01 HS MS Application Form

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Application for Admission


Candidate Information

First Name: Preferred name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YY)

Citizenship: Additional Citizenship:

Primary Language: Additional Language(s):

Phone Number: Email:

Year Applying For: ☐ 2023-2024 ☐ 2024-2025 ☐ 2025-2026

Grade Applying For: ☐ Grade 6 ☐ Grade 9

☐ Grade 7 ☐ Grade 10
☐ Grade 8 ☐ Grade 11
☐ Grade 12
☐ Postgraduate

Resident Status: ☐ Boarding ☐ Day Resident in Ticino since:

Do you plan on applying for International Baccalaureate Program ☐ Yes ☐ No

Are you using an educational consultant? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, consultant name: Company

How did you hear about TASIS? ☐ Friends ☐ TASIS Alumnus/a ☐ Advertisement ☐ Website

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Has the candidate previously applied or attended a TASIS program? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, program name:

Year(s) Attended: Grade(s):

Is the candidate presently in school? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Current School:


Current Grade: Dates Attended: to:

Previous School


Current Grade: Dates Attended: to:

Has the candidate ever repeated or skipped a grade? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, which grade and for what reason?

Has the candidate ever been dismissed? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, when and for what reason?

Has the candidate ever been diagnosed with a learning difference? ☐ Yes ☐ No
(e.g. dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or ADHD)

If yes, please include copies of any psycho-educational evaluations and Individualized Education Plans the
student has received.

Has the candidate ever received learning support and/or tutoring? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, which subjects and for how long?

We want to ensure our students are happy, healthy, and safe at TASIS. Is there ☐ Yes ☐ No
anything we need to know about the applicant’s physical or mental health, dietary
issues, or other personal needs?

Feel free to discuss this further below, and make us aware of information about diagnoses, follow-up care,
psychoeducational evaluations, or any other documents that will help us better understand your child. These can
be included with the application.

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Household Information

First Name:

Last Name:

Parent Date of Birth: Marital Status: ☐ Married ☐ Divorced/Separated ☐ Remarried

(DD/MM/YY) ☐ Shared custodial right ☐ Sole custodial right

Relation to candidate: ☐ Father ☐ Mother ☐ Legal Guardian ☐ Other:

Phone Number: ☐ Mobile ☐ Home ☐ Work

(Include country code)

Email: ☐ Personal ☐ Work

Address Street:

City: State/Province:

Postal: Country:

Profession/Title: Company Name:

First Name:

Last Name:

Parent Date of Birth: Marital Status: ☐ Married ☐ Divorced/Separated ☐ Remarried

(DD/MM/YY) ☐ Shared custodial right ☐ Sole custodial right

Relation to candidate: ☐ Father ☐ Mother ☐ Legal Guardian ☐ Other:

Phone Number: ☐ Mobile ☐ Home ☐ Work

(Include country code)

Email: ☐ Personal ☐ Work

Address Street:

City: State/Province:

Postal: Country:

Profession/Title: Company Name:

Sibling 1 Full Name: Date of Birth:

School Name: Grade:

Sibling 2 Full Name: Date of Birth:


School Name: Grade:

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Please indicate adults who are authorized to pick up the candidate, need to receive school-related information, or
gain access to report cards (this includes agents and nannies). At least one person should be selected as an
emergency contact.

First Name:

Last Name:

Relation to candidate: ☐ Grandparent ☐ Aunt/Uncle ☐ Nanny/Caretaker ☐ Agent

☐ Other:

Phone Number: ☐ Mobile ☐ Home ☐ Work

Email: ☐ Personal ☐ Work

Address Street:

City: State/Province:

Postal: Country:

First Name:

Last Name:

Relation to candidate: ☐ Grandparent ☐ Aunt/Uncle ☐ Nanny/Caretaker ☐ Agent

☐ Other:

Phone Number: ☐ Mobile ☐ Home ☐ Work

Email: ☐ Personal ☐ Work

Address Street:

City: State/Province:

Postal: Country:

☐ Related Contact 1 ☐ Related Contact 2

(Check all that apply)

General Correspondence ☐ Parent 1 ☐ Parent 2 ☐ Related Contact 1 ☐ Related Contact 2

Billing Correspondence ☐ Parent 1 ☐ Parent 2 ☐ Related Contact 1 ☐ Related Contact 2

Copy of Billing Correspondence ☐ Parent 1 ☐ Parent 2 ☐ Related Contact 1 ☐ Related Contact 2

Receives Report Cards ☐ Parent 1 ☐ Parent 2 ☐ Related Contact 1 ☐ Related Contact 2

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Student Statement

We’re interested in learning about you. Please use the space below to tell us about the subjects you like at
school, the activities you enjoy, and why you want to come to TASIS.

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Parent Statement

Completed by:

We’re interested in learning more about your child. Please use the space below to introduce him or her to the
Admissions Committee, or feel free to attach a separate document.

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Terms and Conditions

Payment Terms
The sum of CHF 300 is a non-refundable application fee. I understand that a deposit of CHF 3,000 is due to reserve a
place when the candidate is accepted. I understand that a place cannot be guaranteed until this deposit is received. I
also understand that the deposit will be held by the School until the end of September after the student’s graduation or
withdrawal from TASIS, less any uncovered expenses accrued by the student, or will be retained by the School if the
candidate fails to enter. Acceptance and entrance constitute a contract to pay the entire year's tuition and room
charges (if applicable), and I understand that there is no reduction or refund for absence, withdrawal, or dismissal.

Acceptance Terms
The School reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student who has proven to be an unsatisfactory member of the
School community. If in the School's judgment a student's conduct on or away from campus indicates that he or she is
consistently out of sympathy with the ideals, objectives, and program of the School, parents will be required to withdraw
the student at once even though there may have been no infraction of a specific rule.

TASIS admits qualified students of any race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin and does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin in its admissions policies and practices.

I understand that all TASIS rules, regulations, and documents are communicated in English. It is my responsibility
to review and understand these materials clearly and/or to arrange for my own translation when necessary.

This agreement is governed by Swiss law as applied by the competent Court in Lugano (Switzerland). TASIS adheres to
the provisions of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679) regarding all personal data provided and
does not share data with third parties. We keep our privacy policy under regular review and make updates as needed.
This privacy policy was last updated on February 2, 2018, and is GDPR compliant. Please contact [email protected] with
any questions about our privacy policy or process of data collection.

Please review your information carefully. If you need to change any information once you have submitted this form,
please contact [email protected].

I have read the above text and understand the implications and expectations explained above. I also certify that
the information supplied in this application is truthful and complete.

Candidate Signature Date:


Parent Signature Date:


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Please send this form: Payment Information:
By email to: Credit Card
[email protected] Please visit www.tasis.ch/admissionspayment

By mail to: Cash Payments

TASIS The American School in Switzerland Cash payments are accepted up to CHF 300.
Admissions Office
Via Collina d’Oro 15
6926 Montagnola Wire Transfer
Switzerland The student’s name must be shown on the wire transfer
to avoid confusion.

Bank details
UBS SA, Piazzetta della Posta, 6901 Lugano,
Account number
Swift Code
Payments issued from Europe should quote the
following IBAN number: CH44 0024 7247 3104 8801 Y

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