained growth without the support of the state. He shows that the
imposition of the free-market mythology through deregulation has
eroded GDP and economic growth of previously planned economies
in the developing world (Chang 2009). To spur capitalist devel-
opment, the United States and western developed countries initially
advocated development assistance. Though development funding
typically was directed to countries in the western bloc, the funding
was modest and inadequate for spurring development.
30 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

Since the end of the Second World War and political independence,
the West has advanced three major forms of foreign revenue devel-
opment for the Global South to encourage development: foreign
aid, foreign investments and, most recently, labour-migration remit-
tances. This book contends that the most recent development
programme, remittances from migrant labourers, is largely a failure
which accentuates economic inequality and does not contribute to
the growth of economies in the Global South; rather, it exposes their
subservience to developed countries in the international system. The
system of temporary labour migration today is far more essential for
the Global North and developed countries with economic demands
for labour. Meanwhile, remittances are not the remedy for allevi-
ating poverty and inequality. Migrant labourers may be able to send
monies to assist their families with basic needs, but they represent an
individualistic solution to a systemic crisis of inequality. Temporary
labour migration mainly develops rich countries at the expense
of skilled and unskilled labourers who would otherwise form the
labour-supply pillar of a developing country’s bona fide policy for
human and national development, and thus can be seen as a modern
form of economic imperialism (Crossa and Delgado Wise 2022;
Delgado Wise 2022).
Most observers agree that developing countries learn through
labour migration the historic lessons of economic development which
have occurred over decades and centuries in order for developed
countries to gain the capacity for their economic, social and even
political modernization. In understanding the significance of the
migration–development nexus, migration scholars fail to recognize a
clear distinction between advanced capitalist and poor countries of
the South. Rather than dividing global migration between rich and
poor nations, migration and development scholars tend to apply a
nuanced, yet unfocused, distinction. Ronald Skeldon observes ‘we
can best conceptualize the relations between migration and devel-
opment by dividing the world into five development tiers. The term
tier is used, first, to give the impression of hierarchy, from more
economically developed areas to less economically developed areas,
and second, to try to convey the idea that the boundaries between
them are fluid’ (Skeldon 2014: 15). As such, there are many grada-
tions of development from countries that are impoverished in Africa
or South Asia to highly advanced affluent societies in Western
Europe and North America. In addition, migration is not a single
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 31

process from poor to rich countries but comprises internal migration,

chiefly to urban areas in the Global South, South–South migration
to fill labour shortages in global production networks, and South–
North migration. The distinction that labour migration is a singular
movement from poor to rich countries does not accurately reflect
the complex state of today’s neoliberal, capitalist world economy,
as gradations exist among affluence and poverty. However, the
emergence of large-scale labour migration in the contemporary era
is a structural transformation which negatively impacts the vast
majority of the planet’s population residing in developing countries.
The prevailing wisdom held by the UN, the IOM and the West’s
largest multilateral development agencies (the IMF and the World
Bank) is that the current expansionary wave of labour migration over
the last 30 years is not new but a continuation of a pattern of human
mobility stretching back from the present to about 1820. To support
their position that migration is an enduring feature of historic global
mobility in the modern era and is not appreciably increasing, the
IOM and its multilateral counterparts point to the relatively fixed
rate of international migration in the four decades since the end of
the Second World War. However, the calculation of migration as
a constant typically does not consider vast expansionary waves of
migration within countries of the Global South, a shift which is trans-
ferring large segments of the world’s population to urban areas, in
most cases to unsustainable cities which are unable to provide basic
services such as sanitation, food, health, education and transport
(Davis 2017 [2004]). In 2019, the UN reported that internal migrants
number 740 million people, chiefly urban populations residing and
working in urban areas on a temporary basis (UN 2019a). The IOM
estimates 281 million international migrants, of whom 164 million
are temporary migrant workers and the rest are refugees. These
migrant labourers encompass a substantial share of the world’s
population and, if global demographic trends persist as predicted by
the UN and the World Bank, the percentage and absolute number
of migrants will continue to grow as the world’s total population
expands. Just in the 70 years from 1950 to 2020, UN data reveal that
the Earth’s population has grown from 2.5 billion to 7.8 billion (IOM
2019). Today’s internal and international migrant population of 1.2
billion would alone comprise 47 per cent of the world’s population
in 1950, revealing the significance of a dramatic shift in the absolute
number of global migrants.
32 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

The IOM claims that global migration has held at a fairly steady
pace in the first two decades of the century, rising from 2.8 per cent
to 3.5 per cent. Yet this growth does not consider the expansion
of the global population over the same period. Drawing on IOM
statistics, global migration increased 45 per cent from 150 million in
2000 to 281 million in 2020 and has continued to grow in the 2020s
(see Table 1.1).
The expansion of the global labour migration regime from the 1990s
to the 2020s coincides with the withdrawal of the state’s capacity for
economic regulation and the rise of neoliberal capitalism, which has
allowed capital to be far more mobile than at any time since the late
nineteenth century. This shift from regulated to neoliberal capitalism
has also unleashed the global population of migrant labourers. While
in the nineteenth century migrants tended to become permanent
residents, today’s migrants are primarily low-skilled and low-waged
migrant labourers. Even if wages of transnational and internal
migrant workers are higher than in their locations of origin, most
international migrant labourers will not experience sustained wage

Table 1.1 Key Statistics on Migration, 2000 and 2020

2000 2020
Estimated number of international migrants 150 million 281 million
Estimated proportion of world population 2.8% 3.5%
who are international migrants
Estimated proportion of female international 47.5% 48.1%
Regions with the highest proportion of Oceania Oceania
international migrants
Country with the highest proportion of United Arab United Arab
international migrants Emirates Emirates
Number of migrant workers – 164 million
Global international remittances (US$) 126 billion 689 billion
Number of refugees 14 million 25.9 million
Number of internally displaced persons 21 million 41.3 million
Number of stateless persons – 3.9 million
Source: Derived from the IOM (2000, 2019) and UNDESA (2020a)
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 33

growth as they will only be allowed to stay and work in destination

states for a defined period of approximately three years.
This book argues that migrant labourers, as never before, are a
vital force in global imperialism, and their number has grown rapidly
as international capital demands workers to fill essential jobs in
manufacturing commodity production, services in the private and
public sectors and domestic work, the three largest occupational
job categories in destination states. Migrant labourers (in particular,
low-waged ones) do not replace native-born workers but fill jobs
required by capital and states to fulfil production, service and social-
reproduction demands in rich countries with population shortages. In
addition, this book claims that internal migration is also an essential
aspect of expanding corporate profits as workers are required to
migrate to urban areas to labour in manufacturing, services and the
growing platform economy.
International labour migration especially improves the lives and
future economic prospects of educated and highly skilled labourers
who migrate from the Global South to the North. Highly skilled
international labour migrants can earn high wages compared to
wages in origin countries and acquire the capacity to gain social
capital through establishing networks with management and profes-
sionals at leading information technology (IT) corporations, business
services and medical institutions. For example, IT, business services,
accounting and engineering migrant workers travel to destination
states on privileged visas and have established long-standing relations
with businesses in destination countries, subsequently forming
subsidiaries in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and large technology
and business hubs back home. These highly skilled workers travel
back and forth to North America, Western Europe and South East
Asian financial centres throughout their professional careers (Khadria
2004; Lo, Li and Yu 2017; Ness 2011; Rajan and Percot 2011).
However, often neglected in the calculus of highly skilled labour
migration from countries like India, China and some advanced
developed countries is the fact that privileged migrants comprise
a small share of international migrants, the majority of whom are
workers employed in unskilled and low-waged jobs in destination
countries. Similarly, the Philippines, Ghana and other developing
countries have established training centres for the medical profes-
sions. Nurses, doctors and medical professionals who graduate from
medical schools are recruited by countries in the Global North which
34 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

have shortages of key personnel, for example, the United Kingdom

and the United States.
These highly skilled migrant workers are viewed as beneficial to
their countries of origin, even if it is highly debatable whether training
programmes to export them will benefit the vast majority of inhab-
itants rather than a small and privileged segment of the population
who possess the high levels of education demanded in the West.
Concomitantly, national progress is also only in high-technology
sectors as most of the populations of these nation-states do not
benefit at all and lack essential human development to promote the
basic necessities of health, education and housing. Further, it must be
noted that highly skilled workers comprise only a small fraction of
international migrant labourers.
From 2000 to 2020, India, which is among the most unequal
countries with the highest concentration of poverty in the world
(WIR 2021), has experienced among the largest waves of urban
internal migration in the world as the demand for low-waged labour
expands and workers are unable to survive in rural areas (Bhagat
and Keshri 2020). South Asian workers from India and Bangladesh
(often women) are increasingly migrating to Export Processing
Zones (EPZs) which permit foreign corporations to operate factories
paying labourers low wages and lacking workplace regulations
(Anner 2020; Dutta 2021). On an international level, a substantial
majority of migrant labourers from developing countries are also
low-skilled workers employed temporarily in manufacturing, services
and domestic care giving, where wages are insufficient to remit
enough funds to provide for the health and educational needs of their
Modern labour-migration programmes are unrelated to global
efforts to create equality, but even as workers in poor countries
have more freedom of movement, the movement of wealth is from
poor and middle-income countries to rich countries. Instead of
instituting a rational and effective system of development through
marshalling internal resources and setting development goals with
international financial support, major multilateral organizations have
found the migration and remittances mantra to be the latest means
to lift countries out of poverty. They do so while viewing individual
migration as individual choice, rather than as being related to struc-
tural imbalance and inequity in the world system which consign
countries of the Global South to systemic inequality and poverty.
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 35

Drawing on an approach which focuses on the complex web of

the political economy of remittances, this chapter shows how labour
migration and economic remittances deepen inequalities across the
world. Converging on remittance flows, the chapter contends that the
current system of labour migration generates insecure prospects for
the development of poor countries. This critique will account for the
growing number of trainees in urban centres, foreign subcontractors
and employment agencies which extract a significant share of funds
from workers; so much so that very few people can afford the system
of migration, let alone plan for contingencies which leave them in
emergency situations, forcing them to return home before completion
of their temporary work contracts.
Taken together, economic remittances are not a viable state
economic-development strategy, nor do they even replace foreign
direct aid to poor and developing countries. As such, we can under-
stand labour migration as a form of western economic imperialism
since living standards are not appreciably increased and migrant
workers must spend several years away from their homes and
communities. While wages are appreciably higher than one can earn
doing the same work at home, they are not a catalyst for economic
development for the Global South. Rather, labour migration can be
viewed as a form of extraction of essential human resources which
contributes to the stagnation of economies where states do not
establish planned strategies for education, health care, infrastructure
and other forms of development. Global migration is a funda-
mental aspect of the modern, international political economy and
promotes economic, social, political and cultural exchange between
countries. Migration could conceivably provide essential benefits for
workers if border-control mechanisms did not exercise policies which
undermine migrant workers’ capacity to earn a living. However,
most destination-state governments compel migrant labourers to
remain working at a single employer without the capacity to move
to a better-paying firm or employment arrangement. If migrant
workers were able to cross borders without penalty and transfer
to employers paying higher wages with better working conditions,
the global migration regime could provide migrants with some
capacity to improve their personal and family conditions. Instead,
the global migration system, established on the basis of regulations
in destination states, is rooted in an imperial project which benefits
developed destination countries in the core countries of Western
36 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

Europe and North America. Profits are inured to the benefit of inter-
national capital located in the Global North, which benefits from
the creation of international migration zones in the South as well
as EPZs. While labour now has the capacity to cross international
borders, temporary migrants are constrained under the time limita-
tions imposed on them by destination states, and thus they can only
cross borders on a temporary basis, being forced to return home
upon completion of their contracted work assignments or to fall into
undocumented status.
The policy and scholarly premises of the ‘remittances as devel-
opment’ model are highly flawed. In reality, international labour
migration does not contribute to an appreciable improvement of the
economies of countries of origin, most of which are in the Global
South. These countries are not developing in the mould of those
in the North which, though extracting surplus value, are far more
prosperous than nations in the South. Labour migration extends the
exploitation of natural resources and agriculture to tapping human
resources of the developing world’s most skilled and able-bodied
The dominant perspective that remittances are a crucial factor
in improving the conditions of countries in the Global South is
not supported by the historical and empirical evidence in these
countries. In this way, labour migration cannot be considered as an
equivalent form of economic activity which fosters development,
as is claimed by proponents in leading multilateral organizations
(UN, IOM, World Bank, etc.) and western economists and social
scientists. Instead, this chapter critiques the dominant perspective of
labour migration as beneficial to sending countries, whereby foreign
workers remit a portion of their wages to fund national development
of essential infrastructure, healthcare systems, education, sanitation
and essential services. The majority of migrant labourers do assist
their families through sending remittances to home countries, but the
research drawn from case studies in chapter 3 shows that the current
process of sending money to families back home is insufficient to
meet essential economic needs for community and national devel-
opment. Even as annual international remittances have grown from
US$126 billion to US$689 billion in the past 20 years, the majority
of those who send significant funds home are highly skilled migrants
from states in the Global North and South. Hence contemporary
labour migration perpetuates a global system of economic inequality,
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 37

poverty, marginality and the growth of precarious labour. The next

section turns to a discussion of the enduring global system of political
and economic control which, exerted through trade and inequality,
impedes migration as a development project.

The Third World, formal independence and

economic imperialism

The inability of remittances to produce substantial economic benefits

from workers employed abroad, which would drive a tangible
increase in the capacity of states in the Global South to foster
significant development, reflects the striking imbalance in the global
economy between developed, developing and poor states. For the
past 200 years, global inequality between the core and the periphery
of the world has been the most prominent feature differentiating
countries and is a consequence of global imperialism which began in
Europe in the sixteenth century and extended into the late twentieth
century at the expense of most of the world’s independence.
In Global Rift: The Third World Comes of Age, historian L. S.
Stavrianos depicts the Third World as those regions which became
underdeveloped as a result of commercial, financial and indus-
trial capitalism, dominated initially by Western Europe. From the
beginning of mercantilism in the fifteenth century to the twentieth
century, the Third World was mired in underdevelopment. The Third
World was not a region of developing economies but of imperial and
colonial control by the metropolitan and dominant settler-colonial
states, the First World. This region currently encompasses what devel-
opment scholars depict as the developing and emerging economies of
the Global South. The Third World was represented by countries and
regions that were economically dependent and subordinate to the
First World, which extended its reach from Eastern Europe to Latin
America, Africa, the Middle East, India, China and South East Asia.
The major dynamic in the subordination is represented by unequal
trade relations whereby the countries of the periphery exchanged
raw materials and agricultural goods with the West for industrial
commodities. These commodities were produced through the cheap
inputs which Third World countries provided for the First World, the
latter becoming the centre of manufacturing, finance and commerce.
The development of industrial capitalism at the end of the eighteenth
38 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

century transformed the world system by incorporating the entire

world, extending into new regions which would enrich the First
World through the extraction of commodities and agricultural goods
from the Third World (Stavrianos 1981).
The twentieth century provided an opening for the Third World to
challenge imperialism and formal colonialism under which the First
World controlled resources throughout the periphery. It was a century
marked by rebellion and revolution from Russia across Asia to China,
Vietnam, Africa, Iran and beyond. Though Third World countries
succeeded in gaining formal political independence, the First World has
maintained and expanded economic control over the resources through
economic imperialism, which allows advanced capitalist countries to
benefit from a system of global inequality (Stavrianos 1981).
The imperial control exercised through enforcing structural
economic inequality over two centuries has been and remains the
most significant obstacle to the development of the Global South. The
imbalance of wealth and income between rich and poor countries and
people, and how to remedy it by creating equity and prosperity, are
issues which impose on the major theoretical and policy debates in
the political economy of development, and they remain the primary
cause of social and political conflict and ecological disaster.
Despite the global consequences of the disparity between rich and
poor, for the past 50 years policy and social research on ameliorating
economic division have been apprehended and trapped in neoclassical
economic approaches which privilege private over public solutions.
In this way, the question of the state and political and economic
democracy has been co-opted exclusively by private solutions, and
the state and public sphere have been relegated to subordinate
positions of assisting in the implementation of capitalist policies. The
withdrawal of the state restricts the options which are available for
fundamentally resolving social inequality, as neoliberal capitalism is
almost always considered to be the appropriate response, whereas the
state and public sphere are viewed as subordinate actors which will
only carry out the plans determined by the capitalist market.
In the first two decades of the twenty-first century, the widespread
persistence and expansion of inequality and poverty under the
neoliberal capitalist order have been viewed as problems which
are best resolved by private and individual action rather than by
structural change through an expanded role of the state. Collective
or social solutions to poverty have been eschewed. This supposed
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 39

superiority of amorphous unstructured action is upheld by the right

and left, both of which celebrate the absence of systematic and struc-
tured social institutions capable of reducing inequality and poverty.
Today, those individuals and businesses which can succeed under
neoliberal capitalism do so because of their proximity to capital,
financial and consumer markets.
As neoliberal capitalism has consolidated its influence over inter-
national social and economic policy, global migration has been
viewed as the most effective means to foster the development of
impoverished states. The state was viewed as the most effective
means to resolve social problems in the immediate post-war era but,
since the global spread of neoliberal market policies from the 1990s
to the present, private capitalism has become the dominant force in
both structuring society and developing solutions to inequality and
poverty. Even when state policies were dominant in the post-war
era, private property was sacrosanct, and government was respon-
sible for developing the conditions where capital would invest and
create prosperity. Inequality within countries tended to decline as
rich metropolitan and settler states monopolized control over global
wealth. Today, the state has lost control of economic resources to the
private sector and is viewed as a cooperative partner to neoliberal
capitalism, which determines domestic and international policies,
fostering growing inequality between rich and poor countries and
even expanding inequality between the rich countries (Hickel et al.
2022; Ricci 2021; WIR 2021).
In the past ten years, the global disparity in wealth has been
identified, and more attention has been paid to inequality among
scholars and policy makers, even if international organizations have
very little power or will to do something to change the calculus. The
simple problem is that wealth inequality is fostering higher levels of
migration, a policy welcomed by rich countries which seek labour to
fill positions eschewed by their own populations.

Unequal exchange and global migration

In the 1970s, social scientists identified the primary source of global

inequality to be perpetual unequal exchange which preserved the
economic dominance of the core countries of the West. In Unequal
Exchange: A Study of the Imperialism of Trade, political economist
40 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

Arghiri Emmanuel (1972) claimed that unequal exchange is a direct

extension of 500 years’ plunder by imperial countries of the rest
of the world; capitalism benefited those living in countries in core
regions of Western Europe and North America by impoverishing the
economies of peripheral countries in the Global South.
Applying Marx’s notion of class struggle within nations to the entire
world, Emmanuel observed that in core countries the emergence of
class society stimulated workers and the poor to demand that the
state provide sustenance for those displaced and excluded, forcing
European states to enact legislation to permit the poor to continue to
survive. For instance, in the late eighteenth century, mass dislocation
caused by the emergence of industrialization and the market economy
motivated European states to enact political policies to defend the
rights of those displaced by emergent capitalism. Emmanuel draws
attention to the salt tax enacted by France to fund the poor, and
Polanyi points to the introduction of the Speenhamland System in
England to provide income for those dislocated from rural estates by
enclosure and urbanization (Polanyi 1944).
In 1972, Emmanuel contended that workers on the periphery did
not have the opportunity to migrate to the core countries and benefit
from working in countries where class struggles, the formation of
labour unions and state intervention redistributed wealth more fairly.
On the periphery, though workers and peasants engaged in social
and political struggle, the primary focus was on dislodging their
colonial masters. Emmanuel’s theory of global unequal exchange
was inspired by the form of trade between the developed imperial
countries of the core metropolitan countries of Europe, along with
settler-colonial developed countries, and the peripheral countries
which were colonized and plundered by colonial empires and
achieved political independence in the post-Second World War era.
Other Marxists argued that imperialism was central to global poverty
and inequality, a system of unequal exchange being maintained with
economic benefits flowing from the periphery to the core countries.
David Ricardo and classical economists did not identify unequal
exchange as they focused on the mobility of capital in determining
prices and profits without considering the immobility of labour
and the historically lower wages in poor countries which prevented
the equalization of wages between underdeveloped and developing
regions (Ricardo 1817). Capitalist profits are obtained by imperialist
investment in poor countries, where wage costs are far lower. Due to
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 41

the equalization of comparative commodity costs, these profits benefit

both the affluent and workers living in rich countries. Due to unequal
exchange, a growing number of workers in poor countries are pushed
into internal and international, temporary low-wage migration just
to survive (Ricci 2021). In addition, the emergence of the system of
temporary migration has shifted the character of international travel
and mobility from one of freedom to one of exploitation and abuse
(Bastos, Novoa and Salazar 2021).
The deplorable conditions which populations endure in the under-
developed countries are directly related to the far lower wage costs
for products which are exchanged for those in rich countries, where
commodity costs are much higher, and wages are higher by factors
of 1–10 or 1–5. This system of unequal exchange divides workers
in developed and underdeveloped countries. In this way, workers in
rich countries do not seek equalization of wages between core and
periphery but the maintenance and even expansion of differentials.
For Emmanuel, the absence of international mobility was a primary
factor in maintaining the system of unequal exchange. Capital, which
is concentrated in rich countries, has the capacity for international
mobility, but labour is unable to relocate from poor to rich countries
to increase wages. Certainly, labour migration in the 1960s and
1970s from underdeveloped to developed countries tended to be far
more limited than it is 50 years later in the 2020s. There were specific
exceptions: for example, highly skilled workers, internal migration
in rich countries, and regional migration, chiefly to Europe, as with
Turkey to Germany, Pakistan to Britain, and the Caribbean to the
United States. In some cases, these migration patterns were a result
of the colonial legacies of metropolitan and settler-colonial states.
For Emmanuel, unequal exchange demanded the preservation of
‘[s]ufficient mobility of capital to ensure that in essentials interna-
tional equalization of profits takes place . . . [and there is] sufficient
immobility of labour to ensure that local differences in wages, due to
the socio-historical element, cannot be eliminated’ (Emmanuel 1972:
xxxiv). Accordingly, the developed countries have always ensured
that significant wage differentials between core and periphery are
firmly entrenched in the international political economy and endure,
and even expand, after formal independence.
Remarkably, writing in the 1970s, Emmanuel believed that signif-
icant labour mobility could potentially equalize wages between poor
and rich countries, but this was unrealistic and impossible as ‘equality
42 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

of wages . . . is absolutely unrealistic and frivolous’ (Emmanuel 1972:

60). Under neoliberal capitalism, which dominates the world economy
today, the potential for equalization is even more unrealistic than it
was in the 1970s since, if free labour mobility across national borders
were permitted, international competition would tend to contribute
to higher wages on the periphery, and this is ‘out of the question’.
Emmanuel argues that the class struggles in the core countries have
created relative equality – an assertion that is borne out at least in
Western Europe in the 2020s, where income and wealth are distributed
more equally than anywhere in the world. This anti-imperialist Marxist
perspective is most relevant in countries of the periphery, which lack
wealth and have the highest rates of inequality (Emmanuel 1972: 263).
To begin to address inequality, Emmanuel argues that poor countries
must establish mechanisms to equalize wealth between those in the top
income brackets and the vast majority who are low-waged workers as
an international system of wealth and income redistribution is estab-
lished. This should include an incomes policy on an international scale
compared to those existing in the rich countries, a solution which is
highly improbable (Emmanuel 1972: 269–70).
As economic imperialism expanded in the twentieth century,
the theory of unequal exchange achieved greater purchase in the
2010s through the work of Zak Cope, who extended Emmanuel’s
theory of unequal exchange to the export of value extracted from
poor to rich countries. This highly controversial and provocative
approach contends that unequal exchange is a constant attribute of
the world political economy which permanently divides rich from
poor countries, or the core from periphery (Cope 2012, 2019).
The global divide permeates social class in developed countries and
establishes an international class divide between workers in rich
and poor countries. Cope observes, ‘The thoroughgoing and nearly
absolute domination of Third World economies by oligopoly capital
(OECD-based banks and transnational corporations) is thus a major
cause of the low wages which lead to a situation of unequal exchange
in the first place’ (Cope 2012: 162).

Systemic global inequality

In 2018 and again in 2022, the rise in global inequality has been
documented by the World Inequality Report at the Paris School of
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 43

Economics, based on data of global income and wealth inequality

assembled by the World Inequality Database (WIR 2021) through
the compilation of an open-source database by international experts
throughout the world. The World Inequality Report 2022, supervised
by economists Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and
Gabriel Zucman, reveals that from 1980 there has been a tangible
and increasing gap between rich and poor. As a whole, the extensive
data analysis shows a growing gap both within and between poor
and rich countries. The growth in inequality between rich and poor
countries has generally stabilized over the same period, with the most
significant attribute being a growth in the wealth of rich countries. At
the same time, poor and middle-income developing countries in Asia,
Africa and Latin America have by and large stagnated or worsened,
and rising disparities within countries have expanded as the number
of millionaires and billionaires has risen dramatically over the
40-year period (WIR 2021). This dynamic of global inequality is a
major factor in the decisions of origin states to establish migration
programmes and of destination states to seize on the economic
advantages (by paying most migrant workers low wages) and to fill
significant labour shortages in STEM and health care.
The World Inequality Report 2022 reveals the vast disparity in
income and wealth that divides the bottom 50 per cent, the middle
40 per cent, the top 10 per cent and the top 1 per cent of the world’s
countries, thus exposing the persistence of inequality in the world
(see Table 1.2). These data have not appreciably changed over the
past 200 years, nor have the inequality rates appreciably narrowed
from 1990 to 2020 (WIR 2021).

Table 1.2 Global Income and Wealth Inequality, 2021

Demographic Category Bottom 50% Middle 40% Top 10% Top 1%
Income (PPP) 8% 39% 52% 19%
Wealth 2% 22% 76% 38%
Interpretation: The global bottom 50% captures 8% of total income
measured at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The global bottom 50% owns
2% of wealth (at Purchasing Power Parity). The global top 10% owns
76% of total household wealth and captures 52% of total income
Source: Derived from World Inequality Report 2022, Figure 1.1, p. 27,
44 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

Redistribution of global income and wealth

The three primary sources of foreign income are global remit-

tances, foreign aid and FDI. In the post-war era, rich countries in
the West have highlighted the importance of development aid to
fund infrastructural projects which would stimulate development.
But, according to the World Inequality Report, global development
aid accounts for just 0.2 per cent of global GDP. Moreover, foreign
aid includes foundation and philanthropic assistance for health and
education, which, despite the hype bestowed on individual corporate
donors, represents a fraction of the foreign aid which advanced
developed states provide for developing countries. In fact, global
capital, chiefly domiciled in banks and financial institutions of the
Global North, is responsible for funding projects which expand
profits at the expense of peripheral countries. These projects are
essential to global supply chains, providing component parts and
finished products for commodities sold in Western Europe and North
America. Compared to development aid, the World Inequality Report
maintains that recipients of development aid in the Global South are
crucial sources of profit in the North, and ‘money outflows, taking
the form of multinational profits, are by far superior to public aid
inflows’ (WIR 2021: 172). It concludes that ‘rich countries pretend to
help poor nations, but all things considered they actually benefit from
how economic flows are organized between the “center” and the
“periphery”’ (WIR 2021: 173). Increasingly, western development
aid flows only to peripheral countries cooperating with the unalloyed
neoliberal capitalist agenda which maintains low wages and minimal
taxation and permits the foreign extraction of rent for mineral and
agricultural resources, thereby increasing profits for multinational
corporations and reducing the value of labour and production in the
Notably, the World Inequality Report substantiates the argument
of this book about the importance of strengthening states by
funnelling funds through donor-country development agencies
and NGOs. Significantly, foreign countries and NGOs frequently
determine those projects that will be funded, often against the will
of national governments, contributing to the erosion of governments
and strengthening of the favourite programmes of donor countries
and NGOs. To address this problem and fund health, education and
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 45

essential infrastructure, the Report recommends a modest taxation

of 2 per cent of global GDP, which would increase development aid
tenfold through increasing taxation on MNCs and increasing funding
to prevent tax evasion (WIR 2021: 173).

Foreign capital investment in the Global South

We now examine foreign aid (otherwise known as official devel-

opment assistance [ODA]) and FDI before turning to migrant labour

Official development assistance

In the post-war era, decolonization throughout much of the Global
South left newly independent countries with inadequate capital
resources to fund essential development projects aimed at improving
living conditions for their populations. The withdrawal of colonial
authorities had a contrary effect; rather than supporting popula-
tions in their colonial empires, Europe and the United States were
inclined to withdraw financing for essential human needs and turn
over responsibility to the newly independent countries. However,
as poverty and famine remained in the post-independence era,
the United States directed funding to dependent countries, which
were mostly unable to provide basic economic support and social
In most instances, decolonization was not accompanied by a restruc-
turing of economic control within newly independent states. New
countries deemed financially and strategically important to advancing
western interests were supported by the US government and its allies
without consideration of the absence of social programmes or of
the repressive nature of governments which asserted authoritarian
control over restive inhabitants seeking an equitable distribution of
wealth through land reform and government transfer programmes.
While most states which gained independence lacked the capital,
taxation capacity to provide basic services was reduced by the failure
of governments to make powerful elites relinquish their vast wealth
to the rural poor, who lived in poverty and lacked bare necessities. It
was only in those newly independent countries where rural peasants
and urban workers engaged in sustained protest for redistribution
46 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

that dramatic gains were made by the poor, notably in China

(Prashad 2012).
The West’s response to poverty and the absence of economic
progress comprised development programmes devised and funded
under the tutelage of the United States and Western Europe: the IMF,
the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), and several state-sponsored programmes.
The latter provided capital for developmental assistance in exchange
for usurious loans which were collateralized by the Global South’s
mining and agricultural resources. Moreover, these resources were
valued at a fraction of their actual worth realized in the West. In
1969, the OECD established the ODA programme to promote and
target economic development projects aimed at reducing poverty and
promoting public welfare, a programme which has been a primary
force for financing development aid for more than 50 years (OECD
2022a). But ODA and other programmes – for instance, the USAID
programme – were largely directed at solidifying political support in
the Cold War era and typically failed to achieve tangible results.

Foreign direct investment Special Economic Zones

FDI is a major form of funding by highly developed economies
under which investors contribute to establishing primarily private
development projects in the Global South. FDI promotes inter-
national trade. Development economists consider it beneficial to
developed countries and developing and emerging economies because
investments advance corporate financial strategies through providing
countries of the Global South with capital necessary to establish
projects which are integrated into global supply chains. Foreign
investors, known as multinational enterprises (MNEs), provide
capital across national borders to take advantage of tax incentives
and lower labour costs and to establish key links in global supply
chains. According to the OECD, ‘FDI is an important channel for
the transfer of technology between countries, promotes international
trade through access to foreign markets, and can be an important
vehicle for economic development’ (OECD 2022b). However, recent
research shows that FDI, migration and human capital development
does not guarantee economic growth in origin countries, due to
economic shocks in destination states and the irregularity of migrant
remittances (Xia, Qamruzzaman and Adow 2022). Jennifer Gordon
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 47

is even more critical of migrant destination states which are recipients

of FDI, demonstrating that the entire migration and development
project is flawed, failing to develop origin states and abusing and
dehumanizing low-wage workers at destination states, contending
that ‘governments are constructing a comparative advantage in labor
from whole cloth, by bringing in workers from other countries on
terms that restrict their freedom and subject them to exploitation at
work’ (Gordon 2022).
With the expansion of international trade in the last three decades
into new foreign markets and the rise of neoliberal capitalism, FDI
outward stocks have spread extensively across the Global South.
Developing countries have developed Special Economic Zones (SEZs),
where taxation and tariffs are significantly reduced to attract foreign
capital investment. These zones include new greenfield projects,
which have had no previous economic activity, and are regarded
as decisive in development but are highly vulnerable to global and
regional economic crises and pandemics. MNEs’ primary interest is
to create horizontal and vertical linkages which will create economies
of scale for production and services (Davies and Desbordes 2018).
SEZs, also known as EPZs, are viewed by economists as a facili-
tator of economic growth and employment in the Global South.
Consequently, since the 1980s and 1990s, developing states have
with varying degrees of success fostered infrastructural projects to
attract FDI and MNEs to invest in their economies. In 2019, there
were 5,400 SEZs in 147 countries, with another 400–500 in the
planning stages. In the same year, the World Investment Report of the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
stated, ‘The SEZ boom is part of a new wave of industrial policies
and a response to increasing competition for internationally mobile
investment’ (UN 2019b: 12). Despite the positive aspects of SEZs,
UNCTAD cautions that many perform below expectations and do
not necessarily contribute to FDI inflows and incorporation into
global value chains. More unsettling for economic development, the
Report finds that ‘too many zones operate as enclaves with limited
impact beyond their confines’ (UN 2019b: 13).
Undeniably, access to migrant labour, whether internal or external,
has been a crucial factor in setting up SEZs, chiefly in the manufac-
turing sector (Davies and Desbordes 2018: 17). The prevailing view
is that the presence of an abundant labour supply is a crucial factor
but, in many cases, labourers are internal and international migrant
48 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

workers. Notably, since the 1990s, China and India have relied on
extensive internal migration of labourers from rural regions to work
in newly established greenfield zones. Each country has relied heavily
on foreign capital for investments. Indeed, the Arab Gulf states and
Malaysia have depended on foreign migrant labourers to work on
new projects and industries. While Arab Gulf countries have funded
SEZs independently through petrodollars, Malaysia has attracted
foreign capital from Singapore and elsewhere to develop an extensive
network of technology industries (Adhikari and Hobley 2011;
Kathiravelu 2016; Schielke 2020).
How significant and dependable is FDI in the Global South’s
economic development? Since 1990, FDI has grown dramatically
to overtake foreign aid as the leading source of external capital for
development projects, which are primarily concentrated in production
industries and generally do not advance sustainable development
goals (SDGs) such as health, education, housing, sanitation and
mass transit. In addition, over more than 30 years, FDIs have had
a record of high volatility and are often unpredictable due to shifts
in global investment. For instance, the World Financial Recession
of 2008–9 had deleterious consequences for developing countries.
FDI to the Global South had barely recovered when the Covid-19
pandemic disrupted the global economy once again in 2020. This
was compounded in 2022 by rising inflation and the threat to
greenfield investments by MNCs in the Global South as northern
multinationals shifted investment priorities to energy projects (UN
2022). According to the World Investment Report in 2019, FDI and
SEZs are not a panacea for most of the poorest countries, even if they
represent a significant share of capital inflows. It concludes that ‘[t]he
least developed countries (LDCs), with a combined population of 1
billion, receive just 3 per cent of those cross-border capital flows. For
these countries, remittances remain substantially higher than FDI.
They increased by 11 per cent to $40 billion in 2018, compared with
FDI inflows worth $24 billion’ (UN 2019a: 12; see Table 1.3).

Migration, remittances and development

The development of global value chains shifts value from low-income
to high-income countries with large consumer markets for commod-
ities. As such, the process of development necessitates a stratified world
where value is generated in poorer countries and realized by MNCs
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 49

Table 1.3 Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows, 1970–2020

Year Global FDI (US $)
1970 12.4 billion
1980 53.4 billion
1990 239.4 billion
2000 1,569 trillion
2007 3,134 trillion
2010 1,926 trillion
2019 1,498 trillion
2020 1,000 trillion
Source: Derived from World Bank database, foreign direct investment, net
inflows (balance of payments)

and finance capital in the rich countries. This requires a system of

highly exploited labour in mining and agriculture, manufacturing and
services. In addition, rich countries seek to prise away those workers
who have been trained at great cost by underdeveloped countries to
work in key STEM industries. However, most migrant labourers are
low-waged workers who are recruited to work in low-waged sectors.
Most of the world’s 280 million migrants are recruited for temporary
labour assignments in destination countries, after which they are sent
home to their origin countries. Thus an absence of migrant workers
able to move permanently from the peripheral to core countries exists
throughout the world; in fact, low-waged workers, such as domestic
staff and nannies, are increasingly employed as temporary workers in
Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur at wage rates which are
higher than in the periphery, yet generally lower than those for most
workers in destination countries.
In the twenty-first century, the expansion of industrialization
creates new potential class struggles that are derived from the
investment of finance capital in manufacturing and service industries
of the Global South, where wages are low, and the greatest surplus
value and profit can be realized. The majority of these industries
depend on internal and international migrant labour. In this way,
the global system remains unbalanced and is marked by structural
inequality between the rich countries of the Global North and the
poor countries of the Global South. In the 2020s, manufacturing
and service workers of the Global South are paid significantly lower
50 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

wages than equivalent workers were in the North when it was indus-
trializing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Global mobility
also fails to solve the problem of inequality, as migration is a complex
process involving affluent and poor countries. More importantly,
labour migration as economic development policy in the Global
South is a chimera since it does not provide a remedy to the problem
of unequal exchange. Though the transfer of migrant worker wages
to peripheral countries through remittances provides fleeting benefits
to the lives of their families by funding education, paying medical
expenses, buying household appliances or paying for marriage
ceremonies, no lasting benefits have been conferred to nation-states
as a consequence of international labour mobility. Instead, migrant-
sending states foster a warped system of development through
funding skilled workers who go on to perform necessary tasks like
medical care in the North. For example, the most skilled workers in
India, Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal are working abroad, often
for multinational corporations (Rodriguez 2010).
Proponents of labour migration and remittances have claimed that
remittances are crucial to the development of democracy as they
circumvent states in the Global South, regarded by political scientists
Abel Escribà-Folch, Covadonga Meseguer and Joseph Wright as
authoritarian and autocratic. Not only do migrant workers returning
from their assignments abroad bring with them democratic practices,
but they also send money to political parties and social movements
which oppose established leaders, and therefore contribute to the
participatory process. These commentators consider remittances to
be a gift to migrant labourers and poor states from rich economies,
but they also judge neoliberal capitalist states as the custodians of
liberal democratic ideals which will democratize the Global South
(Escribà-Folch, Meseguer and Wright 2022). This interpretation
contributes to an imperialist stand that the developing countries in
the Global South are economically and politically backward and their
leaders far less responsible than those in the North, and thus must
be defeated in elections or through political movements for change.

Covid-19 pandemic and economic development

The Covid-19 pandemic has severely undermined the economies of the

Global South and revealed the inherent weaknesses of market-based
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 51

economic development models. Labour migration and FDI have both

been severely set back by the global pandemic, which has caused a
steep decline in the Global South’s revenue, forcing many temporary
migrants to return to their origin countries and severely undermining
FDI projects.
Therefore many temporary labour migrants have been forced
back to their countries of origin, resulting in remittances declining
significantly as a source of foreign funding. In 2020, remittances
declined only 1.6 per cent to US$540 billion, a development which
is expected to increase in the years to come (Black 2021: 32–3).
Still, according to the World Bank, despite the Covid-19 pandemic,
the sum of remittances sent back to developing countries remains
far higher than the US$259 billion in FDI and US$179 billion in
ODA (KNOMAD 2021; World Bank 2021a). However, remittances
are unable to provide sufficient investment and training to develop
or improve living standards in migrant-sending countries. Still, the
decline in remittances and other foreign investment is endangering
the ability of developing countries to meet SDG goals by 2030. In
2020, according to the IOM, the top five recipients of remittances
were India (US$83 billion), China (US$60 billion), Mexico (US$43
billion), the Philippines (US$35 billion) and Egypt (US$30 billion)
(World Bank 2021a). India has been the largest recipient of remit-
tances since 2008, and the five leading recipients of remittances as
a share of GDP in 2020 were smaller economies: Tonga (38%),
Lebanon (33%), Kyrgyzstan (29%), Tajikistan (27%) and El Salvador
(24%). The transaction cost for sending remittances according to the
World Bank’s Remittance Prices Worldwide Database to lower- and
middle-income countries was 6.6 per cent in the fourth quarter of
2020 (Black 2021). As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, a decline
in remittances from migrant labourers and foreign diasporas, it is
unlikely that developing countries will meet the SDGs of providing
a substantial source of revenue by 2030. Conversely, the pandemic
has demonstrated that migrant labour is vulnerable to physical and
emotional insecurity and economic exploitation and wage theft,
as employers have been found to dismiss workers who are idle,
and many have not been paid wages for past work. The pandemic
has had a disproportionately negative impact on female migrant
workers employed in the private sector (Bhattarai and Baniya 2022;
Ekanayake and Amirthalingam 2021; ElBehairy, Hendy and Yassin
52 Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration

FDI and Covid-19

Reliance on the stability of all forms of foreign capital inflows as a
source of development was accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic,
which caused global FDI inflows to decline by 35 per cent to US$1
trillion. However, as the Global South remains a major source
of production for global value chains, especially in Asia, where
developed economies declined by 58 per cent, developing economies
decreased by just 8 per cent to US $663 billion. As GDP declined
globally, primarily due to repatriation of capital by developed western
countries, developing countries increased from half to two-thirds of
all global FDI recipients. But in 2020 the value of total greenfield
investments in the Global South declined significantly (WIR 2021: x).
Investment in sustainable development, the foremost indicator for
developing countries, declined as a priority for investors, as SDG
investment dropped by 42 per cent in 2020 (WIR 2021: 13). The
dramatic decline in investments in telecommunication, food and
agriculture, education, water, health, renewable energy, transport
services and sanitation and hygiene casts doubt on developing
countries’ ability to meet 2030 SDG goals. Moreover, as vaccine
availability is far more limited in the Global South and new mutations
continue to be a crucial concern, a recovery of FDI investment is
still in doubt and continuously threatened by downward shifts in
international financial investments. Most salient, the Global South
is very dependent on capital investment to fund development, highly
vulnerable to global economic and pandemic shocks, and exposed to
global crises in the future. The pandemic has caused GDP to decline
in economies of the Global South and, as with the 2008–2009 crisis,
recovery is likely to take many years (Adhikari et al. 2021; Ekwebelem
et al. 2020; Irudaya Rajan and Sivakumar 2021; Khadria, Thakur
and Mishra 2022; Musa Yusuf and Shekhawat 2022).


This chapter has claimed that the introduction and growth of migrant
labour remittances since the 1980s into the international economy
has been rendered ineffective in advancing national economic
development and essential social needs. Rather, the remittances
refrain which has dominated international economic organizations
Capitalism, Imperialism and Labour Migration 53

contributes to the subordination of the Global South by imparting

a false message of hope and prosperity. Moreover, despite global
agreements to improve the rights of migrant labourers in desti-
nation states, border control and the growth of nationalism consign
many migrants to the periphery of economic and social life. While
stressing global inequality, this book also emphasizes the internal
inequality within countries which are the basis for migration. The
data derived from leading international development agencies and
research organizations demonstrate that world inequality is endemic
on the international level and on an internal level within countries.
Focusing on inequality in the Global South demonstrates that it is the
focal point of inequality generated by rich economies in the Global
North which controls most of the wealth and income worldwide.
International inequality is a mirror of internal inequality in poor
countries. Countries in the Global South have the highest rates of
inequality, and inequality between the South and North remains
a crucial feature of the world political economy. To mitigate this
inequality, tangible wealth must be shifted from the North to the
South through a global tax on capital which is directed to SDGs in
poor countries. As we shall see in the next two chapters, remittances
and global labour-migration benefits heighten divisions by favouring
rich countries and warping the development of the Global South.
Underdevelopment and Labour
Migration as Economic Imperialism

The rise of decolonization movements in the eighteenth and nineteenth

centuries was realized following the end of the Second World War
from 1945 to the 1980s. It occurred as the imperialist states of Western
Europe and the United States conceded power to local political elites
throughout the Global South. The rise of liberation movements
inexorably brought national self-determination and sovereignty in
virtually all colonies where the West and settler colonialists sought
to retain political control. National liberation movements and armed
struggle triumphed in: China and Korea against Japan and the United
States in the 1940s and 1950s; Indochina in the 1950s and 1970s
against France and then the United States; Algeria against France
in the 1960s; Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique against the
Portuguese in the 1970s. The republics of the USSR in the Baltic,
Eastern Europe, Caucuses and Central Asia exercised their right to
secede in the 1990s, while Apartheid came to an end in South Africa
in 1994. Those national liberation struggles remaining in many
regions of the world largely stand against unremitting economic,
military and political domination by colonial powers and western-
imposed neoliberal capitalism.
As Jason Hickel observes in The Divide: Global Inequality from
Conquest to Free Markets, just after the Second World War came
to an end and the United States emerged as the global hegemonic
power, development became the watchword for the Global South. In
1947, US president Harry Truman devoted the ‘State of the Nation’
speech to ending poverty and stimulating economic development in
the newly independent countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 55

Rather than a genuine concern for the status of global poverty, the US
federal government advanced economic development in the Global
South to exercise imperial power (Hickel 2018). In 1960, W. W.
Rostow – the conservative and classical political economist, national
security adviser (NSA) to Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam War
and author of The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist
Manifesto, an abstract and mechanistic theory of modernization –
intended to draw intellectual support in the Global South away from
the USSR and China’s existing models of socialism through an alter-
native capitalist form of development, one which had never before
or since been replicated by nation-states (Rostow 1960). The work
was primarily a polemic against the Soviet Union and communism,
and it advocated foreign assistance for governments embracing the
existing western capitalist paradigm of economic development. On
no occasion did poor countries of the South apply the model, and,
in most instances, minimal US and western aid was appropriated by
authoritarian governments in the western camp which had suppressed
socialist forces. As NSA to Lyndon Johnson, Rostow encouraged and
orchestrated US military intervention to suppress and thwart leftist
popular organizations, socialist movements and political leaders.
In the ensuing years, the US Agency for International Development
(USAID) continued to oppose the redistribution of land and resources
to the poor in favour of investment in private enterprise. But the
major goal of US foreign aid during the Cold War was to curry
favour and gain influence over the Soviet Union in the Global South
(Engerman 2017; Kapstein 2022; Lee 2022; Wiegersma and Medley

Countering socialism through economic development,


In this vein, neoclassical models of development during the Cold

War era essentially came in the form of economic assistance to
Global South leaders and bureaucrats who did not advocate and
implement socialism. As western foreign aid has been largely minimal
in comparison to the extraction of natural resources from the Global
South, economic development ensued hardly anywhere except at
crucial political, economic and military pressure points in the world
where direct challenges to western supremacy had occurred. Indeed,
56 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

contrary to Rostow’s theory of economic growth, those few countries

that began to reduce poverty had enacted and implemented land
reform programmes, which significantly reduced the power of the
rural landowners. Following China’s vast land redistribution in the
wake of the 1949 Revolution, the Kuomintang leadership in Taiwan
was confronted by a fierce rural movement for the redistribution
of land on the island, culminating in the 1953 land reform which
ultimately contributed to its rapid urbanization and economic devel-
opment (Lin 1981). According to the Hoover Institute, ‘More than
one million Taiwanese gained property rights under the land reform
program and the income of farmers nearly doubled in the decade
after 1949’ (Myers and Lin 2007). Taiwan’s comprehensive land
reform was succeeded by establishment of state-owned enterprises to
control mining, petroleum and steel production, as well as shipping,
electricity and agriculture and, in the ensuing years, a strong public
sector (Boix 2001; Lin 1981; Tseng 2018).

Imperialism and the development myth

Political economists Ha Joon Chang and Ilene Grabel categorically
reject the conventional perspective propagated by proponents of
neoliberal capitalism that free markets lead to economic growth.
Instead, they argue that the economies of developing countries which
adopted free-market policies in the 1990s have grown less than they
did during the 1970s and 1980s. China and India, two countries
whose economic performance has expanded from 2000 to 2020,
have in fact curtailed free-market policies and have exerted higher
levels of state control over their economies. In most of the Global
South, poverty and inequality have expanded dramatically, a trend
which has accelerated in the first two decades of the twenty-first
century. On the contrary, Chang and Grabel assert that neoliber-
alism aggravates inequality among and within nation-states. Most
FDI and other inflows from Western Europe, the United States and
East Asia are directed to the advanced capitalist countries, and the
relatively meagre inflow of foreign investments to the Global South
is highly concentrated among the most advantaged economies.
Rather than increasing equality and decreasing poverty, the invest-
ments tend to exacerbate poverty within countries as development
priorities shift from human development to the generation of profits,
redounding to the benefit of multinational companies. Poverty and
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 57

inequality have expanded in countries adopting neoliberal capitalism

and contributed to the major stimulant of economic development.
US allies in East Asia, Taiwan, South Korea and elsewhere have
experienced sustained expansion through redistributive policies and
state control over industry and natural resources (Chang and Grabel
Advocacy of universal application of free-market, western,
national economic development in Global South countries was
formulated as the Second World War was coming to an end and the
United States emerged as the new imperialist global power. Fearing
the growing influence on poor countries of the USSR and then
communist China, the United States sought to redirect attention to
a capitalist development agenda which would also ensure that the
West maintained control over the abundant natural resources in
the newly independent countries. The United States and its Western
European allies advanced a strategy for economic development which
was an integral part of the Cold War agenda and endeavoured to
counter growing socialist movements throughout the South. As
historian Vijay Prashad writes, ‘The Third World was not a place.
It was a project. During the seemingly interminable battles against
colonialism, the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America dreamed
of a new world’ (Prashad 2012: xv). They were stimulated by
competition from the USSR and China for political influence over
the newly independent states in Asia and Africa, and over most Latin
American economies, which had been stagnating under comprador
free-market development models seeking to control natural resources
and agricultural commodities for western markets (Stavrianos 1981;
Westad 2011).
For free-market advocates, economic development in the Global
South was assessed in terms of vertically integrated multinational
corporations’ extraction of minerals and agricultural commodities for
wealthy consumer markets in the United States and Western Europe.
Western multinationals invested in mines, agricultural plantations
and export industries to earn significant profits without reinvesting
in the host countries.
In many instances, national development schemes through the
IMF and World Bank, among other US and western development
agencies, expanded foreign debt at high interest rates for countries
which were purportedly ‘developing’. This led to default and restruc-
turing of debt by the IMF, which in turn demanded the end of
58 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

social programmes essential for public health and education for

most populations living in poverty and economic vulnerability.
Programmes were swept away which defended the most vulnerable,
tackled drought, improved life expectancy and reduced mortality
rates and stunted growth among infants. Programmes designed to
promote public and universal education, accessible housing, acces-
sibility to food and basic survival needs for most of the population
were scaled back or scrapped entirely. As neoliberal capitalism has
produced higher profits for MNCs and national comprador classes,
global data reveal overwhelmingly the rise of inequality and lack of
access to basic human needs among a growing segment of the world’s
population, particularly in the Global South (Chancel et al. 2022;
Milanović 2016).

Failure of free-market economic development models in the

Global South and the rise of neoliberalism

Economic development through adopting free-market western models

was not attained by most states, whose economies remained underde-
veloped, with significant shares of their populations lacking health,
education and basic necessities. From the 1980s to the 1990s, the
rise of neoliberalism brought underdeveloped countries onto a new
path which veered away from providing essential basic development
to the popular masses in rural regions and the burgeoning cities. This
new path promoted development by consolidating global production
networks to export natural resources and industrial products to
foreign markets. Global production networks and global value
chains thereby reinforced economic imperialism by favouring labour
in rich countries over poor ones. Geopolitics is an integral factor in
migration and the international and regional regulation of labour
(Mezzadra and Neilson 2021; Suwandi 2019).
This chapter provides a critique of remittances as the primary
feature in the migration–development model. It challenges the
dominant narrative advanced by international corporations, multi-
lateral financial institutions and developed countries that labour
migration and economic remittances are an effective national-
development model for poor countries in the Global South.
Instead, this chapter exposes a distinct imbalance produced by
labour migration which is obscured by proponents of migration
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 59

who advocate it as a means of economic development. In contrast to

public policy and migration scholarship, which views remittances as a
development model, this chapter demonstrates that labour migration
exacerbates inequality and poverty in origin states as national-
development policies are preoccupied with foreign-exchange earnings
at the expense of ameliorating the decline of health, education
and housing. In fact, access to social development requirements is
inversely related to neoliberal capitalism and financialization. Since
the 1990s, extensive expansion programmes to attract investment
and foreign exchange through FDI and external labour migration
have come at the expense of a decline in access to social welfare,
food, sanitation, health care, education and other basic social needs
which are crucial for workers and the poor. In turn, as households
are fragmented by the departure of family members, and commu-
nities lack workers possessing indispensable skills, nation-states in
the South do not have social and political cohesion and are at risk
of severe income inequality destabilization, expanded social conflict
and anomie (Sofi and Sasidharan 2020). Viewed through this prism,
labour migration in the past 30 years deviates from most emigration
models of the past two centuries, where families tended to migrate
together as a cohesive unit. Modern labour migration extends the
extraction of resources from countries in the developing world.
The extraction of skilled and unskilled labour continues the legacy
of extraction of natural resources and agriculture, and directly erodes
social and national cohesion. Nonetheless, research has shown a
correlation between a temporary labour migration and FDI inflows
and MNC investment to southern countries (Pallavi and Cantwell
Since gaining independence in the post-war era, sending countries
in the Global South have tried to obtain foreign investment through
direct aid and then FDI to fund economic development. Over the
past 30 years, these countries have relied increasingly on remittances
from overseas labourers to fund development. In view of the massive
growth in remittances to US$719 billion in 2019 (US$702 billion
in 2020), international and multilateral funding organizations and
banks have regarded these monetary changes as the major driver of
economic growth and development (IOM 2022b). In 2020, migrant
labourers comprised 169 million, or 60.4 per cent, of the world’s 281
million international migrants, who alone comprised 3.6 per cent of
the world’s population (see Table 2.1).
60 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

Table 2.1 Labour and World Migration, 2020

Migrants (m) Migrants (%) World population (%)
Male 146 52.0 3.7
Female 135 48.0 3.5
Labour 169 60.1 2.1
Total 281 100.0 3.6
Source: Derived from International Organization for Migration (IOM

Remittances as a source of investment and

national development

Indisputably, remittances have become a major driver of foreign

earnings for a growing number of states in the Global South.
Predominantly, those countries receiving the most remittances in
the South have become integrated into global production networks
and are crucial for commodity supply chains. The poorest countries
of the world are typically not integrated into regional and global
supply chains, and thus do not supply significant numbers of migrant
labourers to foreign countries as they tend to lack even the basic levels
of education and training (de Haas 2020). Intrinsically, the very fact
that a country possesses an available migrant workforce indicates a
level of development and integration into the global economy which
is achieved well before foreign labourers become available. In the
poorest countries, labour migration is not a factor in even the most
rudimentary forms of development.
Although remittances do not contribute to palpable economic
development in origin states, labour migration has become a
crucial demographic trend in the past 20 years. More and more
labour migrants are travelling abroad to work in manufacturing,
agriculture, services and domestic labour. The World Migration
Report 2022 reveals that remittances from migrants abroad to their
origin states represent a crucial source of revenue for developing
countries, growing to outpace all other sources of foreign aid or
investment. During the Covid-19 pandemic, global remittances
experienced a significant decline from US $719 billion in 2019 to
US $630 billion in 2022, representing a 13.4 per cent drop. From
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 61

2019 to 2020 alone, remittances to low and middle-income countries

declined by 7.2 per cent from a high of US$548 billion in 2019
to US$508 billion one year later, as 76.9 per cent of international
money transfers were sent to low- and middle-income countries.
International migration increased from 272 million in 2019 to 281
million in 2020, a growth rate of 3.5 per cent (IOM 2022a, 2022b;
World Bank 2005, 2022a).

United Nations Development Programme and

economic remittances

Remittances turned into a cause célèbre for economic development

theorists with the release of the United Nations Development
Programme’s Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming
Barriers: Human Mobility and Development (UNDP 2009). For the
first time in the post-war era, western development economists recog-
nized migrant remittances as a driver of economic development in
the Global South – a source of funding which did not require foreign
investment. As an alternative, poor countries would generate their
own foreign investment through sending migrant labourers overseas.
The UNDP report formulates labour migration in the semantics of

The distinction between freedoms and actions is central to the capabil-

ities approach. By referring to the capability to decide where to live
as well as the act of movement itself, we recognize the importance of
the conditions under which people are, or are not, able to choose their
place of residence. Much conventional analysis of migration centres on
studying the effect of movement on well-being. Our concern, however,
is not only with movement but also with the freedom that people must
decide whether to move. Mobility is a freedom – movement is the
exercise of that freedom. (UNDP 2009: 15)

In this interpretation, the UNDP acclaims migration as the fount of

human freedom in the contemporary era, but then depicts the actual
deplorable conditions, human insecurity and intimidation which
many confront every day:

[H]uman movement can be associated with trade-offs – people may

gain in some and lose in other dimensions of freedom. Millions of
62 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

Asian and Middle Eastern workers in the GCC [Gulf Co-operation

Council] states accept severe limitations on their rights as a condition
for permission to work. They earn higher pay than at home, but
cannot be with their families, obtain permanent residence or change
employers. Many cannot even leave, as their passports are confiscated
on entry. For many people around the world the decision to move
involves leaving their children behind. . . . People living and working
with irregular status are often denied a whole host of basic entitlements
and services and lead their lives in constant fear of arrest and depor-
tation. (UNDP 2009: 17)

Notwithstanding that almost all migrant labour consists of

low-wage workers from the South, many of whom work in restrictive
workplaces, the vast majority must cope with abusive conditions.
Notably, destination states enforce stringent policies which further
restrict the mobility and freedom which they purportedly seek to
achieve. Migrant labour is subject to severe border controls, even
though the UNDP asserts that migration is a human right to be
enabled and facilitated by origin and destination states. The report
praises labour migration as a pathway to high wages, education and
improved health care, ignoring the failure of remittances to improve
conditions in origin countries and the uncertainty and desperate
conditions which most temporary labour migrants face in destination
countries, and the tremendous cost to migrants and their families of
working in typically onerous and secluded jobs. Nonetheless, the
report describes migration as a universal social and human right
which should be available to all those who seek human freedom, and
correctly predicts that as labour demand grows globally, nations will
continue to negotiate agreement on a global compact governing the
rights of migrant labourers.

Labour mobility and development

As remittances have grown and become a significant share of foreign
investment in developing countries from 2000 to 2009, the UN Global
Forum on Migration conference in Greece sought to reduce national
barriers to migration. The UN has conceded that national and human
development required a comprehensive expansion in resources which
remittances could not alone provide. It still views migration as a
key element in fostering economic growth as the potential source of
funds to drive development. Yet the UNDP contended that national
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 63

development required established public institutions to address

economic and social development (UNDP 2009: 108). But as migrant
labourers send funds directly to their families, national governments
are bypassed and in most instances are unable to control how the
money is spent, unlike with foreign aid and FDI. Some observe
that individuals make better choices than governments in spending
foreign remittances. However, although remittances from low-wage
workers may facilitate health and education, they are insufficient to
build and staff public schools and healthcare clinics.
The UN Global Forum in 2009 was directed at reducing restric-
tions to mobility in destination states. In an international system
permitting free movement, unskilled migrant workers would have
freedom to exit and enter the states of their choice. In its absence,
labour migration remained conditional on agreements between
sending and host countries. While the UNDP report advocates
improved conditions under the UN International Convention on the
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
their Families, rights of migrant labourers have been largely ignored
(Pécoud 2009). It was not until 2018 that a Global Compact for Safe,
Orderly, and Regular Migration was signed by UN member nations
in Morocco.
Brokered by the UN, the Global Compact was overwhelmingly
approved and has advanced labour-migrant rights on paper, but
as it is not a treaty it has no enforcement mechanism to ensure
states, contractors, recruitment agencies and individuals abide by
its goals (McAdam 2019). Instead, it relies on compliance with the
UN Charter’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other
treaties (UN Global Compact for Migration 2018). Essentially, the
appeal is a best-practices approach which few countries follow, most
preferring bilateral national agreements. In only a few regions (e.g.,
Western Europe’s Schengen Area) are consistent regulations applied
to migrants. Even within destination countries themselves, individual
rights and privileges are based on skill, industry and national identity.
UNDP concerns that migrant labourers face xenophobia in desti-
nation states and mistreatment by employers have been assuaged by
appealing to the fact that migration to destination countries has held
steady at 3 per cent, a share which migration proponents consider a
small fraction of the world’s population, even if the share of migrant
labour has been growing dramatically. The share of migrants has
grown to 3.5–4.0 per cent of the global population in the ensuing
64 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

decade as demand has increased for low-wage workers and caregivers

to fill labour-market shortages or to create from scratch a new
workforce in countries lacking sufficient labour.

Focus on low-wage migrant workers

The initial impetus for labour migration did not emerge from a
preconceived global policy to drive national economic development
in the Global South through remittances but from the ineluctably
growing demand for migrant workers from both advanced and
middle-income countries. In poor countries on the periphery of
Europe, North America, South Asia and East Asia, neoliberal policies
undermined steady employment by reducing full-time jobs with
decent wages and benefits. Marcel van der Linden observes that while
the industrialized countries of the Global North experienced a period
of Fordism, in which social welfare states proliferated and vertically
integrated manufacturers employed unionized and well-paid labour,
most of the Global South did not have an equivalent era. In the 1980s
and 1990s, as most global manufacturing shifted from North to
South, unionization was eschewed by national governments to ensure
wages remained low (van der Linden 2021). In the wake of the shift
to southern manufacturing, those few full-time and well-paid jobs in
developing countries which provided decent wages and benefits along
with job security were replaced by precarious and informal low-wage
tasks which typically did not provide continuous employment but
were short-term positions hiring workers only for specific production
and service needs. In the ports of India, stevedores loaded and
unloaded ships only when they were in dock, dispensing with the need
for continuous employment. Once the tasks were complete, footloose
labour would move on to other short-term jobs (Breman 1996; Ness
2017). For many southern economies, neoliberalism renders workers
redundant by the time they reach 25–30 years old. Thus the rapid rise
in international low-wage migration is driven by free-market policies
which have destabilized jobs and the opportunity for workers to gain
steady employment overseas, where labour shortages exist in global
supply chains and in key jobs associated with domestic and personal
services (Sassen 2002).
Even as labour migration has expanded in economic significance,
no major global treaty is in a position to guarantee its continuity
and further growth. The dominant legal framework governing
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 65

migration is bilateral accords between states. Only in the 27 states

constituting the Schengen Area of Europe are internal borders
abolished for the short-term free movement of populations within
the zone. Yet although the Schengen visa is intended to ease the
movement of peoples between countries for work, in most instances
it is used by workers travelling across borders for daily work before
returning home. The Schengen Area is not intended for temporary
labour but eases the capacity of people who live in the region to
cross borders. Consequently, even in the European region, migrant
labour is only permitted to cross borders through established
bilateral agreements between countries in Europe. The UNDP’s call
for regularization and uniformity of migration access and condi-
tions across the world in 2009 has not been realized even as the
percentage and absolute number of temporary migrant labourers
has expanded to accommodate the rising global demand for lower-
wage labour in strategic logistical locations with shortages. Instead,
the regulatory regime for migrant labour is governed by desti-
nation states, which negotiate with sending states on recruitment
practices. Rather than having a uniform policy across nation-states,
migrant labourers are subject to a range of patchy and inconsistent
migration policies influenced by political and economic vicissitudes
within and across states.
The absence of global and regional migration regimes contributes
to uneven standards and policies across receiving states which
create the need for recruitment agencies as brokers between migrant
labourers in sending states and employers in receiving ones. In
their capacity as go-betweens, recruitment agencies typically charge
high fees to migrant labourers for identifying and contracting with
employers in destination states. As a result, migrant labourers and
their families must typically save up a fortune to pay often unscru-
pulous recruitment agents, who may also extract a large share of
migrant labour wages.
As there is no standard international migration protocol or wage
system, worker wage rates and recruitment costs range dramatically.
Usually, recruitment costs are far higher for low-skilled migrant
labourers than for highly skilled ones (Martin 2017; Migration
Data Portal 2021). The Global Compact for Migration guidelines
stipulate those migrant workers pay no recruitment costs, but the
available data show that in most instances recruiters, governments
and employers impose a range of costs on migrant workers for the
66 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

privilege of working under inhospitable conditions for low wages,

circumstances exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic (Foley and
Piper 2021; Pécoud 2020; van Riemsdijk, Marchand and Heins
According to Dilip Ratha, of the Global Knowledge Partnership
on Migration Development (KNOMAD), recruitment costs imposed
on workers can comprise a significant share of all earnings. The
costs consist of document costs, passports, visas, residency permits,
medical check-ups, security clearances, competence training and
language tests, transport costs and recruitment services paid to
recruiters (Ratha 2014). Fees are paid before departure and are
withheld from migrant workers’ wages during the period they work
overseas. Low-skilled migrants in low-wage jobs typically pay higher
fees for recruitment than highly skilled workers, who are recruited
by professional firms and are not charged for migration processing,
travel and assignments overseas.
Recruitment agencies are frequently responsible for providing job
training and acclimating migrant workers to their work and living
conditions. But recruitment agencies vary significantly in the training
they provide workers and often are unfamiliar with the working
and living conditions which migrants will confront once they reach
their destinations. As state actors in origin states have typically
initiated policies protecting migrant labourers several years after
the commencement of migration programmes, migrant labourers
are unaware of the potential safety and health risks, the absence of
decent living quarters and the attendant charges for food, lodging
and medicine (Martin 2017; Xiang and Lindquist 2014).
Prospective migrant labourers are trained in facilities located in
origin states, but typically they are not prepared for the unfamiliar
conditions they will face at destinations, whether they work in
industry or services or as domestics. The UNDP has called for the
enforcement of strict health and safety regulations in destination
countries and advises against placement in isolated work and living
locations where migrant labourers do not have the ability to notify
and request assistance from origin-country representatives located in
destination states. Female migrant labourers are far more likely to
work and live under conditions of isolation and sequestration in the
homes of families, where they are unable to contact origin-country
officials for assistance. Some origin states have prohibited women in
domestic services from migrating to destination states which do not
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 67

reverse highly exploitative conditions and restriction of movement,

such as the kafala system in the Arab Gulf (Foley and Piper 2021;
Tamara Lenard 2022).
The UNDP Human Development Report 2009 also recommends
a global migratory regime which would allow workers the option to
change employers in destination states. In most states, a documented
temporary migrant labourer is rendered undocumented and ‘illegal’
if they decide to shift jobs from the employer contracted with in
their source countries to a new employer offering higher wages and
improved conditions. Or in some cases, employers share migrant
workers to take advantage of labour demand. Even if brokers and
employers are responsible for shifting workplaces, the temporary
migrant labourer is left undocumented and subject to arrest and
The problematic migrant-labourer employment schemes are
dependent on networks established between recruitment agencies
and brokers in source and destination countries. In addition, an
intricate system is set up for temporary migrants to remit money
to their families in origin states. This ‘migration infrastructure’
operates in a socio-economic and political space between labourers,
employers, and origin and sending states (Xiang and Lindquist
2014). A migrant worker’s decision to work for an employer
may also interfere with Byzantine payment systems to recruitment
agencies. Yet the choice of working for an alternative employer
is frequently a result of discrimination, non-payment of wages,
overwork, dangerous conditions, abuse, neglect and violation of the
terms of employment. Ethnographic and empirical research among
migrant labourers who abandon their first contractor is documented
in abundant case studies and in publicized events of non-compliance
and violation of employer terms. Consequently, a larger share of
migrant labourers abandons those first employers in destination
states that do not monitor contractors and protect conditions of
temporary workers. The intricate nature of private recruitment
interrupts the ability of migrant labourers to change jobs without
becoming undocumented and activating border control and depor-
tation. Since the publication of the UNDP Human Development
Report 2009, no destination states have enacted policies to allow
workers to shift to secondary employers without penalty and notifi-
cation of government migration authorities (Ford 2019; Piper 2022;
Silvey and Parreñas 2020).
68 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

The evidence of the benefits of migration to destination states is

unequivocal for destination states. Yet even proponents of migration
to destinations acknowledge that low-skilled migrants do not benefit
and are likely to be marginalized economically, socially and politi-
cally (Borjas 1995). The emergence of remittances as a source
of foreign exchange for economic development in the 1990s has
been extolled by the leading international development agencies,
including the IMF, World Bank and free-market advocates (Massey
and Parrado 1998; Ratha, Mohapatra and Scheeja 2011). Even the
United Nations recognized the potential of remittances as a form
of economic development in poor countries. By calling attention
to remittances as the most promising financial funding mechanism
for economic development among poor states of the Global South,
temporary migration academic enthusiasts, international banks and
private-sector advocates seek to reduce the significance of foreign aid
and private foreign investment in the economic development project
(UNDP 2009). In this way, free-market advocates seek to appropriate
the earnings of migrant labourers to fund essential programmes to
meet SDGs set forth by the UN. In turn, private capital can invest in
profitable projects in the Global South and even rely on remittances
as a form of investment funding. Yet in the seminal 2009 report, the
UNDP granted that remittance transfers to developing countries are
a source of revenue and may improve conditions for some, but they
should not be considered as the only path for national development.
Therefore, the UNDP broke company with multinational neoliberal
organizations and NGOs which view remittances as the major form
of international-development funding in lieu of FDI. Most impor-
tantly, it also broke with opponents of redistributing global wealth
and resources (UNDP 2009).
Developing countries would not have to rely on foreign aid and
foreign investment if funds were used instead to finance zones in
the Global South for the production, processing and fabrication of
exports (upward) in the global commodity supply chains. Temporary
migrant labour would be recruited in the South in strategic, logistical
nodal locations to serve as vital centres in the global supply chains
for crucial products. Malaysia is the most prominent example of a
southern state that advanced economically through creating a global
production hub using FDI from the West and foreign temporary
migration from low-wage regions in South East Asia (Bastide 2021;
Lee 2022; Muniandy and Bonatti 2014).
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 69

Peripheral labour in strategic production centres

Developing countries that will be favoured by foreign capitalists and
financiers must supply the key components for production in the
global value chain to be included as serious players. In several cases,
governments receive FDI from investors to establish a zone special-
izing in the production of specific products (e.g., semiconductors,
appliances, car parts) even if a workforce is not available within a
state. In turn, nation-states negotiate bilateral accords with third-
party states promising to deliver migrant labourers to the location.
Contractors established in the destination country which is central in
the global supply chain negotiate labour costs with recruiters in third
countries to provide labour at a specified fixed cost, which is typically
favourable to multinational corporations and financial investors in
the product. The strategic production centre supports infrastructural
development in the region, and the host state offers contractors and
multinationals low taxation, few regulations governing labour and
environment, logistics and transport services (including electricity,
water, roads, port facilities, land for factories and warehouses), along
with low-wage labour sourced overseas or locally that is not bound
by local minimum wages and occupational regulations (Haudi,
Wijoyo and Cahyono 2020; Perkins, Rasiah and Woo 2022).
The labour force often comprises precarious and low-wage foreign
migrant workers who will remit money to a third country. Migrant
source countries are fundamental for the production zones in the
global value chain from countries producing natural resources and
raw materials to assembly points for production. Each migrant
origin country is a staging ground for the export of often precarious
labour with few rights and legal protections to produce finished parts
and commodities to the rich countries of Europe, North America,
Oceania, GCC, North East Asia and beyond (Piper, Rosewarne and
Withers 2017).
Recruitment agencies and brokers are often even more decisive
than origin states in facilitating migration. They promise to provide
employers in destination countries with unskilled labour from poor
countries in the region. This model of recruitment is prevalent
throughout the Global South, where a large reserve army of labour
is available, such as Africa, Central America, South Asia and South
East Asia. The primary goal is to identify new countries and find
workers willing to work at even lower wages in the Global South. As
70 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

such, South–South labour migration is decisive in the global supply

chains of critical global, regional and local production and services
(Shivakoti 2022; Theodore et al. 2018).

The non-transmittal of remittances

Wages earned are certainly higher for migrant labourers than they can
ever receive in source countries but, because they must repay recruiters
for all their costs (travel, housing, food and medicine), they do not
necessarily send home a large share of their earnings to their families
in origin countries, and they certainly do not contribute to economic
development through investing in education, health and other infra-
structure back home. The evidence shows that skilled labour tends to
migrate permanently or engage in circular migration, moving between
source and destination states, a process which is particularly true of
India (Rajan and Oommen 2020; Withers, Henderson and Shivakoti
2022). Skilled labourers with STEM training are recruited from India
and China to work in major commercial centres in Western Europe,
North America and Japan. In the United States, skilled workers are
given preferential H-1B visas, allowing them to stay for three years,
with a right to renew their contracts.
Upon completion of their overseas sojourn, highly skilled migrant
workers return to India and continue to work for the same major
US and European countries in the commercial hubs of Mumbai,
Bangalore and Hyderabad, maintaining a right to return on L1 visas to
the United States. This system of circular migration is highly beneficial
for a small percentage of highly skilled migrants, who profit from
establishing links between the West and India, where multinational
corporations can avail themselves of low-wage workers to perform
technology, engineering and business services. As such, the highly
skilled migrant labourers have the potential to earn even higher wages
by managing the multinational subsidiaries which perform a range
of services through employing relatively low-wage labour. Certainly,
the workers whom highly skilled circular migrants employ in India
earn far lower wages than equivalent workers in the Global North,
but relatively higher wages than most Indian workers (Khadria 2011;
Ness 2017). This has spawned growing xenophobia among workers
employed as skilled professionals, who must compete with Indian and,
to a lesser degree, Indian migrant labourers in US labour markets.
Upon completion of their training in Indian Institutes of Technology
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 71

(known as IITs), the highest skilled Indian workers parlay their skills
into well-paying jobs in the United States and elsewhere, serving
western financial and technological corporations. The benefits of this
system do not accrue to most Indians but rather to multinationals in
the Global North, highly skilled workers and their families and, to a
lesser extent, Indians with technological and business-services training
who are employed in subsidiaries in major Indian cities. India has
among the highest unemployment rates in the world. More than 90
per cent of all Indians do not have secure work and are compelled
to work in the informal sector at low wages and without health and
pension benefits, even if they work for major companies which are
integrated into global supply chains. Workers employed in production
industries for national and multinational corporations are divided
between a minority of workers employed full time for the firm and a
majority who are not permanent workers: a 1:4 ratio.
Though manufacturing workers may engage in the same tasks on
the job, they earn a fraction of the wages, have no job security and
can be dismissed at any time (Barnes 2014). The beneficiaries of this
integrated global migration system for highly skilled workers are a
thin layer of India’s privileged population rather than most Indians
labouring in menial jobs and the unemployed. This pattern corrobo-
rates the conclusions of the UNDP Human Development Report
2009, which contends that remittances are not reinvested within
origin states, particularly underserved communities. Notwithstanding
the limitations of migration as a form of development, the UNDP
calls for a more benevolent system of migration for migrant labour
and refugees. Surely, skilled migrant labourers to the Global North
must not be exposed to rising xenophobia or condemnation from
western politicians and media (Menjívar, Ruiz and Ness 2019).
Concomitantly, these migrants do not serve the purpose of national
economic development, nor do they contribute to SDGs, as they
amass remittances for the benefit of already educated, highly skilled
and wealthy populations while increasing the profits of MNCs, and
they therefore do not contribute to national economic development
for most origin states (Agrawal et al. 2011; Ness 2011).

Migration as individual freedom and national catastrophe

Recognizing the gap in development on a global scale, the UNDP
Human Development Report 2009 views foreign remittances as
72 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

improving the income and well-being of individuals, as well as being

vital in expanding ‘human freedom’ through granting people the
capacity to choose where to live across the planet. This lofty goal
is unattainable for most people throughout the world, who do not
possess high levels of wealth. For these, the UNDP suggests that
the only way to select where one wishes to live is through labour
migration: ‘Human mobility can be hugely effective in raising a
person’s income, health and education prospects. But its value is
more than that: being able to decide where to live is a key element of
human freedom’ (UNDP 2009: 1).
The focus of the report is that migration improves individual
conditions but does not necessarily improve appreciably the condi-
tions of families and communities in origin states. Today as in 2009,
international labour migration is transient and ephemeral, and most
migrants moving to new locations overseas do not decide where they
will live and work over a temporary period. Moreover, foreign place-
ments for low-wage workers do not typically improve individual
skills unless migrant workers are granted rights to live in their new
locations and are offered decent employment, education, health care,
housing and necessities of life. Even within affluent countries, most
citizens do not have cradle-to-grave security. However, if migrant
workers are to improve their skills and training, they require greater
mobility and rights in destination states and regions.
The UNDP report endorses international migration to raise living
standards and provide essential services. But the report does not
distinguish between permanent and temporary migration and creates
the false sense that the choice to move will significantly expand
horizons. In most instances, migrant labourers may earn higher wages
for a temporary period but will be obliged to return to their home
country upon completion of their contracts, which, due to the lack
of uniformity, range widely among states. The decision to migrate is
a choice which is not only made by an individual but often also by a
family and community. In many cases, families pool their resources
to support a migrant worker to travel overseas, work and send remit-
tances back home. Those living in the least developed states do not
have the opportunity to migrate. While migrants are more likely to
migrate from countries with relatively higher levels of development
than the least-developed states, development does not occur because
of migration but is a result of a state’s capacity to form trade relations
with destination states. It is misleading to conclude that the capital
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 73

entering poor countries from labour remittances is a major source

of national economic development, as most evidence demonstrates
that, contrary to the established perspective of multilateral banks and
agencies, most states with high levels of low-wage migration do not
develop. Advocates for expanded global labour migration contend
that labour migration is the major source of developmental funding
and all that is required is expanding and improving integration of
migration into southern development policies as well as upgrading
policies in the North (Ratha et al. 2011).
Diverse migration policies across states contribute to the complexity
and social stress that migrant labourers experience. The UNDP
and the IOM advocate that complicated and restrictive policies in
destination states produce significant impediments to entry into
destination countries. These barriers hinder labour migration and
aggravate the ability of migrant labourers to contribute to the
national development project through monetary remittances. The
UNDP and IOM claim that easing the obstacles to labour migration
would be beneficial to developing and advancing economies (IOM
2022a; UNDP 2009).
Why are destination states with palpable labour shortages raising
barriers to labour migration from countries in the Global South with
surpluses of labour? The most severe barriers are imposed on unskilled
and low-wage migrant labourers who seek higher wages in developed
countries. To most observers, migration constraints are imposed by
government leaders responding to rising levels of xenophobia and
anti-immigrant sentiment in destination states. In 2009, the UNDP
asserted that migration restrictions are unwarranted as the share of
migrants has remained relatively unchanged from the 1960s to the
2000s at 3 per cent (UNDP 2009: 2). However, the UNDP has not
accounted for the planetary population growth from 2.9 billion in
1959 to 8 billion in 2022 (UNDESA 1960, 2022a). Moreover, from
1990 to 2022, human migration has grown from 159 million to 280.6
million (or 43.5 per cent), a significant percentage increase as well as
a large expansion in the absolute number of international migrants
(IOM 2022a; UNDP 2009). We must also consider that the largest
segment of migrant labourers work in the Global North and frequently
comprise more than 10 per cent of their workforces (see Table 2.2).
Demand for labour migration in northern countries is due to
ageing populations and older demographic profiles than in southern
countries. Consequently, even if migration is a positive force that
74 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

Table 2.2 International Migration Stock, 1990–2020

1990 2000 2010 2020

World 152,968,157 173,230,585 220,983,187 280,589,105

Sub-Saharan Africa 13,286,341 13,151,229 15,854,637 22,221,538
Northern Africa and 17,608,769 20,321,397 32,638,434 49,767,746
Western Asia
Central and Southern Asia 26,168,623 20,139,825 19,676,783 19,427,576
East and South East Asia 6,835,882 10,506,212 15,760,463 19,591,106
Latin America and the 7,135,971 6,539,738 8,326,588 14,794,623
Oceania (excluding Australia 258,678 296,618 298,175 313,069
and New Zealand)
Australia and New Zealand 4,473,260 5,065,063 6,830,423 9,067,584
Europe and North America 77,218,633 97,210,503 121,597,684 145,414,863
Developed regions 82,767,210 103,962,010 130,562,258 157,253,443
Less developed regions 70,218,947 69,268,575 90,420,929 123,344,662
Less developed regions, 59,158,726 59,204,627 79,989,053 107,159,937
excluding least developed
Less developed regions, 67,419,066 65,850,628 86,472,612 118,939,005
excluding China
Least developed countries 11,060,221 10,063,948 10,431,876 16,184,725
Land-locked developing 14,212,843 11,503,826 11,597,176 15,022,720
countries (LLDC)
Small island developing 2,312,665 3,287,168 4,710,457 5,678,001
states (SIDS)
High-income countries 76,295,202 101,641,715 142,642,749 181,897,756
Middle-income countries 67,228,996 63,873,275 69,069,732 85,895,533
Upper-middle-income 35,289,343 35,822,210 42,080,101 57,383,443
Lower-middle-income 31,939,653 28,051,065 26,989,631 28,512,090
Low-income countries 9,193,274 7,322,731 8,781,206 12,232,043
Source: UNDESA, Population Division (2020b)

influences greater exchange and understanding in origin and desti-

nation states, and allows people freedom of movement, the institution
of neoliberal capitalism has created far greater exploitation of
migrant workers, as its main goal is to expand the pool of labour
and reduce wage costs. Why should migrant workers fill low-wage
jobs in the Global North and in southern countries? Why aren’t
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 75

migrant labourers respected for their contribution by reducing

border controls, eliminating the cost of recruitment to them and their
families, and simplifying mobility across international borders?
Physical and special limitations to swift migration have been
removed through globalization of production, rapid air transport
and the capacity of recruiters to bond migrant workers with potential
employers, but the introduction of restrictive and punitive government
policies from 2000 to the present is establishing a major hurdle to
migration. This negates the view that proponents of migration assert
about remittances being a stable source of economic growth (Castles
2011; De Genova 2002; Könönen 2018).
Government policies are establishing greater hurdles through
militarization and expanded border controls in response to growing
xenophobia in the neoliberal era. As such, though demand is
growing for migrant labourers, the cost of migration is increasing
due to legal mechanisms and border control through policing and
militarization (Hintjens 2019; Menjívar, Ruiz and Ness 2019). This
contributes to a growing number of irregular migrant labourers
living without documentation from destination states (Kivisto 2021).
Undocumented status allows destination states to control the number
of migrant labourers via shifting enforcement. UNDP points to
Thailand and the United States as examples of states with high levels
of ‘irregular’ migrant labourers. When political sentiment against
migrant labourers grows, they are deported; and when demand
increases, border controls are often more permissive (UNDP 2009:
2). In the United States, undocumented entry is used as a cudgel
which criminalizes foreign migrant labourers who are essential to
the economy (De Genova 2002). Low-wage labourers in agriculture,
construction, manufacturing and service work face the greatest
obstacles and threats from immigration authorities. As a result,
temporary migrant labour often does not have access to basic safety
and health services, which became highly risky among essential
workers employed in key occupations in destination states worldwide
during the Covid-19 pandemic (Gaitens et al. 2021; Guadagno 2020;
Reid, Ronda-Perez and Schenker 2021).

Benefits to destination countries

Even as migrant workers are marginalized in destination states, as
we shall see in chapter 4, they significantly benefit their economies
76 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

because they provide a supply of low-wage work in occupations

with severe labour-market shortages. In a growing number of
destination states, migrant workers are recruited to fill jobs where
investment in new technology creates a logistical need for labour
in manufacturing and construction. The availability of low-wage
migrant domestic workers permits mothers to work outside their
homes in destination countries, as migrant women substitute for
mothers entering high-wage jobs (Romero 2020: 117–38). As
domestic workers are consigned to homes, migrant women in these
positions will not learn new skills that will enable labour mobility,
especially if they will have to return to work in their home countries.
Supporters of migration as a form of economic development fail to
acknowledge the costs to migrant domestic labourers, who will give
up 2–5 years of their lives earning relatively higher wages in desti-
nation states. Without nuance, the UNDP baldly asserts ‘Women
may be liberated from traditional roles’ (UNDP 2009: 2) without
specifying whether the women are migrant workers or women
residents in destination countries. Concomitantly, the development
agency claims that seasonal labour in agriculture and tourism
should be expanded by increasing visas to low-skilled workers.
Although scholars are increasingly asserting that the system of
labour migration must be improved (e.g., in terms of recruitment,
remittances and safe return), it seems unlikely that destination states,
recruitment agencies and employers will allow workers to change
jobs, or that temporary migration will provide a path to permanent
residence in any but a few countries. Women domestic workers who
leave their first employer are especially vulnerable to criminalization
and deportation (Parreñas and Silvey 2021; Piper 2022; Silvey and
Parreñas 2020). To achieve residency, migrants must often work for
many years in unpleasant and dangerous positions in homes and

Remittances as economic imperialism

Global migration in the twenty-first century reveals the inherent

inequality that pervades the world as migrant labourers seek higher-
wage jobs in other southern countries or in the Global North.
Those countries with the lowest human development indexes tend
not to send migrants, as they are not integrated into global labour
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 77

markets and do not have the infrastructure to facilitate migration.

Yet even families, regions and countries linked into the global
economy suffer from the absence of young men and women who
leave for relatively higher wages abroad. The necessity to move to
a new location for higher wages exposes the inequality of wages
on a global scale. Scholars who advocate for migration assert that
social, economic and political remittances are a positive form of
development which transfers ethical behaviours and values while
encouraging workplace discipline, local entrepreneurship and even
liberal democracy. Political remittances reduce corruption in origin
states as financial funds sent home go directly to family members
(Escribà-Folch, Meseguer and Wright 2022; Grabowska 2018; Levitt
1998; Solari 2019). Yet the evidence shows that individual migrant
labourers sending remittances home to families do not contribute
funds to economic development. Most often, individuals spend
money to educate family members, build a home or fund health care
for family members. State-led development is far more proficient at
expending funds on community, regional and national education,
health care and infrastructure. Remittances from an array of migrant
labourers cannot build schools, healthcare clinics and transport hubs
but only provide funding for family members to go to school, gain
health care or buy a vehicle. Even if family members have more
funds, poor countries do not have the resources to provide basic
services to reduce poverty, known as poverty-reduction strategies
(de Haas 2020). Also, even if individual migrants distribute funds
more widely throughout origin countries through remittances, those
funds are typically not spent on advancing SDG goals but on their
families. Thus the UNDP and proponents of remittances as a devel-
opment strategy provide a contradictory perspective on remittances.
Alone, remittances are not a development strategy, yet concomi-
tantly they are integral to national development (UNDP 2009: 79).
Supporters of increased labour migration tend to emphasize the
gains countries can reap from international labour migration, but do
not focus on the structural inability of widely scattered funds often
remitted unevenly to expand the human and economic development
of origin states.
While labour migration is certainly not the panacea it is made out
to be by proponents in the UN, World Bank, IMF and OECD, who
all view development as a national-development strategy, there is still
a great need to expand the rights of low-wage migrants who travel
78 Underdevelopment and Labour Migration

overseas. Even if some may make enough money to support their

families, many will be consigned to debt peonage by recruitment
agencies and marginalization by national governments (Bair 2019;
Feldman 2020; Martin 2017).
In almost every instance, low-skilled migrants are paid a fraction of
destination-country workers’ wages, most of whom do not engage in
menial services, domestic work, manufacturing and construction. In
many instances, migrant workers are confronted with life-threatening
working conditions; for example, construction workers who have built
infrastructure and stadiums in Qatar. While migration proponents
advocate migrants’ integration into destination countries through
protections against violence and cruelty, living in communities rather
than isolated dormitories, joining trade unions and maintaining the
right to leave one employer for another with better wages and condi-
tions, these goals and objectives are in most countries improbable as
national governments maintain strict border control and temporary
migrants who leave employers or seek improved conditions are
subject to deportation. In most instances, trade unions do little to
mobilize and recruit migrant workers, or even to improve their living
conditions, unless pressed by international federations, the ILO or
human rights agencies. As established trade unions formed in the
twentieth century are on a downward spiral, some labour scholars
have instead taken solace in identifying low-wage migrant workers
organizing directly on the shop floor, within workplaces and commu-
nities. Regrettably, in the absence of robust organizations, these new
forms of organizing have not improved conditions (Cioce, Clark and
Hunter 2022; Ford 2019; Kumar 2020; Lee and Yoo 2022; Theng
Tan and Khalidi 2022).
The migration-as-development imperative is a failed construct
which has advanced among scholars and practitioners from 1990 to
the present and reflects the expanded demands for labour to work
in the global production chains and facilitate profitability. Thus, if
migration were to grow to serve the needs of the imperialist countries
of the North, the South would contribute to the development of
advanced economies by providing work at low wages. Though much
praised, remittances result from recognition of the billions of dollars
which are transmitted by migrant labourers to their home countries.
In this way, remittances absolve the advanced capitalist economies of
responsibility for developing the southern economies through foreign
aid. Remittances are a form of FDI from the global poor to southern
Underdevelopment and Labour Migration 79

countries which will integrate into production chains that serve

the rich countries and intensify global inequality. North to South
remittances are financial flows which can be monetized to invest in
development projects serving global supply chains in the capitalist
Labour Migration and
Origin Countries

This chapter examines the consequences of labour migration from

poor and developing origin countries. Why do most labourers
migrate from their families for an extended period, often not seeing
them for as much as five to ten years? Even before a migrant worker
departs for a foreign destination, they must pay for education and
training. The major business district of Kathmandu, Nepal, for
example, is dominated by training institutes, foreign contractors and
MNC recruiters. The development is all oriented to preparing young
and bright residents for work overseas at business contractors and
MNCs. Certainly, migration may marginally increase one’s earning
capacity, but what about the social and psychological human costs
of not seeing one’s spouse, children and parents for years, depending
on the terms of the migration contract? How is it possible to raise
a family from overseas? How do migrant workers and their families
back home cope with loneliness and isolation? The capacity of migrant
workers to meet living expenses in both their home countries and
destinations makes it very difficult to survive, let alone save money.
Those migrant workers lucky enough to migrate abroad are caught
in the predicament of paying for their families’ basic living expenses
back home while paying intermediaries and employer deductions
to cover living expenses at foreign destinations. Foreign economic
remittances may supposedly replace direct foreign aid, which straps
developing countries with high debt payments for decades, but they
are certainly insufficient for developing essential social and economic
infrastructure. Rather than developing mass-transit systems, solar
panels or water-generation facilities for electricity, remittances may
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 81

allow a family to build a small house. Furthermore, some migrants

in the prime of their lives, better trained in secondary and post-
secondary schools and with greater financial resources than most, are
more likely to permanently leave their communities and countries.
This chapter evidences the failure of remittances to develop poor

Why do origin states develop a labour-migration system?

Temporary labour migration emerged as a dominant form of

migration under capitalism in the late nineteenth century when
seasonal migrant labourers were recruited from Poland and Eastern
Europe to work as nomadic guest workers in the beet-farming
industry. Migrant labourers were recruited to meet Junker demand
for low-wage labour. Over the next century, the guest-worker
model emerged as the dominant form of migration, far surpassing
permanent immigration (Nellemann 1970; Surak 2013).
Although attempts were made by states to foster permanent
migration to fill needed jobs in the post-war era, since the 1990s,
especially in Europe and Australia, destination states have regulated
migration through large, temporary guest-worker programmes or
have lacked a coherent official strategy but relied on legal and undoc-
umented foreign workers to fill jobs in a range of labour markets
(Gamlen 2020; Wright and Clibborn 2020; Zolberg 1991). However,
origin states have had far less influence over migration as almost
all do not impose border control on those departing to a foreign
country. While all states seek to regulate entry, only a few prevent
departure abroad; and in the contemporary era of labour migration,
most origin states encourage passage to foreign destinations that
remunerate workers at higher wages than are available at home. (Such
origin states tend to be far poorer, with vulnerable populations which
are subject to global economic forces and environmental disasters.)
At its root, the foundation of foreign migration is wage inequality
between developing countries, which comprise most of the world’s
population, and developed countries. David Ricardo’s labour theory
of value does not explain the great disparity in economic value of
goods traded across national boundaries from poor countries to rich
countries. Wages are disproportionately lower for production and
services across national boundaries as the international division of
82 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

labour creates a stratified system of labour value whereby production

costs in poor countries are a fraction of those in rich ones. The
application of comparative advantage by the IMF and World Bank
has expanded dependency and unequal exchange for countries in
the Global South, while dismissing the conditions of labour (Baiman
2010; Ricardo 1817; Selwyn 2015; Siddiqui 2018).
The value of labour is far higher in destination states of the
Global North as well as emerging economies in the Global South,
where working populations command relatively higher wages for
commodity production and rendering of services. Emerging countries
are the leading suppliers of migrant labour, where jobless rates
often exceed 50 per cent of the working population, and the
proportion of workers in stable employment is much lower than
in more advanced capitalist economies. In South Asia and Africa,
most workers live uncertainly and lack steady employment to cover
basic living expenses. Under such insecure employment conditions,
workers are regularly compelled to move from one job to another
for survival. This precarity constitutes the reality of labour and
subsistence in most poor countries of the South which are the leading
origin states for low-wage migration. In 1996, anthropologist Jan
Breman depicted the ubiquitous movement of workers within and
between rural and urban areas as ‘footloose labour’. In the context
of India, he wrote:

Not more than 10 percent of all workers in India appear to form part
of the formal sector. This greatly distorted distribution is caused above
all by the almost complete lack of formal working arrangements in
agriculture. But even in industry and in the service sector, the other
aggregated components of the economy, employment is predominantly
on an informal basis. . . . That lack of constancy is due primarily to
considerable seasonal fluctuations, not so much in the supply as in the
demand for labour power in the informal sector . . . (Breman 1996: 5)

International migration is an extension of internal migration where

workers move from one informal job to another in rural and urban
areas. It is this insecurity of work in the least developed countries
of the Global South that gives rise to the emergence and growth
of international labour migration. Low-wage international migrant
workers continue to work in precarious and arduous jobs under
strict surveillance, but wages are far higher than can be obtained in
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 83

origin countries. As the relationship between the cost of labour and

the cost of commodities and services is not uniform across national
boundaries, temporary labourers from origin states in the Global
South will work at lower wages and in more arduous jobs. In almost
all cases, low-wage migrant labourers are employed in labour-
market sectors where no native-born workers are available to fill
critical jobs, for example, women domestic workers in Hong Kong,
Singapore, Malaysia, the Arab Gulf, Western Europe and North
America. Similarly, the formation of export processing zones across
the world has expanded the demand for foreign, migrant industrial
workers in countries with labour shortages (Chin 2019; Delgado
Wise 2022; Holtbrügge 2021).
Origin countries which send low-wage workers abroad are typically
among the poorest countries of the world, with per capita GDP below
US$2,500 per year. Although foreign remittances have expanded
GDP, poor countries in the Global South become dependent on
foreign labour for revenue, reproducing the global system of poverty
and inequality. In this way, migration primarily benefits destination
countries, and poor countries of the Global South are trapped in
underdevelopment by which workers who could form a crucial force
in development instead work abroad to increase accumulation and
profits in destination states. Concomitantly, most skilled workers in
STEM professions who move abroad to earn higher wages have no
intention of returning to developing countries. Nurses are trained
in the Philippines and Ghana with the specific intention of moving
abroad permanently to work at higher wages in North America,
Western Europe and Oceania. However, the migration of highly
skilled workers from India to advanced countries has generated
growth among the most privileged workers who have established
multinational corporations and subsidiaries in leading sectors of the
economy (Bhattacharya and Sakthivel 2004; Cornelius, Espenshade
and Salehyan 2001).
Much academic literature on Indian migration focuses on those
who are highly skilled labourers employed in high technology and
business services. But highly skilled migration from India enriches
a minority of India’s population who are highly educated and
wealthy to begin with, intensifying inequality and poverty as the
state directs investment to advanced sectors of the economy. India’s
highly skilled migrant labourers are recruited directly by multi-
national firms and do not have to pay for travel and visas. Most
84 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

can stay in destination countries for far longer than low-waged

unskilled workers. Meanwhile, most Indians live in rural areas
and urban slums where basic services are inaccessible and global
SDGs for sanitation, food, health care, housing and education are
not realized. India’s highly skilled migrant workers are educated
to travel abroad, earn higher wages and establish networks with
leading IT and financial firms. As such, migration is not a brain
drain, as migrant labourers are not trained as doctors, nurses and
teachers who could benefit the most impoverished populations in
the country, but in fields that draw a small, privileged population
who often engage in circular migration between India and the West.
Highly skilled migrant labourers trained at the IITs have encouraged
US and European corporations to set up subsidiaries in Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Mumbai and other urban hubs (Das 2015; Heeks 1991;
Khadria 2002).
Highly skilled Indian migrants returning from overseas often work
as administrators in MNC corporate headquarters in Indian IT and
business services centres, managing native professional labourers who
work for a fraction of the wages of international migrants returning
from high-wage employment in Europe and North America. IT,
accounting and business services professionals who have worked
abroad maintain leadership roles, while local professional workers
who have not migrated abroad staff companies at far lower wages,
with restrictive conditions and constantly under threat of dismissal
(Bhattacharya and Sakthivel 2004; Ness 2011).
India and China are the largest countries in the world, with
populations of approximately 1.4 billion. It is astonishing how
dependent India is on highly skilled migrant labour for its devel-
opment. In 2021 alone, remittances to India accounted for US$89
billion (Migration Data Portal 2022), and 15.5 per cent of India’s
US$572.7 billion total reserves was derived from migrant remit-
tances (Dutta 2022; Migration Data Portal 2022). However, far
more Indians migrate abroad to fill low-skilled jobs in the Arab
Gulf, working in construction and domestic labour. According to
the ILO, 90 per cent of India’s migrant labour force consists of low-
and semi-skilled workers employed in the Arab Gulf and South East
Asia. Moreover, most of India’s workers travel overseas without visas
(ILO 2018; Vijay 2015). Low-wage foreign-labour migration is also
dependent on economic conditions in destination countries and the
global economy. Thus, when considering Indian foreign migration,
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 85

we must account for both the privileged highly skilled labourers, with
established business networks, and most migrant workers, who are
low-wage workers and do not have the capacity to generate remit-
tances that contribute to development in their home communities.
In 2020, only 8 per cent of India’s workforce had a job and 92 per
cent were precarious workers, without steady work (ILO 2018). This
precarity contributes to the disposition to migrate overseas. The ILO
states that while India has among the highest rates of annual recorded
international migration in the world (approximately 8 million), it is
dwarfed by the enormous size of the available national workforce.
According to the ILO, formal migration is:

a very small proportion of the total labour force in India (estimated

at nearly 485 million) but in comparison with the annual addition to
the labour force in the past two decades (at an average of 7 million
to 8 million workers per year), the labour outflow figures are quite
significant, and foreign employment destinations have acted as a crucial
safety valve for the Indian labour market. This is particularly important
given that the country’s employment growth has been much lower
in recent years, with some states being more adversely affected than
others. (ILO 2018: 3)

International labour migration is beneficial to the wealthy, upper-

caste and educated highly skilled workers in demand in Western
Europe, North America and East Asia. However, outward migration
does not equally benefit those workers who lack high skills and are
not among the most privileged who typically migrate to the Arab
Gulf or South East Asia for employment in construction, manufac-
turing and domestic work. In addition to the relatively fortunate,
unskilled, foreign migrant workers, India has the highest number of
internal migrants in the world, as tens of millions of landless rural
labourers relocate to urban areas every year in search of precarious
and informal work arrangements.

Labour demand and remittances

Over the past two decades, origin states in the Global South
have supplied destination states with foreign workers. But labour
migration is not a new experience. For two centuries, migrant
workers have frequently provided funds to families in their home
86 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

countries before returning home. Thus some Italian migrants in the

late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had no intention of
settling in destination countries but departed to foreign countries for
gainful employment during economic crises to send money to their
families before returning home after economic recovery.
The US Bracero Program during the First and Second World Wars
was intended to replace workers who had gone off to fight. On
those soldiers’ return, migrant workers from Mexico were forced
to go back home. Both Mexican and Jamaican workers continue
to be employed in the United States as seasonal guest workers in
agriculture and hospitality industries. Origin states were never
the initiators of foreign temporary labour migration, but once the
demand for temporary labour has expanded, they have developed
programmes to facilitate recruitment, training and preparation for
departure. The contemporary, global temporary labour migration
system is a gradual reaction by origin states to establish an orderly
process of foreign migration. As origin states have expanded their
temporary labour migration administration and management, desti-
nation states have established bilateral agreements to enable smooth
operations to meet their range of labour demands (Gonzalez 2015;
Hahamovitch 2013; Ness 2011).
Thus the contemporary system of labour migration is the product
of demand for labour in destination states rather than an intentional
plan for developing countries to provide workers to destination
states. The system of global remittances developed from 2000–2020
through the vast expansion of migrant workers sending money home
to their families in origin countries in response to demand in desti-
nation states for foreign workers with a range of skills. Additionally,
the emergence of neoliberal capitalism has expanded FDI in desti-
nation states that are integral to the global commodity supply chain
and has produced a need for cheap labour in key regional hubs.
Origin states did not create the labour shortages in destination states,
nor did they shape global commodity chains which require foreign
labour to operate. It was only after demand for foreign labour in
destination states that recruitment schemes and bilateral accords
were established for origin states to supply temporary workers.
Finance capital, the UN and multilateral development agencies
observed the enormous growth in labour remittances to origin states
eclipsing foreign aid and FDI. If labour remittances could replace
foreign aid and FDI, highly developed states which control most of
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 87

the world’s wealth would not have any financial obligation to assist
the development of poor countries in the Global South.

Recruitment agency power over migrant workers

The labour migration process dramatically transformed from 1990

to 2000 as labour migration expanded extensively from Mexico to
the United States. In this period, migrant workers formed part of
cohesive communities in their home country and often lived and
worked in the same industries and communities overseas. Foreign
labour increased significantly as rural agrarian workers in Mexico
migrated to the United States in the wake of the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which integrated the Canadian, Mexican
and US economies through reducing tariffs and taxes. This allowed
US agricultural conglomerates to expand their market to Mexico. As
a result, agrarian workers in Mexico were forced off the land as they
could not compete with low-cost US food products (Barkin 2002;
Gonzalez 2015; Otero 2018).
The surplus labour population contributed to the exodus of millions
of Mexicans to the United States. Given that the United States has not
enacted a labour reform since the Immigration Reform and Control Act
(IRCA) in November 1986, it has had no mechanism to absorb foreign
labour seeking employment within its borders, although demand for
low-wage labour has greatly expanded. Thus, unlike most migrant
origin countries, even though remittances comprise the leading source
of foreign exchange, the Mexican government has not regulated foreign
migration into the United States. Consequently, from the 1990s to
the present, 4.9 million undocumented Mexican migrant workers
have entered the United States to work in low-wage labour, including
construction, food processing and domestic work (Passel and Cohn
2019). In many instances, Mexican undocumented workers formed
communities in the United States and provided a source of reliable infor-
mation about the availability of employment. Consequently, Mexican,
as well as other Central American workers, formed home-town commu-
nities in the United States. As migration to the United States is unlawful,
foreigners have had to cross a highly militarized and dangerous border
with Mexico, and workers from other regions of the world have entered
the country via air transit as tourists before overstaying their visas (Bada
2014; Nevins 2010; Orozco and Lapointe 2004).
88 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

As the United States was the major migration corridor from 1990
to 2010, research tended to discount the position of intermediaries,
apart from those who trafficked highly indebted foreign labour into
the United States. The migration literature was dominated by the
significance of home-town communities in the United States, which
were responsible for supporting migration to locations throughout
the country. Douglas Massey’s assertion that home-town commu-
nities were a facilitator of migration dominated migration literature,
and there was a scarcity of research on intermediaries and recruiters.
But this position was rooted in a North American view of migration
and, while correct in the 1990s–2000s, it is now outdated (Massey
et al. 1994; Orozco and Lapointe 2004).
The US economy depends on foreign labourers who successfully
evade border control under great risk as no formal system of major
temporary migration has been enacted for low-wage workers. The
United States maintains the H-2A migration programme for highly
skilled workers, which permits migration for (renewable) three-year
periods. Low-skilled workers are governed by the H-2B programme,
which permits about 100,000 guest workers who work seasonally
in agriculture and hospitality industries during harvesting, and far
lesser numbers of Jamaican and West Indian labourers during busy
months. The scholarship on the formation of migrant home-town
communities in destination states has become less relevant to
understanding labour migration as state policies have increasingly
regulated migration.
As demand has grown for low-wage migrant labour, the number
of destination states has expanded dramatically, and bilateral
labour-migration programmes have consequently been established
to facilitate the recruitment process. The formal system of migration
management using labour recruiters emerged as the global demand
for temporary workers grew. Accordingly, informal recruitment
corresponding to home-town associations has declined, as migrant
workers are temporary and governments have established extensive
border control to monitor the activities and status of labourers. If
migrant workers shift employers or overstay their visas, the private-
market relationship between foreign employer and temporary worker
shifts to a state relationship with the migrant labour. Since the 1990s,
the Mexican government has monitored migrant working conditions
through regional consulates throughout the United States (Bada and
Gleeson 2015; Délano 2009; Uribe 1997).
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 89

Exploitation by labour-migration intermediaries

Labour-migration intermediaries in origin countries have only

emerged in the aftermath of expansion of temporary migration
in the early twentieth century. Initially, in the 1980s and 1990s,
migrant labour recruitment was conducted by private-sector inter-
mediaries without government oversight and regulation. In the late
1990s, after public exposés of abuse and economic exploitation of
migrants by recruitment agencies in origin countries appeared in
local newspapers, government officials in origin countries began to
regulate the industry. In addition, by 2000, governments recognized
temporary labour migration as a primary source of foreign exchange
(Hugo 2009; Martin 2006) and a means to provide employment for
young jobless workers. Origin states began to realize that labour
migration could potentially provide employment for low-skilled
workers and revenue to support their families. Still, as Graeme
Hugo states, significant barriers intervene ‘to dampen these potential
positive effects, such as high transaction costs, high costs of sending
remittances, and the fact that some areas of origin lack the infra-
structure and potential for productive investment’ (Hugo 2009:
23). Moreover, Philip Martin (2017: 3) asserts that most low-skilled
labourers who migrate legally continue to remain subject to abuse
and mistreatment and to encounter significant debt in the present:
‘Most are low-skilled and legal, but many arrive abroad in debt
because of the high costs they incur to obtain contracts for jobs
abroad. If migrants pay an average $1,000 to recruiters, moving
workers over borders is a $10 billion a year business; if worker-
paid costs average $2,000, labor migration is a $20 billion a year
Xiang and Lindquist (2014: S124) observe that migration is an
infrastructure beyond migrants themselves but is intensively mediated
by constellations of actors: ‘For analytical purposes, we stipulate five
dimensions of migration infrastructure: the commercial (recruitment
intermediaries), the regulatory (state apparatus and procedures for
documentation, licensing, training, and other purposes), the techno-
logical (communication and transport), the humanitarian (NGOs
and international organizations), and the social (migrant networks).’
Unquestionably, international labour migration requires
government and social forces beyond migrants themselves. However,
90 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

it is crucial to recognize that those agents facilitating migration

joined as labour migration turned into a major enterprise and source
of revenue. In its formative years in the 1980s and 1990s, interna-
tional temporary migration grew into a major component of global
production, services and financial exchange. The labour-migration
system is composed of informal intermediaries facilitating expanding
demand in emerging and developed countries. In the 1980s and
1990s, migrant workers typically learned about employment from
relatives and friends travelling abroad. As international labour
migration expanded through demand from transnational corpora-
tions and wealthy individuals, labour brokers entered an industry
which became highly lucrative. Labour brokers principally recruited
workers in origin countries for travel and work in occupations with
labour shortages at destinations. In some cases, such as Malaysia and
the Arab Gulf, migrant labourers entered and became indispensable
for manufacturing and construction. Young women were recruited
from Indonesia, the Philippines and beyond to become domestic
workers in the homes of affluent residents of Hong Kong, Singapore
and elsewhere (Rodriguez 2010).
The expansion of demand in destination countries for foreign
workers who would earn far less than typical workers but far more
than wages in origin countries produced new labour markets for
specific occupational categories. Migration brokers in countries of
origin served as intermediaries who profited from supplying workers
to enterprises in destination countries. The origin and destination
states expanded their regulatory capacity after brokers and recruiters
became dominant in the international exchange of migrant labourers.
Origin countries with no previous experience in regulating
workers abroad had to manage a new and unfamiliar system of
labour relations in which citizens were recruited for employment
abroad without direct government regulation over wages and
working conditions. At first, in the 1990s, exposés in national
newspapers detailed the poor working and living conditions of
migrants living abroad, conditions which were facilitated by the
absence of government oversight over brokers and recruiters. Critical
newspaper articles created public disapproval in origin countries
and demands that economic and physical exploitation of migrant
labourers should come to an end. Notably, the Mexican government
began to represent migrant labourers in the 1990s as the number of
workers expanded exponentially and reports of non-payment and
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 91

exploitation of migrant labourers in the United States intensified.

Mexican migrant workers employed in the United States earned a
fraction of the minimum wage and were subjected to dangerous
conditions. From 2000 to the present, the expansion of remittance
revenues from abroad has contributed to the development of labour
monitoring and support systems by origin-state governments, which
are becoming increasingly dependent on migration as a source of
revenue for poor and vulnerable populations as western neoliberal
policies have withdrawn social welfare. However, overall, there
have been no coherent policies or initiatives to oversee and protect
migrant workers, aside from opening consulates in key destination
states to address abuse and assist those who seek to return (Délano
2011; Khanal and Todorova 2021; Lafleur and Yener-Roderburg

Recruitment agencies and brokers

Labour recruitment and brokerage are at the forefront of the
migration process (Martin 2017; Xiang and Lindquist 2014).
Recruitment agencies identify foreign employers and match local
workers to fit their requirements. Labour recruitment takes many
forms, and the magnitude and significance of agencies is contingent
on the number of migrant workers they can place in foreign jobs.
Most accounts focus on criminal gangs and smugglers transporting
workers across borders in the formative years of labour migration.
From the 1980s to the 1990s, labour recruitment often took the form
of smuggling and trafficking of migrants into the United States. For
example, Chinese migrant workers to New York could be forced into
debt peonage to pay off brokers and traffickers transporting them to
the United States and other destinations (Kwong 1998). Likewise,
migrants from Mexico and Latin America might have to pay human
smugglers to transport them across the border with the United States.
Unsanctioned migration to the United States in this era was highly
dangerous, and many risked their lives on the journey. Those captured
by US border guards were deported across hazardous borderlands
where many were never seen again. Thus, even if migrant workers
had social networks in home-town communities in the United States,
where jobs were available, they were imperilled by dangerous border
crossings, and some did not reach their destinations (Délano 2011;
Gonzalez 2015; Nevins 2010).
92 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

Labour migration and the exploitation of countries of origin

Labour migration from poor to rich countries is marked by loss and

very little gain for most. To demonstrate the failure of remittances
as an effective development policy, we examine four geographically
dispersed origin countries with high global rates of labour migration
in the three leading corridors: Nepal in Central Asia, Vietnam in
South East Asia, El Salvador in Central America and Moldova in

Nepal: forging a labour export state

Nepal is among the leading sending countries in the world, where
workers are trained in a range of fields to work in South East Asia,
North East Asia and the Arab Gulf. The country is among the
primary organizing centres in the world for employment training
of prospective migrant labourers with the means to pay for the
significant costs of training, recruitment by labour brokers and
contractors, legal documents and travel expenses. The training is
in a range of fields, but most workers will typically be employed in
low-wage jobs in destination states seeking to lower employment
costs in key occupations with labour shortages. Many will work
primarily in low-wage manufacturing or services in private firms
or in semi-skilled and unskilled labour. Ironically, the workers are
not trained for high-skilled labour migration but for manufac-
turing, service and what are called ‘elementary occupations’. In
2020, according to the Nepal Labour Migration Report, ostensibly
a supporter of foreign migration, almost no migrant labourers
occupied managerial or professional positions (Ministry of Labour,
Employment and Social Security 2020). From the 1990s to the
present, Nepal has emerged as among the leading origin countries
supplying foreign labour. Temporary foreign migration is the largest
industry in Nepal and provides the largest source of foreign
For most of the past century, since independence in 1923, Nepal
has remained poor and undeveloped. Most of its population live
in rural areas and are highly dependent on agriculture for survival.
In the last 40 years, Nepal has been subject to political insta-
bility and conflict, including a Maoist insurgency from 1996 to
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 93

2008 which led to the abolition of the monarchy in 2008, and an

earthquake in 2015 which devastated the country’s urban and rural
In the early 2000s, as Nepal’s neoliberal policies were put into
place, development-studies academic and World Bank consultant
David Seddon (2005) suggested that the country was overdependent
on agriculture as the major source of GDP and should diversify to
exporting labour. Nepal’s history of migration originated in the early
eighteenth century, according to Seddon, when the British East India
Company recruited Gurkhas to join its army in India.
As international labour migration has expanded from the 1990s
to the present, the rural agrarian sector’s domination of the economy
has persisted. Today, over 75 per cent of the country’s population is
employed in farming in the countryside. Light-industrial manufac-
turing, handicrafts and tourism comprise the other major industries.
International labour migration has mitigated poverty within segments
of the population, but the economy remains underdeveloped. The
country is deficient in health care, education, transport and essential
public infrastructure (Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social
Security 2020).
Migrant remittances are the major source of foreign exchange
(Table 3.1). In response to the growth of regional migration to India
in the 1960s, the Nepal government expanded national capacity
to regulate migration policies through the Ministry of Labour and
Employment (MoLE) in 1981. From the 1990s to the 2010s, as
migration significantly increased and spread to new destinations such
as Malaysia in South East Asia and Qatar, the United Arab Emirates
and Saudi Arabia in the Arab Gulf, MoLE has had to devote most of
its attention to standardizing migration regulations and policies. In
Nepal’s 2014 census, 1.9 million, or 7.3 per cent of the population,
were found to be working abroad as demand for foreign labour
continued to grow. When Malaysian migration slowed due to an
economic recession, a larger percentage of Nepalese migrants went
to the Arab Gulf region. By the 2010s, migration had become a
pervasive feature of the country. The Nepal Living Standards Survey
found that 53 per cent of all Nepalese households had at least one
family member residing as an internal or international migrant
(Central Bureau of Statistics 2014a). In 2019, Nepal ranked third
among all countries in per capital remittances, after Tonga and Haiti
(World Bank 2022b).
94 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

Table 3.1 Remittances to Nepal, 2000–2020

Nepal 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
GDP (US$ billion) 5.5 8.1 16.0 24.4 34.0
Remittances (US$ billion) 0.1 1.2 3.5 6.7 8.1
Remittances (% of GDP) 2.0 14.9 21.6 27.6 24.1
Source: Derived from World Bank (2022b)

Advocates of migration as development assert that remittances are

far more reliable than foreign aid and FDI as sources of revenue. But
evidence drawn from Nepal shows that migration and remittance
rates are highly dependent on economic conditions in destination
states. For example, Nepalese migration to Malaysia declined in
response to an economic recession in the late 2010s. Similarly,
remittances from the Arab Gulf States are highly dependent on
petroleum prices and revenues. Certainly, the Covid-19 pandemic has
reduced demand for migrant labour. As a result, remittances cannot
be counted on as a source of development funding, and Nepal has
significant challenges to meet SDGs in 2030.
Nepal’s foreign labour has become an integral feature of its
economy. In 2019, remittances contributed 29.9 per cent of the
country’s GDP. The establishment and expansion of Nepal’s labour
migration is principally due to high overseas demand for low-wage
workers in construction, manufacturing and domestic service. In view
of foreign demand for low-wage labour, Nepal provides an ample
workforce for foreign-labour markets. Mishra and Kunwar conclude
that labour migration has converted an agricultural economy into a
remittance-dependent one:

Nepal has emerged as a remittance economy, shaped by migrants’ cash

flows, so much so that it was the third-largest recipient of remittances –
as a share of GDP – in the world in 2012 and the top recipient among
least developed countries. . . . Among the many impacts of foreign
employment, the social dynamics have changed, with many people
in the working-age population, particularly men, absent from home.
(Mishra and Kunwar 2020: 125)

In the wake of the devastating April 2015 earthquake, Nepal

had a deficit of workers to reconstruct the economy as much of
the population aged 18–34 had been working overseas to earn
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 95

higher wages. The absence of able-bodied labourers revealed the

unintended consequences of a remittance economy. As Mishra and
Kunwar (2020: 133) assert: ‘A wage policy should be devised to pay
youths what they could earn by going abroad to stem the outflow of
workers. This will also stop the outward cash flow that results from
the hiring of foreign workers from neighbouring countries.’
The absence of economic development in Nepal has contributed
to high unemployment in the country, particularly in the rural
agricultural sector, from which most foreign workers are recruited.
About 95 per cent of Nepal’s foreign workers comprise jobless male
labourers in search of paid employment. An additional 5 per cent
of foreign migrants are women, who travel abroad primarily for
domestic work. The growth of labour migration from Nepal exposes
the subordination of the country to foreign countries. According
to Nepal’s Central Bureau of Statistics, the rate of the absentee
population between 2001 and 2011 was growing at an average
annual rate of 9.2 per cent (Central Bureau of Statistics 2014b). A
large segment of foreign temporary migrants are youths and young
workers aged 18–34, creating labour shortages in key sectors of
the Nepalese economy, agriculture and essential jobs in medicine,
education, construction and infrastructure.

How are migration recruitment regimes formed?

Kathmandu is Nepal’s capital and largest city, with a population of
about 1.5 million. Visitors notice a stark absence of services typically
found in other major cities of the Global South. It lacks basic services
such as public transport, motorways, streetlights and amenities
common to most capitals in Central and South Asia. The city’s
narrow streets are poorly maintained, and the parks are unkempt.
Apart from wealthy residents and tourists, the urban area is impov-
erished. The business districts are dominated by recruitment agencies,
banks and ATM machines, vocational training schools, tourist firms
catering to foreigners seeking to travel to Himalayan mountain
attractions and resorts, and open-air restaurants. Few venture out
after dusk as in most areas there are no streetlights.
Nepal has 853 recruitment agencies registered with the National
Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (NAFEA), an industry
umbrella organization which ostensibly monitors firms complying
with Nepalese migration laws. Taking into consideration the violation
96 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

of recruitment laws that occurs, NAFEA has framed a Code of

Conduct providing guidelines for member firms to ensure migrant
labourers are free of financial and physical exploitation. However,
as NAFEA does not enforce best practices, recruitment agencies have
historically charged exorbitant fees for all facets of migration: identi-
fying matching firms overseas, training and preparation, passports
and visas. As most migrant workers are unskilled, they are often
responsible for paying for air transport, housing and food while
working abroad and must pay a placement fee which can constitute
a large share of wages. Migrants have reported paying from one to
12 months’ salary after they start working overseas. In 2007, the
Nepali government passed the Foreign Employment Act to minimize
the cost of migration by obliging employers in destinations to pay for
travel. But the law is frequently flouted, and the cost of transport is
still borne by migrant labourers.

Remittances and the failure of economic development in Nepal

Studies on Nepalese migration policies are almost exclusively devoted
to how foreign remittances mitigate poverty within households,
not that this is a reliable development policy for Nepal. Much of
this literature depicts typical migrants as unemployed and unable
to identify work in Nepal. However, prosperous and middle-class
migrants in Kathmandu tend to have far more resources on offer to
pay for job training programmes than rural Nepalese residing outside
the capital. Poor rural migrants are unable to pay for established
contractors who can identify decent jobs in destination states (Wagle
and Satis 2018: 16; Karki 2020: 180).
As foreign remittances from migrant workers make up the largest
source of GDP, Nepal’s economic stability is highly dependent on the
stability and growth of foreign-labour markets. However, remittance
income is very volatile, due to economic recessions in destination
states. When the Malaysian economy declined sharply in the aftermath
of the 2008 global financial recession, the number of migrant workers
also declined, and Nepal rushed to identify alternative destinations in
the Arab Gulf to maintain consistency of remittances. But the Arab
Gulf migration programmes in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and
Saudi Arabia are dependent on international prices for petroleum.
Nepal is classified as a lower middle-income country by the World
Bank (Hamadeh, Van Rompaey and Metreau 2021).
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 97

Like comparable countries in the Global South, Nepal’s economic

status is inseparable from international, regional and national circum-
stances. Thus, in the first two decades of the century, its dependent
economy, which does not promote economic development, has oscil-
lated because of economic crises, natural disasters and the Covid-19
pandemic, which reduced demand for foreign workers. Following the
May 2015 earthquake, Nepal’s GDP growth fell from 4 per cent in
2015 to 0.4 per cent in 2016, an indicator of the economy’s lack of
diversification and vulnerability to natural disasters. The deleterious
outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic was even more severe, as Nepal’s
GDP fell from 6.7 per cent growth in 2019 to 2.9 per cent in 2020.
In 2021, remittances accounted for a massive 24.8 per cent of GDP.
Even amid the global Covid-19 pandemic, Nepal’s remittances only
marginally declined in 2020 and have expanded by 5 per cent to
US$8.5 billion in 2021, due to the rise in demand for migrant labour
in India and Malaysia (Ratha et al. 2021: 54). This volatility reveals
Nepal’s outsized dependence on foreign remittances, notwithstanding
the dubious capacity for remittances to engender economic growth
and development.
Nepal’s economic dependence on remittances from migrant
labourers working abroad has not translated into economic devel-
opment. Almost all remittances are sent to families for modernizing
homes or buying consumer products. The country has yet to spend
remittances on building schools, healthcare facilities, transport or
major development of infrastructure.

Vietnam: labour migration, poverty and social dislocation

Vietnam does not rely to the same degree on foreign-labour remittances

as El Salvador, Moldova, Nepal, Tajikistan and other origin-sending
states. But remittances increasingly form a significant share of its
GDP, growing from 4.3 per cent to 6.3 per cent between 2000 and
2020 (Table 3.2). Yet Vietnamese temporary migrants pay an average
of US$6,500 for recruitment costs (Mosler Vidal and Laczko 2022).
Since 2000, neoliberal reforms have incorporated Vietnam into the
world capitalist economy and global supply chains as its low-wage
labour supply has encouraged major financial investors and multi­
national corporations to establish production facilities in the country.
In this way, Vietnam’s low-wage workforce is a primary driver of
98 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

Table 3.2 Remittances to Vietnam, 2000–2020

Vietnam 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
GDP (US$ billion) 31.2 57.6 115.9 193.2 271.2
Remittances (US$ billion) 1.3 3.2 8.3 13.0 17.2
Remittances (% of GDP) 4.3 5.5 7.1 6.7 6.3
Source: Derived from World Bank (2022c)

global corporate profits. Foreign migration and remittances serve to

increase the income of impoverished residents in rural areas of the
country who cannot find other jobs.

Recruitment and identification of migrants

Vietnam’s migrant workers are integrated into the global, neoliberal
capitalist system and perform essential functions in their destinations
in manufacturing, construction and domestic services. As the IMF
and World Bank have pushed Vietnam to adopt neoliberal reforms,
the Vietnamese state has been prodded to privatize government
agencies which provide services (Coxhead, Viet Cuong and Hoang
Vu 2015; IMF n.d.). Segments of labour agencies, foreign-recruitment
brokers and even trade unions have formed profit-making arms to
take advantage of the lucrative foreign-labour export programme.
Taken together, these public agencies have private divisions to profit
through charging migrant workers fees for identifying jobs overseas,
travel and visa processing, and interest payments on borrowed
money. According to Tran and Crinis (2018: 40), foreign-labour
migration has been utilized under the guise of a development
programme known as 71/CP (2009–2020) as a remedy for chronic
rural poverty and to provide jobs for rural workers with the support
of the World Bank. Vietnam draws the largest share of low-skilled/
low-wage migrant workers from 65 rural districts in the north and
central provinces and three in the south to work in Malaysia and the
Arab Gulf (Ratha et al. 2016). Trans and Crinis found:

The state creates ‘systems and technologies’ of finance to ensure that

migrants have the means to work overseas, to repay debts, and to send
money home. . . . However, the loan amount was barely enough for
the migrants to pay the recruitment and outsourcing companies the
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 99

US$1300–$1500 required for fees, passports, visas, and orientation

classes. Moreover, it costs more for migrants from far-flung provinces
because they have to pay room and board in cities such as Hà NộI
and Hồ Chí Minh City while attending orientation classes on language
(such as English for working in Malaysia) and culture to qualify for a
work visa. (Trans and Crinis 2018: 11)

The major destination for impoverished rural workers in Vietnam

is Malaysia, which relies on foreign labour for manufacturing,
garments, construction and domestic services. Under the Vietnamese–
Malaysian bilateral agreement approved in 2006, migrant workers
are recruited to Malaysia under three-year contracts which provide
specific wages, taxes and working conditions. Upon completion of
these contracts, migrant workers are required to return to Vietnam.
(Vietnam also sends migrant workers to other countries in East
Asia, South East Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern
Europe.) Migrant workers are recruited by state-owned, privatized
and independent brokers. Vietnamese migrant workers here may
earn relatively higher wages but frequently experience exploitation
by employers, including non-payment of wages, and many are
saddled with debt to unscrupulous brokers whom they continue to
repay after they return home. Vietnamese workers send money home
to finance debt, pay for education, family health care or consumer
goods and renovating homes, but few can accumulate a nest egg to
invest or start a business. The beneficial effect of labour migration
from rural Vietnam to Malaysia is negligible and has not ameliorated
destitute conditions in rural districts (Tran and Crinis 2018: 39–46).
Although Vietnamese state agencies try to monitor labour contracts
and migrant worker conditions in Malaysia and other destinations,
there is no policy to improve conditions in the poorest rural areas of
the country where most migrants originate.

Vietnam: women and migration

Women form an increasing share of global labour migration, and
Vietnamese women comprise most of all migrants to Malaysia,
predominantly working in manufacturing and domestic work.
Bélanger and Haemmerli have found that rural Vietnamese women
are increasingly travelling internationally as brides for marriage
migration (Bélanger and Haemmerli 2019). Women labourers are
100 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

highly desired as they work for longer hours at lower wages than
their male counterparts and with no benefits. However, as migrant
workers must pay a significant share of their wages to labour
contractors and to cover travel, many women remit money to their
families at home but return there highly indebted. To accelerate the
repayment of loans and fees, migrant labour outsourcing agencies
in Vietnam and Malaysia have worked with their respective govern-
ments to deduct fees from workers’ monthly salaries through the
transnational banking operations of both countries (Tran and Crinis
2018: 32, 49).
As the IMF and World Bank have promoted privatization and
neoliberal capitalism, Vietnamese state agencies have become active
in overseeing international migration, as most recruitment and
employment agencies are fully owned by government agencies or
are public–private ventures. Those private recruitment companies
that emerge are dominated by former state officials with links to the
government (Tran and Crinis 2018: 46).
A significant component of temporary international labour
migration is reintegration upon completion of the work visa and
return to Vietnam. For women, return to Vietnam poses unique
and significant challenges. On arriving back after a three-year
absence, Vietnamese women especially often encounter obstacles
to establishing ties with families and communities and identifying
gainful employment. Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and
Social Affairs, the labour agency overseeing migration, found that
around 50 per cent of returning women migrants end up far from
their original homes, due to lack of job opportunities, and face
stigma from their families and communities. Many fail to gain
employment and encounter poverty, isolation and inadequate medical
services. In 2020, the Vietnamese government initiated reassimilation
programmes for women and children, offering legal support and
mental-health services for returning migrant workers.
In response to the distinctive problems confronted by women
migrants on their return, the Vietnamese government, with the
support of the IOM and Central Vietnam Women’s Union, has
established the Vietnam Capacity Building Project. This focuses
on reintegrating married and divorced women with their families
by developing regional support offices in five key provinces and
major cities where women originated. These offices provide advice,
awareness and vocational training programmes (MOLISA 2020).
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 101

The IMF and World Bank-imposed privatization of state-owned

enterprises has enriched the migrant brokers and recruitment agencies
which have formed since the early 2000s without tangibly improving
the impoverished economic status of migrant workers. Many of
these migrants have left Vietnam for low-wage jobs in Malaysia and
beyond, only to find themselves returning home indebted to banks
which lent them money to pay for fees and travel abroad (Tran and
Crinis 2018: 43–5). But, overall, low-wage international migration
from Vietnam tends to intensify poverty through detachment from
family and community, as the time away severs cohesive family and
social relationships. The social and economic disruption instigated
by foreign migration has only exacerbated poverty and postponed its
alleviation in Vietnam’s poorest districts.
By the Vietnam government’s own admission, foreign-labour
migration is a significant and essential source of job creation for
inhabitants of the country’s poorest regions: ‘Sending Vietnamese
abroad is a consistent, important and long-term policy of the
Government, contributing to job creation, hunger eradication and
poverty reduction, as well as human-resources training for national
building in the industrialization and modernization process’ (VNA
However, candidates for migration are selected based on their
skill. Unskilled and semi-skilled workers often migrate to low-wage
destinations in the Arab Gulf and Malaysia. Workers trained in
specialized skills may find work in Korea, Japan and relatively
higher-wage countries, where foreign workers produce more valuable
commodities and destination states pay for recruitment, travel and
visas. Though some migrants find higher-paid work on their return,
unskilled and low-paid migrants typically return without upgrading
their employment prospects, and many are indebted to brokers
and creditors who identified opportunities and lent money to fund
the costs of travel and job placement. Furthermore, Covid-19
demonstrated the unreliability of foreign destinations as a source
of employment, as the number of Vietnamese migrants was sharply
reduced. In the first nine months of 2020, only 43,000 migrant
workers were sent abroad, chiefly before the onset of the pandemic.
In addition, the pandemic exposed many migrant labourers to the
virus and expanded the Vietnamese government’s responsibility for
managing conditions and ensuring the safe return of foreign workers
(VNA 2020). The pandemic, like previous financial crises, revealed
102 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

the questionable nature of Vietnam’s dependence on foreign jobs for

its workforce.
From 2000–2020, Vietnam GDP per capita increased from
US$390.10 to US$2,785.70 (World Bank 2022c). That rapid growth
over the past two decades has been dependent on the country’s
integration into the global economy, FDI investment in technology
to produce commodities and parts that are integral to supply chains,
and low-wage workers. Remittances from foreign workers have
had negligible benefits to Vietnam’s national development but have
operated mainly as a safety valve for workers who cannot find
employment. Nevertheless, while remittances comprise a growing
share of GDP, the programmes have not relieved poverty among
migrants who depart for low-wage jobs abroad.
Vietnam’s labour migration system is exclusively based on
temporary workers through bilateral agreements with destination
states. In 2000, Vietnam initially used foreign migration as a safety
valve for impoverished residents in rural communities and not as
a source of national economic development. However, over two
decades, foreign remittances from migrant workers have gradually
grown from 4.3 per cent to 6.3 per cent of Vietnam’s GDP, even
as remittances have been subject to instability in the economies of
destination states and the world. As neoliberal privatization has been
imposed on Vietnam’s economy, remittances have enriched labour
brokers (through fees for job placement, visas and travel) and banks
and lenders which provide loans to cover these costs. Foreign remit-
tances are principally used to economically support the families of
migrant workers back home and not for economic development
projects. Rarely do families or migrants use remittances to establish
viable small businesses. However, migrant workers are often left with
loans, even after returning to Vietnam, and require reintegration into
society, with women exposed to dislocation and ostracism.

El Salvador: structural remittances and social dislocation

Along with Guatemala and Honduras, El Salvador is one of three
Northern Triangle countries in Central America, south of Mexico.
The region is marked by systemic poverty, low wages and inequality.
From 2007–2015, the share of migrants to the United States from
the Northern Triangle outpaced that of Mexico, a trend which
has continued to the present. Salvadorans are the second-largest
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 103

immigrant population in the United States, only superseded by

Mexicans. From the 1980s to the present, Salvadorans have left El
Salvador to flee war and, more recently, systemic crime. In this way,
migration did not emerge as an intentional development strategy but
arose from conflict, the deficiency of living-wage jobs, the absence of
social welfare and the unrelenting systemic crime and violence which
ensued. Most young Salvadorans consider migration and permanent
relocation in the United States as an exit strategy far preferable to
remaining in the country, even though most realize they will not gain
documentation and citizenship. Contrary to the view of migration
as a form of development, over the last 40 years, withering war,
poverty, inequality and violence have pushed Salvadorans to migrate
for work to the United States as undocumented labourers subject to
arrest and deportation. As Oxfam (2019: 4) concludes in a report
on the country, ‘The structural causes of migration align with the
failure of the economic model, which has not produced significant
growth. In fact, the model has expanded the gap of inequality, to
the detriment of a large part of the population that sees migration
as their only chance at survival.’ In effect, foreign remittances from
migrants provide basic living expenses for more than 50 per cent
of the population living in El Salvador. Those families without
remittances are compelled to work in the informal economy at far
lower wages. However, as remittances are not always reliable, due
to recessions and pandemics, they are not a stable source of living.
Remittances go disproportionately to poor Salvadorans who do not
have access to decent jobs, driving family members to migrate to the
United States to support their families.
From the end of the Civil War in 1992, El Salvador’s economy
transformed from one dependent on the export of coffee and cash
crops to the export of migrant labour. The smallest country in Central
America, with a geographic area of 8,124 square miles, it is bordered
by Honduras to the north-east, Guatemala to the north-west and the
Pacific Ocean to the south. El Salvador’s population of 6,486 million
in 2020 is growing at a low rate of 0.5 per cent, primarily due to
foreign migration to the United States and Mexico. Fully 20 per cent
of Salvadorans are recipients of remittances, and 20 per cent live in
the United States and other foreign countries. In 2017 alone, 202,694
Salvadorans travelled overseas as migrant labourers, the dominant
demographic trend since the 2000s and a primary factor contributing
to the shortage of domestic labour. Foreign migration had increased
104 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

GDP per capita from approximately US$2,001 in 2000 to US$3,798

in 2020. However, in the decade before the Covid-19 pandemic, El
Salvador’s GDP had not grown appreciably. Foreign remittances
are the major driver of economic growth, accounting for 24.1 per
cent of GDP in 2000 (Table 3.3; World Bank 2022d). El Salvador’s
dependence on remittances has given rise to recessions when foreign
demand has moderated; for example, during the world financial
recession of 2008–10 and the Covid-19 pandemic from 2000 to
the present. Over the past two decades, one-third of the country’s
population has migrated overseas for work and settlement.
The United States is the major destination, where 2.1 million
Salvadorans and their children reside and work. From 1980
to 2015, the Salvadoran population living in the United States
grew precipitously from less than 100,000 to 1.4 million. Due to
continued unauthorized migration, El Salvador (after Mexico) has
the second highest share of migrants living in the United States
without documentation status, equal to Guatemala (Esterline and
Batalova 2022). Salvadorans residing in the United States constitute
93 per cent of the country’s diaspora. In view of the disparity of
income, most Salvadoran migrants settle permanently in the United
States without documentation and subject to deportation by the
government. Still, migrant workers send remittances to their families
in El Salvador, fashioning a society highly dependent on labour
migration. Salvadoran economic development has become distorted
as it is dependent on foreign remittances from the United States as
the largest source of GDP.
The creation of a remittance society is an obstacle in the socio-
economic and political development of El Salvador. The country has a
shortage of workers in health care, education, housing, construction,
hotels and restaurants, transport and services, Salvadorans choose to
migrate abroad for employment in low-wage jobs, which pay higher

Table 3.3 Remittances to El Salvador, 2000–2020

El Salvador 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
GDP (US$ billion) 11.8 14.7 18.5 23.4 24.6
Remittances (US$ billion) 1.8 3.3 3.5 4.3 5.9
Remittances (% of GDP) 15.0 20.6 18.8 18.2 24.1
Source: Derived from World Bank (2022d)
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 105

wages than the rising number of informal and precarious jobs at home.
Therefore, essential aspects of economic development are foreclosed
as workers leave agrarian lands and urban jobs in construction and
services for equivalent jobs in the United States and Mexico, contrib-
uting to a severe domestic shortage of labour and basic, non-tradeable
social goods. As in analogous origin countries, external migration has
made El Salvador deficient in indispensable labour to fill essential
jobs. As the value of foreign remittances to families is far more than
one could obtain working domestically, many recipients stay home
rather than enter the workforce, where wages are barely enough to
pay for basic expenses (DIGESTYC 2021). This in turn has created
what Acosta, Lartey and Mandelman (2009) call the Dutch disease,
whereby growing remittances increase consumption and reduce the
supply of available labour. Under the remittance economy, which
appropriates labour for the United States, development is practically
impossible. El Salvador is ruled by oligarchs, who profit through the
expenditure of remittances in the construction and food-processing
industries, and from foreign trade in consumer goods. The primary
beneficiaries of the migration economy are the US economy, which
benefits from low-wage workers, and the Salvadoran oligarchy,
which profits from controlling remittance spending and displacing
class conflict away to low-wage and informal workers and their
families. As political scientist Hannes Warnecke-Berger contends:

While the Salvadoran oligarchy historically developed by controlling

production, factions of that elite have been transformed into . . . an
oligarchy that increasingly specializes in extracting rent and power by
controlling consumption and indirectly making use of and benefiting
from remittances. These two processes are leading to the rescaling
of the struggle between the ruling class and subaltern groups and
ultimately to a profound stasis of elite rule in El Salvador. (Warnecke-
Berger 2020: 204)

Thus, since the Civil War, foreign remittances have been a mainstay
for El Salvador’s impoverished workers and poor who are unable to
find stable employment and opt out of the labour force. The country’s
oligarchs are indirect recipients of remittances through control
over non-tradeable consumption within the domestic economy
(construction, food services, housing and real estate, distribution,
repairs, transport and business services) where foreign funds are
106 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

spent on food, housing and basic needs (Acosta 2007; Warnecke-

Berger 2020).
For El Salvador, migration is not a source of development but the
consequence of a failure of economic development. Like Guatemala
and Honduras, it suffers from economic deterioration, low wages,
precarious labour conditions and ecological crisis, which in turn have
fomented high levels of violence (ECLAC 2019).

Salvadoran migrant passage to the United States

The United States is the major destination for most low-wage migrant
workers from the Americas. As the largest economy in the world, with
a high GDP per capita, it draws migrant labourers into necessary jobs
which would otherwise go unfilled. Since 1990, Mexico has been the
origin of most migrant workers, many displaced from their agrarian
jobs as a result of NAFTA. NAFTA exposed Mexican agrarian
workers to competition with US multinational agribusinesses. As
rural Mexican workers could not compete with US food products,
many jobs were lost, and displaced workers migrated across the
border for low-wage jobs in construction, food processing and
domestic work. Although the United States has a formal programme
which allows up to 100,000 migrants to enter the country seasonally
to harvest fruit, most are required to return on completion of the
work. However, the majority of migrant labourers since 1990 have
entered the United States to work in a plethora of low-wage jobs in
services, construction and manufacturing. In contrast to most desti-
nation states, the United States has not formed a migration policy to
address the millions of migrants crossing the border for work in jobs
required by its economy.
The paradox is that, while demand for migrant labour has grown
from the 1990s to the 2020s, the US government has not formulated
a migration law to allow foreign workers to enter the country legally.
Consequently, migrant workers crossing the United States–Mexico
border are rendered undocumented and are incentivized to stay in
the country at constant risk of deportation. Concomitantly, migrant
labourers who enter the United States through airports overstay their
visas. All risk detention and deportation. Moreover, even though
remittances are a major source of GDP, they are not a panacea, being
subject to global recessions and shocks, and thus are not forming
a reliable source of income. At the same time, as migrant workers
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 107

are unable to return to El Salvador, family contact and remittances

decline, pushing many into the informal labour market for survival.
The journey across the United States–Mexico border contrasts
significantly with those in temporary worker regimes in Asia where
foreign labourers are recruited by brokers to work abroad tempo-
rarily for designated periods of time, typically one to three years.
In the absence of recruitment agencies and labour brokers, Central
American foreign workers identify jobs through families and commu-
nities in what is known as ‘translocal migration’. Migration historian
Dirk Hoerder considers translocalism as the evolving relationship
between localities in sending and destination countries, where an
admixture of cultures and dialects intermingle. Migrant translocalism
is a form of transmitting information about conditions in destination

Migrants departing from unequal societies and non-providing states

are wary of official ‘information’ about destinations since they have
learned not to trust social superiors. Thus they trust information from
earlier migrants for details and facts about conditions in destinations.
Contrary to the cliché of rosy success stories in emigrant letters or
telephone calls, the supportive aspect of community acts as an auto-
corrective . . . (Hoerder 2013: 2972)

Thus migrant labourers from El Salvador mostly identify jobs within

the Salvadoran community in the United States. Translocalism leads
to the development of communities in the United States and Mexico
with connections to those in El Salvador. Ironically, while US politi-
cians and the media denounce migration from Central America, the
expansion of border control and exclusionary policies has resulted in
the emergence and development of translocal migrant communities
in the United States.
The United States has not promulgated a migration policy since
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, unlike Western
Europe and East Asia, but it has instituted stringent border control to
impede legal foreign migration. The risk and cost of migrating to the
United States encourages Central American workers to remain there
rather than return to their countries of origin.
In the absence of a formal labour-broker system, Central Americans
migrate through caravans: large groups of migrants travelling together
for the purpose of traversing the US–Mexican border. Others enter
108 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

the United States with the assistance of human smugglers, known as

coyotes, who chaperone and guide Central American migrants across
the border for a fee. Typically, a coyote who successfully evades US
border control is a member of a translocal community or is familiar
with the migration process. In the absence of formal migration
status, Central Americans cling to their home-town communities
and have consolidated foreign translocalism in the United States,
even as undocumented residents (Massey et al. 1994). The children
of undocumented Salvadoran migrant workers who stay do not
gain documentation, but their children born in the United States
gain citizenship status even as their parents live and work without

Moldova: foreign labour, remittances and depopulation

Moldova is a landlocked country in South-East Europe bordering

the Ukraine to the north, east and south, and Romania to the
west and south. This former Soviet republic is a leading source of
labour migration to Russia, the Ukraine and Western Europe. Since
independence in 1991, the major demographic feature has been
population decline due to foreign migration and declining birth rates,
as migrants tend to be young.

Moldova: migration and remittances

Moldova emerged as a migration export country in the aftermath of
the Soviet Union’s dissolution. Over 30 years, migration destinations
have been shaped by the dominant spheres of influence, initially to the
former Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries.
Following the European Union’s expansion to include Romania and
Bulgaria in 2007, Moldovans have increasingly migrated to Western
Since the 1980s, Moldovans have departed in several waves.
Initially, from the 1980s to mid-1990s, ethnic minorities left for
foreign countries. The second wave, from the mid-1990s to the
early 2000s, settled in Italy, Portugal, Canada and the United States
without documentation. Eventually, from 2000 to 2007, Moldovans
in this second wave of migrants were granted amnesty, family unifi-
cation and citizenship status in their destinations. From the 2010s
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 109

to the present, permanent foreign emigration has declined and, due

to systemic poverty and low-wage jobs at home, temporary labour
migration has become the primary form of migration (Tabac and
Gagauz 2020: 147).
The expansion of migration destinations beyond the CIS region
to Western Europe occurred after Romania’s accession to the
European Union (EU) Schengen Area in 2010, with a major outflow
of temporary migrant workers to Germany, France, Britain and
beyond. The opening of Western Europe brought about a significant
rise in migration and a decline in the number of working-age
Moldovans at home. From 2000 to 2020, Moldova’s population
declined by over 11 per cent, from 2.92 million to 2.62 million,
accelerating after Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area (World
Bank 2022e). In January 2014, EU member states lifted restrictions
on migration, and an estimated 500,000–1 million Moldovans have
taken advantage of the right to apply for Romanian citizenship since.
In doing so, they primarily sought either the concomitant right to
work as temporary labourers in EU states, where wages are higher
than in Russia, or the possibility of emigrating with their families to
Western Europe.
Foreign remittances have been a mainstay of the Moldovan
economy and comprise a significant share of GDP (Table 3.4).
Furthermore, Moldova initiated a TMP with Israel in 2012 to
facilitate temporary migration, an agreement intended to meet high
demand for construction workers. Russia, Italy and Turkey were
other major destinations. From 2010 to 2020, Moldova’s population
of 2.62 million has understated a more considerable demographic
decline, as an additional 9–10 per cent of its citizens are temporary
workers abroad at any one time for three to 12 months. This
situation has developed as the share of permanent emigration has
declined (Tabac and Gagauz 2020: 145–60).

Table 3.4 Remittances to Moldova, 2000–2020

Moldova 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
GDP (US$ billion) 1.3 3.0 7.0 7.8 11.9
Remittances (US$ billion) 0.2 0.9 1.7 1.5 1.9
Remittances (% of GDP) 13.8 30.6 25.1 19.9 15.7
Source: Derived from World Bank (2022e)
110 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

Migration and economic crisis

As in other major migration-origin countries, lack of development
is the driver of Moldovan migration, not the source of development
and prosperity. Moldovans of all skill levels have chosen to migrate
to higher-wage jobs in the CIS and EU, causing an unremitting decline
in population from the 1980s to the 2020s. Due to the absence of
infrastructure and a stable labour force, Moldova has been incapable
of attracting FDI, but is also unable to provide its population’s
basic consumption needs without remittances (Cuc, Lundbäck and
Ruggiero 2005).
Joblessness and underemployment among poor and unskilled
workers are the major causes of labour migration abroad. Due to a
dearth of government capital investment, 70 per cent of Moldovans
are migrants from rural areas (Bogdan 2018; Tabac and Gagauz
The lack of elementary state investments in the development
of the agro-industrial sector, as well as the precarious export
market, negatively affects the activity of local agricultural producers.
Moldovan farm households are in a situation of permanent struggle
for survival, forced to lower prices for agricultural products in order
to recover their investments (Tabac and Gagauz 2020: 157).
The deficiency in state investments in urban and rural regions
contributes to the country’s dependence on remittances. It would be
impossible to divert remittances from most families as most recipients
rely on them for vital living expenses such as food, clothing, utilities
and transport. Only a small fraction of foreign earnings sent as
remittances go to savings through the Programme for Attracting
Remittances into the Economy (PARE 1+1), which lends money to
those who use remittances for business. But the programme has insuf-
ficient financing and is difficult to access as it requires collateral, and
interest rates are viewed as high. Moreover, Moldovans do not have
the business training for the programme to succeed (Martinez et al.
In the absence of sufficient funding, one study suggests a crowd-
funding project should be established for the Moldovan diaspora.
However, the evidence on remittance inflows reveals that foreign
diasporas and migrant labourers typically contribute a smaller
amount to their families and countries of origin the longer that they
remain abroad. In the Moldovan context, dependency on remittances
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 111

for consumption shifts funds away from development and business

investment. As leading observers Tabac and Gagauz contend:

In the absence of significant economic development, remittances have

a supporting role for social stability, while the fundamental approach
of fighting poverty through economic development policies has not
been successful. The national political elite, left only with an economy
based on remittances and imports, did not carry out complex structural
reforms [and therefore] development has taken place in a distorted
manner that does not offer prospects for the future, and leads to the
ongoing vulnerability of the national economy. (Tabac and Gagauz
2020: 159–60)

As found in Nepal, El Salvador and other countries dependent

on foreign remittances, most adults receiving funds from relatives
overseas exit the local labour market, as local wages for unskilled
workers are far lower than funds received from family members.
As a result, a consumer-driven economy is created in which a large
segment of the population of Moldova is reliant on foreign income
or leaves to obtain jobs or to join family members abroad. The
option for a growing share of workers is to stay home and depend on
remittances or leave the country for higher-wage jobs in low-skilled
occupations. In view of the shortage of skilled production and service
workers (especially healthcare professionals) working in Moldova,
national development is practically impossible, and it is even more
likely that the economy will become unsustainable as more workers
leave the country.

Migration, remittances and social breakdown

Remedying Moldova’s warped dependence on foreign-labour remit-
tances and building a cohesive and steady society require significant
foreign and domestic investment and structural change. Long-term
dependence on foreign remittances for living expenses has had
a deleterious impact on migrant workers and their families. The
growth of migration is the most significant feature of Moldovan
society, causing family and community instability. The absence of
spouses frequently results in separation, divorce and family disso-
lution involving the neglect of children left behind without one or
both parents. Fully 20 per cent of all children in Moldova have one
or both parents living abroad (Sulima 2019).
112 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

Over the past two decades, the Great Financial Recession, national
recessions in destination states and the Covid-19 pandemic have
all contributed to the unpredictability of remittance income for
Moldovan guest workers and their families. The United Nations
Children’s Fund reported that households of Moldovan migrants
who became unemployed due to Covid-19 have lost their primary
source of income. The pandemic inflicted significant harm to about
25 per cent of households relying on remittances, which declined
more than 50 per cent. Joblessness among Moldovan migrant
workers has intensified the economic instability of many families
of migrants who remained abroad or returned home, forcing the
Moldovan government to provide social assistance to households left
in dire financial straits (UNICEF 2021: 9–10). A potential positive
outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the return of migrant
labourers who may remain in Moldova and alleviate the country’s
critical labour shortage. Still, as so many families were dependent
on foreign workers before the pandemic and the country has
been ravaged by the absence of a stable workforce, the Moldovan
government is compelled to support resettlement through financial
assistance and organizational programmes which train workers and
generate employment (Hachi, Morozan and Popa 2021: 55).


These case studies of four origin states (Nepal, Vietnam, El Salvador

and Moldova) demonstrate that development through labour
migration does not occur. Instead, labour migration and remit-
tances could set back countries seeking to advance economically.
In the Global South, origin countries typically have high levels of
informal labour and unemployment, usually in rural areas. As a
substitute for educating youth and unskilled workers, remittances are
a safety valve for countries with inadequate economic development
and financial capacity to develop. Labour migration supplants class
conflict between workers and the wealthy and contributes social
dislocation, uncertainty and violence among urban and rural dwellers
who are left behind.
The overwhelming evidence drawn from historical-comparative and
quantitative data shows that those who are poor tend to depart for
foreign countries, due to meagre prospects for gainful employment.
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 113

Foreign labourers often go into debt to pay for recruitment brokers,

transport, visas and living expenses in destination countries. They
frequently depend on their families and lenders to finance the cost of
foreign migration. Following neoliberal reforms in Vietnam, migrant
workers often remained in debt to creditors even after returning from
destination countries. The US government has a highly restrictive
legal-migration programme for foreign workers that gives preference
to very skilled labourers who are trained in STEM and are employed
as IT specialists, doctors and nurses. Most highly skilled migrants
reside in major economies like India, China, Western Europe and
North America and are recruited in their home countries by foreign
companies which pay the costs of job placement, travel and visas. In
contrast, most unskilled workers in the United States cross the milita-
rized border without authorization or overstay tourist visas, and are
therefore rendered undocumented and subject to deportation, even
though they provide essential service, manufacturing and agricultural
employees to the US economy. Most Global South countries do not
have the educational capacity to provide specialized education and
thus typically send unskilled workers. In some cases (e.g., Ghana,
the Philippines and Romania), nurses are trained and recruited for
jobs in Europe, North America and Oceania, thus underwriting
the cost of workers who will be employed as foreign workers in
the Global North (Cockburn 2018; Rodriguez 2010). As medical
workers are in high demand, many may spend their entire careers
overseas. Undocumented status in the United States, as elsewhere,
intensifies the obstacles for migrant workers, who often pay tens
of thousands of dollars to smugglers for the chance to cross into
the country and join compatriots. Unlike most migration corridors
elsewhere, unskilled workers in the United States depend on family
and community members to find a job and may stay permanently
and establish families rather than expend small fortunes to pay for
re-entry to their countries of origin.
Temporary foreign workers send a portion of their wages to their
families back home in the form of remittances. As poor countries are
unable to create living-wage jobs, remittances are spent on basic living
expenses, and adults at home frequently exit the workforce. While
remittances have been found to increase origin-country national
GDP, they do little to further SDGs let alone contribute to sustained
economic development. The evidence shows that skilled migrant
workers essential for national development tend to find long-term
114 Labour Migration and Origin Countries

jobs overseas while low-skilled workers are employed temporarily

(Charmie 2020; Nijenhuis and Leung 2017). Short-term migrants
tend to remit money back to families for consumer goods, food,
clothing, housing, transport, and occasionally education.
Enthusiasts for migration and remittances do not examine the
pernicious effect of temporary migration and remittances on the
social fabric of families and communities in origin states. Even the
IMF has shown that remittances allow origin governments to neglect
social development and redirect national funds towards enriching the
national elites and the wealthy:

Remittances, by acting as a buffer between the government and

its citizens, give rise to a moral hazard problem; these flows allow
households to purchase the public good rather than rely solely on
the government to provide that good, which reduces the household’s
incentive to hold the government accountable. The government can
then free ride and appropriate more resources for its own purposes,
rather than channel these resources to the provision of public services.
(Abdih et al. 2010: 23)

In each of this chapter’s examples of migration’s effect on origin

countries, labour migration caused family and social dislocation,
exclusion and impediments to reintegration, especially among women
migrants. Women comprise 48 per cent of temporary migrant workers
and experience far greater difficulty reintegrating with their families
and communities, as we shall see in Vietnam where many are ostra-
cized by their families (see chapter 5). Temporary labour migration
implies the separation of adult family members, parents, spouses
and children who on their return home encounter complications
reintegrating with each other and society. Married couples separate
permanently, and, when parents migrate, children are frequently
left without supervision or financial support. Children of migrant
workers are often raised by extended family, and some are not
properly nurtured or supervised. Some are left on their own to fend
for themselves without guardians to ensure necessary nutrition, health
care and schooling. The separation of families is a contributing factor
in the rise of crime and gang violence in El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras and other countries highly dependent on migration. For
families and communities in origin countries, the social and economic
costs of separation, social dislocation and reintegration far outweigh
Labour Migration and Origin Countries 115

any economic benefit of remittances, which are almost exclusively

spent on food and consumer goods. Origin countries require invest-
ments in SDGs and infrastructure, which are a prerequisite to
economic growth and development. Otherwise, even if migrant remit-
tances are invested in banks, business and technology, most people
in origin countries are incapable of gaining access and benefiting in
the way that citizens in India and other southern countries do, where
remittances are reinvested in high-technology and business services.
The conventional view that foreign-labour migration and remit-
tances to families in source countries benefit the most disadvantaged
has been disproved, as the consensus position is that those who have
higher skills and greater wealth are usually in far better positions
to successfully access the international labour-migration system.
Migration scholar Hans de Haas rejects the view that migration is
driven primarily by absolute poverty, warfare and economic degra-
dation produced by climate change. Instead, he argues the evidence
suggests that migrant labourers are not the most destitute and poor
segments of the population but those who have the education and
can mobilize the funds to pay the often expensive cost of training,
contractors and transport which are indispensable to making the
trek to a destination where they can earn far higher income (Czaika
and de Haas 2012; de Haas 2020). This chapter has also shown that
foreign remittances lead to greater migration from origin countries
and create a shortage of domestic labour because wages available for
jobs at home do not match income received from family members
working abroad.
Labour Migration and
Destination States

Migrant labour is an essential component of global neoliberal

capitalism because MNCs require low-wage foreign labour to fill
essential jobs that cannot be filled by native-born workers, due
to labour shortages. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic,
labour shortages have focused attention on the significance of
migrant labour in filling the growing number of indispensable jobs
in agriculture, construction and home care in the Global North and
regional wealthy economic hubs like Hong Kong, Singapore and
the Arab Gulf. Moreover, due to the decline in fertility in advanced
countries of the North, severe labour shortages have appeared in
health care, domestic care and beyond, requiring highly skilled
migrant workers who are crucial to the innovation of technology,
engineering and sciences. In this way, migrant workers play an
essential role as a reserve army of labour willing to fill essential jobs
in much the same way as Karl Marx exposed in the mid-nineteenth
century (Marx 1976 [1867]: 781–94). In destination states, a reserve
army of temporary migrant workers supply labour at lower wages to
industries with shortages of workers. They were never intended to
be a fount for foreign investment in southern countries. OECD and
emerging economies often compete for FDI by constructing industrial
facilities through recruiting low-wage migrant labour from abroad.
Those states, economies and industries which flourish will have
succeeded in attracting and recruiting migrant labour at the lowest
cost. Destination countries which are significant recipients of FDI
and rely on migrant labour run the gamut of North America,
Western Europe and other highly developed economies, as well
Labour Migration and Destination States 117

as the Arab Gulf, East Asia, South East Asia and other southern
emerging countries. Once the industrial infrastructure is developed,
the state and foreign employers join to develop a foreign-labour
force, which is not only essential for production but is far more
compliant than local workers who can mobilize permanently into
trade unions and strike to improve wages, working conditions
and job security. In advanced capitalist economies with labour
shortages, surplus labour in foreign states is thus recruited to
fill strategic positions without the political power to effectively
challenge the highly exploitative conditions (Ford 2019). Even in
states where temporary migrant labourers are granted greater rights
and higher wages, such as Korea, workers who have organized into
unions will have to return to their origin countries on completion
of their work assignments.
Chapter 4 explores the condition of migrant workers in destination
regions and their capacity to contribute to economic development
through remittances. Temporary migrants lack political represen-
tation and decision making to increase wages so they can send higher
economic remittances home. Migrants may leave their initial job,
which in many countries renders them ‘illegal’ migrant labourers.
‘Illegal’ migration contributes to the rise of populist nationalism,
which demonizes immigrants (Menjívar and Kanstroom 2014). By
examining a host of destination countries in Europe, North America
and the Global South, this chapter explores and documents the
forms of resistance and mobilization which migrant workers engage
to challenge exploitative employer practices in destination regions.
In addition, migrant labourers often face high levels of discrimi-
nation and abuse in destination regions, filling essential positions yet
encountering significant resentment from nationals in these states.
While civil society organizations (CSOs) and labour unions may seek
to protect migrant labourers and facilitate mobilization, typically, as
the examples focusing on the Global South show, these efforts do not
significantly improve the lot of most workers. Since the end of the
Second World War, capital and corporations have benefited from the
movement of workers across national boundaries, which not only
lowers costs but creates social divisions which can be deployed to
undermine existing labour standards among all workers. However,
such movement also offers an opportunity to galvanize cross-national
demands to reduce economic insecurity (Bal and Gerard 2018;
Erdoğdu and Şenses 2015).
118 Labour Migration and Destination States

This chapter will provide empirical evidence of how economic

remittances are insufficient to develop economies in the Global
South and barely cover the expenses of low-wage migrant workers
in destinations and their families back home. The 2008 Global
Financial Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic reveal that relying
on remittances can magnify economic risk to national economies
and individual migrants and their families, especially as nationalism,
populism and xenophobia in destination states are growing. This
critique reflects an emerging scholarship among scholars of low-wage
Table 4.1 shows the GDP of remittance-sending countries and
the remittances sent to origin countries by ten leading destination
countries in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2022. It is important not
to confuse the absolute sum of monetary remittances with the total
number of migrants in each region, as migrants to southern states are
typically paid far less than those in rich countries of North America
and Western Europe. For example, South Africa’s wages are far
lower than those of Germany and the United States, yet the country
is highly dependent on migrants from Southern Africa. Global South
states pay migrants a fraction of the income that can be earned in the
North. This suggests that the claim that migration to poor countries
is far lower than to more affluent ones is based on net worth of remit-
tances. However, southern hubs pay workers far lower wages than
those in the North, which reinforces corporate efforts to relocate
migrants in manufacturing to southern offshore countries. But this is
not possible in agriculture, construction and care services.

Destination countries and critique of migration

as development

Grasping that migrant workers generate enormous revenue, the

dominant perspective advanced by neoliberal remittance enthusiasts
within international-development organizations and mainstream
migration-research institutions is that labour migration in all its
forms is a valuable means to stimulate economic development. But
this view has come under scrutiny by critics as popular perspectives
on the costs and benefits of migration deviate from the beneficial
economic and social outcomes of migrant labour in origin and
destination states. Moreover, the specific abusive rise of xenophobia
Labour Migration and Destination States 119

Table 4.1 Leading Remittance-Sending Countries as Share of GDP,

Year 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
GDP (US$ trillion) 10.25 13.04 14.99 18.24 20.95
Remittances (US$ billion) 34.40 47.80 50.30 60.70 69.90
Saudi Arabia
GDP (US$ trillion) 0.19 0.33 0.53 0.65 0.70
Remittances (US$ billion) 15.39 14.30 27.07 38.79 34.6
GDP (US$ trillion) 1.95 2.85 3.40 3.36 3.85
Remittances (US$ billion) 8.66 12.71 14.68 18.25 22.02
Russian Federation
GDP (US$ trillion) 0.26 0.76 1.52 1.36 1.48
Remittances (US$ billion) 0.23 6.83 21.45 19.69 16.87
GDP (US$ trillion) 1.37 2.2 2.65 2.44 2.63
Remittances (US$ billion) 5.12 9.47 12.03 12.79 14.63
GDP (US$ trillion) 0.02 0.04 0.13 0.17 0.14
Remittances (US$ billion) NA NA NA 12.19 10.74
GDP (US$ trillion) 1.66 2.54 2.49 2.96 2.76
Remittances (US$ billion) 5.37 9.64 9.57 10.71 9.38
GDP (US$ tn) 0.09 0.14 0.26 0.30 0.33
Remittances (US$ billion) 0.59 5.68 8.63 10.48 9.09
GDP (US$ trillion) 4.97 4.83 5.76 4.44 5.06
Remittances (US$ billion) 2.53 1.15 4.37 4.00 8.24
South Africa
GDP (US$ trillion) 0.15 0.29 0.41 0.36 0.34
Remittances (US$ billion) 0.61 1.04 1.35 0.98 0.92
Source: Data derived from calculations by author of GDP in each
destination country and absolute remittances sent from each country in
rank order. The calculations are based on World Bank data and KNOMAD
for each year
120 Labour Migration and Destination States

in advanced economies and destination states from 2000 to the

present has shifted attention away from the purported economic
and social benefits which temporary and irregular low-wage migrant
workers accrue from working abroad. Public perceptions do not
reflect the reality that migrants are overwhelmingly beneficial to the
economies of destination states which are experiencing declining
populations and labour shortages. While the economic benefits of
migrant workers to business in destination states (typically in the
Global North) are commonly established by economists, they are
increasingly perceived as an economic, social and violent threat
to populations in destinations (De Genova 2017; Menjívar and
Kanstroom 2014; Menjívar, Ruiz and Ness 2019; Ngai 2004).
Migration historian Dirk Hoerder contends that the expansion
of migration to new regions has redirected research to migration
systems which encompass transnational, translocal, transregional
and transcultural linkages which are essential in comprehending
the formation and reshaping of identities and the distinct forms
of exploitation, discrimination and inequalities on new terrains,
especially pointing to the necessary expansion of research focusing
on women migrant workers and their families, who form nearly half
of all migrant workers and are particularly subject to forced labour
and exploitation (Hoerder 2017).
Popular opposition to foreign migration has grown in affluent
destination states since 2000, as politicians and the media have
benefited from fuelling negative narratives that migrants are the
source of social ills. This jeopardizes the safety and security of
migrant labourers. In many instances, migrant workers to the Global
South are unable to benefit economically from low-wage jobs and are
threatened by the rise of hostile states, popular opposition and the
expansion of security and military procedures intended to discourage
undocumented and irregular migration. Ninna Nygard Sørensen
argues that ‘concepts such as risk, vulnerability, safety, and uncer-
tainty have very different connotations depending on whether they
are seen from the global North or the global South’ (Sørensen 2012:
63). In the North, since 9/11 and the rise of the populist right in
North America and Europe, popular societal perceptions have been
shaped by political agendas resonating in the media which convey
a ‘security paradigm’ whereby migration is construed as a threat to
the safety or unity of destination countries. These hostile narratives
contest the view that migrants fill essential jobs in the economies of
Labour Migration and Destination States 121

advanced capitalist countries. However, migrant labourers, whether

documented or undocumented, are working in essential jobs in
agriculture, construction and personal care which would go unfilled
in their absence, as was demonstrated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, scholars’ research increasingly
points to the contribution of migrant labourers to advancing resil-
ience in crucial sectors and preventing ‘major shocks’ through their
employment in production and essential services within destination
states (Anderson, Poeschel and Ruhs 2021; Triandafyllidou and
Nalbandian 2020).
Origin countries practise conflicting policies towards migration, on
the one hand preventing migration through securitization and, on the
other, encouraging migration to mitigate poverty. As migrant workers
are viewed as an economic and social threat to North American and
Western European destination countries, southern origin states have
partnered with destination states to interdict irregular and undocu-
mented migrants exiting and transiting through their countries’
external border controls in Central America, North Africa, Asia and
beyond (Jacobs 2019; Stock, Üstübici and Schultz 2019; Withers,
Henderson and Shivakoti 2022). Conversely, southern origin states
continue to encourage temporary authorized or unauthorized
migration even as the prevailing evidence demonstrates that inter-
national labour migration does not contribute appreciably to the
economic development of poor countries and indeed may undermine
stability through social dislocation and endangering the physical
safety of workers who travel abroad to send home remittances. As
Sørensen (2012) submits, security measures diminish migration from
the Global South and present a security threat to migrants, who
must cross militarized borders, are subjected to deportation and
confront labour exploitation, abuse and human rights violations. The
contention that labour migration imperils national unity is countered
by the establishment of temporary labour regimes in which migrant
labourers are compelled to return to origin states upon completion
of their service.
The evidence suggests that temporary labour migration contributes
to economic growth in destination states of the Global North,
providing essential jobs without challenging social cohesion,
especially in view of the expansion of TMPs which have become
the norm since the mid-1990s (Surak 2013). Ironically, public
opposition to foreigners influences the growth of irregular and
122 Labour Migration and Destination States

undocumented migration to Western Europe and North America.

Irregular and undocumented migrant workers provide essential
labour to the northern economies, often doing so in the faint hope
of receiving legal status, usually through marriage and family
unification. Consequently, migrant workers cross highly militarized
borders and overstay visas to remain in destination countries and are
unable to return to them if they travel home. The large portion of
earnings they remit to families back in their home countries dimin-
ishes their ability to survive in destinations. In many cases, migrants
without documentation status eventually cease to correspond with
their families and communities in origin states, as was clearly shown
during the Covid-19 pandemic (Foley and Piper 2021).
The failure of the United States to develop a comprehensive
temporary migration regime has intensified insecurity for migrants
crossing militarized borders and subject to arrest, detention and
deportation. In response, enduring foreign communities have formed
as foreign workers have proved unlikely to return to origin states.
Thus US national policies to deny entry to migrant labourers have
the contradictory outcome of creating permanent undocumented
workers. Most undocumented migrants risking entry into the United
States are sheltered by their social networks, home-town associations
and sanctuary cities which welcome foreign workers as a source of
low-wage labour.
Concomitantly, a large share of migrant workers from the Middle
East, North Africa (MENA) and sub-Saharan Africa do not have
legal status in Western Europe, which since 1995 has only permitted
labour mobility among Europeans who reside in the Schengen Area.
As a result, irregular low-wage migrants from MENA countries and
sub-Saharan Africa risk their lives travelling to highly securitized
European states without documentation. If these migrant workers
reach Europe, they are under continuous threat of deportation
even though they fill essential jobs in agriculture, construction and
home care. Research on African out-migration to Europe reveals
that when border controls increase, temporary migrant workers
continue to travel and work in Europe. A study of migration from
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana and Senegal to Belgium,
France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
suggests that restrictions on migration to destination countries in
Europe do not correspond to reduced migration to Europe but rather
to higher levels of unauthorized migration, as those in Europe tend
Labour Migration and Destination States 123

to stay rather than return (Beauchemin, Flahaux and Schoumaker

Likewise, Central Americans fleeing violence and poverty caused
by US military intervention and support for repressive governments
must confront amplified border control at the US border. They
also seek to improve their own socio-economic conditions, but the
evidence indicates that the wish to escape violence and poverty
outweighs any urge they may have to return and contribute to
economic development or social progress in conflict-ridden states.
Moreover, migrant labourers are staying longer during periods of
stringent border control (Massey 2020). Certainly, migrant labourers
travelling to every region of the world are exposed to insecurity
through violence, expulsion, trafficking, human rights violations and
economic expulsion, yet bilateral agreements establish the formation
of temporary migration regimes. Restricting migration only becomes
a concern when it is politicized by state leaders and the media during
periods of economic recession, the Covid-19 pandemic, and uncer-
tainty. Workers in the Global South are far more exposed to security
risks impairing their lives, while the North benefits from low-cost
labour and essential workers in key professions. Restrictions are
enacted only when migrants pose a potential economic and political
cost to states, and this typically occurs among refugees, not migrant
If we are to probe challenges to security and national identity over
the last three decades, the prevailing evidence shows that migrant
labourers travelling from sending states are far more imperilled,
while populations in northern receiving countries stand to benefit
from reducing shortages of low-skilled migrants. Moreover, most
northern migrant labourers, who tend to travel to work in skilled
jobs or for foreign study, are not threatened by violence and depor-
tation. However, most northern migrants do not intend to stay in
southern countries permanently, where wages and living standards
are lower (Pitkänen et al. 2018: 234–43).
Southern sending states are challenged by the distortion of their
populations, activated by the departure of working-age youth,
young adults and professionals. In many cases, those left behind
are children, women, the elderly and impoverished populations
who need the very same services normally provided by those same
populations leaving. As shown in chapter 3, Central American and
European countries are haemorrhaging populations and are subject
124 Labour Migration and Destination States

to the permanent departure of crucial demographic categories.

Migrant labourers travelling abroad for higher wages are subject
to what Sørensen designates the ‘migration–security nexus’, which
privileges the security of populations in developed destination states
of the North through border control, lack of documentation and the
constant threat of deportation. All these add to the cost and indebt-
edness of labour migrants, decreasing their prospects of applying
remittances to national development. In turn, migrants and their
families are left insecure, subject to the dissolution of their families
and vulnerable to threats of violence and even death (Sørensen 2012).
In sum, policy attention must be directed to migrant labourers
who are deprived of social stability, are often living in conflict
zones and are challenged by an array of obstacles in seeking to
improve their families’ lives: recruitment agencies and brokers,
lenders, domestic government officials, foreign border control, often
rapacious employers and the securitized destination states. As FDI
expands, southern states in South East Asia and the Arab Gulf draw
a larger share of the international migrant population to work in
manufacturing, services and domestic work. In each of these indus-
tries, workers are regulated by the states which enforce laws and
potentially criminalize migrants who cross borders or in other cases
seek to improve their wages and working conditions through moving
to new employers.
In a blistering critique of the temporary migration regime, Raúl
Delgado Wise and Stephen Castles found that as economic demand
for migrant labour expanded in the 2000s in receiving countries,
xenophobia and discrimination diminished those workers’ social
and human rights, decreasing their economic potential to survive
and remit money to their families in origin states. Instead, as their
rights diminished, migrant workers confronted higher levels of
economic exploitation as well as societal intolerance and violence.
Abusive conditions are growing in destination states which employ
temporary labour, as well as in the United States and other desti-
nations that prohibit undocumented labour but require low-wage
migration in order for them to remain competitive and increase
profits. The economic cost of migration has shifted from labour
brokers and employers to workers, who must pay higher fees for
processing applications and for travel, housing and living expenses in
destination states. In the Arab Gulf, migrant workers are recruited to
work in hazardous jobs in construction, where they risk severe injury
Labour Migration and Destination States 125

and death in dangerous construction sites and endure indentured

servitude as domestic workers. Under the kafala sponsorship system,
which remains in force in Arab Gulf countries, migrant labourers
receive work permits which bind them to employers, who confiscate
passports and prevent them from freedom of movement and the
capacity to leave their countries.
Migration policy is directed at meeting economic objectives in
receiving states, requiring the subjection of workers to harsh condi-
tions. Even though proponents praise remittances as a key source of
economic development, the motivation to depart is frequently a result
of structural-adjustment policies imposed on Global South states
by the IMF and other development agencies in the North, severely
eroding the value of national currencies in poor countries (Delgado
Wise and Castles 2007: 5). Thus migration is not motivated by aspira-
tions for higher wages but results from economic and trade policies
which subordinate southern states in the global system. For Delgado
Wise, neoliberal capitalism fails southern countries and oppresses
temporary workers in destination countries through withdrawing
their social and human rights and rendering them expendable and
disposable upon completion of their jobs.
The underlying purpose of this stigmatization is to guarantee the
supply of cheap and disposable labour. The more vulnerable migrants
are, the more their employers benefit; their social exclusion leads
to increased profits and fiscal gains for both employers and host
governments. From this viewpoint, international migration has been
analysed in receiving nations in a decontextualized manner (Delgado
Wise 2018a: 166).
Temporary migration dehumanizes migrant workers but is
portrayed as essential to improving their lives, families and nations
once they return home. Southern workers can only improve their
nations’ standard of living by departing temporarily and sending
remittances home to be saved and consolidated by recipients who
supposedly democratize development. Yet, as also shown in chapter
3, evidence over the past two decades suggests that migration and
remittances are a symptom of exploitation and dependency rather
than a catalyst for change and self-determination. Migrants depart
to escape underdevelopment caused by unequal exchange, neoliberal
exploitation and the imposition of painful structural adjustment
programmes rather than to contribute to economic development
through remittances.
126 Labour Migration and Destination States

Criminalization of migrant workers: irregular and

undocumented migration

The promotion of migration and remittances as a decisive force

in economic development is at odds with the empirical experience
of migrants in the major destinations: Western Europe, North
America and prosperous countries in the Global South. Proponents
of migration remittances focus primarily on the significance of these
funds in contributing to the social and economic development of
poor countries in the Global South. Yet this discourse does not
account for the fact that in most destination states, migrants from
Africa, Asia and Latin America are considered pariahs within the
political arena and established media, being regarded as sources
of violence and insecurity and responsible for unemployment and
economic decline in destination states, particularly Western Europe
and North America. Migrants are depicted as invaders and crimi-
nalized as assailants by nationalist politicians and the media (de Haas
2008). Even supporters of migration amplify the threat of migration
by portraying an increase of irregular migrants as representing a
crisis which must be attended to by destination states. This insinuates
a directive for restricting external migration rather than welcoming
foreign labourers.

Fortress America and Fortress Europe

Neither the United States nor the EU, the two largest labour-
migration destinations in the world, have crafted formal migration
policies permitting low-wage workers from the Global South to
enter legally; nor have they recognized the contribution of low-wage
migrant workers who have arrived. As Sarah Spencer and Anna
Triandafyllidou (2020: 17) assert, ‘irregularity is a characteristic
of contemporary societies . . . with life-changing implications for
individuals.’ A significant contradiction evident in the literature on
migration, remittances and development advanced by neoliberal
multilateral institutions is that advanced economies with imperialist
legacies are unlikely to have inclusive, legal migration regimes, even
as millions of migrant labourers work and live in their countries.
Irregular and temporary migrants provide a pretext for deportation
to present to a public predisposed to supporting restrictive policies
Labour Migration and Destination States 127

on migration from the Global South. As low-wage migrant labour

is essential to the resilience and expansion of western economies,
governments are propagating popular opposition and securitizing
and militarizing borders to raise the risk of unauthorized migration.
These state policies and political conduct in the North undermine the
western, neoliberal, temporary migration narrative propagated by
multilateral development organizations, belying the reality of foreign
workers’ exclusion and vilification. Even as temporary migration is
acclaimed as an effective development programme for southern states,
North America and Western Europe in fact block these programmes.
Since the Immigrant Reform and Control Act was enacted in 1986,
just before the major wave of migrant workers from Latin America,
no comprehensive programme has been developed in the United States
to formalize the status of irregular and precarious migrant workers
except for the maintenance of the H-2A and H-2B programme, which
permits seasonal visas for a small fraction of labour required in
agriculture, construction, landscaping, forestry, hospitality and home
services. The United States has capped the number of H-2B workers
at 66,000, most of whom can usually stay in the country for up to
nine months, with possible extensions. Due to the strict controls on
H-2B placements, most workers migrate to the United States without
official authorization (Calavita 1989; Martin 2019).
Most employers of H-2B migrant labourers pay them far less
than industry standards (USCIS 2022). Moreover, due to insufficient
government oversight, employers of H-2B workers habitually violate
their rights. Labour brokers in temporary workers’ origin countries
typically charge high recruitment costs, and migrant workers are
responsible for paying their own travel and often their living
expenses. By contrast, under the H1-B migration programme for
highly skilled workers in the sciences and medicine, technology,
engineering and business services, US multinationals directly recruit
temporary migrants in countries of origin and cover all travel and
visa expenses. In addition, H1-B visa holders are permitted to stay up
to three years, with the right to renew or acquire longer-term visas. In
many cases, H-2B workers return to their home countries in Central
America and the Caribbean in debt to labour brokers (Czaika 2018;
Hahamovitch 2013; Hanson, Kerr and Turner 2018; Ness 2011).
The evidence suggests that both irregular and regulated, low-wage
migrant workers do not even remotely remit or accumulate the level
of funds necessary for national economic development, nor do they
128 Labour Migration and Destination States

learn new skills. At best, workers may be able to pay for family
members’ education costs, new appliances or home improvements.
In some cases, J-1 educational visas have been issued to migrants by
the US government for business training, but recipients have found
themselves paying to work in factories or service jobs without compen-
sation (Preston 2011). Most foreign low-wage workers employed in
the United States, estimated at 11 million, have arrived without
documentation. According to the Pew Research Center, about 10.7
million unauthorized migrants were living in the United States in
2017, down from 12.2 million in 2007 (Pew Research Center 2018).
By contrast, Pew estimated that unauthorized migration to Europe in
2016 declined from a range of 4.1 million–5.3 million in 2016 to 3.9
million–4.8 million in 2017 (Connor and Passel 2018).
In Western Europe, following the formation of the Schengen
Area in 1985 and its implementation in 1999 through the Treaty of
Amsterdam, migration was open to workers from Central and Eastern
Europe, systematically expanding through accession to encompass 27
countries in 2023. It is significant that of almost 1.2 million migrants
in 2008, Poland and Romania (and by extension Moldova) were the
two leading origin countries of migrants to Germany, the United
Kingdom and Italy. The Schengen Area largely closed off temporary
migration from MENA, which had comprised an integral origin
region for temporary labour migration to Western Europe between
1955 and 1974. While destination countries in Western Europe
opposed immigration, they welcomed a restricted, rotating, guest-
worker labour programme allowing workers to stay for a designated
time before returning home and being replaced. Despite the restric-
tions, by the late 1960s, some 5 million workers and their families
had settled in Western Europe. Subsequently, MENA and other
workers excluded from the Schengen Area risked crossing into the
zone at their own peril, even though they were essential workers in
key industries due to a shortage of low-wage and low-skilled labour
(Estevens 2018; Penninx 2018).
Within the context of the Schengen Area, most migrant workers
entering North-West Europe will find jobs in low-wage sectors
of the economy with limited opportunity for labour mobility.
In the aftermath of Brexit, Britain is turning to a temporary
migration programme (TMP) approach, which makes available a
low-wage workforce for agriculture, food production, home care
and other employers while placating xenophobes by not allowing
Labour Migration and Destination States 129

those workers to stay permanently. It is doubtful whether guest

workers in these occupations will learn new skills which they can
take home (Consterdine and Samuk 2018). Already there is evidence
of significant exploitation of workers from the Global South (notably
Nepal and Tajikistan) in Britain’s agricultural and fishery sectors as
the country is experiencing a severe shortage of low-wage labour.
Meanwhile, the United States has greatly reduced entry to migrants,
with or without documentation. Over the past 20–30 years, irregular
migrant workers have been barred from entry and do not have the
right to establish legal status if not married to a national or directly
sponsored by an employer (Horton and Heyman 2020; Pattisson
From 1990 to the present, as remittance proponents acclaim the
benefits of remittances, access to affluent destination countries in
the Global North has become ever scarcer as legal channels for
migration have been restricted in response to growing nativism and
xenophobia. As temporary migration to North America and Europe
has become more restricted for low-wage workers, remittances
have been a chimera even for states seeking to establish and expand
migration programmes. Legal TMPs have been established almost
exclusively for workers with professional skills in STEM, while
access to them for most low-skilled workers has been restricted.
Consequently, most low-skilled workers risk their lives travelling to
the militarized borders of Western Europe and North America for a
chance to work and send remittances home. Those who successfully
cross must then confront low-wage labour and high levels of exploi-
tation as agricultural, construction and home workers. Even though
most undocumented and irregular migrant labourers do not obtain
documentation, they perform necessary work in labour markets
which North American and European workers are unwilling to enter.
Working in the informal economy implies a disconnect from the
dominant economy. Yet the evidence suggests that the jobs workers
enter are vitally important to the neoliberal economy (Delgado Wise
and Castles 2007; Toksöz 2018). Hein de Haas (2008) asserts that
the poorest states of the world are typically unable to benefit from
migration as they are not integrated into the global economy in the
same way as states that have established bonds with destination
countries. As most migration from MENA and sub-Saharan Africa is
unauthorized, migrants who have the capacity to depart are typically
not the poorest but have the economic means to pay smugglers and
130 Labour Migration and Destination States

traffickers and are likely to have connections in destinations where

they can find jobs. As poverty rises in origin countries, migration
is growing from the poorest regions of the world, especially from
sub-Saharan Africa to the regional economic hubs of Nigeria and
South Africa, just to obtain basic food security. As precarious
labourers in destinations, most do not have the funds to pay for rent,
food and transport, let alone consistently remit funds back to their
From 2005 to the present, research on migration has converged
on these antinomies of migration: authorized and unauthorized.
While international development agencies extol temporary migration
and remittances as a significant means to achieve economic growth,
irregular and undocumented migration from the Middle East and
North Africa to Europe, and from Central America to the United
States, are severely restricted and criminalized, with both destina-
tions enlisting transit states on their borders to interdict and deport
migrants. Political leaders have severely exaggerated the number of
migrants who enter Europe and North America and increasingly
utilize sophisticated technology and military weapons to detect and
prevent irregular migrants entering geographical passage zones where
their presence suggests they may cross securitized boundaries (De
Genova 2017; de Haas 2008; Nevins 2010).
The United States has reserved jobs for a small fraction of those
seeking to migrate (through the Bracero Program for guest workers,
created during the Second World War to address a labour shortage)
and continue to allow limited migration for agricultural and hospi-
tality workers from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
Western European countries periodically grant residency to irregular
migrant workers. However, most migrant workers from the Global
South are forced to enter Western Europe and North America without
documentation status. Migrant workers entering destination states
without government authorization are essential to key sectors of
important informal economies in agriculture, construction and care
work. But precisely because migrant workers are not granted legal
residency, employers in these informal sectors of the economy flout
wage and occupational safety laws. Migrant workers are constantly
at risk of arrest, incarceration and deportation; threats which can be
held against them by employers.
The socio-economic contribution of migrant labourers to the North
American and European economies is downplayed by advocates of
Labour Migration and Destination States 131

securitization, yet agriculture, construction, care industries and,

more recently, the gig economy would cease to function efficiently
without them (Basok, Bélanger and Rivas 2014; Castles et al. 2012;
van Doorn and Vijay 2021; Vosko 2019). Much less attention is paid
to the essential work which irregular and undocumented migrant
workers perform in agriculture, construction and care work. It was
migrant workers who were enlisted to remove the wreckage after
the 9/11 attack on New York, and they have rendered indispensable
service during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Temporary migration and unequal exchange

Arghiri Emmanuel’s (1972) theory of Unequal Exchange (examined
in chapter 1) is prescient about the Global South workers’ aspirations
to find higher-wage work in the developed countries of the North.
Hickel and colleagues expose the elaborate border policies necessary
to impede such southern migration and safeguard the profits resulting
from continued unequal trade and imperialism: ‘Militarized borders
preclude easy migration from South to North, thus preventing
wage convergence. Moreover, structural adjustment programs (SAPs)
imposed by the World Bank and IMF since the 1980s have cut public
sector salaries and employment, rolled back labour rights, curtailed
unions and gutted environmental regulations’ (Hickel et al. 2022: 9).
Today, jobs in agricultural, construction and care industries are
crucial to the northern economies, and yet the rise in populism
has compounded the ability of low-wage southern labourers to
risk their lives and separate from their families by crossing borders
for jobs which northern workers are unwilling to take. While the
advanced capitalist countries of the global North require migrant
labour, popular opposition, fuelled by politicians and government
officials and the media, contributes to the solidification of national
chauvinism which reflects the class character of the nation and the
construction of borders to reinforce privilege in destination states.
Border control prevents labourers from entering the United States,
but a significant share of migrants still enters the country without
documentation status, serving the economic interests of the imperi-
alist state while being relegated to subaltern status. As Tom Vickers
points out, the struggle over the creation of borders is central to
imperialism and migration: ‘Mobility is situated in relation to
class formation and exploitation through the concept of the labour
132 Labour Migration and Destination States

process, which highlights the importance of capitalist control over

movement, at a micro and macro scale, to extract surplus value from
living human subjects’ (Vickers 2019: 4).
In Western Europe, the creation of temporary, irregular migration
regimes has enabled destination states to cement and normalize a
system of labour exploitation and obstruct the ability of migrants
to send remittances home. Anna Triandafyllidou observes that
temporary migration is essential to agriculture, fisheries, tourism
and other low-wage seasonal industries, which further marginalizes
low-wage workers. However, seasonal and temporary jobs are in
fact components of permanent industries, as demand for labour
for irregular migrant workers recurs continuously. Temporary and
seasonal work can thus be considered as crucial components of
the development of the post-Fordist just-in-time production which
emerged in the 1970s and 1980s to cut labour costs by compen-
sating workers only when directly engaged, rather than paying
salaries which cover downtime. In agriculture and hospitality indus-
tries, seasonal labour relies on ‘permanent temporary or circular
migration’ (Triandafyllidou 2022: 6).
Labour exploitation extends from the periphery of Europe to the
Middle East, North Africa, Asia and beyond. Neoliberal capitalism
has decisively deregulated conditions in key industries which are
highly dependent on migrant workers by undermining standards.
Since 1996, the incorporation of workers from Europe’s periphery
and North Africa has undermined prevailing wage rates and working
conditions in essential industries. For instance, the construction
industry has become highly dependent on temporary migrant
labourers who lack trade-union protection and are subject to exploi-
tation, especially as joblessness has grown among migrant workers,
and work is becoming precarious and informal (Triandafyllidou and
Bartolini 2020: 155–7).
A defining feature of temporary work is a regulatory practice
which prevents foreign workers from remaining or bringing their
families, even though these workers are essential to key industries. In
addition, irregular status complicates the ability of migrants to send
remittances home.
Irregular and undocumented legal statuses prevent migrants from
visiting their countries of origin. And, even if remittances were an
effective method for countries of the South to develop economically,
migrants ‘caged’ in destination countries in low-wage and insecure
Labour Migration and Destination States 133

jobs are far less likely to send money to their homelands due to this
‘structural exclusion’. Vickstrom and Beauchemin found a funda-
mental disparity between regular and irregular migrant statuses
among Senegalese migrants to France, Italy and Spain:

Lack of regular legal status could also constrain participation in various

financial institutions: not having a bank account or not being able
to access credit could reduce migrants’ abilities to send remittances
to and invest in assets at home, for example. We thus hypothesize a
mechanism of blocked transnationalism that would manifest itself by
a direct negative effect of irregular legal statuses on remitting because
of the structural exclusion it engenders. (Vickstrom and Beauchemin
2016: 5–6)

Prevented from returning home, irregular Senegalese migrants are

confined to destination countries, fraying social relationships, and are
prevented from bringing remittances on short returns home, unlike
migrants with legal status.

South–south temporary labour migration

Global labour-migration policy has shifted to temporary schemes

since the 1990s, whereby destination states are absolved of respon-
sibility for the socio-economic risks of migrant workers. TMPs have
been the dominant form of international labour mobility from poor
to rich regions since the nineteenth century (Surak 2013). In the
twenty-first century, these guest-worker programmes have become
even more significant to the world capitalist economy. Even in
the Americas, promoters of migration have lobbied for temporary
migration to replace the de facto undocumented programmes which
are necessary for the neoliberal capitalist economy. South–south
migration within Asia is the epicentre of the global temporary-
migration regime, which is decisively integrated into the southern
and neoliberal capitalist global economy. Nicola Piper bluntly claims
that ‘recruitment, remittances and return’ is the modus operandi
for temporary migrants who overwhelmingly experience precarity
and insecurity on the job and are paradoxically circumscribed by
lack of mobility and room for manoeuvre. In all regions but the
Americas, Piper’s concept of the ‘temporary–permanent divide’ has
134 Labour Migration and Destination States

become the dominant global form of labour migration (Piper 2022:

1–2). However, as the programmes are regulated through bilateral
agreements between origin and destination states, they often do not
enforce payment of temporary migrants’ income, working condi-
tions and security, contributing to greater precarity and uncertainty
at the personal and family level, rather than economic development.
International labour standards and worker rights established by the
ILO are typically disregarded (Wickramasekara 2015). Accordingly,
Piper contends:

For migrants, this means that the ‘migration project’ is primarily about
earning money based on the opportunity to obtain, and remain in, paid
work over the course of their overseas contract. This project, however,
often fails migrants and their families as the result of a specific form
of transnationalism which provides severely constrained choices in
terms of destination country, type of job (labour market sector) and
working conditions (wage level, contractual specifications). Such a type
of transnationalism is, therefore, conceptualized here as a matter of
compulsion and hence involuntary. (Piper 2022: 3)

The precarious temporary labour migration system often forces

workers in the Global South to re-migrate just to pay off loans and
earn enough to pay basic family living expenses. This confirms that
migration and remittances are not a development strategy of remit-
tances, skills development and economic growth but a symptom of
underdevelopment and disempowerment of workers in the Global
South (Piper 2022; Withers 2019b).
As outlined in chapter 1, the primary motivations to migrate of
workers in origin countries are uneven exchange and higher wages
obtainable in destination countries for equivalent work than are
available at home. The impetus to migrate is often the inability to
meet basic living expenses and other reproduction costs, such as child
health care, education and housing. Temporary migrant workers
must return to countries of origin within a specific time. There is
no chance to postpone a return to the country of origin to secure
adequate money to provide for family and often even to pay debts.
The temporary migrant worker is isolated from communities in desti-
nations and cannot establish social relationships because much of
the time is consumed by work. Xiang finds that low-wage migrants
produce remittances which provide for the social reproductive needs
Labour Migration and Destination States 135

of workers rather than acquisition of skills or providing funds to

establish a business. Upon return, rising housing costs have made
purchasing a home unattainable. Instead, remittances are applied to
supplement income to expedite the payment of social reproductive
costs such as marriage, child care, housing expenses, children’s
education and care for the elderly (Xiang 2021).
Recruitment of foreign labour in South East Asia from 1985
to the present has become a major priority for Malaysian and
Thai manufacturers and agricultural firms aiming to attract FDI
investment in order to move into global supply chains in core
industries. Foreign low-wage migrant workers employed in labour-
intensive industries have been a primary determinant in the inflow
of FDI to Malaysia (Devadason and Subramaniam 2016: 1432).
One may infer that increased skills at comparatively lower wages
will also draw foreign investment. However, it is crucial to recognize
the historical and comparative patterns of capitalist investment and
development. Malaysia’s proximity to Singapore attracts foreign
capital for downstream electronics production to serve the region
and global commodity chains. Notwithstanding the skills of migrant
labourers, the extant research shows that low wages among higher-
skilled workers are far more important to drawing investment to
Singapore’s IT, logistics and finance industries. It is improbable that
the emergence of an equivalent advanced economy in Malaysia
would attract foreign investment, as Malaysia is a supplier of
relatively inexpensive labour-intensive electronics, semiconductors
and electrical parts in the global commodity market and not a
global, regional, economic financial centre equivalent to Singapore
(Hutchinson 2021).

Malaysia and temporary migrant labourers

Malaysia is the archetype of the temporary labour migration regime.
The country is noteworthy for its dependence on low-wage foreign
labour to staff its burgeoning manufacturing industries. Migrant
workers in electronics, electronic components and primary medical
products are essential for the country’s growth and the shift from a
developing to an emerging economy.
Malaysia is the principal migration destination in South East Asia
and requires low-wage foreign workers for its expansive manufac-
turing industry. Migrant workers from Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam
136 Labour Migration and Destination States

and beyond are employed by outsourcing companies rather than

the immediate factories in which they work on a day-to-day basis.
This disconnect arises because employment contracts are negotiated
between outsourcing companies and factories prior to departure,
often without consultation from workers. Lack of transparency
renders workers ill informed of their rights, as well as of the responsi-
bility and liability of companies. Increasing transparency is a key step
in improving the working conditions of migrants and equipping them
with greater agency to resist exploitation (Abdul Rahim et al. 2015).
FDI is directly influenced by the presence of an unskilled and low-wage
temporary labour force, and Malaysia’s labour policies are shaped
by such cost-saving foreign workers (Devadason and Subramaniam
2016). Malaysian contractors and employers have been charged
with consistently engaging in abusive treatment and unfair labour
practices towards temporary migrants, which contravene the terms of
agreement with foreign brokers before departure for the job. Migrant
workers do not have contracts with employers stipulating the wages,
terms and conditions of work in an outsourcing system which denies
them the benefits of collective bargaining agreements equivalent to
those of Malaysian workers. With the support of the Ministry of
Home Affairs, employers typically discourage workers from joining
unions which can protect their rights (Devadason and Meng 2014).
Malaysian employers flagrantly underpay migrant workers and fail
to pay required pensions and inferior benefits accorded under the
Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1952, which is applicable to foreign
workers relative to the protection of local workers. In many cases,
there is non-payment of wages and unfair dismissal, and employers
frequently deduct wages unlawfully for the cost of work permits.
In many instances, temporary migrant labourers are provided with
substandard housing and living conditions and lack workplace
protection against industry injuries. For instance, some employers
have failed to provide payments for insurance compensation in the
case of occupational injuries.
Further, employers of temporary migrant labour are frequently
unwilling to renew permits, which results in the loss of legal status.
Some employers and recruiting agents have confiscated worker
passports, leaving foreign workers vulnerable to arrest, ill-treatment
and extortion by police. These practices contribute to the loss of
status as documented workers when their rights are violated and
while waiting for matters to be resolved by the Labour Department
Labour Migration and Destination States 137

or the Industrial Relations Department (or Labour Court). At present,

a three-month special pass is issued by the Immigration Department
at RM100 per month (US$24 in 2020), which forbids them to work.
The ILO report also found widespread recruitment, transport and
receipt of workers by outsourcing companies through fraud and
deception, for example, non-existent jobs, different economic sectors
and different destinations of work to those promised, mainly to
exploit them. This results in migrant workers becoming victims of
people trafficking in violation of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and
Anti-Smuggling in Migrants Act 2007. The Malaysian border police
and immigration authorities are said to be directly involved in human
trafficking, according to a report issued by the ILO in 2016 (ILO
2016; Zeng 2016).
Reports issued by international monitoring agencies have found
that nearly one-third of migrant workers employed in electronics
factories were engaged in forced labour. In the palm oil plantations,
foreign temporary workers have experienced similar abuses: wages
below the statutory minimum, lack of overtime pay, restrictions on
freedom of association, gender-based discrimination, imposition of
large amounts of debt and the withholding of passports and personal
Even a 2015 US Department of State Trafficking-in-Persons Report
found that migrant workers employed on agricultural and palm oil
plantations, on construction sites, in the electronic industry and in
domestic work are subjected to labour practices indicative of forced
labour, such as restrictions on movement, withholding of wages,
contract substitution, confiscation of passports and debt bondage
(US State Department 2015). In addition, a report by Maria Graza
Giammarinaro, Special Rapporteur for the United Nations Office of
the High Commissioner, documented flagrant deportation of undocu-
mented migrant workers and migrant victims of trafficking who
required protection and comprehensive services:

I urge the Malaysian authorities to address more effectively all forms

of trafficking, and prioritize trafficking for forced labour and labour
exploitation . . . Shelters must be open places, preferably run by NGOs,
which should be adequately funded for this purpose. Psychological,
medical and legal assistance should aim to promote rehabilitation,
reintegration and social inclusion of trafficked persons. (Giammarinaro
138 Labour Migration and Destination States

These reports were corroborated by CSOs, including Tenaganita, a

Malaysian NGO formed in 1991 which defends women from exploi-
tation. It found limited oversight of employers engaged in forced
labour due to physical isolation, restriction on movement and lack
of access to consulates of origin countries (Henninger and Römer
Temporary and undocumented migrant workers comprise up
to 6.5 million of Malaysia’s population and about 40 per cent of
Malaysia’s 15.4 million workers. The state’s dependence on migrant
labourers to work in manufacturing, agriculture, domestic services
and beyond is unmatched in South East Asia. Only the Arab Gulf
has a larger proportion of foreign, temporary migrant labourers,
but the size of Malaysia’s temporary and undocumented migrant
labour force constitutes the largest absolute number among states
with populations of more than 30 million, far exceeding the share
of the temporary and undocumented populations in developing
As the Malaysian migration regime has developed over the past 40
years from 1980 to 2020, recruiters, employers and contractors have
frequently abused and exploited temporary foreign workers from
the Association of South East Asian Nations region. Recruiters have
often misrepresented the wage rates and working and living condi-
tions provided by Malaysian employers. The Malaysian state has
poorly enforced temporary worker wages and working conditions
and has failed to establish decent living standards in dormitories and
other housing.
Women have constituted a large proportion of exploited foreign
temporary labourers during their recruitment to work in indus-
trial zones from the 1980s to the present. They produce garments,
electronics and electronic supplies, as well as serving as domestic
labourers in the homes of upper-middle-income and affluent
Malaysians. Women migrant labourers have often objected to wages
and conditions and had little or no support from domestic trade
unions in Malaysia. They have relied more often on NGOs formed to
defend their rights. A subset of foreign migrants has been trafficked
women and children, as well as refugees from Myanmar. Trafficked
migrants have been supported by Tenaganita, but many remain
subject to physical exploitation and lack basic needs for survival.
Though CSOs and global labour organizations have sought to
improve practices, wages and living conditions of migrant workers
Labour Migration and Destination States 139

in developing and emerging regions on the periphery, the reality

remains highly exploitative in Malaysia. The reason for this exploi-
tation has been a migration policy aimed at recruiting impoverished
women and vulnerable workers. While exploitative practices are
present in other destination states, the dependence of Malaysia and
South Africa on a large supply of temporary and undocumented
foreign workers presages the potential for similar models in aspiring
emerging and developed countries elsewhere.

Malawian migration to South Africa: poverty and exclusion

Malawians have migrated to South Africa since the early twentieth
century to work in the informal sector, hoping to pay for food and
basic living expenses back home. Today, with the decline in mining,
Malawian migrants in South Africa may send money to support
the food security of their families (Banda 2018; Kangmennaang,
Bezner-Kerr and Luginaah 2018; Niboye 2019), but most can only
afford to send money occasionally, and many do not return, owing
to their inability to accumulate any money. The cost of living is
high even in destitute settlements in South Africa. Most Malawian
migrants never earn enough to open a business back home or to
financially support their families. However, the majority finds menial
jobs as bakery, construction and domestic care workers, and reside in
shanties in informal settlements for which they must pay rent. They
have barely enough money for daily food consumption and transport
to work. Yet migration is growing as Malawi is experiencing extreme
poverty with among the lowest human development averages in the
world, and a poverty rate below the sub-Saharan Africa average
(UNDP 2022).
Some Malawian workers living in the Johannesburg metro area are
so desperate to leave squatter settlements that they scrupulously save
or borrow to pay for the return trip home. In Thembelihle, an informal
settlement adjacent to Lenasia, a South Asian community south-west
of Johannesburg, most young, Malawian, women domestic workers
regret migrating to South Africa, as hopes for a better life for their
families back home have dissolved. While many want to return, most
Malawians opt to remain in the squatter settlement with faint hopes
of ever earning enough to start a business back home or even send
remittances there every month. For young men in their twenties and
thirties, survival in South Africa’s settlements on the outskirts of
140 Labour Migration and Destination States

Johannesburg is preferable to returning empty-handed to their rural

communities back home.
Thus, for most Malawian migrants in South Africa today, the
benefit of migration is a fictitious narrative which those in the desti-
nation can convey to their families back home. The reality is that
most Malawian migrants will work in jobs where remuneration does
not cover housing, food and transport expenses. Further, Malawian
migrants typically do not have documentation and are irregularly
employed. Temporary labour migration from poor countries to
regional hubs, for example, Malawi to South Africa, is far more
likely to contribute to family separation and dislocation, and to the
accumulation of debt through paying for transport and squatter
settlement housing and frequent food scarcity.

Covid-19 and worker exploitation and discrimination in

destination states

Laura Foley and Nicola Piper have documented how in the

Covid-19 pandemic era more and more employers are not paying
wages for temporary workers forced to return to their origin
countries, causing ‘protracted migrant precarity’. In the wake of
the pandemic, workers have been laid off and forced to return
to their origin countries. As low-wage migration requires that
workers borrow money to cover costs, the pandemic has left many
of them returning home destitute. Piper referenced a report issued
by the Qatari government documenting workers paying from
US$2,900 to US$5,000 for migration recruitment, travel and living
expenses (Impactt 2019). Thus the dominant perspective claiming
that migration is a source of development is an illusion for origin
countries, as workers in most destinations are prohibited from
working for a second employer and so are bound to workplaces
which may be highly exploitative and dangerous. Consequently,
migrant workers are incapable of escaping protracted precarity and
most certainly cannot acquire new skills or contribute to national
development (Foley and Piper 2021). A growing recognition of
temporary migration’s failures among scholars is challenging the
consensus of academics and development agencies which prevails
today. Persuasive empirical evidence documented by migration
scholars demonstrates the exploitative and unstable conditions
Labour Migration and Destination States 141

which temporary migrant workers experience. Foley and Piper

(2021) say this gathering scepticism has been deepened by the highly
volatile global Covid-19 pandemic. They counter the World Bank
research which claims remittances have remained resilient during the
pandemic, as most precarious migrant workers have lost their jobs
without a social welfare safety net in destination states to help them
survive. The pandemic has increased the need to expand knowledge
and action to monitor and compensate temporary migrant workers
who are victims of wage theft on a global level as temporary labour
migration grows. CSOs and global union federations (GUFs) must
have the power to enforce international labour standards and
regulations and provide legal recourse to migrant workers who have
expended significant family and personal resources (Foley and Piper
2021: 468–74).
The overwhelming evidence shows most temporary and
unauthorized migrant workers and their families do not appreciably
benefit from sending remittances home, low-income workers fail to
obtain valuable skills while working abroad, and remittances rarely
contribute to development. Why do migration supporters persist
in extolling migration and remittances as a prominent source of
development? In addition to suffering high levels of exploitation
and wage theft, migrant workers also confront growing xenophobia
and social ostracism by popular majorities in destination countries.
To stay in most destinations, temporary migrants must flee to new
employers and become undocumented workers. In most countries,
they are subject to arrest, detention and deportation. Migrant
workers are prevented from remaining for more than a few years in
destinations to pay off debts and build up resources to finance entre-
preneurial development back home. Certainly, development agencies
can draw attention to migrants who succeed in accumulating funds
or acquiring new skills, but few migrant workers remit large sums of
money, and no Global South country has developed appreciably due
to remittances.
The remittance and development mantra has become a convenient
technique for agencies to avoid funding national projects through
shifting the burden to nations. Furthermore, migrant workers are
indispensable to northern countries experiencing a demographic shift
and labour shortages in key industries: manufacturing, construction,
health care, domestic services and agriculture. In addition, while
developed countries benefit from low-wage, foreign temporary
142 Labour Migration and Destination States

migration, it also absolves them from almost all accountability for

providing social expenses which nationals are entitled to receive.
Both low-wage temporary and undocumented migrant workers from
poor countries in the Global South are responsible for covering all
costs of social reproduction: food, shelter, health and other living
From 1990 to the present, the remittance-as-development model
advanced by neoliberal capitalist proponents has replaced foreign aid
as the doctrine for development, shaping the thinking of government
officials who in turn support remittances as a development policy
in most southern sending states (Asian Development Bank and
World Bank 2018; Bastia and Skeldon 2021; Maimbo and Ratha
2005). However, despite this universal narrative pontificated by the
UN, IOM, World Bank and IMF about the benefits of remittances
to southern states, the overwhelming evidence indicates that the
migration–remittance–development nexus is inaccurate (Newman-
Grigg 2020). Instead, the inverse is true: temporary and irregular
migration by low-wage workers are symptoms of inequality, poverty
and exploitation of the Global South.
States in the Global South which reject the remittances-as-
development model are opting out of the global neoliberal capitalist
system and global supply chains dependent on foreign labour and
FDI. In the absence of alternatives, migrant workers have no choice
but to improve their status in destination states. To do so is a difficult
task as all gains made by workers are dissolved upon departure from
destination states. Thus improving conditions requires the support of
CSOs, the UN’s IOM and GUFs to push authorities to improve condi-
tions. But as temporary migration becomes increasingly universal in
the coming decades, achieving concessions and improved conditions
from destination states will not benefit many future migrant workers,
with few of them achieving permanent status.
Destination states have established restrictive migration regimes
which undermine the well-being of migrant workers and prevent
them and their families from staying permanently while receiving
benefits equivalent to those conferred on nationals. While regular-
izing migration does not solve the problem of economic development
in origin states, an authentic programme could also include provi-
sions to contribute to economic demands in origin states unable
to provide jobs at decent wages. Migrant workers in destination
countries should have access to education, health care, housing and
Labour Migration and Destination States 143

other social services which are supplied on a societal level, rather

than only on a local level, thereby spreading the cost. The prevailing
view that migrant workers travel and work in developed countries to
see the world does not hold as most stay for as long as possible only
to earn funds to repay debt and support their families back home.
Certainly, northern migrants do not travel to the South to stay and
work in arduous jobs for extended periods. Even if data and research
show that migrant workers are beneficial to destination countries,
optimists who believe that humanitarian treatment would ensue
exhibit overconfidence in view of deep-seated xenophobic sentiment,
especially in Europe and North America. Consequently, development
agencies view temporary migration as the remedy to discrimination
and ethnocentrism, as popular opposition would diminish if migrant
workers were prevented from staying for more than a few years.
In the United States, Western Europe and, increasingly, in southern
destinations, government authorities are engaged in relentless
surveillance of migrant workers through the introduction of new
security technology and the militarization of border control. After
arrival, migrant labourers are dominated by their direct employers
in destination states and typically are highly exploited through
underpayment of wages, are exposed to occupational dangers and
must work long hours. Consequently, a growing number of migrant
labourers abandon their designated employers for jobs with higher
wages and improved conditions. Opting out of working for first
employers typically results in undocumented status, leading to the
threat of detention and deportation by host countries. But undocu-
mented status also allows employers to ignore minimum wages,
occupational safety, health guidelines and anti-discrimination laws
protecting women and minorities.

Conclusion: opposing exploitation and empowering

migrant workers

The migration–remittance–development model is a symptom of

imperialist economic oppression, violence and social dislocation.
Temporary and irregular forms of migration are integrated into a
global system which oppresses workers in the Global South. We
have established that there is significant fluidity between temporary
and irregular migration, as temporary legal status can lead to
144 Labour Migration and Destination States

undocumented status, and a vital objective for states is to prevent

the extended presence of foreign workers. The limited capacity to
manoeuvre from restrictions imposed on authorized and unauthorized
temporary migration demonstrates that workers are denied the
ability to negotiate their conditions and status in destination states.
Even though low-wage migrant workers are essential for the global
economy (especially in the Global North, which requires agricultural,
construction and home-care workers), as Stuart Rosewarne observes,
they are treated like a commodity and denied human rights and the
freedom to choose their employer, both of which are fundamental to
the ideology of the capitalist system.
The making of a new class of migrant workers, principally as
temporary or undocumented workers, concentrated in semi- and
low-skilled occupations, is a distinctive development. Such workers
can be distinguished from other wage workers who enjoy a more
comprehensive freedom in their right to sell their ability to labour
(Rosewarne 2010).
In the absence of legal and political support, migrant workers
must traverse complex migration-destination states, all of which have
severe limitations. In the European Schengen Area migration regime,
workers have agency to relocate to higher-wage regions, which is not
possible for migrants from MENA, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and
Latin America, even if they are employed in economically and socially
necessary jobs. The United States has the most excessive restrictions
on unauthorized migration, as most low-wage migrant labourers
who enter it are criminalized by the state and condemned by citizens
who are highly unwelcoming and consider them invaders. Migrant
workers typically self-organize into autonomous associations, with
or without the assistance of trade unions, CSOs and religious
institutions. However, support is usually directed and controlled
by detached organizations which maintain their own political and
economic interests. Thus trade unions seek to increase members,
CSOs and academics disseminate reports, and workers’ centres are
motivated by foundation money and undermine authentic working-
class unity through advocacy rather than direct action. Of course,
advocacy is crucial in developing public support among citizens, but
it almost always leads to diminished migrant organizations. Rarely
are trade unions and CSOs attentive to the migrant workers or driven
to create rank-and-file leaders (Frantz and Fernandes 2016; Ness
Labour Migration and Destination States 145

The prevailing evidence demonstrates that migrant workers do have

agency and can establish organizational subjectivity to advance their
socio-economic status in oppressive destination states. International
organizations like the IOM and the ILO can prescribe remedies to
improve conditions for migrant workers, but most are overlooked
by employers in destination countries. CSOs, GUFs, national trade
unions, religious institutions and community associations have little
power to defend the interests of temporary labourers. Creating
an international system conferring rights on all migrant workers
appears to be a remote possibility when bilateral, regional and global
compacts to defend migrants have been ignored. To remedy the
system of imperialist exploitation, global organizations must provide
security for all migrant workers (temporary, irregular, undocu-
mented and immigrants) as in effect they are one and the same. The
creation of a stratified system of migrants undermines the rights of
all workers. As a significant share of populations in destination states
are migrant labourers, exceeding 75 per cent in the Arab Gulf and
more than 10 per cent in the United States and Western Europe, it
is essential to create an international system granting rights to all
migrant workers and to end the violent system of border control and
exploitation of temporary workers. Rising anti-immigrant sentiment
has proven politically effective to opportunistic political leaders and
an impediment for politicians who would support migrants. Still,
as migrants do not vote, they are ostracized politically. Bringing
an end to xenophobia and discrimination against temporary and
irregular migrants (used as a mechanism to advance political agendas
through perpetuating false narratives) is essential to improving their
The Damage of Borders

This chapter examines the role of border control in structuring inter­

national migration. Border control is viewed as an essential component
in generating MNC profits through the use of highly exploited
workers from developing and poor states. The chapter examines both
legal and undocumented migration as strategies adopted by govern-
ments. Indeed, undocumented migrants become useful subjects of
even more extreme exploitation in destination states. Institutional
precarity is created through the national imposition of strict policies
on foreign entry, and by ensuring that migrant workers do not have
the right to stay as long as they might wish. Undocumented migrant
labourers are driven further underground. The chapter shows how
border-control policies imposed by developed capitalist states and
rich economies in both the Global North and Global South restrict
the ability of temporary migrant workers to create communities and
exercise organizational power.
While workers may resist employer abuses through striking,
leaving and abandoning firms, their status as temporary sojourners
restricts their capacity to improve their conditions. NGOs and inter-
national labour organizations have sought to ameliorate the worst
cases of labour abuse (e.g., trafficking in labour, abuse of women
and children, etc.), but these initiatives can only be implemented
piecemeal as temporary migrant workers do not have the right to
This chapter examines border-control policies in a range of desti-
nation states and demonstrates how they set up a system which
enables the exploitation of temporary migrant workers. Current
The Damage of Borders 147

border-control policies are not compatible with a humane system

of labour migration which would allow migrants to travel, stay
and work, and thereby establish enduring workers’ organizations
capable of settling wage standards and defending workplace rights.
Investigating the outcomes of restrictive border control shows the
necessity of rethinking and restructuring an international system
which empowers migrant workers of the Global South. In a setting of
growing xenophobia that is expanding in the Global North and South,
it is essential to advance the rights of international labourers, many
of whom are fleeing poverty and violence instigated by imperialist
rivalries and local ethnic and economic disputes. Although migrant
workers alone scarcely contribute to economic development in origin
states, they at least deserve dignity and freedom from discrimination,
violence and harassment in destination states where they provide
essential low-wage labour in agriculture, construction, manufac-
turing, social services and, increasingly, logistics and the platform
economy (Altenried 2021; van Doorn, Ferrari and Graham 2022).

Borders, inequality and migration

Arghiri Emmanuel’s theoretical perspective of Uneven Exchange

(1972) was examined at length in chapter 1. Regarding the income
and wealth disparity between rich countries and the vast majority
of the global population who live in the Third World, he views class
structures as being situated in the extraction of natural resources and
labour. This perspective has gained wide purchase among scholars
who recognize the chasm between the Global North and South
and contend that permanent immigration rather than temporary
migration programmes is the most effective means to begin to
close that widening gap. Interestingly, proponents of this position
transcend ideological perspectives.
Branko Milanović, former lead economist for the World Bank
research department, wrote a signal paper on global inequality and
migration which was published by the World Bank in 2011. In it, he
takes a far more critical perspective of deep-rooted global inequality
than proponents of remittances at the World Bank, and is much more
pessimistic than his erstwhile colleagues in multilateral banking insti-
tutions. Milanović cleverly corroborates the Marxist interpretation
of a class division in society between a capitalist class and a working
148 The Damage of Borders

class based on the extraction of surplus value from labour, which

contributes to the aspiration for socialism and inequality. However, he
contends that inequality and exploitation were the dominant features
of mid-nineteenth-century Europe, when most of the population
earned low wages and a small percentage owned capital and wealth.
However, quantitative research reveals that the gap between rich
and poor in economies of the Global North has narrowed over the
past 150 years to a ratio of 10:1 through the emergence of trade
unions and social welfare states. By the early twenty-first century, the
economic expansion of the North has shifted the division of wealth
from within advanced capitalist countries and southern countries. As
an example, he cogently points out, ‘Denmark’s income distribution
would only start at the point at which many African countries’ distri-
butions end. The richest Malians are poorer than the poorest Danes’
(Milanović 2011: 128).
Strangely, Milanović makes a major mistake by considering the
international division in wages by location as an extension of class
formation and class struggle, whereas Marx asserts such inequality
is an inescapably recurring feature of capitalism. Perhaps the most
prominent feature of global capitalism is the transfer of wealth from
South to North. As an extension, it is to be expected that income
disparities within nations will have shifted to inequality among
workers between rich and poor countries. To comprehend the nature
of global capitalism, it is a priori essential to draw attention to global
economic imperialism, which has dominated the world since the end
of the Cold War. Global neoliberal capitalism from the 1990s to the
2020s has tenaciously rejected government and political solutions to
inequities triggered by the dictates of the rich countries, a situation
which confers freedom to capital but not to labour.
In view of the structural economic divisions between rich and poor
countries, Milanović contends that building international solidarity
among workers of the world today is unattainable. Global North
workers do not share a common interest with southern workers.
But, corresponding to Emmanuel’s approach, Milanović asserts that
the most feasible means to bridge the global fissure in wages and to
lower poverty and inequality is through mass migration from poor
to rich countries. Thus, unlike scholars who promulgate migration
as development, he envisages migration to the North as mitigating
poverty for low-wage workers from the South. Rather than viewing
the global divide as a class division, he offers a simplified perspective
The Damage of Borders 149

based on location, even as globalization has unified the world

economy and 85 per cent of the world’s population resides in the
Global South. However, while Milanović correctly concludes that
northern and southern workers have divergent interests, he does not
see workers of the South as workers. In fact, as shown in Tables 5.1
and 5.2, more than 800 million industrial workers in 2022 were
employed in the Global South (ILO 2022).

Table 5.1 Regional Shares of the Global Labour Force, 2022 (%)
North Africa 2.1
Sub-Saharan Africa 13.0
Latin America and the Caribbean 9.0
North America 5.0
Arab States 1.8
East Asia 27.0
South East Asia and the Pacific 10.0
South Asia 20.0
Northern, Southern and Western Europe 6.0
Eastern Europe 4.0
Central and West Asia 2.2
Source: Derived from: https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/labour-migration/

Table 5.2 Labour Force by Region, 2022

Sub-region Broad region Labour force
North Africa Africa 746,73.547
Sub-Saharan Africa Africa 451,297.967
Latin America and the Caribbean Americas 309,964.399
North America Americas 187,418.890
Arab states Arab States 623,24.910
East Asia Asia and the Pacific 942,531.166
South East Asia and the Pacific Asia and the Pacific 360,209.766
South Asia Asia and the Pacific 699,069.901
Northern, Southern and Western Europe and Central Asia 224,891.809
Eastern Europe Europe and Central Asia 142,058.311
Central and West Asia Europe and Central Asia 772,38.606
Source: Derived from: https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/labour-migration/
150 The Damage of Borders

Global South labourers also maintain antagonistic class relations

with their employers, who seek to extract surplus value irrespective
of the costs and injury to workers. Certainly, migrant workers must
contend with capitalist employers in rich destination countries.
To be sure, Milanović maintains that class is displayed globally,
between nations rather than within countries (2011: 21), finding
that the poorest 10 per cent in most rich countries have higher
incomes than the top 10 per cent in poor countries (e.g., the
difference in wages between the United States and India). In 2007,
the average per capita income in the richest countries was thirty-one
times higher than that in the poorest countries (2011: 13). In sum,
because of the gap in income and wealth on a global level, workers
in poor countries do not have shared interests with workers in rich
ones (2011: 14–18).
In comprehending global poverty and income inequality, Milanović
shares Emmanuel’s position that the world is divided by geography
and location. However, he does not directly relate inequality to
imperialism. As location is paramount to understanding income and
wealth differentials, Milanović contends that when workers migrate
from low-wage countries to rich ones, they can increase their wages
‘severalfold’. This prescription does not take account of the fact that
migrant work in the affluent countries comprises predominantly
low-wage jobs.

The utopian and neoliberal illusion of open borders

Remarkably, in July 2022, the United Nations Department of

Economic and Social Affairs reported that if present trends continue,
as income inequality grows between North and South, international
migration from low-income countries (rather than a surplus of births
over deaths) is expected to be the only source of population growth
in almost all high-income countries over the next few decades. In
the two decades from 2000 to 2020, international migration to
high-income countries with populations of 80.5 million exceeded
the balance of 66.2 million births over deaths (UNDESA 2022b).
Without doubt, migration is dependent on economic, environmental,
political and social factors, which complicates predictions.
Capitalism always identifies techniques to accumulate wealth by
extracting profits through exploitation of labour, application of
The Damage of Borders 151

new technology and relocation to new global regions. If MNCs in

high-income states externalize production and service activities and
shift migrant labour to low-income countries, as in South East Asia,
migrant workers can be relocated to new locations in the Global
South. As Stock et al. observe:

. . . justifications for externalization measures in international migration

policies are often framed in cost-efficiency terms. Here, migration
management appears to bear resemblance with outsourcing strategies
in financial transactions, where costs are transferred to third parties
in order to increase profit margins. This is particularly evident when
politicians in the Global North suggest that the political, social and
economic costs of migration should be effectively transferred to third
parties, generally located far away from the country of final desti-
nation. (Stock, Üstübici and Schultz 2019: 2)

Though externalization of migrant workers is the objective of

destination states, migration will continue to expand in high-income
countries as demand for agricultural, manufacturing, domestic and
home-care services expands due to labour shortages.
Undeniably, the economic divide between the Global North and
the Global South is growing. Ulrich Brand and Marcus Wissen
situate twenty-first-century capitalism in northern countries and
some southern countries as implanted within an ‘imperial mode of
living’, where commodities, lifestyles and everyday practices depend
on the extraction of global resources and low-wage labour from
the South. An unconscious routine of consumption emerges within
rich countries, whose citizens do not reflect upon the exploitation of
labour, extraction of natural resources and ecological collapse in the
South which are all necessary to maintain their relatively comfortable
standards of living. As most commodities are produced by workers
in the South, the imperial mode of living is dependent on low-wage
migrants and precarious labour in key economic sectors (Brand and
Wissen 2021).
To remedy growing global inequality and the rise of abject poverty,
sociologist Mimi Sheller proposes open borders, or unrestricted
migration to destination states. Sheller considers open borders, or
‘mobility justice’, as a right of all humanity, advocating the removal
of border controls which currently facilitate the movement of the
wealthy and (by creating barriers through citizenship and mobility
152 The Damage of Borders

regimes based on wealth and income) control and degrade the

mobility of southern populations comprising 85 per cent of humanity.
Moreover, northern elite human and capital mobility via air travel
and consumption of resources contributes to global warming, which
disproportionately damages southern ecosystems.
Sheller considers all forms of mobility restriction symptoms of
the global divide which has grown and intensified from the 1970s
to the present, building on 500 years of European colonization
and domination of the Global South and its attendant violence,
perpetrated through imperialism: oppression of indigenous people,
slavery and economic exploitation. The European imperialist enter-
prise is displayed by the unequal mobilities between the Global
North and the Global South which control mobility from South to
North. While northern migrants have virtual freedom to traverse
almost all national borders, southern migration is strictly controlled
through a system of punitive laws, detention and expulsion (Sheller
2018: 242). Altering the present punitive and restrictive system
of border control for migrant labourers is a hopeless endeavour,
especially in view of the growth of populist xenophobic nationalism
in the twenty-first century. The UN does not have the power to
implement the Global Compact for Migration. Even bilateral state
agreements are often abrogated by parties who fail to live up to
standards regulating all forms of labour migration (Klein Solomon
and Sheldon 2018).
For Sheller, global ‘mobility justice’ must end rich countries’
dominance of the global migration system by dissolving border
controls, detention, violence and deportation of migrants. It requires
transnational movement of all populations. Affluent migration-
destination states primarily located in the Global North must
comprehend that they are beneficiaries of the global system of
unequal exchange, which devalues labour and production in the
southern regions, thereby expanding the accumulation of wealth in
the rich countries. In the last decade, there has been a proliferation
of research documenting the fissure which has fostered global
inequality. Sheller is correct that the global divide is expanding
inequality, but the proposal to implant open borders across the
world lacks a firm grounding in the face of rising nationalism and
Though well intentioned, Sheller’s proposition for open borders is
a utopian ideal that is not rooted in historical and material reality,
The Damage of Borders 153

and therefore shifts attention away from decreasing global poverty,

inequality and the threat of rising populism and nationalism in desti-
nation states. Certainly, global poverty cannot be addressed by simply
opening borders, as the vast majority of the world’s population will
remain in the Global South. Thus calling for open borders may be the
most radical resolution to address cruel state restrictions and dangers
to migrants seeking refuge, residence and work in destination states,
but it is impracticable because even implementing the UN’s Global
Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM – see
later in the chapter), which would provide safe orderly and regular
migration, is opposed by almost all destination states. Open borders
is not just a radical utopian perspective for freedom of movement
for all. Support for open borders is also advanced by libertarian
proponents of free markets seeking unconstrained low-wage migrant
labour from the poor countries of the Global South (Dustmann and
Preston 2019; Kennan 2013).
For origin states, emigration of young, able-bodied and skilled
workers would undermine the development of SDGs to improve
standards of living. In effect, open borders are a free-market and
individualistic solution to global inequality, as workers who are
essential for national development would endlessly depart for desti-
nation states in search of higher wages abroad. Even in the unlikely
event that low-wage migrants join or form trade unions in destinations
to improve their wages and working conditions, the benefits would
not redound to most in the sending countries in the Global South
because remittances go to immediate family members, not SDGs,
no more national development. Further, open borders could perhaps
even deepen global inequality, as the young, old and most destitute
would languish in origin states with no social services. The poorest
states require skilled and trained workers who will stay and build
communities, districts and regions in origin states.
Open borders presuppose that each and every person wishes to
migrate to a more affluent destination and does not consider that
neoliberal free-market policies are the force which plundered origin
states, displacing workers from stable origin communities through
commodifying land and essential needs. The 1990s’ surge in Mexican
migration to the United States was not because indigenous peasants
wished to leave their families and communities and work abroad but
because they were forced off the land in the wake of NAFTA policies
(Bacon 2013; Otero 2011).
154 The Damage of Borders

Migration and precarious labour

Precarious and unstable conditions are major features of low-wage

migrant workers under neoliberal capitalism and growing demand
for low-wage labour. The expectation that temporary labourers have
job security and the capacity to recurrently send remittances home
is highly unlikely to be met by most workers. In fact, the temporary
migrant labour positions are created because of the perpetual
exposure to shifting labour-market and state policies. The rise of
precarious labour migration to wealthy countries is an extension of
the rise of informal labour and the failure and indisposition of trade
unions to mobilize and organize transnational workers. Labour
sociologist Ronaldo Munck contends that the rise in labour migration
is an extension of the demand for low-wage labour from the South:
‘Clearly it means that imperialism or neo-colonialism impacts on
labour as much as, if not more than, social class, and that labour
migration has a clear socio-economic logic’ (Munck 2015: 102).
International capital has unambiguously advanced the growth of all
forms of migration because business is disencumbered by exploiting
foreign labour. The designations ‘temporary’, ‘undocumented’
and ‘irregular’ do not distinguish authorized from unauthorized
migration, but are conjoined by capital and states, as documented
migrants can become undocumented ones through state policies.
François Crépeau observes that the ‘precarious nature of the undocu-
mented or temporary migrant worker condition is, in effect, socially
constructed through the interaction of their absent or insecure legal
status and the lack of government enforcement of labour law against
unscrupulous employers’ (Crépeau 2018: 655).
Mass precariousness and exploitation engender an entrenched
vulnerability fashioned by labourers’ inability to choose places
of work, and by constriction of choice by labour brokers and
contractors in origin and destination states. As contractors bind
temporary workers to a designated employer, migrant labourers
are prohibited from departing for an employer offering higher
wages, safer labour conditions and social benefits. Consequently,
researchers have recently portrayed temporary migrant workers as
forced labourers, repeatedly subject to replacement and relocation by
employers and subcontractors, and then dismissal, arrest, detention
and deportation by states and transnational networks, expanding
The Damage of Borders 155

labour precarity and dependence on temporary employers (Piper and

Withers 2018).
The recruitment system for temporary migrant labour contributes
to migrant workers deserting their employers, which in turn expands
the development of migrant worker detention and deportation
regimes. Temporary migrant labour regimes, which are becoming the
dominant form of labour migration, confer all rights to the employer
and do not give the migrant labourer even the freedom to leave
for a better job with another employer. They subsist in a capitalist
system which does not provide the freedoms which classical liberal
economists claim are beneficial to the worker. Today, migrant worker
precarity is the most extreme manifestation of the commodification
of labour, a development recognized by Marx in Capital in the
late nineteenth century as one where profits are extracted through
constraining workers’ mobility and freedom.

In reality the mobility of capital . . . creates means by which to overcome

obstacles that spring from the nature of production itself, and on the
other hand, with the development of the mode of production peculiar
to itself, it eliminates all the legal and extra-economic impediments to
its freedom of movement in the different spheres of production. Above
all it overturns all the legal or traditional barriers that would prevent
it from buying this or that kind of labour-power as it sees fit, or from
appropriating this or that kind of labour. Furthermore, although
labour-power assumes a distinctive form in every particular sphere of
production . . . it remains true that the flexibility of capital, its indif-
ference to the particular forms of the labour process it acquires, is
extended by capital to the worker. (Marx 1976 [1867]: 1013)

Marx’s exploration of capital and labour is just as relevant today

as it was in the late nineteenth century, especially given the expansion
of capital throughout the world. Schierup et al. note that migration
is driven by the significant economic advantage that the North has
over the South.

These developments are driven by an unprecedented mobility of

capital, transnationalization of corporate business, and a restructuring
of national and regional economies. The concomitant reconfiguration
of the global labour market regime and (re)commodification of labour
is contingent on informalization and the deregulation of labour
markets as well as a greater fragmentation of the labour process . . .
156 The Damage of Borders

migrants and racialized minorities make up a disproportionate part of

the growing social category whose experience in the world of work is
marked by ‘precarity’. (Schierup et al. 2015: 1–2)

Precarious migrant workers may abide by the rules and param-

eters of their job placements abroad. However, labour brokers and
employers in destination countries maintain command over the
work and living conditions of migrant workers and control their
legal status. This leads to precarity and vulnerability, for example
among construction workers in Singapore (Baey and Yeoh 2018).
Thus, in addition to legal constraint and surveillance imposed by
destination states, migrant workers must navigate among employers
and private-sector actors in search of profit maximization, which
entails relocating labour to new firms and enterprises. The stipulation
in most destination states that temporary migrant workers remain
attached to a single employer is often manipulated and violated by
employers, brokers and contractors to meet flexible production and
service requirements and to ensure migrant labourers are not idle due
to a shortage of work. Accordingly, employers and brokers are often
responsible for temporary migrants jeopardizing their legal status
and increasing their vulnerability in both the Global South and the
Global North (Chin 2019; Deshingkar 2019; Deshingkar et al. 2018).
When workers face exploitative conditions, they may independently
leave their designated employer, and at times migrant workers may
leave the employer to which they were originally assigned in origin
countries when wages are higher and working conditions are superior
elsewhere. However, migrant workers also leave their first employer
owing to abuse and mistreatment, or non-payment of wages (Wee,
Goh and Yeoh 2019).
The mobility of domestic and home-care migrant workers is highly
restricted by the state and employers. Migrant women live in the
homes and compounds of families who are their employers. Most
domestic care workers are women who often do not have freedom
of movement. In many cases, domestic workers are responsible for
household chores and providing care for children and the aged.
Characteristically, home-care workers are women, though men often
serve as drivers, depending on the destination location. In the Arab
Gulf, South East Asian financial centres and the United States, women
are firmly attached to the homes of employers, and violation of visa
provisions often leads to deportation. Migrant women working
The Damage of Borders 157

in private homes are often subjected to isolation and abuse by

employers. Restrictions on mobility have expanded precarity among
women migrant workers employed in domestic settings, who must
conform to policies in origin and destination states, creating itinerant
female domestics who work for alternative employers (Parreñas et al.
2018; Romero 2018; Yeoh, Goh and Wee 2020).

Expanded border control and labour exploitation

Migrant workers cross borders with high hopes of earning wages

which will raise their living standards and lift their families in their
countries of origin out of poverty through remittances of money for
housing, health care, education and essential living expenses. Yet,
upon arrival in destination states, migrant workers must navigate
labour markets with low wages and dangerous employment condi-
tions which are governed by repressive state policies and employers
who hire them to extract higher levels of surplus labour through low
wages for which most native workers are not willing to work. In so
doing, labour brokers and employers fill essential jobs and extract
exorbitant profits (Hoang 2020; Lainez 2018; LeBaron 2014).
The decisive factor in subordinating and exploiting migrant
workers is border-control policies in destination states. These
regulate, monitor and permit their passage, operating in collabo-
ration with employers to determine migrant workers’ right to stay
and work in destination states. Most origin states do not enforce
bilateral policies negotiated with destination states that regulate
the number of migrant workers sent each year and their working
and living conditions. Origin countries initiating temporary migrant
labour programmes do not at first negotiate such terms. It is often
only after severe abuse and exploitation are reported by monitors,
the press and sometimes migrants themselves that origin states seek
to improve conditions through negotiation with destination states
(Ford 2019; Musikawong 2022).
Border-control policies are manipulated in destination states
through strict entry and compulsory exit regulations which are osten-
sibly enforced by state agencies and carried out by labour brokers.
Destination-state entry requirements for foreign workers are based
on political and labour-market conditions. Temporary migration
policies reflect the interests of national capitalists, businesses and
158 The Damage of Borders

contractors and are standardized according to norms established by

multinational corporations. States advance their policies in response
to shifting, national economic conditions. Demand for expanded
migrant labour grows in periods of economic growth and is restricted
during recessions, which compounds the unpredictability of the
temporary work assignments. If labour demand grows beyond the
caps set by states, government agencies may expand ceilings or
reduce enforcement of migration laws (Gordon 2019; Tazreiter 2019;
Walia 2021).
During expansionary periods in destination states, if migrant
labourers by chance overstay visas or enter destination states without
documentation, border-control agencies may not allocate resources to
border controls and enforcement. Conversely, when labour markets
tighten and the demand for labour slackens, border restrictions are
often imposed, and state funding to enforce documentation status
expands, leading to a growth in deportations. Thus fluctuations in
border enforcement are a function of business demand. We must
distinguish states that have formal temporary migration regimes,
which supposedly encompass all migrant labourers, states that have
TMPs and capricious enforcement policies for migrant labourers
without documentation, and those destination states and regions
that restrict entry of migrant workers from specific regions (e.g.,
the EU’s Schengen Area, which allows migration only within the
zone and bans the entry of ‘irregular’ migrants from the MENA,
sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America), yet maintains a
demand for low-wage labourers from these regions in agriculture,
construction, manufacturing and home-care services (Oltmer 2022;
Scheel 2018).

At-risk migrant workers in destination states

In all destination states, when temporary migrant labourers are found
not to conform to government regulations, they risk loss of documen-
tation status. The two principal ways this occurs are through leaving
their jobs with employers designated by brokers in origin countries,
and moving on to another employer who pays higher wages or
provides superior working conditions. But, as labour markets are
volatile in many destination countries, brokers may swap and
exchange workers among several firms to conform to shifting labour
demand. Thus, in Malaysia and the Arab Gulf, construction workers
The Damage of Borders 159

can be deployed in a range of worksites owned by discrete subcon-

tractors. Consequently, they can become undocumented due to the
business interests and objectives of labour brokers and employers in
destination states, not through any individual choices of conduct by
migrant workers leaving a worksite.
Temporary migrant workers are often made redundant because
of the actions of brokers and employers in destination states and
are then subject to arrest and detention by immigration authorities
(in some cases including corporal punishment). They can then face
forced deportation due to violation of the terms of the agreement
between the destination employer and the original labour broker in
the origin country (Chan 2022; Chang 2021; Ennis and Blarel 2022).
In most cases, loss of documentation status occurs in the Global
South, where temporary migration dominates. In the United States,
more than 11 million migrant workers entering the country without
documentation are subject to arrest, detention and deportation, of
whom 78 per cent are from the Americas and 15 per cent from Asia
(Migration Policy Institute 2019). Undocumented migrants in the
United States make up about 3 per cent of the population. By contrast,
in the EU, undocumented migrants encompass less than 1 per cent,
or about 4.8 million, according to the latest estimates (Connor and
Passel 2019). In 2021, most undocumented migrants entering the
EU were from Syria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt,
Bangladesh, Iraq and Turkey. Few migrants from sub-Saharan Africa
entered the region. Still, all are considered irregular and subject to
arrest, detention and deportation (European Commission n.d).
Destination states in the Global South have formulated bilateral,
temporary labour policies which do not permit permanent migration
and settlement, inducing those migrants who wish to stay beyond
the designated duration of employment to become undocumented.
In Malaysia, as migration among labourers with work permits fell
from about 6.7 million in 2014 to 3.8 million in 2016, undocumented
migration was estimated to have grown to 2.2 million in 2016 and has
been reported to be as high as 4.6 million (Hwok-Aun and Yu Leng
2018; Low 2017). Falling into undocumented status erodes any advan-
tages that migrants may receive from bilateral agreements with foreign
states, such as health and medical benefits (Tharani et al. 2019).
Migrant workers in manufacturing and services in southern
economies are rooted into the most exploitative jobs in the global
economy of global production networks and often produce primary
160 The Damage of Borders

products and services in global value chains which link poor countries
with northern regions, where profits are realized in affluent consumer
markets. Stringer and Michailova show that the undocumented
migrant workers in the Global South are the most vulnerable, as they
are subject to deportation, and wages there tend to be far lower than
for migrant workers in the northern regions.

Those working in the beginning nodes of a GVC [global value

chain] employed under a triangular employment arrangement can be
subjected to ‘imperfect information’ about their working conditions.
Undocumented migrants can be subject to illegal, insecure and exploit-
ative labour practices; they are rarely employed on formal contracts and
as such have few (if any) channels of complaint available to them . . .
They can be forced to remain in the employment relationship because of
the non-payment of wages, debt bondage and/or the threat of runaway
insurance being imposed if they leave their employment before the
completion of their contract. (Stringer and Michailova 2018: 200)

Undocumented migrant labourers employed in low-wage production

industries of the Global South are often subject to debt bondage,
forced labour and slavery, and consequently they are subject to
conditions akin to indentured servitude as they frequently work long
hours at low wages to reimburse smugglers and traffickers (Pitukhina
In the United States and Western Europe, irregular or undocumented
migrant workers are constantly subject to arrest and deportation.
Temporary documented employment in migrant labour programmes
here also subjects workers to deportation as conditions in agriculture,
hospitality and landscaping industries often induce workers to seek
higher-wage employment elsewhere. For example, in the United
States, migrant workers from Mexico, Central America and the
Caribbean employed on a seasonal basis or for designated periods
in the H-2B programme are subject to deportation if they leave the
assigned employer and work for a secondary employer offering higher
wages and better working conditions or benefits (Asad 2020).

Border control and multinational corporations’ profits

Working in a destination state without documentation or at risk

of losing documentation is advantageous to MNCs, contractors,
The Damage of Borders 161

employers and labour brokers, who can profit from the vulnerability
of migrant labourers’ loss of status as registered foreign workers.
In the United States, migrant labour embodies unfree labour.
Undocumented workers often enter the country with the support
of smugglers and brokers, who charge exorbitant fees thus creating
a system of debt peonage. Moreover, LeBaron and Phillips observe
that businesses factor the benefits of undocumented status into their
models to increase profits:

Employers hiring undocumented workers have well-developed mecha-

nisms for mobilizing immigration law in their favour, which include
failing to comply with obligations to verify immigration status until a
worker tries to file a complaint or engage with a trade union, at which
point employment can be terminated with no penalty to the employer,
retaliatory reporting to the immigration authorities as a means of
disposing of workers without incurring obligations under labour law,
and loaning undocumented workers equipment to set themselves up
as self-employed, before hiring them as sub-contractors. (LeBaron and
Phillips 2019: 10)

Profits are realized through the entrenched system of irregular

and undocumented migration, which inhibits workers from forming
bonds of solidarity. Those migrants who attempt to cross borders
into destination states without authorization must depend on brokers
and smugglers who place migrant workers into debt bondage once
they reach their destinations in the United States or Western Europe.
Then, as state migration enforcement has significantly increased
from 2000 to 2020 (Soto 2018; Spencer and Triandafyllidou 2022),
once migrant labourers are apprehended by US and EU migration
authorities, they are channelled into a complex, privatized, corporate
detention and deportation system which profits from expanded state-
surveillance technology and imprisonment, something Golash-Boza
(2009) calls the ‘immigration-industrial complex’.
Documentation status significantly improves the well-being of
migrant workers. Empirical and ethnographic research on migrant
workers demonstrates that regularization and documentation
contribute to improved economic prospects and psychological
security. Recent evidence from Geneva, Switzerland, shows that
overall satisfaction with life is far higher among migrant labourers
who have obtained documentation status compared with those
remaining undocumented. This satisfaction is a result of the security
162 The Damage of Borders

that migrant workers holding residency permits gain through

community participation, health and the diminution of discrimi-
nation. In Switzerland and other affluent societies in the North,
undocumented status subjects migrant workers to low wages and
the absence of health insurance, in addition to community isolation
(Burton-Jaengros et al. 2021).

Legal and undocumented programmes: popular movements and

government strategies
Destination-state migration strategies and policies are formed and
structured by historical development and trajectories which derive
from the past and are often repeated in the present. By and large,
over the past several centuries, government policies have supported
business in restricting the entry and mobility of migrant labourers to
exert greater control over them. Additionally, government policies
towards migrant labourers are a response to popular sentiment. In
periods of high unemployment and economic recession, popular
movements have promoted restrictive migration policies to placate
the rise of nativism in destination countries, which at specific
historical conjunctures can eclipse the interests of capital when
popular sentiment emerges and congeals as xenophobic movements,
for example, modern South Africa (Kanayo and Anjofui 2020).
Popular opposition to migration may lead to intensification of
the state’s coercive legal apparatus through augmented surveil-
lance, arrests, detention and deportation. In the absence of popular
opposition, state actors facilitate temporary labour for business
interests to ensure a precarious and vulnerable supply of low-wage
labour in the United States (Gleeson and Griffith 2021).
The term ‘migration crisis’ has been invoked by politicians, the
state and media (both nativist opponents and supporters) to engender
and unify public consciousness that an emergency is being inflicted
upon a nation, even as the ‘emergency’ is the danger of humani-
tarian catastrophe for migrant labourers and their families caused
by surveillance, imprisonment, militarization of borders and depor-
tation (Menjívar, Ruiz and Ness 2019). In the United States, the
absence of a functional, temporary labour migration policy intensifies
the exploitation of migrant labourers, who flee poverty and violence
for low-wage employment, only to be subjected to the persistent risk
of arrest and deportation. US nativism in the 2000s, which expanded
The Damage of Borders 163

under the Trump presidency (2017–2021), reflects a historical

pattern of hostility towards foreign migrants, even if they are highly
exploited and critical for economic development (De Genova 2020).
Thus US national policy, like that in Western Europe and elsewhere
in the imperialist North, is shaped by adverse political rhetoric
towards migrant labourers who are essential to a growing number
of significant industries and infrastructure, for example, logistics, the
gig economy, transport, warehousing, agriculture, construction and
domestic services. The absence of government policy in the United
States is itself a policy which exposes migrant workers to greater
risk. It permits employers to increase exploitation by violating wage
and safety laws which ostensibly protect all workers, irrespective of
documentation status. Kerwin and Warren found that at the onset of
the coronavirus pandemic, ‘[69] per cent of all immigrants in the US
labor force and 74 per cent of undocumented workers are essential
workers, compared to 65 per cent of the native-born labor force’
(Kerwin and Warren 2020).

Global compact on migration and multilateral

international organizations

Awareness among multinational organizations, the UN and migration-

policy analysts of the exploitation and abuse of labour in destination
states has grown over the past 20 years. Destination states have
devised policies to restrict migrant workers’ access to fundamental
necessities: shelter, medical care and even wages. States have intro-
duced and maintained policies which confine migrant labourers to
single employers by seizing passports and other forms of identity
during their terms of work. Conditions of migrant workers are
contingent on labour markets, which have distinctive working and
living conditions. Workers in manufacturing and construction are
often confined to dormitories within factories and industrial installa-
tions or worksites to ensure control and prevent them from departing
for secondary employers. Migrant workers typically must pay rent to
stay in employer dormitories, which are often overcrowded and lack
basic sanitary conditions.
Malaysia has become notorious for the exploitation of migrant
workers and lack of enforcement of workplace safety standards
(Abdullah et al. 2016; Crinis and Parasuraman 2016; Franck and
164 The Damage of Borders

Anderson 2019; Hall 2019; Tran and Crinis 2018). Government

ministries have established a migrant labour regime to govern the
country’s temporary migrant labour force, essential for the manufac-
turing-production, service, agricultural and domestic-service sectors.
The country has drawn extraordinary attention from CSOs and
NGOs for abusive and exploitative treatment of migrant workers on
the job and for inadequate housing and living conditions. In contrast
to the positive portrayal by the World Bank and multilateral organi-
zations of migration as a source of development, copious reports and
studies reveal Malaysia’s poor treatment of migrants. For example,
employers are permitted to deduct 20 per cent of wages for housing
and food (Ness 2021; Sunam 2022).
Employers of temporary migrant workers in Malaysia house
workers in cramped conditions in low-cost housing, in flats on the
top floors of sub-standard buildings. Situating this housing in these
buildings often causes friction among landlords, who complain
that migrant workers lower the value of their property and rent
(Izhar and Choong 2022). Due to a shortage of affordable housing,
seasonal agricultural migrant labourers in Italy are forced to build
shacks, tents and informal camps in rural areas. Brovia and Piro
(2021) found that migrant agricultural workers tend to live and
work in ethnically segregated locations. Romanian and sub-Saharan
African agricultural workers are employed in separate locations
and their status is determined by state policy and labour-market
demands. Romanian workers typically gain legal status through the
Schengen Area, while sub-Saharan workers remain irregular and
tend to languish in the low-wage agricultural sector, working and
living in precarious conditions. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the
degrading conditions in which essential migrant agrarian workers
in Italy and Spain work and live. This is especially the case for
undocumented labourers from Africa, whose overcrowded condi-
tions and absence of essential hygiene, clean water and sanitation
are widespread. A key feature of agricultural work and housing is
segregation by race, gender, nationality and ethnicity (Corrado and
Palumbo 2021).
The growth of international migration in response to the labour
demands of destination states has driven international organizations
to pressure the UN and member states to establish a global order to
protect the human rights of migrants that would supersede bilateral
agreements between member states and ad hoc state reactions in
The Damage of Borders 165

order to attend to hardships experienced by migrant labourers and

refugees. In response to this urgent necessity, in September 2016,
member states of the UN General Assembly passed the New York
Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. This became known as the
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
It was endorsed in Marrakesh, Morocco, in December 2018 by an
overwhelming majority of 152 votes in support. Five states opposed,
12 abstained and 24 did not cast a vote at all. Those opposing the
GCM were the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Poland and the
United States (UN 2019c).
The GCM is a non-binding resolution that seeks to foster interna-
tional cooperation on migration because states are unable to address
the complexity of migration independently. It aims to help nations
promote a ‘safe, orderly and regular manner’, given that ‘migration
undeniably affects our countries, communities, migrants and their
families in very different and sometimes unpredictable ways’. Thus
the objective of the GCM is to develop a ‘common understanding’
and promote ‘shared responsibilities’ to confer and implement rights
to migrants among origin, transit and destination countries (UN
General Assembly 2019: 3).
Key elements of the GCM are the promotion of the well-being of
migrants, international cooperation, sustainable development and
human rights (especially for women and children). They are particu-
larly aimed at protecting migrant and refugee rights, supporting
resettlement in destination states and combating endemic discrimi-
nation, racism, xenophobia and stigmatization.

Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

1. Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for
evidence-based policies.
2. Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel
people to leave their country of origin.
3. Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration.
4. Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate
5. Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular
6. Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions
that ensure decent work.
7. Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration.
166 The Damage of Borders

8. Save lives and establish coordinated international efforts on

missing migrants.
9. Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrants.
10. Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the
context of international migration.
11. Manage borders in an integrated, secure, and coordinated
Source: UN General Assembly (2019: 6)

The GCM passed overwhelmingly in September 2016 and again

in December 2018. But because the GCM is non-binding in interna-
tional law, UN member states (especially destination countries) have
ignored most of the provisions to protect migrants and refugees,
choosing to advance their own state policies. The United States is
a case in point. On 2 December 2017, Nikki Haley, US ambas-
sador to the UN under Donald Trump, declared that the United
States would terminate participation in the GCM because it would
undermine the government’s sovereignty by interfering with its
expansion of border control and security to restrict migrant entry
into the country (American Journal of International Law 2018). The
GCM endeavours to develop an international migration system in
which every state confers rights to migrant workers and refugees and
ensures their mobility within destination countries.
Immediately after the passage of the GCM in 2018, fierce opposition
expanded to key EU member states, including Belgium, Croatia,
Estonia, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and the Netherlands. A principal
objection among transit and destination states to implementing and
advancing the GCM is remarkably akin to that of the United States
and the Trump Administration: to wit, allowing migrants to travel
through their countries undermines national sovereignty and creates
a human right to migration, which destination states have increas-
ingly objected to granting (Carrera et al. 2018: 2).

Covid-19 pandemic and socio-economic chaos

Abuse and exploitation of migrant labourers has not declined since

the passage of the GCM. Low-wage temporary, undocumented
and irregular labourers remain in a state of vulnerability in desti-
nation states, including the Arab Gulf and South East Asia. Few
The Damage of Borders 167

states enforced the rights of migrant workers as promised in the

GCM. Migration scholars Laura Foley and Nicola Piper found
the reappearance of widespread violations of fundamental human
rights to be common practice among temporary, undocumented and
irregular migrant workers, especially in the wake of the Covid-19
pandemic: ‘despite a wealth of empirical evidence, and two decades
of intensified debates at the global level that finally culminated in
the 2018 adoption of the [GCM], there has been a historic lack of
action to address wage theft and a persistent lack of mechanisms for
accessing “wage justice”’ (Foley and Piper 2021: 470).
A crucial violation in the aftermath of Covid-19 has been the
non-payment or underpayment of wages, or wage theft, especially
as the pandemic displaced migrant labourers from their workplaces
and dormitories. Many despondently went home to origin states,
and others disappeared, especially migrant labourers from the
poorest countries (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka
and beyond) in the Arab Gulf and Malaysia. Even the World
Economic Forum reported on the dangers the pandemic posed to
migrant workers and their families, observing, ‘Nepal faces a crisis
as Covid-19 stems the flow of remittances’ because migrant labourers
‘have swapped the risk of death or injury at work with the reality of
poverty and homelessness’ (Akram and Galizia 2020). The return of
many Nepalese temporary migrants to Nepal without payment of
their wages reveals that GCM enforcement of migrant labour rights is
mostly negligent and, at best, incomplete (Foley and Piper 2021). The
decline in remittances hit low-income countries particularly hard,
and leading migration scholars have advised that a reliable devel-
opment strategy must be applied to forestall major socio-economic
turmoil created by dependence on foreign monetary flows.

This ‘remittance shock’ is likely to catalyse a downturn in foreign

exchange earnings, worsen structural unemployment and threaten the
welfare of millions of low-income families. We situate the pandemic
as an unprecedented challenge to the migration–development nexus in
South Asia and examine the economic implications for three remittance
economies: India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. (Withers, Henderson and
Shivakoti 2022: 284)

Thus nation-states must anticipate and prepare for the uncertainty

of remittances and the dire consequences for low-wage migrants and
their families in their countries of origin who have been subjected to
168 The Damage of Borders

economic dislocation and increased poverty. Economic uncertainty

not only occurs during pandemics but is endemic to dependence
on remittances for economic development. Furthermore, as the
GCM is in its formative stages, addressing the ethical and practical
need to upgrade migration governance (which has yet to upgrade
recruitment, training, health and gender equality) remains a crucial
objective (Devkota 2022: 64–5). At the international level, legis-
lating for improved migrant governance does not necessarily lead to
its application. The evidence suggests that advancing directives and
proposals to ameliorate mistreatment of migrants will not reverse the
tragic consequences of migration as a development policy. Migration
and development scholars acclaim remittances in the absence of a
track record demonstrating that meaningful improvement in the
conditions of poor countries is occurring. Such optimists fail to
predict economic upheaval in destination states or to anticipate
global pandemics and crises which prevent the movement of migrants
across national boundaries.

Covid-19 and migrant worker documentation

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the severe inequality experienced
by migrant labourers, who lacked access to essential protective
equipment, contact tracing and vaccines, even as they worked in jobs
with a higher risk of Covid-19 transmission. Migrant workers have
confronted elevated risks from the Covid-19 pandemic due to their
vulnerability to adverse conditions in destination states. Migrant
workers are employed in some of the most crucial jobs, including
agriculture, construction, logistics and delivery, and health care.
However, they work and live in locations which place them at greater
health risk, including employment in jobs where social distancing is
not possible, for example, home care and delivery.
The living conditions of migrant workers exposed them to higher
risk through overcrowding. Moreover, migrant labourers’ access
to food and essential health services was restricted and, due to the
closure of many worksites, they lacked income. In many cases, migrant
workers did not have adequate access to protective equipment, health
care or the capacity to quarantine in transit locations, and were often
stranded due to travel restrictions and border closures. Migrant
workers faced extended travel bans to destination work locations,
due to border controls, the lack of testing, contact tracing and, from
The Damage of Borders 169

2021, inadequate access to medical treatment. In many cases, visa

applications and renewals for temporary labourers were restricted,
and migrant labourers (especially irregular ones) have been subjected
to arrest and deportation. In addition, migrant labourers were
subjected to high levels of stigmatization, xenophobia and discrimi-
nation due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Guadagno 2020).
The coronavirus pandemic has significantly expanded the risks
and vulnerability that temporary migrant workers are subjected
to. Temporary migrant workers do not have equivalent medical
and healthcare coverage, protection and treatment to those for
native populations in destinations. In addition, migrant workers are
especially vulnerable to loss of income, which impedes their capacity
to survive in destinations or to send remittances to families in origin
states. Temporary migrant labourers already live on the margins of
destination societies. The Covid-19 pandemic has intensified the
insecurity, social isolation and psychiatric challenges that are already
present in foreign countries, where employers and communities
lack consideration and understanding of the cultural and linguistic
diversity of temporary migrant workers, even if attempting to aid
them. However, in most cases, due to their migrant status, temporary
workers are subject to discrimination, isolation and xenophobia from
communities in host states when employers are unable to provide
basic services (Tagliacozzo, Pisacane and Kilkey 2021: 1910).

Migrant worker resistance to exploitation

Exploited workers who are empowered are more likely to resist

oppression under almost all conditions. The question is whether the
forms of mobilization and resistance generate robust labour organiz­
ations capable of improving conditions. Internal migrant labourers
in China, India and South Africa have demonstrated a willingness
to challenge the state and corporations when labour organizations
form to represent their interests. In the absence of organizational
agency, the capacity of migrant labourers to resist exploitative condi-
tions is highly unlikely (Ness 2016). Unlike native-born workers,
migrant labourers do not have access to organization and resources.
Furthermore, temporary migrants are at a disadvantage because
they are working under contract, are unable to decamp for another
employer and either must return to their origin countries upon
170 The Damage of Borders

completion of the term of service or are deported due to violation of

the draconian policies of nation-states and employers.
The relationship of trade unions to migrant workers in destination
countries has been fraught with tension. Migrant workers are often
employed in unionized industries to undermine the bargaining power
of organized workers through contracts negotiated with brokers
prior to commencing work in a foreign country. Accordingly,
national, industry-wide and firm-level trade unions have viewed
migrant workers as a threat to their members’ wages. Even if trade
unions view migrant workers as potential members, they do not have
the capacity to organize them (Alberti and Però 2018; Ness 2005).
As a result, native workers frequently consider the employment
of foreign migrant labourers in unionized production industries
as a channel for MNCs and contractors to lower wages and even
replace them. Undeniably, capital has used migrant labour as a
wedge against unionized workers. In response, national unions have
been largely unreceptive to migrant workers. It is only after migrant
workers have become a large or critical segment of the workforce,
or have become the majority in a growing number of industries,
that trade unions have permitted temporary migrants to join unions.
The expansion of manufacturing in Jordan, Malaysia and Thailand
represents a paradigm for the replacement of domestic workers with
migrant workers. In large part, the substitution of native workers
by temporary migrant workers in South East Asian manufacturing
and agricultural production is a result of investment in EPZs, which
deliberately seek migrant employees who will work at lower wages
(Neveling 2015). Over the past decade, a new pattern of migration
has placated MNC requirements for low-wage labour and efforts.
Jennifer Gordon, a leading legal scholar of migrant labourers, asserts:

governments in the Global South are seeking to increase trade through

the use of migrant labor, attracting transnational firms to export
manufacturing zones by importing lower-cost workers from other
countries. . . . [P]olicymakers in the Global North are seeking to
decrease immigration through the use of trade by investing in export
processing zones in migrant origin countries, on the theory that more
trade, and the employment it creates, will deter onward migration to
the Global North. (Gordon 2022: 147)

In South East Asia and most of the Global South, migrant labour
is used to reduce prevailing wages, which undermines wages and
The Damage of Borders 171

working conditions among workers in some destination countries. At

the same time, it exploits migrant workers, who have limited capacity
to organize into unions and, notwithstanding efforts to equalize
wages, must return to their country of origin, destabilizing any effort
to form lasting and powerful trade unions.
Proponents of temporary migration assert that workers gain
new skills which can be applied in origin countries. But in the
absence of FDI in origin countries and the establishment of new
production industries there, such acquisition of skills by migrant
workers for development is redundant. In some low-wage economies
(e.g., Indonesia), manufacturing workers may benefit from foreign
migration to work in the country’s fledgling industries. Yet average
wages for workers in Indonesia of approximately US$2,000 per
year are a fraction of those recently estimated for migrant labourers
in Malaysia’s electronics industry, which hover at approximately
US$5,000 per year. A temporary labour migration has grown in
scale in East Asia and South East Asia in what Xiang and Lindquist
deem a ‘migration infrastructure’, in which the brokers, recruitment
agencies and technological apparatus have become ‘self-perpetu-
ating’ beneficiaries of sustained migration, taking advantage of the
preservation and expansion of migration from low-wage zones to
destinations. Rather than advancing opportunity and ‘substantive
development’, public and commercial intermediaries intensify the
social and technical platform which enables migration (Xiang and
Lindquist 2014, 2018).

Internal labour migration

Malaysia and other countries of the Global South which have received
FDI and attracted foreign capital are not a model for economic devel-
opment in origin countries, which are characterized by the extraction
of natural resources, agricultural commodities and, since the 1990s,
the expansion of low-wage labour migration and remittances, along
with increasing numbers of low-wage domestic workers, most of
whom are internal migrants (Gómez, Oinas and Wall 2022).
Similar dynamics have occurred in India and other southern
economies where domestic migrant labourers from other regions of
the country work in EPZs for a fraction of local workers’ wages.
Internal labour migration occurs in countries with a reserve army
of labour employed primarily in precarious jobs (Myers 2021). The
172 The Damage of Borders

southern working class deployed in industrial and service sectors in

the 2020s is far larger than the workforces in the United States and
Europe, who are employed in high-wage Fordist installations, and
serve as neocolonial subjects who facilitate western consumption
demands (Hickel 2021). The notion that Fordism is dead is highly
inaccurate as it neglects the development of manufacturing facilities
in the South in plants which are often as large as (or even larger
than) those in the United States and Europe in the twentieth century
(Ness 2015). The main difference is that production is integrated into
global production networks based on a stratified economic system,
where commodity value is added from low-wage economies of the
Global South, which the World Bank labels ‘emerging economies’
(China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand),
to advanced capitalist economies, where profits are realized demands
(Hickel 2021).

International labour initiatives and solidarity with

migrant workers

As labour migration is growing, trade unions must meet the challenge

of building counter-hegemonic power against capital by developing
migrant workers’ representation and agency. Trade unions have not
generally created organizational forms to advance migrant workers’
rights and defend against exploitation by the multiple actors which
are integrated into the migration infrastructure. Exploitation is
exercised on many levels. This failure to mobilize workers into
effective organizations is considered as a form of ‘trade union
fetishism’ which does not recognize the limited ability of precarious
workers and migrants to join unions (Atzeni 2021).
As examined in chapter 3, in origin states, migrant worker
recruitment brokers and recruiters rarely devote adequate resources
to support the economic interests and security of migrant workers.
Though not all migration brokers are equivalent, they are embedded
in a migration infrastructure mediated by institutions, technology
and actors who have a range of interests and motivations (Xiang and
Lindquist 2014). The neoliberal expansion of temporary migration
generates profit-seeking intermediaries who send migrant workers
abroad. Consequently, temporary migrant workers are typically left
to fend for themselves when contracting with brokers. In the 2000s,
The Damage of Borders 173

temporary migration-origin governments have acquired knowledge

through a litany of criticism from workers complaining of abhorrent
violations of migrant workers’ human rights. These have included
occupational accidents and fatalities, especially among construction
workers, and physical abuse of domestic workers extending to
imprisonment, physical assault and rape (Boucher 2022).
Countless examples exist of the economic exploitation of temporary
migrant workers, who are paid low wages or have experienced
wage theft through non-payment of wages. Moreover, while one
would expect improvement in the conditions through improved
monitoring and enforcement involving representatives of origin
countries, especially diplomatic consulates situated in destination
states, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that origin states have
provided limited recourse in defending migrant workers (Foley and
Piper 2021).
The negligible record of trade-union solidarity in the United States
has entailed not welcoming workers but persuading foreign unions
that labour migration to the States would only undermine their
own members in origin states. Marcel van der Linden displays how
solidarity necessitated convincing workers to stay in their origin
states and mobilize their members there to improve wages.

By supporting groups of laborers abroad, one strengthens one’s own

bargaining position. When, for instance, the window glass workers
in the United States in the 1880s saw how their labor monopoly was
threatened by the importation of English, French and Belgian glass-
workers, they responded, among other things, by going to the source,
the countries of origin of the imported glass workers, to convince
their fellow tradesmen that their conduct was improper; assemblies in
Europe were successfully organized. (van der Linden 1999: 1085)

In this way, the historical record reveals that labour solidarity with
migrant workers in the United States expressed itself in the late
nineteenth century through influencing European workers to prevent
their members from migrating, as they represented a threat to US
unions’ monopoly of power. The treatment of migrant workers
mirrors the standard practice of established trade unions. When
workers are laid off by employers, most trade unions cease to
represent their erstwhile members, apart from craft and professional
unions, where there is a hiring hall.
174 The Damage of Borders

In the 1990s, a small number of trade unions and NGOs estab-

lished workers’ centres and independent unions in North America
and Western Europe, chiefly to represent precarious migrant workers
employed in manufacturing, food services and construction sectors
who were largely abandoned by most established trade unions (Fine
2006; Ness 2005; Però 2019).
In the 2000s, workers’ centres were designed in the United States
to obviate the growing criticism of trade unions by migrant workers
and labour activists, who genuinely saw these new formations as a
model for mobilizing and organizing the new working class in the
United States. However, as established unions recognized that the
legal and organizational obstacles to recruiting migrant workers
were too arduous, and they were unlikely to succeed, these efforts
faded. The departure of traditional trade unions left room for the
entry of independent workers’ centres, some with extensive corporate
foundation support (Fine 2006; Mathew 2008; Ness 2005). For the
most part, even independent workers’ centres largely faded by the
2010s. Though some continue to mobilize and represent workers
directly, by the 2010s, NGO migrant worker support had evolved
into advocacy for migrant worker rights, rather than directly organ-
izing, mobilizing and defending migrant worker rights. Advocacy for
improving rights is directed at the public and elected officials, whereas
direct organizing mobilizes workers to advance their rights through
protests, strikes and demonstrations (Frantz and Fernandes 2016).
In view of the obstacles to mobilizing migrant workers as a
robust and resilient force, how have international labour organiza-
tions supported their rights, and what have been the outcomes of
these initiatives? Globally, trade-union support and mobilization of
migrant workers to improve and enforce labour rights over the past
30 years of temporary migration have at best been fleeting. In fact,
national trade unions have often held migrant labourers responsible
for unemployment and the erosion of wages and conditions among
native-born workers. The ILO, international trade unions and CSOs
have endeavoured to defend exploited migrant labourers by stimu-
lating national and sectoral unions to recognize the necessity of
supporting temporary workers to maintain relevance (Ford 2019). In
view of the apathy and limitations of unions, migrant workers have
formed informal organizations (Lazar and Sanchez 2019).
The ILO, an agency of the UN, founded by the League of Nations
in 1919, is chartered to improve the human rights of labour by
The Damage of Borders 175

establishing international labour standards and resolutions that

are applicable to all member nations. It must address corrupt state
agencies which do not even enforce their own state laws protecting
labour rights and workers’ economic conditions. Over time, as the
character of work has become increasingly unstable, the ILO has
extended workplace standards to women, migrants and informal
labourers, including domestic workers (Boris 2019; Van Daele 2008).
Since its founding in November 1919, the ILO has passed 190 labour
conventions to defend and advance workers’ rights and conditions.
In most instances, ILO resolutions are disregarded by member states,
and the ILO is unable to enforce member-state behaviour. Even
the five permanent Security Council members have supported ILO
conventions yet ignored stipulations and found themselves charged
with violations (Costello and Mann 2020; Foley and Piper 2021;
Guild, Grant and Groenendijk 2000).
Apart from the scarcity of evidence that migration contributes to
development in origin states, the ILO has embraced the migration
and development position advanced by the World Bank, IMF and
neoliberal multilateral agencies (ILO 2013; Jensen 2022). However,
the ILO recognizes the multiple abuses in the temporary migration
system. Thus it has strived to urge states to abide by its conditions
through persuasion and publicizing violations. It has also prevailed
upon national trade unions to assist in the enforcement of international
labour rights. This tedious task has required educating and training
national trade unions in labour rights to address serious labour viola-
tions. However, trade unions are often implacable and stubborn, as
in many instances they work in partnership with management and
states to establish impotent labour regimes. The ILO must address
state non-compliance with ILO conventions following their passage.
Recent data from 1981–2011 reveal a negative correlation between
the passage of core ILO conventions and compliance with workers’
rights (Brudney 2022; Peksen and Blanton 2017). States and trade
unions are found to conform to ILO standards on labour rights only
after being subjected to international shaming. It is difficult enough
to compel states to comply with labour standards, but even more
challenging to push states to enforce labour rights covering foreign
temporary workers (Ford 2019; Tock 2010).
The ILO also works along with international labour federations
and CSOs to convince and assist trade unions in destination states
to respect the social and economic conditions of workers by training
176 The Damage of Borders

labour leaders and rank-and-file members about their rights (Helfer

2019). It has focused attention on enforcing labour standards in
the most rapidly growing migration corridors in Asia, for instance,
workers migrating from Myanmar, Indonesia and Nepal to Malaysia
and Thailand (ILO 2014). The ILO recognizes the widespread
exploitation of migrant workers and has sought to mitigate abuses
to advance migration as a source of development. As global labour
migration has expanded over the last 30 years, as an arm of the
UN, the ILO has sought to improve migrant workers’ rights in
destination states through establishing governance mechanisms and
promulgating international standards and improving coordination
with the International Organization for Migration (Piper and Foley
Trade unions in some destination states have formed bonds with
migrant labourers, especially in the manufacturing sector, where
FDI has drawn migrant workers, notably through labour support
and inclusion. For example, over 20 years, the Malaysian Trades
Union Congress has slowly grasped that improving wages and condi-
tions of migrant workers benefits members, and it has increased
membership through the recruitment of foreign workers whose
employers are bound by contracts negotiated for all. Growing
demand among temporary labourers for assistance has prompted the
ILO to coordinate the formation of migrant worker resource centres
(MRCs) in South East Asia and Jordan. MRCs are the equivalent
of workers’ centres in the West, but operate in partnership with
destination states, trade unions and CSOs. Pressing migrant worker
needs and demands are taken to MRCs, including underpayment
and non-payment of wages, joining trade unions in destination
countries, women’s rights, Covid-19 concerns, support for temporary
migrants returning to countries of origin, and forming articulation
agreements with unions in origin states to protect migrant workers
and enforce memorandums of understanding governing the terms
and conditions of migrant sojourns in destination countries. MRCs
are essential in conducting workshops and training for migrants,
expanding migrant worker organizational support and networks
and, especially, defending women’s rights with CSOs. However, they
frequently do not have the willingness, capacity and resources to
reach most migrant workers in destination regions. Consequently,
migrant workers are left to their own devices and typically operate
within a circumscribed space with a lack of resources to challenge
The Damage of Borders 177

unjust practices in the international temporary labour migration

regime (Delgado Wise 2018b; Ford 2019; Piper and Withers 2018;
Villar and Ahn 2022).

The limitations of trade-union support for migrant workers

Two major union federations compete for the representation, organi-

zation and defence of workers’ rights worldwide: the International
Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the World Federation of
Trade Unions (WFTU). The ITUC (formerly ICFTU), founded
in 1949, represents 200 million workers in 163 countries and
promotes western market-based models of unionism (ITUC 2022).
The WFTU, founded in Paris in 1945, is the international union
representative of countries advancing socialism and Third World
workers. WFTU membership declined after the fall of the Soviet
Union but was revitalized in the early 2000s and has been growing
over the past two decades, reaching approximately 105 million
members in 133 countries by May 2022 (Kandikuppa 2022). As
temporary labour migration expanded, the ITUC endeavoured to
defend exploited migrant workers, and a handful of unions represent
temporary migrant workers in destination states. Both federations
have expressed support for migrant workers and opposition to
forced labour; however, the global federations have not tangibly
improved the conditions of migrant workers, due to the difficulties in
mobilizing them. Affiliate unions in member states are often hostile to
migrant workers and require education and training on international
labour solidarity (Piper and Withers 2018).
The ITUC and WFTU may work with the ILO in supporting migrant
workers but they have no formal international migrant federations.
Limited support for migrant workers is provided by GUFs, interna-
tional trade unions affiliated with the ITUC representing workers in
distinctive industrial sectors and occupations, with global affiliates in,
among other sectors, construction, education, food and hospitality,
public services, transport and domestic workers (Ness 2021).
Michele Ford claims GUFs have made significant progress in
fostering increased solidarity within Malaysia’s trade unions by
helping to draw in temporary migrant workers from the margins.
She posits that the overarching objectives of GUFs are shaped by
the interests of their leadership and financial donors, namely trade
178 The Damage of Borders

unions located within developed countries. Without doubt, GUFs

have evolved as supportive trade-union organizations in South East
Asia; however, as Ford suggests, we should be careful not to overstate
their effectiveness in transforming the power dynamics between
states, capital and migrant labour (Ford 2019). IndustriALL Global
Union, chiefly funded by foundations supportive of exploited labour,
represents mining, energy and manufacturing; UNI Global Union
represents workers in expanding service sectors in countries across
the world. In theory, GUFs are intended to build union power and
solidarity, but frequently their work is highly limited and dependent
on foundation funding. Support is typically limited to educational
sessions with trade-union members on the benefits of building
solidarity with migrant workers, but GUFs and international federa-
tions do little more than offer workshops and training.
In May 2022, the ILO held a forum on improving the conditions
and rights of the 169 million migrant workers, extending the ‘ILO
Pledge’: to support the fair recruitment of migrants; to develop
worker skills; to expand migrant social protection in destination
states; to support stakeholders; to support bilateral labour agree-
ments extending human rights, including the rights of women; and to
build resilience during crises (ILO 2022b). However, the ILO’s objec-
tives do not consider the failure of remittances to promote migration
and development. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the
migration governance system has been challenged (Newland 2020)
and the migration–development paradigm is no longer the panacea
envisioned by its promoters, as destination states have failed to
enact policies defending the rights of migrant labourers, and origin
states receiving remittances from low-wage workers have become
dependent on perpetual migration just to stay afloat. The evidence
suggests that the ILO, which supports fair and orderly migration,
and international labour organizations, which support temporary
migration, are endlessly engaged in promoting the protection of
exploited migrant workers (Berman 2022; Jensen 2022).
As trade unions worldwide must contend with declining
membership, informalization and unending precarious employment,
their capacity to adequately represent the rapidly growing number
of temporary migrant workers is highly compromised. Following
Marx, capital today still continuously seeks to expand surplus labour
and accumulation at the expense of labour and the environment.
However, global labour is becoming ever more divided as residents
The Damage of Borders 179

in the Global North are the beneficiaries of the extraction of surplus

labour from the South (Hickel 2021; Ness 2016).
To transform the calculus of exploitation, it is crucial to improve
migrant workers’ rights in origin and destination states, limiting
the power of brokers and recruiters in origin and destination states,
funding the cost of food, shelter, transport and social welfare, as
well as ending xenophobia and right-wing populism and reducing
state violence. However, these objectives appear highly unlikely to
be achieved today, considering the powerlessness of migrant workers
and their subjective representative organizations, which, despite good
intentions, are not trade unions or CSOs (Piper and Foley 2021).
The capacity of labour to challenge capital is especially difficult
for low-wage workers employed in foreign states with few, if any,
rights. As sociologist Michael Burawoy points out, ‘Optimism today
has to be countered by an uncompromising pessimism,’ as capital
has triumphed through commodifying ‘nature, money and labor’
(Burawoy 2010: 312). The institution of migrant labour today
signifies the defeat of counter-hegemonic forces and the necessity of
building and organizing an effective alternative to a system which is
crushing lives and the planet.
Conclusion: Dismantling the
Migration–Development Nexus

The costs of the global labour migration regime

This concluding chapter summarizes the book’s major arguments

and maintains that poor countries can develop through realizing
social needs, which in turn will motivate unskilled and skilled
labourers to remain in their own societies, rather than relying on
mostly misleading expectations of fortunes to be earned abroad to
support their families. At the same time, this chapter regards internal
and international labour migration as ever more significant in the
neoliberal global economy.
It argues that migration is a form of development which has
its origins in a succession of strategies formulated by imperialist
countries and capitalist firms in the Global North to misrepresent
the true cost of foreign investment for poor countries of the Global

The imaginary benefits of temporary labour migration

The primary trigger for labour migration emerges in rich countries
which seek to fill labour shortages in agriculture, care and construction
sectors at low cost. In addition, low-wage migration is growing
as global production chains in strategic countries of the Global
South expand, creating a demand for foreign labour in countries
with labour shortages. Thus South East and East Asia are critical
centres of temporary labour migration. Most migration is based on
bilateral agreements between origin states and host countries in need
Conclusion 181

of industrial labour. Indeed, southern workers, chiefly from Asia

and Africa, with a range of skills, migrate to work in automobile
production in Korea, electronics and semiconductors in Malaysia,
and basic industries which require few skills and no training in
Malaysia and Thailand. Likewise, migration from Eswatini, Malawi,
Mozambique and Zimbabwe does not develop a skilled labour force
but typically provides workers with the opportunity to earn higher
wages in basic manufacturing of processed food, packaging and
component parts which are consumed in South Africa or are part of
global supply chains.
Migration may have minor advantages for generating foreign
revenue, but the drawbacks far outweigh the benefits. Migrant
manufacturing workers move to earn higher wages, performing many
of the same tasks they undertake in their home countries, or work
in industries which will never develop domestic equivalents. Even
if new skills are acquired, Mozambican and Zimbabwean migrants
working in South African platinum mines and refineries are unlikely
to apply their skills in their home countries, which do not possess
the mineral. Accordingly, migrants will become reliant on migrating
to South Africa. Their earnings may generate funds for their families
and supply rental income to hire workers in small businesses for a
few years. But when temporary migrant workers return home perma-
nently, they will likely not have accumulated sufficient funds to carry
the cost of local workers whom they hire to work in cottage indus-
tries which draw essential agricultural workers off the land. The most
critical essential needs for the human development of their origin
countries, such as farming, fishing and other essential food sectors,
are left dormant as internal migration to cities and towns shifts
workers to non-essential industries funded by remittances (Dunaway
and Macabuac 2022). Indeed, even if remittances are sent home,
temporary labour migrants and workers in origin states undermine
the existing economies in origin countries which workers have relied
on for subsistence.
Thus the notion that temporary labour migration trains and
develops the skill set of workers, which in turn can be applied in
the development of their home countries, is, on the whole, incorrect,
even in the manufacturing sector. This book has demonstrated that
abuse, exploitation and legal risk are facts of life for migrant workers,
who are highly exploited, and cause economic, social and familial
upheaval at home. For those seeking to work abroad, an alternative
182 Conclusion

path to dignified global labour mobility must be adopted and imple-

mented. Meanwhile, efforts to improve international migration (like
the GCM, adopted by the UN in September 2018) have been mostly
disregarded by destination states, which assert that this infringes their
national sovereignty.
Nevertheless, migration proponents from multilateral development
organizations, MNCs and international financial institutions apply
a sweeping and unrealistic analysis extolling the benefits of interna-
tional labour migration for developing origin states and improving
the lives of migrant workers, uncritically examining the fundamental
shortcomings of the scheme and, in many cases, the dismal prospects
for improving living conditions in origin states. In addition, it is
necessary to recognize the new global labour-migration regime as
rooted in neoliberal capitalist exploitation, which works against poor
countries in the Global South.
A secondary dimension, which is not sufficiently examined by
proponents of migration as development, is the destructive socio-
economic consequences to migrants from the Global South to the
Global North, as well as the inequitable treatment based on race and
gender in South–North and South–South migration. This chapter
argues that to improve the wages and conditions of labour migrants
from poor countries, it is crucial to remove the onerous restrictions,
economic cost and structural discrimination which now pervade the
world. A coherent system of labour migration would remove the
economic and political obstacles to a humane and rational system
of international mobility and end the discrimination which foreign
workers from poor and developing countries confront in the present
system. Regrettably, the global labour-migration regime benefits from
economic exploitation as well as the new-fangled form of economic
imperialism. Consequently, under the present system, which is
expanding amid rising xenophobia, changing the current regime is
highly unlikely, and we must focus on mitigating its most harmful
effects on migrants as well as caution poor states to steer clear of
migration as development. Indeed, even as political leaders in the
Global South rhetorically oppose migration, low- and middle-income
states continue to rely on programmes for foreign exchange as the
neoliberal capitalist order of unequal exchange prevents southern
countries from advancing based on economic equality.
Having summed up the results, this chapter contextualizes globali-
zation and labour migration as illustrating the disempowerment and
Conclusion 183

marginalization of most of the world’s population living in devel-

oping countries.

Labour migration: capitalist road to development or

economic degeneration?

For more than 20 years, most migration scholars have adopted

the view that labour migration is a positive factor in the economic
development of origin countries. Indeed, they see labour migration
as having benefits for poor countries of origin, as well as for migrant
workers who have little or no opportunity at home due to under-
development. Even if workers are unable to earn sufficient funds to
remit money home on a regular basis, the argument goes, they could
provide poor households with money for food, medical care for
sick family members, school fees, transport and funeral expenses. If
money were consistently sent home, family members could modernize
their homes by installing electricity and plumbing, acquire household
appliances or even rebuild or enlarge their houses.
Foreign migrant workers can profit from higher wages earned
in northern destination states with higher-value currencies and,
ironically, benefit from a reversal of unequal exchange by sending
high-value currencies back to their families in poor countries. There,
those family members will exchange major currencies for origin-
country currencies, gaining added purchasing power at home in the
Professional migrants earning high wages typically accumulate
significant wealth through working abroad and establishing social
networks which can be transferred to origin states. Unlike unskilled
migrants, highly skilled migrants from India and China are often
engaged in circular migration as they remain in demand, and
temporary migration can develop into permanent settlement in
Western Europe and North America. India is the origin state with
the largest number of migrants living abroad: 18 million in 2021
(IOM 2022a). While most Indian migrant workers are low-wage
workers who are employed in the Arab Gulf and southern destina-
tions, highly skilled migrant workers in STEM have benefited from
preferential visas permitting longer stays and high wages. In the
United States and Western Europe, Indian IT workers are employed
in information technology, engineering and other skilled jobs. Upon
184 Conclusion

return to India, high-skilled migrants motivate western MNCs to

set up subsidiaries in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and leading
Indian technology, engineering and business service centres (Irudaya
Rajan and Yadav 2019). Moreover, large Indian high-technology
consultancy firms, including TCS, Wipro and Infosys, have emerged
to profit from the economies of scale generated by growing demand
in the offshoring of information systems (Khadria and Mishra 2021).
The cumulative effect is job growth in vital STEM sectors, even if at
far lower wages for local workers employed in call centres, logistics
and the construction of gated business and affluent residential
districts which restrict the poor from entry and participation. New
high-tech centres and modern infrastructure are often constructed on
land once occupied by slum dwellers or by farmers in the hinterlands,
who have been displaced by the alienation of land by speculators in
major cities (Bhattacharjee 2021; Biswas, Koner and Singh 2022;
Reddy and Reddy 2007).
In India, temporary international migration plays a paradoxical
role. It fosters development of significant economic sectors, but
this expansion of advanced sectors, and the construction of new
commercial and residential areas in major hubs, often comes at the
expense of displacing the poor from slums. Remittances are not
shared with the poor, who cannot afford to leave for foreign desti-
nations. However, wealthy professional migrant workers returning
to India increase demand for construction, service and domestic
workers who labour in precarious and low-wage positions. There is
scarce evidence that these precarious workers living in India’s high-
technology hubs will eventually increase their wages and job stability
as a result of returning high-skilled migrants investing in education,
health care, housing and other essential services. Such labourers
typically shift employment to low-wage jobs in the high-tech platform
economy as bicycle drivers, deliverers, gardeners and custodial and
care workers (Anand and Dey 2022). But foreign migration likely
increases the availability of unskilled low-wage jobs while not appre-
ciably improving the poor’s standard of living. However, call-centre
and other tertiary workers who gain employment in IT centres may
have the capacity to improve their standard of living.
The dominant migration-as-development narrative may recognize
the instrumental function of foreign remittances generated by highly
skilled migrants, frequently accompanied by FDI to develop regional
high-technology hubs, but neglects the widely divergent economic
Conclusion 185

benefits to high-skilled STEM migrants and precarious builders,

cleaners, gardeners, drivers, security guards, cooks and domestic
workers who serve wealthy migrants returning home. Thus origin
states do not achieve economic convergence of development for
all inhabitants, as the expansion of migrant labour in the last two
decades has primarily been among low-skilled youths and young
adults who travel abroad to work in menial jobs (Fischer, Martin and
Staubhaar 1997).
Low-wage international migrants may also improve their families’
standard of living back home in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh,
but this does not palpably advance economic development and SDG
goals. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, millions of low-wage
migrants under contract were either trapped without wages in desti-
nation states or forced to return home. In all, the pandemic has
harmed and disrupted the lives of foreign migrants working in menial
and low-waged jobs, including construction, manufacturing and care
work (Foley and Piper 2021).
A central argument in favour of remittance-based development is
that in southern countries, most temporary migrants are unskilled
workers, predominantly from the countryside, who will be recruited
by labour brokers for low-wage employment abroad. However, in
poor countries that are highly dependent on agriculture, even if
migrant workers accumulate large sums of money working abroad
for many years, their return may disrupt the economic balance in the
origin economy. It happens because returning migrant labourers who
are relatively wealthy are capable of purchasing land to become petit
landlords (Kadri 2020). They invest remittances in rural villages,
shifting workers engaged in essential agrarian food-subsistence
production to unnecessary economic labour in construction, security
or care work. Neoliberal proponents of migration in the World Bank,
IMF and UN migration and labour agencies assert that remittances
are an important source of revenue for economic development. To be
sure, a look at the manifold growth in remittances reveals that origin
countries have access to a significant source of potential development
funding. However, along with FDI, this ends up regressing into the
latest neoliberal capitalist adaptation of W. W. Rostow’s prescription
for economic growth and development. This book views economic
remittances as the latest classical economic version of free-market
capitalist development with the twist that, this time, the source of
funding are inhabitants of poor countries, absolving the imperialist
186 Conclusion

world of responsibility for economic exploitation and benefiting from

international transfer costs sent from workers in destination states to
their families in origin states. Post-war history reveals that northern
imperialist models of development disguise the extraction of labour
power and resources from the Global South (Hickel 2020). Those
few states which developed and even joined the OECD typically had
modernized already but were economically devastated by war, for
example, Japan and Korea.
Classical development economists point to a handful of countries
that developed through extensive foreign FDI, nationalization of key
industries and state-led economies, mainly in East Asia. Ha-Joon
Chang convincingly finds that South Korea and analogous countries
developed through the protectionism and nationalization of key
industries and under neoliberalism were privatized in the 1980s and
1990s (Chang 2009). More recently, Isabella Weber has shown that
China has exerted significant state control in advancing economic
modernization, promoting collective social programmes along with
market reform. As an alternative to applying wholesale market
reform, China carefully implemented programmes to minimize harm
to urban and rural workers (Weber 2021).

Remittances and the emergence of the rent economy

Through sending remittances to origin states, the migration–devel-
opment nexus often results in rent extraction from communities in
origin countries rather than development. This leads to the inverse of
the intended improvement to human development as defined by the
UNDP, based on health and life expectancy, schooling and education,
and gross national product (GNP) per capita. However, GNP per
capita does not reveal income inequality and the distribution of
wealth within a country. Moreover, it fails to measure subsistence
agriculture (a critical factor in the capacity of residents in origin
countries to survive) and how it is diminished by the absence of
clean drinking water, electricity, children’s nourishment and literacy.
To provide a three-dimensional perspective on poverty, the UNDP
developed a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) which includes
nutrition, child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance,
cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, housing and
assets (UNDP 2020). In the wake of the global Covid-19 pandemic,
the UNDP’s SDG to eradicate poverty by 2030 will not be realized,
Conclusion 187

revealing the fragility of development and its limitations, which must

include rural workers’ rights to agriculture.
As international labour migration is increasingly monetized, it is an
extreme form of economic imperialism that ignores the security and
welfare of the poor in the Global South, especially the degeneration of
the rural economy in origin countries, the precise regions from which
an overwhelming majority of migrant workers are recruited to work
overseas and will more than likely return. It is mostly rural residents
who travel abroad to work in low-wage enterprises, remitting a
portion of their earnings back home which is not enough to support
most of the population beyond their immediate families. The rural
sector is the most important to the origin country as it provides the
working class with subsistence during pandemics and economic and
political crises. If migrants who have returned from overseas succeed
in accumulating money, they tend to invest in rent seeking, which
further erodes the capacity of the rural poor to survive. As Marx
explains in Capital, Volume III:

We should finally note in connection with the transformation of rent

in kind into money rent that the capitalized rent, the price of land,
and therefore its alienability and actual alienation, now becomes
an important aspect; and that not only can the former rent-payer
transform himself in this way into an independent peasant proprietor,
but also urban and other holders of money can buy plots of land with
a view to leasing them either to peasants or to capitalists, and enjoy the
rent on their capital thus invested as a form of interest. (Marx 2004
[1894]: 938)

The inability to return to agrarian areas makes the state dependent

on foreign agriculture, as was the case in Mexico in the late 1990s
after the passage of the NAFTA, when the United States dumped
agricultural goods into the economy, forcing Indigenous farmers to
migrate to the United States and work in insecure employment. In
many cases, they returned home without practical skills, and thus
were pushed into precarious jobs in major cities (Ness 2005).
Labour migration contributes to the breakdown of society’s
capacity to survive through traditional means. The creation of petit
entrepreneurs in rural villages is what the neoliberal development
agencies and multinational banks consider development, but removing
workers from the agrarian lands to build homes contributes to the
monetization of the economy. Thus temporary migration extracts
188 Conclusion

surplus from the rural economy and undermines the traditional forms
of subsistence upon which agrarian workers have relied for centuries.
Following the intrusion of the migrant infrastructure and dependency
on remittances, the capacity of the rural economy to revitalize itself
and return to the economic and ecological balance of subsistence
becomes far more problematical. After migrant workers stop sending
money back home, the rent-dependent origin community falls further
into destitution. Thus the international US$1.90 a day poverty rate,
as formulated by the MPI of the UNDP, measures deprivation only
in monetary terms rather than in the capacity of the poor to survive
through living off the land (UNDP 2020).
Remittances are the rent upon which a society depends, rather than
an instrument for genuine economic development which meets the
basic human needs of origin countries. Thus imperialism manifests
itself through consolidating a dependency on the capital of advanced
capitalist states. Once the money is withdrawn, the community
atrophies as the agrarian sector loses its capacity to produce.
Foreign currencies can buy a lot in the Global South. The evidence
overwhelmingly shows that temporary migrant labourers will not
return to farming and will become informal and precarious workers
whom Jan Breman characterizes as ‘footloose labourers’ (Breman
1996). Even worse, when the temporary labourers return and do not
go back to work in the agrarian sector, rural areas regress further
into poverty. Ali Kadri explains that remittances are a model of
neoclassical economics under which foreign firms paying higher
wages attract ‘choice’ peasant labourers, who remit wages back to
origin countries. Under this system, the injection of FDI, trade and
technology is transient and ends on the return of the migrant (Kadri
2020: 136).

Women and migration: social reproduction, exploitation

and isolation

Historically, men have comprised most migrant workers. However, in

the contemporary era, women have been central to temporary labour
migration and undergo unique forms of economic and physical
exploitation and social exclusion in destinations and upon returning
home. While there has been a sharp rise in women’s migration over
the last 30 years, they have suffered from comparable patterns over
Conclusion 189

the past century when migrating alone or with their children. From
the mid-nineteenth century to the present, women have migrated
principally to work as domestic and care workers and have been the
subjects of unique forms of oppression resulting from their work in
social reproduction. Employed in care work for families and social
reproduction in the home, women have suffered through labouring
long hours in the homes of affluent families overseas. Thus, even as
women could conceivably gain greater freedom outside their own
homes through migration, they have also faced more extreme forms
of exploitation as social-reproduction workers in the homes of
employers in foreign destinations.
Historian Francesca Biancani (2019) has researched the unique
disquieting experiences of thousands of Slovenian women who
were compelled by economic necessity to migrate to Egypt via
Trieste to work in the homes of wealthy families from the late
nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. Upon their return to Slovenia
after long absences, they were ostracized and marginalized in their
own communities due to their gender and economic dependence.
Women were subjected to a double standard even as they supported
their families back home. Biancani reveals that they were subjects of
self-censorship in their origin societies, and their lives were rendered

In fact, the reason for this was the thorough internalization of socially
dominant stigmatizing discourses about women venturing beyond
normative understandings of gendered (im)mobility and economic
dependency. These discourses, in turn, were shaped by a deep-seated
tendency to conceive of migrant domestic and care work in a way akin
to prostitution and sex traffic. (Biancani 2019: 699–700)

These same forms of oppression and self-censorship are exhibited

in the contemporary era of migration as economic imperialism.
Women work across a spectrum of jobs, but they are clustered in
care services. As demand for domestic and home services grows in the
Global North, the number of women migrating for these jobs reaches
the tens of millions. Women are stigmatized in both destination and
origin states as absent from their families, neglecting their duties in
social reproduction, and are uniquely exploited through the growth
of forced labour and sex trafficking in destination countries. They are
considered contemptible upon their return home, leading to divorce,
190 Conclusion

separation from children and the break-up of families. Labour

migration particularly harms young women migrants recruited into
care and domestic jobs who experience wide-ranging levels of exploi-
tation and isolation in the North and financial and petroleum centres
of the South. Even those women working as domestics in advanced
capitalist states have harsh restrictions on mobility, and therefore
they cannot experience life to the full in destinations (Yeoh and Lam

Organic composition of capital and social reproduction of labour

For Marx, the capitalist class is in continuous quest for profits,
requiring the reduction of the organic composition of capital
production by replacing living labour with new technology, which
reduces the control that workers have over production and, by
extension, creates economic subordination. However, surplus value is
only obtained through human labour, extracted by means of reducing
wages even further through outsourcing to lower-wage workers in
the Global South. The unbounded growth of automation and new
technology inexorably reduces the rate of profit, directed from the
extraction of surplus value from workers. Today, most manufac-
turing workers are low-wage migrant labourers in the Global South
who are exploited through the extraction of profit from reducing
labour costs to a bare minimum.
International finance capital extracts profits through investing in
industries of the Global South where labour costs are low. In this
way, capital extracts surplus labour through both subsumption of
capital in new technology and the super-exploitation of internal and
transnational migrant labour in new industrial complexes. Ceteris
paribus, international capitalists extract capital from industries
requiring limited financial investment, such as those where migrant
labour tends to work: agriculture, construction, and domestic and
home-care work. Inadequate subsumption of capital investment
in new industry contributes to the growth of surplus value from
low-wage workers in the Global South. In the sphere of production,
the drive to seek surplus profit through labour exploitation drives
monopoly capital to seek profits from investment in new technology
in countries of the Global South, where labour costs are far lower.
Equally, capital can also invest in Global South migrant labour to
the North or within the South.
Conclusion 191

In contrast, within the sphere of social reproduction of domestic,

household and care work (labour that women dominate), new
technology is circumscribed as care tasks often do not require new
technology. In this way, the organic composition of labour does not
have the capacity to decline the same way it does in production, which
produces profits. Moreover, demand for domestic services, child care,
food services, for-hire transport drivers and delivery workers, and
gig workers who are required in everyday life has always been higher
in major financial centres and mineral-rich countries with labour
shortages: New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala
Lumpur and regions with significant natural-resource wealth, such
as the Arab Gulf States. And because of the difficulty in recruiting
reproductive and domestic labour in the imperialist core, demand for
low-waged migrant labour from the periphery has grown exponen-
tially, especially with expanding financialization of capital and
the capacity of firms to extract surplus value from these services.
As social-reproduction activities are predominantly performed by
women workers, migration for care work is an essential component
of the imperialist project, demonstrating the gendered nature of
The available evidence shows that most women travelling abroad
as domestic workers do not increase their economic position by
working overseas in South East Asia and the Arab Gulf. On the
contrary, international domestic workers enter a life of precari-
ousness and tend to remit more money than their male counterparts
(Parreñas 2021; Rahman and Fee 2009; Silvey and Parreñas 2020).
Above all, women are also subject to exploitation within the realm
of production (especially in garment manufacturing) and social
reproduction, as domestic and care workers (Bastia and Piper 2019).
Moreover, as noted, women are decisively integrated into global
migration and, by 2020, comprised 48.1 per cent of all migrants,
within both production and social reproduction capacities. Taken
together, it is crucial to focus on the plight of women migrant
workers to recognize that gendered boundaries have withered away
entirely (IOM 2021).
As demand for women’s labour in the home expands from the rich
to the middle class, working-class women migrants are increasingly
integral to the capacity to generate low-wage and exploited labour
from the Global South in key hubs around the world. Political
leaders in poor origin countries are categorically aware of the
192 Conclusion

significance of women domestic workers in social reproduction and

their value in foreign exchange. Although migration-as-development
enthusiasts assert that remittances are a more democratic form of
foreign-exchange earnings than foreign aid or FDI, as the foreign
funds are dispatched directly to family members rather than through
government agencies, low-income nations are acutely aware of the
significance of foreign remittances, which are often deposited in
financial institutions. And remittances from migrant women form
a major part of foreign exchange, being spent on children, health,
education and human development needs (Bach 2011).
On a visit to Hong Kong in April 2017, President Joko Widodo of
Indonesia (a leading sending country of domestic workers) minimized
the long-term significance of women’s remittances, declaring that
foreign-exchange earnings through remittances by domestic workers
are an interim labour policy as the Indonesian government focuses on
training programmes to develop workers’ skills for use at home so
that Indonesians will not have to travel overseas to obtain decently
paid jobs.
In 2015, about 4.9 million Indonesians were working abroad,
accounting for US$7.35 billion in remittances. According to the ILO,
75 per cent were women domestic workers (World Bank 2018). In
Indonesia, one in three workers is a domestic and unskilled labourer.
The Indonesian government offers no specific timetable to do away
with foreign-labour migration, and Widodo does not foresee an end
to Indonesian guest workers any time soon. On a visit to Hong Kong
in April 2017, Widodo compared the treatment of Indonesian guest
workers favourably to the more oppressive treatment that workers
experienced in the Gulf States:

And we hope that while we improve and upgrade the qualities and
skills of our workers and their professional training, we will head in
that direction. Once investments in Indonesia have grown and our
economy has grown further, then we won’t need to have our workers
overseas. . . . I observe that they receive salaries that are pretty good,
compared to other countries. I think this is very important. I believe
many are happy to be working in Hong Kong. (Siu 2018)

Speaking directly on the migration of young women travelling

overseas as domestic labourers, Widodo’s goal does not account for
the disjuncture between skills and wages, between the imperial centre
Conclusion 193

and the periphery. It is estimated by the World Bank that Indonesian

workers can make six times as much in the Arab Gulf, Singapore,
Hong Kong, Taipei and other major financial and commercial hubs
in South East Asia and East Asia. Even though Indonesian workers
may acquire equivalent skills, higher-wage jobs in the Global North
will always increase the supply of Indonesians seeking jobs overseas.
Notwithstanding Widodo’s empty rhetoric about reducing poverty
and inequality, Indonesia, with the fourth-largest population in the
world (276 million people in 2021), is economically subordinate
within South East Asia and the world economy. It occupies a position
at the bottom of most global supply chains within the world’s
neoliberal capitalist economy. Consequently, global capitalists have
no interest in upgrading development or improving the skills of
Indonesian workers, and Indonesia, like other sending states, will
likely continue to depend on women’s migration for foreign exchange.

Migration and global supply chains

Global demand for tropical agricultural commodities, mineral

resources and manufacturing products defines the subordinate
position of the Global South in the world imperialist economy, as
poor countries occupy the bottom rung of global supply chains, also
known as global value systems. Economic subservience also applies
to temporary labour migration. The South’s competitive advantage
is derived from maintaining a surplus of low-waged labourers, from
whom international finance capital can extract surplus value. It does
so by employing manufacturing workers to produce commodities and
services through platform labour inside the South or by deploying
low-wage migrant workers abroad (Altenried 2022; Sassen 2002; van
Doorn, Ferrari and Graham 2022).
Political economist Intan Suwandi asserts that the subordinate
position of southern countries in global supply chains is integral to
the restructuring of the world economy. This is driven, he says, by the
imperative of capital accumulation, which sustains economic imperi-
alism into the twenty-first century (Suwandi 2019). The concept
of global labour arbitrage (a theory developed by John Smith)
states that in order to extract greater profitability, multinational
corporations and finance capital intentionally collaborate to locate
production industries and subcontracts essential to manufacturing
194 Conclusion

products for consumer markets in the North in low-wage regions

of the Global South (Smith 2016). Unquestionably, the modern
methods of production expose how economic imperialism operates
through the economic exploitation of labour.
International temporary labour migration is integral to value
extraction from the South, as low-wage labour must relocate to
strategic locations where production facilities are established using
finance capital (through FDI) and the formation of SEZs, which
sanction the free movement of capital, low taxation, ports, roads,
warehouses, electrical grids and other infrastructure enabling
investment in these logistical hubs. Above all, access to low-wage
labour is essential for the establishment of these zones. Both internal
and international labour migration is necessary for the development
of such industrial installations. It is through access to low-wage
migrant labour that southern countries are transformed into major
production centres capable of drawing foreign capital invest-
ments. SEZs draw or recruit foreign and domestic migrant labour
to production sites in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Without
migration, SEZs and global supply chains would cease to function,
as only a fraction of workers are derived from local labour markets.
Mike Davis’s dystopian Planet of Slums (2017 [2004]) uncovers the
necessity of precarious migrant labour in urban zones, even while
neglecting the other side of the equation: rural populations and
workers also remain significant to supply chains in the production
of agricultural products for global export. The size and significance
of migration to rural production is growing, not contracting, even
as urban areas are expanding. However, international and internal
migration to rural regions for agricultural commodity production
reveals the desperation of families in poor countries who are unable
to survive on income earned at home (Jha and Yeros 2019). The
literature on migration and development has largely overlooked the
significance of rural migration to the livelihoods of destitute popula-
tions in the Global South, as have multilateral agencies and the UN.
International banks and financiers view SEZs as vital outposts
of production (chiefly for affluent consumer markets in the rich
countries) and a form of development. Yet SEZs, which require
internal and international labour migration, are simply links in
global supply chains and do not contribute to human development at
home, as value is captured by producers and MNCs, primarily in rich
countries of the North. Even southern countries which can attract
Conclusion 195

foreign investment do not develop in the same way as advanced

capitalist countries of the North, as production is often primarily
for export markets, and financial firms insist that capital investments
can be withdrawn whenever economically prudent. The East Asian
financial crisis of 1997–8 was a direct consequence of western imperi-
alist investors seeking to withdraw their investments to safeguard the
profits they earned through the extraction of surplus value from
low-wage labour (Alami 2018; Pang 2000). Thus labour value chains
are an essential element of unequal exchange which allows MNCs
and finance capital in imperialist countries to rely on the reserve
army of labour and low-cost agricultural commodities and natural
resources in the South (Suwandi 2019, 20). However, to understand
the nature of imperialistic global value chains, it is necessary to
recognize that both MNCs and consumers in rich countries benefit
from global labour arbitrage, which primarily relies on the exploi-
tation of southern migrant labour. Just like finance capital and
MNCs, southern workers are mobile, but they are dominated and
controlled by destination states, finance capital and MNCs which
delimit and deny migrant workers’ freedom of movement. Without
control over migrant labour, capital could not extract vast profits
from investments in the South.

Development or exploitation? Towards a new societal model

for the Global South

We must reappraise the value of development in the South, which

will continue indefinitely if the imperialist countries maintain control
over finance capital. Without change, southern countries will always
struggle to catch up, and the development project will remain
unobtainable as capital and development agencies seek to devise new
solutions to maintain economic and political hegemony.
For two decades, the migration–development nexus has been
espoused by multilateral organizations and their researchers. Initially,
scholars of migration concurred that temporary migration was a means
to economic development, spawning a cottage industry of scholars
studying an array of factors in temporary migration (migration and
development, migration infrastructure, economic remittances, social
remittances, gender, etc.). Labour migration and remittances are not
a reliable development instrument as: first, the money returning to
196 Conclusion

the origin country is typically confined to migrants and their families;

second, if economic development occurs, workers are forced out of
the rural economy, which provides essential food, into precarious
jobs which do not contribute to poverty reduction but are dependent
on an unceasing flow of money generated by low-wage workers who
are also employed overseas in precarious jobs.
The evidence in this book overwhelmingly demonstrates that
remittances may improve the standard of living of migrant workers’
families but will not contribute to improving human development
standards (food security, health care, education and housing) of
dependent origin states. Certainly, in some countries, remittances
do contribute to the growth of small businesses which are highly
contingent on local markets within poor communities and are
therefore not a solution to poverty in the South. More likely, remit-
tances are expended on consumer goods like televisions, appliances,
gadgets, in addition to basic living expenses. Some families have
applied remittances to educating children and youths in private
schools that are superior to public educational institutions. But
mostly, while remittances may ameliorate family poverty, they do not
end poverty in the Global South.
The proposition advanced by migration scholars that developing
countries with higher per capita GDP tend to have larger shares
of foreign migrant workers may be true, but economists do not
consider that foreign migration also displaces and supplants the rural
agricultural economy, which is essential for food production. Labour
migration stimulates the creation of an informal and precarious
proletariat who suffer from intense social and economic insecurity.
Hein de Haas is correct in arguing that the poorest countries with
the lowest per capita GDP are not integrated into the international
system of temporary migration, and therefore do not tend to benefit
from migration as development: ‘As migration is a selective process,
most international remittances do not tend to flow to the poorest
members of communities nor the poorest countries’ (de Haas 2010:
249). Though this proposition tends to focus on labour migration
from southern countries to the Global North, in the Global South
a significant share of temporary migrants from Eswatini, Lesotho,
Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe have migrated to South Africa
for over a century. Labourers from Malawi (among the poorest
countries in the world, with a per capita GDP of US$643 in 2021)
have migrated to South Africa since the late nineteenth century to
Conclusion 197

work in the gold mines, and then, when the mines were depleted
in the 1980s, shifted to informal jobs in South Africa’s production
sector, which primarily serves the domestic economy. Here they work
at a fraction of the local population’s wages (World Bank 2022f).

Rise in low-income migrant migration, global production

and inequality
The first two decades of the twenty-first century demonstrate that it
is not only the well-to-do who migrate: the poor migrate in larger
numbers to major destinations in the global supply chain and rich
countries of the Global North. The most recent migration patterns
reveal that the poorest in poor countries comprise the majority of
internal and international migrants leaving origin states, as destination
states seek low-wage labourers to work in agriculture, construction,
manufacturing and domestic care work. Modern globalization under
neoliberal capitalism has increasingly incorporated poor states into
global supply chains to profit from low-wage labour. Consequently,
FDI in the Global South is concentrated in those states that have
established production installations with a ready supply of labour
drawn from ample and dependable supplies of local and foreign
workers. Thus India, with a population of approximately 1.4 billion,
is a major recipient of FDI because it has a steady and reliable source
of low-wage labour in the countryside and rural regions.
Global production centres with lower supplies of labour rely on
labour in adjacent states that have low GDP per capita: Malaysia,
for example, draws labour from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar
and Nepal; South Africa relies on labour from Lesotho, Malawi,
Mozambique and Eswatini; and South Korea draws migrants from
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, India, rural
China and beyond (Phyo, Goto and Kakinaka 2019). The expansion
of global supply chains has concentrated production in pivotal hubs
from 1990 to the present, thereby expanding the parameters of
migration. Consequently, over the past 30 years, migrant labourers
have been drawn more often from low-income states than from
middle-income ones. As global production has shifted from the
Global North to the Global South, requiring low-wage labour, the
propensity for labour migration from middle-income to high-income
countries has declined. This represents a significant break from
the tendency for higher-wage migrant labour from middle-income
198 Conclusion

countries to form the largest share of migrant workers (Czaika and

de Haas 2012).
The growth of South–South low-wage migration in the 2010s
illustrates the complexity of migration, but even more importantly
it indicates the significance of migration as imperialism rather than
development. It is inevitable that countries which are integrated
into the global neoliberal capitalist system will tend to have higher
GDP per capita. However, low-wage migration is very exploitative
and does little to benefit the countries of origin. Given that most
low-wage labour migration from southern countries to the North
is restricted, the poorest states of Africa, South East Asia and the
Pacific are excluded from international migration for wages that
are significantly higher than those in home countries. Consequently,
the poorest states are more likely to be the source of South–South
migration. For example, most of Africa’s migrant workers are
prevented from working in rich countries, where GDP per capita
remains abysmally low, and migrate to local countries or to Europe
as irregular migrants subject to arrest and deportation.
The migration–development nexus is highly problematic as devel-
opment agencies cherry-pick the best cases rather than appraise the
global system of remittances and its contribution to unequal exchange
and uneven development. The 25-year record of remittances does
not provide a single example of a country where development has
International remittances generate internal inequality. Some
families receive monetary assistance by this route, but many others
without foreign workers employed abroad have scarce income for
basic expenses, especially as the global neoliberal economy compels
states to withdraw from the provision of health care, education and
social welfare. Families receiving remittances from foreign workers
may be able to afford the cost of medical care in the event of a major
illness requiring surgery at a reputable healthcare facility, whereas
those without migrant family members working abroad may not
have funds for health care or major surgery (Abraham and Tao 2021;
Yeates and Owusu-Sekyere 2019). Foreign remittances from migrant
workers have not transformed any economy in the Global South but
have contributed to a shortage of health professionals, who move
abroad for higher earnings and ostensibly to send remittances back
home. But the evidence shows that migrant workers contribute less to
families and communities the longer they live overseas.
Conclusion 199

This book asserts that for over 75 years since the end of the Second
World War, western classical development economists (from W. W.
Rostow in the 1960s to Muhammad Yunis and Dilip Ratha in the
2000s and 2020s) have applied a sequence of failed market-driven
policies to achieve economic development for newly independent
countries in the Global South: FDA, development loans, IMF bailouts
combined with draconian fiscal policies, microfinance, FDI and,
over the past two decades, remittances from migrants working
abroad. Every single strategy has failed upon application and, rather
than developing, has arrested economic development and deepened
economic inequality between North and South. By contrast, this
book argues that the free-market development model and migration
as development are failed strategies which stem from an effort to
preserve and expand the market-economy dominance of the United
States and developed countries in the West, and to reinforce global
economic imperialism through preserving poor countries’ dependence
on the unequal exchange of resources: minerals, agriculture, indus-
trial commodities, services and low-wage labour from the South.
Marxist scholars have asserted that wage inequality and the
imbalance in the value of labour between North and South have
created a global class stratification that maintains the dominance of
countries in the capitalist core (Amin 1976; Emmanuel 1972). If the
calculus of unequal exchange and uneven development is to change,
open borders for all workers to migrate to the North would be
necessary. An international system with open borders would in part
ameliorate inequality and poverty in the South. However, the imple-
mentation of open-border policies is unlikely, due to nationalist and
populist policies imposed in rich countries which restrict southern
labour mobility. The removal of restrictive and militarized borders
for migrants from the South to enter the North would alleviate the
punishing government policies which discriminate against foreigners,
even in an environment of growing discrimination and xenophobia.
If rich countries were to approve and expand international mobility
from poor to rich countries by adhering to the Global Migration
Compact, the condition of low-wage migrant labourers, women, and
their families would certainly improve. But it would likely mitigate
systemic global poverty and inequality only partially. In the 2020s,
the world is far more unequal than in the independence era from
1945 to the 1980s, and economists project that inequality will soar
in the decades to come without meaningful rebalancing of the global
200 Conclusion

economic order between North and South (Chancel et al. 2022).

Migration as development is the latest economic scheme proffered
by classical economists, some of whom compare settler-colonialism
of the nineteenth century to the present period of temporary and
unauthorized migration, an analysis which must account for the
imperialist nature of origin states (Chiswick and Hatton 2003).
But rather than meaningfully developing poor countries, temporary
migration erodes their capacity to transform their economies to
meet basic human needs (food, sanitation, health care, housing,
education and transport) while living in their home communities.
At the same time, it expands profits and accumulation for affluent
destination states (Rodriguez 2010). Thus comparing imperialism
in the nineteenth century to the present era is more fitting than a
comparison of settler-colonialism and contemporary inter­ national
labour migration, as in both eras imperialist countries have extracted
surplus labour from the South at low wages to increase the profits for
settlers and origin states.

Rise in labour migration, populism, xenophobia and

restrictive borders

In the twenty-first century, the world has shifted to a new era of

exploitation of the Global South: low-wage migration, which ineluc-
tably benefits the Global North. Philip McMichael regards migration
as integral to global capitalist production: ‘While outsourcing is
typically associated with firms “going global,” there are growing
migrant circuits across the world contributing to the sourcing of labor
on a global scale and serving all facets of industry (manufacturing,
agriculture, and services). Ironically, as northern manufacturing has
moved offshore, southern labor has found its way north in the form
of farmworkers and food workers’ (McMichael 2016: 155).
Even as rich destination countries require ever more foreign
low-wage labour to meet growing demand in agriculture, construction,
manufacturing and care work, the emergence and growth of populism
and nationalist movements in rich states have hindered their efforts
to achieve this objective. Populist politicians in Europe and North
America have demonstrated that anti-immigrant and xenophobic
rhetoric and policies do expand electoral support. The rise of
populism and xenophobia has thwarted ambitious plans to pass laws
Conclusion 201

increasing caps on low-wage temporary migrant labour in response

to corporate pressure to reduce labour costs and increase profit-
ability, reversing the historical capacity of elected leaders to privilege
corporate demands over interest-group politics (Tichenor 2021).
The enormous rise in populism, both in northern and southern
destinations, has restricted migration and altered state policies to
privilege migrants considered worthy over those who enter without
Racial, ethnic and social stratification of migrant populations deter-
mines who merits the right to stay and who is subject to deportation;
who can stay temporarily; and who can stay with documentation
and social privileges. This hierarchy is also present among migrant
labourers, based on racial identity, gender, social class, training,
education and skills. Sentiments of social superiority are inherently
a response to migration as people are in search of differentiation,
distinction and superiority to improve psychological and material
comfort levels. Native-born and migrant workers pursue social
differentiation to safeguard social acceptance, emotional well-being
and legitimacy to stay in the destination state. This system of border
control conforms to the divide between the North and South. Race
is a social construction, present throughout the world, which confers
privilege based on whiteness, especially in North America and
Europe. Global migration manifests racial superiority and reinforces
it through granting whiteness a higher degree of legitimacy. This
form of racial superiority manifests itself even in non-white societies.

Enforcing workers’ rights and the future of labour migration

As the absolute numbers of labour migrants have grown from 1990

to the present, over the past decade, the UN has developed policies to
protect their rights and welfare through enacting the GCM in 2018.
The GCM has attempted to institute a global framework for securing
the rights of migrant labourers, preventing all forms of abuse and
exploitation. It seeks to obtain decent wages, working conditions
and even social welfare. However, a far more formidable challenge
has been to enforce its provisions in member states. In general, states
do not abide by the GCM’s regulations, as shown in chapter 5,
viewing them as an attempt to usurp national sovereignty. Although
some destination states have made cosmetic changes to improve the
202 Conclusion

rights of migrants, most do not adhere to its policies and continue to

base policy on flawed and ineffective bilateral agreements to enforce
protections and remedy violations of migrant workers’ human
rights. The recently enacted GCM has not succeeded in transforming
temporary into permanent work, which contributes to the weakness
of migrant labourers’ capacity to assert their rights. Temporary
work agreements reduce the power of migrant workers to withhold
their labour, as it is the employers in destination countries who send
workers back: in effect, temporary workers are deported upon the
expiry of their contracts. Granting migrant workers the right to
stay permanently is correlated with their ability to improve wages,
working and living conditions, and to foster dignity and respect in
International CSOs, along with MNCs and international finance
capital, which sustain global supply chains dependent on migration,
embrace the migration-as-development discourse as a net positive
for most of humanity in southern countries. However, the UN and
its two primary agencies which address migration (the IOM and
the ILO), in addition to CSOs and NGOs seeking to intervene in
the most exploitative cases, have not appreciably improved condi-
tions. They have only temporarily mitigated high-profile cases of
exploitation in destinations, and migrant labourers continue to
endure economic destitution, discrimination, arrest and deportation.
Likewise, labour federations and trade unions have gradually become
more accepting of migrant labourers but lack the capacity to
transform the calculus of economic exploitation, as migrant workers
cannot become permanent members of their national unions.

How will labour migration evolve in the coming decades?

This book has made two crucial interventions to understanding
the deleterious consequences of migration for poor countries and
migrants themselves.
First, temporary and irregular labour migration and remittances
do not comprise a feasible development policy. Instead, they are
detrimental to advancing SDGs and diminish state capacities to
provide food, sanitation, medicine, education, housing, infrastructure
and other essential requirements for improving living standards.
Considering that internal and international labour migration are
the major sources of low-wage work in the world, they are likely
Conclusion 203

to continue to rise as the most salient form of industrial work.

Low-waged migrant labourers writ large will continue to remain the
dominant workforce in the world. Most migrant labourers working
in the South and North will likely enter precarious and informal
jobs and engage in necessary and menial work for low wages, with
few or no benefits. Youths, who embody the future of southern
countries, will continue to seek to leave low-wage precarious jobs in
the South for low-wage precarious jobs in personal services and the
platform labour sector of the North. International migrants in the
North will continue to be categorized as irregular or undocumented,
due to the rise of populism in the United States and Western Europe.
Second, in response to the expansion of international demand,
the rise in populism has contributed to rising discrimination and
xenophobia in destination states, which jeopardize migrant worker
rights and diminish the drive to expand migration even more broadly.
Despite rising discrimination and xenophobia, labour migration
continues to grow in response to the demographic decline of the
Global North and attendant high demand for low-wage work in
agriculture, construction and care work. If the neoliberal capitalist
system continues to grow at its current pace and to generate global
supply hubs, temporary migration is likely to expand further. Even
so, Claudia Tazreiter has documented how destination states can
isolate migrant populations offshore. In addition, MNCs and inter-
national banks have directed FDI to states disposed to establish
capitalist-friendly conditions such as encouraging migration.
East Asian economies tend to have lower levels of xenophobia than
the rest of the world (Lie 2018). However, due to the rise of anti-
immigrant sentiment and xenophobia in the North, manufacturing is
likely to shift production away from northern countries where there
are labour shortages to Asia (Bangladesh, India, Japan, Malaysia,
South Korea, Thailand and beyond), as well as attracting FDI to
manufacturing countries in the Global South.
Migrant labour will remain dominated by global neoliberalism,
despite the emergence of possible alternative models. China’s Belt
and Road Initiative provides a potential multipolar alternative to
the extension of neoliberal capitalism and may rely less on the
exploitation of migrant labour if authentic efforts to improve living
conditions at home are the priority.
Clearly, under the present system of migration, southern countries
will not have the capacity to attain SDGs, let alone even remotely
204 Conclusion

achieve the level of economic development necessary to increase

standards of living. If we measure success as expanding economic
development and growth, states will continuously fall into debt
traps, as remittances are not a sustainable form of income gener-
ation. Consequently, the South will become even more vulnerable
to global and regional economic crises, and global pandemics and
catastrophic climate-related natural disasters. The rise of migrant
labour in the twenty-first century is harmful to the sustainability
of low-income countries in the South, which do not in any appre-
ciable way count on the maintenance of remittances. Thus they will
become more dependent on them to ameliorate the effects of unequal
exchange with the North. Hence migration is a key component of
economic imperialism, leading to uncertainty, economic destitution
and ecological catastrophe brought on by inexorable migration from
rural to urban areas at home and abroad. The attendant failure of
governments to service debt was palpably clear in the 2022 ousting of
leaders in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, two low-income countries which
relied heavily on remittances deriving from an expansive system of
international labour migration.

Where does the growth of international, temporary migrant

labour point in the future?

From 1990 to the 2020s, migrant labour has been spurred by

neoliberal global market forces seizing on the imbalance between
rich and poor countries. Migration is not exclusively a South–North
passage, but also occurs within the Global South to states with rich
natural resource wealth or offshore economies which have received
FDI to integrate into global production chains for commodities.
Rarely are remittances decisive to the economic development of
poor and impoverished countries. Even the UN acknowledges
that while, at best, foreign remittances may be used to accompany
tangible economic development, they are not the be all and end
all. However, the World Bank, the IMF and the UN continue
to promote temporary migration and foreign remittances, which
have grown appreciably over the last two decades and become
the primary major source of foreign exchange for developing
countries in the Global South, outpacing FDI and foreign aid. As a
large share of remittances to low-income countries is not broadly
Conclusion 205

distributed equally throughout society, this intensifies inequality

and social conflict. The evidence from Central America, South-East
Europe, South Asia and other origin regions shows that remittances
create warped economies which are highly dependent on foreign-
labour migration of young and able-bodied men and women.
Remittances are distributed to family members of migrants, rather
than advancing national SDGs or essential infrastructure necessary
for development and growth. As much as remittances may assist
some families in origin states, they also contribute to family and
community upheaval as parents, spouses and siblings are absent for
extended periods, sometimes never to return. Thus remittances are
not the panacea that economists at the major, world development
agencies suggest.
We must conclude that labour migration is not a reliable source
of economic development which could be organized by state forces.
Hence this book takes the opposite position that migration and
remittances are an extreme form of marketization of the global
economy promoted by international capital and financial institutions.
Migration is also praised and promoted by scholars as a source of
social capital and democracy promotion, a form of cultural imperi-
alism which views western democracies and even authoritarian
capitalist states as fonts of democratic exchange.

Exploitation of low-wage migrant workers in destination states

Equally disturbing, chapters 4 and 5 show that restrictive policies on
migration discriminate against migrants from the Global South in the
Global North and affluent destination states in the South. The subor-
dination of temporary and undocumented migrant labourers is a
form of economic exploitation, social exclusion and marginalization.
Fundamentally, the global migration regime reflects the divisions
which were formed over the last several centuries of European and
western imperialism. Yet, in the twenty-first century, destination
states in the Global South also engage in social and political restric-
tions on entry and arrest and deport temporary migrants who
‘violate’ bilateral agreements which do not allow migrants to leave
their employers to whom they were designated before departing
for destinations. The formation and institutionalization of highly
restrictive migration regimes subjects workers to marginalization,
unemployment, loss of documentation status, arrest, imprisonment
206 Conclusion

and deportation, even if migrants are unemployed and must leave

one employer for another.
Taken together, this book has found that the significant expansion
of labour migration and attendant remittances from the 1990s to
the present has done little to ameliorate poor living conditions, spur
the economic development of poor origin countries and meet SDGs.
Simultaneously, the book also shows that even amid global economic
crises and pandemics, low-wage labour migration is expanding, and
workers are facing growing economic exploitation and abuse on
the job. Concomitantly, national chauvinism and populism grow
in destination states, where migrant workers are confronting higher
levels of intolerance.
The contradictory tension between the demand for low-wage
labour and migrant workers and growing xenophobia propagated
by politicians and the media in destination states must be challenged
through enforcing international norms which govern migration.
Sadly, the rise of populism and nationalism is intensifying the exploi-
tation and trauma of migrant workers and their families.

What is the alternative to remittances for economic development?

Despite the exploitation of labour in destination states, it is likely
that international migration will carry on into the future as demand
is high. Population growth in the North and West is growing at a
far lower level than in the South. The decline in growth, as well as
the unwillingness of westerners to work in agriculture, construction,
manufacturing, platform services and home care, is creating a
scarcity of labour. In turn, the North is promoting migration as a
means to address these shortages. However, migrant labourers are
not compensated enough to both live comfortably in destinations and
also send remittances home that are sufficient to promote economic
development there. It is clear that remittances will not even address
severe poverty in most of the Global South, let alone promote
economic development. At a minimum, a wealth tax must be
imposed on the Global North, which benefits from unequal exchange
and inexpensive commodities and low-wage workers in origin states
and migrant workers in destinations. The system of bilateral inter-
national migration accords will not resolve the problem of economic
exploitation and physical abuse, as no international governing force,
including the ILO, is capable of regulating and enforcing labour
Conclusion 207

migration standards as employers in destination states continue to

demand low-wage migration. At best, international labour federa-
tions can only provide advice and counsel states to enforce labour
Before addressing global imbalances in wealth and income, it is
critical to counter the free-market dogma of remittances and devel-
opment, which transforms individuals seeking to survive into rational
agents for national economic development. To even begin to contend
with global poverty and inequality, it is necessary to have a polyarchic
system of regional powers capable of directing development, rather
than a haphazard neoliberal free-market policy dependent on remit-
tances which is deficient in resolving poverty for families of foreign
migrant workers. Otherwise, remittances will contribute to extended
economic imbalance and inequality in poor origin countries. Reliance
on migrant remittances to develop is equivalent to the free-market
orthodoxy, a doctrine which makes vulnerable migrants abroad
responsible for resolving poverty, advancing SDGs and spurring
sustained economic development.
Once the migration–development nexus is seen to be continuing
long-standing imperialist agendas that built this world of inequality,
it becomes clear that any policies, debates or initiatives seeking to
address labour migration must start by tackling the real crisis we
face: a system of global apartheid dividing North and South.

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Bold type indicates entries in figures or tables

accounting, 33, 84 Asia, 74, 133, 149

advocacy, 144, 174 East, 56–7, 85, 99, 117, 171, 186,
Afghanistan, 159 193, 195, 203
Africa, 28–9, 37, 43, 74, 121–2, 126, North East, 69, 92
129–30, 148–9, 158–9, 164; South, 28, 34, 69, 82, 139, 167,
see also Middle East and North 205
Africa (MENA) South East, 28, 33, 69, 84–5, 92–3,
agency, 136, 144–5, 169–70, 172 99, 135, 156, 170–1, 176
agriculture, authoritarianism, 29, 45, 50, 55,
in destination states, 81, 86–8, 106, 205
113, 118, 127–32, 135, 137,
164, 170 Baltic, 54
in origin states, 37–8, 46, 82, 92–5, Bangalore, 33, 70, 84
103, 106, 110, 180–1, 185–8, Bangladesh, 34, 159, 167, 185, 197,
193–5 203
air travel, 75, 87, 96, 106, 152 bank, 21, 42, 44, 68, 95, 100–2, 115,
Algeria, 54, 159 133, 194, 203
Angola, 54 Belgium, 122, 166, 173
America, 74, 149 Belt and Road Initiative, 203
Central, 54, 69, 87, 102, 107–8, benefits,
121, 123, 127, 130 for companies, 56, 117, 125, 161,
Latin, 28–9, 37, 43, 91, 126–7, 171
144, 194 for destination states, 44, 75–6, 83,
North, 33, 36, 83, 120–2, 126–7, 105, 120, 123, 141–2, 152, 179,
129–30, 174, 201 200
anti-immigrant sentiment see for origin states, 46, 83, 99, 105,
opposition to migration 129, 184, 196, 198
Arab Gulf, 48, 83–4, 96, 101, 116, for workers/families, 35, 50, 68,
124–5, 145, 156, 158, 166–7 70–1, 85, 115, 140–1, 171, 181,
arrest see deportation; imprisonment 183–5
Index 245

Bengaluru, 184 competition, 42, 47, 70, 87, 106,

bilateral agreement, 65, 69, 86, 99, 116, 124, 193
102, 134, 157, 159, 164, 205–6 comprador model, 29, 57–8
border control, 75, 81, 91, 106–8, conflict, 38, 59, 92, 103, 105, 112,
121–4, 127, 130–1, 146–7, 123–4, 205
157–8, 166; see also open construction, 84, 87, 94–5, 98–9,
borders 104–5, 109, 118, 129–32, 139,
brain drain, 11, 84 158–9, 163
broker see recruitment agency consulate, 88, 91, 138, 173
Bulgaria, 108 consumer goods, 97, 99, 105,
business formation, 77, 99, 102, 110, 114–15, 196
135, 139, 141, 181, 187, 196 consumer market, 39, 48, 57, 160, 194
business services, 33, 70, 83–4, 105, contractor, 63, 67, 69, 92, 100, 136,
115, 127, 184 154, 156, 160, 170; see also
call centre, 184 Cope, Zak, 42
Canada, 10, 87, 108 corruption, 77, 175
capitalism, 29, 32, 37–40, 81, 148, cost of migration, 75, 80, 96, 107,
150–1; see also neoliberalism 124, 151; see also recruitment
Caribbean, 6, 14, 41, 127, 130, 160 cost
caste, 85 Covid-19, 50–2, 60–1, 97, 101, 104,
Chang, Ha Joon, 29, 56, 186 112, 123, 140–1, 164, 166–9
child mortality, 58, 186 crime, 103, 114
children, 62, 100, 108, 111, 114, criminalization, 75–6, 124, 126, 130,
134–5, 138, 156, 165 144
Chile, 5 Croatia, 166
China, 46, 48, 51, 54–7, 70, 91, 169, currency value, 125, 183, 188
183, 186, 203 Czech Republic, 165
choice, 34, 63, 67, 72, 134, 154, 159
citizenship, 103, 108–9, 151 debt, 89, 98–102, 113, 124, 127,
city see urban areas 134, 140–1, 143
civil society organization (CSOs) see bondage/peonage, 78, 91, 137,
non-governmental organization 160–1
(NGO) foreign, 57, 80, 204
class, 40, 42, 49, 105, 131, 147–50, decolonization, 28–9, 40, 45, 54
154, 190, 199, 201 democracy, 38, 50, 77, 125, 192, 205
middle and upper, 14, 21–2, 96, Democratic Republic of Congo, 123
191 demographic trend, 31–2, 60, 73,
working, 144, 172, 174, 187, 191 94–5, 103, 108–10, 123–4, 141,
climate change, 115, 152, 204; see 150, 203
also ecological issues Denmark, 148
cohesion (social, political), 59, 121 deportation, 62, 67, 103, 122–3, 130,
colonialism, 28–9, 37–8, 40–1, 45, 137, 152, 154–6, 158–62, 169
54, 57, 152, 154, 172, 200 deregulation, 29, 132, 155
commodification, 153, 155, 179 destination states, 10, 116–18, 119,
communism, 28, 55, 57 200–2, 205–7
community, 59, 71–2, 78, 100–1, detention see deportation
111, 134, 153, 162, 169, 186–9 developing countries, 29–31, 33–7,
migrant, 87–9, 91, 107–8, 113–15, 43–4, 46–8, 50–2, 56, 59–60, 64,
122, 144–5 68–9, 80–1, 86
246 Index

development Europe, 37, 40, 65, 74, 120, 149,

aid see foreign aid 152, 201
loans, 46, 199 Eastern, 28, 37, 54, 81, 99, 128
national, 30, 36, 57, 73, 77, 102, Western, 28, 33, 42, 56–7, 81, 83,
111, 124, 140, 153 108–9, 121–2, 126–30, 145,
uneven/warped, 50, 53, 198–9, 205 173–4
see also migration-remittance- European Union (EU), 108–9, 126,
development model 159, 161, 166
diaspora, 51, 104, 110 exclusion see marginalization
dictatorship, 29 exploitation, 89–92, 124–5, 131–2,
discrimination, 67, 117, 124, 137, 136–45, 150–2, 157, 162–3,
143, 162, 165, 169, 182 172–4, 181–2, 188–91
documentation see migration, export, 57–8, 68, 103, 110, 170,
unauthorized/undocumented 194–5
domestic care work, 66, 76, 83, 151, of labour, 92–3, 98, 103, 108
156–7, 173, 175, 184–5, 189–92 of value (Zak Cope), 42
domestic workers see worker, Export Processing Zone (EPZ), 34,
domestic/native 36, 47, 83, 170–1
Dominican Republic, 15 externalization, 118, 151
extraction of resources, 27, 35, 38,
ecological issues, 38, 81, 97, 106, 57, 59, 147, 151, 186
150–1, 178, 188, 204
economic crisis, 47, 52, 86, 101, 178, family,
187, 195, 204; see also recession assistance, 30, 77, 85–6, 97, 99,
education, 48, 58–9, 72, 77, 85, 107, 110, 139–40, 196
113–15, 128, 134–5, 177–8, 186 separation, 59, 100–1, 107, 111,
Egypt, 51, 159, 189 114, 122, 132, 140, 189–90
El Salvador, 51, 102–8, 114 supporting migration, 72, 113, 141
elderly, 123, 135, 153, 156 unification, 108, 122
electricity, 56, 69, 80, 183, 186, 194 farmer see peasant
elite, 11, 29, 45, 105, 111, 114, 152 finance capital, 49, 86, 190, 193–5
emerging economies, 27, 37, 46, 82, financialization, 21, 59, 191
90, 116–17, 135, 139, 172 fishing, fishery, 129, 132, 181
Emmanuel, Arghiri, 18, 40–2, 131, Foley, Laura, 140–1, 167
147–8, 150 food, 45, 58–9, 70, 101, 114, 130,
emotional well-being see 139–40, 186, 196
psychological security food processing, 87, 105–6
employer, 65, 124–5, 127, 129–30, food services, 105, 174, 191
136, 145, 150, 157, 161, 169 forced labour, 120, 137–8, 154, 160,
shift to secondary, 62, 67, 76, 88, 177, 189
125, 143–4, 154–60, 205–6 Fordism, 64, 132, 172
energy, 48, 52, 178 foreign aid, 29–30, 44–6, 48, 55,
enforcement, 75, 96, 134, 138, 141, 59–60, 68, 86, 142, 192
154, 157–8, 161, 167, 173–6 foreign direct investment (FDI), 44,
engineering see STEM 46–9, 51–2, 56, 59, 78, 102,
environmental regulation, 69, 131 110, 116, 135–6
equality, 34, 42, 56, 168, 182 foreign exchange, 59, 68, 87, 89,
Estonia, 166 92–3, 167, 182, 192
Eswatini, 181, 196–7 France, 28, 40, 54, 109, 119, 122,
ethnicity, 108, 147, 164, 201 133, 173
Index 247

freedom, 41, 47, 61–2, 71–2, 74, system (in origin countries), 27,
148, 189 35–6, 58–9, 63, 77, 198
of association, 137; see also trade high-tech sector, 33–4, 48, 70, 83,
union 115–16, 127, 183–4
of movement, 34, 61–3, 65, 125, Hồ Chí Minh City, 99
152–3, 155–6 Honduras, 102, 106, 114
free-market policies, 29, 40, 56–8, 64, Hong Kong, 10, 49, 83, 90, 116, 191–3
68, 153, 199, 207 hospitality industries, 86, 88, 104,
127, 130, 132, 160, 177
gender, 19, 137, 168, 191, 201 housing, 48, 58–9, 70, 114, 134–5,
Germany, 41, 109, 119, 128, 166 139–40, 163–4, 167, 183–4, 186
Ghana, 33, 83, 113, 122 Hungary, 165
gig economy, 2, 131, 163, 191 hunger see food
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly Hyderabad, 33, 70, 84, 184
and Regular Migration (GCM),
63, 65, 152–3, 165–8, 182, 199, illegal migrants see migration,
201–2 unauthorized/undocumented
Global Knowledge Partnership on immigration authorities, 67, 75, 137,
Migration and Development 159, 161
(KNOMAD), 7, 66 Immigration Reform and Control Act
global labour arbitrage, 193, 195 (IRCA), 87, 107, 127
global supply chain, 44, 46–8, 58, 60, imperialism, 37–40, 57, 131, 147,
68–70, 78–9, 97, 135, 193–4, 150–2, 154, 185–8, 191–3, 195,
197 198
global union federations (GUFs), economic, 35, 38, 58, 76, 148, 182,
141–2, 145, 177–8 187, 189, 193–4, 199
global value chain see global supply social, cultural, and political,
chain 14–16, 50, 205
globalization, 75, 149, 182, 197 import substitution industrialization
Gordon, Jennifer, 46–7, 170 (ISI), 5
Grabel, Ilene, 56 imprisonment, 130, 161–2, 173, 205
gross domestic product (GDP), 44–5, indentured servitude, 125, 160
51–2, 83, 93–4, 97–8, 102, 104, independence, 28–9, 37–8, 40–1, 45,
109, 119, 196–8 54, 92, 108, 199
gross national product (GNP), 186 India, 34, 48, 51, 56, 64, 70–1, 82–5,
Guatemala, 102, 104, 106, 114 93, 169, 183–4
guest-worker model, 81, 86, 88, indigenous people, 152–3, 187
128–30, 192; see also migration, Indonesia, 90, 135, 171–2, 176,
temporary 192–3, 197
Guinea-Bissau, 54 industrialization, 5, 40, 49–50, 64, 101
inequality, 30, 207
Hà NộI, 99 global, 36–40, 42–3, 49–50, 53,
Haiti, 93 56, 147–53, 199, 207
Haley, Nikki, 166 internal, 34, 38–9, 42–3, 53, 56–9,
health care, 83, 102–3, 198, 205
access to, 75, 100, 137, 142, 159, informal sector, 71, 82, 107, 112,
162–3, 168–9 129–30, 139, 154–5, 175, 178,
expenses, 50, 77, 134, 192, 198 188
professionals, 17, 20, 33–4, 43, information technology (IT), 33, 84,
83–4, 104, 111, 113, 127 135, 183–4
248 Index

infrastructure, 44–5, 47, 69, 77, 93, in origin countries, 59, 94–5,
110, 163, 184, 202; see also 103–5, 111–12, 115, 198
migration labour standards see rights
injury see workplace safety labour union see trade union
insecurity, 35, 51, 61, 82, 117, labour value, 44, 81–2, 195, 199
122–4, 126, 133, 196 law,
interest rate, 57, 110 labour, 130, 136, 143, 154, 161,
intermediary see recruitment agency 163, 166, 175
International Labour Organization migration, 95–6, 106, 124, 152,
(ILO), 7, 78, 145, 174–8, 202, 158, 161
206 land reform, 45, 55–6
International Monetary Fund (IMF), landscaping, 127, 160, 184–5
46, 57, 68, 82, 98, 100–1, 114, language skills, 66, 99
125, 131, 199, 204 Lebanon, 51
International Organization for legal status, 67, 122, 129, 130, 132–3,
Migration (IOM), 7, 31–2, 36, 136, 143–4, 154, 156, 164
73, 100, 142, 145, 202 Lesotho, 11, 196–7
International Trade Union Levitt, Peggy, 14–15
Confederation (ITUC), 177 life expectancy, 58, 186
Iran, 5, 38 literacy, 186
Iraq, 159 logistics and delivery, 69, 135, 147,
isolation, 66, 78, 100, 134, 138, 157, 163, 168, 184, 191
162, 169, 203 London, 191
Israel, 109, 165
Italy, 86, 108–9, 122, 128, 133, 164, Malawi, 139–40, 181, 196–7
166 Malaysia, 48, 68, 93–4, 98–100, 119,
135–9, 158–9, 163–4, 170–2,
Jamaica, 86, 88 176–7
Japan, 54, 70, 101, 119, 186, 203 Mali, 148
job security, 64, 71, 117, 154 manufacturing, 47, 64, 78, 85, 92–3,
Johannesburg, 139–40 99, 106, 135, 163, 170–2, 174
Johnson, Lyndon, 55 electronics, 135, 137–8, 171, 181
Jordan, 10, 170, 176 garments, 99, 138, 191
marginalization, 28, 68, 78, 125,
kafala system, 67, 125 132–3, 182, 188–9, 205
Kathmandu, 80, 95–6 market economy see free-market
Kuala Lumpur, 49, 191 policies
Kuwait, 10 marriage, 50, 99, 122, 129, 135
Kyrgyzstan, 11, 51 Marx, Karl, 40, 116, 148, 155, 178,
187, 190
labour cost, 46, 69, 83, 132, 190, 201 Marxism, 29, 40, 42, 147, 199
labour force, 69, 84–5, 102, 110, mass transit, 48, 80
117, 128, 136, 149, 181 media, 71, 89–90, 107, 120, 123,
exiting the, 105, 111, 113 126, 131, 162
labour migration see migration medical professionals see health care,
labour organization see trade union professionals
labour shortage, men, 60, 94–5, 139, 156, 188
in destination countries, 43, 64, 76, mercantilism, 37
83, 116–17, 128–30, 151, 180, Mexico, 50–1, 86–8, 90–1, 102–7,
191, 206 130, 153, 160, 172, 187
Index 249

Middle East and North Africa minorities, 108, 143, 156

(MENA), 99, 122, 128–30, 132, mobility,
144, 158 of labour, 40–2, 50, 61–3, 72, 122,
migrant share, 10, 31–2, 59–60, 63, 131–3, 151–2, 155–7, 162, 182
73–4, 93, 102–4, 109, 138, 145, of capital, 40–1, 152, 155, 194
159 modernization, 28, 30, 55, 101, 186
migrant worker resource centre Moldova, 108–12, 128
(MRC), 174, 176 Mongolia, 197
migration, 30–2, 41, 59, 60, 61–2, Morocco, 63, 159
73, 150, 197–8 Mozambique, 54, 181, 196–7
circular, 70, 84, 132, 183 Multidimensional Poverty Index
internal, 31–4, 47–8, 82, 85, 93, (MPI), 186, 188
169, 171–2, 181, 194 multinational corporation (MNC),
irregular see unauthorized 29, 44–5, 56–9, 69–71, 83–4, 97,
permanent, 32, 70, 81, 83, 103–4, 127, 158, 160–1, 170, 194–5
107–9, 122, 139–40, 147, 202 multinational enterprise (MNE),
seasonal, 81, 86, 88, 127, 132, 46–7
160, 164 Mumbai, 33, 70, 84, 184
South–South, 31, 69–70, 133–40, Myanmar, 138, 167, 176, 197
182, 198, 204
temporary, 81, 86, 89–90, 121–2, nationalism, 53, 117–18, 126, 152–3,
124–5, 132–40, 154–5, 157–9, 199–200, 206
169–70, 180–1; see also nationalization, 4, 186
temporary migration programme nativism, 129, 162
(TMP) natural disaster, 93–4, 97, 204
translocal, 107–8 neoliberalism, 32, 38–9, 44, 56–9, 64,
unauthorized/undocumented, 62, 91, 93, 97–8, 126–7, 132, 203
67, 75, 108, 120–2, 126–33, Nepal, 50, 80, 92–7, 111–12, 129,
136–9, 143–6, 154, 158–64 135, 167, 176, 197
unrestricted see open borders Netherlands, 28, 122, 166
migration crisis, 126, 162 New York, 91, 131, 165, 191
migration infrastructure, 67, 77, 89, New Zealand, 74
171–2, 188 Nigeria, 130
migration policies non-governmental organization
of destination states, 65, 67, 73, (NGO), 44, 68, 89, 137–8,
106–7, 125–9, 133, 139, 154, 141–2, 144–6, 164, 174, 202
162–3, 166 North American Free Trade
of origin states, 66, 81, 86, 89–91, 93, Agreement (NAFTA), 87, 106,
99–101, 112–15, 121, 157, 173 153, 187
see also bilateral agreement northern migrants, 36, 123, 143, 152
model, 34–6, 58–63, 68, 76–9, Oceania, 19, 32, 69, 74, 83, 113
94–8, 102–6, 109–15, 167–8, Official Development Assistance
183–6 (ODA), 45–6; see also foreign aid
Milanović, Branko, 147–50 open borders, 151–3, 199
militarization, 75, 120–2, 127, opposition to migration, 73, 75,
129–31, 143, 162 120–1, 127, 143, 145, 162, 200
military intervention, 55, 123 Organisation for Economic
mining, 29, 46, 49, 56–7, 139, 178, Co-operation and Development
181, 197 (OECD), 42, 46, 116, 186
250 Index

origin countries, 11, 81–3, 89, race/racism, 156, 164–5, 201

112–15, 143–5, 181, 186–8, Ratha, Dilip, 66, 199
205 real estate, 105
outsourcing, 98, 100, 136–7, 151, recession, 48, 96, 104, 112, 123, 158,
190, 200 162
oversight, 89–90, 127, 138 recognition, 75, 126, 130
recruitment, 165, 178
Pakistan, 41, 185, 204 agency, 65–7, 69, 88–91, 95,
pandemic, 47, 187, 204, 206; see also 98–102, 107, 138, 156–9, 161,
Covid-19 171–2
passport, 62, 66, 96, 99, 125, 136–7, costs, 65–6, 70, 75, 83, 89, 92,
163 96–102, 113, 115, 140
peasant, 40, 45, 56, 153, 184, direct, 83, 127
187–8 informal, 87–8, 90, 107, 113
pension, 71, 136 redistribution, 28, 40, 42, 44–5,
Philippines, 33, 50–1, 83, 90, 113 55–7, 68
Piper, Nicola, 28, 133–4, 140–1, 167 refugee, 31, 32, 71, 123, 138, 165–6
planned economies see state-managed regularization, 65, 142, 161; see
economy also Global Compact for Safe,
platform economy, 33, 147, 184, Orderly and Regular Migration
193, 203, 206 (GCM)
Poland, 81, 128, 165 reintegration, 100, 112, 114, 137,
police, 136–7 165
political representation, 24, 50, 68, religious institution, 144–5
117, 145, 172, 177 remittances;
politician, 71, 107, 120, 123, 126, economic, 8–9, 11, 27–8, 51, 60–1,
131, 145, 151, 162, 200 70, 119, 130, 132–3, 195–6
poorest countries, 48, 60, 83, social, cultural & political, 14–15,
129–30, 150, 153, 167, 196–8 50, 77
populism, 117–18, 120, 131, 152–3, see also migration-remittance-
179, 199–201, 203, 206 development model
ports, 64, 69, 194 rent (economic), 29, 44, 105, 186–8
Portugal, 28, 54, 108 rent (housing), 130, 139, 163–4
poverty, 34, 45–6, 54–6, 77, 101–2, resettlement see reintegration
139, 148–153, 188, 196, 206–7; resistance, 24–5, 136, 146, 169; see
see also Multidimensional also protest
Poverty Index (MPI); poorest Ricardo, David, 40, 81
countries right to stay, 25–6, 146, 157, 201
precarity, 69, 85, 106, 133–4, 140–1, rights,
151, 154–7, 171–2, 174, 196 human, 62–3, 121, 123–5, 144,
privatization, 98–102, 161, 186 164–7, 173–4, 178, 202
profit, 40–1, 44, 56–8, 98, 125, 131, labour/workers’, 63, 127, 131, 134,
155, 160–1, 190–1, 195 136, 165–7, 174–9, 201–2
protectionism, 186 women’s, 176, 178
protest, 15–16, 45, 174; see also roads, 69, 95, 194
resistance Romania, 108–9, 113, 128, 164
psychological security/support, 51, Rostow, W. W., 29, 55–6, 185, 199
80, 101 138, 161, 169, 201 rural areas, 40, 48, 56, 84–5, 87,
112, 140, 187–8, 194, 196
Qatar, 78, 93, 96, 119, 140 Russia, 38, 108–9, 119
Index 251

sanctuary city, 122 194; see also Export Processing

sanitation, 31, 36, 48, 42, 59, 164, Zone (EPZ)
186, 200 Sri Lanka, 28, 167, 204
Saudi Arabia, 10, 93, 96, 119 state-led economy, 29, 56–7, 77,
Schengen Area, 63, 65, 109, 122, 186
128, 144, 158, 164 state-managed economy, 28–9
schools, 63, 81, 95, 97 183, 196 state-owned enterprise, 56, 99, 101
science see STEM STEM, 43, 49, 70, 113, 127, 129,
security, 66, 120–4, 126–7, 130–1, 183–5
143, 161–2, 166, 185 stigmatization, 100, 125, 165, 169,
Senegal, 122, 133 189
service sector, 33, 49, 64, 66, 78, 82, strategic production centre, 68–9;
83, 123, 159–60, 178 see also Export Processing Zone
sex work, 19, 21, 189 (EPZ); Special Economic Zone
Sheller, Mimi, 151–2 (SEZ)
Singapore, 48–9, 83, 90, 116, 135, strike, 117, 174
156, 191, 193 structural adjustment program (SAP),
Skeldon, Ronald, 13, 30 12, 125, 131
skills development, 4, 72, 76, 128–9, subcontractor, 35, 154, 159, 161,
134–5, 171, 178, 181, 187, 193
192–3 subordination, 37–8, 53, 95, 125,
slavery, 152, 160 157
Slovenia, 166, 189 subsidiary, 33, 70–1, 83–4, 184
slum, 84, 139, 184 surplus value, 36, 49, 132, 148, 150,
smuggling, 91, 108, 113, 129, 137, 188, 190–1, 193, 195
160–1, 166 surveillance, 82, 143, 156, 161–2
social capital, 14–5, 33, 205 Sustainable Development Goals
social dislocation, 97, 102, 112, 114, (SDG), 48, 51–3, 68, 71, 77,
121, 140, 143 113, 115, 186, 202–3, 205–7
social networks, 14, 24, 33, 84–5, 89, Switzerland, 161–2
91, 122, 183 Syria, 159
social reproduction, 33, 134, 142,
188–92 Taipei, 193
social welfare, 46, 59, 64, 91, 103, Taiwan, 56–7
141, 148, 179, 198, 201 Tajikistan, 11, 51, 97, 129
socialism, 29, 55, 57, 148, 177 tariffs, 29, 47, 87
solidarity, 148, 161, 172–3, 177–8 taxation, 40, 44–7, 53, 69, 87, 99,
Somalia, 11 194, 206
South Africa, 54, 118–19, 130, technology, 46, 76, 102, 130, 151,
139–40, 162, 169, 172, 181, 172, 190–1; see also high-tech
196–7 sector
South Korea, 54, 57, 101, 117, 181, temporary migration programme
186, 197, 203 (TMP), 109, 128–9, 133; see also
sovereignty, 54, 166, 182, 201 migration, temporary
Soviet Commonwealth of Independent Thailand, 75, 135, 170, 172, 176,
States (CIS), 108–10 181, 203
Soviet Union (USSR), 28, 54–5, 57, Thembelihle, 139
108, 177 Third World, 29, 37–8, 42, 57, 147,
Spain, 122, 133, 164 177
Special Economic Zone (SEZ), 46–8, Tokyo, 191
252 Index

Tonga, 11, 51, 94 urban areas, 31, 40, 56, 71, 84–5, 95,
tourism, 76, 87, 93, 95, 132 122, 181, 184
trade, 29, 37, 39–40, 46–7, 72, 87, US Marshall Plan, 28
105, 125, 170
trade union, 64, 78, 98, 117, 131, Vietnam, 38, 55, 97–102, 113–14,
136, 138, 144–5, 148, 154, 135
169–79; see also global union violence, 103, 112, 114, 123–4, 126,
federations (GUFs) 147, 152, 173, 179
trafficking, 19, 88, 91, 123, 130, visa, 66, 127–8, 156, 169
137–8, 160, 166, 189 overstaying, 87–8, 96, 106, 113,
training, 33–4, 66, 86, 89, 92, 122, 158
100–1, 112, 128, 192; see also preferential, 33, 70, 83, 183
recruitment costs
transfer costs, 21, 51, 89, 186 wage,
transit state, 121, 130, 165–6, 168 deductions, 80, 100, 136, 164
transnationalism, 133–4 inequality, 40–2, 76–8, 81–2, 131,
transparency, 136 148–50, 199
transport, 31, 52, 66, 69, 77, 89, 95, level see worker, high-/low-wage
114, 130, 177 minimum, 69, 91, 137, 143
Truman, Harry, 54 theft, 67, 90, 99, 136–7, 141, 143,
Trump, Donald, 163, 166 160, 167, 173, 176
Tunisia, 159 wages, 44, 64, 78, 90, 111, 143, 153,
Turkey, 41, 109, 159 170–1, 174, 181–4
war, 25, 55, 115, 186;
Ukraine, 108 civil, 103, 105
underdevelopment, 29, 37, 40–1, 58, Cold War, 46, 55, 57, 148
83, 93, 125, 134 Second World War, 28, 54, 57, 86,
unemployment, 71, 82, 95–6, 130
110–12, 126, 132, 162, 167, see also military intervention
174, 205–6 water, 52, 69, 80, 164, 186
unequal exchange, 18, 39–42, 50, 82, wealth, 34, 39, 42–3, 45, 53, 85, 112,
131, 152, 182–3, 195, 198–9, 114, 147–52, 183–5
206 Widodo, Joko, 192–3
United Nations, 7, 61–3, 68, 152, women, 32, 51, 60, 66, 76, 99–100,
163–5, 182, 201–2, 204 123, 138–9, 156–7, 175–6,
United Arab Emirates, 10, 32, 93, 188–93
96 worker,
United Kingdom, 28, 34, 41, 109, domestic/native, 33, 70, 78, 83,
122, 128–9 157, 163, 169–70, 174, 206
United Nations Conference on Trade essential, 33, 75, 95, 105, 116–17,
and Development (UNCTAD), 120–3, 130–2, 163–4
47 high-skilled, 33–4, 36, 41, 65–6,
United Nations Development 70–1, 83–5, 116, 127, 183–5
Programme (UNDP), 61–3, 65–8, high-wage, 33, 62, 72, 83–4, 101,
71–3, 76–7, 186 172, 183
United States, 41, 54–7, 70–1, 87–8, low-skilled, 34, 65–6, 68, 78, 84,
91, 102–8, 126–9, 159–63, 88–9, 92, 98, 111, 128–9, 144
165–6, 173–4 low-wage, 64–7, 69, 94, 101–2,
United States Agency for International 105–6, 126–9, 135–6, 154, 171,
Development (USAID), 46, 55 205–7
Index 253

unskilled, 33, 63, 69, 73, 84–5, 92, World Federation of Trade Unions
101, 110–13, 136, 184 (WFTU), 177
working and living conditions, 61–2, World Trade Organization (WTO), 18
66–7, 88, 90, 134, 136–8,
156–7, 160, 163–4, 170–1 xenophobia, 70–1, 124, 128–9, 147,
working hours, 67, 100, 143, 160, 152, 162, 165, 169, 199–200,
189 203
workplace safety, 66, 78, 130, 136,
143, 163, 167–8, 173 Yunis, Muhammad, 199
World Bank, 46, 57, 68, 82, 93, 98,
100–1, 131, 142, 204 Zimbabwe, 181, 196–7
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