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LSAF - Registration Form

This registration form requests personal details such as name, date of birth, contact information, as well as education history and English proficiency from applicants. It also asks for information on intended course of study, medical needs, and emergency contacts. Applicants must sign declaring that the information provided is true and agreeing to payment terms, and parental signature is needed if applicant is under 18.

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LSAF - Registration Form

This registration form requests personal details such as name, date of birth, contact information, as well as education history and English proficiency from applicants. It also asks for information on intended course of study, medical needs, and emergency contacts. Applicants must sign declaring that the information provided is true and agreeing to payment terms, and parental signature is needed if applicant is under 18.

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Registration Form

Registrations received without transcripts and/or student’s personal details cannot be processed.
All sections must be completed. Please print in BLOCK LETTERS.

Name as it appears on official documents
(Miss, Ms , Mrs, Mr)

Title Given Name Family Name

Previous Student ID If your name has changed since you were last enrolled, please print previous name.
(if previously issued another offer
or a previous LSAFstudent)

Email : Home Number Mobile number

Facebook Twitter

Date of Birth /____/_ __

Gender □ M □F Country of Birth INDONESIA

Passport Number / Identity Card Number

Expiry Date __ /__/____

PERMANENT ADDRESS (Residential address in Home Country) No P.O. Boxes

Number and Street

Suburb/Town/City State

Country Post Code/Zip Code

MAILING ADDRESS (If different from permanent address)

Number and Street

Suburb/Town/City State

Country Post Code/Zip Code

The information below is used to assist LSAF in monitoring, supporting and improving services to students with medical/disability requirements.
Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the University.

Do you have a dis ability, impairment or long-term medic al c ondition which may affect your studies? □ Y □ N
Please indicate the type(s) of disability

□ Hearing □ Vision □ Learning □ Medical □ Mobility □ Other

If you have a dis ability, would you like to receive information on what LSAF can provide to support you? □ Y □ N


□ Triple Crown - CAT & BSC (Hons) Oxford Brookes & ACCA Professional Level
□ Double Crown - CAT & BSC (HONS) Oxford Brookes University
□ Single Crown - Diploma in Accounting and Business & Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
□ Diploma In International Financial Reporting Standards (DipIFRS)
*please indicate stream, otherwise applications cannot be processed. Stream (if applicable)
INTAKE 2014 _ □ Jan □ April/May □ June/July □ October

Are you currently studying in overseas? □Y □N If yes, a certificate of attendance from your current institution may be required.

Highest Academic Qualification

School/College Attended

Country/State Year Enrolled Year Left

Date Results Expected (if applicable)

Are you seeking credit or advanced standing from previous studies? □Y □N


IS English your first language? □Y □ N

If No, what is your main language spoken at home?

As all courses are taught in English, applicants will need to meet London School of Accountancy’ and Finance English language
requirement. If your education qualifications were not completed wholly or predominantly in English, please indicate what tes t(s) you have
taken, or simply indicate the test you intend taking. Note: Certified documentary evidence of result must be provided at the time of


Other (Please specify)

SPONSOR DETAILS (Please attached sponsorship letter if available)

Will your tuition fees be paid by an organization? □ Y □ N

If ‘YES’, name of organization


Full Name Email Address

Relationship Telephone (include country code)


□ Newspaper/Magazine □ School/College □ Friend/Relative □ Exhibition/Seminar □ Agent □ Others

I declare that the information I have supplied on this form and in the attached documents is true and complete. I understand that the provis ion of false or inc omplete
information may result in c anc ellation of any offer of enrolment or actual enrolment. I agree to mak e timely payments of any fees or associated c osts for which I am liable. I
agree that I am aware of the indicative costs of my educ ation at London School of Accountancy and Finance (LSAF) and that I have the necess ary financ ial capac ity to
meet such costs. My exec ution of this applic ation form constitutes my acceptance of all the terms and rules regardin g my admission and enrolment. I authorize London
School of Accountancy and Finance (LSAF) to retain my tuition fees in accordance with the refund policy if I elect to cancel my enrolment at any time.

Signature of Applicant Date / /

Signature of Parent
(if applicant under 18 years old of age) Date / /

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